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Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
Pitch Script
ALL: Shocking, Scary and Startling - What can you do to help prevent crime?
BEN G: Vibe Reports, The Redbridge Rise in Crime. Welcome, we are Vibe
Productions. I am Ben, and this is Millie, Lauren, Ben and Nikon. We are all current
media students, hoping to pursue a career into the media industry in the future.
Millie, and I will be presenting, Ben and Nikon will be acting in our short production
whilst Lauren will be directing.
MILLIE: We believe we have brainstormed a unique and informative documentary,
one that has not been done before. It is centered around the rise of different types
of crime in Redbridge, and the statistics to demonstrate this.
MILLIE: To begin the documentary, both of our presenters, Ben and I, will introduce
ourselves and the subject of the documentary. We then plan to interview victims of
various types of crime. Whilst those affected continue to talk about their
experiences, Ben and Nikon together with the help of extras, will reconstruct the
scenes from the crime that our victims have experienced to enhance the realism of
the crime occurrence.
BEN K: In addition to our victim interviews, we will be interviewing citizens of
Redbridge in public areas such as the high street and other local places, to find out
their view on the increase of crime, and what they believe can be done to help
prevent it.
LAUREN: Millie will take the leading role on the more formally based interviews, as
her role as a woman takes a very nurturing and caring role towards the victims
affected by crime. In contrast, Ben will take the lead role when it comes to the
street interviews as they will tend to have more of an edgy content. All of the street
interviews will be done in a vox pop style format.
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
NIKON: We believe that an effective way of enhancing how
serious this topic truly is, is by having a one on one interview with a member of the
police force. They will be able to give a professional and expert view on the
increase of crime and the effect that it is having in the Redbridge community.
BEN G: To conclude our documentary we will also have to chance the sit down with
a statistical analyst specialist, who will be able to walk us through annual and
regional figures and explain possible reasons for the dramatic increase in crime
related data.
MILLIE:To conclude the documentary, we plan to add in resolutions for the
audience, which will leave our documentary on a more positive note and may
inspire people to instigate change within the borough.
BEN K:We have been tasked with creating a social action project. We have chosen
to focus on crime within our neighbourhood, as it is prevalent within the borough of
LAUREN: The documentary will last around eight minutes. This is because our
primary target audience is 15-19 year olds, and it is likely that they will have a short
attention span, and lose focus. Our product will be very engaging for our audience,
because we will use a mix of captivating features to grasp them and keep them
intrigued. Examples of the features include reconstructions and interviews.
NIKON: The short production, will be distributed on Saturday 1st September 2018, as
our target audience will be off school and have the chance to watch it and discuss it
will friends. However, it will be completed by April/ May 2018, with 4 months being
used for marketing purposes.
BEN G: We will use several marking techniques, which will ensure that we have a
large potential audience to view our project when it eventually gets released.
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
MILLIE: One marketing technique that we are already putting
into use is social media accounts, including Twitter and Instagram. We have created
these accounts to expand our potential audience, through the use of different
platforms. This marketing technique makes our product easily accessible for our
target audience to consume. We created a questionnaire consisting of what our
target audience's favorite social media consumption methods were, and the above
mentioned were our top answers.
BEN K: We have also created posters and DVD covers for our documentary, which
have been added to our social media accounts. This allows our followers to keep up
to date with the production of our social action project. We also increase our
chances of our posters going viral on social media.
LAUREN : This can aid us to gather a large potential audience, as the documentary
will hopefully become popular due to it’s publicity across different media platforms.
NIKON: Closer to the release of the documentary, will release teaser clips to
generate even more publicity. We have chosen to release short teaser clips
throughout the 4 months of marketing to keep our audiences excited about our
upcoming social action project.
BEN G: Therefore, the short video will hopefully be well known through the
successful marketing techniques in order to gather several views. But, at the same
time, not too much time as consequently we may put ourselves at risk of our
production being forgotten by the time it is ready to be released.
MILLIE : Another marketing technique we could use is to contact a production
company, and partner with them to promote the documentary, such as the
production company RAW TV. For instance, at the screening of a documentary, at
the cinema, we could have the trailer for our social action project or the full short
production included during the advertisements.
BEN K : The trailer or complete social action project could also be used as an extra
on the DVD of a documentary shown at the cinema or on TV. These techniques will
create a large potential audience for the 8-10 minute production.
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
LAUREN: Our documentary will be about crimes in Redbridge.
One of the many reasons that made us choose this subject, is
because as a group we felt like crime documentaries tend to have the biggest
impact on young audiences specifically, as it can create long lasting impression on
the viewers.
NIKON:We’ve also chosen to use a mix of documentary styles such as
dramatization, interviews and participatory elements to get the audience more
engaged and interacted with our product.
BEN G: These will include elements such as interviews and reconstructions which
create a more diverse documentary and can make the project more enjoyable for
the audience to view.
MILLIE: After conducting a survey to our potential audiences, we found that the
storyline is what people find the most interesting in a documentary. As a result,
we’ve decided to focus on it throughout, and include unique, but distressing scenes
which will make our storyline have a stronger, harder hitting message that is
projected to our audience.
BEN K: The victims that we will interview are going to recall actual facts and events
that can happen to people in real life so that the audience feel uncomfortable,
anxious. We will also add some scenes that viewers find distressing, therefore the
message will be conveyed better.
LAUREN: Our target audience will be 15-19 year olds, and we have chosen this age
group because through our market research, we have found that the majority of the
people that enjoy documentaries are in this age range. They can also relate to what
is occurring in the social action video.
NIKON : We also discovered through our research that secondary audience include
the older generation of the community because they can change the stereotype that
youths are up to no good and can drive forward change.
BEN G: Instead of just targeting one gender, we have decided to focus on both male
and female audiences, allowing us to expand our potential audience for our
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
MILLIE: From the research we conducted, we asked our audience
what their usual consumption method of documentaries was. A significant number
of people we asked said online streaming on websites such as Youtube.
BEN K: Therefore, we are going to make the social action project available on an
online streaming platform, to make it easily accessible for our audience. We are
also going to upload our short teaser clips onto YouTube to allow the audience to
watch it with ease.
LAUREN: We went out and conducted research into audiences, and found out that
most people were affected by vehicle theft, violence against the person and
burglary, we will clearly show these crimes within the documentary to make the
audience aware.
NIKON: We conducted research into audience preferences so that we could have
the best insight into what people like to see in a documentary.
BEN G: As mentioned, our documentary is going to be about crime. This is due to
the research we did, where participants stated that crime is getting worse day by
day. So we want our production to make a difference and try to show people how
prevalent crime is.
MILLIE: Our questionnaire showed that 42.3% of people chose television as their
favourite method of consumption for viewing documentaries. However, our teaser
trailers will not be able to be distributed on TV at the moment. As mentioned,
instead we will be distributing our social action project through online streaming
platforms, such as, Youtube.
BEN K: This was our audiences second favourite method of consumption at 30.8%.
Online streaming, is very easy to use and access, and therefore, we can attract a
large proportion of both Redbridge and other region citizens who enjoy
documentaries. If our production is chosen to be one of the best, only then will our
media production be aired on television.
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
LAUREN : The reason behind creating this documentary is due to
a brief given by the London Borough of Redbridge Council,
entailing that the youth of the community (those aged 15-19) could create a video
that centres around, either, one of the local charities, or, one of the issues that are
affecting the area and the residents.
NIKON:The duration of the video must be between 8 – 10 minutes. The Council
believes that the level of community cohesion has been on the slide lately,
especially amongst the younger residents. Therefore, they want this video to bring
locals closer together, for the good of the borough.
BEN G: The brief continued to explain that some of the best-produced videos will be
aired during the early autumn period of 2018 on local television stations for
residents of the Redbridge region, as well as neighbouring communities to view. As
mentioned, our chosen topic to centre our short documentary on, is crime on the
MILLIE: We have also decided to create this production as it could be a chance to
increase the reputation of our company Vibe Productions and make the name well
known. The increase in popularity of the name ‘Vibe’ can help to boost our chances
of being wanted for other productions, similar to ones like this.
BEN K:This production can be an extremely effective way of making a strong name
for ourselves and creating the starting blocks to a career in the media industry.
LAUREN : After conducting our research, we collated our answers and found that
47.1% of the people that we asked, (to complete our questionnaire) did not feel safe
in Redbridge. This feedback gave us another positive incentive to create this
production. We want to change these figures, and we believe this video has the
power to do so.
NIKON: A few of our aims for the project that we have discussed and hope to be
successful include, helping Redbridge residents feel safer in their own community. If
our project is successful, we aim for residents in other regions to feel safe and not
only in their own communities, but also when traveling to others.
BEN G:In addition, we aim to reinforce boundaries; and show the effects and
consequences of committing a crime. In addition, Redbridge has the 11th highest
crime rate out of all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower crime
statistics and we believe that our production can do this.
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
MILLIE: The main aim of our project is to tackle the amount of crime that occurs in
the Redbridge region, and help to lower the frequency of criminal activity. This in
turn will have an effect on lowering the statistics of crime occurrence, which is our
primary goal of the production.
BEN K : We plan to make the citizens of Redbridge aware of the shocking crime
statistics and inform our viewers of what individuals and communities can do to try
and help lower the statistics and prevent the amount of crime that occurs in today's
LAUREN: Educating citizens on the rise of crime is the key to begin tackling the
issue. In addition, we also received very positive feedback about creating a
documentary on the rise of crime.
NIKON: As all media texts have messages in them, we have decided to focus on
certain messages. These are how crime can be prevented. How our audience can
help to stop it from happening in their neighbourhood. If you are or become a
victim subject to such crimes, then report it. Inform a parent, a guardian, or any
other adult who will more inclined to take the next and most logical step in
resolving the issue(s), including informing authoritative figures.
BEN G: We feel that it is very important to share our message, especially as our
target audience has the highest amount of peer pressure occurring and we want to
get the message across that it is not the right thing to do and there are always
consequences to our actions.
MILLIE: Moreover, our idea of creating a social action project based around the rise
of crime is a new and fresh idea, one that has not been previously undertaken. This
means that we have an increased chance of a large potential audience as people
will be interested in this new topic.
BEN K: Previously, we have created a music video, which has been successful after
being posted onto Youtube. As seen here, we have amassed over 3900 views, and
therefore, by investing in us, there is a high possibility that yet again we will gather
a large potential audience. Especially as crime happens very often we hope this will
attract a lot of people. In addition, Redbridge has the 11th highest crime rate out of
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower
crime statistics and we believe that our production can do this.
LAUREN: There a several laws that we will need to follow when producing our short
production, including Copyright, Designs and Patents Act and the BBFC age ratings.
NIKON: The Copyright, Design and Patents Act, will ensure that we, as the creators
have the right to control the ways in which the material we create may be used.
How copies are made of it, and how we will communicate our media production to
the public, such as on TV or via the internet. Copyright is important because it
protects our work against use by others without our permission.
BEN G: The BBFC age rating makes sure that we only show material suitable for our
target audience of 15-19 year olds, as otherwise younger audiences may view
distressing scenes.
MILLIE: As we are showing sensitive material, such as a sexual assault, an age rating
of 15 is suitably applicable, in turn, this ensures that younger audiences do not view
our project (which will have unsuitable content for those younger than our primary
audience). Having an age rating of 15, also ensures that our primary target audience
of 15-19 year olds are our main consumers.
BEN K : We will be using several locations in our social action project. These include
Barkingside high street, houses and an alleyway. The houses are ordinary and
normal, so that not only will the audience be able to relate to it and feel safe, but
the victims who we are interviewing will be safe as well.
LAUREN: We will be filming on Barkingside high street, as our target audience may
be familiar with both the high street and the Barkingside area in general. We will
interview random members of the public and get their opinions on the increase of
crime and what can be done to stop figures from increasing.
NIKON: The alleyway is another location, which will be used for the reconstruction,
which can make the audience feel anxious and worried, due to it being narrow and
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
BEN G: We have taken inspiration from another documentary
called The Rise in Acid Attacks that explains how common acid
attacks are nowadays and how easy it is for people to get away with it. Especially as
we believe the camerawork was well executed, in making the audience on edge.
MILLIE: Another documentary we have taken inspiration from is Panorama Hate on
the Street, as it has a similar style to the way we wish to show our documentary.
This is due to the way it showed reconstructions and how members of the public
were interviewed. Both of these documentaries were well received, and this is
another reason why we have taken inspiration from them.
BEN K: When asking potential audiences what their favourite documentary was, we
found that the most popular was BBC Panorama. This was yet another reason why
we thought that it would be a good idea to incorporate the style of filming of
Panorama into our own production.
LAUREN: The main way in which we intend to do this, is to ensure that the hosts act
professionally. To captivate the audience, the interviews must be handled with care
and the reconstructions made to make the viewers feel uncomfortable. Therefore,
using these different elements we aim to make a significant impact on our
NIKON: At the start of the documentary we will create an uneasy atmosphere where
we will give some shots of crucial events that will happen further in the
documentary to show what is to come. This uneasy and apprehensive atmosphere
will convey the message of the video better to the viewers.
BEN G: There will be constant uncomfortable atmosphere after the opening
montage when we are going to show the reconstructions, as lighting will change to
low key. This will create an eerie and unsettling atmosphere for the audience.
Alongside this, the colour used for the CCTV footage will be black and white,
making it seem authentic and the audience anxious.
MILLIE: Through the use of these techniques and the style of filming we want to
make the audience feel uncomfortable so that our message has a larger impact on
Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed
BEN K: Our group also created a budget, which demonstrated how much would be
needed to create the documentary. This included cast, crew, equipment and props.
We created the budget to make sure that we bought/hired the most cost effective
items and people.
LAUREN: By researching items and people that are needed to be involved in the
production of our short media project, it can help contribute to us making a
professional production, as we have been able to find the best people for the job.
NIKON: After calculating all of our budget costs, we added a contingency amount at
10%. This would act as extra emergency money to put towards our production
incase we needed it. This brought our completed total budget to £115,50.
BEN G: We will be using our own props for the production as they are common
items which we already have, these include an Ipad, jewelry and a backpack.
Although some members of the group will be acting, we will also be finding other
people willing to act and will be using the filming equipment from the school.
MILLIE: This is why we believe you should invest in our social action project. We are
therefore asking for £115,50 to make our production possible.
BEN K: Thank you for listening and we will now welcome any questions that you
may have.

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Pitch script

  • 1. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed Pitch Script SLIDE: 1 ALL: Shocking, Scary and Startling - What can you do to help prevent crime? BEN G: Vibe Reports, The Redbridge Rise in Crime. Welcome, we are Vibe Productions. I am Ben, and this is Millie, Lauren, Ben and Nikon. We are all current media students, hoping to pursue a career into the media industry in the future. Millie, and I will be presenting, Ben and Nikon will be acting in our short production whilst Lauren will be directing. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 2 MILLIE: We believe we have brainstormed a unique and informative documentary, one that has not been done before. It is centered around the rise of different types of crime in Redbridge, and the statistics to demonstrate this. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 3 MILLIE: To begin the documentary, both of our presenters, Ben and I, will introduce ourselves and the subject of the documentary. We then plan to interview victims of various types of crime. Whilst those affected continue to talk about their experiences, Ben and Nikon together with the help of extras, will reconstruct the scenes from the crime that our victims have experienced to enhance the realism of the crime occurrence. BEN K: In addition to our victim interviews, we will be interviewing citizens of Redbridge in public areas such as the high street and other local places, to find out their view on the increase of crime, and what they believe can be done to help prevent it. LAUREN: Millie will take the leading role on the more formally based interviews, as her role as a woman takes a very nurturing and caring role towards the victims affected by crime. In contrast, Ben will take the lead role when it comes to the street interviews as they will tend to have more of an edgy content. All of the street interviews will be done in a vox pop style format.
  • 2. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed NIKON: We believe that an effective way of enhancing how serious this topic truly is, is by having a one on one interview with a member of the police force. They will be able to give a professional and expert view on the increase of crime and the effect that it is having in the Redbridge community. BEN G: To conclude our documentary we will also have to chance the sit down with a statistical analyst specialist, who will be able to walk us through annual and regional figures and explain possible reasons for the dramatic increase in crime related data. MILLIE:To conclude the documentary, we plan to add in resolutions for the audience, which will leave our documentary on a more positive note and may inspire people to instigate change within the borough. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 4 BEN K:We have been tasked with creating a social action project. We have chosen to focus on crime within our neighbourhood, as it is prevalent within the borough of Redbridge. LAUREN: The documentary will last around eight minutes. This is because our primary target audience is 15-19 year olds, and it is likely that they will have a short attention span, and lose focus. Our product will be very engaging for our audience, because we will use a mix of captivating features to grasp them and keep them intrigued. Examples of the features include reconstructions and interviews. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 5 NIKON: The short production, will be distributed on Saturday 1st September 2018, as our target audience will be off school and have the chance to watch it and discuss it will friends. However, it will be completed by April/ May 2018, with 4 months being used for marketing purposes. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 6 BEN G: We will use several marking techniques, which will ensure that we have a large potential audience to view our project when it eventually gets released.
  • 3. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed MILLIE: One marketing technique that we are already putting into use is social media accounts, including Twitter and Instagram. We have created these accounts to expand our potential audience, through the use of different platforms. This marketing technique makes our product easily accessible for our target audience to consume. We created a questionnaire consisting of what our target audience's favorite social media consumption methods were, and the above mentioned were our top answers. BEN K: We have also created posters and DVD covers for our documentary, which have been added to our social media accounts. This allows our followers to keep up to date with the production of our social action project. We also increase our chances of our posters going viral on social media. LAUREN : This can aid us to gather a large potential audience, as the documentary will hopefully become popular due to it’s publicity across different media platforms. NIKON: Closer to the release of the documentary, will release teaser clips to generate even more publicity. We have chosen to release short teaser clips throughout the 4 months of marketing to keep our audiences excited about our upcoming social action project. BEN G: Therefore, the short video will hopefully be well known through the successful marketing techniques in order to gather several views. But, at the same time, not too much time as consequently we may put ourselves at risk of our production being forgotten by the time it is ready to be released. MILLIE : Another marketing technique we could use is to contact a production company, and partner with them to promote the documentary, such as the production company RAW TV. For instance, at the screening of a documentary, at the cinema, we could have the trailer for our social action project or the full short production included during the advertisements. BEN K : The trailer or complete social action project could also be used as an extra on the DVD of a documentary shown at the cinema or on TV. These techniques will create a large potential audience for the 8-10 minute production. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 7
  • 4. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed LAUREN: Our documentary will be about crimes in Redbridge. One of the many reasons that made us choose this subject, is because as a group we felt like crime documentaries tend to have the biggest impact on young audiences specifically, as it can create long lasting impression on the viewers. NIKON:We’ve also chosen to use a mix of documentary styles such as dramatization, interviews and participatory elements to get the audience more engaged and interacted with our product. BEN G: These will include elements such as interviews and reconstructions which create a more diverse documentary and can make the project more enjoyable for the audience to view. MILLIE: After conducting a survey to our potential audiences, we found that the storyline is what people find the most interesting in a documentary. As a result, we’ve decided to focus on it throughout, and include unique, but distressing scenes which will make our storyline have a stronger, harder hitting message that is projected to our audience. BEN K: The victims that we will interview are going to recall actual facts and events that can happen to people in real life so that the audience feel uncomfortable, anxious. We will also add some scenes that viewers find distressing, therefore the message will be conveyed better. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 8 LAUREN: Our target audience will be 15-19 year olds, and we have chosen this age group because through our market research, we have found that the majority of the people that enjoy documentaries are in this age range. They can also relate to what is occurring in the social action video. NIKON : We also discovered through our research that secondary audience include the older generation of the community because they can change the stereotype that youths are up to no good and can drive forward change. BEN G: Instead of just targeting one gender, we have decided to focus on both male and female audiences, allowing us to expand our potential audience for our production.
  • 5. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed MILLIE: From the research we conducted, we asked our audience what their usual consumption method of documentaries was. A significant number of people we asked said online streaming on websites such as Youtube. BEN K: Therefore, we are going to make the social action project available on an online streaming platform, to make it easily accessible for our audience. We are also going to upload our short teaser clips onto YouTube to allow the audience to watch it with ease. LAUREN: We went out and conducted research into audiences, and found out that most people were affected by vehicle theft, violence against the person and burglary, we will clearly show these crimes within the documentary to make the audience aware. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 9 NIKON: We conducted research into audience preferences so that we could have the best insight into what people like to see in a documentary. BEN G: As mentioned, our documentary is going to be about crime. This is due to the research we did, where participants stated that crime is getting worse day by day. So we want our production to make a difference and try to show people how prevalent crime is. MILLIE: Our questionnaire showed that 42.3% of people chose television as their favourite method of consumption for viewing documentaries. However, our teaser trailers will not be able to be distributed on TV at the moment. As mentioned, instead we will be distributing our social action project through online streaming platforms, such as, Youtube. BEN K: This was our audiences second favourite method of consumption at 30.8%. Online streaming, is very easy to use and access, and therefore, we can attract a large proportion of both Redbridge and other region citizens who enjoy documentaries. If our production is chosen to be one of the best, only then will our media production be aired on television. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 10
  • 6. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed LAUREN : The reason behind creating this documentary is due to a brief given by the London Borough of Redbridge Council, entailing that the youth of the community (those aged 15-19) could create a video that centres around, either, one of the local charities, or, one of the issues that are affecting the area and the residents. NIKON:The duration of the video must be between 8 – 10 minutes. The Council believes that the level of community cohesion has been on the slide lately, especially amongst the younger residents. Therefore, they want this video to bring locals closer together, for the good of the borough. BEN G: The brief continued to explain that some of the best-produced videos will be aired during the early autumn period of 2018 on local television stations for residents of the Redbridge region, as well as neighbouring communities to view. As mentioned, our chosen topic to centre our short documentary on, is crime on the rise. MILLIE: We have also decided to create this production as it could be a chance to increase the reputation of our company Vibe Productions and make the name well known. The increase in popularity of the name ‘Vibe’ can help to boost our chances of being wanted for other productions, similar to ones like this. BEN K:This production can be an extremely effective way of making a strong name for ourselves and creating the starting blocks to a career in the media industry. LAUREN : After conducting our research, we collated our answers and found that 47.1% of the people that we asked, (to complete our questionnaire) did not feel safe in Redbridge. This feedback gave us another positive incentive to create this production. We want to change these figures, and we believe this video has the power to do so. NIKON: A few of our aims for the project that we have discussed and hope to be successful include, helping Redbridge residents feel safer in their own community. If our project is successful, we aim for residents in other regions to feel safe and not only in their own communities, but also when traveling to others. BEN G:In addition, we aim to reinforce boundaries; and show the effects and consequences of committing a crime. In addition, Redbridge has the 11th highest crime rate out of all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower crime statistics and we believe that our production can do this.
  • 7. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed CHANGE TO SLIDE: 11 MILLIE: The main aim of our project is to tackle the amount of crime that occurs in the Redbridge region, and help to lower the frequency of criminal activity. This in turn will have an effect on lowering the statistics of crime occurrence, which is our primary goal of the production. BEN K : We plan to make the citizens of Redbridge aware of the shocking crime statistics and inform our viewers of what individuals and communities can do to try and help lower the statistics and prevent the amount of crime that occurs in today's society. LAUREN: Educating citizens on the rise of crime is the key to begin tackling the issue. In addition, we also received very positive feedback about creating a documentary on the rise of crime. NIKON: As all media texts have messages in them, we have decided to focus on certain messages. These are how crime can be prevented. How our audience can help to stop it from happening in their neighbourhood. If you are or become a victim subject to such crimes, then report it. Inform a parent, a guardian, or any other adult who will more inclined to take the next and most logical step in resolving the issue(s), including informing authoritative figures. BEN G: We feel that it is very important to share our message, especially as our target audience has the highest amount of peer pressure occurring and we want to get the message across that it is not the right thing to do and there are always consequences to our actions. MILLIE: Moreover, our idea of creating a social action project based around the rise of crime is a new and fresh idea, one that has not been previously undertaken. This means that we have an increased chance of a large potential audience as people will be interested in this new topic. BEN K: Previously, we have created a music video, which has been successful after being posted onto Youtube. As seen here, we have amassed over 3900 views, and therefore, by investing in us, there is a high possibility that yet again we will gather a large potential audience. Especially as crime happens very often we hope this will attract a lot of people. In addition, Redbridge has the 11th highest crime rate out of
  • 8. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower crime statistics and we believe that our production can do this. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 12 LAUREN: There a several laws that we will need to follow when producing our short production, including Copyright, Designs and Patents Act and the BBFC age ratings. NIKON: The Copyright, Design and Patents Act, will ensure that we, as the creators have the right to control the ways in which the material we create may be used. How copies are made of it, and how we will communicate our media production to the public, such as on TV or via the internet. Copyright is important because it protects our work against use by others without our permission. BEN G: The BBFC age rating makes sure that we only show material suitable for our target audience of 15-19 year olds, as otherwise younger audiences may view distressing scenes. MILLIE: As we are showing sensitive material, such as a sexual assault, an age rating of 15 is suitably applicable, in turn, this ensures that younger audiences do not view our project (which will have unsuitable content for those younger than our primary audience). Having an age rating of 15, also ensures that our primary target audience of 15-19 year olds are our main consumers. BEN K : We will be using several locations in our social action project. These include Barkingside high street, houses and an alleyway. The houses are ordinary and normal, so that not only will the audience be able to relate to it and feel safe, but the victims who we are interviewing will be safe as well. LAUREN: We will be filming on Barkingside high street, as our target audience may be familiar with both the high street and the Barkingside area in general. We will interview random members of the public and get their opinions on the increase of crime and what can be done to stop figures from increasing. NIKON: The alleyway is another location, which will be used for the reconstruction, which can make the audience feel anxious and worried, due to it being narrow and dark.
  • 9. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed BEN G: We have taken inspiration from another documentary called The Rise in Acid Attacks that explains how common acid attacks are nowadays and how easy it is for people to get away with it. Especially as we believe the camerawork was well executed, in making the audience on edge. MILLIE: Another documentary we have taken inspiration from is Panorama Hate on the Street, as it has a similar style to the way we wish to show our documentary. This is due to the way it showed reconstructions and how members of the public were interviewed. Both of these documentaries were well received, and this is another reason why we have taken inspiration from them. BEN K: When asking potential audiences what their favourite documentary was, we found that the most popular was BBC Panorama. This was yet another reason why we thought that it would be a good idea to incorporate the style of filming of Panorama into our own production. LAUREN: The main way in which we intend to do this, is to ensure that the hosts act professionally. To captivate the audience, the interviews must be handled with care and the reconstructions made to make the viewers feel uncomfortable. Therefore, using these different elements we aim to make a significant impact on our audience. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 13 NIKON: At the start of the documentary we will create an uneasy atmosphere where we will give some shots of crucial events that will happen further in the documentary to show what is to come. This uneasy and apprehensive atmosphere will convey the message of the video better to the viewers. BEN G: There will be constant uncomfortable atmosphere after the opening montage when we are going to show the reconstructions, as lighting will change to low key. This will create an eerie and unsettling atmosphere for the audience. Alongside this, the colour used for the CCTV footage will be black and white, making it seem authentic and the audience anxious. MILLIE: Through the use of these techniques and the style of filming we want to make the audience feel uncomfortable so that our message has a larger impact on them.
  • 10. Lauren Rosenfeld, Millie West, Ben Karrass, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed CHANGE TO SLIDE: 14 BEN K: Our group also created a budget, which demonstrated how much would be needed to create the documentary. This included cast, crew, equipment and props. We created the budget to make sure that we bought/hired the most cost effective items and people. LAUREN: By researching items and people that are needed to be involved in the production of our short media project, it can help contribute to us making a professional production, as we have been able to find the best people for the job. NIKON: After calculating all of our budget costs, we added a contingency amount at 10%. This would act as extra emergency money to put towards our production incase we needed it. This brought our completed total budget to £115,50. BEN G: We will be using our own props for the production as they are common items which we already have, these include an Ipad, jewelry and a backpack. Although some members of the group will be acting, we will also be finding other people willing to act and will be using the filming equipment from the school. MILLIE: This is why we believe you should invest in our social action project. We are therefore asking for £115,50 to make our production possible. CHANGE TO SLIDE: 15 BEN K: Thank you for listening and we will now welcome any questions that you may have.