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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann
INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón
DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86
FECHA: 22nd August,2017
HORA: 10-11:20
August 2017
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
• Give opinion about what makes a healthy lifestyle.
• Introduce and practise SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T for giving advice.
• Develop their speaking skills by interacting with peers.
• Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information
• Teaching points: - Language Focus:
I think…
I consider that..
Which things are
good/ bad for
Giving advice
about healthy
Ready meals
Soft drinks
Lose weight/put
on weight
Low fat food
/ ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/
Teaching approach: Communicative approach.
Resources: pieces of cardboard with names of different things that are good or bad
for a person- A copy chart to complete- a copy to do a listening activity- an envelope
with pieces of paper in it.
Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to
facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher.
ICT: In this lesson, a CD player will be used to perform the listening activity.
Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will
be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if
they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess.
Routine (5 minutes)
Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class
The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the
students’ comments, they’ll seat sit at their places.
Warm up: (5 minutes)
Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented.
The T will tell the students what she has had for breakfast today and will encourage
students to say what they have drunk and eaten too. Then the T will ask if the items
mentioned are healthy or not. The T will explain the meaning of healthy if it is
necessary by adding that healthy food is the one that it is good for you.
Transition: Ok..interesting..Now I need you to help me to classify some items.
Presentation: (10 minutes)
Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented.
The T will stick on the bb some notices with the following words:
The T will make the following chart on the bb. She will ask the sts to stick each notice in
the corresponding column.
Transition: Well done! You’ve made a great job!
Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the useage of vocabulary to
present the teaching point.
Activity 1 ( 5 minutes)
The T will ask the sts to work in pairs. Each pair will receive a list of questions to
discuss, about by using the vocabulary from the previous activity. Here are the
cakeexercise sweets Soft drinks sleep water
Fresh fruit vegetables smoking Fast food Ready meals milk
The T will help sts understand the meaning of expressions such as lose weight- put on
weight – skin by miming or providing an example within a context.
Transition: Great! Let me see.. How much do you know about a healthy lifestyle?
Activity 2 ( 10 minutes)
Now we’ll do a quiz in pairs to find out. ( The sts continue working in the same pairs)
Discuss: Wwhich things from the ones on the board:
Help you to lose weight?
Make you put on weight?
Give you energy?
Are good for your skin?
Are bad for your heart?
Contain a lot of sugar?
Contain a lot of salt?
Are important for a healthy diet?
The T will ask some students to read each question to check comprehension. If there’s
a word that it is not understood the T will encourage the class to explain. Otherwise,
the T will do so.
When the task is performed. The T will ask for the sts’ answers.
Transition: Ok…now let’s see what an expert says about the questions on this quiz
Activity 3 (10 minutes)
The T will say: ‘ Now we are going to listen to a recording. We’re going to listen to
Julie Maitland, a fitness expert. Do you know what a fitness expert is?( the T will guide
the sts to figure the meaning out if it is necessary). The T will play the recording and
encourage the sts to check their predictions. Afterwards, the T will deliver a copy to do
a listening activity with the same recording. She will explain the task by saying: ‘Here,
on this copy, there are some sentences that you have to decide whether they are true
or false.
Here are the sentences:
The sts will take turns to read the sentences in order to be sure they understand them.
Then the recording will be played again. If it is necessary, it will be played another time.
Finally, the answers will be checked altogether.
Transition: We have learnt a bit about what healthy life or habits are, aren’t they?
Activity 4 ( 15 minutes)
The T will write some sentences on the bb. She will say: ‘ Well, these sentences were
taken from what Julie has said:
The T will read them. Here are the sentences:
Listen to the recording. Say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. People who eat good breakfast are often slimmer than people who don’t.
2. Danny eats the right kind of breakfast.
3. Danny drinks eight glasses of water a day.
4. Experts say that teenagers need more exercise than adults.
5. People who sleep well live longer than people who don’t.
6. Teenagers need more sleep than adults.
Everyone should eat plenty of fruit
You should drink at least two litres of water every day.
People shouldn’t stay in bed too late in the morning.
Should I eat fruit?
The t will encourage the sts to say if there is any word or expression that is repeated in
all the sentences. The sts will say: ‘SHOULD-SHOULDN’T’. Then the T will ask he
students what type of word is always followed after SHOULD. The sts will say: ‘an
infinitive verb’.
The T will add that SHOULD is a modal verb. She will ask the sts to figure out the
meaning of it and when to use it.
The T will guide the sts to infer the meaning and usage. If they have difficulties in doing
so, the T will provide more examples.
Then the sts will be asked to write on their folders the following from the bb.
Transition: Great job kids!. Now I have a situation to show you.
Activity 5: ( 10 minutes)
Should is a modal verb. It is used to give advice.
+ Infinitive verb
The T will ask the sts to form two groups. Each group will receive an envelope with a
situation and some possible pieces of advice for them. The T will ask the sts to read
and write on a sheet of paper sentences by using SHOULD- SHOULDN’T
Here are the situations and the pieces of advice for each of them:
• Have a shower /get up
• Go to bed late
• Take more exercise
• Listen to heavy metal music in bed
• Get up when alarm clock goes off.
• Miss more lessons.
• Pay attention to her parents instructions
• Spend more time doing homework.
• Use her mobile phone when it is necessary only.
• Study harder.
While the sts perform the activity, the T will be walking around the groups in order to
see if they need any help. After the task has been finished, each group will read their
productions aloud.
Transition: You’ve done a great job today!
Clousure: ( 10 minutes)
Freddy has no energy. He can’t get to sleep at night and he
can’t get up in the morning so he is always late for school.
Anna is in 7th form at primary school. She has her introductory exam
at a secondary school in three months. But she sometimes misses
lessons at school, never does her homework, uses her mobile phone all
the time and she doesn’t pay attention to her parents` instructions.
Just to relax a bit, we’re going to listen to a song. The T will deliver a copy with the
song Should I stay or should I go’ by The Clash.
The sts will listen to it and do the activities provided.
When the task is over. The whole class will check their answers and see what the song
is about.
Just the audio will be presented
Darling you got to let me know
Should I ………..stay or should I go?
If you say that you are ………………….
I'll be here 'til the end of ……………….
So you got to let me ………………. know
Should I stay or should I……………. go?
It's always tease, tease, tease
You're ………… when I'm on my knees
One day it's fine and next it's …………
So if you want me off your back
Well, come on and let me know
…………… I stay or should I go?
Should I stay And let me know
Should I stay There will be trouble
If I go, or should I go?
And if I stay it will be double
So come on or should I go?
…….This indecision's bugging me …. Exactly whom I'm supposed to be
…..If you don't want me, set me free ……Come on and let me know
……Should I cool it or should I blow?
…….Don't you know which clothes even fit me?
Go –happy - Time -Stay -black -
know - mine- should -
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
resources –
Learning styles
Stages and
Observations Lovely resources, Vivi! You tried to cater for different learning styles. Well done!
Give instructions clearly, and check understanding. Encourage students to use the
target language as much as possible.
Best of luck!
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann
INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón
DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86
FECHA: 25th August,2017
HORA: 10 - 11:20
FECHA DE ENTREGA: 21st August 2017
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
• Develop their reading skills by doing reading comprehension activities such as
gap filling.
• Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information.
• Introduce and practise MUST/ MUSTN’T for explaining sports’ rules.
• Develop their writing skills by writing a text explaining a sport’s rules and
• Teaching points: - Language Focus:
REVISION Giving advice
Ready meals
Soft drinks
Lose weight/put
on weight
Low food
/ ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/
sports’ rules
Tree climbing
Football- work
out – go
/ mʌst /
/ ˈmʌs (ǝ)nt/
Teaching approach: Communicative approach.
Resources: pieces of cards with letters to form sports. - A copy with a text to read- A
copy with information and useful expressions to write sport’s rules
Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to
facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher. Later they will be asked
to sit in two groups.
ICT: In this lesson, the projector will be used to show images about sports.
Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will
be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if
they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess by providing examples or miming.
Routine (5 minutes)
Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class
The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the
students’ comments, they’ll sit at their places.
Warm up: (5 minutes)
Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented.
The T will say: ‘ Do you like sports? Do you practise any? Which one?. How often do
you practise it? The T will listen to the sts’ comments.
Transition: Ok..interesting... I’m not very good at any sport by I go for a walk three
times a week. Can you move your seats in order to make two groups?
Presentation: (10 minutes)
Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented.
The T will explain the sts that she has two sets with the alphabet letters. Each group
will have three minutes to form as many words related to sports and equipment as they
When the time is up the T will copy on the bb the words that each group has formed.
Transition: Well done! You’ve made a great job!
Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the usage of vocabulary to
present the teaching point.
Activity 1 ( 15 minutes)
The T will tell the sts that she will play a CD track and that they have to pay attention to
the sports or activities related to sports they may listen. They have to write the names
on a piece of paper.
After listening for the first time, the T will provide each student with a copy of the text
they have listened before. As the sts are sat in groups, The T will ask them to perform
the following tasks in pairs.
This is the copy:
The T will ask the sts if they can identify the sports that are at the top of the copy. After
they provide the answers, the T will ask the sts to listen and read the text. This time
they have to underline the sports and activities they find in the text. The T will also ask
the sts to spot the words they may not understand.
The sts may not understand the meaning of swelling- overdo- injuries. If this happens,
the T will mime or provide examples within a context. The T will use English as much
as possible and will encourage sts to do the same.
Read the text again and decide where to put these missing sentences
a) A teenager has to get nine hours’ sleep a night – more than an adult.
b) Enjoy the views from the top.
c) If you hurt yourself, a bag of frozen peas reduces swelling
Later, The T will ask the sts to put the missing sentences provided in the chart at the
bottom of the copy in the correct space. After the sts finish, the activity will be corrected
orally altogether.
Finally, the T will ask the sts the following questions:
What equipment do you need for tree climbing?
What should you do before playing football?
Why is it not OK to just do lots of sport and nothing else?
The sts will answer them orally.
Transition: Good job kids! Now, have a look at these sentences that I’ve taken from
the text
Activity 2 ( 10 minutes)
The T will write some sentences taken from the previous text. Here they are:
You must use the right equipment.
You must see a doctor if you are in a lot of pain.
You mustn’t overdo things
The T will ask:’ What do all these sentences have in common?’. The sts will answer:’ all
of them have the word MUST’. The T will encourage the sts to figure out the meaning
of MUST.Then the T will say:’ Very good!, what type of word is MUST followed
by?. The sts will say:’ an infinitive verb’ . ( they may probably say:’ a verb’. The T will
guide them to say that it is in an infinitive form.)
The T will also add that the modal verb MUST, as well as SHOULD seen in the
previous class, are used with all the subject pronouns.
The T will ask the sts to copy the chart written on the bb on their folders.
Transition: Very good!. Now I have some tips to share with you about other sports.
Here we go..
Activity 3 ( 10 minutes)
The T will ask the students what they know about skating and rock climbing. After
listening to their answers, the T will provide each student a copy with tips about skating
and rock climbing. The T will explain that the sts have to read the sentences and
complete them with: Must or Mustn’t.
Here is the copy:
Each student will read one of the sentences in order to check the task.
Must is a modal verb. It is used to tell someone to do or not to
do something, to talk about rules.
+ Infinitive verb
a) You ………………..check your skates before you put them on.
b) You ………………………..skate where there are a lot of people.
c) You ……………………….wear a helmet, and you
………………….check that it fits correctly.
a) You …………………….use the correct equipment.
b) At a climbing wall, you ………………have a gear.
c) You …………..take risks or do anything silly. Safety is very
Transition: Great job kids!. We have learnt a bit about sport, haven’t we?
Activity 4: ( 20 minutes)
The T will use the projector to show the sts some photos about extreme sports. The T
will ask:’ Do you know these sports? The T will elicit from the sts that they are extreme
sports. The T will encourage them to label them if they can.
After listening to their answers, the T will add that she has found some information
about some of them and that she would like to share it with them. The sts will be
divided into four groups of two. Each pair will receive one of the following copies.
BASE meaning: Building, Antenna, span
( bridge), earth.
Equipment: parachute – wing suit
Type of sport: individual
Jumper: jump from these categories:
Building-antenna-span- earth
Rules: level increase after jumping from an
object in each category.
An award to jumper who jumps at night.
Not jump without training.
Parkour : a French word. Method of
military training
Equipment: a rail rack (necessary to
train only)- No equipment to practise
just casual clothes.
Type of sport: individual or group
Traceur: go to one point to another and
sort out obstacles- not compete-
Rules: Respect private property and the
environment- manage risks- Not be
afraid – train hard
Each pair has to write a short text explaining the extreme sport by using the information
provided. They will be encouraged to use MUST- MUSTN’T to explain the sports’ rules.
When the task has been performed, each pair will read their text to the rest of the class.
ZORBING ( Globe gliding)
Practise in water or soil.
Equipment: an transparent plastic orb-
an harness ( sometimes)
Type of sport: individual or pair
Rider: go down gentle slopes.
Records: longest time spent,longest
distance travelled,fastest ride
Rules: minimum age limit ( 8 years old)-
No glasses- long short sleeve T shirt- no
muscle shirts- no jewellery
Winter activity-
Equipment: crampons-ice axes-boots
Type of sport: individual or group
Ice climber: go up inclined ice
Rules: know about rope systems-
manage climbing techniques – no
compete without a licence – pay
attention to weather conditions
While the sts perform the task, the T will be monitoring the groups, evacuating their
doubts by answering their questions and helping to look for unknown words up in a
Transition: You have really worked hard today! Great job! Would you like to play a
Clousure: ( 5 minutes)
The T will say: ‘Now.. I’d like to check your memory. You’re going to divide yourselves
into two groups again. You have to write as many new words you have learnt today as
possible. The group that writes more words without spelling mistakes wins.
If we have time, they’ll think of sentences to make including the word orally.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
resources –
Learning styles
Stages and
Well done, Vivi! Lovely lesson. Make sure you explain before they get into groups.
Do check understanding.
Have a nice time!
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann
INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón
DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86
FECHA: 28st August,2017
HORA: 10- 11:20
August 2017
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
• Talk about symptoms and illnesses.
• Distinguish and practise SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T- MUST/ MUSTN’T for giving
advice or establishing rules and obligations
• Develop their speaking skills by interacting with peers.
• Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information.
• Teaching points: - Language Focus:
Giving advice
Explaining rules
and obligations
Parts of the body SHOULD
/ ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/
/ ˈmʌs (ǝ)nt/
*Realising and
applying the
between giving
advice and
indicating rules
and obligations.
illnesses and
Symptoms and
illnesses: flu – a
temperature- a
sore throat- a
cold -a headache-
a cough – a
stomach ache
between modal
verbs SHOULD-
Teaching approach: Communicative approach.
Resources: CD player – different copies to do a matching and listening activity.
Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to
facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher. Later they will sit in two
ICT: In this lesson, the projector will be used to show pictures.
Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will
be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if
they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess by providing extra examples or miming.
Routine (5 minutes)
Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class
The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the
students’ comments, they’ll sit at their places.
Warm up: (5 minutes)
Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented.
The T will start the class by saying that last night she had a birthday party and that she
ate a lot. Today she is feeling sick, she has ‘ a stomach ache’. Then she will ask: ‘Do
you know what a stomach ache is? ‘ what do you do when you have one?
Transition: Ok..interesting... Now, let’s see how much you remember the parts of the
Presentation: (10 minutes)
Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented.
The T will tell the sts that they are going to make a competition into two groups. The T
will read some definitions and each group will provide the answer with a part of the
body. They’ll have thirty seconds to give the answer otherwise they miss the point. For
every correct answer, the group gets a point. Then, the T will ask the sts to divide
themselves into two groups
Here are the definitions and the answers:
1. You use this part of the body to hear.
2. You have eight of these, four on each hand.
3. You have two of these. You use them to walk.
4. You use these to see.
5. You use this to talk, smile and eat.
6. The part of your body with your hair, eyes, mouth, nose and ears on.
7. At the bottom of your leg, you have a ___. You wear a shoe on it.
8. You have one ___ in the middle of your face. You use it to smell.
9. After your mouth, your food goes down your ___. Sometimes this part of the body hurts
when you are ill.
10. You have two of these. They have your hands at the end.
Transition: Well done! Congratulations to everyone.!
Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the useage of vocabulary to
present the teaching point.
Activity 1 ( 5 minutes)
The T will provide each student with the following copy. The T will ask the sts to read
the words in the box. They’ll have to listen and match the picture with the correct
words. They should make guesses about new vocabulary. The sts work individually on
the task and then compare their answers in pairs. The T will play the CD again and
elicit the corresponding pictures. Finally the T will ask the sts to repeat the words in
order to practisce their pronunciation.
Transition: Great! Let me see.. How good are you at doing a word search?
Activity 2 ( 5 minutes)
The T will provide each student with the following word search. The sts will have to find
eight words connected to health. ( they are the ones seen in the previous task). Then,
the T will ask the sts to say the words they have found aloud.
Transition: Very good! Shall we do an observation game now?
Activity 3: ( 10 minutes)
The T will project a picture on the bb. She will explain that they have to listen to the CD
and try to find the people on the picture. The T will ask the sts to divide themselves into
two groups to perform the task. The first group with all the correct answers is the
Here is the picture
Here are the tapescript and answer key:
Transition: Well done!! Do you like going to the doctor’s?
Activity 3 (15 minutes)
The T will continue asking:’ Can you tell me how often do you go to the doctor? and
After listening to the sts’ comments the T will project the following photo on the bb.
The T will say that the girl on the photo is Lauren. The T will encourage the sts to
describe the photo by asking questions such as: ‘ Where is Lauren?, Who is she with?
What is she wearing? What do you think happened to her?
Then, the T will project a chart on the bb. The T will add that those expressions are
useful when we go to the doctor’s. She will play the CD and ask the sts to pay attention
to their pronunciation. While they listen to the expressions, the T will ask if they know
their meaning. If not, the T will mime or provide an example.
Here are the expressions:
The T will tell the sts that some of these expressions may appear in the listening they
are going to do.
The T will provide each student a copy with the tasks to do:
Here is the copy:
Before listening, the T will ask each of the students to read the sentences to check
understanding. In the first part, the sts will listen and choose the correct answer. The
second time, they will complete the doctor’s notes for Lauren’s treatment.
After performing the task, the T will read the doctor’s notes and guide the sts to
distinguish the use of must / mustn’t and should. The sts wil infer that must is used
for obligation, mustn’t for prohibition and should for giving advice.
Transition: Great! Now.. it’s your turn…
Activity 4 ( 15 minutes)
The T will tell the sts that they will work in pairs to role play a situation at the doctor’s.
One of them will be a doctor and the other one will be the patient. Each pair will use the
expressions in the express yourself chart to take the information they need for the
doctor and the patient. They also will decide what the illness or injury will be and how to
solve it. Each pair can make notes about when it started, the symptoms and how they
feel at the moment. They have to include the modal verbs studied in their role plays.
While the pairs prepare the role play, the T will monitor and guide them in any help they
may request. After practising, the T will encourage the pairs who feel more confident to
role play the situation to the rest of the class. The T will provide some doctor’s element
to make the role play more real.
Transition: Excellent! How about a game to finish the class?
Clousure: ( 10 minutes)
The T will work into two groups. The T will project on the bb a memory game with
pictures with illnesses and the corresponding word. The sts will tell the T what cards to
click on, if both cards are the same the group gets a point. When they do so they have
to make a sentence.
Note: The game can’t be shown because it is on a CD ROM that belongs to the book
Hot Spot 3 by MacMillan
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
resources –
Learning styles
Stages and
Observations Lovely lesson! Hope my comments are useful.
Pay attention to timing, so that you can accomplish your aims.
Have fun!

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  • 1. LESSON PLAN 1 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann PERÍODO DE PRÁCTICA: Nivel Primario INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86 SALA / GRADO / AÑO -SECCIÓN: 7mo CANTIDAD DE ALUMNOS: 8 NIVEL LINGÜÍSTICO DEL CURSO: Elemental TIPO DE PLANIFICACIÓN: Diaria UNIDAD TEMÁTICA: 5– Stay well CLASE Nº: 1 FECHA: 22nd August,2017 HORA: 10-11:20 DURACIÓN DE LA CLASE: 80 minutes FECHA DE ENTREGA: 15th August 2017 Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to: • Give opinion about what makes a healthy lifestyle. • Introduce and practise SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T for giving advice. • Develop their speaking skills by interacting with peers. • Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE
  • 2. • Teaching points: - Language Focus: FUNCTION LEXIS STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Expressing opinions I think… I consider that.. Which things are good/ bad for you? NEW Giving advice about healthy lifestyle Ready meals Soft drinks Lose weight/put on weight Low fat food SHOULD SHOULDN’T /ʃʊd/ / ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/ Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Resources: pieces of cardboard with names of different things that are good or bad for a person- A copy chart to complete- a copy to do a listening activity- an envelope with pieces of paper in it. Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher. ICT: In this lesson, a CD player will be used to perform the listening activity. Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess. Routine (5 minutes) Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the students’ comments, they’ll seat sit at their places.
  • 3. Warm up: (5 minutes) Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented. The T will tell the students what she has had for breakfast today and will encourage students to say what they have drunk and eaten too. Then the T will ask if the items mentioned are healthy or not. The T will explain the meaning of healthy if it is necessary by adding that healthy food is the one that it is good for you. Transition: Ok..interesting..Now I need you to help me to classify some items. Presentation: (10 minutes) Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented. The T will stick on the bb some notices with the following words: The T will make the following chart on the bb. She will ask the sts to stick each notice in the corresponding column. GOOD THINGS BAD THINGS Transition: Well done! You’ve made a great job! Development Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the useage of vocabulary to present the teaching point. Activity 1 ( 5 minutes) The T will ask the sts to work in pairs. Each pair will receive a list of questions to discuss, about by using the vocabulary from the previous activity. Here are the questions: cakeexercise sweets Soft drinks sleep water Fresh fruit vegetables smoking Fast food Ready meals milk
  • 4. The T will help sts understand the meaning of expressions such as lose weight- put on weight – skin by miming or providing an example within a context. Transition: Great! Let me see.. How much do you know about a healthy lifestyle? Activity 2 ( 10 minutes) Now we’ll do a quiz in pairs to find out. ( The sts continue working in the same pairs) Discuss: Wwhich things from the ones on the board: Help you to lose weight? Make you put on weight? Give you energy? Are good for your skin? Are bad for your heart? Contain a lot of sugar? Contain a lot of salt? Are important for a healthy diet?
  • 5. The T will ask some students to read each question to check comprehension. If there’s a word that it is not understood the T will encourage the class to explain. Otherwise, the T will do so. When the task is performed. The T will ask for the sts’ answers. Transition: Ok…now let’s see what an expert says about the questions on this quiz Activity 3 (10 minutes) The T will say: ‘ Now we are going to listen to a recording. We’re going to listen to Julie Maitland, a fitness expert. Do you know what a fitness expert is?( the T will guide the sts to figure the meaning out if it is necessary). The T will play the recording and encourage the sts to check their predictions. Afterwards, the T will deliver a copy to do a listening activity with the same recording. She will explain the task by saying: ‘Here, on this copy, there are some sentences that you have to decide whether they are true or false. Here are the sentences: The sts will take turns to read the sentences in order to be sure they understand them. Then the recording will be played again. If it is necessary, it will be played another time. Finally, the answers will be checked altogether. Transition: We have learnt a bit about what healthy life or habits are, aren’t they? Activity 4 ( 15 minutes) The T will write some sentences on the bb. She will say: ‘ Well, these sentences were taken from what Julie has said: The T will read them. Here are the sentences: Listen to the recording. Say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. People who eat good breakfast are often slimmer than people who don’t. 2. Danny eats the right kind of breakfast. 3. Danny drinks eight glasses of water a day. 4. Experts say that teenagers need more exercise than adults. 5. People who sleep well live longer than people who don’t. 6. Teenagers need more sleep than adults.
  • 6. Everyone should eat plenty of fruit You should drink at least two litres of water every day. People shouldn’t stay in bed too late in the morning. Should I eat fruit? The t will encourage the sts to say if there is any word or expression that is repeated in all the sentences. The sts will say: ‘SHOULD-SHOULDN’T’. Then the T will ask he students what type of word is always followed after SHOULD. The sts will say: ‘an infinitive verb’. The T will add that SHOULD is a modal verb. She will ask the sts to figure out the meaning of it and when to use it. The T will guide the sts to infer the meaning and usage. If they have difficulties in doing so, the T will provide more examples. Then the sts will be asked to write on their folders the following from the bb. Transition: Great job kids!. Now I have a situation to show you. Activity 5: ( 10 minutes) Should is a modal verb. It is used to give advice. Should + Infinitive verb Shouldn’t
  • 7. The T will ask the sts to form two groups. Each group will receive an envelope with a situation and some possible pieces of advice for them. The T will ask the sts to read and write on a sheet of paper sentences by using SHOULD- SHOULDN’T Here are the situations and the pieces of advice for each of them: • Have a shower /get up • Go to bed late • Take more exercise • Listen to heavy metal music in bed • Get up when alarm clock goes off. • Miss more lessons. • Pay attention to her parents instructions • Spend more time doing homework. • Use her mobile phone when it is necessary only. • Study harder. While the sts perform the activity, the T will be walking around the groups in order to see if they need any help. After the task has been finished, each group will read their productions aloud. Transition: You’ve done a great job today! Clousure: ( 10 minutes) Freddy has no energy. He can’t get to sleep at night and he can’t get up in the morning so he is always late for school. Anna is in 7th form at primary school. She has her introductory exam at a secondary school in three months. But she sometimes misses lessons at school, never does her homework, uses her mobile phone all the time and she doesn’t pay attention to her parents` instructions.
  • 8. Just to relax a bit, we’re going to listen to a song. The T will deliver a copy with the song Should I stay or should I go’ by The Clash. The sts will listen to it and do the activities provided. When the task is over. The whole class will check their answers and see what the song is about. Just the audio will be presented SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? The Clash Darling you got to let me know Should I ………..stay or should I go? If you say that you are …………………. I'll be here 'til the end of ………………. So you got to let me ………………. know Should I stay or should I……………. go? It's always tease, tease, tease You're ………… when I'm on my knees One day it's fine and next it's ………… So if you want me off your back Well, come on and let me know …………… I stay or should I go? CHORUS Should I stay And let me know Should I stay There will be trouble If I go, or should I go? And if I stay it will be double So come on or should I go? …….This indecision's bugging me …. Exactly whom I'm supposed to be …..If you don't want me, set me free ……Come on and let me know ……Should I cool it or should I blow? …….Don't you know which clothes even fit me? REPEAT CHORUS Go –happy - Time -Stay -black - know - mine- should -
  • 9. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Lovely resources, Vivi! You tried to cater for different learning styles. Well done! Give instructions clearly, and check understanding. Encourage students to use the target language as much as possible. Best of luck! Aure
  • 10. LESSON PLAN 2 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann PERÍODO DE PRÁCTICA: Nivel Primario INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86 SALA / GRADO / AÑO -SECCIÓN: 7mo CANTIDAD DE ALUMNOS: 8 NIVEL LINGÜÍSTICO DEL CURSO: Elemental TIPO DE PLANIFICACIÓN: Diaria UNIDAD TEMÁTICA: 5– Stay well CLASE Nº: 2 FECHA: 25th August,2017 HORA: 10 - 11:20 DURACIÓN DE LA CLASE: 80 minutes FECHA DE ENTREGA: 21st August 2017 Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to: • Develop their reading skills by doing reading comprehension activities such as gap filling. • Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE
  • 11. • Introduce and practise MUST/ MUSTN’T for explaining sports’ rules. • Develop their writing skills by writing a text explaining a sport’s rules and equipment. • Teaching points: - Language Focus: FUNCTION LEXIS STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Giving advice Ready meals Soft drinks Lose weight/put on weight Low food SHOULD SHOULDN’T /ʃʊd/ / ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/ NEW Explaining sports’ rules Tree climbing Football- work out – go running- parkour-base jumping- zorbing-ice climbing MUST MUSTN’T / mʌst / / ˈmʌs (ǝ)nt/ Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Resources: pieces of cards with letters to form sports. - A copy with a text to read- A copy with information and useful expressions to write sport’s rules Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher. Later they will be asked to sit in two groups. ICT: In this lesson, the projector will be used to show images about sports. Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess by providing examples or miming.
  • 12. Routine (5 minutes) Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the students’ comments, they’ll sit at their places. Warm up: (5 minutes) Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented. The T will say: ‘ Do you like sports? Do you practise any? Which one?. How often do you practise it? The T will listen to the sts’ comments. Transition: Ok..interesting... I’m not very good at any sport by I go for a walk three times a week. Can you move your seats in order to make two groups? Presentation: (10 minutes) Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented. The T will explain the sts that she has two sets with the alphabet letters. Each group will have three minutes to form as many words related to sports and equipment as they can. When the time is up the T will copy on the bb the words that each group has formed. Transition: Well done! You’ve made a great job! Development Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the usage of vocabulary to present the teaching point. Activity 1 ( 15 minutes) The T will tell the sts that she will play a CD track and that they have to pay attention to the sports or activities related to sports they may listen. They have to write the names on a piece of paper. After listening for the first time, the T will provide each student with a copy of the text they have listened before. As the sts are sat in groups, The T will ask them to perform the following tasks in pairs. This is the copy:
  • 13. The T will ask the sts if they can identify the sports that are at the top of the copy. After they provide the answers, the T will ask the sts to listen and read the text. This time they have to underline the sports and activities they find in the text. The T will also ask the sts to spot the words they may not understand. The sts may not understand the meaning of swelling- overdo- injuries. If this happens, the T will mime or provide examples within a context. The T will use English as much as possible and will encourage sts to do the same. Read the text again and decide where to put these missing sentences a) A teenager has to get nine hours’ sleep a night – more than an adult. b) Enjoy the views from the top. c) If you hurt yourself, a bag of frozen peas reduces swelling
  • 14. Later, The T will ask the sts to put the missing sentences provided in the chart at the bottom of the copy in the correct space. After the sts finish, the activity will be corrected orally altogether. Finally, the T will ask the sts the following questions: What equipment do you need for tree climbing? What should you do before playing football? Why is it not OK to just do lots of sport and nothing else? The sts will answer them orally. Transition: Good job kids! Now, have a look at these sentences that I’ve taken from the text Activity 2 ( 10 minutes) The T will write some sentences taken from the previous text. Here they are: You must use the right equipment. You must see a doctor if you are in a lot of pain. You mustn’t overdo things The T will ask:’ What do all these sentences have in common?’. The sts will answer:’ all of them have the word MUST’. The T will encourage the sts to figure out the meaning of MUST.Then the T will say:’ Very good!, what type of word is MUST followed by?. The sts will say:’ an infinitive verb’ . ( they may probably say:’ a verb’. The T will guide them to say that it is in an infinitive form.) The T will also add that the modal verb MUST, as well as SHOULD seen in the previous class, are used with all the subject pronouns. The T will ask the sts to copy the chart written on the bb on their folders.
  • 15. Transition: Very good!. Now I have some tips to share with you about other sports. Here we go.. Activity 3 ( 10 minutes) The T will ask the students what they know about skating and rock climbing. After listening to their answers, the T will provide each student a copy with tips about skating and rock climbing. The T will explain that the sts have to read the sentences and complete them with: Must or Mustn’t. Here is the copy: Each student will read one of the sentences in order to check the task. Must is a modal verb. It is used to tell someone to do or not to do something, to talk about rules. Must + Infinitive verb Mustn’t SAFETY TIPS FOR SKATING a) You ………………..check your skates before you put them on. b) You ………………………..skate where there are a lot of people. c) You ……………………….wear a helmet, and you ………………….check that it fits correctly. ROCK CLIMBING a) You …………………….use the correct equipment. b) At a climbing wall, you ………………have a gear. c) You …………..take risks or do anything silly. Safety is very important
  • 16. Transition: Great job kids!. We have learnt a bit about sport, haven’t we? Activity 4: ( 20 minutes) The T will use the projector to show the sts some photos about extreme sports. The T will ask:’ Do you know these sports? The T will elicit from the sts that they are extreme sports. The T will encourage them to label them if they can. After listening to their answers, the T will add that she has found some information about some of them and that she would like to share it with them. The sts will be divided into four groups of two. Each pair will receive one of the following copies. BASE JUMPING BASE meaning: Building, Antenna, span ( bridge), earth. Equipment: parachute – wing suit Type of sport: individual Jumper: jump from these categories: Building-antenna-span- earth Rules: level increase after jumping from an object in each category. An award to jumper who jumps at night. Not jump without training. PARKOUR Parkour : a French word. Method of military training Equipment: a rail rack (necessary to train only)- No equipment to practise just casual clothes. Type of sport: individual or group Traceur: go to one point to another and sort out obstacles- not compete- Rules: Respect private property and the environment- manage risks- Not be afraid – train hard
  • 17. Each pair has to write a short text explaining the extreme sport by using the information provided. They will be encouraged to use MUST- MUSTN’T to explain the sports’ rules. When the task has been performed, each pair will read their text to the rest of the class. ZORBING ( Globe gliding) Practise in water or soil. Equipment: an transparent plastic orb- an harness ( sometimes) Type of sport: individual or pair Rider: go down gentle slopes. Records: longest time spent,longest distance travelled,fastest ride Rules: minimum age limit ( 8 years old)- No glasses- long short sleeve T shirt- no muscle shirts- no jewellery ICE CLIMBING Winter activity- Equipment: crampons-ice axes-boots Type of sport: individual or group Ice climber: go up inclined ice formations Rules: know about rope systems- manage climbing techniques – no compete without a licence – pay attention to weather conditions
  • 18. While the sts perform the task, the T will be monitoring the groups, evacuating their doubts by answering their questions and helping to look for unknown words up in a dictionary. Transition: You have really worked hard today! Great job! Would you like to play a game? Clousure: ( 5 minutes) The T will say: ‘Now.. I’d like to check your memory. You’re going to divide yourselves into two groups again. You have to write as many new words you have learnt today as possible. The group that writes more words without spelling mistakes wins. If we have time, they’ll think of sentences to make including the word orally. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Well done, Vivi! Lovely lesson. Make sure you explain before they get into groups. Do check understanding. Have a nice time! Aure I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE
  • 19. LESSON PLAN 3 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Viviana Scheuermann PERÍODO DE PRÁCTICA: Nivel Primario INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA: Colegio Privado Laico Sagrado Corazón DIRECCIÓN: Obrero Argentino 86 SALA / GRADO / AÑO -SECCIÓN: 7mo CANTIDAD DE ALUMNOS: 8 NIVEL LINGÜÍSTICO DEL CURSO: Elemental TIPO DE PLANIFICACIÓN: Diaria UNIDAD TEMÁTICA: 5– Stay well CLASE Nº: 3 FECHA: 28st August,2017 HORA: 10- 11:20 DURACIÓN DE LA CLASE: 80 minutes FECHA DE ENTREGA: 23th August 2017 Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to: • Talk about symptoms and illnesses. • Distinguish and practise SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T- MUST/ MUSTN’T for giving advice or establishing rules and obligations • Develop their speaking skills by interacting with peers. • Develop their listening skills by looking for specific information. • Teaching points: - Language Focus:
  • 20. FUNCTION LEXIS STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Giving advice Explaining rules and obligations Parts of the body SHOULD SHOULDN’T MUST MUSTN’T /ʃʊd/ / ˈʃʊd(ǝ)nt/ /ˈmǝst/ / ˈmʌs (ǝ)nt/ NEW *Realising and applying the differences between giving advice and indicating rules and obligations. *Expressing illnesses and symptoms Symptoms and illnesses: flu – a temperature- a sore throat- a cold -a headache- a cough – a stomach ache Contrast between modal verbs SHOULD- MUST Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Resources: CD player – different copies to do a matching and listening activity. Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in semi-circle, looking at the board to facilitate eye contact among the students and with the teacher. Later they will sit in two groups. ICT: In this lesson, the projector will be used to show pictures. Assessment: Students will be assessed while performing the activities and errors will be corrected in group asking what the problem is, if they can identify the mistake and if they can correct it. Otherwise, the T will assess by providing extra examples or miming.
  • 21. Routine (5 minutes) Purpose: To get students be ready to start the class The T will greet the students and ask how they are today. While the T listens to the students’ comments, they’ll sit at their places. Warm up: (5 minutes) Purpose: To encourage the sts to approach to the topic to be presented. The T will start the class by saying that last night she had a birthday party and that she ate a lot. Today she is feeling sick, she has ‘ a stomach ache’. Then she will ask: ‘Do you know what a stomach ache is? ‘ what do you do when you have one? Transition: Ok..interesting... Now, let’s see how much you remember the parts of the body... Presentation: (10 minutes) Purpose: To introduce vocabulary related to the topic to be presented. The T will tell the sts that they are going to make a competition into two groups. The T will read some definitions and each group will provide the answer with a part of the body. They’ll have thirty seconds to give the answer otherwise they miss the point. For every correct answer, the group gets a point. Then, the T will ask the sts to divide themselves into two groups Here are the definitions and the answers: 1. You use this part of the body to hear. 2. You have eight of these, four on each hand. 3. You have two of these. You use them to walk. 4. You use these to see. 5. You use this to talk, smile and eat. 6. The part of your body with your hair, eyes, mouth, nose and ears on. 7. At the bottom of your leg, you have a ___. You wear a shoe on it. 8. You have one ___ in the middle of your face. You use it to smell. NOSE - EYES – ARMS -EAR – MOUTH- FINGERS – HEAD- LEGS –FOOT - THROAT
  • 22. 9. After your mouth, your food goes down your ___. Sometimes this part of the body hurts when you are ill. 10. You have two of these. They have your hands at the end. Transition: Well done! Congratulations to everyone.! Development Purpose: The activities that follow are aimed at fostering the useage of vocabulary to present the teaching point. Activity 1 ( 5 minutes) The T will provide each student with the following copy. The T will ask the sts to read the words in the box. They’ll have to listen and match the picture with the correct words. They should make guesses about new vocabulary. The sts work individually on the task and then compare their answers in pairs. The T will play the CD again and elicit the corresponding pictures. Finally the T will ask the sts to repeat the words in order to practisce their pronunciation. Transition: Great! Let me see.. How good are you at doing a word search? Activity 2 ( 5 minutes) The T will provide each student with the following word search. The sts will have to find eight words connected to health. ( they are the ones seen in the previous task). Then, the T will ask the sts to say the words they have found aloud.
  • 23. Transition: Very good! Shall we do an observation game now? Activity 3: ( 10 minutes) The T will project a picture on the bb. She will explain that they have to listen to the CD and try to find the people on the picture. The T will ask the sts to divide themselves into two groups to perform the task. The first group with all the correct answers is the winner. Here is the picture
  • 24. Here are the tapescript and answer key: Transition: Well done!! Do you like going to the doctor’s? Activity 3 (15 minutes) The T will continue asking:’ Can you tell me how often do you go to the doctor? and Why?’ After listening to the sts’ comments the T will project the following photo on the bb. The T will say that the girl on the photo is Lauren. The T will encourage the sts to describe the photo by asking questions such as: ‘ Where is Lauren?, Who is she with? What is she wearing? What do you think happened to her? Then, the T will project a chart on the bb. The T will add that those expressions are useful when we go to the doctor’s. She will play the CD and ask the sts to pay attention to their pronunciation. While they listen to the expressions, the T will ask if they know their meaning. If not, the T will mime or provide an example. Here are the expressions:
  • 25. The T will tell the sts that some of these expressions may appear in the listening they are going to do. The T will provide each student a copy with the tasks to do: Here is the copy: Before listening, the T will ask each of the students to read the sentences to check understanding. In the first part, the sts will listen and choose the correct answer. The second time, they will complete the doctor’s notes for Lauren’s treatment. After performing the task, the T will read the doctor’s notes and guide the sts to distinguish the use of must / mustn’t and should. The sts wil infer that must is used for obligation, mustn’t for prohibition and should for giving advice. Transition: Great! Now.. it’s your turn… Activity 4 ( 15 minutes) The T will tell the sts that they will work in pairs to role play a situation at the doctor’s. One of them will be a doctor and the other one will be the patient. Each pair will use the expressions in the express yourself chart to take the information they need for the doctor and the patient. They also will decide what the illness or injury will be and how to
  • 26. solve it. Each pair can make notes about when it started, the symptoms and how they feel at the moment. They have to include the modal verbs studied in their role plays. While the pairs prepare the role play, the T will monitor and guide them in any help they may request. After practising, the T will encourage the pairs who feel more confident to role play the situation to the rest of the class. The T will provide some doctor’s element to make the role play more real. Transition: Excellent! How about a game to finish the class? Clousure: ( 10 minutes) The T will work into two groups. The T will project on the bb a memory game with pictures with illnesses and the corresponding word. The sts will tell the T what cards to click on, if both cards are the same the group gets a point. When they do so they have to make a sentence. Note: The game can’t be shown because it is on a CD ROM that belongs to the book Hot Spot 3 by MacMillan Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources – Learning styles X Stages and activities X Teaching strategies X Language accuracy X Observations Lovely lesson! Hope my comments are useful. Pay attention to timing, so that you can accomplish your aims. Have fun! Aure