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Standard (CMS)
for Agencies
PRCA                    Contents

Communications          Introduction	4

Management              The Communications Management Standard		    6

Standard (CMS)          1 Leadership & Communication 	              8

for Agencies            2 Business Planning 	                      10

                        3 Business Improvement 	                   12

                        4 Financial Management & Systems 	         16

                        5 Campaign Management 	                    18

                        6 Client Satisfaction 	                    20

                        7 New Business 	                           22

                        8 People Management	                       24

                        Redfin 	                                   28

                        A Guide To The Audit Process 	             30

                        Frequently Asked Questions 	               32

PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                               3
Introduction   Communications Management Standard                                                    “ MS has now
                                                                                                      C                      Business Planning
                                                                                                                             The consultancy must prove that its business plan is a realistic, long-term
               (CMS) is the mark of communications                                                    been adopted by        programme based on a clear view of its direction and potential. It must define
                                                                                                                             business goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-framed.
               professionalism worldwide.                                                             15 international       The plan must be used systematically by management to run the business.
               Created by the PRCA in 1997, it is based on ISO 9001 and Investors In People,
                                                                                                      PR professional
                                                                                                                             Business Improvement
               with criteria specifically tailored to the needs of public relations consultancies.    bodies...”             CMS demands a programme of continuous business improvement,
                                                                                                                             with evidence of long-term goals and the steps the consultancy is
               Independently audited on a regular basis by Redfin Management
                                                                                                                             taking to achieve them. The standard’s key values are trust, excellence,
               LLP (Redfin), CMS is the accepted kitemark of PR excellence and
                                                                                                                             professionalism, growth, development, enthusiasm, commitment and
               professionalism. It helps to enhance the efficiency and profitability of PR
                                                                                                                             ownership. All of these affect the quality of the consultancy’s service to clients
               consultancies, while also assuring both clients and employees that audited
                                                                                                                             and must measurably be enhanced over a three-to-five year timescale.
               firms are properly run, and are accountable.
                                                                                                                             Financial Systems
               Consultancies that wish to be part of The PRCA’s ‘Find A PR Agency’
                                                                                                                             The consultancy’s systems are evaluated on financial forecasting and
               (FAPRA), or ‘Find A PA Agency’ (FAPAA) service need to have passed a
                                                                                                                             management of financial fundamentals. Checks and balances must be in
               CMS Audit within the last two years, in order to benefit from the wide range
                                                                                                                             place, enabling the consultancy to withstand periods of low or negative
               of new business opportunities managed by the PRCA. CMS has now been
                                                                                                                             economic growth. Key financial information is scrutinised by the senior team
               adopted by 15 international PR professional bodies.
                                                                                                                             to ensure that the consultancy can and does invest in its future.
               CMS covers eight key business areas:
                                                                                                                             Campaign Management
                                                                                                                             The consultancy must demonstrate systems for planning and managing
               Leadership  Communication
                                                                                                                             programmes against agreed targets as well as for measuring and evaluating
               The auditors look for evidence that the consultancy is well-managed.
                                                                                                                             results -where possible- in terms of ROI.
               Responsibilities of the senior team must be defined clearly, and
               communicated effectively to all employees. The competencies required within
                                                                                                                             Client Satisfaction
               the senior team should have been identified and appraised formally. Effective
                                                                                                                             Client Satisfaction must be tracked on a consistent and continuous basis to
               leadership requires good communications inside and outside the consultancy.
                                                                                                                             ensure that consultancies continue to exceed client expectations.
               Evidence of a communication strategy will therefore be sought.

4                                                                          PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES     PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                      5
The PRCA Public
                                                                                                        Affairs Register:
                                                                                                        900 professionals registered
“Ensure that         New Business
                      There must be proof that the consultancy conducts negotiations with new           100 organisations registered
  consultancies       clients and offers service agreements which reflect the high standards
                                                                                                        1200 clients named
                      expected by the professional Codes of the PRCA, and complies with
  continue to         current best practise in the public relations profession.
  exceed client                                                                                         Agencies
                      People Management
  expectations....”   The consultancy must have a clearly defined and universally understood            In-house teams
                      system of appraisal, training and career development for all employees.           Freelancers
                      Evidence must be given that high standards and an appropriate level of
                      investment are in place at every stage from recruitment onwards.
                      To attain the standard, consultancies must score at least 75% overall.
                      A detailed breakdown of the scoring under each section will be provided           Transparent
                      with this briefing document, this will assist in the preparation for the audit.   Up-to-date
                      Following the audit, Redfin will submit a detailed report to the consultancy,
                      including a full breakdown of their performance in each of the eight areas
                      against the detailed breakdown of the scoring. The re-assessment period
                      for CMS is every two years.                                                       You need a pretty good
                                                                                                        excuse not to be on it!
                      CMS International
                      PRCA CMS International has been added in order to audit PR consultancies
                      for their international capacity. Other elements will also be looked at from an
                      international aspect e.g. risks, external communication, client satisfaction,     To join contact:
                      people management. To qualify for the CMS international certification, PRCA
                      members need to score 75% in this element. The scope of international             T: 020 7233 6026
                      activities and participating offices will be included in the PRCA member’s
                      CMS international certificate upon successful completion of the audit.

                                                                                                        MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
6                                                                               PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
Leadership and   1.1                                 1.2                                       1.3                                 should be communicated,
                                                                                                                                                                         “All management
                  Have the management structure       What leadership skills do you             Is there a system to ensure         as well as timescales for its
 Communication    and responsibilities been           look for within your Senior               effective communication to          communication. External                responsibilities
                  defined and communicated            Team. (up to 10 points)                   internal and external parties?
                  in a way that the wider team will                                             (up to 10 points)
                                                                                                                                    stakeholders will typically
                                                                                                                                    include: shareholders, the
                                                                                                                                                                           should be
                  understand. (up to 10 points)       The consultancy should be                                                     media, the local community,            defined...”
                                                      able to list the key behavioural          The consultancy should have         clients, new business agencies,
                  All management responsibilities     competencies/skills required              defined and implemented             government agencies, non-
                  should be defined and               for each of the senior team               a strategy to cover its             government agencies, trade
                  communicated throughout the         roles, and show where they                communication to internal and       associations, professional
                  consultancy so that the whole       are included within the job               external stakeholders.              bodies and educational
                  team understands them.              description. They should also be                                              establishments. Internal
                                                                                                A communication strategy is
                                                      able to demonstrate the senior                                                stakeholders will
                  Communication can be                                                          defined in Wikipedia as follows:
                                                      team’s use of the competencies/                                               be all staff employed within
                  achieved through the use of                                                   ‘’a communication strategy is a
                                                      skills via the individual’s                                                   the consultancy.
                  organograms, management                                                       plan that details how information
                                                      annual appraisal and personal
                  structure diagrams, job and role                                              and issues are presented in         The communication strategy
                                                      development plan.
                  descriptions etc., and should                                                 order for people to understand      should document the above
                  demonstrate the appropriate                                                   and respond to them. It is          along with the appropriate

                  division of responsibility                                                    a selection of appropriate          authorisation levels for different
                  between individual members of                                                 communication objectives by         levels of communication.
                  the management team.                                                          which information relating to an
                                                                                                                                    The consultancy will need
                                                                                                organisation is communicated
                  The consultancy should be                                                                                         to demonstrate that the
                                                                                                both externally and internally.’’
                  able to demonstrate that this                                                                                     communication strategy is
                  has been communicated and                                                     The strategy should include         understood and is being
                  understood by the whole team.                                                 the types of issues and             followed by the consultancy.
                  This could be achieved by                                                     news information that
                  carrying out an employee survey.

8                                                                    PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                            9
Business   2.1                                  •	  ew and existing market
                                                   N                                      2.2                                  2.4                                 2.5
           Does the consultancy have a             opportunities                          Does the business plan define        Is the consultancy’s                Is the business plan reviewed
Planning   business plan? (up to 10 points)     •	  inancial goals and objectives
                                                   F                                      clear goals and objectives?          performance compared to             regularly for adequacy?
                                                   (e.g. target fee income,               (up to 10 points)                    the business plan’s goals and       (up to 10 points)
           The consultancy must                    profitability etc.)                                                         objectives? (up to 10 points)
           demonstrate a business plan          •	  usiness goals and
                                                   B                                      The plan should define                                                   It is up to the consultancy to
           that sets out the short-term and        objectives (e.g. ranking in            business goals and objectives        It is important that the            determine the frequency of the
           long-term goals and objectives          the marketplace, sector and            that are SMART:                      consultancy’s performance           business plan reviews, but they
           for the consultancy. This               specialist offerings etc.)                                                  is monitored and compared           should be sufficient to cover
                                                                                          •	   Specific
           plan must be the engine that         •	  ny major improvement
                                                   A                                                                           against the goals and objectives    the period of the business plan,
                                                                                          •	   Measurable
           drives the search for continual         projects                                                                    established in the business plan.   i.e. an annual plan should be
                                                                                          •	   Achievable
           improvement. The business plan       •	 dentification of future
                                                   I                                                                           Depending on the specific goals     reviewed quarterly or at least six
                                                                                          •	   Realistic
           is normally produced annually           resource requirements as                                                    and objectives, this comparison     monthly, and long-term goals
                                                                                          •	   Time-framed
           and is developed alongside and          well as associated training,                                                can be carried out monthly,         (three to five years) should be
           reviewed against the consultancy’s      recruitment, IT etc.                                                        quarterly or annually.              reviewed annually.
           statement of visions, values and
                                                                                          2.3                                  To help achieve the plan,           At review, it may be necessary
           long term improvement activities.
                                                                                          To what extent is the business       any deviations in goals and         to change the business plan
           See section 3.1.
                                                                                          plan communicated to all levels of   objectives between current          due to external influences (e.g.

           The business plan will typically                                               the consultancy? (up to 10 points)   performance and desired             changing market circumstances)
           include the following:                                                                                              performance should be               or internal influences (e.g.
                                                                                          It may not be appropriate to         reviewed, and corrective action     change in business direction,
           •	 Summary of market trends
                                                                                          communicate the entire business      should be taken where possible.     loss of key personnel or loss or
           •	  inancial status of the
                                                                                          plan to all employees, but at the    Minutes should be prepared          gain of clients). The consultancy
                                                                                          very least, the consultancy must     recording deviations from           should produce evidence of
           •	  n analysis of strengths,
                                                                                          be able to demonstrate that the      the plan, the reasons for the       such review processes in the
              weaknesses, threats and
                                                                                          key goals and objectives have        deviations, and any action taken.   minutes of the review meetings.
                                                                                          been communicated throughout
                                                                                          the consultancy.

10                                                             PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                            11
Business      3.1                                 This statement should ideally              •	  resentation of improvement
                                                                                                P                                  other consultancies, in             consultancy or within a group
              Does the consultancy have a         be developed with employee                    ideas at team meetings/team        order to position the               company of consultancies.
Improvement   clear vision and set of values      involvement and signed                        development workshops              consultancy against the rest
                                                                                                                                                                     •	  ompetitive – against
              shaping its purpose and long-       by senior management. It                   •	 Best practice workshops            of the industry e.g. the PRCA
                                                                                                                                                                        competitors, e.g. other
              term goals? (up to 10 points)       needs to be underpinned by                 •	  ontinuous improvement
                                                                                                C                                  Benchmarking Survey.
                                                                                                                                                                        consultancies or sector
                                                  strategies and policies that                  groups
                                                                                                                                 •	  rocess – identifying best
                                                                                                                                    P                                   specialists.
              The vision and key values for       address proactive, long-term
                                                                                                                                    practice processes, and
              the consultancy will typically      improvement consistent with the                                                                                    •	  eneric – against companies
                                                                                                                                    comparing the consultancy’s
              be expressed as a simple            consultancy’s business plan.               3.3                                                                        in other industries, e.g.
                                                                                                                                    processes against them, e.g.
              statement of the overall                                                       Does the consultancy carry out                                             management consultants,
                                                                                                                                    PRCA Best Practice Papers,
              aims and objectives of the                                                     benchmarking as a means to                                                 brand or change consultancies.
                                                                                                                                    or the latest HR industry data
              consultancy. They should            3.2                                        business improvement?
                                                                                                                                    on graduate recruitment.
              directly link with the long- term   To what extent does the                    (up to 10 points)
              goals of the consultancy.           consultancy involve staff at all                                               •	  trategic – identifying
                                                                                                                                    S                                3.4
                                                  levels in business improvement             Benchmarking is defined in             the strategic policies           Is there a system to manage
              The consultancy’s vision
                                                  activities. (up to 10 points)              Wikipedia as:                          of competitors, and              major improvement projects?
              statement is an important
                                                                                                                                    comparing the consultancy’s      (up to 10 points)
              component of its brand                                                         ‘’the process of comparing
                                                  The consultancy should involve                                                    strategies against them,
              definition and may refer                                                       something or someone with
                                                  staff in improvement initiatives,

                                                                                                                                    i.e. benchmarking your           Examples of major improvement
              to the following elements:                                                     best practice.’’
                                                  in order to foster their ownership                                                acquisition or growth strategy   projects would include: IT or
              client satisfaction, people
                                                  and commitment.                            The consultancy should define          against key competitors.         capital investment, developing
              management, performance, key
                                                                                             clearly what it will compare, and                                       new markets, and the launch of
              values, and quality of service.     Examples of business                                                           With regard to “Whom to
                                                                                             whom to compare against.                                                a new service.
                                                  improvement activities are:                                                    compare against”, there
              Key values may be expressed
                                                                                             On “What to Compare” there are      are the following types of          The project’s system should
              as trust, excellence,               •	   Suggestion schemes
                                                                                             three types of benchmarking:        benchmarking:                       include:
              professionalism, growth,            •	   Away days
              development, enthusiasm,            •	   Competitions                          •	  erformance – comparing
                                                                                                P                                •	 Internal – against different    •	  ign off for the preparation
              commitment and ownership.           •	   Recognition schemes                      performance levels against           teams and division within a        of a project plan

12                                                                PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                          13
3 Business Improvement continued

                                                                                                             Make the
                                                                                                             right choice
     •	 A project plan to include:
     •	 Defined responsibilities
                                         information is communicated
                                         up and down the consultancy’s
                                                                             “Trust,                        We know that PRCA training
                                                                                                             is the very best. We offer the best
     •	Establishment of procedures      structure. Key business               excellence,                   courses by the best trainers.
        to fulfil plans
        Defined approval stages
                                         information includes:
        throughout the project
                                         •	  usiness improvement
                                                                               growth,                       So why don’t you check out what
     •	Milestones and deliverables                                                                          we have to offer? What have you
     •	  inal review and sign off of
                                         •	 Review of business plans           development,                  got to lose?
                                         •	 Management accounts
        the plan
                                         •	  eview of campaign
                                            R                                  enthusiasm,
     •	 Implementation plan                                                                                  Full Day
                                            management activities              commitment and                PRCA Member £305+VAT
     Projects implemented must be        •	  eview of client satisfaction
     consistent with those included         performance                        ownership...”                 Non Member £370+VAT
     within the business plan.           •	 Service delivery performance
                                         •	  ecruitment, development
                                            R                                                                Half Day
                                            and retention of personnel.                                      PRCA Member £170+VAT
     3.5                                                                                                     Non Member £215+VAT
                                         The system should identify
     Is there a system for collecting,
                                         clearly what meetings are                                           Online Training
     reviewing and utilising key
                                         held, and detail their scope,                                       PRCA Member £95+VAT
     information to increase
                                         frequency, agenda and
     management control and                                                                                  Non Member £120+VAT
                                         attendance. It should ensure
     maximise business efficiency?
                                         that the information is of
     (up to 10 points)
                                         appropriate quality, on time
                                         and communicated to the                                             T: 020 7233 6026
     Management should identify
                                         necessary personnel.                                      
     and manage all key business
     information, and define the
     system to ensure that necessary

14                                                                                   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
Financial     4.1                                   4.2                                       4.3                                 4.4                                  4.5
              Does the consultancy prepare          Does the consultancy have a               Does the consultancy have           Does the consultancy have            Does the consultancy have an
Management    adequate monthly management           consistent and effective process          effective client billing and        effective systems and processes      effective system for control of
and Systems   accounts? (up to 10 points)           for calculating fees for client           credit controls systems?            to manage staff time and to          capital? (up to 10 points)
                                                    work? (up to 10 points)                   (up to 10 points)                   report on utilisation and over/
              The consultancy should produce                                                                                      under client servicing?              It is recommended that every
              regular relevant financial            The consultancy should                    The consultancy should              (up to 10 points)                    consultancy maintains a cash
              management information,               demonstrate that there is a               demonstrate that is has effective                                        balance equal to at least 3
              for example: profit and loss          standard process for preparing            systems to ensure accurate          The consultancy should               months of the monthly overhead
              accounts, balance sheets,             client fee proposals. This should         and regular client invoicing        demonstrate systems and              cost. Although this is not
              debtors, key ratios/indicators        include details of how estimates          takes place, and that there         processes that provide               a requirement of CMS, the
              and benchmarking. This                are made of expected time on              is a process to chase client        appropriate control over the         consultancy should be able
              information should compare the        client work, which may include            payment within the consultancy      management of staff resources        demonstrate systems for control
              actual results with the business      for example discussing the work           payment terms. The consultancy      on client and non-client work.       of capital such as: cash flow
              plan, to track performance            involved in advance with the              should make available relevant      Plus, that there is a process for    controls, investment decisions,
              against the business goals (as        proposed team or reviewing                information, for example: billing   regular review and sharing over/     equity management, and
              included in 2.4 above), as well       past time records on similar              and credit control procedures,      under-servicing information within   currency controls.
              as including monthly forecasts        work. Proposals should either             examples of notes on                the consultancy so that action
              of fees by client and profitability   be prepared by the senior team,           outstanding debts, client credit    can be taken where appropriate.

              for the following 3-6 months.         or signed off by them prior to            evaluations, aged debtor lists
                                                    them being sent to the client.            and, if applicable, evidence of
                                                                                              provision for bad debts.

16                                                                 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                         17
Campaign     5.1                                  5.2                                       5.3                               selection, approval and           of the campaign plan, so that
             Does the consultancy have an         Does the consultancy have                 Does the consultancy have         monitoring to ensure adequate     clients’ requirements are met,
Management   effective system for capturing       an effective planning system              effective information control?    and consistent of service. An     and that the consultancy’s
             client requirements?                 to ensure delivery to client              (up to 10 points)                 effective system may include      reputation is maintained or
             (up to 10 points)                    expectation? (up to 10 points)                                              the following:                    enhanced. The consultancy
                                                                                            The consultancy should                                              should identify and agree with
                                                                                                                              •	  rocesses for evaluation,
             From receipt of the client’s         The consultancy must                      have effective systems for                                          the client the most appropriate
                                                                                                                                 approval and review (to
             brief (whether an existing client    demonstrate use of planning               the identification of critical                                      forms of performance evaluation
                                                                                                                                 include credit checking,
             or a new business enquiry),          activities such as:                       information, for example:                                           such as setting the key
                                                                                                                                 professional indemnity
             the consultancy should have                                                    electronic and manual filing,                                       performance indicators, critical
                                                  •	 Pre-campaign research                                                       insurance etc.)
             systems in place to capture                                                    handling, back-up, retrieval,                                       success factors, milestones and
                                                  •	 Campaign planning                                                        •	 Approved lists of suppliers
             client requirements covering:                                                  disposal and security. Critical                                     deliverables. (See 5.1)
                                                  •	  llocation and availability
                                                     A                                                                        •	 Performance monitoring
                                                                                            information will include:
             •	  easons for the client
                R                                    of appropriate resources:                                                •	  vidence of partnering and
                                                                                            email/ paper correspondence,                                        Where performance falls short
                changing consultancy                 time, competent personnel,                                                  building relationships with
                                                                                            approvals, photography, logos,                                      of expectations, appropriate
             •	 Client’s objectives                  and budget                                                                  preferred suppliers.
                                                                                            proposals, plans, complaints,                                       corrective action should be
             •	  ritical success factors – the
                C                                 •	 Development of strategy
                                                                                            reports and invoices.                                               identified and taken. Significant
                key activities necessary to       •	  ommunications processes:
                                                                                                                                                                failures should be investigated
                ensure a successful campaign         points of contact, feedback                                              5.5
                                                                                                                                                                fully to identify the root cause,

             •	 Key performance indicators           on progress and meetings.                                                Does the consultancy monitor
                                                                                            5.4                                                                 and system improvement
             •	 Milestones and deliverables                                                                                   campaign performance and
                                                                                            Does the consultancy ensure                                         activities initiated to prevent
             •	 Client approval processes                                                                                     take appropriate actions?
                                                                                            the consistent delivery of                                          re-occurrence. Evidence
                                                                                                                              (up to 10 points)
                                                                                            services by suppliers?                                              of campaign performance
                                                                                            (up to 10 points)                                                   monitoring will include: status
                                                                                                                              The consultancy should
                                                                                                                                                                reports, minutes of internal
                                                                                                                              demonstrate regular campaign
                                                                                            The consultancy must                                                meetings, and minutes of
                                                                                                                              performance measurement to
                                                                                            demonstrate that its suppliers                                      client meetings.
                                                                                                                              ensure effective implementation
                                                                                            go through a process of

18                                                               PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                      19
Client         6.1                                   The system should indicate                 •	  nderstanding the client’s
                                                                                                   U                                 consultancy, and action points
                                                                                                                                                                         “Ensure that
               Does the consultancy have             the frequency of the review                   expectation                       agreed with staff as appropriate.
Satisfaction   a system to measure client            activities, the forms of                   •	  eeting the client’s
                                                                                                   M                                 It is important that results of       the client’s
               satisfaction? (up to 10 points)       measurement being used and
                                                     it should set key performance
                                                                                                •	 Communication with the client
                                                                                                                                     the surveys are communicated
                                                                                                                                     back to clients, and individual
               The consultancy should                indicators for client satisfaction.        •	 Market knowledge                  feedback may be appropriate           of the
               have a system for measuring                                                      •	 Creativity                        with particular clients.
               client satisfaction, which
                                                     The consultancy must
                                                                                                •	 Strategic thinking                                                      consultancy’s
                                                     document the outputs from its
               encompasses all clients. This
                                                     client review system.
                                                                                                •	 Team work                                                               service
               system should be appropriate                                                     •	 Timeliness of delivery            6.4
               to the size of consultancy and                                                   •	 Quality of service delivery       Does the consultancy                  matches their
               the complexities of the client
                                                                                                •	  lient’s overall perception of
                                                                                                   C                                 periodically compare client           expectation...”
               relationships.                                                                      the service provided              satisfaction across accounts?
                                                     Does the client satisfaction
                                                                                                                                     (up to 10 points)
               The system will typically include     measurement address all
               some of the following activities:     elements of the service?
                                                                                                6.3                                  The consultancy should conduct
                                                     (up to 10 points)
               •	 Regular review meetings                                                       Is the client satisfaction           regular management reviews
               •	  egular informal meeting
                  R                                                                             measurement implemented              of overall client satisfaction
                                                     In order to ensure that the client’s
                  or lunches                                                                    effectively? (up to 10 points)       performance through the

                                                     perception of the consultancy’s
               •	  ormal annual or six
                  F                                                                                                                  consultancy. This should be
                                                     service matches their
                  monthly reviews                                                               The consultancy must                 at least every six months
                                                     expectation, it is important for
               •	  erception surveys/
                  P                                                                             demonstrate that client              and include trend analysis
                                                     the consultancy to understand
                  questionnaires                                                                satisfaction is measured against     of satisfaction levels across
                                                     all aspects that will impact on
               •	 Complaints systems                                                            the performance targets set in       accounts and account teams.
                                                     client satisfaction. The client
               •	  eviews from other account
                  R                                                                             6.1 above, and that actions are      It should also address how
                                                     review system should measure
                  directors within the consultancy                                              taken as a result. Results must      effective the system is in
                                                     the consultancy’s performance
                                                                                                be communicated throughout the       monitoring client satisfaction.
                                                     service levels on the following:

20                                                                   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                           21
New Business   7.1                                 The strategy may also include             7.2
                                                                                                                                   “ he consultancy must be able to
               Does the consultancy have           a plan for different sectors.             Does the consultancy have
               a strategy for business             This will be required when                an effective system for the            demonstrate an effective process
               development, to achieve its                                                   management of its enquiries
               goals and objectives?
                                                   target market sectors requiring
                                                   different development strategies          and sales? (up to 10 points)
                                                                                                                                    for the handling and management
               (up to 10 points)                   have been identified, e.g. where                                                 of all enquiries, proposals,
                                                   a consultancy has identified that         The consultancy must be able
               The business development            it would like to move into                to demonstrate an effective            credentials meetings, pitches,
               strategy must be derived            a new sector or specialist                process for the handling and           contracts and sales....”
               from the goals and objectives       service offering.                         management of all enquiries,
               outlined in the consultancy’s                                                 proposals, credentials meetings,
               business plan. The strategy will                                              pitches, contracts and sales. An
               include the following:                                                        effective system will include:

               •	  arketing plans (to include
                  M                                                                          •	  ogging, handling, follow-up
                  how leads will be generated                                                   and closing of all enquiries
                  as well as how additional                                                     and proposals
                  work could be obtained from                                                •	 ssue and signing of the PRCA
                  existing clients)                                                             standard consultancy contract

               •	  efined responsibilities
                  D                                                                             to all new clients
                  with targets                                                               •	  nalysis of successful and lost
               •	  usiness cases, i.e. analysis
                  B                                                                             credential meetings and pitches
                  of the market or sector                                                    •	  riefings to new business
                  opportunities                                                                 agencies and intermediaries
               •	 Performance monitoring                                                     •	  anagement of prospect
               •	  ommunication of the
                  C                                                                             relationships including database
                  strategy to the full team                                                     maintenance and periodic review
                                                                                                of lost pitches and accounts.

22                                                                PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                        23
People       8.1                                8.2                                       •	 Human resources                   The consultancy will                   on what training is required to
             Are the processes for selection    Is a general induction conducted          •	 Health and safety                 determine the frequency of             meet business needs, rather
Management   of prospective employees           for new employees in their first          •	 Pension and finance issues        formal appraisals, but must            than what individuals would like
             determined according to the        week of employment – if so,               •	 P
                                                                                              RCA Professional Charter        demonstrate the occurrence of          to be trained in.
             needs of the position?             is it signed when completed                  and Codes of Conduct              appraisals, review of follow-up
                                                                                                                                                                      A training needs analysis will
             (up to 10 points)                  by the employee, and are exit             •	  RCA Communications
                                                                                             P                                 action and that it feeds into the
                                                                                                                                                                      include a review of tasks and
                                                interviews conducted when staff              Management Standard               consultancy’s recognition and
                                                                                                                                                                      job descriptions and a review of
             The consultancy should             leave. (up to 10 points)                                                       reward systems for retention of
                                                                                          Where exit interviews are carried                                           existing competencies to assess
             demonstrate that its recruitment                                                                                  key staff.
                                                                                          out, they should be conducted                                               what technical and behavioural
             is determined on the needs         The content of the induction
                                                                                          by a person that is independent                                             training is required.
             of the position. This can be       will vary depending on the
                                                                                          of their line manager.
             shown through the use of:          position of the new employee                                                   8.4                                    The consultancy should
             job descriptions, role profiles,   and may include introduction                                                   Does the consultancy conduct           demonstrate that personal
             competence analysis, capability    to the following:                                                              training needs’ analysis, and          development plans for individual
             analysis, consultancy values and                                                                                  are personal development plans         staff match the consultancy’s
                                                •	  onsultancy background,
                                                   C                                      Does the consultancy have a
             training and development plans.                                                                                   prepared based on the training         training needs analysis. Effective
                                                   values and credentials                 formal appraisal system?
                                                                                                                               needs? (up to 10 points)               personal development plans will
             The employee selection             •	  he make-up of the
                                                   T                                      (up to 10 points)
                                                                                                                                                                      contain SMART objectives and
             methods used by the                   team, with individual line
                                                                                                                               The consultancy should

                                                                                                                                                                      targets for employee training
             consultancy may include:              management and reporting               The consultancy should
                                                                                                                               demonstrate that it conducts a         and development.
                                                   structures                             demonstrate that it has a formal
             •	 Review of qualifications                                                                                       needs analysis to identify the
                                                •	 Relevant clients                       appraisal system which is                                                   The consultancy should give
             •	 Relevant experience                                                                                            training necessary for specific
                                                •	 nternal systems and
                                                   I                                      designed to review performance                                              evidence through records of
             •	  sychometric/personality
                P                                                                                                              roles within the consultancy. The
                                                   processes                              against the personal objectives                                             training delivery for both internal
                profiling                                                                                                      training needs’ analysis should
                                                •	 Client handling system                 and targets of each member                                                  and external training activities.
             •	  esting of PR and other
                T                                                                                                              be sufficient to implement the
                                                •	  riteria and methods for
                                                   C                                      of staff. These objectives and
                relevant skills                                                                                                business plan at company, team
                                                   campaign planning, research            targets will include both business
             •	 Structured interviews                                                                                          and individual levels. It will focus
                                                   and evaluation                         and personal development.

24                                                             PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                                25
8 People Management continued                                                                                          Over the past few years, one PR membership body
                                                                                                                       has taken the NLA to court. Won the Government
                                                                                                                       contract and established PR apprenticeships.
                                                                                                                       Referred around £1m a month in new business
                                                                                                                       to members. Produced a balanced budget every
                                                                                                                       year. Introduced modular qualifications. Provided
     8.5                                   8.6                                 for the individual, a structured        interactive training webinars globally. Established
     Is training performed in              Is best practice followed           training plan, as well as exit          an Access Commission on diversity in the industry.
     accordance with personal              for flexible working of staff       interviews on leaving. The
     development plans and are             and employing interns?              consultancy’s website should
                                                                                                                       Published the first PR Census with PR Week. Put
     the training courses consistent       (up to 10 points)                   include all internship and              on hundreds of completely free member events.
     across the consultancy?                                                   graduate recruitment policies.          Introduced the designatory letters MPRCA denoting
     (up to 10 points)                     Following the recommendations
                                                                               Interns should also be
                                                                                                                       adherence to a Code of Conduct. Maintained an
                                           of the PRCA Access                                                          independent and accurate Public Affairs Register.
                                                                               paid at least the National
     The consultancy should                Commission, consultancies
     demonstrate through its training      are expected to adhere to
                                                                               Minimum Wage.                           Partnered with 12 leading universities. Has trebled
     records that there is evidence        certain best practice principles                                            in size. Has led our industry.
     of the training provided, and         for flexible working and
     that it is in line with personal      employing Interns.                                                          That organisation is the PRCA.
     development plans. The auditor
                                           The consultancy should be
     will ask for verification of
     training activities through written
                                           able to demonstrate that best                                               And now you can join us if you’re a consultancy.
                                           practice is being followed in                                               Join us if you’re an in-house team. Or join us if
     proof of attendance, provided
                                           these areas, by ensuring there
     by training providers.
                                           are flexible working policies in
                                                                                                                       you’re an individual.
     The consultancy should                place for staff to request: part-
     demonstrate that there is             time work, working from home,                                               Make the right choice. Join the PRCA.
     consistency of training across        and flexibility around paternity
     the business, especially in           and maternity leave.
     client-facing and people-                                                                                         To join contact:
                                           For interns, the consultancy will
     management areas.                                                                                       
                                           be required to demonstrate that
                                                                                                                       T: 020 7233 6026
                                           there is full line management

26                                                                                             PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
Management   Redfin Management LLP (Redfin) is a                                             PRCA Three Point
             business that specialises in advising                                           Quality Promise
             PR agencies and a range of other
             marketing communications agencies                                               The PRCA three point training                       Full Day
                                                                                             quality promise:                                    PRCA Member £305+VAT
             in business management.                                                                                                             Non Member £370+VAT
                                                                                             1  he average feedback score given by
             Redfin is proud to be involved with the PRCA, and to play an active role in       delegates on the course will be publicly          Half Day
             both the auditing of PRCA members, and in the future development of the           displayed on the new PRCA training                PRCA Member £170+VAT
             Communications Management Standard.                                               website within 24 hours of completion             Non Member £215+VAT
                                                                                             2 f any PRCA trainer scores below 8/10
                                                                                               I                                                 Online
             All Redfin’s auditors have worked within PR agencies, so understand how           twice in a year, the trainer’s PRCA               PRCA Member £95+VAT
             they work and the issues they face. Their background covers a variety of          approved status will be reviewed                  Non Member £120+VAT
             disciplines including business management; account handling, finance
             and HR. Heather Scales is available to discuss any questions you may            3  e promise to give you a free webinar
                                                                                                                                                 Get connected
             have regarding the Communications Management Standard, she can be                 course if you are not satisfied by the
                                                                                                                                                 @PRCAtraining, join
             contacted on the following:                                                       learning outcomes of the training*
                                                                                                                                                 our growing community
                                                                                                                                                 and #haveyoursay
             Heather Scales:                                                                 Get connected at our new and
             T 0207 060 0242                                                                 improved PRCA Training portal

                                                                                             T: 020 7233 6026 |

                                                                                             * ased on the course not meeting the description
                                                                                              on the new PRCA website and training brochure.
                                                                                              Applies at time of publication.

28                                                                   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
A Guide To The   We suggest that you first go through                                                  “Rate your             The purpose of the meeting is to explain how the audit will be carried out
                                                                                                                               and reported, and to answer any questions there might be. You can invite
Audit Process    the CMS document and the detail                                                         consultancy           as few or as many people as you want to this meeting.
                 scoring template associated with it.                                                    against the           It is useful to provide the auditor with a room or desk that they can return
                 This will allow you to rate your consultancy against the criteria. If you are
                                                                                                         criteria...”          to during the audit, to write notes or plan the next interviews.
                 satisfied that your company will meet the criteria, and the pass rate 75%
                                                                                                                               Typically, the day will start with the senior management looking at Business
                 overall, then please contact Heather Scales on either 0207 060 0242 or
                                                                                                                               Planning, Financial Management  Systems, Leadership, Business,
        , who will provide you with a quotation and
                                                                                                                               Improvement, People Management etc. The remainder of the time is spent
                 book a convenient date for the audit.
                                                                                                                               sampling the accounts and clients selected, and sitting with the people and
                                                                                                                               teams involved, usually at their desks as most of the information will be held
                 Preliminary Gap Analysis (optional)
                                                                                                                               on their computers.
                 You can if you wish, opt for a preliminary assessment/gap analysis. This can
                 range from a few hours to a whole day visit by a Redfin auditor to discuss all
                                                                                                                               It would be useful to have ready some of your standard documentation at
                 the elements of the Standard, assess your state of readiness, discuss areas
                                                                                                                               the start of the audit, for example if applicable:
                 of interpretation, and generally answer any questions you may have about
                 the process. This may assist you in your final preparations. It is an optional                                •	   The business plan
                 service at additional cost, and Redfin can provide a quotation on request.                                    •	   Mission and values statement
                                                                                                                               •	   Business strategy documents not included within the business plan
                 Once you have agreed with the PRCA that you are ready for your first audit, or                                •	   M
                                                                                                                                     anagement accounts and other regular management information
                 that a renewal audit is due, Redfin will contact your nominated representative                                     including aged debtors and aged creditors
                 and agree a mutually convenient date for the visit. Redfin will agree the date                                •	   O
                                                                                                                                     rganogram or list of management, and staff structures and responsibilities
                 and time for the audit and all of the details will normally be confirmed in writing                           •	   Internal process or ‘ways of working’ documents
                 (including, when appropriate, details of any fees due). The number of audit days                              •	   Staff handbook
                 will depend on the size and turnover of the consultancy.                                                      •	   New joiner induction pack
                                                                                                                               •	   E
                                                                                                                                     vidence of regular management and staff meetings, forum and communication
                 On the day/first day of the audit, the auditor will arrive at the agreed time                                 •	   L
                                                                                                                                     ist of current staff, with joining dates and leaving dates over the last 6 months
                 and there will be an opening meeting of approximately 15 minutes duration.                                    •	   Client list and associated account teams

30                                                                           PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES     PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                        31
Asked        Q:                                     Q:                                        Q:                                  fully inclusive of all attributable   Q:
             How can we best prepare                What help and advice can we               How do we arrange an audit          expenses. Most audits last for        Do we need to prepare a folder/
Questions    for the Communications                 get during the preparation                when we think we are ready?         half or one day’s duration, but       portfolio of evidence?
             Management Standard audit?             phase?                                                                        larger or multi-site consultancies
                                                                                              A:                                  will require more time.               A:
             A:                                     A:                                        Contact Heather Scales at Redfin                                          As mentioned above it would be
             There is no “off the shelf” solution   Redfin are more than happy                on 0207 060 0242 or heather.                                              useful if much of the standard
             to this question. Consultancies        to provide assistance and        and ask         Q:                                    list of information is available
             adopt different approaches,            answer questions or queries               for a quotation. A quote will be    When will we know the outcome?        at the start of the audit. The
             though in our experience, it           during the preparation phase.             provided based on the size of                                             auditor will also search and
             is more effective if someone           You can contact Heather                   the consultancy (by turnover        A:                                    ask for the information during
             owns the project to achieve the        Scales on 0207 060 0242 or                and number of office sites) and     The auditor will write up the         the audit however, bearing in
             Standard and drive it through. at            ask you for an indication of        report shortly after the audit,       mind the question template, it
             Some consultancies appoint             any time and she will provide             timescales. Please note that lead   and advise the outcome of the         would be useful to have to hand
             “section champions” to take            assistance. Alternatively, you            times can sometimes be between      audit within 5 days.                  information that you feel may
             specific sections and review the       can opt for a pre-assessment/             4-6 weeks.                                                                be relevant to the audit. For
             question template to look at how       gap analysis.                                                                                                       clients/accounts, the auditor
             the consultancy meets the CMS                                                                                        Q:                                    will sit with the account team
             criteria. Others have business                                                   Q:                                  What is a typical audit               and view documents/electronic

             improvement initiatives and                                                      How much will it cost?              programme for the day?                information as necessary.
             teams looking at this, or organise
             an away day to brainstorm it. A                                                  A:                                  A:
             lot of what is required will already                                             Redfin and PRCA have agreed         You will be contacted prior to the
             be happening, but may not be as                                                  a scale of charges depending        audit and a schedule for the day
             evident or formalised as it might                                                on the size of the consultancy.     and timescale for the visit agreed.
             be, so the task is often not as                                                  All quoted prices are subject to    Your Redfin auditor will agree
             daunting as it first appears.                                                    VAT at the prevailing rate, but     detail of the audit programme in
                                                                                                                                  the opening meeting.

32                                                                 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES   PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES                                                                                           33
Frequently Asked Questions continued

     How detailed is the financial
                                         Who needs to be involved?
                                                                                 “t is more
     section of the audit?                                                        effective if
     A:                                  Senior management, people
                                                                                  someone owns
     The Redfin auditor is both          with specific responsibilities for       the project
     trained in the requirements of      certain sections (e.g. Financial,
     CMS and has good experience         HR, New Business etc.) and               to achieve
     of working in PR Agencies. They     those people involved in the             the Standard
     are expected to ask questions       management of the client
     and review the evidence             accounts selected. Other people          and drive it
     presented with a degree of          may well be interviewed during           through...”
     financial competency. However       the audit but it is unlikely that all
     the auditor is not necessarily a    employees will be involved.
     fully trained accountant and is
     therefore expected to use their
     judgment to decide whether the
     evidence presented appears
     to meet the requirements. The
     finance section of the CMS
     should not be compared to the
     requirements of a statutory audit
     or due-diligence review.

34                                                                                     PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
Willow House
Willow Place
London SW1P 1JH

T 020 7233 6026
F 020 7828 4797

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PRCA - Agency CMS booklet

  • 2. PRCA Contents Communications Introduction 4 Management The Communications Management Standard 6 Standard (CMS) 1 Leadership & Communication 8 for Agencies 2 Business Planning 10 3 Business Improvement 12 4 Financial Management & Systems 16 5 Campaign Management 18 6 Client Satisfaction 20 7 New Business 22 8 People Management 24 Redfin 28 A Guide To The Audit Process 30 Frequently Asked Questions 32 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 3
  • 3. Introduction Communications Management Standard “ MS has now C Business Planning The consultancy must prove that its business plan is a realistic, long-term (CMS) is the mark of communications been adopted by programme based on a clear view of its direction and potential. It must define business goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-framed. professionalism worldwide. 15 international The plan must be used systematically by management to run the business. Created by the PRCA in 1997, it is based on ISO 9001 and Investors In People, PR professional Business Improvement with criteria specifically tailored to the needs of public relations consultancies. bodies...” CMS demands a programme of continuous business improvement, with evidence of long-term goals and the steps the consultancy is Independently audited on a regular basis by Redfin Management taking to achieve them. The standard’s key values are trust, excellence, LLP (Redfin), CMS is the accepted kitemark of PR excellence and professionalism, growth, development, enthusiasm, commitment and professionalism. It helps to enhance the efficiency and profitability of PR ownership. All of these affect the quality of the consultancy’s service to clients consultancies, while also assuring both clients and employees that audited and must measurably be enhanced over a three-to-five year timescale. firms are properly run, and are accountable. Financial Systems Consultancies that wish to be part of The PRCA’s ‘Find A PR Agency’ The consultancy’s systems are evaluated on financial forecasting and (FAPRA), or ‘Find A PA Agency’ (FAPAA) service need to have passed a management of financial fundamentals. Checks and balances must be in CMS Audit within the last two years, in order to benefit from the wide range place, enabling the consultancy to withstand periods of low or negative of new business opportunities managed by the PRCA. CMS has now been economic growth. Key financial information is scrutinised by the senior team adopted by 15 international PR professional bodies. to ensure that the consultancy can and does invest in its future. CMS covers eight key business areas: Campaign Management The consultancy must demonstrate systems for planning and managing Leadership Communication programmes against agreed targets as well as for measuring and evaluating The auditors look for evidence that the consultancy is well-managed. results -where possible- in terms of ROI. Responsibilities of the senior team must be defined clearly, and communicated effectively to all employees. The competencies required within Client Satisfaction the senior team should have been identified and appraised formally. Effective Client Satisfaction must be tracked on a consistent and continuous basis to leadership requires good communications inside and outside the consultancy. ensure that consultancies continue to exceed client expectations. Evidence of a communication strategy will therefore be sought. 4 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 5
  • 4. The PRCA Public Affairs Register: 900 professionals registered “Ensure that New Business There must be proof that the consultancy conducts negotiations with new 100 organisations registered consultancies clients and offers service agreements which reflect the high standards 1200 clients named expected by the professional Codes of the PRCA, and complies with continue to current best practise in the public relations profession. exceed client Agencies People Management expectations....” The consultancy must have a clearly defined and universally understood In-house teams system of appraisal, training and career development for all employees. Freelancers Evidence must be given that high standards and an appropriate level of investment are in place at every stage from recruitment onwards. Accurate To attain the standard, consultancies must score at least 75% overall. A detailed breakdown of the scoring under each section will be provided Transparent with this briefing document, this will assist in the preparation for the audit. Up-to-date Following the audit, Redfin will submit a detailed report to the consultancy, including a full breakdown of their performance in each of the eight areas against the detailed breakdown of the scoring. The re-assessment period for CMS is every two years. You need a pretty good excuse not to be on it! CMS International PRCA CMS International has been added in order to audit PR consultancies for their international capacity. Other elements will also be looked at from an international aspect e.g. risks, external communication, client satisfaction, To join contact: people management. To qualify for the CMS international certification, PRCA members need to score 75% in this element. The scope of international T: 020 7233 6026 activities and participating offices will be included in the PRCA member’s CMS international certificate upon successful completion of the audit. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE 6 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
  • 5. 1 Leadership and 1.1 1.2 1.3 should be communicated, “All management Have the management structure What leadership skills do you Is there a system to ensure as well as timescales for its Communication and responsibilities been look for within your Senior effective communication to communication. External responsibilities defined and communicated Team. (up to 10 points) internal and external parties? in a way that the wider team will (up to 10 points) stakeholders will typically include: shareholders, the should be understand. (up to 10 points) The consultancy should be media, the local community, defined...” able to list the key behavioural The consultancy should have clients, new business agencies, All management responsibilities competencies/skills required defined and implemented government agencies, non- should be defined and for each of the senior team a strategy to cover its government agencies, trade communicated throughout the roles, and show where they communication to internal and associations, professional consultancy so that the whole are included within the job external stakeholders. bodies and educational team understands them. description. They should also be establishments. Internal A communication strategy is able to demonstrate the senior stakeholders will Communication can be defined in Wikipedia as follows: team’s use of the competencies/ be all staff employed within achieved through the use of ‘’a communication strategy is a skills via the individual’s the consultancy. organograms, management plan that details how information annual appraisal and personal structure diagrams, job and role and issues are presented in The communication strategy development plan. descriptions etc., and should order for people to understand should document the above demonstrate the appropriate and respond to them. It is along with the appropriate 1 division of responsibility a selection of appropriate authorisation levels for different between individual members of communication objectives by levels of communication. the management team. which information relating to an The consultancy will need organisation is communicated The consultancy should be to demonstrate that the both externally and internally.’’ able to demonstrate that this communication strategy is has been communicated and The strategy should include understood and is being understood by the whole team. the types of issues and followed by the consultancy. This could be achieved by news information that carrying out an employee survey. 8 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 9
  • 6. 2 Business 2.1 • ew and existing market N 2.2 2.4 2.5 Does the consultancy have a opportunities Does the business plan define Is the consultancy’s Is the business plan reviewed Planning business plan? (up to 10 points) • inancial goals and objectives F clear goals and objectives? performance compared to regularly for adequacy? (e.g. target fee income, (up to 10 points) the business plan’s goals and (up to 10 points) The consultancy must profitability etc.) objectives? (up to 10 points) demonstrate a business plan • usiness goals and B The plan should define It is up to the consultancy to that sets out the short-term and objectives (e.g. ranking in business goals and objectives It is important that the determine the frequency of the long-term goals and objectives the marketplace, sector and that are SMART: consultancy’s performance business plan reviews, but they for the consultancy. This specialist offerings etc.) is monitored and compared should be sufficient to cover • Specific plan must be the engine that • ny major improvement A against the goals and objectives the period of the business plan, • Measurable drives the search for continual projects established in the business plan. i.e. an annual plan should be • Achievable improvement. The business plan • dentification of future I Depending on the specific goals reviewed quarterly or at least six • Realistic is normally produced annually resource requirements as and objectives, this comparison monthly, and long-term goals • Time-framed and is developed alongside and well as associated training, can be carried out monthly, (three to five years) should be reviewed against the consultancy’s recruitment, IT etc. quarterly or annually. reviewed annually. statement of visions, values and 2.3 To help achieve the plan, At review, it may be necessary long term improvement activities. To what extent is the business any deviations in goals and to change the business plan See section 3.1. plan communicated to all levels of objectives between current due to external influences (e.g. 2 The business plan will typically the consultancy? (up to 10 points) performance and desired changing market circumstances) include the following: performance should be or internal influences (e.g. It may not be appropriate to reviewed, and corrective action change in business direction, • Summary of market trends communicate the entire business should be taken where possible. loss of key personnel or loss or • inancial status of the F plan to all employees, but at the Minutes should be prepared gain of clients). The consultancy consultancy very least, the consultancy must recording deviations from should produce evidence of • n analysis of strengths, A be able to demonstrate that the the plan, the reasons for the such review processes in the weaknesses, threats and key goals and objectives have deviations, and any action taken. minutes of the review meetings. opportunities been communicated throughout the consultancy. 10 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 11
  • 7. 3 Business 3.1 This statement should ideally • resentation of improvement P other consultancies, in consultancy or within a group Does the consultancy have a be developed with employee ideas at team meetings/team order to position the company of consultancies. Improvement clear vision and set of values involvement and signed development workshops consultancy against the rest • ompetitive – against C shaping its purpose and long- by senior management. It • Best practice workshops of the industry e.g. the PRCA competitors, e.g. other term goals? (up to 10 points) needs to be underpinned by • ontinuous improvement C Benchmarking Survey. consultancies or sector strategies and policies that groups • rocess – identifying best P specialists. The vision and key values for address proactive, long-term practice processes, and the consultancy will typically improvement consistent with the • eneric – against companies G comparing the consultancy’s be expressed as a simple consultancy’s business plan. 3.3 in other industries, e.g. processes against them, e.g. statement of the overall Does the consultancy carry out management consultants, PRCA Best Practice Papers, aims and objectives of the benchmarking as a means to brand or change consultancies. or the latest HR industry data consultancy. They should 3.2 business improvement? on graduate recruitment. directly link with the long- term To what extent does the (up to 10 points) goals of the consultancy. consultancy involve staff at all • trategic – identifying S 3.4 levels in business improvement Benchmarking is defined in the strategic policies Is there a system to manage The consultancy’s vision activities. (up to 10 points) Wikipedia as: of competitors, and major improvement projects? statement is an important comparing the consultancy’s (up to 10 points) component of its brand ‘’the process of comparing The consultancy should involve strategies against them, definition and may refer something or someone with staff in improvement initiatives, 3 i.e. benchmarking your Examples of major improvement to the following elements: best practice.’’ in order to foster their ownership acquisition or growth strategy projects would include: IT or client satisfaction, people and commitment. The consultancy should define against key competitors. capital investment, developing management, performance, key clearly what it will compare, and new markets, and the launch of values, and quality of service. Examples of business With regard to “Whom to whom to compare against. a new service. improvement activities are: compare against”, there Key values may be expressed On “What to Compare” there are are the following types of The project’s system should as trust, excellence, • Suggestion schemes three types of benchmarking: benchmarking: include: professionalism, growth, • Away days development, enthusiasm, • Competitions • erformance – comparing P • Internal – against different • ign off for the preparation S commitment and ownership. • Recognition schemes performance levels against teams and division within a of a project plan 12 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 13
  • 8. 3 Business Improvement continued Make the right choice • A project plan to include: • Defined responsibilities information is communicated up and down the consultancy’s “Trust, We know that PRCA training is the very best. We offer the best • Establishment of procedures structure. Key business excellence, courses by the best trainers. • to fulfil plans Defined approval stages information includes: professionalism, throughout the project • usiness improvement B activities growth, So why don’t you check out what • Milestones and deliverables we have to offer? What have you • inal review and sign off of F • Review of business plans development, got to lose? • Management accounts the plan • eview of campaign R enthusiasm, • Implementation plan Full Day management activities commitment and PRCA Member £305+VAT Projects implemented must be • eview of client satisfaction R consistent with those included performance ownership...” Non Member £370+VAT within the business plan. • Service delivery performance • ecruitment, development R Half Day and retention of personnel. PRCA Member £170+VAT 3.5 Non Member £215+VAT The system should identify Is there a system for collecting, clearly what meetings are Online Training reviewing and utilising key held, and detail their scope, PRCA Member £95+VAT information to increase frequency, agenda and management control and Non Member £120+VAT attendance. It should ensure maximise business efficiency? that the information is of (up to 10 points) appropriate quality, on time and communicated to the T: 020 7233 6026 Management should identify necessary personnel. and manage all key business information, and define the system to ensure that necessary 14 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
  • 9. 4 Financial 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Does the consultancy prepare Does the consultancy have a Does the consultancy have Does the consultancy have Does the consultancy have an Management adequate monthly management consistent and effective process effective client billing and effective systems and processes effective system for control of and Systems accounts? (up to 10 points) for calculating fees for client credit controls systems? to manage staff time and to capital? (up to 10 points) work? (up to 10 points) (up to 10 points) report on utilisation and over/ The consultancy should produce under client servicing? It is recommended that every regular relevant financial The consultancy should The consultancy should (up to 10 points) consultancy maintains a cash management information, demonstrate that there is a demonstrate that is has effective balance equal to at least 3 for example: profit and loss standard process for preparing systems to ensure accurate The consultancy should months of the monthly overhead accounts, balance sheets, client fee proposals. This should and regular client invoicing demonstrate systems and cost. Although this is not debtors, key ratios/indicators include details of how estimates takes place, and that there processes that provide a requirement of CMS, the and benchmarking. This are made of expected time on is a process to chase client appropriate control over the consultancy should be able information should compare the client work, which may include payment within the consultancy management of staff resources demonstrate systems for control actual results with the business for example discussing the work payment terms. The consultancy on client and non-client work. of capital such as: cash flow plan, to track performance involved in advance with the should make available relevant Plus, that there is a process for controls, investment decisions, against the business goals (as proposed team or reviewing information, for example: billing regular review and sharing over/ equity management, and included in 2.4 above), as well past time records on similar and credit control procedures, under-servicing information within currency controls. as including monthly forecasts work. Proposals should either examples of notes on the consultancy so that action of fees by client and profitability be prepared by the senior team, outstanding debts, client credit can be taken where appropriate. 4 for the following 3-6 months. or signed off by them prior to evaluations, aged debtor lists them being sent to the client. and, if applicable, evidence of provision for bad debts. 16 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 17
  • 10. 5 Campaign 5.1 5.2 5.3 selection, approval and of the campaign plan, so that Does the consultancy have an Does the consultancy have Does the consultancy have monitoring to ensure adequate clients’ requirements are met, Management effective system for capturing an effective planning system effective information control? and consistent of service. An and that the consultancy’s client requirements? to ensure delivery to client (up to 10 points) effective system may include reputation is maintained or (up to 10 points) expectation? (up to 10 points) the following: enhanced. The consultancy The consultancy should should identify and agree with • rocesses for evaluation, P From receipt of the client’s The consultancy must have effective systems for the client the most appropriate approval and review (to brief (whether an existing client demonstrate use of planning the identification of critical forms of performance evaluation include credit checking, or a new business enquiry), activities such as: information, for example: such as setting the key professional indemnity the consultancy should have electronic and manual filing, performance indicators, critical • Pre-campaign research insurance etc.) systems in place to capture handling, back-up, retrieval, success factors, milestones and • Campaign planning • Approved lists of suppliers client requirements covering: disposal and security. Critical deliverables. (See 5.1) • llocation and availability A • Performance monitoring information will include: • easons for the client R of appropriate resources: • vidence of partnering and E email/ paper correspondence, Where performance falls short changing consultancy time, competent personnel, building relationships with approvals, photography, logos, of expectations, appropriate • Client’s objectives and budget preferred suppliers. proposals, plans, complaints, corrective action should be • ritical success factors – the C • Development of strategy reports and invoices. identified and taken. Significant key activities necessary to • ommunications processes: C failures should be investigated ensure a successful campaign points of contact, feedback 5.5 fully to identify the root cause, 5 • Key performance indicators on progress and meetings. Does the consultancy monitor 5.4 and system improvement • Milestones and deliverables campaign performance and Does the consultancy ensure activities initiated to prevent • Client approval processes take appropriate actions? the consistent delivery of re-occurrence. Evidence (up to 10 points) services by suppliers? of campaign performance (up to 10 points) monitoring will include: status The consultancy should reports, minutes of internal demonstrate regular campaign The consultancy must meetings, and minutes of performance measurement to demonstrate that its suppliers client meetings. ensure effective implementation go through a process of 18 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 19
  • 11. 6 Client 6.1 The system should indicate • nderstanding the client’s U consultancy, and action points “Ensure that Does the consultancy have the frequency of the review expectation agreed with staff as appropriate. Satisfaction a system to measure client activities, the forms of • eeting the client’s M It is important that results of the client’s satisfaction? (up to 10 points) measurement being used and it should set key performance expectation • Communication with the client the surveys are communicated back to clients, and individual perception The consultancy should indicators for client satisfaction. • Market knowledge feedback may be appropriate of the have a system for measuring • Creativity with particular clients. client satisfaction, which The consultancy must • Strategic thinking consultancy’s document the outputs from its encompasses all clients. This client review system. • Team work service system should be appropriate • Timeliness of delivery 6.4 to the size of consultancy and • Quality of service delivery Does the consultancy matches their the complexities of the client 6.2 • lient’s overall perception of C periodically compare client expectation...” relationships. the service provided satisfaction across accounts? Does the client satisfaction (up to 10 points) The system will typically include measurement address all some of the following activities: elements of the service? 6.3 The consultancy should conduct (up to 10 points) • Regular review meetings Is the client satisfaction regular management reviews • egular informal meeting R measurement implemented of overall client satisfaction In order to ensure that the client’s or lunches effectively? (up to 10 points) performance through the 6 perception of the consultancy’s • ormal annual or six F consultancy. This should be service matches their monthly reviews The consultancy must at least every six months expectation, it is important for • erception surveys/ P demonstrate that client and include trend analysis the consultancy to understand questionnaires satisfaction is measured against of satisfaction levels across all aspects that will impact on • Complaints systems the performance targets set in accounts and account teams. client satisfaction. The client • eviews from other account R 6.1 above, and that actions are It should also address how review system should measure directors within the consultancy taken as a result. Results must effective the system is in the consultancy’s performance be communicated throughout the monitoring client satisfaction. service levels on the following: 20 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 21
  • 12. 7 New Business 7.1 The strategy may also include 7.2 “ he consultancy must be able to T Does the consultancy have a plan for different sectors. Does the consultancy have a strategy for business This will be required when an effective system for the demonstrate an effective process development, to achieve its management of its enquiries goals and objectives? target market sectors requiring different development strategies and sales? (up to 10 points) for the handling and management (up to 10 points) have been identified, e.g. where of all enquiries, proposals, a consultancy has identified that The consultancy must be able The business development it would like to move into to demonstrate an effective credentials meetings, pitches, strategy must be derived a new sector or specialist process for the handling and contracts and sales....” from the goals and objectives service offering. management of all enquiries, outlined in the consultancy’s proposals, credentials meetings, business plan. The strategy will pitches, contracts and sales. An include the following: effective system will include: • arketing plans (to include M • ogging, handling, follow-up L how leads will be generated and closing of all enquiries as well as how additional and proposals work could be obtained from • ssue and signing of the PRCA I existing clients) standard consultancy contract 7 • efined responsibilities D to all new clients with targets • nalysis of successful and lost A • usiness cases, i.e. analysis B credential meetings and pitches of the market or sector • riefings to new business B opportunities agencies and intermediaries • Performance monitoring • anagement of prospect M • ommunication of the C relationships including database strategy to the full team maintenance and periodic review of lost pitches and accounts. 22 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 23
  • 13. 8 People 8.1 8.2 • Human resources The consultancy will on what training is required to Are the processes for selection Is a general induction conducted • Health and safety determine the frequency of meet business needs, rather Management of prospective employees for new employees in their first • Pension and finance issues formal appraisals, but must than what individuals would like determined according to the week of employment – if so, • P RCA Professional Charter demonstrate the occurrence of to be trained in. needs of the position? is it signed when completed and Codes of Conduct appraisals, review of follow-up A training needs analysis will (up to 10 points) by the employee, and are exit • RCA Communications P action and that it feeds into the include a review of tasks and interviews conducted when staff Management Standard consultancy’s recognition and job descriptions and a review of The consultancy should leave. (up to 10 points) reward systems for retention of Where exit interviews are carried existing competencies to assess demonstrate that its recruitment key staff. out, they should be conducted what technical and behavioural is determined on the needs The content of the induction by a person that is independent training is required. of the position. This can be will vary depending on the of their line manager. shown through the use of: position of the new employee 8.4 The consultancy should job descriptions, role profiles, and may include introduction Does the consultancy conduct demonstrate that personal competence analysis, capability to the following: training needs’ analysis, and development plans for individual 8.3 analysis, consultancy values and are personal development plans staff match the consultancy’s • onsultancy background, C Does the consultancy have a training and development plans. prepared based on the training training needs analysis. Effective values and credentials formal appraisal system? needs? (up to 10 points) personal development plans will The employee selection • he make-up of the T (up to 10 points) contain SMART objectives and methods used by the team, with individual line The consultancy should 8 targets for employee training consultancy may include: management and reporting The consultancy should demonstrate that it conducts a and development. structures demonstrate that it has a formal • Review of qualifications needs analysis to identify the • Relevant clients appraisal system which is The consultancy should give • Relevant experience training necessary for specific • nternal systems and I designed to review performance evidence through records of • sychometric/personality P roles within the consultancy. The processes against the personal objectives training delivery for both internal profiling training needs’ analysis should • Client handling system and targets of each member and external training activities. • esting of PR and other T be sufficient to implement the • riteria and methods for C of staff. These objectives and relevant skills business plan at company, team campaign planning, research targets will include both business • Structured interviews and individual levels. It will focus and evaluation and personal development. 24 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 25
  • 14. 8 People Management continued Over the past few years, one PR membership body has taken the NLA to court. Won the Government contract and established PR apprenticeships. Referred around £1m a month in new business to members. Produced a balanced budget every year. Introduced modular qualifications. Provided 8.5 8.6 for the individual, a structured interactive training webinars globally. Established Is training performed in Is best practice followed training plan, as well as exit an Access Commission on diversity in the industry. accordance with personal for flexible working of staff interviews on leaving. The development plans and are and employing interns? consultancy’s website should Published the first PR Census with PR Week. Put the training courses consistent (up to 10 points) include all internship and on hundreds of completely free member events. across the consultancy? graduate recruitment policies. Introduced the designatory letters MPRCA denoting (up to 10 points) Following the recommendations Interns should also be adherence to a Code of Conduct. Maintained an of the PRCA Access independent and accurate Public Affairs Register. paid at least the National The consultancy should Commission, consultancies demonstrate through its training are expected to adhere to Minimum Wage. Partnered with 12 leading universities. Has trebled records that there is evidence certain best practice principles in size. Has led our industry. of the training provided, and for flexible working and that it is in line with personal employing Interns. That organisation is the PRCA. development plans. The auditor The consultancy should be will ask for verification of training activities through written able to demonstrate that best And now you can join us if you’re a consultancy. practice is being followed in Join us if you’re an in-house team. Or join us if proof of attendance, provided these areas, by ensuring there by training providers. are flexible working policies in you’re an individual. The consultancy should place for staff to request: part- demonstrate that there is time work, working from home, Make the right choice. Join the PRCA. consistency of training across and flexibility around paternity the business, especially in and maternity leave. client-facing and people- To join contact: For interns, the consultancy will management areas. be required to demonstrate that T: 020 7233 6026 there is full line management 26 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
  • 15. Redfin Management Redfin Management LLP (Redfin) is a PRCA Three Point business that specialises in advising Quality Promise PR agencies and a range of other marketing communications agencies The PRCA three point training Full Day quality promise: PRCA Member £305+VAT in business management. Non Member £370+VAT 1 he average feedback score given by T Redfin is proud to be involved with the PRCA, and to play an active role in delegates on the course will be publicly Half Day both the auditing of PRCA members, and in the future development of the displayed on the new PRCA training PRCA Member £170+VAT Communications Management Standard. website within 24 hours of completion Non Member £215+VAT 2 f any PRCA trainer scores below 8/10 I Online All Redfin’s auditors have worked within PR agencies, so understand how twice in a year, the trainer’s PRCA PRCA Member £95+VAT they work and the issues they face. Their background covers a variety of approved status will be reviewed Non Member £120+VAT disciplines including business management; account handling, finance and HR. Heather Scales is available to discuss any questions you may 3 e promise to give you a free webinar W Get connected have regarding the Communications Management Standard, she can be course if you are not satisfied by the @PRCAtraining, join contacted on the following: learning outcomes of the training* our growing community and #haveyoursay Heather Scales: Get connected at our new and T 0207 060 0242 improved PRCA Training portal getconnected T: 020 7233 6026 | * ased on the course not meeting the description B on the new PRCA website and training brochure. Applies at time of publication. 28 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
  • 16. A Guide To The We suggest that you first go through “Rate your The purpose of the meeting is to explain how the audit will be carried out and reported, and to answer any questions there might be. You can invite Audit Process the CMS document and the detail consultancy as few or as many people as you want to this meeting. scoring template associated with it. against the It is useful to provide the auditor with a room or desk that they can return This will allow you to rate your consultancy against the criteria. If you are criteria...” to during the audit, to write notes or plan the next interviews. satisfied that your company will meet the criteria, and the pass rate 75% Typically, the day will start with the senior management looking at Business overall, then please contact Heather Scales on either 0207 060 0242 or Planning, Financial Management Systems, Leadership, Business, , who will provide you with a quotation and Improvement, People Management etc. The remainder of the time is spent book a convenient date for the audit. sampling the accounts and clients selected, and sitting with the people and teams involved, usually at their desks as most of the information will be held Preliminary Gap Analysis (optional) on their computers. You can if you wish, opt for a preliminary assessment/gap analysis. This can range from a few hours to a whole day visit by a Redfin auditor to discuss all It would be useful to have ready some of your standard documentation at the elements of the Standard, assess your state of readiness, discuss areas the start of the audit, for example if applicable: of interpretation, and generally answer any questions you may have about the process. This may assist you in your final preparations. It is an optional • The business plan service at additional cost, and Redfin can provide a quotation on request. • Mission and values statement • Business strategy documents not included within the business plan Once you have agreed with the PRCA that you are ready for your first audit, or • M anagement accounts and other regular management information that a renewal audit is due, Redfin will contact your nominated representative including aged debtors and aged creditors and agree a mutually convenient date for the visit. Redfin will agree the date • O rganogram or list of management, and staff structures and responsibilities and time for the audit and all of the details will normally be confirmed in writing • Internal process or ‘ways of working’ documents (including, when appropriate, details of any fees due). The number of audit days • Staff handbook will depend on the size and turnover of the consultancy. • New joiner induction pack • E vidence of regular management and staff meetings, forum and communication On the day/first day of the audit, the auditor will arrive at the agreed time • L ist of current staff, with joining dates and leaving dates over the last 6 months and there will be an opening meeting of approximately 15 minutes duration. • Client list and associated account teams 30 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 31
  • 17. Frequently Asked Q: Q: Q: fully inclusive of all attributable Q: How can we best prepare What help and advice can we How do we arrange an audit expenses. Most audits last for Do we need to prepare a folder/ Questions for the Communications get during the preparation when we think we are ready? half or one day’s duration, but portfolio of evidence? Management Standard audit? phase? larger or multi-site consultancies A: will require more time. A: A: A: Contact Heather Scales at Redfin As mentioned above it would be There is no “off the shelf” solution Redfin are more than happy on 0207 060 0242 or heather. useful if much of the standard to this question. Consultancies to provide assistance and and ask Q: list of information is available adopt different approaches, answer questions or queries for a quotation. A quote will be When will we know the outcome? at the start of the audit. The though in our experience, it during the preparation phase. provided based on the size of auditor will also search and is more effective if someone You can contact Heather the consultancy (by turnover A: ask for the information during owns the project to achieve the Scales on 0207 060 0242 or and number of office sites) and The auditor will write up the the audit however, bearing in Standard and drive it through. at ask you for an indication of report shortly after the audit, mind the question template, it Some consultancies appoint any time and she will provide timescales. Please note that lead and advise the outcome of the would be useful to have to hand “section champions” to take assistance. Alternatively, you times can sometimes be between audit within 5 days. information that you feel may specific sections and review the can opt for a pre-assessment/ 4-6 weeks. be relevant to the audit. For question template to look at how gap analysis. clients/accounts, the auditor the consultancy meets the CMS Q: will sit with the account team criteria. Others have business Q: What is a typical audit and view documents/electronic Q improvement initiatives and How much will it cost? programme for the day? information as necessary. teams looking at this, or organise an away day to brainstorm it. A A: A: lot of what is required will already Redfin and PRCA have agreed You will be contacted prior to the be happening, but may not be as a scale of charges depending audit and a schedule for the day evident or formalised as it might on the size of the consultancy. and timescale for the visit agreed. be, so the task is often not as All quoted prices are subject to Your Redfin auditor will agree daunting as it first appears. VAT at the prevailing rate, but detail of the audit programme in the opening meeting. 32 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES 33
  • 18. Frequently Asked Questions continued Q: How detailed is the financial Q: Who needs to be involved? “t is more I section of the audit? effective if A: A: Senior management, people someone owns The Redfin auditor is both with specific responsibilities for the project trained in the requirements of certain sections (e.g. Financial, CMS and has good experience HR, New Business etc.) and to achieve of working in PR Agencies. They those people involved in the the Standard are expected to ask questions management of the client and review the evidence accounts selected. Other people and drive it presented with a degree of may well be interviewed during through...” financial competency. However the audit but it is unlikely that all the auditor is not necessarily a employees will be involved. fully trained accountant and is therefore expected to use their judgment to decide whether the evidence presented appears to meet the requirements. The finance section of the CMS should not be compared to the requirements of a statutory audit or due-diligence review. 34 PRCA CMS FOR AGENCIES
  • 19. Willow House Willow Place London SW1P 1JH T 020 7233 6026 F 020 7828 4797