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Potatoes: Organic
                                                 Production and Marketing
    A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •
By Rex Dufour,                                   This publication outlines approaches to organic and sustainable potato production. Practices
Tammy Hinman and                                 include fertility and nutrient management; organic and biorational pest management for insects,
Jeff Schahczenski                                 diseases and weeds; and storage and marketing.
NCAT Agriculture
Specialists                                      Introduction                                     organic potato sales appear to be strong,
© 2009 NCAT                                      This publication outlines many of the            it can be difficult to enter wholesale mar-
                                                 practices used in organic and sustainable        kets due to storage complications and
                                                 potato production. While organic potato          market control. These factors are
  Table of Contents                              production can yield a premium price             discussed in greater detail as well.
Section I:                                       for your product, the production consid-         Because each farm is a unique combi-
Organic production                               erations are significant. This publication        nation of soil, climate, environment,
overview ...................................1
                                                 discusses organic soil and pest manage-          management and marketing techniques,
Fertility and nutrient
management ..........................3           ment strategies that help ensure growth          it is important to plan and assess which
 Organic matter ...................4             of healthy and vigorous plants. Strategies       practices described here are appropriate
 Rotations ...............................4      include choosing potato varieties suitable       for a particular farm. There are numerous
Section II ..................................9
                                                 for the area and intended use; using dis-        potato production manuals that are spe-
Weed management .............9                   ease-free seed potato sources; appropri-         cific to regions within the United States.
Nematode management ...9                         ate soil fertility and management; weed,         For further information on region-specific
Disease management ...... 10                     disease and insect control; harvesting           and potato production in general, within
Insect management...........14                   methods and crop storage.                        your region, consult your local Coopera-
Section III ............................. 21     Economic and market evaluation are               tive Extension Service or call the ATTRA
Harvesting ............................ 21       equally important topics in organic              information line at 1-800-346-9140 for
Storage................................... 23
Economics and marketing
                                                 potato production. While direct-marketed         county extension office contacts.
of organic potato

                                                 Section I
production ........................... 23
 Profile of organic potato
 grower: Gene Thiel ......... 26
 Profile of organic potato
 grower: Mike Heath........ 30                   Organic production overview                      analyses and nutrient crediting help pro-
                                                                                                  ducers avoid excess fertilizer applications.
References .............................31       Organic farmers adhere to certification
Further resources ............... 33                                                              Sustainable farming methods also include
                                                 guidelines that exclude the use of syn-
                                                 thetic fertilizers and pesticides. Producers
                                                 using these techniques are able to market
                                                 their products as organic if they have gone
                                                 through a certification process. If you are
                                                 interested in becoming certified organic,
ATTRA—National Sustainable                       ATTRA has many publications that can
Agriculture Information Service
( is managed
                                                 help you through the transition process.
by the National Center for Appro-                The ATTRA publication Guide to ATTRA’s
priate Technology (NCAT) and is
funded under a grant from the
                                                 Organic Publications will help you get off
United States Department of                      to the right start.
Agriculture’s Rural Business-
Cooperative Service. Visit the
NCAT Web site (
                                                 Organic production practices maximize
sarc_current.php) for                            the use and recycling of on-farm nutri-
more information on
our sustainable agri-
                                                 ent sources, including animal and green          Potato plant. Photo by Dianne Earl. Courtesy of the
culture projects.                                manures. Techniques such as accurate soil        National Education Network.
soil-building and -conserving practices                 interested in transitioning to organic
                            such as adding organic matter and                       potato production.
                            minimum-tillage approaches. Biointensive
                                                                                    The National Organic Program certi-
                            integrated pest management is also a sus-
                                                                                    fication standards require producers
                            tainable farming method.
                                                                                    to grow potatoes from organically certified
                            The primary goal of biointensive IPM                    seed potatoes. The limited availability
                            is to provide guidelines and options for                of organic potato seed stock may limit
                            the effective management of pests and                   the selection of specific varieties and
                            beneficial organisms in an ecological context.           larger quantities.
                            The flexibility and environmental compati-
Related ATTRA               bility of a biointensive IPM strategy makes it
                            Zuseful in all types of cropping systems.                 Organic seed potato stock must be sourced
Sustainable Soil            See the ATTRA publication Biointensive                    for certified organic production unless
Management                  Integrated Pest Management for more infor-                organic seed stock is not available in the
                                                                                      same quality, quantity or form as nonorganic
Biointensive                mation on this subject.
                                                                                      stock. Examples of the quality, quantity and
Integrated Pest
Management                  Two important factors that contribute to                  form clauses are:
                            developing a sustainable and profitable farm-              Quality: The same quality, such as non-
Guide to ATTRA’s            ing system are willingness to experiment with             certified seed or disease-free seed, of potato
Organic Publications
                            new or different farming practices and the                seed is not available .
Farm-Scale Composting       ability to observe how management practices               Quantity: The desired variety is not available
Resource List               influence the farm ecosystem. Talk with                    as in commercial quantities.
Overview of Cover           growers experienced in using sustainable                  Form: The same variety that you typically
Crops and Green             techniques to find what methods will work in               grow is not available.
Manures                     your region. This publication includes three
Intercropping Principles
                            profi les of growers throughout the country
and Production              who are producing organic potatoes. There               If you source nonorganic seed due to any
Practices                   is also a list of experienced organic grow-             reason listed above, you must document that
                            ers in the Further resources section of                 you researched at least three different seed
Principles of Sustainable
                            this publication. These growers agreed to               sources to fi nd organic seed and that the
Weed Management
for Croplands
                            be a resource for new farmers or farmers                same quality, quantity or form is not avail-
Flame Weeding for
                                                                                    able from those sources. Also, all non-cer-
Agronomic Crops                                                                     tified seed must be sourced as untreated if
                                                                                    organic seed is not commercially available
Nematodes:                                                                          (King, 2006).
Alternative Controls
Colorado Potato Beetle:
                                                                                    Another consideration when buying seed
Organic Options                                                                     is ensuring that the seed is certified as
                                                                                    disease free (Charlton, 2008). If certi-
Farmscaping to                                                                      fied disease-free seed is not available in
Enhance Biological
                                                                                    the organic form, seed can be purchased
                                                                                    from a nonorganic source as allowed in
Notes on Compost Tea                                                                the quality stipulation of the National
                                                                                    Organic Program (NOP, 2006).
                                                                                    An excerpt from the National Organic
                                                                                    Program regulations states:
                                                                                    § 205.204 Seeds and planting stock
                            Organic potato stock is required by the National        practice standard
                            Organic Program unless you demonstrate the same
                            variety, quantity or quality is not available from an
                                                                                    (a) The producer must use organically
                            organic seed supplier. Photo by Neva Hassanein,         grown seeds, annual seedlings and plant-
                            courtesy of Community Food and Agriculture Coalition.   ing stock, except that,
Page 2         ATTRA                                                                Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
(1) Nonorganically produced, untreated                 has been granted in accordance with
seeds and planting stock may be used to                § 205.290(a)(2);
produce an organic crop when an equivalent
                                                       (4) Nonorganically produced planting stock
organically produced variety is not commer-
                                                       to be used to produce a perennial crop may
cially available, except that organically pro-
                                                       be sold, labeled or represented as organi-
duced seed must be used for the production
                                                       cally produced only after the planting stock
of edible sprouts;
                                                       has been maintained under a system of
(2) Nonorganically produced seeds and                  organic management for a period of no less
planting stock that have been treated with             than one year; and
a substance included on the National List
                                                       (5) Seeds, annual seedlings and planting
of synthetic substances allowed for use in
                                                       stock treated with prohibited substances
organic crop production may be used to
                                                       may be used to produce an organic crop
produce an organic crop when an equiva-
                                                       when the application of the materials is a
lent organically produced or untreated vari-
                                                       requirement of federal or state phytosani-
ety is not commercially available;
                                                       tary regulations (2006).
(3) Nonorganically produced annual
seedlings may be used to produce an                    Fertility and nutrient
organic crop when a temporary variance
                                                       Potatoes have high nitrogen and potas-
                                                       sium requirements. These can be met
  Certified seed and certified organic                   by using manures, compost and crop
  seed stock: What’s the difference?                    rotations, which are detailed in the later
   The Western Organic Potato Pest Manage-             sections. You can assess soil nutrient
  ment Strategic Plan offers clarification to            levels with a soil test. If nutrient levels
  some confusion about certified disease-free           are deficient, apply organic amendments.
  seed. This excerpt from the plan explains the
  difference between certified disease-free              Most organic potato growers should
  seed and certified organic seed stock:                consider producing their crop with 120
                                                       pounds of nitrogen, 25 pounds of phosphate
  Certified disease-free seed stock:                    and about 140 pounds of potash per acre
  “It is important that organic potato growers         (Sideman and Johnson, 2006).
  plant high-quality, early generation, certi-
  fied seed to manage diseases. Certification
  of seed does not guarantee that the seed
                                                        Seed sources for organic potato production
  potatoes are disease free, but that the dis-
  ease levels fall within certain tolerable levels.     This is only a partial list. Your local organic certification organization
  Certification means that the seed potatoes             may know of local seed sources.
  have met the standards of a grower-sup-               Wood Prairie Farm         (207) 872-8317 FAX           Notes: Organic potatoes,
                                                        49 Kinney Road             garlic and onions
  ported state certification agency. Seed pur-
                                                        Bridgewater, ME 04734      Order: Mail, fax
  chased from different states and countries                                        Catalog: Online, print     Healthway Farms
  are subject to different certification rules. As        1-800-829-9765
                                                                                   request through Web site   PO Box 49
                                                        1-800-300-6494 FAX         or send $2.
  such, each certification agency has its own                                                                  Malin, OR 97632
                                                   Quantity: Retail and
  set of tolerances, or allowable amounts, for                                     wholesale                  (541) 723-4725
  each disease.”                                                                                    
                                                         Order: Online, e-mail,
                                                         fax, phone               Ronnigers Potato Farm       www.healthwayfarms.
  Certified organic seed stock:                           Catalog: Online, print   2101 2135 Rd,               com/index.html
  “Certified organic seed is not necessarily certified     Quantity: Retail and     Austin CO 81410              Order: E-mail, phone
  at the same specifications required for certified        wholesale                (877) 204-8704               Catalog: Online, print
                                                         Notes: Organic seed                                   Quantities: Smaller
  disease-free seed that meets stringent disease and     potatoes
                                                                                   quantities of certified
  virus-free specifications and other physiological                                  potato and organic
  requirements. Certified organic potato seed is         FEDCO Seeds/Moose          Order: Online, e-mail,      fingerling seeds up to
                                                                                   fax, phone                  10 pounds.
  grown in accordance with the National Organic         Tubers                     Catalog: Online, print
  Program regulations (Miller et al., 2008).”           PO Box 520                 Quantities: Up to 50
                                                        Waterville, ME 04903       pounds available                                                                                             ATTRA              Page 3
Note that nutrient requirements vary by          ble to other soil amendments, but no cur-
                       potato variety and yield goals. Lowering the     rent studies support this claim. Com-
                       soil pH will help prevent common potato          post that is available on the farm should
                       scab problems, but not powdery scab. A soil      be considered as a soil amendment.
                       pH of 5.0 to 5.2 is recommended for pre-         The ATTR A publication Farm-Scale
                       venting scab, but this pH level may affect       Composting Resource List has more
                       other crops in the rotation, as well as nutri-   information about this topic.
                       ent availability (Charlton, 2008).
                       Sulfur is an organically acceptable way          Rotations
                       to lower soil pH. Contact your local Coop-       The most important step in organic potato
                       erative Extension Service office to deter-        production is planning a crop rotation
                       mine the correct quantities to apply based       scheme that allows a few years between
                       on your current pH, soil type and region.        potato crops on the same land. For
                       Before purchasing any sulfur amend-              organic production, a lengthy rotation
                       ment, contact your certification agent           from four to seven years generally assures
                       to obtain a list of organically accept-          good plant and soil health. A lengthy
                       able sulfur amendments. Some amend-              rotation also reduces long-term reliance

                       ments have inert ingredients that are not        on expensive inputs and increases the
                       acceptable by NOP standards.                     percentage of marketable potatoes.
        vary by
potato variety and     The ATTRA publication Sustainable                Longer rotations can be thought of as a
yield goals.
                       Soil Management provides information             form of crop insurance because the rota-
                       about nutrient management and ref-               tions help prevent plant pathogens in the
                       erences that are useful to the organic
                                                                        soil from building up to economically dam-
                       grower. Please contact ATTRA at 1-800-
                                                                        aging levels. Growers must consider rota-
                       346-9140 if you would like a copy of this
                                                                        tion plans with crops that are not hosts for
                       publication or search the ATTRA Web
                                                                        potato pathogens or insects. The key con-
                       site at
                                                                        sideration for the long-term viability of
                                                                        organic production is preventing problems
                       Organic matter                                   through maintaining good soil quality.
                       You can organically manage nutrient
                       requirements with animal manures and             Rotat ions that include cover crops
                       composted materials. Annual application          have the advantage of adding organic
                       of these materials can provide a well-bal-       matter and nitrogen to the soil. This
                       anced, stable form of nutrients and help         generally will reduce input costs over
                       build organic matter in the soil.                time. Organic matter helps soils resist
                                                                        compact ion, a l lows for better root
                       In a multiyear study of sustainable              penetration, stores more soil moisture
                       potato cropping systems, researchers             and allows more water penetration. Cover
                       from the University of Maine demon-              crops and green manures may include
                       strated yield increases with the applica-        legumes, sudan grass and mustards.
                       tion of 10 tons of compost per acre. The         Mustards also have been shown to play
                       researchers also studied the economic            a positive role in soil pest management
                       considerations of applying compost and           (McGuire, 2003).
                       determined that buying compost would
                       require a price premium on potatoes to           Useful characteristics for a cover crop
                       make the compost purchase cost-effective         or green manure in a potato rotation
                       (Porter, 2002).                                  include:
                       This study predates recent increases                 • The abi l it y to tolerate frost
                       in conventional fertilizer prices. The                 and grow well under cool fall
                       cost of compost may now be compara-                    conditions;
Page 4      ATTRA                                                       Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
• The ability to quickly produce
      substantial amounts of biomass as a
      weed suppressant;
    • The ability to fix nitrogen and
      suppress soilborne potato pests;
    • A compatibility with the manage-
      ment requirements of other crops
      in the rotation;
    • The availability of seed and a
      lack of planting restrictions, such
      as the restriction of rapeseed
      production in canola districts; and
    • The ability to avoid producing
      and shedding seed, which leads to
      problems with volunteer plants.
A good rotation includes crops that are
not hosts to common potato pests. A good
rotation also includes green manures
that add nutrients and organic matter to
the soil (Hutsinger, 1995).                     Mustards used in a rotation can be a disease and
                                                nematode management strategy. Photo by
The ATTRA publications Overview of Cover        Peggy Greb, courtesy USDA/ARS.
Crops and Green Manures and Intercrop-
ping Principles and Production Practices        second year, Porter uses an adapted
provide more detailed information about         potato planter to scrape the clover from
these subjects. Small grains, corn and sor-     the ridge and plants potatoes from 2 to
ghum sudangrass may benefit a potato crop        3 inches deep. One week later, he kills
that follows. In Maine, some growers have       the clover with a f lail chopper to pre-
used Japanese millet as a cover crop in the     vent competition with the potatoes. Only
year prior to potatoes in an effort to reduce
                                                one hilling is required, occurring six
Rhizoctonia. The skin of potatoes with
the Rhizoctonia fungus appears to               weeks from planting time. A second cover
be covered in dirt that won’t wash off          crop could be seeded at this time,
(Grubinger, 2005). In parts of the West,        although harvesting operations are not
producers rotate potatoes with mustard          refined to assure survival of a cover
cover crops to prevent root knot nematode       (Porter, 2006).
and Verticilium outbreaks. More informa-
                                                Porter estimates that he saves from
tion about using mustard as a disease and
nematode suppressant is provided in the         $50 to $60 per acre in energy costs as
Nematode management section below.              a result of reduced tillage. His research
                                                also assesses the nutrient savings that
Dr. Gregory Porter at the University of         result from the nitrogen-fixing legume.
Maine developed a two-year reduced-             He mentioned that wheat could be
tillage rotation for potatoes and barley.
                                                substituted for barley. For more information
The rotation uses red clover as a cover
crop. Porter builds planting ridges in the      on Porter’s research, see the final report of
spring of the fi rst year of the rotation and    their Sustainable Agriculture Research and
then seeds the entire field to barley and        Extension Project Report, Soil Amendment
red clover. He harvests barley in the fall      and Crop Rotation Effects on Productivity
and allows the red clover to continue as a      and Soil Properties within Potato Production
winter cover. In the spring of the              Systems under Further resources.                                                                                 ATTRA   Page 5
Table 1: Potato rotation chart
Location        Rotation sequence                          Comments                                   Contact/reference
Pacific          7-year crop rotation: Year 1-3: Alfalfa;   This rotation works well under             Mike Heath
Northwest       Year 4: Row crop*; Year 5: Grain;          organic production practices.              (208) 539-4107
                Year 6: Row crop*; Year 7: Grain                                                      Buell, ID
                * Dry beans, squash, potatoes and field
                  corn are row crop options depending
                  on market
Michigan        2-year rotation: Year 1: Potato and        Research in MI has shown that poul-        Annual report (2005) of the
                then rye planted as winter cover;          try compost added to the soil under        Southwest Michigan Research
                Year 2: Snap bean.                         these two-year conventional rota-          and Extension Center.
                3-year rotation: Year 1: Potato and        tions in combination with use of 
                then rye/vetch planted as winter           cover crops can increase soil quality      swmrec/publicationsfolder/
                cover; Year 2: Corn; Year 3: Wheat         and at least maintain yields com-          Annualreports/05annualrpt/
                and then clover                            pared to no cover crops. The three-        snappenvfriendveg.pdf
                                                           year rotation had a marketable yield
                                                           nearly the same as the two-year
                                                           rotation for comparing single har-
                                                           vest years, but less than half of the
                                                           scab of the two-year rotations.
Maine           4-year rotation: Year 1: Potatoes;         This rotation is used for organic          Jim Gerritson
                Year 2: Spring wheat or oats, under-       seed potatoes.                             Wood Prairie Farm
                sown with clover or timothy grass;                                          
                Year 3: clover sod, plowed down,
                year 4); Year 4: Buckwheat, plow
                down and then plant rapeseed as

Maine           3-year rotations, various crops :          This research on various three-year        Robert P. Larkin and
                Year 1: Soybean/sweet corn/green           rotations that all included potato         C. Wayne Honeycutt
                bean/canola; Year 2: Canola/soy-           found that continuous potatoes             U.S. Department of Agricul-
                bean/sweet corn/ barley and then           decreased soil microbial activity.         ture – Agricultural Research
                clover; Year 3: Potato                     Overall microbial activity were high-      Service, New England Plant,
                                                           est following barley, canola and           Soil and Water Laboratory
                                                           sweet corn. Potato crops following         Orono, ME 04469
                                                           canola, barley or sweet corn provided      (207) 581-3367
                                                           the lowest levels of Rhizoctonia dis-
                                                           ease and best tuber quality, whereas       (207) 581-3363
                                                           potato crops following clover or soy-
                                                           bean resulted in disease problems in
                                                           some years.
                3-year rotations:                          These rotations are used on a 200-         Igl Farms
Wisconsin       Year 1: Potato; Year 2: White oats         acre organic farm.                         Antigo, WI
                underseeded with clover; Year 3:           *Peas are determinant grain pea, not a     (715) 627-7888
                Field peas*;                                forage pea, and can be used directly as
                or                                          animal feed without processing.
                Year 1: Potato;
                Year 2: Oats underseeded with
                clover; Year 3: Alfalfa
Canada          2-year rotation:
                Year 1: Potato and then rye planted
                as winter cover; Year 2: Spring cereal
                with legume underseeding, legume
                incorporated before potato

Page 6      ATTRA                                                                  Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
It is important to note that legumes such    simply because there are so many fac-
as peas, beans and crimson clover are        tors that influence the choice of rotations,
hosts to some races of Rhizoctonia (Cer-     including economics of the crops in the
esini, 1998) and can encourage scab in       rotation, available land, weather and
certain regions. Red clover may be a host    climate, farmer skills and knowledge,
of Rhizoctonia as well.                      pest management and soil quality goals.
As often happens in agriculture, there       Since many of these factors are moving
is no clear-cut answer to the question of    targets, implementing a good crop rotation
what rotation a farmer should use. It is a   is as much an art as a science because so
matter of evaluating the costs and ben-      much depends on the knowledge, skill and
efits of a particular practice or combina-    creativity of the farmer.
tion of practices. In this case, producers
must weigh the risk of these crops host-     When making rotation decisions, it is
ing and possibly increasing Rhizoctonia      helpful to have additional information
against the soil fertility advantages and    from local experts — be they farmers,
other benefits of planting a legume.          extension agents or researchers — who
Table 1 (page 6) provides some exam-         know about the pest pressures and soil
ples of potato rotations used around the     and climate considerations for your
country. It is not meant to be exhaustive,   particular region.                                                                         ATTRA   Page 7
Section II
                                               Weed management
                                               Organic potato producers control weeds
                                               largely by cultivation. Good field preparation,
                                               timely pest control and proper seed spac-
                                               ing provide a satisfactory stand that can also
                                               reduce weed competition. In areas with lots of
                                               weed pressure, farmers should choose specific
                                               potato varieties that put on a canopy quickly.
                                               Hilling, either with an implement or by hand,
                                               is a good way to control weeds and is a neces-
                                               sary component of potato production. In larger
                                               operations, an implement called the dammer-       Root knot nematodes are common in Western organic
                                                                                                 potato systems and are the leading cause of soil fumi-
                                               diker hills and cultivates at the same time.      gation in commercial potato production in the North-
                                               Complete all hilling by the time the plants are   west. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark. Courtesy University of
  Contents                                     10 inches high (Sideman and Johnson, 2006).       California-Davis Statewide IPM Program.
Section II:                                    Your chances of stolon pruning are high after
Weed management .............9                 the plant reaches 8 inches. Stolon pruning is a   et al., 2005). For more details on these
Nematode management ...9                       condition that causes the underground stems       techniques, refer to the ATTRA publi-
Disease management ..... 10
  Early blight ....................... 10
                                               to die-back, reducing yields and increasing       cations Principles of Sustainable Weed
  Late blight .........................11      disease incidence. (Charlton, 2008).              Management for Croplands and Flame
  Rhizoctonia ........................12
                                               Cover cropping is also a good way to              Weeding for Agronomic Crops.
Insect management...........14
  Colorado potato beetle14                     reduce weed populations in your soil and
  Potato leafhopper ..........18               add soil organic matter. Results from the         Nematode management
  Neem ...................................18   Maine Potato Ecosystem Project demon-             Nematodes are microscopic roundworms
                                               strate that cover cropping with red clo-          found in many habitats. Nematodes are
                                               ver and adding soil amendments such as            the most abundant multicellular organ-
                                               compost and manure reduced weeds and              isms on Earth. Most are beneficial
                                               enabled the potato crop to better compete         members of their ecosystems, but a few
                                               with weeds (Porter, 2002). Fast-growing           are economic parasites of plants. The
                                               cover crops such as buckwheat and sor-            Columbia, stubby and northern root
                                               ghum sudan grass add organic matter and           knot nematodes are common in Western
                                               compete with weeds. For smaller farmers,          organic potato systems and are the lead-
                                               mulching with clean straw is an option that       ing cause of soil fumigation in commercial
                                               builds soil organic matter and helps with         potato production in the Northwest.
                                               weed populations.
                                                                                                 Root knot nematode feeding reduces the
                                               Flame weeding is another technique used           vigor of plants and causes blemishes on
                                               by some growers. Flaming is also used in          tubers (Westerdahl, 2007). Infection of
                                               management of the Colorado potato beetle.         tubers by the Columbia and stubby root
                                               Stale seed bedding draws down the weed            knot nematode often results in the for-
                                               seed bank. Irrigate or wait until after a rain    mation of galls that appear as knobs or
                                               to let weed seeds germinate, and then flame        swellings on the tuber surface and affect
                                               weed or cultivate. Crop rotation is another       marketability. Root knot nematode lar-
                                               measure that helps keep weed problems             vae invade roots or tubers, establish
                                               from becoming severe (Gallant, 1998).             feeding sites and develop into the adult
                                               Producers can also significantly reduce           stage. Adult females are swollen, seden-
                                               weed populations by using a drip irriga-          tary and lay eggs in a gelatinous matrix
                                               tion system combined with bed planting            on or just below the root surface. These
                                               instead of sprinkler irrigation (Mirabelli        eggs hatch and larvae invade other roots                                                                                                            ATTRA            Page 9
and tubers. Feeding by root knot nema-                these varieties, see the ATTRA publication
                           tode eliminates the possibility of expor-             Nematodes: Alternative Controls.
                           tation since infected potatoes are banned
                           in many countries.                                    Disease management
                           There are recent promising develop-                   Organic management of viral, bacterial and
                           ments with biofumigation using bras-                  fungal diseases begins with using certified
                           sica mustard cover crops in a rotation                seed, employing proper sanitation prac-
                           before potatoes. Brassica crops such as               tices, controlling other plant and insect
                           rapeseed and mustard contain active                   vectors and using crop rotations. The two
                           chemicals called glucosinolates. The                  integrated pest management (IPM) guides
                           breakdown of these chemicals has been                 listed in the Pest management portion of
                           shown to suppress some soilborne dis-                 the Further resources section cover these
                           eases, nematodes and weed seeds. The                  topics. What follows is a brief summary of
                           best strategy for the ultimate suppres-               the diseases that are the most troublesome
                           sion of soilborne diseases and nema-                  to organic potato growers and some preven-
                           todes is selecting a species of mustard               tative and control measures.
                           that produces large amounts of biomass
                           and glucosinolates. Also, before incor-
                           porating, chop the green manure with
                                                                                 Early blight (Alternaria solani)
                           a rotary mower or a high-speed f lail                 Early blight is basically a disease of
                           chopper. The breakdown of the biofu-                  older plants or plants that experienced
                           migant seems to be better in moist soils,             stress, such as infection by some other
                           so irrigate following incorporation or                plant pathogen or deficiencies of nitrogen
                           time incorporation to occur with a rain               or water. Excessive irrigation can also
                           (McGuire, 2003).                                      cause susceptibility. The lower leaves
                                                                                 of the plant are generally infected fi rst.
                           Jack Brown, a plant breeder specializing              Early blight may appear early in the
                           in brassicas at the University of Idaho,              season, but the rate of infection accel-
                           has released two biofumigant varieties:
                                                                                 erates rapidly after f lowering. Tomato
                           Humus rapeseed and IdaGold mustard.
                                                                                 and other solanaceous plants are hosts
                           Each variety contains elevated levels of
                                                                                 to early blight. The disease has also
                           glucosinolates. For more information on
                                                                                 been reported on other plants such as
                                                                                 some brassicas. There are several races
                                                                                 of this pathogen. Some races are highly
                                                                                 pathogenic while others are saprophytic
                                                                                 and live in the soil on dead organic mat-
                                                                                 ter. The pathogen can survive on crop
                                                                                 debris, as a saprophyte in the soil, in
                                                                                 infected tubers and on other hosts.
                                                                                 The most severe damage generally
                                                                                 occurs on early maturing potato variet-
                                                                                 ies. However, some varieties within each
                                                                                 maturity group have greater resistance
                                                                                 to foliar infection by early blight. Infec-
                                                                                 tion begins as small dark brown spots on
                                                                                 lower leaves. As the infection spreads,
                                                                                 the spots are restricted by the leaf veins
                                                                                 and take on an irregular, angular look.
Severe early blight symptoms. Photo by Cynthia M. Ocamb, courtesy Oregon State   Close inspection of the infection will
University.                                                                      reveal a series of dark, concentric lines

Page 10       ATTRA                                                              Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
within the infected area. These lesions        Table 2: Susceptibility to early and late blight.
will enlarge and may coalesce as the
disease progresses. Tubers may also            Highest                                                             Lowest
                                               susceptibility                                              susceptibility
become infected and will have irregular-
shaped, sunken lesions with somewhat           *Note: Certified seed for some of these varieties may not be available.
darker borders. The infection is shallow         Early- and mid-         Late-season               Very late
and causes a brown discoloration of the          season cultivars        cultivars                 cultivars
tuber flesh. These lesions can increase in        Norland                 Russet                    Butte
size during storage and reduce the mar-          Redsen                  Burbank                   Nooksack
ketability of the crop. Lesions are most
troublesome on white, red-skinned and            BelRus                  Kennebic                  Ontario
chipping varieties.                              Norchip                 Katahdin
                                                 Norgold                 Rosa
Growers should select a marketable
cultivar with the greatest resistance to         Russet
early blight. Table 2 lists the suscepti-        Early Gem
bility of several cultivars. The cultivar        Superior
should also fit in with other aspects of         Monona
an IPM program. Water management for
early blight prevention walks a thin line.
Too much water will leach soil nitrogen.         Atlantic
Nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies                                                    Table adapted from: (Stevenson, 1993).
can create susceptibility to early blight,    Lowest
but too much nitrogen can reduce crop         susceptibility
yields and delay maturity.                    to early and
                                              late blight
Growers should closely monitor soil
ferti lity, especially nitrogen levels.
This can be done with petiole analysis.       compost extract prepared in a 1:5 ratio
Insufficient soil moisture will stress the    of compost to water (volume: volume)
plant and cause early senescence. This        provided a level of early blight control
is a condition conducive to early blight      similar to that of copper fungicide treat-
development. Overhead irrigation cre-         ments (Lahkim, 1999). It should be noted
ates ideal situations for infection and the   that compost teas can be highly variable
spread of foliar pathogens such as early      and inconsistent. Commercial compost teas
and late blight. Pay close attention to the   may provide more consistency. For more
frequency, duration and timing of irri-       information on making compost tea on your
gation during possible infection peri-        farm, see the ATTRA publication Notes on
ods, since too much water can lead to         Compost Tea.
early and late blight. Overhead irriga-
tion should be timed so plants dry prior      Late blight
to dew formation in the late evening and
early morning. Also, the plants should        (Phytophthora infestans)
also be allowed to dry early in the morn-     Late blight is the most serious fungal
ing, prior to the start of irrigation.        disease of potatoes worldwide, according to
                                              the authors of Integrated Pest Management
A 1994 study concluded that compost
                                              for Potatoes in the Western United States
teas can be as effective as copper fun-
                                              (Strand, 2006).
gicide treatments to reduce disease
symptoms. The study examined the use          New, more virulent strains of late blight
of compost teas for controlling early         cause serious losses in potato varieties
blight. Results of this study indicate        previously considered resistant to the fun-
that spraying the plants with 14-day-old      gal disease. Late blight is usually of little                                                                                 ATTRA           Page 11
blight. Recent studies from the OSPUD
                                                                         farmer participatory research project at
                                                                         Oregon State University show promising
                                                                         late blight management using compost
                                                                         teas and Oxidate, a hydrogen dioxide and
                                                                         peroxyacetic acid product from BioSafe
                                                                         Systems, a manufacturer of biodegrad-
                                                                         able disease-control products.
                                                                         Some commercially available U.S. potato
                                                                         varieties that demonstrate resistance to
                                                                         late blight are the New York 121, a mid- to
                                                                         late-season variety; two Hungarian Sarpo
                                                                         varieties: the Sarpo Mira, a medium- to
                                                                         late-tablestock and the Sarpo Axona,
                                                                         a processor potato; and Remarka, an
                                                                         a l l-pu r pose potato ( Per r y, 20 02 ).
                                                                         Defender is a new late blight-resistant
Late blight in potato tuber.                                             potato cultivar that was released in Idaho,
Photos by Neil C. Gudmestad,                                             Oregon and Washington by the Tri-State
courtesy North Dakota State                                              Potato Variety Development Program in
                                                                         2004. Useful levels of fi eld resistance
                                                                         to both late blight and early blight were
                                                                         observed in Defender in the absence of
                                                                         fungicide sprays and reduced fungicide
                                                                         input programs (Stevenson et. al., 2007).

                                                                         Rhizoctonia (Black scurf, Stem
                                                                         canker, Rhizoctonia solani)
                                                                         Rhizoctonia is a pathogen present in all
                                                                         potato-growing areas. Most damage occurs
                           concern in the western United States,
                                                                         during the early part of the growing sea-
                           except in the coastal valley regions where
                                                                         son, particularly when infected tubers are
                           late blight occurs regularly. Its occur-      planted. Cold, wet soils can increase prob-
                           rence in other regions of the United States   lems with this disease.
                           is dependent on both the presence of
                           the pathogen and cool, damp weather.          The fungus survives in the soil either as
                           Blight forecasting still occurs quite         mycelia associated with decomposing plant
                           regularly to help alert growers when          residues or as sclerotia, the dirt that won’t
                           conditions are conducive to the disease.      wash off unharvested tubers. Soilborne
                           For more information on blight fore-          infections, known as the chronic phase
                           casting, contact your local Cooperative       of the disease, generally will not infect
                           Extension System office.                       sprouts. Instead, soilborne infections cause
                                                                         a decrease in tuber quality and yield by
                           Sanitation is the best defense against        pruning tubers and causing reddish-brown
                           late blight. Eliminate all cull piles and     lesions that may develop into cankers.
                           control volunteer potato sprouting the
                           following spring in areas where there was     Tubers may also be malformed, cracked,
                           an incidence of late blight.                  pitted or display stem-end necrosis.
                                                                         Young plants that develop from infected
                           Copper products are currently allowed by      seed pieces are most severely affected.
                           NOP standards and are the most effective      Sprouts may be completely girdled by
                           means of controlling and preventing late      lesions and killed. Partially girdled stems
Page 12       ATTRA                                                      Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
will slow growth and development and may
result in stunting and rosetting of plant tops;
purple pigmentation of leaves; upward leaf
roll; and chlorosis, which is usually most
severe at the top of the plant.
Potato growers can manage Rhizoctonia with
monitoring. It is useful to keep good records
of the existence and severity of black scurf
problems in each field. This way, fields with
economically damaging levels of black scurf
can be managed through appropriate rota-
tions and other methods.

Cultural controls
Avoid growing sugar beets prior to pota-
toes because sugar beets tend to increase         Rhizoctonia (Black Scurf) in tubers of potato. Photo by Neil C. Gudmestad, courtesy
Rhizoctonia problems. Avoid a rotation            North Dakota State University.
with buckwheat before potatoes because
Rhizoctonia colonizes mature buckwheat            surface of tubers under cool, moist condi-
stems (Leach and Specht, 1987). Crop              tions, usually after the vine starts to die.
rotation to nonhost crops such as cere-
als for at least two years can reduce             Biological management options
disease incidence. A three- to fi ve-year
                                                  Research in greenhouses and in the
rotation away from potatoes is recom-
                                                  field shows that dusting seed pieces with
mended if disease incidence is severe
                                                  fungal antagonists of Rhizoctonia can
(BASF Canada, 2005).
                                                  significantly reduce stem canker and
It should be noted that recent protein- and       black scurf (Beagle-Ristaino and Papavi-
DNA-based studies of Rhizoctonia found            zas, 1985). This reduces Rhizoctonia
considerable genetic diversity in Rhizocto-       infection and decreases the viability of
nia and its hosts (Ceresini, 1998). Grow-         sclerotia on the potato. The commercially
ers should be careful when selecting rota-
tion crops. Generally speaking, cereals are
a safe bet. Crops closely related to potatoes,        Cultural management options
such as tomatoes, eggplants and peppers,              for Rhizoctonia:
along with volunteer potatoes, may host Rhi-                •   Plant potatoes when soil
zoctonia and should not be used in a potato                     temperature is above 60
rotation. Likewise, related weeds such as                       degrees Fahrenheit.
black nightshade and Jimsonweed should                      •   Avoid irrigation before the
be kept out of the field.                                        expected harvest.
Planting certified seed significantly                       •   Plant seed pieces no more
reduces poor stands and sprout death                            than 2 inches deep. The
associated with Rhizoctonia. For a defi ni-                      temperature of the soil is
tion of certified seed, see the box on page                      warmer at this depth.
three. However, using certified seed will                    •   Harvest potatoes as soon as
not eliminate Rhizoctonia problems since                        skin set occurs after vine kill to
the fungus survives in the soil either as                       avoid development of sclerotia
mycelia associated with decomposing plant                       on mature tubers in the soil
                                                                (Rowe et al., 1995).
residues or as sclerotia on unharvested
tubers. The sclerotia may form on the                                                                                          ATTRA          Page 13
available fungal antagonists featured         Insect management
                  in the study include Trichoderma viride
                  and Trichoderma virens. There is a list       Colorado potato beetle
                  of commercial products formulated with        (CPB, Leptinotarsa decemlineata)
                  fungal antagonists of Rhizoctonia, as
                  well as contact information for manufac-      Many insect pests are associated with potato
                  turers of the microbial pesticides, in the    production. Because the Colorado potato
                  Fur ther resources section of this            beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata, is a
                                                                major insect problem in potatoes, we focus
                  publication. The ATTRA publication
                                                                on acceptable approaches to control this pest
                  Biointensive Integrated Pest Management
                                                                in organic production. The ATTRA publica-
                  has more information on using fungal
                                                                tion Colorado Potato Beetle: Organic Control
                                                                Options provides more detail about managing
                  Many scient i f ic invest igat ions have      this pest. ATTRA also has information about
                  examined various aspects of biologi-          control techniques for other pests, such as
                  cal control of Rhizoctonia (Jager and         the blister beetles and aphids.
                  Velvis, 1986; Lewis and Papavizas, 1987;
                  Howell, 1987). More recent research
                  shows that some readi ly ava i lable
                  commercial biocontrol products reduce
                  the development of stem lesions in
                  the field, with control comparable to
                  that of a standard chemical treatment.
                  However, no treatments, including chemi-
                  cal control, substantially reduced black
                  scurf on potato tubers. Some treatments
                  resulted in higher total yield, as well as
                                                                Immature Colorado potato beetle. Photo by Tom Murray.
                  higher yield of larger potatoes. Although
                  no treatments effectively controlled black
                  scurf, all biocontrol treatments controlled
                  stem canker and some resulted in greater
                  overall yield and larger potatoes (Larkin
                  and Talbot, 2002).
                  Recent studies in Washington show that
                  mustard green manures may offer farm-
                  ers an equally effective but less expen-
                  sive alternative to fumigants for control     Adult Colorado potato beetle. Photo by Tom Murray
                  of soilborne pests (McGuire, 2003). The
                  fi ndings from this study suggest poten-
                  tial for mustard green manures to replace
                  the fumigant metam sodium for potato
                  production in some cropping systems.
                  The practice can also improve water
                  infi ltration rates and provide substantial
                  savings for farmers. While Rhizoctonia is
                  not mentioned in the above study, another
                                                                Colorado potato beetle eggs are bright orange and
                  recent study found that mustard biofumi-      typically located on the undersides of leaves.
                  gants reduced incidence of Rhizoctonia in     Photo by Whitney Cranshaw, courtesy Colorado
                  a greenhouse setting.                         State University.

Page 14   ATTRA                                                 Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
The CPB is native to the United States. Its       A combination of several strategies can help
original range was restricted to the east-        keep CPB populations under control. Crop
ern part of the Rocky Mountains. In the           rotation, preferably with field corn, wheat
Rockies, the beetle fed on buffalo burr,          or some other crop that can tolerate a pH
a plant of no economic importance. Once           of 6.0, can delay CPB population buildup.
the potato was introduced to this region,         Ideally, rotated fields should be isolated
the beetle moved to the crop and spread           from the previous year’s potato planting.
eastward from potato patch to potato patch
and reached the East Coast by 1874. The           Cultural techniques to manage
beetle is now found throughout North Amer-        the CPB
ica, except in parts of Florida, Nevada,          The effect of crop rotation on populations
California and eastern Canada. By 1935            of CPB and on the incidence of early blight
the CPB was established in France and is          caused by Alternaria solani is quantified in
now widespread in Eurasia.                        a 1994 study (Weisz). The study noted that
The CPB is the most economically threat-          infestations of both pests are inversely related
ening pest of potatoes in the northeastern        to the distance between rotated fields and the
United States. If left uncontrolled, this pest    nearest location where potatoes were planted

can completely defoliate a potato crop by late    in the previous season. In other words, the
July (Hollingsworth et al., 1986). Although       farther you plant this season’s potatoes from
                                                  last season’s potato field, the fewer pest prob-            Potato Beetle
the potato is its favorite food, the beetle may
also survive on tomato, eggplant, tobacco,        lems will occur.                                   is also the most
pepper, ground cherry, thorn apple, Jimson-                                                          economically
                                                  Research at Cornell University demon-
weed, henbane, horse nettle, belladonna,          strated the efficacy of flame technology in          threatening pest
petunia, cabbage, thistle, mullein and other      controlling overwintering CPBs. The most           of potatoes in the
plants (Metcalf and Flint, 1962). The CPB         effective time for flaming is between plant         northeastern
is resistant to most registered pesticides,       emergence and when the plant reaches 8             United States.
making the beetle one of the most difficult        inches in height. Taller plants are less heat
insect pests to control in cultivated crops       tolerant and their canopy shields many
(Hollingsworth et al., 1986).                     of the pests. The best control is achieved
                                                  on warm, sunny days when beetles
The life cycle of the beetle varies accord-
                                                  are actively feeding on top of the plants. In
ing to where it is found. In northern Maine,
                                                  trials, flaming provided 90 percent control
the CPB completes one generation per year.        of overwintering adult CPBs, contrasted
Farther south, the CPB completes three            with from 25 to 50 percent with chemi-
generations per year. The adult beetle over-      cal insecticides. Flaming also reduced egg
winters in the potato field, from 12 to 18         hatch by 30 percent (Moyer, 1992).
inches below the soil surface and in pro-
tected sites around the field. The beetles         The CPB ca n be excluded f rom
emerge in late spring, move to the field and       crops with the use of floating row covers.
mate once established on a plant. Females         Floating row covers are thin fabrics spun
lay egg masses on lower leaf surfaces in          from a synthetic material. The product
batches of approximately 25 eggs. A single        allows air and moisture to pass through
female may lay up to 500 eggs. Because the        while preventing pest species access to
eggs are laid in clumps, the larvae tend to       the plants. The floating row covers should
be found in clumps rather than randomly           be put on either shortly after planting
throughout the field (Hollingsworth et al.,        or emergence.
1986). You can fi nd good life cycle infor-        Straw mulch of wheat or rye in potato
mation for the CPB in the book Destructive        fields may reduce the CPB’s ability to
and Useful Insects, by Metcalf and Flint,         locate potato fields and alter the microen-
1962. The book is available from most             vironment in favor of CPB predators (Brust,
agricultural libraries.                           1994). In the fi rst half of the season, soil                                                                                   ATTRA        Page 15
predators — mostly ground beetles — climb       field borders or by planting insectary strips
                        potato plants to feed on second- and third-     in the field can increase the effectiveness
                        stage instar larvae of the CPB. In the sec-     of these biological controls. ATTRA has
                        ond half of the season, lady bird beetles       more information on this technique in
                        and green lacewings are the predominant         the publication Farmscaping to Enhance
                        predators and feed on eggs and fi rst and        Biological Control.
                        second instars. The increased number of         Several plants, such as tansy and catnip,
                        predators in mulched potato plots com-          are reported to repel the CPB. Two jour-
                        pared to non-mulched plots resulted in sig-     nal abstracts from The IPM Practitioner
                        nificantly less defoliation from the CPB and     discuss interplanting trials conducted at
                        one-third higher tuber yields.                  Rodale Institute Research Center in coop-
                                                                        eration with USDA researchers (Olkowski,
                        Varietal resistance to the CPB                  et al., 1992). The experiments show tansy
                        Some potato varieties, such as Russet           and catnip were from 58 to 100 percent
                        Burbanks, seem to be more tolerant to           effective in repelling the CPB from pota-

       ome potato
       varieties,       the CPB, but no varieties are completely        toes. However, a European study shows that
                        resistant. The April 1989 issue of National     companion planting did not significantly
       such as Russet                                                   reduce plant defoliation by the CPB. In the
                        Gardening highlighted research on planting
Burbanks, seem to be
                        early maturing varieties that develop potato    European study, companion plants were
more tolerant to the    tubers before CPB populations explode.          smaller than the potatoes in the begin-
CPB, but no varieties   It listed seven varieties that mature from 75   ning of the season. The study’s authors
are completely          to 88 days. The varieties are the Caribe,       speculated that more mature companion
                        Norland, Pungo, Redsen, Sunrise, Superior       plants might be more effective (Moreau et
                        and Yukon Gold. The issue also illustrated      al., 2006). In 1992, The IPM Practitio-
                        the growth stages of the potatoes and how       ner published a special report specifically
                        the stages coincide with CPB emergence          addressing potato IPM for the CPB. The
                        and larval development (Ruttle, 1989). This     issue can be ordered as a photocopy from
                                                                        the publisher. See the Further resources
                        practice of using early maturing varieties
                                                                        section for ordering information.
                        may prove beneficial to growers in northern
                        regions of the United States, where cooler      Parasitic nematodes are another con-
                        temperatures slow insect development.           trol option. Commercial formulations of
                                                                        Heterorhabditis species are available and
                        Biological controls of the CPB                  have been shown to be more pathogenic
                                                                        (Berry, et al., 1997) to the CPB than Stein-
                        There are several natural enemies of the
                                                                        ernema species, which is also commercially
                        CPB, but these enemies are rarely seen          available. The Ohio State University Web
                        in commercial potato fields because of          site portal for beneficial nematodes, avail-
                        heavy pesticide use. Even under organic         able at,
                        growing conditions, when natural enemies        provides helpful information on how to use
                        are abundant, the beetle can still cause        and where to obtain beneficial nematodes.
                        defol iat ion. The genera l predators,
                        such as lady bird beetles, lacewings and        Biorational controls for the CPB
                        stink bugs, provide some control of the
                        CPB, as do several parasites. Dorypho-          Commercially available M-One is a prod-
                        rophaga doryphorae and D. coberrans, two        uct manufactured by the Mycogen Corpora-
                        species of fly that invade the larvae; and       tion of California. See contact information in
                        Edovum puttleri, a wasp that parasitizes        the Further resources section for order-
                                                                        ing information. This biopesticide is made
                        CPB eggs; were recently introduced and
                                                                        from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. ‘San
                        are commercially available.
                                                                        Diego’, a naturally occurring bacterium,
                        Increasing habitat for natural enemies by       and is effective for controlling CPB with-
                        providing pollen and nectar sources along       out disrupting beneficial organisms. It is,
Page 16     ATTRA                                                       Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
however, a genetically engineered product            materials will work best in situations with
and is not acceptable in organic certification        moderate to high relative humidity.
                                                     Entrust is a new formulation of Spinosad
Some research indicates that sprays of               manufactured by Dow AgroSciences. It is
Bacillus thuringiensis species tenebrionis           registered for use on organically managed
(Bt) will cause significant mortality of CPB          farms to control the CPB and is popular with
larvae upon emergence from their eggs.               organic farmers. The contact information to
This is because the beetles gnaw out of              find a distributor near you is listed at the end
the eggs and continue eating the shells              of this publication in the Further resources
afterward, therefore also ingesting Bt               section.
particles (Ghidiu et al., 1994).                     Several neem-derived products are
Mycotrol-O, a formulation of the parasitic           registered for use against the CPB.
fungus Beauveria bassiana, is available from         Soft-skinned larvae of CPB are reportedly
Laverlam International, based in Butte,              killed on contact. In a two-year study of vari-
Mont. This product is an effective control of        ous organic techniques for controlling CPB
the CPB by itself or when used in combina-           in the United Kingdom, a 2-percent formula-
tion with Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebri-       tion of Neemix increased yield and lowered
onis (Jones, 1999). Some formulations use            beetle densities and the occurrence of defo-
different strains of B. bassiana. Each strain        liation significantly.
has the greatest efficacy against a slightly          The ATTRA Biorationals: Ecological Pest
different group of insects, so be sure to read       Management Database, available at www.attra.
the label or ask a sales representative about
which formulations are most effective against        main_srch.php, lists several organically accept-
the CPB. Since these are all formulations            able biorational pest management materials for
with a fungus as the active ingredient, the          the CPB. Several of these materials are listed

Table 3:
Reduced Risk Pest Management Manufacturer                                Active ingredient                OMRI listed*
Agroneem                                Agro Logistic Systems           Azadirachtin                       Yes
AgroneemPlus                            Agro Logistic Systems           Azadirachtin                       Yes
Ecozin                                  AMVAC Chemical Corp.            Azadirachtin
Ornazin                                 AMVAC Chemical Corp.            Azadirachtin
Biorin                                  Biotech International           Beauveria bassiana
Azatin XL Plus                          Certis USA, LLC                 Azadirachtin
Neemix 4.5                              Certis USA, LLC                 Azadirachtin                       Yes
Diatect V                               Diatect International           Diatomaceous Earth (Sili-
                                                                        con Dioxide)
Conserve sc turf and ornamental Dow AgroSciences LLC                    Spinosad
Entrust                                 Dow AgroSciences LLC            Spinosad                           Yes
Spintor 2sc                             Dow AgroSciences LLC            Spinosad
Success                                 Dow AgroSciences LLC            Spinosad
Fortune Aza                             Fortune Biotech Limited         Azadirachtin
Pyola                                   Gardens Alive!, Inc.            Pyrethrins
Anti-pesto-o                            Holy Terra Products, Ltd.       Azadirachtin
* OMRI is the Organic Materials Review Institute. If a product is OMRI approved, it is allowed for use in certified organic sys-
  tems. Contact your certifier before using any organic pesticide to ensure it is approved by the National Organic Program.                                                                                         ATTRA         Page 17
above in Table 3. The database also provides       selective. Anagrus species of trichogrammatid
                           information about using cultural controls to       wasps might be available at a local insectary
                           prevent pest problems.                             and are effective against leafhopper eggs in
                                                                              inundative releases.
                           Potato leafhopper
                                                                              Even if this particular species is not avail-
                           (Empoasca fabae)
                                                                              able, you might consider an inundative
                           The potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, does        release of a generalist Trichogramma egg
                           not overwinter in the northern United States       parasite, as Trichogramma species tend
                           and must migrate annually. The potato leaf-        to parasitize whatever eggs are available.
                           hopper is one of several closely related leaf-     Make sure you check with the insectary
                           hoppers in this genus. The potato leafhop-         about parasite host ranges. Other benefi-
                           per feeds on more than 200 cultivated and          cial insects are green lacewing, lady beetle,
                           wild plants including beans, potatoes, egg-        minute pirate bug, assassin bug, syrphid fly,
                           plant, rhubarb, celery, dahlia, alfalfa, soy-      hover fly, robber fly, spiders, damsel bugs
                           beans, clovers and sweet clover. A high
                                                                              and big-eyed bugs.
                           migration rate and wide host range make
                           control of the potato leafhopper difficult.         The Department of Pesticide Regulation,
                                                                              part of the California Environmental
                           Both nymphs and adults feed on the under-
                                                                              Protection Agency, publishes a booklet
                           sides of potato leaves. By extracting the sap,
                                                                              called Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms
                           potato leafhoppers cause stunting and leaf
                                                                              in North America. The most recent
                           curl. Potato leafhoppers also bring on hop-
                                                                              version, from 1997, lists 143 commer-
                           perburn, a disease caused by the injection
                           of a toxic substance. Hopperburn is charac-        cial suppliers of more than 130 beneficial
                           terized by a yellowing of the tissue at the tip    organisms used for biological control. It is
                           and around the margin of the leaf. The yel-        available for free download at www.cdpr.
                           lowing increases until the leaf dies. Symptoms
                           are sometimes confused with drought stress
                           (Bennett et al., 2007).
                                                                              Neem works best when ingested by pests
                           The ATTRA publication Farmscaping to               and is effective for controlling leaf-eating
                           Enhance Biological Control describes how to        pests. Although neem is not effective for
                           design your farm to favor predatory organ-         controlling sucking insects such as leafhop-
                           isms. These techniques can be integrated in        pers, it appears that it still could be part
                           a biointensive IPM program and can help            of a biocontrol strategy targeted against the
                           make your cropping system friendlier to            insect. Neem shows considerable anti-feed-
                                             beneficial organisms.             ant and growth-regulating effects on leaf-
                                                 Biological control           hopper nymphs (National Research Coun-
                                                                              cil, 1992). Neem is primarily an insect
                                                 Leafhoppers have several     growth regulator and should be applied
                                                 parasites and predators.     early in the crop cycle. It is essential to get
                                                 The mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus   good leaf coverage and to see that the neem
                                                 species and specifically     product adheres to the leaf surface. If not,
                                                 Cyrtorhinus lividipennis,    the nymphs, which feed on the undersides
                                                 is an effective predator.    of the leaves, will not contact the active
                                                 Some members of the          ingredient. The nymphs should be targeted
                                                 wasp family are parasites    because leafhoppers are most vulnerable in
                                                 of leafhopper eggs. Some     this stage.
                                                 species of Trichogramma
Potato leafhoppers cause hopperburn, a disease   are generalist egg para-     The IPM Practitioner notes that gar-
with symptoms that are sometimes confused
with drought. Photo by Art Hower, courtesy
                                                 sites and have a wide host   lic sprays can signif icant ly reduce
Pennsylvania State University Department of      range. Other species of      leaf hopper populations, although the
Entomology.                                      Trichogramma are more        resulting numbers are still unacceptably
Page 18       ATTRA                                                           Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
high. Garlic may increase the efficacy of       these interspecies crosses, including King
other leafhopper pest management strat-        Harry, protect themselves from pests by
egies. Insecticidal soap penetrates the        arming their leaves and stems with hairs
insect’s cuticle, disrupts the cell mem-       fi lled with sticky fluids. These trichomes
branes and causes death by dehydration.        explode when touched, miring small insects
This method is likely to work best against     such as leafhoppers and flea beetles in
nymphs (Olkowski et al., 1992). Efficacy is     goo. The trichomes also ruin the appetites of
variable with this method as well.             hungry Colorado potato beetles, reducing or
                                               eliminating the need to use other pest control
Alternatively, a water spray directed at the   measures (Pleasant, 2007). King Harry
plant, especially under the leaves, will       seed potatoes are available in limited quan-
wash off the insects. This treatment is not    tities from Wood Prairie Farm in northern
recommended in humid weather because of        Maine. See the Potato seed stock box on
possible disease problems. Take care not       page 3 for more information.
to use excessive force. Spray early in the
morning, especially in hot weather (Bradley
and Ellis, 1992). Other physical controls
include the use of floating row covers dur-         OSPUD
ing the first month to keep leafhoppers out.        A new kind of research and
Pyrethrin, rotenone and sabadilla are rec-         information sharing
ommended only as a last resort. Rotenone is        Eleven organic farmers in Oregon and Washington are working
not approved by the NOP standards and has          closely with Oregon State University faculty members to improve
heavy restrictions from the Environmental          potato quality and profitability through a participatory learning
Protection Agency.                                 process and on-farm, farmer-directed research.

A new variety of potato called King Harry,         This project encourages an exchange of existing knowledge of
                                                   integrated management techniques and promotes farmer inno-
and the earlier Prince Harry, are the result
                                                   vation. OSPUD’s goal is to learn more about the wide variety of
of three decades of work by Cornell Uni-           management issues, including soils, nutrients, insects, diseases,
versity potato breeder Bob Plaisted. The           weeds, tuber quality and profitability, facing small organic potato
potatoes have shown resistance to small            farmers in the Northwest.
insects such as leafhoppers and flea beetles.       This project has generated a number of useful publications for
Starting in the late 1970s, Plaisted began         organic potato production. For more information and access to
crossing Katahdin and other mainstream             these publications, visit
varieties with Solanum berthaultii, a wild
potato from Bolivia. The most successful of                                                                                 ATTRA         Page 19
Section III
                                                Harvesting                                        from Market Farm Implement Company at
                                                                                         The Spedo
                                                Timely vine killing is essential for good tuber
                                                                                                  Potato Planter is a cup-type potato planter
                                                separation from stolons, tuber skin set, and
                                                                                                  that automatically plants cut or graded seed
                                                efficient harvest. But many farmers do not
                                                                                                  potatoes and other similar-size tubers. It is
                                                prematurely kill vines (Vales, 2004). Harvest-
                                                                                                  imported from Italy. The Spedo Potato Planter
                                                ing procedures for organic potatoes require
                                                                                                  plants the tubers from 6 to 13 inches apart in
                                                alternatives to chemical desiccants. Mechan-
                                                                                                  the row and hills the row at the same time. It
                                                ical destruction is one method and flaming
                                                                                                  is available as a one- and two-row model. Row
                                                technology is an alternative. Flame weeding is
                                                                                                  spacings are adjustable from 26 inches plus.
                                                used successfully to top-kill the potato vines.
                                                Woody Gerritsen of Wood Prairie Farm does         US Small Farm, formerly Afiveplus, from
                                                two passes with a propane flame weeder to          Torrington, Wyo., is also a source for
                                                top-kill the potato vines before harvest. Many    small- to medium-scale potato planting and
                                                growers also use a flail chopper that, if the      harvesting equipment. In 1998 Afiveplus
  Contents                                      equipment is present on your farm, can reduce     began manufacturing and selling small-scale
Section III:
Harvesting ............................ 21
                                                propane costs associated with flaming.             potato equipment. Owners Larry and DeeDee
                                                                                                  Anderson, along with their son Eric, make
 Profile of organic potato
                                                Immediately after harvest, healthy potatoes
 grower: Ivy Donovan ..... 22                                                                     potato planters specifically suited for the small
                                                should be cured by holding them for 10 to
Storage................................... 23
                                                                                                  farm. After the first year of digging their own
Economics and marketing                         14 days at 50 to 60 degrees and high rela-
of organic potato                                                                                 potatoes, the family developed a small dig-
                                                tive humidity with good air movement to per-
production ........................... 23
                                                                                                  ger to add to the product line. Smaller prod-
  Evaluating economics                          mit suberization and wound periderm for-
  and markets ..................... 23                                                            ucts developed over the years include a small
                                                mation, or the healing of cuts and bruises.
  Organic potato                                                                                  table-model seed cutter and hilling discs.
   industry ........................... 24      Although wound periderm formation is most         Contact information is listed in the Further
  Emerging organic market
  structure ........................... 25
                                                rapid at about 70 degrees, lower temperatures     resources section of this publication.
  Market segments .......... 25                 are recommended to reduce decay. Curing
  Marketing difference ... 25                    reduces subsequent weight loss and decay by
  Price premiums and                            preventing the entry of Fusarium, soft rot and
  cost of production ......... 26
  Profile of organic potato                      other decay organisms. The relative humidity
  grower: Gene Thiel ........ 26                should be about 95 percent (Vales, 2004).
  Two comparative studies
  of organic and
  conventional potato
                                                Seed cutters, planters, harvesters, washers
  production costs ........... 28               and storage rooms make large-scale potato
  Estimating costs and
  profitability for organic
                                                production a significant financial commitment
  potato production ....... 29                  for any larger-scale grower. The Igls family,
  The emerging processed
  organic potato
                                                who farms 43 acres of potatoes in Antigo,
  industry ............................ 29      Wis., customized and adapted almost all of
  Profile of organic potato
  grower: Mike Heath ...... 30
                                                their equipment to refine their organic oper-
References .............................31      ation (Padgham, 2002). Most medium-scale
Further resources ............... 33            mechanized organic producers have one or
                                                two pieces of used equipment; potato dig-
                                                                                                  The Spedo brand has a potato digger that is a two-
                                                gers are most common. Auctions and dealers        row, three-point hitch-mounted digger for tractors
                                                located in traditional small-scale potato pro-    (above left). This model straddles two rows of hilled
                                                duction areas, such as south of Montreal, are     potatoes. The potatoes must be grown in a hill for the
                                                                                                  digger to work properly. Also, the Zaga Potato Digger
                                                good sources for equipment. Increased mech-       (above right) is a one-row, three-point hitch-mounted
                                                anization allows farmers to grow on more          power-take-off (PTO) powered digger. It is designed
                                                acres. That often, but not always, reduces the    for use on tractors that straddle one row of potatoes
                                                                                                  centered under the tractor since the digger cannot be
                                                unit cost of production (Caldwell, 1999).         offset. It will only dig hilled potatoes because the shoe
                                                                                                  cannot be adjusted to go below ground level.
                                                Some mechanical options for planting and          Photos courtesy of Market Farm Implement,
                                                harvesting on a medium scale are available                                                                                                              ATTRA          Page 21
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing

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Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing

  • 1. Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Rex Dufour, This publication outlines approaches to organic and sustainable potato production. Practices Tammy Hinman and include fertility and nutrient management; organic and biorational pest management for insects, Jeff Schahczenski diseases and weeds; and storage and marketing. NCAT Agriculture Specialists Introduction organic potato sales appear to be strong, © 2009 NCAT This publication outlines many of the it can be difficult to enter wholesale mar- practices used in organic and sustainable kets due to storage complications and potato production. While organic potato market control. These factors are Table of Contents production can yield a premium price discussed in greater detail as well. Section I: for your product, the production consid- Because each farm is a unique combi- Organic production erations are significant. This publication nation of soil, climate, environment, overview ...................................1 discusses organic soil and pest manage- management and marketing techniques, Fertility and nutrient management ..........................3 ment strategies that help ensure growth it is important to plan and assess which Organic matter ...................4 of healthy and vigorous plants. Strategies practices described here are appropriate Rotations ...............................4 include choosing potato varieties suitable for a particular farm. There are numerous Section II ..................................9 for the area and intended use; using dis- potato production manuals that are spe- Weed management .............9 ease-free seed potato sources; appropri- cific to regions within the United States. Nematode management ...9 ate soil fertility and management; weed, For further information on region-specific Disease management ...... 10 disease and insect control; harvesting and potato production in general, within Insect management...........14 methods and crop storage. your region, consult your local Coopera- Section III ............................. 21 Economic and market evaluation are tive Extension Service or call the ATTRA Harvesting ............................ 21 equally important topics in organic information line at 1-800-346-9140 for Storage................................... 23 Economics and marketing potato production. While direct-marketed county extension office contacts. of organic potato Section I production ........................... 23 Profile of organic potato grower: Gene Thiel ......... 26 Profile of organic potato grower: Mike Heath........ 30 Organic production overview analyses and nutrient crediting help pro- ducers avoid excess fertilizer applications. References .............................31 Organic farmers adhere to certification Further resources ............... 33 Sustainable farming methods also include guidelines that exclude the use of syn- thetic fertilizers and pesticides. Producers using these techniques are able to market their products as organic if they have gone through a certification process. If you are interested in becoming certified organic, ATTRA—National Sustainable ATTRA has many publications that can Agriculture Information Service ( is managed help you through the transition process. by the National Center for Appro- The ATTRA publication Guide to ATTRA’s priate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the Organic Publications will help you get off United States Department of to the right start. Agriculture’s Rural Business- Cooperative Service. Visit the NCAT Web site ( Organic production practices maximize sarc_current.php) for the use and recycling of on-farm nutri- more information on our sustainable agri- ent sources, including animal and green Potato plant. Photo by Dianne Earl. Courtesy of the culture projects. manures. Techniques such as accurate soil National Education Network.
  • 2. soil-building and -conserving practices interested in transitioning to organic such as adding organic matter and potato production. minimum-tillage approaches. Biointensive The National Organic Program certi- integrated pest management is also a sus- fication standards require producers tainable farming method. to grow potatoes from organically certified The primary goal of biointensive IPM seed potatoes. The limited availability is to provide guidelines and options for of organic potato seed stock may limit the effective management of pests and the selection of specific varieties and beneficial organisms in an ecological context. larger quantities. The flexibility and environmental compati- Related ATTRA bility of a biointensive IPM strategy makes it Publications Zuseful in all types of cropping systems. Organic seed potato stock must be sourced Sustainable Soil See the ATTRA publication Biointensive for certified organic production unless Management Integrated Pest Management for more infor- organic seed stock is not available in the same quality, quantity or form as nonorganic Biointensive mation on this subject. stock. Examples of the quality, quantity and Integrated Pest Management Two important factors that contribute to form clauses are: developing a sustainable and profitable farm- Quality: The same quality, such as non- Guide to ATTRA’s ing system are willingness to experiment with certified seed or disease-free seed, of potato Organic Publications new or different farming practices and the seed is not available . Farm-Scale Composting ability to observe how management practices Quantity: The desired variety is not available Resource List influence the farm ecosystem. Talk with as in commercial quantities. Overview of Cover growers experienced in using sustainable Form: The same variety that you typically Crops and Green techniques to find what methods will work in grow is not available. Manures your region. This publication includes three Intercropping Principles profi les of growers throughout the country and Production who are producing organic potatoes. There If you source nonorganic seed due to any Practices is also a list of experienced organic grow- reason listed above, you must document that ers in the Further resources section of you researched at least three different seed Principles of Sustainable this publication. These growers agreed to sources to fi nd organic seed and that the Weed Management for Croplands be a resource for new farmers or farmers same quality, quantity or form is not avail- Flame Weeding for able from those sources. Also, all non-cer- Agronomic Crops tified seed must be sourced as untreated if organic seed is not commercially available Nematodes: (King, 2006). Alternative Controls Colorado Potato Beetle: Another consideration when buying seed Organic Options is ensuring that the seed is certified as disease free (Charlton, 2008). If certi- Farmscaping to fied disease-free seed is not available in Enhance Biological the organic form, seed can be purchased Control from a nonorganic source as allowed in Notes on Compost Tea the quality stipulation of the National Organic Program (NOP, 2006). An excerpt from the National Organic Program regulations states: § 205.204 Seeds and planting stock Organic potato stock is required by the National practice standard Organic Program unless you demonstrate the same variety, quantity or quality is not available from an (a) The producer must use organically organic seed supplier. Photo by Neva Hassanein, grown seeds, annual seedlings and plant- courtesy of Community Food and Agriculture Coalition. ing stock, except that, Page 2 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 3. (1) Nonorganically produced, untreated has been granted in accordance with seeds and planting stock may be used to § 205.290(a)(2); produce an organic crop when an equivalent (4) Nonorganically produced planting stock organically produced variety is not commer- to be used to produce a perennial crop may cially available, except that organically pro- be sold, labeled or represented as organi- duced seed must be used for the production cally produced only after the planting stock of edible sprouts; has been maintained under a system of (2) Nonorganically produced seeds and organic management for a period of no less planting stock that have been treated with than one year; and a substance included on the National List (5) Seeds, annual seedlings and planting of synthetic substances allowed for use in stock treated with prohibited substances organic crop production may be used to may be used to produce an organic crop produce an organic crop when an equiva- when the application of the materials is a lent organically produced or untreated vari- requirement of federal or state phytosani- ety is not commercially available; tary regulations (2006). (3) Nonorganically produced annual seedlings may be used to produce an Fertility and nutrient organic crop when a temporary variance management Potatoes have high nitrogen and potas- sium requirements. These can be met Certified seed and certified organic by using manures, compost and crop seed stock: What’s the difference? rotations, which are detailed in the later The Western Organic Potato Pest Manage- sections. You can assess soil nutrient ment Strategic Plan offers clarification to levels with a soil test. If nutrient levels some confusion about certified disease-free are deficient, apply organic amendments. seed. This excerpt from the plan explains the difference between certified disease-free Most organic potato growers should seed and certified organic seed stock: consider producing their crop with 120 pounds of nitrogen, 25 pounds of phosphate Certified disease-free seed stock: and about 140 pounds of potash per acre “It is important that organic potato growers (Sideman and Johnson, 2006). plant high-quality, early generation, certi- fied seed to manage diseases. Certification of seed does not guarantee that the seed Seed sources for organic potato production potatoes are disease free, but that the dis- ease levels fall within certain tolerable levels. This is only a partial list. Your local organic certification organization Certification means that the seed potatoes may know of local seed sources. have met the standards of a grower-sup- Wood Prairie Farm (207) 872-8317 FAX Notes: Organic potatoes, 49 Kinney Road garlic and onions ported state certification agency. Seed pur- Bridgewater, ME 04734 Order: Mail, fax chased from different states and countries Catalog: Online, print Healthway Farms are subject to different certification rules. As 1-800-829-9765 request through Web site PO Box 49 1-800-300-6494 FAX or send $2. such, each certification agency has its own Malin, OR 97632 Quantity: Retail and set of tolerances, or allowable amounts, for wholesale (541) 723-4725 each disease.” Order: Online, e-mail, fax, phone Ronnigers Potato Farm www.healthwayfarms. Certified organic seed stock: Catalog: Online, print 2101 2135 Rd, com/index.html “Certified organic seed is not necessarily certified Quantity: Retail and Austin CO 81410 Order: E-mail, phone at the same specifications required for certified wholesale (877) 204-8704 Catalog: Online, print Notes: Organic seed Quantities: Smaller disease-free seed that meets stringent disease and potatoes quantities of certified virus-free specifications and other physiological potato and organic requirements. Certified organic potato seed is FEDCO Seeds/Moose Order: Online, e-mail, fingerling seeds up to fax, phone 10 pounds. grown in accordance with the National Organic Tubers Catalog: Online, print Program regulations (Miller et al., 2008).” PO Box 520 Quantities: Up to 50 Waterville, ME 04903 pounds available ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. Note that nutrient requirements vary by ble to other soil amendments, but no cur- potato variety and yield goals. Lowering the rent studies support this claim. Com- soil pH will help prevent common potato post that is available on the farm should scab problems, but not powdery scab. A soil be considered as a soil amendment. pH of 5.0 to 5.2 is recommended for pre- The ATTR A publication Farm-Scale venting scab, but this pH level may affect Composting Resource List has more other crops in the rotation, as well as nutri- information about this topic. ent availability (Charlton, 2008). Sulfur is an organically acceptable way Rotations to lower soil pH. Contact your local Coop- The most important step in organic potato erative Extension Service office to deter- production is planning a crop rotation mine the correct quantities to apply based scheme that allows a few years between on your current pH, soil type and region. potato crops on the same land. For Before purchasing any sulfur amend- organic production, a lengthy rotation ment, contact your certification agent from four to seven years generally assures to obtain a list of organically accept- good plant and soil health. A lengthy able sulfur amendments. Some amend- rotation also reduces long-term reliance N utrient requirements ments have inert ingredients that are not on expensive inputs and increases the acceptable by NOP standards. percentage of marketable potatoes. vary by potato variety and The ATTRA publication Sustainable Longer rotations can be thought of as a yield goals. Soil Management provides information form of crop insurance because the rota- about nutrient management and ref- tions help prevent plant pathogens in the erences that are useful to the organic soil from building up to economically dam- grower. Please contact ATTRA at 1-800- aging levels. Growers must consider rota- 346-9140 if you would like a copy of this tion plans with crops that are not hosts for publication or search the ATTRA Web potato pathogens or insects. The key con- site at sideration for the long-term viability of organic production is preventing problems Organic matter through maintaining good soil quality. You can organically manage nutrient requirements with animal manures and Rotat ions that include cover crops composted materials. Annual application have the advantage of adding organic of these materials can provide a well-bal- matter and nitrogen to the soil. This anced, stable form of nutrients and help generally will reduce input costs over build organic matter in the soil. time. Organic matter helps soils resist compact ion, a l lows for better root In a multiyear study of sustainable penetration, stores more soil moisture potato cropping systems, researchers and allows more water penetration. Cover from the University of Maine demon- crops and green manures may include strated yield increases with the applica- legumes, sudan grass and mustards. tion of 10 tons of compost per acre. The Mustards also have been shown to play researchers also studied the economic a positive role in soil pest management considerations of applying compost and (McGuire, 2003). determined that buying compost would require a price premium on potatoes to Useful characteristics for a cover crop make the compost purchase cost-effective or green manure in a potato rotation (Porter, 2002). include: This study predates recent increases • The abi l it y to tolerate frost in conventional fertilizer prices. The and grow well under cool fall cost of compost may now be compara- conditions; Page 4 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 5. • The ability to quickly produce substantial amounts of biomass as a weed suppressant; • The ability to fix nitrogen and suppress soilborne potato pests; • A compatibility with the manage- ment requirements of other crops in the rotation; • The availability of seed and a lack of planting restrictions, such as the restriction of rapeseed production in canola districts; and • The ability to avoid producing and shedding seed, which leads to problems with volunteer plants. A good rotation includes crops that are not hosts to common potato pests. A good rotation also includes green manures that add nutrients and organic matter to the soil (Hutsinger, 1995). Mustards used in a rotation can be a disease and nematode management strategy. Photo by The ATTRA publications Overview of Cover Peggy Greb, courtesy USDA/ARS. Crops and Green Manures and Intercrop- ping Principles and Production Practices second year, Porter uses an adapted provide more detailed information about potato planter to scrape the clover from these subjects. Small grains, corn and sor- the ridge and plants potatoes from 2 to ghum sudangrass may benefit a potato crop 3 inches deep. One week later, he kills that follows. In Maine, some growers have the clover with a f lail chopper to pre- used Japanese millet as a cover crop in the vent competition with the potatoes. Only year prior to potatoes in an effort to reduce one hilling is required, occurring six Rhizoctonia. The skin of potatoes with the Rhizoctonia fungus appears to weeks from planting time. A second cover be covered in dirt that won’t wash off crop could be seeded at this time, (Grubinger, 2005). In parts of the West, although harvesting operations are not producers rotate potatoes with mustard refined to assure survival of a cover cover crops to prevent root knot nematode (Porter, 2006). and Verticilium outbreaks. More informa- Porter estimates that he saves from tion about using mustard as a disease and nematode suppressant is provided in the $50 to $60 per acre in energy costs as Nematode management section below. a result of reduced tillage. His research also assesses the nutrient savings that Dr. Gregory Porter at the University of result from the nitrogen-fixing legume. Maine developed a two-year reduced- He mentioned that wheat could be tillage rotation for potatoes and barley. substituted for barley. For more information The rotation uses red clover as a cover crop. Porter builds planting ridges in the on Porter’s research, see the final report of spring of the fi rst year of the rotation and their Sustainable Agriculture Research and then seeds the entire field to barley and Extension Project Report, Soil Amendment red clover. He harvests barley in the fall and Crop Rotation Effects on Productivity and allows the red clover to continue as a and Soil Properties within Potato Production winter cover. In the spring of the Systems under Further resources. ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. Table 1: Potato rotation chart Location Rotation sequence Comments Contact/reference Pacific 7-year crop rotation: Year 1-3: Alfalfa; This rotation works well under Mike Heath Northwest Year 4: Row crop*; Year 5: Grain; organic production practices. (208) 539-4107 Year 6: Row crop*; Year 7: Grain Buell, ID * Dry beans, squash, potatoes and field corn are row crop options depending on market Michigan 2-year rotation: Year 1: Potato and Research in MI has shown that poul- Annual report (2005) of the then rye planted as winter cover; try compost added to the soil under Southwest Michigan Research Year 2: Snap bean. these two-year conventional rota- and Extension Center. 3-year rotation: Year 1: Potato and tions in combination with use of then rye/vetch planted as winter cover crops can increase soil quality swmrec/publicationsfolder/ cover; Year 2: Corn; Year 3: Wheat and at least maintain yields com- Annualreports/05annualrpt/ and then clover pared to no cover crops. The three- snappenvfriendveg.pdf year rotation had a marketable yield nearly the same as the two-year rotation for comparing single har- vest years, but less than half of the scab of the two-year rotations. Maine 4-year rotation: Year 1: Potatoes; This rotation is used for organic Jim Gerritson Year 2: Spring wheat or oats, under- seed potatoes. Wood Prairie Farm sown with clover or timothy grass; Year 3: clover sod, plowed down, year 4); Year 4: Buckwheat, plow down and then plant rapeseed as biofumigant Maine 3-year rotations, various crops : This research on various three-year Robert P. Larkin and Year 1: Soybean/sweet corn/green rotations that all included potato C. Wayne Honeycutt bean/canola; Year 2: Canola/soy- found that continuous potatoes U.S. Department of Agricul- bean/sweet corn/ barley and then decreased soil microbial activity. ture – Agricultural Research clover; Year 3: Potato Overall microbial activity were high- Service, New England Plant, est following barley, canola and Soil and Water Laboratory sweet corn. Potato crops following Orono, ME 04469 canola, barley or sweet corn provided (207) 581-3367 the lowest levels of Rhizoctonia dis- ease and best tuber quality, whereas (207) 581-3363 potato crops following clover or soy- bean resulted in disease problems in some years. 3-year rotations: These rotations are used on a 200- Igl Farms Wisconsin Year 1: Potato; Year 2: White oats acre organic farm. Antigo, WI underseeded with clover; Year 3: *Peas are determinant grain pea, not a (715) 627-7888 Field peas*; forage pea, and can be used directly as or animal feed without processing. Year 1: Potato; Year 2: Oats underseeded with clover; Year 3: Alfalfa Canada 2-year rotation: Year 1: Potato and then rye planted as winter cover; Year 2: Spring cereal with legume underseeding, legume incorporated before potato Page 6 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 7. It is important to note that legumes such simply because there are so many fac- as peas, beans and crimson clover are tors that influence the choice of rotations, hosts to some races of Rhizoctonia (Cer- including economics of the crops in the esini, 1998) and can encourage scab in rotation, available land, weather and certain regions. Red clover may be a host climate, farmer skills and knowledge, of Rhizoctonia as well. pest management and soil quality goals. As often happens in agriculture, there Since many of these factors are moving is no clear-cut answer to the question of targets, implementing a good crop rotation what rotation a farmer should use. It is a is as much an art as a science because so matter of evaluating the costs and ben- much depends on the knowledge, skill and efits of a particular practice or combina- creativity of the farmer. tion of practices. In this case, producers must weigh the risk of these crops host- When making rotation decisions, it is ing and possibly increasing Rhizoctonia helpful to have additional information against the soil fertility advantages and from local experts — be they farmers, other benefits of planting a legume. extension agents or researchers — who Table 1 (page 6) provides some exam- know about the pest pressures and soil ples of potato rotations used around the and climate considerations for your country. It is not meant to be exhaustive, particular region. ATTRA Page 7
  • 8.
  • 9. Section II Weed management Organic potato producers control weeds largely by cultivation. Good field preparation, timely pest control and proper seed spac- ing provide a satisfactory stand that can also reduce weed competition. In areas with lots of weed pressure, farmers should choose specific potato varieties that put on a canopy quickly. Hilling, either with an implement or by hand, is a good way to control weeds and is a neces- sary component of potato production. In larger operations, an implement called the dammer- Root knot nematodes are common in Western organic potato systems and are the leading cause of soil fumi- diker hills and cultivates at the same time. gation in commercial potato production in the North- Complete all hilling by the time the plants are west. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark. Courtesy University of Contents 10 inches high (Sideman and Johnson, 2006). California-Davis Statewide IPM Program. Section II: Your chances of stolon pruning are high after Weed management .............9 the plant reaches 8 inches. Stolon pruning is a et al., 2005). For more details on these Nematode management ...9 condition that causes the underground stems techniques, refer to the ATTRA publi- Disease management ..... 10 Early blight ....................... 10 to die-back, reducing yields and increasing cations Principles of Sustainable Weed Late blight .........................11 disease incidence. (Charlton, 2008). Management for Croplands and Flame Rhizoctonia ........................12 Cover cropping is also a good way to Weeding for Agronomic Crops. Insect management...........14 Colorado potato beetle14 reduce weed populations in your soil and Potato leafhopper ..........18 add soil organic matter. Results from the Nematode management Neem ...................................18 Maine Potato Ecosystem Project demon- Nematodes are microscopic roundworms strate that cover cropping with red clo- found in many habitats. Nematodes are ver and adding soil amendments such as the most abundant multicellular organ- compost and manure reduced weeds and isms on Earth. Most are beneficial enabled the potato crop to better compete members of their ecosystems, but a few with weeds (Porter, 2002). Fast-growing are economic parasites of plants. The cover crops such as buckwheat and sor- Columbia, stubby and northern root ghum sudan grass add organic matter and knot nematodes are common in Western compete with weeds. For smaller farmers, organic potato systems and are the lead- mulching with clean straw is an option that ing cause of soil fumigation in commercial builds soil organic matter and helps with potato production in the Northwest. weed populations. Root knot nematode feeding reduces the Flame weeding is another technique used vigor of plants and causes blemishes on by some growers. Flaming is also used in tubers (Westerdahl, 2007). Infection of management of the Colorado potato beetle. tubers by the Columbia and stubby root Stale seed bedding draws down the weed knot nematode often results in the for- seed bank. Irrigate or wait until after a rain mation of galls that appear as knobs or to let weed seeds germinate, and then flame swellings on the tuber surface and affect weed or cultivate. Crop rotation is another marketability. Root knot nematode lar- measure that helps keep weed problems vae invade roots or tubers, establish from becoming severe (Gallant, 1998). feeding sites and develop into the adult Producers can also significantly reduce stage. Adult females are swollen, seden- weed populations by using a drip irriga- tary and lay eggs in a gelatinous matrix tion system combined with bed planting on or just below the root surface. These instead of sprinkler irrigation (Mirabelli eggs hatch and larvae invade other roots ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. and tubers. Feeding by root knot nema- these varieties, see the ATTRA publication tode eliminates the possibility of expor- Nematodes: Alternative Controls. tation since infected potatoes are banned in many countries. Disease management There are recent promising develop- Organic management of viral, bacterial and ments with biofumigation using bras- fungal diseases begins with using certified sica mustard cover crops in a rotation seed, employing proper sanitation prac- before potatoes. Brassica crops such as tices, controlling other plant and insect rapeseed and mustard contain active vectors and using crop rotations. The two chemicals called glucosinolates. The integrated pest management (IPM) guides breakdown of these chemicals has been listed in the Pest management portion of shown to suppress some soilborne dis- the Further resources section cover these eases, nematodes and weed seeds. The topics. What follows is a brief summary of best strategy for the ultimate suppres- the diseases that are the most troublesome sion of soilborne diseases and nema- to organic potato growers and some preven- todes is selecting a species of mustard tative and control measures. that produces large amounts of biomass and glucosinolates. Also, before incor- porating, chop the green manure with Early blight (Alternaria solani) a rotary mower or a high-speed f lail Early blight is basically a disease of chopper. The breakdown of the biofu- older plants or plants that experienced migant seems to be better in moist soils, stress, such as infection by some other so irrigate following incorporation or plant pathogen or deficiencies of nitrogen time incorporation to occur with a rain or water. Excessive irrigation can also (McGuire, 2003). cause susceptibility. The lower leaves of the plant are generally infected fi rst. Jack Brown, a plant breeder specializing Early blight may appear early in the in brassicas at the University of Idaho, season, but the rate of infection accel- has released two biofumigant varieties: erates rapidly after f lowering. Tomato Humus rapeseed and IdaGold mustard. and other solanaceous plants are hosts Each variety contains elevated levels of to early blight. The disease has also glucosinolates. For more information on been reported on other plants such as some brassicas. There are several races of this pathogen. Some races are highly pathogenic while others are saprophytic and live in the soil on dead organic mat- ter. The pathogen can survive on crop debris, as a saprophyte in the soil, in infected tubers and on other hosts. The most severe damage generally occurs on early maturing potato variet- ies. However, some varieties within each maturity group have greater resistance to foliar infection by early blight. Infec- tion begins as small dark brown spots on lower leaves. As the infection spreads, the spots are restricted by the leaf veins and take on an irregular, angular look. Severe early blight symptoms. Photo by Cynthia M. Ocamb, courtesy Oregon State Close inspection of the infection will University. reveal a series of dark, concentric lines Page 10 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 11. within the infected area. These lesions Table 2: Susceptibility to early and late blight. will enlarge and may coalesce as the disease progresses. Tubers may also Highest Lowest susceptibility susceptibility become infected and will have irregular- shaped, sunken lesions with somewhat *Note: Certified seed for some of these varieties may not be available. darker borders. The infection is shallow Early- and mid- Late-season Very late and causes a brown discoloration of the season cultivars cultivars cultivars tuber flesh. These lesions can increase in Norland Russet Butte size during storage and reduce the mar- Redsen Burbank Nooksack ketability of the crop. Lesions are most troublesome on white, red-skinned and BelRus Kennebic Ontario chipping varieties. Norchip Katahdin Norgold Rosa Growers should select a marketable cultivar with the greatest resistance to Russet early blight. Table 2 lists the suscepti- Early Gem bility of several cultivars. The cultivar Superior should also fit in with other aspects of Monona an IPM program. Water management for LaChipper early blight prevention walks a thin line. Too much water will leach soil nitrogen. Atlantic Nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies Table adapted from: (Stevenson, 1993). can create susceptibility to early blight, Lowest but too much nitrogen can reduce crop susceptibility yields and delay maturity. to early and late blight Growers should closely monitor soil ferti lity, especially nitrogen levels. This can be done with petiole analysis. compost extract prepared in a 1:5 ratio Insufficient soil moisture will stress the of compost to water (volume: volume) plant and cause early senescence. This provided a level of early blight control is a condition conducive to early blight similar to that of copper fungicide treat- development. Overhead irrigation cre- ments (Lahkim, 1999). It should be noted ates ideal situations for infection and the that compost teas can be highly variable spread of foliar pathogens such as early and inconsistent. Commercial compost teas and late blight. Pay close attention to the may provide more consistency. For more frequency, duration and timing of irri- information on making compost tea on your gation during possible infection peri- farm, see the ATTRA publication Notes on ods, since too much water can lead to Compost Tea. early and late blight. Overhead irriga- tion should be timed so plants dry prior Late blight to dew formation in the late evening and early morning. Also, the plants should (Phytophthora infestans) also be allowed to dry early in the morn- Late blight is the most serious fungal ing, prior to the start of irrigation. disease of potatoes worldwide, according to the authors of Integrated Pest Management A 1994 study concluded that compost for Potatoes in the Western United States teas can be as effective as copper fun- (Strand, 2006). gicide treatments to reduce disease symptoms. The study examined the use New, more virulent strains of late blight of compost teas for controlling early cause serious losses in potato varieties blight. Results of this study indicate previously considered resistant to the fun- that spraying the plants with 14-day-old gal disease. Late blight is usually of little ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. blight. Recent studies from the OSPUD farmer participatory research project at Oregon State University show promising late blight management using compost teas and Oxidate, a hydrogen dioxide and peroxyacetic acid product from BioSafe Systems, a manufacturer of biodegrad- able disease-control products. Some commercially available U.S. potato varieties that demonstrate resistance to late blight are the New York 121, a mid- to late-season variety; two Hungarian Sarpo varieties: the Sarpo Mira, a medium- to late-tablestock and the Sarpo Axona, a processor potato; and Remarka, an a l l-pu r pose potato ( Per r y, 20 02 ). Defender is a new late blight-resistant Late blight in potato tuber. potato cultivar that was released in Idaho, Photos by Neil C. Gudmestad, Oregon and Washington by the Tri-State courtesy North Dakota State Potato Variety Development Program in University. 2004. Useful levels of fi eld resistance to both late blight and early blight were observed in Defender in the absence of fungicide sprays and reduced fungicide input programs (Stevenson et. al., 2007). Rhizoctonia (Black scurf, Stem canker, Rhizoctonia solani) Rhizoctonia is a pathogen present in all potato-growing areas. Most damage occurs concern in the western United States, during the early part of the growing sea- except in the coastal valley regions where son, particularly when infected tubers are late blight occurs regularly. Its occur- planted. Cold, wet soils can increase prob- rence in other regions of the United States lems with this disease. is dependent on both the presence of the pathogen and cool, damp weather. The fungus survives in the soil either as Blight forecasting still occurs quite mycelia associated with decomposing plant regularly to help alert growers when residues or as sclerotia, the dirt that won’t conditions are conducive to the disease. wash off unharvested tubers. Soilborne For more information on blight fore- infections, known as the chronic phase casting, contact your local Cooperative of the disease, generally will not infect Extension System office. sprouts. Instead, soilborne infections cause a decrease in tuber quality and yield by Sanitation is the best defense against pruning tubers and causing reddish-brown late blight. Eliminate all cull piles and lesions that may develop into cankers. control volunteer potato sprouting the following spring in areas where there was Tubers may also be malformed, cracked, an incidence of late blight. pitted or display stem-end necrosis. Young plants that develop from infected Copper products are currently allowed by seed pieces are most severely affected. NOP standards and are the most effective Sprouts may be completely girdled by means of controlling and preventing late lesions and killed. Partially girdled stems Page 12 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 13. will slow growth and development and may result in stunting and rosetting of plant tops; purple pigmentation of leaves; upward leaf roll; and chlorosis, which is usually most severe at the top of the plant. Potato growers can manage Rhizoctonia with monitoring. It is useful to keep good records of the existence and severity of black scurf problems in each field. This way, fields with economically damaging levels of black scurf can be managed through appropriate rota- tions and other methods. Cultural controls Avoid growing sugar beets prior to pota- toes because sugar beets tend to increase Rhizoctonia (Black Scurf) in tubers of potato. Photo by Neil C. Gudmestad, courtesy Rhizoctonia problems. Avoid a rotation North Dakota State University. with buckwheat before potatoes because Rhizoctonia colonizes mature buckwheat surface of tubers under cool, moist condi- stems (Leach and Specht, 1987). Crop tions, usually after the vine starts to die. rotation to nonhost crops such as cere- als for at least two years can reduce Biological management options disease incidence. A three- to fi ve-year Research in greenhouses and in the rotation away from potatoes is recom- field shows that dusting seed pieces with mended if disease incidence is severe fungal antagonists of Rhizoctonia can (BASF Canada, 2005). significantly reduce stem canker and It should be noted that recent protein- and black scurf (Beagle-Ristaino and Papavi- DNA-based studies of Rhizoctonia found zas, 1985). This reduces Rhizoctonia considerable genetic diversity in Rhizocto- infection and decreases the viability of nia and its hosts (Ceresini, 1998). Grow- sclerotia on the potato. The commercially ers should be careful when selecting rota- tion crops. Generally speaking, cereals are a safe bet. Crops closely related to potatoes, Cultural management options such as tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, for Rhizoctonia: along with volunteer potatoes, may host Rhi- • Plant potatoes when soil zoctonia and should not be used in a potato temperature is above 60 rotation. Likewise, related weeds such as degrees Fahrenheit. black nightshade and Jimsonweed should • Avoid irrigation before the be kept out of the field. expected harvest. Planting certified seed significantly • Plant seed pieces no more reduces poor stands and sprout death than 2 inches deep. The associated with Rhizoctonia. For a defi ni- temperature of the soil is tion of certified seed, see the box on page warmer at this depth. three. However, using certified seed will • Harvest potatoes as soon as not eliminate Rhizoctonia problems since skin set occurs after vine kill to the fungus survives in the soil either as avoid development of sclerotia mycelia associated with decomposing plant on mature tubers in the soil (Rowe et al., 1995). residues or as sclerotia on unharvested tubers. The sclerotia may form on the ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. available fungal antagonists featured Insect management in the study include Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma virens. There is a list Colorado potato beetle of commercial products formulated with (CPB, Leptinotarsa decemlineata) fungal antagonists of Rhizoctonia, as well as contact information for manufac- Many insect pests are associated with potato turers of the microbial pesticides, in the production. Because the Colorado potato Fur ther resources section of this beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata, is a major insect problem in potatoes, we focus publication. The ATTRA publication on acceptable approaches to control this pest Biointensive Integrated Pest Management in organic production. The ATTRA publica- has more information on using fungal tion Colorado Potato Beetle: Organic Control antagonists. Options provides more detail about managing Many scient i f ic invest igat ions have this pest. ATTRA also has information about examined various aspects of biologi- control techniques for other pests, such as cal control of Rhizoctonia (Jager and the blister beetles and aphids. Velvis, 1986; Lewis and Papavizas, 1987; Howell, 1987). More recent research shows that some readi ly ava i lable commercial biocontrol products reduce the development of stem lesions in the field, with control comparable to that of a standard chemical treatment. However, no treatments, including chemi- cal control, substantially reduced black scurf on potato tubers. Some treatments resulted in higher total yield, as well as Immature Colorado potato beetle. Photo by Tom Murray. higher yield of larger potatoes. Although no treatments effectively controlled black scurf, all biocontrol treatments controlled stem canker and some resulted in greater overall yield and larger potatoes (Larkin and Talbot, 2002). Recent studies in Washington show that mustard green manures may offer farm- ers an equally effective but less expen- sive alternative to fumigants for control Adult Colorado potato beetle. Photo by Tom Murray of soilborne pests (McGuire, 2003). The fi ndings from this study suggest poten- tial for mustard green manures to replace the fumigant metam sodium for potato production in some cropping systems. The practice can also improve water infi ltration rates and provide substantial savings for farmers. While Rhizoctonia is not mentioned in the above study, another Colorado potato beetle eggs are bright orange and recent study found that mustard biofumi- typically located on the undersides of leaves. gants reduced incidence of Rhizoctonia in Photo by Whitney Cranshaw, courtesy Colorado a greenhouse setting. State University. Page 14 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 15. The CPB is native to the United States. Its A combination of several strategies can help original range was restricted to the east- keep CPB populations under control. Crop ern part of the Rocky Mountains. In the rotation, preferably with field corn, wheat Rockies, the beetle fed on buffalo burr, or some other crop that can tolerate a pH a plant of no economic importance. Once of 6.0, can delay CPB population buildup. the potato was introduced to this region, Ideally, rotated fields should be isolated the beetle moved to the crop and spread from the previous year’s potato planting. eastward from potato patch to potato patch and reached the East Coast by 1874. The Cultural techniques to manage beetle is now found throughout North Amer- the CPB ica, except in parts of Florida, Nevada, The effect of crop rotation on populations California and eastern Canada. By 1935 of CPB and on the incidence of early blight the CPB was established in France and is caused by Alternaria solani is quantified in now widespread in Eurasia. a 1994 study (Weisz). The study noted that The CPB is the most economically threat- infestations of both pests are inversely related ening pest of potatoes in the northeastern to the distance between rotated fields and the United States. If left uncontrolled, this pest nearest location where potatoes were planted T he can completely defoliate a potato crop by late in the previous season. In other words, the Colorado July (Hollingsworth et al., 1986). Although farther you plant this season’s potatoes from last season’s potato field, the fewer pest prob- Potato Beetle the potato is its favorite food, the beetle may also survive on tomato, eggplant, tobacco, lems will occur. is also the most pepper, ground cherry, thorn apple, Jimson- economically Research at Cornell University demon- weed, henbane, horse nettle, belladonna, strated the efficacy of flame technology in threatening pest petunia, cabbage, thistle, mullein and other controlling overwintering CPBs. The most of potatoes in the plants (Metcalf and Flint, 1962). The CPB effective time for flaming is between plant northeastern is resistant to most registered pesticides, emergence and when the plant reaches 8 United States. making the beetle one of the most difficult inches in height. Taller plants are less heat insect pests to control in cultivated crops tolerant and their canopy shields many (Hollingsworth et al., 1986). of the pests. The best control is achieved on warm, sunny days when beetles The life cycle of the beetle varies accord- are actively feeding on top of the plants. In ing to where it is found. In northern Maine, trials, flaming provided 90 percent control the CPB completes one generation per year. of overwintering adult CPBs, contrasted Farther south, the CPB completes three with from 25 to 50 percent with chemi- generations per year. The adult beetle over- cal insecticides. Flaming also reduced egg winters in the potato field, from 12 to 18 hatch by 30 percent (Moyer, 1992). inches below the soil surface and in pro- tected sites around the field. The beetles The CPB ca n be excluded f rom emerge in late spring, move to the field and crops with the use of floating row covers. mate once established on a plant. Females Floating row covers are thin fabrics spun lay egg masses on lower leaf surfaces in from a synthetic material. The product batches of approximately 25 eggs. A single allows air and moisture to pass through female may lay up to 500 eggs. Because the while preventing pest species access to eggs are laid in clumps, the larvae tend to the plants. The floating row covers should be found in clumps rather than randomly be put on either shortly after planting throughout the field (Hollingsworth et al., or emergence. 1986). You can fi nd good life cycle infor- Straw mulch of wheat or rye in potato mation for the CPB in the book Destructive fields may reduce the CPB’s ability to and Useful Insects, by Metcalf and Flint, locate potato fields and alter the microen- 1962. The book is available from most vironment in favor of CPB predators (Brust, agricultural libraries. 1994). In the fi rst half of the season, soil ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. predators — mostly ground beetles — climb field borders or by planting insectary strips potato plants to feed on second- and third- in the field can increase the effectiveness stage instar larvae of the CPB. In the sec- of these biological controls. ATTRA has ond half of the season, lady bird beetles more information on this technique in and green lacewings are the predominant the publication Farmscaping to Enhance predators and feed on eggs and fi rst and Biological Control. second instars. The increased number of Several plants, such as tansy and catnip, predators in mulched potato plots com- are reported to repel the CPB. Two jour- pared to non-mulched plots resulted in sig- nal abstracts from The IPM Practitioner nificantly less defoliation from the CPB and discuss interplanting trials conducted at one-third higher tuber yields. Rodale Institute Research Center in coop- eration with USDA researchers (Olkowski, Varietal resistance to the CPB et al., 1992). The experiments show tansy Some potato varieties, such as Russet and catnip were from 58 to 100 percent Burbanks, seem to be more tolerant to effective in repelling the CPB from pota- S ome potato varieties, the CPB, but no varieties are completely toes. However, a European study shows that resistant. The April 1989 issue of National companion planting did not significantly such as Russet reduce plant defoliation by the CPB. In the Gardening highlighted research on planting Burbanks, seem to be early maturing varieties that develop potato European study, companion plants were more tolerant to the tubers before CPB populations explode. smaller than the potatoes in the begin- CPB, but no varieties It listed seven varieties that mature from 75 ning of the season. The study’s authors are completely to 88 days. The varieties are the Caribe, speculated that more mature companion Norland, Pungo, Redsen, Sunrise, Superior plants might be more effective (Moreau et resistant. and Yukon Gold. The issue also illustrated al., 2006). In 1992, The IPM Practitio- the growth stages of the potatoes and how ner published a special report specifically the stages coincide with CPB emergence addressing potato IPM for the CPB. The and larval development (Ruttle, 1989). This issue can be ordered as a photocopy from the publisher. See the Further resources practice of using early maturing varieties section for ordering information. may prove beneficial to growers in northern regions of the United States, where cooler Parasitic nematodes are another con- temperatures slow insect development. trol option. Commercial formulations of Heterorhabditis species are available and Biological controls of the CPB have been shown to be more pathogenic (Berry, et al., 1997) to the CPB than Stein- There are several natural enemies of the ernema species, which is also commercially CPB, but these enemies are rarely seen available. The Ohio State University Web in commercial potato fields because of site portal for beneficial nematodes, avail- heavy pesticide use. Even under organic able at, growing conditions, when natural enemies provides helpful information on how to use are abundant, the beetle can still cause and where to obtain beneficial nematodes. defol iat ion. The genera l predators, such as lady bird beetles, lacewings and Biorational controls for the CPB stink bugs, provide some control of the CPB, as do several parasites. Dorypho- Commercially available M-One is a prod- rophaga doryphorae and D. coberrans, two uct manufactured by the Mycogen Corpora- species of fly that invade the larvae; and tion of California. See contact information in Edovum puttleri, a wasp that parasitizes the Further resources section for order- ing information. This biopesticide is made CPB eggs; were recently introduced and from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. ‘San are commercially available. Diego’, a naturally occurring bacterium, Increasing habitat for natural enemies by and is effective for controlling CPB with- providing pollen and nectar sources along out disrupting beneficial organisms. It is, Page 16 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 17. however, a genetically engineered product materials will work best in situations with and is not acceptable in organic certification moderate to high relative humidity. programs. Entrust is a new formulation of Spinosad Some research indicates that sprays of manufactured by Dow AgroSciences. It is Bacillus thuringiensis species tenebrionis registered for use on organically managed (Bt) will cause significant mortality of CPB farms to control the CPB and is popular with larvae upon emergence from their eggs. organic farmers. The contact information to This is because the beetles gnaw out of find a distributor near you is listed at the end the eggs and continue eating the shells of this publication in the Further resources afterward, therefore also ingesting Bt section. particles (Ghidiu et al., 1994). Several neem-derived products are Mycotrol-O, a formulation of the parasitic registered for use against the CPB. fungus Beauveria bassiana, is available from Soft-skinned larvae of CPB are reportedly Laverlam International, based in Butte, killed on contact. In a two-year study of vari- Mont. This product is an effective control of ous organic techniques for controlling CPB the CPB by itself or when used in combina- in the United Kingdom, a 2-percent formula- tion with Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebri- tion of Neemix increased yield and lowered onis (Jones, 1999). Some formulations use beetle densities and the occurrence of defo- different strains of B. bassiana. Each strain liation significantly. has the greatest efficacy against a slightly The ATTRA Biorationals: Ecological Pest different group of insects, so be sure to read Management Database, available at www.attra. the label or ask a sales representative about which formulations are most effective against main_srch.php, lists several organically accept- the CPB. Since these are all formulations able biorational pest management materials for with a fungus as the active ingredient, the the CPB. Several of these materials are listed Table 3: Reduced Risk Pest Management Manufacturer Active ingredient OMRI listed* Agroneem Agro Logistic Systems Azadirachtin Yes AgroneemPlus Agro Logistic Systems Azadirachtin Yes Ecozin AMVAC Chemical Corp. Azadirachtin Ornazin AMVAC Chemical Corp. Azadirachtin Biorin Biotech International Beauveria bassiana Azatin XL Plus Certis USA, LLC Azadirachtin Neemix 4.5 Certis USA, LLC Azadirachtin Yes Diatect V Diatect International Diatomaceous Earth (Sili- con Dioxide) Conserve sc turf and ornamental Dow AgroSciences LLC Spinosad Entrust Dow AgroSciences LLC Spinosad Yes Spintor 2sc Dow AgroSciences LLC Spinosad Success Dow AgroSciences LLC Spinosad Fortune Aza Fortune Biotech Limited Azadirachtin Pyola Gardens Alive!, Inc. Pyrethrins Anti-pesto-o Holy Terra Products, Ltd. Azadirachtin * OMRI is the Organic Materials Review Institute. If a product is OMRI approved, it is allowed for use in certified organic sys- tems. Contact your certifier before using any organic pesticide to ensure it is approved by the National Organic Program. ATTRA Page 17
  • 18. above in Table 3. The database also provides selective. Anagrus species of trichogrammatid information about using cultural controls to wasps might be available at a local insectary prevent pest problems. and are effective against leafhopper eggs in inundative releases. Potato leafhopper Even if this particular species is not avail- (Empoasca fabae) able, you might consider an inundative The potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, does release of a generalist Trichogramma egg not overwinter in the northern United States parasite, as Trichogramma species tend and must migrate annually. The potato leaf- to parasitize whatever eggs are available. hopper is one of several closely related leaf- Make sure you check with the insectary hoppers in this genus. The potato leafhop- about parasite host ranges. Other benefi- per feeds on more than 200 cultivated and cial insects are green lacewing, lady beetle, wild plants including beans, potatoes, egg- minute pirate bug, assassin bug, syrphid fly, plant, rhubarb, celery, dahlia, alfalfa, soy- hover fly, robber fly, spiders, damsel bugs beans, clovers and sweet clover. A high and big-eyed bugs. migration rate and wide host range make control of the potato leafhopper difficult. The Department of Pesticide Regulation, part of the California Environmental Both nymphs and adults feed on the under- Protection Agency, publishes a booklet sides of potato leaves. By extracting the sap, called Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms potato leafhoppers cause stunting and leaf in North America. The most recent curl. Potato leafhoppers also bring on hop- version, from 1997, lists 143 commer- perburn, a disease caused by the injection of a toxic substance. Hopperburn is charac- cial suppliers of more than 130 beneficial terized by a yellowing of the tissue at the tip organisms used for biological control. It is and around the margin of the leaf. The yel- available for free download at www.cdpr. lowing increases until the leaf dies. Symptoms are sometimes confused with drought stress (Bennett et al., 2007). Neem Neem works best when ingested by pests The ATTRA publication Farmscaping to and is effective for controlling leaf-eating Enhance Biological Control describes how to pests. Although neem is not effective for design your farm to favor predatory organ- controlling sucking insects such as leafhop- isms. These techniques can be integrated in pers, it appears that it still could be part a biointensive IPM program and can help of a biocontrol strategy targeted against the make your cropping system friendlier to insect. Neem shows considerable anti-feed- beneficial organisms. ant and growth-regulating effects on leaf- Biological control hopper nymphs (National Research Coun- cil, 1992). Neem is primarily an insect Leafhoppers have several growth regulator and should be applied parasites and predators. early in the crop cycle. It is essential to get The mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus good leaf coverage and to see that the neem species and specifically product adheres to the leaf surface. If not, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, the nymphs, which feed on the undersides is an effective predator. of the leaves, will not contact the active Some members of the ingredient. The nymphs should be targeted wasp family are parasites because leafhoppers are most vulnerable in of leafhopper eggs. Some this stage. species of Trichogramma Potato leafhoppers cause hopperburn, a disease are generalist egg para- The IPM Practitioner notes that gar- with symptoms that are sometimes confused with drought. Photo by Art Hower, courtesy sites and have a wide host lic sprays can signif icant ly reduce Pennsylvania State University Department of range. Other species of leaf hopper populations, although the Entomology. Trichogramma are more resulting numbers are still unacceptably Page 18 ATTRA Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
  • 19. high. Garlic may increase the efficacy of these interspecies crosses, including King other leafhopper pest management strat- Harry, protect themselves from pests by egies. Insecticidal soap penetrates the arming their leaves and stems with hairs insect’s cuticle, disrupts the cell mem- fi lled with sticky fluids. These trichomes branes and causes death by dehydration. explode when touched, miring small insects This method is likely to work best against such as leafhoppers and flea beetles in nymphs (Olkowski et al., 1992). Efficacy is goo. The trichomes also ruin the appetites of variable with this method as well. hungry Colorado potato beetles, reducing or eliminating the need to use other pest control Alternatively, a water spray directed at the measures (Pleasant, 2007). King Harry plant, especially under the leaves, will seed potatoes are available in limited quan- wash off the insects. This treatment is not tities from Wood Prairie Farm in northern recommended in humid weather because of Maine. See the Potato seed stock box on possible disease problems. Take care not page 3 for more information. to use excessive force. Spray early in the morning, especially in hot weather (Bradley and Ellis, 1992). Other physical controls include the use of floating row covers dur- OSPUD ing the first month to keep leafhoppers out. A new kind of research and Pyrethrin, rotenone and sabadilla are rec- information sharing ommended only as a last resort. Rotenone is Eleven organic farmers in Oregon and Washington are working not approved by the NOP standards and has closely with Oregon State University faculty members to improve heavy restrictions from the Environmental potato quality and profitability through a participatory learning Protection Agency. process and on-farm, farmer-directed research. A new variety of potato called King Harry, This project encourages an exchange of existing knowledge of integrated management techniques and promotes farmer inno- and the earlier Prince Harry, are the result vation. OSPUD’s goal is to learn more about the wide variety of of three decades of work by Cornell Uni- management issues, including soils, nutrients, insects, diseases, versity potato breeder Bob Plaisted. The weeds, tuber quality and profitability, facing small organic potato potatoes have shown resistance to small farmers in the Northwest. insects such as leafhoppers and flea beetles. This project has generated a number of useful publications for Starting in the late 1970s, Plaisted began organic potato production. For more information and access to crossing Katahdin and other mainstream these publications, visit varieties with Solanum berthaultii, a wild potato from Bolivia. The most successful of ATTRA Page 19
  • 20.
  • 21. Section III Harvesting from Market Farm Implement Company at The Spedo Timely vine killing is essential for good tuber Potato Planter is a cup-type potato planter separation from stolons, tuber skin set, and that automatically plants cut or graded seed efficient harvest. But many farmers do not potatoes and other similar-size tubers. It is prematurely kill vines (Vales, 2004). Harvest- imported from Italy. The Spedo Potato Planter ing procedures for organic potatoes require plants the tubers from 6 to 13 inches apart in alternatives to chemical desiccants. Mechan- the row and hills the row at the same time. It ical destruction is one method and flaming is available as a one- and two-row model. Row technology is an alternative. Flame weeding is spacings are adjustable from 26 inches plus. used successfully to top-kill the potato vines. Woody Gerritsen of Wood Prairie Farm does US Small Farm, formerly Afiveplus, from two passes with a propane flame weeder to Torrington, Wyo., is also a source for top-kill the potato vines before harvest. Many small- to medium-scale potato planting and growers also use a flail chopper that, if the harvesting equipment. In 1998 Afiveplus Contents equipment is present on your farm, can reduce began manufacturing and selling small-scale Section III: Harvesting ............................ 21 propane costs associated with flaming. potato equipment. Owners Larry and DeeDee Anderson, along with their son Eric, make Profile of organic potato Immediately after harvest, healthy potatoes grower: Ivy Donovan ..... 22 potato planters specifically suited for the small should be cured by holding them for 10 to Storage................................... 23 farm. After the first year of digging their own Economics and marketing 14 days at 50 to 60 degrees and high rela- of organic potato potatoes, the family developed a small dig- tive humidity with good air movement to per- production ........................... 23 ger to add to the product line. Smaller prod- Evaluating economics mit suberization and wound periderm for- and markets ..................... 23 ucts developed over the years include a small mation, or the healing of cuts and bruises. Organic potato table-model seed cutter and hilling discs. industry ........................... 24 Although wound periderm formation is most Contact information is listed in the Further Emerging organic market structure ........................... 25 rapid at about 70 degrees, lower temperatures resources section of this publication. Market segments .......... 25 are recommended to reduce decay. Curing Marketing difference ... 25 reduces subsequent weight loss and decay by Price premiums and preventing the entry of Fusarium, soft rot and cost of production ......... 26 Profile of organic potato other decay organisms. The relative humidity grower: Gene Thiel ........ 26 should be about 95 percent (Vales, 2004). Two comparative studies of organic and conventional potato Seed cutters, planters, harvesters, washers production costs ........... 28 and storage rooms make large-scale potato Estimating costs and profitability for organic production a significant financial commitment potato production ....... 29 for any larger-scale grower. The Igls family, The emerging processed organic potato who farms 43 acres of potatoes in Antigo, industry ............................ 29 Wis., customized and adapted almost all of Profile of organic potato grower: Mike Heath ...... 30 their equipment to refine their organic oper- References .............................31 ation (Padgham, 2002). Most medium-scale Further resources ............... 33 mechanized organic producers have one or two pieces of used equipment; potato dig- The Spedo brand has a potato digger that is a two- gers are most common. Auctions and dealers row, three-point hitch-mounted digger for tractors located in traditional small-scale potato pro- (above left). This model straddles two rows of hilled duction areas, such as south of Montreal, are potatoes. The potatoes must be grown in a hill for the digger to work properly. Also, the Zaga Potato Digger good sources for equipment. Increased mech- (above right) is a one-row, three-point hitch-mounted anization allows farmers to grow on more power-take-off (PTO) powered digger. It is designed acres. That often, but not always, reduces the for use on tractors that straddle one row of potatoes centered under the tractor since the digger cannot be unit cost of production (Caldwell, 1999). offset. It will only dig hilled potatoes because the shoe cannot be adjusted to go below ground level. Some mechanical options for planting and Photos courtesy of Market Farm Implement, harvesting on a medium scale are available ATTRA Page 21