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Período de Práctica: Escuela Primaria
Institución Educativa: Escuela Manuel Belgrano – DIPREGEP Nº 662
Dirección: Costa Y Lequerica – Coronel Dorrego, Provincia Bs Aires.
Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 5to año A
Cantidad de alumnos: 30 alumnos
Nivel lingüístico de los cursos: elemental
Tipo de Planificación: Diaria
Unidad Temática: “Las Ropas”
Clase N°: 6 (This is going to be the last class)
Fecha: 04 de Agosto 2015
Hora: de 13.30 a 14.20 hs
Duración de la clase: 50 minutos
Fecha de primera entrega:27 de Julio
(This is going to be the last class of my primary period that is why I will prepare a class
including activities of the two topics I have taught: Food and drink, and clothes)
Teaching points: Clothes: Boots, dress, Hat, jeans, scarf, shorts, skirt, sweater, trainers,
t-shirt. Food and drink: Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice-cream, Milk, Peas, Salad,
During this lesson:
 Learners will be able to refer to vocabulary as regards food and drink, and
clothes items in a meaningful context.
 They will be able to develop their listening skills through listening to a song.
 Learners will be able to develop their writing skills by matching clothes items
and their names.
 They will be able to develop their speaking and writing skills by taking
decisions in groups and writing a stanza for a song.
 Language focus:
REVISION Following
commands :
Let’s read.
Food and
drink (Banana,
Chicken, Ice-
cream, Milk,
Peas, Salad,
People: boys,
What’s this?
It’s a …
It’s an …
What are these?
They are …
Where are they?
/ae/ bat, black
/a:/ giraffe
NEW What are you
wearing? Clothes: boots
What are you
What is she
What is he
/sk/ skirt.
 Teaching Approach: Natural Approach, organized through the
presentation, practice, and procedure stages (PPP).
 Integration of skills: The four skills will be applied in this lesson.
Listening to a song about food and drink and ordering its lines.
 Material and resources:CD player, CD- Worksheets for students
Food and drink flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
Clothes flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
A photograph from the Zoo.
Pedagogical use of the ICT inn class or at home: (no use)
Seating arrangement: the whole class facing the board. In groups
Possible problems /difficulties and their solutions during the class: students may
speak in Spanish. I will demonstrate and make them repeat the correct form /word in
Classroom management strategies:
In case there are students who are not paying attention, I will approach to them
and kindly suggest trying to go back to work.
Fast finishers generally draw something because they are bored; if this is the
case I will tell that student to help me with other students.
If there are students who are reluctant to participate in class, I will approach to
him/her try to encourage participating by asking him/her myself a question.
(There are very shy students).
In cases if misbehavior, I will ask kindly to please go back to work and do not
do it again. If this continues I will stop the class and explain the importance of
working and behaving properly in L1.
 Potential problems students may have with the language: As it is mainly a
vocabulary presentation with flashcards and practice lesson, I think there will be no
problems. Nonetheless, a possible one would be distraction. In such a case, I will
clap my hands so as to call their attention, as their teacher is used to apply that
method and it works perfectly because students are accustomed. So, in case Ss
don’t listen to me, I will change my voice tone and I will tell: "Are you listening? Are
you listening? Everyone! Everyone! If you are listening, if you are listening, look at
me, look at me."
Assessment: What will be assessed and how. Understanding of the new items will be
assessed by my asking questions individually, for example new items will be assessed by
asking: what is it wearing ……? Observing students development during the different
instances of the class. Comprehension of the new items will be assessed through the
correction of the written activities and homework. There will be oral sentences to complete
so that I get to know if SS understand the use of the structure for communicative
purposes and if they remember the new items
Timing: 5 minutes.
Purpose: To start the lesson, to get students into the mood for work, to establish rapport.
Routine: For this routine I will separate the classroom in two halves. Students will be
sat at their desks. I am going to play the tape twice, so the first time half of the class
will sing the first two stanzas and the other half will sing the last two stanzas of the song.
Te second time roles will be inverted.
(Students have already sang this song the previous classes)
Transition: Ok children, we are going to sing the Hello song:
Hello! Hello!
How are you today?
I’m fine, I’m fine
And you how are you
(Adapted from: Singing Songs: The Teacher’s magazine: EDIBA)
Transition: Well done! Boys and girls! Excellent!
Before I star the lesson I will collect the activities they did for homework. (3 minutes)
Timing: 10 minutes.
Purpose: To revise the food and drink and the clothes vocabulary items taught in previous
In order to activate vocabulary revision I will give the students an activity to match and
complete the missing letters
Transition: Look at your worksheet, activity 1. Write the correct heading or the words
food or clothes, and then label the pictures.
Activity 1
Write the heading: CLOTHES / FOOD. Then label the pictures.
………………… …………………. …………………………..
……………………. …………………….. …………………………..
……………………………………. …………………………..
……………………………………. …………………………………..
Activity 2
Timing 10 minutes
Purpose: to revise the food and drink vocabulary items presented in previous classes.
I will make the students revise the vocabulary as regards food and drink by means of
listening to the song they already know:
This time they will listen to the doing for the first time. Then I will give them a
worksheetwith the lines of the song all mixed up. They will have to listen to the song again
and number them in the correct order.
Then they will have to paint the food and drink items mentioned in the song. After that they
will have to write the names of the two drawing which are not mentioned in the song
(cookies. carrots)
Original version student’s version
I like spaghetti with chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas with salad and peas ( )
I like spaghetti I don’t like bananas ( )
With chicken and cheese I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas yellow or green ( )
Yellow or green with milk or ice cream. ( )
I don’t like bananas I like spaghetti ( )
With milk. or ice cream. I don’t like bananas ( )
(From: Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman)
Transition: Ok! Lets’ sing the food and drink song we sang in previous classes!
Look at your worksheet. Look at activity 1 a you has all the sentences there. They are not
in order, so you have to listen carefully and put them in order.
Activity 1:
A) Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and
drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
With chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
Yellow or green ( )
With milk or ice cream. ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
Song; adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman)
After that I will play the recording and I will ask students if they are ready.
Transition: Could you order the lines?
Then I will check by asking students to tell me which am line 1 and so on.
Once we finished checking, I will tell the SS to look at activity B and paint only the food
and drink items mentioned in the song. I will check this activity by calling some students at
random and encouraging them to tell which are the items and show the rest of the group
and me the picture.
Transition: Look at activity B. paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song.
B) Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
After that I will tell them to write the names of the two items which remained blank.
Transition: Now, look at activity C. there are two pictures which are not painted. What are
they? They are …… and ……. Ok! Let’s write their names. Ok?
C) Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song.
………………………. ……………………………
Activity 3:
Timing 15 minutes
I will make students remember last class by means of showing students the following
I will ask students to tell me where this picture is from, and I will make them tell me if
they remember what happened on my holidays, where I went , and what happened
with my suitcase.
Transition: Look at this photograph. Do you remember where it from is? And tell me
who are there in the photograph?
After that I will ask students to tell me what the characters in the image are wearing
Transition: Look! (Mafias) look at the giraffe, what is it wearing?
I will encourage students to tell me it is wearing a red scarf, for example. Then I will go on
this way till we finish describing all the characters.
Activity 3.
I will divide the class into groups of 4. SS will pretend they are visitors at the zoo and that
they amazed at what they are looking at. They have to choose 2 characters from the
photograph and write a dialogue:
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) it is wearing a grey hat.
Then students will read the dialogues aloud.
Transition: Now, in groups of 4. Look at the picture and choose two characters and write
a dialogue. Look at activity 3 in your worksheet,
Activity 3
Look at the photograph on the board:
Now, look at the example, and write two more dialogues following the model. Then read it
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) It is wearing a grey hat.
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Timing 5 minutes.
Purpose: To say goodbye to the children and thank Miss Nancy Corral
As this is the last class I will be here at Escuela Manuel Belgrano, I will speak in L1 and
I will tell the students that I am very happy for the time we spent together and that I hope
that they have enjoyed my classes. I will also thank Miss Nancy Corral for her help and
support and for borrowing the course for the practicum.
Then I will take a photograph with the whole Group to have it a memory and include it on
the blog.
After that I will give Ss. A present (a bag with a lollipop and some sweets and I will also l
give Miss Nancy a present).
The bell rings.
Student’s worksheet
Activity 1
Write the heading: CLOTHES / FOOD. Then label the pictures.
………………… …………………. …………………………..
……………………. …………………….. …………………………..
Activity 2:
A) Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and
drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
With chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
Yellow or green ( )
With milk or ice cream. ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
B) Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
C) Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song.
………………………. ……………………………
Activity 3
Look at the photograph on the board:
Now, look at the example dialogue , and write two more dialogues following the model.
Then read it aloud.
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) it is wearing a grey hat.
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Song: adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman
Food and drink flashcards: Google images.
Photograph (From: captura de
pantalla a 1:41)
Dear Ma. Inés
Lesson plans do not have a second submission, but I understand that in this case you
made mistakes because you were under pressure (because of the events that took place
in your family).
Remember that you are doing academic work in this course, and as such, you must
proofread your work before submission.
Please, introduce the changes requested (activity 1 and transition between topics) below
and resubmit this plan as it is.
Período de Práctica: Escuela Primaria
Institución Educativa: Escuela Manuel Belgrano – DIPREGEP Nº 662
Dirección: Costa Y Lequerica – Coronel Dorrego, Provincia Bs Aires.
Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 5to año A
Cantidad de alumnos: 30 alumnos
Nivel lingüístico de los cursos: elemental
Tipo de Planificación: Diaria
Unidad Temática: “Las Ropas”
Clase N°: 6 (This is going to be the last class)
Fecha: 04 de Agosto 2015
Hora: de 13.30 a 14.20 hs
Duración de la clase: 50 minutos
Fecha de primera entrega:27 de Julio
(This is going to be the last class of my primary period that is why I will prepare a class
including activities of the two topics I have taught: Food and drink, and clothes)
Teaching points: Clothes: Boots, dress, Hat, jeans, scarf, shorts, skirt, sweater, trainers, t-
shirt. Food and drink: Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice-cream, Milk, Peas, Salad, spaghetti
During this lesson:
 Learners will be able to refer to vocabulary as regards food and drink,
and clothes items in a meaningful context.
 They will be able to develop their listening skills through listening to a
 Learners will be able to develop their writing skills by completing
exercises with food and drink and clothes items.
 They will be able to develop their speaking and writing skills by witing a
dialogue and reading it aloud.
Language focus:
REVISION Following
commands :
Let’s read.
questions: What
are you
Food and
What’s this?
It’s a …
It’s an …
What are these?
They are …
Where are they?
/ae/ bat, black
/a:/ giraffe
drink (Banana,
Chicken, Ice-
cream, Milk,
Peas, Salad,
People: boys,
Clothes: boots
Teaching Approach: Natural Approach, organized through the presentation, practice,
and procedure stages (PPP).
Integration of skills: The four skills will be applied in this lesson. Listening to a song
about food and drink and ordering its lines. Writing a dialogue. Reading their own
produced dialogue. Speaking about their likes and dislikes as regards food and drink.
Material and resources: CD player, CD- Worksheets for students
Food and drink flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
Clothes flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
A photograph from the Zoo.
Pedagogical use of the ICT inn class or at home: (no use)
Seating arrangement: the whole class facing the board. In groups
Possible problems /difficulties and their solutions during the class: Generally
students produce a lot in L2; consequently L1 is not widely use. Nonetheless if there is
still a S or Ss who might ask something in Spanish I will encourage him/her to say it in
English by means of my saying it in English and inviting the SS to say it again.
Classroom management strategies:
In case there are students who are not paying attention, I will approach them and kindly
suggest trying to go back to work.
Fast finishers generally draw something because they are bored; if this is the case I will tell
that student to help me with other students.
If there are students who are reluctant to participate in class, I will approach to him/her try
to encourage participating by asking him/her myself a question. (There are very shy
In cases of misbehavior, I will ask kindly to please go back to work and do not do it again.
If this continues I will stop the class and explain the importance of working and behaving
properly in L1.
Potential problems students may have with the language: This is going to be a final
class, in which SS are expected to participate cheerfully in the activities because they
already know most of the vocabulary presented and the contexts which they are working
in. Nonetheless, a possible one would be distraction. In such a case, I will clap my hands
so as to call their attention, as their teacher is used to apply that method and it works
perfectly because students are accustomed. So, in case Ss don’t listen to me, I will change
my voice tone and I will tell: "Are you listening? Are you listening? Everyone! Everyone! If
you are listening, if you are listening, look at me, look at me."
Assessment: What will be assessed and how. As this is a final class and I will not have
the possibility of meeting them again, that is why there is no homework.
The assessment will be mainly observation of their progress and development during the
different instances of the class. Comprehension of the already known items will be
assessed through oral correction of the produced sentences and dialogues.
Timing: 5 minutes.
Purpose: To start the lesson, to get students into the mood for work, to establish rapport.
Routine: For this routine I will separate the classroom in two halves. Students will be sat
at their desks. I am going to play the tape twice, so the first time half of the class will
sing the first two stanzas and the other half will sing the last two stanzas of the song.
Te second time roles will be inverted.
(Students have already sang this song the previous classes)
Transition: Ok children, we are going to sing the Hello song:
Hello! Hello!
How are you today?
I’m fine, I’m fine
And you how are you
(Adapted from: Singing Songs: The Teacher’s magazine: EDIBA)
Transition: Well done! Boys and girls! Excellent!
Before I star the lesson I will collect the activities they did for homework. (3 minutes)
Timing: 10 minutes.
Purpose: To revise the food and drink and the clothes vocabulary items taught in previous
In order to activate the vocabulary learnt in previous classes, I will ask if they remember
where I went during the holidays. They are supposed to tell me that I went to the zoo. I will
encourage the students to tell me which animals were there at the zoo. I will use the help
of the following image
I will encourage them to tell me the name of the characters and what are they wearing:
Example: At the zoo there is a giraffe wearing a red scarf. And there is a bat wearing a
Transition: Look at the photograph that the zoo keeper took at the zoo. Look, tell me
the name of the characters and what are they wearing. For example. Let’s see. The
giraffe. Ok. The Giraffe is wearing a red scarf. Look, at this. This is a bat …. . It is
wearing a …………………
After we finish analyzing the photograph and in order to revise food and drink vocabulary I
will ask the students what do they think each of the characters like eating:
Transition: What do you think these characters like eating? For example the girl ….
Does she like milk?
I will go on this way o that they activate their previous learnt vocabulary.
Then will tell them that I spoke to the zoo keeper and I asked him what the animals like
eating. Then I will invite them to look at Activity 1 in their worksheets and complete
what the zoo keeper told me each character eats
Transition: Now, Look at activity 1 in your worksheets. Here we have the characters and
what they like eating look, and complete. For example number 1. The girl. What does she
like eating?
Ss are supposed to answer “milk”.
Transition: Milk! All right. Very good. Now, look at the rest and complete.
Activity 1
Complete the empty spaces.
The girl wearing the …………………… likes eating …………………….
The bat wearing the …………………….. like eating ………………………
The giraffe wearing the ……………………….. likes eating …………………….
The humming bird wearing a ………………….. likes eating ………………….
The mocking bird wearing a ………………………….. likes eating ………………….
The boy wearing ……………………………… likes eating …………………….
Activity 2
Timing 10 minutes
Purpose: to revise the food and drink and clothes vocabulary items presented in previous
I will tell the students that while I was at the zoo, and the zoo keeper was telling me what
the animals liked eating I remembered the song we sang in previous classes. But that I
couldn’t remember that in order of the lines. And that I wrote the lines in my travel book.
Now I have brought the lines here for them to help me to put it in order.
As students have already listened to this song in previous classes they are acquainted
with the rhythm of it. I will play the recording once Then I will make them look at activity 2
in their worksheet. Here the lines of the song are all mixed up. They will have to listen to
the song again and number them in the correct order.
Then they will have to paint the food and drink items mentioned in the song. After that they
will have to write the names of the two drawing which are not mentioned in the song
(cookies. carrots)
Transition: Ok! Listen, when I was at the zoo, I remembered the song! Remember? “I, I like
spaghetti …” mmm but I think I can’t remember the correct order. So Look at activity 2
in your worksheet, this is what I wrote there at the zoo, because I did not have the Cd
there. So today I brought the CD here, for you to help me to put the lines in the correct
order. Can you help me?
Original version student’s version
I like spaghetti with chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas with salad and peas ( )
I like spaghetti I don’t like bananas ( )
With chicken and cheese I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas yellow or green ( )
Yellow or green with milk or ice cream. ( )
I don’t like bananas I like spaghetti ( )
With milk. or ice cream. I don’t like bananas ( )
(From: Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman)
Activity 2
Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink
vocabulary mentioned in the song.
With chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
Yellow or green ( )
With milk or ice cream. ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
Song; adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman)
After that I will play the recording and I will ask students if they are ready.
Transition: Could you order the lines?
Then I will check by asking students to tell me which is line 1 and so on.
Once we finished checking I will tell the SS to look at activity B and paint only the food and
drink items mentioned in the song. I will check this activity by calling some students at
random and encouraging them to tell which are the items and show the rest of the group
and me the picture.
Transition: Look at activity B. paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song.
Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
After that I will tell them to write the names of the two items which remained blank.
Transition: Now, look at activity C. there are two pictures which are not painted. What are
they? They are …… and ……. Ok! Let’s write their names. Ok?
Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song.
………………………. ……………………………
Activity 3:
Timing 15 minutes
I will show students again the following image making them remember that this is the
photograph that the zoo keeper took.
I will tell the students that there were a lot of visitors at the zoo, and that they were
amazed at what the animals and people were doing with my clothes.
And these visitors were talking among themselves and performing dialogues.
Activity 3.
I will divide the class into groups of 4. SS will pretend they are visitors at the zoo and that
they amazed at what they are looking at. They have to choose 2 characters from the
photograph and write a dialogue:
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) it is wearing a grey hat.
Then student will read the dialogues aloud.
Transition: Now, in groups of 4. Pretend you are the visitors at the zoo and you are
surprised because the animals are wearing clothes. Look at the picture and choose two
characters and write a dialogue. Look at activity 3 in your worksheet,
Activity 3
Look at the photograph on the board:
Now, imagine you are visitors at the zoo. Look at the example, and write two more
dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud.
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) It is wearing a grey hat.
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Timing 5 minutes.
Purpose: To say goodbye to the children and thank Miss Nancy Corral
As this is the last class I will be here at Escuela Manuel Belgrano, I will speak in L1 and
I will tell the students that I am very happy for the time we spent together and that I hope
that They have enjoyed my classes. I will also thank Miss Nancy Corral for her help and
support and for borrowing the course for the practicum.
Then I will take a photograph with the whole Group to have it a memory and include it on
the blog.
After that I will give Ss. A present (a bag with a lollipop and some sweets and I will also l
give Miss Nancy a present.
The bell rings.
Student’s worksheet
Activity 1
Complete the empty spaces.
The girl wearing the …………………… likes eating …………………….
The bat wearing the …………………….. likes eating ………………………
The giraffe wearing the ……………………….. likes eating …………………….
The humming bird wearing a ………………….. likes eating ………………….
The mocking bird wearing a ………………………….. likes eating ………………….
The boy wearing ……………………………… likes eating …………………….
Activity 2:
Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink
vocabulary mentioned in the song.
With chicken and cheese ( )
With salad and peas ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
Yellow or green ( )
With milk or ice cream. ( )
I like spaghetti ( )
I don’t like bananas ( )
Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song.
………………………. ……………………………
Activity 3
Look at the photograph on the board:
Now, imagine you are visitors at the zoo. Look at the example, and write two more
dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud.
S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing?
S B) It is wearing a grey hat.
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Song: adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman
Food and drink flashcards: Google images.
Photograph (From: captura de
pantalla a 1:41)
Taller de Práctica Docente 2015
Lessonplancriteria Peer and Self-check Yes No
1 Heading Doesthe lessonplan headingincludeall the requiredinformation?
Has it been completed in Spanish?
2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of
language skills and language learning / acquisition?
Are theyclearlywrittentoexplain whatthe learnerswilllearnand
be able to do?
3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points?
Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the
district curriculum?
Are they presented within a meaningful context?
4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified?
Are the new and revision language items related?
Is the pronunciation focus complete?
5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context?
Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?
6 Materialsand
Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and
resources for this lesson?
Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample
Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately
included in the lesson plan?
7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT?
Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not
8 Seatingarrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and
interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the
lesson activities?
9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among
students?Isthere a setof guidelinesand instructionsforthiswork
to be carried out?
Doesthe lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation
the teacher will provide?
10 Possible language
possible solutions
Doesthissectionexplainpossible difficultiesaccordingtoprevious
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and
11 Possible lessonor
problemsand their
possible solutions
Doesthissectionexplainpossible difficultiesaccordingtoprevious
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Lesson development
12 Lessonstages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the
approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a
warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure?
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
13 Lessoncontext and
Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are
they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?
14 Lessonactivities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each
activity related to a learning aim?
Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration,
development of language awareness ?
15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activitiesthat range from controlled practice
to freer communicative practice?
Do they facilitate integration of skills?
16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly
interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link
each activity or stage with the next one?
17 Language of
Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of
strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner
18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as…
- Modeling
- Exemplifying
- Showing
- Pointing
- Explaining
- Paraphrasing
- Miming
- Others?
19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in
direct speech?
20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task
engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the
students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share
their work with the class?
21 Active learning:
Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s
22 Grammar,
Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended
audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and
spelling mistakes?
Well done,Ma.Inés!Nice connectionbetweencontexts!
Please,considerthe commentsonthe side andinclude the wordsSSwill use tocomplete activity1.
Coherence and
sequencing 
Learning aims
Teaching strategies
Class. management
strategies 
Language accuracy
Observations Minimumscore:20 / 32
Score:26/32= 8

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Tdp trech-6th-llesson-plan-primaria-class-6 redone-8

  • 1. 1 IFDC LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICADOCENTE III ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: MARIA INES TRECH Período de Práctica: Escuela Primaria Institución Educativa: Escuela Manuel Belgrano – DIPREGEP Nº 662 Dirección: Costa Y Lequerica – Coronel Dorrego, Provincia Bs Aires. Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 5to año A Cantidad de alumnos: 30 alumnos Nivel lingüístico de los cursos: elemental Tipo de Planificación: Diaria Unidad Temática: “Las Ropas” Clase N°: 6 (This is going to be the last class) Fecha: 04 de Agosto 2015 Hora: de 13.30 a 14.20 hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Fecha de primera entrega:27 de Julio (This is going to be the last class of my primary period that is why I will prepare a class including activities of the two topics I have taught: Food and drink, and clothes) Teaching points: Clothes: Boots, dress, Hat, jeans, scarf, shorts, skirt, sweater, trainers, t-shirt. Food and drink: Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice-cream, Milk, Peas, Salad, spaghetti Aims: During this lesson:  Learners will be able to refer to vocabulary as regards food and drink, and clothes items in a meaningful context.  They will be able to develop their listening skills through listening to a song.  Learners will be able to develop their writing skills by matching clothes items and their names.  They will be able to develop their speaking and writing skills by taking decisions in groups and writing a stanza for a song.
  • 2. 2  Language focus: FUNCTIONS LEXIS STUCTURES PRONUNCIAT ION REVISION Following commands : Look! Listen! Let’s read. Colours: black blue brown green orange pink purple red white yellow Food and drink (Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice- cream, Milk, Peas, Salad, spaghetti) Animals: Giraffe, hummingbird, mockingbird, bat, People: boys, girls. What’s this? It’s a … It’s an … What are these? They are … Where are they? /ae/ bat, black /a:/ giraffe NEW What are you wearing? Clothes: boots dress Hat jeans scarf shorts skirt sweater trainers t-shirt What are you wearing? What is she wearing? What is he wearing? /sk/ skirt.  Teaching Approach: Natural Approach, organized through the presentation, practice, and procedure stages (PPP).
  • 3. 3  Integration of skills: The four skills will be applied in this lesson. Listening to a song about food and drink and ordering its lines.  Material and resources:CD player, CD- Worksheets for students Food and drink flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom) PEAS BANANAS ICE-CREAM CHEESE SPAGHETTI MILK SALAD CHICKEN Clothes flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
  • 4. 4 A photograph from the Zoo. Pedagogical use of the ICT inn class or at home: (no use) Seating arrangement: the whole class facing the board. In groups Possible problems /difficulties and their solutions during the class: students may speak in Spanish. I will demonstrate and make them repeat the correct form /word in English. Classroom management strategies:
  • 5. 5 In case there are students who are not paying attention, I will approach to them and kindly suggest trying to go back to work. Fast finishers generally draw something because they are bored; if this is the case I will tell that student to help me with other students. If there are students who are reluctant to participate in class, I will approach to him/her try to encourage participating by asking him/her myself a question. (There are very shy students). In cases if misbehavior, I will ask kindly to please go back to work and do not do it again. If this continues I will stop the class and explain the importance of working and behaving properly in L1.  Potential problems students may have with the language: As it is mainly a vocabulary presentation with flashcards and practice lesson, I think there will be no problems. Nonetheless, a possible one would be distraction. In such a case, I will clap my hands so as to call their attention, as their teacher is used to apply that method and it works perfectly because students are accustomed. So, in case Ss don’t listen to me, I will change my voice tone and I will tell: "Are you listening? Are you listening? Everyone! Everyone! If you are listening, if you are listening, look at me, look at me." Assessment: What will be assessed and how. Understanding of the new items will be assessed by my asking questions individually, for example new items will be assessed by asking: what is it wearing ……? Observing students development during the different instances of the class. Comprehension of the new items will be assessed through the correction of the written activities and homework. There will be oral sentences to complete so that I get to know if SS understand the use of the structure for communicative purposes and if they remember the new items WARM UP: Timing: 5 minutes. Purpose: To start the lesson, to get students into the mood for work, to establish rapport. Routine: For this routine I will separate the classroom in two halves. Students will be sat at their desks. I am going to play the tape twice, so the first time half of the class
  • 6. 6 will sing the first two stanzas and the other half will sing the last two stanzas of the song. Te second time roles will be inverted. (Students have already sang this song the previous classes) Transition: Ok children, we are going to sing the Hello song: Hello! Hello! How are you today? I’m fine, I’m fine And you how are you (Adapted from: Singing Songs: The Teacher’s magazine: EDIBA) Transition: Well done! Boys and girls! Excellent! Before I star the lesson I will collect the activities they did for homework. (3 minutes) PRESENTATION Timing: 10 minutes. Purpose: To revise the food and drink and the clothes vocabulary items taught in previous lessons In order to activate vocabulary revision I will give the students an activity to match and complete the missing letters Transition: Look at your worksheet, activity 1. Write the correct heading or the words food or clothes, and then label the pictures. Activity 1 Write the heading: CLOTHES / FOOD. Then label the pictures. ………………………………………………………..
  • 7. 7 ………………… …………………. ………………………….. ……………………. …………………….. ………………………….. …………………………………………………….. ……………………………………. ………………………….. ……………………….. ……………………………………. ………………………………….. ……………………………………….. Development: Activity 2 Timing 10 minutes
  • 8. 8 Purpose: to revise the food and drink vocabulary items presented in previous classes. I will make the students revise the vocabulary as regards food and drink by means of listening to the song they already know: This time they will listen to the doing for the first time. Then I will give them a worksheetwith the lines of the song all mixed up. They will have to listen to the song again and number them in the correct order. Then they will have to paint the food and drink items mentioned in the song. After that they will have to write the names of the two drawing which are not mentioned in the song (cookies. carrots) Original version student’s version I like spaghetti with chicken and cheese ( ) With salad and peas with salad and peas ( ) I like spaghetti I don’t like bananas ( ) With chicken and cheese I like spaghetti ( ) I don’t like bananas yellow or green ( ) Yellow or green with milk or ice cream. ( ) I don’t like bananas I like spaghetti ( ) With milk. or ice cream. I don’t like bananas ( ) (From: Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman) Transition: Ok! Lets’ sing the food and drink song we sang in previous classes! Look at your worksheet. Look at activity 1 a you has all the sentences there. They are not in order, so you have to listen carefully and put them in order. Activity 1: A) Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. With chicken and cheese ( )
  • 9. 9 With salad and peas ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) Yellow or green ( ) With milk or ice cream. ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) Song; adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman) After that I will play the recording and I will ask students if they are ready. Transition: Could you order the lines? Then I will check by asking students to tell me which am line 1 and so on. Once we finished checking, I will tell the SS to look at activity B and paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song. I will check this activity by calling some students at random and encouraging them to tell which are the items and show the rest of the group and me the picture. Transition: Look at activity B. paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song. B) Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. After that I will tell them to write the names of the two items which remained blank.
  • 10. 10 Transition: Now, look at activity C. there are two pictures which are not painted. What are they? They are …… and ……. Ok! Let’s write their names. Ok? C) Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song. ………………………. …………………………… Activity 3: Timing 15 minutes I will make students remember last class by means of showing students the following image I will ask students to tell me where this picture is from, and I will make them tell me if they remember what happened on my holidays, where I went , and what happened with my suitcase. Transition: Look at this photograph. Do you remember where it from is? And tell me who are there in the photograph? After that I will ask students to tell me what the characters in the image are wearing Transition: Look! (Mafias) look at the giraffe, what is it wearing?
  • 11. 11 I will encourage students to tell me it is wearing a red scarf, for example. Then I will go on this way till we finish describing all the characters. Activity 3. I will divide the class into groups of 4. SS will pretend they are visitors at the zoo and that they amazed at what they are looking at. They have to choose 2 characters from the photograph and write a dialogue: Example: S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) it is wearing a grey hat. Then students will read the dialogues aloud. Transition: Now, in groups of 4. Look at the picture and choose two characters and write a dialogue. Look at activity 3 in your worksheet, Activity 3 Look at the photograph on the board: Now, look at the example, and write two more dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud. S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) It is wearing a grey hat.
  • 12. 12 Dialogue 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue 2 …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. CLOSURE. Timing 5 minutes. Purpose: To say goodbye to the children and thank Miss Nancy Corral As this is the last class I will be here at Escuela Manuel Belgrano, I will speak in L1 and I will tell the students that I am very happy for the time we spent together and that I hope that they have enjoyed my classes. I will also thank Miss Nancy Corral for her help and support and for borrowing the course for the practicum. Then I will take a photograph with the whole Group to have it a memory and include it on the blog. After that I will give Ss. A present (a bag with a lollipop and some sweets and I will also l give Miss Nancy a present). The bell rings.
  • 13. 13 Student’s worksheet Activity 1 Write the heading: CLOTHES / FOOD. Then label the pictures. ……………………………………………………….. PE ………………… …………………. ………………………….. ……………………. …………………….. ………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
  • 14. 14 Activity 2: A) Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. With chicken and cheese ( ) With salad and peas ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) Yellow or green ( ) With milk or ice cream. ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) B) Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
  • 15. 15 C) Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song. ………………………. …………………………… Activity 3 Look at the photograph on the board: Now, look at the example dialogue , and write two more dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud. S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) it is wearing a grey hat. Dialogue 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue 2 …………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………….
  • 16. 16 Sources: Song: adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman Food and drink flashcards: Google images. Photograph (From: captura de pantalla a 1:41) Dear Ma. Inés Lesson plans do not have a second submission, but I understand that in this case you made mistakes because you were under pressure (because of the events that took place in your family). Remember that you are doing academic work in this course, and as such, you must proofread your work before submission. Please, introduce the changes requested (activity 1 and transition between topics) below and resubmit this plan as it is. Thanks! Cecilia IFDC LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICADOCENTE III ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: MARIA INES TRECH Período de Práctica: Escuela Primaria Institución Educativa: Escuela Manuel Belgrano – DIPREGEP Nº 662 Dirección: Costa Y Lequerica – Coronel Dorrego, Provincia Bs Aires. Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 5to año A Cantidad de alumnos: 30 alumnos Nivel lingüístico de los cursos: elemental Tipo de Planificación: Diaria Unidad Temática: “Las Ropas” Clase N°: 6 (This is going to be the last class)
  • 17. 17 Fecha: 04 de Agosto 2015 Hora: de 13.30 a 14.20 hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Fecha de primera entrega:27 de Julio (This is going to be the last class of my primary period that is why I will prepare a class including activities of the two topics I have taught: Food and drink, and clothes) Teaching points: Clothes: Boots, dress, Hat, jeans, scarf, shorts, skirt, sweater, trainers, t- shirt. Food and drink: Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice-cream, Milk, Peas, Salad, spaghetti Aims: During this lesson:  Learners will be able to refer to vocabulary as regards food and drink, and clothes items in a meaningful context.  They will be able to develop their listening skills through listening to a song.  Learners will be able to develop their writing skills by completing exercises with food and drink and clothes items.  They will be able to develop their speaking and writing skills by witing a dialogue and reading it aloud. Language focus: FUNCTIONS LEXIS STUCTURES PRONUNCIAT ION REVISION Following commands : Look! Listen! Let’s read. Following questions: What are you wearing? Colours: black blue brown green orange pink purple red white yellow Food and What’s this? It’s a … It’s an … What are these? They are … Where are they? /ae/ bat, black /a:/ giraffe
  • 18. 18 drink (Banana, Cheese, Chicken, Ice- cream, Milk, Peas, Salad, spaghetti) Animals: Giraffe, hummingbird, mockingbird, bat, People: boys, girls. Clothes: boots dress Hat jeans scarf shorts skirt sweater trainers t-shirt NEW Teaching Approach: Natural Approach, organized through the presentation, practice, and procedure stages (PPP). Integration of skills: The four skills will be applied in this lesson. Listening to a song about food and drink and ordering its lines. Writing a dialogue. Reading their own produced dialogue. Speaking about their likes and dislikes as regards food and drink. Material and resources: CD player, CD- Worksheets for students Food and drink flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
  • 19. 19 PEAS BANANAS ICE-CREAM CHEESE SPAGHETTI MILK SALAD CHICKEN Clothes flashcards if necessary (they are in the classroom)
  • 20. 20 A photograph from the Zoo. Pedagogical use of the ICT inn class or at home: (no use) Seating arrangement: the whole class facing the board. In groups Possible problems /difficulties and their solutions during the class: Generally students produce a lot in L2; consequently L1 is not widely use. Nonetheless if there is still a S or Ss who might ask something in Spanish I will encourage him/her to say it in English by means of my saying it in English and inviting the SS to say it again. Classroom management strategies: In case there are students who are not paying attention, I will approach them and kindly suggest trying to go back to work. Fast finishers generally draw something because they are bored; if this is the case I will tell that student to help me with other students. If there are students who are reluctant to participate in class, I will approach to him/her try to encourage participating by asking him/her myself a question. (There are very shy students).
  • 21. 21 In cases of misbehavior, I will ask kindly to please go back to work and do not do it again. If this continues I will stop the class and explain the importance of working and behaving properly in L1. Potential problems students may have with the language: This is going to be a final class, in which SS are expected to participate cheerfully in the activities because they already know most of the vocabulary presented and the contexts which they are working in. Nonetheless, a possible one would be distraction. In such a case, I will clap my hands so as to call their attention, as their teacher is used to apply that method and it works perfectly because students are accustomed. So, in case Ss don’t listen to me, I will change my voice tone and I will tell: "Are you listening? Are you listening? Everyone! Everyone! If you are listening, if you are listening, look at me, look at me." Assessment: What will be assessed and how. As this is a final class and I will not have the possibility of meeting them again, that is why there is no homework. The assessment will be mainly observation of their progress and development during the different instances of the class. Comprehension of the already known items will be assessed through oral correction of the produced sentences and dialogues. WARM UP: Timing: 5 minutes. Purpose: To start the lesson, to get students into the mood for work, to establish rapport. Routine: For this routine I will separate the classroom in two halves. Students will be sat at their desks. I am going to play the tape twice, so the first time half of the class will sing the first two stanzas and the other half will sing the last two stanzas of the song. Te second time roles will be inverted. (Students have already sang this song the previous classes) Transition: Ok children, we are going to sing the Hello song: Hello! Hello! How are you today? I’m fine, I’m fine
  • 22. 22 And you how are you (Adapted from: Singing Songs: The Teacher’s magazine: EDIBA) Transition: Well done! Boys and girls! Excellent! Before I star the lesson I will collect the activities they did for homework. (3 minutes) PRESENTATION Timing: 10 minutes. Purpose: To revise the food and drink and the clothes vocabulary items taught in previous lessons In order to activate the vocabulary learnt in previous classes, I will ask if they remember where I went during the holidays. They are supposed to tell me that I went to the zoo. I will encourage the students to tell me which animals were there at the zoo. I will use the help of the following image I will encourage them to tell me the name of the characters and what are they wearing: Example: At the zoo there is a giraffe wearing a red scarf. And there is a bat wearing a ……
  • 23. 23 Transition: Look at the photograph that the zoo keeper took at the zoo. Look, tell me the name of the characters and what are they wearing. For example. Let’s see. The giraffe. Ok. The Giraffe is wearing a red scarf. Look, at this. This is a bat …. . It is wearing a ………………… After we finish analyzing the photograph and in order to revise food and drink vocabulary I will ask the students what do they think each of the characters like eating: Transition: What do you think these characters like eating? For example the girl …. Does she like milk? I will go on this way o that they activate their previous learnt vocabulary. Then will tell them that I spoke to the zoo keeper and I asked him what the animals like eating. Then I will invite them to look at Activity 1 in their worksheets and complete what the zoo keeper told me each character eats Transition: Now, Look at activity 1 in your worksheets. Here we have the characters and what they like eating look, and complete. For example number 1. The girl. What does she like eating? Ss are supposed to answer “milk”. Transition: Milk! All right. Very good. Now, look at the rest and complete. Activity 1 Complete the empty spaces. The girl wearing the …………………… likes eating …………………….
  • 24. 24 The bat wearing the …………………….. like eating ……………………… The giraffe wearing the ……………………….. likes eating ……………………. The humming bird wearing a ………………….. likes eating …………………. The mocking bird wearing a ………………………….. likes eating …………………. The boy wearing ……………………………… likes eating ……………………. DEVELOPMENT:
  • 25. 25 Activity 2 Timing 10 minutes Purpose: to revise the food and drink and clothes vocabulary items presented in previous classes. I will tell the students that while I was at the zoo, and the zoo keeper was telling me what the animals liked eating I remembered the song we sang in previous classes. But that I couldn’t remember that in order of the lines. And that I wrote the lines in my travel book. Now I have brought the lines here for them to help me to put it in order. As students have already listened to this song in previous classes they are acquainted with the rhythm of it. I will play the recording once Then I will make them look at activity 2 in their worksheet. Here the lines of the song are all mixed up. They will have to listen to the song again and number them in the correct order. Then they will have to paint the food and drink items mentioned in the song. After that they will have to write the names of the two drawing which are not mentioned in the song (cookies. carrots) Transition: Ok! Listen, when I was at the zoo, I remembered the song! Remember? “I, I like spaghetti …” mmm but I think I can’t remember the correct order. So Look at activity 2 in your worksheet, this is what I wrote there at the zoo, because I did not have the Cd there. So today I brought the CD here, for you to help me to put the lines in the correct order. Can you help me? Original version student’s version I like spaghetti with chicken and cheese ( ) With salad and peas with salad and peas ( ) I like spaghetti I don’t like bananas ( ) With chicken and cheese I like spaghetti ( )
  • 26. 26 I don’t like bananas yellow or green ( ) Yellow or green with milk or ice cream. ( ) I don’t like bananas I like spaghetti ( ) With milk. or ice cream. I don’t like bananas ( ) (From: Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman) Activity 2 Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. With chicken and cheese ( ) With salad and peas ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) Yellow or green ( ) With milk or ice cream. ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) I don’t like bananas ( )
  • 27. 27 Song; adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman) After that I will play the recording and I will ask students if they are ready. Transition: Could you order the lines? Then I will check by asking students to tell me which is line 1 and so on. Once we finished checking I will tell the SS to look at activity B and paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song. I will check this activity by calling some students at random and encouraging them to tell which are the items and show the rest of the group and me the picture. Transition: Look at activity B. paint only the food and drink items mentioned in the song. Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. After that I will tell them to write the names of the two items which remained blank. Transition: Now, look at activity C. there are two pictures which are not painted. What are they? They are …… and ……. Ok! Let’s write their names. Ok? Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song. ………………………. ……………………………
  • 28. 28 Activity 3: Timing 15 minutes I will show students again the following image making them remember that this is the photograph that the zoo keeper took. I will tell the students that there were a lot of visitors at the zoo, and that they were amazed at what the animals and people were doing with my clothes. And these visitors were talking among themselves and performing dialogues. Activity 3. I will divide the class into groups of 4. SS will pretend they are visitors at the zoo and that they amazed at what they are looking at. They have to choose 2 characters from the photograph and write a dialogue: Example: S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) it is wearing a grey hat. Then student will read the dialogues aloud.
  • 29. 29 Transition: Now, in groups of 4. Pretend you are the visitors at the zoo and you are surprised because the animals are wearing clothes. Look at the picture and choose two characters and write a dialogue. Look at activity 3 in your worksheet, Activity 3 Look at the photograph on the board: Now, imagine you are visitors at the zoo. Look at the example, and write two more dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud. S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) It is wearing a grey hat. Dialogue 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue 2 …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………….
  • 30. 30 CLOSURE. Timing 5 minutes. Purpose: To say goodbye to the children and thank Miss Nancy Corral As this is the last class I will be here at Escuela Manuel Belgrano, I will speak in L1 and I will tell the students that I am very happy for the time we spent together and that I hope that They have enjoyed my classes. I will also thank Miss Nancy Corral for her help and support and for borrowing the course for the practicum. Then I will take a photograph with the whole Group to have it a memory and include it on the blog. After that I will give Ss. A present (a bag with a lollipop and some sweets and I will also l give Miss Nancy a present. The bell rings.
  • 31. 31 Student’s worksheet Activity 1 Complete the empty spaces. The girl wearing the …………………… likes eating ……………………. The bat wearing the …………………….. likes eating ……………………… The giraffe wearing the ……………………….. likes eating …………………….
  • 32. 32 The humming bird wearing a ………………….. likes eating …………………. The mocking bird wearing a ………………………….. likes eating …………………. The boy wearing ……………………………… likes eating ……………………. Activity 2: Listen to the song and order the lines, write 1 – 8. Then paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song. With chicken and cheese ( ) With salad and peas ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) Yellow or green ( ) With milk or ice cream. ( ) I like spaghetti ( ) I don’t like bananas ( ) Paint only the food and drink vocabulary mentioned in the song.
  • 33. 33 Write the names of the food and drink vocabulary items which are not in the song. ………………………. …………………………… Activity 3 Look at the photograph on the board: Now, imagine you are visitors at the zoo. Look at the example, and write two more dialogues following the model. Then read it aloud. S A) Look! Look at the bat! What is it wearing? S B) It is wearing a grey hat. Dialogue 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue 2 ………………………………………………………………………….
  • 34. 34 …………………………………………………………………………. Sources: Song: adapted from Anne Worrall. Adventures 1. Longman Food and drink flashcards: Google images. Photograph (From: captura de pantalla a 1:41)
  • 35. 35 Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Lessonplancriteria Peer and Self-check Yes No 1 Heading Doesthe lessonplan headingincludeall the requiredinformation? Has it been completed in Spanish?  2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of language skills and language learning / acquisition? Are theyclearlywrittentoexplain whatthe learnerswilllearnand be able to do?  3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points? Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the district curriculum? Are they presented within a meaningful context?  4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified? Are the new and revision language items related? Is the pronunciation focus complete?  5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context? Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?  6 Materialsand resources Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and resources for this lesson? Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample flashcards? Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately included in the lesson plan?  7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT? Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not work?  8 Seatingarrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the lesson activities?  9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among students?Isthere a setof guidelinesand instructionsforthiswork to be carried out? Doesthe lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation the teacher will provide?  10 Possible language difficultiesand possible solutions Doesthissectionexplainpossible difficultiesaccordingtoprevious lessons’ experiences and class observation? Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and assessment)?  11 Possible lessonor classroom management problemsand their possible solutions Doesthissectionexplainpossible difficultiesaccordingtoprevious lessons’ experiences and class observation?  Lesson development 12 Lessonstages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure? 
  • 36. 36 Lesson plan component Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 13 Lessoncontext and content Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?  14 Lessonactivities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each activity related to a learning aim? Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration, development of language awareness ?  15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activitiesthat range from controlled practice to freer communicative practice? Do they facilitate integration of skills?  16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link each activity or stage with the next one?  17 Language of instructions Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner comprehension?  18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as… - Modeling - Exemplifying - Showing - Pointing - Explaining - Paraphrasing - Miming - Others?  19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in direct speech?  20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share their work with the class?  21 Active learning: Bloom’sTaxonomy 2001 Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy?  22 Grammar, Appearance,and Language Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and spelling mistakes?  Observations: Well done,Ma.Inés!Nice connectionbetweencontexts! Please,considerthe commentsonthe side andinclude the wordsSSwill use tocomplete activity1. Keepitup! Cecilia
  • 37. 37 Organization  Coherence and sequencing  Learning aims  Stages  Activities  Teaching strategies  Class. management strategies  Language accuracy  Observations Minimumscore:20 / 32 Score:26/32= 8