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8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 1
 Pre-eclampsia is a condition specific to pregnancy occurring
after the 20th week of gestation characterised by hypertension,
proteinuria and/or oedema.
 Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy in which a
pregnant woman has high blood pressure, protein in urine and
oedema, and may develop other symptoms and problems.
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 The more severe the pre-eclampsia, the greater the risk of
serious complications to both mother and baby.
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 Blood pressure is 140/90mmHg to 150/100mmHg.
 Oedema up to 2+ (may be generalised).
 Proteinuria of up to 2+ (in the absence of UTI).
 Blood pressure exceeds 160/110mmHg
 Increase in proteinuria
 Oedema 3+ (generalised).
 Frontal headache and visual disturbances are usually present.
 Upper abdominal pain or epigastric pain with or without vomiting.
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 Maternal personal risk factors for preeclampsia
 First pregnancy
 New partner/paternity
 Age younger than 18 years or older than 35 years
 History of preeclampsia
 Family history of preeclampsia
 Black race
 Obesity
 Interpregnancy interval less than 2 years or more than 10 years
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 Maternal medical risk factors for preeclampsia
 Chronic hypertension,
 Preexisting diabetes (type 1 or type 2),
 Renal disease
 Systemic lupus erythematosus
 Obesity
 Thrombophilia
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 Placental/fetal risk factors for preeclampsia
 Multiple gestations
 Hydrops fetalis
 Gestational trophoblastic disease
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 Pre-eclampsia has been called a disease of theory because the
true mechanism behind the pathogenesis is unknown.
 Women who develop pre-eclampsia become more sensitive to
pressor agents (substances that increase blood pressure) rather
than less sensitive to them as in normal pregnancy.
 This response has been linked to the ratio between prostacyclin,
prostaglandins and thromboxane.
8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 8
 Prostacyclin, a vasodilator produced by endothelial cells,
decreases blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation and
promotes uterine blood flow.
 Thromboxane produced by platelets, causes vessels to constrict
and platelets to clump together.
 In Pre-eclampsia, prostacyclin is decreased allowing the potent
vaso-constrictor and platelet aggregating effects of
thromboxane to dominate.
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 These hormones are produced partially by the placenta which
would help explain the reversal of the condition when the
placenta is removed and why the incidence is increased when
there is a larger than normal placental mass such as in hydrops,
multiple pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.
8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 10
 There is another theory which suggests that women who
develop preeclampsia have been found to have an increased
cardiac output and an associated endothelial damage.
 The vasodilation acts as a compensatory mechanism allowing a
normal blood pressure in spite of the high cardiac output.
 The body responds to the endothelial damage with platelet
aggregation and adherence to the damaged sites.
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 The combination of these events will cause vaso-spasms and
increased blood pressure, abnormal coagulation and thrombosis
and increased permeability of the endothelium leading to
oedema, proteinuria and hypovolaemia (blood seeps out in the
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 Blood; High blood pressure combined with endothelial cell
damage affect capillary permeability leading to plasma proteins
leak from the damaged blood vessels.
 This will cause decrease in the plasma colloid pressure and an
increase in edema within the intracellular space.
 It will further cause hypovolemia and hemo concentration due
to reduced intravascular plasma volume and this will be
reflected in an elevated hematocrit level.
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 Kidneys; Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy can also disrupt
renal function.
 The detectable presence of proteins within the urine
(proteinuria) may indicate that larger molecules than normal are
being forced into the Bowman’s capsule.
 This is caused by increased blood pressure resulting in abnormal
ultra filtration.
 As the condition worsens, oliguria develops as well signifying
kidney damage and severe preeclampsia.
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 Liver; There will be hypoxia and edema of the liver cells due to
vasoconstriction of the hepatic vascular bed and this may lead
to epigastric pain with intra capsular hemorrhages in severe
 Rarely does rupture of the liver occur, however, there will be
altered liver enzyme and albumin levels.
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 Brain; The combination of hypertension and cerebral vascular
endothelial dysfunction leads to increased permeability of the
blood-brain barrier.
 This will result in cerebral edema and micro hemorrhaging
leading to characteristics such as headaches, visual disturbances
and convulsions. Excessive increase in blood pressure may lead
to hypertensive encephalopathy.
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 Fetal Placental; There will be vascular lesions in the placental
bed due to reduced uterine blood flow and this may result in
placental abruption.
 Blood flow to the chorio decidual spaces will also reduce thereby
diminishing oxygen diffusion into the fetal circulation within the
placenta leading to fetal growth restriction.
 Hormonal output is also impaired due to reduced placental
function hence compromising survival of the fetus.
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 The signs of pre-eclampsia do not occur before the 20th week of
pregnancy and seldom after the 30th week, however the earlier
they occur the more serious the condition becomes.
 If the signs are found before 20th week of pregnancy, it is usually
an indication of the underlying pathological conditions e.g.
trophoblastic diseases like hydatidiform mole or
choriocarcinoma, chronic hypertension, chronic renal disease
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 Hypertension- a rise in blood pressure of above 140/90 or rise by
10-15 mmHg in two or more subsequent readings is suggestive
of pre-eclampsia or PIH in a normo-tensive mother.
 Proteinuria- develops as reduced blood flow damages the
kidneys.This damage allows the protein to leak into the urine.
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 Oedema- occurs because the fluid leaves the blood vessels (due
to hypoproteinaemia) and enters the tissues.
 Sudden excessive weight gain is a first sign of fluid retention.
 Visible oedema of the legs and feet is common during
pregnancy, but oedema above the waist is suggestive of
pregnancy induced hypertension.
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 Grade 1 (1+) - Ankle oedema
 Grade 2 (2+) oedema of the lower limbs to knees
 Grade 3 (3+) Generalized oedema
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• Visual disturbances -These disturbances are presumed to be due to
cerebral vasospasm.
• Headache is of new onset and may be described as frontal,
throbbing, or similar to a migraine headache.
• Epigastric pain is due to hepatic swelling and inflammation, with
stretch of the liver capsule.
• Pain may be of sudden onset, is typically constant, and may be
moderate-to-severe in intensity.
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 Hypertension and proteinuria are not the only signs of pre-
eclampsia, or necessarily the most important; they constitute
evidence of end organ damage within on going process.
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 Diagnostic tests to assess renal function, cardiovascular changes
and liver enzymes are necessary to diagnose the extent to which
the maternal system is affected. And these include:
 Blood urea and creatinine are raised, and a high level indicates a
late stage of renal involvement.
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 Platelet count is reduced
 Packed cell volume is increased
 Hb and haematocrit levels are raised
 Urinalysis-24 hour specimen will reveal protein > 0.3g
 Liver function test especially transaminase should be carried out
to determine liver function
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 Ultra sound scan- For the Bio-physical profile of the fetus and
fetal movements, breathing and liquor volume
 Fetal maturity Test- Pulmonary surfactant (Lecithin
sphingomyelin ratio, normal 2:1).
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 The ultimate aim is to prolong pregnancy until the baby is
sufficiently mature to survive while safeguarding the mother’s
 To monitor the disease and prevent it from getting worse
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 Treatment of pre-eclampsia is symptomatic because the cause is
 Usually the patient with mild pre-eclampsia will be nursed at
home (Out patient).
 The patient is given the following advice;
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Rest- The patient should have adequate bed rest at home to
ensure improved blood flow to the heart and therefore to the
 A doctor might order mild sedatives to promote restful sleep at
Diet- The patient is advised to take diet rich in proteins and
vitamins but low in carbohydrates and no extra salt.
 The patient is advised not to gain excess weight.
 The proteins and the vitamins are needed to nourish the
growing foetus and prepare the woman for lactation.
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Antenatal visits- The woman is advised to make frequent visits to
the health facility to ensure frequent monitoring of the
 She is advised to report to the health facility if she is feeling very
unwell (headache, oedema etc).
Foetal well being –The patient is advised to maintain the “kick
chart” to monitor any foetal movements.
 Usually the woman is admitted at 37 weeks if condition has
remained stable so as to deliver in hospital.
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 Patients with moderate and severe pre-eclampsia need to be
hospitalized till delivery.
 The patient should be admitted in the quiet room since she will
be anxious about her condition
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 Establish good midwife -patient relationship
 Explain condition to the patient to allay anxiety
 Allow significant others to visit when appropriate but give her
time to rest
 Assign a nurse to attend to her constantly
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 The treatment is aimed at reducing blood pressure as soon as
possible and this is achieved by the following:
 Putting the woman on bed rest in order to rest the heart, reduce
demands of blood by other organs and improve placental
 Record blood pressure 1 -2 hourly to detect any sudden rise or
sudden drop which should be reported to the doctor.
 Give the ordered drugs
 Fluid intake and output is monitored and fluids may restricted if
there is severe kidney damage.
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 Weigh patient daily
 Encourage bed rest
 Monitor fluid intake and output
 Do daily physical examinations to assess the amount of oedema
 No extra salt is allowed
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 High protein and vitamins to nourish the growing foetus
 Low salt diet to avoid water retention
 Low carbohydrate diet to avoid gaining of excess weight
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 Since the foetus is at risk of intra uterine growth retardation
because of placenta insufficiency, frequent and efficient
monitoring is essential.The following should be done;
 Check the foetal heart rate 4 hourly depending on the condition
of the mother
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 Use cardiotocography machine.
 Continuously monitor the well being of the foetus especially if
the patient is on antihypertensive drugs or where patient’s
condition is not satisfactory.
 Ultra sound can be done to assess the foetal well being, the
foetal movements, the amount of liquor and the foetal
breathing pattern.
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 Vital signs are done 4 hourly to monitor maternal well being.
 Abdominal examinations are done twice daily and in this case
compare the height of fundus with the gestation age to rule out
intrauterine growth retardation
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 Note for any abdominal pains as presence of abdominal pains
may denote abruptio placenta, onset of labour and deteriorating
 Watch out for epigastric pain as this may be a sign of imminent
 Never leave the woman alone if shows signs of imminent
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The following drugs may be ordered;
 Antihypertensives - May be ordered if B/P exceeds
150/100mmHg in an effort to reduce it, prevent CVA and
eclampsia and therefore prolong pregnancy, maternal well
being and foetal survival rate.
 When lowering blood pressure with medication it is vitally
important to monitor the fetal heart in order to detect whether
the lowered maternal BP is affecting the utero-placental blood
flow and fetal oxygenation.
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Methyldopa (Aldomet) - 250-500mg 8hrly.
 It is a long term treatment until the fetus is more mature (35-36
 This medication takes 24 hours to be effective
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 Given when diastolic pressure is above 110 mmHg
 Given intravenously slowly
 25mg 8hrly or 12hrly or 5mg iv bolus initially followed by an
infusion of 2-20mg/hour according to the patient’s response.5
mg to 20 mg
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 Neprosol - 6.25mg IV slowly over 4minutes for acute
 Nefidipine - 10-20mg subliqually used for acute lowering of B/P
 Steroids- When pre-eclampsia develops late in gestation,
steroids maybe given to reduce the risk of RDS e.g.
Dexamethasone 4 mg, 12 hourly for 48 hours.
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 Aspirin- It is thought to inhibit production of platelet
aggregating agent thromboxane A2, therefore low dose of
aspirin maybe beneficial for women at high risk of pre-
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 In imminent eclampsia, it is important to reduce the excitement
of the central nervous system and the following measures
should be taken:
 Phernobarbitone may be used in small amounts in mild
eclampsia when patient is not going into labour early.
 Note that it has a depressive effect on the foetus and the
maternal respiration system.
 Magnesuim Sulphate 5g (mgSo4) in 200mls of 5% dextrose
over 20minutes and then 5mg i.m start 6hrly for 2/7 only if
diastolic pressure is above 90mmHg.
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 Diazepam can be used for transporting the patient with
imminent eclampsia
 Diuretics are not used as they aggravate haemoconcentration
and may lead to haemorrhagic pancreatitis in the mother.
 Manitol 200mls iv 6hrly can only be used when there is cerebral
oedema and mainly this is in eclempsia.
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 The obstetrician decides the optimum time for the delivery of
the baby.
 This depends on the maternal and foetal well being and not on
the period of gestation.
 If patient responds well to treatment in mild and moderate pre-
eclampsia the pregnancy is usually allowed to continue and
usually labour is induced before term to reduce effects of
placental insufficiency.
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 If patient does not respond to treatment and has moderate or
severe pre-eclampsia, then an induction of labour is usually
commenced after 24hrs
 Indications for induction are:
 Foetal intrauterine growth retardation
 Uncontrolled rising blood pressure
 Poor renal function
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 Labour is induced by an IV oxytocics being administered
together with the rupture of membranes.
 Episiotomy and forceps or vacuum extraction is frequently used
to prevent exhaustion by the patient as this may lead to
 Caesarian section may be performed where labour is
detrimental to the maternal and foetal condition.
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The following measures should be done:
 Do not leave patient alone
 Inform the doctor immediately of any change in the patients
 Check blood pressure half hourly or quarter hourly and foetal
heart rate quarter hourly or CTC machine can be useful to
monitor the foetal heart
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 When necessary put up intravenous fluid line but careful not to
overload the patient
 Keep the patient sedated and you can even give her epidural
 Continue with medication the patient is on
 Keep a record of all drugs during labour and delivery to be
reported to a pediatrician
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 Prepare the patient for episiotomy/forceps delivery/vacuum
 Note: Ergometrine and syntometrine are never useful in the
third stage of labour.These cause peripheral vascular spasms
and increase the blood pressure
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 Convulsions can occur soon after delivery for the first time and
therefore, the first 24 hours is the most critical period. The
patient should be nursed as follows:
 Continue with the sedation of the patient
 Constantly monitor the patient’s condition from delivery to 24
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 Check the blood pressure hourly for 6 hours and then if
decreasing 4 hourly for 24 hours and if stable blood pressure can
be done twice daily.
 Monitor fluid balance until it is normal
 Continue with urinalysis for proteins till negative and repeat on
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 Continue with urinalysis for proteins till negative and repeat on
 Note: Patient will only be discharged when blood pressure is
normal and urine is free of proteins.
 These babies are always small for dates and premature,
therefore give them care accordingly.
8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 55
 Eclampsia
 Placenta abruptio
 Renal failure
 Subcapsular hemorrhage or rapture of the liver
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
 Cardiovascular accident
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 HELLP syndrome- a syndrome of Haemolysis Elevated Liver
enzyme and Low Platelet count. It represents a variant of pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia syndrome.
 Pregnancies complicated with this syndrome have been
associated with significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and
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8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 58

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  • 2. PRE-ECLAMPSIA  Pre-eclampsia is a condition specific to pregnancy occurring after the 20th week of gestation characterised by hypertension, proteinuria and/or oedema.  Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy in which a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, protein in urine and oedema, and may develop other symptoms and problems. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 2
  • 3.  The more severe the pre-eclampsia, the greater the risk of serious complications to both mother and baby. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 3
  • 4. CLASSIFICATION  MILD/ MODERATE PRE-ECLAMPSIA  Blood pressure is 140/90mmHg to 150/100mmHg.  Oedema up to 2+ (may be generalised).  Proteinuria of up to 2+ (in the absence of UTI).  SEVERE PRE-ECLAMPSIA  Blood pressure exceeds 160/110mmHg  Increase in proteinuria  Oedema 3+ (generalised).  Frontal headache and visual disturbances are usually present.  Upper abdominal pain or epigastric pain with or without vomiting. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 4
  • 5. RISK FACTORS  Maternal personal risk factors for preeclampsia  First pregnancy  New partner/paternity  Age younger than 18 years or older than 35 years  History of preeclampsia  Family history of preeclampsia  Black race  Obesity  Interpregnancy interval less than 2 years or more than 10 years 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 5
  • 6.  Maternal medical risk factors for preeclampsia  Chronic hypertension,  Preexisting diabetes (type 1 or type 2),  Renal disease  Systemic lupus erythematosus  Obesity  Thrombophilia 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 6
  • 7.  Placental/fetal risk factors for preeclampsia  Multiple gestations  Hydrops fetalis  Gestational trophoblastic disease 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 7
  • 8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Pre-eclampsia has been called a disease of theory because the true mechanism behind the pathogenesis is unknown.  Women who develop pre-eclampsia become more sensitive to pressor agents (substances that increase blood pressure) rather than less sensitive to them as in normal pregnancy.  This response has been linked to the ratio between prostacyclin, prostaglandins and thromboxane. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 8
  • 9.  Prostacyclin, a vasodilator produced by endothelial cells, decreases blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation and promotes uterine blood flow.  Thromboxane produced by platelets, causes vessels to constrict and platelets to clump together.  In Pre-eclampsia, prostacyclin is decreased allowing the potent vaso-constrictor and platelet aggregating effects of thromboxane to dominate. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 9
  • 10.  These hormones are produced partially by the placenta which would help explain the reversal of the condition when the placenta is removed and why the incidence is increased when there is a larger than normal placental mass such as in hydrops, multiple pregnancy or hydatidiform mole. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 10
  • 11.  There is another theory which suggests that women who develop preeclampsia have been found to have an increased cardiac output and an associated endothelial damage.  The vasodilation acts as a compensatory mechanism allowing a normal blood pressure in spite of the high cardiac output.  The body responds to the endothelial damage with platelet aggregation and adherence to the damaged sites. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 11
  • 12.  The combination of these events will cause vaso-spasms and increased blood pressure, abnormal coagulation and thrombosis and increased permeability of the endothelium leading to oedema, proteinuria and hypovolaemia (blood seeps out in the tissue). 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 12
  • 13. PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES  Blood; High blood pressure combined with endothelial cell damage affect capillary permeability leading to plasma proteins leak from the damaged blood vessels.  This will cause decrease in the plasma colloid pressure and an increase in edema within the intracellular space.  It will further cause hypovolemia and hemo concentration due to reduced intravascular plasma volume and this will be reflected in an elevated hematocrit level. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 13
  • 14.  Kidneys; Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy can also disrupt renal function.  The detectable presence of proteins within the urine (proteinuria) may indicate that larger molecules than normal are being forced into the Bowman’s capsule.  This is caused by increased blood pressure resulting in abnormal ultra filtration.  As the condition worsens, oliguria develops as well signifying kidney damage and severe preeclampsia. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 14
  • 15.  Liver; There will be hypoxia and edema of the liver cells due to vasoconstriction of the hepatic vascular bed and this may lead to epigastric pain with intra capsular hemorrhages in severe cases.  Rarely does rupture of the liver occur, however, there will be altered liver enzyme and albumin levels. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 15
  • 16.  Brain; The combination of hypertension and cerebral vascular endothelial dysfunction leads to increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier.  This will result in cerebral edema and micro hemorrhaging leading to characteristics such as headaches, visual disturbances and convulsions. Excessive increase in blood pressure may lead to hypertensive encephalopathy. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 16
  • 17.  Fetal Placental; There will be vascular lesions in the placental bed due to reduced uterine blood flow and this may result in placental abruption.  Blood flow to the chorio decidual spaces will also reduce thereby diminishing oxygen diffusion into the fetal circulation within the placenta leading to fetal growth restriction.  Hormonal output is also impaired due to reduced placental function hence compromising survival of the fetus. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 17
  • 18. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS  The signs of pre-eclampsia do not occur before the 20th week of pregnancy and seldom after the 30th week, however the earlier they occur the more serious the condition becomes.  If the signs are found before 20th week of pregnancy, it is usually an indication of the underlying pathological conditions e.g. trophoblastic diseases like hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma, chronic hypertension, chronic renal disease etc. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 18
  • 19.  Hypertension- a rise in blood pressure of above 140/90 or rise by 10-15 mmHg in two or more subsequent readings is suggestive of pre-eclampsia or PIH in a normo-tensive mother.  Proteinuria- develops as reduced blood flow damages the kidneys.This damage allows the protein to leak into the urine. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 19
  • 20.  Oedema- occurs because the fluid leaves the blood vessels (due to hypoproteinaemia) and enters the tissues.  Sudden excessive weight gain is a first sign of fluid retention.  Visible oedema of the legs and feet is common during pregnancy, but oedema above the waist is suggestive of pregnancy induced hypertension. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 20
  • 21. GRADES OF OEDEMA:  Grade 1 (1+) - Ankle oedema  Grade 2 (2+) oedema of the lower limbs to knees  Grade 3 (3+) Generalized oedema 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 21
  • 22. • Visual disturbances -These disturbances are presumed to be due to cerebral vasospasm. • Headache is of new onset and may be described as frontal, throbbing, or similar to a migraine headache. • Epigastric pain is due to hepatic swelling and inflammation, with stretch of the liver capsule. • Pain may be of sudden onset, is typically constant, and may be moderate-to-severe in intensity. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 22
  • 23. INVESTIGATIONS  Hypertension and proteinuria are not the only signs of pre- eclampsia, or necessarily the most important; they constitute evidence of end organ damage within on going process. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 23
  • 24.  Diagnostic tests to assess renal function, cardiovascular changes and liver enzymes are necessary to diagnose the extent to which the maternal system is affected. And these include:  Blood urea and creatinine are raised, and a high level indicates a late stage of renal involvement. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 24
  • 25.  Platelet count is reduced  Packed cell volume is increased  Hb and haematocrit levels are raised  Urinalysis-24 hour specimen will reveal protein > 0.3g  Liver function test especially transaminase should be carried out to determine liver function 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 25
  • 26.  Ultra sound scan- For the Bio-physical profile of the fetus and fetal movements, breathing and liquor volume  Fetal maturity Test- Pulmonary surfactant (Lecithin sphingomyelin ratio, normal 2:1). 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 26
  • 27. MANAGEMENT OF PRE- ECLAMPSIA AIMS  The ultimate aim is to prolong pregnancy until the baby is sufficiently mature to survive while safeguarding the mother’s life.  To monitor the disease and prevent it from getting worse 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 27
  • 28. ANTENATALLY MILD PRE-ECLAMPSIA  Treatment of pre-eclampsia is symptomatic because the cause is unknown.  Usually the patient with mild pre-eclampsia will be nursed at home (Out patient).  The patient is given the following advice; 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 28
  • 29. Rest- The patient should have adequate bed rest at home to ensure improved blood flow to the heart and therefore to the placenta.  A doctor might order mild sedatives to promote restful sleep at home. Diet- The patient is advised to take diet rich in proteins and vitamins but low in carbohydrates and no extra salt.  The patient is advised not to gain excess weight.  The proteins and the vitamins are needed to nourish the growing foetus and prepare the woman for lactation. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 29
  • 30. Antenatal visits- The woman is advised to make frequent visits to the health facility to ensure frequent monitoring of the condition.  She is advised to report to the health facility if she is feeling very unwell (headache, oedema etc). Foetal well being –The patient is advised to maintain the “kick chart” to monitor any foetal movements.  Usually the woman is admitted at 37 weeks if condition has remained stable so as to deliver in hospital. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 30
  • 31. MODERATE TO SEVERE PRE-ECLAMPSIA  Patients with moderate and severe pre-eclampsia need to be hospitalized till delivery.  The patient should be admitted in the quiet room since she will be anxious about her condition 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 31
  • 32.  Establish good midwife -patient relationship  Explain condition to the patient to allay anxiety  Allow significant others to visit when appropriate but give her time to rest  Assign a nurse to attend to her constantly 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 32
  • 33. REDUCTION OF BLOOD PRESSURE  The treatment is aimed at reducing blood pressure as soon as possible and this is achieved by the following:  Putting the woman on bed rest in order to rest the heart, reduce demands of blood by other organs and improve placental perfusion.  Record blood pressure 1 -2 hourly to detect any sudden rise or sudden drop which should be reported to the doctor.  Give the ordered drugs  Fluid intake and output is monitored and fluids may restricted if there is severe kidney damage. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 33
  • 34. MONITORING OF OEDEMA  Weigh patient daily  Encourage bed rest  Monitor fluid intake and output  Do daily physical examinations to assess the amount of oedema present  No extra salt is allowed 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 34
  • 35. DIET  High protein and vitamins to nourish the growing foetus  Low salt diet to avoid water retention  Low carbohydrate diet to avoid gaining of excess weight 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 35
  • 36. OBSERVATIONS  Since the foetus is at risk of intra uterine growth retardation because of placenta insufficiency, frequent and efficient monitoring is essential.The following should be done;  Check the foetal heart rate 4 hourly depending on the condition of the mother 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 36
  • 37.  Use cardiotocography machine.  Continuously monitor the well being of the foetus especially if the patient is on antihypertensive drugs or where patient’s condition is not satisfactory.  Ultra sound can be done to assess the foetal well being, the foetal movements, the amount of liquor and the foetal breathing pattern. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 37
  • 38.  Vital signs are done 4 hourly to monitor maternal well being.  Abdominal examinations are done twice daily and in this case compare the height of fundus with the gestation age to rule out intrauterine growth retardation 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 38
  • 39.  Note for any abdominal pains as presence of abdominal pains may denote abruptio placenta, onset of labour and deteriorating condition.  Watch out for epigastric pain as this may be a sign of imminent eclampsia.  Never leave the woman alone if shows signs of imminent eclampsia 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 39
  • 40. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT The following drugs may be ordered;  Antihypertensives - May be ordered if B/P exceeds 150/100mmHg in an effort to reduce it, prevent CVA and eclampsia and therefore prolong pregnancy, maternal well being and foetal survival rate.  When lowering blood pressure with medication it is vitally important to monitor the fetal heart in order to detect whether the lowered maternal BP is affecting the utero-placental blood flow and fetal oxygenation. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 40
  • 41. Methyldopa (Aldomet) - 250-500mg 8hrly.  It is a long term treatment until the fetus is more mature (35-36 weeks)  This medication takes 24 hours to be effective 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 41
  • 42. Hydralizine  Given when diastolic pressure is above 110 mmHg  Given intravenously slowly  25mg 8hrly or 12hrly or 5mg iv bolus initially followed by an infusion of 2-20mg/hour according to the patient’s response.5 mg to 20 mg 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 42
  • 43.  Neprosol - 6.25mg IV slowly over 4minutes for acute hypertension.  Nefidipine - 10-20mg subliqually used for acute lowering of B/P  Steroids- When pre-eclampsia develops late in gestation, steroids maybe given to reduce the risk of RDS e.g. Dexamethasone 4 mg, 12 hourly for 48 hours. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 43
  • 44.  Aspirin- It is thought to inhibit production of platelet aggregating agent thromboxane A2, therefore low dose of aspirin maybe beneficial for women at high risk of pre- eclampsia. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 44
  • 45.  In imminent eclampsia, it is important to reduce the excitement of the central nervous system and the following measures should be taken:  Phernobarbitone may be used in small amounts in mild eclampsia when patient is not going into labour early.  Note that it has a depressive effect on the foetus and the maternal respiration system.  Magnesuim Sulphate 5g (mgSo4) in 200mls of 5% dextrose over 20minutes and then 5mg i.m start 6hrly for 2/7 only if diastolic pressure is above 90mmHg. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 45
  • 46.  Diazepam can be used for transporting the patient with imminent eclampsia  Diuretics are not used as they aggravate haemoconcentration and may lead to haemorrhagic pancreatitis in the mother.  Manitol 200mls iv 6hrly can only be used when there is cerebral oedema and mainly this is in eclempsia. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 46
  • 47. OBSTETRIC MANAGEMENT  The obstetrician decides the optimum time for the delivery of the baby.  This depends on the maternal and foetal well being and not on the period of gestation.  If patient responds well to treatment in mild and moderate pre- eclampsia the pregnancy is usually allowed to continue and usually labour is induced before term to reduce effects of placental insufficiency. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 47
  • 48.  If patient does not respond to treatment and has moderate or severe pre-eclampsia, then an induction of labour is usually commenced after 24hrs  Indications for induction are:  Foetal intrauterine growth retardation  Uncontrolled rising blood pressure  Poor renal function 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 48
  • 49. NURSING CARE DURING LABOUR  Labour is induced by an IV oxytocics being administered together with the rupture of membranes.  Episiotomy and forceps or vacuum extraction is frequently used to prevent exhaustion by the patient as this may lead to eclampsia.  Caesarian section may be performed where labour is detrimental to the maternal and foetal condition. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 49
  • 50. The following measures should be done:  Do not leave patient alone  Inform the doctor immediately of any change in the patients condition  Check blood pressure half hourly or quarter hourly and foetal heart rate quarter hourly or CTC machine can be useful to monitor the foetal heart 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 50
  • 51.  When necessary put up intravenous fluid line but careful not to overload the patient  Keep the patient sedated and you can even give her epidural anesthesia  Continue with medication the patient is on  Keep a record of all drugs during labour and delivery to be reported to a pediatrician 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 51
  • 52.  Prepare the patient for episiotomy/forceps delivery/vacuum extraction  Note: Ergometrine and syntometrine are never useful in the third stage of labour.These cause peripheral vascular spasms and increase the blood pressure 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 52
  • 53. NURSING CARE DURING PUERPERIUM  Convulsions can occur soon after delivery for the first time and therefore, the first 24 hours is the most critical period. The patient should be nursed as follows:  Continue with the sedation of the patient  Constantly monitor the patient’s condition from delivery to 24 hours. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 53
  • 54.  Check the blood pressure hourly for 6 hours and then if decreasing 4 hourly for 24 hours and if stable blood pressure can be done twice daily.  Monitor fluid balance until it is normal  Continue with urinalysis for proteins till negative and repeat on disc 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 54
  • 55.  Continue with urinalysis for proteins till negative and repeat on discharge  Note: Patient will only be discharged when blood pressure is normal and urine is free of proteins. NEONATAL CARE  These babies are always small for dates and premature, therefore give them care accordingly. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 55
  • 56. COMPLICATIONS  Eclampsia  Placenta abruptio  Renal failure  Subcapsular hemorrhage or rapture of the liver  Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)  Cardiovascular accident 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 56
  • 57.  HELLP syndrome- a syndrome of Haemolysis Elevated Liver enzyme and Low Platelet count. It represents a variant of pre- eclampsia/eclampsia syndrome.  Pregnancies complicated with this syndrome have been associated with significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. 8/27/2019 JONES H.M-MBA 57