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                                           SUS TAINABLE WEED
                                       MANAGEMENT FOR CROPL ANDS
                                       MANA        FOR CROPL
                                                                 AGRONOMY SYSTEMS SERIES

Abstract: To some extent, weeds are a result of crop production, but to a larger extent they are a consequence of
management decisions. Managing croplands according to nature’s principles will reduce weed problems. And while
these principles apply to most crops, this publication focuses on agronomic crops such as corn, soybeans, milo, and
small grains. The opportunities to address the root causes of weeds are not always readily apparent, and often require
some imagination to recognize. Creativity is key to taking advantage of these opportunities and devising sustainable
cropping systems that prevent weed problems, rather than using quick-fix approaches. Annual monoculture crop
production generally involves tillage that creates conditions hospitable to many weeds. This publication discusses
several alternatives to conventional tillage systems, including allelopathy, intercropping, crop rotations, and a weed-
free cropping design. A Resources list provides sources of further information.

By Preston Sullivan                                                 boundaries within which we operate and the
NCAT Agriculture Specialist                                         rules for success within those boundaries.
September 2003
                                                                    The “weed control”
                                                                    paradigm is reactive—
                                                                    it addresses weed
First, Free Your Brain                                              problems by using
As Iowa farmer Tom Frantzen poetically states:                      various tools and tech-
“Free your brain and your behind will follow.”                      nologies. “How am I
What Tom is referring to is discovering new para-                   gonna get rid of this vel-
digms. Joel Barker, author of Paradigms—The                         vet-leaf?” and “How do
Business of Discovering the Future (1), defines a                   I control foxtail?” are re-
paradigm as a set of standards that establish the                   active statements. The
                                                                    conventional tools to
                                                                    “get rid of” or “control”
                 Ta b le of Contents                                weeds—cultivation and
                                                                    herbicides—are reactive
                                                                    measures for solving the problem.
 The Successful Weed .................................. 2
 The Root Cause of Weeds ........................... 2              Farmers would generally agree that weeds are
 Weed Seed Banks and Germination ............. 3
                                                                    not in the field because of a deficiency of her-
 Proactive Weed Management ..................... 4
 Weed-Free by Design .................................. 7
                                                                    bicides or cultivation. Rather, weeds are the
 Reactive Measures ..................................... 8          natural result of defying nature’s preference
 Weed Control Tools and Their Effects .......... 8                  for high species diversity and covered ground.
 Integrated Weed Management .................. 11                   Nature is trying to move the system in one
 Other ATTRA Publications of Interest ........ 12                   direction, the farmer in another. We create
 References ............................................... 12      weed problems through conventional crop
 Additional Resources ............................... 14            production methods. After we create these
                                                                    problems, we spend huge sums of money and
                                                                    labor trying to “control” them.

ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information service operated by the National Center
for Appropriate Technology under a grant from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not recommend or endorse products,
companies, or individuals. ATTRA is headquartered in Fayetteville, Arkansas (P.O. Box 3657,
Fayetteville, AR 72702), with offices in Butte, Montana, and Davis, California.
The opposite of reacive thinking is proactive       converted from conventional tillage to no-till,
thinking, by which we seek what we want             the weed population generally shifts from an-
through effective design and planning. A pro-       nual to perennial weeds. Perennial weeds pos-
active approach to weed management asks,            sess many of the characteristics of annual
“Why do I have weeds?” This publication will        weeds: competitiveness, seed dormancy, and
expose you to some proactive principles of crop-    long-lived seed. In addition to these character-
land management that can make weeds less of         istics, many perennial weeds possess perennat-
a problem. It also offers some reactive strate-     ing parts such as stolons, bulbs, tubers, and rhi-
gies to deal with the weeds that remain bother-     zomes. These parts allow the parent plant to
some.                                               regenerate if damaged and to produce new
                                                    plants from the parent plant without seed.
The Successful Weed                                 Additionally, the perennating parts serve as
                                                    food storage units that also enhance survival.
Weeds can be divided into two broad catego-
                                                    These stored-food reserves allow for the rapid
ries—annuals and perennials. Annual weeds
                                                    regrowth perennial weeds are known for.
are plants that produce a seed crop in one year,
then die. They are well adapted to succeed in
                                                    The Root Cause of Weeds
highly unstable and unpredictable environments
brought about by frequent tillage, drought, or      When a piece of land is left fallow, it is soon
other disturbance. They put much of their life      covered over by annual weeds. If the field is
cycle into making seed for the next generation.     left undisturbed for a second year, briars and
This survival strategy serves plants in disturbed   brush start to grow. As the fallow period con-
environments well, since their environment is       tinues, the weed community shifts increasingly
likely to be disturbed again. The annual plant      toward perennial vegetation. By the fifth year,
must make a crop of seed as soon as possible        the field will host large numbers of young trees
before the next disturbance comes. Annual           in a forest region, or perennial grasses in a prai-
plants also yield more seed than do perennial       rie region. This natural progression of different
plants, which is why humans prefer annual           plant and animal species over time is a cycle
over perennial crops for grain production.          known as succession. This weed invasion, in all
When we establish annual crop plants using till-    its stages, can be viewed as nature’s means of
age (i.e., disturbance) we also create an envi-     restoring stability by protecting bare soils and
ronment desirable for annual weeds.                 increasing biodiversity.

Perennial weeds prosper in less-disturbed and       Weeds are evidence of nature struggling to bring
more stable environments. They are more com-        about ecological succession. When we clear
mon under no-till cropping systems. Their ob-       native vegetation and establish annual crops,
jective is to put some energy into preserving the   we are holding back natural plant succession,
parent plant while producing a modest amount        at great cost in weed control. To better under-
of seed for future generations. After a field is    stand this process, think of succession as a coil
                                                    spring. Managing cropland as an annual mo-
                                                    noculture compresses the spring¾leaving it
                                                    straining to release its energy as a groundcover
                                                    of weeds. In contrast, a biodiverse perennial
                                                    grassland or forest is like the coil spring in its
                                                    uncompressed condition—a state of relative sta-
                                                    bility with little energy for drastic change (Fig-
                                                    ure 1) (2). Generally speaking, biodiversity leads
                                                    to more stability for the ecosystem as a whole.

                                                    Modern crop agriculture is typified by large acre-
                                                    ages of a single plant type, accompanied by a
                                                    high percentage of bare ground—the ideal en-
                                                    vironment for annual weeds to prosper in the

PAGE 2                                                       //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
Weed seed distribution and density in agricul-
                                  tural soils are influenced by cropping history and
                                  the management of adjacent landscapes, and
                                  may be highly variable. A study of western
                                  Nebraska cropland found 140 seeds per pound
                                  of surface soil, equivalent to 200 million seeds
                                  per acre (3). Redroot pigweed and common
                                  lambsquarter accounted for 86%. Growing
                                  without competition from other plants, a single
                                  redroot pigweed plant can produce more than
                                  100,000 seeds, while a common lambsquarter
                                  plant can produce more than 70,000 seeds (4).

                                  New weed species can enter fields by many
                                  routes. Equipment moved from one field to the
                                  next—especially harvest equipment—spreads
                                  weed seeds, as does hay brought from one farm
                                  to another. Crop seed is often contaminated
                                  with weed seed, and livestock transport weed
                                  seeds from one farm to another in their diges-
                                  tive tracts and in their hair. Practical actions
                                  that can be taken to prevent the introduction
                                  and spread of weeds include the use of clean
                                  seed (check the seed tag for weed-seed levels),
                                  cleaning equipment before moving from one
                                  field to the next, and composting manures that
                                  contain weed seeds before applying them to the

                                  Survival and germination of weed seeds in the
                                  soil depend on the weed species, depth of seed
                                  burial, soil type, and tillage. Seeds at or near
                                  the soil surface can easily be eaten by insects,
                                  rodents, or birds. Also, they may rot or germi-
                                  nate. Buried seeds are more protected from seed-
                                  eating animals and buffered from extremes of
                                  temperature and moisture. On average, about
                                  4% of broadleaf and 9% of grass weed seeds
                                  present in the soil germinate in a given year (5).

                                  Results from seed burial experiments demon-
                                  strated that seeds of barnyard grass and green
                                  foxtail buried at 10 inches showed germination
                                  rates of 34 to 38% when dug up and spread on
                                  the soil surface. In the same study, seed buried
                                  at one inch showed only one to five percent ger-
                                  mination. In another study, seeds were buried
                                  at different depths for a period of three years.
                                  Seed germination was greater with increasing
                                  depth of burial (3). These studies show that
                                  seeds near the surface face lots of hazards to
                                  their survival, while those buried deeply by till-
                                  age are more protected. When those deep-bur-

//PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                          PAGE 3
ied seed are plowed up to the surface again they   Manure application may stimulate weed ger-
have a good chance of germinating and              mination and growth. Studies have shown that
growing.                                           poultry manure does not contain viable weed
                                                   seeds, yet weed levels often increase rapidly in
Table 1 shows that viable weed seeds are widely    pastures following poultry manure application.
distributed in moldboard and ridge-till systems.   Since chickens and turkeys have a gizzard ca-
A higher percentage of seed remains near the       pable of grinding seeds, weed seeds are not likely
soil surface under chisel plow and no-till. The    to pass through their digestive systems intact.
moldboard plow and ridge-till systems are stir-    Additionally, most poultry rations contain few
ring the soil more, burying lots of weed seeds,    if any weed seeds. The weed germination is
and keeping weed seed more evenly distributed      probably caused by effects of ammonia on the
down to a six-inch depth.                          weed-seed bank already present in the soil. The
                                                   effect varies depending on the source of the lit-
                                                     ter and the weed species present. Manure
                                                     from hoofed livestock (e.g., sheep, cattle, and
                                                     horses), on the other hand, may indeed con-
                                                     tain weed seed that has passed through their
                                                     digestive systems. Composted manure con-
                                                     tains far fewer weed seeds than does raw ma-
                                                     nure because the heat generated during the
                                                     composting process kills them.

                                                   Fertilization practices can also affect weed ger-
After a seed is shed from the parent plant, it
                                                   mination. Where fertilizer is broadcast, the en-
can remain dormant or germinate. There are
                                                   tire weed community is fertilized along with the
several different types of dormancy. Seeds with
                                                   crop. Where fertilizer is banded in the row, only
hard seed coats possess “innate” dormancy.
                                                   the crop gets fertilized.
Several weed species, including pigweed, have
seed coats that require mechanical or chemical
                                                   Proactive Weed Management Strategies
injury and high-temperature drying to break
dormancy. Another type of innate dormancy          In the preceding sections, we saw how weeds
can best be described as after-ripening, mean-     are established and maintained by human ac-
ing the seed requires further development after    tivities. So, how do we begin to manage an
it falls off the plant before it will germinate.   unnatural system to our best benefit without
Several grass and mustard family weeds require     compromising the soil and water? We can start
after-ripening (7). “Induced” dormancy results     by putting the principles of ecology to work on
when seeds are exposed to unfavorable condi-       our behalf, while minimizing actions that only
tions, such as high temperatures, after being      address symptoms.
shed from the parent plant. “Enforced” dor-
mancy occurs when conditions favorable to                       Crops that kill weeds
weed germination are absent. The seeds remain
dormant until favorable conditions return. Al-     Some crops are especially useful because they
together, multiple types of dormancy ensure that   have the ability to suppress other plants that
some weed seeds will germinate and some will       attempt to grow around them. Allelopathy re-
remain dormant for later seasons.                  fers to a plant’s ability to chemically inhibit the
                                                   growth of other plants. Rye is one of the most
Some weed species are dependent on light for       useful allelopathic cover crops because it is win-
germination; some germinate in either light or     ter-hardy and can be grown almost anywhere.
darkness; others germinate only in the dark.       Rye residue contains generous amounts of al-
Thus, there are no hard and fast rules for man-    lelopathic chemicals. When left undisturbed on
aging an overall weed population according to      the soil surface, these chemicals leach out and
light sensitivity.                                 prevent germination of small-seeded weeds.
                                                   Weed suppression is effective for about 30 to 60

PAGE 4                                                      //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
days (8). If the rye is tilled into the soil, the ef-   cides on weed control in a tobacco study (11).
fect is lost.                                           Just the absence of tillage alone gave 68% grass
                                                        control and 71% broadleaf control.
Table 2 shows the effects of several cereal cover
crops on weed production. Note that tillage             In other studies, North Carolina researchers in-
alone, in the absence of any cover crop, more           vestigated combinations of herbicide use and
than doubled the number of weeds.                       cover crop plantings on weed control (12). Rye
                                                        and subterranean clover showed the highest
                                                        weed control without herbicides (Table 4). Nei-
                                                        ther provided as much control as herbicides,
                                                        however. Tillage reduced weed control consid-
                                                        erably where no herbicide was used, as com-
                                                        pared to no-tillage.

A weed scientist in Michigan (9) observed that
some large-seeded food crops planted into rye
mulch had high tolerance to the allelopathic
effects, while smaller-seeded crops had less tol-
erance. In the study, corn, cucumber, pea, and
snapbean no-till planted under rye mulch ger-
minated and grew as well or better than the
same crops planted no-till without mulch.
Smaller-seeded crops, including cabbage and
                                                        By season’s end the weed control resulting from
lettuce, showed much less germination, growth,
                                                        cover crops alone had decreased (Table 5). The
and yield. Weeds that were reduced by rye
                                                        researchers concluded that additional weed
mulch included ragweed (by 43%), pigweed
                                                        control measures must be applied with cover
(95%), and common purslane (100%).
                                                        crops to assure effective weed control and prof-
                                                        itable yields.
Dr. Doug Worsham, a North Carolina weed
scientist, concluded that leaving a small grain
mulch and not tilling gives 75 to 80% early-sea-
son reduction of broadleaf weeds (10). Table 3
shows the results of tillage, mulch, and herbi-

                                                        Other crops that have shown allelopathic effects
                                                        include sunflowers, sorghum, and rapeseed.
                                                        Weed control ability varies among varieties and
                                                        management practices. Sweet potatoes have
                                                        been shown to inhibit the growth of yellow nut-

          //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                                    PAGE 5
sedge, velvetleaf, and pigweed. Field trials
                                                                                    Smother Crops and Mulch
showed a 90% reduction of yellow nutsedge
over two years following sweet potatoes (13).        Certain crops can be used to smother weeds.
                                                     Short-duration plantings of buckwheat and sor-
Rapeseed, a type of mustard, has been used to        ghum-sudangrass, for example, smother weeds
control weeds in potatoes and corn under ex-         by growing faster and out-competing them. In
perimental conditions. All members of the mus-       northern states, oats are commonly planted as
tard family (Brassicaceae) contain mustard oils      a “nurse crop” for alfalfa, clover, and legume-
that inhibit plant growth and seed germination       grass mixtures—the oats simply take the place
(14). The concentration of allelopathic mustard      of weeds that would otherwise grow between
oils varies with species and variety of mustard.     the young alfalfa plants.

Researchers have begun to study ways to man-         With enough mulch, weed numbers can be
age mustard’s weed-suppressive abilities in crop     greatly reduced. Nebraska scientists applied
production. In a Pacific Northwest study, fall-      wheat straw in early spring to a field where
planted ‘Jupiter’ rapeseed and sundangrass           wheat had been harvested the previous August.
were evaluated for suppression of weeds grow-        At the higher straw rates, weed levels were re-
ing in spring-planted potatoes. In the spring,       duced by more than two thirds (see Figure 2).
the researchers either tilled or strip-killed the    Wheat, like rye, is also known to possess allelo-
rapeseed in preparation for potato planting. The     pathic qualities, which may have contributed
first year of the study, rapeseed reduced mid-       to the weed suppression.
season weed production 85% more than fallow-
ing. By the end of the season, weed production                                     Figure 2: Weed Levels at two
was reduced by 98% with rapeseed, but only                                           Nebraska Locations (16).
50% the second year. Potato yields are shown                             600
in Table 6.                                                                                                Sidney
                                                     Weed numbers/acre

                                                                         500                               North Platte




                                                                               0       0.75        1.5    2.25            3

                                                                                       Mulch rate - tons/acre

                                                                                              Crop Rotations
In general, typical levels of cover crop residues,
when left on the soil surface, can be expected to    Crop rotations limit the buildup of weed popu-
reduce weed emergence by 75 to 90% (15). As          lations and prevent major weed species shifts.
these residues decompose, the weed suppression       Weeds tend to prosper in crops that have re-
effect will decline also. Residues that are more     quirements similar to the weeds. Fields of an-
layered and more compressed will be more sup-        nual crops favor short-lived annual weeds,
pressive (15). Small-seeded weeds that have          whereas maintaining land in perennial crops
light requirements for sprouting are most sensi-     favors perennial weed species. Two examples
tive to cover crop residue. Larger-seeded an-        would be shattercane in continuous sorghum
nual and perennial weeds are least sensitive to      and downy brome in continuous winter wheat.
residue. Effective management strategies in-         In a crop rotation, the timing of cultivation,
clude growing cover crops that produce high          mowing, fertilization, herbicide application,
amounts of residue, growing slower-decompos-         and harvesting changes from year to year. Ro-
ing cover crops, packing the mulch down with         tation thus changes the growing conditions
implements that compress it, and using meth-         from year to year—a situation to which few
ods other than cover crops to control large-         weed species easily adapt. Rotations that in-
seeded annual and perennial weeds.                   clude clean-cultivated annual crops, tightly

PAGE 6                                                                             //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
spaced grain crops, and mowed or grazed pe-           drill would be plugged. Tractor tires will fol-
rennial sod crops create an unstable environ-         low the skips, resulting in no damage to the
ment for weeds. Additional weed control may           wheat.
be obtained by including short-season weed-
smothering crops such as sorghum-sudan or             Studies in Missouri and Ohio showed that wheat
buckwheat. Crop rotation has long been recog-         yields were three to six bushels per acre less
nized for this ability to prevent weeds from de-      when intercropped with soybeans than when
veloping to serious levels.                           solid-drilled and grown alone (18). Generally,
                                                      soybean yields are higher when intercropped
In a dryland wheat study, continuous winter           into wheat than when double cropped behind
wheat was compared to a rotation of winter            wheat in the central and northern Midwest,
wheat/proso millet/fallow or a winter wheat/          where double cropping is risky due to a shorter
sunflower/fallow rotation (17). The year be-          growing season. For more information on in-
fore, at the start of the study, the fields were in   tercropping, request the ATTRA publication
winter wheat and were sprayed with                    entitled Intercropping Principles and Production
Roundup™ (glyphosate) and 2,4-D. The sun-             Practices.
flowers were treated with Prowl™
(Pendimethalin). All other weed control was           Weed-Free by Design
by mechanical means, including a sweep and            Thus far, we’ve seen that weeds are a symptom
rodweeder as needed. During the two-year              of land management that defies nature’s design.
study, weed levels were 145 plants per square         Stirring the soil with tillage creates conditions
yard for the continuous wheat, 0.4 plants per         favorable for weed germination and survival.
square yard for the winter wheat/proso millet         Monocultures of annual crops hold natural
fallow system, and 0.3 for the winter wheat/          plant succession back and minimize biodiversity,
sunflower fallow system.                              inviting weed populations to thrive. When we
                                                      try to maintain bare ground, weeds grow to
                 Intercropping                        cover the soil and increase biodiversity.
Intercropping (growing two or more crops to-
gether) can be used as an effective weed con-         If we take a proactive approach to the whole
trol strategy. Having different plant types grow-     agricultural system, rather than just looking at
ing together enhances weed control by increas-        the parts, we can use the principles of nature to
ing shade and increasing crop competition with        our advantage instead of fighting them. We will
weeds through tighter crop spacing. Where one         never win the war against nature, and, she has
crop is relay-intercropped into another stand-        much more patience than we do. When we try
ing crop prior to harvest, the planted crop gets      to break the rules of nature, we end up break-
off to a weed-free start, having benefited from       ing ourselves against the rules.
the standing crop’s shading and competition
against weeds. Such is the case when soybeans         Let’s look at an agronomic system where—by
are interplanted into standing green wheat—           design—weeds simply are not a problem. One
the thick wheat stand competes well with weeds        of the biggest shortcomings in American agri-
while the soybeans are getting started. Plant-        culture is the separation of plant and animal
ing method, planting date, and variety must be        production. Commodity crop production of
well-planned in advance. Though soybeans can          corn, milo, and soybeans is really a component
be directly drilled into the standing green wheat,    of animal production because these crops are
less wheat damage occurs if the wheat is              largely fed to livestock. It seems inefficient to
planted in skiprows. Skiprows are created by          grow grains separately and haul them to ani-
plugging certain drop tube holes in the grain         mal-feeding facilities. At Shasta College in
drill. Soybeans can be planted with row units         Redding, California, Dr. Bill Burrows has de-
set at spacings matched to the skiprows in the        veloped a series of complementary crop and
wheat. For example, if the wheat is drilled on        animal systems. He plants a mixture of milo
7½-inch rows, to create a 30-inch row spacing         and cowpeas together, with no herbicide. The
for soybeans, every fourth drill hole in the wheat    milo and cowpeas are so vigorous they

          //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                                   PAGE 7
outcompete any weeds present. Here nature’s         The various tools available for weed manage-
principle of biodiversity is obeyed rather than     ment fall into two categories: those that enhance
fought with herbicides. Previously, when the        biodiversity in the field and those that reduce it
milo was grown separately, he had to spray for      (Table 7). This is not to imply a “good vs. bad”
greenbugs. After he started with the pea-milo       distinction. Rather it is meant to describe the
mixture, the greenbug problem disappeared.          effect of the tool on this important characteris-
When the milo and peas are mature, he com-          tic of the crop/weed interaction. In general, as
bines them. This produces a milo to pea ratio       plant diversity increases, weeds become less of
of 2/3 to 1/3, which is ideal for feed.             a problem.

After grain harvest he turns his animal mixture
of hogs, cattle, sheep, and chickens into the
standing crop stubble, thereby adding more di-
versity. All the waste grain is consumed by live-
stock, and the stubble trampled into the soil, at
a profit in animal gains to the farmer. What
few weeds may have grown up with the crop
can be eaten by the livestock. Under typical
single-crop scenarios, the waste grain would rot
in the field and the farmer might incur a
$6/acre stalk mowing cost. In this case, fol-
                                                    Weed Control Tools and Their Effects
lowing the principle of biodiversity increased
profit by lowering cost. Bill and his team de-                         Herbicides
signed weeds out of the system. Other oppor-
                                                    Since herbicide information is abundantly avail-
tunities exist to design weeds out of the farm-
                                                    able from other sources, it is not covered in de-
ing operation. These opportunities are limited
                                                    tail in this guide. Herbicides can be effective in
only by human creativity—the most
                                                    maintaining ground cover in no-till systems by
underutilized tool in the toolbox.
                                                    replacing tillage operations that would other-
                                                    wise create bare ground and stimulate more
Reactive Measures
                                                    weed growth. Until better weed management
The reactive paradigm of weed management is         approaches can be found, herbicides will con-
typified by the word control. This word assumes     tinue to remain in the toolbox of annual crop
that weeds are already present, or to be ex-        production. However, some farmers are realiz-
pected, and the task is to solve the problem        ing that with continued herbicide use, the weed
through intervention. Agriculture magazines         problems just get worse or at best stay about
are chock-full of advertisements promising sea-     the same. Nature never gives up trying to fill
son-long control, complete control, and control     the vacuum created by a simplified bare-ground
of your toughest weeds. These ads imply that        monoculture, and long-term use of the same
the secret is in the proper tank mix of herbi-      herbicide leads to resistant weeds, as they adapt
cides. Examining these ads from a cause-and-        to the selection pressure applied to them. But
effect standpoint, we might well conclude that      compared to tillage systems where bare ground
weeds are caused by a deficiency of herbicides      is maintained, herbicide use may be considered
in the field.                                       the lesser of two evils. At least where ground
                                                    cover is maintained, the soil is protected from
When selecting a tool for weed management, it       erosion for future generations to farm. There
helps to understand the weed’s growth stages        are many approaches to reducing costly herbi-
and to attack its weakest growth stage (the seed-   cide use, such as banding combined with
ling stage). Alternatively, management tech-        between-row cultivation, reduced rates, and
niques that discourage weed seed germination        using some of the other methods discussed
could be implemented. In so doing, a farmer         earlier.
can identify a means of control that requires the
least amount of resources.

PAGE 8                                                       //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
Least-toxic Herbicides                    knapweed, Centaurea maculosa, that has strong
Corn gluten meal has been used successfully on         herbicidal properties. Knapweed uses the
lawns and high-value crops as a pre-emergent           compound as an allelopathic method of
herbicide. It must be applied just prior to weed       competing with other plants. Several companies
seed germination to be effective. A common rate        are interested in producing an environmentally
is 40 pounds per 1000 square feet, which               friendly natural herbicide from the root exudate.
suppresses many common grasses and                     Since catechin is naturally occuring, new
herbaceous weeds (19). Two name brand weed             herbicides made from it may be eligible for EPA’s
control products containing corn gluten meal           fast-track approval process (21).
are WeedBan™ and Corn Weed Blocker™.
                                                                         Weeder Geese
Herbicidal soaps are available from Ringer
                                                       Weeder geese have been used successfully both
Corporation and from Mycogen. Scythe™,
                                                       historically and in more recent times. They are
produced by Mycogen, is made from fatty acids.
                                                       particularly useful on grass weeds (and some
Scythe acts fast as a broad-spectrum herbicide,
                                                       others, too) in a variety of crops. Chinese or
and results can often be seen in as little as five
                                                       African geese are favorite varieties for weeding
minutes. It is used as a post-emergent, sprayed
                                                       purposes. Young geese are usually placed in
directly on the foliage.
                                                       the fields at six to eight weeks of age. They work
                                                       well at removing weeds between plants in rows
Vinegar is an ingredient in several new
                                                       that cannot be reached by cultivators or hoes.
herbicides on the market today. Burnout™ and
                                                       If there are no trees in the field, temporary shade
Bioganic™ are two available brands. Both of
                                                       will be needed. Supplemental feed and water
these are post-emergent burndown herbicides.
                                                       must be provided as well. Water and feed con-
They are sprayed onto the plant to burn off top
                                                       tainers can be moved to concentrate the geese
growth—hence the concept “burndown.” As
                                                       in a certain area. A 24- to 30-inch fence is ad-
for any root-killing activity with these two
                                                       equate to contain geese. Marauding dogs and
herbicides, I cannot say. The label on Burnout™
                                                       coyotes can be a problem and should be planned
states that perennials may regenerate after a
                                                       for with electric fencing or guard animals. At
single application and require additional
                                                       the end of the season, bring geese in for fatten-
                                                       ing on grain. Carrying geese over to the next
                                                       season is not recommended, because older geese
Researchers in Maryland (20) tested 5% and 10%
                                                       are less active in hot weather than younger birds.
acidity vinegar for effectiveness in weed control.
                                                       Additionally, the cost of overwintering them
They found that older plants required a higher
                                                       outweighs their worth the next season. Geese
concentration of vinegar to kill them. At the
                                                       have been used on the following crops: cotton,
higher concentration, they got an 85 to 100%
                                                       strawberries, tree nurseries, corn (after lay-by),
kill rate. A 5% solution burned off the top
                                                       fruit orchards, tobacco, potatoes, onions, sugar
growth with 100% success. Household vinegar
                                                       beets, brambles, other small fruits, and orna-
is about 5% acetic acid. Burnout™ is 23% acetic
                                                       mentals. ATTRA can provide more informa-
acid. Bioganic™ contains 10% acetic acid plus
                                                       tion on weeder geese.
clove oil, thyme oil, and sodium lauryl sulfate.
AllDown Green Chemistry herbicide™ contains
acetic acid, citric acid, garlic, and yucca extract.                        Tillage
MATRAN™ contains 67% acetic acid and 34%               Tillage and cultivation are the most traditional
clove oil. Weed Bye Bye™ contains both vinegar         means of weed management in agriculture.
and lemon juice. Vinegar is corrosive to metal         Both expose bare ground, which is an invitation
sprayer parts the higher the acidity, the more         for weeds to grow. Bare ground also encourages
corrosive. Plastic equipment is recommended            soil erosion, speeds organic matter
for applying vinegar.                                  decomposition, disturbs soil biology, increases
                                                       water runoff, decreases water infiltration,
Dr. Jorge Vivanco of Colorado State University         damages soil structure, and costs money to
horticulture department isolated the compound          maintain (for fuel and machinery or for hand
“catechin,” a root exudate from spotted                labor). Some specific tillage guidelines and

          //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                                     PAGE 9
techniques for weed management include the            cessive pruning of crop roots. Earliest cultiva-
following:                                            tion should avoid throwing soil toward the crop
                                                      row, as this places new weed seed into the crop
• Preplant tillage. Where weeds such as               row where it may germinate before the crop
quackgrass or johnsongrass exist, spring-tooth        canopy can shade it out. Use row shields as
harrows and similar tools can be effective in         appropriate. As the crop canopy develops, soil
catching and pulling the rhizomes to the soil         should be thrown into the crop row to cover
surface, where they desiccate and die. Discing,       emerging weeds.
by contrast, tends to cut and distribute rhizomes
and may make the stand even more dense.               • Interrow cultivation is best done as soon as
                                                      possible after precipitation, once the soil is
• Blind tillage. Blind cultivation is a pre-emer-     dry enough to work. This avoids compaction,
gent and early post-emergent tillage operation        breaks surface crusting, and catches weeds as
for weed control. It usually employs either fin-      they are germinating—the most vulnerable
ger weeders, tine harrows, or rotary hoes. These      stage.
implements are run across the entire field, in-
cluding directly over the rows. The large-seeded      Generally speaking, tillage systems tend to dis-
corn, soybeans, or sunflowers survive with mini-      courage most biennial and perennial weed spe-
mal damage, while small-seeded weeds are eas-         cies, leaving annual weeds as the primary prob-
ily uprooted and killed. For corn, the first pass     lem. Exceptions to this are several weeds with
should be made between three and five days            especially resilient underground rhizome struc-
after planting and a second at the spike stage.       tures such as johnsongrass, field bindweed, and
Blind cultivation may continue until the crop is      quackgrass. Plowing of fields to bring up the
about five inches tall. For soybeans, the first       rhizomes and roots has been used to control
pass should be done when germinating crop             bindweed and quackgrass.
seedlings are still about ½ inch below the soil
surface, but not when the “hook” is actually          Another interesting application of timing to
emerging. The second pass should be done three        weed control is night tillage. Researchers have
to five days after soybean emergence, and twice       found that germination of some weed species is
later at four-day intervals. Sunflowers can be        apparently triggered by exposure to light. Till-
blind-tilled up to the six-leaf stage, giving them    age done in darkness exposes far fewer seeds to
an excellent head start on weeds. Grain sor-          light and reduces weed pressure. So far, small-
ghum may be rotary hoed prior to the spike            seeded broadleaf weeds (lambsquarter, rag-
stage, and again about one week after spike           weed, pigweed, smartweed, mustard, and black
stage. Because the seed is small, timing for          nightshade) appear to be most readily affected
blind-till in sorghum is very exacting. Post-emer-    (24).
gent blind tillage should be done in the hottest
part of the day, when crop plants are limber, to                        Flame weeding
avoid excessive damage. Rotary hoes, not har-         Preplant, pre-emergent, and post-emergent
rows, should be used if the soil is crusted or too    flame weeding has been successful in a number
trashy. Seeding rates should be increased 5 to        of crops. The preplant application has com-
10% to compensate for losses in blind cultiva-        monly been referred to as the “stale seedbed
tion (22, 23).                                        technique.” After seedbed tillage is completed,
                                                      weed seeds, mostly in the upper two inches of
• Row crop cultivation. Cultivation is best kept      the soil, are allowed to sprout. Assuming ad-
as shallow as possible to bring as few weed seeds     equate moisture and a minimum soil tempera-
as possible to the soil surface. Where perennial      ture of 50º F (to a depth of 2 inches), this should
rhizome weeds are a problem, the shovels far-         occur within two weeks. A fine to slightly com-
thest from the crop row may be set deeper on          pacted seedbed will germinate a much larger
the first cultivation to bring rhizomes to the sur-   number of weeds. The weeds are then “seared”
face. Tines are more effective than duck feet         with a flamer, or burned down with a broad-
sweeps for this purpose. Later cultivations           spectrum herbicide, preferably when the
should have all shovels set shallow to avoid ex-      populationInsteIn, Instead, the ridge-till planter

PAGE 10                                                         //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
population is between the first and fifth true-
leaf stages, a time when they are most suscep-
tible. The crop should then be seeded as soon
as possible, and with minimal soil disturbance
to avoid bringing new seed to the surface. For
the same reason, subsequent cultivations should
be shallow (less than 2 inches deep) (25).

Pre-emergent flaming may be done after seed-
ing, and in some crops post-emergent flaming
may be done as well. Flaming is often used as
a band treatment for the crop row, and usually
combined with interrow cultivation. Early
flaming may be done in corn when it is 1.5 to 2
inches high. The growing tip is beneath the
soil surface at this stage, and the crop readily
recovers from the leaf damage. Subsequent
post-emergent flamings may be done when corn
reaches 6–10 inches in height, and later at lay-
by. No flaming should be done when corn is at
approximately 4 inches high, as it is most vul-
nerable then. The burners are offset to reduce
turbulence and to avoid concentrating too
much heat on the corn. Water shields are avail-
able on some flame weeder models. Uniform
seedbed preparation and uniform tractor speed
are important elements in flaming. Hot and
dry weather appears to increase the efficacy of
flaming (26).

Searing the plant is much more successful than
charring. Excessive burning of the weeds of-
ten stimulates the roots and encourages re-
growth, in addition to using more fuel. Flam-
ing has generally proved most successful on
young broadleaf weeds. It is reportedly less       integrated approaches have been developed on-
successful on grasses, as the seedlings develop    farm, by farmers themselves. A useful book
a protective sheath around the growing tip         that spotlights farmers and other researchers
when they are about 1 inch tall (27). Some con-    and the integrated weed management strategies
cerns with the use of fire include possible crop   they are using is Controlling Weeds With Fewer
damage, potential dangers in fuel handling, and    Chemicals, available from the Rodale Institute
the cost of fuel. For more information on flame    (see Additional Resources). The next two
weeding, see the ATTRA publication Flame           examples are taken from this book.
Weeding for Agronomic Crops.
                                                   Dick and Sharon Thompson of Boone, Iowa,
Integrated Weed Management                         built a herbicide-free weed-management sys-
An integrated approach means assembling a          tem around ridge-till technology for corn and
weed management plan that incorporates a           soybeans. Fields are overseeded or drilled in
number of tools consistent with farm goals.        the fall with combinations of hairy vetch, oats,
Included are sanitation procedures, crop           and grain rye as a winter cover crop. The vetch
rotations, specialized tillage schemes, cover      provides nitrogen, while the grasses provide
crops, and herbicides. The best examples of        weed suppression and erosion protection. The
                                                   cover crop is not tilled in before planting.

         //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                                PAGE 11
skims off enough of the ridge top to create a        • Sustainable Soil Management
clean seeding strip. Subsequent passes with the        Assessing soil health; organic matter and
ridge-till cultivator eliminate any cover crop in      humus management; organic amendments;
the interrow area and help to re-shape the             soil organisms; aggregation; fertilizers;
ridges. The Thompsons estimate savings of $45          addtional resources.
to $48 per acre using their methods. “Walking
the Journey” is a 20-minute video chronicling        • Sustainable Corn and Soybean Production
the Thompson farm, available for $39. See Ad-          Weed, seed, and pest management; strip crop
ditional Resources for ordering information.           ping; farm experiences.

In Windsor, North Dakota, Fred Kirschen-             • Making the Transition to Sustainable
mann has developed a diverse rotation includ-          Farming
ing cool-weather crops like oats, rye, barley, and     Planning, key ideas for transitions, and
spring wheat, and warm-season crops like sun-          practices.
flower, buckwheat, and millet. He employs se-
lective timing to manage his principal weed          • Pursuing Conservation Tillage for Organic
problem, pigeon grass. By planting cool-               Crop Production
weather grains early, he can get a competitive         A look at the potential for applying conservation
jump on the weed, which requires somewhat              tillage to organic cropping systems.
warmer soil to germinate. The warm-season
crops do best long after pigeon grass has germi-     The following Current Topics are also available:
nated, however. He uses shallow pre-plant till-
age to control weeds in these crops.                 • Conservation Tillage
Kirschenmann also composts manure before             • Alternative Control of Johnsongrass
spreading it. One of the many advantages of          • Alternative Control of Field Bindweed
composting is the reduction of viable weed
seeds, which are killed by heat during the           References
curing process.
                                                     1) Barker, Joel A. 1993. Paradigms—The
                                                        Business of Discovering the Future. Harper
Don and Deloris Easdale of Hurdland, Missouri,
                                                        Business. New York. 240 p.
reduced their annual herbicide costs from
$10,000 to less than $1,000 in three years on
                                                     2) Savory, Allan. 1988. Holistic Resource
their 300-plus acres of grain crops (28). They
                                                        Management. Island Press. Washington,
use hairy vetch, winter rye, or Austrian winter
                                                        DC. 564 p.
peas in combination with their ridge-till system.
They flail chop hairy vetch or winter peas ahead
                                                     3) Wilson, Robert G. 1988. Biology of weed
of the ridge-till planter and plant directly into
                                                        seeds in the soil. p. 25–40. In: Miguel Altieri
the remaining cover crop residue. This practice
                                                        and Matt Liebman (eds.). Weed Manage-
eliminates using a burndown herbicide. The
                                                        ment in Agroecosystems: Ecological Ap-
legumes replace much of the nitrogen needed
                                                        proaches. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL.
for the corn or milo crop. Some liquid starter
                                                        354 p.
and liquid nitrogen is placed below the seed at
planting. They more than recover the seed costs
                                                     4) Stevens, O.A. 1954. Weed Seed Facts. North
of their cover crops in savings on fertilizer and
                                                         Dakota Agriculture College Extension
                                                         Circular. A-218. 4 p.
Other ATTRA Publications of Interest
                                                     5) Lehnert, Dick. 1996. Breaking the weed-
• Cover Crops and Green Manures                         seed bank. Soybean Digest. Mid-March.
  Uses, benefits, and limitations of cover crops        p. 52.
  and green manures; vegetation manage-
  ment; and sources of information.

PAGE 12                                                       //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
6) Clements, David R., Diane L. Benoit, Stephen      15) University of Connecticut IPM Program.
   D. Murphy, and Clarence J. Swanton. 1996.             No date. Contribution of cover crop
   Tillage effects on weed seed return and               mulches to weed management.
   seedbank composition. Weed Science. Vol-              <>.
   ume 44. p. 314–322.
                                                     16) Crutchfield, Donald A., Gail A. Wicks, and
7) Schlesselman, John T., Gary L. Ritenour, and          Orvin C. Burnside. 1985. Effect of winter
   Mahlon Hile. 1989. Cultural and physical              wheat straw mulch level on weed control.
   control methods. p. 45–62. In: Principles of          Weed Science. Volume 34. p. 110–114.
   Weed Control in California. Second edition.
   California Weed Conference. Thompson              17) Lyon, Drew J., and David D. Baltensperger.
   Publications. Fresno, CA.                             1995. Cropping systems control winter an-
                                                         nual grass weeds in winter wheat. Journal
8) Daar, Sheila. 1986. Update: Suppressing               of Production Agriculture. Vol. 8, No. 4. p.
   weeds with allelopathic mulches. The IPM              535–539.
   Practitioner. April. p. 1–4.
                                                     18) Helsel, Z.R. and T. Reinbott. Circa 1989.
9)    Putnam, Alan R., Joseph DeFrank, and Jane          Intercropping: planting soybeans into stand-
     P. Barnes. 1983. Exploitation of allelopa-          ing green wheat. University of Missouri
     thy for weed control in annual and peren-           Agronomy Department. University of Mis-
     nial cropping systems. Journal of Chemical          souri, Columbia, MO. 3 p.
     Ecology. Volume 9, Number 8. p. 1001–
     1010.                                           19) Quarles, William. 1999. Non-toxic weed
                                                         control in the lawn and garden. Common
10) Worsham, A.D. 1991. Allelopathic cover               Sense Pest Control Quarterly. Summer. p.
    crops to reduce herbicide input. Proceed-            4–14.
    ings of the Southern Weed Science Society.
    44th Annual. Volume 44. p. 58–69.                20) Anon. 2002. Vinegar wipes out thistles
                                                         organically. Stockman Grass Farmer. July.
11) Schilling, D.G., A.D. Worsham, and D.A.              p. 1.
    Danehower. 1986. Influence of mulch, till-
    age, and diphenamid on weed control, yield,      21) Malone, Marty. 2003. Uses for Knapweed?
    and quality in no-till, flue-cured tobacco.          The Ag Perspective. Park County Exten-
    Weed Science. Volume 34. p. 738–744.                 sion Service. Available online at:
12) Yenish, J.P., and A.D. Worsham. 1993.                News/Weed_news/weed_news.html.
    Replacing herbicides with herbage: poten-
    tial use for cover crops in no-tillage. p. 37-   22) Anon. 1991. Non-chemical weed control
    42. In: P.K. Bollich, (ed.) Proceedings of           for row crops. Sustainable Farming News.
    the Southern Conservation Tillage Confer-            September. p. 1–8.
    ence for Sustainable Agriculture. Monroe,
    LA. June 15–17.                                  23) Jordan, C. Wayne. 1981. Sunflower Pro-
                                                         duction In Mississippi. Cooperative Exten-
13) Anon. 1993. Sweet potato plants vs. weeds.           sion Service. Mississippi State University.
    HortIdeas. January. p. 8.                            Mississippi State, MS. 2 p.

14) Boydston, Rick, and Ann Hang. 1995.              24) Becker, Hank. 1996. Nightmare in tilling
    Rapeseed green manure crop suppresses                fields—a horror for weeds. Farmers’ Digest.
    weeds in potato. Weed Technology. Vol. 9.            March. p. 20–24.
    p. 669–675.
                                                     25) Pieri, Paul B. No date. Flame Weeding.
                                                         Maurolou Farm. Little Compton, RI. 6 p.

          //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                                                 PAGE 13
26) Cramer, Craig. 1990. Turbocharge your cul-     Cramer, Craig, and the New Farm Staff (eds.).
    tivator. New Farm. March–April.                1991. Controlling Weeds with Fewer Chemi-
    p. 27–30, 35.                                  cals. Rodale Institute, Kutztown, PA. 138 p.
                                                      Available for $14.95 from Rodale Institute (see
27) Drlik, Tanya. 1994. Non-toxic weed con-           address above).
    trol. The IPM Practitioner. October. p. 20.
                                                   Bowman, Greg (ed.). 1997. Steel in the Field.
28) Easdale, Deloris. 1996. Controlling weeds      Sustainable Agriculture Network Handbook
    and maintaining soil fertility with cover      # 2. 128 p.
    crops. National Conservation Tillage Digest.      This book is a farmer’s guide to weed manage-
    February. Vol. 3, No. 2. p. 28–30.                ment tools using cultivation equipment. Avail-
                                                      able for $18.00 + $3.95 shipping and handling
Additional Resources                                  from the Rodale Institute listed above or:
Shirley, C., and New Farm staff. 1993. What           Sustainable Agriculture Publications
Really Happens When You Cut Chemicals.                210 Hills Building
February. Vol. 3, No. 2. p. 28–30. 156 p.             University of Vermont
   This book contains a series of farmers’ ex-        Burlington, VT 05405-0082
   periences with adopting new strategies for         802-656-0484
   higher profits and lower input costs, while        E-mail:
   enhancing the environment. Available for 
   $14.95 from:
                                                   Walking the Journey: Sustainable Agriculture
   Rodale Institute
                                                   that Works. 1992.
   611 Siegfriedale Road
                                                      A 20–minute video of Dick and Sharon
   Kutztown, PA 19530
                                                      Thompson’s ridge-till farming in Iowa.
                                                      Available for $25 from:
   610-683-6009                     Extension Communications
   E-mail:                           Attention: Lisa Scarborough
                                                      3614 ASB, Room 1712
                                                      Iowa State University
                                                      Ames, IA 50011

PAGE 14                                                     //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
1. Does this publication provide the information you were look-
   ing for? How could it be improved?

2. Do you know a farmer who is implementing techniques dis-
   cussed in this publication? Can you provide their address
   and phone number?

3. Do you know of any related research that would add to the
   information presented here?

4. Do you know a good related website not listed in this publi-

5. Please add any other information or comments that you would
   wish to share.

//PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT                               PAGE 15

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Principles of Sustainable Weed Management for Croplands

  • 1. PRINCIPLES OF SUS TAINABLE WEED SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT FOR CROPL ANDS MANA FOR CROPL OPLANDS AGRONOMY SYSTEMS SERIES Abstract: To some extent, weeds are a result of crop production, but to a larger extent they are a consequence of management decisions. Managing croplands according to nature’s principles will reduce weed problems. And while these principles apply to most crops, this publication focuses on agronomic crops such as corn, soybeans, milo, and small grains. The opportunities to address the root causes of weeds are not always readily apparent, and often require some imagination to recognize. Creativity is key to taking advantage of these opportunities and devising sustainable cropping systems that prevent weed problems, rather than using quick-fix approaches. Annual monoculture crop production generally involves tillage that creates conditions hospitable to many weeds. This publication discusses several alternatives to conventional tillage systems, including allelopathy, intercropping, crop rotations, and a weed- free cropping design. A Resources list provides sources of further information. By Preston Sullivan boundaries within which we operate and the NCAT Agriculture Specialist rules for success within those boundaries. September 2003 The “weed control” paradigm is reactive— it addresses weed First, Free Your Brain problems by using As Iowa farmer Tom Frantzen poetically states: various tools and tech- “Free your brain and your behind will follow.” nologies. “How am I What Tom is referring to is discovering new para- gonna get rid of this vel- digms. Joel Barker, author of Paradigms—The vet-leaf?” and “How do Business of Discovering the Future (1), defines a I control foxtail?” are re- paradigm as a set of standards that establish the active statements. The conventional tools to “get rid of” or “control” Ta b le of Contents weeds—cultivation and herbicides—are reactive measures for solving the problem. The Successful Weed .................................. 2 The Root Cause of Weeds ........................... 2 Farmers would generally agree that weeds are Weed Seed Banks and Germination ............. 3 not in the field because of a deficiency of her- Proactive Weed Management ..................... 4 Weed-Free by Design .................................. 7 bicides or cultivation. Rather, weeds are the Reactive Measures ..................................... 8 natural result of defying nature’s preference Weed Control Tools and Their Effects .......... 8 for high species diversity and covered ground. Integrated Weed Management .................. 11 Nature is trying to move the system in one Other ATTRA Publications of Interest ........ 12 direction, the farmer in another. We create References ............................................... 12 weed problems through conventional crop Additional Resources ............................... 14 production methods. After we create these problems, we spend huge sums of money and labor trying to “control” them. ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information service operated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology under a grant from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not recommend or endorse products, companies, or individuals. ATTRA is headquartered in Fayetteville, Arkansas (P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702), with offices in Butte, Montana, and Davis, California.
  • 2. The opposite of reacive thinking is proactive converted from conventional tillage to no-till, thinking, by which we seek what we want the weed population generally shifts from an- through effective design and planning. A pro- nual to perennial weeds. Perennial weeds pos- active approach to weed management asks, sess many of the characteristics of annual “Why do I have weeds?” This publication will weeds: competitiveness, seed dormancy, and expose you to some proactive principles of crop- long-lived seed. In addition to these character- land management that can make weeds less of istics, many perennial weeds possess perennat- a problem. It also offers some reactive strate- ing parts such as stolons, bulbs, tubers, and rhi- gies to deal with the weeds that remain bother- zomes. These parts allow the parent plant to some. regenerate if damaged and to produce new plants from the parent plant without seed. The Successful Weed Additionally, the perennating parts serve as food storage units that also enhance survival. Weeds can be divided into two broad catego- These stored-food reserves allow for the rapid ries—annuals and perennials. Annual weeds regrowth perennial weeds are known for. are plants that produce a seed crop in one year, then die. They are well adapted to succeed in The Root Cause of Weeds highly unstable and unpredictable environments brought about by frequent tillage, drought, or When a piece of land is left fallow, it is soon other disturbance. They put much of their life covered over by annual weeds. If the field is cycle into making seed for the next generation. left undisturbed for a second year, briars and This survival strategy serves plants in disturbed brush start to grow. As the fallow period con- environments well, since their environment is tinues, the weed community shifts increasingly likely to be disturbed again. The annual plant toward perennial vegetation. By the fifth year, must make a crop of seed as soon as possible the field will host large numbers of young trees before the next disturbance comes. Annual in a forest region, or perennial grasses in a prai- plants also yield more seed than do perennial rie region. This natural progression of different plants, which is why humans prefer annual plant and animal species over time is a cycle over perennial crops for grain production. known as succession. This weed invasion, in all When we establish annual crop plants using till- its stages, can be viewed as nature’s means of age (i.e., disturbance) we also create an envi- restoring stability by protecting bare soils and ronment desirable for annual weeds. increasing biodiversity. Perennial weeds prosper in less-disturbed and Weeds are evidence of nature struggling to bring more stable environments. They are more com- about ecological succession. When we clear mon under no-till cropping systems. Their ob- native vegetation and establish annual crops, jective is to put some energy into preserving the we are holding back natural plant succession, parent plant while producing a modest amount at great cost in weed control. To better under- of seed for future generations. After a field is stand this process, think of succession as a coil spring. Managing cropland as an annual mo- noculture compresses the spring¾leaving it straining to release its energy as a groundcover of weeds. In contrast, a biodiverse perennial grassland or forest is like the coil spring in its uncompressed condition—a state of relative sta- bility with little energy for drastic change (Fig- ure 1) (2). Generally speaking, biodiversity leads to more stability for the ecosystem as a whole. Modern crop agriculture is typified by large acre- ages of a single plant type, accompanied by a high percentage of bare ground—the ideal en- vironment for annual weeds to prosper in the PAGE 2 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 3. Weed seed distribution and density in agricul- tural soils are influenced by cropping history and the management of adjacent landscapes, and may be highly variable. A study of western Nebraska cropland found 140 seeds per pound of surface soil, equivalent to 200 million seeds per acre (3). Redroot pigweed and common lambsquarter accounted for 86%. Growing without competition from other plants, a single redroot pigweed plant can produce more than 100,000 seeds, while a common lambsquarter plant can produce more than 70,000 seeds (4). New weed species can enter fields by many routes. Equipment moved from one field to the next—especially harvest equipment—spreads weed seeds, as does hay brought from one farm to another. Crop seed is often contaminated with weed seed, and livestock transport weed seeds from one farm to another in their diges- tive tracts and in their hair. Practical actions that can be taken to prevent the introduction and spread of weeds include the use of clean seed (check the seed tag for weed-seed levels), cleaning equipment before moving from one field to the next, and composting manures that contain weed seeds before applying them to the field. Survival and germination of weed seeds in the soil depend on the weed species, depth of seed burial, soil type, and tillage. Seeds at or near the soil surface can easily be eaten by insects, rodents, or birds. Also, they may rot or germi- nate. Buried seeds are more protected from seed- eating animals and buffered from extremes of temperature and moisture. On average, about 4% of broadleaf and 9% of grass weed seeds present in the soil germinate in a given year (5). Results from seed burial experiments demon- strated that seeds of barnyard grass and green foxtail buried at 10 inches showed germination rates of 34 to 38% when dug up and spread on the soil surface. In the same study, seed buried at one inch showed only one to five percent ger- mination. In another study, seeds were buried at different depths for a period of three years. Seed germination was greater with increasing depth of burial (3). These studies show that seeds near the surface face lots of hazards to their survival, while those buried deeply by till- age are more protected. When those deep-bur- //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 3
  • 4. ied seed are plowed up to the surface again they Manure application may stimulate weed ger- have a good chance of germinating and mination and growth. Studies have shown that growing. poultry manure does not contain viable weed seeds, yet weed levels often increase rapidly in Table 1 shows that viable weed seeds are widely pastures following poultry manure application. distributed in moldboard and ridge-till systems. Since chickens and turkeys have a gizzard ca- A higher percentage of seed remains near the pable of grinding seeds, weed seeds are not likely soil surface under chisel plow and no-till. The to pass through their digestive systems intact. moldboard plow and ridge-till systems are stir- Additionally, most poultry rations contain few ring the soil more, burying lots of weed seeds, if any weed seeds. The weed germination is and keeping weed seed more evenly distributed probably caused by effects of ammonia on the down to a six-inch depth. weed-seed bank already present in the soil. The effect varies depending on the source of the lit- ter and the weed species present. Manure from hoofed livestock (e.g., sheep, cattle, and horses), on the other hand, may indeed con- tain weed seed that has passed through their digestive systems. Composted manure con- tains far fewer weed seeds than does raw ma- nure because the heat generated during the composting process kills them. Fertilization practices can also affect weed ger- After a seed is shed from the parent plant, it mination. Where fertilizer is broadcast, the en- can remain dormant or germinate. There are tire weed community is fertilized along with the several different types of dormancy. Seeds with crop. Where fertilizer is banded in the row, only hard seed coats possess “innate” dormancy. the crop gets fertilized. Several weed species, including pigweed, have seed coats that require mechanical or chemical Proactive Weed Management Strategies injury and high-temperature drying to break dormancy. Another type of innate dormancy In the preceding sections, we saw how weeds can best be described as after-ripening, mean- are established and maintained by human ac- ing the seed requires further development after tivities. So, how do we begin to manage an it falls off the plant before it will germinate. unnatural system to our best benefit without Several grass and mustard family weeds require compromising the soil and water? We can start after-ripening (7). “Induced” dormancy results by putting the principles of ecology to work on when seeds are exposed to unfavorable condi- our behalf, while minimizing actions that only tions, such as high temperatures, after being address symptoms. shed from the parent plant. “Enforced” dor- mancy occurs when conditions favorable to Crops that kill weeds weed germination are absent. The seeds remain dormant until favorable conditions return. Al- Some crops are especially useful because they together, multiple types of dormancy ensure that have the ability to suppress other plants that some weed seeds will germinate and some will attempt to grow around them. Allelopathy re- remain dormant for later seasons. fers to a plant’s ability to chemically inhibit the growth of other plants. Rye is one of the most Some weed species are dependent on light for useful allelopathic cover crops because it is win- germination; some germinate in either light or ter-hardy and can be grown almost anywhere. darkness; others germinate only in the dark. Rye residue contains generous amounts of al- Thus, there are no hard and fast rules for man- lelopathic chemicals. When left undisturbed on aging an overall weed population according to the soil surface, these chemicals leach out and light sensitivity. prevent germination of small-seeded weeds. Weed suppression is effective for about 30 to 60 PAGE 4 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 5. days (8). If the rye is tilled into the soil, the ef- cides on weed control in a tobacco study (11). fect is lost. Just the absence of tillage alone gave 68% grass control and 71% broadleaf control. Table 2 shows the effects of several cereal cover crops on weed production. Note that tillage In other studies, North Carolina researchers in- alone, in the absence of any cover crop, more vestigated combinations of herbicide use and than doubled the number of weeds. cover crop plantings on weed control (12). Rye and subterranean clover showed the highest weed control without herbicides (Table 4). Nei- ther provided as much control as herbicides, however. Tillage reduced weed control consid- erably where no herbicide was used, as com- pared to no-tillage. A weed scientist in Michigan (9) observed that some large-seeded food crops planted into rye mulch had high tolerance to the allelopathic effects, while smaller-seeded crops had less tol- erance. In the study, corn, cucumber, pea, and snapbean no-till planted under rye mulch ger- minated and grew as well or better than the same crops planted no-till without mulch. Smaller-seeded crops, including cabbage and By season’s end the weed control resulting from lettuce, showed much less germination, growth, cover crops alone had decreased (Table 5). The and yield. Weeds that were reduced by rye researchers concluded that additional weed mulch included ragweed (by 43%), pigweed control measures must be applied with cover (95%), and common purslane (100%). crops to assure effective weed control and prof- itable yields. Dr. Doug Worsham, a North Carolina weed scientist, concluded that leaving a small grain mulch and not tilling gives 75 to 80% early-sea- son reduction of broadleaf weeds (10). Table 3 shows the results of tillage, mulch, and herbi- Other crops that have shown allelopathic effects include sunflowers, sorghum, and rapeseed. Weed control ability varies among varieties and management practices. Sweet potatoes have been shown to inhibit the growth of yellow nut- //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 5
  • 6. sedge, velvetleaf, and pigweed. Field trials Smother Crops and Mulch showed a 90% reduction of yellow nutsedge over two years following sweet potatoes (13). Certain crops can be used to smother weeds. Short-duration plantings of buckwheat and sor- Rapeseed, a type of mustard, has been used to ghum-sudangrass, for example, smother weeds control weeds in potatoes and corn under ex- by growing faster and out-competing them. In perimental conditions. All members of the mus- northern states, oats are commonly planted as tard family (Brassicaceae) contain mustard oils a “nurse crop” for alfalfa, clover, and legume- that inhibit plant growth and seed germination grass mixtures—the oats simply take the place (14). The concentration of allelopathic mustard of weeds that would otherwise grow between oils varies with species and variety of mustard. the young alfalfa plants. Researchers have begun to study ways to man- With enough mulch, weed numbers can be age mustard’s weed-suppressive abilities in crop greatly reduced. Nebraska scientists applied production. In a Pacific Northwest study, fall- wheat straw in early spring to a field where planted ‘Jupiter’ rapeseed and sundangrass wheat had been harvested the previous August. were evaluated for suppression of weeds grow- At the higher straw rates, weed levels were re- ing in spring-planted potatoes. In the spring, duced by more than two thirds (see Figure 2). the researchers either tilled or strip-killed the Wheat, like rye, is also known to possess allelo- rapeseed in preparation for potato planting. The pathic qualities, which may have contributed first year of the study, rapeseed reduced mid- to the weed suppression. season weed production 85% more than fallow- ing. By the end of the season, weed production Figure 2: Weed Levels at two was reduced by 98% with rapeseed, but only Nebraska Locations (16). 50% the second year. Potato yields are shown 600 in Table 6. Sidney Weed numbers/acre 500 North Platte 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 Mulch rate - tons/acre Crop Rotations In general, typical levels of cover crop residues, when left on the soil surface, can be expected to Crop rotations limit the buildup of weed popu- reduce weed emergence by 75 to 90% (15). As lations and prevent major weed species shifts. these residues decompose, the weed suppression Weeds tend to prosper in crops that have re- effect will decline also. Residues that are more quirements similar to the weeds. Fields of an- layered and more compressed will be more sup- nual crops favor short-lived annual weeds, pressive (15). Small-seeded weeds that have whereas maintaining land in perennial crops light requirements for sprouting are most sensi- favors perennial weed species. Two examples tive to cover crop residue. Larger-seeded an- would be shattercane in continuous sorghum nual and perennial weeds are least sensitive to and downy brome in continuous winter wheat. residue. Effective management strategies in- In a crop rotation, the timing of cultivation, clude growing cover crops that produce high mowing, fertilization, herbicide application, amounts of residue, growing slower-decompos- and harvesting changes from year to year. Ro- ing cover crops, packing the mulch down with tation thus changes the growing conditions implements that compress it, and using meth- from year to year—a situation to which few ods other than cover crops to control large- weed species easily adapt. Rotations that in- seeded annual and perennial weeds. clude clean-cultivated annual crops, tightly PAGE 6 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 7. spaced grain crops, and mowed or grazed pe- drill would be plugged. Tractor tires will fol- rennial sod crops create an unstable environ- low the skips, resulting in no damage to the ment for weeds. Additional weed control may wheat. be obtained by including short-season weed- smothering crops such as sorghum-sudan or Studies in Missouri and Ohio showed that wheat buckwheat. Crop rotation has long been recog- yields were three to six bushels per acre less nized for this ability to prevent weeds from de- when intercropped with soybeans than when veloping to serious levels. solid-drilled and grown alone (18). Generally, soybean yields are higher when intercropped In a dryland wheat study, continuous winter into wheat than when double cropped behind wheat was compared to a rotation of winter wheat in the central and northern Midwest, wheat/proso millet/fallow or a winter wheat/ where double cropping is risky due to a shorter sunflower/fallow rotation (17). The year be- growing season. For more information on in- fore, at the start of the study, the fields were in tercropping, request the ATTRA publication winter wheat and were sprayed with entitled Intercropping Principles and Production Roundup™ (glyphosate) and 2,4-D. The sun- Practices. flowers were treated with Prowl™ (Pendimethalin). All other weed control was Weed-Free by Design by mechanical means, including a sweep and Thus far, we’ve seen that weeds are a symptom rodweeder as needed. During the two-year of land management that defies nature’s design. study, weed levels were 145 plants per square Stirring the soil with tillage creates conditions yard for the continuous wheat, 0.4 plants per favorable for weed germination and survival. square yard for the winter wheat/proso millet Monocultures of annual crops hold natural fallow system, and 0.3 for the winter wheat/ plant succession back and minimize biodiversity, sunflower fallow system. inviting weed populations to thrive. When we try to maintain bare ground, weeds grow to Intercropping cover the soil and increase biodiversity. Intercropping (growing two or more crops to- gether) can be used as an effective weed con- If we take a proactive approach to the whole trol strategy. Having different plant types grow- agricultural system, rather than just looking at ing together enhances weed control by increas- the parts, we can use the principles of nature to ing shade and increasing crop competition with our advantage instead of fighting them. We will weeds through tighter crop spacing. Where one never win the war against nature, and, she has crop is relay-intercropped into another stand- much more patience than we do. When we try ing crop prior to harvest, the planted crop gets to break the rules of nature, we end up break- off to a weed-free start, having benefited from ing ourselves against the rules. the standing crop’s shading and competition against weeds. Such is the case when soybeans Let’s look at an agronomic system where—by are interplanted into standing green wheat— design—weeds simply are not a problem. One the thick wheat stand competes well with weeds of the biggest shortcomings in American agri- while the soybeans are getting started. Plant- culture is the separation of plant and animal ing method, planting date, and variety must be production. Commodity crop production of well-planned in advance. Though soybeans can corn, milo, and soybeans is really a component be directly drilled into the standing green wheat, of animal production because these crops are less wheat damage occurs if the wheat is largely fed to livestock. It seems inefficient to planted in skiprows. Skiprows are created by grow grains separately and haul them to ani- plugging certain drop tube holes in the grain mal-feeding facilities. At Shasta College in drill. Soybeans can be planted with row units Redding, California, Dr. Bill Burrows has de- set at spacings matched to the skiprows in the veloped a series of complementary crop and wheat. For example, if the wheat is drilled on animal systems. He plants a mixture of milo 7½-inch rows, to create a 30-inch row spacing and cowpeas together, with no herbicide. The for soybeans, every fourth drill hole in the wheat milo and cowpeas are so vigorous they //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 7
  • 8. outcompete any weeds present. Here nature’s The various tools available for weed manage- principle of biodiversity is obeyed rather than ment fall into two categories: those that enhance fought with herbicides. Previously, when the biodiversity in the field and those that reduce it milo was grown separately, he had to spray for (Table 7). This is not to imply a “good vs. bad” greenbugs. After he started with the pea-milo distinction. Rather it is meant to describe the mixture, the greenbug problem disappeared. effect of the tool on this important characteris- When the milo and peas are mature, he com- tic of the crop/weed interaction. In general, as bines them. This produces a milo to pea ratio plant diversity increases, weeds become less of of 2/3 to 1/3, which is ideal for feed. a problem. After grain harvest he turns his animal mixture of hogs, cattle, sheep, and chickens into the standing crop stubble, thereby adding more di- versity. All the waste grain is consumed by live- stock, and the stubble trampled into the soil, at a profit in animal gains to the farmer. What few weeds may have grown up with the crop can be eaten by the livestock. Under typical single-crop scenarios, the waste grain would rot in the field and the farmer might incur a $6/acre stalk mowing cost. In this case, fol- Weed Control Tools and Their Effects lowing the principle of biodiversity increased profit by lowering cost. Bill and his team de- Herbicides signed weeds out of the system. Other oppor- Since herbicide information is abundantly avail- tunities exist to design weeds out of the farm- able from other sources, it is not covered in de- ing operation. These opportunities are limited tail in this guide. Herbicides can be effective in only by human creativity—the most maintaining ground cover in no-till systems by underutilized tool in the toolbox. replacing tillage operations that would other- wise create bare ground and stimulate more Reactive Measures weed growth. Until better weed management The reactive paradigm of weed management is approaches can be found, herbicides will con- typified by the word control. This word assumes tinue to remain in the toolbox of annual crop that weeds are already present, or to be ex- production. However, some farmers are realiz- pected, and the task is to solve the problem ing that with continued herbicide use, the weed through intervention. Agriculture magazines problems just get worse or at best stay about are chock-full of advertisements promising sea- the same. Nature never gives up trying to fill son-long control, complete control, and control the vacuum created by a simplified bare-ground of your toughest weeds. These ads imply that monoculture, and long-term use of the same the secret is in the proper tank mix of herbi- herbicide leads to resistant weeds, as they adapt cides. Examining these ads from a cause-and- to the selection pressure applied to them. But effect standpoint, we might well conclude that compared to tillage systems where bare ground weeds are caused by a deficiency of herbicides is maintained, herbicide use may be considered in the field. the lesser of two evils. At least where ground cover is maintained, the soil is protected from When selecting a tool for weed management, it erosion for future generations to farm. There helps to understand the weed’s growth stages are many approaches to reducing costly herbi- and to attack its weakest growth stage (the seed- cide use, such as banding combined with ling stage). Alternatively, management tech- between-row cultivation, reduced rates, and niques that discourage weed seed germination using some of the other methods discussed could be implemented. In so doing, a farmer earlier. can identify a means of control that requires the least amount of resources. PAGE 8 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 9. Least-toxic Herbicides knapweed, Centaurea maculosa, that has strong Corn gluten meal has been used successfully on herbicidal properties. Knapweed uses the lawns and high-value crops as a pre-emergent compound as an allelopathic method of herbicide. It must be applied just prior to weed competing with other plants. Several companies seed germination to be effective. A common rate are interested in producing an environmentally is 40 pounds per 1000 square feet, which friendly natural herbicide from the root exudate. suppresses many common grasses and Since catechin is naturally occuring, new herbaceous weeds (19). Two name brand weed herbicides made from it may be eligible for EPA’s control products containing corn gluten meal fast-track approval process (21). are WeedBan™ and Corn Weed Blocker™. Weeder Geese Herbicidal soaps are available from Ringer Weeder geese have been used successfully both Corporation and from Mycogen. Scythe™, historically and in more recent times. They are produced by Mycogen, is made from fatty acids. particularly useful on grass weeds (and some Scythe acts fast as a broad-spectrum herbicide, others, too) in a variety of crops. Chinese or and results can often be seen in as little as five African geese are favorite varieties for weeding minutes. It is used as a post-emergent, sprayed purposes. Young geese are usually placed in directly on the foliage. the fields at six to eight weeks of age. They work well at removing weeds between plants in rows Vinegar is an ingredient in several new that cannot be reached by cultivators or hoes. herbicides on the market today. Burnout™ and If there are no trees in the field, temporary shade Bioganic™ are two available brands. Both of will be needed. Supplemental feed and water these are post-emergent burndown herbicides. must be provided as well. Water and feed con- They are sprayed onto the plant to burn off top tainers can be moved to concentrate the geese growth—hence the concept “burndown.” As in a certain area. A 24- to 30-inch fence is ad- for any root-killing activity with these two equate to contain geese. Marauding dogs and herbicides, I cannot say. The label on Burnout™ coyotes can be a problem and should be planned states that perennials may regenerate after a for with electric fencing or guard animals. At single application and require additional the end of the season, bring geese in for fatten- treatment. ing on grain. Carrying geese over to the next season is not recommended, because older geese Researchers in Maryland (20) tested 5% and 10% are less active in hot weather than younger birds. acidity vinegar for effectiveness in weed control. Additionally, the cost of overwintering them They found that older plants required a higher outweighs their worth the next season. Geese concentration of vinegar to kill them. At the have been used on the following crops: cotton, higher concentration, they got an 85 to 100% strawberries, tree nurseries, corn (after lay-by), kill rate. A 5% solution burned off the top fruit orchards, tobacco, potatoes, onions, sugar growth with 100% success. Household vinegar beets, brambles, other small fruits, and orna- is about 5% acetic acid. Burnout™ is 23% acetic mentals. ATTRA can provide more informa- acid. Bioganic™ contains 10% acetic acid plus tion on weeder geese. clove oil, thyme oil, and sodium lauryl sulfate. AllDown Green Chemistry herbicide™ contains acetic acid, citric acid, garlic, and yucca extract. Tillage MATRAN™ contains 67% acetic acid and 34% Tillage and cultivation are the most traditional clove oil. Weed Bye Bye™ contains both vinegar means of weed management in agriculture. and lemon juice. Vinegar is corrosive to metal Both expose bare ground, which is an invitation sprayer parts the higher the acidity, the more for weeds to grow. Bare ground also encourages corrosive. Plastic equipment is recommended soil erosion, speeds organic matter for applying vinegar. decomposition, disturbs soil biology, increases water runoff, decreases water infiltration, Dr. Jorge Vivanco of Colorado State University damages soil structure, and costs money to horticulture department isolated the compound maintain (for fuel and machinery or for hand “catechin,” a root exudate from spotted labor). Some specific tillage guidelines and //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 9
  • 10. techniques for weed management include the cessive pruning of crop roots. Earliest cultiva- following: tion should avoid throwing soil toward the crop row, as this places new weed seed into the crop • Preplant tillage. Where weeds such as row where it may germinate before the crop quackgrass or johnsongrass exist, spring-tooth canopy can shade it out. Use row shields as harrows and similar tools can be effective in appropriate. As the crop canopy develops, soil catching and pulling the rhizomes to the soil should be thrown into the crop row to cover surface, where they desiccate and die. Discing, emerging weeds. by contrast, tends to cut and distribute rhizomes and may make the stand even more dense. • Interrow cultivation is best done as soon as possible after precipitation, once the soil is • Blind tillage. Blind cultivation is a pre-emer- dry enough to work. This avoids compaction, gent and early post-emergent tillage operation breaks surface crusting, and catches weeds as for weed control. It usually employs either fin- they are germinating—the most vulnerable ger weeders, tine harrows, or rotary hoes. These stage. implements are run across the entire field, in- cluding directly over the rows. The large-seeded Generally speaking, tillage systems tend to dis- corn, soybeans, or sunflowers survive with mini- courage most biennial and perennial weed spe- mal damage, while small-seeded weeds are eas- cies, leaving annual weeds as the primary prob- ily uprooted and killed. For corn, the first pass lem. Exceptions to this are several weeds with should be made between three and five days especially resilient underground rhizome struc- after planting and a second at the spike stage. tures such as johnsongrass, field bindweed, and Blind cultivation may continue until the crop is quackgrass. Plowing of fields to bring up the about five inches tall. For soybeans, the first rhizomes and roots has been used to control pass should be done when germinating crop bindweed and quackgrass. seedlings are still about ½ inch below the soil surface, but not when the “hook” is actually Another interesting application of timing to emerging. The second pass should be done three weed control is night tillage. Researchers have to five days after soybean emergence, and twice found that germination of some weed species is later at four-day intervals. Sunflowers can be apparently triggered by exposure to light. Till- blind-tilled up to the six-leaf stage, giving them age done in darkness exposes far fewer seeds to an excellent head start on weeds. Grain sor- light and reduces weed pressure. So far, small- ghum may be rotary hoed prior to the spike seeded broadleaf weeds (lambsquarter, rag- stage, and again about one week after spike weed, pigweed, smartweed, mustard, and black stage. Because the seed is small, timing for nightshade) appear to be most readily affected blind-till in sorghum is very exacting. Post-emer- (24). gent blind tillage should be done in the hottest part of the day, when crop plants are limber, to Flame weeding avoid excessive damage. Rotary hoes, not har- Preplant, pre-emergent, and post-emergent rows, should be used if the soil is crusted or too flame weeding has been successful in a number trashy. Seeding rates should be increased 5 to of crops. The preplant application has com- 10% to compensate for losses in blind cultiva- monly been referred to as the “stale seedbed tion (22, 23). technique.” After seedbed tillage is completed, weed seeds, mostly in the upper two inches of • Row crop cultivation. Cultivation is best kept the soil, are allowed to sprout. Assuming ad- as shallow as possible to bring as few weed seeds equate moisture and a minimum soil tempera- as possible to the soil surface. Where perennial ture of 50º F (to a depth of 2 inches), this should rhizome weeds are a problem, the shovels far- occur within two weeks. A fine to slightly com- thest from the crop row may be set deeper on pacted seedbed will germinate a much larger the first cultivation to bring rhizomes to the sur- number of weeds. The weeds are then “seared” face. Tines are more effective than duck feet with a flamer, or burned down with a broad- sweeps for this purpose. Later cultivations spectrum herbicide, preferably when the should have all shovels set shallow to avoid ex- populationInsteIn, Instead, the ridge-till planter PAGE 10 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 11. population is between the first and fifth true- leaf stages, a time when they are most suscep- tible. The crop should then be seeded as soon as possible, and with minimal soil disturbance to avoid bringing new seed to the surface. For the same reason, subsequent cultivations should be shallow (less than 2 inches deep) (25). Pre-emergent flaming may be done after seed- ing, and in some crops post-emergent flaming may be done as well. Flaming is often used as a band treatment for the crop row, and usually combined with interrow cultivation. Early flaming may be done in corn when it is 1.5 to 2 inches high. The growing tip is beneath the soil surface at this stage, and the crop readily recovers from the leaf damage. Subsequent post-emergent flamings may be done when corn reaches 6–10 inches in height, and later at lay- by. No flaming should be done when corn is at approximately 4 inches high, as it is most vul- nerable then. The burners are offset to reduce turbulence and to avoid concentrating too much heat on the corn. Water shields are avail- able on some flame weeder models. Uniform seedbed preparation and uniform tractor speed are important elements in flaming. Hot and dry weather appears to increase the efficacy of flaming (26). Searing the plant is much more successful than charring. Excessive burning of the weeds of- ten stimulates the roots and encourages re- growth, in addition to using more fuel. Flam- ing has generally proved most successful on young broadleaf weeds. It is reportedly less integrated approaches have been developed on- successful on grasses, as the seedlings develop farm, by farmers themselves. A useful book a protective sheath around the growing tip that spotlights farmers and other researchers when they are about 1 inch tall (27). Some con- and the integrated weed management strategies cerns with the use of fire include possible crop they are using is Controlling Weeds With Fewer damage, potential dangers in fuel handling, and Chemicals, available from the Rodale Institute the cost of fuel. For more information on flame (see Additional Resources). The next two weeding, see the ATTRA publication Flame examples are taken from this book. Weeding for Agronomic Crops. Dick and Sharon Thompson of Boone, Iowa, Integrated Weed Management built a herbicide-free weed-management sys- An integrated approach means assembling a tem around ridge-till technology for corn and weed management plan that incorporates a soybeans. Fields are overseeded or drilled in number of tools consistent with farm goals. the fall with combinations of hairy vetch, oats, Included are sanitation procedures, crop and grain rye as a winter cover crop. The vetch rotations, specialized tillage schemes, cover provides nitrogen, while the grasses provide crops, and herbicides. The best examples of weed suppression and erosion protection. The cover crop is not tilled in before planting. //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 11
  • 12. skims off enough of the ridge top to create a • Sustainable Soil Management clean seeding strip. Subsequent passes with the Assessing soil health; organic matter and ridge-till cultivator eliminate any cover crop in humus management; organic amendments; the interrow area and help to re-shape the soil organisms; aggregation; fertilizers; ridges. The Thompsons estimate savings of $45 addtional resources. to $48 per acre using their methods. “Walking the Journey” is a 20-minute video chronicling • Sustainable Corn and Soybean Production the Thompson farm, available for $39. See Ad- Weed, seed, and pest management; strip crop ditional Resources for ordering information. ping; farm experiences. In Windsor, North Dakota, Fred Kirschen- • Making the Transition to Sustainable mann has developed a diverse rotation includ- Farming ing cool-weather crops like oats, rye, barley, and Planning, key ideas for transitions, and spring wheat, and warm-season crops like sun- practices. flower, buckwheat, and millet. He employs se- lective timing to manage his principal weed • Pursuing Conservation Tillage for Organic problem, pigeon grass. By planting cool- Crop Production weather grains early, he can get a competitive A look at the potential for applying conservation jump on the weed, which requires somewhat tillage to organic cropping systems. warmer soil to germinate. The warm-season crops do best long after pigeon grass has germi- The following Current Topics are also available: nated, however. He uses shallow pre-plant till- age to control weeds in these crops. • Conservation Tillage Kirschenmann also composts manure before • Alternative Control of Johnsongrass spreading it. One of the many advantages of • Alternative Control of Field Bindweed composting is the reduction of viable weed seeds, which are killed by heat during the References curing process. 1) Barker, Joel A. 1993. Paradigms—The Business of Discovering the Future. Harper Don and Deloris Easdale of Hurdland, Missouri, Business. New York. 240 p. reduced their annual herbicide costs from $10,000 to less than $1,000 in three years on 2) Savory, Allan. 1988. Holistic Resource their 300-plus acres of grain crops (28). They Management. Island Press. Washington, use hairy vetch, winter rye, or Austrian winter DC. 564 p. peas in combination with their ridge-till system. They flail chop hairy vetch or winter peas ahead 3) Wilson, Robert G. 1988. Biology of weed of the ridge-till planter and plant directly into seeds in the soil. p. 25–40. In: Miguel Altieri the remaining cover crop residue. This practice and Matt Liebman (eds.). Weed Manage- eliminates using a burndown herbicide. The ment in Agroecosystems: Ecological Ap- legumes replace much of the nitrogen needed proaches. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL. for the corn or milo crop. Some liquid starter 354 p. and liquid nitrogen is placed below the seed at planting. They more than recover the seed costs 4) Stevens, O.A. 1954. Weed Seed Facts. North of their cover crops in savings on fertilizer and Dakota Agriculture College Extension herbicide. Circular. A-218. 4 p. Other ATTRA Publications of Interest 5) Lehnert, Dick. 1996. Breaking the weed- • Cover Crops and Green Manures seed bank. Soybean Digest. Mid-March. Uses, benefits, and limitations of cover crops p. 52. and green manures; vegetation manage- ment; and sources of information. PAGE 12 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 13. 6) Clements, David R., Diane L. Benoit, Stephen 15) University of Connecticut IPM Program. D. Murphy, and Clarence J. Swanton. 1996. No date. Contribution of cover crop Tillage effects on weed seed return and mulches to weed management. seedbank composition. Weed Science. Vol- <>. ume 44. p. 314–322. 16) Crutchfield, Donald A., Gail A. Wicks, and 7) Schlesselman, John T., Gary L. Ritenour, and Orvin C. Burnside. 1985. Effect of winter Mahlon Hile. 1989. Cultural and physical wheat straw mulch level on weed control. control methods. p. 45–62. In: Principles of Weed Science. Volume 34. p. 110–114. Weed Control in California. Second edition. California Weed Conference. Thompson 17) Lyon, Drew J., and David D. Baltensperger. Publications. Fresno, CA. 1995. Cropping systems control winter an- nual grass weeds in winter wheat. Journal 8) Daar, Sheila. 1986. Update: Suppressing of Production Agriculture. Vol. 8, No. 4. p. weeds with allelopathic mulches. The IPM 535–539. Practitioner. April. p. 1–4. 18) Helsel, Z.R. and T. Reinbott. Circa 1989. 9) Putnam, Alan R., Joseph DeFrank, and Jane Intercropping: planting soybeans into stand- P. Barnes. 1983. Exploitation of allelopa- ing green wheat. University of Missouri thy for weed control in annual and peren- Agronomy Department. University of Mis- nial cropping systems. Journal of Chemical souri, Columbia, MO. 3 p. Ecology. Volume 9, Number 8. p. 1001– 1010. 19) Quarles, William. 1999. Non-toxic weed control in the lawn and garden. Common 10) Worsham, A.D. 1991. Allelopathic cover Sense Pest Control Quarterly. Summer. p. crops to reduce herbicide input. Proceed- 4–14. ings of the Southern Weed Science Society. 44th Annual. Volume 44. p. 58–69. 20) Anon. 2002. Vinegar wipes out thistles organically. Stockman Grass Farmer. July. 11) Schilling, D.G., A.D. Worsham, and D.A. p. 1. Danehower. 1986. Influence of mulch, till- age, and diphenamid on weed control, yield, 21) Malone, Marty. 2003. Uses for Knapweed? and quality in no-till, flue-cured tobacco. The Ag Perspective. Park County Exten- Weed Science. Volume 34. p. 738–744. sion Service. Available online at: 12) Yenish, J.P., and A.D. Worsham. 1993. News/Weed_news/weed_news.html. Replacing herbicides with herbage: poten- tial use for cover crops in no-tillage. p. 37- 22) Anon. 1991. Non-chemical weed control 42. In: P.K. Bollich, (ed.) Proceedings of for row crops. Sustainable Farming News. the Southern Conservation Tillage Confer- September. p. 1–8. ence for Sustainable Agriculture. Monroe, LA. June 15–17. 23) Jordan, C. Wayne. 1981. Sunflower Pro- duction In Mississippi. Cooperative Exten- 13) Anon. 1993. Sweet potato plants vs. weeds. sion Service. Mississippi State University. HortIdeas. January. p. 8. Mississippi State, MS. 2 p. 14) Boydston, Rick, and Ann Hang. 1995. 24) Becker, Hank. 1996. Nightmare in tilling Rapeseed green manure crop suppresses fields—a horror for weeds. Farmers’ Digest. weeds in potato. Weed Technology. Vol. 9. March. p. 20–24. p. 669–675. 25) Pieri, Paul B. No date. Flame Weeding. Maurolou Farm. Little Compton, RI. 6 p. //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 13
  • 14. 26) Cramer, Craig. 1990. Turbocharge your cul- Cramer, Craig, and the New Farm Staff (eds.). tivator. New Farm. March–April. 1991. Controlling Weeds with Fewer Chemi- p. 27–30, 35. cals. Rodale Institute, Kutztown, PA. 138 p. Available for $14.95 from Rodale Institute (see 27) Drlik, Tanya. 1994. Non-toxic weed con- address above). trol. The IPM Practitioner. October. p. 20. Bowman, Greg (ed.). 1997. Steel in the Field. 28) Easdale, Deloris. 1996. Controlling weeds Sustainable Agriculture Network Handbook and maintaining soil fertility with cover # 2. 128 p. crops. National Conservation Tillage Digest. This book is a farmer’s guide to weed manage- February. Vol. 3, No. 2. p. 28–30. ment tools using cultivation equipment. Avail- able for $18.00 + $3.95 shipping and handling Additional Resources from the Rodale Institute listed above or: Shirley, C., and New Farm staff. 1993. What Sustainable Agriculture Publications Really Happens When You Cut Chemicals. 210 Hills Building February. Vol. 3, No. 2. p. 28–30. 156 p. University of Vermont This book contains a series of farmers’ ex- Burlington, VT 05405-0082 periences with adopting new strategies for 802-656-0484 higher profits and lower input costs, while E-mail: enhancing the environment. Available for $14.95 from: Walking the Journey: Sustainable Agriculture Rodale Institute that Works. 1992. 611 Siegfriedale Road A 20–minute video of Dick and Sharon Kutztown, PA 19530 Thompson’s ridge-till farming in Iowa. 800-832-6285 Available for $25 from: 610-683-6009 Extension Communications E-mail: Attention: Lisa Scarborough 3614 ASB, Room 1712 Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 515-294-4972 PAGE 14 //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT
  • 15. Feedback 1. Does this publication provide the information you were look- ing for? How could it be improved? 2. Do you know a farmer who is implementing techniques dis- cussed in this publication? Can you provide their address and phone number? 3. Do you know of any related research that would add to the information presented here? 4. Do you know a good related website not listed in this publi- cation? 5. Please add any other information or comments that you would wish to share. //PRINCIPLES OF WEED MANAGEMENT PAGE 15