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Political Liberalism In The United States During The Cold War
The doctrine of United States foreign policy has changed significantly during and after the Cold
War, as the United States redefined its foreign policies during each of these eras. Although
inarguably United States promotes liberal democracy, how it goes about doing so currently, could
not be necessarily categorized as a liberal approach. During the Cold War United States had a more
liberal approach towards promotion of democracy. Yet this approach has since changed as it did not
emphasize enough the importance of other states materialistic needs and its impact on their
international behavior, thus leading United States to adopt a more constructivist perspective toward
its foreign policy.
Realism regards states as rational, solitary units in ... Show more content on ...
According to constructivism "The world of international relations is not just the world of material
capabilities and materialistic opportunities it is also a social world". Constructivists believe that
actor states are occupied with both normative and material factors. They do not deny that the
material world shapes their structure, but they believe that through reflections and discourse, actor
states are malleable and influenced by each other. Constructivism thus deals with the process
through which principled ideals become social norms. In being so, constructivism becomes a critical
component for the international recognition of a state. This becomes crucial for actors, as the
internationalization of social norms will ensure compliance over external pressure. Thus, democracy
promotion can be subsumed under the socialization and internalization by actors. The persistence of
democratic international institutions after the cold war as well as the mass identification of states as
democracies and the absence of a strong alternative political ideology have contributed to a process
of socialization promoting democratic cooperation. Therefore, after the Cold
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Progressive Reform
The rise of modern American liberalism throughout the history
Having been born in Europe in the epoch of Renaissance and Reformation, the liberalism has
become an inevitable part of the United States. When someone and somewhere talks about the
liberal movement, everybody will mention the American liberalism, which has undergone several
stages of its development and transformed into modern liberalism. This liberalism allows the United
States to be one of the most powerful states in the world.
Since its origin, the United States did not know different political philosophy but liberalism in its
democratic–constitutional form. The liberal doctrine in the United States was influenced by some
factors – the impact of the American Revolution ... Show more content on ...
It claims on different freedoms of people despite their gender, race, and age. Also, one of the
principles of American liberalism is the separation of state and church. The main aim of liberalism is
to promote the general welfare of the American citizens. However, sometimes the liberalism was too
controversial. For example, the involvement of the United States to the wars violated the rights of
people. Speaking about the WWI, George William Norris wrote that war brings no prosperity to the
great mass of common and patriotic citizens. It increases the cost of living of those who toil and
those who already must strain every effort to keep soul and body together. War brings prosperity to
the stock gambler on Wall Street – to those who are already in possession of more wealth than can
be realized or enjoyed (149).
Such eager of American people to live in a free society is well understandable and can be explained
by several factors as well. The ultimate goal of the American social ideal is equality of opportunity
and individual initiative. These are not born of bureaucracy. This ideal is the expression of the spirit
of our people. This ideal obtained at the birth of Republic. It was the ideal of Lincoln; it is the ideal
upon which the nation has risen to unparalleled greatness (205). To another word, it is a heritage of
all generations, which made their
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Realism, Liberalism, And Social Constructivism
Because global politics guarantees only anarchy and interaction, scholars must analyze the
international system using a variety of theories. Realism, liberalism, and social constructivism are
only a handful of lenses through which we view global affairs. Realism suggests that anarchy causes
states to fight for survival and the balance of power. Liberalism suggests that while states do fight to
survive, anarchy creates an environment conducive to cooperation. On the other hand,
constructivism suggests that people constructed this system of international relations and anarchy is
what states make of it. Although each theory is different, they still seek to explain both history and
the contemporary world.
The realist approach to anarchy treats it as the main mode of the international system. Realist theory
states that because the international system is anarchic, survival acts as a state's primary interest.
Without a higher authority to regulate the actions of states, much like a government regulates the
actions of its citizens; states are free to do whatever they please. Realism suggests that given this
amount of power, along with the primal and violent nature of humans, states must constantly fight to
survive. The self–interest of the state comes before anything else, so conflict is always possible.
States only gain relative to other states because there can be no absolute winnings for all states; a
zero–sum approach to power. Also, in the anarchic system states strive to put
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Pros Of Classical Conservatism
Madison Nickels
Mr. Johnson
Ap Language & Composition
17 May 2018
Classical Liberalism A branch of liberalism, advocating civil liberties under the rule of law and
emphasizes economic freedom. The security of freedom of individuals by limiting the power of
government under the rule of law, private property and belief in Laissez– faire economic policy.
This is called classical liberalism. Another way of saying that certain people think almost all should
be equal. Giving to people and never stopping because they feel bad for the people who cannot care
for themselves. Liberals generally supports the Civil Rights ( rights to citizens to political, social
freedom, and equality.) Also supporting democracy, secularism ( separation of the state from
religious institutions like churches), gender equality, internationalism ( transcending nationalism and
advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among the nation and their people), and
freedoms of speech, press, religion, and the market. Classical Liberalism promotes people in
fundamental sense and reduces the choices they make (good and bad). Supporting others and
wanting the best for everybody. Not wanting certain rules to apply to the people of the United States
but for everybody to live the best life that they can. Compared to Representative ... Show more
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Originating from John Locke – an English philosopher and physician who was the most influential
and if now known as the "Father of Liberalism", Believing in "Life, Liberty, and Property". "The
government does not give rights to the citizens, the rights belong to the citizens." John Locke's
saying was put into the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson "Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness." Classical Liberalism had a strong emphasis of the individuals rights of
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The Liberalism Of Fear By Judith Shklar
We live in a society were they may be times were anything can happen, with terrorist organizations,
and social justice issues causing uproar. While we have still problems to work on as citizens, the
government we live upon continues to create new restrictions which restore fear into some citizens.
Liberalism has been rare in the practice and theory in the last two hundred years. But as a state that
lives off of liberal values, the struggle for equality still continues. In the essay "The Liberalism of
Fear", philosopher Judith Shklar focuses on developing the definition of political liberalism, by
means of discovering the role that cruelty plays in political and social life. There are many primary
issues in the Liberalism of Fear that I must addressed. Also I shalll expound on her arguments
surrounding the fear of tyranny, fear of abuse and how it makes a distinct connection to our reality
Before we expound on the fundamental attributes of the liberalism of fear, one must first
comprehend what the word "liberalism", actually means. Liberalism has only one aim; to secure the
political conditions that are necessary for the exercise of personal freedom.The liberalism of fear
addresses an important human need:freedom from actual fear. Every person should be able to make
as many effective decisions without fear or favor of anything, as is compatible with the like of
freedom of every other adult. But the most important part of the whole aspect of liberalism is not so
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Liberalism : The Strongest International Theory
Liberalism is one of the dominant international as well as national theories in the world. Despite
this, realism also considered the strongest international theory especially last five decades due to
international conflicts occurred many times such as war, cold war and terrorism and liberalism was
not effective policy. On the other hand, liberalism is still major subject in politics at the present time
and it has also been very influential in history of world politics. Initially, it is useful to look at key
dates and definition of liberalism. The knowledge of liberalism emerged in 17–18 century and
Emmanuel Kant (1724–1804) had a major influence on this subject. This theory is been evolved
since that and liberalism was very influential on western states especially by top policy makers in
the begging of 20th century as well as it was regarded as idealism. (((Tim dune , smith book,
p102))). Generally, liberalism can be defined as democracy, free trade, law and international
institutions and this will result in peace and progress (lec slide show Kant fomula))). However, it is
worth discussing broader definition of liberalism with four dimensional definition (((Doyle
1997:207, smith book, p 102, 1st row)))). Firstly, according to Doyle all citizens have equal right
and have power for basic rights such as freedom of speech, education and religious rights. Secondly,
state cannot mistreat citizens and it should be investigated by the people. Next, individuals have a
liberty to
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Conservatism: Civil Rights Movements And The Health Care...
In the American political spectrum, there are mainly two directions, to the left being liberalism and
to the right being Conservatism. Yet, the universal reality accurately phrased by Barrack Obama
states, "There's not a liberal America and a Conservative America – there's the United States of
America". Although Liberalism and Conservatism fall under the same umbrella, they've each made
their own game–changing dents throughout time. Liberalism has changed the course of history in
such events like the Civil Rights Movements and The Health Care Reform. Consequently,
Conservatism has not only impacted religion, but public education as well.
What is liberalism?
Liberalism, endorsed in the book Not Much Left states, "...the notion of liberalism as
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Liberalism And Conservatism In The United States
Singletary 1
Andrew Singletary
Mrs. Lekovich
US Government A
11 September 2015
Liberalism and Conservatism
Nearly all Americans identify themselves with ideologies that don't discount another existing
ideology. Most people are Liberals or Conservatives because they have their own attitude regarding
our society. Liberalism and conservatism handle their issues with entirely different philosophies.
Liberals and Conservatives beliefs cover a wide range of issues that are influenced or established by
the kind of principles they embrace. The two most common ideologies in American politics are
Liberalism and Conservatism. Liberalism believes that they are people in the world that needs help.
Liberalism also believes that government ... Show more content on ...
This belief have influence human rights practices by allowing persist use of excessive force by
police on minorities. Conservatism beliefs
Singletary 6
have influenced human rights practices by making violators of the law to pay the penalties for not
obeying it. Conservatism beliefs have influenced human rights practices by having religious
institutions constrained or heavily regulated. Conservatism beliefs have influenced human rights
practices by supporting certain religious or spiritual groups over the other.
In conclusion, Liberalism and Conservatism both have the same goals for prosperity, but have
complete different ways of accomplishing them. The differences between liberalism and
conservatism are vast, but they center on the basic beliefs within each ideology. Both liberalism and
conservatism beliefs support the status quo. Both liberalism and conservatism beliefs are deep–
seated in America's principles of fairness, equity, and equality. The ideology of Liberalism and
Conservatism has kept this nation
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Liberalism: Conservatism In The United States
Liberalism has embraced several fundamental details of an element, at a different time in history
liberal ideology has emphasized different aspects of its basic principles. Those ideas have much
impact on the idea as a force between the people and their government, the rights of people were
overthrown, in favor of a new system, their rights were violated,but they strongly believed that
natural rights belong to all people, faith, support of all humanity have become very natural to their
future. Limited powers to majority rule specified by the minority rights as their support become
more of a change in our society.
Conservatism consists of basic beliefs and values beyond some form of suspicious when it comes to
changes. This continues for ... Show more content on ...
The difference with liberal, is that they always have a position on the other side. Conservatism, in
general, it is associated with the positivity of basic personality and always try to be careful, in
addition, conservation also seems to have a negative openness when it comes to understanding the
objective when dealing with academic matters. Typically it's related to their personal behavior, and
their political values. Conservative politicians have a particular position in the American world,
because of the general nature of the conservatism and its ideology. Globalism has become a
challenge for the changing of our understanding of the government, we the people have been
influenced by various principles that are associated with the power of authority and the liberal
democracy. American has been surrounded with many quality that influence, they are been taught
that America, is an extraordinary nation the city on the hill filled with beacon of hope,these ideas
continues to this day, and if America ever feel that they are losing hope, they are very eager to make
changes, to protect their heritages
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Post Great Depression Liberalism In The 1930's
The trajectory of the United States as a capitalist country was effectively changed by the Great
Depression. The stock market crashes and continuously failing banks, prompted for the government
to become instrumental in the economy to prevent the tragedies occurred during the 1930's. The
New Deal proposed by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt dismantled the laissez–faire economy
philosophy in the United States by transforming it to an economy where the government interfered
to provide stability. Roosevelt's new goals started a division between pre Great Depression
liberalism and post Great Depression liberalism. Although both of these believed in equality and
helping the less advantaged, pre Great Depression liberalism , inspired by the progressive movement
of the late 18th century, was founded on the belief of contesting the powers of corporations to ensure
well–being to the majority of the ... Show more content on ...
Roosevelt's change in of mind was in essence a shift in execution as he now viewed changing the
economy through government control and consumption. Brinkley illustrates these changes as he
states " On issues of political economy... a consensus had begun to emerge behind a new kind of
liberalism : a liberalism less inclined to challenge corporate behavior than some of the reforms ideas
of the 1930's had done... a liberalism strongly committed to the use of more " compensatory," tools–
a combination of Keynesian fiscal measures and enhanced welfare–state mechanism– to ensure
prosperity" ( Brinkley 139). The proposed stability included bank regulations, welfare programs,
anti–monopoly , and overall legislation that brought upon equality in American society. However, to
those older liberal this new behavior seemed conflicting because it did not follow the idea of
challenging the economic elites. Roosevelt's plan evidently had the shared goals with older
liberalism, but its Keynesian ideology meant working with economic elites , instead of challenging
their power to boost
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The Cold War And Initiation Of Neoliberalism Essay
Overtime, the international system has experience a multitude of theoretical frameworks including
realism, liberalism, and idealism; furthermore, each has emerged into new schools of thought after
the conclusion of the Cold War. The liberal school of thought has inherited many developments and
new features since 1989. The ending of the Cold War and initiation of neoliberalism was expected to
lead to a decline in conflict and result in a cooperating international system under the anarchic
system. In addition, to the new features of liberalism, new features of realism (neorealism) opposing
neoliberalism emerged attempting to explain the flaws in cooperation. Neoliberalism is derived from
the early theoretical framework; classical liberalism. The original liberal school of thought
emphasizes human nature and human behavior as the driving force of progression in the
international system because of the idea that cooperation is possible through the expansion of
economic freedoms, human freedom, and democracy. Overall, classical liberalism embraced human
beings as rational individuals by human nature that cooperate with little to no violence or military
influence. For example, Woodrow Wilson's highlighted cooperation when delivering his 14th point
in his speech Fourteen Points (1918). Wilson suggested collective security by creating the League of
Nations which attempted to create an alliance between liberal states encouraging cooperation.
Although classical liberalism and
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Socialism Vs Neoliberalism
No doubt that there is an issue of economic disparity in the United States. According to a 2013 CNN
article, a study done by PEW trusts shows that 70% of those who started off poor, stayed poor. The
study followed families from 1968 and the numbers used for this article are from 2009. A different
study from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that in almost every state in the United States, a
bigger portion of Black and Hispanics are poor. This is when I haul in Socialism and
Liberalism/Neoliberalism. First I have to define Liberalism and Socialism; Liberalism is the idea
that all should be left to their own devices to freely compete in the market while Pure Socialism
offers to abolish private property, the market, and currency. While our current ... Show more content
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It is problems like these that are starting to push the Y generation and Millennials to think about
Democratic–Socialism. Socialism, in general, is starting to become more and more relevant today
which is greatly demonstrated in the near–success of Bernie Sanders even when he was getting little
to no press and when he did get the press it was usually negative. According to an article by
Washington Post, an exit poll comprised of youth (those under 30) done by Tufts University, shows
that about 2 million young people voted for Bernie Sanders in about 21 states. His ideas and
socialist views were popular amongst the young and were beginning to get more accepted. This is
progress especially because socialism has so much stigma and not a lot of the evidence behind that
stigma can even be deemed valid. There are people who say that socialism could not be possible and
one of the biggest critiques of it is Fukuyama. Fukuyama, first of all, believes that liberalism and
capitalism create the most viable form of
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Liberalism And The United Nations
Liberalism was previously a projection of how international relations ought to be; now, liberalism is
a modern theory towards peace attained with a state's ambition for dominance. "Self–interest" has
two definitions in accordance to liberalism and realism. Liberalism considers the measure of power
within states through stable economies, the possibility of peace and cooperation, as well as the
concepts of political freedoms (human rights). Realism believes states are driven by competitive
self–interest; international organizations hold little to no real influence because states are self–
preserved. International relations is governed by states acting in their self–interest through
liberalism; states act in their self–interest by cooperating with one another through international
organizations, transnational advocacy networks, and non–governmental organizations. International
organizations, normative values, and terrorism are all examples of how international relations is
progressing into liberalism.
International Organizations
An example of the relevance of liberalism would be the United Nations, a global organization,
which was developed for the intent of maintaining world peace. Anne–Marie Slaughter states that
the world will be multilateral in the future because of the UN's expansion. Liberalists would also say
because of institutions such as the UN, states are more concerned with relative gains than absolute
gains. Today, in the occurrence of a crisis, states
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Ideals of Liberalism Expressed in President Obama's Speeches
In President Obama's speech at the U.S. and China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, he outlines
the "essential steps in advancing a positive, constructive, and comprehensive relationship between
the two countries." In the President's 2011 State of the Union Address, he provides four critical steps
to achieve economic recovery in addition to several pressing domestic and international policies.
What both these speeches hold in common, is the logic behind the liberalism tradition of
international relations. The foundations of the President's speeches are set in the ideals of liberalism
from which rise three strands of modern liberal thinking: economic, social, and political.
"Liberalism is a distinct ideology and set of institutions ... Show more content on ...
Both of the President's speeches are structured around modern ideals of liberalism concerning
economic, social, and political issues. The President's main focuses in his State of the Union
Address and Speech to China was economic stability. The President calls upon China for the
"cooperation to advance our mutual interest in a lasting economic recovery" through "trade that is
free and fair." The President addresses economic improvement in his State of the Union Address
through the promotion of innovation, education, and infrastructure in the United States which will
lead increased exports. He promotes expansion of free trade programs with Central American and
Asia Pacific. Free trade does not just help the economy, but according Richard Rosencrance in his
theory of economic interdependence, trade fosters peace by making trade more profitable than
invasion. Mutual economic interest and prosperity will lead to increased relationships between the
United States and China.
Joseph Nye's position regarding the social aspect of liberalism "argues that person–to–person
contact reduces conflict by promoting understanding." The President promotes the interaction of
individuals from the United States with their counterparts throughout the World in both his
speeches. In his speech to China, the President calls for increased interaction between American and
Chinese people through business to find tomorrows solutions for the problems of clean
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Classical Liberalism Is A Political Philosophy Originated
Classical Liberalism is a political philosophy originated in the 18th century based on the idea of
individual liberty created to preserve an open and accepting, and open–minded society. Classical
liberalism is very solemn when advocating for the value of freedom in which emphasizes the
importance of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets which includes free trade market
capitalism, and economic liberalism. Up until around the 1900s, this ideology was commonly
known as Liberalism, however, it's now important to classify it as "Classical Liberalism" mostly in
English–speaking countries. Worldwide however, Liberalism is a wide–ranging term that can also be
associated with private property and designated with social, instead of social, ... Show more content
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John Locke, an English philosopher, shared some of the same ideas that Hobbes possessed. Locke
believed in the power of a government to preserve freedom, but he also believed in overthrowing
any government that violated a citizen's rights, and as a solution, getting a new government
competent for the duty of serving the people. Locke also believed in freedom by nature. "Everyone
has a natural right to life, liberty, and property." Locke believed in men preserving their own "civil
interest," by those he means life, liberty, health, and the possession of land, money, houses, and such
things. He believed that all men are free by nature, and that "no private person has any right in any
manner to prejudice another person in his civil enjoyments." Locke also believes that God gave men
the world to make use of it, therefore he values so much the right to property.
Another philosopher from the 17th century, and who made an impact on how political economy
works is Adam Smith, one of the major philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment. Smith is
considered as one of the source of classical liberal commitments, reducing state regulations on
economic life and trade. He was very powerful with his argument, he believed
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, Liberalism And Realism
The international relations comprise of several theories such as the Realism, Liberalism,
Constructivism and Marxism. This could also be called the international relations theories in which
it attempts to provide a conceptual outline in which the international relations can be analyzed.
These four theories have been in around since the 16th century and have been administered by
several nations including the United States of America.
Realism has been the main concept of the international relations since its beginning. Realism is a
school of thought that believed in the representation of a subject matter truthfully in which it is
supposed to be as opposed to. The theory claims to rely upon an ancient tradition of thought which
includes writers such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes. The outbreak of World War II was
seen by realists as evidence of the deficiencies of idealist thinking. There are various strands of
modern–day realist thinking. However, the main tenets of the theory have been identified as a
survival, and self–help explained how foreign policy remained the same over time, how they weren't
many changes. Despite all the different changes that have happened with the leaders, our United
States of America's military never weakened
Liberalism is a political philosophy founded on the ideas of freedom and equality. Liberals
advocated for a wide range of views depending on what their understanding of these principles
were. They support the freedom
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The Issue Of Human Rights
In this paper I will focus on the subject of human rights. The recognition of human rights is widely
seen as abstract, yet human rights affect daily lives worldwide. We can understand human rights and
its initial role on politics through the example of higher rule denying citizens everyday rights,
worldwide. In particular, I will compare and contrast the theoretical perspectives of liberalism and
realism, and assess that human rights can best be examined through liberalism due to its ability to
bring light to international cooperation and optimism to everyday human nature. Liberalism
essentially points to international law and international institutions as an important feature of the
international landscape while realism exclusively is state–centric, therefore, does not pay attention
to the individual needs of humans nor groups of humans. Also, I will identify why realism privileges
the ethics of self interest over other forms of morality, thus, leaving little room for discussion on
human rights and why it diminishes our understanding of human rights in the political world.
This essay will proceed as follows: I will briefly discuss the core tenets to the approaches of
liberalism and realism. Second, I will define the topic of human rights and what those rights are.
Third, I will outline my argument for why liberalism is superior to realism at best explaining human
rights in the following way.
To begin with, liberalism involves the keywords: optimism, self–determination and
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Constructivism In The United States Government
Theories are the way people view things, like realism, constructivism, and liberalism. In the United
States government, using every theory is essential to problem solving and understanding. When
people look at something the way something truly is, and find a way to deal with it, is realism.
When people use their own experiences to better understand something is constructivism. When
people view things in which things need to change to get progress, is liberalism. Someone who
views things with realism, is not optimistic, they are practical, and authentic, when things are bad
they don't turn towards another option, they face the facts. Nowadays there are realist, but those also
are people who complain when things go wrong, because facing reality ... Show more content on ...
It has become an important target to the U.S., and has also executed multiple victims around the
world. There has also been many American citizens who have been arrested for association, or
becoming a part of ISIS's plans to attack the United States. But, this is trending all around the world,
and has become difficult to stop spreading. They are causing a tragic flaw in the stability of
America, questioning who the true psychopaths are, and where safety lies in America. ISIS have
said that they are not only planning to terrorize America, but also segregate it. On the other hand, the
United States government believes that, to stop all this brutality in America, we need to cause war in
their regions
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Essay on Classical Liberalism Vs. Classical Conservatism
Classical Liberalism vs. Classical Conservatism
In today's society, most people are unable to explain the differences between the Democratic Party
and the Republican Party. In fact, the two parties' ideologies seem to be very much alike; and
therefore, people tend to believe that a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate running
for the same office will not make a large difference from one another. Furthermore, both Democrats,
the supposedly liberal party, and Republicans, the supposedly conservative party, have been
appointed to the highest office, the President of the United States of America. In most cases, the
President has been effective in building notable progress in our nation's growth, regardless of the
political ... Show more content on ...
Ideally, the judgment of people is based on their personal characteristics rather than their group
affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms of bigotry (Franks 28). However, this
is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and immigrants, which concerns classical
liberals that believe their collectiveness hinders their individual natural rights. Finally, classical
liberalism also protects the free marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in
order to achieve the most success (Franks 28). Therefore, the development of capitalism is an
important ideology protected by classical liberalism, along with the natural rights of individuals. On
the other hand, the ideologies of the Republican Party originate from the principles of the classical
conservatism philosophy. Classical conservatism's underlying idea is to protect and conserve
established traditional values in the name of "liberty, equality, and fraternity," or to reinstate ideal
values that are in decline (Franks 28). According to Edmund Burke, who is regarded as the
intellectual source of classical conservatism, the preservation of the values of tradition in family and
the Church is more sound in forming a government than "reason" (Jones 261). Thus, classical
conservatism rules out the idea of empowering people who do not "deserve" power, completely
opposing the underlying factor of the individual's natural
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The Current Administration 's Theory Of International...
Over the last several decades the United States of America has had the seat of leadership on the
world stage. During this time different US Administrations have viewed the world through changing
times and circumstances, and through the lens of several different theories of international relations.
The current Administration's foreign policy positions, articulated by the President himself during his
recent West Point commencement address as well as the Administration's self–described "pivot," or
"rebalance" to a larger focus on Asia, show a dominant reliance on the Liberalism theory of
International Relations. This paper will analyze the current Administration's Liberalism theory by
looking at arguments put forth by the President during his speeches, explain the Administration's
assertions on the importance of international institutions, and describe how the "pivot" to Asia is
good for the country. Finally, this paper will make some recommendations for changes to the current
Administration's foreign policy, based upon actions and theories that previous Administrations have
used effectively. In his West Point Commencement Address the President asserted two points. The
first is that "technology and globalization has put power once reserved for states in the hands of
individuals raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm." Additionally, he argued that "the most
direct threat to America at home and abroad remains terrorism." These are both key concepts of the
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Comparison of International Relations Theory
Contemporary international relations is a complex field. Understanding events and attempting to
make sense of them can be a daunting task. There are, however, tools available, which can assist in
providing clarity to these complex issues. The first of these tools is historic knowledge. Without
historic background of an issue, it is nearly impossible to understand the events driving that issue in
modern times. A second tool, the one which will be the focus of this paper, is international relations
theory. Theory can be defined as "a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of
action," (Merriam–Webster) and can be used "in many cases as a basis of prediction." (Mingst 56)
There are three major theories which we ... Show more content on ...
While liberalism believes war to be avoidable through education, reformation of social institutions,
and shared interests with other nations, realism finds war to be an unavoidable consequence of the
self–preservation of the state. Liberalism sees the potential for and desires change, while realism
finds change unlikely. Both theories agree on the principle that the international system is anarchic
in nature. However, whereas realism relies on a balance of power to keep the system in check,
liberalism does so through cooperation of international institutions and mutual interest of various
states. In understanding international relations and world events, understanding the theories and
principles through which to view these events is a good start. However, it is also important to ask
yourself how you intend to use the theory. These theories can be applied to contemporary situations
in order to understand the actions and reactions of various parties relevant to a specific issue. The
theories can also be used to look at current events and attempt to predict future events. Another use
for the theories is to apply them to past events, in an attempt to explain and understand why the
events happened, and why various parties, or states, executed certain decisions. For an example of
applying theory to a past event, we can look to the Gulf War of 1991. From the historic record, we
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Liberalism And Ligalitarianism
Politics is often discussed on the basis or right and wrong, left and right, and is riddled with false
dichotomies, when it really is a much more vivid and complex spectrum than that. There are many
different systems of governments and competing ideologies, that are further then divided in their
leanings and priorities. Of the first ideologies, Liberalism, is also subcategorized into different
interpretations based on how much of liberty is attainable and a governmental presence there should
be. It is divided into Classical Liberalism, Social Darwinism, Egalitarian Liberalism, Libertarianism,
and Libertarian Anarchism. The reason there is much contention within Liberalism as an ideology
on its own, is because all of these factions idealize ... Show more content on ...
On the one hand, with the emergence of the nation–state and theories of sovereignty in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries, ideas of a distinctly public realm began to crystallize. On the other hand,
in reaction to the claims of monarchs and, later, parliaments to the unrestrained power to make law,
there developed a countervailing effort to stake out distinctively private spheres free from the
encroaching power of the state. Natural rights theories were elaborated in the seventeenth century
for the purpose of setting limits on state power, both over property and religious conscience(3).
Many philosophers such as Locke, Miller, and Paine, and Kant argue for these rights due to the fact
that there was a great social awakening and a growing urge to question the legitimacy of leadership.
On these basis stood the foundation of classical liberalism.
Classical Liberalism prioritizes above all things complete and total individual liberty. Believers in
Classical Liberalism assert that it must be served in completeness because any lack of it creates
citizens that are willingly dependent on the government. It is imperative to understand that Classical
Liberalism does not call for complete anarchy or even no government at all like Libertarian
Anarchists do, but rather a small government. Thomas Paine describes this idea as "Society in every
state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst
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The Theory Of Liberal Ideology
Political Science Midterm I will be speaking on important political terms, explain the development
of liberal ideology in the United States of America, and touch on a few other areas of political
culture. First off liberalism; liberalism is a way of political worldview by the ideas of liberty and
equality. Although in a certain time in our history equality was somewhat of a lie. Slavery, racism,
and feminism prove that not every single person on the planet had equal rights. In the 1650's to
1780's western Europe had people that were thinking of ways to enlighten the people and bring
change to the world they all live in, called the Age of Enlightenment. Mostly philosophers
emphasized reason, analysis, and individualism. People like ... Show more content on ...
There are liberal liberals, conservative liberals, and radical liberals. Which mostly all follow the
basic structure of liberalism. For example liberal liberals believe that for social safety people need
help to feed their families and take care of themselves because not everyone can make it in this
world and put food in peoples mouths, afford medical insurance, civilized people try to help each
other, not leave them starving and without care. On the conservative side, there views are that
people should be responsible for themselves, if they are given the chance they are completely
capable of supporting themselves and their families. They also believe that if government always
picks up and pampers the poor or needy, they will be weak and lose their motivation to work. For
money, taxes, and the part that the government plays; the conservatives believe that government
should serve the people. Not the other way around. The liberals say that the proper function of a
government is to solve issues, decrease poverty, protect civil rights and liberties. And to make sure
that all Americans have a fair chance to succeed.
The dimensions of the ideology of liberalism are political and economic liberalism. Political
liberalism underlines the social contract. Where citizens can make laws and agree to follow those
laws. Most people believe that individuals know what is best for them. Also it allows people to
represent themselves without the need to worry
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Conservatism Vs. Classical Liberalism
The United States was founded on a basis of liberty and in the early 19th century, classical
liberalism was the ideology that society thought would best protect individual liberties.
Conservatism and classical liberalism often resemble each other in social and political ideas and
ways of thinking. There are many factors that contribute to this resemblance between the two
ideologies. Conservatism in the United States so often resembles classical liberalism because of the
similarity in the beliefs of government restrictions and regulations.
Before explaining how classical liberalism resembles modern day conservatism, it is important to
understand the basis for both ideologies. Conservatism is a difficult ideology to define because the
notion of conserving something is shared between all followers, but it is often argued what should
be conserved (Ball, Dagger, and O'Neill 99). With different values and beliefs as well as pressure
from society to conform, it is difficult for conservatives to all agree on what exactly it is they want
to conserve. Conservatism is often referred to the resistance to change, however, this is where the
difference between classical conservatism and modern conservatism is visible (Ball, Dagger, and
O'Neill 99). Classical conservatives were skeptical of equality and independent freedom and in order
to keep the traditional social hierarchy, believed in restraining the passions of the people in society
(Ball, Dagger, and O'Neill 100). The worry that the
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Ideology Of Classical Liberalism
The ideologies of the Democratic Party originate from the principles of the classical liberalism
philosophy. The most dominant idea of classical liberalism is that the government's role is to protect
the individual's natural rights because individuals are the primary unit of society (Franks 27).
According to John Locke, a philosopher who contributed to classical liberalism's vitality, the
protection of individuals' "life, liberty, and property" is their natural rights (Jones 227). The ideas of
classical liberalism revolves so much around the individual that Locke believes the people had the
right to combine into a revolutionary force and organize a new form of government, or a social
contract, as they pleased. Because of the importance of the individual, classical liberalism favors
immigrants and people of all classes. Ideally, the judgment of people is based on their personal
characteristics rather than their group affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms
of bigotry (Franks 28). However, this is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and
immigrants, which concerns classical liberals that believe their collectiveness hinders their
individual natural rights. Finally, classical liberalism also protects the free marketplace, allowing
buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in order to achieve the most success (Franks 28).
Therefore, the development of capitalism is an important ideology protected by classical liberalism,
along with the
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Taiwan And China International Relations Essay
The goal of studying international politics is to create generalizable conclusions about the
relationships at the international level. That is, there is a scientific method used to understand how
the world works. The three main methods for understanding how the world works are realism,
liberalism, and constructivism. The purpose of this paper is to explain the components of the main
theories and apply them to the relationship between Taiwan and China, and the likelihood, or lack
thereof, of another great power war. The dispute arose from the Chinese nationalists fleeing to the
island of Taiwan after Mao Zedong and his communist revolution took over mainland China. The
conflict here is whether or not the independence of Taiwan will be recognized or the People's
Republic of China will seek to invade Taiwan and assert its dominance over it, thus creating a
possibility of war with the United States. Liberalism is the best theory in international relations
because it best explains the situation in Taiwan and presents the best generalizable conclusion for
how the relationships between states work. The first theory, realism, is concerned with only survival
and power in international relations. This is because realists assume that states are rational, unitary
actors in a state of Hobbesian anarchy whose preferences are mutually conflictual. Hobbesian
anarchy is a terrible state in which every actor cares only for their own survival. This means that
under this state, all actors
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American Liberalism Essay
The idea of Liberalism, especially in the United States, is centered about the unalienable rights of an
individual such as the freedoms found in the United States Bill of Rights. In the book, The Strange
Death of American Liberalism by H.W. Brands, Brands says that liberalism in the United States
could only survive during times of war. The United States retreats into liberalism when there is a
war going on and they need the federal government's assistance. On the other hand, the book,
Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals by Marcus G. Raskin, argued that there was no escaping
from liberalism. According to Raskin, liberalism has not faded into history like many people think.
Liberalism is important in the United States because it drives ... Show more content on ...
To help recover the nation, the New Deal was designed to bring the economy back to its pre–
depression levels. It achieved that by deficit spending, dropping the gold standard, and increasing
foreign trade. To reform the nation, the New Deal made it possible for the economy to be stabilized.
The reform measures that President Roosevelt proposed included the NIRA or the National
Industrial Recovery Act, the regulation of Wall Street by the SEA or Security Exchange Act, the
AAA or Agricultural Adjustment Act that was intended for farm programs, the FDIC or the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation that dealt with insurance for bank deposits, as well as the Wagner
Act, which dealt with labor–management relations.
Then liberalism in the United States was also expanded through President Lyndon B. Johnson
during the 1960s with his Great Society. Liberalism under President Johnson became a form of
social liberalism, which meant that President Johnson thought that liberalism should include social
justice. So he expanded liberalism through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Community
Reinvestment Act, as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He transferred liberalism into
neoliberalism, meaning that it became more focused on the business aspect of the nation that would
help determine the political and economic priorities
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Stages Of Liberalism And Federalism
Political Science 155 Essay Question There are various stages to both liberalism and federalism.
Liberalism is an ideology that stresses the rights individuals have and is the most prominent belief
system in the United States. Dr. Guevara explains in her first lecture that the liberalism ideology has
four stages, each underscoring the common concerns and agendas of their times. First is Classical
Liberalism, most known for being heavily influenced by thinkers of the Enlightenment such as John
Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean–Jacques Rousseau. The founding fathers, concerned with their
civil liberties, posed the question of "How do you frame a government that will protect your life,
liberty and property?" which they answered with: limited ... Show more content on
Federalism has been around for nearly as long as liberalism, existing in two main, functioning
forms. Federalism is the division of people's sovereignty between different levels of government.
Federalism in the United States has existed as either dual or cooperative, both defining the different
levels of involvement between the levels of government. Dual Federalism, as defined by Scott F.
Abernathy in American Government: Stories of a Nation, "[divides] the people's sovereignty
between the nation and the states – they [are] coequals in power, each able to check the power and
growth of the other." This model of federalism was the first used by the U.S. and was seen to be
heavily connected with Classical Liberalism due to the nation's original, disconnected roots, which
would come to change during the New Deal Liberalism period. On the contrary side, cooperative
federalism is a system in which "both levels work together in the same areas of public policy."
(Abernathy) Rather than working separately yet equally, the national and state governments both use
the powers they have in order to work towards a common goal, typically seen in times of crisis as
states can't handle the situations on their own and reach out and work with the national government
in order to heal. My thesis is that liberalism and federalism overlap whenever one part of
government attempts
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The Views And Components Of Classical Liberalism
The views and components of classical liberalism are evident in every aspect of the socioeconomic
status and practices of the United States. The extent to which varies considerably depending on
which facet of the government one considers, but the underlying principles on which the legislative
and economic values base themselves on directly conforms with classical liberalism. Although
liberalism is a relatively new ideology, most industrialized countries identify with the it's policies
and agenda to some degree. The major political parties in the United States differ on the political
spectrum, however, they both share values associated with liberalism thought. As European
countries, as well as the American Colonies, began the transitional process from agrarian to
industrialized societies, they became dependent on one another for goods, thus introducing
capitalistic and free market economies. Those classified as proletarians, or working class citizens,
noticed that they were slowly being interchanged with machinery, while the upper classes profited
by substantial additions to their total wealth. With this prosperity, they began to invest in their
respective communities, constructing educational institutions; sparking an integration between the
working class and the classes above them (Lal 49). As machinery and the possibility to gain an
education became prevalent in industrialized countries, working class citizens decided to
homogenize with the new technology or educate
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Examples Of Realism In The Prince By Machiavelli
Realism Machiavelli is a great example of a realist. In his book The Prince he describes people as
"ungrateful, fickle and deceitful, eager to avoid dangers, and avid for gain, and while you are useful
to them they are all with you, offering you their blood, their property, and their sons so long as
danger is remote, but when it approaches they turn on you". This quote perfectly sums up the realist
view on the world; except that instead of people, they view the states as the essential actor. When we
talk about realism, they consider states as a rational actor. Realists are concerned with their self–
interest colliding with another country's interest. Realist's concern is war and security. They strive to
survive and they see that their way ... Show more content on ...
Basically nothing is fixed and it is capable of change due to social structure. Realism's core concerns
are power and security while liberalism focuses on peace and prosperity. Constructivism argues on
social structures shaping behavior and building up towards an actor's identity and interests.
Constructivists view the social structure that both consists of the actors and their interaction.
Realism and liberalism view interests and identities as givens but constructivism sees these concepts
are the central concern. For example when it comes to conflict, actors may change their nature of
interaction. Some states may have a history of rivalry can change and be peaceful or they can go
back to being rivals. Nothing is fixed, everything is determined through social interaction that is
constantly changing. For example, the European Union. It is made up of states that fought against
one another in World War I and World War II but are now close allies. Another example is the
United States and Russia; the United States and Russia were allies throughout the war but then were
on the brink of another war with the cold
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Realism And Liberalism
Since International Relations has been academically studied Realism has been the dominant theory
of world politics. The theory's inability to explain the end of the Cold War, however, brought
strength and momentum to the Liberalism theory. Today Realism and Liberalism are the two major
paradigms of International Relations. The aforementioned theories focus on the international system
and the external factors that can lead to two phenomena – conflict and cooperation. Realism believes
that as a result of anarchy and the security dilemma, conflict is inevitable. Liberalism argues that
this conflict can be overcome through cooperative activities amongst states and international
organizations. This paper will explore as well as compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses
of both theories. It will also debate which of the two theories is more valuable in the ... Show more
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This belief faced significant criticism, however, since free trade between states of different stages of
development can result in a relationship in which the less developed state is dependent on the more
developed state ( global South to North dependency). Many beliefs related to Liberalism actually
face criticism as a result of an imbalance of power and influence between states. The Democratic
Peace Theory, for example, suggests that conflict between two democratic states is unlikely – less
likely than conflict between two non–liberal states or conflict between a liberal and non–liberal
state. While history would suggest this to be true, there are multiple factors that contribute to this
truth. For one, liberal states tend to be wealthier than non–liberal states. This means that they have
less incentive to start war than a less wealthy state. Additionally, liberal states tend to have amicable
relations with other liberal states – take Canada and USA for
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The Lead Policy Maker Of The United States Of America Essay
The lead policy maker in the United States of America is President Barack Obama. In his recent
speech at the commencement of the United States Air Force Academy, President Obama shared four
related to America's foreign policy and role in international politics. In his four lessons, the
President emphasized themes of power and security, which are the basis for the traditions of
liberalism and realism – received emphasis. The writing that follows will analyze President Obama's
themes of intellectual pluralism with an emphasis on liberalism and realism, as evident in his
address to the Air Force Academy. Firstly, this analysis will discuss liberal perspectives conveyed in
President Obama's speech, beginning with the economic superiority and dominance by the United
States. Secondly, this analysis will address neo–liberal institutionalism, followed by an analysis of
the United States' acceptance of Kantian liberalism. Finally, this writing will examine realism.
President Obama referenced numerous realist ideals but had a special focus on neo–realism.
Bringing states together is the key to worldwide peace and prosperity according to the liberal point
of view. Liberalism purposes three ways to unify states: economic activity, spreading democracy,
and multi–national institutions. Subsets of liberalism centered on these designs are labeled economic
liberalism, Kantian liberalism, and neo–liberal institutionalism, respectively. The unification of
states is essential to any form of
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The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism
What is Liberalism?
The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every
individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in
different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different
in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only
believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that,
as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems
and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the
other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ...
But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think. Up until then
those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary aristocracy. But then the people
started to realize that this system should be changed. And hence the old traditions were questions,
the governments were challenged. This intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful
revolutionary movements. These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes
of the time many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after that
came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary aristocracy. These
revolutions and movement led to many later
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Liberalism: Equality In The United States
Liberalism is a political doctrine founded on ideas of both liberty and equality in the United States
and also around the World. Three concerns that Liberalism faces is the voting rights for minorities,
support of everyone having the right of free speech, and the support for Government programs such
as education, and ensuring that all children have a proper education. Liberalism is focused on
accomplishing "equality of opportunity for all people." Liberalists are a firm believer when it comes
to their belief that all citizens are entitled to their basic prerequisites of life. They also believe that
the environment should be taken care of no matter what you believe in. Voting discrimination
against minorities in the United States is still ... Show more content on ...
Countless children in need everywhere around the World do not get a quality education where they
can learn and develop who they are going to be when they get older. Education is a crucial right,
which gives permission to each person to acquire instructions and blossom socially in the society.
The right to a proper education is critical for the economic, social, and cultural advancement of all
societies. Education requires that its citizens promote an assortment of knowledge. Education is also
known to consist of a form of learning that is unavoidable for the development of one's personality
and the type of character they are, as well as substantial and creative capabilities. Education is an
individual right which is an obligation to be accessible to everyone in the society, without any
discrimination. All children must be able to get an education, and be accountable for the same
opportunities to build a future for themselves. Educational information must be equally
administered, so that children from disadvantaged
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A Contemporary Analysis : Immigration And The Three...
A Contemporary Analysis: Immigration and the Three Theoretical Paradigms
Chris Ek
Salisbury University
The three theoretical paradigms of liberalism, mercantilism, and Marxism all create different
analyses of certain contemporary issues. Leaders in society today use the paradigms to help create
opinions over economics, immigration, and other key subjects that world leaders are constantly
debating. Although, the knowledge of the basic foundations of each theory is extremely important to
understand, an analysis would not be complete without returning to the past and reviewing the
history of the theoretical paradigms as well as the famous proponents. Liberalism, mercantilism, and
Marxism all hold different perspectives on the issue of immigration. Immigration has been a hot
topic of discussion with the refugee crisis in Europe going on. Not to say that the United States is
the most diverse country in the world, but European countries tend to have a strong sense of ethnic
identity, which can lead to the conclusion that the refugee crisis is going to push the envelope of
cultural development in Europe. The analysis using the three theoretical paradigms will include a
historical background, famous proponents, major developments over time, and the perspective each
theory will take on the issue of immigration. With immigration being on the forefront of societal
issues around the world, people need to understand the different views of such a complicated
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Analysis Of The Film Shock Doctrine
In order to best understand the three primary schools of the International Political Economic (IPE),
it's necessary to analyze the varying views intellects within each school. There are three primary
schools, liberalism, Marxism, and economic nationalism, with liberalism being the most accepted in
our modern day. It seems that the film Shock Doctrine, which is based off of the book by Naomi
Klein utilizes theories of Marxism and Liberalism most heavily. Klein in particular seems to learn
more towards Marxist school of thoughts throughout her work, as she focuses on how the United
States push for free market capitalism has effected regions dealing with disaster.
The film the Shock Doctrine first begins by showcasing forms of torture therapy. These types of
therapy such as shock therapy, subjected patients to intense levels of pain (by sending shock signals
to the brain) in order to "cure" them of their mental aliments. The theory was that individuals who
were subjected to these torturous methods, would be far more likely to comply (Shock Doctrine).
The question becomes, what is the relation between these shock therapy methods and economics?
A central concept of Klein's refers to the relationship between economic shock (which gravely
affects the population of a country) and the methods of shock therapy. The film works based on
Klein's to suggest the ways in which the United States government became enveloped by the
Chicago School's and Milton Friedman's ideas of
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Difference Between Conservatism And Liberalism
The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every
individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in
different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different
in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only
believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that,
as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems
and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the
other hand, is the opposite doctrine of liberalism. Conservatism, simply we can say that, supports
the preservation of the status quo.
Hence we can see that liberalism is a worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and equality.
Liberals generally believe in free and fair elections, freedom of press, freedom of religion, private
property and civil right.
Liberalism first developed in the western world. It became famous among philosophers and
economists during the era of Enlightenment. At that point of time absolute monarchy, state religion
and hereditary privilege was the prevailing system. ... Show more content on ...
In International Relations that era is normally referred to as Idealism. With the birth of United
Nations Organization, liberalism once again gained momentum. But later with the start of cold war
power politics the rays of hope also seemed to fade away. Then when the cold war ended the hopes
for liberalism also emerged back. Liberal intellectuals made many justifications as to why liberalism
should be the supreme over other competing ideologies. Liberals are generally very much optimistic
therefore liberalism is generally described in literature as the 'tradition of
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Trade Liberalism: The Role Of Obesity In The United States
Trade Liberalism
Modern globalization has changed the prices of food and how much people eat, and in turn, their
risk to childhood and adult obesity. A study from the Obesity Prevention Source showed that "over
the past four decades, the price of beef has dropped an astounding 80 percent, thanks in large part to
global trade liberalization." Trade liberalization gives different people access to different types of
food. Often these foods are high–calorie and processed foods. Based on what type of food is
available, how much it costs and how it is marketed, influences what people eat. According to
Prabhakar Pillai, the author of "The Negative Effects of Globalization Not Many of Us are Aware
Of." He states, "Due to globalization, the world ... Show more content on ...
Obesity makes you more likely to have conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,
diabetes, gallbladder disease and breathing problems. Since, according to the International Obesity
Task Force, there is an estimated 300 million people around the world that are obese and according
to Globalization101, more than 115 million of those people are in developing countries, I don't
believe this epidemic should be takes lightly. According to, "Disease associated with
obesity have also risen worldwide. The number of people with diabetes has increased from 30
million worldwide in 1985 to 135 million in 1995 and the numbers continue to rise." The University
of Minnesota concluded in a research that there is, "A link between poverty, low educational
attainment and poorer health outcomes with increased morbidity and mortality is well established.
Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, elevated blood lead level, and low birth weight are more prevalent
among individuals with low income and low educational attainment. Also, Research by Doctor
Margaretha Voss has shown that unemployed people are more likely to be obese and have poor
health habits. Excess drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and a stationary lifestyle are all concerns
for your well–being. Globalization should be reformed because there are many health concerns with
today's practices. There are far more detriments to the human body as a whole population caused by
globalization than anything
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Political Liberalism In The United States During The Cold War

  • 1. Political Liberalism In The United States During The Cold War The doctrine of United States foreign policy has changed significantly during and after the Cold War, as the United States redefined its foreign policies during each of these eras. Although inarguably United States promotes liberal democracy, how it goes about doing so currently, could not be necessarily categorized as a liberal approach. During the Cold War United States had a more liberal approach towards promotion of democracy. Yet this approach has since changed as it did not emphasize enough the importance of other states materialistic needs and its impact on their international behavior, thus leading United States to adopt a more constructivist perspective toward its foreign policy. Realism regards states as rational, solitary units in ... Show more content on ... According to constructivism "The world of international relations is not just the world of material capabilities and materialistic opportunities it is also a social world". Constructivists believe that actor states are occupied with both normative and material factors. They do not deny that the material world shapes their structure, but they believe that through reflections and discourse, actor states are malleable and influenced by each other. Constructivism thus deals with the process through which principled ideals become social norms. In being so, constructivism becomes a critical component for the international recognition of a state. This becomes crucial for actors, as the internationalization of social norms will ensure compliance over external pressure. Thus, democracy promotion can be subsumed under the socialization and internalization by actors. The persistence of democratic international institutions after the cold war as well as the mass identification of states as democracies and the absence of a strong alternative political ideology have contributed to a process of socialization promoting democratic cooperation. Therefore, after the Cold ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Progressive Reform The rise of modern American liberalism throughout the history Having been born in Europe in the epoch of Renaissance and Reformation, the liberalism has become an inevitable part of the United States. When someone and somewhere talks about the liberal movement, everybody will mention the American liberalism, which has undergone several stages of its development and transformed into modern liberalism. This liberalism allows the United States to be one of the most powerful states in the world. Since its origin, the United States did not know different political philosophy but liberalism in its democratic–constitutional form. The liberal doctrine in the United States was influenced by some factors – the impact of the American Revolution ... Show more content on ... It claims on different freedoms of people despite their gender, race, and age. Also, one of the principles of American liberalism is the separation of state and church. The main aim of liberalism is to promote the general welfare of the American citizens. However, sometimes the liberalism was too controversial. For example, the involvement of the United States to the wars violated the rights of people. Speaking about the WWI, George William Norris wrote that war brings no prosperity to the great mass of common and patriotic citizens. It increases the cost of living of those who toil and those who already must strain every effort to keep soul and body together. War brings prosperity to the stock gambler on Wall Street – to those who are already in possession of more wealth than can be realized or enjoyed (149). Such eager of American people to live in a free society is well understandable and can be explained by several factors as well. The ultimate goal of the American social ideal is equality of opportunity and individual initiative. These are not born of bureaucracy. This ideal is the expression of the spirit of our people. This ideal obtained at the birth of Republic. It was the ideal of Lincoln; it is the ideal upon which the nation has risen to unparalleled greatness (205). To another word, it is a heritage of all generations, which made their ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Realism, Liberalism, And Social Constructivism Because global politics guarantees only anarchy and interaction, scholars must analyze the international system using a variety of theories. Realism, liberalism, and social constructivism are only a handful of lenses through which we view global affairs. Realism suggests that anarchy causes states to fight for survival and the balance of power. Liberalism suggests that while states do fight to survive, anarchy creates an environment conducive to cooperation. On the other hand, constructivism suggests that people constructed this system of international relations and anarchy is what states make of it. Although each theory is different, they still seek to explain both history and the contemporary world. The realist approach to anarchy treats it as the main mode of the international system. Realist theory states that because the international system is anarchic, survival acts as a state's primary interest. Without a higher authority to regulate the actions of states, much like a government regulates the actions of its citizens; states are free to do whatever they please. Realism suggests that given this amount of power, along with the primal and violent nature of humans, states must constantly fight to survive. The self–interest of the state comes before anything else, so conflict is always possible. States only gain relative to other states because there can be no absolute winnings for all states; a zero–sum approach to power. Also, in the anarchic system states strive to put ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Pros Of Classical Conservatism Madison Nickels Mr. Johnson Ap Language & Composition 17 May 2018 Classical Liberalism A branch of liberalism, advocating civil liberties under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom. The security of freedom of individuals by limiting the power of government under the rule of law, private property and belief in Laissez– faire economic policy. This is called classical liberalism. Another way of saying that certain people think almost all should be equal. Giving to people and never stopping because they feel bad for the people who cannot care for themselves. Liberals generally supports the Civil Rights ( rights to citizens to political, social freedom, and equality.) Also supporting democracy, secularism ( separation of the state from religious institutions like churches), gender equality, internationalism ( transcending nationalism and advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among the nation and their people), and freedoms of speech, press, religion, and the market. Classical Liberalism promotes people in fundamental sense and reduces the choices they make (good and bad). Supporting others and wanting the best for everybody. Not wanting certain rules to apply to the people of the United States but for everybody to live the best life that they can. Compared to Representative ... Show more content on ... Originating from John Locke – an English philosopher and physician who was the most influential and if now known as the "Father of Liberalism", Believing in "Life, Liberty, and Property". "The government does not give rights to the citizens, the rights belong to the citizens." John Locke's saying was put into the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Classical Liberalism had a strong emphasis of the individuals rights of ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Liberalism Of Fear By Judith Shklar We live in a society were they may be times were anything can happen, with terrorist organizations, and social justice issues causing uproar. While we have still problems to work on as citizens, the government we live upon continues to create new restrictions which restore fear into some citizens. Liberalism has been rare in the practice and theory in the last two hundred years. But as a state that lives off of liberal values, the struggle for equality still continues. In the essay "The Liberalism of Fear", philosopher Judith Shklar focuses on developing the definition of political liberalism, by means of discovering the role that cruelty plays in political and social life. There are many primary issues in the Liberalism of Fear that I must addressed. Also I shalll expound on her arguments surrounding the fear of tyranny, fear of abuse and how it makes a distinct connection to our reality now. Before we expound on the fundamental attributes of the liberalism of fear, one must first comprehend what the word "liberalism", actually means. Liberalism has only one aim; to secure the political conditions that are necessary for the exercise of personal freedom.The liberalism of fear addresses an important human need:freedom from actual fear. Every person should be able to make as many effective decisions without fear or favor of anything, as is compatible with the like of freedom of every other adult. But the most important part of the whole aspect of liberalism is not so much ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Liberalism : The Strongest International Theory Liberalism is one of the dominant international as well as national theories in the world. Despite this, realism also considered the strongest international theory especially last five decades due to international conflicts occurred many times such as war, cold war and terrorism and liberalism was not effective policy. On the other hand, liberalism is still major subject in politics at the present time and it has also been very influential in history of world politics. Initially, it is useful to look at key dates and definition of liberalism. The knowledge of liberalism emerged in 17–18 century and Emmanuel Kant (1724–1804) had a major influence on this subject. This theory is been evolved since that and liberalism was very influential on western states especially by top policy makers in the begging of 20th century as well as it was regarded as idealism. (((Tim dune , smith book, p102))). Generally, liberalism can be defined as democracy, free trade, law and international institutions and this will result in peace and progress (lec slide show Kant fomula))). However, it is worth discussing broader definition of liberalism with four dimensional definition (((Doyle 1997:207, smith book, p 102, 1st row)))). Firstly, according to Doyle all citizens have equal right and have power for basic rights such as freedom of speech, education and religious rights. Secondly, state cannot mistreat citizens and it should be investigated by the people. Next, individuals have a liberty to ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Conservatism: Civil Rights Movements And The Health Care... In the American political spectrum, there are mainly two directions, to the left being liberalism and to the right being Conservatism. Yet, the universal reality accurately phrased by Barrack Obama states, "There's not a liberal America and a Conservative America – there's the United States of America". Although Liberalism and Conservatism fall under the same umbrella, they've each made their own game–changing dents throughout time. Liberalism has changed the course of history in such events like the Civil Rights Movements and The Health Care Reform. Consequently, Conservatism has not only impacted religion, but public education as well. What is liberalism? Liberalism, endorsed in the book Not Much Left states, "...the notion of liberalism as ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Liberalism And Conservatism In The United States Singletary 1 Andrew Singletary Mrs. Lekovich US Government A 11 September 2015 Liberalism and Conservatism Nearly all Americans identify themselves with ideologies that don't discount another existing ideology. Most people are Liberals or Conservatives because they have their own attitude regarding our society. Liberalism and conservatism handle their issues with entirely different philosophies. Liberals and Conservatives beliefs cover a wide range of issues that are influenced or established by the kind of principles they embrace. The two most common ideologies in American politics are Liberalism and Conservatism. Liberalism believes that they are people in the world that needs help. Liberalism also believes that government ... Show more content on ... This belief have influence human rights practices by allowing persist use of excessive force by police on minorities. Conservatism beliefs Singletary 6 have influenced human rights practices by making violators of the law to pay the penalties for not obeying it. Conservatism beliefs have influenced human rights practices by having religious institutions constrained or heavily regulated. Conservatism beliefs have influenced human rights practices by supporting certain religious or spiritual groups over the other. In conclusion, Liberalism and Conservatism both have the same goals for prosperity, but have complete different ways of accomplishing them. The differences between liberalism and conservatism are vast, but they center on the basic beliefs within each ideology. Both liberalism and conservatism beliefs support the status quo. Both liberalism and conservatism beliefs are deep– seated in America's principles of fairness, equity, and equality. The ideology of Liberalism and Conservatism has kept this nation
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  • 18. Liberalism: Conservatism In The United States Liberalism has embraced several fundamental details of an element, at a different time in history liberal ideology has emphasized different aspects of its basic principles. Those ideas have much impact on the idea as a force between the people and their government, the rights of people were overthrown, in favor of a new system, their rights were violated,but they strongly believed that natural rights belong to all people, faith, support of all humanity have become very natural to their future. Limited powers to majority rule specified by the minority rights as their support become more of a change in our society. Conservatism consists of basic beliefs and values beyond some form of suspicious when it comes to changes. This continues for ... Show more content on ... The difference with liberal, is that they always have a position on the other side. Conservatism, in general, it is associated with the positivity of basic personality and always try to be careful, in addition, conservation also seems to have a negative openness when it comes to understanding the objective when dealing with academic matters. Typically it's related to their personal behavior, and their political values. Conservative politicians have a particular position in the American world, because of the general nature of the conservatism and its ideology. Globalism has become a challenge for the changing of our understanding of the government, we the people have been influenced by various principles that are associated with the power of authority and the liberal democracy. American has been surrounded with many quality that influence, they are been taught that America, is an extraordinary nation the city on the hill filled with beacon of hope,these ideas continues to this day, and if America ever feel that they are losing hope, they are very eager to make changes, to protect their heritages ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Post Great Depression Liberalism In The 1930's The trajectory of the United States as a capitalist country was effectively changed by the Great Depression. The stock market crashes and continuously failing banks, prompted for the government to become instrumental in the economy to prevent the tragedies occurred during the 1930's. The New Deal proposed by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt dismantled the laissez–faire economy philosophy in the United States by transforming it to an economy where the government interfered to provide stability. Roosevelt's new goals started a division between pre Great Depression liberalism and post Great Depression liberalism. Although both of these believed in equality and helping the less advantaged, pre Great Depression liberalism , inspired by the progressive movement of the late 18th century, was founded on the belief of contesting the powers of corporations to ensure well–being to the majority of the ... Show more content on ... Roosevelt's change in of mind was in essence a shift in execution as he now viewed changing the economy through government control and consumption. Brinkley illustrates these changes as he states " On issues of political economy... a consensus had begun to emerge behind a new kind of liberalism : a liberalism less inclined to challenge corporate behavior than some of the reforms ideas of the 1930's had done... a liberalism strongly committed to the use of more " compensatory," tools– a combination of Keynesian fiscal measures and enhanced welfare–state mechanism– to ensure prosperity" ( Brinkley 139). The proposed stability included bank regulations, welfare programs, anti–monopoly , and overall legislation that brought upon equality in American society. However, to those older liberal this new behavior seemed conflicting because it did not follow the idea of challenging the economic elites. Roosevelt's plan evidently had the shared goals with older liberalism, but its Keynesian ideology meant working with economic elites , instead of challenging their power to boost ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Cold War And Initiation Of Neoliberalism Essay Overtime, the international system has experience a multitude of theoretical frameworks including realism, liberalism, and idealism; furthermore, each has emerged into new schools of thought after the conclusion of the Cold War. The liberal school of thought has inherited many developments and new features since 1989. The ending of the Cold War and initiation of neoliberalism was expected to lead to a decline in conflict and result in a cooperating international system under the anarchic system. In addition, to the new features of liberalism, new features of realism (neorealism) opposing neoliberalism emerged attempting to explain the flaws in cooperation. Neoliberalism is derived from the early theoretical framework; classical liberalism. The original liberal school of thought emphasizes human nature and human behavior as the driving force of progression in the international system because of the idea that cooperation is possible through the expansion of economic freedoms, human freedom, and democracy. Overall, classical liberalism embraced human beings as rational individuals by human nature that cooperate with little to no violence or military influence. For example, Woodrow Wilson's highlighted cooperation when delivering his 14th point in his speech Fourteen Points (1918). Wilson suggested collective security by creating the League of Nations which attempted to create an alliance between liberal states encouraging cooperation. Although classical liberalism and ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Socialism Vs Neoliberalism No doubt that there is an issue of economic disparity in the United States. According to a 2013 CNN article, a study done by PEW trusts shows that 70% of those who started off poor, stayed poor. The study followed families from 1968 and the numbers used for this article are from 2009. A different study from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that in almost every state in the United States, a bigger portion of Black and Hispanics are poor. This is when I haul in Socialism and Liberalism/Neoliberalism. First I have to define Liberalism and Socialism; Liberalism is the idea that all should be left to their own devices to freely compete in the market while Pure Socialism offers to abolish private property, the market, and currency. While our current ... Show more content on ... It is problems like these that are starting to push the Y generation and Millennials to think about Democratic–Socialism. Socialism, in general, is starting to become more and more relevant today which is greatly demonstrated in the near–success of Bernie Sanders even when he was getting little to no press and when he did get the press it was usually negative. According to an article by Washington Post, an exit poll comprised of youth (those under 30) done by Tufts University, shows that about 2 million young people voted for Bernie Sanders in about 21 states. His ideas and socialist views were popular amongst the young and were beginning to get more accepted. This is progress especially because socialism has so much stigma and not a lot of the evidence behind that stigma can even be deemed valid. There are people who say that socialism could not be possible and one of the biggest critiques of it is Fukuyama. Fukuyama, first of all, believes that liberalism and capitalism create the most viable form of ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Liberalism And The United Nations Introduction Liberalism was previously a projection of how international relations ought to be; now, liberalism is a modern theory towards peace attained with a state's ambition for dominance. "Self–interest" has two definitions in accordance to liberalism and realism. Liberalism considers the measure of power within states through stable economies, the possibility of peace and cooperation, as well as the concepts of political freedoms (human rights). Realism believes states are driven by competitive self–interest; international organizations hold little to no real influence because states are self– preserved. International relations is governed by states acting in their self–interest through liberalism; states act in their self–interest by cooperating with one another through international organizations, transnational advocacy networks, and non–governmental organizations. International organizations, normative values, and terrorism are all examples of how international relations is progressing into liberalism. International Organizations An example of the relevance of liberalism would be the United Nations, a global organization, which was developed for the intent of maintaining world peace. Anne–Marie Slaughter states that the world will be multilateral in the future because of the UN's expansion. Liberalists would also say because of institutions such as the UN, states are more concerned with relative gains than absolute gains. Today, in the occurrence of a crisis, states ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Ideals of Liberalism Expressed in President Obama's Speeches In President Obama's speech at the U.S. and China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, he outlines the "essential steps in advancing a positive, constructive, and comprehensive relationship between the two countries." In the President's 2011 State of the Union Address, he provides four critical steps to achieve economic recovery in addition to several pressing domestic and international policies. What both these speeches hold in common, is the logic behind the liberalism tradition of international relations. The foundations of the President's speeches are set in the ideals of liberalism from which rise three strands of modern liberal thinking: economic, social, and political. "Liberalism is a distinct ideology and set of institutions ... Show more content on ... Both of the President's speeches are structured around modern ideals of liberalism concerning economic, social, and political issues. The President's main focuses in his State of the Union Address and Speech to China was economic stability. The President calls upon China for the "cooperation to advance our mutual interest in a lasting economic recovery" through "trade that is free and fair." The President addresses economic improvement in his State of the Union Address through the promotion of innovation, education, and infrastructure in the United States which will lead increased exports. He promotes expansion of free trade programs with Central American and Asia Pacific. Free trade does not just help the economy, but according Richard Rosencrance in his theory of economic interdependence, trade fosters peace by making trade more profitable than invasion. Mutual economic interest and prosperity will lead to increased relationships between the United States and China. Joseph Nye's position regarding the social aspect of liberalism "argues that person–to–person contact reduces conflict by promoting understanding." The President promotes the interaction of individuals from the United States with their counterparts throughout the World in both his speeches. In his speech to China, the President calls for increased interaction between American and Chinese people through business to find tomorrows solutions for the problems of clean ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Classical Liberalism Is A Political Philosophy Originated Classical Liberalism is a political philosophy originated in the 18th century based on the idea of individual liberty created to preserve an open and accepting, and open–minded society. Classical liberalism is very solemn when advocating for the value of freedom in which emphasizes the importance of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets which includes free trade market capitalism, and economic liberalism. Up until around the 1900s, this ideology was commonly known as Liberalism, however, it's now important to classify it as "Classical Liberalism" mostly in English–speaking countries. Worldwide however, Liberalism is a wide–ranging term that can also be associated with private property and designated with social, instead of social, ... Show more content on ... John Locke, an English philosopher, shared some of the same ideas that Hobbes possessed. Locke believed in the power of a government to preserve freedom, but he also believed in overthrowing any government that violated a citizen's rights, and as a solution, getting a new government competent for the duty of serving the people. Locke also believed in freedom by nature. "Everyone has a natural right to life, liberty, and property." Locke believed in men preserving their own "civil interest," by those he means life, liberty, health, and the possession of land, money, houses, and such things. He believed that all men are free by nature, and that "no private person has any right in any manner to prejudice another person in his civil enjoyments." Locke also believes that God gave men the world to make use of it, therefore he values so much the right to property. Another philosopher from the 17th century, and who made an impact on how political economy works is Adam Smith, one of the major philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment. Smith is considered as one of the source of classical liberal commitments, reducing state regulations on economic life and trade. He was very powerful with his argument, he believed ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. , Liberalism And Realism The international relations comprise of several theories such as the Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism and Marxism. This could also be called the international relations theories in which it attempts to provide a conceptual outline in which the international relations can be analyzed. These four theories have been in around since the 16th century and have been administered by several nations including the United States of America. Realism has been the main concept of the international relations since its beginning. Realism is a school of thought that believed in the representation of a subject matter truthfully in which it is supposed to be as opposed to. The theory claims to rely upon an ancient tradition of thought which includes writers such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes. The outbreak of World War II was seen by realists as evidence of the deficiencies of idealist thinking. There are various strands of modern–day realist thinking. However, the main tenets of the theory have been identified as a survival, and self–help explained how foreign policy remained the same over time, how they weren't many changes. Despite all the different changes that have happened with the leaders, our United States of America's military never weakened Liberalism is a political philosophy founded on the ideas of freedom and equality. Liberals advocated for a wide range of views depending on what their understanding of these principles were. They support the freedom ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Issue Of Human Rights In this paper I will focus on the subject of human rights. The recognition of human rights is widely seen as abstract, yet human rights affect daily lives worldwide. We can understand human rights and its initial role on politics through the example of higher rule denying citizens everyday rights, worldwide. In particular, I will compare and contrast the theoretical perspectives of liberalism and realism, and assess that human rights can best be examined through liberalism due to its ability to bring light to international cooperation and optimism to everyday human nature. Liberalism essentially points to international law and international institutions as an important feature of the international landscape while realism exclusively is state–centric, therefore, does not pay attention to the individual needs of humans nor groups of humans. Also, I will identify why realism privileges the ethics of self interest over other forms of morality, thus, leaving little room for discussion on human rights and why it diminishes our understanding of human rights in the political world. This essay will proceed as follows: I will briefly discuss the core tenets to the approaches of liberalism and realism. Second, I will define the topic of human rights and what those rights are. Third, I will outline my argument for why liberalism is superior to realism at best explaining human rights in the following way. To begin with, liberalism involves the keywords: optimism, self–determination and ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Constructivism In The United States Government Theories are the way people view things, like realism, constructivism, and liberalism. In the United States government, using every theory is essential to problem solving and understanding. When people look at something the way something truly is, and find a way to deal with it, is realism. When people use their own experiences to better understand something is constructivism. When people view things in which things need to change to get progress, is liberalism. Someone who views things with realism, is not optimistic, they are practical, and authentic, when things are bad they don't turn towards another option, they face the facts. Nowadays there are realist, but those also are people who complain when things go wrong, because facing reality ... Show more content on ... It has become an important target to the U.S., and has also executed multiple victims around the world. There has also been many American citizens who have been arrested for association, or becoming a part of ISIS's plans to attack the United States. But, this is trending all around the world, and has become difficult to stop spreading. They are causing a tragic flaw in the stability of America, questioning who the true psychopaths are, and where safety lies in America. ISIS have said that they are not only planning to terrorize America, but also segregate it. On the other hand, the United States government believes that, to stop all this brutality in America, we need to cause war in their regions ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Essay on Classical Liberalism Vs. Classical Conservatism Classical Liberalism vs. Classical Conservatism In today's society, most people are unable to explain the differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In fact, the two parties' ideologies seem to be very much alike; and therefore, people tend to believe that a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate running for the same office will not make a large difference from one another. Furthermore, both Democrats, the supposedly liberal party, and Republicans, the supposedly conservative party, have been appointed to the highest office, the President of the United States of America. In most cases, the President has been effective in building notable progress in our nation's growth, regardless of the political ... Show more content on ... Ideally, the judgment of people is based on their personal characteristics rather than their group affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms of bigotry (Franks 28). However, this is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and immigrants, which concerns classical liberals that believe their collectiveness hinders their individual natural rights. Finally, classical liberalism also protects the free marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in order to achieve the most success (Franks 28). Therefore, the development of capitalism is an important ideology protected by classical liberalism, along with the natural rights of individuals. On the other hand, the ideologies of the Republican Party originate from the principles of the classical conservatism philosophy. Classical conservatism's underlying idea is to protect and conserve established traditional values in the name of "liberty, equality, and fraternity," or to reinstate ideal values that are in decline (Franks 28). According to Edmund Burke, who is regarded as the intellectual source of classical conservatism, the preservation of the values of tradition in family and the Church is more sound in forming a government than "reason" (Jones 261). Thus, classical conservatism rules out the idea of empowering people who do not "deserve" power, completely opposing the underlying factor of the individual's natural ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Current Administration 's Theory Of International... Over the last several decades the United States of America has had the seat of leadership on the world stage. During this time different US Administrations have viewed the world through changing times and circumstances, and through the lens of several different theories of international relations. The current Administration's foreign policy positions, articulated by the President himself during his recent West Point commencement address as well as the Administration's self–described "pivot," or "rebalance" to a larger focus on Asia, show a dominant reliance on the Liberalism theory of International Relations. This paper will analyze the current Administration's Liberalism theory by looking at arguments put forth by the President during his speeches, explain the Administration's assertions on the importance of international institutions, and describe how the "pivot" to Asia is good for the country. Finally, this paper will make some recommendations for changes to the current Administration's foreign policy, based upon actions and theories that previous Administrations have used effectively. In his West Point Commencement Address the President asserted two points. The first is that "technology and globalization has put power once reserved for states in the hands of individuals raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm." Additionally, he argued that "the most direct threat to America at home and abroad remains terrorism." These are both key concepts of the ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Comparison of International Relations Theory Contemporary international relations is a complex field. Understanding events and attempting to make sense of them can be a daunting task. There are, however, tools available, which can assist in providing clarity to these complex issues. The first of these tools is historic knowledge. Without historic background of an issue, it is nearly impossible to understand the events driving that issue in modern times. A second tool, the one which will be the focus of this paper, is international relations theory. Theory can be defined as "a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action," (Merriam–Webster) and can be used "in many cases as a basis of prediction." (Mingst 56) There are three major theories which we ... Show more content on ... While liberalism believes war to be avoidable through education, reformation of social institutions, and shared interests with other nations, realism finds war to be an unavoidable consequence of the self–preservation of the state. Liberalism sees the potential for and desires change, while realism finds change unlikely. Both theories agree on the principle that the international system is anarchic in nature. However, whereas realism relies on a balance of power to keep the system in check, liberalism does so through cooperation of international institutions and mutual interest of various states. In understanding international relations and world events, understanding the theories and principles through which to view these events is a good start. However, it is also important to ask yourself how you intend to use the theory. These theories can be applied to contemporary situations in order to understand the actions and reactions of various parties relevant to a specific issue. The theories can also be used to look at current events and attempt to predict future events. Another use for the theories is to apply them to past events, in an attempt to explain and understand why the events happened, and why various parties, or states, executed certain decisions. For an example of applying theory to a past event, we can look to the Gulf War of 1991. From the historic record, we ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Liberalism And Ligalitarianism Politics is often discussed on the basis or right and wrong, left and right, and is riddled with false dichotomies, when it really is a much more vivid and complex spectrum than that. There are many different systems of governments and competing ideologies, that are further then divided in their leanings and priorities. Of the first ideologies, Liberalism, is also subcategorized into different interpretations based on how much of liberty is attainable and a governmental presence there should be. It is divided into Classical Liberalism, Social Darwinism, Egalitarian Liberalism, Libertarianism, and Libertarian Anarchism. The reason there is much contention within Liberalism as an ideology on its own, is because all of these factions idealize ... Show more content on ... On the one hand, with the emergence of the nation–state and theories of sovereignty in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ideas of a distinctly public realm began to crystallize. On the other hand, in reaction to the claims of monarchs and, later, parliaments to the unrestrained power to make law, there developed a countervailing effort to stake out distinctively private spheres free from the encroaching power of the state. Natural rights theories were elaborated in the seventeenth century for the purpose of setting limits on state power, both over property and religious conscience(3). Many philosophers such as Locke, Miller, and Paine, and Kant argue for these rights due to the fact that there was a great social awakening and a growing urge to question the legitimacy of leadership. On these basis stood the foundation of classical liberalism. Classical Liberalism prioritizes above all things complete and total individual liberty. Believers in Classical Liberalism assert that it must be served in completeness because any lack of it creates citizens that are willingly dependent on the government. It is imperative to understand that Classical Liberalism does not call for complete anarchy or even no government at all like Libertarian Anarchists do, but rather a small government. Thomas Paine describes this idea as "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Theory Of Liberal Ideology Political Science Midterm I will be speaking on important political terms, explain the development of liberal ideology in the United States of America, and touch on a few other areas of political culture. First off liberalism; liberalism is a way of political worldview by the ideas of liberty and equality. Although in a certain time in our history equality was somewhat of a lie. Slavery, racism, and feminism prove that not every single person on the planet had equal rights. In the 1650's to 1780's western Europe had people that were thinking of ways to enlighten the people and bring change to the world they all live in, called the Age of Enlightenment. Mostly philosophers emphasized reason, analysis, and individualism. People like ... Show more content on ... There are liberal liberals, conservative liberals, and radical liberals. Which mostly all follow the basic structure of liberalism. For example liberal liberals believe that for social safety people need help to feed their families and take care of themselves because not everyone can make it in this world and put food in peoples mouths, afford medical insurance, civilized people try to help each other, not leave them starving and without care. On the conservative side, there views are that people should be responsible for themselves, if they are given the chance they are completely capable of supporting themselves and their families. They also believe that if government always picks up and pampers the poor or needy, they will be weak and lose their motivation to work. For money, taxes, and the part that the government plays; the conservatives believe that government should serve the people. Not the other way around. The liberals say that the proper function of a government is to solve issues, decrease poverty, protect civil rights and liberties. And to make sure that all Americans have a fair chance to succeed. The dimensions of the ideology of liberalism are political and economic liberalism. Political liberalism underlines the social contract. Where citizens can make laws and agree to follow those laws. Most people believe that individuals know what is best for them. Also it allows people to represent themselves without the need to worry ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Conservatism Vs. Classical Liberalism The United States was founded on a basis of liberty and in the early 19th century, classical liberalism was the ideology that society thought would best protect individual liberties. Conservatism and classical liberalism often resemble each other in social and political ideas and ways of thinking. There are many factors that contribute to this resemblance between the two ideologies. Conservatism in the United States so often resembles classical liberalism because of the similarity in the beliefs of government restrictions and regulations. Before explaining how classical liberalism resembles modern day conservatism, it is important to understand the basis for both ideologies. Conservatism is a difficult ideology to define because the notion of conserving something is shared between all followers, but it is often argued what should be conserved (Ball, Dagger, and O'Neill 99). With different values and beliefs as well as pressure from society to conform, it is difficult for conservatives to all agree on what exactly it is they want to conserve. Conservatism is often referred to the resistance to change, however, this is where the difference between classical conservatism and modern conservatism is visible (Ball, Dagger, and O'Neill 99). Classical conservatives were skeptical of equality and independent freedom and in order to keep the traditional social hierarchy, believed in restraining the passions of the people in society (Ball, Dagger, and O'Neill 100). The worry that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Ideology Of Classical Liberalism The ideologies of the Democratic Party originate from the principles of the classical liberalism philosophy. The most dominant idea of classical liberalism is that the government's role is to protect the individual's natural rights because individuals are the primary unit of society (Franks 27). According to John Locke, a philosopher who contributed to classical liberalism's vitality, the protection of individuals' "life, liberty, and property" is their natural rights (Jones 227). The ideas of classical liberalism revolves so much around the individual that Locke believes the people had the right to combine into a revolutionary force and organize a new form of government, or a social contract, as they pleased. Because of the importance of the individual, classical liberalism favors immigrants and people of all classes. Ideally, the judgment of people is based on their personal characteristics rather than their group affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms of bigotry (Franks 28). However, this is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and immigrants, which concerns classical liberals that believe their collectiveness hinders their individual natural rights. Finally, classical liberalism also protects the free marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in order to achieve the most success (Franks 28). Therefore, the development of capitalism is an important ideology protected by classical liberalism, along with the ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Taiwan And China International Relations Essay The goal of studying international politics is to create generalizable conclusions about the relationships at the international level. That is, there is a scientific method used to understand how the world works. The three main methods for understanding how the world works are realism, liberalism, and constructivism. The purpose of this paper is to explain the components of the main theories and apply them to the relationship between Taiwan and China, and the likelihood, or lack thereof, of another great power war. The dispute arose from the Chinese nationalists fleeing to the island of Taiwan after Mao Zedong and his communist revolution took over mainland China. The conflict here is whether or not the independence of Taiwan will be recognized or the People's Republic of China will seek to invade Taiwan and assert its dominance over it, thus creating a possibility of war with the United States. Liberalism is the best theory in international relations because it best explains the situation in Taiwan and presents the best generalizable conclusion for how the relationships between states work. The first theory, realism, is concerned with only survival and power in international relations. This is because realists assume that states are rational, unitary actors in a state of Hobbesian anarchy whose preferences are mutually conflictual. Hobbesian anarchy is a terrible state in which every actor cares only for their own survival. This means that under this state, all actors ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. American Liberalism Essay The idea of Liberalism, especially in the United States, is centered about the unalienable rights of an individual such as the freedoms found in the United States Bill of Rights. In the book, The Strange Death of American Liberalism by H.W. Brands, Brands says that liberalism in the United States could only survive during times of war. The United States retreats into liberalism when there is a war going on and they need the federal government's assistance. On the other hand, the book, Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals by Marcus G. Raskin, argued that there was no escaping from liberalism. According to Raskin, liberalism has not faded into history like many people think. Liberalism is important in the United States because it drives ... Show more content on ... To help recover the nation, the New Deal was designed to bring the economy back to its pre– depression levels. It achieved that by deficit spending, dropping the gold standard, and increasing foreign trade. To reform the nation, the New Deal made it possible for the economy to be stabilized. The reform measures that President Roosevelt proposed included the NIRA or the National Industrial Recovery Act, the regulation of Wall Street by the SEA or Security Exchange Act, the AAA or Agricultural Adjustment Act that was intended for farm programs, the FDIC or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation that dealt with insurance for bank deposits, as well as the Wagner Act, which dealt with labor–management relations. Then liberalism in the United States was also expanded through President Lyndon B. Johnson during the 1960s with his Great Society. Liberalism under President Johnson became a form of social liberalism, which meant that President Johnson thought that liberalism should include social justice. So he expanded liberalism through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Community Reinvestment Act, as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He transferred liberalism into neoliberalism, meaning that it became more focused on the business aspect of the nation that would help determine the political and economic priorities ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Stages Of Liberalism And Federalism Political Science 155 Essay Question There are various stages to both liberalism and federalism. Liberalism is an ideology that stresses the rights individuals have and is the most prominent belief system in the United States. Dr. Guevara explains in her first lecture that the liberalism ideology has four stages, each underscoring the common concerns and agendas of their times. First is Classical Liberalism, most known for being heavily influenced by thinkers of the Enlightenment such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean–Jacques Rousseau. The founding fathers, concerned with their civil liberties, posed the question of "How do you frame a government that will protect your life, liberty and property?" which they answered with: limited ... Show more content on ... Federalism has been around for nearly as long as liberalism, existing in two main, functioning forms. Federalism is the division of people's sovereignty between different levels of government. Federalism in the United States has existed as either dual or cooperative, both defining the different levels of involvement between the levels of government. Dual Federalism, as defined by Scott F. Abernathy in American Government: Stories of a Nation, "[divides] the people's sovereignty between the nation and the states – they [are] coequals in power, each able to check the power and growth of the other." This model of federalism was the first used by the U.S. and was seen to be heavily connected with Classical Liberalism due to the nation's original, disconnected roots, which would come to change during the New Deal Liberalism period. On the contrary side, cooperative federalism is a system in which "both levels work together in the same areas of public policy." (Abernathy) Rather than working separately yet equally, the national and state governments both use the powers they have in order to work towards a common goal, typically seen in times of crisis as states can't handle the situations on their own and reach out and work with the national government in order to heal. My thesis is that liberalism and federalism overlap whenever one part of government attempts ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. The Views And Components Of Classical Liberalism The views and components of classical liberalism are evident in every aspect of the socioeconomic status and practices of the United States. The extent to which varies considerably depending on which facet of the government one considers, but the underlying principles on which the legislative and economic values base themselves on directly conforms with classical liberalism. Although liberalism is a relatively new ideology, most industrialized countries identify with the it's policies and agenda to some degree. The major political parties in the United States differ on the political spectrum, however, they both share values associated with liberalism thought. As European countries, as well as the American Colonies, began the transitional process from agrarian to industrialized societies, they became dependent on one another for goods, thus introducing capitalistic and free market economies. Those classified as proletarians, or working class citizens, noticed that they were slowly being interchanged with machinery, while the upper classes profited by substantial additions to their total wealth. With this prosperity, they began to invest in their respective communities, constructing educational institutions; sparking an integration between the working class and the classes above them (Lal 49). As machinery and the possibility to gain an education became prevalent in industrialized countries, working class citizens decided to homogenize with the new technology or educate ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Examples Of Realism In The Prince By Machiavelli Realism Machiavelli is a great example of a realist. In his book The Prince he describes people as "ungrateful, fickle and deceitful, eager to avoid dangers, and avid for gain, and while you are useful to them they are all with you, offering you their blood, their property, and their sons so long as danger is remote, but when it approaches they turn on you". This quote perfectly sums up the realist view on the world; except that instead of people, they view the states as the essential actor. When we talk about realism, they consider states as a rational actor. Realists are concerned with their self– interest colliding with another country's interest. Realist's concern is war and security. They strive to survive and they see that their way ... Show more content on ... Basically nothing is fixed and it is capable of change due to social structure. Realism's core concerns are power and security while liberalism focuses on peace and prosperity. Constructivism argues on social structures shaping behavior and building up towards an actor's identity and interests. Constructivists view the social structure that both consists of the actors and their interaction. Realism and liberalism view interests and identities as givens but constructivism sees these concepts are the central concern. For example when it comes to conflict, actors may change their nature of interaction. Some states may have a history of rivalry can change and be peaceful or they can go back to being rivals. Nothing is fixed, everything is determined through social interaction that is constantly changing. For example, the European Union. It is made up of states that fought against one another in World War I and World War II but are now close allies. Another example is the United States and Russia; the United States and Russia were allies throughout the war but then were on the brink of another war with the cold ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Realism And Liberalism Since International Relations has been academically studied Realism has been the dominant theory of world politics. The theory's inability to explain the end of the Cold War, however, brought strength and momentum to the Liberalism theory. Today Realism and Liberalism are the two major paradigms of International Relations. The aforementioned theories focus on the international system and the external factors that can lead to two phenomena – conflict and cooperation. Realism believes that as a result of anarchy and the security dilemma, conflict is inevitable. Liberalism argues that this conflict can be overcome through cooperative activities amongst states and international organizations. This paper will explore as well as compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of both theories. It will also debate which of the two theories is more valuable in the ... Show more content on ... This belief faced significant criticism, however, since free trade between states of different stages of development can result in a relationship in which the less developed state is dependent on the more developed state ( global South to North dependency). Many beliefs related to Liberalism actually face criticism as a result of an imbalance of power and influence between states. The Democratic Peace Theory, for example, suggests that conflict between two democratic states is unlikely – less likely than conflict between two non–liberal states or conflict between a liberal and non–liberal state. While history would suggest this to be true, there are multiple factors that contribute to this truth. For one, liberal states tend to be wealthier than non–liberal states. This means that they have less incentive to start war than a less wealthy state. Additionally, liberal states tend to have amicable relations with other liberal states – take Canada and USA for ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. The Lead Policy Maker Of The United States Of America Essay The lead policy maker in the United States of America is President Barack Obama. In his recent speech at the commencement of the United States Air Force Academy, President Obama shared four related to America's foreign policy and role in international politics. In his four lessons, the President emphasized themes of power and security, which are the basis for the traditions of liberalism and realism – received emphasis. The writing that follows will analyze President Obama's themes of intellectual pluralism with an emphasis on liberalism and realism, as evident in his address to the Air Force Academy. Firstly, this analysis will discuss liberal perspectives conveyed in President Obama's speech, beginning with the economic superiority and dominance by the United States. Secondly, this analysis will address neo–liberal institutionalism, followed by an analysis of the United States' acceptance of Kantian liberalism. Finally, this writing will examine realism. President Obama referenced numerous realist ideals but had a special focus on neo–realism. Bringing states together is the key to worldwide peace and prosperity according to the liberal point of view. Liberalism purposes three ways to unify states: economic activity, spreading democracy, and multi–national institutions. Subsets of liberalism centered on these designs are labeled economic liberalism, Kantian liberalism, and neo–liberal institutionalism, respectively. The unification of states is essential to any form of ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism What is Liberalism? INTRODUCTION The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ... But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think. Up until then those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary aristocracy. But then the people started to realize that this system should be changed. And hence the old traditions were questions, the governments were challenged. This intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful revolutionary movements. These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes of the time many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after that came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary aristocracy. These revolutions and movement led to many later ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Liberalism: Equality In The United States Liberalism is a political doctrine founded on ideas of both liberty and equality in the United States and also around the World. Three concerns that Liberalism faces is the voting rights for minorities, support of everyone having the right of free speech, and the support for Government programs such as education, and ensuring that all children have a proper education. Liberalism is focused on accomplishing "equality of opportunity for all people." Liberalists are a firm believer when it comes to their belief that all citizens are entitled to their basic prerequisites of life. They also believe that the environment should be taken care of no matter what you believe in. Voting discrimination against minorities in the United States is still ... Show more content on ... Countless children in need everywhere around the World do not get a quality education where they can learn and develop who they are going to be when they get older. Education is a crucial right, which gives permission to each person to acquire instructions and blossom socially in the society. The right to a proper education is critical for the economic, social, and cultural advancement of all societies. Education requires that its citizens promote an assortment of knowledge. Education is also known to consist of a form of learning that is unavoidable for the development of one's personality and the type of character they are, as well as substantial and creative capabilities. Education is an individual right which is an obligation to be accessible to everyone in the society, without any discrimination. All children must be able to get an education, and be accountable for the same opportunities to build a future for themselves. Educational information must be equally administered, so that children from disadvantaged ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. A Contemporary Analysis : Immigration And The Three... A Contemporary Analysis: Immigration and the Three Theoretical Paradigms Chris Ek Salisbury University Abstract The three theoretical paradigms of liberalism, mercantilism, and Marxism all create different analyses of certain contemporary issues. Leaders in society today use the paradigms to help create opinions over economics, immigration, and other key subjects that world leaders are constantly debating. Although, the knowledge of the basic foundations of each theory is extremely important to understand, an analysis would not be complete without returning to the past and reviewing the history of the theoretical paradigms as well as the famous proponents. Liberalism, mercantilism, and Marxism all hold different perspectives on the issue of immigration. Immigration has been a hot topic of discussion with the refugee crisis in Europe going on. Not to say that the United States is the most diverse country in the world, but European countries tend to have a strong sense of ethnic identity, which can lead to the conclusion that the refugee crisis is going to push the envelope of cultural development in Europe. The analysis using the three theoretical paradigms will include a historical background, famous proponents, major developments over time, and the perspective each theory will take on the issue of immigration. With immigration being on the forefront of societal issues around the world, people need to understand the different views of such a complicated subject. ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Analysis Of The Film Shock Doctrine In order to best understand the three primary schools of the International Political Economic (IPE), it's necessary to analyze the varying views intellects within each school. There are three primary schools, liberalism, Marxism, and economic nationalism, with liberalism being the most accepted in our modern day. It seems that the film Shock Doctrine, which is based off of the book by Naomi Klein utilizes theories of Marxism and Liberalism most heavily. Klein in particular seems to learn more towards Marxist school of thoughts throughout her work, as she focuses on how the United States push for free market capitalism has effected regions dealing with disaster. The film the Shock Doctrine first begins by showcasing forms of torture therapy. These types of therapy such as shock therapy, subjected patients to intense levels of pain (by sending shock signals to the brain) in order to "cure" them of their mental aliments. The theory was that individuals who were subjected to these torturous methods, would be far more likely to comply (Shock Doctrine). The question becomes, what is the relation between these shock therapy methods and economics? A central concept of Klein's refers to the relationship between economic shock (which gravely affects the population of a country) and the methods of shock therapy. The film works based on Klein's to suggest the ways in which the United States government became enveloped by the Chicago School's and Milton Friedman's ideas of ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Difference Between Conservatism And Liberalism INTRODUCTION The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine of liberalism. Conservatism, simply we can say that, supports the preservation of the status quo. Hence we can see that liberalism is a worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and equality. Liberals generally believe in free and fair elections, freedom of press, freedom of religion, private property and civil right. Liberalism first developed in the western world. It became famous among philosophers and economists during the era of Enlightenment. At that point of time absolute monarchy, state religion and hereditary privilege was the prevailing system. ... Show more content on ... In International Relations that era is normally referred to as Idealism. With the birth of United Nations Organization, liberalism once again gained momentum. But later with the start of cold war power politics the rays of hope also seemed to fade away. Then when the cold war ended the hopes for liberalism also emerged back. Liberal intellectuals made many justifications as to why liberalism should be the supreme over other competing ideologies. Liberals are generally very much optimistic therefore liberalism is generally described in literature as the 'tradition of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Trade Liberalism: The Role Of Obesity In The United States Trade Liberalism Modern globalization has changed the prices of food and how much people eat, and in turn, their risk to childhood and adult obesity. A study from the Obesity Prevention Source showed that "over the past four decades, the price of beef has dropped an astounding 80 percent, thanks in large part to global trade liberalization." Trade liberalization gives different people access to different types of food. Often these foods are high–calorie and processed foods. Based on what type of food is available, how much it costs and how it is marketed, influences what people eat. According to Prabhakar Pillai, the author of "The Negative Effects of Globalization Not Many of Us are Aware Of." He states, "Due to globalization, the world ... Show more content on ... Obesity makes you more likely to have conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder disease and breathing problems. Since, according to the International Obesity Task Force, there is an estimated 300 million people around the world that are obese and according to Globalization101, more than 115 million of those people are in developing countries, I don't believe this epidemic should be takes lightly. According to, "Disease associated with obesity have also risen worldwide. The number of people with diabetes has increased from 30 million worldwide in 1985 to 135 million in 1995 and the numbers continue to rise." The University of Minnesota concluded in a research that there is, "A link between poverty, low educational attainment and poorer health outcomes with increased morbidity and mortality is well established. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, elevated blood lead level, and low birth weight are more prevalent among individuals with low income and low educational attainment. Also, Research by Doctor Margaretha Voss has shown that unemployed people are more likely to be obese and have poor health habits. Excess drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and a stationary lifestyle are all concerns for your well–being. Globalization should be reformed because there are many health concerns with today's practices. There are far more detriments to the human body as a whole population caused by globalization than anything ... Get more on ...