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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 01
Fecha: 17/10/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 14/10/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Learn new vocabulary related to illnesses.
 Give pieces of advice on different problems using “should/shouldn’t”
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Giving advice You should go to
the doctor.
You shouldn’t
eat too much
Should I call
NEW Illnesses and
Comentario [A1]: Which skills will be
Comentario [A2]: Context?
Comentario [A3]: Context? Are you
using the right phoneme?
(backache, cold,
cough, earache,
headache, rash,
sore throat,
stomach ache,
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practisce speaking through the use of short dialogues, and reading and writing in
order to give advice.
Board, chalk, cards with discussion questions, students’ book (Champions 3 - Oxford),
dialogues and pieces of advice for activity 1, copies of the Aagony Aaunt reading
comprehension exercise and pictures for the closure game.
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board and they will form two groups for the closure exercise.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
They might be a bit reluctant to speak. I’ll encourage them to participate as actively as
I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises.
Routine 3’
I’ll say hello to students and I’ll copy the date on the board.
Warm-up 10’
Purpose: To review should/shouldn’t to give advice.
I’ll take cards that contain different problems and or situations. I’ll read them out loud one by
one. Students will have to give some advice using should/shouldn’t.
What are some things you should do to
improve your English?
I want to make a lot of money, give me
some advice.
What should politicians do to make your
country a better place? What should
ordinary people do?
I just saw a man stealing a woman’s purse,
what should I do?
What should people do to be happy? I want to be healthier, give me some advice.
Comentario [A4]: Why don´t you have
students taking the cards and reading them
out loud? Thus, they will participate more
Comentario [A5]: What will you say to
introduce the activity? You must set the
Questions taken from:
Transition: Very good, now let’s open the book on page 30.
Presentation 5’
Purpose: to introduce new vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms.
T: Now, you’ll match the pictures with the correct words from the box.
Once they’ve finished we’ll correct it orally.
Transition: Now, look at these dialogues.
Activity 1 (10’)
Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t using the new vocabulary.
I’ll stick on the board the following dialogues.
A: What’s the matter?
B: I don’t feel well. I’ve got an earache.
A: Poor you! You should go to the doctor’s.
A: What’s wrong?
B: I don’t feel well. I’ve got a bad rash.
A: Oh dear. You should use some cream.
Comentario [A6]: You may tell them
that, to keep on giving pieces of advice,
they need to open their books at page 30.
Comentario [A7]: You can ask students
what those pictures have in common, so as
to elicit the word illnesses.
I’ll ask two students to volunteer to read them.
Then I’ll stick these ideas as pieces of advice.
 Drink a lot of water
 Go to bed
 Go to the dentist’s/doctor’s
 Have a throat lozenge
 Rest
 Stay at home
 Take a pain killer
 Take some cough/cold medicine
 Use an ice pack
 Use some cream.
We’ll go through them one by one so that I assure they know everything on the list.
T: Taking these two dialogues as models, you’ll have to invent some dialogues among
yourselves, using the new vocabulary and these pieces of advice.
Transition: Now, let’s read about some people’s problems.
Activity 2 (7’)
Purpose: to read and match the problems with the pieces of advice.
T: There are five people who have written to the Aagony Aaunt in a magazine. (I’ll ask them if
they know what the agony aunt is.) You’ll have to read and find out who wrote the problems
by matching them with the correct piece of advice.
I never have any money
and am always broke. As
soon as I get my pocket
money, I spend it the first
time I go out.
My parents don’t like my friends.
They blame them for everything
that goes wrong. They say I have
to stop going out with them. What
should I do?
Some people told me my
brother has some new friends
who are often in trouble with
the police. Do you think I
should tell my parents?
I’m very overworked. I’ve got a full
time job and two children, but my
wife never helps with any
household jobs and never looks
after the children. It’s so unfair!
I moved here two months ago
and still don’t know anyone apart
from the people I work with. I
don’t like discos, so I find it very
hard to meet people.
Dear Tim,
You should stop feeling sorry for
yourself and do something about
the problem. Why don’t you
invite somebody from work for a
coffee or join a sports club?
Dear Ken,
I wouldn’t say anything about
this for the moment, if I were you.
Perhaps what you heard is not
true. You should first speak to
your brother.
Dear Andrew,
You should ask your wife to help
with housework. If she doesn’t
want to, you should leave her at
once or you’ll be a slave all your
Comentario [A8]: You may brainstorm
some possible problems for those pieces of
Comentario [A9]: What will you say in
case they don´t know?
Comentario [A10]: There are some
words they might not know, such as blame,
broke, pocket money, overworked,
household… How are you planning to deal
with them?
Before they start matching we’ll read every extract together so that I make sure everyone
understands everything.
Once they’ve finished we’ll check it orally.
Taken from:
Transition: Now, you’ll be agony aunts!
Activity 3 (15’)
Purpose: To write short problems and advise their classmates on others.
T: In a piece of paper, you’ll write a short problem. When everyone has finished, you’ll give
those pieces of paper to me. I’ll mix them up and I’ll hand out themthem out again. You’ll have
to be the agony aunt of your classmate.
When they have finished they will read the problem and the advice.
Transition: Now let’s make two groups.
Closure 10’
Purpose: To give a closure to the lesson.
I’ll take pictures for the following words
 Backache
 Toothache
 Rash
 Cold
 Cough
 Earache
 Headache
 Sore throat
 Stomach ache
 Temperature
T: Without looking, a member of your group will have to take a card and stick it onto their
forehead. (I’ll show them what to do) The rest of the group will have to give clues so that the
person that has the card guesses the word.
Clues can be pieces of advice or a description of the word, but you cannot mention the word
or part of it.
I’ll say good bye to students.
Dear Paul,
This is a problem a lot of people have.
Perhaps you shouldn’t take all your
money with you when you go out.
Another good thing is to keep an
account of what you spend every day.
Dear Jenny,
You should take your friends home so that
your parents can get to know them better.
However, perhaps your parents are right
and your friends are nothing but trouble.
Think it over before you decide.
Comentario [A11]: If they don´t, what
will you do?
Comentario [A12]: You must include
them here.
Comentario [A13]: You can model the
activity first.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: __21__ /35 = 6
Interesting activities, Anto! You are really resourceful.
You should work harder on learning aims. Remember they are supposed to describe the skills
students will develop throughout the lesson. As well as this, think of teaching strategies so as to
make sure they understand thoroughly.
Use the target language as much as possible. They are pre-intermediate students – take
advantage of that! And do foster their using L2 meaningfully as well.
Have a nice lesson.
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 02
Fecha: 20/10/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 18/10/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Recall the uses of conditional sentences zero and first.
 Practisce writing and use of English.
 Do some oral practice using the target structures.
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Illnesses and
(backache, cold,
cough, earache,
headache, rash,
sore throat,
stomach ache,
Giving advice You should go to
the doctor.
You shouldn’t
eat too much
Should I call
Comentario [A14]: 19/10
Comentario [A15]: Which skills will be
Comentario [A16]: As in…?
Check the phonemes of the diphthong.
NEW Expressing a
general truth
Talking about
situations that
are likely to
happen in the
If you heat water
to 100°C, it boils.
If I study, I will
pass the exam.
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practisce oral and writing skills.
Board, tape, sentences for the presentation activity, copies for the different activities.
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
They might not feel like playing the game. In that case I’ll ask half of the group to write an ‘if
clause’ and the other half to write the main clause. Then, they’ll match each half randomly
with one of their classmates and they’ll read the results. (This activity might also be done in
case we have some spare time).
I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises.
Routine 5’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
We’ll check the productions of the Agony Aunt from the previous class. I’ll ask them to read
their pieces of advice.
Wamp-up 10’
Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t.
I will ask students to write a short problem in on a piece of paper. When they have finished, I’ll
ask them to fold the paper and give them to me. I’ll mix them up and I’ll hand out the writing
again. Students will have to write a piece of advice for those problems.
Finally, they will have to read the answer and their advice.
Transition: Now, let’s review some conditional sentences.
Comentario [A17]: ?
Comentario [A18]: Is it a meaningful
and contextualized transition?
Presentation 10’
Purpose: To introduce zero and first conditional sentences.
T: Well, we are going to review conditional sentences zero and first. You might have seen it in
the previous year, and before continuing with second conditional, we’re going to refresh these
I will stick on the board the following:
You use it to talk about a general truth – a fact.
You use it to say something that might happen in the future.
We will read the headlines and their uses and I’ll explain them if necessary. Then I’ll stick two
more sentences on the board and say:
“Now, knowing this, can you put these two examples under the correct headline?”
 If you run too much, your muscles hurt.
 If you eat too much chocolate, you’ll have a stomach-ache.
When they have chosen, I’ll say if they have done it correctly or not.
T: So, now, I have brought separately the different components of the conditional sentences.
Looking at the examples, can you match them correctly to work out the structure?
The result should be:
Zero conditional > If + Present simple + present simple.
First conditional > If + present simple + will
I’ll ask them to copy everything on their notebooks.
Transition: Now, let’s classify sentences.
Activity 1 (5’)
Purpose: to review conditionals zero and first.
I’ll hand out copies of the following examples of conditional sentences. They will have to write
zero conditional or first conditional next to them.
Write zero conditional (ZC) or first conditional (FC) next to the following sentences.
1. You get fat, if you eat too much. __________
2. If you don’t use sun cream, you’ll get sunburnt. __________
3. You’ll have a toothache, if you eat too many sweets. __________
4. If you do exercise, you feel happier. __________
5. If you get wet, you’ll catch a cold. __________
6. You go to the doctor, if you feel sick. __________
Comentario [A19]: What kind of
approach is this? Why have you chosen it?
When everyone has finished, we’ll correct it orally.
Transition: very good! Now, let’s keep on practising.
Activity 2 (10’)
Purpose: to keep on practising zero and first conditional.
I’ll give students a copy of the following parts of sentences. They will have to complete them
using zero or first conditional and their own ideas. They can do it in pairs.
Using your own ideas, complete the following sentences with zero and first conditional.
1. If you obey the rules,_________________
2. If we go to Paris,_____________________
3. Call me if__________________________
4. If he doesn’t tell the truth,_____________
5. Do not go out if_____________________
6. If you buy a second hand car,___________
7. If he receives the money,______________
8. If they travel first class,________________
9. If he does some exercise,______________
10. If you feel depressed,_________________
We’ll check students’ sentences orally.
Taken from:
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s keep on thinking on different ideas.
Activity 3 (5’)
Purpose: to do some oral practice.
I’ll ask students the following questions:
1. What do you do if your dog is barking loudly at night?
2. What will happen if you forget about chicken being cooked in the oven?
3. What do you do if you have bad headache?
4. What will happen if you are late for work?
5. What do you do if the shop assistant gives you the wrong change?
Activity 4 (5’)
Purpose: To review ‘present simple’ and ‘will’ in conditional sentences.
Comentario [A20]: Won`t they get
confused by the Present Continuous tense?
I’ll give students a copy of the following sentences and I’ll ask them to complete them with
‘simple present’ or ‘will’.
Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets and the ‘simple present’ or ‘will’.
1. You don't have a ticket, do you? If I see one for sale, I ______ (buy) it for you.
2. We ______ (catch) the early train if we get to the station at 6am.
3. Whenever my skin goes red in the sun, I just ______ (use) some of this cream and it
feels better.
4. I always ______ (ask) for directions if I get lost in a new city.
5. If there isn't a place at the conference for you, Harry ______ (organise) another one.
6. When Shirly ______ (go) to the cinema, she buys a big bag of popcorn.
7. The opposition ______ (call) for a new election if the President wins again.
8. If you earn more money, you ______ (pay) more taxes.
Taken from:
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s play a short game.
Closure 10’
Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson.
I’ll cut the following senteces:
I’ll ask students to from two groups. They’ll have to take a part of a sentence. Then, they will
have to find the missing half.
Comentario [A21]: Two groups of
eight students can be quite noisy, and
there might be some students who won´t
participate. Why don´t you make smaller
Comentario [A22]: Will they have to
stick the sentences somewhere? Will you
check the activity?
I’ll say good bye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: _21___ /35 = 6
Nice lesson, Anto! You must work harder on learning aims. Transitions are also something you
need to improve. Having a clear context is useful to come up with meaningful transitions.
If you need some help, do contact us.
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 03
Fecha: 24/10/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 22/10/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Learn and use the second conditional.
 Reinforce speaking skill using the target structure.
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Expressing a
general truth
Talking about
situations that
are likely to
happen in the
If you heat water
to 100°C, it boils.
If I study, I will
pass the exam.
NEW Talking about If I won the
Comentario [A23]: In which context?
Giving advice
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
would tell him
the truth.
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise speaking skills and use of English through written exercises.
Board, chalk, tape, posters of the comics, students’ book (Champions 3), speaking cards and
copies for exercise 3.
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
In case we have some spare time I’ll add another question to the closure activity: What would
you do if there was a zombie apocalypse?
I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises.
Routine 5’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
We’ll check the exercises from the previous class. We’ll employ oral peer assessment. A
student will say their answer and the rest will say if it’s correct or not.
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s review the conditionals from the previous class.
Warm-up 5’
Purpose: to review zero and first conditional.
I’ll give them a piece of paper. Half of the students will have to write an “if” clause (I’ll
demonstrate with an example on the board), the other half will have to write a main clause
(Again, I’ll demonstrate on the board).
When everyone has finished the students of the ‘if’ clause will pair with the ‘main clause’ ones.
And they will read the result out loud.
Comentario [A24]: How?
Comentario [A25]: Cannot you foresee
any posible problem?
Comentario [A26]: Wrong Word.
Check meaning.
Comentario [A27]: How are you
planning to choose students? Can you think
of any innovative strategy to put into
practice for this stage? You know that
checking homework at the very beginning
of the lesson may have its pros and cons…
Comentario [A28]: Is it a meangingul
transition? What context are you using?
Comentario [A29]: about???
Comentario [A30]: Will the sentences
make sense?
Transition: Very good! Now let’s see second conditional this time.
Presentation 10’
Purpose: to introduce second conditional.
I’ll stick the following comics on the board:
I’ll ask two volunteers to read them.
T: Very well, now can you tell me what kind of situations are these?
Ss: imaginary/unreal/advice/no answer.
T: Very good! They are imaginary situations; they do not happen in real life. And the third one
is a piece of advice. This is what we use the second conditional for.
Comentario [A31]: Is this
relevant/appealing for students?
You may ask student if they like reading
comics, for instance. The transition ought
to focus on the context you are providing,
not on the language structures you are
trying to teach by means of that context.
Comentario [A32]: Before asking this
question, you should work on the meaning
of each comic strip. If not, you are just
using the input to work on a grammar
structure – you should exploit resources to
the full.
I will write another example on the board:
If I were you, I would tell him the truth.
T: OK. We have three parts in this sentence. Can you tell which are they?
Ss: (expected answer) IF+ PAST SIMPLE + WOULD / No answer
T: Very good! We use IF+ PAST SIMPLE + WOULD (I’ll write this on the board) to form a
conditional sentence. Can you provide some other examples?
Transition: Excellent! Now let’s start working! Open your books onat page 33.
Activity 1 (10’)
Purpose: To practise second conditional.
T: Now, we are going to practice some grammar. On exercise 1 you have to choose the correct
We’ll check their answers.
On exercise 2, you have to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
We’ll check their answers.
And finally on exercise 3, you have to use the words in the box in the correct form to complete
the dialogues.
Comentario [A33]: Context?
Comentario [A34]: We usually divide
Conditional sentences into two parts.
Comentario [A35]: What would you do
if they cannot come up with an accurate
To make it clearer, you may write the
examples from the comic strips, one below
the other, so that it is easier for them to
spot the structures involved.
Comentario [A36]: So far you have
exposed learners to examples of the
Second Conditional in the affirmative form.
Be attentive, because there are some
questions in the exercises they have to
complete. You should draw their attention
to the necessary changes they have to
Transition: Now, let’s talk about imaginary situations.
Activity 2 (15’)
Purpose: To practisce speaking with the target structure.
I’ll take these cards. I’ll ask students to take one, read it out loud and answer them. The rest of
the students can also give their answer if they wish to.
What would be the very
first thing to buy if you
won the lottery?
Where would you live if
you could live anywhere
in the world?
If you went on a desert
island, what three
books/films would you
take with you?
What superpower would
you like to have if you
could choose?
Where would you go on
holiday if you could go
If you found Aladdin’s
lamp, what would be
your three wishes?
If you could meet
someone famous, who
would you meet?
If you could travel in
time, would you go to
the past or the future?
What would you do if
you saw your friend
cheating on a test?
What would you do if
you saw your friend
What would you do if
your friend invited you
for dinner and served
something you hate?
What would you change
about your personality
if you could choose one
What would you change
about your appearance if
you could choose one
Would you tell the truth to
your friend if you knew it
would hurt him/her?
If you won a lot of money,
how much would you give to
friends, family and
Where would you be if you
didn’t have to be here
Comentario [A37]: Will you insist on
their providing complete answers?
Taken from:
Transition: Excellent! Now let’s use the second conditional to give some advice!
Activity 3 (10’)
Purpose: To use the second conditional to give advice.
I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise:
Read the problems. Then, using the second conditional, write a sentence giving a piece of
1. I feel really bad. I’ve got a toothache.
2. I fail at the maths test. My mum is mad at me.
3. My best friend lied to me. I’m very angry with her.
4. I have a great party tonight. I haven’t got anything to wear.
5. I broke my new mobile phone. My father is going to kill me.
Transition: Now, let’s be presidents for a day…
Closure 5’
Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson.
I’ll write on the board:
What would you do if you were president for a day?
T: You’ll have to answer this question, and let’s see how many votes you get.
I’ll say goodbye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Comentario [A38]: Will you
demonstrate how they are supposed to do
this exercise?
Comentario [A39]: I failed
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: _22___ /35 = 6.5
This lesson shows some improvement, but you still need to work hard on learning aims and
transitions, as we have already stated in our previous feedback comments.
We want you to think of clear contexts for further lessons. A clear context will help your lesson
develop smoothly, and transitions will come up naturally. If not, it is just a compilation of
activities. You are really resourceful and creative, so we are positive you will find the way!
Read our comments/suggestions carefully. Take them into account for further lesson plans. If
you have any doubt, you know you can contact us.
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 04
Fecha: 27/10/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 26/10/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Practise second conditional to talk about unreal situations and giveing advice.
 Practisce reading skill by reading a text on an advice site.
 Practisce writing skill by writing a short reply giving advice to another person’s
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Talking about
Giving advice
If I won the
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
would tell him
the truth.
…is/are a great
way to…
I’m sure…
You should…
You shouldn’t
Why don’t
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise writing and reading skills by reading about an advice site and writing a
reply to some people writing to the same site.
Comentario [A40]: These are
Board, chalk, speaking cards and copies for presentation exercise and students’ book
(Champions 3).
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
They might have problems during the writing activity to write their ideas; I’ll make them know
they can ask me whatever they want to know or write.
I’ll assess their use of the target structure and expressions through the different exercises.
Routine 3’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s talk about some imaginary situations.
Warm-up 10’
Purpose: to review second conditional.
I’ll tell students to take a card and read the question out loud. They should give their answer
using the second conditional. The rest of the students can answer the question if they wish to
do so.
What would be the very
first thing to buy if you
won the lottery?
Where would you live if
you could live anywhere
in the world?
If you went on a desert
island, what three
books/films would you
take with you?
What superpower would
you like to have if you
could choose?
Where would you go on
holiday if you could go
If you found Aladdin’s
lamp, what would be
your three wishes?
If you could meet
someone famous, who
would you meet?
If you could travel in
time, would you go to
the past or the future?
What would you do if
you saw your friend
cheating on a test?
What would you do if
you saw your friend
What would you do if
your friend invited you
for dinner and served
something you hate?
What would you change
about your personality
if you could choose one
Comentario [A41]: At this stage, it is
important you monitor them so that they
realize you are available for them.
Comentario [A42]: Will you tell them
this? You may model the activity first, so as
to highlight the structure they are
supposed to use.
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s keep on practising.
Presentation 5’
Purpose: To use the second conditional to give advice.
I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise:
T: You’ll have to give some advice for these problems. Let’s see an example:
I’ll write on the board:
I’m late for work. My boss is mad at me.
If you woke up earlier, your boss wouldn’t be angry.
Read the problems. Then, using the second conditional, write a sentence giving a piece of
6. I feel really bad. I’ve got a toothache.
7. I failed at the maths test. My mum is mad at me.
8. My best friend lied to me. I’m very angry with her.
9. I have a great party tonight. I haven’t got anything to wear.
10. I broke my new mobile phone. My father is going to kill me.
We’ll check it orally.
Transition: Very good! Now, open your books at page 34.
Activity 1 (5’)
Purpose: pre-reading activity.
I’ll write three options on the board:
a) An online newsletter
b) An official medical website
c) An advice site
T: look at the text on page 34. What kind of website is it? (pointing to the three options)
Ss: It’s an advice site.
Comentario [A43]: Careful with this
example. Conditional Type 3 would be
much more appropriate.
You may encourage them to use the
structure If I were you…
T: Very good! Have you ever written to a site like this one?
Ss: Yes/No.
T: What do you do whenever you have a problem?}
Ss: (open answer)
Transition: OK, now let’s read the text.
Activity 2 (10’)
Purpose: while-reading activity.
T: You’ll read the text and you’ll find the answers to the questions in exercise 2. Comentario [A44]: Will you go over
the questions so as to clarify meaning, in
order to check understanding?
We’ll check it orally.
Transition: OK, have you got any opinions on these problems?
Activity 3 (5’)
Purpose: Post-reading exercise.
T: Have you got any other advice for these people?
Ss: (open answer)
T: Have you ever had any similar problem? What did you do?
Ss: (open answer)
Transition: Now, let’s learn some expressions to give advice.
Activity 4 (2’)
Purpose: To learn some new expressions to give advice.
I’ll write the following expressions on the board.
…is/are a great way to…
I’m sure…
You should…
You shouldn’t
Why don’t you…?
T: Now, can you look for examples of these structures in the text?
Ss: They’re a great way to make friends. / I’m sure they can help. / You should tell him that you
need your own space. / You shouldn’t be angry with your brother. /Why don’t you ask him
what he’d like to do?
T: Very good!
Transition: Now, let’s use these expressions to give advice to the people on page 35.
Activity 5 (5’)
Purpose: to give advice using the expressions learnt. (Pre-writing)
T: Let’s read the following problems.
We read and analyse vocabulary in case they need to.
T: Now, using the expressions we learnt. Can you give some advice to these people?
Ss: (open answer)
Transition: Very good! Now let’s put those ideas on paper!
Activity 6 (15’)
Purpose: to write a short answer to the problems above, using the structures and expressions
T: Now, using the ideas you have, you’ll choose Mia or Prash and you’ll write a reply giving
them some advice. You can use the texts on page 34, the expressions learnt and, of course,
you can ask me anything you want to know.
I’ll take their productions home to correct them.
I’ll say good-bye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Comentario [A45]: Is this an individual
task? Can they do it in pairs?
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: __22__ /35 = 6.5
You are improving steadily! Try to keep focused on the thread and make sure you model
activities and clarify doubts, avoiding the use of L1 as much as possible. Foster students´
Enjoy the lesson!
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 05
Fecha: 31/10/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 30/10/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Practise second conditional to talk about unreal situations and give advice.
 Practise writing skill by writing a short reply giving advice to another person’s problem.
 Practise speaking skills by the use of different prompts during the warm-up and
closure phases.
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Talking about
Giving advice
If I won the
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
would tell him
the truth.
…is/are a great
way to…
I’m sure…
You should…
You shouldn’t
Why don’t
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise writing skill by writing a short reply to other people’s problems, and
speaking skill by talking about different problems and situations.
Board, chalk, and students’ book (Champions 3).
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
During the writing activity some of the students might finish sooner than others, I’ll assign
them to do some practice on their book to keep on practising.
I’ll assess their use of the target structure and expressions through the writing exercise.
Comentario [A46]: Will the others
have to do it afterwards?
Routine 5’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
We’ll check the answer to the questions on exercise 2 from the previous class.
Transition: Very good! Now, let’s talk about some imaginary situations.
Warm-up 10’
Purpose: To talk about imaginary situations using the second conditional.
T: Let’s imagine you are president for a day. What would you do?
Ss: (open answers)
T: Very well! Now, what would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse?
Ss: (open asnwersanswers)
Transition: Now let’s learn some new expressions.
Presentation 10’
Purpose: to introduce new expressions to give advice.
I’ll write the following expressions on the board.
…is/are a great way to…
I’m sure…
You should…
You shouldn’t
Why don’t you…?
T: Now, can you look for examples of these structures in the text?
Ss: They’re a great way to make friends. / I’m sure they can help. / You should tell him that you
need your own space. / You shouldn’t be angry with your brother. /Why don’t you ask him
what he’d like to do?
T: Very good!
Comentario [A47]: Are you thinking of
any innovative or appealing way to do so?
Comentario [A48]: Which text?
Transition: Now, let’s use these expressions to give advice to the people on page 35.
Activity 1 (5’)
Purpose: to give advice using the expressions learnt. (Pre-writing)
T: Let’s read the following problems.
We read and analyse vocabulary in case they need to.
T: Now, using the expressions we learnt. Can you give some advice to these people?
Ss: (open answer)
Transition: Very good! Now let’s put those ideas on paper!
Activity 2 (20’)
Purpose: to write a short answer to the problems above, using the structures and expressions
T: Now, using the ideas you have, you’ll choose Mia or Prash and you’ll write a reply giving
them some advice. You can use the texts on page 34, the expressions learnt and, of course,
you can ask me anything you want to know.
When they have finished, they’ll read their productions out loud so as to share them with the
rest of the class.
Transition: Well done! Now, let’s keep on practising.
Closure 10’
Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson.
T: Look at this sentence. It’s in second conditional.
If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.)
T: The idea is that you read and one of you, using the main clause, will invent another
sentence. When you are done, a classmate does the same with the sentence you have made
up and so on. For example…
If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.)
If I bought a big house, I would have lots of dogs.
If I had lots of dogs, I would spend a lot of money.
We’ll do this exercise until each of the students has participated.
I’ll say good bye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: _22___ /35 = 6.5
Dear Antonella,
We could see you used activities from the previous lesson plan. You made reference to a text,
Comentario [A49]: The explanation is
not crystal clear. Make sure you check
which is it?
Work hard on your teaching strategies and do encourage students´ participation. Try to use
different resources to catch students´ attention and to motivate them in a meaningful context.
Last, but not least, we ask you to submit your lesson plans respecting deadlines, please. It is a
matter of organization and consideration as well. We´re positive you will do your best.
Have a nice lesson!
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 06
Fecha: 03/11/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 02/11/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Review vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms.
 Review grammar structures related to ‘should and shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’
Comentario [A50]: You cannot submit
your lesson plan just one day before
delivering the class.
Comentario [A51]: Which skills (if any)
will be developed?
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Illnesses and
symptoms (cold,
stomach ache,
cough ,sore
Giving advice
Talking about
Giving advice
You should call
You shouldn’t
eat all that
If I won the
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
would tell him
the truth.
Revision lesson.
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise writing through different written exercises.
Board, chalk, students’ book (Champions 3), problem cards, pieces of paper with target
vocabulary for the warm-up stage, and copies for activity 3.
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
In case we have spare time I’ll give them exercises 1, 2 and 3 from page 81.
Comentario [A52]: What about the
target language?
I’ll assess their use of the target structure and vocabulary through the different exercises.
Routine 3’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
Transition: Ok, now, let’s start revising what we’ve learnt.
Warm-up 10’
Purpose: to review illnesses and symptoms vocabulary.
I’ll ask students to form two groups. Then, I’ll ask a member of the group to come to the front.
I’ll tell him/her to take a piece of paper that will contain a word related to the target
vocabulary. They’ll have to draw the word on the board so that his/her group guesses the
word. If the group guesses, they win a point. The group with more points wins.
Transition: Very good! Now, open the book at page 79
Activity 1 (15’)
Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t.
T: OK, let’s start reviewing for next week’s test. You’ll do exercise 2 and 3. In exercise 2 you
have to read the sentences and complete with should or shouldn’t.
T: On exercise 3, you have to look at the pictures and write sentences using should or
Comentario [A53]: You can give them
the option of miming, in case they claim
they are not good at drawing.
Comentario [A54]: This kind of
transition is not meaningful/appealing. Try
thinking of the aim of the following task
and provide some examples.
When they have finished we’ll check them orally.
Transition: Now, let’s review second conditional. Turn to page 80.
Activity 2 (15’)
Purpose: to review second conditional.
T: Now, you’ll do exercises 7 and 8. On 7 you have to complete with the correct second
conditional form of the verbs.
Comentario [A55]: Is this good for
visual learners?
Comentario [A56]: Same comment
about transition.
And in exercise 8, you’ll write questions using the second conditional and then, you’ll answer
them with you own information.
Again, we’ll check it orally.
Activity 3 (7’)
Purpose: To review second conditional
I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise.
Match the sentences halves.
1. If I had more time,
2. He would be very angry
3. If I knew how,
4. If he had the money,
5. I would go to the cinema with you
6. If I were you,
7. If she wasn’t always late,
8. She would be happier
9. I would call him
10. You’ll lose weight
a. If they tell the truth to their father.
b. If I felt better.
c. If she had more friends.
d. I would learn karate.
e. If you eat less.
f. If I knew his number.
g. I would help you.
h. He would buy a sports car.
i. She would be promoted.
j. I would get a new job.
We’ll check it orally.
Transition: Let’s play another game!
Closure 10’
Purpose: To give a closure to the lesson.
I’ll take the following problem cards:
I’ll tell students to form two groups.
T: OK, a member of the group will come and take a card. He/she will read it aloud and with
his/her group will provide a piece of advice using should or shouldn’t. If it is correct the group
wins point. The group with more points wins.
I’ll say goodbye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Comentario [A57]: What will you focus
on – language or creativity?
Observations Score: __20__ /35 = 6
Dear Anto,
What a pity we couldn´t give you feedback before the lesson took place. Remember you have to
submit the lesson plans five days before the class.
Reflect upon the teaching strategies you are using, the transitions and activities.
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 07
Fecha: 07/11/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 02/11/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 See how well they have learnt the vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms, and
the grammar structures corresponding to ‘should/shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’.
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Illnesses and
symptoms (cold,
stomach ache,
cough ,sore
Giving advice
Talking about
Giving advice
You should call
You shouldn’t
eat all that
If I won the
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
would tell him
the truth.
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise writing through different written exercises.
Copies of the exam sheet
Seating Arrangement
They will sit alone facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
They already know the contents of the exam but they might get a bit nervous. I’ll tell them not
to worry, that the exam is just another stage in the leaning process and they are well prepared
to do it.
Formal assessment will be done through a graded paper and pen exam.
Comentario [A58]: Quite vague
Routine 3’
I will say ‘hello!’ to students.
I’ll say ‘As we had planned, today we’re doing a test. Don’t worry, it’s easy and you’re well
prepared to do it. You have 60 minutes to finish it.’
I’ll hand out the copies of the exam. I’ll explain every point.
T: You may begin, any doubts you may have you can consult me.
Activity 1 (57’)
Purpose: to test students on how well they have learnt the vocabulary seen on the unit and
the grammar structures corresponding to ‘should/shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’.
Written evaluation
1. Using the words in the box complete the following sentences.
a) I can’t breathe through my nose. I think I’ve got a ________________.
b) 39 degrees! You’ve got a ________________. You should see a doctor.
c) I shouted too much at the concert. Now I’ve got a ________________.
d) Carrie has gone to the dentist because she’s got a ________________.
e) I ate too much – I’ve got a ________________.
f) I carried some very heavy boxes yesterday, and now I’ve got a
g) Can you turn that music down? I’ve taken a painkiller, but I’ve still got a
h) He should take some medicine for his ________________.
2. Match the problems with the pieces of advice.
1. I've got a headache.
2. I'm cold.
3. The game starts at three o'clock.
4. He's always tired in the morning.
5. I don't feel well.
6. I want to lose weight.
a. You should do some exercise.
b. You shouldn't sit so close to the TV.
c. We should leave at two-thirty.
d. He shouldn't stay up so late.
e. You should put on a jumper.
f. You should stay in bed.
Comentario [A59]: You can do a short
warm-up, so that they get in the mood.
Comentario [A60]: The test doesn´t
seem to be that long.
Comentario [A61]: stomachache
3. Choose the correct option.
a. If I _______ millions dollars, I'd give a lot to charity.
a. has
b. had
c. would have
b. If we were in London today, we would _______ to go to the concert in Hyde Park.
a. can
b. be able
c. could
c. If I _______ in Japan, I'd have sushi every day.
a. lived
b. lives
c. had live
d. If I were you, I _______ a new place to live.
a. looked for
b. would look for
c. looks for
e. I wouldn’t be so stressed if I _______ so many exams.
a. hadn’t
b. didn’t have
c. hasn’t
4. Match the sentences halves.
Taken from:
This is the end of the exam.
I’ll take the exams home to correct them.
Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson.
We’ll do this activity in case we have spare time.
T: Give an example using the second conditional.
Ss: (Open answer)
Imagining they say:
If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.)
T: Now, using the main clause (I’ll underline it so as to signal which is the main clause is), can
you make another sentence using the second conditional?
Ss: (open answer)
If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.)
T: Again using the main clause (I underline it), can you make up another sentence?
Ss: (Open answer)
T: This is what you have to do; make up sentences using the main clauses of the previous ones.
I’ll write:
If you joined a sports club, you would meet new people.
I’ll say goodbye to students.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Comentario [A62]: After doing a test,
students will probably be reluctant to keep
on practising the same grammar point.
Why don´t you think of including a
video/song? You can use that last part of
the lesson to expose students to English in
a different way.
Comentario [A63]: It is not a
meaningful transition. We have already
commented on this.
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Score: __20__ /35 = 6
Dear Anto,
Pay special attention to our comments. Have second thoughts as regards the warm-up and
closure stages. Remember those are key moments in the lesson.
You still need to work on learning aims. They should reflect the skills that will be developed
throughout the lesson.
Have a nice lesson,
Your tutors
ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén
Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora
Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos
Clase Nº: 08
Fecha: 10/11/2016
Hora: 08:30 hs.
Duración de la clase: 60 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 08/11/2016
During this lesson students will be able to:
 Play a game (tic-tac-toe) in order to review ‘should/shouldn’t’.
 Practisce listening trough listening to a song and doing various exercises.
 Practisce speaking by giving opinions of aboutthe lyrics of a song.
Teaching points: language focus
REVISION Illnesses and
symptoms (cold,
stomach ache,
cough ,sore
Giving advice
Talking about
Giving advice
You should call
You shouldn’t
eat all that
If I won the
lottery, I’d buy a
new house.
If I were you, I
Comentario [A64]: Which skill will be
developed by means of this game?
would tell him
the truth.
NEW Closure lesson - revision
Teaching approach
The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure.
Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Students will practise listening by doing a worksheet of the song ‘Grenade’ by Bruno Mars.
Board, chalk, tic-tac-toe poster, worksheet of the song, CD player and song.
Seating Arrangement
They will sit facing the board.
Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class
They may say that they don’t understand the lyrics of the song. I’ll tell them to pay attention
and that there’s no need to understand every single word, they just have to focus on the target
We’ll also work out the meaning of the lyrics.
I’ll assess students on their listening skills through the song worksheet.
Routine 5’
Purpose: to generate a proper environment to learn.
I will say ‘hello!’ to students. I’ll copy the date on the board and then I’ll proceed to hand out
their tests.
Transition: As you know this is my last class with you. So we’re going to have some
Warm-up 10’
Purpose: To review should/shouldn’t.
I’ll stick a tic-tac-toe grid on the board.
T: OK. Form two groups. We’re playing tic-tac-toe. I think you all know this game, but today, it
has got another difficulty. In order to choose a square to draw ‘X’ or ‘O’, you have to make a
sentence using should or shouldn’t correctly.
For example, suppose you choose a square that says “I’ve got a stomachache”. You’ll say, “You
shouldn’t eat too much chocolate next time.”
If the sentence is correct you can draw ‘X’ or ‘O’. The first team to have four Xs or Os in a row
Comentario [A65]: What are the pros
and cons of giving them their tests at the
very beginning of the lesson? Won´t you
provide them any kind of feedback?
Comentario [A66]: Nice idea! 
Comentario [A67]: Will you allow
them to swap places?
Comentario [A68]: Are they
acquainted with the vocabulary in the
I’ve got a
I’m always
late for
I’m tired. I’m hungry.
I failed at a
My clothes
are dirty.
I hit my
I’m bored. I feel sick.
I can’t read
I can’t speak
English very
I want a good
job when I’m
I lost my
I’m thirsty.
I lost the
money mum
gave me to
buy new
I made my
sister cry.
I’ve got a
I’m fat.
I don’t have
any money.
I got wet
from the rain.
I want to
I haven’t got
any friends.
I want a
puppy. My
father doesn’t
like dogs.
I’m sad.
I missed the
bus for
I’m terrible
at maths.
My best
friend is
angry with
me. I don’t
know why.
I don’t like
my university
I don’t like
I want to be
I crashed my
father’s car.
I fell from
my bike. My
ankle hurts.
I’ve got a
sore throat.
I lost my
I’m punished.
Today I’ve
got a big
I’m lost.
Transition: Very good! Now, do you want to listen to a song?
Activity 1 (15’)
Purpose: to listen to a song and do some exercises to practice listening. (Pre and while
listening exercises)
Link to the song:
I’ll give them a copy of the worksheet of the song.
T: Do you know Bruno Mars?
Ss: Yes/no.
T: Do you like it?
Ss: Yes/no.
T: OK. Today we’re listening to and working with the song called ‘Grenade’. Do you know it?
Ss: yes/no.
T: Very well. As you can see, there are various exercises on the sheet. The first three exercises
are are meant to be done while listening to the song. Let’s read the lyrics… (We read it and
work out the meaning of unknown words)
T: Great. Now, on the first exercise you have to complete that part of the lyrics with the words
you have in the box. On exercise 2, you have to listen and put the lines in the correct order.
And in exercise three, you’ll listen to find the mistakes.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word. You just try to focus on the words you need
to complete the tasks. And if you can’t do it, don’t worry. We’ll play the song one more time
1. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.
Easy come, easy go, that's just how you …………………..
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never …………………..
Should've known you was ………………….. from the first kiss
Had your eyes ………………….. open, why were they open?
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the …………………..
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever …………………..
'Cause what you don't understand is
2. Put the lines in the correct order.
I'd catch a grenade for ya
But you won't do the same
I would go through all this pain
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Throw my head on a blade for ya
Yes, I would die for you, baby
You know I'd do anything for ya
No, no, no, no
Comentario [A69]: him
Comentario [A70]: How will you check
understanding of the instructions?
Black, black, black and blue, hug me 'til I'm numb
Tell the doctor I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from
Wise woman, kind woman, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll shout in my face then rip the seats out my car
If my house was on fire
Ooh, you'd watch me break down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a saint
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, lady
3. Correct the mistakes.
Gave you all I had […]
I'd catch a grenade for ya […]
But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya […]
Transition: Very good! Now let’s work on the meaning of the lyrics.
Activity 2 (15’)
Purpose: after-listening activities.
T: OK, now let’s do the other part of the worksheet. On exercise 5, you have some definitions;
you have to find the words in the lyrics corresponding to it. On exercise 6, you have to write
the ‘if clause’ to complete the sentences in second conditional.
Transition: Now, let’s discuss some things about the song.
6. Provide a conditional clause to complete each
1. If .........................................................................................,
I’d catch a grenade for you.
2. If .........................................................................................,
I'd jump in front of a train for you.
3. If .........................................................................................,
I'd do anything for you.
4. If .........................................................................................,
I'd take a bullet straight through my brain.
5. If .........................................................................................,
I would die for you.
5. Find words in the lyrics with a
similar meaning to the following.
1. a small metal object that is fired from
a gun ……………………
2. to remove something quickly
3. rubbish ……………………
4. the thin sharp part of a knife
5. to hit somebody ……………………
6. to throw something carelessly
7. unable to feel a part(s) of your body
Comentario [A71]: One exercise is
related to vocabulary, and the other to
grammar. You should work on one first,
and then move on to the other one.
Activity 3 (10’)
Purpose: To practisce speaking by giving opinions on the song.
T: Now, I’ve got some questions for you about the song.
I’ll ask students the following questions:
1. What does the singer mean when he says “I'd catch a grenade for ya”?
2. Mention three more things he would be willing to do for her.
3. What does he expect from the girl in return?
4. What does he accuse the girl of doing?
5. What adjectives would he use to describe her? Provide evidence from the lyrics.
6. What adjectives would you use to describe the singer?
Transition: Very good! Now, do you like paper airplanes?
Closure 5’
Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson
T: OK, now do make an airplane. We’ll play in two teams. I’ll show you a picture, and one of
your team will have to say the word correctly to have the chance to throw the airplane and
win points for the group. (I’ll draw different targets on the board with different points.) If you
hit the targets you win those points, and if you hit the board you get five points. The group
with more points wins.
Comentario [A72]: Lovely! 
T: Excellent! Well, we’ve come to the end of the class. Thank you so much for these classes.
I’ve had a great time and I have learnt a lot, I hope that you too! Goodbye!
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Learning aims x
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35
Score: __26__ /35 = 7.5
Hope you have an excellent lesson! Keep an eye on timing, classroom management and use of
L2! Pay attention to our comments.
Your tutors

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Planificaciones secundaria

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 01 Fecha: 17/10/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 14/10/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Learn new vocabulary related to illnesses.  Give pieces of advice on different problems using “should/shouldn’t” Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Giving advice You should go to the doctor. You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate. Should I call him? /u/ NEW Illnesses and symptoms /ei/ Comentario [A1]: Which skills will be developed? Comentario [A2]: Context? Comentario [A3]: Context? Are you using the right phoneme?
  • 2. (backache, cold, cough, earache, headache, rash, sore throat, stomach ache, temperature, toothache) Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practisce speaking through the use of short dialogues, and reading and writing in order to give advice. Materials Board, chalk, cards with discussion questions, students’ book (Champions 3 - Oxford), dialogues and pieces of advice for activity 1, copies of the Aagony Aaunt reading comprehension exercise and pictures for the closure game. Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board and they will form two groups for the closure exercise. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class They might be a bit reluctant to speak. I’ll encourage them to participate as actively as possible. Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises. Routine 3’ I’ll say hello to students and I’ll copy the date on the board. Warm-up 10’ Purpose: To review should/shouldn’t to give advice. I’ll take cards that contain different problems and or situations. I’ll read them out loud one by one. Students will have to give some advice using should/shouldn’t. What are some things you should do to improve your English? I want to make a lot of money, give me some advice. What should politicians do to make your country a better place? What should ordinary people do? I just saw a man stealing a woman’s purse, what should I do? What should people do to be happy? I want to be healthier, give me some advice. Comentario [A4]: Why don´t you have students taking the cards and reading them out loud? Thus, they will participate more actively. Comentario [A5]: What will you say to introduce the activity? You must set the context.
  • 3. Questions taken from: Transition: Very good, now let’s open the book on page 30. Presentation 5’ Purpose: to introduce new vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms. T: Now, you’ll match the pictures with the correct words from the box. Once they’ve finished we’ll correct it orally. Transition: Now, look at these dialogues. Development Activity 1 (10’) Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t using the new vocabulary. I’ll stick on the board the following dialogues. A: What’s the matter? B: I don’t feel well. I’ve got an earache. A: Poor you! You should go to the doctor’s. A: What’s wrong? B: I don’t feel well. I’ve got a bad rash. A: Oh dear. You should use some cream. Comentario [A6]: You may tell them that, to keep on giving pieces of advice, they need to open their books at page 30. Comentario [A7]: You can ask students what those pictures have in common, so as to elicit the word illnesses.
  • 4. I’ll ask two students to volunteer to read them. Then I’ll stick these ideas as pieces of advice.  Drink a lot of water  Go to bed  Go to the dentist’s/doctor’s  Have a throat lozenge  Rest  Stay at home  Take a pain killer  Take some cough/cold medicine  Use an ice pack  Use some cream. We’ll go through them one by one so that I assure they know everything on the list. T: Taking these two dialogues as models, you’ll have to invent some dialogues among yourselves, using the new vocabulary and these pieces of advice. Transition: Now, let’s read about some people’s problems. Activity 2 (7’) Purpose: to read and match the problems with the pieces of advice. T: There are five people who have written to the Aagony Aaunt in a magazine. (I’ll ask them if they know what the agony aunt is.) You’ll have to read and find out who wrote the problems by matching them with the correct piece of advice. I never have any money and am always broke. As soon as I get my pocket money, I spend it the first time I go out. My parents don’t like my friends. They blame them for everything that goes wrong. They say I have to stop going out with them. What should I do? Some people told me my brother has some new friends who are often in trouble with the police. Do you think I should tell my parents? I’m very overworked. I’ve got a full time job and two children, but my wife never helps with any household jobs and never looks after the children. It’s so unfair! I moved here two months ago and still don’t know anyone apart from the people I work with. I don’t like discos, so I find it very hard to meet people. Dear Tim, You should stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about the problem. Why don’t you invite somebody from work for a coffee or join a sports club? Dear Ken, I wouldn’t say anything about this for the moment, if I were you. Perhaps what you heard is not true. You should first speak to your brother. Dear Andrew, You should ask your wife to help with housework. If she doesn’t want to, you should leave her at once or you’ll be a slave all your life. Comentario [A8]: You may brainstorm some possible problems for those pieces of advice. Comentario [A9]: What will you say in case they don´t know? Comentario [A10]: There are some words they might not know, such as blame, broke, pocket money, overworked, household… How are you planning to deal with them?
  • 5. Before they start matching we’ll read every extract together so that I make sure everyone understands everything. Once they’ve finished we’ll check it orally. Taken from: advice-should/13431 Transition: Now, you’ll be agony aunts! Activity 3 (15’) Purpose: To write short problems and advise their classmates on others. T: In a piece of paper, you’ll write a short problem. When everyone has finished, you’ll give those pieces of paper to me. I’ll mix them up and I’ll hand out themthem out again. You’ll have to be the agony aunt of your classmate. When they have finished they will read the problem and the advice. Transition: Now let’s make two groups. Closure 10’ Purpose: To give a closure to the lesson. I’ll take pictures for the following words  Backache  Toothache  Rash  Cold  Cough  Earache  Headache  Sore throat  Stomach ache  Temperature T: Without looking, a member of your group will have to take a card and stick it onto their forehead. (I’ll show them what to do) The rest of the group will have to give clues so that the person that has the card guesses the word. Clues can be pieces of advice or a description of the word, but you cannot mention the word or part of it. I’ll say good bye to students. Dear Paul, This is a problem a lot of people have. Perhaps you shouldn’t take all your money with you when you go out. Another good thing is to keep an account of what you spend every day. Dear Jenny, You should take your friends home so that your parents can get to know them better. However, perhaps your parents are right and your friends are nothing but trouble. Think it over before you decide. Comentario [A11]: If they don´t, what will you do? Comentario [A12]: You must include them here. Comentario [A13]: You can model the activity first.
  • 6. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __21__ /35 = 6 Interesting activities, Anto! You are really resourceful. You should work harder on learning aims. Remember they are supposed to describe the skills students will develop throughout the lesson. As well as this, think of teaching strategies so as to make sure they understand thoroughly. Use the target language as much as possible. They are pre-intermediate students – take advantage of that! And do foster their using L2 meaningfully as well. Have a nice lesson.
  • 7. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 02 Fecha: 20/10/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 18/10/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Recall the uses of conditional sentences zero and first.  Practisce writing and use of English.  Do some oral practice using the target structures. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Illnesses and symptoms (backache, cold, cough, earache, headache, rash, sore throat, stomach ache, temperature, toothache) Giving advice You should go to the doctor. You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate. Should I call him? /u/ /ei/ Comentario [A14]: 19/10 Comentario [A15]: Which skills will be developed? Comentario [A16]: As in…? Check the phonemes of the diphthong.
  • 8. NEW Expressing a general truth Talking about situations that are likely to happen in the future If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. If I study, I will pass the exam. Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practisce oral and writing skills. Materials Board, tape, sentences for the presentation activity, copies for the different activities. Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class They might not feel like playing the game. In that case I’ll ask half of the group to write an ‘if clause’ and the other half to write the main clause. Then, they’ll match each half randomly with one of their classmates and they’ll read the results. (This activity might also be done in case we have some spare time). Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises. Routine 5’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board. We’ll check the productions of the Agony Aunt from the previous class. I’ll ask them to read their pieces of advice. Wamp-up 10’ Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t. I will ask students to write a short problem in on a piece of paper. When they have finished, I’ll ask them to fold the paper and give them to me. I’ll mix them up and I’ll hand out the writing again. Students will have to write a piece of advice for those problems. Finally, they will have to read the answer and their advice. Transition: Now, let’s review some conditional sentences. Comentario [A17]: ? Comentario [A18]: Is it a meaningful and contextualized transition?
  • 9. Presentation 10’ Purpose: To introduce zero and first conditional sentences. T: Well, we are going to review conditional sentences zero and first. You might have seen it in the previous year, and before continuing with second conditional, we’re going to refresh these two. I will stick on the board the following: ZERO CONDITIONAL You use it to talk about a general truth – a fact. FIRST CONDITIONAL You use it to say something that might happen in the future. We will read the headlines and their uses and I’ll explain them if necessary. Then I’ll stick two more sentences on the board and say: “Now, knowing this, can you put these two examples under the correct headline?”  If you run too much, your muscles hurt.  If you eat too much chocolate, you’ll have a stomach-ache. When they have chosen, I’ll say if they have done it correctly or not. T: So, now, I have brought separately the different components of the conditional sentences. Looking at the examples, can you match them correctly to work out the structure? IF IF SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT WILL SIMPLE PRESENT The result should be: Zero conditional > If + Present simple + present simple. First conditional > If + present simple + will I’ll ask them to copy everything on their notebooks. Transition: Now, let’s classify sentences. Development Activity 1 (5’) Purpose: to review conditionals zero and first. I’ll hand out copies of the following examples of conditional sentences. They will have to write zero conditional or first conditional next to them. Write zero conditional (ZC) or first conditional (FC) next to the following sentences. 1. You get fat, if you eat too much. __________ 2. If you don’t use sun cream, you’ll get sunburnt. __________ 3. You’ll have a toothache, if you eat too many sweets. __________ 4. If you do exercise, you feel happier. __________ 5. If you get wet, you’ll catch a cold. __________ 6. You go to the doctor, if you feel sick. __________ Comentario [A19]: What kind of approach is this? Why have you chosen it?
  • 10. When everyone has finished, we’ll correct it orally. Transition: very good! Now, let’s keep on practising. Activity 2 (10’) Purpose: to keep on practising zero and first conditional. I’ll give students a copy of the following parts of sentences. They will have to complete them using zero or first conditional and their own ideas. They can do it in pairs. Using your own ideas, complete the following sentences with zero and first conditional. 1. If you obey the rules,_________________ 2. If we go to Paris,_____________________ 3. Call me if__________________________ 4. If he doesn’t tell the truth,_____________ 5. Do not go out if_____________________ 6. If you buy a second hand car,___________ 7. If he receives the money,______________ 8. If they travel first class,________________ 9. If he does some exercise,______________ 10. If you feel depressed,_________________ We’ll check students’ sentences orally. Taken from: ditional-0-zero/89691 Transition: Very good! Now, let’s keep on thinking on different ideas. Activity 3 (5’) Purpose: to do some oral practice. I’ll ask students the following questions: 1. What do you do if your dog is barking loudly at night? 2. What will happen if you forget about chicken being cooked in the oven? 3. What do you do if you have bad headache? 4. What will happen if you are late for work? 5. What do you do if the shop assistant gives you the wrong change? Activity 4 (5’) Purpose: To review ‘present simple’ and ‘will’ in conditional sentences. Comentario [A20]: Won`t they get confused by the Present Continuous tense?
  • 11. I’ll give students a copy of the following sentences and I’ll ask them to complete them with ‘simple present’ or ‘will’. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets and the ‘simple present’ or ‘will’. 1. You don't have a ticket, do you? If I see one for sale, I ______ (buy) it for you. 2. We ______ (catch) the early train if we get to the station at 6am. 3. Whenever my skin goes red in the sun, I just ______ (use) some of this cream and it feels better. 4. I always ______ (ask) for directions if I get lost in a new city. 5. If there isn't a place at the conference for you, Harry ______ (organise) another one. 6. When Shirly ______ (go) to the cinema, she buys a big bag of popcorn. 7. The opposition ______ (call) for a new election if the President wins again. 8. If you earn more money, you ______ (pay) more taxes. Taken from: fill.php Transition: Very good! Now, let’s play a short game. Closure 10’ Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson. I’ll cut the following senteces: I’ll ask students to from two groups. They’ll have to take a part of a sentence. Then, they will have to find the missing half. Comentario [A21]: Two groups of eight students can be quite noisy, and there might be some students who won´t participate. Why don´t you make smaller groups? Comentario [A22]: Will they have to stick the sentences somewhere? Will you check the activity?
  • 12. I’ll say good bye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: _21___ /35 = 6 Nice lesson, Anto! You must work harder on learning aims. Transitions are also something you need to improve. Having a clear context is useful to come up with meaningful transitions. If you need some help, do contact us. Your tutors
  • 13. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 03 Fecha: 24/10/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 22/10/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Learn and use the second conditional.  Reinforce speaking skill using the target structure. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Expressing a general truth Talking about situations that are likely to happen in the future If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. If I study, I will pass the exam. NEW Talking about If I won the Comentario [A23]: In which context?
  • 14. unreal situations. Giving advice lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise speaking skills and use of English through written exercises. Materials Board, chalk, tape, posters of the comics, students’ book (Champions 3), speaking cards and copies for exercise 3. Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class In case we have some spare time I’ll add another question to the closure activity: What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse? Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure during the different exercises. Routine 5’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board. We’ll check the exercises from the previous class. We’ll employ oral peer assessment. A student will say their answer and the rest will say if it’s correct or not. Transition: Very good! Now, let’s review the conditionals from the previous class. Warm-up 5’ Purpose: to review zero and first conditional. I’ll give them a piece of paper. Half of the students will have to write an “if” clause (I’ll demonstrate with an example on the board), the other half will have to write a main clause (Again, I’ll demonstrate on the board). When everyone has finished the students of the ‘if’ clause will pair with the ‘main clause’ ones. And they will read the result out loud. Comentario [A24]: How? Comentario [A25]: Cannot you foresee any posible problem? Comentario [A26]: Wrong Word. Check meaning. Comentario [A27]: How are you planning to choose students? Can you think of any innovative strategy to put into practice for this stage? You know that checking homework at the very beginning of the lesson may have its pros and cons… Comentario [A28]: Is it a meangingul transition? What context are you using? Comentario [A29]: about??? Comentario [A30]: Will the sentences make sense?
  • 15. Transition: Very good! Now let’s see second conditional this time. Presentation 10’ Purpose: to introduce second conditional. I’ll stick the following comics on the board: I’ll ask two volunteers to read them. T: Very well, now can you tell me what kind of situations are these? Ss: imaginary/unreal/advice/no answer. T: Very good! They are imaginary situations; they do not happen in real life. And the third one is a piece of advice. This is what we use the second conditional for. Comentario [A31]: Is this relevant/appealing for students? You may ask student if they like reading comics, for instance. The transition ought to focus on the context you are providing, not on the language structures you are trying to teach by means of that context. Comentario [A32]: Before asking this question, you should work on the meaning of each comic strip. If not, you are just using the input to work on a grammar structure – you should exploit resources to the full.
  • 16. I will write another example on the board: If I were you, I would tell him the truth. T: OK. We have three parts in this sentence. Can you tell which are they? Ss: (expected answer) IF+ PAST SIMPLE + WOULD / No answer T: Very good! We use IF+ PAST SIMPLE + WOULD (I’ll write this on the board) to form a conditional sentence. Can you provide some other examples? Transition: Excellent! Now let’s start working! Open your books onat page 33. Development Activity 1 (10’) Purpose: To practise second conditional. T: Now, we are going to practice some grammar. On exercise 1 you have to choose the correct option. We’ll check their answers. On exercise 2, you have to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. We’ll check their answers. And finally on exercise 3, you have to use the words in the box in the correct form to complete the dialogues. Comentario [A33]: Context? Comentario [A34]: We usually divide Conditional sentences into two parts. Comentario [A35]: What would you do if they cannot come up with an accurate answer? To make it clearer, you may write the examples from the comic strips, one below the other, so that it is easier for them to spot the structures involved. Comentario [A36]: So far you have exposed learners to examples of the Second Conditional in the affirmative form. Be attentive, because there are some questions in the exercises they have to complete. You should draw their attention to the necessary changes they have to make.
  • 17. Transition: Now, let’s talk about imaginary situations. Activity 2 (15’) Purpose: To practisce speaking with the target structure. I’ll take these cards. I’ll ask students to take one, read it out loud and answer them. The rest of the students can also give their answer if they wish to. What would be the very first thing to buy if you won the lottery? Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? If you went on a desert island, what three books/films would you take with you? What superpower would you like to have if you could choose? Where would you go on holiday if you could go anywhere? If you found Aladdin’s lamp, what would be your three wishes? If you could meet someone famous, who would you meet? If you could travel in time, would you go to the past or the future? What would you do if you saw your friend cheating on a test? What would you do if you saw your friend shoplifting? What would you do if your friend invited you for dinner and served something you hate? What would you change about your personality if you could choose one thing? What would you change about your appearance if you could choose one thing? Would you tell the truth to your friend if you knew it would hurt him/her? If you won a lot of money, how much would you give to friends, family and charity? Where would you be if you didn’t have to be here now? Comentario [A37]: Will you insist on their providing complete answers?
  • 18. Taken from: _cards/conditional-2-second/82303 Transition: Excellent! Now let’s use the second conditional to give some advice! Activity 3 (10’) Purpose: To use the second conditional to give advice. I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise: Read the problems. Then, using the second conditional, write a sentence giving a piece of advice. 1. I feel really bad. I’ve got a toothache. _______________________________________________ 2. I fail at the maths test. My mum is mad at me. _______________________________________________ 3. My best friend lied to me. I’m very angry with her. _______________________________________________ 4. I have a great party tonight. I haven’t got anything to wear. _______________________________________________ 5. I broke my new mobile phone. My father is going to kill me. _______________________________________________ Transition: Now, let’s be presidents for a day… Closure 5’ Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson. I’ll write on the board: What would you do if you were president for a day? T: You’ll have to answer this question, and let’s see how many votes you get. I’ll say goodbye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Comentario [A38]: Will you demonstrate how they are supposed to do this exercise? Comentario [A39]: I failed
  • 19. Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: _22___ /35 = 6.5 This lesson shows some improvement, but you still need to work hard on learning aims and transitions, as we have already stated in our previous feedback comments. We want you to think of clear contexts for further lessons. A clear context will help your lesson develop smoothly, and transitions will come up naturally. If not, it is just a compilation of activities. You are really resourceful and creative, so we are positive you will find the way! Read our comments/suggestions carefully. Take them into account for further lesson plans. If you have any doubt, you know you can contact us. Best, Your tutors I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio
  • 20. Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 04 Fecha: 27/10/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 26/10/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Practise second conditional to talk about unreal situations and giveing advice.  Practisce reading skill by reading a text on an advice site.  Practisce writing skill by writing a short reply giving advice to another person’s problem. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Talking about unreal situations. Giving advice If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. NEW …is/are a great way to… I’m sure… You should… You shouldn’t Why don’t you…? Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise writing and reading skills by reading about an advice site and writing a reply to some people writing to the same site. Comentario [A40]: These are structures.
  • 21. Materials Board, chalk, speaking cards and copies for presentation exercise and students’ book (Champions 3). Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class They might have problems during the writing activity to write their ideas; I’ll make them know they can ask me whatever they want to know or write. Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure and expressions through the different exercises. Routine 3’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board. Transition: Very good! Now, let’s talk about some imaginary situations. Warm-up 10’ Purpose: to review second conditional. I’ll tell students to take a card and read the question out loud. They should give their answer using the second conditional. The rest of the students can answer the question if they wish to do so. What would be the very first thing to buy if you won the lottery? Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? If you went on a desert island, what three books/films would you take with you? What superpower would you like to have if you could choose? Where would you go on holiday if you could go anywhere? If you found Aladdin’s lamp, what would be your three wishes? If you could meet someone famous, who would you meet? If you could travel in time, would you go to the past or the future? What would you do if you saw your friend cheating on a test? What would you do if you saw your friend shoplifting? What would you do if your friend invited you for dinner and served something you hate? What would you change about your personality if you could choose one thing? Comentario [A41]: At this stage, it is important you monitor them so that they realize you are available for them. Comentario [A42]: Will you tell them this? You may model the activity first, so as to highlight the structure they are supposed to use.
  • 22. Transition: Very good! Now, let’s keep on practising. Presentation 5’ Purpose: To use the second conditional to give advice. I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise: T: You’ll have to give some advice for these problems. Let’s see an example: I’ll write on the board: I’m late for work. My boss is mad at me. If you woke up earlier, your boss wouldn’t be angry. Read the problems. Then, using the second conditional, write a sentence giving a piece of advice. 6. I feel really bad. I’ve got a toothache. _______________________________________________ 7. I failed at the maths test. My mum is mad at me. _______________________________________________ 8. My best friend lied to me. I’m very angry with her. _______________________________________________ 9. I have a great party tonight. I haven’t got anything to wear. _______________________________________________ 10. I broke my new mobile phone. My father is going to kill me. _______________________________________________ We’ll check it orally. Transition: Very good! Now, open your books at page 34. Development Activity 1 (5’) Purpose: pre-reading activity. I’ll write three options on the board: a) An online newsletter b) An official medical website c) An advice site T: look at the text on page 34. What kind of website is it? (pointing to the three options) Ss: It’s an advice site. Comentario [A43]: Careful with this example. Conditional Type 3 would be much more appropriate. You may encourage them to use the structure If I were you…
  • 23. T: Very good! Have you ever written to a site like this one? Ss: Yes/No. T: What do you do whenever you have a problem?} Ss: (open answer) Transition: OK, now let’s read the text. Activity 2 (10’) Purpose: while-reading activity. T: You’ll read the text and you’ll find the answers to the questions in exercise 2. Comentario [A44]: Will you go over the questions so as to clarify meaning, in order to check understanding?
  • 24. We’ll check it orally. Transition: OK, have you got any opinions on these problems? Activity 3 (5’) Purpose: Post-reading exercise. T: Have you got any other advice for these people? Ss: (open answer) T: Have you ever had any similar problem? What did you do? Ss: (open answer) Transition: Now, let’s learn some expressions to give advice. Activity 4 (2’) Purpose: To learn some new expressions to give advice. I’ll write the following expressions on the board. …is/are a great way to… I’m sure… You should… You shouldn’t Why don’t you…? T: Now, can you look for examples of these structures in the text? Ss: They’re a great way to make friends. / I’m sure they can help. / You should tell him that you need your own space. / You shouldn’t be angry with your brother. /Why don’t you ask him what he’d like to do? T: Very good!
  • 25. Transition: Now, let’s use these expressions to give advice to the people on page 35. Activity 5 (5’) Purpose: to give advice using the expressions learnt. (Pre-writing) T: Let’s read the following problems. We read and analyse vocabulary in case they need to. T: Now, using the expressions we learnt. Can you give some advice to these people? Ss: (open answer) Transition: Very good! Now let’s put those ideas on paper! Activity 6 (15’) Purpose: to write a short answer to the problems above, using the structures and expressions learnt. T: Now, using the ideas you have, you’ll choose Mia or Prash and you’ll write a reply giving them some advice. You can use the texts on page 34, the expressions learnt and, of course, you can ask me anything you want to know. I’ll take their productions home to correct them. I’ll say good-bye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Comentario [A45]: Is this an individual task? Can they do it in pairs?
  • 26. Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __22__ /35 = 6.5 You are improving steadily! Try to keep focused on the thread and make sure you model activities and clarify doubts, avoiding the use of L1 as much as possible. Foster students´ participation. Enjoy the lesson! Your tutors I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16
  • 27. Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 05 Fecha: 31/10/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 30/10/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Practise second conditional to talk about unreal situations and give advice.  Practise writing skill by writing a short reply giving advice to another person’s problem.  Practise speaking skills by the use of different prompts during the warm-up and closure phases. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Talking about unreal situations. Giving advice If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. NEW …is/are a great way to… I’m sure… You should… You shouldn’t Why don’t you…? Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise writing skill by writing a short reply to other people’s problems, and speaking skill by talking about different problems and situations.
  • 28. Materials Board, chalk, and students’ book (Champions 3). Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class During the writing activity some of the students might finish sooner than others, I’ll assign them to do some practice on their book to keep on practising. Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure and expressions through the writing exercise. Comentario [A46]: Will the others have to do it afterwards?
  • 29. Routine 5’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board. We’ll check the answer to the questions on exercise 2 from the previous class. Transition: Very good! Now, let’s talk about some imaginary situations. Warm-up 10’ Purpose: To talk about imaginary situations using the second conditional. T: Let’s imagine you are president for a day. What would you do? Ss: (open answers) T: Very well! Now, what would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse? Ss: (open asnwersanswers) Transition: Now let’s learn some new expressions. Presentation 10’ Purpose: to introduce new expressions to give advice. I’ll write the following expressions on the board. …is/are a great way to… I’m sure… You should… You shouldn’t Why don’t you…? T: Now, can you look for examples of these structures in the text? Ss: They’re a great way to make friends. / I’m sure they can help. / You should tell him that you need your own space. / You shouldn’t be angry with your brother. /Why don’t you ask him what he’d like to do? T: Very good! Comentario [A47]: Are you thinking of any innovative or appealing way to do so? Comentario [A48]: Which text?
  • 30. Transition: Now, let’s use these expressions to give advice to the people on page 35. Development Activity 1 (5’) Purpose: to give advice using the expressions learnt. (Pre-writing) T: Let’s read the following problems. We read and analyse vocabulary in case they need to. T: Now, using the expressions we learnt. Can you give some advice to these people? Ss: (open answer) Transition: Very good! Now let’s put those ideas on paper! Activity 2 (20’) Purpose: to write a short answer to the problems above, using the structures and expressions learnt. T: Now, using the ideas you have, you’ll choose Mia or Prash and you’ll write a reply giving them some advice. You can use the texts on page 34, the expressions learnt and, of course, you can ask me anything you want to know. When they have finished, they’ll read their productions out loud so as to share them with the rest of the class. Transition: Well done! Now, let’s keep on practising. Closure 10’ Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson. T: Look at this sentence. It’s in second conditional.
  • 31. If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.) T: The idea is that you read and one of you, using the main clause, will invent another sentence. When you are done, a classmate does the same with the sentence you have made up and so on. For example… If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.) If I bought a big house, I would have lots of dogs. If I had lots of dogs, I would spend a lot of money. We’ll do this exercise until each of the students has participated. I’ll say good bye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: _22___ /35 = 6.5 Dear Antonella, We could see you used activities from the previous lesson plan. You made reference to a text, Comentario [A49]: The explanation is not crystal clear. Make sure you check understanding.
  • 32. which is it? Work hard on your teaching strategies and do encourage students´ participation. Try to use different resources to catch students´ attention and to motivate them in a meaningful context. Last, but not least, we ask you to submit your lesson plans respecting deadlines, please. It is a matter of organization and consideration as well. We´re positive you will do your best. Have a nice lesson! Your tutors I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 06 Fecha: 03/11/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 02/11/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Review vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms.  Review grammar structures related to ‘should and shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’ Comentario [A50]: You cannot submit your lesson plan just one day before delivering the class. Comentario [A51]: Which skills (if any) will be developed?
  • 33. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Illnesses and symptoms (cold, backache, headache, toothache, stomach ache, cough ,sore throat, temperature) Giving advice Talking about unreal situations. Giving advice You should call him. You shouldn’t eat all that chocolate. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. NEW Revision lesson. Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise writing through different written exercises. Materials Board, chalk, students’ book (Champions 3), problem cards, pieces of paper with target vocabulary for the warm-up stage, and copies for activity 3. Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class In case we have spare time I’ll give them exercises 1, 2 and 3 from page 81. Comentario [A52]: What about the target language?
  • 34. Assessment I’ll assess their use of the target structure and vocabulary through the different exercises. Routine 3’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. Then I’ll copy the date on the board.
  • 35. Transition: Ok, now, let’s start revising what we’ve learnt. Warm-up 10’ Purpose: to review illnesses and symptoms vocabulary. I’ll ask students to form two groups. Then, I’ll ask a member of the group to come to the front. I’ll tell him/her to take a piece of paper that will contain a word related to the target vocabulary. They’ll have to draw the word on the board so that his/her group guesses the word. If the group guesses, they win a point. The group with more points wins. Transition: Very good! Now, open the book at page 79 Development Activity 1 (15’) Purpose: to review should/shouldn’t. T: OK, let’s start reviewing for next week’s test. You’ll do exercise 2 and 3. In exercise 2 you have to read the sentences and complete with should or shouldn’t. T: On exercise 3, you have to look at the pictures and write sentences using should or shouldn’t. Comentario [A53]: You can give them the option of miming, in case they claim they are not good at drawing. Comentario [A54]: This kind of transition is not meaningful/appealing. Try thinking of the aim of the following task and provide some examples.
  • 36. When they have finished we’ll check them orally. Transition: Now, let’s review second conditional. Turn to page 80. Activity 2 (15’) Purpose: to review second conditional. T: Now, you’ll do exercises 7 and 8. On 7 you have to complete with the correct second conditional form of the verbs. Comentario [A55]: Is this good for visual learners? Comentario [A56]: Same comment about transition.
  • 37. And in exercise 8, you’ll write questions using the second conditional and then, you’ll answer them with you own information. Again, we’ll check it orally.
  • 38. Activity 3 (7’) Purpose: To review second conditional I’ll give them a copy of the following exercise. Match the sentences halves. 1. If I had more time, 2. He would be very angry 3. If I knew how, 4. If he had the money, 5. I would go to the cinema with you 6. If I were you, 7. If she wasn’t always late, 8. She would be happier 9. I would call him 10. You’ll lose weight a. If they tell the truth to their father. b. If I felt better. c. If she had more friends. d. I would learn karate. e. If you eat less. f. If I knew his number. g. I would help you. h. He would buy a sports car. i. She would be promoted. j. I would get a new job. We’ll check it orally. Transition: Let’s play another game! Closure 10’ Purpose: To give a closure to the lesson. I’ll take the following problem cards:
  • 39. I’ll tell students to form two groups. T: OK, a member of the group will come and take a card. He/she will read it aloud and with his/her group will provide a piece of advice using should or shouldn’t. If it is correct the group wins point. The group with more points wins. I’ll say goodbye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Comentario [A57]: What will you focus on – language or creativity?
  • 40. Observations Score: __20__ /35 = 6 Dear Anto, What a pity we couldn´t give you feedback before the lesson took place. Remember you have to submit the lesson plans five days before the class. Reflect upon the teaching strategies you are using, the transitions and activities. Best, Your tutors I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 07 Fecha: 07/11/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 02/11/2016
  • 41. Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  See how well they have learnt the vocabulary related to illnesses and symptoms, and the grammar structures corresponding to ‘should/shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Illnesses and symptoms (cold, backache, headache, toothache, stomach ache, cough ,sore throat, temperature) Giving advice Talking about unreal situations. Giving advice You should call him. You shouldn’t eat all that chocolate. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. NEW Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise writing through different written exercises. Materials Copies of the exam sheet Seating Arrangement They will sit alone facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class They already know the contents of the exam but they might get a bit nervous. I’ll tell them not to worry, that the exam is just another stage in the leaning process and they are well prepared to do it. Assessment Formal assessment will be done through a graded paper and pen exam. Comentario [A58]: Quite vague
  • 42. Routine 3’ I will say ‘hello!’ to students. I’ll say ‘As we had planned, today we’re doing a test. Don’t worry, it’s easy and you’re well prepared to do it. You have 60 minutes to finish it.’ I’ll hand out the copies of the exam. I’ll explain every point. T: You may begin, any doubts you may have you can consult me. Development Activity 1 (57’) Purpose: to test students on how well they have learnt the vocabulary seen on the unit and the grammar structures corresponding to ‘should/shouldn’t’ and ‘second conditional’. Written evaluation 1. Using the words in the box complete the following sentences. BACKACHE COLD COUGH HEADACHE SORE THROAT STOMACH ACHE TEMPERATURE TOOTHACHE a) I can’t breathe through my nose. I think I’ve got a ________________. b) 39 degrees! You’ve got a ________________. You should see a doctor. c) I shouted too much at the concert. Now I’ve got a ________________. d) Carrie has gone to the dentist because she’s got a ________________. e) I ate too much – I’ve got a ________________. f) I carried some very heavy boxes yesterday, and now I’ve got a ________________. g) Can you turn that music down? I’ve taken a painkiller, but I’ve still got a ________________. h) He should take some medicine for his ________________. 2. Match the problems with the pieces of advice. 1. I've got a headache. 2. I'm cold. 3. The game starts at three o'clock. 4. He's always tired in the morning. 5. I don't feel well. 6. I want to lose weight. a. You should do some exercise. b. You shouldn't sit so close to the TV. c. We should leave at two-thirty. d. He shouldn't stay up so late. e. You should put on a jumper. f. You should stay in bed. Comentario [A59]: You can do a short warm-up, so that they get in the mood. Comentario [A60]: The test doesn´t seem to be that long. Comentario [A61]: stomachache
  • 43. 3. Choose the correct option. a. If I _______ millions dollars, I'd give a lot to charity. a. has b. had c. would have b. If we were in London today, we would _______ to go to the concert in Hyde Park. a. can b. be able c. could c. If I _______ in Japan, I'd have sushi every day. a. lived b. lives c. had live d. If I were you, I _______ a new place to live. a. looked for b. would look for c. looks for e. I wouldn’t be so stressed if I _______ so many exams. a. hadn’t b. didn’t have c. hasn’t 4. Match the sentences halves.
  • 44. Taken from: nal_quizzes.pdf This is the end of the exam. I’ll take the exams home to correct them. Closure Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson. We’ll do this activity in case we have spare time. T: Give an example using the second conditional. Ss: (Open answer) Imagining they say: If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.) T: Now, using the main clause (I’ll underline it so as to signal which is the main clause is), can you make another sentence using the second conditional? Ss: (open answer) Suggestion: If I had the money, I would buy a big house. (I’ll write it one the board.) T: Again using the main clause (I underline it), can you make up another sentence? Ss: (Open answer) T: This is what you have to do; make up sentences using the main clauses of the previous ones. I’ll write: If you joined a sports club, you would meet new people. I’ll say goodbye to students. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Comentario [A62]: After doing a test, students will probably be reluctant to keep on practising the same grammar point. Why don´t you think of including a video/song? You can use that last part of the lesson to expose students to English in a different way. Comentario [A63]: It is not a meaningful transition. We have already commented on this.
  • 45. Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Score: __20__ /35 = 6 Dear Anto, Pay special attention to our comments. Have second thoughts as regards the warm-up and closure stages. Remember those are key moments in the lesson. You still need to work on learning aims. They should reflect the skills that will be developed throughout the lesson. Have a nice lesson, Your tutors
  • 46. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2016 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Gomez Antonella Belén Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Instituto María Auxiliadora Dirección: Marcelino Crespo 20 – Carmen de Patagones Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to ‘B’ Naturales Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: pre-intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: problemas y consejos Clase Nº: 08 Fecha: 10/11/2016 Hora: 08:30 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de entrega: 08/11/2016 Aims During this lesson students will be able to:  Play a game (tic-tac-toe) in order to review ‘should/shouldn’t’.  Practisce listening trough listening to a song and doing various exercises.  Practisce speaking by giving opinions of aboutthe lyrics of a song. Teaching points: language focus LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Illnesses and symptoms (cold, backache, headache, toothache, stomach ache, cough ,sore throat, temperature) Giving advice Talking about unreal situations. Giving advice You should call him. You shouldn’t eat all that chocolate. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house. If I were you, I Comentario [A64]: Which skill will be developed by means of this game?
  • 47. would tell him the truth. NEW Closure lesson - revision Teaching approach The lesson will be organized through PPP procedure. Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Students will practise listening by doing a worksheet of the song ‘Grenade’ by Bruno Mars. Materials Board, chalk, tic-tac-toe poster, worksheet of the song, CD player and song. Seating Arrangement They will sit facing the board. Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class They may say that they don’t understand the lyrics of the song. I’ll tell them to pay attention and that there’s no need to understand every single word, they just have to focus on the target words. We’ll also work out the meaning of the lyrics. Assessment I’ll assess students on their listening skills through the song worksheet. Routine 5’ Purpose: to generate a proper environment to learn. I will say ‘hello!’ to students. I’ll copy the date on the board and then I’ll proceed to hand out their tests. Transition: As you know this is my last class with you. So we’re going to have some fun! Warm-up 10’ Purpose: To review should/shouldn’t. I’ll stick a tic-tac-toe grid on the board. T: OK. Form two groups. We’re playing tic-tac-toe. I think you all know this game, but today, it has got another difficulty. In order to choose a square to draw ‘X’ or ‘O’, you have to make a sentence using should or shouldn’t correctly. For example, suppose you choose a square that says “I’ve got a stomachache”. You’ll say, “You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate next time.” If the sentence is correct you can draw ‘X’ or ‘O’. The first team to have four Xs or Os in a row wins. Comentario [A65]: What are the pros and cons of giving them their tests at the very beginning of the lesson? Won´t you provide them any kind of feedback? Comentario [A66]: Nice idea!  Comentario [A67]: Will you allow them to swap places? Comentario [A68]: Are they acquainted with the vocabulary in the sentences?
  • 48. I’ve got a headache. I’m always late for school. I’m tired. I’m hungry. I failed at a test. My clothes are dirty. I hit my friend. I’m bored. I feel sick. I can’t read well. I can’t speak English very well. I want a good job when I’m older. I lost my mobile. I’m thirsty. I lost the money mum gave me to buy new clothes. I made my sister cry. I’ve got a toothache. I’m fat. I don’t have any money. I got wet from the rain. I want to travel. I haven’t got any friends. I want a puppy. My father doesn’t like dogs. I’m sad. I missed the bus for school. I’m terrible at maths. My best friend is angry with me. I don’t know why. I don’t like my university career. I don’t like vegetables. I want to be healthier. I crashed my father’s car. I fell from my bike. My ankle hurts. I’ve got a sore throat. I lost my keys. I’m punished. Today I’ve got a big party. I’m lost. Source: Transition: Very good! Now, do you want to listen to a song? Development Activity 1 (15’) Purpose: to listen to a song and do some exercises to practice listening. (Pre and while listening exercises)
  • 49. Link to the song: I’ll give them a copy of the worksheet of the song. T: Do you know Bruno Mars? Ss: Yes/no. T: Do you like it? Ss: Yes/no. T: OK. Today we’re listening to and working with the song called ‘Grenade’. Do you know it? Ss: yes/no. T: Very well. As you can see, there are various exercises on the sheet. The first three exercises are are meant to be done while listening to the song. Let’s read the lyrics… (We read it and work out the meaning of unknown words) T: Great. Now, on the first exercise you have to complete that part of the lyrics with the words you have in the box. On exercise 2, you have to listen and put the lines in the correct order. And in exercise three, you’ll listen to find the mistakes. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word. You just try to focus on the words you need to complete the tasks. And if you can’t do it, don’t worry. We’ll play the song one more time then. 1. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Easy come, easy go, that's just how you ………………….. Oh, take, take, take it all but you never ………………….. Should've known you was ………………….. from the first kiss Had your eyes ………………….. open, why were they open? Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the ………………….. You tossed it in the trash, you did To give me all your love is all I ever ………………….. 'Cause what you don't understand is 2. Put the lines in the correct order. I'd catch a grenade for ya But you won't do the same I would go through all this pain I'd jump in front of a train for ya Take a bullet straight through my brain Throw my head on a blade for ya Yes, I would die for you, baby You know I'd do anything for ya No, no, no, no asked give live trash trouble wide …1… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… …..… …9… Comentario [A69]: him Comentario [A70]: How will you check understanding of the instructions?
  • 50. Black, black, black and blue, hug me 'til I'm numb Tell the doctor I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from Wise woman, kind woman, that's just what you are, yeah You'll shout in my face then rip the seats out my car If my house was on fire Ooh, you'd watch me break down in flames You said you loved me, you're a saint 'Cause you never, ever, ever did, lady 3. Correct the mistakes. Gave you all I had […] I'd catch a grenade for ya […] But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya […] Source: _bruno_mars/songs-lyrics-love/3509 Transition: Very good! Now let’s work on the meaning of the lyrics. Activity 2 (15’) Purpose: after-listening activities. T: OK, now let’s do the other part of the worksheet. On exercise 5, you have some definitions; you have to find the words in the lyrics corresponding to it. On exercise 6, you have to write the ‘if clause’ to complete the sentences in second conditional. Transition: Now, let’s discuss some things about the song. 6. Provide a conditional clause to complete each sentence. 1. If ........................................................................................., I’d catch a grenade for you. 2. If ........................................................................................., I'd jump in front of a train for you. 3. If ........................................................................................., I'd do anything for you. 4. If ........................................................................................., I'd take a bullet straight through my brain. 5. If ........................................................................................., I would die for you. ……………..………. ……………..………. ……..…………. ……………….… ……..…………. ……………..………. ……………..………. ……………..………. ……………..………. 5. Find words in the lyrics with a similar meaning to the following. 1. a small metal object that is fired from a gun …………………… 2. to remove something quickly …………………… 3. rubbish …………………… 4. the thin sharp part of a knife …………………… 5. to hit somebody …………………… 6. to throw something carelessly …………………… 7. unable to feel a part(s) of your body …………………… Comentario [A71]: One exercise is related to vocabulary, and the other to grammar. You should work on one first, and then move on to the other one.
  • 51. Activity 3 (10’) Purpose: To practisce speaking by giving opinions on the song. T: Now, I’ve got some questions for you about the song. I’ll ask students the following questions: 1. What does the singer mean when he says “I'd catch a grenade for ya”? 2. Mention three more things he would be willing to do for her. 3. What does he expect from the girl in return? 4. What does he accuse the girl of doing? 5. What adjectives would he use to describe her? Provide evidence from the lyrics. 6. What adjectives would you use to describe the singer? Transition: Very good! Now, do you like paper airplanes? Closure 5’ Purpose: to give a closure to the lesson T: OK, now do make an airplane. We’ll play in two teams. I’ll show you a picture, and one of your team will have to say the word correctly to have the chance to throw the airplane and win points for the group. (I’ll draw different targets on the board with different points.) If you hit the targets you win those points, and if you hit the board you get five points. The group with more points wins. Comentario [A72]: Lovely! 
  • 52. T: Excellent! Well, we’ve come to the end of the class. Thank you so much for these classes. I’ve had a great time and I have learnt a lot, I hope that you too! Goodbye! Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Learning aims x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x
  • 53. Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __26__ /35 = 7.5 Hope you have an excellent lesson! Keep an eye on timing, classroom management and use of L2! Pay attention to our comments. Best, Your tutors