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Prod uction
Friday 23 November 2012

On Friday the 23rd of November in class we discussed how we were going to
go about shooting the first part of our music video. We decided to shoot this
on Wednesday the 28th in the College Studio for two hours, however we
booked it from 12:45- 17:00 just incase the extra time was needed. In this
meeting we noted down what equipment would be required: two cameras ,
two tripods, one microphone and one microphone stand. We also made note
of the members of the cast that were needed which were myself, Jaymish,
Rabbeah, Chibuzo, Connor and Karishma, and the delegation of tasks
between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the
cameras and Rabbeahs role was to direct the cast. This delegation was done
so we all equally contributed towards the creation of the music video.
Furthermore, one copy of the treatment and storyboard were made for
Rabbeah (the director) to inform the rest of the cast on what to do. Another
copy of those were made along with the lyrics of the song we would be
basing our music video on. I gave these to Connor later on in the day, so he
would understand exactly what he would need to do in the music video, and
so he could memorise the lyrics.
Wednesday 28 November 2012                  th

On Wednesday the 28th of November, we had many difficulties as firstly, the main model was not
available at the time that we had booked the studio for. However, initially he was available for this
time. Moreover, as he did not turn up, two of our group members went around the college and asked a
few white males if they would like to participate in our music video, as we had plenty of time to do so
(12:45- 17:00). Most of the white males that the two group members asked claimed that they were not
available or interested. Eventually, they found two white males that were interested. The first white
male did not turn up to the College Studio after his lesson had ended, and the second white male did
turn up.
Eventually, we did the shoot of the first part of our music video using that male. Me and Chibuzo had to
ask for some stand ins on this day, to see if there were any available. We both filmed from two
different angles so there would be two different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we would
all decide which one was better. I had the call sheets too, which was similar to the storyboard in a way
as it demonstrated the shots that we needed to film. Jaymish made sure that the speakers were
working, and loud enough so that Michael (the white male main model) would be able to mime to
accurately. Rabbeah did the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and had
to tell Michael especially what he needed to do for everything by referring to the storyboard and
treatment. Each shot was filmed four times to ensure that it was free of faults.
When we looked at the shots that me and Chibuzo had taken, we found out that they weren’t as good
as we hoped them to be, because some were shakey and we had cut the stand ins head off. Therefore
the shots had to be taken again as we didn’t have much experience with the tripods and the particular
cameras that we used.
Friday 30 November 2012

On Friday the 30th of November in class we discussed how we were going to
go about shooting the first part of our music video again. We decided to
shoot this on Wednesday the 5th of December in the College Studio for two
hours (15:00:17:00). The reason why we needed to shoot this bit again is
because the main male model said he was not interested in taking part in the
music video anymore. As we found it so difficult to find a white male model
to replace him, we found a person that we know of that looks reasonably
white but Asian called Vijay, and used him instead. In this meeting we noted
down what equipment would be required: two cameras , two tripods, one
microphone and one microphone stand. We also made note of the members
of the cast that were needed which were myself, Jaymish, Jessica, Chibuzo,
Vijay and Karishma (the main female model), and the delegation of tasks
between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the
cameras and Rabbeah’s role was to direct the cast.
I would bring along copies of the storyboard, treatment and the call sheets.
Me and Chibuzo still had some difficulties with the camera and the tripods as
we were still getting used to it.
Wednesday 5 December 2012   th

On Wednesday the 5th of December in the College Studio for two
hours (15:00:17:00). Once again all the following actions were carried
out. Me and Chibuzo both filmed from two different angles so there
would be two different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we
would all decide which one was better.
They had with them the call sheets too, which was similar to the
storyboard in a way as it demonstrated the shots that they needed to
film. Jaymish made sure that the speakers were working, and loud
enough so that Vijay (the “white” male main model) would be able to
mime to accurately.
Rabbeah did the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they
were doing and had to tell Vijay especially what he needed to do for
everything by referring to the storyboard and treatment. Each shot
was filmed four times to insure that it was free of faults.
Friday 7 December 2012

On Friday the 7th of December, Rabbeah and Jaymish were editing the filming done so
far in the recording studio on a macbook, using the program named Final Cut Pro. As
they were doing the editing, they realised that we could use to room that they were in
as it seemed more appealing than the other room that we used. This room was also
soundproof. Another reason why we felt it would be a good idea is due to the fact
that a lot of the shots came out shaky, and the background of where we filmed did not
suffice for our music video.

Me and Chibuzo looked at the room too and we thought that the room was pretty
good so we went along and booked the recording studio for two hours (15:00- 17:00)
for Tuesday the 11th of December. In this meeting we noted down what equipment
would be required: two cameras , two tripods, one microphone and one microphone
stand. We also made note of the members of the cast that were needed which were
myself, Jaymish, Rabbeah, Chibuzo, Vijay and Karishma, and the delegation of tasks
between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the cameras
and Rabbeah’s role was to direct the cast.

I also had to bring the call sheets and the story board so that we could keep track of
what we have to film.
Tuesday 11 December 2012  th

On Tuesday the 11th of December, in the Recording Studio for two hours
(15:00:17:00). Once again all the following actions were carried out. Me and
Chibuzo both filmed from two different angles so there would be two
different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we would all decide
which one was better.
We had with them the call sheets too, which was similar to the storyboard in
a way as it demonstrated the shots that they needed to film. Jaymish made
sure that the speakers were working, and loud enough so that Vijay (the
“white” male main model) would be able to mime to accurately. Rabbeah did
the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and had
to tell Vijay especially what he needed to do for everything by referring to the
storyboard and treatment. Each shot was filmed four times to insure that it
was free of faults.

This time round me and Chibuzo had grasped onto understanding how to use
the tripod, which would lead to the filming not being shaky like it was
previously and not cutting off the stand ins heads.
Wednesday 12th December and Friday
       14th December 2012
On Wednesday the 12th and Friday the 14th of December, we
edited the filming we had done in the recording studio, using
a macbook with the program named Final Cut Pro.
We done this by logging every shot on logging sheets,
explaining what the shot involved and if we were going to
keep it or not, and if not stating why.
 This helped us to rule out which shots we would be using to
include in the music video. We then had to move about the
shots to make sure they come onto the screen at the right
time and flow with the music.
This process was quite time consuming as we had to render
everything as we went along. But eventually we had finished
editing and it looked pretty good.
Wednesday 19 December 2012

On Wednesday the 19th of December, we
discussed whether to shoot the second part of
the music video before the Christmas holidays.
We were initially going to go along with doing
this, but not enough female extras were free to
take part, therefore we had to cancel.
Tuesday 22nd January 2013
On the 22nd of January, we had planned out what we were going to film on the
29th of January in the studio and the nightclub scene for our video. We also
decided to take some of our CD cover photographs in the studio with the white
background. Due to Vijay being free from 3pm, we decided to book the studio
earlier at 3 to 4.45 where Beech (The theatre) was free.We went to the teacher
that was in charge of booking the theatre room and the studio and we booked it.
We also booked the equipment for then too. For the nightclub scene we needed
at lest 9 girls to be available to film. We had previously asked girls from an A2
drama class but no one wanted to be in it. Therefore I was in charge of recruiting
the girls that we needed. I started to ask girls around the college if they were
available on Tuesday the 29th of January and what time they were free. They all
said that they would be free after 4.45. In total I had asked 9 girls where 4 of them
backed out but. I managed to get some more.
Tuesday 29th of January 2013
On the 29th of January 2012, we had prepared before hand to film both
the remaining studio parts we needed to film and also the nightclub
scene. We reached the media studio at 3 where we filmed the remaining
parts and then we took in turns to take picture for our individual CD
covers and adverts.
After that we made our way down to Beech where we started to set up
but another drama group said that they had booked the room as well.
Since they needed it for the exam we had to move to the main hall as
there was a stage there so we could get a high angle for the nightclub
scene. We then started setting up there and most the girls had come to
meet us there however two of the girls didn't turn up.
Due to Vijay living far from the college he had to leave in half an hour so
we were pushed for time and decided to just film the parts in which Vijay
is in. However some of the girls were not listening and they kept laughing
so it was quite frustrating to work with but we managed to film 6 different
shots we needed but we still needed more.
Therefore we have more of the night club scenes to film.
Wednesday 30th of January
On the 30th of January, we had to edit the parts that we had filmed the day
before. I was logging the takes that we did while Rabbeah, Chibuzo and Jaymish
were judging whether we could use them.
There after we rendered the film that we needed and I was in charge of telling
Jaymish which clips we were going to use while he put them on the video, and
Rabbeah and Chibuzo looked through the treatment and found where each clip
After we had edited the video, we wanted to be more organised so that when we
filmed next it wouldn't take so much time as it did the day before. So I started
looking through the treatment and ticking the shots we already took and
highlighting and annotating the shots that we still needed to do. Also I wrote down
n a sheet of paper all the scenes that we need to do under each location.
We also asked the girls again if they were free on the 31st of January 2013 to shoot
the nightclub scene again and they said yes. We then asked the teacher in charge
of the hall again and she said that it was only free for an hour at lunch time. This
would be very little time to film a lot so we need o be organised and get the
equipment set up quickly and make sure the girls are not messing around. We also
booked the equipment for then too.
Thursday 31st January 2013
On the 31st of January 2013 at 12.45 me and Rabbeah went to the media place to
collect the equipment we had booked the previous day and started to set up in the
hall behind the curtains because the rest of the hall was booked for the drama
students. We then got told by Jaymish that Vijay wouldn’t be able to make it
because he was involved in a crash. So we decided to just stick with filming the
night scenes without Vijay and only with the girls. We gathered up the girls that
were available and started filming the night club scene that last 30 seconds for
example the last bit of the song. Rabbeah hadn’t had experience with cameras so I
had to show her how to function it. Then Chibuzo and Jaymish came and we
filmed the scenes. We ended up with 7 mins of party scenes which was good
because we had a variety of shots too.
After we had filmed, we finished at 1.30 because some of the girls had to go, me
Rabbeah, Jaymish and Chibuzo went to the editing sweet and Jaymish transferred
the footage on to our hard drive and then he had to go so me Chibuzo and
Rabbeah had to log the footage that we had shot. I wrote down the information
about each clip, Rabbeah played the footage and Chibuzo looked through the
treatment to see if we could use the footage.
I booked the sound proof studio from 12.45 to 1.45 and the tv studio for 3.30 to
5.00 on the 5th of February 2013.
Friday 1 February 2013

On the 1st of February, me jaymish, rabbeah and
chibuzo met up in the editing suit before the lesson
and started to edit the footage that we had logged
yesterday. Jaymish was placing the shots in to the
final cut pro whilst me and chibuzo and Rabbeah
were looking through the treatment to see where
the footage was to go.
There after we also took out the cameras, tripods
and lights that we needed over the weekend to
shoot in Banksy tunnel.
Sunday 3 February 2013

We planned to meet at Banksy tunnel at 2pm. However Vijay
was running late due to train problems as he has to travel
quite far to come to Waterloo. We ended up setting up the
equipment at 3pm. We went to the tunnel and saw a lot of
graffiti artists there trying to do their art and so we had to be
careful in what to touch and where to film. We went over
what we had to film and then started filming. However a lot
of people kept walking past so we had told Rabbeah to try
stand on the outside of the tunnel to try stop people from
coming in the shot. Me and Chibuzo were in charge of the
camera work whilst Rabbeah tried to keep away the public.
Jaymish couldn’t make it on the day. We filmed for 2 hours
and then packed up and went home.
Monday 4 February 2013

On the 4th of February we had to return the
 cameras. As I had taken both the cameras
 home I went to the media suit to log all the
 footage from Banksy tunnel that we had shot.
 I had also booked the media studio for the
 remaining studio footage that we needed for
 12.45 to 1.45 and 3.30 to 5pm.
Tuesday 5 February 2013

On the 5th of February, all our group had come in at
  12.30 to set up in the media studio. We then
  proceeded to film the remaining parts of the studio
  bit that we needed. However we couldn’t film it all
  ebcause Vijay had a lesson at 1.30. We then decided
  to edit the parts that we had just filmed however our
  media teacher told us to attend a presentation by a
  famous editing person so we couldn’t edit. The
  presentation finished at 3pm so we had enough time
  to sort out the equipment in the other studio. We
  then filmed the remaining green screen shots.
Wednesday 6 February 2013

On the 6th of February, me Jaymish and Chibuzo
 came in to college to edit the remaining parts
 of the music video and make it finalised.
 Rabbeah couldn’t attend because she had a
 dentist appointment. We didn’t get all of the
 editing done but a fair amount.
Friday 8 February 2013

On the 8th of February, Me, Jaymish, Rabbeah
and Chibuzo came in to college at 12.45 to
edit. However due to our deadline to edit had
passed, our teacher had told us to com et o
the lesson and edit another time as we had to
do our evaluation. So no editing was done
Tuesday 12 February 2013

On the 12th of February, Jaymish and Chibuzo finished the
editing. Me and Rabbeah came in later so that we could talk
to our teacher and upload it on to YouTube. Me and Rabbeah
talked to the media technician about the music video and
how to upload it and he had taught us. We had placed it on to
a USB stick and took it to the library to upload it. However it
didn’t work so we had to go back to the media studio and
start again. It took 30 mins for the music video to upload on
to YouTube. Whilst it was uploading, we showed a few of our
target audience to gain feedback on the music video and
started to develop our audience feedback for our evaluation.
After placing it on YouTube, our group started to advertise it
on the internet on social network sites such as Twitter and
Facebook to get feedback from them too.
Wednesday 13 February 2012

On the 13th of February, me Rabbeah and
Jaymish were doing the final touches to the
editing as we got feedback from our target
audiences about the music video that we
uploaded the day before. We also filmed a
little bit of the music video again because it
was a little shaky and the colour was too

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Production diary

  • 1. Prod uction diary
  • 2. Friday 23 November 2012 rd On Friday the 23rd of November in class we discussed how we were going to go about shooting the first part of our music video. We decided to shoot this on Wednesday the 28th in the College Studio for two hours, however we booked it from 12:45- 17:00 just incase the extra time was needed. In this meeting we noted down what equipment would be required: two cameras , two tripods, one microphone and one microphone stand. We also made note of the members of the cast that were needed which were myself, Jaymish, Rabbeah, Chibuzo, Connor and Karishma, and the delegation of tasks between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the cameras and Rabbeahs role was to direct the cast. This delegation was done so we all equally contributed towards the creation of the music video. Furthermore, one copy of the treatment and storyboard were made for Rabbeah (the director) to inform the rest of the cast on what to do. Another copy of those were made along with the lyrics of the song we would be basing our music video on. I gave these to Connor later on in the day, so he would understand exactly what he would need to do in the music video, and so he could memorise the lyrics.
  • 3. Wednesday 28 November 2012 th On Wednesday the 28th of November, we had many difficulties as firstly, the main model was not available at the time that we had booked the studio for. However, initially he was available for this time. Moreover, as he did not turn up, two of our group members went around the college and asked a few white males if they would like to participate in our music video, as we had plenty of time to do so (12:45- 17:00). Most of the white males that the two group members asked claimed that they were not available or interested. Eventually, they found two white males that were interested. The first white male did not turn up to the College Studio after his lesson had ended, and the second white male did turn up. Eventually, we did the shoot of the first part of our music video using that male. Me and Chibuzo had to ask for some stand ins on this day, to see if there were any available. We both filmed from two different angles so there would be two different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we would all decide which one was better. I had the call sheets too, which was similar to the storyboard in a way as it demonstrated the shots that we needed to film. Jaymish made sure that the speakers were working, and loud enough so that Michael (the white male main model) would be able to mime to accurately. Rabbeah did the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and had to tell Michael especially what he needed to do for everything by referring to the storyboard and treatment. Each shot was filmed four times to ensure that it was free of faults. When we looked at the shots that me and Chibuzo had taken, we found out that they weren’t as good as we hoped them to be, because some were shakey and we had cut the stand ins head off. Therefore the shots had to be taken again as we didn’t have much experience with the tripods and the particular cameras that we used.
  • 4. Friday 30 November 2012 th On Friday the 30th of November in class we discussed how we were going to go about shooting the first part of our music video again. We decided to shoot this on Wednesday the 5th of December in the College Studio for two hours (15:00:17:00). The reason why we needed to shoot this bit again is because the main male model said he was not interested in taking part in the music video anymore. As we found it so difficult to find a white male model to replace him, we found a person that we know of that looks reasonably white but Asian called Vijay, and used him instead. In this meeting we noted down what equipment would be required: two cameras , two tripods, one microphone and one microphone stand. We also made note of the members of the cast that were needed which were myself, Jaymish, Jessica, Chibuzo, Vijay and Karishma (the main female model), and the delegation of tasks between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the cameras and Rabbeah’s role was to direct the cast. I would bring along copies of the storyboard, treatment and the call sheets. Me and Chibuzo still had some difficulties with the camera and the tripods as we were still getting used to it.
  • 5. Wednesday 5 December 2012 th On Wednesday the 5th of December in the College Studio for two hours (15:00:17:00). Once again all the following actions were carried out. Me and Chibuzo both filmed from two different angles so there would be two different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we would all decide which one was better. They had with them the call sheets too, which was similar to the storyboard in a way as it demonstrated the shots that they needed to film. Jaymish made sure that the speakers were working, and loud enough so that Vijay (the “white” male main model) would be able to mime to accurately. Rabbeah did the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and had to tell Vijay especially what he needed to do for everything by referring to the storyboard and treatment. Each shot was filmed four times to insure that it was free of faults.
  • 6. Friday 7 December 2012 th On Friday the 7th of December, Rabbeah and Jaymish were editing the filming done so far in the recording studio on a macbook, using the program named Final Cut Pro. As they were doing the editing, they realised that we could use to room that they were in as it seemed more appealing than the other room that we used. This room was also soundproof. Another reason why we felt it would be a good idea is due to the fact that a lot of the shots came out shaky, and the background of where we filmed did not suffice for our music video. Me and Chibuzo looked at the room too and we thought that the room was pretty good so we went along and booked the recording studio for two hours (15:00- 17:00) for Tuesday the 11th of December. In this meeting we noted down what equipment would be required: two cameras , two tripods, one microphone and one microphone stand. We also made note of the members of the cast that were needed which were myself, Jaymish, Rabbeah, Chibuzo, Vijay and Karishma, and the delegation of tasks between us. Jaymish was the sound engineer, me and Chibuzo handled the cameras and Rabbeah’s role was to direct the cast. I also had to bring the call sheets and the story board so that we could keep track of what we have to film.
  • 7. Tuesday 11 December 2012 th On Tuesday the 11th of December, in the Recording Studio for two hours (15:00:17:00). Once again all the following actions were carried out. Me and Chibuzo both filmed from two different angles so there would be two different takes of the whole scene, and when editing we would all decide which one was better. We had with them the call sheets too, which was similar to the storyboard in a way as it demonstrated the shots that they needed to film. Jaymish made sure that the speakers were working, and loud enough so that Vijay (the “white” male main model) would be able to mime to accurately. Rabbeah did the directing so had to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and had to tell Vijay especially what he needed to do for everything by referring to the storyboard and treatment. Each shot was filmed four times to insure that it was free of faults. This time round me and Chibuzo had grasped onto understanding how to use the tripod, which would lead to the filming not being shaky like it was previously and not cutting off the stand ins heads.
  • 8. Wednesday 12th December and Friday 14th December 2012 On Wednesday the 12th and Friday the 14th of December, we edited the filming we had done in the recording studio, using a macbook with the program named Final Cut Pro. We done this by logging every shot on logging sheets, explaining what the shot involved and if we were going to keep it or not, and if not stating why. This helped us to rule out which shots we would be using to include in the music video. We then had to move about the shots to make sure they come onto the screen at the right time and flow with the music. This process was quite time consuming as we had to render everything as we went along. But eventually we had finished editing and it looked pretty good.
  • 9. Wednesday 19 December 2012 th On Wednesday the 19th of December, we discussed whether to shoot the second part of the music video before the Christmas holidays. We were initially going to go along with doing this, but not enough female extras were free to take part, therefore we had to cancel.
  • 10. Tuesday 22nd January 2013 On the 22nd of January, we had planned out what we were going to film on the 29th of January in the studio and the nightclub scene for our video. We also decided to take some of our CD cover photographs in the studio with the white background. Due to Vijay being free from 3pm, we decided to book the studio earlier at 3 to 4.45 where Beech (The theatre) was free.We went to the teacher that was in charge of booking the theatre room and the studio and we booked it. We also booked the equipment for then too. For the nightclub scene we needed at lest 9 girls to be available to film. We had previously asked girls from an A2 drama class but no one wanted to be in it. Therefore I was in charge of recruiting the girls that we needed. I started to ask girls around the college if they were available on Tuesday the 29th of January and what time they were free. They all said that they would be free after 4.45. In total I had asked 9 girls where 4 of them backed out but. I managed to get some more.
  • 11. Tuesday 29th of January 2013 On the 29th of January 2012, we had prepared before hand to film both the remaining studio parts we needed to film and also the nightclub scene. We reached the media studio at 3 where we filmed the remaining parts and then we took in turns to take picture for our individual CD covers and adverts. After that we made our way down to Beech where we started to set up but another drama group said that they had booked the room as well. Since they needed it for the exam we had to move to the main hall as there was a stage there so we could get a high angle for the nightclub scene. We then started setting up there and most the girls had come to meet us there however two of the girls didn't turn up. Due to Vijay living far from the college he had to leave in half an hour so we were pushed for time and decided to just film the parts in which Vijay is in. However some of the girls were not listening and they kept laughing so it was quite frustrating to work with but we managed to film 6 different shots we needed but we still needed more. Therefore we have more of the night club scenes to film.
  • 12. Wednesday 30th of January On the 30th of January, we had to edit the parts that we had filmed the day before. I was logging the takes that we did while Rabbeah, Chibuzo and Jaymish were judging whether we could use them. There after we rendered the film that we needed and I was in charge of telling Jaymish which clips we were going to use while he put them on the video, and Rabbeah and Chibuzo looked through the treatment and found where each clip went. After we had edited the video, we wanted to be more organised so that when we filmed next it wouldn't take so much time as it did the day before. So I started looking through the treatment and ticking the shots we already took and highlighting and annotating the shots that we still needed to do. Also I wrote down n a sheet of paper all the scenes that we need to do under each location. We also asked the girls again if they were free on the 31st of January 2013 to shoot the nightclub scene again and they said yes. We then asked the teacher in charge of the hall again and she said that it was only free for an hour at lunch time. This would be very little time to film a lot so we need o be organised and get the equipment set up quickly and make sure the girls are not messing around. We also booked the equipment for then too.
  • 13. Thursday 31st January 2013 On the 31st of January 2013 at 12.45 me and Rabbeah went to the media place to collect the equipment we had booked the previous day and started to set up in the hall behind the curtains because the rest of the hall was booked for the drama students. We then got told by Jaymish that Vijay wouldn’t be able to make it because he was involved in a crash. So we decided to just stick with filming the night scenes without Vijay and only with the girls. We gathered up the girls that were available and started filming the night club scene that last 30 seconds for example the last bit of the song. Rabbeah hadn’t had experience with cameras so I had to show her how to function it. Then Chibuzo and Jaymish came and we filmed the scenes. We ended up with 7 mins of party scenes which was good because we had a variety of shots too. After we had filmed, we finished at 1.30 because some of the girls had to go, me Rabbeah, Jaymish and Chibuzo went to the editing sweet and Jaymish transferred the footage on to our hard drive and then he had to go so me Chibuzo and Rabbeah had to log the footage that we had shot. I wrote down the information about each clip, Rabbeah played the footage and Chibuzo looked through the treatment to see if we could use the footage. I booked the sound proof studio from 12.45 to 1.45 and the tv studio for 3.30 to 5.00 on the 5th of February 2013.
  • 14. Friday 1 February 2013 st On the 1st of February, me jaymish, rabbeah and chibuzo met up in the editing suit before the lesson and started to edit the footage that we had logged yesterday. Jaymish was placing the shots in to the final cut pro whilst me and chibuzo and Rabbeah were looking through the treatment to see where the footage was to go. There after we also took out the cameras, tripods and lights that we needed over the weekend to shoot in Banksy tunnel.
  • 15. Sunday 3 February 2013 rd We planned to meet at Banksy tunnel at 2pm. However Vijay was running late due to train problems as he has to travel quite far to come to Waterloo. We ended up setting up the equipment at 3pm. We went to the tunnel and saw a lot of graffiti artists there trying to do their art and so we had to be careful in what to touch and where to film. We went over what we had to film and then started filming. However a lot of people kept walking past so we had told Rabbeah to try stand on the outside of the tunnel to try stop people from coming in the shot. Me and Chibuzo were in charge of the camera work whilst Rabbeah tried to keep away the public. Jaymish couldn’t make it on the day. We filmed for 2 hours and then packed up and went home.
  • 16. Monday 4 February 2013 th On the 4th of February we had to return the cameras. As I had taken both the cameras home I went to the media suit to log all the footage from Banksy tunnel that we had shot. I had also booked the media studio for the remaining studio footage that we needed for 12.45 to 1.45 and 3.30 to 5pm.
  • 17. Tuesday 5 February 2013 th On the 5th of February, all our group had come in at 12.30 to set up in the media studio. We then proceeded to film the remaining parts of the studio bit that we needed. However we couldn’t film it all ebcause Vijay had a lesson at 1.30. We then decided to edit the parts that we had just filmed however our media teacher told us to attend a presentation by a famous editing person so we couldn’t edit. The presentation finished at 3pm so we had enough time to sort out the equipment in the other studio. We then filmed the remaining green screen shots.
  • 18. Wednesday 6 February 2013 th On the 6th of February, me Jaymish and Chibuzo came in to college to edit the remaining parts of the music video and make it finalised. Rabbeah couldn’t attend because she had a dentist appointment. We didn’t get all of the editing done but a fair amount.
  • 19. Friday 8 February 2013 th On the 8th of February, Me, Jaymish, Rabbeah and Chibuzo came in to college at 12.45 to edit. However due to our deadline to edit had passed, our teacher had told us to com et o the lesson and edit another time as we had to do our evaluation. So no editing was done today.
  • 20. Tuesday 12 February 2013 th On the 12th of February, Jaymish and Chibuzo finished the editing. Me and Rabbeah came in later so that we could talk to our teacher and upload it on to YouTube. Me and Rabbeah talked to the media technician about the music video and how to upload it and he had taught us. We had placed it on to a USB stick and took it to the library to upload it. However it didn’t work so we had to go back to the media studio and start again. It took 30 mins for the music video to upload on to YouTube. Whilst it was uploading, we showed a few of our target audience to gain feedback on the music video and started to develop our audience feedback for our evaluation. After placing it on YouTube, our group started to advertise it on the internet on social network sites such as Twitter and Facebook to get feedback from them too.
  • 21. Wednesday 13 February 2012 th On the 13th of February, me Rabbeah and Jaymish were doing the final touches to the editing as we got feedback from our target audiences about the music video that we uploaded the day before. We also filmed a little bit of the music video again because it was a little shaky and the colour was too bright.