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 At the end of the lesson the students should be
able to:
 A. identify the various elements, techniques, and
literary devices in poetry)
 B. determine specific forms and conventions of
 C. use selected elements of poetry in short
 D. explore innovative techniques in writing
Creative writing aims to develop practical and creative skills in
reading and writing especially to Humanities and Social Sciences
learner like you. Here you will be introduced to the fundamental
techniques of writing fiction, poetry and drama.
 As a Senior High learner, it is assumed that you are already well-
equipped with backgrounds on the use of imagery, diction, and
figures of speech in a written text.
 In this lesson, you will tackle the language used in creative
writing. The information and activities in this learning material
will not only equip you manipulate literary devices in
expressing your thoughts and reflections; but also, help you
play with words; therefore, making your writing more appealing
to the readers.
What do we expect?
 As the name suggests, creative writing is a form of writing that goes
beyond the traditional realms of normal, professional, academic or
technical forms of writing.
 Instead, it encompasses a number of different genres and styles across
a whole range of fields of both fictional and non-fiction writing;
storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose, journalistic, and more.
 Though the definition can be quite vague, creative writing can, for the
most part, be considered as any type of writing that is original and
expressive of oneself. Typically, it can be identified by an emphasis
on narrative craft, focusing on elements such as character
development, narrative and plot, infusing its structure with
imagination, invention and story.
 In this sense, creative writing can technically be considered any
writing of contemporary, original composition – it’s bound by no
standard conventions and uses a whole range of elements in its craft.
What is creative
Beginning with the modernist aesthetic revolution,
poetry has continuously shown a stubborn resolve to
respond to social, political and cultural shifts and crises
with technical innovation. Such innovativeness speaks
of the resilience of poetry, as genre, as it refuses to
succumb to various announcements of its death or
cultural irrelevance.
Tips on How To Write Poetry
Writing poems may sometimes be too expressive.
There are times also that you need to consider certain
rules which makes it sound too technical. With this,
you as a writer need to communicate well with your
reader. Below are some of the innovative techniques on
writing poetry:
 Know your goal. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you
get there? You need to know what you are trying to accomplish
before you begin any project. Writing a poem is no exception.
 Avoid clichés. A work full of clichés is like a plate of old food:
unappetizing. Clichés dull meaning. Because clichéd writing
sounds so familiar, people can complete finish whole lines without
even reading them.
 Avoid Sentimentality. When readers have the feeling that emotions
like rage or indignation have been pushed artificially for their own
sake, they will not take the poem seriously.
 Use images. Poetry should stimulate six senses: Sight, Hearing,
Smell, Touch, Taste, and Motion
 Use Metaphor and Simile. Use metaphor and simile to bring
imagery and concrete words into your writing.
 Use concrete words instead of abstract words. Concrete
words describe things that people experience with their senses like
orange, warm, cat and others. Abstract words refer to concepts or
feelings like liberty, happy, love and the likes.
 Communicate Theme. Poetry has a theme. Theme is not just a topic,
but an idea with an opinion. This also sows what the poet thinks
about a given event. The poet must strive to show the reader his/her
theme during the entire poem, making use of literary techniques.
 Subvert the ordinary. Poets’ strength is the ability to see what other
people see every day in a new way. You don’t have to be special or a
literary genius to write good poems–all you have to do is take an
ordinary object, place, person, or idea, and come up with a new
perception of it.
 Rhyme with extreme caution. Rhyme and meter (the pattern of stressed
and unstressed words) can be dangerous if used the wrong way.
Remember sing-song nursery rhymes? If you choose a rhyme scheme
that makes your poem sound sing-song, it will detract from the quality
of your poem.
 Revise, revise, revise. The first completed draft of your poem is only the
beginning. Poets often go through several drafts of a poem before
considering the work “done.”
 Tricks with language. Repeating a word or phrase to emphasize its
importance/ create a regular rhythm.
 Use personification. Describe an object/idea as though it were alive.
Giving it human qualities.
 Use the idea of “contrast”. The poets place 2 very different things side by
side to emphasize something important towards the subject.
 Use symbolism. It is a word that becomes a sign of something other than
simply itself. This is a powerful device because it encourages the reader
to read deeper layers of meaning into the poem.
 Ambiguity. This is where words/ sentences have more than one
meaning/ are open to numerous interpretations.
“Fill Me In”
 Conventional poetry is often called the “traditional poetry”.
This follows certain format like the usage of meter, which is a
regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that forms a
beat like in music. It often uses rhyme as well.
 Forms of Conventional Poetry
 The forms of conventional poetry are different in format,
rhyme scheme and subject matter. We will focus on the four (4)
forms namely: Tanaga, Diona, Haiku and Sonnet.
 Tanaga is an indigenous type of Filipino poem, which is used
traditionally in the Tagalog language. This uses four (4) lines,
each line having seven (7) syllables only. The art exemplifies
teachings, idioms, feelings and ways of life. It contains many
figures of speech. It is traditionally do not have any titles,
however modern poet opt to give one. This is a kind of
rhymed poem usually follows AABB or AAAA rhyme
scheme. This poem follows a syllabic rhythmic pattern.
 Example:
 “Palay”
by Ildefonso Santos
Palay siyang matino,
Nang humangi’y yumuko;
Ngunit muling tumayo
Nagkabunga ng ginto.
 Diona is another indigenous type of Filipino poem. It is
popular during the pre-Hispanic period. It has been labeled
by some Filipino literary enthusiast as the Pinoy Haiku. This
poem is consisting of three (3) lines with seven (7) syllables
in each line that all rhyme with one another. It often
expresses ways of life and native culture. Like Tanaga, this
poem follows a syllabic rhythmic pattern.
Ang payong ko’y si inay
Kapote ko si itay
Sa maulan kong buhay.
- Raymond Pambit
Haiku is a traditional Japanese fixed poetic form.
One of the most famous practitioners of the haiku is
Matsou Basho. It is composed of three (3) non-
rhyming lines. The first and third lines have five(5)
syllables each and the second line has seven (7)
syllables. It often expresses feelings and thoughts
about nature; however, you could write a poem
about any subject that you would like to in this
form. This is a kind of unrhymed poem that doesn’t
follow any specific rhythmic pattern.
The Old Pond by Matsuo Basho
An old silent pond
A frog jumps into the pond,
Splash! Silence again.
 Sonnet is a single-stanza lyric poem containing fourteen lines.
In some formulations, the first eight (8) lines (octave) pose a
question or dilemma that is resolved in the final six (6) lines
(sestet). It often expresses romantic love. There are three (3)
predominant sonnet forms.
 Italian or Petrarchan sonnet: Developed by the Italian poet
Petrarch, this sonnet is divided into an octave with the rhyme
scheme ABBAABBA or ABBACDDC and a sestet with the
rhyme scheme CDECDE or CDCCDC.
 Shakespearean sonnet: Also called the English son net or
Elizabethan sonnet, this poetic form, which Shakespeare made
famous, contains three quatrains and a final couplet. The
rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.
 Spenserian sonnet: A variant that the poet Edmund Spenser
developed from the Shakespearean sonnet. The Spenserian
sonnet has the rhyme scheme ABAB BCBCCDCD EE.
 Meter: This is a kind of rhymed poem written in iambic
pentameter. An iamb is a rhythmic unit that includes an
unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. It has the rhythm
bah-BAH, as in the words "about," or "predict," or "parade." Iambic
pentameter is a line of poetry consisting of five iambs.
 Example
 Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare
 (A)My Mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
 (B) Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
 (A)If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
 (B) If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
 (C )I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
 (D) But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
 (C) And in some perfumes is there more delight
 (D) There in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
 (E) I love to hear her speak; yet well I know
 (F) That music hath a far more pleasing sound
 (E) I grant I never saw a goddess go;
 (F) My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground
 (G) Any yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
 (G) As any she belied with false compare.
Iamb Consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a
Trochee Consists of a stressed syllable followed by an
Dactyl Consists of a stressed syllable followed by two
Anapest Consists of Two (2) unstressed syllables followed
by astressed syllable
Spondee Consists of two (2) successive syllables with strong
 Free verse is a literary device that can be defined as poetry that
is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and does not
rhyme with fixed forms. Such poems are without rhythm and
rhyme schemes, do not follow regular rhyme scheme rules, yet
still provide artistic expression. In this way, the poet can give
his own shape to a poem however he or she desires. However,
it still allows poets to use alliteration, rhyme, cadences, and
rhythms to get the effects that they consider are suitable for the
piece. ( Free verse poems have no
regular meter or rhythm. They do not follow a proper rhyme
scheme; these poems do not have any set rules. This type of
poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmical
phrases, as compared to the artificial constraints of normal
poetry. Free verse makes use of line breaks to accent and break
up the words. The line break may occur mid-clause, creating
enjambment, a term that literally means 'to straddle'.
Enjambment tends to increase the pace of the poem. Free
verse is somewhat like prose written rich in imagery and
broken up with line breaks.
 Here are some of the most common types according to
 Narrative poem. The poet tells a story. Often, there is rising
action, climax, and resolution, like a short story. The poet
composes the narrative by using simile, metaphor,
imagery, vivid description, line breaks, and so forth.
"The Raven"
Edgar Allan Poe
An excerpt from The Raven
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and
weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a
tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my
chamber door. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my
chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”
 Anecdote. The poet describes some incident or experience or
event that is humorous or interesting, and ends the poem
with some insight. Poets also use anecdotes to illustrate a
 Example:
 “Jack”
 Maxine Kumin
 An excerpt from Jack
 That spring, in the bustle of grooming
 and riding and shoeing, I remember I let him go
 to a neighbor I thought was a friend, and the following
 fall she sold him down the river. I meant to
 but never did go looking for him, to buy him back…
Scribbles :
Sometimes we talk to our self and reflect
upon our actions. Say for example if the
teacher scolded you because you didn’t
submit your assignment. After you have been
scolded, you will reflect from your actions
and you will tell your self that you will not
do it again. And that’s an example of
Intrapersonal Communication. Who can give
me another example?
Why is it important to
have a conversation
with a certain group of
Having a conversation with
different people will give us the
chance to enhance our
communication skills. Do you
know what kind of
communication is this class?
Small Group – This refers to
communication that involves at least
three but not more than twelve people
engaging in a face-to-face interaction to
achieve a desired goal. In this type of
communication, all participants can
freely share ideas in a loose and open
In this type of communication
class, the participants have the
opportunity to talk and share
their ideas or opinions. Who
can give me an example of this
That’s right also. Those you have
mentioned class are example of
Small Group Communication.
Now let’s talk about the other type
of communication.
 Public – This type refers to communication that
requires you to deliver or send the message before or
in front of a group. The message can be driven by
informational or persuasive purposes. “In public
communication, unlike in interpersonal and small
group, the channels are more exaggerated. The voice
is louder and the gestures are more expansive
because the audience is bigger. The speaker might
use additional visual channels such as slides or a
Power Point presentation.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012,
p 19)
Scribbles :
Have you ever been experience talking
in front of many people class?
How do you feel?
Why do you think you feel that way?
It takes courage to talk in front of
many people but that is a thing
that we should face for us to grow
in the world of communication.
Now class, who can give me an
example of this one?
How do you feel
when you watch a
news on the T.V?
Class the communication which takes
place in Television, radio, newspapers,
and magazines, books, billboards, and
other types of media is what we call
Mass Communication. Who among you
class dream to be a reporter someday?
Why do you want to be a reporter ?
This time, let’s have another activity. With
your same group, identify under what type
of communication are the following scenarios
belong to. You will be putting the following
scenarios inside the table and submit it after 6
minutes. The group who will submit first and
who will get the perfect score will be the
winner and will receive a yellow star.
Understood class?
(“Identify Me Baby”)
 I think everyone of you already understood the
different types of Speech Context. To enhance more
your knowledge and skills, I will be giving you
another activity and we will call it “Choose Me,
Stand for Me”. This time you are task to act out the
speech context or speech type which you will pick
inside the box. You are only given 10 minutes to do
your task. The group who will present the best
output will be announced as the winner.
“Choose Me, Stand for
: Fluency -------- 20%
 Presence -------- 20%
 Connection -------- 25%
 Audience-centeredness -------- 25%
 Effective Nonverbal Cues -------- 10%
For now, class, let’s all compute the stars you
gathered during our activities. May I call the
leader from each group to collect the stars of
their own group. Group 1 will tack their stars
first on the scoreboard and after that count
the stars you’ve earned and followed by
other groups.
Are you ready class?
Group 2 you are
the winner!!!
Do you want
another game
Identify and discuss the
differences among the types of
speech contexts using the
graphic organizer presented on
page 34 of Your Learners
Are there any
questions or point
of clarification?

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  • 1.
  • 3.   At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:  A. identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in poetry)  B. determine specific forms and conventions of poetry.  C. use selected elements of poetry in short exercises  D. explore innovative techniques in writing poetry OBJECTIVES:
  • 4.   LANGUAGE OF CREATIVE WRITING  Creative writing aims to develop practical and creative skills in reading and writing especially to Humanities and Social Sciences learner like you. Here you will be introduced to the fundamental techniques of writing fiction, poetry and drama.  As a Senior High learner, it is assumed that you are already well- equipped with backgrounds on the use of imagery, diction, and figures of speech in a written text.  In this lesson, you will tackle the language used in creative writing. The information and activities in this learning material will not only equip you manipulate literary devices in expressing your thoughts and reflections; but also, help you play with words; therefore, making your writing more appealing to the readers. What do we expect?
  • 5.   As the name suggests, creative writing is a form of writing that goes beyond the traditional realms of normal, professional, academic or technical forms of writing.  Instead, it encompasses a number of different genres and styles across a whole range of fields of both fictional and non-fiction writing; storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose, journalistic, and more.  Though the definition can be quite vague, creative writing can, for the most part, be considered as any type of writing that is original and expressive of oneself. Typically, it can be identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, focusing on elements such as character development, narrative and plot, infusing its structure with imagination, invention and story.  In this sense, creative writing can technically be considered any writing of contemporary, original composition – it’s bound by no standard conventions and uses a whole range of elements in its craft. What is creative writing?
  • 6.  Beginning with the modernist aesthetic revolution, poetry has continuously shown a stubborn resolve to respond to social, political and cultural shifts and crises with technical innovation. Such innovativeness speaks of the resilience of poetry, as genre, as it refuses to succumb to various announcements of its death or cultural irrelevance. Tips on How To Write Poetry Writing poems may sometimes be too expressive. There are times also that you need to consider certain rules which makes it sound too technical. With this, you as a writer need to communicate well with your reader. Below are some of the innovative techniques on writing poetry: WRITING POETRY
  • 7.   Know your goal. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you get there? You need to know what you are trying to accomplish before you begin any project. Writing a poem is no exception.  Avoid clichés. A work full of clichés is like a plate of old food: unappetizing. Clichés dull meaning. Because clichéd writing sounds so familiar, people can complete finish whole lines without even reading them.  Avoid Sentimentality. When readers have the feeling that emotions like rage or indignation have been pushed artificially for their own sake, they will not take the poem seriously.  Use images. Poetry should stimulate six senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste, and Motion  Use Metaphor and Simile. Use metaphor and simile to bring imagery and concrete words into your writing.  Use concrete words instead of abstract words. Concrete words describe things that people experience with their senses like orange, warm, cat and others. Abstract words refer to concepts or feelings like liberty, happy, love and the likes.  Communicate Theme. Poetry has a theme. Theme is not just a topic, but an idea with an opinion. This also sows what the poet thinks about a given event. The poet must strive to show the reader his/her theme during the entire poem, making use of literary techniques.
  • 8.   Subvert the ordinary. Poets’ strength is the ability to see what other people see every day in a new way. You don’t have to be special or a literary genius to write good poems–all you have to do is take an ordinary object, place, person, or idea, and come up with a new perception of it.  Rhyme with extreme caution. Rhyme and meter (the pattern of stressed and unstressed words) can be dangerous if used the wrong way. Remember sing-song nursery rhymes? If you choose a rhyme scheme that makes your poem sound sing-song, it will detract from the quality of your poem.  Revise, revise, revise. The first completed draft of your poem is only the beginning. Poets often go through several drafts of a poem before considering the work “done.”  Tricks with language. Repeating a word or phrase to emphasize its importance/ create a regular rhythm.  Use personification. Describe an object/idea as though it were alive. Giving it human qualities.  Use the idea of “contrast”. The poets place 2 very different things side by side to emphasize something important towards the subject.  Use symbolism. It is a word that becomes a sign of something other than simply itself. This is a powerful device because it encourages the reader to read deeper layers of meaning into the poem.  Ambiguity. This is where words/ sentences have more than one meaning/ are open to numerous interpretations. “Fill Me In”
  • 9.  CONVENTIONAL, FREE VERSE AND EXPERIMENTAL POETRY  CONVENTIONAL POETRY  Conventional poetry is often called the “traditional poetry”. This follows certain format like the usage of meter, which is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that forms a beat like in music. It often uses rhyme as well.  Forms of Conventional Poetry  The forms of conventional poetry are different in format, rhyme scheme and subject matter. We will focus on the four (4) forms namely: Tanaga, Diona, Haiku and Sonnet.  Tanaga is an indigenous type of Filipino poem, which is used traditionally in the Tagalog language. This uses four (4) lines, each line having seven (7) syllables only. The art exemplifies teachings, idioms, feelings and ways of life. It contains many figures of speech. It is traditionally do not have any titles, however modern poet opt to give one. This is a kind of rhymed poem usually follows AABB or AAAA rhyme scheme. This poem follows a syllabic rhythmic pattern.
  • 10.   Example:  “Palay” by Ildefonso Santos Palay siyang matino, Nang humangi’y yumuko; Ngunit muling tumayo Nagkabunga ng ginto.
  • 11.   Diona is another indigenous type of Filipino poem. It is popular during the pre-Hispanic period. It has been labeled by some Filipino literary enthusiast as the Pinoy Haiku. This poem is consisting of three (3) lines with seven (7) syllables in each line that all rhyme with one another. It often expresses ways of life and native culture. Like Tanaga, this poem follows a syllabic rhythmic pattern. Example: Ang payong ko’y si inay Kapote ko si itay Sa maulan kong buhay. - Raymond Pambit
  • 12.  Haiku is a traditional Japanese fixed poetic form. One of the most famous practitioners of the haiku is Matsou Basho. It is composed of three (3) non- rhyming lines. The first and third lines have five(5) syllables each and the second line has seven (7) syllables. It often expresses feelings and thoughts about nature; however, you could write a poem about any subject that you would like to in this form. This is a kind of unrhymed poem that doesn’t follow any specific rhythmic pattern. Example: The Old Pond by Matsuo Basho An old silent pond A frog jumps into the pond, Splash! Silence again.
  • 13.   Sonnet is a single-stanza lyric poem containing fourteen lines. In some formulations, the first eight (8) lines (octave) pose a question or dilemma that is resolved in the final six (6) lines (sestet). It often expresses romantic love. There are three (3) predominant sonnet forms.  Italian or Petrarchan sonnet: Developed by the Italian poet Petrarch, this sonnet is divided into an octave with the rhyme scheme ABBAABBA or ABBACDDC and a sestet with the rhyme scheme CDECDE or CDCCDC.  Shakespearean sonnet: Also called the English son net or Elizabethan sonnet, this poetic form, which Shakespeare made famous, contains three quatrains and a final couplet. The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.  Spenserian sonnet: A variant that the poet Edmund Spenser developed from the Shakespearean sonnet. The Spenserian sonnet has the rhyme scheme ABAB BCBCCDCD EE.  Meter: This is a kind of rhymed poem written in iambic pentameter. An iamb is a rhythmic unit that includes an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. It has the rhythm bah-BAH, as in the words "about," or "predict," or "parade." Iambic pentameter is a line of poetry consisting of five iambs.
  • 14.   Example  Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare  (A)My Mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;  (B) Coral is far more red than her lips' red;  (A)If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;  (B) If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.  (C )I have seen roses damasked, red and white,  (D) But no such roses see I in her cheeks;  (C) And in some perfumes is there more delight  (D) There in the breath that from my mistress reeks.  (E) I love to hear her speak; yet well I know  (F) That music hath a far more pleasing sound  (E) I grant I never saw a goddess go;  (F) My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground  (G) Any yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare  (G) As any she belied with false compare.
  • 15.  Rhythmic Units Description Iamb Consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressedsyllable Trochee Consists of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressedsyllable Dactyl Consists of a stressed syllable followed by two unstressedsyllables Anapest Consists of Two (2) unstressed syllables followed by astressed syllable Spondee Consists of two (2) successive syllables with strong stresses
  • 16.   FREE VERSE POETRY  Free verse is a literary device that can be defined as poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and does not rhyme with fixed forms. Such poems are without rhythm and rhyme schemes, do not follow regular rhyme scheme rules, yet still provide artistic expression. In this way, the poet can give his own shape to a poem however he or she desires. However, it still allows poets to use alliteration, rhyme, cadences, and rhythms to get the effects that they consider are suitable for the piece. ( Free verse poems have no regular meter or rhythm. They do not follow a proper rhyme scheme; these poems do not have any set rules. This type of poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmical phrases, as compared to the artificial constraints of normal poetry. Free verse makes use of line breaks to accent and break up the words. The line break may occur mid-clause, creating enjambment, a term that literally means 'to straddle'. Enjambment tends to increase the pace of the poem. Free verse is somewhat like prose written rich in imagery and broken up with line breaks.  Here are some of the most common types according to Hood,2013:
  • 17.   Narrative poem. The poet tells a story. Often, there is rising action, climax, and resolution, like a short story. The poet composes the narrative by using simile, metaphor, imagery, vivid description, line breaks, and so forth. Example: "The Raven" Edgar Allan Poe An excerpt from The Raven Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more.”
  • 18.   Anecdote. The poet describes some incident or experience or event that is humorous or interesting, and ends the poem with some insight. Poets also use anecdotes to illustrate a truth.  Example:  “Jack”  Maxine Kumin  An excerpt from Jack  That spring, in the bustle of grooming  and riding and shoeing, I remember I let him go  to a neighbor I thought was a friend, and the following  fall she sold him down the river. I meant to  but never did go looking for him, to buy him back… Scribbles :
  • 19.  Sometimes we talk to our self and reflect upon our actions. Say for example if the teacher scolded you because you didn’t submit your assignment. After you have been scolded, you will reflect from your actions and you will tell your self that you will not do it again. And that’s an example of Intrapersonal Communication. Who can give me another example?
  • 20.  Why is it important to have a conversation with a certain group of people?
  • 21.  Having a conversation with different people will give us the chance to enhance our communication skills. Do you know what kind of communication is this class?
  • 22.  Small Group – This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type of communication, all participants can freely share ideas in a loose and open discussion. Scribbles:
  • 23.  In this type of communication class, the participants have the opportunity to talk and share their ideas or opinions. Who can give me an example of this one?
  • 24.  That’s right also. Those you have mentioned class are example of Small Group Communication. Now let’s talk about the other type of communication.
  • 25.   Public – This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group. The message can be driven by informational or persuasive purposes. “In public communication, unlike in interpersonal and small group, the channels are more exaggerated. The voice is louder and the gestures are more expansive because the audience is bigger. The speaker might use additional visual channels such as slides or a Power Point presentation.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p 19) Scribbles :
  • 26.  Have you ever been experience talking in front of many people class? How do you feel? Why do you think you feel that way?
  • 27.  It takes courage to talk in front of many people but that is a thing that we should face for us to grow in the world of communication. Now class, who can give me an example of this one?
  • 28.  How do you feel when you watch a news on the T.V?
  • 29.  Class the communication which takes place in Television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, books, billboards, and other types of media is what we call Mass Communication. Who among you class dream to be a reporter someday? Why do you want to be a reporter ? MASS COMMUNICATION
  • 30.  This time, let’s have another activity. With your same group, identify under what type of communication are the following scenarios belong to. You will be putting the following scenarios inside the table and submit it after 6 minutes. The group who will submit first and who will get the perfect score will be the winner and will receive a yellow star. Understood class? (“Identify Me Baby”)
  • 31.   I think everyone of you already understood the different types of Speech Context. To enhance more your knowledge and skills, I will be giving you another activity and we will call it “Choose Me, Stand for Me”. This time you are task to act out the speech context or speech type which you will pick inside the box. You are only given 10 minutes to do your task. The group who will present the best output will be announced as the winner. “Choose Me, Stand for Me”
  • 32.  : Fluency -------- 20%  Presence -------- 20%  Connection -------- 25%  Audience-centeredness -------- 25%  Effective Nonverbal Cues -------- 10% RUBRICS
  • 33.  For now, class, let’s all compute the stars you gathered during our activities. May I call the leader from each group to collect the stars of their own group. Group 1 will tack their stars first on the scoreboard and after that count the stars you’ve earned and followed by other groups. Are you ready class?
  • 36.  Identify and discuss the differences among the types of speech contexts using the graphic organizer presented on page 34 of Your Learners Guide. Scribbles
  • 37.  Are there any questions or point of clarification?