SlideShare a Scribd company logo
As my client is also my manager (Ben Clayton) from work
means that my communication can be ongoing and we are
able to develop what I want with not speaking once but
several times to find out what we want to create as a group. I
have communicated to my client via person through my
shifts at work, because of this it has made it a relaxed
briefing and we are able to understand what we are going to
carry out for our client. The development between both us
and our client has been easy and we have agreed on all ideas
What structure of brief have you received? Informal brief meaning
we have communicated with our client and have decided not to
make a contract too leave us with more area to create and generate
ideas. This also gives us freedom to propose different ideas at any
time necessary if needed.
Is there any room for negotiation or consultation? Yes, because it is
an informal brief leaving us with freedom to create and generate
ideas at any time.
What opportunities are there for self-development in the given
brief? (new skills you will learn as a group, multi-skilling)
We will be able to learn how we dedicate jobs for each other with
our strongest skills being used in them and having to also use skills
we aren’t strongest in which will allow us to improve in them.
working as a team will help build synergy between colleagues
overall, developing our skills even more.
Identify who the client is: The client for our corporate video is
the Best Western Kilima Hotel situated in York. It is
conveniently placed in Holgate, just a 15 minute walk from
York centre. It is also the only Best Western in York with a
swimming pool and enough spaces for one car parking spot
per room.
What services do they offer? Because its a hotel they offer
rooms to sleep in like any other hotel and also have small
restaurant down stairs for customers to eat. They offer free
usage to their swimming pool and have enough car parking
spaces for one car per room. The hotel also gives out free
WIFI. Inside the hotel is also a gym which customers can use.
Where are they based? They are located in Holgate 15
minutes walk from York centre.
Research the current client and/or their
brand. Analyse both their offline and online
The online website displays pictures and
inside shots of the Hotel and its
services/facilities. It also shows how much
each room costs and booking dates
available. It displays their contact details
and location on the website too. They
display a summary showing all of the
information that is needed before booking.
Build a profile of your client’s audience using the analysis
carried out. The demographic for this client is people age
ranged 18-70 unless its families which are staying together
which have an age ranged between 0-17. Depending on the
prices and seasons, summer usually consists of families,
tourists and small numbers of business people but in the
winter time, business people are more frequent as winter
isn’t the best season for a holiday or visit. The room prices
range between £60 to £200 depending on the size, quality and
number of beds in the room. Family suites can range from
£140 to £170.50 per night. The room itselfs contains 2
bedrooms with a four poster bed meaning it can sleep 5
After watching a variety of Hotel corporate videos i have found a large number of similarities and
differences between each of the videos. Each hotel caters more towards a specific demographic,
business which tends to be more expensive and high class, family which is more family friendly with
pricing, room size and facilities/services and finally lower class cheap hotels which tend to cater
towards tourists who want a cheap room for a longer period of time. After watching the Delta Hotel
corporate video i have noticed the services and facilities provided by the Hotel cater towards business
people. The facilities are upper class and they provide multiple conference rooms and lounge areas
for business people to use.
The unique selling point of this corporate video is displaying the facilities and services provided by
the Hotel. It shows a large amount of business related material and displays it’s professionalism well.
Hotel corporate videos display a large variety of shots ranging from drone shot so timelapses. Doing
this keeps the video interesting and therefore the viewer. By showing variety in the shots, this shows
the versatility of the client and therefore benefits both parties. Starting a corporate video with a
timelapse is very useful as it eases the viewer into the next few shots.
One of the main similarities between all the hotel corporate videos I researched is the music is
repeated throughout and there are no voice overs or narrators removing any distractions for the
viewer. Because there is no narrator or voice over in the video, producers will use titles which the
viewer can then read to understand the situation or particular shot that is being shown.
The transitions in this particular video are somewhat simple but well used for example at the
beginning of the video they have used a white fade which helps transition from the logo to the time
lapse giving a professional look to the video. This transition is also used at the end to keep the video
Eric Marcina. (2013). Delta Hotel Corporate Video. Available: . Last accessed 8th Feb 2018.
The Papandayan Hotel is a business/luxury family hotel based in Western Java
Indonesia. Although this is another business catered hotel it also brings a family aspect
into the pictures, it’s the type of hotel where you bring your whole family on the
business trip with you at let them use the facilities whilst you carry out business. The
corporate video really focuses upon that aspect as the video follows the lives of a small
family as they experience the luxury hotel.
As said about the last corporate video the variety of shots used is quite large. One thing
they did include is landscape shots of the scenery around the Hotel. This is useful as
people won't always be at the Hotel, they will leave the hotel and explore the
surrounding area, if the area is nice it will make the viewer want to come back and book
with the same hotel. Another shot technique which is quite common in the majority of
Hotel Corporate videos is how they use the blur from the camera. They focus and an
object in the foreground then change the focus to whatever’s in the background giving
a cool transition effect in the same clip.
The language and body tones given off in all corporate videos is very professional and
happy. All of the actors and staff are smiling at all times which can sometimes be
patronising, but it works. The one thing they do that I have noticed the most is they do
not include an interview in their corporate videos which I believe makes it a bit boring. If
it’s only visuals with music in the background it can be quite boring stopping people
from watching. If someone is telling you the history of the Hotel whilst visuals are being
shown with lowered volume music in the background it's going to keep the view more
engaged with the video.
AVB Media Asia. (2016). The Papandayan Hotel - Company Profile Video. Available: . Last accessed 8th Feb 2018.
The Grifid Hotels is a holiday based hotel organisation that own hotels that provide facilities and conforte to people on
holiday visiting its location. Their corporate video shows these aspects well, making sure to give the hotel a luxury
holiday vibe. This video is similar to the The Papandayan Hotel where the video focuses on a couple or family and uses
them as a template. They follow the family around as they use all of their facilities allows them to get good shots of how
their services and facilities look when in use. This method also captures the emotion of the actors whilst they are
experiencing the services giving off an enjoyment facial expression. This is done to help make their hotel look amazing.
This corporate video contains a large amount of graphics, but mostly for the titles. Because the video doesn't have a
narrator or voice over they have used titles to explain different situations or shots. For example at the start they begin
their corporate video with the couple waking up. A title appears on the screen saying “Waking up”, this indicates that
they are waking up and it’s also the start of the video, showing they have based their corporate video around the
activities one couple will do in a single day.
One technique that is unique about this video is when they show their 4 different hotels at the same time. They split the
screen into 4 videos with a title under each for the name of the location. This includes drone shots of the exterior of each
hotel. All hotels look different for their location. This is unique and good as it allows viewers to look at the other hotels
they have at the same time which could have them change their mind and stay at a different location.
Although explained in previous slides, the main similarity between all corporate videos researched is the music is the
same throughout. This is always because the music helps set the tone for the video. Since the video is showing a hotel
and nothing else accept it’s facilities, services and staff you don’t want the tone or aura of the video to randomly change
as this could confuse the audience losing focus.
Grifid Hotels. (2015). GRIFID HOTELS Corporate Video. Available: .
Last accessed 9th Feb 2018.
Produce a physical brainstorm/mind map of potential ideas.
You should do this as an entire group. (You should consider the
elements you researched when analysing existing products)
Develop a mood board of screenshots of camera shots,
visual styles, colours/grades you are aiming to achieve
List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s
idea generation.
1. Slider shots: Slider shots play a big role in the hotel corporate video scene. They are used for the
majority of shots in a corporate video because they create the most professional look. We will be using
slider shots for a large portion of our video to show the facilities of the hotel.
2. Focus shots: Focus shots also play a big role in hotel corporate videos. They help create an easy
transition from a foreground to a background shot. They can also be used to prepare different sections
of the video for example, there will be a large number of focused shots on food then suddenly there will
be a background which is focused on after the food creating and easy transition into the next section of
the video
3. We have decided to include an interview in the corporate video to add more to the audio. This will help
keep the viewer interested and will also give our video texture. Because it will be an interview, this
means we will be able to use the audio for voice overs displaying specific shots of what the interviewee
is talking about.
4. We are also going to be using timelapses, still and steadicam shots as this will create a stronger
professional feel and look as watching other professional corporate videos have made us notice these
are key features to include.can Beginning our corporate video with a time lapse gives us freedom to
choose our next shot. The time lapse will be used as the beginner for the video.
5. Through our idea generation we have found the unique selling point is it’s location. The hotel’s location
is near the primary business location used by business people in york. The train station is just down the
road a 2 minute drive from the hotel. This is the primary location used by business people for easy
transport meaning it will be the most used location in york. Each room comes with a parking space for 1
car allowing business people that drive a space to park their vehicle.
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each idea
1. Although slider shots is a primary technique used in hotel corporate videos, the weaknesses of
it are it can be overused or not shot properly. A constraint is you need to have the right
equipment for smooth shots. Since our group don’t have a slider available on the day of
shooting we are having to improvise and design our own mechanise for slider shots. If all else
fails we will use the steadicam to create shots similar to slider shots.
2. Focus shots are also widely used in hotel corporate videos as they allow easy transitions
between sections of the video and also give a cool effect to what it’s focusing on. The
weakness of focus shots is it’s hard to find what you are going to shoot and what you are going
to focus on when the focus changes. The focus transition can also be clunky and badly timed
as you have to get the second focus in focus perfectly whilst filming so it can take a few tries.
3. Interviews are good in corporate videos as they add extra audio to keep the viewer interested it
does come with it’s weaknesses and constraints though. One major weakness of having an
interview is it could destroy the beginning tone of the video. Other corporate hotel videos have
music looping in the background to avoid changing the tone of the video so adding an
interview could disrupt this technique leaving the viewer confused and put off.
4. Our strengths will be in taking the shots which use a still shot such as time lapses or focus
shots where we will have access to small and large tripods and also a variety of lenses to give
use an advantage to achieve the perfect shot for each individual shot with not too much
difficulty involved. the weaknesses will be within the steadicam shots where we will be moving
with a camera but trying to give a no walk feel which takes good skill and must be a focus to
work on.
5. For the hotel in general the unique selling point is its location. Because it’s close to the centre
of the town it provides people with easy access to what they’ve come for. The only constraint of
this is that other hotels will be in the same location creating a large competition. This hotel also
requires its customers to pay for their parking which could stop people from using this hotel for
their business trips.
Discuss what you intend to create.
As a group we intend to film footage suitable for a professional hotel
corporate promotional video. The tone will be serious and professional
and will contain smooth eye catching footage suitable for the companies
website if needed. After acquiring the footage we will be splitting of on
our own to edit the footage alone. Each member will edit their own
version of the video and whichever looks the best and most professional
will be used.
Provide a content outline.
After looking into different hotel corporate videos on the internet we have
discovered a large number of similarities between each video. The
content in our video will be very similar to these videos as they look the
most professional and serious. The content itself will be exterior and
interior shots of the hotel and it’s facilities e.g. rooms, kitchen, restaurant,
front side of the building and more. To help us set up these shots whilst
filming we will refer back to existing products and see if we can get
similar shots to theirs. This will help make our project look similar but
better at the same time.
Who is the intended audience? How will
your video appeal to them? Provide
Our intended audience will be mainly focused on adults from 25+ as the hotel is
mostly business so they tend to be older. The hotel also gets families in too so
there is lots of parents who are majority older meaning the video needs to attract an
older audience. The tone of our video will be mainly serious as we want to attract
elders and business people. Comedic toned corporate videos are usually for family
attraction that want to visit somewhere fun instead of relaxing and business toned.
To make our video appeal to this target audience we will be shooting the footage at
a high quality with professional angles and techniques to make it look similar to
existing products done by professionals. To do this we will create a shot list with
ideas taken from existing products to make sure we know what techniques and
angle look the best.
Another factor that needs to be done well is the colour grading in post production.
The lighting and colours need to look good or the video won’t look as professional
so spend the majority of time getting the colour and lighting perfect is a must. (this
will give it the most cinematic look).
What resources are required for the intended video? Consider
hardware, software, personnel, locations, budget
Hardware: The hardware we will be using for the video includes all of our equipment, camera,
camera lenses, tripod, steadicam, smaller tripod, improvised slider if possible, multiple camera
batteries and SD cards.
Software: The software we will be using is provided for free on the college computers. For
animation design we will be using photoshop. For editing the footage adobe premiere pro is
the main program we will be using to create the sequence and add colour grading. Adobe after
effects is another piece of software which will allow us to edit in the graphics and titles when
needed, mainly for the interview to show the staffs name and work position.
Personnel: There is 3 of us in the production group and one staff member from the company
being used for the interview. On shoot day if any other are in the camera shot they will be
included as personal too.
Locations: There will be one shoot location which is at the hotel, multiple editing location,
college, either group members home if they have their own computer or any location they
travel too with their laptop to do editing.
Budget: Fuel costs, food and drink costs.
Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery.
Your shoot should be formalised with your client soon.
Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively.
Shooting will be carried out on Sunday the 25th of February. After
shoot day editing will begin on Monday the 26th of February, if we
need more footage for the sequence we will reshoot on Tuesday
the 27th if needed and carry on editing throughout the rest of the
week. We spend all of the days between the 27th of February and
23rd of March editing and finishing off the documents for the work.
If all goes well we should be able to deliver the final video to the
company by the 23rd of March.
Insert screenshots of any further discussion or development
with your chosen clients.
What was the client’s reaction to your proposed idea? Any amendments or
changes? What was the agreed content?
Our client was very happy and excited for us to start our proposed idea. They
additionally asked if we minded taking some additional photos for them. They
made sure to remind us to get shots of all the facilities to which we happily obliged.
The agreed content was a bright and luxurious style to the video which would
show the hotel and the city of York had an integral part in the hotel. We also
wanted to show a good deal of professionalism as we are now representing the
Best Western franchise and it is a company that has been established as a high
class chain of hotels. There were no amendments made by our clients when we
presented them with our intended project.
Identify the agreed pre-production and production roles and
associated responsibilities. (What is your task? Specific deadline?)
Our production team is 3 people, each person will be doing all the tasks, filming,
editing and directing. etc. We will be rotating around the different tasks to make
sure the experience is shared between us.
Whilst filming the footage for the corporate video since there is three of us only
one person can do the filming at a time meaning we have to allocate different
tasks in the meantime. Whilst filming we will need a director that explains how we
are going to film the shot at what angle using what technique. That covers to
tasks. The third member will be the backwatcher for the camera man making sure
he doesn’t fall over anything or walk into anything whilst focusing on shooting.
The deadline for the filming is on the day, we are hoping to gather all the footage
on the day, but if more footage is needed we will reshoot another day to make
sure we have all the shots we need. We generally want to be editing the day after
the shoot. Each group member will edit their own version of the corporate video
and whichever turns out the best will be chosen by the company hopefully.
Shot # Location Shot Type Camera
1 Hotel Street Time Lapse Static low
angle shot
Of Hotel building
2 Hotel
Steadicam moving
chest level
hotel lobby
3 Hotel
steadicam moving
chest level
4 Hotel
slider moving
scenes of rooms
5 Hotel
steadicam chest level scenes of rooms
6 Hotel
slider low angle pool
7 Hotel
slider low angle steam room
Shot # Location Shot Type Camera
12 Hotel Ground slider low angle
13 Hotel Ground steadicam eye level balcony
14 Hotel Ground slider low angle balcony
15 Hotel Ground still eye level interview
16 Hotel Ground still eye level interview
17 Hotel Ground slider eye level Of hotel buiding with
fadeout to the end
Create a contingency plan to consider resources, personnel,
logistics, time frame etc.
Crew member absent: Our crew consists of 3 people allowing us to spread out the amount of work we have to
do in production. If one or two crew members were to be absent the third crew member would still be able to
work alone which maximizes the time we have been given to produce our product.
Equipment lost or forgotten: If equipment is lost or forgotten, this will create a big problem as it could be an
essential piece of equipment for example, if we were to lose our SD card, we wouldn’t be able to use the
camera as it has nowhere to store the footage. To avoid this problem we should fill out a check list before
leaving to make sure we have everything. Also bring spare equipment like batteries and SD cards just incase
one runs out of battery or is misplaced.
Extreme weather: Extreme weather can be a very restricting factor as it stops us from getting to the location
and filming outside. To avoid making the mistake of booking on a bad day we can use the weather forecast to
avoid shooting on a bad day.
Run out of time: Maximizing our time is essential as you want to gather as much footage as you can and then
have enough time to edit the footage. A good way to stop yourself from running out of time is to have a set
plan for the amount of time you are going to spend doing each activity for example, have 2 days dedicated to
shooting and then the rest of the week editing and so on.
Original transport not working: If the transport you were going to use becomes impossible you should have a
backup in place incase you are restricted by weather for example, if it’s snowing heavily and your original plan
was to cycle you could then take a bus but this costs time as you will generally be faster on a bike due to the
traffic the weather creates.
What resources are required for this project?
Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people,
crew, your talent/actors)
Time: We have 3-4 week to spend on filming and editing the footage to create the
final product.
Budget: The camera, steadicam and lens used are all owned by a student which
costs around 500-800£, this and time are the only costs when making this project.
Location: The location is close to all crew members making easy transport
between locations.
Provide a script if this is required as part of your video.
Identify questions/answers/reactions you expect from your talent and/or
We plan to ask 3 questions to the manager of the hotel. This will help the audience
get a better understanding of the client and what they offer. We plan to ask the
managers how long they have worked there. This will give the audience
perspective on the loyalty of staff and therefore it’s an enjoyable place to work.
Next we will ask them what a normal day involves and the general day to day life
of the hotel to give the audience more of an insight into the . Our final question will
be what the hotel offers that others do not to really sell the hotel. We expect all the
responses to be positive as the manager will want to show the hotel in a good
Day Activity
1 Begin filming at the location.
2 Return to location if additional filming
needs to be completed.
3 Begin editing project.
4 Continue editing project. Try an finish
5 Continue editing project, complete
sequence and begin corrections.
6 Continue editing project, complete
7 Complete project and submission.
Include images captured of your shoots
Discuss how you managed the shoot.
Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and
with respect? Did you stick to the roles?
When shooting our corporate video we did not abide by the original shot list as
when we arrived we realised the potential of how much we could experiment there
for altering the shot list. This meant we were able to be more creative with our
shoot and we ended up capturing more contemporary and interesting footage.
Everybody on the shoot acted professionally and with respect to the members of
the staff and the grounds of the hotel. We also did not stick to our roles as we
found we were all coming up with unique and individually understood ideas and we
all put them into practice.

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  • 2. CLIENT COMMUNICATION As my client is also my manager (Ben Clayton) from work means that my communication can be ongoing and we are able to develop what I want with not speaking once but several times to find out what we want to create as a group. I have communicated to my client via person through my shifts at work, because of this it has made it a relaxed briefing and we are able to understand what we are going to carry out for our client. The development between both us and our client has been easy and we have agreed on all ideas proposed.
  • 4. BRIEF What structure of brief have you received? Informal brief meaning we have communicated with our client and have decided not to make a contract too leave us with more area to create and generate ideas. This also gives us freedom to propose different ideas at any time necessary if needed. Is there any room for negotiation or consultation? Yes, because it is an informal brief leaving us with freedom to create and generate ideas at any time. What opportunities are there for self-development in the given brief? (new skills you will learn as a group, multi-skilling) We will be able to learn how we dedicate jobs for each other with our strongest skills being used in them and having to also use skills we aren’t strongest in which will allow us to improve in them. working as a team will help build synergy between colleagues overall, developing our skills even more.
  • 6. CLIENT Identify who the client is: The client for our corporate video is the Best Western Kilima Hotel situated in York. It is conveniently placed in Holgate, just a 15 minute walk from York centre. It is also the only Best Western in York with a swimming pool and enough spaces for one car parking spot per room. What services do they offer? Because its a hotel they offer rooms to sleep in like any other hotel and also have small restaurant down stairs for customers to eat. They offer free usage to their swimming pool and have enough car parking spaces for one car per room. The hotel also gives out free WIFI. Inside the hotel is also a gym which customers can use. Where are they based? They are located in Holgate 15 minutes walk from York centre.
  • 7. CLIENT Research the current client and/or their brand. Analyse both their offline and online materials The online website displays pictures and inside shots of the Hotel and its services/facilities. It also shows how much each room costs and booking dates available. It displays their contact details and location on the website too. They display a summary showing all of the information that is needed before booking.
  • 8. CLIENT Build a profile of your client’s audience using the analysis carried out. The demographic for this client is people age ranged 18-70 unless its families which are staying together which have an age ranged between 0-17. Depending on the prices and seasons, summer usually consists of families, tourists and small numbers of business people but in the winter time, business people are more frequent as winter isn’t the best season for a holiday or visit. The room prices range between £60 to £200 depending on the size, quality and number of beds in the room. Family suites can range from £140 to £170.50 per night. The room itselfs contains 2 bedrooms with a four poster bed meaning it can sleep 5 people.
  • 9. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS After watching a variety of Hotel corporate videos i have found a large number of similarities and differences between each of the videos. Each hotel caters more towards a specific demographic, business which tends to be more expensive and high class, family which is more family friendly with pricing, room size and facilities/services and finally lower class cheap hotels which tend to cater towards tourists who want a cheap room for a longer period of time. After watching the Delta Hotel corporate video i have noticed the services and facilities provided by the Hotel cater towards business people. The facilities are upper class and they provide multiple conference rooms and lounge areas for business people to use. The unique selling point of this corporate video is displaying the facilities and services provided by the Hotel. It shows a large amount of business related material and displays it’s professionalism well. Hotel corporate videos display a large variety of shots ranging from drone shot so timelapses. Doing this keeps the video interesting and therefore the viewer. By showing variety in the shots, this shows the versatility of the client and therefore benefits both parties. Starting a corporate video with a timelapse is very useful as it eases the viewer into the next few shots. One of the main similarities between all the hotel corporate videos I researched is the music is repeated throughout and there are no voice overs or narrators removing any distractions for the viewer. Because there is no narrator or voice over in the video, producers will use titles which the viewer can then read to understand the situation or particular shot that is being shown. The transitions in this particular video are somewhat simple but well used for example at the beginning of the video they have used a white fade which helps transition from the logo to the time lapse giving a professional look to the video. This transition is also used at the end to keep the video mirrored. Eric Marcina. (2013). Delta Hotel Corporate Video. Available: . Last accessed 8th Feb 2018.
  • 10. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS The Papandayan Hotel is a business/luxury family hotel based in Western Java Indonesia. Although this is another business catered hotel it also brings a family aspect into the pictures, it’s the type of hotel where you bring your whole family on the business trip with you at let them use the facilities whilst you carry out business. The corporate video really focuses upon that aspect as the video follows the lives of a small family as they experience the luxury hotel. As said about the last corporate video the variety of shots used is quite large. One thing they did include is landscape shots of the scenery around the Hotel. This is useful as people won't always be at the Hotel, they will leave the hotel and explore the surrounding area, if the area is nice it will make the viewer want to come back and book with the same hotel. Another shot technique which is quite common in the majority of Hotel Corporate videos is how they use the blur from the camera. They focus and an object in the foreground then change the focus to whatever’s in the background giving a cool transition effect in the same clip. The language and body tones given off in all corporate videos is very professional and happy. All of the actors and staff are smiling at all times which can sometimes be patronising, but it works. The one thing they do that I have noticed the most is they do not include an interview in their corporate videos which I believe makes it a bit boring. If it’s only visuals with music in the background it can be quite boring stopping people from watching. If someone is telling you the history of the Hotel whilst visuals are being shown with lowered volume music in the background it's going to keep the view more engaged with the video. AVB Media Asia. (2016). The Papandayan Hotel - Company Profile Video. Available: . Last accessed 8th Feb 2018.
  • 11. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS The Grifid Hotels is a holiday based hotel organisation that own hotels that provide facilities and conforte to people on holiday visiting its location. Their corporate video shows these aspects well, making sure to give the hotel a luxury holiday vibe. This video is similar to the The Papandayan Hotel where the video focuses on a couple or family and uses them as a template. They follow the family around as they use all of their facilities allows them to get good shots of how their services and facilities look when in use. This method also captures the emotion of the actors whilst they are experiencing the services giving off an enjoyment facial expression. This is done to help make their hotel look amazing. This corporate video contains a large amount of graphics, but mostly for the titles. Because the video doesn't have a narrator or voice over they have used titles to explain different situations or shots. For example at the start they begin their corporate video with the couple waking up. A title appears on the screen saying “Waking up”, this indicates that they are waking up and it’s also the start of the video, showing they have based their corporate video around the activities one couple will do in a single day. One technique that is unique about this video is when they show their 4 different hotels at the same time. They split the screen into 4 videos with a title under each for the name of the location. This includes drone shots of the exterior of each hotel. All hotels look different for their location. This is unique and good as it allows viewers to look at the other hotels they have at the same time which could have them change their mind and stay at a different location. Although explained in previous slides, the main similarity between all corporate videos researched is the music is the same throughout. This is always because the music helps set the tone for the video. Since the video is showing a hotel and nothing else accept it’s facilities, services and staff you don’t want the tone or aura of the video to randomly change as this could confuse the audience losing focus. Grifid Hotels. (2015). GRIFID HOTELS Corporate Video. Available: . Last accessed 9th Feb 2018.
  • 13. INITIAL IDEAS Produce a physical brainstorm/mind map of potential ideas. You should do this as an entire group. (You should consider the elements you researched when analysing existing products)
  • 14. INITIAL IDEAS Develop a mood board of screenshots of camera shots, visual styles, colours/grades you are aiming to achieve
  • 15. IDEAS List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s idea generation. 1. Slider shots: Slider shots play a big role in the hotel corporate video scene. They are used for the majority of shots in a corporate video because they create the most professional look. We will be using slider shots for a large portion of our video to show the facilities of the hotel. 2. Focus shots: Focus shots also play a big role in hotel corporate videos. They help create an easy transition from a foreground to a background shot. They can also be used to prepare different sections of the video for example, there will be a large number of focused shots on food then suddenly there will be a background which is focused on after the food creating and easy transition into the next section of the video 3. We have decided to include an interview in the corporate video to add more to the audio. This will help keep the viewer interested and will also give our video texture. Because it will be an interview, this means we will be able to use the audio for voice overs displaying specific shots of what the interviewee is talking about. 4. We are also going to be using timelapses, still and steadicam shots as this will create a stronger professional feel and look as watching other professional corporate videos have made us notice these are key features to include.can Beginning our corporate video with a time lapse gives us freedom to choose our next shot. The time lapse will be used as the beginner for the video. 5. Through our idea generation we have found the unique selling point is it’s location. The hotel’s location is near the primary business location used by business people in york. The train station is just down the road a 2 minute drive from the hotel. This is the primary location used by business people for easy transport meaning it will be the most used location in york. Each room comes with a parking space for 1 car allowing business people that drive a space to park their vehicle.
  • 16. IDEAS Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each idea 1. Although slider shots is a primary technique used in hotel corporate videos, the weaknesses of it are it can be overused or not shot properly. A constraint is you need to have the right equipment for smooth shots. Since our group don’t have a slider available on the day of shooting we are having to improvise and design our own mechanise for slider shots. If all else fails we will use the steadicam to create shots similar to slider shots. 2. Focus shots are also widely used in hotel corporate videos as they allow easy transitions between sections of the video and also give a cool effect to what it’s focusing on. The weakness of focus shots is it’s hard to find what you are going to shoot and what you are going to focus on when the focus changes. The focus transition can also be clunky and badly timed as you have to get the second focus in focus perfectly whilst filming so it can take a few tries. 3. Interviews are good in corporate videos as they add extra audio to keep the viewer interested it does come with it’s weaknesses and constraints though. One major weakness of having an interview is it could destroy the beginning tone of the video. Other corporate hotel videos have music looping in the background to avoid changing the tone of the video so adding an interview could disrupt this technique leaving the viewer confused and put off. 4. Our strengths will be in taking the shots which use a still shot such as time lapses or focus shots where we will have access to small and large tripods and also a variety of lenses to give use an advantage to achieve the perfect shot for each individual shot with not too much difficulty involved. the weaknesses will be within the steadicam shots where we will be moving with a camera but trying to give a no walk feel which takes good skill and must be a focus to work on. 5. For the hotel in general the unique selling point is its location. Because it’s close to the centre of the town it provides people with easy access to what they’ve come for. The only constraint of this is that other hotels will be in the same location creating a large competition. This hotel also requires its customers to pay for their parking which could stop people from using this hotel for their business trips.
  • 18. PROPOSAL Discuss what you intend to create. As a group we intend to film footage suitable for a professional hotel corporate promotional video. The tone will be serious and professional and will contain smooth eye catching footage suitable for the companies website if needed. After acquiring the footage we will be splitting of on our own to edit the footage alone. Each member will edit their own version of the video and whichever looks the best and most professional will be used. Provide a content outline. After looking into different hotel corporate videos on the internet we have discovered a large number of similarities between each video. The content in our video will be very similar to these videos as they look the most professional and serious. The content itself will be exterior and interior shots of the hotel and it’s facilities e.g. rooms, kitchen, restaurant, front side of the building and more. To help us set up these shots whilst filming we will refer back to existing products and see if we can get similar shots to theirs. This will help make our project look similar but better at the same time.
  • 19. TARGET AUDIENCE Who is the intended audience? How will your video appeal to them? Provide examples. Our intended audience will be mainly focused on adults from 25+ as the hotel is mostly business so they tend to be older. The hotel also gets families in too so there is lots of parents who are majority older meaning the video needs to attract an older audience. The tone of our video will be mainly serious as we want to attract elders and business people. Comedic toned corporate videos are usually for family attraction that want to visit somewhere fun instead of relaxing and business toned. To make our video appeal to this target audience we will be shooting the footage at a high quality with professional angles and techniques to make it look similar to existing products done by professionals. To do this we will create a shot list with ideas taken from existing products to make sure we know what techniques and angle look the best. Another factor that needs to be done well is the colour grading in post production. The lighting and colours need to look good or the video won’t look as professional so spend the majority of time getting the colour and lighting perfect is a must. (this will give it the most cinematic look).
  • 20. RESOURCES What resources are required for the intended video? Consider hardware, software, personnel, locations, budget Hardware: The hardware we will be using for the video includes all of our equipment, camera, camera lenses, tripod, steadicam, smaller tripod, improvised slider if possible, multiple camera batteries and SD cards. Software: The software we will be using is provided for free on the college computers. For animation design we will be using photoshop. For editing the footage adobe premiere pro is the main program we will be using to create the sequence and add colour grading. Adobe after effects is another piece of software which will allow us to edit in the graphics and titles when needed, mainly for the interview to show the staffs name and work position. Personnel: There is 3 of us in the production group and one staff member from the company being used for the interview. On shoot day if any other are in the camera shot they will be included as personal too. Locations: There will be one shoot location which is at the hotel, multiple editing location, college, either group members home if they have their own computer or any location they travel too with their laptop to do editing. Budget: Fuel costs, food and drink costs.
  • 21. PROJECT SCHEDULE Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery. Your shoot should be formalised with your client soon. Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively. Shooting will be carried out on Sunday the 25th of February. After shoot day editing will begin on Monday the 26th of February, if we need more footage for the sequence we will reshoot on Tuesday the 27th if needed and carry on editing throughout the rest of the week. We spend all of the days between the 27th of February and 23rd of March editing and finishing off the documents for the work. If all goes well we should be able to deliver the final video to the company by the 23rd of March.
  • 23. CLIENT COMMUNICATION Insert screenshots of any further discussion or development with your chosen clients. What was the client’s reaction to your proposed idea? Any amendments or changes? What was the agreed content? Our client was very happy and excited for us to start our proposed idea. They additionally asked if we minded taking some additional photos for them. They made sure to remind us to get shots of all the facilities to which we happily obliged. The agreed content was a bright and luxurious style to the video which would show the hotel and the city of York had an integral part in the hotel. We also wanted to show a good deal of professionalism as we are now representing the Best Western franchise and it is a company that has been established as a high class chain of hotels. There were no amendments made by our clients when we presented them with our intended project.
  • 24. ROLES Identify the agreed pre-production and production roles and associated responsibilities. (What is your task? Specific deadline?) Our production team is 3 people, each person will be doing all the tasks, filming, editing and directing. etc. We will be rotating around the different tasks to make sure the experience is shared between us. Whilst filming the footage for the corporate video since there is three of us only one person can do the filming at a time meaning we have to allocate different tasks in the meantime. Whilst filming we will need a director that explains how we are going to film the shot at what angle using what technique. That covers to tasks. The third member will be the backwatcher for the camera man making sure he doesn’t fall over anything or walk into anything whilst focusing on shooting. The deadline for the filming is on the day, we are hoping to gather all the footage on the day, but if more footage is needed we will reshoot another day to make sure we have all the shots we need. We generally want to be editing the day after the shoot. Each group member will edit their own version of the corporate video and whichever turns out the best will be chosen by the company hopefully.
  • 25. Shot # Location Shot Type Camera Angle/Move ment Place 1 Hotel Street Time Lapse Static low angle shot Of Hotel building 2 Hotel Ground Steadicam moving forward chest level hotel lobby 3 Hotel Ground steadicam moving forward chest level stairs 4 Hotel Ground slider moving righ/left scenes of rooms 5 Hotel Ground steadicam chest level scenes of rooms 6 Hotel Ground slider low angle pool 7 Hotel Ground slider low angle steam room
  • 26. SHOT LIST Shot # Location Shot Type Camera Angle/Move ment Place 12 Hotel Ground slider low angle moving right/left Lounge 13 Hotel Ground steadicam eye level balcony 14 Hotel Ground slider low angle balcony 15 Hotel Ground still eye level interview 16 Hotel Ground still eye level interview 17 Hotel Ground slider eye level Of hotel buiding with fadeout to the end clip
  • 27. CONTINGENCY Create a contingency plan to consider resources, personnel, logistics, time frame etc. Crew member absent: Our crew consists of 3 people allowing us to spread out the amount of work we have to do in production. If one or two crew members were to be absent the third crew member would still be able to work alone which maximizes the time we have been given to produce our product. Equipment lost or forgotten: If equipment is lost or forgotten, this will create a big problem as it could be an essential piece of equipment for example, if we were to lose our SD card, we wouldn’t be able to use the camera as it has nowhere to store the footage. To avoid this problem we should fill out a check list before leaving to make sure we have everything. Also bring spare equipment like batteries and SD cards just incase one runs out of battery or is misplaced. Extreme weather: Extreme weather can be a very restricting factor as it stops us from getting to the location and filming outside. To avoid making the mistake of booking on a bad day we can use the weather forecast to avoid shooting on a bad day. Run out of time: Maximizing our time is essential as you want to gather as much footage as you can and then have enough time to edit the footage. A good way to stop yourself from running out of time is to have a set plan for the amount of time you are going to spend doing each activity for example, have 2 days dedicated to shooting and then the rest of the week editing and so on. Original transport not working: If the transport you were going to use becomes impossible you should have a backup in place incase you are restricted by weather for example, if it’s snowing heavily and your original plan was to cycle you could then take a bus but this costs time as you will generally be faster on a bike due to the traffic the weather creates.
  • 29. RESOURCES What resources are required for this project? Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people, crew, your talent/actors) Time: We have 3-4 week to spend on filming and editing the footage to create the final product. Budget: The camera, steadicam and lens used are all owned by a student which costs around 500-800£, this and time are the only costs when making this project. Location: The location is close to all crew members making easy transport between locations.
  • 30. SCRIPT Provide a script if this is required as part of your video. Identify questions/answers/reactions you expect from your talent and/or interviews We plan to ask 3 questions to the manager of the hotel. This will help the audience get a better understanding of the client and what they offer. We plan to ask the managers how long they have worked there. This will give the audience perspective on the loyalty of staff and therefore it’s an enjoyable place to work. Next we will ask them what a normal day involves and the general day to day life of the hotel to give the audience more of an insight into the . Our final question will be what the hotel offers that others do not to really sell the hotel. We expect all the responses to be positive as the manager will want to show the hotel in a good light.
  • 31. SCHEDULE AND TIMESCALE Day Activity 1 Begin filming at the location. 2 Return to location if additional filming needs to be completed. 3 Begin editing project. 4 Continue editing project. Try an finish sequence. 5 Continue editing project, complete sequence and begin corrections. 6 Continue editing project, complete corrections. 7 Complete project and submission.
  • 33. UNIT STILLS Include images captured of your shoots
  • 34. QUALITY CONTROL Discuss how you managed the shoot. Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and with respect? Did you stick to the roles? When shooting our corporate video we did not abide by the original shot list as when we arrived we realised the potential of how much we could experiment there for altering the shot list. This meant we were able to be more creative with our shoot and we ended up capturing more contemporary and interesting footage. Everybody on the shoot acted professionally and with respect to the members of the staff and the grounds of the hotel. We also did not stick to our roles as we found we were all coming up with unique and individually understood ideas and we all put them into practice.