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Portrait of an ESFP - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
(Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling)
The Performer
As an ESFP, your primary mode of living is focused externally,
where you take things in via your five
senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is
internal, where you deal with things according
to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal
value system.
ESFP's live in the world of people possibilities. They love
people and new experiences. They are lively and
fun, and enjoy being the center of attention. They live in the
here-and-now, and relish excitement and
drama in their lives.
ESFP’s have very strong inter-personal skills, and may find
themselves in the role of the peacemaker
frequently. Since they make decisions by using their personal
values, they are usually very sympathetic and
concerned for other people's well-being. They're usually quite
generous and warm. They are very observant
about other people, and seem to sense what is wrong with
someone before others might, responding
warmly with a solution to a practical need. They might not be
the best advice-givers in the world, because
they dislike theory and future-planning, but they are great for
giving practical care.
ESFP is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. They
love to have fun. If the ESFP has not
developed their Thinking side by giving consideration to
rational thought processing, they tend to become
over-indulgent, and place more importance on immediate
sensation and gratification than on their duties
and obligations. They may also avoid looking at long-term
consequences of their actions.
For the ESFP, the entire world is a stage. They love to be the
center of attention and perform for people.
They're constantly putting on a show for others to entertain
them and make them happy. They enjoy
stimulating other people's senses, and are extremely good at it.
They would love nothing more than for life
to be a continual party, in which they play the role of the fun-
loving host.
ESFP’s love people and everybody loves an ESFP. One of their
greatest gifts is their general acceptance of
everyone. They are upbeat and enthusiastic, and genuinely like
almost everybody. An ESFP is unfailingly
warm and generous with their friends, and they generally treat
everyone as a friend. However, once
crossed, an ESFP is likely to make a very strong and stubborn
judgment against the person who crossed
them. They are capable of deep dislike in such a situation.
The ESFP under a great deal of stress gets overwhelmed with
negatives thoughts and possibilities. As an
optimistic individual who lives in the world of possibilities,
negative possibilities do not sit well with them.
In an effort to combat these thoughts, they're likely to come up
with simple, global statements to explain
away the problem. These simplistic explanations may or may
not truly get to the nature of the issue, but
they serve the ESFP well by allowing them to get over it.
ESFP’s are likely to be very practical, although they hate
structure and routine. They like to "go with the
flow", trusting in their ability to improvise in any situation
presented to them. They learn best with "hands-
on" experience, rather than by studying a book. They're
uncomfortable with theory. If an ESFP hasn't
developed their intuitive side, they may tend to avoid situations
which involve a lot of theoretical thinking,
or which are complex and ambiguous. For this reason, an ESFP
may have difficulty in school. On the other
hand, the ESFP does extremely well in situations where they're
allowed to learn by interacting with others,
or in which they "learn by doing".
ESFP’s have a very well-developed appreciation for aesthetic
beauty, and an excellent sense of space and
function. If they have the means, they're likely to have to have
many beautiful possessions, and an artfully
furnished home. In general, they take great pleasure in objects
of aesthetic beauty. They're likely to have a
strong appreciation for the finer things in life, such as good
food and good wine.
The ESFP is a great team player. He or she is not likely to
create any problems or fuss, and is likely to
create the most fun environment possible for getting the task
done. ESFP’s will do best in careers in which
they are able to use their excellent people skills, along with
their abilities to meld ideas into structured
formats. Since they are fast-paced individuals who like new
experiences, they should choose careers which
offer or require a lot of diversity, as well as people skills.
ESFP’s usually like to feel strongly bonded with other people,
and have a connection with animals and
small children that is not found in most other types. They're
likely to have a strong appreciation for the
beauties of nature as well.
The ESFP has a tremendous love for life, and knows how to
have fun. They like to bring others along on
their fun-rides, and are typically a lot of fun to be with. They're
flexible, adaptable, genuinely interested in
people, and usually kind-hearted. They have a special ability to
get a lot of fun out of life, but they need to
watch out for the pitfalls associated with living entirely in the
Jungian functional preference ordering:
Dominant: Extraverted Sensing
Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling
Tertiary: Extraverted Thinking
Inferior: Introverted Intuition
ESFP’s generally have the following traits:
� Live in the present moment
� Are stimulated and excited by new experiences
� Practical and realistic
� Warmly interested in people
� Know how to have a good time, and how to make things fun
for others
� Independent and resourceful
� Spontaneous - seldom plan ahead
� Hate structure and routine
� Dislike theory and long written explanations
� Feel special bond with children and animals
� Strongly developed aesthetic appreciation for things
� Great people skills
ESFP’s are good at many things, but will not be happy unless
they have a lot of contact with people, and a
lot of new experiences. They should choose careers which
provide them with the opportunity to use their
great people skills and practical perspective, which will also
provide them with enough new challenges that
they will not become bored.
ESFP Relationships
ESFP’s are fun and delightful to be with. They live for the
moment, and know how to make the most of
each moment. They are genuinely, warmly interested in people,
and love to make others happy. They're
usually very kind-hearted and generous, and are always going
out of their way to do something nice for
someone. Their affection is simple, straight-forward and honest.
They dislike theory and complexities.
They often resist forming relationships which require them to
function on a high Intuitive or Thinking
level. They prefer for things to be light and happy, although
their warmth and affection runs deep. Their
potential downfall is the tendency to live entirely for the
present moment, and therefore to sometimes be
unaware of the direction that their relationship is heading, or to
be easily distracted from long-term
ESFP Strengths
� Enthusiastic and fun-loving, they make everything enjoyable
� Clever, witty, direct, and popular, people are drawn towards
� Earthy and sensual
� Down to earth and practical, able to take care of daily needs
� Artistic and creative, they're likely to have attractive homes
� Flexible and diverse, they "go with the flow" extremely well
� They can leave bad relationships, although it's not easy
� Try to make the most of every moment
� Generous and warm-hearted
ESFP Weaknesses
� May be frivolous and risky with money
� Tend to be materialistic
� Extreme dislike of criticism, likely to take things extremely
� Likely to ignore or escape conflict situations rather than face
� Lifelong commitments may be a struggle for them - they take
things one day at a time
� Don't pay enough attention to their own needs
� Tendency to neglect their health, or even abuse their bodies
� Always excited by something new, they may change partners
What does Success mean to an ESFP?
ESFP’s can’t help but spontaneously grasp the moment,
particularly if it offers a new sensation or
experience. And while the ESFP might seem to others to only be
interested in piling up new experiences, or
reliving old ones just to savor the quality of the sensations or
lively enjoyment they bring, the ESFP has in
fact a far more subtle relationship to life and the world around
them. Indeed, with their curious mixture of
Extraverted Sensation and Introverted Feeling, the ESFP can
show a wealth of complexity in their ways,
even if to the ESFP themselves, considering such matters is felt
to be a tedious and - to their way of seeing
the world - quite unnecessary task. For this reason, just
defining what success means to an ESFP requires
more than simply assuming that a life filled with satisfying,
quality experiences necessarily fulfills this
criteria, as the ESFP’s true needs and satisfactions will depend
greatly on the strength and refinement of
their Sensation and Feeling functions. But there is one thing
that defines all ESFP’s, and that is their
exuberant ability - and need - to engage with other people and
express that which grips them. So, whilst
success might come through many different paths, and be felt by
the ESFP in modes and preferences not
necessarily understood as success by other types, the successful
ESFP will nevertheless always be found
where they can live in full and open engagement with people
and able to express their talents, appreciations
and joys before the world at large.
Allowing Your ESFP Strengths to Flourish
As an ESFP, you have gifts that are specific to your personality
type that aren't natural strengths for other
types. By recognizing your special gifts and encouraging their
growth and development, you will more
readily see your place in the world, and how you can better use
your talents to achieve your dreams.
Nearly all ESFP’s will recognize the following characteristics
in themselves. They should embrace and
nourish these strengths:
� A great ability to understand the objective world, its facts
and realities.
� A talent for entertaining and pleasing others with words and
� An aptitude for getting the most out of any situation or place.
� Very skilled at finding the best of things for themselves and
� A warm and generous attitude both as a giver and receiver.
� Exceptional natural musical and dramatic skills.
� A detailed and finely nuanced appreciation of the outside
� Adept at detecting and recognizing the effects of minute
changes to their environment.
� A talent for learning to do practically anything by just
watching and doing.
� A reassuring and practical sense of the world which supports
ESFP’s who have developed their Introverted Feeling to the
extent that they can integrate the concrete
world of their perceptions with a responsive and healthy system
of personal values will find that they enjoy
these very special gifts:
� Their refined tastes will make it a joy for others to be in their
company and homes.
� Their ability to weigh the value of their actions gives great
force to their talent for entertaining
people of all tastes.
� They will quickly differentiate between those things which
are of greater and lesser importance to
a situation.
� They will not just seek entertainment and things for their own
sake, but will seek always to find
that which they feel will provide the most value and reward for
themselves and others.
� The ESFP who augments their ability to recognize
opportunities (Extraverted Sensing) with a
strong internal value system (Introverted Feeling) will find
themselves more likely to attract, and
be attracted into, very rewarding relationships with others -
particularly with those of the opposite
� They will recognize and promote the talents of others.
� They can be counted on to defend the best and most life
promoting aspects of the world.
Potential Problem Areas
With any gift of strength, there is an associated weakness.
Without "bad", there would be no "good".
Without "difficult", there would be no "easy". We value our
strengths, but we often curse and ignore our
weaknesses. To grow as a person and get what we want out of
life, we must not only capitalize upon our
strengths, but also face our weaknesses and deal with them.
That means taking a hard look at our
personality type's potential problem areas.
ESFP’s are kind and creative beings with many special gifts. I
would like for the ESFP to keep in mind
some of the many positive things associated with being an ESFP
as they read some of this more negative
material. Also remember that the weaknesses associated with
being an ESFP are natural to your type.
Although it may be depressing to read about your type's
weaknesses, please remember that we offer this
information to enact positive change. We want people to grow
into their own potential, and to live happy
and successful lives.
Most of the weaker characteristics that are found in ESFP’s are
due to their dominant Extraverted Sensing
function overshadowing the rest of their personality. When this
function smothers everything else, the
ESFP can't use Introverted Feeling to properly judge the value
and propriety of their perceptions or actions.
The first ten of the following weaknesses derive in varying
degrees from this problem alone, whilst the rest
are due to the additional effect of the ESFP’s unique make up
and result from their diminished capacity to
use abstract reasoning:
� May be seen by others as unnecessarily coarse in their
behavior and life choices.
� May be unable to value or may ignore the preferences and
needs of others.
� May perceive even the most careful and objective criticism as
simply a ploy to spoil their
enjoyment of life.
� May have skewed or unrealistic ideas about the feelings of
� May be unable to acknowledge or hear anything that would
lead to second thoughts or a more
careful appreciation.
� May blame their problems on the world at large, seeing
themselves as frustrated heroes battling
against the odds.
� May become totally self focused and oblivious to the havoc
they wreak on others feelings.
� May uncaringly use totally inappropriate social behavior
simply to make a point.
� May be overbearing in their judgments upon the taste and
dress of others.
� May come across to others as boastful and rash in their
� May rationalize the ways of the world in the most inane or
simplistic ways.
� May believe the most extraordinary things about inanimate
objects and their workings.
� May feel overwhelmed with tension and stress when driven
into a situation which requires deep
and careful consideration.
� Under great stress, may feel the world around them is alive
with dark, unseen influences.
Another difficulty, which is not so much a problem for the
ESFP but for those around them, particularly if
Introverted Thinking or Intuitive types, is that even when joyful
or in the midst of life, they may be
perceived as coldly self absorbed and oblivious to the feelings
of others, even when the truth is quite the
reverse. Should it somehow matter, then when in the company
of such people, the ESFP should take some
trouble to express their feelings and value judgments.
Explanation of Problems
Nearly all of the problematic characteristics described above
can be attributed in various degrees to the
common ESFP problem of being overly absorbed by the
sensations and immediate apparent facts of the
external world. ESFP’s are usually very spontaneous and
outgoing people who have little time for analysis
of the complexities behind the world they live in. They are
likely to treat any point of view other than their
own rather shortly, waving away in particular the more
intellectual and intuitive understandings of others as
irrelevant and totally secondary to the obvious realities of life.
If the ESFP does not learn how to deal with
the tension that arises between, what to them is the most
obvious and satisfying way to deal with the world
and those deeper intricacies which lie behind its facade, the
ESFP will begin to shut out any incoming
information which produces this tension. This is a natural
survival technique for the ESFP personality. The
main driver to the ESFP personality is Extraverted Sensation,
whose purpose is solely to perceive the
realities of the external world and by which the ESFP orients
themselves towards the things they need or
desire. If an ESFP's image of the world is threatened by
demands for careful judgment or reasoning, the
ESFP shuts out the demand in order to preserve and honor their
world view. This is totally natural, and
works well to protect the individual psyche from getting hurt.
However, the ESFP who exercises this type
of self-protection regularly will become not only more and more
careless of other people's needs and
perspectives, but also cut off in a world where the facts and
realities which they perceive become
interwoven with a belief system which supports only the ESFP’s
desire driven view. Under such
circumstances they will justify their own inappropriate
behaviors in the most astounding or rationally
simplistic ways, and will always find fault with others for
trying to complicate and disturb what ought to be
a simple and obvious way of life. It will be difficult for them to
maintain close personal relationships
because they will not only have unreasonable and simplistically
concrete expectations, but will be unable to
understand why such expectations cannot be easily met.
It’s not an uncommon tendency for the ESFP to look to their
inner world only for feelings that justify their
desires and perceptions. However, if this tendency is given free
reign, the resulting ESFP personality is too
self-centered to be happy or successful. Since the ESFP's
dominant function is Extraverted Sensing, they
must balance this with an auxiliary Introverted Feeling function
which is sufficiently refined to make
reasonably objective judgments about the value of the ESFP’s
actions and the people and things in their
life. The ESFP makes value judgments via Introverted Intuition.
This is also the ESFP's primary way of
dealing with their own internal subjective world. If the ESFP
uses Introverted Feeling only to serve the
purposes of Extraverted Sensing, then the ESFP is not using
Introversion effectively at all. As a result, the
ESFP does sufficiently consider the effects of their actions and
perceptions sufficiently for a strong value
system to arise in their personality. They see nothing but the
joys, satisfactions and sensations of the world
outside themselves, and deal with feeling only so far as it
supports their need for constant stimulation and
gratification. These individuals can often come across as coarse
and lustful, although can just as easily
seem the complete opposite, as refined and tasteful connoisseurs
who, nevertheless, at closer quarters
reveal their complete indifference to anything but the
satisfaction of their own desires.
At this point, I would like the reader to understand that, as with
all personality types, serious problems are
usually only encountered by those whose dominant function is
unusually strongly expressed against the
other functions. Such situations are rare and although the
problems discussed here can indeed be felt to
some level by all ESFP’s, most people regardless of their
personality type tend toward a balance within
both their personal and worldly relationships which occurs
despite differences in personality preference; a
balance driven by the need for comfort in others and the human
capacity for love. So whilst it is essential
for us to fine tune our relationships through knowledge and
understanding of our differences and peculiar
needs, it is also good for us to remember that the most simple
and childlike longings of the heart can also
be most powerful guides to happiness.
To grow as an individual, the ESFP needs to focus on increasing
their self understanding to allow a rational
and more objectively reasoned value system to arise within
themselves. In order for the ESFP to more
validly judge the value of their desires, actions and the things
they allow into their world, the ESFP needs
to know that their world view is not being threatened but
qualitatively reinforced by the strength and
objectivity of their judgments. The ESFP must consciously tell
himself/herself that a feeling that does not
agree with their desires or perceptions of the world is not an
indictment of their character but a clue to
greater understanding.
The ESFP who is concerned with personal growth will pay close
attention to their motivation for valuing
certain actions, interests and possessions over others. Do they
attend to their feelings to judge such things
according to a strong set of values which accords also with the
needs of others? Or, do they judge only to
support a personal desire? At the moment when something is
felt, is the ESFP concerned with adjusting
that feeling to fit in with what appears to them as the most
important things in the world? Or is she/he
concerned with allowing their feelings to be fully realized? To
achieve a better understanding of their
feelings, the ESFP should try to allow feelings their full force,
before setting them against their strong
desires. They should be consciously aware of their tendency to
discard anything that doesn't agree with
their immediate sense of appearance, and work towards
lessening this tendency. They should try to see
situations from other people's perspectives, without making
personal judgments about the situations or the
other people's perspectives. In general, they should work on
exercising their Feeling in a truly Introverted
sense. In other words, they should use Feeling to understand
how the world of their perceptions affects their
inner life, using it to discover the values that truly matter,
rather than simply to support their wishes. The
ESFP who successfully creates a strong value system can be
quite a powerful force for positive change.
Living Happily in our World as an ESFP
Some ESFP’s have difficulty fitting into our society. Their
problems are often a result of an uncaring
attitude to anything other than the moment, an unawareness of
the needs of others, or too simplistic a set of
expectations. All of these issues stem from using Introverted
Feeling in a diminished manner. An ESFP
who uses feeling to judge the value of their perceptions and
actions, rather than one who uses it only to
support their desires, will have a clearer, more refined
appreciation of the world and what it can offer. He
or she will also be more aware of how others may feel, and will
have more realistic expectations for others'
behavior within a relationship. Such well-adjusted ESFP’s will
fit happily into our society.
Unless you really understand Psychological Type and the
nuances of the various personality functions, it's a
difficult task to suddenly start to use Feeling in an Introverted
direction. It's difficult to even understand
what that means, much less to incorporate that directive into
your life. For the ESFP, the most important
thing is to recognize and understand that Feelings must not be
confused with sensations or the emotions
they unleash. Quite often we say “it feels good” when we really
mean that the sensation we are
experiencing is good. The sense of “Feeling” from a
psychological viewpoint is that it underlies that
rational, judging factor which discriminates rightness or
applicability from wrongness or misapplication,
guilt from pride etc. With this in mind, I am providing some
specific suggestions that may help you to
begin exercising your Introverted Feeling:
When a new prospect enters your life and stirs your appetite, sit
with it for a moment in your mind and
allow yourself to notice whether you have a lurking judgment
about it. Try to allow this judgment to come
forward on its own behalf and do not try to rationalize it nor be
afraid of it. Imagine that you are hearing
this judgment from the lips of another person, or perhaps from
God, anything to let it be felt objectively
within your mind. What is your Feeling function saying about
what your exciting new prospect really
means to you?
Think of a situation in your life in which you are sharing your
joys and enthusiasms with others, perhaps
entertaining them. Perhaps you are an entertainer. Watch the
looks and body language of others as you
speak or perform and notice that not all seem to be offering the
same emotional responses to your words or
actions. Each one is feeling you a different way, judging you a
different way. Try to notice the same
function within yourself now, the responsive person within you
who is also judging your words and
actions. How is he/she reacting to you?
When having a conversation with a friend or relative, dedicate
at least half of your time to discovering their
values and reasons. Concentrate on really understanding why
they feel as they do. Ask questions, and take
some time later to ask those same questions of yourself.
Think of the people who are closest to you. As you think of
each person, tell yourself "this person has their
own life going on, and they are more concerned with their own
life than they are with mine." Remember
that this doesn't mean that they don't care about you. It's the
natural order of things. Try to visualize what
that person is doing right now. What are they feeling, what
judgments are they possibly making about what
is happening to them? Don't compare their situation to your
own; just try to discover how you would feel in
their situation.
Try to identify the personality type of everyone that you come
into contact with for any length of time.
Ten Rules to Live By to Achieve ESFP Success
1. Feed Your Strengths! Encourage your natural expressive
abilities and hands-on talents. Nourish
your appreciation of the world. Give yourself opportunities to
enjoy life to the full.
2. Face Your Weaknesses! Realize and accept that some traits
are strengths and some are
weaknesses. Facing and dealing with your weaknesses doesn't
mean that you have to change who
you are; it means that you want to be the best you possible. By
facing your weaknesses, you are
honoring your true self, rather than attacking yourself.
3. Express Your Feelings. Don't let worries build up inside of
you. If you are troubled by doubt or
fear, tell those close to you who will listen and offer counsel.
Don't make the mistake of “blipping
over it” or “sorting it out” some quick fix way.
4. Listen to Everything. Try not to accept everything at face
value. Let everything soak in and listen
to your feelings.
5. Smile at Criticism. Remember that people will not always
agree with you or understand you, even
if they value you greatly. Try to see disagreement and criticism
as an opportunity for growth. In
fact, that is exactly what it is.
6. Be Aware of Others. Remember that there are 15 other
personality types out there who see things
differently than you see them. Try to identify other people's
types. Try to understand their
7. Be Accountable for Yourself. Remember that your every
word and action affects those around
you, so it is important for you to be fully responsible for your
self, and to the values you hold.
8. Be Gentle in Your Expectations. You will always be
disappointed with others if you expect too
much of them. Being disappointed with another person is the
best way to drive them away. Treat
others with the same gentleness that you would like to be
treated with.
9. Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself by assuming the
worst. Remember that a positive attitude
often creates positive situations.
10. When in Doubt, Ask Questions! If something seems to be
wrong and you can’t put your finger on
it, maybe someone else can. Remember, there are many ways of
seeing the world, and perhaps
someone else’s way will reveal the truth.
This content comes from:,
and much of it was
written by Robert Heyward.
Leung 1
3. Assuming other firms start to imitate TOMS Shoes, what
would you suggest they do? In other words, what are your
recommendations for TOMS Shoes that would help them
maintain a competitive advantage in the future? 10 Points
BUSM 4194 – Leading for Change
Leadership Development Report
Crystal Boey Gui Xuan (S3396123)
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------
---Page 3
2. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------
----Page 4
3. Focus Areas Based on Industry------------------------------------
--Page 4 - 5
3.1 Self-Management
3.2 Leading Others
3.3 Innovations
4. Assessments tools --------------------------------------------------
----Page 5 - 8
4.1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
4.2 Leadership Competency Assessment
4.3 Strength and Weakness
5. Other Issues ---------------------------------------------------------
----Page 9
6. Leadership Development Plan-------------------------------------
---Page 9 - 13
6.1 Improving Leading Others Through Communication
6.2 Improving Innovations Through Creativity
6.3 Maintaining Self-Management
6.4 Charismatic Leadership
6.5 Timeframe & Timeline
7. Review on Leadership Development Plan -----------------------
----Page 13
8. Follow Up Plan -----------------------------------------------------
-----Page 14
9. Plan Evaluation Approach & Conclusion ------------------------
----Page 14
10. Reference ----------------------------------------------------------
-------Page 15 - 16
11. Appendix ----------------------------------------------------------
--------Page 17 - 20
1. Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to create a leadership development
plan, my foci would
be placed on self-management, leading others and innovation.
These are the 3 skills
that I will be developing for my career in the future. The Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) was used to analyze my personality and current
leadership style. The Central
Michigan University (CMU) leadership competency model was
used to assess my
current strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Based on the
assessments, my key
strength and weakness are self-management and leading others
respectively. After
which, a leadership development plan was written on action
steps that should be taken
to reach my goals within a timeframe. Mr Krishnan, had
evaluated my leadership plan
and gave some valuable feedbacks which will be incorporated
into my plan as well.
Finally, my leadership skills will be re-assessed 5 years later
using the same
assessment tool.
2. Introduction
Leadership developments are vital for organizations and
personal developments. This
report can help me to recognize how self-improvement and self-
assessment in the
areas of leadership and change management could impact on my
development. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the
Central Michigan
University (CMU) leadership model will be used to evaluate my
strength and
I see myself working in the F&B industry in 3 years time. I
would first pursue another
diploma in patisserie, a 1.5 years course after graduation. And
set up my own café
with my business partners, where I will be focusing on the
operations. In order to be
successful, I will need to develop related leadership skills.
3. Focus Area based on Industry
I would focus particularly on self-management, leading others
and innovation. I
believed that self-management is the most important aspect out
of the 5 dimensions
that everyone should develop on. If one is unable to manage
themselves, how can one
manage others and show leadership qualities.
3.1 Self-Management
Based on my job scope, time management is very important.
Being organized and
using time efficiently is crucial, as time is money. Being a
patisserie, preparations
must be done before opening and peak period to ensure steady
supply of dishes.
Subsequently, I have to manage stress, when being push to
develop new recipes
within a limited time frame and when business is not going well
as expected.
3.2 Leading Others
Being in charge of the operation, I have to lead my team.
Employees are the most
important element in any business. Thus, I must be able to
communicate well with my
employees, understand their needs, motivate employees to work
hard for success and
develop the potential in all my employees.
3.3 Innovations
In order to gain competitive advantage in the F&B industry,
being innovative is
crucial. Customers like unique, new and fun ideas, being
creative is essential for
generating ideas for developing new recipes, flavors and
promotions. Moreover,
consumers taste and preferences are constantly changing, I need
to cope with changes
and predict the next popular trend.
Being in this position, I feel that these are the 3 dimensions that
I should possess.
In contrast, social responsibility is not so crucial, other than
integrity and being
ethical, social knowledge and civic responsibility will not make
much of a difference
to the business. Lastly, task management, my business partners
will deal with the
management side of the business.
4. Assessments Tools
4.1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Source: Extracted from Personality Type, My Personality
MBTI is a questionnaire used to determine a person’s
personality (Myers & Briggs
Foundation 2003), the results I obtained were ‘ISTJ’. Each
element is described in
Appendix A and an overview of ISTJ can be seen in Appendix
This report suggests that I would prefer private conversations
with close friends than
groups, often quiet but serious in my work. Sensation people are
perfectionists, they
are detailed and précised. Uses reasoning skills to test options
of all cause and effects
(Killen & Williams 2009). Being judgmental, I like to be
organized and follow a
standard procedure (Killen & Williams 2009). Some of the
leadership traits that I
possess are reliable, stable, tradition, responsible, realistic and
Subsequently, it suggested that I am adopting the task-centred
leadership approached
as I focus more on task than on emotions (University of
Saskatchewan n.d.), where
my main focus is about getting the work done effectively and
efficiently (Fleishman
1953). This is in line with my personality, as I like my work to
be done fast and quick.
In addition, according to Blake and Mouton ‘s Leadership Grid,
I am using the
authority-compliance management style, due to the fact that I
focus more on results
(Miller et al. 2012).
Lastly, ‘S’ (sensing) and ‘T’ (thinking), the report proposes
that I could adopt the
servant-leadership, to set up structure, rule and regulation as a
service (Lewis, Spears
& Lafferty 2010). Hence, everyone will follow the same rules
and be treated equally.
Once the structure is set and everyone is clear about it, it
enables others to get job
done more efficiently. While, ‘J’ (judging) servant leader
served their followers
through ‘pushing’ their capabilities, helping them organize and
develop themselves to
achieve goals (Lewis, Spears & Lafferty 2010).
4.2 Leadership Competency Assessment
The second assessment tool, Leadership Competency
Assessment, is used to identify
my strength and weakness as a leader (CMU 2004). My report
can be seen in
Appendix C.
The score range from 1 to 6, 6 being the highest. I had obtained
a mean score of 4.7
for self-management, 4.03 for leading others, and 4.09 on
innovation. This assessment
tool can tell me exactly which competency that I should
improve or maintain.
5 5
Work Habits Work Attitudes Stress Management Self Insight
Self Management, Score: 4.70
4.4 4.6
Communicating Interpersonal
Leading Others, Score: 4.03
4 4.2
Creativity Enterprising Integrating
Forecasting Managing Change
Innovation, Score: 4.09
4.3 Strength and Weakness
Both models appropriately address my strength and weakness.
My strengths would be
self-management. I have a score of 5.4 on work habit, and based
on MBTI (Appendix
D), being organized denotes time management, setting goals as
goal orientation,
completing work without supervision as self-reliance and so on
(University of
Saskatchewan n.d.). I can say that I am really good in time
management. I would
organize and plan my schedule beforehand. I grew up
independently, thus, having to
do everything on my own, I feel that there is a need for
everything to be in schedule.
Being persistent would be my second strength, when faced with
difficulties, I will
insist to find a solution. Lastly, I am able to manage stress well,
this might be due to
my personality as a cheerful person, I believe that everything
will work out to be fine
According to Miller et al. (2012), a charismatic leader needs to
have excellent verbal
communication skills that are able to portray the image of
credible, innovative and
trustworthy. In addition, having the ability to lead requires you
to have interpersonal
awareness, ability to communicate, influence, motivate and
develop others (Bapat et
al., n.d.).
However, a 95% score on introvert and 2.4 on communication
denotes that I am
severely lacking in charisma and leading skills. I admit that I
am relatively poor in
communication. I find it hard to strike and sustain a
conversation with others and I get
nervous easily when facing someone new. When I am young, I
used to be very
talkative, the teachers would always complaint to my parents.
Being in fear of canings
and scolding, I became quiet as I grew older.
Lastly, being high on sensing and judging, ISTJ do not like
changes. Truly, I would
prefer to follow standard procedures than to innovate, my
creative juice can only be
produce if I am interested in that subject. In this case, baking is
my passion and I will
be doing what I like, however, I would still like to improve on
my creativity skills
(score: 4)
Therefore, my key strength and weakness are self-management
(time management)
and leading others (communication) respectively.
5. Other Issues
Being a young entrepreneur, many other issues will be faced.
My employees might
even be older and have more experiences than me. My
credibility and ability to lead
will be doubt by many. In addition, even though now more
women are seen working
in the society, they are seldom in a leadership position (Haslam
& Ryan 2008). In the
past, women are only responsible for their home. Being a
woman, I am more likely to
be criticized for failure when holding a leadership position.
6. Leadership Development Plan
6.1 Improving Leading Others through Communication
First I would need to improve on my communication skills. This
will be an ongoing
process that I will start practicing, right from school and
throughout my life. I aim to
be-friend with a stranger per week from school. I also find that
online forum is a great
place to make new friends who shares the same interest, such as
the “cozy cot” and
“flower pot”. Both forums are women sites, so it is safe for me
to make friends there.
Communicating Creativity Work Habits
Leadership Development Goals
Scores based on Leadership Competency Assessment
The second step is to involve myself in different activities
where I can expand my
social capital and learn how to communicate with others. I
spend most of my life
staying indoors. Recently, I joined a health fitness club where I
will visit once a week,
and made some new friends. Other than the wellness club, I
intend to join other
activities such as yoga and traveling.
Lastly, I would sign up a communication workshop by STTS.
They specialized in
communication skills training, where there will be group work
and discussions that
involves role-playing, interactions and participation (STTS
6.2 Improving Innovations through creativity
Instead of following a standard procedure, I should find out
alternatives ways to get
job done. By doing so, implies that I have to take risk and
improve my creative
problem solving skills. Problem solving skills can be developed
through stimulations.
I can start practicing this skill in school through group projects.
Subsequently, there
are many techniques that can be found online which I could
learn on my own, such as
‘Direct Attention Thinking Tools’ (DATT) developed by
Edward de Bono, to sharpen
my perception and improve my critical thinking skills through
the uses of 10 different
strategies (The SIM Group 2007).
While taking my diploma in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I had
attended creativity classes
and learned about the ‘Six Thinking Hats’. I will recover my
notes and refresh my
memory. Alternatively, I could attend creative thinking skills
workshops offered in
6.3 Maintaining Self-Management Skills
Currently, I am using a schedule book to write down my
appointments and important
dates. However, I do not refer to them everyday, thus I have to
be more diligent in
updating and referring to my book to keep this sustainable.
While developing my creative problem solving and
communication skills, I am also
developing my learning skills at the same time.
6.4 Charismatic Leadership
This will be my biggest challenge, to become less tasks-centred,
and move myself up
the Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid from ‘Authority-
Compliance’ to ‘Team
Management’, I need to develop myself into a charismatic
A charismatic leader is one who has strong interpersonal
relationship skills that is able
to influence followers to make meaningful contributions
towards the same goal
through referent power and expert power (Halpert 1990). At the
same time, it can help
to motivate and develop others.
This can develop my leading skills to a whole new level and
from this I can move
further to become a transformational leader (new goals 5 years
later). In order to do
so, my communication skills must be improved. Followed by,
changing my
personality, from quiet to outgoing, confidence, assertive and
being positive. This will
truly depend on my determination, and I would take up
toastmaster class as well.
6.4 Time Frame & Time Line
Competency Goals Action Steps Timeframe
skills to a whole new
my assessment
g in
-friend with a
stranger per week
more social
communication skill
4 years
However, will
still practice it
as a ongoing
problem solving
of following a
standard procedure
score as a whole
school through
techniques that can
stimulate my mind
over what I had
learned in Poly
thinking classes
3 Years
However, will
still practice it
as a ongoing
improve my self-
management skills
and referring to my
1 Year
However, will
still practice it
as a ongoing
leadership style to
‘Team Management’
open up
5 years
Time Line:
7. Reviews on Leadership Development Plan
Mr. Krishnan (Appendix E) evaluated my leadership
development plan. He doubts my
ability to attain my charismatic goals, he mention that charisma
is not something that
everyone is born with, it is not easy to develop based on my
personality. He also
suggests that 4 years for communication skills is too long,
because my
communication skills have to be fully developed before I move
to work on my
Next, he recommended me to use an online time management
calendar, Google
Calendar. Since phones are now parts of people’s life, it will be
more effective and
efficient when I can access it anytime.
Subsequently, he suggest that I could take up a part-time job
related to baking, since I
have some free time after graduation, to take this as an
opportunity to learn from
experienced bakers and how they operate a café.
Lastly, he suggests that I can look for a mentor from the
relevant industry, where he
has more experience and knowledge to guide and support me
when I have problems.
End of
2014 to
2015 to
2016 to
2017 to
2018 to
Graduate from RMIT University
Enrol in Le Cordon Bleu in June (1.5yrs)
Graduate from Le Cordon Bleu in December
Business research planning (6 Months or more)
Set up my cafe
Re-evaluation of leadership skills
8. Follow Up Plans
I agree to Mr. Krishnan that it will be challenging for me to
develop my charisma. It
would take a lot of effort and determination. Thus, It may take
longer than 5 years.
Therefore, I would need to revise the time frame to 6 years for
my charismatic goal
and reduce my communication skills from 4 to 3 years.
Secondly, I will start using Google Calendar. I find it very
useful, as you can see from
Appendix F, it is able to remind me of an event via email, pop-
ups and sms that a
schedule book is not able to. Moreover, my phone is around me
all the time.
Lastly, I would like to take up his suggestion of having a part-
time job in the related
field. At the same time, I could build up a personal relationship
with a mentor that is
able to assist me in the future.
The action plan above will be re-incorporated in my LDP.
9. Plan Evaluation Approach & Conclusion
In 5 years time, I will re-assess my leadership skills using the
same assessment tools. I
will compare both results and see if there are any
improvements. Next I will evaluate
based on how I speak, the number of friends I had and the way
my employees
converse with me. I will also engage my close friends for
feedbacks on my
communication skills. In addition, I can observe how my words
can influence my
employees through their reactions. Subsequently, to see if I had
diligently jogs down
my schedules in Google Calendar. Lastly, by observing how I
manage different
situations through creative problem solving.
In conclusion, I hope that I can achieve all the goals I have set
in my LDP. I
understand that learning is continuous process and I will
continue to learn other skills.
Lastly, I look forward to my dreams of setting up my own café.
Word Count (2127)
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change
Semester 1, 2014
Assessment Task 1: Leadership Development Report
Writing instructions and Marking Rubric
This assessment task is a REPORT.
The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular
style of writing which involves both the way the report is
structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s
ideas used in your work.
The structuring of a report is very clearly described in the
RMIT Study and Learning Centre Report Writing Skills Online
Tutorial available on the BUSM4194 course Blackboard site
Your first step in preparing for this assessment task should be
to complete this tutorial.
Investing time before you start writing will result in a better
Your second step should be mastering the art of referencing.
There are many styles of referencing in use in different
disciplines and geographical locations. You are required to use
the RMIT Business Referencing System. This is available to you
via the Library website, in your course site on myRMIT and is
uploaded to the assessments folder in the BUSM 4194 course
site. This is a 50 page document but reading it through will be
enormously helpful for you in this and future assessment tasks.
Make sure that you can clearly distinguish the difference
between an essay (page 28 of the document) and a report (page
Remember: this current assessment task is a REPORT not an
The critical thinking element
We want you to be very comfortable with questioning
everything you read and hear.
Anyone can remember facts and state other people’s views but a
far more useful skill is to critically review what you read and
hear and decide for yourself how reliable, accurate, applicable,
contemporary, objective and fair it is.
In this report, your assessor will value the fact that you are able
to see both benefits and deficiencies in a particular theory.
Make sure you look through the critical thinking exercises in
the course site to get a clear understanding of critical thinking!
How many references should I cite?
There is no right answer to this question because it all depends
on what you write in your report. Some statements you make in
your report will certainly need a reference to support them.
So, to determine how many references you need to cite, first (as
described in the report writing tutorial) draw a mind map of
ideas to go into your report and for each idea try to link it to a
reference source.
How will the report be marked?
Your lecturers have already created a marking rubric that will
be used to award you a mark out of 50 as the report comprises
50 of the overall 100 marks available in this course.
The rubric is reproduced over the page and will be used as a
way of providing feedback to you on how you performed.
The most important thing about the rubric is that it DEFINES
what you will be marked on. If you include additional material
that is not mentioned in the rubric it will not attract any marks,
if you forget to write about something listed in the rubric,
you’ll lose marks.
So the rubric is like a “contract” between you and your lecturer.
Following the rubric clearly is your best strategy for a good
1. Explore the Central Michigan University competencies model
2. Identify you current strengths and weaknesses as a leader (or
potential leader) within the context of the CMU
3. Review the leadership theories explored in this course and
describe how they relate to you and your leadership
development (again in the context of the CMU model)
4. Create a leadership development plan
5. Seek feedback on your plan from an established leader. This
leader can be anyone you know who holds a leadership position
in an organisation
6. Describe how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback
into your plan
7. Describe how you will achieve the developments set out in
your plan
8. Describe how you will evaluate whether or not you have
reached the level of development set out in your plan
Word limit: 2500 words (not including your reference list or
any appendices you may wish to attach)
Due: see due date in assessment tasks folder
Submission procedure: The report must be submitted in both
electronic and hard copy.
See the submission section in the course site assessment tasks
folder for more details
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric
[sem 1 2014, Singapore]
Report Element
Marks available
Marks awarded
You have included a clear description of - and justification for
- for your leadership development plan components.
You should include:
Explanation of your contextualisation of the CMU Model
Did you utilise the whole model or did you focus on a subset of
issues within the model? Why?
Diagnosis of your leadership strengths and
How did you carry out this diagnosis? What information /
journal article / other source will you cite in your report to
support the diagnostic process?
Industry-specific issues (e.g. manufacturing industry
vs financial consulting)
Considering the industry sector that you work in (or intend to
work in) are there any issues that are either unique or especially
Person-specific issues (e.g. gender, age, culture)
Your personal characteristics are important in shaping your
leadership development. What can you say, for example, about
the impact of your gender or your age group or your cultural
background or the country / culture in which you are likely the
Timeframe for plan (multi-staged? 2 years? 5 years?)
What time frames will you place on various aspects of your
leadership development? How soon could you reasonably
expect to achieve a leadership development goal?
Plan evaluation approach(es )
How will you know that you’ve achieved the goals set out in
your leadership development plan? What kind(s) of data and
information will inform this?
Your plan is supported by key theory and practice literature.
This literature has been cited and formatted according to the
RMIT Business Referencing Guide
Which ideas, theories and approaches in leadership have you
incorporated into your plan? Which reputable source will you
“cite” when discussing these?
There is clear evidence of input to leadership plan from an
industry leader.
What did the leader suggest?
What did you change as a consequence of the leader’s advice?
What did the industry leader have to say about your draft
leadership development plan? How have you modified your
draft as a consequence? (For example, if the leader you
consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your leadership
gaols was unrealistically short, did you then extend the
timeframe top achieve these?)
Total marks for this assessment task
The School of Management Undergraduate Marking Scale
Serious Fail (NN) 0-29%
Fail (NN) 30 – 49%
Pass (PA) 50 – 59%
Credit (CR) 60 – 69%
Distinction (DI) 70 – 79%
High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100%
Attainment Standards for assessment Levels
Serious Fail (NN) 0 – 29%
Flawed work – showing evidence of the following:
· Inadequate understanding of the subject in terms of
knowledge, skills and application. Minimal reading and
inadequate planning.
· Little understanding of underlying principles and concepts,
and no effective analysis.
· Reflective statements provide an incomplete or inaccurate
description of the task, with no evidence of effective
collaboration with others.
· Work failed for one or more of the following: non-submission,
academic misconduct, answering a different question from the
one asked, poor or incoherent vocabulary, no evidence of
correct scholarly referencing.
Fail (NN) 30-49%
Deficient work – showing evidence of the following:
· Lack of academic rigour, with material that is incomplete or
· Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of
knowledge to make a persuasive case.
· Failure to review critically, analyse, consolidate and combine
knowledge and draw relevant conclusions.
· Reflective statements provide a basic description of the task
with no insight into behaviour or learning preferences for
collaborative practice.
· Does not demonstrate sufficient grasp of the required
scholarly standards in relation to presentation, with errors, bad
spelling or grammar, lack of organisation, insufficient
· Improper citation of sources and referencing of work.
· Late submission.
Pass (PA) 50 –59%
Satisfactory work – showing evidence of the following:
· The subject is covered satisfactorily but the volume of reading
is insufficient for Credit.
· Reasonable coverage of the relevant body of knowledge but
does not review critically, analyse, consolidate with a high level
of insight.
· Factual and descriptive rather than carefully argued and
analytical style of work. Lacks evidence of intellectual
independence to adapt knowledge in diverse contexts.
· Conclusions are limited in scope.
· Reflective statements provide a nuanced insight into behaviour
and learning preferences and practice in collaboration with
· English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and
communication style is competent and coherent
· Only minor lapses in referencing and/or use of sources.
· Work is not well organised or structured.
Credit (CR) 60 – 69%
Good work – showing evidence of the following:
· Broad understanding of the subject or area of practice and has
read widely.
· Volume of reading of sufficient breadth and depth for a
competent understanding of main issues, underlying principles
and concepts but without the comprehensiveness of higher
· Well-developed skills to present critical arguments and
competent use of theoretical and technical knowledge with
depth in some areas.
· Displays competence in reviewing critically, analysing,
consolidating and synthesising the various cases made within a
body of knowledge.
· Coherent arguments supported by evidence and illustration
from the work of other authorities or by direct empirical
analysis, but without the intellectual independence found in the
higher grades.
· The work is clearly structured and the exposition of
knowledge and ideas is clear and competent.
· Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the
task, learning and relationships with others, ability to critically
evaluate relevant theories, but without the self- awareness and
self-questioning found in higher grades.
· Clear, coherent and interesting presentation, with
responsibility and accountability to deal with questions and
criticisms well.
· English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and/or use
of sources, and communication style is good.
· Work is fully referenced according to accepted scholarly
Distinction (DI) 70 – 79%
Excellent work – showing evidence of the following:
· Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject.
· Material is deployed in a disciplined way with sophisticated
comprehension of key issues
· Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise
and apply theoretical and technical body knowledge in a broad
range of areas and diverse contexts.
· Shows reasoning and creative skills to use knowledge and
awareness to exercise critical thinking and judgement in
selecting and applying methods and technologies in identifying
and solving problems with intellectual independence
· The work is clearly structured and convincingly supported by
appropriate evidence, argument or illustration.
· Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the
task with insights into learning and interaction.
· Demonstrates critical evaluation and analysis of relevant
theories as a basis for independent lifelong learning.
· Extremely solid, thorough, comprehensive written work, with
a high level of academic integrity but without great originality.
High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100%
Exceptional work – showing evidence of the following:
· Highly original or insightful work.
· Evidence of formulated and sustained arguments with
sophisticated analysis, inferences, synthesis of material and
identifying flaws in published work.
· Could not be improved at this learning

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Portrait of an ESFP - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving .docx

  • 1. Portrait of an ESFP - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling) The Performer As an ESFP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system. ESFP's live in the world of people possibilities. They love people and new experiences. They are lively and fun, and enjoy being the center of attention. They live in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in their lives. ESFP’s have very strong inter-personal skills, and may find themselves in the role of the peacemaker frequently. Since they make decisions by using their personal values, they are usually very sympathetic and concerned for other people's well-being. They're usually quite generous and warm. They are very observant about other people, and seem to sense what is wrong with someone before others might, responding warmly with a solution to a practical need. They might not be the best advice-givers in the world, because they dislike theory and future-planning, but they are great for giving practical care.
  • 2. ESFP is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. They love to have fun. If the ESFP has not developed their Thinking side by giving consideration to rational thought processing, they tend to become over-indulgent, and place more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on their duties and obligations. They may also avoid looking at long-term consequences of their actions. For the ESFP, the entire world is a stage. They love to be the center of attention and perform for people. They're constantly putting on a show for others to entertain them and make them happy. They enjoy stimulating other people's senses, and are extremely good at it. They would love nothing more than for life to be a continual party, in which they play the role of the fun- loving host. ESFP’s love people and everybody loves an ESFP. One of their greatest gifts is their general acceptance of everyone. They are upbeat and enthusiastic, and genuinely like almost everybody. An ESFP is unfailingly warm and generous with their friends, and they generally treat everyone as a friend. However, once crossed, an ESFP is likely to make a very strong and stubborn judgment against the person who crossed them. They are capable of deep dislike in such a situation. The ESFP under a great deal of stress gets overwhelmed with negatives thoughts and possibilities. As an optimistic individual who lives in the world of possibilities, negative possibilities do not sit well with them. In an effort to combat these thoughts, they're likely to come up with simple, global statements to explain away the problem. These simplistic explanations may or may
  • 3. not truly get to the nature of the issue, but they serve the ESFP well by allowing them to get over it. ESFP’s are likely to be very practical, although they hate structure and routine. They like to "go with the flow", trusting in their ability to improvise in any situation presented to them. They learn best with "hands- on" experience, rather than by studying a book. They're uncomfortable with theory. If an ESFP hasn't developed their intuitive side, they may tend to avoid situations which involve a lot of theoretical thinking, or which are complex and ambiguous. For this reason, an ESFP may have difficulty in school. On the other hand, the ESFP does extremely well in situations where they're allowed to learn by interacting with others, or in which they "learn by doing". ESFP’s have a very well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty, and an excellent sense of space and function. If they have the means, they're likely to have to have many beautiful possessions, and an artfully furnished home. In general, they take great pleasure in objects of aesthetic beauty. They're likely to have a strong appreciation for the finer things in life, such as good food and good wine. The ESFP is a great team player. He or she is not likely to create any problems or fuss, and is likely to create the most fun environment possible for getting the task done. ESFP’s will do best in careers in which they are able to use their excellent people skills, along with their abilities to meld ideas into structured formats. Since they are fast-paced individuals who like new
  • 4. experiences, they should choose careers which offer or require a lot of diversity, as well as people skills. ESFP’s usually like to feel strongly bonded with other people, and have a connection with animals and small children that is not found in most other types. They're likely to have a strong appreciation for the beauties of nature as well. The ESFP has a tremendous love for life, and knows how to have fun. They like to bring others along on their fun-rides, and are typically a lot of fun to be with. They're flexible, adaptable, genuinely interested in people, and usually kind-hearted. They have a special ability to get a lot of fun out of life, but they need to watch out for the pitfalls associated with living entirely in the moment. Jungian functional preference ordering: Dominant: Extraverted Sensing Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling Tertiary: Extraverted Thinking Inferior: Introverted Intuition ESFP’s generally have the following traits: � Live in the present moment � Are stimulated and excited by new experiences � Practical and realistic � Warmly interested in people � Know how to have a good time, and how to make things fun for others � Independent and resourceful � Spontaneous - seldom plan ahead � Hate structure and routine � Dislike theory and long written explanations
  • 5. � Feel special bond with children and animals � Strongly developed aesthetic appreciation for things � Great people skills ESFP’s are good at many things, but will not be happy unless they have a lot of contact with people, and a lot of new experiences. They should choose careers which provide them with the opportunity to use their great people skills and practical perspective, which will also provide them with enough new challenges that they will not become bored. ESFP Relationships ESFP’s are fun and delightful to be with. They live for the moment, and know how to make the most of each moment. They are genuinely, warmly interested in people, and love to make others happy. They're usually very kind-hearted and generous, and are always going out of their way to do something nice for someone. Their affection is simple, straight-forward and honest. They dislike theory and complexities. They often resist forming relationships which require them to function on a high Intuitive or Thinking level. They prefer for things to be light and happy, although their warmth and affection runs deep. Their potential downfall is the tendency to live entirely for the present moment, and therefore to sometimes be unaware of the direction that their relationship is heading, or to be easily distracted from long-term commitments. ESFP Strengths
  • 6. � Enthusiastic and fun-loving, they make everything enjoyable � Clever, witty, direct, and popular, people are drawn towards them � Earthy and sensual � Down to earth and practical, able to take care of daily needs � Artistic and creative, they're likely to have attractive homes � Flexible and diverse, they "go with the flow" extremely well � They can leave bad relationships, although it's not easy � Try to make the most of every moment � Generous and warm-hearted ESFP Weaknesses � May be frivolous and risky with money � Tend to be materialistic � Extreme dislike of criticism, likely to take things extremely personally � Likely to ignore or escape conflict situations rather than face them � Lifelong commitments may be a struggle for them - they take things one day at a time � Don't pay enough attention to their own needs � Tendency to neglect their health, or even abuse their bodies � Always excited by something new, they may change partners frequently What does Success mean to an ESFP? ESFP’s can’t help but spontaneously grasp the moment, particularly if it offers a new sensation or experience. And while the ESFP might seem to others to only be interested in piling up new experiences, or reliving old ones just to savor the quality of the sensations or lively enjoyment they bring, the ESFP has in fact a far more subtle relationship to life and the world around
  • 7. them. Indeed, with their curious mixture of Extraverted Sensation and Introverted Feeling, the ESFP can show a wealth of complexity in their ways, even if to the ESFP themselves, considering such matters is felt to be a tedious and - to their way of seeing the world - quite unnecessary task. For this reason, just defining what success means to an ESFP requires more than simply assuming that a life filled with satisfying, quality experiences necessarily fulfills this criteria, as the ESFP’s true needs and satisfactions will depend greatly on the strength and refinement of their Sensation and Feeling functions. But there is one thing that defines all ESFP’s, and that is their exuberant ability - and need - to engage with other people and express that which grips them. So, whilst success might come through many different paths, and be felt by the ESFP in modes and preferences not necessarily understood as success by other types, the successful ESFP will nevertheless always be found where they can live in full and open engagement with people and able to express their talents, appreciations and joys before the world at large. Allowing Your ESFP Strengths to Flourish As an ESFP, you have gifts that are specific to your personality type that aren't natural strengths for other types. By recognizing your special gifts and encouraging their growth and development, you will more readily see your place in the world, and how you can better use your talents to achieve your dreams. Nearly all ESFP’s will recognize the following characteristics in themselves. They should embrace and nourish these strengths: � A great ability to understand the objective world, its facts
  • 8. and realities. � A talent for entertaining and pleasing others with words and actions. � An aptitude for getting the most out of any situation or place. � Very skilled at finding the best of things for themselves and others. � A warm and generous attitude both as a giver and receiver. � Exceptional natural musical and dramatic skills. � A detailed and finely nuanced appreciation of the outside world. � Adept at detecting and recognizing the effects of minute changes to their environment. � A talent for learning to do practically anything by just watching and doing. � A reassuring and practical sense of the world which supports others. ESFP’s who have developed their Introverted Feeling to the extent that they can integrate the concrete world of their perceptions with a responsive and healthy system of personal values will find that they enjoy these very special gifts: � Their refined tastes will make it a joy for others to be in their company and homes. � Their ability to weigh the value of their actions gives great force to their talent for entertaining people of all tastes. � They will quickly differentiate between those things which are of greater and lesser importance to a situation.
  • 9. � They will not just seek entertainment and things for their own sake, but will seek always to find that which they feel will provide the most value and reward for themselves and others. � The ESFP who augments their ability to recognize opportunities (Extraverted Sensing) with a strong internal value system (Introverted Feeling) will find themselves more likely to attract, and be attracted into, very rewarding relationships with others - particularly with those of the opposite sex. � They will recognize and promote the talents of others. � They can be counted on to defend the best and most life promoting aspects of the world. Potential Problem Areas With any gift of strength, there is an associated weakness. Without "bad", there would be no "good". Without "difficult", there would be no "easy". We value our strengths, but we often curse and ignore our weaknesses. To grow as a person and get what we want out of life, we must not only capitalize upon our strengths, but also face our weaknesses and deal with them. That means taking a hard look at our personality type's potential problem areas. ESFP’s are kind and creative beings with many special gifts. I would like for the ESFP to keep in mind some of the many positive things associated with being an ESFP as they read some of this more negative material. Also remember that the weaknesses associated with being an ESFP are natural to your type.
  • 10. Although it may be depressing to read about your type's weaknesses, please remember that we offer this information to enact positive change. We want people to grow into their own potential, and to live happy and successful lives. Most of the weaker characteristics that are found in ESFP’s are due to their dominant Extraverted Sensing function overshadowing the rest of their personality. When this function smothers everything else, the ESFP can't use Introverted Feeling to properly judge the value and propriety of their perceptions or actions. The first ten of the following weaknesses derive in varying degrees from this problem alone, whilst the rest are due to the additional effect of the ESFP’s unique make up and result from their diminished capacity to use abstract reasoning: � May be seen by others as unnecessarily coarse in their behavior and life choices. � May be unable to value or may ignore the preferences and needs of others. � May perceive even the most careful and objective criticism as simply a ploy to spoil their enjoyment of life. � May have skewed or unrealistic ideas about the feelings of others. � May be unable to acknowledge or hear anything that would lead to second thoughts or a more careful appreciation. � May blame their problems on the world at large, seeing themselves as frustrated heroes battling against the odds.
  • 11. � May become totally self focused and oblivious to the havoc they wreak on others feelings. � May uncaringly use totally inappropriate social behavior simply to make a point. � May be overbearing in their judgments upon the taste and dress of others. � May come across to others as boastful and rash in their attitudes. � May rationalize the ways of the world in the most inane or simplistic ways. � May believe the most extraordinary things about inanimate objects and their workings. � May feel overwhelmed with tension and stress when driven into a situation which requires deep and careful consideration. � Under great stress, may feel the world around them is alive with dark, unseen influences. Another difficulty, which is not so much a problem for the ESFP but for those around them, particularly if Introverted Thinking or Intuitive types, is that even when joyful or in the midst of life, they may be perceived as coldly self absorbed and oblivious to the feelings of others, even when the truth is quite the reverse. Should it somehow matter, then when in the company of such people, the ESFP should take some trouble to express their feelings and value judgments. Explanation of Problems Nearly all of the problematic characteristics described above can be attributed in various degrees to the common ESFP problem of being overly absorbed by the sensations and immediate apparent facts of the
  • 12. external world. ESFP’s are usually very spontaneous and outgoing people who have little time for analysis of the complexities behind the world they live in. They are likely to treat any point of view other than their own rather shortly, waving away in particular the more intellectual and intuitive understandings of others as irrelevant and totally secondary to the obvious realities of life. If the ESFP does not learn how to deal with the tension that arises between, what to them is the most obvious and satisfying way to deal with the world and those deeper intricacies which lie behind its facade, the ESFP will begin to shut out any incoming information which produces this tension. This is a natural survival technique for the ESFP personality. The main driver to the ESFP personality is Extraverted Sensation, whose purpose is solely to perceive the realities of the external world and by which the ESFP orients themselves towards the things they need or desire. If an ESFP's image of the world is threatened by demands for careful judgment or reasoning, the ESFP shuts out the demand in order to preserve and honor their world view. This is totally natural, and works well to protect the individual psyche from getting hurt. However, the ESFP who exercises this type of self-protection regularly will become not only more and more careless of other people's needs and perspectives, but also cut off in a world where the facts and realities which they perceive become interwoven with a belief system which supports only the ESFP’s desire driven view. Under such circumstances they will justify their own inappropriate behaviors in the most astounding or rationally simplistic ways, and will always find fault with others for trying to complicate and disturb what ought to be a simple and obvious way of life. It will be difficult for them to maintain close personal relationships
  • 13. because they will not only have unreasonable and simplistically concrete expectations, but will be unable to understand why such expectations cannot be easily met. It’s not an uncommon tendency for the ESFP to look to their inner world only for feelings that justify their desires and perceptions. However, if this tendency is given free reign, the resulting ESFP personality is too self-centered to be happy or successful. Since the ESFP's dominant function is Extraverted Sensing, they must balance this with an auxiliary Introverted Feeling function which is sufficiently refined to make reasonably objective judgments about the value of the ESFP’s actions and the people and things in their life. The ESFP makes value judgments via Introverted Intuition. This is also the ESFP's primary way of dealing with their own internal subjective world. If the ESFP uses Introverted Feeling only to serve the purposes of Extraverted Sensing, then the ESFP is not using Introversion effectively at all. As a result, the ESFP does sufficiently consider the effects of their actions and perceptions sufficiently for a strong value system to arise in their personality. They see nothing but the joys, satisfactions and sensations of the world outside themselves, and deal with feeling only so far as it supports their need for constant stimulation and gratification. These individuals can often come across as coarse and lustful, although can just as easily seem the complete opposite, as refined and tasteful connoisseurs who, nevertheless, at closer quarters reveal their complete indifference to anything but the satisfaction of their own desires. At this point, I would like the reader to understand that, as with all personality types, serious problems are usually only encountered by those whose dominant function is
  • 14. unusually strongly expressed against the other functions. Such situations are rare and although the problems discussed here can indeed be felt to some level by all ESFP’s, most people regardless of their personality type tend toward a balance within both their personal and worldly relationships which occurs despite differences in personality preference; a balance driven by the need for comfort in others and the human capacity for love. So whilst it is essential for us to fine tune our relationships through knowledge and understanding of our differences and peculiar needs, it is also good for us to remember that the most simple and childlike longings of the heart can also be most powerful guides to happiness. Solution s To grow as an individual, the ESFP needs to focus on increasing their self understanding to allow a rational and more objectively reasoned value system to arise within themselves. In order for the ESFP to more validly judge the value of their desires, actions and the things they allow into their world, the ESFP needs to know that their world view is not being threatened but
  • 15. qualitatively reinforced by the strength and objectivity of their judgments. The ESFP must consciously tell himself/herself that a feeling that does not agree with their desires or perceptions of the world is not an indictment of their character but a clue to greater understanding. The ESFP who is concerned with personal growth will pay close attention to their motivation for valuing certain actions, interests and possessions over others. Do they attend to their feelings to judge such things according to a strong set of values which accords also with the needs of others? Or, do they judge only to support a personal desire? At the moment when something is felt, is the ESFP concerned with adjusting that feeling to fit in with what appears to them as the most important things in the world? Or is she/he concerned with allowing their feelings to be fully realized? To achieve a better understanding of their feelings, the ESFP should try to allow feelings their full force, before setting them against their strong desires. They should be consciously aware of their tendency to discard anything that doesn't agree with their immediate sense of appearance, and work towards lessening this tendency. They should try to see
  • 16. situations from other people's perspectives, without making personal judgments about the situations or the other people's perspectives. In general, they should work on exercising their Feeling in a truly Introverted sense. In other words, they should use Feeling to understand how the world of their perceptions affects their inner life, using it to discover the values that truly matter, rather than simply to support their wishes. The ESFP who successfully creates a strong value system can be quite a powerful force for positive change. Living Happily in our World as an ESFP Some ESFP’s have difficulty fitting into our society. Their problems are often a result of an uncaring attitude to anything other than the moment, an unawareness of the needs of others, or too simplistic a set of expectations. All of these issues stem from using Introverted Feeling in a diminished manner. An ESFP who uses feeling to judge the value of their perceptions and actions, rather than one who uses it only to support their desires, will have a clearer, more refined appreciation of the world and what it can offer. He or she will also be more aware of how others may feel, and will have more realistic expectations for others' behavior within a relationship. Such well-adjusted ESFP’s will
  • 17. fit happily into our society. Unless you really understand Psychological Type and the nuances of the various personality functions, it's a difficult task to suddenly start to use Feeling in an Introverted direction. It's difficult to even understand what that means, much less to incorporate that directive into your life. For the ESFP, the most important thing is to recognize and understand that Feelings must not be confused with sensations or the emotions they unleash. Quite often we say “it feels good” when we really mean that the sensation we are experiencing is good. The sense of “Feeling” from a psychological viewpoint is that it underlies that rational, judging factor which discriminates rightness or applicability from wrongness or misapplication, guilt from pride etc. With this in mind, I am providing some specific suggestions that may help you to begin exercising your Introverted Feeling: When a new prospect enters your life and stirs your appetite, sit with it for a moment in your mind and allow yourself to notice whether you have a lurking judgment about it. Try to allow this judgment to come forward on its own behalf and do not try to rationalize it nor be
  • 18. afraid of it. Imagine that you are hearing this judgment from the lips of another person, or perhaps from God, anything to let it be felt objectively within your mind. What is your Feeling function saying about what your exciting new prospect really means to you? Think of a situation in your life in which you are sharing your joys and enthusiasms with others, perhaps entertaining them. Perhaps you are an entertainer. Watch the looks and body language of others as you speak or perform and notice that not all seem to be offering the same emotional responses to your words or actions. Each one is feeling you a different way, judging you a different way. Try to notice the same function within yourself now, the responsive person within you who is also judging your words and actions. How is he/she reacting to you? When having a conversation with a friend or relative, dedicate at least half of your time to discovering their values and reasons. Concentrate on really understanding why
  • 19. they feel as they do. Ask questions, and take some time later to ask those same questions of yourself. Think of the people who are closest to you. As you think of each person, tell yourself "this person has their own life going on, and they are more concerned with their own life than they are with mine." Remember that this doesn't mean that they don't care about you. It's the natural order of things. Try to visualize what that person is doing right now. What are they feeling, what judgments are they possibly making about what is happening to them? Don't compare their situation to your own; just try to discover how you would feel in their situation. Try to identify the personality type of everyone that you come into contact with for any length of time. Ten Rules to Live By to Achieve ESFP Success 1. Feed Your Strengths! Encourage your natural expressive abilities and hands-on talents. Nourish your appreciation of the world. Give yourself opportunities to enjoy life to the full.
  • 20. 2. Face Your Weaknesses! Realize and accept that some traits are strengths and some are weaknesses. Facing and dealing with your weaknesses doesn't mean that you have to change who you are; it means that you want to be the best you possible. By facing your weaknesses, you are honoring your true self, rather than attacking yourself. 3. Express Your Feelings. Don't let worries build up inside of you. If you are troubled by doubt or fear, tell those close to you who will listen and offer counsel. Don't make the mistake of “blipping over it” or “sorting it out” some quick fix way. 4. Listen to Everything. Try not to accept everything at face value. Let everything soak in and listen to your feelings. 5. Smile at Criticism. Remember that people will not always agree with you or understand you, even if they value you greatly. Try to see disagreement and criticism as an opportunity for growth. In fact, that is exactly what it is. 6. Be Aware of Others. Remember that there are 15 other
  • 21. personality types out there who see things differently than you see them. Try to identify other people's types. Try to understand their perspectives. 7. Be Accountable for Yourself. Remember that your every word and action affects those around you, so it is important for you to be fully responsible for your self, and to the values you hold. 8. Be Gentle in Your Expectations. You will always be disappointed with others if you expect too much of them. Being disappointed with another person is the best way to drive them away. Treat others with the same gentleness that you would like to be treated with. 9. Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself by assuming the worst. Remember that a positive attitude often creates positive situations. 10. When in Doubt, Ask Questions! If something seems to be wrong and you can’t put your finger on it, maybe someone else can. Remember, there are many ways of seeing the world, and perhaps
  • 22. someone else’s way will reveal the truth. This content comes from:, and much of it was written by Robert Heyward. Leung 1 3. Assuming other firms start to imitate TOMS Shoes, what would you suggest they do? In other words, what are your recommendations for TOMS Shoes that would help them maintain a competitive advantage in the future? 10 Points BUSM 4194 – Leading for Change Leadership Development Report
  • 23. Crystal Boey Gui Xuan (S3396123) [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 2 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------ ---Page 3 2. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------- ----Page 4 3. Focus Areas Based on Industry------------------------------------ --Page 4 - 5 3.1 Self-Management
  • 24. 3.2 Leading Others 3.3 Innovations 4. Assessments tools -------------------------------------------------- ----Page 5 - 8 4.1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 4.2 Leadership Competency Assessment 4.3 Strength and Weakness 5. Other Issues --------------------------------------------------------- ----Page 9 6. Leadership Development Plan------------------------------------- ---Page 9 - 13 6.1 Improving Leading Others Through Communication 6.2 Improving Innovations Through Creativity
  • 25. 6.3 Maintaining Self-Management 6.4 Charismatic Leadership 6.5 Timeframe & Timeline 7. Review on Leadership Development Plan ----------------------- ----Page 13 8. Follow Up Plan ----------------------------------------------------- -----Page 14 9. Plan Evaluation Approach & Conclusion ------------------------ ----Page 14 10. Reference ---------------------------------------------------------- -------Page 15 - 16 11. Appendix ----------------------------------------------------------
  • 26. --------Page 17 - 20 [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 3 1. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to create a leadership development plan, my foci would be placed on self-management, leading others and innovation. These are the 3 skills that I will be developing for my career in the future. The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was used to analyze my personality and current leadership style. The Central Michigan University (CMU) leadership competency model was used to assess my current strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Based on the
  • 27. assessments, my key strength and weakness are self-management and leading others respectively. After which, a leadership development plan was written on action steps that should be taken to reach my goals within a timeframe. Mr Krishnan, had evaluated my leadership plan and gave some valuable feedbacks which will be incorporated into my plan as well. Finally, my leadership skills will be re-assessed 5 years later using the same assessment tool.
  • 28. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 4 2. Introduction Leadership developments are vital for organizations and
  • 29. personal developments. This report can help me to recognize how self-improvement and self- assessment in the areas of leadership and change management could impact on my personal development. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Central Michigan University (CMU) leadership model will be used to evaluate my strength and weakness. I see myself working in the F&B industry in 3 years time. I would first pursue another diploma in patisserie, a 1.5 years course after graduation. And set up my own café with my business partners, where I will be focusing on the operations. In order to be
  • 30. successful, I will need to develop related leadership skills. 3. Focus Area based on Industry I would focus particularly on self-management, leading others and innovation. I believed that self-management is the most important aspect out of the 5 dimensions that everyone should develop on. If one is unable to manage themselves, how can one manage others and show leadership qualities. 3.1 Self-Management Based on my job scope, time management is very important. Being organized and using time efficiently is crucial, as time is money. Being a patisserie, preparations
  • 31. must be done before opening and peak period to ensure steady supply of dishes. Subsequently, I have to manage stress, when being push to develop new recipes within a limited time frame and when business is not going well as expected. 3.2 Leading Others Being in charge of the operation, I have to lead my team. Employees are the most important element in any business. Thus, I must be able to communicate well with my employees, understand their needs, motivate employees to work hard for success and develop the potential in all my employees.
  • 32. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 5 3.3 Innovations In order to gain competitive advantage in the F&B industry, being innovative is crucial. Customers like unique, new and fun ideas, being creative is essential for generating ideas for developing new recipes, flavors and promotions. Moreover, consumers taste and preferences are constantly changing, I need to cope with changes and predict the next popular trend.
  • 33. Being in this position, I feel that these are the 3 dimensions that I should possess. In contrast, social responsibility is not so crucial, other than integrity and being ethical, social knowledge and civic responsibility will not make much of a difference to the business. Lastly, task management, my business partners will deal with the management side of the business. 4. Assessments Tools 4.1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Source: Extracted from Personality Type, My Personality (2007).
  • 34. MBTI is a questionnaire used to determine a person’s personality (Myers & Briggs Foundation 2003), the results I obtained were ‘ISTJ’. Each element is described in Appendix A and an overview of ISTJ can be seen in Appendix B. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 6 This report suggests that I would prefer private conversations with close friends than groups, often quiet but serious in my work. Sensation people are perfectionists, they are detailed and précised. Uses reasoning skills to test options of all cause and effects (Killen & Williams 2009). Being judgmental, I like to be organized and follow a
  • 35. standard procedure (Killen & Williams 2009). Some of the leadership traits that I possess are reliable, stable, tradition, responsible, realistic and diligent. Subsequently, it suggested that I am adopting the task-centred leadership approached as I focus more on task than on emotions (University of Saskatchewan n.d.), where my main focus is about getting the work done effectively and efficiently (Fleishman 1953). This is in line with my personality, as I like my work to be done fast and quick. In addition, according to Blake and Mouton ‘s Leadership Grid, I am using the authority-compliance management style, due to the fact that I focus more on results
  • 36. (Miller et al. 2012). Lastly, ‘S’ (sensing) and ‘T’ (thinking), the report proposes that I could adopt the servant-leadership, to set up structure, rule and regulation as a service (Lewis, Spears & Lafferty 2010). Hence, everyone will follow the same rules and be treated equally. Once the structure is set and everyone is clear about it, it enables others to get job done more efficiently. While, ‘J’ (judging) servant leader served their followers through ‘pushing’ their capabilities, helping them organize and develop themselves to achieve goals (Lewis, Spears & Lafferty 2010).
  • 37. 4.2 Leadership Competency Assessment The second assessment tool, Leadership Competency Assessment, is used to identify my strength and weakness as a leader (CMU 2004). My report can be seen in Appendix C. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 7 The score range from 1 to 6, 6 being the highest. I had obtained a mean score of 4.7 for self-management, 4.03 for leading others, and 4.09 on innovation. This assessment
  • 38. tool can tell me exactly which competency that I should improve or maintain. 5.4 5 5 4.6 3.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Work Habits Work Attitudes Stress Management Self Insight
  • 39. Learning Self Management, Score: 4.70 2.4 4.4 4.6 3.5 4.83 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 41. 2 3 4 5 6 Creativity Enterprising Integrating Perspectives Forecasting Managing Change Innovation, Score: 4.09 [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 8 4.3 Strength and Weakness Both models appropriately address my strength and weakness.
  • 42. My strengths would be self-management. I have a score of 5.4 on work habit, and based on MBTI (Appendix D), being organized denotes time management, setting goals as goal orientation, completing work without supervision as self-reliance and so on (University of Saskatchewan n.d.). I can say that I am really good in time management. I would organize and plan my schedule beforehand. I grew up independently, thus, having to do everything on my own, I feel that there is a need for everything to be in schedule. Being persistent would be my second strength, when faced with difficulties, I will insist to find a solution. Lastly, I am able to manage stress well, this might be due to
  • 43. my personality as a cheerful person, I believe that everything will work out to be fine eventually. According to Miller et al. (2012), a charismatic leader needs to have excellent verbal communication skills that are able to portray the image of credible, innovative and trustworthy. In addition, having the ability to lead requires you to have interpersonal awareness, ability to communicate, influence, motivate and develop others (Bapat et al., n.d.). However, a 95% score on introvert and 2.4 on communication denotes that I am
  • 44. severely lacking in charisma and leading skills. I admit that I am relatively poor in communication. I find it hard to strike and sustain a conversation with others and I get nervous easily when facing someone new. When I am young, I used to be very talkative, the teachers would always complaint to my parents. Being in fear of canings and scolding, I became quiet as I grew older. Lastly, being high on sensing and judging, ISTJ do not like changes. Truly, I would prefer to follow standard procedures than to innovate, my creative juice can only be produce if I am interested in that subject. In this case, baking is my passion and I will be doing what I like, however, I would still like to improve on
  • 45. my creativity skills (score: 4) Therefore, my key strength and weakness are self-management (time management) and leading others (communication) respectively. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 9 5. Other Issues Being a young entrepreneur, many other issues will be faced. My employees might even be older and have more experiences than me. My credibility and ability to lead will be doubt by many. In addition, even though now more women are seen working
  • 46. in the society, they are seldom in a leadership position (Haslam & Ryan 2008). In the past, women are only responsible for their home. Being a woman, I am more likely to be criticized for failure when holding a leadership position. 6. Leadership Development Plan 6.1 Improving Leading Others through Communication First I would need to improve on my communication skills. This will be an ongoing process that I will start practicing, right from school and throughout my life. I aim to be-friend with a stranger per week from school. I also find that online forum is a great
  • 47. place to make new friends who shares the same interest, such as the “cozy cot” and “flower pot”. Both forums are women sites, so it is safe for me to make friends there. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Communicating Creativity Work Habits
  • 48. Leadership Development Goals Scores based on Leadership Competency Assessment Goals current [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 10 The second step is to involve myself in different activities where I can expand my social capital and learn how to communicate with others. I spend most of my life staying indoors. Recently, I joined a health fitness club where I will visit once a week, and made some new friends. Other than the wellness club, I intend to join other
  • 49. activities such as yoga and traveling. Lastly, I would sign up a communication workshop by STTS. They specialized in communication skills training, where there will be group work and discussions that involves role-playing, interactions and participation (STTS 2013). 6.2 Improving Innovations through creativity Instead of following a standard procedure, I should find out alternatives ways to get job done. By doing so, implies that I have to take risk and improve my creative problem solving skills. Problem solving skills can be developed through stimulations. I can start practicing this skill in school through group projects.
  • 50. Subsequently, there are many techniques that can be found online which I could learn on my own, such as ‘Direct Attention Thinking Tools’ (DATT) developed by Edward de Bono, to sharpen my perception and improve my critical thinking skills through the uses of 10 different strategies (The SIM Group 2007). While taking my diploma in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I had attended creativity classes and learned about the ‘Six Thinking Hats’. I will recover my notes and refresh my memory. Alternatively, I could attend creative thinking skills workshops offered in Singapore.
  • 51. 6.3 Maintaining Self-Management Skills Currently, I am using a schedule book to write down my appointments and important dates. However, I do not refer to them everyday, thus I have to be more diligent in updating and referring to my book to keep this sustainable. While developing my creative problem solving and communication skills, I am also developing my learning skills at the same time. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 11
  • 52. 6.4 Charismatic Leadership This will be my biggest challenge, to become less tasks-centred, and move myself up the Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid from ‘Authority- Compliance’ to ‘Team Management’, I need to develop myself into a charismatic leader. A charismatic leader is one who has strong interpersonal relationship skills that is able to influence followers to make meaningful contributions towards the same goal through referent power and expert power (Halpert 1990). At the same time, it can help to motivate and develop others. This can develop my leading skills to a whole new level and
  • 53. from this I can move further to become a transformational leader (new goals 5 years later). In order to do so, my communication skills must be improved. Followed by, changing my personality, from quiet to outgoing, confidence, assertive and being positive. This will truly depend on my determination, and I would take up toastmaster class as well.
  • 54. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 12 6.4 Time Frame & Time Line Competency Goals Action Steps Timeframe communication skills to a whole new level
  • 55. my assessment g in school -friend with a stranger per week more social activities communication skill workshop 4 years However, will still practice it
  • 56. as a ongoing process eative problem solving skills of following a standard procedure score as a whole school through projects
  • 57. techniques that can stimulate my mind over what I had learned in Poly thinking classes 3 Years However, will still practice it as a ongoing process improve my self- management skills
  • 58. and referring to my schedule 1 Year However, will still practice it as a ongoing process Charismatic Leadership leader
  • 59. - centred leadership style to ‘Team Management’ communication skills open up class 5 years
  • 60. [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 13 Time Line: 7. Reviews on Leadership Development Plan Mr. Krishnan (Appendix E) evaluated my leadership development plan. He doubts my ability to attain my charismatic goals, he mention that charisma is not something that everyone is born with, it is not easy to develop based on my
  • 61. personality. He also suggests that 4 years for communication skills is too long, because my communication skills have to be fully developed before I move to work on my charisma. Next, he recommended me to use an online time management calendar, Google Calendar. Since phones are now parts of people’s life, it will be more effective and efficient when I can access it anytime. Subsequently, he suggest that I could take up a part-time job related to baking, since I have some free time after graduation, to take this as an opportunity to learn from
  • 62. experienced bakers and how they operate a café. Lastly, he suggests that I can look for a mentor from the relevant industry, where he has more experience and knowledge to guide and support me when I have problems. End of 2013 2014 to 2015 2015 to 2016 2016 to 2017 2017 to
  • 63. 2018 2018 to 2019 Graduate from RMIT University Enrol in Le Cordon Bleu in June (1.5yrs) Graduate from Le Cordon Bleu in December Business research planning (6 Months or more) Set up my cafe Re-evaluation of leadership skills [BUSM 4194 – LEADING FOR CHANGE] 14 8. Follow Up Plans I agree to Mr. Krishnan that it will be challenging for me to
  • 64. develop my charisma. It would take a lot of effort and determination. Thus, It may take longer than 5 years. Therefore, I would need to revise the time frame to 6 years for my charismatic goal and reduce my communication skills from 4 to 3 years. Secondly, I will start using Google Calendar. I find it very useful, as you can see from Appendix F, it is able to remind me of an event via email, pop- ups and sms that a schedule book is not able to. Moreover, my phone is around me all the time. Lastly, I would like to take up his suggestion of having a part- time job in the related field. At the same time, I could build up a personal relationship
  • 65. with a mentor that is able to assist me in the future. The action plan above will be re-incorporated in my LDP. 9. Plan Evaluation Approach & Conclusion In 5 years time, I will re-assess my leadership skills using the same assessment tools. I will compare both results and see if there are any improvements. Next I will evaluate based on how I speak, the number of friends I had and the way my employees converse with me. I will also engage my close friends for feedbacks on my communication skills. In addition, I can observe how my words can influence my
  • 66. employees through their reactions. Subsequently, to see if I had diligently jogs down my schedules in Google Calendar. Lastly, by observing how I manage different situations through creative problem solving. In conclusion, I hope that I can achieve all the goals I have set in my LDP. I understand that learning is continuous process and I will continue to learn other skills. Lastly, I look forward to my dreams of setting up my own café. Word Count (2127)
  • 67. BUSM 4194 Leading for Change Semester 1, 2014 Assessment Task 1: Leadership Development Report Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is a REPORT. The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of writing which involves both the way the report is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of a report is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Report Writing Skills Online Tutorial available on the BUSM4194 course Blackboard site Your first step in preparing for this assessment task should be to complete this tutorial. Investing time before you start writing will result in a better report. Your second step should be mastering the art of referencing.
  • 68. There are many styles of referencing in use in different disciplines and geographical locations. You are required to use the RMIT Business Referencing System. This is available to you via the Library website, in your course site on myRMIT and is uploaded to the assessments folder in the BUSM 4194 course site. This is a 50 page document but reading it through will be enormously helpful for you in this and future assessment tasks. Make sure that you can clearly distinguish the difference between an essay (page 28 of the document) and a report (page 36). Remember: this current assessment task is a REPORT not an ESSAY. The critical thinking element We want you to be very comfortable with questioning everything you read and hear. Anyone can remember facts and state other people’s views but a far more useful skill is to critically review what you read and hear and decide for yourself how reliable, accurate, applicable, contemporary, objective and fair it is. In this report, your assessor will value the fact that you are able to see both benefits and deficiencies in a particular theory. Make sure you look through the critical thinking exercises in
  • 69. the course site to get a clear understanding of critical thinking! How many references should I cite? There is no right answer to this question because it all depends on what you write in your report. Some statements you make in your report will certainly need a reference to support them. So, to determine how many references you need to cite, first (as described in the report writing tutorial) draw a mind map of ideas to go into your report and for each idea try to link it to a reference source. How will the report be marked? Your lecturers have already created a marking rubric that will be used to award you a mark out of 50 as the report comprises 50 of the overall 100 marks available in this course. The rubric is reproduced over the page and will be used as a way of providing feedback to you on how you performed.
  • 70. The most important thing about the rubric is that it DEFINES what you will be marked on. If you include additional material that is not mentioned in the rubric it will not attract any marks, if you forget to write about something listed in the rubric, you’ll lose marks. So the rubric is like a “contract” between you and your lecturer. Following the rubric clearly is your best strategy for a good result THE TASK 1. Explore the Central Michigan University competencies model 2. Identify you current strengths and weaknesses as a leader (or potential leader) within the context of the CMU 3. Review the leadership theories explored in this course and describe how they relate to you and your leadership development (again in the context of the CMU model) 4. Create a leadership development plan 5. Seek feedback on your plan from an established leader. This leader can be anyone you know who holds a leadership position in an organisation 6. Describe how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into your plan 7. Describe how you will achieve the developments set out in your plan 8. Describe how you will evaluate whether or not you have reached the level of development set out in your plan
  • 71. Word limit: 2500 words (not including your reference list or any appendices you may wish to attach) Due: see due date in assessment tasks folder Submission procedure: The report must be submitted in both electronic and hard copy. See the submission section in the course site assessment tasks folder for more details BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore] Report Element Marks available Marks awarded notes You have included a clear description of - and justification for - for your leadership development plan components. You should include: a Explanation of your contextualisation of the CMU Model 5
  • 72. Did you utilise the whole model or did you focus on a subset of issues within the model? Why? b Diagnosis of your leadership strengths and weaknesses 5 How did you carry out this diagnosis? What information / journal article / other source will you cite in your report to support the diagnostic process? c Industry-specific issues (e.g. manufacturing industry vs financial consulting) 5 Considering the industry sector that you work in (or intend to work in) are there any issues that are either unique or especially important? d Person-specific issues (e.g. gender, age, culture) 5 Your personal characteristics are important in shaping your
  • 73. leadership development. What can you say, for example, about the impact of your gender or your age group or your cultural background or the country / culture in which you are likely the work? e Timeframe for plan (multi-staged? 2 years? 5 years?) 5 What time frames will you place on various aspects of your leadership development? How soon could you reasonably expect to achieve a leadership development goal? f Plan evaluation approach(es ) 5 How will you know that you’ve achieved the goals set out in your leadership development plan? What kind(s) of data and information will inform this? Your plan is supported by key theory and practice literature. This literature has been cited and formatted according to the RMIT Business Referencing Guide 15
  • 74. Which ideas, theories and approaches in leadership have you incorporated into your plan? Which reputable source will you “cite” when discussing these? There is clear evidence of input to leadership plan from an industry leader. What did the leader suggest? What did you change as a consequence of the leader’s advice? 5 What did the industry leader have to say about your draft leadership development plan? How have you modified your draft as a consequence? (For example, if the leader you consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your leadership gaols was unrealistically short, did you then extend the timeframe top achieve these?) Total marks for this assessment task 50 The School of Management Undergraduate Marking Scale Serious Fail (NN) 0-29%
  • 75. Fail (NN) 30 – 49% Pass (PA) 50 – 59% Credit (CR) 60 – 69% Distinction (DI) 70 – 79% High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100% Attainment Standards for assessment Levels Serious Fail (NN) 0 – 29% Flawed work – showing evidence of the following: · Inadequate understanding of the subject in terms of knowledge, skills and application. Minimal reading and inadequate planning. · Little understanding of underlying principles and concepts, and no effective analysis. · Reflective statements provide an incomplete or inaccurate description of the task, with no evidence of effective collaboration with others. · Work failed for one or more of the following: non-submission, academic misconduct, answering a different question from the one asked, poor or incoherent vocabulary, no evidence of correct scholarly referencing. Fail (NN) 30-49% Deficient work – showing evidence of the following: · Lack of academic rigour, with material that is incomplete or
  • 76. irrelevant. · Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. · Failure to review critically, analyse, consolidate and combine knowledge and draw relevant conclusions. · Reflective statements provide a basic description of the task with no insight into behaviour or learning preferences for collaborative practice. · Does not demonstrate sufficient grasp of the required scholarly standards in relation to presentation, with errors, bad spelling or grammar, lack of organisation, insufficient arguments. · Improper citation of sources and referencing of work. · Late submission. Pass (PA) 50 –59% Satisfactory work – showing evidence of the following: · The subject is covered satisfactorily but the volume of reading is insufficient for Credit. · Reasonable coverage of the relevant body of knowledge but does not review critically, analyse, consolidate with a high level of insight. · Factual and descriptive rather than carefully argued and analytical style of work. Lacks evidence of intellectual independence to adapt knowledge in diverse contexts. · Conclusions are limited in scope.
  • 77. · Reflective statements provide a nuanced insight into behaviour and learning preferences and practice in collaboration with others. · English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and communication style is competent and coherent · Only minor lapses in referencing and/or use of sources. · Work is not well organised or structured. Credit (CR) 60 – 69% Good work – showing evidence of the following: · Broad understanding of the subject or area of practice and has read widely. · Volume of reading of sufficient breadth and depth for a competent understanding of main issues, underlying principles and concepts but without the comprehensiveness of higher grades. · Well-developed skills to present critical arguments and competent use of theoretical and technical knowledge with depth in some areas. · Displays competence in reviewing critically, analysing, consolidating and synthesising the various cases made within a body of knowledge. · Coherent arguments supported by evidence and illustration from the work of other authorities or by direct empirical analysis, but without the intellectual independence found in the
  • 78. higher grades. · The work is clearly structured and the exposition of knowledge and ideas is clear and competent. · Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the task, learning and relationships with others, ability to critically evaluate relevant theories, but without the self- awareness and self-questioning found in higher grades. · Clear, coherent and interesting presentation, with responsibility and accountability to deal with questions and criticisms well. · English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and/or use of sources, and communication style is good. · Work is fully referenced according to accepted scholarly standards. Distinction (DI) 70 – 79% Excellent work – showing evidence of the following: · Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. · Material is deployed in a disciplined way with sophisticated comprehension of key issues · Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise and apply theoretical and technical body knowledge in a broad range of areas and diverse contexts. · Shows reasoning and creative skills to use knowledge and awareness to exercise critical thinking and judgement in selecting and applying methods and technologies in identifying
  • 79. and solving problems with intellectual independence · The work is clearly structured and convincingly supported by appropriate evidence, argument or illustration. · Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the task with insights into learning and interaction. · Demonstrates critical evaluation and analysis of relevant theories as a basis for independent lifelong learning. · Extremely solid, thorough, comprehensive written work, with a high level of academic integrity but without great originality. High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100% Exceptional work – showing evidence of the following: · Highly original or insightful work. · Evidence of formulated and sustained arguments with sophisticated analysis, inferences, synthesis of material and identifying flaws in published work. · Could not be improved at this learning