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Page 1 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Plastik dan Sampah:
Pantauan bulan Mei 2021
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
ASEAN mengadopsi renca aksi pengendalian sampah laut
Studi mengenai plastikmikro dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan hidup
dan utamanya kepada manusia semakin intensif dilakukan peneliti
Studi perilaku warga pulau kecil dalam pengendalian sampah, ada
juga aksi protes terhadap sampah di sungai
Sampah sebagai pembangkit listrik bertambah satu unit lagi
keberadaannya di Indonesia
Info lama tetapi baru peroleh 23 Mei 2021
Sampah & Polusi
Ini 10 Sungai Tercemar Plastik Terbanyak di Dunia, Citarum
Redaksi 2 tahun ago
Sungai Citarum. FOTO: VOA/REUTERS
PERCAYAKAH Anda bahwa 90% plastik di laut hanya berasal dari 10
sungai? Sebanyak 9 sungai terletak di Asia dan salah satunya berbatasan
dengan Thailand. Jadi sungai apa paling tercemar plastik di dunia?
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Setiap tahun, sebanyak 300 juta ton plastik diproduksi dan 8,8 juta ton
dibuang ke laut. Terdapat 40 miliar botol plastik, 100 miliar kantong plastik
sekali pakai dan 522 juta item perawatan pribadi.
Yang mengkhawatirkan, 270.000 ton plastik ini hanya melayang di
permukaan laut. Itu lebih dari 5 trilyun potongan individu ketika dipecah,
tidak termasuk jutaan partikel mikroplastik . Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa
270.000 ton banyak dan Anda pasti benar!
Ini setara dengan 33.750.000 bola bowling, 135.000 mobil, 130.000 kapal
berukuran sedang, 1.225 kereta barang atau 36.000 gajah dewasa.
Jumlah sampah plastik saat ini mendatangkan malapetaka pada
keanekaragaman hayati laut. Sekitar 700 spesies laut dalam bahaya
kepunahan karena polusi plastik.
Sebanyak 100.000 makhluk laut mati karena plastik, sementara dua
pertiga ikan di seluruh dunia memakan plastik.
‖Pada tahun 2050, akan ada lebih banyak plastik daripada ikan di lautan.‖
— Eco News.
Ketika tempat penampungan akhir gagal menampung semua sampah,
masyarakat beralih ke sungai. Jika dilihat dari atas, sungai-sungai ini
seperti lumpur padat dari sampah plastik. Semua sungai ini mengalir ke
laut, membawa sampah.
10 sungai paling tercemar di dunia memiliki satu kesamaan, berada di
samping populasi manusia yang besar dengan sistem pengelolaan limbah
yang buruk.
10 – Sungai Mekong
Salah satu sungai terpanjang di Asia. Sungai Mekong melintasi berbagai
negara seperti Cina, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Kamboja dan Vietnam.
Sungai ini mendukung 200 juta orang yang bergantung pada industri
pertanian dan perikanan.
9 – Sungai Niger
Sungai dengan peringkat 9 paling tercemar di daftar kami adalah sungai
utama di Afrika Barat. Sungai Niger mendukung lebih dari 100 juta warga
Afrika. Dari Nigeria, mengalir melalui lima negara sebelum berakhir di
Samudra Atlantik.
8 – Sungai Amur
Sungai Amur yang juga dikenal sebagai Sungai Heilong terletak di
perbatasan provinsi Heilongjiang Cina dan Siberia Rusia.
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7 – Sungai Mutiara
Sungai yang berwarna seperti mutiara (The Pearl River) terletak di Kota
Guangzhou. Sungai ini paling terkenal di Tiongkok dan tidak terlihat seperti
mutiara. Faktanya, Hong Kong menderita sampah yang berasal dari
Sungai Pearl yang hanyut di pantainya.
6 – Sungai Gangga
Sungai Gangga di India berada di urutan keenam dalam daftar sungai
tercemar di dunia. Sungai ini menyediakan sumber daya air lebih dari
setengah miliar orang atau 40% populasi India. plastik masih dibuang di
sungai ini.
5 – Sungai Hai
Sungai Hai di Tiongkok mengalir di antara dua daerah yang paling padat
penduduknya di Cina, Tianjin dan Beijing, sebelum bermuara di Laut
4 – Sungai Kuning
Tempat lahirnya peradaban Tiongkok, Sungai Kuning terpanjang ketiga di
Asia, di sebelah Yangtze dan Yenisei. Sungai terpanjang keenam di dunia,
mengalir di sembilan provinsi ke Laut Bohai.
3 – Sungai Indus
Sungai Indus yang terpanjang di Pakistan, meliputi lebih dari 384.000 mil
persegi tanah terbuka, 204.000 di antaranya terletak di Pakistan. Ini adalah
salah satu sungai terbesar di Asia yang mengalir melalui Pakistan dan
India ke Arabian Sea. Selain plastik, polusi sungai ini berasal dari limbah.
2 – Sungai Yangtze
Terletak di Tiongkok, Sungai Yangtze yang terpanjang di Asia dan
terpanjang ketiga di dunia. Reputasinya yang terburuk ke-2 dalam daftar
kami karena menghasilkan 1,5 juta ton atau 55% dari plastik lautan.
Mengalir melalui beberapa daerah terpadat di Cina seperti Shanghai (22
juta), Wuhan (9,8 juta), dan Chongqing (7,5 juta), sungai ini tempat bagi
480 juta orang atau sepertiga dari populasi Tiongkok
1 – Sungai Paling Tercemar di Dunia – Citarum
Dan akhirnya, Sungai Citarum, dianggap paling tercemar di dunia. Terletak
di Jawa Barat, Indonesia, sungai ini menjadi tempat bagi jutaan orang.
Banyak pengembangan industri di sungai Citarum dan hampir tidak ada
pengelolaan limbah. Sungai Citarum telah mengubah nelayan menjadi
tukang sampah.*
Page 4 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Sumber: Krix Luther/
Categories: Sampah & Polusi
Tags: sampah plastikSungai Citarum
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Ancaman Baru Bagi Spesies Paus
Puluhan Kilogram Plastik Ditemukan di Perut Paus Berparuh Cuvier
INA-WIS, Sistem Layanan Cuaca Maritim dan Daerah Tangkapan Ikan
© 2018 - 2021 PT Dari Laut Indonesia
Info agak tetapi baru peroleh 27 Mei 2021
Ocean plastic crisis—Mental models of plastic pollution from
remote Indonesian coastal communities
Anna (Anya) PhelanID 1*, Helen Ross2, Novie Andri Setianto3, Kelly
Fielding4, Lengga Pradipta5
Research article
The crisis facing the world‘s oceans from plastics is well documented, yet
there is little knowledge of the perspectives, experiences and options of the
coastal communities facing overwhelming quantities of plastics on their
beaches and in their fishing waters. In emerging economies such as those
in the Coral Triangle, the communities affected are among the poorest of
their countries. To understand the consequences of ocean plastic pollution
in coastal regions, through the eyes of local people, this study examines
the knowledge, use, disposal and local consequences of single use
plastics in remote island communities in two archipelagos Selayar and
Wakatobi of southern and southeast of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Using mixed methods—a survey of plastic literacy and behaviour,
household interviews about purchasing and disposal, and focus group
discussions to generate shared mental models—we identify a complex set
of factors contributing to extensive plastic leakage into the marine
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environment. The rising standard of living has allowed people in low
resource, remote communities to buy more single-use plastic items than
they could before.
Meanwhile complex geography and minimal collection services make
waste management a difficult issue, and leave the communities
themselves to shoulder the impacts of the ocean plastic crisis. Although
plastic literacy is low, there is little the coastal communities can do unless
presented with better choice architecture both on the supply side and in
disposal options. Our results suggest that for such coastal communities
improved waste disposal is urgent. Responsible supply chains and non-
plastic alternatives are needed. Producers and manufacturers can no
longer focus only on low-cost packaged products, without taking
responsibility for the outcomes. Without access to biodegradable,
environmentally friendly products, and a circular plastic system, coastal
communities and surrounding marine ecosystems will continue to be
inundated in plastic waste.
The oceans continue to fill with plastic litter, most of it single use plastic
and retail packaging.
At a systems level, social and economic costs are often borne by those
affected rather than those responsible for the supply of the plastics and
management of the wastes. This research confirms that for coastal and
remote communities in Indonesia, the use of plastics is increasingly
overwhelming waste management and infrastructure capacity.
This study showed that low-resource coastal communities in South
Sulawesi are forced to shoulder the impacts of the ocean plastic crisis.
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There are thousands of similar coastal communities in Indonesia, all
struggling to cope with their own waste, plus vast quantities of waste
brought in by currents. The system results show that communities are
caught in a perpetual reinforcing loop. Unless the supply changes, these
communities have no hope of effectively managing their waste. Although
our survey results show that plastic literacy is low, even if it were higher
there is little the coastal communities can do to manage plastic waste
effectively unless presented with better choice architecture, both on the
supply side and in disposal options. For coastal communities in emerging
economies the ocean plastic crisis cannot be abated without responsible
Although the issue of plastic pollution has to be solved on multiple fronts
[40], our data suggests that for coastal communities extended producer
responsibility is imperative and a circular plastic economy is greatly
needed. Coastal communities with minimal waste infrastructure require
circular systems and responsible supply chains with non-plastic
alternatives. Producers and manufacturers distributing low-cost processed
food and single-use products to remote,coastal communities need to take
responsibility for the outcomes. Without access to degradable,
environmentally friendly products, and a circular plastic system, coastal
communitiesand surrounding marine ecosystems will continue to drown in
plastic waste.
PLOS ONE | .1371/journal.pone.0236149 July 28, 2020
Berbagi info mengenai Tata Kelola Sampah Nasional.dan
[1/5 10.15] RuddyGustave:
Isinya besar sekali, tidak mau diunduh dengan cellphone
Page 7 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
[1/5 10.59] Riza V. Tjahjadi: SAMPAH di BALI punya cerita
Kelihatannya cakep... Layak untuk ditiru Pemda lain? Pakai dana APBD?
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Pegiat Lingkungan Minta Pemkab Karawang Terapkan
Aturan Penggunaan Plastik
Yuda Febrian Silitonga - detikNews
Selasa, 04 Mei 2021 13:13 WIB
Foto: Timbulan sampah plastik di sungai (Yuda Febrian
Karawang -
Pegiat lingkungan mendesak agar Pemkab Karawang menerapkan
larangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. Hal itu dilakukan karena masih
banyaknya timbulan sampah plastik terutama di sungai.
Pegiat lingkungan ECOTON Daru Setyorini mengatakan dari pantauannya
selama ekspedisi sungai di Pulau Jawa, salah satunya di Citarum banyak
ditemukan timbulan sampah plastik seperti tas kresek, styrofoam, popok,
botol air mineral dan lainnya.
"Masih banyak dijumpai timbulan di sepanjang jalan di wilayah Karawang
seperti di Rengasdengklok, Sungai Buntu, wilayah di dekat bendungan
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Cibeet dan sepanjang jalan di Kota Karawang, juga di sub daerah aliran
Sungai Citarum," katanya saat diwawancarai, Selasa (4/5/2021).
Menurutnya banyaknya timbulan sampa harus segera diantisipasi dengan
fasilitas pengelolaan sampah 3R (reduce, reuse dan rycycle). "Pemkab
harus membuat fasilitas pengelolaan sampah 3R," ujar peneliti
mikroplastik ini.
Selain itu, ia menyebutkan perlu juga diterapkan regulasi yang membatasi
dan melarang penggunaan plastik sekali pakai.
"Kalau memang sudah ada aturan pengaturan plastik, diharapkan harus
segera diterapkan," jelasnya.
Padahal lanjutnya, dalam UU nomor 18 tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan
sampah pemerintah daerah memiliki tanggungjawab memberikan
pelayanan pengelolaan sampah bagi setiap warga.
"Sampah yang tidak terkelola dan dibuang pada akhirnya akan berakhir di
sungai dan menuju ke laut selanjutnya akan ancam keamanan pangan laut
atau seafood," kata Daru.
Pemkab perlu alokasi lebih besar untuk pengelolaan sampah seperti
sarana TPS 3R di setip desa, sarana transportasi dari TPS ke TPA dan
program serius untuk melibatkan produsen agar mengolah sampah hasil
produk seperti foodpackaging dan sachet.
"Dari hasil ekspedisi kami, Citarum sudah tercemar mikroplastik dari
industri kertas maka Pemkab harus mengendalikan mikroplastik yang
berasal dari sampah plastik domestik seperti tas kresek, sedotan,
styrofoam, sachet, botol plastik, popok bayi dan bungkus plastik lainnya,"
Sementara itu, saat dikonfirmasi, Kepala DLHK Karawang Wawan
Setiawan mengakui bahwa Pemkab sudah mengeluarkan aturan melalui
Perbup nomor 93 tahun 2020 tentang penggunaan kantong plastik.
Namun, regulasi tersebut belum diterapkan secara maksimal.
"Pemkab sudah buat aturannya, melalui Perbup nomor 93 tahun 2020,
disahkan pada bulan Desember 2020, dan baru bisa diterapkan setelah 3
bulan, namun memang belum sepenuhnya diterapkan kepada para
pengguna plastik," kata Wawan saat diwawancarai melalui telepon selular.
Dia mengakui aturan itu belum diterapkan secara efektif di semua pusat
perbelanjaan dan toko. "Memang belum sepenuhnya efektif, aturannya,"
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Sementara untuk pengolahan sampah, pihaknya telah membuat TPS3R di
beberapa desa, dan kelurahan.
"Kalau untuk pengelolaan sampah, kami sudah dibantu oleh kementerian,
juga bekerjasama dengan swasta untuk membangun 10 TPS3R di desa
atau kelurahan yang sudah dipilih," tuturnya.
Saat detikcom membaca Perbubnya, aturan tersebut berlaku mulai April
2021, yang di dalam pasalnya, apabila semua pusat perbelanjaan dan toko
swalayan, masih menggunakan plastik sekali pakai, akan dilakukan
pembinaan, dan juga teguran.
"Sifatnya kami hanya menegur, dan memberikan binaan, untuk mereka
yang menyalahi aturan," ujar Wawan.
Foto: Timbulan sampah plastik di sungai (Yuda Febrian
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indonesia. lebih mantap lagi
nature news feature article
Microplastics are everywhere — but are they harmful?
Scientists are rushing to study the tiny plastic specks that
are in marine animals — and in us.
XiaoZhi Lim
Microplastics from the Magothy River are pictured at the laboratory of Dr.
Lance Yonkos at the University of Maryland.
Microplastics collected from the Magothy River in Maryland. Credit: Will
Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program
Dunzhu Li used to microwave his lunch each day in a plastic container. But
Li, an environmental engineer, stopped when he and his colleagues made
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a disturbing discovery: plastic food containers shed huge numbers of tiny
specks — called microplastics — into hot water. ―We were shocked,‖ Li
says. Kettles and baby bottles also shed microplastics, Li and other
researchers, at Trinity College Dublin, reported last October1. If parents
prepare baby formula by shaking it up in hot water inside a plastic bottle,
their infant might end up swallowing more than one million microplastic
particles each day, the team calculated.
What Li and other researchers don‘t yet know is whether this is dangerous.
Everyone eats and inhales sand and dust, and it‘s not clear if an extra diet
of plastic specks will harm us. ―Most of what you ingest is going to pass
straight through your gut and out the other end,‖ says Tamara Galloway,
an ecotoxicologist at the University of Exeter, UK. ―I think it is fair to say the
potential risk might be high,‖ says Li, choosing his words carefully.
Researchers have been worried about the potential harms of microplastics
for almost 20 years — although most studies have focused on the risks to
marine life. Richard Thompson, a marine ecologist at the University of
Plymouth, UK, coined the term in 2004 to describe plastic particles smaller
than 5 millimetres across, after his team found them on British beaches.
Scientists have since seen microplastics everywhere they have looked: in
deep oceans; in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice; in shellfish, table salt,
drinking water and beer; and drifting in the air or falling with rain over
mountains and cities. These tiny pieces could take decades or more to
degrade fully. ―It‘s almost certain that there is a level of exposure in just
about all species,‖ says Galloway.
The image shows a clean-up worker collecting nurdles on the Arniston
beach in the Western Cape province of South Africa.
Clean-up workers collect plastic pellets from the Arniston beach in Western
Cape, South Africa.Credit: Tom Camacho/Science Photo Library
The earliest investigations of microplastics focused on microbeads found in
personal-care products, and pellets of virgin plastic that can escape before
they are moulded into objects, as well as on fragments that slowly erode
from discarded bottles and other large debris. All these wash into rivers
and oceans: in 2015, oceanographers estimated there were between 15
trillion and 51 trillion microplastic particles floating in surface waters
worldwide. Other sources of microplastic have since been identified: plastic
specks shear off from car tyres on roads and synthetic microfibres shed
from clothing, for instance. The particles blow around between sea and
land, so people might be inhaling or eating plastic from any source.
From limited surveys of microplastics in the air, water, salt and seafood,
children and adults might ingest anywhere from dozens to more than
100,000 microplastic specks each day, Albert Koelmans, an environmental
scientist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, reported this
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March2. He and his colleagues think that in the worst cases, people might
be ingesting around the mass of a credit card‘s worth of microplastic a
Bottles, bags, ropes and toothbrushes: the struggle to track ocean plastics
Regulators are taking the first step towards quantifying the risk to people‘s
health — measuring exposure. This July, the California State Water
Resources Control Board, a branch of the state‘s environmental protection
agency, will become the world‘s first regulatory authority to announce
standard methods for quantifying microplastic concentrations in drinking
water, with the aim of monitoring water over the next four years and
publicly reporting the results.
Evaluating the effects of tiny specks of plastic on people or animals is the
other half of the puzzle. This is easier said than done. More than 100
laboratory studies have exposed animals, mostly aquatic organisms, to
microplastics. But their findings — that exposure might lead some
organisms to reproduce less effectively or suffer physical damage — are
hard to interpret because microplastics span many shapes, sizes and
chemical compositions, and many of the studies used materials that were
quite unlike those found in the environment.
The tiniest specks, called nanoplastics — smaller than 1 micrometre —
worry researchers most of all (see ‗Microplastics to scale‘). Some might be
able to enter cells, potentially disrupting cellular activity. But most of these
particles are too small for scientists even to see; they were not counted in
Koelmans‘ diet estimates, for instance, and California will not try to monitor
MICROPLASTICS TO SCALE: infographic comparing sizes of
microplastics to biological objects and the technology needed to study th
Source (tools and costs): S. Primpke et al. Appl. Spectrosc. 74, 1012–1047
One thing is clear: the problem will only grow. Almost 400 million tonnes of
plastics are produced each year, a mass projected to more than double by
2050. Even if all plastic production were magically stopped tomorrow,
existing plastics in landfills and the environment — a mass estimated at
around 5 billion tonnes — would continue degrading into tiny fragments
that are impossible to collect or clean up, constantly raising microplastic
levels. Koelmans calls this a ―plastic time bomb‖.
―If you ask me about risks, I am not that frightened today,‖ he says. ―But I
am a bit concerned about the future if we do nothing.‖
Modes of harm
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Researchers have several theories about how plastic specks might be
harmful. If they‘re small enough to enter cells or tissues, they might irritate
just by being a foreign presence — as with the long, thin fibres of asbestos,
which can inflame lung tissue and lead to cancer. There‘s a potential
parallel with air pollution: sooty specks from power plants, vehicle exhausts
and forest fires called PM10 and PM2.5 — particulate matter measuring
10 µm and 2.5 µm across — are known to deposit in the airways and lungs,
and high concentrations can damage respiratory systems. Still, PM10
levels are thousands of times higher than the concentrations at which
microplastics have been found in air, Koelmans notes.
The larger microplastics are more likely to exert negative effects, if any,
through chemical toxicity. Manufacturers add compounds such as
plasticizers, stabilizers and pigments to plastics, and many of these
substances are hazardous — for example, interfering with endocrine
(hormonal) systems. But whether ingesting microplastics significantly
raises our exposure to these chemicals depends on how quickly they move
out of the plastic specks and how fast the specks travel through our bodies
— factors that researchers are only beginning to study.
Microplastics collected from a surface water sample taken in San
Francisco Bay, California, USA.
Microplastics collected in the San Francisco Bay area, labelled for
study.Credit: Cole Brookson
Another idea is that microplastics in the environment might attract chemical
pollutants and then deliver them into animals that eat the contaminated
specks. But animals ingest pollutants from food and water anyway, and it‘s
even possible that plastic specks, if largely uncontaminated when
swallowed, could help to remove pollutants from animal guts. Researchers
still can‘t agree on whether pollutant-carrying microplastics are a significant
problem, says Jennifer Lynch, a marine biologist affiliated with the US
National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Perhaps the simplest mode of harm — when it comes to marine
organisms, at least — might be that organisms swallow plastic specks of
no nutritional value, and don‘t eat enough food to survive. Lynch, who also
leads the Center for Marine Debris Research at Hawaii Pacific University in
Honolulu, has autopsied sea turtles that are found dead on beaches,
looking at plastics in their guts and chemicals in their tissues. In 2020, her
team completed a set of analyses for 9 hawksbill turtle hatchlings, under 3
weeks old. One hatchling, only 9 centimetres long, had 42 pieces of plastic
in its gastrointestinal tract. Most were microplastics.
Hawaiian hawksbill sea turtle post-hatchling pictured besides its
microplastic stomach contents
A Hawaiian hawksbill sea turtle post-hatchling pictured beside its
microplastic stomach contents.Credit: Jennifer Lynch
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―We don‘t believe any of them died specifically from plastics,‖ Lynch says.
But she wonders whether the hatchlings might have struggled to grow as
fast as they need to. ―It‘s a very tough stage of life for those little guys.‖
Marine studies
Researchers have done the most work on microplastic risks to marine
organisms. Zooplankton, for instance, among the smallest marine
organisms, grow more slowly and reproduce less successfully in the
presence of microplastics, says Penelope Lindeque, a marine biologist at
the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK: the animals‘ eggs are smaller and
less likely to hatch. Her experiments show that the reproduction problems
stem from the zooplankton not eating enough food3.
But, because ecotoxicologists started running experiments before they
knew what kinds of microplastics exist in aquatic environments, they
depended heavily on manufactured materials, typically using polystyrene
spheres of smaller sizes and at concentrations much higher than surveys
found (see ‗Sizing up microplastics‘).
SIZING UP MICROPLASTICS: Infographic comparing the shape and size
of microplastic found in the environment with lab studies
Source: Nature analysis
Scientists have started shifting to more environmentally realistic conditions
and using fibres or fragments of plastics, rather than spheres. Some have
started coating their test materials in chemicals that mimic biofilms, which
appear to make animals more likely to eat microplastics.
Fibres seem to be a particular problem. Compared with spheres, fibres
take longer to pass through zooplankton, Lindeque says. In 2017,
Australian researchers reported that zooplankton exposed to microplastic
fibres produced half the usual number of larvae and that the resulting
adults were smaller. The fibres were not ingested, but the researchers saw
that they interfered with swimming, and identified deformations in the
organisms‘ bodies4. Another study5 in 2019 found that adult Pacific mole
crabs (Emerita analoga) exposed to fibres lived shorter lives.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory footage of red fibres wrapping around
Red microplastic fibres wrap around a Temora copepod, a species of
zooplankton.Credit: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Most laboratory studies expose organisms to one type of microplastic, of a
specific size, polymer and shape. In the natural environment, organisms
are exposed to a mixture, says Koelmans. In 2019, he and his doctoral
student Merel Kooi plotted the abundances of microplastics reported from
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11 surveys of oceans, rivers and sediment, to build models of mixtures in
aquatic environments.
Last year, the two teamed up with colleagues to use this model in
computer simulations that predict how often fish would encounter
microplastics small enough to eat, and the likelihood of eating enough
specks to affect growth. The researchers found that at current microplastic
pollution levels, fish run that risk at 1.5% of locations checked for
microplastics6. But there are likely to be hotspots where the risks would be
higher, says Koelmans. One possibility is the deep sea: once there, and
often buried in sediment, it is unlikely the microplastics will travel
elsewhere and there is no way to clean them up.
The oceans already face many stressors, which makes Lindeque more
afraid that microplastics will further deplete zooplankton populations than
that they will transfer up the food chain to reach people. ―If we knock out
something like zooplankton, the base of our marine food web, we‘d be
more worried about impacts on fish stocks and the ability to feed the
world‘s population.‖
Human studies
No published study has yet directly examined the effects of plastic specks
on people, leading researchers say. The only available studies rely on
laboratory experiments that expose cells or human tissues to microplastics,
or use animals such as mice or rats. In one study7, for instance, mice fed
large quantities of microplastics showed inflammation in their small
intestines. Mice exposed to microplastics in two studies had a lowered
sperm count8 and fewer, smaller pups9, compared with control groups.
Some of the in vitro studies on human cells or tissues also suggest toxicity.
But, just as with the marine studies, it‘s not clear that the concentrations
used are relevant to what mice — or people — are exposed to. Most of the
studies also used polystyrene spheres, which don‘t represent the diversity
of microplastics that people ingest. Koelmans also points out that these
studies are among the first of their kind, and could end up being outliers
once there‘s an established body of evidence. There are more in vitro
studies than animal studies, but researchers say they still don‘t know how
to extrapolate the effects of solid plastic specks on tissues to possible
health problems in whole animals.
Magnified view of microplastics and other particles that were collected in
11 western national parks and wilderness areas
Spot the plastic? Dust, sediment, and microplastic fibres and beads are
mingled in this millimetre-wide magnified image of particles sampled from
national parks and wilderness areas in the western United States.Credit:
Janice Brahney, Utah State University
One question surrounding risk is whether microplastics could remain in the
human body, potentially accumulating in some tissues. Studies in mice
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have found that microplastics around 5 µm across could stay in the
intestines or reach the liver. Using very limited data on how quickly mice
excrete microplastics and the assumption that only a fraction of particles
1–10 µm in size would be absorbed into the body through the gut,
Koelmans and colleagues estimate that a person might accumulate several
thousand microplastic particles in their body over their lifetime2.
Some researchers have started to explore whether microplastics can be
found in human tissue. In December, a team documented this for the first
time in a study that looked at six placentas10. Researchers broke down the
tissue with a chemical, then examined what was left, and ended up with 12
particles of microplastic in 4 of those placentas. Yet it‘s not impossible that
these specks were the result of contamination when the placentas were
collected or analysed, says Rolf Halden, an environmental-health engineer
at Arizona State University in Tempe — although he commends the
researchers for their efforts to avoid contamination, which included keeping
delivery wards free of plastic objects, and for showing that a control set of
blank materials taken through the same sample analysis was not
contaminated. ―There is a continuing challenge of demonstrating
conclusively that a given particle actually originated in a tissue,‖ he says.
Chemistry can make plastics sustainable – but isn‘t the whole solution
Those who are worried by their microplastic exposure can reduce it, says
Li. His work on kitchenware found that the amounts of plastic shed depend
highly on temperature — which is why he‘s stopped microwaving food in
plastic containers. To reduce issues with baby bottles, his team suggests
that parents could rinse sterilized bottles with cool water that has been
boiled in non-plastic kettles, so as to wash away any microplastics
released during sterilization. And they can prepare baby formula in glass
containers, filling feeding bottles after the milk has cooled. The team is now
recruiting parents to volunteer samples of their babies‘ urine and stools for
microplastic analysis.
The nano fraction
Particles that are small enough to penetrate and hang around in tissues, or
even cells, are the most worrying kind, and warrant more attention in
environmental sampling, says Halden. One study11 that deliberately let
pregnant mice inhale extremely tiny particles, for instance, later found the
particles in almost every organ in their fetuses. ―From a risk perspective,
that‘s where the real concern is, and that‘s where we need more data.‖
To enter cells, particles generally need to be smaller than a few hundred
nanometres. There was no formal definition of a nanoplastic until 2018,
when French researchers proposed the upper size limit of 1 µm — tiny
enough to remain dispersed through a water column where organisms can
more easily consume them, instead of sinking or floating as larger
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microplastics do, says Alexandra ter Halle, an analytical chemist at Paul
Sabatier University in Toulouse, France.
But researchers know almost nothing about nanoplastics; they are invisible
and cannot simply be scooped up. Just measuring them has stumped
Researchers can use optical microscopes and spectrometers — which
distinguish between particles by their differing interactions with light — to
measure the length, width and chemical make-up of plastic particles down
to a few micrometres. Below that scale, plastic particles become difficult to
distinguish from non-plastic particles such as marine sediment or biological
cells. ―You‘re looking for the needle in the haystack, but the needle looks
like the hay,‖ says Roman Lehner, a nanomaterials scientist at the Sail and
Explore Association, a Swiss non-profit research group.
False colour image of microplastic sample showing different types of
plastics in different colours
A false-colour image, using infrared spectrometry analysis, of a sample
from a waste-water treatment plant in Oldenburg, Germany. Fragments
picked out in colour are plastic polymers; other fragments include rubber,
soot, sand and plant fibres.Source: S. Primpke et al. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
410, 5131–5141 (2018).
In 2017, ter Halle and her colleagues proved for the first time that
nanoplastic exists in an environmental sample: seawater collected from the
Atlantic Ocean12. She extracted colloidal solids from the water, filtered
away any particles larger than 1 µm, burnt what remained, and used a
mass spectrometer — which fragments molecules and sorts the fragments
by molecular weight — to confirm that plastic polymers had existed in the
That, however, gave no information on the exact sizes or shapes of the
nanoplastics. Ter Halle got some idea by studying the surfaces of two
degraded plastic containers she collected during the expedition. The top
few hundred micrometres had become crystalline and brittle, she found;
she thinks that this may also be true of the nanoplastics that probably
broke off from these surfaces13. For now, because researchers cannot
collect nanoplastics from the environment, those doing laboratory studies
grind up their own plastic, expecting to get similar particles.
Tainted water: the scientists tracing thousands of fluorinated chemicals in
our environment
Using home-made nanoplastics has an advantage: researchers can
introduce tags to help track the particles inside test organisms. Lehner and
colleagues prepared fluorescent nano-sized plastic particles and placed
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them under tissue built from human intestinal-lining cells14. The cells did
absorb the particles, but did not show signs of cytotoxicity.
Finding plastic specks lodged in intact slices of tissue — through a biopsy,
for instance — and observing any pathological effects would be the final
piece of the puzzle over microplastic risks, Lehner says. This would be
―highly desirable‖, says Halden. But to reach tissues, the particles would
have to be very small, so both researchers think it would be very difficult to
detect them conclusively.
Collecting all these data will take a lot of time. Ter Halle has collaborated
with ecologists to quantify microplastic ingestion in the wild. Analysing only
particles larger than 700 µm in some 800 samples of insects and fish took
thousands of hours, she said. The researchers are now examining the
particles in the 25–700 µm range. ―This is difficult and tedious, and this is
going to take a long time to get the results,‖ she says. To look at the
smaller size range, she adds, ―the effort is exponential.‖
Photo of microplastics sample from the 7th Continent Expedition in 2015
A sample of plastics collected on one of Alexandra ter Halle‘s ocean
expeditions.Credit: Vinci Sato@ Expedition 7th Continent
No time to lose
For the moment, levels of microplastics and nanoplastics in the
environment are too low to affect human health, researchers think. But
their numbers will rise. Last September, researchers projected15 that the
amount of plastic added to existing waste each year — whether carefully
disposed of in sealed landfills or strewn across land and sea — could more
than double from 188 million tonnes in 2016 to 380 million tonnes in 2040.
By then, around 10 million tonnes of this could be in the form of
microplastics, the scientists estimated — a calculation that didn‘t include
the particles continually being eroded from existing waste.
It is possible to rein in some of our plastic waste, says Winnie Lau at the
Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington DC, who is the first author on the
study. The researchers found that if every proven solution to curb plastic
pollution were adopted in 2020 and scaled up as quickly as possible —
including switching to systems of reuse, adopting alternative materials, and
recycling plastic — the amount of plastic waste added could drop to 140
million tonnes per year by 2040.
By far the biggest gains would come from cutting out plastics that are used
only once and discarded. ―There‘s no point producing things that last for
500 years and then using them for 20 minutes,‖ Galloway says. ―It‘s a
completely unsustainable way of being.‖
Nature 593, 22-25 (2021)
Page 18 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Li, D. et al. Nature Food 1, 746–754 (2020).
© 2021 Springer Nature Limited
Kamis, Jokowi Resmikan Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Listrik
Terbesar di Indonesia
Rabu, 5 Mei 2021 | 03:24 WIB
Penulis: Kontributor Surabaya, Ghinan Salman
Editor: Robertus Belarminus
SURABAYA, - Pengolah Sampah menjadi Energi Listrik
(PSEL) yang berada di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Benowo
Surabaya akan diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada Kamis
Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Surabaya, mulai mematangkan persiapan
untuk penyambutan Presiden Jokowi sesuai protokol kesehatan (prokes).
Selain dihadiri Presiden Jokowi, peresmian itu rencananya juga bakal
dihadiri beberapa menteri.
Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kepala Dinas Kebersihan dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau
(DKRTH) Kota Surabaya Anna Fajriatin mengatakan, pihaknya telah
menyiapkan segala keperluan sebelum hari H peresmian.
Persiapan ini tentunya telah disesuaikan dengan protokol kesehatan.
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"Pak Presiden juga ingin melihat secara langsung, jadi mulai dari
marketnya. Kemudian ada penjelasan singkat terkait pengolahan sampah
menjadi listrik ini, mungkin sebelum masuk ke area tenda atau tempat
acara," kata Anna, saat dikonfirmasi, Selasa (4/5/2021).
Setelah mendapat penjelasan singkat terkait PSEL Benowo, pihaknya
kemudian mengajak Presiden menuju lantai 3 dan lantai 6.
Di lantai 3 sendiri, Presiden dapat melihat langsung bagaimana proses
mesin bekerja mengolah sampah menjadi listrik.
"Jadi, proses mesinnya itu bagaimana, berapa jumlah tonasenya, berapa
jumlah listrik yang dihasilkan. Jadi, bisa kelihatan di dalam layar," ujar
Bahkan, kata Anna, di lantai 3 juga dapat melihat langsung suasana di luar
area PSEL.
Seperti, bagaimana dump truk bekerja mengangkut hingga menurunkan
sampah ke waste pit, sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam mesin turbin untuk
proses menghasilkan listrik.
"Nah, bagaimana caranya kita bisa melihat listrik itu. Jadi memang, di situ
kan ada cerobong, kalau cerobongnya sudah berwarna putih itu berarti
pembakarannya sempurna, dan itu menggunakan teknologi yang ramah
lingkungan," tutur Anna.
Ia menuturkan, pembangunan PSEL Benowo ini dimulai sejak tahun 2012
menggandeng PT Sumber Organik (SO).
Saat itu, proses mengolah sampah menjadi listrik masih menggunakan
metode landfill gas power plant.
"Dengan metode ini, PSEL mampu menghasilkan energi listrik 2 megawatt
dari 600 ton sampah per hari," ujar dia.
Halaman Selanjutnya
Seiring berjalannya waktu, kemudian…
PLN Gunakan Listrik Dari PLTSa Benowo Surabaya
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PLTSa Benowo berkapasitas 9 MW dan merupakan PLTSa
kedua yang beroperasi di Jatim.
Jumat , 07 May 2021, 04:32 WIB
Pekerja beraktivitas di sekitar instalasi Pengolahan Sampah menjadi Energi Listrik
(PSEL) di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Benowo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis
(6/5/2021). PSEL yang baru diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo tersebut
merupakan hasil kerja sama antara Pemkot Surabaya dengan PT Sumber Organik
yang menghasilkan energi listrik 11 megawatt dengan rincian 2 megawatt melalui
metode Landfill Gas Power Plant dan 9 megawatt dari Gassification Power Plant.
Rep: Intan Pratiwi Red: Friska Yolandha
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presiden RI, Joko Widodo didampingi
Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Timur, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Menteri Energi
dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Arifin Tasrif dan Walikota Surabaya, Eri
Cahyadi serta Direktur Utama PLN, Zulkifli Zaini meresmikan Instalasi
Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Energi Listrik (PSEL) Berbasis Tekonologi
Ramah Lingkungan Benowo Surabaya, Kamis (6/5). PLN mendukung
penuh pengembangan bauran energi dari fosil ke ramah lingkungan, salah
satunya dengan melakukan pembelian energi listrik berbasis sampah.
"PLTSa Benowo ini termasuk salah satu program pemerintah-percepatan
Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Energi Listrik Berbasis
teknologi ramah Lingkungan. Dalam hal ini PLN mendukung penuh
pengembangan bauran energi dari fosil ke ramah lingkungan dengan
pembelian energi listrik berbasis sampah," papar Direktur Utama PLN,
Zulkifli Zaini.
Pembangkit Listrik dengan Bahan Bakar Sampah Kota yang terletak di
TPA Benowo ini berkapasitas 9 MW dan merupakan PLTSa kedua yang
Page 21 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
beroperasi di Jawa Timur setelah sebelumnya pada November 2015
beroperasi PLTSa Benowo 1,65 MW dengan teknologi Sanitary Landfill.
PLTSa Benowo ini merupakan PLTSa pertama di Indonesia yang
menggunakan konsep Zero Waste dengan proses gasifikasi dan untuk
produksi listrik dengan kapasitas 9 MW ini. PLN bekerja sama dengan IPP
(Independent Power Producer) – PT Sumber Organik. Kerja sama tersebut
dilakukan sampai dengan tahun 2032 dengan harga beli sebesar 13,35
sen dolar AS per kWh sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 35 Tahun
Keunggulan dari teknologi zero waste ini adalah tidak ada sampah yang
tersisa dibanding teknologi sebelumnya yang masih memiliki residu.
"Untuk kapasitas 9 MW ini dapat digunakan untuk melistriki sekitar 5.885
rumah tangga dengan daya 1300 VA di wilayah Surabaya dan sekitarnya,"
ucap Zulkifli.
pltsa benowo energi ramah lingkungan listrik pln
Infografis PLTSa
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4 R Semestinya
Page 23 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
9/5 19.29] +62 851-5675-0983:
[9/5 22.33] PuputTD: Pengelolaan
sampah 3R (reduce, reuse dan
rycycle) sudah puluhan tahun di
canangkan, tapi tdk solutuf juga �
ujungnya juga bermuara ke TPA
Perlu di evaluasi dan perbaharui
dgn solusi yang holistik lah �
[9/5 22.37] PuputTD: UU 18/2008
semua sampah yang ke TPA harus
bisa terurai , keknya kantung plastik
yang sudah uji
lab dan ecolebel dan mudah
terurai..bisa jadi solusi untuk
penganti pengunaan kantung plastik
konvensional ..jangan pakai solusi
tunggal, semua solusi hra di pakai
Sekali pakai itu kan perilaku,
apapun jenis kantung..bisa di pakai
berulang2 kalo perilakunya si
pemakainya niat memakai
berulang2 �
[9/5 22.39] PuputTD: Ada yang kelewat untuk di kritisi impor sampah/
pabrik kertas, jgn cuma sinarmas grup saja yg di semprot nih..
Di Jawa timur ada PT Suparma, jateng ada PT Enggal subur dan di Jabar
ada Fajat paper wesesa ?
[9/5 22.45] PuputTD: Kita dukung 100% tolak pengunaan kantung plastik
konvensional sekali pakai..
Tapi catatan saya..semenjak ramai2 kampanye melarang pengunaan
kantung plastik Konvensional sekali pakai, banyak yang berralih ke
kantung kertas dan Tas pakai berulang kali (dasarnya bahan plastik juga)
Pertanyaan saya, lebih ramah pakai kantung kertas atau pakai kantung
plastik ya ?
Kalo saya pilih yang terbaik dari yang paling buruk, saya dukung sulusi
dgn kantung plastik yang ramah, mudah terurai di alam/TPA, sudah lulus
Uji Lab dan SNI ekolebel
Page 24 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
[9/5 22.55] PuputTD: Dalam pantauan kami daerah2 yang menerapkan
aturan pengendalian sampai plastik / larangan pengunaan kantung plastik
sekali pakai, tdk ada yang berjalan baik,
1. Baik masih banyak pasar2 tradisional, warung2 dll masih pakai kantung
plastik konvensional
2. Jakarta, apalagi di jakarta, hampir semua pasar tradisional, warung2
semua masih pakai kantung konvensional
Hampir semua daerah yang melarang semua hampir tidaj berjalan..artinya
perlu di carikan solusi yang holistik sesuai kebutuhan lokal, berat juga kalo
kita cuma niru2 kaya program di luar negeri, jelas beda kebutuhannya, di
lihat dari sistem pengolahan sampahnya, sosial dan ekonominya dll dll..
Jadinya kita cuma ramai di kampanye penolakan saja , tidak solutip dan
terkesan ini kepentingan perang dagang, repotnya lagi..kalo gembor2 kita
ini karna kepemtingan program donor ? Dan bukan solusi lokal dalam
[9/5 22.58] PuputTD: Jadi jangan cuma 3R (reduce, reuse dan rycycle).
*"Tapi harus 4 R = reduce, reuse, rycycle dan Return to Earth"* �
Amphini tanam mangrove di TPST Bantargebang
Pengurus AMPHIBI Menanam Pohon Mangrove Di TPA
Bantar Gebang
May 11, 2021 - by admin - Leave a Comment
SBN, Kota Bekasi –
Mangrove, pada dasarnya habitat asli tanaman ini berada di pesisir pantai,
teluk dan muara. Mangrove juga dikenal
sebagai tumbuhan laut yang memiliki akar dan batang yang sangat kuat
dan mampu menahan ombak laut atau Tsunami,
abrasi pantai serta longsor. Berbeda dengan yang dilakukan Aliansi
Masyarakat Pemerhati Lingkungan Hidup & B3
Indonesia (AMPHIBI), mereka melakukan uji coba penanaman pohon
mangrove di wilayah Zona 1 TPA Bantargebang
Page 25 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Bekasi (09/05).
Penanaman 500 pohon Mangrove yang dilakukan jajaran pengurus
Amphibi Bekasi Raya dan pentolan DPP Amphibi, di antaranya Ketua
Umum Amphibi Agus Salim Tanjung,So,Si., Dewan Pembina/Pendiri
Amphibi Nawa Kurniawan SIP,
Ketua Amphibi Bekasi Raya Mohamad Hendri A, ST, Kabid SDA Joko
Santoso, Bidang penanggulangan bencana Faris ST, Bidang Pengelolaan
Sampah Bintang Andri Hidayat ST, Jeje dan ujang Ridwan Humas/Ops
Amphibi adalah sebagai program uji coba penanaman lanjutan Amphibi
untuk yang ke 3 kalinya.
Ketua umum Amphibi Agus Salim Tanjung mengatakan bahwa dalam uji
coba penanaman yang ke tiga kali ini dilakukan di lokasi zona 1 tepatnya
di depan PLTSA Bantargebang. Penanaman 500 Mangrove jenis
Rhizopora (Apiculata) yang dilakukan pada posisi tingkat kedua gundukan/
bukit sampah sebagai tindak lanjut penanaman Amphibi pada peringatan
Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional (HPSN 2021) tanggal 21 Februari 2021 lalu.
Hal ini kami lakukan sebagai bentuk kontribusi Amphibi dalam mengenang
tragedi longsor di TPA Leuwigajah, Cimahi, Jawa Barat yang menelan
korban 157 jiwa melayang akibat longsor bukit gunung Sampah, ucap
Sebagai solusi Amphibi untuk mencegah longsor bukit/gunung Sampah
adalah penanaman pohon Mangrove di TPA.
Sebelumnya kami juga telah melakukan uji coba penanaman Mangrove
pada bulan oktober 2020 dengan tingkat keberhasilan 90 persen, ujar
Sementara Ketua Amphibi Bekasi Raya Mohamad Hendri yang didampingi
Kabid SDA Joko Santoso mengatakan bahwa uji coba penanaman 5000
pohon mangrove di TPA Bantargebang seharusnya sudah selesai pada
bulan April 2021.
Dikarenakan adanya kendala setelah sehari peringatan HPSN 21 februari
2021, untuk itu kami menunggu pihak TPA Bantargebang melakukan
perapihan lokasi di TPA Bantargebang, ―ucap Hendri.
Kabid SDA Amphibi Joko Santoso selaku koordinator penanaman
Mangrove di TPA Bantargebang menjelaskan tentang fungsi pohon
Mangrove yang ditanam di lokasi TPA Bantargebang‘
―tujuan kami melakukan uji coba penanaman pohon Mangrove di TPA
adalah Pertama : batang Mangrove mampu menahan tumpukan
bukit/gunung sampah dari longsor akibat tekanan air dan lindi.Kedua :
Page 26 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
daun Mangrove mampu menyerap zat karbon lima kali lebih baik dari pada
tanaman hutan biasa serta menyerap bau busuk di TPA. Ketiga : akar
Mangrove mampu menetralisir racun dan bau yang terkandung di air lindi.
―Disamping itu, dalam pengamatan kami selama ini, bahwa setiap adanya
penanaman pohon yang dilakukan pemerintah maupun pihak TPA dilokasi
tumpukan bukit/gunung sampah, hampir 95 persen pohon yang ditanam
tidak dapat hidup alias mati, ―ucap Joko.
Nawa Kurniawan selaku Dewan Pembina dan Pendiri Amphibi yang hadir
menerima penghargaan Museum Rekor Dunia-Indonesia (MURI) untuk
AMPHIBI sebagai yang Pertama melakukan Penanaman Mangrove di
Tempat Pembuangan
Sampah Akhir (TPSa) yang juga turut serta dalam uji coba penanaman
Mangrove tersebut menjelaskan bahwa apa yang telah dilakukan Amphibi
bukan semata mata pencitraan.
―Ini real (nyata), hal ini harus mendapat suport dan dukungan dari
pemerintah republik Indonesia agar program ini dapat berkembang
menjadi sulusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan yang sangat
kompleks di wilayah TPA, ―tutup
Nawa Kurniawan.
(**Joko S/Gono
Aksu tanam mangrove menjawab kebutuhan untuk pembuangan
sampah Jakarta?
Page 27 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Waste Station di MRT
Page 28 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Diringkas dari video
Page 29 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
12 Mei 2021
Terima kasih kepada rekan media yang telah meliput Pulau Plastik. Terima
kasih juga kepada bapak @aniesbaswedan
dan @bimaaryasugiarto yang telah hadir dalam penayangan film Pulau
Plastik dan mendukung gerakan kami.
Film Pulau Plastik masih bisa kamu saksikan di JAKARTA, BLOK M
Mari bersama-sama #BergerakuntukMasaDepan dan menjadi bagian dari
solusi dalam pengurangan sampah plastik
sekali pakai.
#PulauPlastik #FilmPulauPlastik
12 Mei 2021
TPU menjadi TPA?
Info sekilas tempat
pembuangan sampah itu
terdapat di wilayah kota
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Environmental investigations
It’s on our plates and in our poo, but are microplastics a health risk?
The omnipresent plastic is rife in dust, rice, placentas and
tap water, but experts say it’s hard to untangle whether it’s
harmful to humans
Graham Readfearn
Sat 15 May 2021 21.00 BST
As much as the idea might be
unpalatable, all of our diets are now
likely to include tiny servings of
The places where microplastics and
plastic fibres have been found is
beginning to read like a supermarket
shopping list.
Studies have found microplastics –
that is, pieces or fibres smaller than
5mm – in foods including tea, salt,
seaweed, milk, seafood, honey,
sugar, beer, vegetables and soft
drinks. Tap water contains plastic.
Bottled water contains even more.
Why have sperm counts more than
halved in the past 40 years?
Read more
Across our terrestrial and marine environments, microplastics have been
found in most places where scientists have looked, including some of the
most remote spots on Earth, threatening and, in some cases killing,
But when it comes to the effect of omnipresent plastic on human health,
what‘s the risk?
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―Nobody really knows the answer,‖ says Prof Mark Taylor of Macquarie
University in Sydney and an expert on environmental contamination. ―But
the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.‖
A glass jar containing a sample of microplastics collected from the ocean in
Hong Kong. Photograph: Alex Hofford/EPA
Rice riddled with microplastics
This week, a study of rice bought from supermarkets and a bulk-food store
in Queensland became the latest to deliver a warning.
Researchers found plastic in every sample, whether the rice was grown in
Thailand, India, Pakistan or Australia and whether the rice was packaged
in plastic or paper.
Washing the rice reduced the amount of plastic likely to be ingested. But
the study used special filtered water for rinsing. Most households only have
access to tap water (which contains microplastics).
Precooked rice – the kind that comes in microwaveable sachets – had the
most plastic. But the amounts are tiny.
The study says a 100g serve of rice typically contains 3.7mg of
microplastics if it‘s unwashed, 2.8mg if it‘s washed or 13.3mg for instant
rice (in the microwaveable pouches). A single grain of rice weighs roughly
Dr Jake O‘Brien, a lead author of the study from the Queensland Alliance
for Environmental Health Sciences, says the higher levels of plastic in
precooked samples was more likely down to the extra processing it goes
through before it‘s packaged, rather than the plastic packaging itself.
According to the study, there are multiple opportunities for rice to pick up
plastics, from the soils to the machines used to pick, store, move and
process the rice, to the packaging and handling.
For an average Australian‘s rice consumption, this would equal about 1g a
year of plastic.
O‘Brien has also been finding levels of microplastics in prawns, oysters
and sardines. He also took part in a study that found microplastics in the
solid sludge left over at sewage works.
That sludge – known as biosolids – is widely used as a fertiliser and soil
improver on agricultural land. Some scientists have asked if this process
means agricultural soils are an unforeseen dump for domestic
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Our exposure to tiny pieces of plastic isn‘t limited to what we drink or eat. A
team from Macquarie University in Sydney took samples of airborne dust
from homes and in a study released earlier this month found about 40% of
it was plastic.
It's a wrap: clingfilm alternatives to help you ditch the plastic
Read more
Microplastic is clearly making its way into our bodies because it has been
found in human poo.
Scientists in Italy developed a plastic-free protocol in a hospital delivery
room, and then examined placentas. They found microplastics there too.
Taylor, who carried out the dust study, says it would be ―overreach‖ to say
there are demonstrable effects on our health from ingesting microplastics,
but he stresses this doesn‘t mean future studies won‘t find problems.
―It would be prudent and smart for people to reduce plastics in their home
where that‘s possible. Do we really need all those plastic food containers?‖
Environmental contamination experts recommend reducing the amount of
plastics we use at home. Photograph: hedgehog94/Getty
‗It is the dose that makes the poison‘
Prof Ian Musgrave, a toxicologist at the University of Adelaide, says
knowing if microplastics are harmful to humans is hard to untangle when
we are exposed to so many other substances.
―It is enormously difficult because we live in an environment with lots of
other things,‖ he says. ―We have a saying though, that it is the dose that
makes the poison.
―While we are consuming things that have tiny amounts of microplastics,
we don‘t absorb them. But because we can‘t demonstrate damage, that‘s
not a reason to be casual.‖
There are multiple studies showing microplastics are being ingested by
marine animals, including seabirds and fish, but isolating the impact they
have against all the other pollution and pressure they are exposed to is
Likewise, there are emerging studies reporting the effects of microplastics
on laboratory mice, with some scientists suggesting if the dose is high
enough, they can affect reproduction.
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'Wake-up call': microplastics found in Great Australian Bight sediment
Read more
A 2019 study from German scientists examined 34 household plastic
products – from shower slippers and fruit trays to yoghurt cups and
scouring pads.
Many contained compounds that were toxic, but Musgrave says the
products were soaked for an hour in an alcohol solution. That process
doesn‘t happen in the human body.
But he says dusty environments in general can be harmful, and fibres –
whether from a plastic source or otherwise – can also cause respiratory
He says plastics are having a major effect on marine environments and he
is also concerned about the human health effects from particles of rubber
and microplastics that come from tyre wear on roads.
―Tyre microplastics are very nasty,‖ he says.
A statement from Food Standards Australia New Zealand, a government
body that sets standards and regulates food safety, said there was ongoing
interest among scientists and the community about the potential health
effects from microplastics in food.
―The scientific evidence on potential exposure and health risks continues to
evolve, however, our current view is that plastic contamination of the food
chain is unlikely to result in any immediate health risks to consumers.‖
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Plastics Environmental investigations
Sejumlah pemulung di Kecamatan Sukmajaya menjalani test
swab. ( Agung Prihanto), Depok - Polsek Sukmajaya bersama Koramil
03/Sukmajaya, dan Kecamatan Sukmajaya Depok, Jawa Barat melakukan
swab test Covid-19 di lokasi tunawisma atau pemulung.
Kapolsek Sukmajaya, AKP Syafri Wasdar mengatakan, pelaksanaan swab
test kepada pemulung untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19. di
5 Provinsi Sumbang Kasus Baru COVID-19 Terbanyak per 22 Mei 2021
Menurutnya, pemulung merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan
karena kerap keluar masuk kampung atau permukiman penduduk.
"Kami melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap 40 tunawisma," ujar Syafri, Sabtu
Syafri menjelaskan, pemeriksaan swab test dilakukan secara gratis dan
sebagai tindak lanjut dari Polda Metro Jaya untuk memastikan usai libur
Lebaran, warga terhindar dari penyebaran Covid-19.
Menurutnya, pemulung sangat rentan menularkan Covid-19 sehingga perlu
dilakukan test. "Alhamdulillah mereka sangat patuh dan mengikuti swab
test," ungkap Syafri.
Page 35 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Syafri mengungkapkan, sebelumnya banyak pemulung yang melakukan
penolakan karena belum pernah mengikuti swab test.
Polsek Sukmajaya bersama tiga pilar lainnya berencana akan
menyambangi sejumlah lokasi pemulung lainnya untuk melakukan hal
yang sama untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19.
"Ada sejumlah lokasi lainnya yang kami tuju untuk swab test. Para
tunawisma ini kan jarang sekali mendapatkan swab test untuk mendeteksi
Covid-19," ucap Syafri.
Usai Mudik, Warga Diminta Lapor RT, RW
Sejumlah pemulung di Kecamatan Sukmajaya menjalani test
swab. ( Agung Prihanto)
Syafri meminta,
masyarakat yang usai
melakukan perjalanan
mudik atau memiliki gejala
Covid-19, dapat
melaporkan ke pihak RT
dan RW. Selain itu,
masyarakat diharapkan
dapat menerapkan disiplin
protokol kesehatan untuk
mencegah penularan
"Kami akan berusaha membantu untuk menekan COVID-19 di Kota
Depok," ujarnya.
Salah seorang pemulung, Risman menuturkan, swab test yang diberikan
Polsek Sukmajaya sempat dirinya merasa cemas dan takut. Hal itu
dikarenakan dirinya belum pernah melakukan swab test, apalagi melihat
pemeriksaannya dengan memasukan alat ke lubang hidung maupun
"Awalnya ngebayangin akan terasa sakit karena dimasukan alat gitu," ujar
Risman menuturkan, setelah mendapatkan penjelasan terkait tujuan swab
test, dirinya mengikuti dan tidak merasakan sakit saat di test swab. Apalagi
penularan COVID-19 membuat dirinya khawatir akan kesehatan istri dan
anaknya sehingga memberanikan diri untuk mengikuti test.
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"Iya kasihan juga, apabila saya reaktif terus akan menular ke anak dan istri
saya," pungkas Risman.
3 dari 3 halaman
25 Mei 2021
Sampah di Sidoarjo Jawa Timur amburadul… Narasinya pendek
25 Mei 2021
Penegakan Hukum Kunci Citarum Harum
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Page 38 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Mari Berantas Ancaman pada Bengawan Brantas
Kawasan hulu dan hilir Sungai Brantas sama-sama memerlukan
perhatian semua pihak.
25 Mei 202107:06 WIB·4 menit baca
Sepeda warga saat banjir di Desa Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kecamatan
Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur, Selasa
Kiprah Bengawan Brantas yang jelas-jelas menghidupi jutaan orang
selama berabad-abad tak lantas membebaskan sungai ini dari ancaman
kerusakan lingkungan, terutama yang disebabkan pencemaran sampah
dan limbah. Gerakan penyelamatan digaungkan berbagai kalangan di
sepanjang daerah aliran dari hulu hingga hilir.
Rumini (58), warga Dusun Manisrenggo, Desa Godangmanis, Jombang,
Februari lalu, terpaksa mengungsi ke balai desa karena kebanjiran. Air
sudah setinggi 1 meter di rumahnya. Dengan membawa baju ganti
seadanya, ia bergabung dengan tetangganya yang lebih dulu mengungsi.
‖Tadi malam masih selutut, tapi tadi pagi naik lagi. Semua (barang) saya
tinggal, hanya bawa seadanya,‖ kata Rumini seperti dikutip
Banjir Jombang pada Februari lalu tergolong besar. Banjir dipicu jebolnya
tanggul Sungai Afvour Besuk dan Sungai Afvour Brawijaya yang menjadi
bagian aliran sungai Brantas. Lebih kurang 1.200 warga terpaksa
mengungsi. Lima desa dan jalan raya nasional di Jombang terendam
banjir berhari-hari.
Warga korban banjir berada di tenda di tanggul sungai di Desa Bandar
Kedungmulyo, Kecamatan Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kabupaten Jombang,
Jawa Timur, Selasa (16/2/2021).
Tercatat sudah sembilan kali banjir, banjir bandang, dan sekali tanah
longsor di Jombang sejak 2021. Bencana ini terkait erat dengan daya
tampung sungai, sampah, tanggul jebol, dan lahan kritis.
Persoalan lahan kritis, sampah, dan sebagainya memang sudah terjadi
sejak di hulu. Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta I mendata tutupan lahan di
hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai Brantas di Jawa Timur tersisa 20 persen dari
Page 39 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
luas wilayah hulu yang mencapai 2.050 kilometer persegi. ‖Dari data 2008-
2010 yang dipantau sampai dua tahun terakhir, saat kemarau tutupan
lahan hanya sekitar seperlima,‖ kata Direktur Umum Perum Jasa Tirta
Raymond Valiant Ruritan, Jumat (22/5/2021).
Sisanya, menurut Raymond, terbagi-bagi. Ada yang berupa permukiman,
lahan terbuka, dan lainnya. Kondisi ini tentu berpengaruh terhadap daerah
tangkapan air. Air hujan yang turun langsung memicu terjadinya erosi.
Erosi membawa tanah dan lumpur ke aliran sungai yang akhirnya
mengendap di bendungan.
‖Di Bendungan Sengguruh, 90 persen tampungannya sudah terisi
sedimen. Sedangkan di Bendungan Sutami (Karangkates), Kecamatan
Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang, yang ada di hilir, sekitar 40 persen
tampungannya juga sudah terisi sedimen,‖ ucapnya.
Petani menggarap lahan untuk ditanami wortel di kawasan sekitar
arboretum dan hulu Sungai Brantas yang dulunya hutan di Desa
Sumberbrantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, Minggu
Beberapa tahun terakhir, di Desa Sumberbantas acap terjadi luberan
lumpur ke badan jalan saat hujan deras tiba. Angin kencang yang
membawa debu dari lahan pertanian juga terjadi dua kali pada tahun 2019
Di bagian hilir, persoalan tak kalah besar. Timbunan sampah liar masih
jamak ditemukan di berbagai titik sepanjang daerah aliran Brantas beserta
puluhan anak sungainya. Berulang kali dibersihkan, timbunan itu datang
lagi dan lagi. Terbanyak, sampah produk sekali pakai, seperti plastik
kresek, plastik kemasan makanan minuman, dan popok bayi.
Baca juga: Sungai Brantas Terus Jadi Tempat Buang Popok Bekas
Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Kajian Ekologi dan Konservasi Lahan Basah
(Ecoton) Prigi Arisandi memprediksi 1,2 juta popok di buang ke sungai
setiap hari. Perhitungan itu didasarkan pada data BPS Jatim 2013 yang
menyatakan terdapat 750.000 anak batita di daerah aliran Sungai Brantas.
Popok sekali pakai ini butuh waktu 400 tahun terurai dan mengandung
bahan kimia beracun, seperti klorin, dioksin, dan tributyltin yang berbahaya
bagi kesehatan manusia. Selain popok, sampah rumah tangga, terutama
plastik sekali pakai serta kemasan makanan dan minuman, juga banyak
ditemukan di sungai. Volumenya diprediksi mencapai puluhan ton per hari.
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Aktivis Ecoton melakukan unjuk terkait masalah sampah popok yang mencemari
Sungai Brantas, Surabaya, Selasa (13/2/2018).
Upaya pemulihan kondisi sungai sejauh ini telah dilakukan. Namun, masih
berskala kecil dan belum menyeluruh. Di Desa Selorejo, Kecamatan Dau,
Kabupaten Malang, misalnya, warga menanam kayu produktif di lahan kas
desa. Begitu pula di daerah Tumpang, di anak Sungai Bango yang masuk
ke Sungai Brantas, masyarakat berupaya mengonservasi dengan
melakukan penghijauan.
Baca juga: Waduk Karangkates Belum Terbebas dari Sampah Plastik
Langkah serupa ada di kawasan Bumiaji. Di tempat ini penanaman hingga
pembersihan sungai dilakukan berkala. Perum Jasa Tirta juga melakukan
konservasi di hulu Brantas bersama komunitas masyarakat. Upaya ini
dilakukan dari bawah ke atas (bottom up), baik di Kabupaten Malang
maupun Batu.
Di hilir, upaya membebaskan Brantas dari popok bayi sekali pakai sudah
rutin digelar di sekitar bantaran sungai. Brigade Evakuasi Popok (BEP)
bentukan Ecoton juga rutin menyusuri aliran sungai dan membersihkan
Upaya penyelamatan lingkungan Brantas juga dilakukan kalangan
akademisi dan mahasiswa dari 16 perguruan tinggi negeri se-Jatim
dengan menggelar kuliah krja nyata (KKN). Program KKN Brantas Tuntas
itu berlangsung selama 2019-2020 melibatkan 5.000 mahasiswa
membersihkan dan mengedukasi masyarakat sepanjang daerah aliran
sungai agar menjaga Brantas. Namun sejak pandemi, program ini
Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa memulung sampah di Kali Surabaya
(Sungai Brantas), Minggu (17/2/2019).
Ketua Yayasan Pengembangan Usaha Strategis dan Advokasi Pelestarian
Alam (Pusaka)—lembaga pemerhati lingkungan—Bambang Parianom,
menilai, meski sudah ada upaya perbaikan, belum ada langkah konservasi
yang strategis di hulu DAS Brantas. Masyarakat masih tergoda
kepentingan ekonomi. Di sisi lain, kesadaran di wilayah hilir untuk menjaga
sungai juga belum sepenuhnya timbul.
Koordinator Telisik Komunitas Mikroplastik Mahasiswa Biologi Universitas
Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Ulfi Hidayatul Husna meminta
Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa menyusun peraturan daerah
Page 41 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
tentang larangan penggunaan sampah plastik sekali pakai. Kondisi
sampah plastik yang mencemari sungai sudah mengkhawatirkan karena
mengontaminasi air dan biota di dalamnya.
Upaya kerja sama dari hulu hingga hilir mutlak diperlukan untuk melindungi
Brantas dari ancaman yang kita timbulkan sendiri. Brantas telah memberi
kehidupan dan sepatutnya memelihara keberlanjutannya.
Anak bermain di Daerah Aliran Sungai Brantas di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Minggu
Peluncuran rencana Aksi ASEAN
untuk Penangan Sampah Laut 29 Mei
The implementation plan presented in this
publication is envisioned to leverage the
region‘s collective experience by sharing best
practices and lessons learned, as well as
utilize the economies of scale to be found in
areas such as standards, innovation,
financing and training. Ultimately, this
approach aims to support and encourage
AMS to strengthen policies and practices at
the national level, while enhancing
collaboration and coordination at the regional
and international levels in order to achieve
sustainable management of coastal and
marine environments.
Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General of
There is a pressing need for ASEAN countries to come together to provide
comprehensible, scalable solutions to address marine debris...Fortunately,
there is a growing number of champions in countries, corporations and
communities that are helping reduce unnecessary plastics usage, increase
plastics recycling, and reduce plastics leakage on land and in water
Page 42 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
Victoria Kwakwa, Regional
Vice President
East Asia and the Pacific
World Bank
The Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris will play an
important role in helping ASEAN turn the tide in the battle with plastic
waste and protect the vital marine environments that sustain the region for
generations to come.
Marine plastic debris is a global problem. The way plastics are currently
produced, used and managed often does not reflect the economic benefits
of an approach to a ―circular‖ economy and results in harm to the
International action remains key to tackling the most significant sources of
plastics litter in the oceans.
The goal of the Regional Action Plan (RAP) is to enhance coordination at
the regional and international levels for achieving sustainable management
of coastal and marine environments through responding to marine plastic
Given that land-based sources account for approximately 80% of marine
plastic debris, integrated solutions can be identified across the plastic
waste value chain. There are many opportunities for better management
throughout the plastic life-cycle. An integrated approach is required to
tackle marine debris with opportunities for action at three key stages of the
value chain.
Page 43 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Reduce Inputs into the System
Reduce inputs into the system by designing products to be reusable or
recyclable, improving business and consumer
awareness on their waste plastic footprint, clarifying standards on
biodegradability and compostability and
reducing consumption of single-use plastics.
Enhance Collection and
Minimize Leakage
Enhancing collection and minimizing leakage by improving key SWM
infrastructure — especially poorly
sited dumpsites, promoting sorting and appropriate fee structures,
developing stronger enforcement mechanisms
to discourage littering and clarifying packaging labels for end of life
Create Value for Waste Reuse
Create value for waste reuse by guaranteeing feedstock
volumes, developing off take markets, improving
consumer segregation of waste, increasing knowledge of suitable
technologies and minimising investment risk in key solutions.
The political commitment of the AMS to tackle plastic waste provides
opportunities to address marine
littering on a regional scale, creating value for common markets, shared
knowledge and homogeneous
tools, approaches and technologies. To enable a coordinated approach, 14
Regional Actions are identified.
These Actions aim to address a variety of plastic issues along the value
chain and are categorized according
to four Framework of Action components
Framework Components
PolicySupport & Planning
Research, Innovation & capacity Building
Private sector Engagement
Public awareness, Education & Outreach
Page 44 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
And so on
Ref: ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in the
ASEAN Member States; (2021-2025); SUMMARY
29 Mei 2021
Seniman berbincang dengan issue sampah plastik
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30 Mei 2021
Bapak/ibu punya barang rongsok yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi? Daripada
numpuk di gudang yuk sedekahkan saja ke uktub. Jadikan pahala. Semua
barang bekas/rongsok akan kami olah yg hasilnya untuk kepentingan umat
& dakwah.
️*Jadwal Penjemputan Pekan Ini :*
Ahad tgl 30 Mei 2021
Mulai jam : 08.00 - 12.00
(Ahad ini Jaksel & selatan Jakarta; Depok, Sawangan, Cinere, Jagakarsa,
Pondok Cabe, dsk)
*Base camp* kami di Kp Gabus Tengah rt.01/02 Desa Sri Mukti Tambun
*Barang sedekah bisa berupa :*
kardus, kertas, buku² bekas, elektronik bekas (kipas, tv, radio, ac, dll),
besi, alumunium, dan barang bekas lainnya yg punya nilai jual.
*Barang bekas/rongsok Anda in syâ Allâh akan menjadi manfaat, yg a.l
hasilnya untuk:*
baksos bagi kaum muslimin, pengadaan kitab2 para ulama utk
santri/jamaah, pembiayaan dauroh, pembiayaan kajian sunnah.
*Hub/WA:* abu shafaa
Semoga benda² bekas tersebut dapat menjadi amal jariyah Anda,
_baarakallaah fiikum, jazaakumullahu khayran_
1. Bulan Mei ini banyak informasi dan beberapa data yang menunjukkan
banyaknya kasus sampah plastik di wilayah sungai. Sungai Citarum, salah
satu contohnya dicatatkan sebagai sungai paling banyak sampahnya
sebagaimana tercantum dalam 10 sungai di dunia yang paling banyak
sampahnya. Sampah sungai, contohnya, Berantas beberapa kali diekspos
oleh para pemerhati sungai karena banyaknya sampah dan popok.
Bahkan aksi para muda ini menggunakan media film dan melibatkan
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seniman untuk memberikan kesadaran (kritis) terhadap masalah sampah
2. Perilaku warga terhadap sampah pesisir dan laut yang berada pada dua
pulau kecil tetapi terkenal keindahannya, yaitu Pulau Selayar di Sulawesi
Selatan dan Pulau Wakatobi di Sulawesi Tenggara, tampaknya tidak
terkendali secara ekologis. Sampahnya dikendalikan dengan pembakaran
tetapi sisanya tak tertangani. Pengendalian sampah dua pulau itu diamati
dengan riset perilaku tetapi tampaknya variabel penting diabaikan dalam
kerangka riset itu, yaitu pemerintah dan intervensinya; sebagaimana
amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah; termasuk
juga turunannya yaitu Perpres No. 83 Tahun 2018 tentang Penanganan
Sampah Laut. Jika dua aturan itu dirujuk maka latar belakang perilaku
warga pulau kecil itu tidak dapat serta merta dipersalahkan; yaitu dengan
perilaku membakar sampah plastik. Dengan latar belakang ini akan
terkuak betapa lemahnya penyuluhan dan penegakan aturan oleh
pemerintah.Ringkasnya riset perilaku di atas tidak menyentuh aspek
kebijakan sama sekali.
Pengendalian sampah di laut pada tataran negara, maka kerjasama
regional daklam kerangka ASEAN pada akhuir Mei 2021 telah diluncurkan
The Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris. Kentadipun
International action remains key to tackling the most significant sources of
plastics litter in the oceans, however, the goal of the Regional Action Plan
(RAP) is to enhance coordination at the regional and international levels for
achieving sustainable management of coastal and marine environments
through responding to marine plastic pollution.
3. Pengendalian sampah darat dari rumah tangga di wilayah ibukota mulai
bermunculan di media sosial. Pertama pengumpulan sampah rumah
tangga dibuat di dekat stasiun MRT. Lalu untuk kelas menengah dibuat
pengumpulan sampah rumah tangga tetapi dipilah bagi pembuang sampah
di Mal Senayan Jakarta Selatan. Di gerai ini dipamerkan pula hasil daur
guna sampah... Mungkin menarik untuk ditengok tetapi kalangan kelas
menengah mungkin membeli satu-dua produk daur ulang itu sebagai
hiburan saja. Tetapi pada akhir Mei muncul upaya pengendalian sampah
sebagaimana pemnafaatannya melalui pendekatan jemput bola. Bertajuk:
4. Plastikmikro adalah issue yang tengah menjadi pusat perhatian sejak
medio 2020 lalu. Kalangan peneliti di.... dewasa sangat berhati-hati
meneliti plastikmikro demikian pula dalam menarik kesimpulannya. Tak
tanggung-tanggung tercatat sebanyak 100an labor kajian digunakan untuk
mengamati obyek itu. XiaoZhi Lim memaparkan studi tentang plastikmikro
dari Magothy River dikaji di laboratorium di Universitas Maryland.
Ringkasnya peneliti berpikir tampaknya plastikmikro rendah dampaknya
terhadap manusia, tetapi dengan meningkat drastisnya plastikmikro dan
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plastiknano maka keadaan dampak akan sangat perlu dicermati kembali.
Karena plastic mikro adalah a ―plastic time bomb‖..
Penting untuk dicatat: It is possible to rein in some of our plastic waste,
says Winnie Lau at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington DC, who is
the first author on the study. The researchers found that if every proven
solution to curb plastic pollution were adopted in 2020 and scaled up as
quickly as possible — including switching to systems of reuse, adopting
alternative materials, and recycling plastic — the amount of plastic waste
added could drop to 140 million tonnes per year by 2040. By far the
biggest gains would come from cutting out plastics that are used only once
and discarded. ―There‘s no point producing things that last for 500 years
and then using them for 20 minutes,‖ Galloway says. ―It‘s a completely
unsustainable way of being.‖
Tambahan pula, harian online pada 15 Mei 2021
mewartakan kesimpulan Badan Standar Pangan Australia sulit menarik
kesimpulan secara cepat mengenai resiko kesehatan bagi manusia dari
pencemaran plastikmikro pada rantai pangan: A statement from Food
Standards Australia New Zealand, a government body that sets standards
and regulates food safety, said there was ongoing interest among
scientists and the community about the potential health effects from
microplastics in food. ―The scientific evidence on potential exposure and
health risks continues to evolve, however, our current view is that plastic
contamination of the food chain is unlikely to result in any immediate health
risks to consumers.‖
5. Sampah penghasil energi listrik bertambah lagi di Indonesia. Presiden
Jokowi meresmikan PLTSa Benowo di minggu pertama Mei ini.PLTSa
Benowo bersama dengan PLTSa BPPT di TPST Bantargebang Bekasi
telah mulai memberikan secercah harapan akan terwujudnya energi
terbarukan, kendatipun molor dari jadwal upaya nasional percepatan
pengadaan listrik berbasis sampah di 12 kota.
Tangerang 3 Juni 2021
Baca juga
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan April 2021
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
PLTSa dalam program percepatan pemerintah tak merata. Baru di
Surabaya yang siap beroperasi.
Industri Daur Ulang Plastik Penuhi Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Dalam Negeri
Tetapi Menperin Agus berharap, produsen bahan kemasan plastik harus
Page 48 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
melakukan R&D untuk menghasilkan bahan kemasan plastik yang ramah
lingkungan dengan komitmen time frame yang jelas
Terdapat 200 kantong plastik dalam onta yang berada di sekitar Dubai, Uni
Emirat Arab
Interpol bersama badan kompeten di 67 negara selama 30 hari pada Maret
lalu menginspeksi laut dan perairan menemukan adanya dumping ilegal
dan perdagangan sampah
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Maret 2021
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Konvensi Basel naik daun semenjak transportasi lintas-batas plastik
masuk ke dalam konvensi itu. Dan, ketika Amerika Serikat mengirimkan
sampah plastik ke negara tujuan Indonesia, Malaysia dan India maka
nyaring sentilan terhadap pelanggaran konvensi oleh bukan Negara
anggota konvensi
Mahasiswa berjenaka-ria mengkritik pengelolaan sampah di wilayah DI
Yogyakarta yang mereka pandang tidak baik
Peraturan dari level pemkot/ pemkab tentang pelarangan kantong plastic
dikritik analis kebijakan
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Februari 2021
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Sampah Bahan Baku Ekonomi di Masa Pandemi' sebagai tema HPSN
2021 mengalirkan beberapa aksi di antaranya aksi bersih-bersih serentak
#dirumahsaja bersama keluarga; Aksi tanam pohon mangrove di TPST
Bantargebang dan ada pula diskusi daring.
Biotani Bahari Indonesia: HPSN Bebersih Danau
Tegal di Jawa tengah telah mencanangkan sebagai pusat daur ulang
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Januari 2021
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Dampak belum tuntasnya kontrak kerjasama antara pemerintah daerah
dan swasta dalam pengelolaan sampah di Riau;
Kerjasama antar kota/ regional antara Tangsel dan Serang akan tampil;
Inovasi tentang plastik berbahan kentang belum menuju industri?
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Desember 2020
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Sampah Kota Serang sedang uji coba Gen 5 tapi butuh Perwali, juga
Perda Sampah. KBRL Jakarta termasuk oxo dan nabati tapi mesti tahan
air dan bisa didaur guna; akan jadi tren nasional?
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan November 2020
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Dana Swakelola Tipe III, Limbah Medis Dibuang Sembarangan, Kantung
Belanja Berbahan Singkong
Page 49 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Oktober 2020
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Proponen daur ulang tetap hajar lajur Compostable
Studi: material berbasis bio dan/ atau biodegradable yang tersedia di pasar
adalah sama beracunnya dengan plastik konvensional terkait dengan zat
kimia yang mereka miliki
Sosialisasikanlah Pergub DKI Jakarta No. 142 Thn 2019 Tentang
Kewajiban ber-KBRL siapa takut?
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan September 2020
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Plastik Alf*mart dan Ind*maret Bukan Plastik biodegradable?? Tidak
Ramah Lingkungan???
Food loss and waste must be reduced for greater food security and
nvironmental sustainability
Sampah Plastik lama untuk RDF, Sekilas
#Boycott 2020 World Cleanup Day and expose environment fraud by
NGOs from the Global North
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Agustus 2020
Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi
KLHK Terbitkan Peta Jalan Pengurangan Sampah oleh Produsen
Insinerator, promosi
Aksi Warga +62 Peduli Sampah
Aksi gerakan kurangi sampah laut (26 Agustus 2020)
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Juli 2020
Polluter Pays Principle, Kaji Kembali Daur Ulang dan TPA bermasalah
Bank Sampah dan Konsep yang utuh
TPA Tata Kelolanya belum disiplin dan jujur anggaran
Tiga Kota Dengan Pengelolaan Sampah Terbaik?
Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Juni 2020
EPR Dipertanyakan Industri, TPA Jabodetabek Sudah Darurat Perluasan
Lokasi dan Soal Lainnya
Plastik dan Sampah: Semengitnya Industri Daur Ulang; TPA di Indonesia
Mesti Ditelaah Satu-satu
Covid19 Pemakaian Plastik Meningkat, Industri Daur Ulang
WFH 280420
Covid19 Sampah Plastik Meningkat, Konsumen ber-go_green
Opini Riza V. Tjahjadi
Page 50 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021
#WorkfromHome 140420
Riza V. Tjahjadi
Anggota Pokja 1: Kebijakan, Monitoring & Evaluasi
Dewan Pengarah dan Pertimbangan Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (DP3SN)
periode 2016 – saat ini,
dan secara pribadi membidani terbentuknya asosiasi industri hijau plastik
ramah lingkungan (AMIHN) pada 27 Februari 2019.
Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Biotani dan Bahari Indonesia.
Laporan berkala ini sejak April; 2020 sepenuhnya adalah swadaya murni.
So, maklum saja,ya, jangkauan pemantauan terbatas.

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Plastik & Sampah plastik pantau Mei 21

  • 1. Page 1 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Mei 2021 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi ASEAN mengadopsi renca aksi pengendalian sampah laut Studi mengenai plastikmikro dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan hidup dan utamanya kepada manusia semakin intensif dilakukan peneliti Studi perilaku warga pulau kecil dalam pengendalian sampah, ada juga aksi protes terhadap sampah di sungai Sampah sebagai pembangkit listrik bertambah satu unit lagi keberadaannya di Indonesia Info lama tetapi baru peroleh 23 Mei 2021 Sampah & Polusi Ini 10 Sungai Tercemar Plastik Terbanyak di Dunia, Citarum Teratas Redaksi 2 tahun ago Citarum Sungai Citarum. FOTO: VOA/REUTERS PERCAYAKAH Anda bahwa 90% plastik di laut hanya berasal dari 10 sungai? Sebanyak 9 sungai terletak di Asia dan salah satunya berbatasan dengan Thailand. Jadi sungai apa paling tercemar plastik di dunia?
  • 2. Page 2 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Setiap tahun, sebanyak 300 juta ton plastik diproduksi dan 8,8 juta ton dibuang ke laut. Terdapat 40 miliar botol plastik, 100 miliar kantong plastik sekali pakai dan 522 juta item perawatan pribadi. Yang mengkhawatirkan, 270.000 ton plastik ini hanya melayang di permukaan laut. Itu lebih dari 5 trilyun potongan individu ketika dipecah, tidak termasuk jutaan partikel mikroplastik . Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa 270.000 ton banyak dan Anda pasti benar! Ini setara dengan 33.750.000 bola bowling, 135.000 mobil, 130.000 kapal berukuran sedang, 1.225 kereta barang atau 36.000 gajah dewasa. Jumlah sampah plastik saat ini mendatangkan malapetaka pada keanekaragaman hayati laut. Sekitar 700 spesies laut dalam bahaya kepunahan karena polusi plastik. Sebanyak 100.000 makhluk laut mati karena plastik, sementara dua pertiga ikan di seluruh dunia memakan plastik. ‖Pada tahun 2050, akan ada lebih banyak plastik daripada ikan di lautan.‖ — Eco News. Ketika tempat penampungan akhir gagal menampung semua sampah, masyarakat beralih ke sungai. Jika dilihat dari atas, sungai-sungai ini seperti lumpur padat dari sampah plastik. Semua sungai ini mengalir ke laut, membawa sampah. 10 sungai paling tercemar di dunia memiliki satu kesamaan, berada di samping populasi manusia yang besar dengan sistem pengelolaan limbah yang buruk. 10 – Sungai Mekong Salah satu sungai terpanjang di Asia. Sungai Mekong melintasi berbagai negara seperti Cina, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Kamboja dan Vietnam. Sungai ini mendukung 200 juta orang yang bergantung pada industri pertanian dan perikanan. 9 – Sungai Niger Sungai dengan peringkat 9 paling tercemar di daftar kami adalah sungai utama di Afrika Barat. Sungai Niger mendukung lebih dari 100 juta warga Afrika. Dari Nigeria, mengalir melalui lima negara sebelum berakhir di Samudra Atlantik. 8 – Sungai Amur Sungai Amur yang juga dikenal sebagai Sungai Heilong terletak di perbatasan provinsi Heilongjiang Cina dan Siberia Rusia.
  • 3. Page 3 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 7 – Sungai Mutiara Sungai yang berwarna seperti mutiara (The Pearl River) terletak di Kota Guangzhou. Sungai ini paling terkenal di Tiongkok dan tidak terlihat seperti mutiara. Faktanya, Hong Kong menderita sampah yang berasal dari Sungai Pearl yang hanyut di pantainya. 6 – Sungai Gangga Sungai Gangga di India berada di urutan keenam dalam daftar sungai tercemar di dunia. Sungai ini menyediakan sumber daya air lebih dari setengah miliar orang atau 40% populasi India. plastik masih dibuang di sungai ini. 5 – Sungai Hai Sungai Hai di Tiongkok mengalir di antara dua daerah yang paling padat penduduknya di Cina, Tianjin dan Beijing, sebelum bermuara di Laut Bohai. 4 – Sungai Kuning Tempat lahirnya peradaban Tiongkok, Sungai Kuning terpanjang ketiga di Asia, di sebelah Yangtze dan Yenisei. Sungai terpanjang keenam di dunia, mengalir di sembilan provinsi ke Laut Bohai. 3 – Sungai Indus Sungai Indus yang terpanjang di Pakistan, meliputi lebih dari 384.000 mil persegi tanah terbuka, 204.000 di antaranya terletak di Pakistan. Ini adalah salah satu sungai terbesar di Asia yang mengalir melalui Pakistan dan India ke Arabian Sea. Selain plastik, polusi sungai ini berasal dari limbah. 2 – Sungai Yangtze Terletak di Tiongkok, Sungai Yangtze yang terpanjang di Asia dan terpanjang ketiga di dunia. Reputasinya yang terburuk ke-2 dalam daftar kami karena menghasilkan 1,5 juta ton atau 55% dari plastik lautan. Mengalir melalui beberapa daerah terpadat di Cina seperti Shanghai (22 juta), Wuhan (9,8 juta), dan Chongqing (7,5 juta), sungai ini tempat bagi 480 juta orang atau sepertiga dari populasi Tiongkok 1 – Sungai Paling Tercemar di Dunia – Citarum Dan akhirnya, Sungai Citarum, dianggap paling tercemar di dunia. Terletak di Jawa Barat, Indonesia, sungai ini menjadi tempat bagi jutaan orang. Banyak pengembangan industri di sungai Citarum dan hampir tidak ada pengelolaan limbah. Sungai Citarum telah mengubah nelayan menjadi tukang sampah.*
  • 4. Page 4 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Sumber: Krix Luther/ Categories: Sampah & Polusi Tags: sampah plastikSungai Citarum Related Content Ancaman Baru Bagi Spesies Paus REDAKSI 18 MEI 2021 Puluhan Kilogram Plastik Ditemukan di Perut Paus Berparuh Cuvier REDAKSI 15 MEI 2021 INA-WIS, Sistem Layanan Cuaca Maritim dan Daerah Tangkapan Ikan REDAKSI 29 APRIL 2021 © 2018 - 2021 PT Dari Laut Indonesia di-dunia-citarum-teratas Info agak tetapi baru peroleh 27 Mei 2021 Abstract Ocean plastic crisis—Mental models of plastic pollution from remote Indonesian coastal communities Anna (Anya) PhelanID 1*, Helen Ross2, Novie Andri Setianto3, Kelly Fielding4, Lengga Pradipta5 Research article The crisis facing the world‘s oceans from plastics is well documented, yet there is little knowledge of the perspectives, experiences and options of the coastal communities facing overwhelming quantities of plastics on their beaches and in their fishing waters. In emerging economies such as those in the Coral Triangle, the communities affected are among the poorest of their countries. To understand the consequences of ocean plastic pollution in coastal regions, through the eyes of local people, this study examines the knowledge, use, disposal and local consequences of single use plastics in remote island communities in two archipelagos Selayar and Wakatobi of southern and southeast of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Using mixed methods—a survey of plastic literacy and behaviour, household interviews about purchasing and disposal, and focus group discussions to generate shared mental models—we identify a complex set of factors contributing to extensive plastic leakage into the marine
  • 5. Page 5 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 environment. The rising standard of living has allowed people in low resource, remote communities to buy more single-use plastic items than they could before. Meanwhile complex geography and minimal collection services make waste management a difficult issue, and leave the communities themselves to shoulder the impacts of the ocean plastic crisis. Although plastic literacy is low, there is little the coastal communities can do unless presented with better choice architecture both on the supply side and in disposal options. Our results suggest that for such coastal communities improved waste disposal is urgent. Responsible supply chains and non- plastic alternatives are needed. Producers and manufacturers can no longer focus only on low-cost packaged products, without taking responsibility for the outcomes. Without access to biodegradable, environmentally friendly products, and a circular plastic system, coastal communities and surrounding marine ecosystems will continue to be inundated in plastic waste. […] Conclusion The oceans continue to fill with plastic litter, most of it single use plastic and retail packaging. At a systems level, social and economic costs are often borne by those affected rather than those responsible for the supply of the plastics and management of the wastes. This research confirms that for coastal and remote communities in Indonesia, the use of plastics is increasingly overwhelming waste management and infrastructure capacity. This study showed that low-resource coastal communities in South Sulawesi are forced to shoulder the impacts of the ocean plastic crisis.
  • 6. Page 6 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 There are thousands of similar coastal communities in Indonesia, all struggling to cope with their own waste, plus vast quantities of waste brought in by currents. The system results show that communities are caught in a perpetual reinforcing loop. Unless the supply changes, these communities have no hope of effectively managing their waste. Although our survey results show that plastic literacy is low, even if it were higher there is little the coastal communities can do to manage plastic waste effectively unless presented with better choice architecture, both on the supply side and in disposal options. For coastal communities in emerging economies the ocean plastic crisis cannot be abated without responsible supply. Although the issue of plastic pollution has to be solved on multiple fronts [40], our data suggests that for coastal communities extended producer responsibility is imperative and a circular plastic economy is greatly needed. Coastal communities with minimal waste infrastructure require circular systems and responsible supply chains with non-plastic alternatives. Producers and manufacturers distributing low-cost processed food and single-use products to remote,coastal communities need to take responsibility for the outcomes. Without access to degradable, environmentally friendly products, and a circular plastic system, coastal communitiesand surrounding marine ecosystems will continue to drown in plastic waste. PLOS ONE | .1371/journal.pone.0236149 July 28, 2020 Berbagi info mengenai Tata Kelola Sampah Nasional.dan Bali [1/5 10.15] RuddyGustave: pahan_di_Indonesia_Rangkuman_Hasil_Webinar_Persampahan_Tahun_ 2020 Isinya besar sekali, tidak mau diunduh dengan cellphone
  • 7. Page 7 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 [1/5 10.59] Riza V. Tjahjadi: SAMPAH di BALI punya cerita Kelihatannya cakep... Layak untuk ditiru Pemda lain? Pakai dana APBD? Porsi anggarannya berapa persen, ya? view?usp=sharing Pegiat Lingkungan Minta Pemkab Karawang Terapkan Aturan Penggunaan Plastik Yuda Febrian Silitonga - detikNews Selasa, 04 Mei 2021 13:13 WIB Foto: Timbulan sampah plastik di sungai (Yuda Febrian Silitonga/detikcom). Karawang - Pegiat lingkungan mendesak agar Pemkab Karawang menerapkan larangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. Hal itu dilakukan karena masih banyaknya timbulan sampah plastik terutama di sungai. Pegiat lingkungan ECOTON Daru Setyorini mengatakan dari pantauannya selama ekspedisi sungai di Pulau Jawa, salah satunya di Citarum banyak ditemukan timbulan sampah plastik seperti tas kresek, styrofoam, popok, botol air mineral dan lainnya. "Masih banyak dijumpai timbulan di sepanjang jalan di wilayah Karawang seperti di Rengasdengklok, Sungai Buntu, wilayah di dekat bendungan
  • 8. Page 8 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Cibeet dan sepanjang jalan di Kota Karawang, juga di sub daerah aliran Sungai Citarum," katanya saat diwawancarai, Selasa (4/5/2021). Menurutnya banyaknya timbulan sampa harus segera diantisipasi dengan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah 3R (reduce, reuse dan rycycle). "Pemkab harus membuat fasilitas pengelolaan sampah 3R," ujar peneliti mikroplastik ini. Selain itu, ia menyebutkan perlu juga diterapkan regulasi yang membatasi dan melarang penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. "Kalau memang sudah ada aturan pengaturan plastik, diharapkan harus segera diterapkan," jelasnya. Padahal lanjutnya, dalam UU nomor 18 tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah pemerintah daerah memiliki tanggungjawab memberikan pelayanan pengelolaan sampah bagi setiap warga. "Sampah yang tidak terkelola dan dibuang pada akhirnya akan berakhir di sungai dan menuju ke laut selanjutnya akan ancam keamanan pangan laut atau seafood," kata Daru. Pemkab perlu alokasi lebih besar untuk pengelolaan sampah seperti sarana TPS 3R di setip desa, sarana transportasi dari TPS ke TPA dan program serius untuk melibatkan produsen agar mengolah sampah hasil produk seperti foodpackaging dan sachet. "Dari hasil ekspedisi kami, Citarum sudah tercemar mikroplastik dari industri kertas maka Pemkab harus mengendalikan mikroplastik yang berasal dari sampah plastik domestik seperti tas kresek, sedotan, styrofoam, sachet, botol plastik, popok bayi dan bungkus plastik lainnya," ucapnya. Sementara itu, saat dikonfirmasi, Kepala DLHK Karawang Wawan Setiawan mengakui bahwa Pemkab sudah mengeluarkan aturan melalui Perbup nomor 93 tahun 2020 tentang penggunaan kantong plastik. Namun, regulasi tersebut belum diterapkan secara maksimal. "Pemkab sudah buat aturannya, melalui Perbup nomor 93 tahun 2020, disahkan pada bulan Desember 2020, dan baru bisa diterapkan setelah 3 bulan, namun memang belum sepenuhnya diterapkan kepada para pengguna plastik," kata Wawan saat diwawancarai melalui telepon selular. Dia mengakui aturan itu belum diterapkan secara efektif di semua pusat perbelanjaan dan toko. "Memang belum sepenuhnya efektif, aturannya," akuinya.
  • 9. Page 9 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Sementara untuk pengolahan sampah, pihaknya telah membuat TPS3R di beberapa desa, dan kelurahan. "Kalau untuk pengelolaan sampah, kami sudah dibantu oleh kementerian, juga bekerjasama dengan swasta untuk membangun 10 TPS3R di desa atau kelurahan yang sudah dipilih," tuturnya. Saat detikcom membaca Perbubnya, aturan tersebut berlaku mulai April 2021, yang di dalam pasalnya, apabila semua pusat perbelanjaan dan toko swalayan, masih menggunakan plastik sekali pakai, akan dilakukan pembinaan, dan juga teguran. "Sifatnya kami hanya menegur, dan memberikan binaan, untuk mereka yang menyalahi aturan," ujar Wawan. (mso/mso) Foto: Timbulan sampah plastik di sungai (Yuda Febrian Silitonga/detikcom). [6/5 10.01] RuddyGustave: 3?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=bd86911029-briefing-dy- 20210505&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-bd86911029- 44902201 [6/5 10.02] RuddyGustave: kalau ada sukarelawan terjamahkan ke bhs indonesia. lebih mantap lagi nature news feature article NEWS FEATURE 04 MAY 2021 Microplastics are everywhere — but are they harmful? Scientists are rushing to study the tiny plastic specks that are in marine animals — and in us. XiaoZhi Lim Microplastics from the Magothy River are pictured at the laboratory of Dr. Lance Yonkos at the University of Maryland. Microplastics collected from the Magothy River in Maryland. Credit: Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program Dunzhu Li used to microwave his lunch each day in a plastic container. But Li, an environmental engineer, stopped when he and his colleagues made
  • 10. Page 10 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 a disturbing discovery: plastic food containers shed huge numbers of tiny specks — called microplastics — into hot water. ―We were shocked,‖ Li says. Kettles and baby bottles also shed microplastics, Li and other researchers, at Trinity College Dublin, reported last October1. If parents prepare baby formula by shaking it up in hot water inside a plastic bottle, their infant might end up swallowing more than one million microplastic particles each day, the team calculated. What Li and other researchers don‘t yet know is whether this is dangerous. Everyone eats and inhales sand and dust, and it‘s not clear if an extra diet of plastic specks will harm us. ―Most of what you ingest is going to pass straight through your gut and out the other end,‖ says Tamara Galloway, an ecotoxicologist at the University of Exeter, UK. ―I think it is fair to say the potential risk might be high,‖ says Li, choosing his words carefully. Researchers have been worried about the potential harms of microplastics for almost 20 years — although most studies have focused on the risks to marine life. Richard Thompson, a marine ecologist at the University of Plymouth, UK, coined the term in 2004 to describe plastic particles smaller than 5 millimetres across, after his team found them on British beaches. Scientists have since seen microplastics everywhere they have looked: in deep oceans; in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice; in shellfish, table salt, drinking water and beer; and drifting in the air or falling with rain over mountains and cities. These tiny pieces could take decades or more to degrade fully. ―It‘s almost certain that there is a level of exposure in just about all species,‖ says Galloway. The image shows a clean-up worker collecting nurdles on the Arniston beach in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Clean-up workers collect plastic pellets from the Arniston beach in Western Cape, South Africa.Credit: Tom Camacho/Science Photo Library The earliest investigations of microplastics focused on microbeads found in personal-care products, and pellets of virgin plastic that can escape before they are moulded into objects, as well as on fragments that slowly erode from discarded bottles and other large debris. All these wash into rivers and oceans: in 2015, oceanographers estimated there were between 15 trillion and 51 trillion microplastic particles floating in surface waters worldwide. Other sources of microplastic have since been identified: plastic specks shear off from car tyres on roads and synthetic microfibres shed from clothing, for instance. The particles blow around between sea and land, so people might be inhaling or eating plastic from any source. From limited surveys of microplastics in the air, water, salt and seafood, children and adults might ingest anywhere from dozens to more than 100,000 microplastic specks each day, Albert Koelmans, an environmental scientist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, reported this
  • 11. Page 11 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 March2. He and his colleagues think that in the worst cases, people might be ingesting around the mass of a credit card‘s worth of microplastic a year. Bottles, bags, ropes and toothbrushes: the struggle to track ocean plastics Regulators are taking the first step towards quantifying the risk to people‘s health — measuring exposure. This July, the California State Water Resources Control Board, a branch of the state‘s environmental protection agency, will become the world‘s first regulatory authority to announce standard methods for quantifying microplastic concentrations in drinking water, with the aim of monitoring water over the next four years and publicly reporting the results. Evaluating the effects of tiny specks of plastic on people or animals is the other half of the puzzle. This is easier said than done. More than 100 laboratory studies have exposed animals, mostly aquatic organisms, to microplastics. But their findings — that exposure might lead some organisms to reproduce less effectively or suffer physical damage — are hard to interpret because microplastics span many shapes, sizes and chemical compositions, and many of the studies used materials that were quite unlike those found in the environment. The tiniest specks, called nanoplastics — smaller than 1 micrometre — worry researchers most of all (see ‗Microplastics to scale‘). Some might be able to enter cells, potentially disrupting cellular activity. But most of these particles are too small for scientists even to see; they were not counted in Koelmans‘ diet estimates, for instance, and California will not try to monitor them. MICROPLASTICS TO SCALE: infographic comparing sizes of microplastics to biological objects and the technology needed to study th Source (tools and costs): S. Primpke et al. Appl. Spectrosc. 74, 1012–1047 (2020). One thing is clear: the problem will only grow. Almost 400 million tonnes of plastics are produced each year, a mass projected to more than double by 2050. Even if all plastic production were magically stopped tomorrow, existing plastics in landfills and the environment — a mass estimated at around 5 billion tonnes — would continue degrading into tiny fragments that are impossible to collect or clean up, constantly raising microplastic levels. Koelmans calls this a ―plastic time bomb‖. ―If you ask me about risks, I am not that frightened today,‖ he says. ―But I am a bit concerned about the future if we do nothing.‖ Modes of harm
  • 12. Page 12 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Researchers have several theories about how plastic specks might be harmful. If they‘re small enough to enter cells or tissues, they might irritate just by being a foreign presence — as with the long, thin fibres of asbestos, which can inflame lung tissue and lead to cancer. There‘s a potential parallel with air pollution: sooty specks from power plants, vehicle exhausts and forest fires called PM10 and PM2.5 — particulate matter measuring 10 µm and 2.5 µm across — are known to deposit in the airways and lungs, and high concentrations can damage respiratory systems. Still, PM10 levels are thousands of times higher than the concentrations at which microplastics have been found in air, Koelmans notes. The larger microplastics are more likely to exert negative effects, if any, through chemical toxicity. Manufacturers add compounds such as plasticizers, stabilizers and pigments to plastics, and many of these substances are hazardous — for example, interfering with endocrine (hormonal) systems. But whether ingesting microplastics significantly raises our exposure to these chemicals depends on how quickly they move out of the plastic specks and how fast the specks travel through our bodies — factors that researchers are only beginning to study. Microplastics collected from a surface water sample taken in San Francisco Bay, California, USA. Microplastics collected in the San Francisco Bay area, labelled for study.Credit: Cole Brookson Another idea is that microplastics in the environment might attract chemical pollutants and then deliver them into animals that eat the contaminated specks. But animals ingest pollutants from food and water anyway, and it‘s even possible that plastic specks, if largely uncontaminated when swallowed, could help to remove pollutants from animal guts. Researchers still can‘t agree on whether pollutant-carrying microplastics are a significant problem, says Jennifer Lynch, a marine biologist affiliated with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Perhaps the simplest mode of harm — when it comes to marine organisms, at least — might be that organisms swallow plastic specks of no nutritional value, and don‘t eat enough food to survive. Lynch, who also leads the Center for Marine Debris Research at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, has autopsied sea turtles that are found dead on beaches, looking at plastics in their guts and chemicals in their tissues. In 2020, her team completed a set of analyses for 9 hawksbill turtle hatchlings, under 3 weeks old. One hatchling, only 9 centimetres long, had 42 pieces of plastic in its gastrointestinal tract. Most were microplastics. Hawaiian hawksbill sea turtle post-hatchling pictured besides its microplastic stomach contents A Hawaiian hawksbill sea turtle post-hatchling pictured beside its microplastic stomach contents.Credit: Jennifer Lynch
  • 13. Page 13 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 ―We don‘t believe any of them died specifically from plastics,‖ Lynch says. But she wonders whether the hatchlings might have struggled to grow as fast as they need to. ―It‘s a very tough stage of life for those little guys.‖ Marine studies Researchers have done the most work on microplastic risks to marine organisms. Zooplankton, for instance, among the smallest marine organisms, grow more slowly and reproduce less successfully in the presence of microplastics, says Penelope Lindeque, a marine biologist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK: the animals‘ eggs are smaller and less likely to hatch. Her experiments show that the reproduction problems stem from the zooplankton not eating enough food3. But, because ecotoxicologists started running experiments before they knew what kinds of microplastics exist in aquatic environments, they depended heavily on manufactured materials, typically using polystyrene spheres of smaller sizes and at concentrations much higher than surveys found (see ‗Sizing up microplastics‘). SIZING UP MICROPLASTICS: Infographic comparing the shape and size of microplastic found in the environment with lab studies Source: Nature analysis Scientists have started shifting to more environmentally realistic conditions and using fibres or fragments of plastics, rather than spheres. Some have started coating their test materials in chemicals that mimic biofilms, which appear to make animals more likely to eat microplastics. Fibres seem to be a particular problem. Compared with spheres, fibres take longer to pass through zooplankton, Lindeque says. In 2017, Australian researchers reported that zooplankton exposed to microplastic fibres produced half the usual number of larvae and that the resulting adults were smaller. The fibres were not ingested, but the researchers saw that they interfered with swimming, and identified deformations in the organisms‘ bodies4. Another study5 in 2019 found that adult Pacific mole crabs (Emerita analoga) exposed to fibres lived shorter lives. Plymouth Marine Laboratory footage of red fibres wrapping around zooplankton. Red microplastic fibres wrap around a Temora copepod, a species of zooplankton.Credit: Plymouth Marine Laboratory Most laboratory studies expose organisms to one type of microplastic, of a specific size, polymer and shape. In the natural environment, organisms are exposed to a mixture, says Koelmans. In 2019, he and his doctoral student Merel Kooi plotted the abundances of microplastics reported from
  • 14. Page 14 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 11 surveys of oceans, rivers and sediment, to build models of mixtures in aquatic environments. Last year, the two teamed up with colleagues to use this model in computer simulations that predict how often fish would encounter microplastics small enough to eat, and the likelihood of eating enough specks to affect growth. The researchers found that at current microplastic pollution levels, fish run that risk at 1.5% of locations checked for microplastics6. But there are likely to be hotspots where the risks would be higher, says Koelmans. One possibility is the deep sea: once there, and often buried in sediment, it is unlikely the microplastics will travel elsewhere and there is no way to clean them up. The oceans already face many stressors, which makes Lindeque more afraid that microplastics will further deplete zooplankton populations than that they will transfer up the food chain to reach people. ―If we knock out something like zooplankton, the base of our marine food web, we‘d be more worried about impacts on fish stocks and the ability to feed the world‘s population.‖ Human studies No published study has yet directly examined the effects of plastic specks on people, leading researchers say. The only available studies rely on laboratory experiments that expose cells or human tissues to microplastics, or use animals such as mice or rats. In one study7, for instance, mice fed large quantities of microplastics showed inflammation in their small intestines. Mice exposed to microplastics in two studies had a lowered sperm count8 and fewer, smaller pups9, compared with control groups. Some of the in vitro studies on human cells or tissues also suggest toxicity. But, just as with the marine studies, it‘s not clear that the concentrations used are relevant to what mice — or people — are exposed to. Most of the studies also used polystyrene spheres, which don‘t represent the diversity of microplastics that people ingest. Koelmans also points out that these studies are among the first of their kind, and could end up being outliers once there‘s an established body of evidence. There are more in vitro studies than animal studies, but researchers say they still don‘t know how to extrapolate the effects of solid plastic specks on tissues to possible health problems in whole animals. Magnified view of microplastics and other particles that were collected in 11 western national parks and wilderness areas Spot the plastic? Dust, sediment, and microplastic fibres and beads are mingled in this millimetre-wide magnified image of particles sampled from national parks and wilderness areas in the western United States.Credit: Janice Brahney, Utah State University One question surrounding risk is whether microplastics could remain in the human body, potentially accumulating in some tissues. Studies in mice
  • 15. Page 15 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 have found that microplastics around 5 µm across could stay in the intestines or reach the liver. Using very limited data on how quickly mice excrete microplastics and the assumption that only a fraction of particles 1–10 µm in size would be absorbed into the body through the gut, Koelmans and colleagues estimate that a person might accumulate several thousand microplastic particles in their body over their lifetime2. Some researchers have started to explore whether microplastics can be found in human tissue. In December, a team documented this for the first time in a study that looked at six placentas10. Researchers broke down the tissue with a chemical, then examined what was left, and ended up with 12 particles of microplastic in 4 of those placentas. Yet it‘s not impossible that these specks were the result of contamination when the placentas were collected or analysed, says Rolf Halden, an environmental-health engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe — although he commends the researchers for their efforts to avoid contamination, which included keeping delivery wards free of plastic objects, and for showing that a control set of blank materials taken through the same sample analysis was not contaminated. ―There is a continuing challenge of demonstrating conclusively that a given particle actually originated in a tissue,‖ he says. Chemistry can make plastics sustainable – but isn‘t the whole solution Those who are worried by their microplastic exposure can reduce it, says Li. His work on kitchenware found that the amounts of plastic shed depend highly on temperature — which is why he‘s stopped microwaving food in plastic containers. To reduce issues with baby bottles, his team suggests that parents could rinse sterilized bottles with cool water that has been boiled in non-plastic kettles, so as to wash away any microplastics released during sterilization. And they can prepare baby formula in glass containers, filling feeding bottles after the milk has cooled. The team is now recruiting parents to volunteer samples of their babies‘ urine and stools for microplastic analysis. The nano fraction Particles that are small enough to penetrate and hang around in tissues, or even cells, are the most worrying kind, and warrant more attention in environmental sampling, says Halden. One study11 that deliberately let pregnant mice inhale extremely tiny particles, for instance, later found the particles in almost every organ in their fetuses. ―From a risk perspective, that‘s where the real concern is, and that‘s where we need more data.‖ To enter cells, particles generally need to be smaller than a few hundred nanometres. There was no formal definition of a nanoplastic until 2018, when French researchers proposed the upper size limit of 1 µm — tiny enough to remain dispersed through a water column where organisms can more easily consume them, instead of sinking or floating as larger
  • 16. Page 16 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 microplastics do, says Alexandra ter Halle, an analytical chemist at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France. But researchers know almost nothing about nanoplastics; they are invisible and cannot simply be scooped up. Just measuring them has stumped scientists. Researchers can use optical microscopes and spectrometers — which distinguish between particles by their differing interactions with light — to measure the length, width and chemical make-up of plastic particles down to a few micrometres. Below that scale, plastic particles become difficult to distinguish from non-plastic particles such as marine sediment or biological cells. ―You‘re looking for the needle in the haystack, but the needle looks like the hay,‖ says Roman Lehner, a nanomaterials scientist at the Sail and Explore Association, a Swiss non-profit research group. False colour image of microplastic sample showing different types of plastics in different colours A false-colour image, using infrared spectrometry analysis, of a sample from a waste-water treatment plant in Oldenburg, Germany. Fragments picked out in colour are plastic polymers; other fragments include rubber, soot, sand and plant fibres.Source: S. Primpke et al. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 410, 5131–5141 (2018). In 2017, ter Halle and her colleagues proved for the first time that nanoplastic exists in an environmental sample: seawater collected from the Atlantic Ocean12. She extracted colloidal solids from the water, filtered away any particles larger than 1 µm, burnt what remained, and used a mass spectrometer — which fragments molecules and sorts the fragments by molecular weight — to confirm that plastic polymers had existed in the remnants. That, however, gave no information on the exact sizes or shapes of the nanoplastics. Ter Halle got some idea by studying the surfaces of two degraded plastic containers she collected during the expedition. The top few hundred micrometres had become crystalline and brittle, she found; she thinks that this may also be true of the nanoplastics that probably broke off from these surfaces13. For now, because researchers cannot collect nanoplastics from the environment, those doing laboratory studies grind up their own plastic, expecting to get similar particles. Tainted water: the scientists tracing thousands of fluorinated chemicals in our environment Using home-made nanoplastics has an advantage: researchers can introduce tags to help track the particles inside test organisms. Lehner and colleagues prepared fluorescent nano-sized plastic particles and placed
  • 17. Page 17 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 them under tissue built from human intestinal-lining cells14. The cells did absorb the particles, but did not show signs of cytotoxicity. Finding plastic specks lodged in intact slices of tissue — through a biopsy, for instance — and observing any pathological effects would be the final piece of the puzzle over microplastic risks, Lehner says. This would be ―highly desirable‖, says Halden. But to reach tissues, the particles would have to be very small, so both researchers think it would be very difficult to detect them conclusively. Collecting all these data will take a lot of time. Ter Halle has collaborated with ecologists to quantify microplastic ingestion in the wild. Analysing only particles larger than 700 µm in some 800 samples of insects and fish took thousands of hours, she said. The researchers are now examining the particles in the 25–700 µm range. ―This is difficult and tedious, and this is going to take a long time to get the results,‖ she says. To look at the smaller size range, she adds, ―the effort is exponential.‖ Photo of microplastics sample from the 7th Continent Expedition in 2015 A sample of plastics collected on one of Alexandra ter Halle‘s ocean expeditions.Credit: Vinci Sato@ Expedition 7th Continent No time to lose For the moment, levels of microplastics and nanoplastics in the environment are too low to affect human health, researchers think. But their numbers will rise. Last September, researchers projected15 that the amount of plastic added to existing waste each year — whether carefully disposed of in sealed landfills or strewn across land and sea — could more than double from 188 million tonnes in 2016 to 380 million tonnes in 2040. By then, around 10 million tonnes of this could be in the form of microplastics, the scientists estimated — a calculation that didn‘t include the particles continually being eroded from existing waste. It is possible to rein in some of our plastic waste, says Winnie Lau at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington DC, who is the first author on the study. The researchers found that if every proven solution to curb plastic pollution were adopted in 2020 and scaled up as quickly as possible — including switching to systems of reuse, adopting alternative materials, and recycling plastic — the amount of plastic waste added could drop to 140 million tonnes per year by 2040. By far the biggest gains would come from cutting out plastics that are used only once and discarded. ―There‘s no point producing things that last for 500 years and then using them for 20 minutes,‖ Galloway says. ―It‘s a completely unsustainable way of being.‖ Nature 593, 22-25 (2021)
  • 18. Page 18 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 doi: References 1. Li, D. et al. Nature Food 1, 746–754 (2020). © 2021 Springer Nature Limited Kamis, Jokowi Resmikan Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Listrik Terbesar di Indonesia Rabu, 5 Mei 2021 | 03:24 WIB Penulis: Kontributor Surabaya, Ghinan Salman Editor: Robertus Belarminus SURABAYA, - Pengolah Sampah menjadi Energi Listrik (PSEL) yang berada di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Benowo Surabaya akan diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada Kamis (6/5/2021). Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Surabaya, mulai mematangkan persiapan untuk penyambutan Presiden Jokowi sesuai protokol kesehatan (prokes). Selain dihadiri Presiden Jokowi, peresmian itu rencananya juga bakal dihadiri beberapa menteri. Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kepala Dinas Kebersihan dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (DKRTH) Kota Surabaya Anna Fajriatin mengatakan, pihaknya telah menyiapkan segala keperluan sebelum hari H peresmian. Persiapan ini tentunya telah disesuaikan dengan protokol kesehatan.
  • 19. Page 19 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 "Pak Presiden juga ingin melihat secara langsung, jadi mulai dari marketnya. Kemudian ada penjelasan singkat terkait pengolahan sampah menjadi listrik ini, mungkin sebelum masuk ke area tenda atau tempat acara," kata Anna, saat dikonfirmasi, Selasa (4/5/2021). Setelah mendapat penjelasan singkat terkait PSEL Benowo, pihaknya kemudian mengajak Presiden menuju lantai 3 dan lantai 6. Di lantai 3 sendiri, Presiden dapat melihat langsung bagaimana proses mesin bekerja mengolah sampah menjadi listrik. "Jadi, proses mesinnya itu bagaimana, berapa jumlah tonasenya, berapa jumlah listrik yang dihasilkan. Jadi, bisa kelihatan di dalam layar," ujar Anna. Bahkan, kata Anna, di lantai 3 juga dapat melihat langsung suasana di luar area PSEL. Seperti, bagaimana dump truk bekerja mengangkut hingga menurunkan sampah ke waste pit, sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam mesin turbin untuk proses menghasilkan listrik. "Nah, bagaimana caranya kita bisa melihat listrik itu. Jadi memang, di situ kan ada cerobong, kalau cerobongnya sudah berwarna putih itu berarti pembakarannya sempurna, dan itu menggunakan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan," tutur Anna. Ia menuturkan, pembangunan PSEL Benowo ini dimulai sejak tahun 2012 menggandeng PT Sumber Organik (SO). Saat itu, proses mengolah sampah menjadi listrik masih menggunakan metode landfill gas power plant. "Dengan metode ini, PSEL mampu menghasilkan energi listrik 2 megawatt dari 600 ton sampah per hari," ujar dia. Halaman Selanjutnya Seiring berjalannya waktu, kemudian… Halaman: 1 2 3 PLN Gunakan Listrik Dari PLTSa Benowo Surabaya
  • 20. Page 20 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 PLTSa Benowo berkapasitas 9 MW dan merupakan PLTSa kedua yang beroperasi di Jatim. Jumat , 07 May 2021, 04:32 WIB MOCH ASIM/ANTARA Pekerja beraktivitas di sekitar instalasi Pengolahan Sampah menjadi Energi Listrik (PSEL) di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Benowo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (6/5/2021). PSEL yang baru diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo tersebut merupakan hasil kerja sama antara Pemkot Surabaya dengan PT Sumber Organik yang menghasilkan energi listrik 11 megawatt dengan rincian 2 megawatt melalui metode Landfill Gas Power Plant dan 9 megawatt dari Gassification Power Plant. Rep: Intan Pratiwi Red: Friska Yolandha REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presiden RI, Joko Widodo didampingi Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Timur, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Arifin Tasrif dan Walikota Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi serta Direktur Utama PLN, Zulkifli Zaini meresmikan Instalasi Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Energi Listrik (PSEL) Berbasis Tekonologi Ramah Lingkungan Benowo Surabaya, Kamis (6/5). PLN mendukung penuh pengembangan bauran energi dari fosil ke ramah lingkungan, salah satunya dengan melakukan pembelian energi listrik berbasis sampah. "PLTSa Benowo ini termasuk salah satu program pemerintah-percepatan Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolah Sampah Menjadi Energi Listrik Berbasis teknologi ramah Lingkungan. Dalam hal ini PLN mendukung penuh pengembangan bauran energi dari fosil ke ramah lingkungan dengan pembelian energi listrik berbasis sampah," papar Direktur Utama PLN, Zulkifli Zaini. Pembangkit Listrik dengan Bahan Bakar Sampah Kota yang terletak di TPA Benowo ini berkapasitas 9 MW dan merupakan PLTSa kedua yang
  • 21. Page 21 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 beroperasi di Jawa Timur setelah sebelumnya pada November 2015 beroperasi PLTSa Benowo 1,65 MW dengan teknologi Sanitary Landfill. PLTSa Benowo ini merupakan PLTSa pertama di Indonesia yang menggunakan konsep Zero Waste dengan proses gasifikasi dan untuk produksi listrik dengan kapasitas 9 MW ini. PLN bekerja sama dengan IPP (Independent Power Producer) – PT Sumber Organik. Kerja sama tersebut dilakukan sampai dengan tahun 2032 dengan harga beli sebesar 13,35 sen dolar AS per kWh sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 35 Tahun 2018. Keunggulan dari teknologi zero waste ini adalah tidak ada sampah yang tersisa dibanding teknologi sebelumnya yang masih memiliki residu. "Untuk kapasitas 9 MW ini dapat digunakan untuk melistriki sekitar 5.885 rumah tangga dengan daya 1300 VA di wilayah Surabaya dan sekitarnya," ucap Zulkifli. pltsa benowo energi ramah lingkungan listrik pln benowo-surabaya Infografis PLTSa
  • 22. Page 22 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 4 R Semestinya
  • 23. Page 23 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 9/5 19.29] +62 851-5675-0983: 5557024/pegiat-lingkungan-minta-pemkab- karawang-terapkan-aturan-penggunaan-plastik Tanggapan [9/5 22.33] PuputTD: Pengelolaan sampah 3R (reduce, reuse dan rycycle) sudah puluhan tahun di canangkan, tapi tdk solutuf juga � ujungnya juga bermuara ke TPA sanpahnya, Perlu di evaluasi dan perbaharui dgn solusi yang holistik lah � � � [9/5 22.37] PuputTD: UU 18/2008 semua sampah yang ke TPA harus bisa terurai , keknya kantung plastik yang sudah uji lab dan ecolebel dan mudah terurai..bisa jadi solusi untuk penganti pengunaan kantung plastik konvensional ..jangan pakai solusi tunggal, semua solusi hra di pakai lah.. Sekali pakai itu kan perilaku, apapun jenis kantung..bisa di pakai berulang2 kalo perilakunya si pemakainya niat memakai berulang2 � [9/5 22.39] PuputTD: Ada yang kelewat untuk di kritisi impor sampah/ pabrik kertas, jgn cuma sinarmas grup saja yg di semprot nih.. Di Jawa timur ada PT Suparma, jateng ada PT Enggal subur dan di Jabar ada Fajat paper wesesa ? [9/5 22.45] PuputTD: Kita dukung 100% tolak pengunaan kantung plastik konvensional sekali pakai.. Tapi catatan saya..semenjak ramai2 kampanye melarang pengunaan kantung plastik Konvensional sekali pakai, banyak yang berralih ke kantung kertas dan Tas pakai berulang kali (dasarnya bahan plastik juga) Pertanyaan saya, lebih ramah pakai kantung kertas atau pakai kantung plastik ya ? Kalo saya pilih yang terbaik dari yang paling buruk, saya dukung sulusi dgn kantung plastik yang ramah, mudah terurai di alam/TPA, sudah lulus Uji Lab dan SNI ekolebel
  • 24. Page 24 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 [9/5 22.55] PuputTD: Dalam pantauan kami daerah2 yang menerapkan aturan pengendalian sampai plastik / larangan pengunaan kantung plastik sekali pakai, tdk ada yang berjalan baik, 1. Baik masih banyak pasar2 tradisional, warung2 dll masih pakai kantung plastik konvensional 2. Jakarta, apalagi di jakarta, hampir semua pasar tradisional, warung2 semua masih pakai kantung konvensional Hampir semua daerah yang melarang semua hampir tidaj berjalan..artinya perlu di carikan solusi yang holistik sesuai kebutuhan lokal, berat juga kalo kita cuma niru2 kaya program di luar negeri, jelas beda kebutuhannya, di lihat dari sistem pengolahan sampahnya, sosial dan ekonominya dll dll.. Jadinya kita cuma ramai di kampanye penolakan saja , tidak solutip dan terkesan ini kepentingan perang dagang, repotnya lagi..kalo gembor2 kita ini karna kepemtingan program donor ? Dan bukan solusi lokal dalam negeri� � ♂ [9/5 22.58] PuputTD: Jadi jangan cuma 3R (reduce, reuse dan rycycle). *"Tapi harus 4 R = reduce, reuse, rycycle dan Return to Earth"* � ✌� Amphini tanam mangrove di TPST Bantargebang Pengurus AMPHIBI Menanam Pohon Mangrove Di TPA Bantar Gebang May 11, 2021 - by admin - Leave a Comment FacebookTwitterLineWhatsAppSambung SBN, Kota Bekasi – Mangrove, pada dasarnya habitat asli tanaman ini berada di pesisir pantai, teluk dan muara. Mangrove juga dikenal sebagai tumbuhan laut yang memiliki akar dan batang yang sangat kuat dan mampu menahan ombak laut atau Tsunami, abrasi pantai serta longsor. Berbeda dengan yang dilakukan Aliansi Masyarakat Pemerhati Lingkungan Hidup & B3 Indonesia (AMPHIBI), mereka melakukan uji coba penanaman pohon mangrove di wilayah Zona 1 TPA Bantargebang
  • 25. Page 25 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Bekasi (09/05). Penanaman 500 pohon Mangrove yang dilakukan jajaran pengurus Amphibi Bekasi Raya dan pentolan DPP Amphibi, di antaranya Ketua Umum Amphibi Agus Salim Tanjung,So,Si., Dewan Pembina/Pendiri Amphibi Nawa Kurniawan SIP, Ketua Amphibi Bekasi Raya Mohamad Hendri A, ST, Kabid SDA Joko Santoso, Bidang penanggulangan bencana Faris ST, Bidang Pengelolaan Sampah Bintang Andri Hidayat ST, Jeje dan ujang Ridwan Humas/Ops Amphibi adalah sebagai program uji coba penanaman lanjutan Amphibi untuk yang ke 3 kalinya. Ketua umum Amphibi Agus Salim Tanjung mengatakan bahwa dalam uji coba penanaman yang ke tiga kali ini dilakukan di lokasi zona 1 tepatnya di depan PLTSA Bantargebang. Penanaman 500 Mangrove jenis Rhizopora (Apiculata) yang dilakukan pada posisi tingkat kedua gundukan/ bukit sampah sebagai tindak lanjut penanaman Amphibi pada peringatan Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional (HPSN 2021) tanggal 21 Februari 2021 lalu. Hal ini kami lakukan sebagai bentuk kontribusi Amphibi dalam mengenang tragedi longsor di TPA Leuwigajah, Cimahi, Jawa Barat yang menelan korban 157 jiwa melayang akibat longsor bukit gunung Sampah, ucap AS.Tanjung. Sebagai solusi Amphibi untuk mencegah longsor bukit/gunung Sampah adalah penanaman pohon Mangrove di TPA. Sebelumnya kami juga telah melakukan uji coba penanaman Mangrove pada bulan oktober 2020 dengan tingkat keberhasilan 90 persen, ujar AS.Tanjung. Sementara Ketua Amphibi Bekasi Raya Mohamad Hendri yang didampingi Kabid SDA Joko Santoso mengatakan bahwa uji coba penanaman 5000 pohon mangrove di TPA Bantargebang seharusnya sudah selesai pada bulan April 2021. Dikarenakan adanya kendala setelah sehari peringatan HPSN 21 februari 2021, untuk itu kami menunggu pihak TPA Bantargebang melakukan perapihan lokasi di TPA Bantargebang, ―ucap Hendri. Kabid SDA Amphibi Joko Santoso selaku koordinator penanaman Mangrove di TPA Bantargebang menjelaskan tentang fungsi pohon Mangrove yang ditanam di lokasi TPA Bantargebang‘ ―tujuan kami melakukan uji coba penanaman pohon Mangrove di TPA adalah Pertama : batang Mangrove mampu menahan tumpukan bukit/gunung sampah dari longsor akibat tekanan air dan lindi.Kedua :
  • 26. Page 26 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 daun Mangrove mampu menyerap zat karbon lima kali lebih baik dari pada tanaman hutan biasa serta menyerap bau busuk di TPA. Ketiga : akar Mangrove mampu menetralisir racun dan bau yang terkandung di air lindi. ―Disamping itu, dalam pengamatan kami selama ini, bahwa setiap adanya penanaman pohon yang dilakukan pemerintah maupun pihak TPA dilokasi tumpukan bukit/gunung sampah, hampir 95 persen pohon yang ditanam tidak dapat hidup alias mati, ―ucap Joko. Nawa Kurniawan selaku Dewan Pembina dan Pendiri Amphibi yang hadir menerima penghargaan Museum Rekor Dunia-Indonesia (MURI) untuk AMPHIBI sebagai yang Pertama melakukan Penanaman Mangrove di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir (TPSa) yang juga turut serta dalam uji coba penanaman Mangrove tersebut menjelaskan bahwa apa yang telah dilakukan Amphibi bukan semata mata pencitraan. ―Ini real (nyata), hal ini harus mendapat suport dan dukungan dari pemerintah republik Indonesia agar program ini dapat berkembang menjadi sulusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan yang sangat kompleks di wilayah TPA, ―tutup Nawa Kurniawan. (**Joko S/Gono mangrove-di-tpa-bantar-gebang/ Aksu tanam mangrove menjawab kebutuhan untuk pembuangan sampah Jakarta?
  • 27. Page 27 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Waste Station di MRT
  • 28. Page 28 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Diringkas dari video
  • 29. Page 29 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 12 Mei 2021 Terima kasih kepada rekan media yang telah meliput Pulau Plastik. Terima kasih juga kepada bapak @aniesbaswedan dan @bimaaryasugiarto yang telah hadir dalam penayangan film Pulau Plastik dan mendukung gerakan kami. Film Pulau Plastik masih bisa kamu saksikan di JAKARTA, BLOK M SQUARE 21! Mari bersama-sama #BergerakuntukMasaDepan dan menjadi bagian dari solusi dalam pengurangan sampah plastik sekali pakai. #PulauPlastik #FilmPulauPlastik 12 Mei 2021 TPU menjadi TPA? Info sekilas tempat pembuangan sampah itu terdapat di wilayah kota Tegal
  • 30. Page 30 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Environmental investigations It’s on our plates and in our poo, but are microplastics a health risk? The omnipresent plastic is rife in dust, rice, placentas and tap water, but experts say it’s hard to untangle whether it’s harmful to humans Graham Readfearn Sat 15 May 2021 21.00 BST As much as the idea might be unpalatable, all of our diets are now likely to include tiny servings of plastic. The places where microplastics and plastic fibres have been found is beginning to read like a supermarket shopping list. Studies have found microplastics – that is, pieces or fibres smaller than 5mm – in foods including tea, salt, seaweed, milk, seafood, honey, sugar, beer, vegetables and soft drinks. Tap water contains plastic. Bottled water contains even more. Why have sperm counts more than halved in the past 40 years? Read more Across our terrestrial and marine environments, microplastics have been found in most places where scientists have looked, including some of the most remote spots on Earth, threatening and, in some cases killing, wildlife. But when it comes to the effect of omnipresent plastic on human health, what‘s the risk?
  • 31. Page 31 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 ―Nobody really knows the answer,‖ says Prof Mark Taylor of Macquarie University in Sydney and an expert on environmental contamination. ―But the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.‖ A glass jar containing a sample of microplastics collected from the ocean in Hong Kong. Photograph: Alex Hofford/EPA Rice riddled with microplastics This week, a study of rice bought from supermarkets and a bulk-food store in Queensland became the latest to deliver a warning. Researchers found plastic in every sample, whether the rice was grown in Thailand, India, Pakistan or Australia and whether the rice was packaged in plastic or paper. Washing the rice reduced the amount of plastic likely to be ingested. But the study used special filtered water for rinsing. Most households only have access to tap water (which contains microplastics). Precooked rice – the kind that comes in microwaveable sachets – had the most plastic. But the amounts are tiny. The study says a 100g serve of rice typically contains 3.7mg of microplastics if it‘s unwashed, 2.8mg if it‘s washed or 13.3mg for instant rice (in the microwaveable pouches). A single grain of rice weighs roughly 30mg. Dr Jake O‘Brien, a lead author of the study from the Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences, says the higher levels of plastic in precooked samples was more likely down to the extra processing it goes through before it‘s packaged, rather than the plastic packaging itself. According to the study, there are multiple opportunities for rice to pick up plastics, from the soils to the machines used to pick, store, move and process the rice, to the packaging and handling. For an average Australian‘s rice consumption, this would equal about 1g a year of plastic. O‘Brien has also been finding levels of microplastics in prawns, oysters and sardines. He also took part in a study that found microplastics in the solid sludge left over at sewage works. That sludge – known as biosolids – is widely used as a fertiliser and soil improver on agricultural land. Some scientists have asked if this process means agricultural soils are an unforeseen dump for domestic microplastics.
  • 32. Page 32 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Our exposure to tiny pieces of plastic isn‘t limited to what we drink or eat. A team from Macquarie University in Sydney took samples of airborne dust from homes and in a study released earlier this month found about 40% of it was plastic. It's a wrap: clingfilm alternatives to help you ditch the plastic Read more Microplastic is clearly making its way into our bodies because it has been found in human poo. Scientists in Italy developed a plastic-free protocol in a hospital delivery room, and then examined placentas. They found microplastics there too. Taylor, who carried out the dust study, says it would be ―overreach‖ to say there are demonstrable effects on our health from ingesting microplastics, but he stresses this doesn‘t mean future studies won‘t find problems. ―It would be prudent and smart for people to reduce plastics in their home where that‘s possible. Do we really need all those plastic food containers?‖ Environmental contamination experts recommend reducing the amount of plastics we use at home. Photograph: hedgehog94/Getty Images/iStockphoto ‗It is the dose that makes the poison‘ Prof Ian Musgrave, a toxicologist at the University of Adelaide, says knowing if microplastics are harmful to humans is hard to untangle when we are exposed to so many other substances. ―It is enormously difficult because we live in an environment with lots of other things,‖ he says. ―We have a saying though, that it is the dose that makes the poison. ―While we are consuming things that have tiny amounts of microplastics, we don‘t absorb them. But because we can‘t demonstrate damage, that‘s not a reason to be casual.‖ There are multiple studies showing microplastics are being ingested by marine animals, including seabirds and fish, but isolating the impact they have against all the other pollution and pressure they are exposed to is difficult. Likewise, there are emerging studies reporting the effects of microplastics on laboratory mice, with some scientists suggesting if the dose is high enough, they can affect reproduction.
  • 33. Page 33 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 'Wake-up call': microplastics found in Great Australian Bight sediment Read more A 2019 study from German scientists examined 34 household plastic products – from shower slippers and fruit trays to yoghurt cups and scouring pads. Many contained compounds that were toxic, but Musgrave says the products were soaked for an hour in an alcohol solution. That process doesn‘t happen in the human body. But he says dusty environments in general can be harmful, and fibres – whether from a plastic source or otherwise – can also cause respiratory problems. He says plastics are having a major effect on marine environments and he is also concerned about the human health effects from particles of rubber and microplastics that come from tyre wear on roads. ―Tyre microplastics are very nasty,‖ he says. A statement from Food Standards Australia New Zealand, a government body that sets standards and regulates food safety, said there was ongoing interest among scientists and the community about the potential health effects from microplastics in food. ―The scientific evidence on potential exposure and health risks continues to evolve, however, our current view is that plastic contamination of the food chain is unlikely to result in any immediate health risks to consumers.‖ … as it’s our birthday month, we have a small favour to ask. It’s not every day you turn 200. As you’re joining us today from Indonesia, we hope you’ll help us celebrate two centuries of independent, high- impact Guardian journalism. Since 1821, tens of millions have placed their trust in our quality reporting, turning to us in moments of crisis, uncertainty, solidarity and hope. And this is just the beginning. Thanks to funding from more than 1.5 million Guardian supporters in 180 countries, we’ve remained open to all, and fiercely independent. With no shareholders or billionaire owner, we set our own agenda and provide truth-seeking journalism that’s free from commercial and political influence. When it’s never mattered more, we can investigate and challenge without fear or favour. Unlike many others, Guardian journalism is available for everyone to read, regardless of what they can afford to pay. We do this because we believe in information equality. Greater numbers of people can keep track of global events, understand their impact on people and communities, and become inspired to take meaningful action. Over the past 200 years, we have reported on the most critical issues and events of the day, and published countless exclusives that have held the powerful to account and exposed incompetence, injustice and impropriety. From Windrush to Wikileaks, Snowden to Cambridge Analytica, and from the
  • 34. Page 34 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 climate crisis to racial discrimination, our journalists investigate wrongdoing in the hope that revealing it will help put it right. If there were ever a time to join us, it is now. Every contribution, however big or small, powers our journalism and sustains our future. Support the Guardian from as little as $1 – it only takes a minute. If you can, please consider supporting us with a regular amount each month. Thank you. Support the Guardian Remind me in July Topics Plastics Environmental investigations and-in-our-poo-but-are-microplastics-a-health- risk?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Sejumlah pemulung di Kecamatan Sukmajaya menjalani test swab. ( Agung Prihanto), Depok - Polsek Sukmajaya bersama Koramil 03/Sukmajaya, dan Kecamatan Sukmajaya Depok, Jawa Barat melakukan swab test Covid-19 di lokasi tunawisma atau pemulung. Kapolsek Sukmajaya, AKP Syafri Wasdar mengatakan, pelaksanaan swab test kepada pemulung untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19. di wilayahnya. 5 Provinsi Sumbang Kasus Baru COVID-19 Terbanyak per 22 Mei 2021 Menurutnya, pemulung merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan karena kerap keluar masuk kampung atau permukiman penduduk. "Kami melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap 40 tunawisma," ujar Syafri, Sabtu (22/5/2021). Syafri menjelaskan, pemeriksaan swab test dilakukan secara gratis dan sebagai tindak lanjut dari Polda Metro Jaya untuk memastikan usai libur Lebaran, warga terhindar dari penyebaran Covid-19. Menurutnya, pemulung sangat rentan menularkan Covid-19 sehingga perlu dilakukan test. "Alhamdulillah mereka sangat patuh dan mengikuti swab test," ungkap Syafri.
  • 35. Page 35 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Syafri mengungkapkan, sebelumnya banyak pemulung yang melakukan penolakan karena belum pernah mengikuti swab test. Polsek Sukmajaya bersama tiga pilar lainnya berencana akan menyambangi sejumlah lokasi pemulung lainnya untuk melakukan hal yang sama untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19. "Ada sejumlah lokasi lainnya yang kami tuju untuk swab test. Para tunawisma ini kan jarang sekali mendapatkan swab test untuk mendeteksi Covid-19," ucap Syafri. Usai Mudik, Warga Diminta Lapor RT, RW Sejumlah pemulung di Kecamatan Sukmajaya menjalani test swab. ( Agung Prihanto) Syafri meminta, masyarakat yang usai melakukan perjalanan mudik atau memiliki gejala Covid-19, dapat melaporkan ke pihak RT dan RW. Selain itu, masyarakat diharapkan dapat menerapkan disiplin protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan Covd-19. "Kami akan berusaha membantu untuk menekan COVID-19 di Kota Depok," ujarnya. Salah seorang pemulung, Risman menuturkan, swab test yang diberikan Polsek Sukmajaya sempat dirinya merasa cemas dan takut. Hal itu dikarenakan dirinya belum pernah melakukan swab test, apalagi melihat pemeriksaannya dengan memasukan alat ke lubang hidung maupun mulut. "Awalnya ngebayangin akan terasa sakit karena dimasukan alat gitu," ujar Risman. Risman menuturkan, setelah mendapatkan penjelasan terkait tujuan swab test, dirinya mengikuti dan tidak merasakan sakit saat di test swab. Apalagi penularan COVID-19 membuat dirinya khawatir akan kesehatan istri dan anaknya sehingga memberanikan diri untuk mengikuti test.
  • 36. Page 36 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 "Iya kasihan juga, apabila saya reaktif terus akan menular ke anak dan istri saya," pungkas Risman. 3 dari 3 halaman Dst sasaran-swab-test-polsek-sukmajaya-depok 25 Mei 2021 Sampah di Sidoarjo Jawa Timur amburadul… Narasinya pendek 25 Mei 2021 Penegakan Hukum Kunci Citarum Harum
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  • 38. Page 38 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 MARI BERANTAS ANCAMAN PADA BENGAWAN BRANTAS BEBAS AKSES KONSERVASI SUNGAI Mari Berantas Ancaman pada Bengawan Brantas Kawasan hulu dan hilir Sungai Brantas sama-sama memerlukan perhatian semua pihak. Oleh RUNIK SRI ASTUTI / DEFRI WERDIONO 25 Mei 202107:06 WIB·4 menit baca KOMPAS/BAHANA PATRIA GUPTA Sepeda warga saat banjir di Desa Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kecamatan Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur, Selasa (16/2/2021). Kiprah Bengawan Brantas yang jelas-jelas menghidupi jutaan orang selama berabad-abad tak lantas membebaskan sungai ini dari ancaman kerusakan lingkungan, terutama yang disebabkan pencemaran sampah dan limbah. Gerakan penyelamatan digaungkan berbagai kalangan di sepanjang daerah aliran dari hulu hingga hilir. Rumini (58), warga Dusun Manisrenggo, Desa Godangmanis, Jombang, Februari lalu, terpaksa mengungsi ke balai desa karena kebanjiran. Air sudah setinggi 1 meter di rumahnya. Dengan membawa baju ganti seadanya, ia bergabung dengan tetangganya yang lebih dulu mengungsi. ‖Tadi malam masih selutut, tapi tadi pagi naik lagi. Semua (barang) saya tinggal, hanya bawa seadanya,‖ kata Rumini seperti dikutip Banjir Jombang pada Februari lalu tergolong besar. Banjir dipicu jebolnya tanggul Sungai Afvour Besuk dan Sungai Afvour Brawijaya yang menjadi bagian aliran sungai Brantas. Lebih kurang 1.200 warga terpaksa mengungsi. Lima desa dan jalan raya nasional di Jombang terendam banjir berhari-hari. Warga korban banjir berada di tenda di tanggul sungai di Desa Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kecamatan Bandar Kedungmulyo, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur, Selasa (16/2/2021). Tercatat sudah sembilan kali banjir, banjir bandang, dan sekali tanah longsor di Jombang sejak 2021. Bencana ini terkait erat dengan daya tampung sungai, sampah, tanggul jebol, dan lahan kritis. Persoalan lahan kritis, sampah, dan sebagainya memang sudah terjadi sejak di hulu. Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta I mendata tutupan lahan di hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai Brantas di Jawa Timur tersisa 20 persen dari
  • 39. Page 39 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 luas wilayah hulu yang mencapai 2.050 kilometer persegi. ‖Dari data 2008- 2010 yang dipantau sampai dua tahun terakhir, saat kemarau tutupan lahan hanya sekitar seperlima,‖ kata Direktur Umum Perum Jasa Tirta Raymond Valiant Ruritan, Jumat (22/5/2021). Sisanya, menurut Raymond, terbagi-bagi. Ada yang berupa permukiman, lahan terbuka, dan lainnya. Kondisi ini tentu berpengaruh terhadap daerah tangkapan air. Air hujan yang turun langsung memicu terjadinya erosi. Erosi membawa tanah dan lumpur ke aliran sungai yang akhirnya mengendap di bendungan. ‖Di Bendungan Sengguruh, 90 persen tampungannya sudah terisi sedimen. Sedangkan di Bendungan Sutami (Karangkates), Kecamatan Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang, yang ada di hilir, sekitar 40 persen tampungannya juga sudah terisi sedimen,‖ ucapnya. Petani menggarap lahan untuk ditanami wortel di kawasan sekitar arboretum dan hulu Sungai Brantas yang dulunya hutan di Desa Sumberbrantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, Minggu (28/4/2013). Beberapa tahun terakhir, di Desa Sumberbantas acap terjadi luberan lumpur ke badan jalan saat hujan deras tiba. Angin kencang yang membawa debu dari lahan pertanian juga terjadi dua kali pada tahun 2019 lalu. Di bagian hilir, persoalan tak kalah besar. Timbunan sampah liar masih jamak ditemukan di berbagai titik sepanjang daerah aliran Brantas beserta puluhan anak sungainya. Berulang kali dibersihkan, timbunan itu datang lagi dan lagi. Terbanyak, sampah produk sekali pakai, seperti plastik kresek, plastik kemasan makanan minuman, dan popok bayi. Baca juga: Sungai Brantas Terus Jadi Tempat Buang Popok Bekas Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Kajian Ekologi dan Konservasi Lahan Basah (Ecoton) Prigi Arisandi memprediksi 1,2 juta popok di buang ke sungai setiap hari. Perhitungan itu didasarkan pada data BPS Jatim 2013 yang menyatakan terdapat 750.000 anak batita di daerah aliran Sungai Brantas. Popok sekali pakai ini butuh waktu 400 tahun terurai dan mengandung bahan kimia beracun, seperti klorin, dioksin, dan tributyltin yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Selain popok, sampah rumah tangga, terutama plastik sekali pakai serta kemasan makanan dan minuman, juga banyak ditemukan di sungai. Volumenya diprediksi mencapai puluhan ton per hari. KOMPAS/BAHANA PATRIA GUPTA
  • 40. Page 40 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Aktivis Ecoton melakukan unjuk terkait masalah sampah popok yang mencemari Sungai Brantas, Surabaya, Selasa (13/2/2018). Perbaikan Upaya pemulihan kondisi sungai sejauh ini telah dilakukan. Namun, masih berskala kecil dan belum menyeluruh. Di Desa Selorejo, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, misalnya, warga menanam kayu produktif di lahan kas desa. Begitu pula di daerah Tumpang, di anak Sungai Bango yang masuk ke Sungai Brantas, masyarakat berupaya mengonservasi dengan melakukan penghijauan. Baca juga: Waduk Karangkates Belum Terbebas dari Sampah Plastik Langkah serupa ada di kawasan Bumiaji. Di tempat ini penanaman hingga pembersihan sungai dilakukan berkala. Perum Jasa Tirta juga melakukan konservasi di hulu Brantas bersama komunitas masyarakat. Upaya ini dilakukan dari bawah ke atas (bottom up), baik di Kabupaten Malang maupun Batu. Di hilir, upaya membebaskan Brantas dari popok bayi sekali pakai sudah rutin digelar di sekitar bantaran sungai. Brigade Evakuasi Popok (BEP) bentukan Ecoton juga rutin menyusuri aliran sungai dan membersihkan popok. Upaya penyelamatan lingkungan Brantas juga dilakukan kalangan akademisi dan mahasiswa dari 16 perguruan tinggi negeri se-Jatim dengan menggelar kuliah krja nyata (KKN). Program KKN Brantas Tuntas itu berlangsung selama 2019-2020 melibatkan 5.000 mahasiswa membersihkan dan mengedukasi masyarakat sepanjang daerah aliran sungai agar menjaga Brantas. Namun sejak pandemi, program ini berhenti. KOMPAS/ AMBROSIUS HARTO Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa memulung sampah di Kali Surabaya (Sungai Brantas), Minggu (17/2/2019). Ketua Yayasan Pengembangan Usaha Strategis dan Advokasi Pelestarian Alam (Pusaka)—lembaga pemerhati lingkungan—Bambang Parianom, menilai, meski sudah ada upaya perbaikan, belum ada langkah konservasi yang strategis di hulu DAS Brantas. Masyarakat masih tergoda kepentingan ekonomi. Di sisi lain, kesadaran di wilayah hilir untuk menjaga sungai juga belum sepenuhnya timbul. Koordinator Telisik Komunitas Mikroplastik Mahasiswa Biologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Ulfi Hidayatul Husna meminta Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa menyusun peraturan daerah
  • 41. Page 41 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 tentang larangan penggunaan sampah plastik sekali pakai. Kondisi sampah plastik yang mencemari sungai sudah mengkhawatirkan karena mengontaminasi air dan biota di dalamnya. Upaya kerja sama dari hulu hingga hilir mutlak diperlukan untuk melindungi Brantas dari ancaman yang kita timbulkan sendiri. Brantas telah memberi kehidupan dan sepatutnya memelihara keberlanjutannya. KOMPAS/BAHANA PATRIA GUPTA Anak bermain di Daerah Aliran Sungai Brantas di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Minggu (23/5/2021). ancaman-pada-bengawan-brantas/ Peluncuran rencana Aksi ASEAN untuk Penangan Sampah Laut 29 Mei 2021 The implementation plan presented in this publication is envisioned to leverage the region‘s collective experience by sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as utilize the economies of scale to be found in areas such as standards, innovation, financing and training. Ultimately, this approach aims to support and encourage AMS to strengthen policies and practices at the national level, while enhancing collaboration and coordination at the regional and international levels in order to achieve sustainable management of coastal and marine environments. Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General of ASEAN There is a pressing need for ASEAN countries to come together to provide comprehensible, scalable solutions to address marine debris...Fortunately, there is a growing number of champions in countries, corporations and communities that are helping reduce unnecessary plastics usage, increase plastics recycling, and reduce plastics leakage on land and in water bodies.
  • 42. Page 42 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand Victoria Kwakwa, Regional Vice President East Asia and the Pacific Region, World Bank The Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris will play an important role in helping ASEAN turn the tide in the battle with plastic waste and protect the vital marine environments that sustain the region for generations to come. Marine plastic debris is a global problem. The way plastics are currently produced, used and managed often does not reflect the economic benefits of an approach to a ―circular‖ economy and results in harm to the environment. International action remains key to tackling the most significant sources of plastics litter in the oceans. The goal of the Regional Action Plan (RAP) is to enhance coordination at the regional and international levels for achieving sustainable management of coastal and marine environments through responding to marine plastic pollution. OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS THE PLASTIC WASTE VALUE CHAIN Given that land-based sources account for approximately 80% of marine plastic debris, integrated solutions can be identified across the plastic waste value chain. There are many opportunities for better management throughout the plastic life-cycle. An integrated approach is required to tackle marine debris with opportunities for action at three key stages of the value chain.
  • 43. Page 43 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 - Reduce Inputs into the System Reduce inputs into the system by designing products to be reusable or recyclable, improving business and consumer awareness on their waste plastic footprint, clarifying standards on biodegradability and compostability and reducing consumption of single-use plastics. Enhance Collection and Minimize Leakage Enhancing collection and minimizing leakage by improving key SWM infrastructure — especially poorly sited dumpsites, promoting sorting and appropriate fee structures, developing stronger enforcement mechanisms to discourage littering and clarifying packaging labels for end of life disposal/recycling. Create Value for Waste Reuse Create value for waste reuse by guaranteeing feedstock volumes, developing off take markets, improving consumer segregation of waste, increasing knowledge of suitable technologies and minimising investment risk in key solutions. REGIONAL ACTIONS FRAMEWORK OF ACTION COMPONENTS The political commitment of the AMS to tackle plastic waste provides opportunities to address marine littering on a regional scale, creating value for common markets, shared knowledge and homogeneous tools, approaches and technologies. To enable a coordinated approach, 14 Regional Actions are identified. These Actions aim to address a variety of plastic issues along the value chain and are categorized according to four Framework of Action components Framework Components PolicySupport & Planning Research, Innovation & capacity Building Private sector Engagement Public awareness, Education & Outreach REGIONAL ACTIONS POLICY SUPPORT & PLANNING
  • 44. Page 44 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 And so on Ref: ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in the ASEAN Member States; (2021-2025); SUMMARY 29 Mei 2021 Seniman berbincang dengan issue sampah plastik
  • 45. Page 45 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 30 Mei 2021 � � � � � � � � *BARANG BEKAS/RONGSOK BISA JADI AMAL JARIYAH? BISA BANGET* Bapak/ibu punya barang rongsok yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi? Daripada numpuk di gudang yuk sedekahkan saja ke uktub. Jadikan pahala. Semua barang bekas/rongsok akan kami olah yg hasilnya untuk kepentingan umat & dakwah. � � *KAMI JEMPUT BARANG BEKAS/RONGSOK LAYAK GUNA ANDA KE RUMAH* � ️*Jadwal Penjemputan Pekan Ini :* Ahad tgl 30 Mei 2021 Mulai jam : 08.00 - 12.00 (Ahad ini Jaksel & selatan Jakarta; Depok, Sawangan, Cinere, Jagakarsa, Pondok Cabe, dsk) � *Base camp* kami di Kp Gabus Tengah rt.01/02 Desa Sri Mukti Tambun Utara � *Barang sedekah bisa berupa :* kardus, kertas, buku² bekas, elektronik bekas (kipas, tv, radio, ac, dll), besi, alumunium, dan barang bekas lainnya yg punya nilai jual. � *Barang bekas/rongsok Anda in syâ Allâh akan menjadi manfaat, yg a.l hasilnya untuk:* baksos bagi kaum muslimin, pengadaan kitab2 para ulama utk santri/jamaah, pembiayaan dauroh, pembiayaan kajian sunnah. *Hub/WA:* abu shafaa Semoga benda² bekas tersebut dapat menjadi amal jariyah Anda, _baarakallaah fiikum, jazaakumullahu khayran_ Penutup 1. Bulan Mei ini banyak informasi dan beberapa data yang menunjukkan banyaknya kasus sampah plastik di wilayah sungai. Sungai Citarum, salah satu contohnya dicatatkan sebagai sungai paling banyak sampahnya sebagaimana tercantum dalam 10 sungai di dunia yang paling banyak sampahnya. Sampah sungai, contohnya, Berantas beberapa kali diekspos oleh para pemerhati sungai karena banyaknya sampah dan popok. Bahkan aksi para muda ini menggunakan media film dan melibatkan
  • 46. Page 46 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 seniman untuk memberikan kesadaran (kritis) terhadap masalah sampah plastik. 2. Perilaku warga terhadap sampah pesisir dan laut yang berada pada dua pulau kecil tetapi terkenal keindahannya, yaitu Pulau Selayar di Sulawesi Selatan dan Pulau Wakatobi di Sulawesi Tenggara, tampaknya tidak terkendali secara ekologis. Sampahnya dikendalikan dengan pembakaran tetapi sisanya tak tertangani. Pengendalian sampah dua pulau itu diamati dengan riset perilaku tetapi tampaknya variabel penting diabaikan dalam kerangka riset itu, yaitu pemerintah dan intervensinya; sebagaimana amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah; termasuk juga turunannya yaitu Perpres No. 83 Tahun 2018 tentang Penanganan Sampah Laut. Jika dua aturan itu dirujuk maka latar belakang perilaku warga pulau kecil itu tidak dapat serta merta dipersalahkan; yaitu dengan perilaku membakar sampah plastik. Dengan latar belakang ini akan terkuak betapa lemahnya penyuluhan dan penegakan aturan oleh pemerintah.Ringkasnya riset perilaku di atas tidak menyentuh aspek kebijakan sama sekali. Pengendalian sampah di laut pada tataran negara, maka kerjasama regional daklam kerangka ASEAN pada akhuir Mei 2021 telah diluncurkan The Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris. Kentadipun International action remains key to tackling the most significant sources of plastics litter in the oceans, however, the goal of the Regional Action Plan (RAP) is to enhance coordination at the regional and international levels for achieving sustainable management of coastal and marine environments through responding to marine plastic pollution. 3. Pengendalian sampah darat dari rumah tangga di wilayah ibukota mulai bermunculan di media sosial. Pertama pengumpulan sampah rumah tangga dibuat di dekat stasiun MRT. Lalu untuk kelas menengah dibuat pengumpulan sampah rumah tangga tetapi dipilah bagi pembuang sampah di Mal Senayan Jakarta Selatan. Di gerai ini dipamerkan pula hasil daur guna sampah... Mungkin menarik untuk ditengok tetapi kalangan kelas menengah mungkin membeli satu-dua produk daur ulang itu sebagai hiburan saja. Tetapi pada akhir Mei muncul upaya pengendalian sampah sebagaimana pemnafaatannya melalui pendekatan jemput bola. Bertajuk: BARANG BEKAS/RONGSOK BISA JADI AMAL JARIYAH? BISA BANGET dst. 4. Plastikmikro adalah issue yang tengah menjadi pusat perhatian sejak medio 2020 lalu. Kalangan peneliti di.... dewasa sangat berhati-hati meneliti plastikmikro demikian pula dalam menarik kesimpulannya. Tak tanggung-tanggung tercatat sebanyak 100an labor kajian digunakan untuk mengamati obyek itu. XiaoZhi Lim memaparkan studi tentang plastikmikro dari Magothy River dikaji di laboratorium di Universitas Maryland. Ringkasnya peneliti berpikir tampaknya plastikmikro rendah dampaknya terhadap manusia, tetapi dengan meningkat drastisnya plastikmikro dan
  • 47. Page 47 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 plastiknano maka keadaan dampak akan sangat perlu dicermati kembali. Karena plastic mikro adalah a ―plastic time bomb‖.. Penting untuk dicatat: It is possible to rein in some of our plastic waste, says Winnie Lau at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington DC, who is the first author on the study. The researchers found that if every proven solution to curb plastic pollution were adopted in 2020 and scaled up as quickly as possible — including switching to systems of reuse, adopting alternative materials, and recycling plastic — the amount of plastic waste added could drop to 140 million tonnes per year by 2040. By far the biggest gains would come from cutting out plastics that are used only once and discarded. ―There‘s no point producing things that last for 500 years and then using them for 20 minutes,‖ Galloway says. ―It‘s a completely unsustainable way of being.‖ Tambahan pula, harian online pada 15 Mei 2021 mewartakan kesimpulan Badan Standar Pangan Australia sulit menarik kesimpulan secara cepat mengenai resiko kesehatan bagi manusia dari pencemaran plastikmikro pada rantai pangan: A statement from Food Standards Australia New Zealand, a government body that sets standards and regulates food safety, said there was ongoing interest among scientists and the community about the potential health effects from microplastics in food. ―The scientific evidence on potential exposure and health risks continues to evolve, however, our current view is that plastic contamination of the food chain is unlikely to result in any immediate health risks to consumers.‖ 5. Sampah penghasil energi listrik bertambah lagi di Indonesia. Presiden Jokowi meresmikan PLTSa Benowo di minggu pertama Mei ini.PLTSa Benowo bersama dengan PLTSa BPPT di TPST Bantargebang Bekasi telah mulai memberikan secercah harapan akan terwujudnya energi terbarukan, kendatipun molor dari jadwal upaya nasional percepatan pengadaan listrik berbasis sampah di 12 kota. Tangerang 3 Juni 2021 Baca juga Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan April 2021 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi PLTSa dalam program percepatan pemerintah tak merata. Baru di Surabaya yang siap beroperasi. Industri Daur Ulang Plastik Penuhi Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Dalam Negeri Tetapi Menperin Agus berharap, produsen bahan kemasan plastik harus
  • 48. Page 48 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 melakukan R&D untuk menghasilkan bahan kemasan plastik yang ramah lingkungan dengan komitmen time frame yang jelas Terdapat 200 kantong plastik dalam onta yang berada di sekitar Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab Interpol bersama badan kompeten di 67 negara selama 30 hari pada Maret lalu menginspeksi laut dan perairan menemukan adanya dumping ilegal dan perdagangan sampah Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Maret 2021 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Konvensi Basel naik daun semenjak transportasi lintas-batas plastik masuk ke dalam konvensi itu. Dan, ketika Amerika Serikat mengirimkan sampah plastik ke negara tujuan Indonesia, Malaysia dan India maka nyaring sentilan terhadap pelanggaran konvensi oleh bukan Negara anggota konvensi Mahasiswa berjenaka-ria mengkritik pengelolaan sampah di wilayah DI Yogyakarta yang mereka pandang tidak baik Peraturan dari level pemkot/ pemkab tentang pelarangan kantong plastic dikritik analis kebijakan Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Februari 2021 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Sampah Bahan Baku Ekonomi di Masa Pandemi' sebagai tema HPSN 2021 mengalirkan beberapa aksi di antaranya aksi bersih-bersih serentak #dirumahsaja bersama keluarga; Aksi tanam pohon mangrove di TPST Bantargebang dan ada pula diskusi daring. Biotani Bahari Indonesia: HPSN Bebersih Danau Tegal di Jawa tengah telah mencanangkan sebagai pusat daur ulang sampah Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Januari 2021 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Dampak belum tuntasnya kontrak kerjasama antara pemerintah daerah dan swasta dalam pengelolaan sampah di Riau; Kerjasama antar kota/ regional antara Tangsel dan Serang akan tampil; Inovasi tentang plastik berbahan kentang belum menuju industri? Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Desember 2020 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Sampah Kota Serang sedang uji coba Gen 5 tapi butuh Perwali, juga Perda Sampah. KBRL Jakarta termasuk oxo dan nabati tapi mesti tahan air dan bisa didaur guna; akan jadi tren nasional? Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan November 2020 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Dana Swakelola Tipe III, Limbah Medis Dibuang Sembarangan, Kantung Belanja Berbahan Singkong
  • 49. Page 49 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Oktober 2020 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Proponen daur ulang tetap hajar lajur Compostable Studi: material berbasis bio dan/ atau biodegradable yang tersedia di pasar adalah sama beracunnya dengan plastik konvensional terkait dengan zat kimia yang mereka miliki Sosialisasikanlah Pergub DKI Jakarta No. 142 Thn 2019 Tentang Kewajiban ber-KBRL siapa takut? Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan September 2020 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi Plastik Alf*mart dan Ind*maret Bukan Plastik biodegradable?? Tidak Ramah Lingkungan??? Food loss and waste must be reduced for greater food security and nvironmental sustainability Sampah Plastik lama untuk RDF, Sekilas #Boycott 2020 World Cleanup Day and expose environment fraud by NGOs from the Global North Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Agustus 2020 Oleh: Riza V. Tjahjadi KLHK Terbitkan Peta Jalan Pengurangan Sampah oleh Produsen Insinerator, promosi Aksi Warga +62 Peduli Sampah Aksi gerakan kurangi sampah laut (26 Agustus 2020) Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Juli 2020 Polluter Pays Principle, Kaji Kembali Daur Ulang dan TPA bermasalah Bank Sampah dan Konsep yang utuh TPA Tata Kelolanya belum disiplin dan jujur anggaran Tiga Kota Dengan Pengelolaan Sampah Terbaik? Plastik dan Sampah: Pantauan bulan Juni 2020 EPR Dipertanyakan Industri, TPA Jabodetabek Sudah Darurat Perluasan Lokasi dan Soal Lainnya Plastik dan Sampah: Semengitnya Industri Daur Ulang; TPA di Indonesia Mesti Ditelaah Satu-satu Covid19 Pemakaian Plastik Meningkat, Industri Daur Ulang Nyungsep? WFH 280420 Covid19 Sampah Plastik Meningkat, Konsumen ber-go_green bingun.Pdf Opini Riza V. Tjahjadi
  • 50. Page 50 of 50 Plastik & Sampah: Pantauan Mei 2021 #WorkfromHome 140420 Riza V. Tjahjadi Anggota Pokja 1: Kebijakan, Monitoring & Evaluasi Dewan Pengarah dan Pertimbangan Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (DP3SN) periode 2016 – saat ini, dan secara pribadi membidani terbentuknya asosiasi industri hijau plastik ramah lingkungan (AMIHN) pada 27 Februari 2019. Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Biotani dan Bahari Indonesia. Laporan berkala ini sejak April; 2020 sepenuhnya adalah swadaya murni. So, maklum saja,ya, jangkauan pemantauan terbatas.