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Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
Shocking, Scary and Startling - What can you do to help prevent
The proposed duration of the social action project will be eight minutes, which will give us enough
time to discuss the issues surrounding crime. Our primary audience will be between the ages of 15-19
years old, so the video should not be longer than eight minutes, as the audience’s attention span may
wane on such topics. The secondary audience will be the older generation of the community, showing
them that the youth are good and they are changing it for the better. The release date for the
documentary is September 2018. However, it will be completed by May, with four months left for
the marketing of the short film.
During this time, we will aim to raise awareness of the existence of our product
through the use of different marketing techniques such as creating social media
profiles, posters and leaflets. These social media profiles will be on Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, as these are the main social media used by
everyone also for professional use; we will tease our audience through content that
suggests to them what is coming in our final product and, therefore, engaging with
them, as well as interacting with us, the producers. We created a questionnaire
consisting of what our target audience's favorite social media consumption methods
were, and the above mentioned were our top answers.
We will begin the marketing campaign prior to the summer holidays, ensuring that
the audience are made aware of our final product.
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
Therefore, the curiosity among the audience will build up, before the distribution day and, if there is a
large audience, this will tell us that the marketing was successful.
During this stage, we can also see what target audience we will specifically gather and, therefore, adjust
our adverts to fit our audience’s style and tastes. This will, inevitably, intrigue them more. In addition to
this, another way of advertising to the older generation may be advertising on the radio or in a local
newspaper, in turn receiving a larger audience.
Radio shows that we intend to advertise on include,
Loughton Youth Project Radio - aimed at our
primary audience and is just around the corner of
the Redbridge area, and Bedrock Hospital Radio -
a radio show aired across Queens, Goodmayes and
King George Hospital.
In addition, we plan include advertisements on
YouTube (prior to videos beginning that the public want
to view), and we intend to market our production prior to
documentary programmes beginning, or at the top of the
screen that our audiences choose to consume their media
on - as a banner. Examples include Panorama and other
shows that are based around similar topics to the one we are talking about.
In the first few months of marketing we plan to begin advertising our product in the Redbridge region.
We plan to advertise locally first to spread the word and get people talking about our social action
project to come. A few months into the marketing, quite near to when we intend to begin distributing
our media production we plan to market our product around various other areas of London. Going out of
our local region can help to spread the message about our 8-10 minute production and ensure that it is
more widely and commonly known, so that we can get a large potential audience.
The genre of our short documentary is mixed as it contains dramatisation,
interview and participatory elements. We have chosen these styles as it creates
the biggest impact on our target audience. We will also ensure that we add
elements that will appeal to the secondary audience, such as some dramatic
scenes of crime occurring in their area that relates to what is actually happening. In
the questionnaire that we created, we found that those who were involved in a
crime were victims of either vehicle theft, burglary or mugging.
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
We have chosen an investigative style because we can connect to a
wider audience, as it contains elements that will interest the audience
through eye-opening events and information. We also feel that this
chosen style has a bigger impact on younger viewers because they can
relate to what is happening on screen. This can include people who have
been a victim of crime in the past or people who live in the area of crime
that has been occurring. Or, even those that have been directly involved
as perpetrators, who will be able to understand the consequences of their actions on others. We also feel
that combining different styles of documentary will create a new, innovative and unique style. As we
are aiming our documentary towards teenagers, we will include the use of teenage actors during the
reconstructions to ensure that the audience relates to what is happening. Having a more mature teenage
audience, gives us the opportunity to add some scenes that viewers may find distressing, which can
give the audience a lasting impression.
The primary target audience for the documentary is both genders, aged 15
- 19. We have chosen this target audience because this age group watches
documentaries that focus on crime, investigation and conspiracies, as
shown through our questionnaire. This is also the audience specified on the
brief. We have chosen this as our primary audience for many different
reasons. Firstly, as this is a young audience they are more active and will be
able to make a difference quickly within in the community. This audience
will also be able to relate to what is happening in the video, as we will be
using actors and hosts of the same age. Lastly, this age group can be peer pressured into committing
crimes, and if they view this documentary it can change their opinions and show that the route of crime
is not a good way to go
We have researched and discovered that crime is happening quite
a lot in Redbridge, in comparison to other London Boroughs (11th
out of 32), and believe that having this target audience will help
them to understand more about crime and the danger of it,
including the impact on others and the community.
Targeting both genders creates a wider potential audience for
viewing the documentary in September 2018 We have chosen to
air our production at this time because it is both the ending of the
summer holidays, and close to when pupils will be returning to
school, college or university. This means that more people will be
back home and in the country after a possible summer away. The
more people that are back from their travels, increase our likelihood of having a large potential
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
audience. Our secondary audience will be the older generation of the community because they can
change the stereotype that youths are up to no good and can drive forward change.
We will be releasing our documentary online so that it is easily
accessible for them to view, and as shown through our questionnaire,
our audience's favourite consumption method is online streaming.
Therefore, we will distribute it via an online streaming site such as
YouTube. The message we are trying to convey to our audience is
about personal safety because nowadays there are more crimes
present. We went out and conducted research into audiences, and
found out that most people were affected by vehicle theft, violence against the person and burglary, we
will clearly show these crimes within the documentary to make the audience aware.
We are creating this documentary to inform and educate our target audiences, both primary and
secondary - the residents of Redbridge - about the ever and dramatically increasing crime figures.
In addition,we have been given an [informal] brief by
Redbridge Council to create an 8-10 minute documentary
on a local issue of our choice, as part of a competition.
The best documentaries submitted by youngsters, will be
aired on television. The increase of crime and the
statistics to prove, is our chosen subject. We have also
decided to create this production as it could be a chance
to increase the reputation of our company Vibe
Productions and make the name well known. The increase in popularity of the name ‘Vibe’ can help to
boost our chances of being wanted for other productions, similar to ones like this. This production can
be an extremely effective way of making a strong name for ourselves and creating the starting blocks to
a career in the media industry.
The results from our primary research, found that a staggering 47% of the total amount of people we
asked, did not feel safe in Redbridge. This means that our production can aid those who feel that way
to feel safer and more aware of what is occurring in the local community. Our production aims to
reinforce boundaries, ensure that for those who do commit crimes, there will be consequences. We
aim for this to become a way of trying to tackle crime and lower the frequency and statistics of it.
By aiming to raise awareness, and, consequently, lower the crime rates, our production will help to
decrease the amount of people who do not feel safe in Redbridge. A significant number, if not all of the
people, that we asked were interested in documentaries, and specifically ones based around crime and
investigative elements. This is a key reason why our potential audience will want to view our
production. As a result, we also asked people if they thought it be a good idea to make a short
documentary and we received very positive feedback. Our idea of creating a social action project based
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
around the rise of crime is a new and fresh idea, one that has not been previously undertaken. This
means that we have an increased chance of a large potential audience as people will be interested in this
new topic.
We are creating this project to leave a positive impact on the audience and raise awareness of the local
issues that we are surrounded by on a daily basis. Our short video will have several messages embedded
within it. The primary message is that there are always consequences to our actions. We also want to
portray to our audience that if you observe or are a victim of such criminal events, then the best and
most effective action to take is to report it. That is, to inform a parent, a guardian, or any other adult
who will more inclined to take the next and most logical step in resolving the issue(s), including
informing authoritative figures. It could be more of a proactive action to immediately inform or, go
directly to, a community support officer or a police officer.
We have had previous successes on our productions including a music video and horror movie trailer,
we aim to try a new style of media production and we hope that it is successful. In addition, Redbridge
has the 11th highest crime rate out of all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower crime
statistics and we believe that our production can do this.
We have decided that for the documentary we will go to a few
locations where the main ones will be Barkingside high street where
we will introduce the presenter and conduct a few interviews. The
other locations will be houses where we will interview the victims,
and we will film a reconstruction outside a group members house and
in a nearby alleyway. We feel that these locations work best, as the
victims will feel more comfortable in their own houses, as they are
safe and in warm environments. The high street is also a good location, as our target audience may not
be familiar enough with it as crimes happen and they are not aware of it which therefore makes them
feel anxious when watching the documentary, as they do not know what to expect.
The laws that we will follow include, the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) and the BBFC
age ratings. The Copyright, Design and Patents Act, will ensure that us - the creators have the right to
control the ways in which the material may be used, make a copy of it, cause the film to be seen and
heard in public, communicate the film to the public, such as on TV or the internet. Copyright is
important because it protects our work from being used by others without our permission. The BBFC
age rating makes sure that we only show material suitable for our target audience as otherwise they
would not be able to view it as it would be inappropriate. Due to the fact that we are showing sensitive
material, such as a sexual assault and burglary, an age rating of 15 is suitable, and making sure that
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
younger audiences do not view it. Having an age rating of 15, also ensures that our primary target
audience of 15-19 year olds watches it.
For the camerawork and other elements that we will use in the short film, we will take inspiration from
previous documentaries that we have seen, which include Panorama and Vice. We have chosen these
documentaries as inspiration for camerawork and other parts, as they have certain elements which suit
our documentary, such as hand held camera, interviews using a tripod
and reconstructions, which we will incorporate into our film.
The project will begin with an introduction from both of our hosts,
communicating to the audience the informative media to come.
Following this, two victims of crimes will be interviewed, we will be using parallel editing to cross
between both the interviews and the reconstructions of their stories. This will be an informative and
engaging way to make audiences understand the impacts and importance of crime and the negative
and personal implications that it has. Millie West will take the leading role on the more formally based
interviews, as her role as a woman takes a very nurturing and caring role towards the victims affected by
crime. In contrast, Ben Goldstone will take the lead role when it comes to the street interviews as they
will tend to have more of an edgy content. All of the street interviews will be done in a vox pop style
In addition, we will be interviewing residents of Redbridge on high streets via a vox pops style, asking
them their opinion of crime and its high statistics. Following this, there will be a one-to-one interview
with a ex-policeman, asking him about the implications of crime and how figures have changed over
recent years.
We will be asking a professional statistic analyst about the specific data on crime rates across different
time periods and in different areas. We will also be comparing data regarding different types of crime.
To complete our documentary, we plan to include ways in which we, as the public, can improve regional
and in turn national crime figures. Finishing our production with resolutions to the ever increasing issue
that our social action project will be based upon, will help to leave our video on a positive note, and
hopefully help to inspire people to provoke change.
From the start of our short film, the style and atmosphere that we intend to create is one of uneasy and
discomfort. We have chosen to create this type of atmosphere because we want the audience to be
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5
Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone &
Nikon Ahamed
aware of any future events that can happen in the area that may be to do with crime. For example, there
will be scenes of interviews where people talk about their experiences of being a victim of crime. The
mood will remain uncomfortable throughout, especially for reconstruction and CCTV scenes. Black
and white clips can have drastic effects on the audience as it can make it feel dark and as if something
bad is going to happen. Towards the end of the documentary, we will continue to create a gloomy
atmosphere, and keep the audience aware of crimes happening in their local area. The crimes will be
able to get the audience involved as they may be able to relate to the events occurring in the Redbridge
We created our Budget, which demonstrated how much our video would cost to film, edit and produce.
We have created this budget to make sure that we bought/hired the most cost effective items/people. We
researched equipment and people that were suitable for the job, to make sure that everything we
bought/hired would contribute to us making a professional production. By adding everything needed
for the production into our budget, it makes sure that we are cost effective, but still productive in
planning our short film. The budget came to a grand total of ‘£115,50’ Contributors to the grand total
included the equipment we would need to use, the crew and actors that we need to hire and any extras
which included, props, catering, and travel that we would need to buy.

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  • 1. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed THE REDBRIDGE RISE IN CRIME Shocking, Scary and Startling - What can you do to help prevent crime? The proposed duration of the social action project will be eight minutes, which will give us enough time to discuss the issues surrounding crime. Our primary audience will be between the ages of 15-19 years old, so the video should not be longer than eight minutes, as the audience’s attention span may wane on such topics. The secondary audience will be the older generation of the community, showing them that the youth are good and they are changing it for the better. The release date for the documentary is September 2018. However, it will be completed by May, with four months left for the marketing of the short film. MARKETING During this time, we will aim to raise awareness of the existence of our product through the use of different marketing techniques such as creating social media profiles, posters and leaflets. These social media profiles will be on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, as these are the main social media used by everyone also for professional use; we will tease our audience through content that suggests to them what is coming in our final product and, therefore, engaging with them, as well as interacting with us, the producers. We created a questionnaire consisting of what our target audience's favorite social media consumption methods were, and the above mentioned were our top answers. We will begin the marketing campaign prior to the summer holidays, ensuring that the audience are made aware of our final product.
  • 2. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed Therefore, the curiosity among the audience will build up, before the distribution day and, if there is a large audience, this will tell us that the marketing was successful. During this stage, we can also see what target audience we will specifically gather and, therefore, adjust our adverts to fit our audience’s style and tastes. This will, inevitably, intrigue them more. In addition to this, another way of advertising to the older generation may be advertising on the radio or in a local newspaper, in turn receiving a larger audience. Radio shows that we intend to advertise on include, Loughton Youth Project Radio - aimed at our primary audience and is just around the corner of the Redbridge area, and Bedrock Hospital Radio - a radio show aired across Queens, Goodmayes and King George Hospital. In addition, we plan include advertisements on YouTube (prior to videos beginning that the public want to view), and we intend to market our production prior to documentary programmes beginning, or at the top of the screen that our audiences choose to consume their media on - as a banner. Examples include Panorama and other shows that are based around similar topics to the one we are talking about. In the first few months of marketing we plan to begin advertising our product in the Redbridge region. We plan to advertise locally first to spread the word and get people talking about our social action project to come. A few months into the marketing, quite near to when we intend to begin distributing our media production we plan to market our product around various other areas of London. Going out of our local region can help to spread the message about our 8-10 minute production and ensure that it is more widely and commonly known, so that we can get a large potential audience. GENRE The genre of our short documentary is mixed as it contains dramatisation, interview and participatory elements. We have chosen these styles as it creates the biggest impact on our target audience. We will also ensure that we add elements that will appeal to the secondary audience, such as some dramatic scenes of crime occurring in their area that relates to what is actually happening. In the questionnaire that we created, we found that those who were involved in a crime were victims of either vehicle theft, burglary or mugging.
  • 3. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed We have chosen an investigative style because we can connect to a wider audience, as it contains elements that will interest the audience through eye-opening events and information. We also feel that this chosen style has a bigger impact on younger viewers because they can relate to what is happening on screen. This can include people who have been a victim of crime in the past or people who live in the area of crime that has been occurring. Or, even those that have been directly involved as perpetrators, who will be able to understand the consequences of their actions on others. We also feel that combining different styles of documentary will create a new, innovative and unique style. As we are aiming our documentary towards teenagers, we will include the use of teenage actors during the reconstructions to ensure that the audience relates to what is happening. Having a more mature teenage audience, gives us the opportunity to add some scenes that viewers may find distressing, which can give the audience a lasting impression. AUDIENCE The primary target audience for the documentary is both genders, aged 15 - 19. We have chosen this target audience because this age group watches documentaries that focus on crime, investigation and conspiracies, as shown through our questionnaire. This is also the audience specified on the brief. We have chosen this as our primary audience for many different reasons. Firstly, as this is a young audience they are more active and will be able to make a difference quickly within in the community. This audience will also be able to relate to what is happening in the video, as we will be using actors and hosts of the same age. Lastly, this age group can be peer pressured into committing crimes, and if they view this documentary it can change their opinions and show that the route of crime is not a good way to go We have researched and discovered that crime is happening quite a lot in Redbridge, in comparison to other London Boroughs (11th out of 32), and believe that having this target audience will help them to understand more about crime and the danger of it, including the impact on others and the community. Targeting both genders creates a wider potential audience for viewing the documentary in September 2018 We have chosen to air our production at this time because it is both the ending of the summer holidays, and close to when pupils will be returning to school, college or university. This means that more people will be back home and in the country after a possible summer away. The more people that are back from their travels, increase our likelihood of having a large potential
  • 4. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed audience. Our secondary audience will be the older generation of the community because they can change the stereotype that youths are up to no good and can drive forward change. We will be releasing our documentary online so that it is easily accessible for them to view, and as shown through our questionnaire, our audience's favourite consumption method is online streaming. Therefore, we will distribute it via an online streaming site such as YouTube. The message we are trying to convey to our audience is about personal safety because nowadays there are more crimes present. We went out and conducted research into audiences, and found out that most people were affected by vehicle theft, violence against the person and burglary, we will clearly show these crimes within the documentary to make the audience aware. BACKGROUND We are creating this documentary to inform and educate our target audiences, both primary and secondary - the residents of Redbridge - about the ever and dramatically increasing crime figures. In addition,we have been given an [informal] brief by Redbridge Council to create an 8-10 minute documentary on a local issue of our choice, as part of a competition. The best documentaries submitted by youngsters, will be aired on television. The increase of crime and the statistics to prove, is our chosen subject. We have also decided to create this production as it could be a chance to increase the reputation of our company Vibe Productions and make the name well known. The increase in popularity of the name ‘Vibe’ can help to boost our chances of being wanted for other productions, similar to ones like this. This production can be an extremely effective way of making a strong name for ourselves and creating the starting blocks to a career in the media industry. The results from our primary research, found that a staggering 47% of the total amount of people we asked, did not feel safe in Redbridge. This means that our production can aid those who feel that way to feel safer and more aware of what is occurring in the local community. Our production aims to reinforce boundaries, ensure that for those who do commit crimes, there will be consequences. We aim for this to become a way of trying to tackle crime and lower the frequency and statistics of it. By aiming to raise awareness, and, consequently, lower the crime rates, our production will help to decrease the amount of people who do not feel safe in Redbridge. A significant number, if not all of the people, that we asked were interested in documentaries, and specifically ones based around crime and investigative elements. This is a key reason why our potential audience will want to view our production. As a result, we also asked people if they thought it be a good idea to make a short documentary and we received very positive feedback. Our idea of creating a social action project based
  • 5. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed around the rise of crime is a new and fresh idea, one that has not been previously undertaken. This means that we have an increased chance of a large potential audience as people will be interested in this new topic. We are creating this project to leave a positive impact on the audience and raise awareness of the local issues that we are surrounded by on a daily basis. Our short video will have several messages embedded within it. The primary message is that there are always consequences to our actions. We also want to portray to our audience that if you observe or are a victim of such criminal events, then the best and most effective action to take is to report it. That is, to inform a parent, a guardian, or any other adult who will more inclined to take the next and most logical step in resolving the issue(s), including informing authoritative figures. It could be more of a proactive action to immediately inform or, go directly to, a community support officer or a police officer. We have had previous successes on our productions including a music video and horror movie trailer, we aim to try a new style of media production and we hope that it is successful. In addition, Redbridge has the 11th highest crime rate out of all 32 boroughs in London, this is a huge incentive to lower crime statistics and we believe that our production can do this. RESEARCH We have decided that for the documentary we will go to a few locations where the main ones will be Barkingside high street where we will introduce the presenter and conduct a few interviews. The other locations will be houses where we will interview the victims, and we will film a reconstruction outside a group members house and in a nearby alleyway. We feel that these locations work best, as the victims will feel more comfortable in their own houses, as they are safe and in warm environments. The high street is also a good location, as our target audience may not be familiar enough with it as crimes happen and they are not aware of it which therefore makes them feel anxious when watching the documentary, as they do not know what to expect. The laws that we will follow include, the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) and the BBFC age ratings. The Copyright, Design and Patents Act, will ensure that us - the creators have the right to control the ways in which the material may be used, make a copy of it, cause the film to be seen and heard in public, communicate the film to the public, such as on TV or the internet. Copyright is important because it protects our work from being used by others without our permission. The BBFC age rating makes sure that we only show material suitable for our target audience as otherwise they would not be able to view it as it would be inappropriate. Due to the fact that we are showing sensitive material, such as a sexual assault and burglary, an age rating of 15 is suitable, and making sure that
  • 6. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed younger audiences do not view it. Having an age rating of 15, also ensures that our primary target audience of 15-19 year olds watches it. For the camerawork and other elements that we will use in the short film, we will take inspiration from previous documentaries that we have seen, which include Panorama and Vice. We have chosen these documentaries as inspiration for camerawork and other parts, as they have certain elements which suit our documentary, such as hand held camera, interviews using a tripod and reconstructions, which we will incorporate into our film. SYNOPSIS The project will begin with an introduction from both of our hosts, communicating to the audience the informative media to come. Following this, two victims of crimes will be interviewed, we will be using parallel editing to cross between both the interviews and the reconstructions of their stories. This will be an informative and engaging way to make audiences understand the impacts and importance of crime and the negative and personal implications that it has. Millie West will take the leading role on the more formally based interviews, as her role as a woman takes a very nurturing and caring role towards the victims affected by crime. In contrast, Ben Goldstone will take the lead role when it comes to the street interviews as they will tend to have more of an edgy content. All of the street interviews will be done in a vox pop style format. In addition, we will be interviewing residents of Redbridge on high streets via a vox pops style, asking them their opinion of crime and its high statistics. Following this, there will be a one-to-one interview with a ex-policeman, asking him about the implications of crime and how figures have changed over recent years. We will be asking a professional statistic analyst about the specific data on crime rates across different time periods and in different areas. We will also be comparing data regarding different types of crime. To complete our documentary, we plan to include ways in which we, as the public, can improve regional and in turn national crime figures. Finishing our production with resolutions to the ever increasing issue that our social action project will be based upon, will help to leave our video on a positive note, and hopefully help to inspire people to provoke change. STYLE From the start of our short film, the style and atmosphere that we intend to create is one of uneasy and discomfort. We have chosen to create this type of atmosphere because we want the audience to be
  • 7. Units 4, 5, 24, 31 - Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Ben Karrass, Millie West, Ben Goldstone & Nikon Ahamed aware of any future events that can happen in the area that may be to do with crime. For example, there will be scenes of interviews where people talk about their experiences of being a victim of crime. The mood will remain uncomfortable throughout, especially for reconstruction and CCTV scenes. Black and white clips can have drastic effects on the audience as it can make it feel dark and as if something bad is going to happen. Towards the end of the documentary, we will continue to create a gloomy atmosphere, and keep the audience aware of crimes happening in their local area. The crimes will be able to get the audience involved as they may be able to relate to the events occurring in the Redbridge Borough. BUDGET We created our Budget, which demonstrated how much our video would cost to film, edit and produce. We have created this budget to make sure that we bought/hired the most cost effective items/people. We researched equipment and people that were suitable for the job, to make sure that everything we bought/hired would contribute to us making a professional production. By adding everything needed for the production into our budget, it makes sure that we are cost effective, but still productive in planning our short film. The budget came to a grand total of ‘£115,50’ Contributors to the grand total included the equipment we would need to use, the crew and actors that we need to hire and any extras which included, props, catering, and travel that we would need to buy.