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The Resource Management
Maturity Model™
A Guide to Defining and Executing an
Effective Resource Management Strategy

Instantis, Inc.

September 2011

Copyright Instantis, Inc.
Table of Contents

      1. Introduction

      2. Business Drivers and Benefits
         2.1 Business Drivers

         2.2 Benefits

      3. Model Overview
         3.1 Context

         3.2 Levels and Dimensions

         3.3 RIMM Summary View

         3.4 Interpreting and Using the Model

      4. Terminology

      5. Detailed Level Descriptions
         5.1 Level 1 – Work Visibility

         5.2 Level 2 – Controlled Assignment

         5.3 Level 3 – Governed Capacity

         5.4 Level 4 – Schedule-Driven Availability

         5.5 Level 5 – Granular Management

      6. Summary and Key Takeaways

      7. Next Steps

      8. About Instantis

                            Copyright Instantis, Inc.
1. Introduction
The Resource Management Maturity Model™ (RMMM) enables organizations to define and
execute an effective resource management strategy. It accomplishes this by helping
stakeholders better align resource-related information needs with their level of project portfolio
management (PPM) process maturity and technology enablement.

                                            Information Needs


                       Process Maturity                                   Technology

The RMMM identifies a logical progression of resource management process sophistication
which is enumerated as five levels of maturity. Each level of maturity is described along seven
dimensions. Organizations can use the RMMM to ensure they can manage project resources
and capacity at the “just right” level of granularity for their business.

                                      1          2         3          4    5

The RIMM was developed and refined in consultation with resource management practitioners
across multiple industries, internal deployment consultants and industry analysts. As such, it
represents a blend of:

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1) Observations on how organizations actually manage resources based on significant
         anecdotal evidence gathered from direct and indirect exposure to hundreds of resource
         management scenarios, and;

      2) Recommendations for how best to manage resources based on this collective
         experience of successes and failures.

2. Business Drivers and Benefits

2.1     Business Drivers

There were several motivations for developing the RMMM. They include:

      1. Business importance of resource management. Effective resource management is
         vital for most organizations because resources represent a major, if not the primary, cost
         of doing business. As a result, maximizing the return on investment in people is critical to
         achieving strategic business and financial goals.

      2. Track record of resource management initiative failures. Many organizations have
         launched initiatives to improve their resource and capacity management process –
         including implementing resource management software technology – and have failed.
         The root of these failures is a fundamental misalignment between the granularity of the
         level of information needed to make effective decisions (i.e., not too much information;
         not too little information), the maturity of the process associated with the assignment and
         tracking of resources, and the capabilities and the influence of the supporting resource
         management software.

         For example, the software may be designed to enable a resource management process
         that is much more sophisticated than what is required to provide the right level of
         information in a particular organization and it may assume a level of process maturity
         that does not exist. Frequently, this mismatch is not apparent until after the software is

      3. Need for focused guidance. The RMMM fills a void in the PPM shared-knowledge and
         best-practice landscape. While there are several excellent project and portfolio
         management (PPM) maturity models available from high-quality sources – such as
         Gartner, PM Solutions and the Project Management Institute – the scope of these

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models is broader. There is little guidance available that is focused exclusively on
         resource and capacity management issues.

Specifically, most organizations have recurring difficulty in answering some seemingly simple
and other more challenging questions from stakeholders such as:

             •   “What are these resources working on?”
             •   “Why is it so difficult to take on new projects?”
             •   “How come these resources are always overbooked, don’t you control how work
                 gets assigned to resources?”
             •   “Will we have enough available capacity in three months to take on these new
                 important projects?”
             •   “Do we have the right mix of skills to meet project demand?”
             •   “What is the cost of this group of resources for this month on this set of projects?”
             •   “How do I de-prioritize the work already under way to make room for new work?”
             •   “Can you spare this one critical resource for this period – it is really important?”

Guidance is needed in helping organizations focus on identifying and answering the most
important questions consistently and understand how to take measured steps in deploying the
“just right” level of supporting process and technology.

2.2     Benefits

The benefits organizations can expect to realize by adopting the Resource Management
Maturity Model are as follows:

      1. Common Language: Provide resource managers, portfolio managers and business
         executives in project-intensive organizations with a framework and common language
         for communicating about resource management objectives, issues and outcomes.

      2. Roadmap: Deliver a roadmap and a guide for stakeholders that helps them characterize
         their current level of maturity and determine the optimal, aspirational level of maturity.

      3. Clarity: Expose clearly the implications and consequences of aspiring to or operating at
         a particular level of resource management maturity in areas like data gathering and
         reporting requirements, software technology selection, governance infrastructure, and
         resulting business benefits. Note that higher is not necessarily better for all

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4. Software Selection: Prepare stakeholders to make better assessments of PPM
         software options for resource management and choose the solution that is best suited to
         meet current and projected needs.

3. Model Overview

3.1     Context

The RMMM applies to resource-constrained environments including organizations that manage
a handful of resources as well as those that manage hundreds and even thousands of
resources. It is relevant across many industries and different project environments such as IT,
professional services and product development and delivery. However, it is not geared for
schedule/budget constrained environments where resource/capacity is not always an explicit
business driver (e.g., construction projects).

For the purposes of the RMMM, the resource management discipline, at its core, is primarily
concerned with managing the work assignments, time usage and cost of a set of resources.
Work is accomplished via the assignment and completion of project and non-project work,
although the emphasis is on project-oriented work. At the project level, Project Managers (PMs)
create a need to utilize individual resources based on project schedules and required roles and
skills. Line managers or resource managers have control over the supply and assignment of
resources. A governance structure may be put in place to oversee the entire process at the
portfolio and aggregate capacity and demand levels.

Effective resource management enhances project portfolio success by ensuring that projects
are staffed with the right resources (e.g., roles and skills) in a timely manner and that adequate
resources are available to address current needs and future demand. However, project success
depends on a number of other factors which are outside the scope of the RMMM. For example,
the definition and delivery of project goals, individual performance and contribution, scheduling
best practices and risk assessment and mitigation are not addressed by the RMMM.

3.2     Levels and Dimensions

The RMMM consists of five maturity levels. The specific characteristics of each level are
described along seven dimensions.

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The five levels of resource maturity are listed below along with a simplified definition:

 Resource Maturity        Key Defining Characteristic(s):
 Model Level

 Level 1: Work            Organizations have visibility to who is working on what. However,
 Visibility               resources are assigned to work without any control or oversight.

 Level 2: Controlled      A formal resource assignment approval process is introduced. However,
 Assignment               approvals are informed only by resource availability information.

 Level 3: Governed        The focus shifts to capacity management and the introduction of project
 Capacity                 priority considerations requiring more structured governance.

 Level 4: Schedule-       The resource assignment approval and capacity management processes
 driven Assignment        are driven by project schedules at the phase level.

 Level 5: Granular        Full task-level project schedule details are used to drive the resource
 Management               assignment and capacity management processes.

A brief definition of each dimension follows:

 RMMM Dimension           Definition

 Assignment               This is the level of detail at which resources are assigned to work. The
 Granularity              duration may be driven by dates at the project-, phase- or task-level. The
                          utilization may be a constant value or may be time varying for a specified

 Project Roles            This refers to any standardized and distinct roles played by a resource or
                          group of resources on a given project, such as project manager,

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software developer, business analyst, etc. Roles allow the organization
                    to create attributes and policies for a group of resources, such as cost
                    rates, maximum number of assigned projects per role, etc.

Resource Cost       This is the labor cost of a resource that results from a work assignment.
                    Resource cost may refer to planned cost or to actual cost. Cost may be
                    tracked for a time interval or at the project-, phase- and task-level.

Resource Approval   This is the process of approving the assignment of a resource to work at
                    the particular level of assignment granularity. Note: This is a critical
                    dimension of resource management because it has implications for
                    required governance and process complexity.

Capacity Planning   This is the strategic portfolio-level planning process aimed at ensuring
                    that the most important projects are resourced and that resource
                    utilization is optimized within the constraint of aggregate resource
                    capacity. This involves shifting and removing proposed and ongoing
                    projects; adding or removing resources; and then making the necessary
                    resource assignment adjustments to accommodate the higher priority

Governance          This is the decision-making process and organizational body that
                    oversees the resource approval, portfolio prioritization, demand
                    management and capacity planning business processes.

Business Value      This is the key business value that organizations can expect to realize at
                    a given level of maturity.

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The assignment granularity dimension is a key maturity
       level driver. Here is an illustration of the key attributes.

                                                          A resources is assigned a
       Level 1/2                                           fixed/constant utilization
                                                              percentage for the
 50%                                                         duration of the project


       Level 3                                              A resource’s utilization
                                                          can vary within duration of
                                                                  a project


       Level 4                                              A resource’s utilization
                                                          can vary by project phase
                                                           (driven by project WBS)


                                                           A resource’s utilization
       Level 5                                             can vary by individual
                                                          project activity (driven by
50%                                                             project WBS)


                   S                                         E                 t

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3.3 RMMM Summary View

                     Level 1               Level 2                  Level 3                 Level 4               Level 5

                    Work                 Controlled               Governed            Schedule-Driven          Granular
                   Visibility           Assignment                Capacity              Availability          Management
Assignment    Assignment at          Assignment at           Assignment at            Assignment at         Assignment at
Granularity   project level, fixed   project level, fixed    project level,           project schedule,     project schedule,
              %                      %                       possibly non fixed       phase level.          granular activity
                                                             %                                              level
              Non Project work:      Non Project work:                                Non Project work:
              fixed % of capacity    project placeholder     Non Project work:        phases in             Non Project work:
                                                             multiple project         placeholder project   ITSM integration,
                                                             placeholders                                   activities in
                                                                                                            placeholder project
Project       Resources              Resources               Resources                Resources             Role to activity
Roles         assigned as            assigned to             assigned by role         assigned by role      typing with RACI
              Project Manager        differentiated roles;   and skills at project    and skills at phase   model; Training,
              and Team Member        roles properties for    level                    level                 certification
              only                   cost rate etc.                                                         tracking
Resource      Planned cost at        Planned cost at         Also, plan vs.           Planned cost at       Planned cost at
Cost          project level;         project and time        actual comparison,       phase level; Actual   granular activity
              Actual cost from       level; Actual cost      budget constraints       cost from             level; Actual cost
              timesheets at          from timesheets at                               timesheets at         from timesheets at
              project level          project level                                    phase level; EVM      activity level; Full
                                                                                                            EVM; activity level
                                                                                                            budget constraints
Resource      None, ad-hoc, first    Resource Approval       RAW at project           RAW at phase          RAW at all activity
Approval      come first served;     Workflow (RAW) at       level, possibly          level                 levels
              line mgr only          project, proposal       multiple per
                                     level; approval         project; approval
                                     based on                based on priorities
Capacity      None                   Balanced                Resolve availability     Project phase         Resolve availability
Planning                             utilization across      constraints by           schedules drive       constraints by
                                     resources               delaying,                more detailed         delay/shift at
                                                             cancelling               resource              activity level with
                                                             proposals, projects      availability views;   PM involvement
                                                             based on priority        capacity planning
                                                                                      can delay projects
                                                                                      at phase level
Governance    None                   Resource or line        Governance body          Governance body       Governance body
                                     manager; mostly         prioritizes portfolio.   actions rely on up-   actions rely on up-
                                     FIFO demand             Oversees capacity        -to-date project      to-date full project
                                     mgmt                    planning and             phase schedule        schedule
                                                             demand mgmt.             information           information
Business      Who is working on      Controlled and          Higher priority          Enhanced ability to   Maximized ability
Value         what; Over-            balanced resource       projects                 resource excess       to resource excess
              utilization made       utilization,            preferentially           demand with           demand with
              visible                availability.           resourced;               existing capacity     existing capacity
                                                             responsive to
                                                             changing business

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3.4    Interpreting and Using the Model

For a given level of maturity, the characteristics at each dimension (in terms of assignment
complexity, governance, desired business value, etc.) are linked together by the logic of what
successful organizations actually do or should do to achieve their resource management goals.
For example, at Level 1 the absence of Resource Approval implies the absence of a Capacity
Planning and Governance process. At Level 3, a governance body is required to decide project
priorities which, in turn, are a pre-requisite to implement Capacity Planning. As a result, in
general, it is recommended that organizations implement all of the processes and dimensions
associated with each maturity level before pursuing the next level.

However, some organizations may be at one level of maturity along some dimensions while at
other levels of maturity along other dimensions described by the model. And, during the course
of this journey, organizations may continue to operate at different levels of maturity for a given
dimension than suggested by the model. For example, at Level 2, some organizations may be
operating at Level 3 in terms of Assignment Granularity, but are better characterized as Level 2
organization because there is no governance structure.

A key value of the RMMM is in helping organizations expose whether or not these variances
from the best practices represented by the model are:

(1) The result of conscious and valid organizational decisions (based on unique organizational
factors such as corporate culture, industry context or other considerations), or

(2) Symptomatic of issues or areas of dysfunction that need to be addressed. For example, it
makes little sense for an organization to invest heavily in a Capacity Planning process without
putting in place a governance structure that can also perform demand management.

A fundamental tenet of the RMMM is that higher is not necessarily better. Most organizations
will find Level 3 to be the optimal target. Organizations need to be careful before setting their
sights on Level 4 since it entails additional process complexity which may not be justified by the
business benefits. Very few organizations will find Level 5 to be the optimal level at which to
operate simply because of the potentially onerous information and supporting technology
complexity and process maturity demands. Typically, this level of maturity is appropriate for
specific types of resource-intensive scenarios where resource scheduling sophistication is

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Finally, it is important to note that the RMMM makes clear what an organization must do in order
to operate successfully at each level. However, by itself, it can not prescribe the right level of
maturity for your organization. That, of course, depends on a number of case-specific factors
such as industry context, organizational culture, leadership style and technology experience.
The probability of successful implementation of these processes must be the first guide to
selecting the desired level. The target business value at that level must be aligned with the
desired benefits. If not, the organization can take measured steps to implement the process and
organizational changes necessary to get to the next level.

4. Terminology
These are key terms and definitions used in this Model.

 Key Terms                 Definition

 Resource capacity         This is the total time for a given resource that is intended to be managed.
                           The units of capacity are time per duration (e.g., 40 hours per week) or a
                           fraction (e.g., 50%) of an FTE (full-time equivalent). Usually,
                           organizations choose to subtract a fixed fraction of the capacity “off-the-
                           top” for non-project work and choose to track in detail the utilization for
                           project work. For example, a 40 hour per week employee that has 20%
                           of the capacity set aside for non-project work has capacity designated as
                           32 hours per week. As an alternate example, an organization may view
                           the capacity as 40 hours per week and track the utilization for both
                           project work and non-project work in this 40 hour per week capacity.
                           Some organizations may also choose to reduce resource capacity by
                           time not available for non-work such as vacations and holidays.
                           Resource capacity can be aggregated across a group of resources (e.g.,
                           by organization, by role).

 Resource utilization      This is the sum total of a resource’s assignment to work for a given
                           duration. The work includes only project work if the capacity is defined to
                           exclude non-project work as describe above, and vice versa. Utilization
                           has units of time per duration (e.g., hours per day) or a fraction of
                           capacity (e.g., a resource may be used 20 hours per week or 50% of

                                        Copyright Instantis, Inc.
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capacity on a project). Utilization may be specified as an effort that is
                        spread evenly over the given duration (e.g., a resource is used for 100
                        hours for the duration of the project or 20 hours for the duration of a
                        phase of a project). At a further level of detail, the effort specified may be
                        un-even (e.g., a resource is used 10 hours in week 1 and 40 hours in
                        week 4 of a project). The Resource Assignment dimension describes the
                        granularity of the per-project utilization that is typical for each maturity

Resource availability   This is the difference between capacity and utilization for a given
                        duration. This is the time available for a resource to be assigned to more
                        work. Availability has units of time per duration (e.g., hours per week) or
                        fraction of capacity.

Resource demand         This is the incremental potential work assignment for a given duration for
                        a resource driven from proposed projects or incremental work requests
                        associated with on-going projects. Demand may be greater or less than
                        the availability for a given duration.

Activity                This is the generic name for any level of project work identified in a
                        project work breakdown schedule (WBS). The highest level activity of a
                        WBS is referred to here as a phase. Phases may be broken into a series
                        of lower-level activities such as tasks and deliverables.

Resource Approval       This is the process by which a resource is assigned to work for a given
Workflow (RAW)
                        duration. The assignment may be for a proposed project (also known as
                        a proposal) or for incremental work associated with an ongoing project.
                        Broadly, the process has the following workflow:

                        1. Request Parameters: A request is made by the project manager for a
                           resource that contains:

                          a) A start and end date which defines the potential request duration.
                                 Depending on the maturity level along the Resource Assignment
                                 dimension, the duration may be determined by project start and
                                 end dates, or some other significant dates within a project, or tied

                                      Copyright Instantis, Inc.
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to the dates of a specific phase of a project or a specific lower-level
     activity of a project.

  b) The effort (in units of hours/days/weeks, etc.) required from the
     resource in the request duration. The effort may be represented as
     the average percentage of time that that the resource is expected
     to be utilized for the requested duration. The effort may also be
     represented by specific hours, days, or weeks..

  c) The resource request flexibility with regard to (1) a specific
     named individual vs. anyone matching the role and skills
     requirement and (2) availability requirements (e.g., only full-
     duration availability is acceptable).

2. Request Routing: The request is sent to a specific person playing the
   role of resource manager. In many organizations this may simply be
   the resource’s direct line manager. There may be a distinct resource
   manager for a set of roles or a set of resources.

3. Resource Approval/Denial: The resource manager may consult a
   “heat map” of the resource being requested to determine availability
   and additionally may consult project prioritization information. The
   criteria to approve/deny the request depend on the maturity level.
   The response may be a simple “approved/denied” or may have
   nuances such as the ability to provide for partial approval or a hard
   versus soft commitment.

4. Project Manager Next Steps: If the request is approved, the project
   manager then proceeds to use the resource as desired for project
   execution. If the request is denied, the project manager may have
   various actions available to them depending on maturity level.

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5. Detailed Level Descriptions

5.1   Level 1 – Work Visibility

Most organizations struggle with answering even the most basic question: “What are my people
working on?” At Level 1, this “Work Visibility” is the desired outcome. At this level, the first step
is to make a comprehensive list of the projects under way in the organization. Then, an
association is made between resources and projects. This exercise also usually reveals that
resource time is consumed by work outside of projects, often called “keep the lights on work”.
Non-project work is treated as simply a fixed fraction that is removed from the resource’s
capacity for project-work.

The minimal expectation is that projects have a planned start and end date and the per-project
utilization is a constant percentage for the duration of the project. If the project dates are
accurate and kept up to date, it is possible to create a reasonably complete, if not granular,
picture of the aggregate utilization of the resources. Since resource costs are known, it is also
possible to know the planned resource costs by project. There is also usually an interest in
knowing the actual costs and this is captured using time sheets which record actual time spent
by a resource on a project.

                          Here’s an illustration of assignment over-utilization risk
                          at Level 1
                                                                                        Resources are assigned a
             Demand for Resource A                                                       fixed/constant utilization
                          100%                                                               percentage for the
                                                                                           duration of the project
                                                                            Project 3
            Utilization   50%
            (%)                   Project 1
                                                     Project 2

                                 S1             S2               E1    S3         E2            E3
                                                                                           At this level process
                                                                                          maturity (assignment
             Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A                                     granularity) there is a risk
                          100%                                                              of resource over-

            Utilization   50%


                                 S1             S2               E1    S3         E2            E3                     time

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A key defining characteristic of operating at Level 1 is that there is no formal and transparent
process by which resource assignment to projects is controlled. Resources are assigned to
projects ad hoc or simply by the line-manager’s approval instead taking a holistic view of all the
resources. This can result in over-booking and potentially “burning out” a given resource (see
illustration above). This can also result in projects not being successful because the resources
assigned to them in reality have no available time to work on the project. Likewise, it is also
possible to under-utilize certain resources while over-utilizing others.

Maturity Model        Level 1:
Dimension             Work Visibility Description

Assignment            • A simple (but complete) list of projects with all associated resources is
Granularity             created.
                      • A resource’s utilization is assumed to be a constant percentage for the
                        duration of the project (i.e., from project start to end date).
                      • Non-project work is modeled as a non-time-varying percentage of each
                        resource’s capacity which may vary by resource.

Project Roles         • Role specificity is minimal. Only project managers are identified.

Resource Cost         • Only aggregate resource costs are planned.
                      • Allocation of planned costs to projects is possible.
                      • Timesheets are in place to capture actual costs of resources by project.

Resource              • There is no resource approval process.

Capacity              • There is no capacity planning process.

Governance            • There is no governance structure.

Business Value        • Answers “who is working on what”. Simple resource utilization and
                        availability “heat maps” are possible that can help identify at-risk
                        projects, resource burnout situations, cost reduction opportunities or
                        availability to take on more projects.

Next Level When:

The organization decides to pursue the next level when there is a desire to pro-actively manage
the utilization of resources. Specifically, there is a recognized need to better balance work

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between available resources and to avoid burn-out or project risks associated with and
inadequate resourcing process. The creation of a Resource Approval process is the key enabler
in progressing to the next level of maturity.

5.2   Level 2 – Controlled Assignment

Resource Approval is the critical dimension at Level 2. Specifically, the introduction of a process
by which resources are assigned to projects (i.e., a resource approval workflow or RAW) drives
the organization to mature its resource management process along several of the other
dimensions. A resource approval process eliminates the ad hoc nature by which resources are
associated with projects at Level 1.

For the newly introduced resource approval workflow (RAW), the level of assignment granularity
of the request is simply at the project level. This means that each request includes a start and
end date of the project and a fixed average percentage utilization over the duration of the
project. The resource manager performs approvals by consulting a heat map indicating the
availability for each resource and providing approvals only when the demand is less than the
availability. Some organizations may choose to define availability policies that resource
managers are expected to follow (e.g., a resource’s availability should never be less than 10%).

                                 At Level 2 the Resource Approval Workflow (RAW)
                                 ensures that Resource A is not over-utilized
             Demand for Resource A

                                                                            Project 3
            Utilization   50%
            (%)                    Project 1
                                                      Project 2

                                  S1            S2       E1            S3         E2            E3

                                                                                          At Level 2, the RM can
             Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A                                     disapprove the request of
                          100%                                                                Resource A for
                                                                                        assignment to Project 3 to
                                                                                         avoid the over-utilization
            Utilization   50%


                                  S1            S2       E1                       E2                                  time

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At Level 2, note that the resource manager is approving/denying resource requests based on
the viewpoint of the resource availability without considering project priority. As a result,
resources can be consumed working on lower priority projects and there is no formal process to
redirect a previously assigned resource to a higher priority project. Also, a resource manager
that is considering multiple simultaneous requests for the same resource does not have the
objective, unbiased information needed to make a decision based on business value or priority.
This leads to resource approval being driven by “squeaky wheels”, personal favors and other
dubious factors rather than important considerations like strategic alignment.

 Maturity Model       Level 2
 Dimension            Controlled Assignment Description

 Assignment           • Resources are assigned at the project level and start and end dates of
 Granularity            projects are managed with rigor.
                      • The per-project utilization is specified as a fixed percentage for the
                        project duration.

 Project Roles        • A project team is defined consisting of specific roles and attributes (e.g.,
                        cost rates, standard percentage utilization per project).
                      • Standard project team templates by project type may exist.

 Resource Cost        • The organization is able to track planned resource costs by time and
                      • Actual costs are based on timesheets at the project level.
                      • There is no control of actual costs based on budgeted (planned) costs.

 Resource             • A RAW process is used to assign resources to projects only after a
 Approval               formal request is approved.
                      • The resource manager approves or denies requests based on availability
                        of the requested resource or resource type (i.e. matching role, skill set).
                      • Project priority is not considered; requests may be approved on a first-
                        come first-served basis.

 Capacity             • Existing aggregate-capacity total (by role, by resource) and aggregate
 Planning               utilization are visible and evenly balanced with relatively few instances of
                      • There is no assurance that resources are being utilized on the highest
                        business-value projects.
                      • There is no easy way accommodate new resource demands from higher
                        value projects by de-prioritizing in-fight projects.

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Governance             • There is no governance structure to manage relative project priorities.

 Business Value         • The RAW process ensures that resources are not over/under-utilized,
                          existing capacity is actively managed to a desired availability and that
                          work is evenly distributed across the resources.
                        • It becomes clear if new demand can be resourced from existing
                          availability or if additional resources are needed.

Next Level When:

At Level 2 an organization reaches a pain threshold and is compelled to mature to the next level
as a result of the inability to:

Focus on projects with greatest business impact

Dynamically respond to changing business priorities

Fulfill new demand by re-prioritizing existing projects instead of simply adding new resources

5.3   Level 3 – Governed Capacity

At Level 3 the critical dimension that comes into play is a governance structure that prioritizes
projects and thereby prioritizes existing resource utilization versus new resource demand. The
governance organization or steering committee may be referred to as the “Resource
Governance Committee” or “Portfolio Governance Committee” or go by other names. The
Committee is represented by stakeholders from both the demand side (projects ideas, requests
and proposals) and the supply side (resources), and the line of business executives who are
ultimately responsible for the success of the project portfolio. This structure, coupled with the
previously discussed RAW process, results in the ability to implement a “governed” capacity
planning process.

The prioritization process involves determining (1) the relative priority between existing projects
and new proposals and (2) the relative priority between multiple projects running concurrently. A
few key elements of prioritization include setting up and standardizing assessment criteria in
high level categories like benefits, financial costs and risks. Benefits criteria may include, for
example, strategic alignment, financial return and customer satisfaction. Cost may have sub-
elements like project costs and opportunity costs. Risks might be financial, implementation or
market related. Project proposals are scored using consistent criteria and approvals are made

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through a comparative assessment. New proposals for projects must follow a resource approval
workflow process (RAW), but at Level 3 the resource requests can be more effectively managed
by the resource managers based on the project prioritization information.

                    Level 3 introduces a governance structure which considers
                    project priority when approving project plans
                                                                                           This is the aggregate
                    Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A                                demand for resource A
                                                                                          showing a period over-
                                                                                              utilization which
                                                       Project 2                            represents a risk to
                                                                              Project 3            project 3
                                  Project 1


                                 S1               S2               E1    S3         E2        E3                time

                  Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A after Governance action
             Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A                                       At Level 3 governance
                                                                                            can cancel Project 2
                                                                                          and approve Project 3.
                                                                                           This action removes a
                                                                                          resource-related risk to
            Resource                                                                          Project 3 which
            Utilization   50%
            (%)                                                                               governance has
                                                                                             prioritized highest

                                 S1               S2               E1    S3         E2        E3                time

At Level 3 a governance committee oversees the capacity planning process. It has full visibility
to aggregate utilization from existing projects and the incremental demand from new proposals
relative to aggregate capacity. This visibility should include a line-of-sight to any sub-set of
projects of interest and to any sub-set of roles and resources of interest. Based on priority and
resource availability information, the governance body has the ability to dynamically launch,
suspend, delay and cancel projects in order to balance capacity with demand in the most
impactful way to the organization. This is an ongoing and iterative process that reacts to
prioritization changes as business conditions dictate. Software technology should be used to
provide decision support using dynamic “what-if” scenario planning that allows examination of
the resource availability implications of different prioritization decisions. The committee also
decides whether the capacity of resources available for a particular role needs to be adjusted
upward or downward.

Level 3 represents the sweet spot of resource management maturity for most organizations
because it provides significant benefits in terms of enabling organizations to better align
resources with strategic priorities in the immediate term and over the course of a planning

                                                  Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                                         Page 18
horizon. At the same time, assigning resources at the project level of granularity (as opposed to
a lower level), avoids many of the pitfalls associated with Level 4 and Level 5 resource
management which drive resource management from the project work breakdown schedule.

 Maturity Model      Level 3
 Dimension           Governed Capacity Description

 Assignment          • Resources are still assigned at the project level.
                     • Project start and end dates are managed with rigor because these points
                       bound resource assignments.
                     • Per-project resource utilization within projects can be adjusted upward or
                       downward (i.e., not necessarily constant from start to end date).
                     • Non-project work may be planned using placeholder projects and multiple
                       start/end-date intervals with variable percentage utilization.
                     • It is possible to integrate systems that track non-project work to better
                       inform utilization calculations.

 Project Roles       • RAW process considers resource skills, capabilities, and training to fulfill
                       resource requests.

 Resource Cost       • Planned resource costs by time and project can be tracked.
                     • Thus, total costs and per-resource costs can be computed for each
                       project, for a project portfolio and for a given duration.
                     • Actual costs are computed from timesheets at the project level.
                     • The governance committee may institute a process to ensure that actual
                       resource costs do not exceed planned costs.

 Resource            • The RAW process is not limited to a single request for the entire project
 Approval              duration.
                     • Multiple separate requests/approvals, each with different start/end dates
                       and percentage utilization is possible.
                     • The resource manager approves or denies requests based on availability
                       of individual requested or suitable alternative (e.g., matching skill set,
                       location, cost rate, etc.).
                     • The resource manager can decide between competing resource requests
                       based on the clearly defined project priorities.
                     • The PM may use the additional assignment granularity detail to request
                       the resource for only part of the project duration.
                     • Alternately, the PM may appeal to the governance committee to invoke a
                       capacity planning exercise.

                                     Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                            Page 19
Capacity              • Existing aggregate capacity (by role and by resource) and the aggregate
 Planning                utilization is visible.
                       • Utilization is greater on higher-priority projects with the most business
                       • Higher priority new demand is resourced ahead of lower priority new
                       • If new demand exceeds availability, it is possible to fulfill this demand by
                         re-prioritizing, delaying or cancelling existing projects without adding
                       • “What-if” scenarios can be used to simulate the impact of re-prioritizing,
                         delaying, and cancelling projects.

 Governance            • A governance structure oversees demand management, proposal and
                         project prioritization and capacity planning.

 Business Value        •   Organizations are better prepared to support business strategic
                           objectives now and within the planning horizon based on ability to free up
                           resource capacity to accommodate higher priority projects now, as well
                           as anticipate resource demand.

Next Level When:

Level 4 should be aspired to by organizations that have specific needs for understanding the
project schedule driven resource utilization and these needs outweigh the issues with process
and data complexity.

5.4   Level 4 – Schedule-Driven Availability

The critical element of the transition from a Level 3 to a Level 4 organization is the use of the
project schedule to drive project resource utilization. This occurs when simple average
utilization of a resource over a project’s duration is deemed to be too coarse a measure of
utilization. It is quite possible that certain resources are needed more in certain phases of a
project. For example, in a software development project, business analysts may be needed
more during a requirements phase while QA resources may be needed more intensively during
a testing phase.

At Level 4 project resources are assigned using high-level (e.g., phase-level) activity information
delineated in the projects WBS. Each phase has an associated utilization that results from the
phase start date, phase end date, and percent of capacity spent on the phase or total effort on

                                        Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                               Page 20
the phase. The summation of these attribute values over all the phases is aggregated to arrive
at the resource utilization for a given project.

                 At Level 4 phase-level demand info can lead to
                 better resource utilization and assignment decisions
             Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A (Level 1,2,3)                      Here we are at Level 1,2,3
                  100%                                                                      resource demand
                                                                                        information which shows
                                                                                       an over-utilization period.
                                                                           Project 3
                              Project 1
                                               Project 2

                         S1                  S2            E1         S3        E2      E3                   time

                                                                                        At Level 4, Phase level
             Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A                                    detail for Project 2 allows
                                                                                       us to fit Project 2 demand
                                                                                           into Resource A’s
                                                                                       schedule w/out canceling
                                                                                                 Project 2



An organization may choose to be at Level 4 when this greater detail is meaningful and can
have a material impact on the capacity planning decisions. For example, Project 1 utilizes a
resource for 40 hours during a month and there appears to be an over-utilization in week 4 due
to new demand from Project 2 for the same resource for 40 hours in week 4. However, it turns
out that -- based on a phase-based assignment in Project 1 -- the utilization is entirely in week
1. Therefore, week 4 is not used by Project 1 and Project 2’s request can be approved. Thus,
the extra detail eliminated a “false-positive” over-utilization situation.

A second benefit is that it is possible for the capacity planning process to operate at the phase
level of a project rather than at the project level. In the above example, an alternate resolution
for the over-utilization may be that the particular phase of Project 2 that needs the resource in
week 4 is delayed, not the project as a whole. This phase delay may have no eventual impact
on the project’s business impact whereas delaying the entire project may not be acceptable.

Another benefit of WBS-driven resource management starting at Level 4 is that non-project
work items can also be tracked at a corresponding level of granularity concurrently with project
work. A placeholder project for non-project work can be created with each placeholder activity

                                                  Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                                         Page 21
corresponding to each work item and representing its duration and effort. This enables a unified
view of the detailed project and non-project work items that consume the time of each resource.

It is important to note that this places an incremental but significant burden on the project
managers to accurately maintain and update their phase dates, to accurately assign individual
resources to the relevant phases and to accurately provide utilization requirements by phase.
For example, a portfolio of 100 projects, with 5 phases per project, and 5 resources per phase,
requires that a total of 7,500 pieces of information (100x5x5x3) be kept up to date and accurate.
If the organization does not possess adequate process maturity, the dependent capacity
planning and governance processes will be driven from a mass of unreliable underlying

A key challenge at Level 4 is that potential conflicts can result because the time horizons of the
strategic capacity planning process are mismatched with the day-to-day changes made by
project managers at the phase level. For example, the governance committee might meet and
decide that there is a severe resource shortage during a particular timeframe and decide to re-
assign resources, delay or cancel projects to relieve this shortage. It may then turn out that the
project manager coincidentally re-arranges the project schedule, freeing up resources that
appeared to governance to be in critical short supply, but the governance committee is not able
to react to this information until it meets at a later time.

 Maturity Model        Level 4
 Dimension             Schedule-driven Availability Description

 Assignment            • Resources are assigned at the phase level in the project WBS.
                       • The per-project resource utilization is an aggregate of the underlying
                         per-phase utilization.
                       • Per-phase utilization attributes are phase start date, phase end date,
                         percentage utilization or phase level effort.
                       • Non-project work may be planned using placeholder projects with each
                         representing an item of non-project work.

 Project Roles         • Roles and resource skills are used during project phase assignments.

 Resource Cost         • Resource costs are planned at the phase level.
                       • Each phase has a total resource cost based on the WBS level
                       • Phase level costs are totaled to determine project costs.

                                         Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                                Page 22
• Actual costs are derived from timesheets and actual time spent on each
                        phase can be tracked.
                      • Additional processes may be used to control actual costs at a per-phase
                        level to be limited to the planned costs.
                      • Earned Value Management is possible.

 Resource             • The RAW process is performed at the phase level.
                      • Each assignment to a phase must be approved through the RAW
                        process along with the phase-level dates and percentage or effort
                      • Approvals are informed by resource availability and project priority.

 Capacity             • Aggregate utilization is the summation of all the project phase-level
 Planning               resource utilization rates from individual projects.
                      • Underlying data for all projects and phase schedule changes must be
                        timely and accurately estimated to enable effective capacity planning.

 Governance           • A governance structure oversees portfolio management processes such
                        as demand management, project/proposal prioritization and capacity
                      • There is a potentially undesirable interplay between the project
                        managers’ level of detail and granularity and the high-level governance
                        committee strategic viewpoint.

 Business Value       • It may be possible to accommodate incremental demand with the same
                        set of resources as a result of more detailed phase-level information.
                      • This greater detail may be vital in particular project-intensive and highly
                        resource-constrained scenarios (e.g., can maximize billing rates in
                        services delivery organizations).

Next Level When:

Organizations aspire to Level 5 when an even greater level of project schedule detail is deemed
necessary to perform effective resource management.

5.5   Level 5 – Granular Management

At Level 5, resource management and capacity planning is driven by the complete and full
levels of WBS activity detail. Each activity has an associated utilization that results from the
activity start date, activity end date, and percent of capacity spent on the activity or total effort

                                        Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                               Page 23
on the activity. The summation of these attribute values over all the phases is aggregated to
arrive at the resource utilization for a given project.

This may be necessary when the phase level information about resource utilization is too coarse
and full project schedule detail is necessary and meaningful to the business. Another benefit of
is that non-project work items can be tracked at fuller detail with a placeholder activity
corresponding to each work item and representing its duration and effort. This enables a unified
view of the detailed project and non-project work items that consume the time of each resource.

This places a very significant burden on the project managers to accurately maintain and update
their activity dates, to accurately assign individual resources to the relevant activities and to
accurately provide utilization requirements by activity.

For example, a portfolio of 100 projects, with 30 activities per project, and 2 resources per
activity, requires that a total of 18,000 pieces of information (100x30x2x3) be kept up to date
and accurate. For most organizations, it is extremely difficult to accurately maintain this amount
of information. As a result, most organizations that attempt to operate at this level fail under the
weight and burden of additional process complexity (unless the number of projects and
resources is small).

Many resource management software solutions require organizations to supply this granular
detail to feed the higher level capacity planning and governance processes. This is a key reason
why these software implementations are not successful.

 Maturity Model        Level 5
 Dimension             Granular Management Description

 Assignment            • The complete WBS activity detail feeds into the per-project utilization.
                       • Non-project considers information derived from IT service management
                         system integration (e.g., trouble tickets) and granular non-project work
                         item visibility.

 Project Roles         • The RACI model (Responsible-Accountable-Consulted-Informed) may
                         be used to further classify the types of activity-resources assignments.
                       • This may have implications for activity-resource demand. For example,
                         resources designated as “responsible” for a project activity assignment
                         may trigger a level of resource (time/effort) utilization while a resource
                         designated as “informed” may not.

                                        Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                               Page 24
Resource Cost    • Resource costs are planned at the detailed resource-activity level.
                 • Each activity has a total resource cost based on the WBS level
                   assignment and the activity level costs are totaled to determine project
                 • RACI may be used to further specify different cost rates based on
                   assignment type.
                 • Actual costs are derived from timesheets and actual time spent on each
                   activity can be tracked.
                 • Additional processes may exist to control actual costs at a per-activity
                   level limited to the planned costs or a specified not-to-exceed planned

Resource         • Resource approvals are performed at the individual activity level and are
Approval           informed by resource availability and project priority.

Capacity         • The aggregate utilization is driven by a summation of all the project
Planning           activity-level resource utilization.
                 • The underlying data for all projects on all phase schedule changes must
                   be accurately estimated and timely to enable effective capacity

Governance       • The governance process and body needs to be prepared to react to
                   more dynamic and constantly changing project schedule details.

Business Value   • It may be possible to accommodate even more demand with the same
                   set of resources because of the more detailed activity level information.

                                 Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                        Page 25
6. Summary and Key Takeaways
Here are the key conclusions:

   •   The level “Assignment Granularity” detail is the key model driver. The level of granularity
       an organization chooses to plan and track effort largely drives where it should be along
       other maturity model dimensions.

   •   There is a “chasm” between maturity levels 3 and 4. Many organizations pre-maturely
       rush to Level 4 -- which includes activity-level effort roll ups -- and fail.

   •   For most organizations, Level 3 is the sweet spot to strive for providing “just right”
       process sophistication given the level of information needed by the business to make
       effective resource-related decisions.

   •   Systems should be configured to align with the level of process maturity and not
       encourage IT organizations to bite off more functionality than they can chew.

                  RMMM Pictorial Summary
             RMMM Pictorial Summary
             At Level 1 there is a                        Level 2 introduces a resource
             uncontrolled resource grab                   approval workflow

             At Level 3 a governance body                 Level 4,5 considers project
             considers project priority                   activity-level demand

                                       Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                              Page 26
7. Next Steps

   •   Assess your own company’s level of existing process maturity and see where it fits in the
       Maturity Model. You may do this internally by benchmarking with other companies or
       with the help of a consulting firm.

   •   Examine the business benefits at your company’s maturity level.

   •   If the additional business benefits of going to the next level are important, perform a gap
       analysis and identify what critical “dimensions” need to progress at your level of maturity.

   •   Communicate the findings to others in your company and get buy-in to fix the gaps.

   •   Lay out a roadmap of how your company should get to the next level and work towards
       getting there.

   •   Contact Instantis if you need software technology help with your resource and capacity
       management initiative.

8. About Instantis
Instantis, Inc. is a leading SaaS-based provider of Enterprise Project & Portfolio Management
(EPPM) software used by business process and IT leaders to improve strategy execution and
financial performance. Leading global corporations like Abbott, DuPont, France Telecom, Lilly,
National Grid and Xerox rely on a single system called EnterpriseTrack to fulfill the distinctive
requirements of their strategic project portfolios such as IT, PMO, product development, Lean
Six Sigma and sustainability. EnterpriseTrack features comprehensive resource and capacity
management functionality that can be configured to support organizations needs across the
spectrum of resource information needs and process maturity levels.

                                      Copyright Instantis, Inc.
                                             Page 27

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Instantis resource management maturity model (white paper)

  • 1. The Resource Management Maturity Model™ A Guide to Defining and Executing an Effective Resource Management Strategy Instantis, Inc. September 2011 Copyright Instantis, Inc.
  • 2. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Business Drivers and Benefits 2.1 Business Drivers 2.2 Benefits 3. Model Overview 3.1 Context 3.2 Levels and Dimensions 3.3 RIMM Summary View 3.4 Interpreting and Using the Model 4. Terminology 5. Detailed Level Descriptions 5.1 Level 1 – Work Visibility 5.2 Level 2 – Controlled Assignment 5.3 Level 3 – Governed Capacity 5.4 Level 4 – Schedule-Driven Availability 5.5 Level 5 – Granular Management 6. Summary and Key Takeaways 7. Next Steps 8. About Instantis Copyright Instantis, Inc.
  • 3. 1. Introduction The Resource Management Maturity Model™ (RMMM) enables organizations to define and execute an effective resource management strategy. It accomplishes this by helping stakeholders better align resource-related information needs with their level of project portfolio management (PPM) process maturity and technology enablement. Information Needs Optimized Resource Deployment Process Maturity Technology The RMMM identifies a logical progression of resource management process sophistication which is enumerated as five levels of maturity. Each level of maturity is described along seven dimensions. Organizations can use the RMMM to ensure they can manage project resources and capacity at the “just right” level of granularity for their business. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The RIMM was developed and refined in consultation with resource management practitioners across multiple industries, internal deployment consultants and industry analysts. As such, it represents a blend of: Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 1
  • 4. 1) Observations on how organizations actually manage resources based on significant anecdotal evidence gathered from direct and indirect exposure to hundreds of resource management scenarios, and; 2) Recommendations for how best to manage resources based on this collective experience of successes and failures. 2. Business Drivers and Benefits 2.1 Business Drivers There were several motivations for developing the RMMM. They include: 1. Business importance of resource management. Effective resource management is vital for most organizations because resources represent a major, if not the primary, cost of doing business. As a result, maximizing the return on investment in people is critical to achieving strategic business and financial goals. 2. Track record of resource management initiative failures. Many organizations have launched initiatives to improve their resource and capacity management process – including implementing resource management software technology – and have failed. The root of these failures is a fundamental misalignment between the granularity of the level of information needed to make effective decisions (i.e., not too much information; not too little information), the maturity of the process associated with the assignment and tracking of resources, and the capabilities and the influence of the supporting resource management software. For example, the software may be designed to enable a resource management process that is much more sophisticated than what is required to provide the right level of information in a particular organization and it may assume a level of process maturity that does not exist. Frequently, this mismatch is not apparent until after the software is implemented. 3. Need for focused guidance. The RMMM fills a void in the PPM shared-knowledge and best-practice landscape. While there are several excellent project and portfolio management (PPM) maturity models available from high-quality sources – such as Gartner, PM Solutions and the Project Management Institute – the scope of these Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 2
  • 5. models is broader. There is little guidance available that is focused exclusively on resource and capacity management issues. Specifically, most organizations have recurring difficulty in answering some seemingly simple and other more challenging questions from stakeholders such as: • “What are these resources working on?” • “Why is it so difficult to take on new projects?” • “How come these resources are always overbooked, don’t you control how work gets assigned to resources?” • “Will we have enough available capacity in three months to take on these new important projects?” • “Do we have the right mix of skills to meet project demand?” • “What is the cost of this group of resources for this month on this set of projects?” • “How do I de-prioritize the work already under way to make room for new work?” • “Can you spare this one critical resource for this period – it is really important?” Guidance is needed in helping organizations focus on identifying and answering the most important questions consistently and understand how to take measured steps in deploying the “just right” level of supporting process and technology. 2.2 Benefits The benefits organizations can expect to realize by adopting the Resource Management Maturity Model are as follows: 1. Common Language: Provide resource managers, portfolio managers and business executives in project-intensive organizations with a framework and common language for communicating about resource management objectives, issues and outcomes. 2. Roadmap: Deliver a roadmap and a guide for stakeholders that helps them characterize their current level of maturity and determine the optimal, aspirational level of maturity. 3. Clarity: Expose clearly the implications and consequences of aspiring to or operating at a particular level of resource management maturity in areas like data gathering and reporting requirements, software technology selection, governance infrastructure, and resulting business benefits. Note that higher is not necessarily better for all organizations. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 3
  • 6. 4. Software Selection: Prepare stakeholders to make better assessments of PPM software options for resource management and choose the solution that is best suited to meet current and projected needs. 3. Model Overview 3.1 Context The RMMM applies to resource-constrained environments including organizations that manage a handful of resources as well as those that manage hundreds and even thousands of resources. It is relevant across many industries and different project environments such as IT, professional services and product development and delivery. However, it is not geared for schedule/budget constrained environments where resource/capacity is not always an explicit business driver (e.g., construction projects). For the purposes of the RMMM, the resource management discipline, at its core, is primarily concerned with managing the work assignments, time usage and cost of a set of resources. Work is accomplished via the assignment and completion of project and non-project work, although the emphasis is on project-oriented work. At the project level, Project Managers (PMs) create a need to utilize individual resources based on project schedules and required roles and skills. Line managers or resource managers have control over the supply and assignment of resources. A governance structure may be put in place to oversee the entire process at the portfolio and aggregate capacity and demand levels. Effective resource management enhances project portfolio success by ensuring that projects are staffed with the right resources (e.g., roles and skills) in a timely manner and that adequate resources are available to address current needs and future demand. However, project success depends on a number of other factors which are outside the scope of the RMMM. For example, the definition and delivery of project goals, individual performance and contribution, scheduling best practices and risk assessment and mitigation are not addressed by the RMMM. 3.2 Levels and Dimensions The RMMM consists of five maturity levels. The specific characteristics of each level are described along seven dimensions. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 4
  • 7. The five levels of resource maturity are listed below along with a simplified definition: Resource Maturity Key Defining Characteristic(s): Model Level Level 1: Work Organizations have visibility to who is working on what. However, Visibility resources are assigned to work without any control or oversight. Level 2: Controlled A formal resource assignment approval process is introduced. However, Assignment approvals are informed only by resource availability information. Level 3: Governed The focus shifts to capacity management and the introduction of project Capacity priority considerations requiring more structured governance. Level 4: Schedule- The resource assignment approval and capacity management processes driven Assignment are driven by project schedules at the phase level. Level 5: Granular Full task-level project schedule details are used to drive the resource Management assignment and capacity management processes. A brief definition of each dimension follows: RMMM Dimension Definition Names Assignment This is the level of detail at which resources are assigned to work. The Granularity duration may be driven by dates at the project-, phase- or task-level. The utilization may be a constant value or may be time varying for a specified duration. Project Roles This refers to any standardized and distinct roles played by a resource or group of resources on a given project, such as project manager, Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 5
  • 8. software developer, business analyst, etc. Roles allow the organization to create attributes and policies for a group of resources, such as cost rates, maximum number of assigned projects per role, etc. Resource Cost This is the labor cost of a resource that results from a work assignment. Resource cost may refer to planned cost or to actual cost. Cost may be tracked for a time interval or at the project-, phase- and task-level. Resource Approval This is the process of approving the assignment of a resource to work at the particular level of assignment granularity. Note: This is a critical dimension of resource management because it has implications for required governance and process complexity. Capacity Planning This is the strategic portfolio-level planning process aimed at ensuring that the most important projects are resourced and that resource utilization is optimized within the constraint of aggregate resource capacity. This involves shifting and removing proposed and ongoing projects; adding or removing resources; and then making the necessary resource assignment adjustments to accommodate the higher priority projects. Governance This is the decision-making process and organizational body that oversees the resource approval, portfolio prioritization, demand management and capacity planning business processes. Business Value This is the key business value that organizations can expect to realize at a given level of maturity. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 6
  • 9. The assignment granularity dimension is a key maturity level driver. Here is an illustration of the key attributes. 100% A resources is assigned a Level 1/2 fixed/constant utilization percentage for the 50% duration of the project 0% 100% Level 3 A resource’s utilization can vary within duration of 50% a project 0% 100% Level 4 A resource’s utilization can vary by project phase 50% (driven by project WBS) 0% 100% A resource’s utilization Level 5 can vary by individual project activity (driven by 50% project WBS) 0% S E t Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 7
  • 10. 3.3 RMMM Summary View Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Work Controlled Governed Schedule-Driven Granular Visibility Assignment Capacity Availability Management Assignment Assignment at Assignment at Assignment at Assignment at Assignment at Granularity project level, fixed project level, fixed project level, project schedule, project schedule, % % possibly non fixed phase level. granular activity % level Non Project work: Non Project work: Non Project work: fixed % of capacity project placeholder Non Project work: phases in Non Project work: multiple project placeholder project ITSM integration, placeholders activities in placeholder project Project Resources Resources Resources Resources Role to activity Roles assigned as assigned to assigned by role assigned by role typing with RACI Project Manager differentiated roles; and skills at project and skills at phase model; Training, and Team Member roles properties for level level certification only cost rate etc. tracking Resource Planned cost at Planned cost at Also, plan vs. Planned cost at Planned cost at Cost project level; project and time actual comparison, phase level; Actual granular activity Actual cost from level; Actual cost budget constraints cost from level; Actual cost timesheets at from timesheets at timesheets at from timesheets at project level project level phase level; EVM activity level; Full EVM; activity level budget constraints Resource None, ad-hoc, first Resource Approval RAW at project RAW at phase RAW at all activity Approval come first served; Workflow (RAW) at level, possibly level levels line mgr only project, proposal multiple per level; approval project; approval based on based on priorities availability Capacity None Balanced Resolve availability Project phase Resolve availability Planning utilization across constraints by schedules drive constraints by resources delaying, more detailed delay/shift at cancelling resource activity level with proposals, projects availability views; PM involvement based on priority capacity planning can delay projects at phase level Governance None Resource or line Governance body Governance body Governance body manager; mostly prioritizes portfolio. actions rely on up- actions rely on up- FIFO demand Oversees capacity -to-date project to-date full project mgmt planning and phase schedule schedule demand mgmt. information information Business Who is working on Controlled and Higher priority Enhanced ability to Maximized ability Value what; Over- balanced resource projects resource excess to resource excess utilization made utilization, preferentially demand with demand with visible availability. resourced; existing capacity existing capacity resourcing responsive to changing business priorities Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 8
  • 11. 3.4 Interpreting and Using the Model For a given level of maturity, the characteristics at each dimension (in terms of assignment complexity, governance, desired business value, etc.) are linked together by the logic of what successful organizations actually do or should do to achieve their resource management goals. For example, at Level 1 the absence of Resource Approval implies the absence of a Capacity Planning and Governance process. At Level 3, a governance body is required to decide project priorities which, in turn, are a pre-requisite to implement Capacity Planning. As a result, in general, it is recommended that organizations implement all of the processes and dimensions associated with each maturity level before pursuing the next level. However, some organizations may be at one level of maturity along some dimensions while at other levels of maturity along other dimensions described by the model. And, during the course of this journey, organizations may continue to operate at different levels of maturity for a given dimension than suggested by the model. For example, at Level 2, some organizations may be operating at Level 3 in terms of Assignment Granularity, but are better characterized as Level 2 organization because there is no governance structure. A key value of the RMMM is in helping organizations expose whether or not these variances from the best practices represented by the model are: (1) The result of conscious and valid organizational decisions (based on unique organizational factors such as corporate culture, industry context or other considerations), or (2) Symptomatic of issues or areas of dysfunction that need to be addressed. For example, it makes little sense for an organization to invest heavily in a Capacity Planning process without putting in place a governance structure that can also perform demand management. A fundamental tenet of the RMMM is that higher is not necessarily better. Most organizations will find Level 3 to be the optimal target. Organizations need to be careful before setting their sights on Level 4 since it entails additional process complexity which may not be justified by the business benefits. Very few organizations will find Level 5 to be the optimal level at which to operate simply because of the potentially onerous information and supporting technology complexity and process maturity demands. Typically, this level of maturity is appropriate for specific types of resource-intensive scenarios where resource scheduling sophistication is critical. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 9
  • 12. Finally, it is important to note that the RMMM makes clear what an organization must do in order to operate successfully at each level. However, by itself, it can not prescribe the right level of maturity for your organization. That, of course, depends on a number of case-specific factors such as industry context, organizational culture, leadership style and technology experience. The probability of successful implementation of these processes must be the first guide to selecting the desired level. The target business value at that level must be aligned with the desired benefits. If not, the organization can take measured steps to implement the process and organizational changes necessary to get to the next level. 4. Terminology These are key terms and definitions used in this Model. Key Terms Definition Resource capacity This is the total time for a given resource that is intended to be managed. The units of capacity are time per duration (e.g., 40 hours per week) or a fraction (e.g., 50%) of an FTE (full-time equivalent). Usually, organizations choose to subtract a fixed fraction of the capacity “off-the- top” for non-project work and choose to track in detail the utilization for project work. For example, a 40 hour per week employee that has 20% of the capacity set aside for non-project work has capacity designated as 32 hours per week. As an alternate example, an organization may view the capacity as 40 hours per week and track the utilization for both project work and non-project work in this 40 hour per week capacity. Some organizations may also choose to reduce resource capacity by time not available for non-work such as vacations and holidays. Resource capacity can be aggregated across a group of resources (e.g., by organization, by role). Resource utilization This is the sum total of a resource’s assignment to work for a given duration. The work includes only project work if the capacity is defined to exclude non-project work as describe above, and vice versa. Utilization has units of time per duration (e.g., hours per day) or a fraction of capacity (e.g., a resource may be used 20 hours per week or 50% of Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 10
  • 13. capacity on a project). Utilization may be specified as an effort that is spread evenly over the given duration (e.g., a resource is used for 100 hours for the duration of the project or 20 hours for the duration of a phase of a project). At a further level of detail, the effort specified may be un-even (e.g., a resource is used 10 hours in week 1 and 40 hours in week 4 of a project). The Resource Assignment dimension describes the granularity of the per-project utilization that is typical for each maturity level. Resource availability This is the difference between capacity and utilization for a given duration. This is the time available for a resource to be assigned to more work. Availability has units of time per duration (e.g., hours per week) or fraction of capacity. Resource demand This is the incremental potential work assignment for a given duration for a resource driven from proposed projects or incremental work requests associated with on-going projects. Demand may be greater or less than the availability for a given duration. Activity This is the generic name for any level of project work identified in a project work breakdown schedule (WBS). The highest level activity of a WBS is referred to here as a phase. Phases may be broken into a series of lower-level activities such as tasks and deliverables. Resource Approval This is the process by which a resource is assigned to work for a given Workflow (RAW) duration. The assignment may be for a proposed project (also known as a proposal) or for incremental work associated with an ongoing project. Broadly, the process has the following workflow: 1. Request Parameters: A request is made by the project manager for a resource that contains: a) A start and end date which defines the potential request duration. Depending on the maturity level along the Resource Assignment dimension, the duration may be determined by project start and end dates, or some other significant dates within a project, or tied Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 11
  • 14. to the dates of a specific phase of a project or a specific lower-level activity of a project. b) The effort (in units of hours/days/weeks, etc.) required from the resource in the request duration. The effort may be represented as the average percentage of time that that the resource is expected to be utilized for the requested duration. The effort may also be represented by specific hours, days, or weeks.. c) The resource request flexibility with regard to (1) a specific named individual vs. anyone matching the role and skills requirement and (2) availability requirements (e.g., only full- duration availability is acceptable). 2. Request Routing: The request is sent to a specific person playing the role of resource manager. In many organizations this may simply be the resource’s direct line manager. There may be a distinct resource manager for a set of roles or a set of resources. 3. Resource Approval/Denial: The resource manager may consult a “heat map” of the resource being requested to determine availability and additionally may consult project prioritization information. The criteria to approve/deny the request depend on the maturity level. The response may be a simple “approved/denied” or may have nuances such as the ability to provide for partial approval or a hard versus soft commitment. 4. Project Manager Next Steps: If the request is approved, the project manager then proceeds to use the resource as desired for project execution. If the request is denied, the project manager may have various actions available to them depending on maturity level. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 12
  • 15. 5. Detailed Level Descriptions 5.1 Level 1 – Work Visibility Most organizations struggle with answering even the most basic question: “What are my people working on?” At Level 1, this “Work Visibility” is the desired outcome. At this level, the first step is to make a comprehensive list of the projects under way in the organization. Then, an association is made between resources and projects. This exercise also usually reveals that resource time is consumed by work outside of projects, often called “keep the lights on work”. Non-project work is treated as simply a fixed fraction that is removed from the resource’s capacity for project-work. The minimal expectation is that projects have a planned start and end date and the per-project utilization is a constant percentage for the duration of the project. If the project dates are accurate and kept up to date, it is possible to create a reasonably complete, if not granular, picture of the aggregate utilization of the resources. Since resource costs are known, it is also possible to know the planned resource costs by project. There is also usually an interest in knowing the actual costs and this is captured using time sheets which record actual time spent by a resource on a project. Here’s an illustration of assignment over-utilization risk at Level 1 Resources are assigned a Demand for Resource A fixed/constant utilization 100% percentage for the duration of the project 75% Project 3 Resource Utilization 50% (%) Project 1 Project 2 25% time S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 At this level process maturity (assignment Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A granularity) there is a risk 100% of resource over- utilization. 75% Resource Utilization 50% (%) 25% S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 time Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 13
  • 16. A key defining characteristic of operating at Level 1 is that there is no formal and transparent process by which resource assignment to projects is controlled. Resources are assigned to projects ad hoc or simply by the line-manager’s approval instead taking a holistic view of all the resources. This can result in over-booking and potentially “burning out” a given resource (see illustration above). This can also result in projects not being successful because the resources assigned to them in reality have no available time to work on the project. Likewise, it is also possible to under-utilize certain resources while over-utilizing others. Maturity Model Level 1: Dimension Work Visibility Description Assignment • A simple (but complete) list of projects with all associated resources is Granularity created. • A resource’s utilization is assumed to be a constant percentage for the duration of the project (i.e., from project start to end date). • Non-project work is modeled as a non-time-varying percentage of each resource’s capacity which may vary by resource. Project Roles • Role specificity is minimal. Only project managers are identified. Resource Cost • Only aggregate resource costs are planned. • Allocation of planned costs to projects is possible. • Timesheets are in place to capture actual costs of resources by project. Resource • There is no resource approval process. Approval Capacity • There is no capacity planning process. Planning Governance • There is no governance structure. Business Value • Answers “who is working on what”. Simple resource utilization and availability “heat maps” are possible that can help identify at-risk projects, resource burnout situations, cost reduction opportunities or availability to take on more projects. Next Level When: The organization decides to pursue the next level when there is a desire to pro-actively manage the utilization of resources. Specifically, there is a recognized need to better balance work Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 14
  • 17. between available resources and to avoid burn-out or project risks associated with and inadequate resourcing process. The creation of a Resource Approval process is the key enabler in progressing to the next level of maturity. 5.2 Level 2 – Controlled Assignment Resource Approval is the critical dimension at Level 2. Specifically, the introduction of a process by which resources are assigned to projects (i.e., a resource approval workflow or RAW) drives the organization to mature its resource management process along several of the other dimensions. A resource approval process eliminates the ad hoc nature by which resources are associated with projects at Level 1. For the newly introduced resource approval workflow (RAW), the level of assignment granularity of the request is simply at the project level. This means that each request includes a start and end date of the project and a fixed average percentage utilization over the duration of the project. The resource manager performs approvals by consulting a heat map indicating the availability for each resource and providing approvals only when the demand is less than the availability. Some organizations may choose to define availability policies that resource managers are expected to follow (e.g., a resource’s availability should never be less than 10%). At Level 2 the Resource Approval Workflow (RAW) ensures that Resource A is not over-utilized Demand for Resource A 100% 75% Project 3 Resource Utilization 50% (%) Project 1 Project 2 25% time S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 At Level 2, the RM can Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A disapprove the request of 100% Resource A for assignment to Project 3 to 75% avoid the over-utilization scenario Resource Utilization 50% (%) 25% S1 S2 E1 E2 time Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 15
  • 18. At Level 2, note that the resource manager is approving/denying resource requests based on the viewpoint of the resource availability without considering project priority. As a result, resources can be consumed working on lower priority projects and there is no formal process to redirect a previously assigned resource to a higher priority project. Also, a resource manager that is considering multiple simultaneous requests for the same resource does not have the objective, unbiased information needed to make a decision based on business value or priority. This leads to resource approval being driven by “squeaky wheels”, personal favors and other dubious factors rather than important considerations like strategic alignment. Maturity Model Level 2 Dimension Controlled Assignment Description Assignment • Resources are assigned at the project level and start and end dates of Granularity projects are managed with rigor. • The per-project utilization is specified as a fixed percentage for the project duration. Project Roles • A project team is defined consisting of specific roles and attributes (e.g., cost rates, standard percentage utilization per project). • Standard project team templates by project type may exist. Resource Cost • The organization is able to track planned resource costs by time and project. • Actual costs are based on timesheets at the project level. • There is no control of actual costs based on budgeted (planned) costs. Resource • A RAW process is used to assign resources to projects only after a Approval formal request is approved. • The resource manager approves or denies requests based on availability of the requested resource or resource type (i.e. matching role, skill set). • Project priority is not considered; requests may be approved on a first- come first-served basis. Capacity • Existing aggregate-capacity total (by role, by resource) and aggregate Planning utilization are visible and evenly balanced with relatively few instances of over-/under-utilization. • There is no assurance that resources are being utilized on the highest business-value projects. • There is no easy way accommodate new resource demands from higher value projects by de-prioritizing in-fight projects. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 16
  • 19. Governance • There is no governance structure to manage relative project priorities. Business Value • The RAW process ensures that resources are not over/under-utilized, existing capacity is actively managed to a desired availability and that work is evenly distributed across the resources. • It becomes clear if new demand can be resourced from existing availability or if additional resources are needed. Next Level When: At Level 2 an organization reaches a pain threshold and is compelled to mature to the next level as a result of the inability to: Focus on projects with greatest business impact Dynamically respond to changing business priorities Fulfill new demand by re-prioritizing existing projects instead of simply adding new resources 5.3 Level 3 – Governed Capacity At Level 3 the critical dimension that comes into play is a governance structure that prioritizes projects and thereby prioritizes existing resource utilization versus new resource demand. The governance organization or steering committee may be referred to as the “Resource Governance Committee” or “Portfolio Governance Committee” or go by other names. The Committee is represented by stakeholders from both the demand side (projects ideas, requests and proposals) and the supply side (resources), and the line of business executives who are ultimately responsible for the success of the project portfolio. This structure, coupled with the previously discussed RAW process, results in the ability to implement a “governed” capacity planning process. The prioritization process involves determining (1) the relative priority between existing projects and new proposals and (2) the relative priority between multiple projects running concurrently. A few key elements of prioritization include setting up and standardizing assessment criteria in high level categories like benefits, financial costs and risks. Benefits criteria may include, for example, strategic alignment, financial return and customer satisfaction. Cost may have sub- elements like project costs and opportunity costs. Risks might be financial, implementation or market related. Project proposals are scored using consistent criteria and approvals are made Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 17
  • 20. through a comparative assessment. New proposals for projects must follow a resource approval workflow process (RAW), but at Level 3 the resource requests can be more effectively managed by the resource managers based on the project prioritization information. Level 3 introduces a governance structure which considers project priority when approving project plans This is the aggregate Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A demand for resource A 100% showing a period over- utilization which 75% Project 2 represents a risk to Project 3 project 3 50% Project 1 25% S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 time Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A after Governance action Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A At Level 3 governance 100% can cancel Project 2 and approve Project 3. 75% This action removes a resource-related risk to Resource Project 3 which Utilization 50% (%) governance has 25% prioritized highest S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 time At Level 3 a governance committee oversees the capacity planning process. It has full visibility to aggregate utilization from existing projects and the incremental demand from new proposals relative to aggregate capacity. This visibility should include a line-of-sight to any sub-set of projects of interest and to any sub-set of roles and resources of interest. Based on priority and resource availability information, the governance body has the ability to dynamically launch, suspend, delay and cancel projects in order to balance capacity with demand in the most impactful way to the organization. This is an ongoing and iterative process that reacts to prioritization changes as business conditions dictate. Software technology should be used to provide decision support using dynamic “what-if” scenario planning that allows examination of the resource availability implications of different prioritization decisions. The committee also decides whether the capacity of resources available for a particular role needs to be adjusted upward or downward. Level 3 represents the sweet spot of resource management maturity for most organizations because it provides significant benefits in terms of enabling organizations to better align resources with strategic priorities in the immediate term and over the course of a planning Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 18
  • 21. horizon. At the same time, assigning resources at the project level of granularity (as opposed to a lower level), avoids many of the pitfalls associated with Level 4 and Level 5 resource management which drive resource management from the project work breakdown schedule. Maturity Model Level 3 Dimension Governed Capacity Description Assignment • Resources are still assigned at the project level. Granularity • Project start and end dates are managed with rigor because these points bound resource assignments. • Per-project resource utilization within projects can be adjusted upward or downward (i.e., not necessarily constant from start to end date). • Non-project work may be planned using placeholder projects and multiple start/end-date intervals with variable percentage utilization. • It is possible to integrate systems that track non-project work to better inform utilization calculations. Project Roles • RAW process considers resource skills, capabilities, and training to fulfill resource requests. Resource Cost • Planned resource costs by time and project can be tracked. • Thus, total costs and per-resource costs can be computed for each project, for a project portfolio and for a given duration. • Actual costs are computed from timesheets at the project level. • The governance committee may institute a process to ensure that actual resource costs do not exceed planned costs. Resource • The RAW process is not limited to a single request for the entire project Approval duration. • Multiple separate requests/approvals, each with different start/end dates and percentage utilization is possible. • The resource manager approves or denies requests based on availability of individual requested or suitable alternative (e.g., matching skill set, location, cost rate, etc.). • The resource manager can decide between competing resource requests based on the clearly defined project priorities. • The PM may use the additional assignment granularity detail to request the resource for only part of the project duration. • Alternately, the PM may appeal to the governance committee to invoke a capacity planning exercise. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 19
  • 22. Capacity • Existing aggregate capacity (by role and by resource) and the aggregate Planning utilization is visible. • Utilization is greater on higher-priority projects with the most business impact. • Higher priority new demand is resourced ahead of lower priority new demand. • If new demand exceeds availability, it is possible to fulfill this demand by re-prioritizing, delaying or cancelling existing projects without adding resources. • “What-if” scenarios can be used to simulate the impact of re-prioritizing, delaying, and cancelling projects. Governance • A governance structure oversees demand management, proposal and project prioritization and capacity planning. Business Value • Organizations are better prepared to support business strategic objectives now and within the planning horizon based on ability to free up resource capacity to accommodate higher priority projects now, as well as anticipate resource demand. Next Level When: Level 4 should be aspired to by organizations that have specific needs for understanding the project schedule driven resource utilization and these needs outweigh the issues with process and data complexity. 5.4 Level 4 – Schedule-Driven Availability The critical element of the transition from a Level 3 to a Level 4 organization is the use of the project schedule to drive project resource utilization. This occurs when simple average utilization of a resource over a project’s duration is deemed to be too coarse a measure of utilization. It is quite possible that certain resources are needed more in certain phases of a project. For example, in a software development project, business analysts may be needed more during a requirements phase while QA resources may be needed more intensively during a testing phase. At Level 4 project resources are assigned using high-level (e.g., phase-level) activity information delineated in the projects WBS. Each phase has an associated utilization that results from the phase start date, phase end date, and percent of capacity spent on the phase or total effort on Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 20
  • 23. the phase. The summation of these attribute values over all the phases is aggregated to arrive at the resource utilization for a given project. At Level 4 phase-level demand info can lead to better resource utilization and assignment decisions Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A (Level 1,2,3) Here we are at Level 1,2,3 100% resource demand information which shows an over-utilization period. 75% Project 3 50% Project 1 25% Project 2 S1 S2 E1 S3 E2 E3 time At Level 4, Phase level Aggregate % Utilization for Resource A detail for Project 2 allows 100% us to fit Project 2 demand into Resource A’s schedule w/out canceling 75% Project 2 50% 25% An organization may choose to be at Level 4 when this greater detail is meaningful and can have a material impact on the capacity planning decisions. For example, Project 1 utilizes a resource for 40 hours during a month and there appears to be an over-utilization in week 4 due to new demand from Project 2 for the same resource for 40 hours in week 4. However, it turns out that -- based on a phase-based assignment in Project 1 -- the utilization is entirely in week 1. Therefore, week 4 is not used by Project 1 and Project 2’s request can be approved. Thus, the extra detail eliminated a “false-positive” over-utilization situation. A second benefit is that it is possible for the capacity planning process to operate at the phase level of a project rather than at the project level. In the above example, an alternate resolution for the over-utilization may be that the particular phase of Project 2 that needs the resource in week 4 is delayed, not the project as a whole. This phase delay may have no eventual impact on the project’s business impact whereas delaying the entire project may not be acceptable. Another benefit of WBS-driven resource management starting at Level 4 is that non-project work items can also be tracked at a corresponding level of granularity concurrently with project work. A placeholder project for non-project work can be created with each placeholder activity Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 21
  • 24. corresponding to each work item and representing its duration and effort. This enables a unified view of the detailed project and non-project work items that consume the time of each resource. It is important to note that this places an incremental but significant burden on the project managers to accurately maintain and update their phase dates, to accurately assign individual resources to the relevant phases and to accurately provide utilization requirements by phase. For example, a portfolio of 100 projects, with 5 phases per project, and 5 resources per phase, requires that a total of 7,500 pieces of information (100x5x5x3) be kept up to date and accurate. If the organization does not possess adequate process maturity, the dependent capacity planning and governance processes will be driven from a mass of unreliable underlying information. A key challenge at Level 4 is that potential conflicts can result because the time horizons of the strategic capacity planning process are mismatched with the day-to-day changes made by project managers at the phase level. For example, the governance committee might meet and decide that there is a severe resource shortage during a particular timeframe and decide to re- assign resources, delay or cancel projects to relieve this shortage. It may then turn out that the project manager coincidentally re-arranges the project schedule, freeing up resources that appeared to governance to be in critical short supply, but the governance committee is not able to react to this information until it meets at a later time. Maturity Model Level 4 Dimension Schedule-driven Availability Description Assignment • Resources are assigned at the phase level in the project WBS. Granularity • The per-project resource utilization is an aggregate of the underlying per-phase utilization. • Per-phase utilization attributes are phase start date, phase end date, percentage utilization or phase level effort. • Non-project work may be planned using placeholder projects with each representing an item of non-project work. Project Roles • Roles and resource skills are used during project phase assignments. Resource Cost • Resource costs are planned at the phase level. • Each phase has a total resource cost based on the WBS level assignment • Phase level costs are totaled to determine project costs. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 22
  • 25. • Actual costs are derived from timesheets and actual time spent on each phase can be tracked. • Additional processes may be used to control actual costs at a per-phase level to be limited to the planned costs. • Earned Value Management is possible. Resource • The RAW process is performed at the phase level. Approval • Each assignment to a phase must be approved through the RAW process along with the phase-level dates and percentage or effort information. • Approvals are informed by resource availability and project priority. Capacity • Aggregate utilization is the summation of all the project phase-level Planning resource utilization rates from individual projects. • Underlying data for all projects and phase schedule changes must be timely and accurately estimated to enable effective capacity planning. Governance • A governance structure oversees portfolio management processes such as demand management, project/proposal prioritization and capacity planning. • There is a potentially undesirable interplay between the project managers’ level of detail and granularity and the high-level governance committee strategic viewpoint. Business Value • It may be possible to accommodate incremental demand with the same set of resources as a result of more detailed phase-level information. • This greater detail may be vital in particular project-intensive and highly resource-constrained scenarios (e.g., can maximize billing rates in services delivery organizations). Next Level When: Organizations aspire to Level 5 when an even greater level of project schedule detail is deemed necessary to perform effective resource management. 5.5 Level 5 – Granular Management At Level 5, resource management and capacity planning is driven by the complete and full levels of WBS activity detail. Each activity has an associated utilization that results from the activity start date, activity end date, and percent of capacity spent on the activity or total effort Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 23
  • 26. on the activity. The summation of these attribute values over all the phases is aggregated to arrive at the resource utilization for a given project. This may be necessary when the phase level information about resource utilization is too coarse and full project schedule detail is necessary and meaningful to the business. Another benefit of is that non-project work items can be tracked at fuller detail with a placeholder activity corresponding to each work item and representing its duration and effort. This enables a unified view of the detailed project and non-project work items that consume the time of each resource. This places a very significant burden on the project managers to accurately maintain and update their activity dates, to accurately assign individual resources to the relevant activities and to accurately provide utilization requirements by activity. For example, a portfolio of 100 projects, with 30 activities per project, and 2 resources per activity, requires that a total of 18,000 pieces of information (100x30x2x3) be kept up to date and accurate. For most organizations, it is extremely difficult to accurately maintain this amount of information. As a result, most organizations that attempt to operate at this level fail under the weight and burden of additional process complexity (unless the number of projects and resources is small). Many resource management software solutions require organizations to supply this granular detail to feed the higher level capacity planning and governance processes. This is a key reason why these software implementations are not successful. Maturity Model Level 5 Dimension Granular Management Description Assignment • The complete WBS activity detail feeds into the per-project utilization. Granularity • Non-project considers information derived from IT service management system integration (e.g., trouble tickets) and granular non-project work item visibility. Project Roles • The RACI model (Responsible-Accountable-Consulted-Informed) may be used to further classify the types of activity-resources assignments. • This may have implications for activity-resource demand. For example, resources designated as “responsible” for a project activity assignment may trigger a level of resource (time/effort) utilization while a resource designated as “informed” may not. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 24
  • 27. Resource Cost • Resource costs are planned at the detailed resource-activity level. • Each activity has a total resource cost based on the WBS level assignment and the activity level costs are totaled to determine project costs. • RACI may be used to further specify different cost rates based on assignment type. • Actual costs are derived from timesheets and actual time spent on each activity can be tracked. • Additional processes may exist to control actual costs at a per-activity level limited to the planned costs or a specified not-to-exceed planned cost. Resource • Resource approvals are performed at the individual activity level and are Approval informed by resource availability and project priority. Capacity • The aggregate utilization is driven by a summation of all the project Planning activity-level resource utilization. • The underlying data for all projects on all phase schedule changes must be accurately estimated and timely to enable effective capacity planning. Governance • The governance process and body needs to be prepared to react to more dynamic and constantly changing project schedule details. Business Value • It may be possible to accommodate even more demand with the same set of resources because of the more detailed activity level information. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 25
  • 28. 6. Summary and Key Takeaways Here are the key conclusions: • The level “Assignment Granularity” detail is the key model driver. The level of granularity an organization chooses to plan and track effort largely drives where it should be along other maturity model dimensions. • There is a “chasm” between maturity levels 3 and 4. Many organizations pre-maturely rush to Level 4 -- which includes activity-level effort roll ups -- and fail. • For most organizations, Level 3 is the sweet spot to strive for providing “just right” process sophistication given the level of information needed by the business to make effective resource-related decisions. • Systems should be configured to align with the level of process maturity and not encourage IT organizations to bite off more functionality than they can chew. RMMM Pictorial Summary RMMM Pictorial Summary At Level 1 there is a Level 2 introduces a resource uncontrolled resource grab approval workflow At Level 3 a governance body Level 4,5 considers project considers project priority activity-level demand Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 26
  • 29. 7. Next Steps • Assess your own company’s level of existing process maturity and see where it fits in the Maturity Model. You may do this internally by benchmarking with other companies or with the help of a consulting firm. • Examine the business benefits at your company’s maturity level. • If the additional business benefits of going to the next level are important, perform a gap analysis and identify what critical “dimensions” need to progress at your level of maturity. • Communicate the findings to others in your company and get buy-in to fix the gaps. • Lay out a roadmap of how your company should get to the next level and work towards getting there. • Contact Instantis if you need software technology help with your resource and capacity management initiative. 8. About Instantis Instantis, Inc. is a leading SaaS-based provider of Enterprise Project & Portfolio Management (EPPM) software used by business process and IT leaders to improve strategy execution and financial performance. Leading global corporations like Abbott, DuPont, France Telecom, Lilly, National Grid and Xerox rely on a single system called EnterpriseTrack to fulfill the distinctive requirements of their strategic project portfolios such as IT, PMO, product development, Lean Six Sigma and sustainability. EnterpriseTrack features comprehensive resource and capacity management functionality that can be configured to support organizations needs across the spectrum of resource information needs and process maturity levels. Copyright Instantis, Inc. Page 27