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The diabetic foot and ankle                                                      p
                                                                                 ­ redicted to be around 750,000 higher for those with undiag-
                                                                                 nosed disease. The ratio of type I : type II diabetes is around
                                                                                 1:10, with type II becoming more prevalent due to Britain hav-
James C Stanley                                                                  ing the fastest growing rate of obesity in the developed world
                                                                                 (the risk of developing type II diabetes is around 10x greater
Andrew M Collier                                                                 with a body mass index of >30) and an ever aging population.
                                                                                 The Department of Health states that the current cost of treating
                                                                                 diabetes and its complications is around 5% of the NHS budget,
                                                                                 or around £10 million a day, with this figure set to rise 10% by
                                                                                 2011.1 Around half of this figure is spent on the complications of
                                                                                 diabetes, with diabetic foot disease being responsible for around
                                                                                 10 to 20% of all diabetic admissions to hospital.
Abstract                                                                             Although foot and ankle pathology is common in the non-
Diabetes mellitus is a common malady of our time with ever increasing            d
                                                                                 ­ iabetic population, the orthopaedic surgeon should remain
numbers of patients presenting with diabetic foot and ankle pathology.           vigilant for patients with undiagnosed diabetes. A high index
Diabetes requires treatment by a multidisciplinary team and vascular dis-        of suspicion should be used when reviewing patients in the
ease requires management involving vascular surgeons. There is, how-             outpatients and emergency departments for apparently simple
ever, an increasing burden on the orthopaedic surgeon with ulceration,           pathology such as paronychia, slow healing wounds or similar
foot deformity, osteomyelitis and Charcot osteo-arthropathy being direct         conditions. Simple urine glucose and serum tests will provide
complications of diabetes. Potential severe complications following frac-        early diagnosis of diabetes and may crucially influence decisions
ture and elective surgery require an understanding of diabetes and its           on patients requiring surgery.
effects on soft tissue and bone. The key topics are: Pathophysiology -
effects of hyperglycaemia on vascular, neuronal and immune systems,
                                                                                 The effects of hyperglycaemia on the foot and ankle
Assessment - examination of diabetic foot pathology and how to spot
the ‘at risk foot’, Ulceration - management of foot and ankle ulceration         Hyperglycaemia promotes changes in the microvasculature sec-
and indications for intervention, Charcot osteo-arthropathy - brief over-        ondary to thickening of the basement membrane, sorbitol accu-
view of Charcot-type foot and ankle disease, and Management of ankle             mulation and loss of nitric oxide auto-regulation. This ultimately
fractures - overview of current trends in options for conservative and           leads to reduced nutrient and oxygen exchange. In the foot this is
surgical intervention.                                                           commonly seen with fat pad atrophy, inability to form skin callus,
                                                                                 nerve ischaemia, tissue necrosis, muscle atrophy, and poor heal-
Keywords diabetic ankle fractures; diabetic foot; diabetic ulceration            ing potential. The ischaemic injury alone is insufficient to fully
                                                                                 explain the tissue dysfunction seen in the diabetic foot and ankle.
                                                                                    Nerve ischaemic injury is also compounded by cellular struc-
                                                                                 tural changes secondary to non-enzymic glycation and damage to
                                                                                 essential signal pathways, the degree of which is proportional to
Diabetic care requires a multidisciplinary team approach with                    the magnitude of hyperglycaemia. All types of peripheral nerve
general practitioners, podiatrists and endocrinologists mediating                are affected including sensory, motor and autonomic, with each
the majority of care. Vascular disease is common and requires                    leading to specific changes seen in the diabetic foot and ankle.
vascular surgical assessment; however, there is an increas-                         Sensory nerve damage leads to a typical glove and stocking
ing burden on the orthopaedic surgeon in the management of                       distribution of sensory loss, resulting in a loss of protective sensa-
neuropathic ulceration and deformity. While the term ‘diabetic                   tion to pressure/traumatic injury. Motor loss causes small muscle
foot and ankle’ often refers to ulceration, gangrene and Charcot                 atrophy and forefoot deformity with toe deformity and increased
osteo-arthropathy, diabetes also has a significant influence on the              prominence of the metatarsal heads. Non-enzymic cross-linking
management of foot and ankle fractures/soft tissue injury. The                   of collagen in the presence of hyperglycaemia makes soft tis-
management of foot and ankle pathology in diabetics requires an                  sues inflexible causing stiff joints and a tight Achilles tendon,
understanding of hyperglycaemic tissue injury to predict, prevent                worsening the forefoot pressure related to motor dysfunction.
and treat complications of soft tissue ulceration, deformity and                 Autonomic dysfunction reduces sweating, leading to dry cracked
traumatic injury.                                                                skin and producing potential access for pathological organisms to
   The number of people in the UK diagnosed with diabetes                        deeper structures. Autonomic loss also causes arterial dilatation
mellitus in 1996 was 1.4 million; it has now exceeded 2.3 mil-                   of diseased vessels with a paradoxical hyperaemia, resulting in
lion (equivalent to ∼3% of the population) with the true figure                  the deceptive appearance of a well perfused foot. The hyperae-
                                                                                 mia leads to increased osseous blood flow, ultimately causing a
                                                                                 demineralization of the bone matrix (one of the processes thought
James C Stanley MBBS MRCS is Specialist Registrar at the Department of           to be involved in the development of Charcot-type destruction).2
Orthopaedics, Harrogate District Hospital, North Yorkshire, UK.                  Loss of autonomic control over the venous system also causes
                                                                                 venous congestion and further ulceration complications.
Andrew M Collier MB ChB FRCS(Tr & Orth) is Consultant Orthopaedic                   Innate immunity, essential for initiation of healing and fight-
Surgeon at the Department of Orthopaedics, Harrogate District                    ing infection, is impaired due to changes in neutrophil activity.
Hospital, North Yorkshire, UK.                                                   The high tissue concentrations of glucose are also an ideal culture

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                                61                                           © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

medium for bacterial colonization. Thus, even in the presence of            general malaise may be the overriding feature of sepsis and stan-
an apparently adequate blood supply ulceration, infection and               dard observations (BP, HR and temp) are required.
poor healing may prevail, leading to the high complication rates                Surveillance within the community of diabetic patients
seen following traumatic injury and surgical intervention in the            reduces significant complications by identifying the ‘at risk foot’
diabetic foot and ankle.                                                    and is the cornerstone of a diabetic foot management program.
   Table 1 summarizes the various tissue injuries caused by                 Examination of the skin quality, bony deformity or tight Achilles
hyperglycaemia and the potential associated pathologies.                    tendon, sensation and vascularity can identify the ‘at risk foot’
   Delayed fracture healing in diabetics is well described.                 and instigate early referral.
Although the exact mechanism is unclear, it is likely to be multi-              Inspection of the diabetic foot will often illustrate common
factorial involving insulin effects on callus formation, alterations        findings. Thin, shiny, dry skin which is hairless and often discol-
in neutrophil activity and osseous blood flow and glycation of              oured due to dependant rubor will require moisturizers, surgical
enzymic pathways. Wound healing is similarly affected resulting             shoes with total contact insoles and regular review. Hypertrophic
in high complication rates for open wounds and surgical inci-               nails are often misshapen and require chiropody to reduce paro-
sions around the foot and ankle.                                            nychia and spreading infection. Individual inspection of the web
                                                                            spaces may reveal pathology easily missed by the more casual
Assessment of the foot and ankle in diabetics
                                                                                Pulses and blood pressure measurements (ankle brachial
General assessment of the patient’s condition by the multi-                 pressure index or ABPI) are taken, with absent pulses and/or low
disciplinary team includes looking for evidence of retinal and              ABPIs being indicative of poor arterial supply, prompting refer-
cerebro-vascular pathology, which is relevant to foot and ankle             ral to a vascular surgeon for further assessment. Normal or high
pathology as these contribute to falls, traumatic injury and poor           ABPI measurements may, however, not reflect the true patency
foot hygiene. Renal and cardiac disease may also contribute to              of the vessels as Monckeberg’s sclerosis may occur, with calci-
poor healing potential and should be optimised as part of the               fication of the tunica media leading to incompressible vessels.
management of diabetic foot pathology. Pyrexia, tachycardia and             Colour Doppler imaging is useful and should be requested via a
                                                                            vascular surgical team.
                                                                                Neurological assessment using Semmes-Weinstein monofila-
   Summary of hyperglycaemic tissue injury and                              ment hairs (size 5.07) is still considered to be the most reliable
   potential associated pathology                                           and reproducible test for protective sensation.3 The filament is
                                                                            pressed against the skin and allowed to bend, which roughly
   Hyperglycaemic Injury       Potential foot pathology                     equates to 10 g pressure. It is then repeated in three places. Posi-
                                                                            tive response to 2 out of 3 is considered sufficient to indicate
   Arterial wall thickening       • Poor O2/nutrient delivery
                                  	 	                                      protective sensation is present. This is tested over specific weight
                                  	 	 pad atrophy
                                  • Fat                                     bearing areas on the sole of the foot and is easily documented
                                  • Vessel infarct/tissue necrosis
                                  	 	                                      using a simple diagram (Figure 1), with sensation under the 1st
                                  • Poor healing potential                  metatarsal head being the single most predictive site. It must be
   Sensory nerve                  	 	
                                  • Loss of sensory protection              noted that any skin callus should be removed before document-
                                  • Unrecognised traumatic/                 ing a loss of protective sensation. Further testing with a 75 g
                                      pressure injury                       filament can then be used to describe profound sensory loss. Spe-
   Motor nerve                    	 	
                                  • Small muscle wasting of the             cific documentation then needs to be made regarding any defor-
                                      foot                                  mity, ‘at risk areas’ or ulcerations and signs of infection, with
                                  • Claw toes/prominent                     an appreciation of areas requiring surgical intervention. Table 2
                                      metatarsal heads                      summarizes the necessary documentation in the assessment of
                                  • Loss of sweating with                   the diabetic foot (Figure 2).
                                      atrophic, dry, cracked skin
                                  • Increased osseous blood
                                                                            Diabetic foot ulceration
                                      flow/demineralization                 Diabetic foot ulceration is not in itself a diagnosis but is a mani-
                                  • Paradoxical apparent                    festation of a spectrum of co-morbidities. During normal stance
                                      satisfactory blood flow               there is approximately 3000 mmHg pressure under the metatarsal
                               Venous                                       heads, increasing 2- to 3-fold in the presence of fat pad ­necrosis.
                                  • Congestion/swelling/                    Tightening of the tendoAchillis is also a common finding in dia-
                                      dependant ulceration                  betics, which further increases pressure under the metatarsal
                                  • Poor tissue perfusion/
                                  	 	                                      heads. It is understandable therefore that foot pathology associ-
                                      nutrient exchange                     ated with diabetes is common, with 15% of all diabetics having a
   Innate immunity                	 	
                                  • Neutrophil dysfunction                  foot ulcer or deep infection in their lifetime (Figure 3).4
                                  • Infection risk/poor healing                 Around the world approximately half of ulceration and ampu-
                                      potential                             tation cases are thought to be preventable5 and thus a high index
                                                                            of suspicion, monitoring and prevention by a multi-­disciplinary
Table 1                                                                     team for all diagnosed diabetics is vital. The importance of

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                           62                                          © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

                                                                                      Summary of necessary documentation in the
                                                                                      assessment of the diabetic foot

                                                                                      General        Blood pressure (BP)            Indicators of sepsis
                                                                                      assessment     Heart Rate (HR)
                                                                                                     Temperature (Temp)
                                                                                      Lab tests      Full blood count/CRP           Indictors of infection
                                                                                                     Blood and urine                Indication of current
                                                                                                     glucose                        diabetes control
                                                                                                     Blood HbA1c                    Indication of longer
                                                                                                                                    term diabetes control
                                                                                      Vascular       Pulses  capillary             Indicators of arterial
                                                                                      assessment     refill                         insufficiency
                                                                                                     Swelling and                   Indicators of venous
                                                                                                     varicosities                   insufficiency
                                                                                                     Doppler                        Ankle-brachial
                                                                                                                                    pressure index (ABPI)
                                                                                                                                    may have to used
                                                                                                                                    with caution but is
                                                                                                                                    valid if low
                                                                                      Neurological   Atrophic, dry                  Indicates risk of
                                                                                                     skin                           barrier breakdown
                                                                                                     Semmes-Weinstein               Indicates loss of
                                                                                                     monofilament testing           protective sensation
                                                                                                     (10  g in 2 out of 3 areas)

                                                                                   Table 2

Figure 1 a simple method for illustrating protective sensation is to
place a tick in the circle if protective sensation is present (10 g), a dot        Management of diabetic foot ulceration
if it is not and a dot with a circle around it if profound sensory loss
                                                                                   Appropriate multidisciplinary team input is always advised to
(75 g) is noted. Ulceration may also be annotated on the same
                                                                                   optimise the medical management of the patient’s diabetes. The
diagram if necessary.
                                                                                   diabetic foot should be monitored regularly as early treatment of
                                                                                   at risk areas can prevent many ulcerations. The simplest treat-
­ iagnosis and correct management cannot be over emphasised as                     ments include basic foot hygiene and regular moisturising to pre-
over 1 in 10 foot ulcerations ultimately results in amputation. In                 vent fissuring secondary to autonomic sweat dysfunction. Toe
the UK this approximately equates to 100 diabetic patients under-                  nails should be regularly trimmed to prevent pressure on the sur-
going minor and major lower limb amputations every week.                           rounding soft tissues resulting in tissue barrier failure. Dietician
    40% of ulcers are neuropathic in nature, 25% arterial and 35%                  input should also be utilized as often diabetic patients require
mixed, with around 1/3 being deep and 5% having osteomyelitis.                     zinc, magnesium and protein supplements to aid the healing pro-
    Foot ulceration in diabetics is multi-factorial but is often                   cess. Close attention to shoe wear is also essential. A loss of pro-
described as being mainly arterial (approx. 25%), neuropathic                      tective sensation leads to inadvertent shearing injury from shoe
(approx 40%) or mixed (approx 35%) in origin. Foot ulcers                          wear. Motor dysfunction often leads to bunions, cavus, claw toes
usually occur in prominent areas caused by deformity where                         and hammer toe deformities, which produce prominent areas
the overlying skin is subjected to high or prolonged pressure.                     more susceptible to injury, often worsened by fat pad atrophy
The resultant shear stresses lead to a detachment of the skin from                 and venous insufficiency. This further exacerbates poorly fitting
the underlying tissue and superficial lacerations. The skin often                  shoes due to swelling and skin thinning due to stretching.
has a bed with a necrotic cap or ulcer. Ulcers with a mainly neuro-                   The majority of patients who develop ulceration will require
pathic aetiology will have a healthy granulating bed whilst those                  colour Doppler imaging for evidence of vascular insufficiency,
with a significant arterial component will have a necrotic bed.                    and vascular surgical input. With modern techniques distal
    The Wagner classification (modified by Brodsky)6 is the most                   revascularization is possible and although often prone to poor
commonly used descriptive classification of diabetic foot ulcer-                   long term results, it may provide sufficient support to allow ade-
ations (Table 3), providing useful guidance to the management                      quate healing and save a potentially threatened limb.
of each class of ulcer. A more comprehensive scale has been                           Offloading the affected area should redistribute pressure to
developed at the University of Texas, which includes risk strati-                  larger areas, prevent shear and protect from inadvertent trauma
fication and expresses tissue breakdown, infection and gangrene                    and is best achieved with either the current gold standard of
separately and this may become more commonly utilized in the                       total contact casting (TCC) or with a walker boot/modified foot-
future.                                                                            wear along with partial weight bearing. Traditionally non-weight

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                                  63                                             © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 2 Sensation being testing under the metatarsal heads. The
Semmes-Weinstein monofilament is pressed against the skin until the
filament bends. Various thicknesses of filaments are available each of
which bends with a predetermined pressure documented in grams.

bearing was considered helpful, however, walking may actu-
ally improve vascular flow and improve healing provided the                   Figure 3 Photograph illustrating a typical plantar ulceration seen
ulcer itself is protected from pressure. TCC provides an excel-               in diabetic feet. The pressure area has become necrotic exposing
lent environment for healing as it prevents point pressure and                granulation tissue without significant infection or tendon/bone
minimizes shearing of the skin. However, walker boots and                     exposure (Wagner 1). This is best treated by orthotics and offloading.
modified footwear are also often used as TCC is a specialized
technique not available in all centres and is time consuming to               and collagen matrix), hyaluronic acid ester (Hyalofill), platelet
apply. The TCC should be changed every 5 to 14 days to allow                  derived growth factor impregnated dressings (Regranex) and
dressing changes and accommodate any swelling problems and                    those that apply living foetal foreskin cells (Dermagraft, Apli-
has a reported mean healing time of around 39 days.7,8 TCC is                 graft). Ulcer debridement can often be performed in the outpa-
not advised in patients with active infection, significant arterial           tients due to sensory neuropathy diminishing any discomfort.
occlusion, extremely thin skin, swollen skin or in patients with              Simple debridement of necrotic skin edges and necrotic caps
poor compliance (Figure 4).                                                   will expose tissue capable of healing. In cases where operative
    Superficial ulcerations without significant infection should be           intervention is required for extensive infection a long incision is
identified early and treated with ulcer preparation and off-­loading.         recommended, with Brunner incisions and minimal undermining
Normal saline dressings, or absorbent dressings (Alignate, Hydro-             to reduce iatrogenic soft tissue traction/injury. Tendon sheaths
fibre etc) are often all that is required. Occlusive hydrocolloids,           should be opened and washed to clear tracking pus. Vacuum
hydrogels or hypertonic saline gels can help remove necrotic tis-             assisted dressings have also been used to aid healing but are
sue, with the Cochrane systematic review suggesting that avail-               usually reserved for patients with ulcers resistant to more simple
able trials favour the use of hydrogel dressings for the removal              measures or for large areas. Laval or maggot therapy has been
of slough and callus.9 Foams and calcium alginate are also useful             suggested by some authors, however, review articles suggest this
for ulcers producing moderate volumes of exudates. Iodine and                 to be no more beneficial than hydrocolloid dressings and surgical
silver impregnated dressings have also been used. More recently,              debridement when indicated.9
biologically active dressings that encourage wound healing have                  Surgical management of ulceration is required for deep infec-
been used with some success, including Promogran (cellulose                   tions, osteomyelitis and recalcitrant ulcers. Following debridement

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                             64                                             © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

   The Wagner classification of diabetic foot ulceration,
   modified by Brodsky. The original Wagner
   classification is in italics after the relevant modified
   classification category

   Depth Classification
   0       At risk with no ulceration    Education and footwear
                                         Regular review
   1       Superficial ulceration        Offloading with total
                                         contact casting (TCC),
           Not infected (Wagner 1)       Walking brace or footwear
   2       Deep Ulceration exposing      Surgical debridement and
           bone or tendon (Wagner 2)     wound care
                                         Culture specific antibiotics
   3       Extensive ulceration or       Debridement +/− partial
           abscess (Wagner 3)            amputation
                                         Culture specific antibiotics

   Ischaemia Classification
   A     Not ischaemic                   Regular review
   B     Ischaemia without gangrene      Non-invasive vascular
                                         testing (Doppler)
                                         vascular consultation if
   C       Partial (forefoot) gangrene   Vascular consultation for
           (Wagner 4)                    possible re-vascularisation
                                         Debridement as above
   D       Complete foot gangrene        Amputation and vascular
           (Wagner 5)                    consultation

Table 3
                                                                             Figure 4 Aircast diabetic walker boot. The air bladders inside the boot
                                                                             are inflated to reduce shear stresses on the skin. The rigid outer shell
correction of deformity may be indicated to relieve pressure areas
                                                                             and rocker bottom sole and duel density insole help eliminate pressure
and allow ulcers to heal. Percutanous Achilles lengthening, meta-
                                                                             points, aid mobility and reduce stresses further.
tarsal osteotomies, Keller’s arthroplasty, interphalangeal arthro-
plasty and hammer toe correction may be appropriate. Using this
strategy the majority of ulcers will heal within 2 to 3 months.              20 to 40% of all cases of necrotising fasciitis are in patients with
    A chronic ulcer recalcitrant to standard treatment should be             known diabetes mellitus.
biopsied to rule out Marjolin’s ulcer (squamous cell carcinoma of               Necrotising fasciitis is a progressive, rapidly spreading infec-
a chronic wound) and may require plastic surgical input for local            tion of the deep fascial layers that affects both the overlying skin
rotational flaps and skin cover. Split skin grafts should be avoided         and underlying muscle. It may be secondary to many types of
in load bearing areas or those susceptible to shear stress.                  bacteria, often in synergism, but the commonest isolated organ-
    The presence of an ulcer does not per-se require antibiotics,            ism is Group A Streptococcus. Initial presentation is often itching
even with a positive microbiology swab, as colonization by a                 or pain which progresses to anaesthesia as the overlying skin
multitude of different bacteria is common. More important signs              vessels infarct. Cellulitis may be present initially, although this
of significant infection include spreading cellulitis/lymphangitis,          usually gives way to purplish skin and gangrene over only a cou-
pus/abscess or if systemic illness and pyrexial. Infected ulcers will        ple of hours. Tissue necrosis, putrid discharge, severe pain and
require surgical debridement down to healthy, viable tissue and              general systemic signs (pyrexia, malaise, diarrhoea, vomiting)
broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics should be administered                then become apparent. Soft tissue gas may be felt clinically as
to treat both anaerobic and aerobic organisms. These are often               crepitus but is often easiest to identify on plain X-ray.
continued as oral medication for approximately 12 weeks, but                    Ultimately, the mortality rate of necrotising fasciitis is 80 to
this should be discussed with the microbiology team. Soft tissue             90%, thus early identification and treatment are vital. Following
gas in diabetes is most commonly caused by aerobic organisms                 resuscitation early, aggressive surgical debridement and open-
or by mixed gram-negative rods (rather than Clostridium per-                 ing of the fascial planes is required. Biospies should be taken
fringens), but necrotizing fasciitis must be ruled out as between            from the spreading periphery as within the central gangrenous

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                            65                                             © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

area there will be organisms present which neither cause nor                mediated vascular reflex ultimately resulting in a hyperaemia.
add to necrotising fasciitis. The antibiotic of choice would be             Thus, in addition to repetitive unrecognized trauma it is thought
­ntravenous penicillin, or clindamycin as an alternative, to treat          that the hyperaemia causes an osteopenia (secondary to a mis-
Group A Streptococcus, but this may need to be altered subse-               match in bone destruction and synthesis2) which weakens bone
quently according to microbiology test results. Hyperbaric oxy-             making it more susceptible to the repeated minor trauma. The
gen therapy may also be considered but is not available in most             commonest joints to be affected by Charcot osteo-arthropathy are
centres.                                                                    those in the foot due to an increase in inadvertent trauma from
    The diagnosis of deeper purulent infections and osteomyelitis           walking, greater forces through the joints of the lower limb and a
is based on both clinical and radiographic grounds. Although the            greater degree of sensory loss. Charcot osteo-arthropathy occurs
exposure of bone at the base of an ulcer does not automatically             in stages, as described by Sidney N Eichenholtz in 1966, result-
lead to the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, its presence is highly sug-         ing in fragmentation, coalescence and consolidation12 which
gestive and plain X-ray (looking for bone destruction) is indicated.        typically occur over a 6-month period . The details of Charcot
Some care should be made with the diagnosis of osteomyelitis                osteo-arthropathy diagnosis and management are discussed in a
not associated with ulceration because any radiographic changes             separate article, however, in general Charcot osteo-arthropathy
may be due to Charcot osteo-arthropathy, which requires very                causes mid-foot (Rocker bottom foot) and ankle deformity and is
different treatment. MRI and white cell labelled scans may aid              usually seen only in a neuropathic which is well perfused with
diagnosis but should be used with caution as many imaging find-             good pulses.
ings are common to both conditions.10 If any doubt remains a
biopsy and culture will be required.
                                                                            Diabetic foot and ankle fractures
    Septic arthritis may mimic a number of conditions which are
similar to those found with other inflammatory or neoplastic con-           The treatment of ankle fractures in diabetes is a notorious chal-
ditions, or with Charcot osteo-arthropathy, and when the area is            lenge due to high complication rates, particularly of surgical
painless due to neuropathy the definitive diagnosis is notoriously          and soft tissue wounds. Historically surgical intervention lead
difficult.10 However, there should be a high index of suspicion             to high amputation rates, with more recent reports continuing
and again biopsy/aspiration will often be required.                         to highlight significant complication rates of around 45%.13,14
    Amputation will ultimately be required for uncontrolled infec-          The patient with significant co-morbidities is particularly at risk
tion and sepsis, recalcitrant osteomyelitis or unreconstructable            and a multidisciplinary approach is essential to optimise the
vascular insufficiency with gangrene. Amputation of the 1st ray             patient’s condition. However, in the absence of neuropathy, vas-
or 4th/5th rays are well tolerated in the diabetic population.              cular insufficiency or co-morbidities diabetic patients appear to
Amputations of the 3rd ray are less well tolerated and usually              have an overall risk of complication similar to that for a matched
require more proximal amputations, either through the Lisfranc,             population.14,15
mid-tarsal (Chopart) or hindfoot (Symes) if there is sufficient soft            Non-operative management may also lead to significant
tissue cover. Otherwise, a transtibial amputation is performed. In          infective wound complications16 and close attention to ill-fitting
mid-tarsal amputations insertion of the dorsi-flexion tendons into          casts and patient compliance is essential with regular review.
the neck of the talus is required to prevent significant equinus            Non-operative treatment is also associated with a higher rate
from the pull of the tendoAchillis. Hindfoot amputations have               of Charcot osteo-arthropathy17 and hence debate still continues
the advantage of improving ambulation over short distances                  as to the best form of management. There are some principles
without a prosthesis (eg to the toilet), however, prosthetic fit-           which must however be followed. In general there should be a
ting is more difficult and close collaboration with the patient and         low tolerance for any displacement as incongruity of the ankle
orthotist is required in choosing a hindfoot amputation over a              can cause rapidly progressing post-traumatic arthritis or Charcot
transtibial amputation.                                                     osteo-arthropathy. Even if neuropathy is not seen at presenta-
    Previously, below knee re-vascularisation was thought to                tion it cannot be assumed that it will not develop in the future.
be futile as microangiopathic occlusive disease was thought to              With loss of sensory protection to the ankle joint a mal-union
be responsible for tissue necrosis in the diabetic foot. It is now          may cause more significant long term problems and arise in a
considered that tissue necrosis results more from narrowing and             shorter timeframe. Closed reduction and casting of displaced
occlusion of larger vessels with the practical implication that             fractures generally leads to displacement and merely delays sur-
infections and ulceration are amenable to treatment and poten-              gical intervention, and better results are usually obtained with
tially cure through revascularization of below knee ­vessels.               open reduction and internal fixation.18 If a fracture presents with
                                                                            pre-existing Charcot osteo-arthropathy or significant osteoarthri-
                                                                            tis then primary fusion is often ­indicated.
Charcot osteo-arthropathy
                                                                                Of the other fractures of the foot and ankle the general principle
Although tertiary syphilis was one of the leading causes of Charcot         should be “do no harm”. Minimally displaced fractures are thus
joints in the late 1800s, the commonest cause in ­modern society            often treated conservatively. Calcaneal fractures are ­ generally
is diabetes mellitus. It is thought that the loss of proprioception         best treated conservatively except in the severely displaced
and deep sensation ultimately leads to progressive joint degen-             as there can be potentially catastrophic wound ­ complications.
eration, destruction, and disorganization secondary to repetitive           Talar fractures will require operative intervention if displaced
unrecognized trauma. Using scintigraphy, it has been shown that             or ­associated with significant collapse from avascular necrosis.
in patients with diagnosed neuropathy there is increased blood              Metatarsal fractures generally do well if treated conservatively
flow within bone,11 thought to be due to an autonomic, neurally             and although mid-tarsal injuries are rare they often require

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                           66                                           © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

­reatment for displacement and collapse and should be treated               References
using similar protocols as to those for Charcot osteo-arthropathy           1	Sue Roberts (National Director for Diabetes). Working together for
in this region.                                                                better diabetes care, clinical case for change. Department of Health,
    Osteoporosis19,20 and delayed fracture healing21 are potential             16 May 2007, p. 1–16.
complications of diabetes. The exact aetiology is poorly under-             2	Brower AC, Allman RM. The neuropathic joint: a neurovascular bone
stood but is likely to be multi-factorial, and can lead to spinal              disorder. Radiol Clin North Am 1981; 19(4): 571–580.
and hip fractures as well as those in the foot and ankle. It has,           3	Jerosch-Herold C. Assessment of sensibility after nerve injury and
however, been shown that fasting hypoglycaemia may be the                      repair: a systematic review of evidence for validity, reliability and
overriding risk factor for fracture development, and that a well               responsiveness of tests. J Hand Surg [Br ] 2005; 30(3): 252–264.
controlled blood sugar level is important.22                                4	Pham H, Armstrong DG, Harvey C, Harkless LB, Giurini JM, Veves A.
    The exact increase in fracture healing time in humans is dif-              Screening techniques to identify people at high risk for diabetic
ficult to assess and again is multi-factorial. The type and severity           foot ulceration: a prospective multicenter trial. Diabetes Care 2000;
of diabetes is implicated as are associated co-morbidities includ-             23(5): 606–611.
ing vascular insufficiency, renal disease and hyper-lipidaemia.             5	National Diabetes Support Team. Diabetic foot guide. NHS Clinical
Smoking, diet and age are all also likely to influence the rate of             Governance Support Team. 2006, p. 1–12.
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   and in high risk patients a doubling of immobilisation time.                44(7): 775–782.
• Distal vascular reconstruction is becoming increasingly
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• Operative intervention is associated with high complication               22	 olmberg AH, Nilsson PM, Nilsson JA, Akesson K. The association
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ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                           67                                             © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

   Learning points                                                             Necrotising fasciitis is most commonly due to Group A
                                                                               Streptococcus. Treatment includes fluid resuscitation,
   An ABPI 0.7 and 1.3 may be used to determine adequate                     intravenous penicillin or clindamycin, wide surgical debridement
   blood flow. A transcutaneous oxygen pressure of 40 mmHg                    of necrotic tissue and incision of fascial planes into healthy
   also suggests adequate arterial flow.                                       tissue. Second review in theatres is required at 24 hours with
   Whilst neuropathic ulcers may be tackled by the orthopaedic                 further debridement if necessary. Delayed primary closure may
   surgeon, ischaemic ulcers require vascular surgical input as                be possible following successful treatment.
   arterial reconstruction may be required for the resolution of
   ulceration and limb salvage.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1                                            68                                           © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. FOOT AND ANKLE The diabetic foot and ankle p ­ redicted to be around 750,000 higher for those with undiag- nosed disease. The ratio of type I : type II diabetes is around 1:10, with type II becoming more prevalent due to Britain hav- James C Stanley ing the fastest growing rate of obesity in the developed world (the risk of developing type II diabetes is around 10x greater Andrew M Collier with a body mass index of >30) and an ever aging population. The Department of Health states that the current cost of treating diabetes and its complications is around 5% of the NHS budget, or around £10 million a day, with this figure set to rise 10% by 2011.1 Around half of this figure is spent on the complications of diabetes, with diabetic foot disease being responsible for around 10 to 20% of all diabetic admissions to hospital. Abstract Although foot and ankle pathology is common in the non- Diabetes mellitus is a common malady of our time with ever increasing d ­ iabetic population, the orthopaedic surgeon should remain numbers of patients presenting with diabetic foot and ankle pathology. vigilant for patients with undiagnosed diabetes. A high index Diabetes requires treatment by a multidisciplinary team and vascular dis- of suspicion should be used when reviewing patients in the ease requires management involving vascular surgeons. There is, how- outpatients and emergency departments for apparently simple ever, an increasing burden on the orthopaedic surgeon with ulceration, pathology such as paronychia, slow healing wounds or similar foot deformity, osteomyelitis and Charcot osteo-arthropathy being direct conditions. Simple urine glucose and serum tests will provide complications of diabetes. Potential severe complications following frac- early diagnosis of diabetes and may crucially influence decisions ture and elective surgery require an understanding of diabetes and its on patients requiring surgery. effects on soft tissue and bone. The key topics are: Pathophysiology - effects of hyperglycaemia on vascular, neuronal and immune systems, The effects of hyperglycaemia on the foot and ankle Assessment - examination of diabetic foot pathology and how to spot the ‘at risk foot’, Ulceration - management of foot and ankle ulceration Hyperglycaemia promotes changes in the microvasculature sec- and indications for intervention, Charcot osteo-arthropathy - brief over- ondary to thickening of the basement membrane, sorbitol accu- view of Charcot-type foot and ankle disease, and Management of ankle mulation and loss of nitric oxide auto-regulation. This ultimately fractures - overview of current trends in options for conservative and leads to reduced nutrient and oxygen exchange. In the foot this is surgical intervention. commonly seen with fat pad atrophy, inability to form skin callus, nerve ischaemia, tissue necrosis, muscle atrophy, and poor heal- Keywords diabetic ankle fractures; diabetic foot; diabetic ulceration ing potential. The ischaemic injury alone is insufficient to fully explain the tissue dysfunction seen in the diabetic foot and ankle. Nerve ischaemic injury is also compounded by cellular struc- tural changes secondary to non-enzymic glycation and damage to Introduction essential signal pathways, the degree of which is proportional to Diabetic care requires a multidisciplinary team approach with the magnitude of hyperglycaemia. All types of peripheral nerve general practitioners, podiatrists and endocrinologists mediating are affected including sensory, motor and autonomic, with each the majority of care. Vascular disease is common and requires leading to specific changes seen in the diabetic foot and ankle. vascular surgical assessment; however, there is an increas- Sensory nerve damage leads to a typical glove and stocking ing burden on the orthopaedic surgeon in the management of distribution of sensory loss, resulting in a loss of protective sensa- neuropathic ulceration and deformity. While the term ‘diabetic tion to pressure/traumatic injury. Motor loss causes small muscle foot and ankle’ often refers to ulceration, gangrene and Charcot atrophy and forefoot deformity with toe deformity and increased osteo-arthropathy, diabetes also has a significant influence on the prominence of the metatarsal heads. Non-enzymic cross-linking management of foot and ankle fractures/soft tissue injury. The of collagen in the presence of hyperglycaemia makes soft tis- management of foot and ankle pathology in diabetics requires an sues inflexible causing stiff joints and a tight Achilles tendon, understanding of hyperglycaemic tissue injury to predict, prevent worsening the forefoot pressure related to motor dysfunction. and treat complications of soft tissue ulceration, deformity and Autonomic dysfunction reduces sweating, leading to dry cracked traumatic injury. skin and producing potential access for pathological organisms to The number of people in the UK diagnosed with diabetes deeper structures. Autonomic loss also causes arterial dilatation mellitus in 1996 was 1.4 million; it has now exceeded 2.3 mil- of diseased vessels with a paradoxical hyperaemia, resulting in lion (equivalent to ∼3% of the population) with the true figure the deceptive appearance of a well perfused foot. The hyperae- mia leads to increased osseous blood flow, ultimately causing a demineralization of the bone matrix (one of the processes thought James C Stanley MBBS MRCS is Specialist Registrar at the Department of to be involved in the development of Charcot-type destruction).2 Orthopaedics, Harrogate District Hospital, North Yorkshire, UK. Loss of autonomic control over the venous system also causes venous congestion and further ulceration complications. Andrew M Collier MB ChB FRCS(Tr & Orth) is Consultant Orthopaedic Innate immunity, essential for initiation of healing and fight- Surgeon at the Department of Orthopaedics, Harrogate District ing infection, is impaired due to changes in neutrophil activity. Hospital, North Yorkshire, UK. The high tissue concentrations of glucose are also an ideal culture ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 61 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 2. FOOT AND ANKLE medium for bacterial colonization. Thus, even in the presence of general malaise may be the overriding feature of sepsis and stan- an apparently adequate blood supply ulceration, infection and dard observations (BP, HR and temp) are required. poor healing may prevail, leading to the high complication rates Surveillance within the community of diabetic patients seen following traumatic injury and surgical intervention in the reduces significant complications by identifying the ‘at risk foot’ diabetic foot and ankle. and is the cornerstone of a diabetic foot management program. Table 1 summarizes the various tissue injuries caused by Examination of the skin quality, bony deformity or tight Achilles hyperglycaemia and the potential associated pathologies. tendon, sensation and vascularity can identify the ‘at risk foot’ Delayed fracture healing in diabetics is well described. and instigate early referral. Although the exact mechanism is unclear, it is likely to be multi- Inspection of the diabetic foot will often illustrate common factorial involving insulin effects on callus formation, alterations findings. Thin, shiny, dry skin which is hairless and often discol- in neutrophil activity and osseous blood flow and glycation of oured due to dependant rubor will require moisturizers, surgical enzymic pathways. Wound healing is similarly affected resulting shoes with total contact insoles and regular review. Hypertrophic in high complication rates for open wounds and surgical inci- nails are often misshapen and require chiropody to reduce paro- sions around the foot and ankle. nychia and spreading infection. Individual inspection of the web spaces may reveal pathology easily missed by the more casual examiner. Assessment of the foot and ankle in diabetics Pulses and blood pressure measurements (ankle brachial General assessment of the patient’s condition by the multi- pressure index or ABPI) are taken, with absent pulses and/or low disciplinary team includes looking for evidence of retinal and ABPIs being indicative of poor arterial supply, prompting refer- cerebro-vascular pathology, which is relevant to foot and ankle ral to a vascular surgeon for further assessment. Normal or high pathology as these contribute to falls, traumatic injury and poor ABPI measurements may, however, not reflect the true patency foot hygiene. Renal and cardiac disease may also contribute to of the vessels as Monckeberg’s sclerosis may occur, with calci- poor healing potential and should be optimised as part of the fication of the tunica media leading to incompressible vessels. management of diabetic foot pathology. Pyrexia, tachycardia and Colour Doppler imaging is useful and should be requested via a vascular surgical team. Neurological assessment using Semmes-Weinstein monofila- Summary of hyperglycaemic tissue injury and ment hairs (size 5.07) is still considered to be the most reliable potential associated pathology and reproducible test for protective sensation.3 The filament is pressed against the skin and allowed to bend, which roughly Hyperglycaemic Injury Potential foot pathology equates to 10 g pressure. It is then repeated in three places. Posi- tive response to 2 out of 3 is considered sufficient to indicate Arterial wall thickening • Poor O2/nutrient delivery protective sensation is present. This is tested over specific weight pad atrophy • Fat bearing areas on the sole of the foot and is easily documented • Vessel infarct/tissue necrosis using a simple diagram (Figure 1), with sensation under the 1st • Poor healing potential metatarsal head being the single most predictive site. It must be Sensory nerve • Loss of sensory protection noted that any skin callus should be removed before document- • Unrecognised traumatic/ ing a loss of protective sensation. Further testing with a 75 g pressure injury filament can then be used to describe profound sensory loss. Spe- Motor nerve • Small muscle wasting of the cific documentation then needs to be made regarding any defor- foot mity, ‘at risk areas’ or ulcerations and signs of infection, with • Claw toes/prominent an appreciation of areas requiring surgical intervention. Table 2 metatarsal heads summarizes the necessary documentation in the assessment of Autonomic • Loss of sweating with the diabetic foot (Figure 2). atrophic, dry, cracked skin Arterial • Increased osseous blood Diabetic foot ulceration flow/demineralization Diabetic foot ulceration is not in itself a diagnosis but is a mani- • Paradoxical apparent festation of a spectrum of co-morbidities. During normal stance satisfactory blood flow there is approximately 3000 mmHg pressure under the metatarsal Venous heads, increasing 2- to 3-fold in the presence of fat pad ­necrosis. • Congestion/swelling/ Tightening of the tendoAchillis is also a common finding in dia- dependant ulceration betics, which further increases pressure under the metatarsal • Poor tissue perfusion/ heads. It is understandable therefore that foot pathology associ- nutrient exchange ated with diabetes is common, with 15% of all diabetics having a Innate immunity • Neutrophil dysfunction foot ulcer or deep infection in their lifetime (Figure 3).4 • Infection risk/poor healing Around the world approximately half of ulceration and ampu- potential tation cases are thought to be preventable5 and thus a high index of suspicion, monitoring and prevention by a multi-­disciplinary Table 1 team for all diagnosed diabetics is vital. The importance of ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 62 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 3. FOOT AND ANKLE Summary of necessary documentation in the assessment of the diabetic foot General Blood pressure (BP) Indicators of sepsis assessment Heart Rate (HR) Temperature (Temp) Lab tests Full blood count/CRP Indictors of infection Blood and urine Indication of current glucose diabetes control Blood HbA1c Indication of longer term diabetes control Vascular Pulses capillary Indicators of arterial assessment refill insufficiency Swelling and Indicators of venous varicosities insufficiency Doppler Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) may have to used with caution but is valid if low Neurological Atrophic, dry Indicates risk of skin barrier breakdown Semmes-Weinstein Indicates loss of monofilament testing protective sensation (10  g in 2 out of 3 areas) Table 2 Figure 1 a simple method for illustrating protective sensation is to place a tick in the circle if protective sensation is present (10 g), a dot Management of diabetic foot ulceration if it is not and a dot with a circle around it if profound sensory loss Appropriate multidisciplinary team input is always advised to (75 g) is noted. Ulceration may also be annotated on the same optimise the medical management of the patient’s diabetes. The diagram if necessary. diabetic foot should be monitored regularly as early treatment of at risk areas can prevent many ulcerations. The simplest treat- d ­ iagnosis and correct management cannot be over emphasised as ments include basic foot hygiene and regular moisturising to pre- over 1 in 10 foot ulcerations ultimately results in amputation. In vent fissuring secondary to autonomic sweat dysfunction. Toe the UK this approximately equates to 100 diabetic patients under- nails should be regularly trimmed to prevent pressure on the sur- going minor and major lower limb amputations every week. rounding soft tissues resulting in tissue barrier failure. Dietician 40% of ulcers are neuropathic in nature, 25% arterial and 35% input should also be utilized as often diabetic patients require mixed, with around 1/3 being deep and 5% having osteomyelitis. zinc, magnesium and protein supplements to aid the healing pro- Foot ulceration in diabetics is multi-factorial but is often cess. Close attention to shoe wear is also essential. A loss of pro- described as being mainly arterial (approx. 25%), neuropathic tective sensation leads to inadvertent shearing injury from shoe (approx 40%) or mixed (approx 35%) in origin. Foot ulcers wear. Motor dysfunction often leads to bunions, cavus, claw toes usually occur in prominent areas caused by deformity where and hammer toe deformities, which produce prominent areas the overlying skin is subjected to high or prolonged pressure. more susceptible to injury, often worsened by fat pad atrophy The resultant shear stresses lead to a detachment of the skin from and venous insufficiency. This further exacerbates poorly fitting the underlying tissue and superficial lacerations. The skin often shoes due to swelling and skin thinning due to stretching. has a bed with a necrotic cap or ulcer. Ulcers with a mainly neuro- The majority of patients who develop ulceration will require pathic aetiology will have a healthy granulating bed whilst those colour Doppler imaging for evidence of vascular insufficiency, with a significant arterial component will have a necrotic bed. and vascular surgical input. With modern techniques distal The Wagner classification (modified by Brodsky)6 is the most revascularization is possible and although often prone to poor commonly used descriptive classification of diabetic foot ulcer- long term results, it may provide sufficient support to allow ade- ations (Table 3), providing useful guidance to the management quate healing and save a potentially threatened limb. of each class of ulcer. A more comprehensive scale has been Offloading the affected area should redistribute pressure to developed at the University of Texas, which includes risk strati- larger areas, prevent shear and protect from inadvertent trauma fication and expresses tissue breakdown, infection and gangrene and is best achieved with either the current gold standard of separately and this may become more commonly utilized in the total contact casting (TCC) or with a walker boot/modified foot- future. wear along with partial weight bearing. Traditionally non-weight ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 63 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 4. FOOT AND ANKLE Figure 2 Sensation being testing under the metatarsal heads. The Semmes-Weinstein monofilament is pressed against the skin until the filament bends. Various thicknesses of filaments are available each of which bends with a predetermined pressure documented in grams. bearing was considered helpful, however, walking may actu- ally improve vascular flow and improve healing provided the Figure 3 Photograph illustrating a typical plantar ulceration seen ulcer itself is protected from pressure. TCC provides an excel- in diabetic feet. The pressure area has become necrotic exposing lent environment for healing as it prevents point pressure and granulation tissue without significant infection or tendon/bone minimizes shearing of the skin. However, walker boots and exposure (Wagner 1). This is best treated by orthotics and offloading. modified footwear are also often used as TCC is a specialized technique not available in all centres and is time consuming to and collagen matrix), hyaluronic acid ester (Hyalofill), platelet apply. The TCC should be changed every 5 to 14 days to allow derived growth factor impregnated dressings (Regranex) and dressing changes and accommodate any swelling problems and those that apply living foetal foreskin cells (Dermagraft, Apli- has a reported mean healing time of around 39 days.7,8 TCC is graft). Ulcer debridement can often be performed in the outpa- not advised in patients with active infection, significant arterial tients due to sensory neuropathy diminishing any discomfort. occlusion, extremely thin skin, swollen skin or in patients with Simple debridement of necrotic skin edges and necrotic caps poor compliance (Figure 4). will expose tissue capable of healing. In cases where operative Superficial ulcerations without significant infection should be intervention is required for extensive infection a long incision is identified early and treated with ulcer preparation and off-­loading. recommended, with Brunner incisions and minimal undermining Normal saline dressings, or absorbent dressings (Alignate, Hydro- to reduce iatrogenic soft tissue traction/injury. Tendon sheaths fibre etc) are often all that is required. Occlusive hydrocolloids, should be opened and washed to clear tracking pus. Vacuum hydrogels or hypertonic saline gels can help remove necrotic tis- assisted dressings have also been used to aid healing but are sue, with the Cochrane systematic review suggesting that avail- usually reserved for patients with ulcers resistant to more simple able trials favour the use of hydrogel dressings for the removal measures or for large areas. Laval or maggot therapy has been of slough and callus.9 Foams and calcium alginate are also useful suggested by some authors, however, review articles suggest this for ulcers producing moderate volumes of exudates. Iodine and to be no more beneficial than hydrocolloid dressings and surgical silver impregnated dressings have also been used. More recently, debridement when indicated.9 biologically active dressings that encourage wound healing have Surgical management of ulceration is required for deep infec- been used with some success, including Promogran (cellulose tions, osteomyelitis and recalcitrant ulcers. Following debridement ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 64 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 5. FOOT AND ANKLE The Wagner classification of diabetic foot ulceration, modified by Brodsky. The original Wagner classification is in italics after the relevant modified classification category Depth Classification 0 At risk with no ulceration Education and footwear Regular review 1 Superficial ulceration Offloading with total contact casting (TCC), Not infected (Wagner 1) Walking brace or footwear modification 2 Deep Ulceration exposing Surgical debridement and bone or tendon (Wagner 2) wound care Offloading Culture specific antibiotics 3 Extensive ulceration or Debridement +/− partial abscess (Wagner 3) amputation Offloading Culture specific antibiotics Ischaemia Classification A Not ischaemic Regular review B Ischaemia without gangrene Non-invasive vascular testing (Doppler) vascular consultation if symptomatic C Partial (forefoot) gangrene Vascular consultation for (Wagner 4) possible re-vascularisation Debridement as above D Complete foot gangrene Amputation and vascular (Wagner 5) consultation Table 3 Figure 4 Aircast diabetic walker boot. The air bladders inside the boot are inflated to reduce shear stresses on the skin. The rigid outer shell correction of deformity may be indicated to relieve pressure areas and rocker bottom sole and duel density insole help eliminate pressure and allow ulcers to heal. Percutanous Achilles lengthening, meta- points, aid mobility and reduce stresses further. tarsal osteotomies, Keller’s arthroplasty, interphalangeal arthro- plasty and hammer toe correction may be appropriate. Using this strategy the majority of ulcers will heal within 2 to 3 months. 20 to 40% of all cases of necrotising fasciitis are in patients with A chronic ulcer recalcitrant to standard treatment should be known diabetes mellitus. biopsied to rule out Marjolin’s ulcer (squamous cell carcinoma of Necrotising fasciitis is a progressive, rapidly spreading infec- a chronic wound) and may require plastic surgical input for local tion of the deep fascial layers that affects both the overlying skin rotational flaps and skin cover. Split skin grafts should be avoided and underlying muscle. It may be secondary to many types of in load bearing areas or those susceptible to shear stress. bacteria, often in synergism, but the commonest isolated organ- The presence of an ulcer does not per-se require antibiotics, ism is Group A Streptococcus. Initial presentation is often itching even with a positive microbiology swab, as colonization by a or pain which progresses to anaesthesia as the overlying skin multitude of different bacteria is common. More important signs vessels infarct. Cellulitis may be present initially, although this of significant infection include spreading cellulitis/lymphangitis, usually gives way to purplish skin and gangrene over only a cou- pus/abscess or if systemic illness and pyrexial. Infected ulcers will ple of hours. Tissue necrosis, putrid discharge, severe pain and require surgical debridement down to healthy, viable tissue and general systemic signs (pyrexia, malaise, diarrhoea, vomiting) broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics should be administered then become apparent. Soft tissue gas may be felt clinically as to treat both anaerobic and aerobic organisms. These are often crepitus but is often easiest to identify on plain X-ray. continued as oral medication for approximately 12 weeks, but Ultimately, the mortality rate of necrotising fasciitis is 80 to this should be discussed with the microbiology team. Soft tissue 90%, thus early identification and treatment are vital. Following gas in diabetes is most commonly caused by aerobic organisms resuscitation early, aggressive surgical debridement and open- or by mixed gram-negative rods (rather than Clostridium per- ing of the fascial planes is required. Biospies should be taken fringens), but necrotizing fasciitis must be ruled out as between from the spreading periphery as within the central gangrenous ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 65 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 6. FOOT AND ANKLE area there will be organisms present which neither cause nor mediated vascular reflex ultimately resulting in a hyperaemia. add to necrotising fasciitis. The antibiotic of choice would be Thus, in addition to repetitive unrecognized trauma it is thought i ­ntravenous penicillin, or clindamycin as an alternative, to treat that the hyperaemia causes an osteopenia (secondary to a mis- Group A Streptococcus, but this may need to be altered subse- match in bone destruction and synthesis2) which weakens bone quently according to microbiology test results. Hyperbaric oxy- making it more susceptible to the repeated minor trauma. The gen therapy may also be considered but is not available in most commonest joints to be affected by Charcot osteo-arthropathy are centres. those in the foot due to an increase in inadvertent trauma from The diagnosis of deeper purulent infections and osteomyelitis walking, greater forces through the joints of the lower limb and a is based on both clinical and radiographic grounds. Although the greater degree of sensory loss. Charcot osteo-arthropathy occurs exposure of bone at the base of an ulcer does not automatically in stages, as described by Sidney N Eichenholtz in 1966, result- lead to the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, its presence is highly sug- ing in fragmentation, coalescence and consolidation12 which gestive and plain X-ray (looking for bone destruction) is indicated. typically occur over a 6-month period . The details of Charcot Some care should be made with the diagnosis of osteomyelitis osteo-arthropathy diagnosis and management are discussed in a not associated with ulceration because any radiographic changes separate article, however, in general Charcot osteo-arthropathy may be due to Charcot osteo-arthropathy, which requires very causes mid-foot (Rocker bottom foot) and ankle deformity and is different treatment. MRI and white cell labelled scans may aid usually seen only in a neuropathic which is well perfused with diagnosis but should be used with caution as many imaging find- good pulses. ings are common to both conditions.10 If any doubt remains a biopsy and culture will be required. Diabetic foot and ankle fractures Septic arthritis may mimic a number of conditions which are similar to those found with other inflammatory or neoplastic con- The treatment of ankle fractures in diabetes is a notorious chal- ditions, or with Charcot osteo-arthropathy, and when the area is lenge due to high complication rates, particularly of surgical painless due to neuropathy the definitive diagnosis is notoriously and soft tissue wounds. Historically surgical intervention lead difficult.10 However, there should be a high index of suspicion to high amputation rates, with more recent reports continuing and again biopsy/aspiration will often be required. to highlight significant complication rates of around 45%.13,14 Amputation will ultimately be required for uncontrolled infec- The patient with significant co-morbidities is particularly at risk tion and sepsis, recalcitrant osteomyelitis or unreconstructable and a multidisciplinary approach is essential to optimise the vascular insufficiency with gangrene. Amputation of the 1st ray patient’s condition. However, in the absence of neuropathy, vas- or 4th/5th rays are well tolerated in the diabetic population. cular insufficiency or co-morbidities diabetic patients appear to Amputations of the 3rd ray are less well tolerated and usually have an overall risk of complication similar to that for a matched require more proximal amputations, either through the Lisfranc, population.14,15 mid-tarsal (Chopart) or hindfoot (Symes) if there is sufficient soft Non-operative management may also lead to significant tissue cover. Otherwise, a transtibial amputation is performed. In infective wound complications16 and close attention to ill-fitting mid-tarsal amputations insertion of the dorsi-flexion tendons into casts and patient compliance is essential with regular review. the neck of the talus is required to prevent significant equinus Non-operative treatment is also associated with a higher rate from the pull of the tendoAchillis. Hindfoot amputations have of Charcot osteo-arthropathy17 and hence debate still continues the advantage of improving ambulation over short distances as to the best form of management. There are some principles without a prosthesis (eg to the toilet), however, prosthetic fit- which must however be followed. In general there should be a ting is more difficult and close collaboration with the patient and low tolerance for any displacement as incongruity of the ankle orthotist is required in choosing a hindfoot amputation over a can cause rapidly progressing post-traumatic arthritis or Charcot transtibial amputation. osteo-arthropathy. Even if neuropathy is not seen at presenta- Previously, below knee re-vascularisation was thought to tion it cannot be assumed that it will not develop in the future. be futile as microangiopathic occlusive disease was thought to With loss of sensory protection to the ankle joint a mal-union be responsible for tissue necrosis in the diabetic foot. It is now may cause more significant long term problems and arise in a considered that tissue necrosis results more from narrowing and shorter timeframe. Closed reduction and casting of displaced occlusion of larger vessels with the practical implication that fractures generally leads to displacement and merely delays sur- infections and ulceration are amenable to treatment and poten- gical intervention, and better results are usually obtained with tially cure through revascularization of below knee ­vessels. open reduction and internal fixation.18 If a fracture presents with pre-existing Charcot osteo-arthropathy or significant osteoarthri- tis then primary fusion is often ­indicated. Charcot osteo-arthropathy Of the other fractures of the foot and ankle the general principle Although tertiary syphilis was one of the leading causes of Charcot should be “do no harm”. Minimally displaced fractures are thus joints in the late 1800s, the commonest cause in ­modern society often treated conservatively. Calcaneal fractures are ­ generally is diabetes mellitus. It is thought that the loss of proprioception best treated conservatively except in the severely displaced and deep sensation ultimately leads to progressive joint degen- as there can be potentially catastrophic wound ­ complications. eration, destruction, and disorganization secondary to repetitive Talar fractures will require operative intervention if displaced unrecognized trauma. Using scintigraphy, it has been shown that or ­associated with significant collapse from avascular necrosis. in patients with diagnosed neuropathy there is increased blood Metatarsal fractures generally do well if treated conservatively flow within bone,11 thought to be due to an autonomic, neurally and although mid-tarsal injuries are rare they often require ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 66 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 7. FOOT AND ANKLE t ­reatment for displacement and collapse and should be treated References using similar protocols as to those for Charcot osteo-arthropathy 1 Sue Roberts (National Director for Diabetes). Working together for in this region. better diabetes care, clinical case for change. Department of Health, Osteoporosis19,20 and delayed fracture healing21 are potential 16 May 2007, p. 1–16. complications of diabetes. The exact aetiology is poorly under- 2 Brower AC, Allman RM. The neuropathic joint: a neurovascular bone stood but is likely to be multi-factorial, and can lead to spinal disorder. Radiol Clin North Am 1981; 19(4): 571–580. and hip fractures as well as those in the foot and ankle. It has, 3 Jerosch-Herold C. 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NHS Clinical Smoking, diet and age are all also likely to influence the rate of Governance Support Team. 2006, p. 1–12. fracture healing. A young fit type II diabetic may well heal at a 6 Brodsky JW. The diabetic foot. In: Coughlin MJ, Mann RA, eds. normal rate whilst an elderly smoker with insulin dependence Surgery of the foot and ankle. Mosby, 1999, p. 895–969. and co-morbidities may require immobilisation 2 to 3 times lon- 7 Trepman E, Pinzur MS, Shields NN. Application of the total contact ger. The presence of a neuropathy is often used as an appropriate cast. Foot Ankle Int 2005; 26(1): 108–112. marker in deciding on doubling immobilization time.15,21 Weight 8 Myerson M, Papa J, Eaton K, Wilson K. The total-contact cast for bearing status (or not) should follow similar protocols as for management of neuropathic plantar ulceration of the foot. J Bone those patients without diabetes as excessive non-weight bearing Joint Surg Am 1992; 74(2): 261–269. may predispose the patient to developing disuse osteopenia and 9 Edwards J. Debridement of diabetic foot ulcers. Issue 4. Art. No.: potentially provoke Charcot osteo-arthropathy. CD003556. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002. In the presence of significant vascular insufficiency any ortho- 10 ones EA, Manaster BJ, May DA, Disler DG. Neuropathic J paedic intervention to treat a fracture will be compromised and osteoarthropathy: diagnostic dilemmas and differential diagnosis. a vascular surgical assessment should be requested. Although Radiographics 2000(20 Spec No): S279–S293. re-cannulation of distal vessels often produces only short term 11 dmonds ME, Clarke MB, Newton S, Barrett J, Watkins PJ. Increased E success, the improved blood supply may be sufficient to promote uptake of bone radiopharmaceutical in diabetic neuropathy. Q J Med healing and prevent infection. 1985; 57(224): 843–855. 12 ichenholtz Sidney N. Charcot joints. Springfield, Ill., C.C. Thomas, E 1966. Summary 13 cCormack RG, Leith JM. Ankle fractures in diabetics. Complications M • The diabetic foot and ankle is a complex problem requiring a of surgical management. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1998; 80(4): 689–692. multidisciplinary approach. 14 ones KB, Maiers-Yelden KA, Marsh JL, Zimmerman MB, Estin M, J • Diabetes reduces oxygen and nutrient delivery through chan­ Saltzman CL. Ankle fractures in patients with diabetes mellitus. ges in the vascular system. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2005; 87(4): 489–495. • Neuropathy causes loss of protective sensation, deformity and 15 ostigan W, Thordarson DB, Debnath UK. Operative management C swelling. of ankle fractures in patients with diabetes mellitus. Foot Ankle Int • Arteriopathy and changes in innate immunity reduce healing 2007; 28(1): 32–37. potential. 16 lynn JM, Rodriguez-del RF, Piza PA. 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  • 8. FOOT AND ANKLE Learning points Necrotising fasciitis is most commonly due to Group A Streptococcus. Treatment includes fluid resuscitation, An ABPI 0.7 and 1.3 may be used to determine adequate intravenous penicillin or clindamycin, wide surgical debridement blood flow. A transcutaneous oxygen pressure of 40 mmHg of necrotic tissue and incision of fascial planes into healthy also suggests adequate arterial flow. tissue. Second review in theatres is required at 24 hours with Whilst neuropathic ulcers may be tackled by the orthopaedic further debridement if necessary. Delayed primary closure may surgeon, ischaemic ulcers require vascular surgical input as be possible following successful treatment. arterial reconstruction may be required for the resolution of ulceration and limb salvage. ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 23:1 68 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.