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STI Board Review: Journey
through PREP and MKSAP
Mike Guyton, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor/Academic
Faculty in General Pediatrics
• Quick Epidemiology
– CDC Facts
• Pediatric Board Presence
• Internal Medicine Board Presence
STI’s in the US
• The US ranks first among developed nations in the
rate of STI’s1
– In addition to teen pregnancies
• IN 2000, HPV was estimated as the most
prevalent STI in 15-24yo’s as a population2
– Followed by Trichomonas > Chlamydia > Herpes >
Gonorrhea > HIV > Syphilis
• Rates of some STI’s have been increasing
– Between 2000-2003, rates of GC/Ch infections has
increased by 14% in women 15-19, and about 35% in
men 15-19 2
STD Quick Facts from the CDC 9
• FACT: 19 million new infections occur every year in the US
• FACT: STD’s cost the US HealthCare System $17 billion
• FACT: Untreated STD’s cause 24,000 women in the US to
become infertile yearly
• FACT: While young people only represent 25% of the
sexually experienced population in the US, they account for
almost 50% of newly diagnosed STD infections
• A 28-year-old woman who is positive for human immunodeficiency
virus and has a history of intravenous drug use delivers a 2,300-g
term infant. She had only two prenatal visits, and she was being
treated for Chlamydia infection at the time of delivery. Physical
examination of the infant reveals facial edema, erythema and
scaling of the palms and soles clear rhinorrhea, and
hepatosplenomegaly. Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this
infant's signs and symptoms is infection with
• A.) Candida albicans
• B.) Chlamydia trachomatis
• C.) Pneumocystis jiroveci
• D.) Streptococcus agalactiae
• E.) Treponema pallidum
• A 28-year-old woman who is positive for human immunodeficiency
virus and has a history of intravenous drug use delivers a 2,300-g
term infant. She had only two prenatal visits, and she was being
treated for Chlamydia infection at the time of delivery. Physical
examination of the infant reveals facial edema, erythema and
scaling of the palms and soles clear rhinorrhea, and
hepatosplenomegaly. Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this
infant's signs and symptoms is infection with
• A.) Candida albicans
• B.) Chlamydia trachomatis
• C.) Pneumocystis jiroveci
• D.) Streptococcus agalactiae
• E.) Treponema pallidum
Congenital Syphilis
• Results from the hematogenous spread of the organism, T.
pallidum, from mother to fetus through the placenta
– Greatest risk of transmission to the infant is when mom acquires
the disease during or shortly before pregnancy 3
– Infection early can lead to: stillbirth, hydrops fetalis, prematurity,
neonatal death
• Obvious signs may not be present at birth
– May develop in the neonatal period, weeks, months, or even
years later 3
• The earlier the onset of symptoms, the poorer the prognosis
for the infant 3
– When mom is seronegative, delayed onset of symptoms seems
to be more likely
Congenital Syphilis: Early Findings
Common Findings
– Direct/Indirect
– Coombs-negative Hemolytic
– Thrombocytopenia
– Generalized LAN
– Mucocutaneous Lesions
Distinct Findings
• Snuffles
• Skeletal Changes
• Placental Villitis
• Osteochondritis
• Periostitis
• CNS findings
– Monocytosis with normal
glucose and mod. Elevated
Congenital Syphilis: Late Findings
• Dental Findings
– Hutchinson Teeth
– Mulberry Molars
• Ocular Findings
– Interstitial Keratitis
• Skeletal Findings
– Sabre Shin, Frontal
– Saddle Nose
– Palatal Perforation
– Clutton Joints
– Higoumenakis’ Sign
• CNS findings
– Eighth Nerve
• Cutaneous Findings
– Rhagades
• Cognitive Findings
– Mental Retardation
• A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has
worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent
urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has
a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use
condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal-
appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On
speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a
normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal.
You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following,
the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to
• A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend
• B.) encourage the practice of douching
• C.) repeat the urine culture
• D.) notify the public health department
• E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
Wet Prep
• A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has
worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent
urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has
a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use
condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal-
appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On
speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a
normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal.
You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following,
the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to
• A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend
• B.) encourage the practice of douching
• C.) repeat the urine culture
• D.) notify the public health department
• E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
• A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has
worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent
urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has
a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use
condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal-
appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On
speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a
normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal.
You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following,
the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to
• A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend
• B.) encourage the practice of douching
• C.) repeat the urine culture
• D.) notify the public health department
• E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
Vaginal Discharge
• Can be physiologic or Inflammatory Leukorrhea
– Physiologic tends to be more clear/slightly yellow and
creamy in consistency 2
– Begins at onset of puberty and ends after menopause,
due to estrogen influence
• Often, color and consistency are clues to
• Important to be able to distinguish which
discharge needs which treatment
Adapted from Zitelli Atlas of Pediatric Diagnosis
Physiologic Candida Chlamydia Gonorrhea Trichomonas Bacterial
Appearance White/Gray/Cle
ar/ Mucoid
Mucopus at
h discharge
None, typically yes Not usual Not usual yes rare yes
pH <4.5 <4.5 variable <4.5 >4.5 >4.5 <4.5
Micro Epithelial cells,
lactobacilli, few
hae with
budding yeast
increased WBC
increased WBC,
Few WBC, but
clue cells
none Itching,
Urethritis, PID,
Urethritis, PID,
illness, proctitis
Vulvar itching,
dysuria, pelvic
Fish-like odor LAN, pain
Vaginal Discharge: Treatments 8
• Candida:
– Fluconazole 150mg po x 1
• Chlamydia:
– Azithromycin 1g po x1
– Doxycycline 100mg po BID x 7d
– Levofloxacin 500mg po qd x 7d
• Gonorrhea:
– Ceftriaxone 250mg IM x1 plus Azithromycin 1g po x1 or Doxycycline
100mg po BID x 7 days
• Trichomonas:
– Metronidazole/Tinidazole 2g po x1
– Metronidazole 500mg po BID x 7d
• Bacterial Vaginosis:
– Resolves spontaneously in up to 1/3 non-preg/ ½ preg women
– Metronidazole 500mg po BID x 7d
– Topical Clindamycin Cream (5g cream of 100mg Clinda) qhs x 7d
– Clindamycin 300mg po BID x 7d
• As an adjunct to abstinence education, you are asked about the
value of starting a 'virginity pledge' program in your neighborhood
school. You meet with the school staff to educate them on the pros
and cons. Of the following, evidence suggests that the MOST likely
outcome of such programs is that
• A.) formal pledges are more effective than informal pledges
• B.) most pledgers abstain from oral sex
• C.) pledgers and non-pledgers have similar STI rates is sexually active
• D.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to abstain from
vaginal intercourse
• E.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to use condoms when
they become sexually active
• As an adjunct to abstinence education, you are asked about the
value of starting a 'virginity pledge' program in your neighborhood
school. You meet with the school staff to educate them on the pros
and cons. Of the following, evidence suggests that the MOST likely
outcome of such programs is that
• A.) formal pledges are more effective than informal pledges
• B.) most pledgers abstain from oral sex
• C.) pledgers and non-pledgers have similar STI rates is sexually active
• D.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to abstain from
vaginal intercourse
• E.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to use condoms when
they become sexually active
Abstinence Programs
• Amazingly Controversial topic across the US
– Debate over abstinence-only programs vs comprehensive sex-ed vs
comprehensive with preference for abstinence
• Many factors have been investigated 1
– Socio-economics
– Educational Attainment of Teens
– Ethnic Composition
– Medicaid Waivers for family planning
• Much Healthcare Cost associated with results of such programs
– An estimated $9.1 billion cost to taxpayers in 2004 from teen child
bearing (compared to first birth at 20yrs or older) 1
In this study (Stanger-Hall), a comprehensive sex and/or STD education
that includes abstinence as the desired behavior correlated with the lowest
teen pregnancy rates across the states
Self-Reported Abstinence and STI’s
• Retrospective Study conducted collecting data from the
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
– N=14,012 young adults
• Of all participants, 964 tested positive for 1 of 3 STI’s
(Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas) 4
– 838 reported sex with at least 1 partner within 12 months
– 118 reported no sex within the past 12 months
– 60 reported no history of penile/vaginal sex ever (~6%)
• This means that more than 10% of those tested had
discrepancy in their reporting 4
– Still, self reported sex increased odds of testing positive by
2 fold.
• A 25-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for a
3-day history of scrotal pain without fever. Medical history is
unremarkable, and he takes no medications. The patient is
frequently sexually active with women and never has sex with men.
On physical examination, vital signs, including temperature, are
normal. Genitourinary examination discloses a purulent urethral
discharge and right-sided scrotal swelling and tenderness, especially
superior to the right testis. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography of the
scrotum shows normal-sized testes and a swollen right epididymis
with normal blood flow.
• A.) Ampicillin and Gentamicin
• B.) Azithromycin
• C.) Ceftriaxone and Doxycycline
• D.) Ofloxacin
• A 25-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for a
3-day history of scrotal pain without fever. Medical history is
unremarkable, and he takes no medications. The patient is
frequently sexually active with women and never has sex with men.
On physical examination, vital signs, including temperature, are
normal. Genitourinary examination discloses a purulent urethral
discharge and right-sided scrotal swelling and tenderness, especially
superior to the right testis. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography of the
scrotum shows normal-sized testes and a swollen right epididymis
with normal blood flow.
• A.) Ampicillin and Gentamicin
• B.) Azithromycin
• C.) Ceftriaxone and Doxycycline
• D.) Ofloxacin
• Acute/Subacute inflammation of the epididymis
– Peak occurrence in adolescence, but also seen in older men 5
• Sx can include dysuria, increased urgency/frequency, fever, pyuria, and
– Pain usually posterior/superior aspect of testicle 5
• Doppler Blood flow often done emergently in some ER’s
– Can be normal to increased 5
• Treatment depends on age 6
– Presumptive treatment for GC/Ch in men <35yrs with
tenderness/swelling on exam
– Tx for men >35 aimed at E. coli and Enterococcus organisms
• Typically use a Fluroquinolone (Levoquin 500mg po qd x 10 days)
• An 18-year-old woman has a 3-day history of fever, headache, and
painful sores in the genital area. The patient has no previous history
of genital lesions. Medical history is unremarkable, and her only
medication is an oral contraceptive agent. She does not use
condoms. On physical examination, temperature is 38.1 °C (100.6
°F); other vital signs are normal. There are no signs of meningismus.
Tender ulcerative lesions with a yellow crusted roof cover the labia
bilaterally and the vaginal introitus.
• A.) Chancroid
• B.) Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
• C.) Primary Syphilis
• D.) Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
• An 18-year-old woman has a 3-day history of fever, headache, and
painful sores in the genital area. The patient has no previous history
of genital lesions. Medical history is unremarkable, and her only
medication is an oral contraceptive agent. She does not use
condoms. On physical examination, temperature is 38.1 °C (100.6
°F); other vital signs are normal. There are no signs of meningismus.
Tender ulcerative lesions with a yellow crusted roof cover the labia
bilaterally and the vaginal introitus.
• A.) Chancroid
• B.) Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
• C.) Primary Syphilis
• D.) Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Genital Herpes
• Belongs to the Genital Ulcer Syndromes 2
– HSV, T. pallidum, and H. ducreyi
• HSV2 is predominant, with increasing HSV1 genital
occurrence in females 2
• Lesions begin as vesicles, which then rupture to form
painful ulcers
– Usually occurring as clusters
• Occurs as a Primary Outbreak, Recurrent Outbreak,
and Latent Infection
– Primary outbreak last 2-3 weeks and often associated
with systemic symptoms (fever, malaise, dysuria)
– Recurrent Outbreaks usually are shorter, 7-12 days
• HSV has a high infectivity and high recurrence rate
– Infectivity 75-80% with active infection 3
– HSV1 Recurrence: 60%; HSV2 Recurrence: 90% 3
Genital Herpes: Treatment
• Treatment differs based on type of
– Primary: 7
• Acyclovir 400mg po TID x 7-10 days
• Acyclovir 200mg po 5x daily x 7-10 days
• Famciclovir 250mg TID x 7-10 days
• Valacyclovir 1g BID x 7-10 days
– Recurrent: 8
• Valacyclovir 500mg BID x 3 days
– Suppression: 8
• Valacyclovir 1g po qday (can be 500mg daily if
<9 recurrences/year)
– 500mg BID if immunoompromised
• A 40-year-old man is hospitalized with a 1-day history of left upper extremity
weakness. The patient was treated for gonorrhea when he was 17 years old. On
physical examination, he is awake and alert. Vital signs, including temperature, are
normal. Motor strength is 2/5 in the left upper extremity, and deep tendon reflexes
are brisker in the left upper extremity than in the right. Motor strength and reflexes
are normal on the right. The remainder of the neurologic examination is normal.
CT scan of the head is normal. Lumbar puncture is performed, and cerebrospinal
fluid findings indicate a leukocyte count of 48/µL (48 × 106/L) with 100%
mononuclear cells, a protein level of 82 mg/dL (820 mg/L), and a glucose
concentration of 62 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) (plasma glucose, normal); there are no
erythrocytes, and the VDRL is pending. A rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis is
reactive at a 1:256 dilution, and a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbtion
(FTA-ABS) assay is also reactive. A rapid HIV test is negative.
• A.) Amoxicillin and Probenecid, orally for 21 days
• B.) Aqueous PCN, IV for 10-14 days
• C.) Azithromycin, orally in a single dose
• D.) Benzathine PCN G, IM in a single dose
• A 40-year-old man is hospitalized with a 1-day history of left upper extremity
weakness. The patient was treated for gonorrhea when he was 17 years old. On
physical examination, he is awake and alert. Vital signs, including temperature, are
normal. Motor strength is 2/5 in the left upper extremity, and deep tendon reflexes
are brisker in the left upper extremity than in the right. Motor strength and reflexes
are normal on the right. The remainder of the neurologic examination is normal.
CT scan of the head is normal. Lumbar puncture is performed, and cerebrospinal
fluid findings indicate a leukocyte count of 48/µL (48 × 106/L) with 100%
mononuclear cells, a protein level of 82 mg/dL (820 mg/L), and a glucose
concentration of 62 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) (plasma glucose, normal); there are no
erythrocytes, and the VDRL is pending. A rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis is
reactive at a 1:256 dilution, and a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbtion
(FTA-ABS) assay is also reactive. A rapid HIV test is negative.
• A.) Amoxicillin and Probenecid, orally for 21 days
• B.) Aqueous PCN, IV for 10-14 days
• C.) Azithromycin, orally in a single dose
• D.) Benzathine PCN G, IM in a single dose
Syphilis: History
• Very Common in Europe in the 18th and 19th Century
with controversial theories on how it was introduced 10
– Columbian vs Pre-Columbian Theory
– Other names: The French Disease, The Great Pox
• Initial treatments were often worse than the disease
– Included inorganic Mercury, then Salvarsan, followed then
by PCN 10
• Largely represented in historical artwork and literature
– Called “The Great Imitator” by Sir William Osler
Gerard de Lairesse
Painted by Rembrandt in 1665
Syphilis: Epidemiology
• Most current cases remain in the developing
• In the developed world, including US, rates have
been increasing since 2000 among certain groups
– Particularly MSM, but stable in women in the US
• Untreated mortality can be as high as 58% 10
• Syphilis infection increases the risk of infection
with HIV 2-5x 10
– Co-infection very common
Syphilis: Primary Infection
• Lesion typically appears 2-3 weeks after
– Painless, firm, indurated, clean smooth base
• May resolve without intervention due to
immune response 5
• Infection is widely disseminated when first
ulceration appears
• Causative Organism: Treponema pallidum
Syphilis: Secondary Stage
• Weeks-Months after primary disease
– Could also coincide with primary ulceration
• Maculopapular rash of the palms and soles
– 60% of all patients 5
• Constitutional and Systemic Symptoms may also occur
– Generalized LAN, Fatigue, Fever, Malaise
– Hepatitis, Glomerulonephritis, Aseptic Meningitis
• Diagnosis darkfield microscopy from lesion or reactive
serologies 5
• Risk of transmission highest in Primary/Secondary
Syphilis: Tertiary Stage
• Years to decades after initial infection
• Tends to be more systemic to visceral organs 5
– Gummas (inflammatory tumors) of any visceral organ
– Brain and Spinal Cord Destruction by the organism
(General Paresis and Tabes Dorsalis)
– Cardiovascular syphilis
• 10-30 years after initial infection
• Syphilitic aortitis with aneurysm formation
• Neurosyphilis can be in this stage of syphilis, or
any other stage 5
Syphilis: Treatment
• Primary/Secondary/early latent 5
– Benzathine PCN G, 2.4 MU, IM x 1
– 2nd: Doxy 100mg po BID x 14d; Ceftriaxone 1g/d IV/IM x 8-
10 days
• Late latent/ latent of UD 5
– Benzathine PCN G, 2.4 MU, IM weekly x 3 doses
– 2nd: Doxy 100mg po BID x 28 days
• Neurosyphilis 5
– Aqueous PCN G, 18-24 MU/d (3-4 U IV q4 or continuous
for 10-14 days)
– 2nd: Procaine PCN, 2.4 MU IM qday with Probenecid
500mg po QID for 10-14 days
• 1.) Stanger-Hall et al. Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy
Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S. PLoS
ONE. 6 (10), e24658; 2011
• 2.) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
• 3.) Zitelli, Basil J et al. Zitelli and Davis’ Atlas of Pediatric Physical
Diagnosis: 6th E. ELSEVIER Saunders Publication. 2012
• 4.) DiClemente et al. Association Between Sexually Transmitted Diseases
and Young Adults’ Self-Reported Abstinence. Pediatrics. 127 (2), 208-
213; 2011
• 5.) American College of Physicians. MKSAP 15: Infectious Disease. 2009.
• 6.) American College of Physicians. MKSAP 15: General Internal
Medicine. 2009
• 7.) Goldstein, Mark. The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent
Medicine Handbook. Springer Publications. 2011
• 8.) Lexicomp Online Pharmaceutical Reference.
• 9.) The Center for Disease Control: 2010 STD Surveillance.
• 10.) Wikipedia: Syphilis.

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Prep and mksap sti presentation ucaya

  • 1. STI Board Review: Journey through PREP and MKSAP Mike Guyton, MD Assistant Clinical Professor/Academic Faculty in General Pediatrics
  • 2. Outline • Quick Epidemiology – CDC Facts • Pediatric Board Presence • Internal Medicine Board Presence
  • 3. STI’s in the US • The US ranks first among developed nations in the rate of STI’s1 – In addition to teen pregnancies • IN 2000, HPV was estimated as the most prevalent STI in 15-24yo’s as a population2 – Followed by Trichomonas > Chlamydia > Herpes > Gonorrhea > HIV > Syphilis • Rates of some STI’s have been increasing – Between 2000-2003, rates of GC/Ch infections has increased by 14% in women 15-19, and about 35% in men 15-19 2
  • 4. STD Quick Facts from the CDC 9 • FACT: 19 million new infections occur every year in the US • FACT: STD’s cost the US HealthCare System $17 billion yearly • FACT: Untreated STD’s cause 24,000 women in the US to become infertile yearly • FACT: While young people only represent 25% of the sexually experienced population in the US, they account for almost 50% of newly diagnosed STD infections
  • 5. PREP • A 28-year-old woman who is positive for human immunodeficiency virus and has a history of intravenous drug use delivers a 2,300-g term infant. She had only two prenatal visits, and she was being treated for Chlamydia infection at the time of delivery. Physical examination of the infant reveals facial edema, erythema and scaling of the palms and soles clear rhinorrhea, and hepatosplenomegaly. Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this infant's signs and symptoms is infection with • A.) Candida albicans • B.) Chlamydia trachomatis • C.) Pneumocystis jiroveci • D.) Streptococcus agalactiae • E.) Treponema pallidum
  • 6. PREP • A 28-year-old woman who is positive for human immunodeficiency virus and has a history of intravenous drug use delivers a 2,300-g term infant. She had only two prenatal visits, and she was being treated for Chlamydia infection at the time of delivery. Physical examination of the infant reveals facial edema, erythema and scaling of the palms and soles clear rhinorrhea, and hepatosplenomegaly. Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this infant's signs and symptoms is infection with • A.) Candida albicans • B.) Chlamydia trachomatis • C.) Pneumocystis jiroveci • D.) Streptococcus agalactiae • E.) Treponema pallidum
  • 7. Congenital Syphilis • Results from the hematogenous spread of the organism, T. pallidum, from mother to fetus through the placenta – Greatest risk of transmission to the infant is when mom acquires the disease during or shortly before pregnancy 3 – Infection early can lead to: stillbirth, hydrops fetalis, prematurity, neonatal death • Obvious signs may not be present at birth – May develop in the neonatal period, weeks, months, or even years later 3 • The earlier the onset of symptoms, the poorer the prognosis for the infant 3 – When mom is seronegative, delayed onset of symptoms seems to be more likely
  • 8. Congenital Syphilis: Early Findings Common Findings – IUGR – HSM – Direct/Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia – Coombs-negative Hemolytic Anemia – Thrombocytopenia – Generalized LAN – Mucocutaneous Lesions Distinct Findings • Snuffles • Skeletal Changes • Placental Villitis • Osteochondritis • Periostitis • CNS findings – Monocytosis with normal glucose and mod. Elevated protein
  • 9. Congenital Syphilis: Late Findings • Dental Findings – Hutchinson Teeth – Mulberry Molars • Ocular Findings – Interstitial Keratitis • Skeletal Findings – Sabre Shin, Frontal Bossing – Saddle Nose Deformity – Palatal Perforation – Clutton Joints – Higoumenakis’ Sign • CNS findings – Eighth Nerve Deafness • Cutaneous Findings – Rhagades • Cognitive Findings – Mental Retardation
  • 10.
  • 11. PREP • A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal- appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal. You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following, the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to • A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend • B.) encourage the practice of douching • C.) repeat the urine culture • D.) notify the public health department • E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
  • 13. PREP • A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal- appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal. You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following, the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to • A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend • B.) encourage the practice of douching • C.) repeat the urine culture • D.) notify the public health department • E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
  • 14. PREP • A 15-year-old girl complains of vaginal pruritus and a discharge that has worsened over the past 2 weeks. Past medical history reveals a recent urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. She says she has a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend, so they do not use condoms, and he has no symptoms. Physical examination reveals normal- appearing external genitalia and a discharge visible at her introitus. On speculum examination, she has a frothy discharge in her vagina and a normal-appearing cervix. Results of her bimanual examination are normal. You obtain a normal saline wet mount of the discharge. Of the following, the MOST important next step, in addition to prescribing medications, is to • A.) discuss treatment for the boyfriend • B.) encourage the practice of douching • C.) repeat the urine culture • D.) notify the public health department • E.) obtain pelvic ultrasound
  • 15. Vaginal Discharge • Can be physiologic or Inflammatory Leukorrhea – Physiologic tends to be more clear/slightly yellow and creamy in consistency 2 – Begins at onset of puberty and ends after menopause, due to estrogen influence • Often, color and consistency are clues to diagnosis • Important to be able to distinguish which discharge needs which treatment
  • 16. Adapted from Zitelli Atlas of Pediatric Diagnosis Physiologic Candida Chlamydia Gonorrhea Trichomonas Bacterial Vaginosis HSV Appearance White/Gray/Cle ar/ Mucoid White, curdlike, plaques Mucopus at cervix, clear/bloody discharge Yellow/greenis h discharge Gray/yellow/gr een, malodorous, frothy Gray/white/ homogenous, thin Serous Vaginal Irritation None, typically yes Not usual Not usual yes rare yes pH <4.5 <4.5 variable <4.5 >4.5 >4.5 <4.5 Micro Epithelial cells, lactobacilli, few WBC WBC’s, pseudohyp- hae with budding yeast Increased WBC Greatly increased WBC Greatly increased WBC, motile trichomonads Few WBC, but clue cells present Greatly increased WBC Clinical Symptoms none Itching, dysuria,dy- spareunia Urethritis, PID, perihepatitis Urethritis, PID, systemic illness, proctitis Vulvar itching, prominent dysuria, pelvic discomfort Fish-like odor LAN, pain
  • 17. Vaginal Discharge: Treatments 8 • Candida: – Fluconazole 150mg po x 1 • Chlamydia: – Azithromycin 1g po x1 – Doxycycline 100mg po BID x 7d – Levofloxacin 500mg po qd x 7d • Gonorrhea: – Ceftriaxone 250mg IM x1 plus Azithromycin 1g po x1 or Doxycycline 100mg po BID x 7 days • Trichomonas: – Metronidazole/Tinidazole 2g po x1 – Metronidazole 500mg po BID x 7d • Bacterial Vaginosis: – Resolves spontaneously in up to 1/3 non-preg/ ½ preg women – Metronidazole 500mg po BID x 7d – Topical Clindamycin Cream (5g cream of 100mg Clinda) qhs x 7d – Clindamycin 300mg po BID x 7d
  • 18.
  • 19. PREP • As an adjunct to abstinence education, you are asked about the value of starting a 'virginity pledge' program in your neighborhood school. You meet with the school staff to educate them on the pros and cons. Of the following, evidence suggests that the MOST likely outcome of such programs is that • A.) formal pledges are more effective than informal pledges • B.) most pledgers abstain from oral sex • C.) pledgers and non-pledgers have similar STI rates is sexually active • D.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to abstain from vaginal intercourse • E.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to use condoms when they become sexually active
  • 20. PREP • As an adjunct to abstinence education, you are asked about the value of starting a 'virginity pledge' program in your neighborhood school. You meet with the school staff to educate them on the pros and cons. Of the following, evidence suggests that the MOST likely outcome of such programs is that • A.) formal pledges are more effective than informal pledges • B.) most pledgers abstain from oral sex • C.) pledgers and non-pledgers have similar STI rates is sexually active • D.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to abstain from vaginal intercourse • E.) pledgers are more likely than non-pledgers to use condoms when they become sexually active
  • 21. Abstinence Programs • Amazingly Controversial topic across the US – Debate over abstinence-only programs vs comprehensive sex-ed vs comprehensive with preference for abstinence • Many factors have been investigated 1 – Socio-economics – Educational Attainment of Teens – Ethnic Composition – Medicaid Waivers for family planning • Much Healthcare Cost associated with results of such programs – An estimated $9.1 billion cost to taxpayers in 2004 from teen child bearing (compared to first birth at 20yrs or older) 1 In this study (Stanger-Hall), a comprehensive sex and/or STD education that includes abstinence as the desired behavior correlated with the lowest teen pregnancy rates across the states
  • 22. Self-Reported Abstinence and STI’s • Retrospective Study conducted collecting data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health – N=14,012 young adults • Of all participants, 964 tested positive for 1 of 3 STI’s (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas) 4 – 838 reported sex with at least 1 partner within 12 months – 118 reported no sex within the past 12 months – 60 reported no history of penile/vaginal sex ever (~6%) • This means that more than 10% of those tested had discrepancy in their reporting 4 – Still, self reported sex increased odds of testing positive by 2 fold.
  • 23. MKSAP • A 25-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for a 3-day history of scrotal pain without fever. Medical history is unremarkable, and he takes no medications. The patient is frequently sexually active with women and never has sex with men. On physical examination, vital signs, including temperature, are normal. Genitourinary examination discloses a purulent urethral discharge and right-sided scrotal swelling and tenderness, especially superior to the right testis. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography of the scrotum shows normal-sized testes and a swollen right epididymis with normal blood flow. • A.) Ampicillin and Gentamicin • B.) Azithromycin • C.) Ceftriaxone and Doxycycline • D.) Ofloxacin
  • 24. MKSAP • A 25-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for a 3-day history of scrotal pain without fever. Medical history is unremarkable, and he takes no medications. The patient is frequently sexually active with women and never has sex with men. On physical examination, vital signs, including temperature, are normal. Genitourinary examination discloses a purulent urethral discharge and right-sided scrotal swelling and tenderness, especially superior to the right testis. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography of the scrotum shows normal-sized testes and a swollen right epididymis with normal blood flow. • A.) Ampicillin and Gentamicin • B.) Azithromycin • C.) Ceftriaxone and Doxycycline • D.) Ofloxacin
  • 25. Epididymitis • Acute/Subacute inflammation of the epididymis – Peak occurrence in adolescence, but also seen in older men 5 • Sx can include dysuria, increased urgency/frequency, fever, pyuria, and leukocytosis – Pain usually posterior/superior aspect of testicle 5 • Doppler Blood flow often done emergently in some ER’s – Can be normal to increased 5 • Treatment depends on age 6 – Presumptive treatment for GC/Ch in men <35yrs with tenderness/swelling on exam – Tx for men >35 aimed at E. coli and Enterococcus organisms • Typically use a Fluroquinolone (Levoquin 500mg po qd x 10 days)
  • 26. MKSAP • An 18-year-old woman has a 3-day history of fever, headache, and painful sores in the genital area. The patient has no previous history of genital lesions. Medical history is unremarkable, and her only medication is an oral contraceptive agent. She does not use condoms. On physical examination, temperature is 38.1 °C (100.6 °F); other vital signs are normal. There are no signs of meningismus. Tender ulcerative lesions with a yellow crusted roof cover the labia bilaterally and the vaginal introitus. • A.) Chancroid • B.) Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection • C.) Primary Syphilis • D.) Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
  • 27. MKSAP • An 18-year-old woman has a 3-day history of fever, headache, and painful sores in the genital area. The patient has no previous history of genital lesions. Medical history is unremarkable, and her only medication is an oral contraceptive agent. She does not use condoms. On physical examination, temperature is 38.1 °C (100.6 °F); other vital signs are normal. There are no signs of meningismus. Tender ulcerative lesions with a yellow crusted roof cover the labia bilaterally and the vaginal introitus. • A.) Chancroid • B.) Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection • C.) Primary Syphilis • D.) Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
  • 28. Genital Herpes • Belongs to the Genital Ulcer Syndromes 2 – HSV, T. pallidum, and H. ducreyi • HSV2 is predominant, with increasing HSV1 genital occurrence in females 2 • Lesions begin as vesicles, which then rupture to form painful ulcers – Usually occurring as clusters • Occurs as a Primary Outbreak, Recurrent Outbreak, and Latent Infection – Primary outbreak last 2-3 weeks and often associated with systemic symptoms (fever, malaise, dysuria) – Recurrent Outbreaks usually are shorter, 7-12 days • HSV has a high infectivity and high recurrence rate – Infectivity 75-80% with active infection 3 – HSV1 Recurrence: 60%; HSV2 Recurrence: 90% 3
  • 29. Genital Herpes: Treatment • Treatment differs based on type of infection – Primary: 7 • Acyclovir 400mg po TID x 7-10 days • Acyclovir 200mg po 5x daily x 7-10 days • Famciclovir 250mg TID x 7-10 days • Valacyclovir 1g BID x 7-10 days – Recurrent: 8 • Valacyclovir 500mg BID x 3 days – Suppression: 8 • Valacyclovir 1g po qday (can be 500mg daily if <9 recurrences/year) – 500mg BID if immunoompromised
  • 30.
  • 31. MKSAP • A 40-year-old man is hospitalized with a 1-day history of left upper extremity weakness. The patient was treated for gonorrhea when he was 17 years old. On physical examination, he is awake and alert. Vital signs, including temperature, are normal. Motor strength is 2/5 in the left upper extremity, and deep tendon reflexes are brisker in the left upper extremity than in the right. Motor strength and reflexes are normal on the right. The remainder of the neurologic examination is normal. CT scan of the head is normal. Lumbar puncture is performed, and cerebrospinal fluid findings indicate a leukocyte count of 48/µL (48 × 106/L) with 100% mononuclear cells, a protein level of 82 mg/dL (820 mg/L), and a glucose concentration of 62 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) (plasma glucose, normal); there are no erythrocytes, and the VDRL is pending. A rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis is reactive at a 1:256 dilution, and a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbtion (FTA-ABS) assay is also reactive. A rapid HIV test is negative. • A.) Amoxicillin and Probenecid, orally for 21 days • B.) Aqueous PCN, IV for 10-14 days • C.) Azithromycin, orally in a single dose • D.) Benzathine PCN G, IM in a single dose
  • 32. MKSAP • A 40-year-old man is hospitalized with a 1-day history of left upper extremity weakness. The patient was treated for gonorrhea when he was 17 years old. On physical examination, he is awake and alert. Vital signs, including temperature, are normal. Motor strength is 2/5 in the left upper extremity, and deep tendon reflexes are brisker in the left upper extremity than in the right. Motor strength and reflexes are normal on the right. The remainder of the neurologic examination is normal. CT scan of the head is normal. Lumbar puncture is performed, and cerebrospinal fluid findings indicate a leukocyte count of 48/µL (48 × 106/L) with 100% mononuclear cells, a protein level of 82 mg/dL (820 mg/L), and a glucose concentration of 62 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) (plasma glucose, normal); there are no erythrocytes, and the VDRL is pending. A rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis is reactive at a 1:256 dilution, and a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbtion (FTA-ABS) assay is also reactive. A rapid HIV test is negative. • A.) Amoxicillin and Probenecid, orally for 21 days • B.) Aqueous PCN, IV for 10-14 days • C.) Azithromycin, orally in a single dose • D.) Benzathine PCN G, IM in a single dose
  • 33. Syphilis: History • Very Common in Europe in the 18th and 19th Century with controversial theories on how it was introduced 10 – Columbian vs Pre-Columbian Theory – Other names: The French Disease, The Great Pox • Initial treatments were often worse than the disease – Included inorganic Mercury, then Salvarsan, followed then by PCN 10 • Largely represented in historical artwork and literature – Called “The Great Imitator” by Sir William Osler
  • 34. Gerard de Lairesse Painted by Rembrandt in 1665
  • 35. Syphilis: Epidemiology • Most current cases remain in the developing world • In the developed world, including US, rates have been increasing since 2000 among certain groups – Particularly MSM, but stable in women in the US • Untreated mortality can be as high as 58% 10 • Syphilis infection increases the risk of infection with HIV 2-5x 10 – Co-infection very common
  • 36. Syphilis: Primary Infection • Lesion typically appears 2-3 weeks after exposure – Painless, firm, indurated, clean smooth base • May resolve without intervention due to immune response 5 • Infection is widely disseminated when first ulceration appears • Causative Organism: Treponema pallidum
  • 37. Syphilis: Secondary Stage • Weeks-Months after primary disease – Could also coincide with primary ulceration • Maculopapular rash of the palms and soles – 60% of all patients 5 • Constitutional and Systemic Symptoms may also occur – Generalized LAN, Fatigue, Fever, Malaise – Hepatitis, Glomerulonephritis, Aseptic Meningitis • Diagnosis darkfield microscopy from lesion or reactive serologies 5 • Risk of transmission highest in Primary/Secondary phases
  • 38. Syphilis: Tertiary Stage • Years to decades after initial infection • Tends to be more systemic to visceral organs 5 – Gummas (inflammatory tumors) of any visceral organ – Brain and Spinal Cord Destruction by the organism (General Paresis and Tabes Dorsalis) – Cardiovascular syphilis • 10-30 years after initial infection • Syphilitic aortitis with aneurysm formation • Neurosyphilis can be in this stage of syphilis, or any other stage 5
  • 39. Syphilis: Treatment • Primary/Secondary/early latent 5 – Benzathine PCN G, 2.4 MU, IM x 1 – 2nd: Doxy 100mg po BID x 14d; Ceftriaxone 1g/d IV/IM x 8- 10 days • Late latent/ latent of UD 5 – Benzathine PCN G, 2.4 MU, IM weekly x 3 doses – 2nd: Doxy 100mg po BID x 28 days • Neurosyphilis 5 – Aqueous PCN G, 18-24 MU/d (3-4 U IV q4 or continuous for 10-14 days) – 2nd: Procaine PCN, 2.4 MU IM qday with Probenecid 500mg po QID for 10-14 days
  • 40.
  • 41. References • 1.) Stanger-Hall et al. Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S. PLoS ONE. 6 (10), e24658; 2011 • 2.) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics • 3.) Zitelli, Basil J et al. Zitelli and Davis’ Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis: 6th E. ELSEVIER Saunders Publication. 2012 • 4.) DiClemente et al. Association Between Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Young Adults’ Self-Reported Abstinence. Pediatrics. 127 (2), 208- 213; 2011 • 5.) American College of Physicians. MKSAP 15: Infectious Disease. 2009. • 6.) American College of Physicians. MKSAP 15: General Internal Medicine. 2009 • 7.) Goldstein, Mark. The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook. Springer Publications. 2011 • 8.) Lexicomp Online Pharmaceutical Reference. • 9.) The Center for Disease Control: 2010 STD Surveillance. • 10.) Wikipedia: Syphilis.

Editor's Notes

  1. -palmar and plantar desquamation
  2. -Eradication efforts in the early 20th century led to resurgences (due to cut funding/programs for control) in the 1960’s and 1980’s. -Women most at risk: low SE status, young, multiple sex partners -Reason for greatest risk: mom is in primary, secondary, or early latent phase of the disease
  3. Result from direct result of active infection Lesions: vesicular or bullous, then rupturing to form erosions or ulcerations -Rash is generalized and includes palms and soles -Desquamation occurs over time Condyloma lata: 3-4 months after delivery. Snuffles: profuse nasal rhinorrhea that can be blood tinged, with associated ulcerations in nasal mucosa, 1 week-few months of age (teeming with organisms) Osteochondritis: ankles, elbows, wrists, knees; Periostitis: in the long bones Pseudoparalysis of Parrot: not moving the involved extremity due to pain
  4. -Most due to stigmata/sequalae of previous disease -Hutchinson Teeth: upper central incisors smaller than normal, and notched (Hutchinson Triad = Hutchinson Teeth, deafness, and interstitial keratitis; ~60% of cases) -Mulberry Molars: multiple peripheral cusp and central cusp development in molars -Interstitial Keratitis: ground-glass appearance of the cornea/scleral vascularization (around puberty) -Clutton Joints: painless hydrarthrosis of knees -Rhagades: fissuring of the skin in the perianal/perioral areas -Higoumenakis’ Sign: unilateral enlargement of the SC portion of the clavicle due to end result of periostitis.
  5. -5-7 million cases yearly (2) -T. vaginalis is recovered from >60% of female partners of infected men, and 30-80% of male sexual partners of infected women (2) -Men tend to be asymptomatic, but 3-20% can have symptoms of non-gonococcal urethritis; infection is often self limited in men, but can cause epididymitis, prostatic involvement, and superficial penile ulceration (2)
  6. -Candida: 10-20% who harbor candida are asymptomatic. Fluconazole maintains therapeutic concentrations for 72 hours. Complicated infections, 150mg po q72h x 3 doses C. glabrata fails with azoles commonly (use flucytosine cream). C. krusei resistant to fluconazole, use clotrimazole cream/suppose -no general rec for treating partners -Gonorrhea: New guidelines in 2012 represent growing emergence of cephalosporin resistance patterns in GC. -Trich: allergy to flagyl = recommend desensitization; same treatment for male partners BV: treat if symptomatic, may also reduce the risk of acquiring other STD’s Tinidazole has a longer half life and fewer side effects, therefore it is an alternative, 1g po x 5days
  7. -Virginity Pledge Movement in 1993 -61% who took pledges reported that they broke their vows and pledges did not extend to all forms of sexual contact -Pledgers less likely to use condoms at first intercourse and less likely to self-test for STI’s -Oddly, personal pledges (not made public) have better rates of success than formal pledges
  8. -Funding for abstinence only programs in 2006 and 2007 was 176 million annually. -Abstinence only: delay sexual activity until marriage, and programs can not include information about contraception or safer-sex practices -Individual states decide which programs to fund and support -SC is an abstinence only state, as well as NC. GA is a comprehensive sex ed with preference for abstinence state
  9. -Previous sexual behavior = penile/vaginal sex in last 12 months -Females 36% more likely than males to have a positive STD test -Black 6x more likely than white -Age not associated in the study -high school or greater were less likely to have positive test
  10. -Question 80
  11. -Mean age is 41. painful testes typically hangs low -Other causes: Ureaplasma, Mycobacterium, CMV, Cryptococcus (HIV) -Non-infectious chronic: Sarcoidosis and Bechet’s disease. Also, Amiodarone -Prehn’s Sign: pain relieved by elevation of testicle
  12. Chancroid: Haemophilus ducreyi. Painful ulcer with irregular borders. Epidemics associated with prostitution and drug use. More in underdeveloped countries.
  13. -Primary infection is most often symptomatic, but can be asymptomatic in some patients -Viral culture of the lesion is diagnostic test of choice; serum PCR studies are also available. -Triggers of recurrent infections can include fever, menstruation, stress, or friction
  14. Side Effects: GI symptoms, HA with acyclovir/Valtrex
  15. -Amox and Probenecid require frequent dosing, and have no advantage over PCN -Azith and Bensathing Pen G are not appropriate treatments for neurosyphillis
  16. -Amox and Probenecid require frequent dosing, and have no advantage over PCN -Azith and Benzathine Pen G are not appropriate treatments for neurosyphillis -CSF VDRL is only 30-50% sensitive in Dx of neurosyphilis -LP3- 6 months after treatment, and then every 6 months after that until leukocyte counts return to normal and VDRL becomes non-reactive
  17. -French Disease: due to spread by French Troops in the French invasion of Italy in 1494 -Syphilis first used in 1530 by Dr. Girolamo Fracastoro (Italian poet as well)
  18. Dutch painter and theorist, later went blind due to syphilis.
  19. -Multiple primary lesions can be present in the setting of co-infection (particularly with HIV)
  20. -Acute symptoms resolve in ~6 weeks. Condyloma lata may occur during this stage -Latent Syphilis: reactive serology without symptoms. -Early latent: infection <1 years duration -Late latent: > 1 year duration -Usually classified as syphilis of unknown duration.
  21. Gumma: firm necrotic center surrounded by inflamed tissue; non-cancerous and restricted to spirochaetal infections -Gumma hepatis is most common site -Tabes Dorsalis: degeneration of dorsal columns of spinal cord, affects proprioception, vibration, and touch; gait is high-stepping where feet slap the ground due to lack of proprioception -others: weaknes, personality changes, hypotonic skeletal muscle, Westphal’s Sign (absence of patellar reflex)
  22. Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction: side effect of treatment, starts within 1 hour and lasts 24 hours. Fever, muscle pain, HA, tachycardia due to cytokine release from response to rupturing spirochetes.
  23. -Charcot’s Joints due to neuropathic joint disease from syphilis