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Physical Aspects Of Atrium
Atrium was considered as a 'sun room' back in the old times. These days sun rooms appears in many
homes where people want to soak up sun rays in the middle of winter or maybe grow plants year
round. An atrium is an open–roofed part of a building, though now it more commonly has a glass
roof. Although the atrium has evolved throughout the centuries, the basic design has remained the
same. The word atrium comes from the Latin and refers to an open central court. An atrium in
architecture is a central part of buildings.
In community spaces, the special is the environmental behavior, in which the study focuses on the
atmospheric effect of public spaces or on their interior elements, such as lighting, music, and scent.
To identify the relationship between the public environment and the sense of place, this study aims
to determine the atrium patterns setting factors that provide a sense of place to the community. The
important physical aspects of atrium pattern design include architectural and functional esthetics.
Architectural aesthetics include many types of architectural elements like shapes, colors, scale,
materials, textures, and other accessories used to define or decorate the space. Layout, signage, and
comfort level are functional aspects that should also be considered.
Atrium introduce w much bigger space than any ... Show more content on ...
The main function of this element was used to allow natural light and ensure ventilation to the
internal spaces and connect the indoor to the outdoor adding to that the natural beauty of the space.
In the Roman eras the main reception room was the function of the atrium and the central space for
the family gathering. During the Roman Empire the atrium was constructed with or without
columns, generally has a marble basin known as the impluvium, which was situated in the center of
the space under the roof opening called
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Implementing Environmental Aspects Into Business...
One of the main goals for the design team is to improve the environment and to achieve sustainable
development. A number of tools have been created by LEED in order to improve the quality in
construction projects. These advantages have changed how buildings are designed, assembled and
maintained. During the design phase the following items need to be deeply thought out to achieve a
good quality building:
1) Energy Conservation
2) Comfortable lightening, sound, and temperature
3) Acquisition, Installation, and management of project materials
4) Water efficiency
5) Using natural resources including sunlight and solar energy
6) Indoor environmental quality
It is important to communicate with the owner's needs regarding these factors ... Show more content
on ...
The most important standard within the ISO 14000 series is the ISO 14001 standard. ISO 14001
specifies the requirements of an environmental management system (EMS) for small to large
organizations. The ISO 14001 is based on the Plan–Check–DO–Review Improve cycle shown in
figure 1. Figure 1
In construction, buildings have the capacity to make a major contribution to a more sustainable
future for our planet. Sustainable construction aims to meet present day needs. Sustainable
construction involves major issues such as:
1) Materials performance
2) Operation and maintenance
3) Adherence to ethical standards
4) Flexibility in building use
5) Construction technology and processes
6) Energy and resource efficiency
7) Safety and working conditions
Understanding sustainability construction is key for a better and brighter future in the construction
industry. Based on these issues listed above, and the concept to make sustainable construction easier
to understand, projects today must:
1) Demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable development, pushing the envelope of practice
and exploring new elements.
2) Adhere to the highest ethical standards.
3) Exhibit a sensible use of natural resources throughout their entire life cycle.
4) Must prove to the owner that it is economically feasible
In the United States most buildings account for total energy use, total electricity use, total water
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Flexibility, And Teamwork Guide Our Recent School Design
Flexibility, and teamwork guide our recent school design. Each newly constructed school building is
expected to serve its purpose far into an unpredictable future; therefore, the key challenge for
designers is to attain flexibility (Copa & Pease, 1992; Dudek, 2000; Jilk, 2005; Nair & Fielding,
2005). This demand for flexibility applies to many different features of a school building, such as
spaces and environments for different group sizes and learning styles, dynamic boundaries and the
ability to change facilities. Open spaces, movable boundaries, as well as shared spaces allowing for
interactions in flexible groups seem to be replacing traditional classrooms that ran along confining
corridors. The original school, founded in the 1890s, ... Show more content on ...
(Baker, 2012). Around the turn of the century, many books were written on the appropriate design
and construction of school buildings, in which environmental systems are covered in depth (Briggs,
1899; Hamlin, 1910; Mills, 1915). Although many of these texts focus heavily on plans and layout
suggestions, there was a great deal of attention paid to the proper lighting and ventilation of
classrooms and schools as a whole. An early model for the standard adequate classroom was drawn
up by Horace Mann, an early educational reformer, which called for standard rows of desks, and
windows on both sides of the room. It was this movement, known as the Common School
movement, which popularized the notion of free schools paid for by local property taxes, which
grew over time in the first half of the 19th century across the country. (Baker, 2012). Schools needed
to follow different principles, from the need to be open to the air, to the need to be quickly built, and
to the need to provide space for multiple modes of instruction. (Baker, 2012). "[t]he school building
should be simple, dignified and plain and should be built of the most enduring materials procurable;
first, because this contributes to safety, permanence and endurance, and second, because the true
character of the building will be best expressed through such materials" (Mills, 1915, p. 34). Good
ventilation was of fundamental importance to school designers at the
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Passive Solar Power : The Use Of Solar Energy
Solar power is the energy that is retrieved from the sun that is transformed into thermal or electrical
energy. It is known to being one of the cleanest and abundant renewable energy source available.
Solar energy can be utilized in many forms for instance, photovoltaics (known as solar electric)
solar heating and cooling concentrating solar power (typically built at utility scale), and passive
solar. (About Solar Energy. n.d.).
Two most common ways solar energy is adapted into being useful are first in the form of passive
solar energy which refers to controlling the sun's energy without the use of mechanical devices.
Passive solar is applied in three ways passive solar cooling which minimizes the impact the summer
sun has on a home. By positioning your home and landscape it can help benefit of cooling breezes.
Passive solar heating which insulates a home to minimize heat loss. By positioning your home in a
way that most of the windows are facing the south and insulating your home to minimize heat loss.
Daylighting brings natural light which illuminates the home in helping to reduce costs. (Passive
Solar Energy – Naturally Heat, Cool, & Light Your Home. n.d.).
Active solar energy is a cost–effective way for homeowners by gathering and using energy from the
sun for their solar heating needs. Active solar is used in solar heating which uses different systems to
distribute heat throughout your home. By using fans, pumps, and blowers that help collect, store,
and distribute
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The Concept of Green Building
The concept of green building builds upon the model of minimal disturbance to landscapes and site
condition, use of non–toxic recycled and environmental friendly building materials and renewable
energy. In the US, green building accounts approximately about 2% in 2005 of the new non–
residential building market, 12% in 2008; and is expected to grow to 28%–35% in 2010. The
estimates for green residential buildings are even lesser, at 0.3% of the market. But this trend is
likely to grow due to high consumer confidence and a growth in the number of green builders. After
the US, Australia and Canada, India has also emerged as the hottest destination for green buildings.
According to the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), the concept of green buiding is picking up
the momentum in India and has grown at a strong pace highlighted by the fact that in 2001 there was
1 green building with 20,000 sq. ft. and by 2013 this had grown to about 2,236 green buildings with
1.65 billion sq. ft. depicting strong growth. This kind of growth of green construction is mostly
observed in commercial, corporate (Special Economic Zones), and industrial buildings both from
the public and private sectors.
The benefits of green building can be divided into environmental benefits, economic benefits and
health and community benefits. The environmental benefits could improve and protect ecosystems
and biodiversity. Better design and building practices can help in addressing environmental
challenges such
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The Importance Of Energy Efficiency Essay
Energy efficiency is the goal to reduce the amount of energy used to provide products and services.
Energy is wasted daily across the country due to insufficient conservation. During the winter, heat
escapes through poorly insulated and unsealed doors, windows, and attics. During the summer,
sunlight streams into the house, causing air conditioners to work harder and pump more air. Hallway
lights and televisions are left on overnight, wasting crucial energy. Each of these inefficiencies,
while by themselves are very small, add up and waste our money and resources. Energy efficiency is
measured in many different ways. One of these ways is by performing an energy assessment, which
is a series of tests on your home to see where it's strengths and weaknesses are. The first major area
to examine is insulation and air sealing. If a home is not properly insulated, or if multiple cracks are
not sealed, it could be losing heat or cooling. The second area to look at is space heating and
cooling. Space heating and cooling systems include thermostats and ductwork. Another area to look
at is water heating. This is a very important part of a home's makeup, since it supplies a home with
all of the necessary water to run most household appliances, including showers and dishwashers.
The next area to check would be lighting and daylighting systems, like regular light fixtures and
energy efficient light fixtures. Windows, doors, and skylights are also other good places to
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Radiance For Rhinoceros: A Case Study
Diva–for–Rhino plug–in for Rhinoceros is used, which interfaces Radiance for daylighting and glare
performance calculations. The suggested computational simulations settings and configurations for
the illuminance model are listed in (Table 02). In this phase, the daylighting criteria uses the
commonly accepted metrics of sDA300/50% and ASE1000/25. sDA300/50% describes how much
of a space receives sufficient daylight. Specifically, it describes the percentage of floor area that
receives at least 300 Lux for at least 50% of the annual occupied hours. The sDA300/50% first
addresses each analysis node separately and assesses the number of hours per year that each node
meets or exceeds an illuminance threshold of 300 Lux of daylight. After that, it counts which nodes
met this threshold for at least 50% of the occupied hours, and reports this as the percentage of nodes
across the analysis space. ASE1000/25 describes how much of space receives too much direct
sunlight, which can cause visual discomfort or glare. Specifically, ASE measures the percentage of
floor area that receives at least 1000 Lux for at least 250 occupied hours per year. Following the
same sDA300/50% ... Show more content on ...
and Wienold, J., 2011). It has the same minimum threshold of the daylight autonomy, but it adds a
maximum threshold which is 10 times the minimum. Through this metric the space area was
represented as 'daylit', 'partially daylit' and 'over lit' areas. Firstly, the 'daylit' area percentage is
reported when illuminance levels fall between 300 and 3000 lx for at least 50% of the occupied
hours. Secondly, the 'partially daylit' area is measured when less than 50% of the occupied hours
met the minimum illuminance of 300 lx that represents daylight deficiency. Finally, the 'over lit' area
is reported when daylight illuminance exceeds the maximum threshold for more than 5% of the
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Environmental Factors Of An Environmental Environment
Environmental factors
There are different environmental factors that need to be considered in any sustainable building
design. The main objectives of an environmental friendly design are to reduce or avoid the depletion
of the critical environmental resource including raw materials, water, and energy (Hawkes, 2013).
Furthermore, the construction designs should be able to prevent environmental degradation negative
impact on the environment that may be due to the infrastructure or the facilities in the building over
a period of time. This are the main critical factors, therefore, to be able to ensure that there is less
environmental impact, the optimization of the site is very important and this includes the orientation
of the site and the energy use as well as the transportation methods of the materials (McMullan,
2012). These features are very significant. Another essential element is the optimization of energy
use including reduction of energy load and finally the conservation of water and recycling of used
Human effort
The comfort level is something that is considered very important in the construction industry.
Important comfort levels are usually linked to the working environment and includes thermal
comfort aspects i.e. air temperature, humidity, air velocity and the radiant temperature. Some of the
personal factors that can impact on the human comfort level i.e. the metabolic heat and the clothing
insulation which if not taken into consideration can impact on
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Solar Energy Advantages
Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever–evolving
technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten
salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis. It is an important source of renewable energy and its
technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they
capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the
use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy.
Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable
thermal mass or light–dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air. The
large magnitude of solar energy available makes it a highly appealing source of electricity. The
United Nations Development Programme in its 2000 World Energy Assessment found that the
annual potential of solar energy was 1,575–49,837 exajoules . This is several times larger than the
total world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ in 2012. In 2011, the International Energy
Agency said that "the development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies
will have huge longer–term benefits. It will increase countries' energy security through reliance on
an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly import–independent resource, enhance sustainability,
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Ritz Carlton Environment Analysis
Environment analysis
The Ritz Carlton Hotel will inevitably have a negative impact on the environment due to its large
size, hence the considerable pollution and the waste which would be produced during its
construction and operation. Green–house gas is a pollutant that being continually produced
throughout the entire life–cycle of the hotel. Initially, transportation of construction material and
construction are both carbon dioxide high–emitting activities. During the operation, the tourism
being brought about will also contribute to the green–house emissions significantly. However, on
some level, the extensive area of vegetation covered nearby could compensate for the green–house
gas being emitted.
Effluent is a typical waste that would be generated. It increases the chance of contamination to the
waters around the RCH, more specifically, the Parramatta River. The effect of effluent becomes
even more profound when the Parramatta River has not reached a swimmable level of cleanliness.
Habit destruction may occur after the completion of the RCH, where the booming development of
this "second CBD" may cause anthropogenic ecosystem change. For example, effluent emitted by
the RCH which ends up in the river could taint the water with chemical and microbial substances,
resulting in the decrease of aquatic life.
There would be a certain amount of levy to be paid regarding to the waste being generated, in terms
of the green–house gas and the landfill. In complying with the laws
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Health And Safety Improve Manager Training Program Essay
much heavy lifting or manual materials handling.
b. The title and at least TWO objectives of the training programme
Title:Health and Safety improve manager training program
1. Make the new employees find the right job.and to know company background.
2. Improve the efficiency of new employees.
c. How to conduct training need Analysis and target trainees
Due to the warehousing operation training is a practical course, it's recommend that adopt integrated
teaching mode in the training process,and emphasis on the training of actual operation. During the
process of training, it's necessary to equip with the corresponding training facilities and equipment.
Since the core of the training is to cultivate the employees' practical skills, it can be appropriately to
simplify the theory teaching, but overmuch is unfavorable. In order to achieve a better effect on
training, it had better train on One to One or two instruction
d. Training content and time frame for conducting training using on –or off–the–job training
Day 1: Learn company profile and the basic situation of the warehouse operation
Day 2: Know the process of warehouse operation and master the skill of operation
Day 3: Master the management work of warehouse operation with case analysis
Day 4: Master the modern technology of warehouse operation,safety education
Day 5: Master the operation of goods receiving,warehousing and delivery
Day 6: Learn the skill of sing and maintaining of warehouse equipment
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A Short Note On The Global Ecology Center
Arch 100 Term Paper.
The Global Ecology Center
Lihao Wang,
May 19
The word "sustainable" is very popular recent years. Many countries are trying to reduce the carbon
emission. They tried controlling the smoke of the car. They tried controlling the use of the electric
and recycle everything they can use again. However, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of
buildings is more than either the transportation or industrial sectors. According to US Green
Building Council's research,In 2004, total emissions from residential and commercial buildings were
2236 million metric tons of CO2, or 39% of total US. Also, buildings consume 70% of the
electricity load in the US.(USGBC) A building called Global Ecology Center reduced 72% reduction
in carbon emissions and 50% in embodied carbon for building materials. Global Ecology Center is
located in Stanford, and it was chosen as an AIA Committee on the Environment Top Ten Green
Project for 2007. The capacity is 10,900 ft2. It completed in March 2004. Global Ecology Center
combined with laboratories and offices. It owned by and occupied by Carnegie Institution of
Washington, Corporation.(nonprofit) All told, the GEC achieved a 72 percent savings over a 2001
California Title 24–compliant building, the strictest energy code in the nation, for a modest capital
cost premium paid back between two and five years. In short, this is a good example for the
sustainable buildings and works very well. I visited the building twice and I found
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Healthy Buildings For Disease Control And Prevention
Healthy Buildings
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "[more] than one–third
(36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity. Obesity–related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2
diabetes and certain types of cancer... The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was
$147 billion in 2008 U.S. dollars; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher
than those of normal weight," ("Adult Obesity," 2016).
Forecasts demonstrate obesity prevalence trends to continue increasing as, "[eighty] percent of
American adults do not meet the government's national physical activity recommendations for
aerobic and muscle strengthening," ("Physical Inactivity," 2016); thus many are calling for a
movement to create a culture of health to advance the well–being of the country. The American
Public Health Association (APHA) believes, "... that health is a fundamental human right,"
(Benjamin, 2016, p. 777) and one that stands challenged by the pervasive use of technology, cultural
norms, socioeconomic status, and even how the circumscribing design of space and environment
influence physical movement. "Each day in the United States, more than 150 million American
adults participate in the labor force. With employees spending 7.6 hours a day on average at their
place of employment, worksites provide a unique setting to promote practices that can significantly
increase physically active employees," ("Worksite Physical," 2016). Improving the
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Planning Of Land Usage And Conservation Of Energy Essay
My research intent would be Building sustainability in the countries that are not well developed by
the planning of land usage and conservation of energy. It is an intelligent scientific design, where it
is the advancement of the current generation needs without hampering the future generation needs.
The environmental and economic problems in our planet are mostly contributed by the construction
industry and urbanization. We must take the challenge and create eco–design, sustainability and
construction practices to diminish the energy consumption. We must use the right materials,
construction techniques, building elements and energy focused concepts. Often countries which
have good monetary benefits find it easier to adopt sustainable methods as the methods are
economically very high. Developing countries like India, often find it hard to adopt these methods
and hence their primary choice would point to an economically sustainable solution.
My love for this field began when I interned during my third year of B.Arch. summer holidays in
Habitat Technology Group in India. In their buildings, the spaces and walls were made using a
method called compressed stabilized rammed earth construction. The construction was cost effective
and very energy conscious. Numerous sustainable strategies we could adopt like to have more
cluster buildings to open zones and protect natural habitat. Parking area could be limited. Usage of
waterless toilets fixtures–low
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Day Daylighting: An Exploration Of Human Experience
Daylighting: An Exploration of Human Experience
The presence of light is the most fundamental connecting force of the universe."
– Steven Holl
The work of Steven Holl is one of endless exploration. His interest in the phenomenology and
perception of space is seen in his work. Daylighting is an essential "material" in his work, his
intuition and experimentation are a process he embraces. He focuses both on the scientific
exploration but also a deep human experience. "Science remains essentially mysterious, yet our
daily scientific and phenomenal experiences shape our lives, experience sets a new frame from
which we interpret what we perceive," says Steven Holl. His use of phenomenal lighting as well as
scientific lighting, combine ... Show more content on ...
The curvature of the building uses the properties of daylighting in 60 degree north latitude, forming
a reversal of the sun path; this curved section captures the horizontal sunlight. The curving walls
change the room sizes, allowing daylight to enter from multiple ways. The curved "Wall of Ice" lets
light thorough glass planks while horizontal light is deflected into the center, penetrating both upper
and lower levels with light. The curved roof with the skylight "bowtie" allows light to distribute to
the top level of the galleries. This interlaced torsion of space and light, make it possible for all of the
twenty–five galleries to be naturally daylight .
Nelson–Atkins Museum of Art Addition
Lenses of Light
The expansion of the Nelson–Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri, creates unique
qualities of light in each space. The museum addition is comprised of five glass lenses, forming new
spaces and angles of views. The double–glass cavities of the lenses collects the heated air in winter
and exhaust in the summer. Moreover, the optimum light levels for different types of art installations
and seasonal flexibility requirements are made with the uses of computer–controlled screens and
translucent insulating material that are fixed in the
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Tollcross Burn Case Study
Dylan et al, We have developed general arrangement plans for Tollcross Burn and feel we are now
in a position to receive some input from your team and our landscape architects. These drawings
show the new Tollcross Burn alignment and full extent of daylighting works within Sandyhills Park.
We will follow up this issue with a briefing note to outline our design in more detail. In the
meantime, here is a quick brief of our approach. The proposals are generally split into three zones:
The downstream zone extending from Balbeggie Street westwards. The middle zone to the rear of
the shops east of Balbeggie Street. The upstream zone adjacent to Lochay Street. Scheme Options
Review A typical section detailing the projected channel profile is shown in figure 2.1 below. The
main channel is ... Show more content on ...
These include but are not limited to the following:– Drainage Survey to confirm invert levels/pipe
diameters. The scope of works are in the process of being tendered. Ground Investigation works to
confirm existing ground conditions Ground Penetrating Radar Survey to highlight existing utilities
which may be present, where possible Validation that the concept designs/proposals deliver the
required attenuation – to be validated through detailed drainage modelling We believe the design at
this stage gives your team a good base to provide some input which will help finalise our stage 3
design. I have also included some rendering images that I've taken from our 3D model. Hopefully
this helps visualise our design. It would be good to meet up and discuss these proposals with all
those involved from AECOM. Would you be available on Tuesday the 30th for a meeting? I'm going
to be on annual leave from next Friday however Calum Nicolson and Andrew Lindsay will be
available in my
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Daylight Shading Paper
This paper addresses the issue and key considerations behind designing with daylight as a primary
factor from the early stages of design in the architecture. Furthermore, the paper touches on the
subject of some of the most efficient ways to tackle the implementation of daylight strategies that
are thoughtful in terms of project specifics and achieve visual comfort and save on energy costs. As
specialists in the building industry, construction architects, together with architects, engineers, and
other professionals, face difficulties in implementing efficient daylighting strategies that consider
both proper illumination and much–needed shading, that causes discomfort glare and overheating.
The main objective of the paper is to observe and ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the paper addresses what are the most common considerations in projects regarding
daylight implementation and how certain factors differ from one company to company or
professionals to professionals within the building industry.
The methodology used to investigate involved secondary data acquired from roughly twenty
different sources, such as books, publications, articles, magazines as well as primary data, presently
through personal interpretations and experience.
The benefits of daylighting are not limited to energy saving, but they include plenty of health–
related positive aspects, as well as increased productivity and motivation among users exposed to
satisfactory levels of natural light during the day.
Companies should prioritize the spread of knowledge and training of staff in regards to perceiving
daylighting as a very important parameter from the early stages of design. Working in close
connection with consultants and legislators would facilitate the creation of uniform mind–set among
professionals of the architectural practice towards working with
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Daylighting In Health And Social Care
Literature Review
Importance of Daylight in Healthcare. Even though, the industry of electric lighting is extremely
exchanging natural light in recent years, people still tend to prefer a space having daylight. In fact,
daylight has been considered as a factor to positively impact occupants psychologically and
physiologically and reduce energy usage in buildings if utilized appropriately (Edwards &
Torcellini, 2002). According to the Verderber, daylighting offers a sense of spirituality, openness,
and freedom from prison–like confinements and intensity that characterize windowless space. So
that, especially in healthcare, daylighting can diminish the spiritual and physical stress of patients,
staffs who are staying quantity of their time in ... Show more content on ...
Time doesn't seem to pass in the same way in hospitals as it does in other places. Time seems to
almost not exist in the same way as it does in other places." For most people, illness is a source of
stress that is elevated when they are place into a healthcare settings (Tuan, 2013). High level of
stress, especially when a people hospitalized over time, can have influential psychological and
physical effects, which include depression. So solve the problem of stress of patients, exposure to
nature and daylight not only helps to calm patients, but can also have positive effects on other health
outcomes for the patients who has limited living space in healthcare facilities (Ulrich, 2001). Studies
have resulted that daylight can reduce depression and stress among patients with seasonal affective
disorder and bipolar depression (Joseph, 2006; Nelson et al., 2005). Furthermore, according to the
research, daylight can lessen the mental and physical strain of patients, doctors and nurses (Edwards
& Torellini, 2002), and minimize pain, shorten hospital stays (Joseph,
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Daylighting: Health Benefits And Increases Performance In...
Daylighting – Daylighting has health benefits and increases performance in a work environment,
and can be used as the main source of ambient lighting. Maximizing the use of daylighting can save
money on utility bills for businesses operating during the day. By taking full advantage of
daylighting it can decrease the amount of heat produced by artificial lighting, which can cut down
on cooling needs, also saving money (Natural Lighting).
Artificial Lighting – Artificial will have to be incorporated into the lighting plan for anyone working
after hours and for closed spaces with no window access. Placing lighting on sensors will help
control the lighting when it is not needed and no one is occupying the space. This can be done with
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Weill Hall Daylighting Experiment
In general there were little complaints of daylighting. Occupants were generally comfortable in their
respective spaces. Occupants were satisfied with the amount of natural lighting. Offices are mainly
located on the eastern side of Weill. Glare from the sun rising is blocked by the Biotechnology
building. Internal shading is utilized by occupants whenever glare became a problem. However,
there are no obstructions on the western side of Weill, where the sun sets. Lab occupants complained
of glare. Glare seemed to be more of an issue on the western side than the eastern side of Weill.
However, like office occupants, lab occupants utilized their internal shades to manage this
daylighting issue.
In terms of split task–ambient lighting, Weill ... Show more content on ...
In general, occupants of this building were happy with their spaces. Interestingly, they only began to
raise concerns once new alternatives were introduced. Occupants were happy with the ambient
lighting provided. When the option of a dimmable switch was introduced, they considered it an
option that would further improve their experiences. A dimmable switch would further provide
individuality to users who are keen on customizing their exact
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Benefits and Methods of Achieving Home Energy Efficiency
Achieving Home Energy Efficiency: The achievement of home energy efficiency is a process that
basically entails the reduction of unnecessary energy consumption, lessening the emissions of
greenhouse gases, and lowering the demands of non–renewable energy resources. Such efforts are
taken to ensure energy efficiency, which in turn provides healthier living conditions and resulting in
considerable money savings. Furthermore, the achievement of home energy efficiency is beneficial
to the nation because it promotes cleaner air and a healthier living environment. Through these
initiatives, the nation can effectively protect the climate from diverse effects by lowering
greenhouse gases. While there are various measures suggested for reducing energy use, homeowners
can be involved in the process by embracing energy–efficient initiatives in daily practices. Energy–
efficient processes at home include behavioral changes, managing electrical appliances efficiently,
investing in home weatherization, and education. Behavioral Measures: Behavioral measures
towards achieving home energy efficiency can be described as the necessary lifestyle changes that
an individual should take. The first process in the behavioral approach towards energy efficiency is
to identify any energy loss taking place through conducting an inspection (Tremblay, 2012). The
inspection will help in identifying the problem areas for inefficient energy use or loss and
prioritizing these areas based on the
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Environmental Protection Is A Trending Topic
Environmental protection is a trending topic not only in industries but also in architectures. Finding
a solution that could minimum the pollution to surrounding environment and save the resources at
the same time is crucial for architects in the process of design. Large amount of architects accepted
the practice of involving more daylight in their architects to save more resources. An abundant
supply of natural lighting can also save money and improve the visual quality of the environment.
However, for buildings with different functions, the usage and requirement of light are also
different, in particular, the libraries and art museums.
The development of a new architectural form, museums, had greatly changed the traditional
classical architectures into innovative modern architectures. Jayne Merkel, a historian and critic,
identifies three elements that control and define this development in museums as "lighting, security,
and procession through space." Unlike those traditional rectilinear space that isolated from the
outside world where even light were mostly artificial, museums are now increasingly open to natural
light and paying more attention on introducing strong spacial experience of the visitors.
Lighting in museums, especially art museum, is crucial for creating best views of exhibitions.
Controlling the lighting is particularly important that it should have minimum damage to the arts.
This is especially challenging in art museums with full glass roofing, for
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Daylighting In Architecture
Daylighting in architecture has been a constant adaptation and a very influential aspect of design. Le
Corbusier states "Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought
together in light. Our eyes are made to see forms in light: light and shade reveal these forms." He
also states "The history of architecture is the history of the struggle for light." In the early age of
architecture dating back to the Egyptian and classical period, different methods of daylighting were
established and these practices were further developed throughout the years. Egyptians would use
clerestories at the top of buildings to get light into interior or open plans and have a series of
columns to take advantage of shading control. In ancient Greece the strategy of orientation on site
was incorporated and would typically have buildings on an east–west axis so the morning sun would
illuminate the deity being worshipped. To further the adaptation of daylighting, typically it was
minimized or concentrated to bring attention to a certain statue or figure in the ancient Greek times,
creating a feeling of holiness or divinity. The Parthenon especially was constructed so that on
Athena's birthday, daylight would enter the cella during the morning so the sun would shine on the
statue in the building. Once Romans had advancements in architecture, new innovations were
created and skylights and clerestories became larger. Innovations such as the barrel vault and dome
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Effects Of School Design And Building Age On Student Learning
The Effects of School Design and Building Age on Student Learning When considering student
outcomes in schools, much of the emphasis is placed on quality teachers, curriculum and
socioeconomic factors. While these factors may be significant, the environment in which the
students are placed has a direct impact on student learning and success as well. With school building
age increasing, and school funding decreasing, it is imperative to understand and prepare for future
maintenance needs while considering environmental factors that will facilitate student achievement.
Moreover, in many school systems, students attend school in buildings that endanger their health,
safety, and learning opportunities (U.S. DoED, 2000). Many of the schools ... Show more content on ...
By isolating the independent variables in aging buildings that may be causing lower achievement
scores, an obtainable solution can be proposed. Ventilation While considering factors that may be
affecting student achievement, it is paramount to consider ventilation. Because proper ventilation
and updating HVAC systems can be one of the costliest repairs for a school district, it is often
delayed or avoided altogether. It is well known that all living beings need fresh air to survive and
thrive in an environment. In schools, ventilation is necessary to ensure that all contaminants are
removed or reduced for the safety of both students and staff. These contaminants come from people
breathing, sneezing, coughing, skin cells, particles from clothes, cleaning supplies, perfumes and
other harmful agents that can build up over time. Many classrooms are small, confined spaces that
are increasing in numbers as the population grows. Schools need good ventilation because children
breathe a greater volume of air in proportion to their body weights than adults do and because
schools have much less floor space per person that is found in most office buildings (Schneider,
2002). Of particular interest is that asthma is one of the most reported side effects of poor
ventilation. It could be of
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Daylight As A Healing Element
Chapter Four
Daylight as a healing element
It has been established that a healing environment has a positive effect on the human being given the
information mentioned above. In addition, healing architecture suggests that the incorporation of
natural elements during the design process of the building is essential. The investigation on the
themes of healing architecture lead to the conclusion that "the luminous environment plays an
important role and an integral part of the hospital's healing environment (Aripin, 2006).However, it
was noticed that "many studies on the subject of daylight focus on schools, offices and commercial
buildings but few on hospitals" (Aripin, 2006).Therefore ,a decision was made in investigating how
daylight can be used efficiently in a hospital setting in order to promote an effective healing
In recent literature, a number of studies have been conducted in order to showcase how daylight
could be beneficial on the human being in both physiological and physical aspects. As a matter fact,
Richard J. Wurtman suggested that "light is the most environmental input, after food and water, in
controlling bodily functions" (Hattie & Anderman , 2013). In addition, The Commission for
Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) published a report which proposed that light could
have a positive impact during the recovery process of the patient.
Moreover, Roger S.Ulrich carried out a trial in order to see if indeed natural light has any sort of
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Artificial Lighting : Mohamed Amr Hassan
[14ARCH08C] Building Services (1) Module Leader: Dr. Ashraf Nessim Group Research
Assignment artificial lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan 118279 Artificial lighting: Introduction The
actual conception of space will be immediately linked to just how mild combines with it. What we
see, whatwe all experience as well as how we translate the elements will be afflicted with precisely
how mild interacts with us as well aswith all the surroundings. Regarding architectural mastery,
within whichever measurement it may be assessed, possibly while space, while materials or perhaps
while colour, it can be essentially based on your lights situation that concerns the two the item as
well as the onlooker. The actual energetic sunlight as well as the controlled man–made lights can
affect besides specific actual measurable problems inside a space, but additionally to be able to start
as well as pressure diverse graphic suffers from as well as moods. A result of the mild, it is possible
to understand diverse atmospheres inside the similar actual surroundings. Gentle make up an
element of standard meaning for your design of rooms as well as then it plays a significant role
inside the talk of top quality within architectural mastery. Within executive tournaments, mild
possesses often already been any stated term inside the jury's remarks; possibly in case this will
never be any qualifying criterion from the program. Commonly within type of sunlight, your ample
by using
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Building Integrated Photovoltaic ( Bipv ) Systems
Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are one of the most promising solar–based
technologies with the potential to minimise the high energy demands of office buildings in the
Adelaide CBD. Recently, the Australian government has put in significant effort to increase the
sustainability of existing buildings. The Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) program, released
as part of the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010, requires the owners of Australia's
largest office buildings to reveal information regarding their energy consumption and efficiency to
the public (Department of Industry and Science 2015). By replacing conventional building materials
on the exterior of a building with solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, BIPV allows on–site electricity
generation to reduce the building's total energy consumption and emissions. A multifunctional
technology, the modules can also serve dual functions as roofs, windows, walls, thermal insulation
and daylight modulators, increasing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs. It is therefore
recommended that the South Australian government develop policies and strategies to encourage the
incorporation of BIVP into all future buildings and restoration projects. The development of BIVP
standards and procedures will also be necessary to overcome the technical and financial constraints
of BIVP and promote more industry professionals to partake in this new and innovative technology.
In Australia, commercial buildings
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The Causes And Effects Of Sustainability?
Title: Sustainability Names: Yasmin Raed Said U14121695 Shaikha Al–Ali U14122183 Ahad
Abothabet U15100929
University of Sharjah
Table of Contents
Causes and Effects..........................................................................................5
Cost..................................................................................................5 Energy
Efficiency..................................................................................5 Water
Efficiency...................................................................................5 Material
Sustainable Methods........................................................................................6 The usage of
sustainable materials for construction instead of the normal construction
materials......................................................................................................6 ... Show more content on ...
For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel to reduce energy of producing new steel.
Standard buildings usually use new materials and constructed in a non–sustainable way. When these
materials are made in the factories they produce CO2 emission which damage the environment.
Materials that are not found locally should be shipped overseas and will impact air quality.
Sustainable Methods There are many methods to approach to make buildings, such as the university
of Sharjah which is already standing or other buildings that are under construction, more sustainable
and therefore more environmentally friendly, such as: Exchanging facilities that use regular
generators with ones that use renewable energy: using renewable energy facilities reduces the cost
of operation since what is used to fuel them is always available and extracted from nature.
Renewable energy also helps designers and engineers to lower the level of carbon dioxide or other
chemical gases since this source of energy absorbs and doesn't produce it. One way to use renewable
energy is using solar panels. Solar panel energy is considered as one of the most clean and efficient
source of energy to ever be
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LEED: The Future Of The Construction Industry
The future of the construction industry is dependent upon the ability to transform the practices of
successful businesses into leadership programs that are able to successfully complete LEED
construction projects. The ability to complete these projects at a high level of expertise will help
utilize green practices in the industry to reduce building emissions and the buildings carbon
footprint on the planet. . LEED projects are defined by sustainability. The definition of sustainability
is providing for the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future
generations to provide for their needs. Providing healthy, resource – conserving, energy–efficient
buildings. "Green" building. Through this paper I will ... Show more content on ...
These benefits can be accomplished for a minimum cost of around 3% of the construction price.
LEED buildings achieve higher occupancy rates and lower capitalization rates potentially reflecting
lower investment risk. These buildings use resources more efficiently compared to conventional
buildings simply built to code. The buildings produce a healthier work and living environments
which generally contribute to higher productivity and improved employee health and comfort which
in turn is more profits for the business occupying the building. When a LEED rating is pursued, the
costs of construction and design rises. There are many points in the construction process that will
need additional time for research, design and education is a process of undertaking a LEED project,
these additional costs can be effectively mitigated by the savings in time due to the lower – than –
industry standard operating costs. LEED projects have specific documentation requirements such as:
A. Applications are reviewed by a third party based on a series of templates and spreadsheets
provided by the project team B. Many times some or all of the following documents may be
required by the contractor: 1. Detailed breakdowns of material types, costs, weights, that may be
used to calculate the percentage of
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Solar Energy : A Waste Of Energy
What is the point of the sun? What do we even use the sun for? Is it just a waste of space? The sun is
actually one of the most important natural sources in our galaxy, the Milky Way. We use the sun's
radiation and heat rays and we wallow in the heat and sunlight, and because of the sun, we live. The
suns radiation helps trees grow because trees provide the oxygen we live. The sun is extremely
important. The sun is ninety–two point ninety–six miles away from us, and yet it still benefits us!
Besides being able to live because of the sun, is there anything else we can use the sun for?
According to "That's Solar Power" there is, "The sun is a natural resource. The sun's energy can be
used to power homes. That is good for the Earth. Fossil fuels are used to provide energy in most
homes. But the use of fossil fuels for energy can poison the Earth". Just like Abdul Kalam said, "If
you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun." Solar panels! Solar panels conserve energy
beyond compare. Today our o–zone atmosphere is deteriorating because of all of the gasoline and
fire that is dispersing through our Earth. If the gasoline we are using keeps on picking at our
atmosphere, it will break and all of our tree's oxygen (from the sun) will disappear out of our galaxy.
Soon, even the Sun won't be able to sustain us because of how sloppy we are conserving energy. But
if we have solar panels, the sun can sustain us and you could save Earth by using solar panels. And
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Dr. Dagmar's Delusion In 'Lars Is Single'
Lars Lindstrom is a 27 year old Caucasian male. He has short brown hair, a brown mustache and
brown eyes. Lars is a Christian, and is often see at his local church or reading the bible. Although he
owns half of his parent's house, he lives in the garage, which he has made into a studio apartment.
His education level is not mentioned, although he has a job that supports him, so he must be
educated to some extent. At the beginning of the film Lars is single, though throughout the movie he
enters into two different relationships (Kimmel & Gillespie 2007). Lars has many internal strengths,
one of which is how he uses his delusion as a coping mechanism to combat the stressors in his life.
Although delusion is typically seen as a mental 'illness', it should be viewed as the individual's
ability to cope the best way they can in extreme stress, not as a weakness. Lars had plenty of stress
to cope with: his mother passed away while giving birth to him, and years later his brother, Gus, left
Lars and their father ... Show more content on ...
Dagmar is Lar's doctor and psychologist. She offers to treat Bianca so that she can assess Lar's and
help treat his delusion. Dr. Dagmar uses a strength based approach and views Lar's delusion as a
way of him expressing his emotions in a safe way, not as an adverse illness. She explains that the
delusion is real to Lars, that he is making the decisions surrounding it, and that others around him
have to support the delusion if they want to give him a chance to recover from it. She accepts his
belief in Bianca, does not belittle him for it, and encourages the community to do the same. This is a
strength based approach in that she stays where the client is mentally and emotionally, accepts his
choices and his behavior, and believes that the he has the power learn and grow from it (Kisthardt,
2006). Dr. Dagmar also helps Lars work through his aversion to touch, and his intense fear and
anxiety surrounding childbirth and people leaving him (Kimmel & Gillespie
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Solar Energy : The Importance Of Solar Power
he popularity of solar power seems undiminished even after decades of its discovery. It was what
everybody was raving about in the 70's. The popular frenzy over solar power continued well into the
80's too. What is surprising to note is that solar power is still enjoying tremendous popularity even
today. So what makes solar power such a 'hot' idea (no pun intended) even after all these years? The
first, and clearly the most important reason, is economy. If you've ever wondered if there is such a
thing as free energy, well, solar power is the closest you can get. The sun is a massive storehouse of
abundant energy. Solar energy is virtually limitless. For millions of years, solar energy has
supported life on earth. And now, thanks to modern science and technology, the same energy will
help keep our homes warm and bright, especially during those cold winter days. This is the time
when alternative is going mainstream. At least, in the field of energy generation and commercial
power production. The need of the hour is to produce abundant quantity of 'green', renewable and
low–cost energy in order to stop putting excessive strain on or natural resources.
How can solar power help us?
That great ball of fire up in the sky that we call the sun is the ultimate source of much of the power
that is generated and used by man. Solar power is full of potential and has many benefits of which
some are obvious and a few others that are not so easily realized by us. In fact, the sun has
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Sleeping In High Schools Essay
Question: How can sleeping patterns be more effectively used to increase energy in high school
students? Intro: Let's start by talking about zombies. What classifies a zombie? Zombies are usually
defined as the living dead; "deceased" organisms that come back to life and are often propelled to
eat human flesh by some sort of virus or disease. They are typically seen as slow and stupid; no
thinking just doing with little to no energy; never sleeping. All of these traits that can be seen in
zombies can also be seen in high school students. High schoolers go through the same daily routine,
wake up early, go to 1st period, 2nd period, 3rd period, and so on and so forth until they get home
where their homework continues to add to their stress and fatigue. Students complete their
homework, ... Show more content on ...
According to the National, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a consistent 9–10 hours of sleep a day is
required in teenagers and adolescents to avoid health problems that come as a result of sleep
deprivation. However, research collected by The National Sleep Foundation's Sleep in America Poll
found that by the 12th grade, 75 percent of students self–reported sleep durations of less than 8
hours of sleep per night. Furthermore, although 30% to 41% of sixth through eighth graders were
getting 9 or more hours of sleep, only 3% of 12th graders reported doing so. With this major gap in
sleep needed and sleep acquired, students experience effects of sleep deprivation. Good sleep should
be a priority for everyone as it takes up approximately 33 percent of our life, and by improving
sleeping patterns students could experience a decrease in drowsiness and an increase in
performance. In order to achieve this Schools should make sleep education a main focus and provide
the right resources to improve the energy and mood of their students through proper sleeping
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Designing For Health : Designer 's Responsibility Essay
2. Project Context This Chapter covers the list of literature studies (all the research will be listed and
briefly described), the project typology (the type of project), and the human factor (describing how
the research paper relates and affect humans). 2.1 History of Ideas (literature study) This section
presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in–depth search done by the
researcher. This will also present the synthesis of the design, theoretical and conceptual framework
to fully understand the research to be done. 2.1.1 Designers' responsibility toward healthcare spaces Designing for Health: Designer's responsibility to Patient Health written by Henson, M and
Baker, M and Keane, K (2015) In the article 'Designing for Health: Designers' Responsibility to
Patient Health', written by Marie Henson, Molly Baker, and Kirsten Keane, Perkins+Will, states that
"healthcare designers are fundamentally responsible for providing an enhanced healing environment
that focuses on stress reduction, safety, and high–quality indoor spaces for patients, caregivers, and
families." The first step towards reaching this goal is through the material selection that supports
healthy environments and allows occupants to heal, recover and prosper in the healthcare
environment. (Henson, Baker and Keane 2015) i. Relevance of the study It briefly describes the
paper's question of what are the interior designers' responsibility towards healthcare design. It also
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Technology As Our Planet's Last Best Hope Analysis
Technology in the 21st century has enhanced our lives by providing easy access to information,
quick ways to communicate, and has allowed people to connect with others all over the world. In
this case, technology is viewed in a positive light. However, when it comes to technology and it's
ability to solve environmental problems, is it reliable? Before technological solutions are
implemented in the environment, they must be thoroughly tested and reliable. These technological
solutions should have positive short–term and long–term effects. If the benefits are only good in the
short–term, but not in the long–term, and the environmental problem reoccurs or reincarnates into
another problem, we end up in the same place we started at. This would ... Show more content on ...
He presents two key groups within his article and their relationships with the environment. Pearce
introduces the "mainstream environmentalists" and the "modernists." He explains their differences
by stating, "While many mainstream environmentalists want to make peace with nature through the
sustainable use of natural resources, the modernists want to cut the links between mankind and
nature" (Pearce). Pearce theorizes that the debate about how useful technology is for our
environmental problems and how it "exacerbates them is not new." An example of a technology that
has proven successful, but has also been detrimental to the environment is the automobile. With the
invention of the automobile came a more convenient and efficient way to travel from one destination
to another, but unfortunately, the gases and oils these vehicles have expelled over time have created
a build up of air pollution. While this example of technology has an impact on nature/the
environment as an end result, modernists have come up with technologies that manipulate nature/the
environment, both as a starting point and ending point. Modernists are in support of "rewilding",
"the restoration of large tracts of habitat and the reintroduction of the species that once lived there"
(Pearce). These supporters say that rewilding can only be done with technology,
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Design Of A Sustainable Design
What we know today as sustainable architectural design began in the early 20th century; born and
evolved from principles and theories of architects in addition to physical devices all which precursor
those in today sustainable architecture. These premature design elements, and theories are visible in
works such as Le Corbusier's early 20th century, Villa Savoye; and Alvar
Aalto's mid–20th century, Villa Mairea. Reviewing and rereading these building's physical designs
and their architects design thinking we begin to unfold how contemporary sustainable design today
came to be. Examining William McDonough's sustainable office complex as a finale to these
developments it is visible where the endeavours of the past century have taken ... Show more
content on ...
Le Corbusier comprehends his 'roof garden' as a habitable space "Is it not against all logic when the
upper surface of a whole town remains unused and reserved exclusively for a dialogue between the
tiles and the stars?... for the town it means that the built–up space lost is regained"1 instead only
implying its possible ecological benefits.
Utilising re–enforced concrete technology allowed the villa Savoye to harbour strip windows, also
one of Le Corbusier's five points of new architecture. Embodied in the larger windows which give
equal light to all rooms are the principles that more natural daylight allows for a better living
experience, a step behind the more energy saving focused morals of today.
With the development of Alvar Aalto's Villa Mairea in the mid–
20th century we can start to see the fundamental ideals and physical devices of sustainable
architecture begin to form. Much like Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, Aalto's Villa Mairea incorporates
undeveloped environmentally minded devices.
However, Aalto who had a significant history with the Finnish forest "As for the Finnish landscape,
it was all around me, all the time. That experience of a working balance also gave me an
1 Le Corbusier, Towards a new
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Understanding That Environmental Responsibility Is An...
"Understanding that environmental responsibility is an integral part of design excellence" – Perkins
+ Will Contents Page 1.0 Introduction
........................................................................................................1 1.1 Design and Brief
..................................................................................................3 Location
..................................................................................................................4 Goals
......................................................................................................................5 Design theme and spatial
aesthetics.................................................................................................................6 Structural
system(s)....................................................................................................8 Lighting (artificial and
natural) ................................................................................................................................9 Provision
for water supply, distribution, and drainage
...............................................................................................................................10 Water sources and
consumption............................................................................................................11 Air Supply
................................................................................................................12 Energy / Electricity sources
and consumption .............................................................................................................................13
Maintenance access ...............................................................................................14 Efficiency
measures..................................................................................................15 . Behaviour change
measures ...............................................................................................................................16
Bibliography ............................................................................................................17 About the
project Design and Brief: 1315 Peachtree Street, LLC Location: 1315 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta
Georgia 30309 United States Architect: Perkins + Will Project Site Previously developed site The
building holds a platinum LEED certificate. Submitting Architect: Perkins+Will
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Queens Botanical Garden And Visitor And Administration...
Queens Botanical Garden Report
Talib Ahmad
1. Background on the Queens Botanical Garden and Visitor and Administration Building
What is the Queens Botanical Garden? Well, the Queens Botanical Garden is oasis located in
New York, where people coming from all different locations and cultures can involve themselves in
the beautiful gardens with many activates. This is the main goal, when the Queens Botanical
Garden first came about. In 1999, the architects of the Queens Botanical Garden began
brainstorming ideas of the garden's new visitor center. At this moment of time is when "green"
building was first coming about.
The visitor center of the Queen's Botanical Garden uses many sustainable and "green" construction
methods to its building. The Visitor and Administration buildings costs about 14 million dollars and
was planned by BKSK Architects. These buildings were one of the first constructions in the city to
receive a Platinum LEED rating. According to John Krieble, "Queens structure 'is showing people
that it can be down.'" One reason the building received its Platinum rating was the over 20 percent
of its materials that is was constructed with was used was within
500 miles of its location.
Using materials closer to the construction site saves money, time, and energy that would have been
spent transporting the materials from a farther site. The visitor and administration center both were
opened on September 27, 2007.
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Costco Price Club Essay
As stated in the introduction, the founder, Sol Price named his store Price Club when it first opened
its door in 1976 at a converted airplane hangar on Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Initially, the
goal was to have greater buying power by selling to small business, non–profit organization and
government. "The Price Club philosophy was simple: Keep overhead to an absolute minimum."
(Fox, M. 2009). However, it was soon realized it wasn't profitable enough to keep the membership
to an exclusive group such as small business and government so the membership was opened to the
general public at an annual membership fee of $25. In doing so it became extremely profitable to the
point where the employees were paid higher wages with benefits than typical retailers. The company
also started expanding throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In 1983 the first Costco brand
warehouse location opened in Seattle, WA. Costco became the first company to grow from zero to
$3 billion in sales in less than six years. When Costco and Price Club merged in 1993 to become
PriceCostco, it had 206 locations generating $16 billion in annual sales. At the end of their fiscal
year in 2016, the company's total sales were $116.1 billion. (Membership. (n.d.). Retrieved February
19, 2017, from Costco is one of the most admired ...
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When this type of value is placed on the employees they are certain to reap the benefits in high
productivity, commitment and loyalty. This action is taken by promoting the hourly position
employees to warehouse managers. "Corporate and regional office employees started in our
warehouses, depots and Business Centers. We aim to have a diverse workforce that is representative
of the communities where we do business, and to foster an inclusive environment."
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Physical Aspects Of Atrium

  • 1. Physical Aspects Of Atrium Atrium was considered as a 'sun room' back in the old times. These days sun rooms appears in many homes where people want to soak up sun rays in the middle of winter or maybe grow plants year round. An atrium is an open–roofed part of a building, though now it more commonly has a glass roof. Although the atrium has evolved throughout the centuries, the basic design has remained the same. The word atrium comes from the Latin and refers to an open central court. An atrium in architecture is a central part of buildings. In community spaces, the special is the environmental behavior, in which the study focuses on the atmospheric effect of public spaces or on their interior elements, such as lighting, music, and scent. To identify the relationship between the public environment and the sense of place, this study aims to determine the atrium patterns setting factors that provide a sense of place to the community. The important physical aspects of atrium pattern design include architectural and functional esthetics. Architectural aesthetics include many types of architectural elements like shapes, colors, scale, materials, textures, and other accessories used to define or decorate the space. Layout, signage, and comfort level are functional aspects that should also be considered. Atrium introduce w much bigger space than any ... Show more content on ... The main function of this element was used to allow natural light and ensure ventilation to the internal spaces and connect the indoor to the outdoor adding to that the natural beauty of the space. In the Roman eras the main reception room was the function of the atrium and the central space for the family gathering. During the Roman Empire the atrium was constructed with or without columns, generally has a marble basin known as the impluvium, which was situated in the center of the space under the roof opening called ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Implementing Environmental Aspects Into Business... One of the main goals for the design team is to improve the environment and to achieve sustainable development. A number of tools have been created by LEED in order to improve the quality in construction projects. These advantages have changed how buildings are designed, assembled and maintained. During the design phase the following items need to be deeply thought out to achieve a good quality building: 1) Energy Conservation 2) Comfortable lightening, sound, and temperature 3) Acquisition, Installation, and management of project materials 4) Water efficiency 5) Using natural resources including sunlight and solar energy 6) Indoor environmental quality It is important to communicate with the owner's needs regarding these factors ... Show more content on ... The most important standard within the ISO 14000 series is the ISO 14001 standard. ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an environmental management system (EMS) for small to large organizations. The ISO 14001 is based on the Plan–Check–DO–Review Improve cycle shown in figure 1. Figure 1 In construction, buildings have the capacity to make a major contribution to a more sustainable future for our planet. Sustainable construction aims to meet present day needs. Sustainable construction involves major issues such as: 1) Materials performance 2) Operation and maintenance 3) Adherence to ethical standards 4) Flexibility in building use 5) Construction technology and processes 6) Energy and resource efficiency 7) Safety and working conditions Understanding sustainability construction is key for a better and brighter future in the construction industry. Based on these issues listed above, and the concept to make sustainable construction easier to understand, projects today must: 1) Demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable development, pushing the envelope of practice and exploring new elements. 2) Adhere to the highest ethical standards. 3) Exhibit a sensible use of natural resources throughout their entire life cycle.
  • 6. 4) Must prove to the owner that it is economically feasible In the United States most buildings account for total energy use, total electricity use, total water ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Flexibility, And Teamwork Guide Our Recent School Design Flexibility, and teamwork guide our recent school design. Each newly constructed school building is expected to serve its purpose far into an unpredictable future; therefore, the key challenge for designers is to attain flexibility (Copa & Pease, 1992; Dudek, 2000; Jilk, 2005; Nair & Fielding, 2005). This demand for flexibility applies to many different features of a school building, such as spaces and environments for different group sizes and learning styles, dynamic boundaries and the ability to change facilities. Open spaces, movable boundaries, as well as shared spaces allowing for interactions in flexible groups seem to be replacing traditional classrooms that ran along confining corridors. The original school, founded in the 1890s, ... Show more content on ... (Baker, 2012). Around the turn of the century, many books were written on the appropriate design and construction of school buildings, in which environmental systems are covered in depth (Briggs, 1899; Hamlin, 1910; Mills, 1915). Although many of these texts focus heavily on plans and layout suggestions, there was a great deal of attention paid to the proper lighting and ventilation of classrooms and schools as a whole. An early model for the standard adequate classroom was drawn up by Horace Mann, an early educational reformer, which called for standard rows of desks, and windows on both sides of the room. It was this movement, known as the Common School movement, which popularized the notion of free schools paid for by local property taxes, which grew over time in the first half of the 19th century across the country. (Baker, 2012). Schools needed to follow different principles, from the need to be open to the air, to the need to be quickly built, and to the need to provide space for multiple modes of instruction. (Baker, 2012). "[t]he school building should be simple, dignified and plain and should be built of the most enduring materials procurable; first, because this contributes to safety, permanence and endurance, and second, because the true character of the building will be best expressed through such materials" (Mills, 1915, p. 34). Good ventilation was of fundamental importance to school designers at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Passive Solar Power : The Use Of Solar Energy Solar power is the energy that is retrieved from the sun that is transformed into thermal or electrical energy. It is known to being one of the cleanest and abundant renewable energy source available. Solar energy can be utilized in many forms for instance, photovoltaics (known as solar electric) solar heating and cooling concentrating solar power (typically built at utility scale), and passive solar. (About Solar Energy. n.d.). Two most common ways solar energy is adapted into being useful are first in the form of passive solar energy which refers to controlling the sun's energy without the use of mechanical devices. Passive solar is applied in three ways passive solar cooling which minimizes the impact the summer sun has on a home. By positioning your home and landscape it can help benefit of cooling breezes. Passive solar heating which insulates a home to minimize heat loss. By positioning your home in a way that most of the windows are facing the south and insulating your home to minimize heat loss. Daylighting brings natural light which illuminates the home in helping to reduce costs. (Passive Solar Energy – Naturally Heat, Cool, & Light Your Home. n.d.). Active solar energy is a cost–effective way for homeowners by gathering and using energy from the sun for their solar heating needs. Active solar is used in solar heating which uses different systems to distribute heat throughout your home. By using fans, pumps, and blowers that help collect, store, and distribute ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Concept of Green Building The concept of green building builds upon the model of minimal disturbance to landscapes and site condition, use of non–toxic recycled and environmental friendly building materials and renewable energy. In the US, green building accounts approximately about 2% in 2005 of the new non– residential building market, 12% in 2008; and is expected to grow to 28%–35% in 2010. The estimates for green residential buildings are even lesser, at 0.3% of the market. But this trend is likely to grow due to high consumer confidence and a growth in the number of green builders. After the US, Australia and Canada, India has also emerged as the hottest destination for green buildings. According to the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), the concept of green buiding is picking up the momentum in India and has grown at a strong pace highlighted by the fact that in 2001 there was 1 green building with 20,000 sq. ft. and by 2013 this had grown to about 2,236 green buildings with 1.65 billion sq. ft. depicting strong growth. This kind of growth of green construction is mostly observed in commercial, corporate (Special Economic Zones), and industrial buildings both from the public and private sectors. The benefits of green building can be divided into environmental benefits, economic benefits and health and community benefits. The environmental benefits could improve and protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Better design and building practices can help in addressing environmental challenges such ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Importance Of Energy Efficiency Essay Energy efficiency is the goal to reduce the amount of energy used to provide products and services. Energy is wasted daily across the country due to insufficient conservation. During the winter, heat escapes through poorly insulated and unsealed doors, windows, and attics. During the summer, sunlight streams into the house, causing air conditioners to work harder and pump more air. Hallway lights and televisions are left on overnight, wasting crucial energy. Each of these inefficiencies, while by themselves are very small, add up and waste our money and resources. Energy efficiency is measured in many different ways. One of these ways is by performing an energy assessment, which is a series of tests on your home to see where it's strengths and weaknesses are. The first major area to examine is insulation and air sealing. If a home is not properly insulated, or if multiple cracks are not sealed, it could be losing heat or cooling. The second area to look at is space heating and cooling. Space heating and cooling systems include thermostats and ductwork. Another area to look at is water heating. This is a very important part of a home's makeup, since it supplies a home with all of the necessary water to run most household appliances, including showers and dishwashers. The next area to check would be lighting and daylighting systems, like regular light fixtures and energy efficient light fixtures. Windows, doors, and skylights are also other good places to ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Radiance For Rhinoceros: A Case Study Diva–for–Rhino plug–in for Rhinoceros is used, which interfaces Radiance for daylighting and glare performance calculations. The suggested computational simulations settings and configurations for the illuminance model are listed in (Table 02). In this phase, the daylighting criteria uses the commonly accepted metrics of sDA300/50% and ASE1000/25. sDA300/50% describes how much of a space receives sufficient daylight. Specifically, it describes the percentage of floor area that receives at least 300 Lux for at least 50% of the annual occupied hours. The sDA300/50% first addresses each analysis node separately and assesses the number of hours per year that each node meets or exceeds an illuminance threshold of 300 Lux of daylight. After that, it counts which nodes met this threshold for at least 50% of the occupied hours, and reports this as the percentage of nodes across the analysis space. ASE1000/25 describes how much of space receives too much direct sunlight, which can cause visual discomfort or glare. Specifically, ASE measures the percentage of floor area that receives at least 1000 Lux for at least 250 occupied hours per year. Following the same sDA300/50% ... Show more content on ... and Wienold, J., 2011). It has the same minimum threshold of the daylight autonomy, but it adds a maximum threshold which is 10 times the minimum. Through this metric the space area was represented as 'daylit', 'partially daylit' and 'over lit' areas. Firstly, the 'daylit' area percentage is reported when illuminance levels fall between 300 and 3000 lx for at least 50% of the occupied hours. Secondly, the 'partially daylit' area is measured when less than 50% of the occupied hours met the minimum illuminance of 300 lx that represents daylight deficiency. Finally, the 'over lit' area is reported when daylight illuminance exceeds the maximum threshold for more than 5% of the occupied ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Environmental Factors Of An Environmental Environment Environmental factors There are different environmental factors that need to be considered in any sustainable building design. The main objectives of an environmental friendly design are to reduce or avoid the depletion of the critical environmental resource including raw materials, water, and energy (Hawkes, 2013). Furthermore, the construction designs should be able to prevent environmental degradation negative impact on the environment that may be due to the infrastructure or the facilities in the building over a period of time. This are the main critical factors, therefore, to be able to ensure that there is less environmental impact, the optimization of the site is very important and this includes the orientation of the site and the energy use as well as the transportation methods of the materials (McMullan, 2012). These features are very significant. Another essential element is the optimization of energy use including reduction of energy load and finally the conservation of water and recycling of used water. Human effort The comfort level is something that is considered very important in the construction industry. Important comfort levels are usually linked to the working environment and includes thermal comfort aspects i.e. air temperature, humidity, air velocity and the radiant temperature. Some of the personal factors that can impact on the human comfort level i.e. the metabolic heat and the clothing insulation which if not taken into consideration can impact on ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Solar Energy Advantages Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever–evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis. It is an important source of renewable energy and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light–dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air. The large magnitude of solar energy available makes it a highly appealing source of electricity. The United Nations Development Programme in its 2000 World Energy Assessment found that the annual potential of solar energy was 1,575–49,837 exajoules . This is several times larger than the total world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ in 2012. In 2011, the International Energy Agency said that "the development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies will have huge longer–term benefits. It will increase countries' energy security through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly import–independent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Ritz Carlton Environment Analysis Environment analysis The Ritz Carlton Hotel will inevitably have a negative impact on the environment due to its large size, hence the considerable pollution and the waste which would be produced during its construction and operation. Green–house gas is a pollutant that being continually produced throughout the entire life–cycle of the hotel. Initially, transportation of construction material and construction are both carbon dioxide high–emitting activities. During the operation, the tourism being brought about will also contribute to the green–house emissions significantly. However, on some level, the extensive area of vegetation covered nearby could compensate for the green–house gas being emitted. Effluent is a typical waste that would be generated. It increases the chance of contamination to the waters around the RCH, more specifically, the Parramatta River. The effect of effluent becomes even more profound when the Parramatta River has not reached a swimmable level of cleanliness. Habit destruction may occur after the completion of the RCH, where the booming development of this "second CBD" may cause anthropogenic ecosystem change. For example, effluent emitted by the RCH which ends up in the river could taint the water with chemical and microbial substances, resulting in the decrease of aquatic life. There would be a certain amount of levy to be paid regarding to the waste being generated, in terms of the green–house gas and the landfill. In complying with the laws ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Health And Safety Improve Manager Training Program Essay much heavy lifting or manual materials handling. b. The title and at least TWO objectives of the training programme Title:Health and Safety improve manager training program Objectives: 1. Make the new employees find the right job.and to know company background. 2. Improve the efficiency of new employees. c. How to conduct training need Analysis and target trainees Due to the warehousing operation training is a practical course, it's recommend that adopt integrated teaching mode in the training process,and emphasis on the training of actual operation. During the process of training, it's necessary to equip with the corresponding training facilities and equipment. Since the core of the training is to cultivate the employees' practical skills, it can be appropriately to simplify the theory teaching, but overmuch is unfavorable. In order to achieve a better effect on training, it had better train on One to One or two instruction d. Training content and time frame for conducting training using on –or off–the–job training methods Day 1: Learn company profile and the basic situation of the warehouse operation Day 2: Know the process of warehouse operation and master the skill of operation Day 3: Master the management work of warehouse operation with case analysis Day 4: Master the modern technology of warehouse operation,safety education Day 5: Master the operation of goods receiving,warehousing and delivery Day 6: Learn the skill of sing and maintaining of warehouse equipment ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. A Short Note On The Global Ecology Center Arch 100 Term Paper. The Global Ecology Center Lihao Wang, May 19 The word "sustainable" is very popular recent years. Many countries are trying to reduce the carbon emission. They tried controlling the smoke of the car. They tried controlling the use of the electric and recycle everything they can use again. However, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of buildings is more than either the transportation or industrial sectors. According to US Green Building Council's research,In 2004, total emissions from residential and commercial buildings were 2236 million metric tons of CO2, or 39% of total US. Also, buildings consume 70% of the electricity load in the US.(USGBC) A building called Global Ecology Center reduced 72% reduction in carbon emissions and 50% in embodied carbon for building materials. Global Ecology Center is located in Stanford, and it was chosen as an AIA Committee on the Environment Top Ten Green Project for 2007. The capacity is 10,900 ft2. It completed in March 2004. Global Ecology Center combined with laboratories and offices. It owned by and occupied by Carnegie Institution of Washington, Corporation.(nonprofit) All told, the GEC achieved a 72 percent savings over a 2001 California Title 24–compliant building, the strictest energy code in the nation, for a modest capital cost premium paid back between two and five years. In short, this is a good example for the sustainable buildings and works very well. I visited the building twice and I found ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Healthy Buildings For Disease Control And Prevention Healthy Buildings According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "[more] than one–third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity. Obesity–related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer... The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008 U.S. dollars; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight," ("Adult Obesity," 2016). Forecasts demonstrate obesity prevalence trends to continue increasing as, "[eighty] percent of American adults do not meet the government's national physical activity recommendations for aerobic and muscle strengthening," ("Physical Inactivity," 2016); thus many are calling for a movement to create a culture of health to advance the well–being of the country. The American Public Health Association (APHA) believes, "... that health is a fundamental human right," (Benjamin, 2016, p. 777) and one that stands challenged by the pervasive use of technology, cultural norms, socioeconomic status, and even how the circumscribing design of space and environment influence physical movement. "Each day in the United States, more than 150 million American adults participate in the labor force. With employees spending 7.6 hours a day on average at their place of employment, worksites provide a unique setting to promote practices that can significantly increase physically active employees," ("Worksite Physical," 2016). Improving the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Planning Of Land Usage And Conservation Of Energy Essay STATEMENT OF THESIS INTENT My research intent would be Building sustainability in the countries that are not well developed by the planning of land usage and conservation of energy. It is an intelligent scientific design, where it is the advancement of the current generation needs without hampering the future generation needs. The environmental and economic problems in our planet are mostly contributed by the construction industry and urbanization. We must take the challenge and create eco–design, sustainability and construction practices to diminish the energy consumption. We must use the right materials, construction techniques, building elements and energy focused concepts. Often countries which have good monetary benefits find it easier to adopt sustainable methods as the methods are economically very high. Developing countries like India, often find it hard to adopt these methods and hence their primary choice would point to an economically sustainable solution. My love for this field began when I interned during my third year of B.Arch. summer holidays in Habitat Technology Group in India. In their buildings, the spaces and walls were made using a method called compressed stabilized rammed earth construction. The construction was cost effective and very energy conscious. Numerous sustainable strategies we could adopt like to have more cluster buildings to open zones and protect natural habitat. Parking area could be limited. Usage of waterless toilets fixtures–low ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Day Daylighting: An Exploration Of Human Experience Daylighting: An Exploration of Human Experience The presence of light is the most fundamental connecting force of the universe." – Steven Holl The work of Steven Holl is one of endless exploration. His interest in the phenomenology and perception of space is seen in his work. Daylighting is an essential "material" in his work, his intuition and experimentation are a process he embraces. He focuses both on the scientific exploration but also a deep human experience. "Science remains essentially mysterious, yet our daily scientific and phenomenal experiences shape our lives, experience sets a new frame from which we interpret what we perceive," says Steven Holl. His use of phenomenal lighting as well as scientific lighting, combine ... Show more content on ... The curvature of the building uses the properties of daylighting in 60 degree north latitude, forming a reversal of the sun path; this curved section captures the horizontal sunlight. The curving walls change the room sizes, allowing daylight to enter from multiple ways. The curved "Wall of Ice" lets light thorough glass planks while horizontal light is deflected into the center, penetrating both upper and lower levels with light. The curved roof with the skylight "bowtie" allows light to distribute to the top level of the galleries. This interlaced torsion of space and light, make it possible for all of the twenty–five galleries to be naturally daylight . Nelson–Atkins Museum of Art Addition Lenses of Light The expansion of the Nelson–Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri, creates unique qualities of light in each space. The museum addition is comprised of five glass lenses, forming new spaces and angles of views. The double–glass cavities of the lenses collects the heated air in winter and exhaust in the summer. Moreover, the optimum light levels for different types of art installations and seasonal flexibility requirements are made with the uses of computer–controlled screens and translucent insulating material that are fixed in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Tollcross Burn Case Study Dylan et al, We have developed general arrangement plans for Tollcross Burn and feel we are now in a position to receive some input from your team and our landscape architects. These drawings show the new Tollcross Burn alignment and full extent of daylighting works within Sandyhills Park. We will follow up this issue with a briefing note to outline our design in more detail. In the meantime, here is a quick brief of our approach. The proposals are generally split into three zones: The downstream zone extending from Balbeggie Street westwards. The middle zone to the rear of the shops east of Balbeggie Street. The upstream zone adjacent to Lochay Street. Scheme Options Review A typical section detailing the projected channel profile is shown in figure 2.1 below. The main channel is ... Show more content on ... These include but are not limited to the following:– Drainage Survey to confirm invert levels/pipe diameters. The scope of works are in the process of being tendered. Ground Investigation works to confirm existing ground conditions Ground Penetrating Radar Survey to highlight existing utilities which may be present, where possible Validation that the concept designs/proposals deliver the required attenuation – to be validated through detailed drainage modelling We believe the design at this stage gives your team a good base to provide some input which will help finalise our stage 3 design. I have also included some rendering images that I've taken from our 3D model. Hopefully this helps visualise our design. It would be good to meet up and discuss these proposals with all those involved from AECOM. Would you be available on Tuesday the 30th for a meeting? I'm going to be on annual leave from next Friday however Calum Nicolson and Andrew Lindsay will be available in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Daylight Shading Paper This paper addresses the issue and key considerations behind designing with daylight as a primary factor from the early stages of design in the architecture. Furthermore, the paper touches on the subject of some of the most efficient ways to tackle the implementation of daylight strategies that are thoughtful in terms of project specifics and achieve visual comfort and save on energy costs. As specialists in the building industry, construction architects, together with architects, engineers, and other professionals, face difficulties in implementing efficient daylighting strategies that consider both proper illumination and much–needed shading, that causes discomfort glare and overheating. The main objective of the paper is to observe and ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the paper addresses what are the most common considerations in projects regarding daylight implementation and how certain factors differ from one company to company or professionals to professionals within the building industry. The methodology used to investigate involved secondary data acquired from roughly twenty different sources, such as books, publications, articles, magazines as well as primary data, presently through personal interpretations and experience. The benefits of daylighting are not limited to energy saving, but they include plenty of health– related positive aspects, as well as increased productivity and motivation among users exposed to satisfactory levels of natural light during the day. Companies should prioritize the spread of knowledge and training of staff in regards to perceiving daylighting as a very important parameter from the early stages of design. Working in close connection with consultants and legislators would facilitate the creation of uniform mind–set among professionals of the architectural practice towards working with ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Daylighting In Health And Social Care Literature Review Importance of Daylight in Healthcare. Even though, the industry of electric lighting is extremely exchanging natural light in recent years, people still tend to prefer a space having daylight. In fact, daylight has been considered as a factor to positively impact occupants psychologically and physiologically and reduce energy usage in buildings if utilized appropriately (Edwards & Torcellini, 2002). According to the Verderber, daylighting offers a sense of spirituality, openness, and freedom from prison–like confinements and intensity that characterize windowless space. So that, especially in healthcare, daylighting can diminish the spiritual and physical stress of patients, staffs who are staying quantity of their time in ... Show more content on ... Time doesn't seem to pass in the same way in hospitals as it does in other places. Time seems to almost not exist in the same way as it does in other places." For most people, illness is a source of stress that is elevated when they are place into a healthcare settings (Tuan, 2013). High level of stress, especially when a people hospitalized over time, can have influential psychological and physical effects, which include depression. So solve the problem of stress of patients, exposure to nature and daylight not only helps to calm patients, but can also have positive effects on other health outcomes for the patients who has limited living space in healthcare facilities (Ulrich, 2001). Studies have resulted that daylight can reduce depression and stress among patients with seasonal affective disorder and bipolar depression (Joseph, 2006; Nelson et al., 2005). Furthermore, according to the research, daylight can lessen the mental and physical strain of patients, doctors and nurses (Edwards & Torellini, 2002), and minimize pain, shorten hospital stays (Joseph, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Daylighting: Health Benefits And Increases Performance In... Daylighting – Daylighting has health benefits and increases performance in a work environment, and can be used as the main source of ambient lighting. Maximizing the use of daylighting can save money on utility bills for businesses operating during the day. By taking full advantage of daylighting it can decrease the amount of heat produced by artificial lighting, which can cut down on cooling needs, also saving money (Natural Lighting). Artificial Lighting – Artificial will have to be incorporated into the lighting plan for anyone working after hours and for closed spaces with no window access. Placing lighting on sensors will help control the lighting when it is not needed and no one is occupying the space. This can be done with motion, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Weill Hall Daylighting Experiment In general there were little complaints of daylighting. Occupants were generally comfortable in their respective spaces. Occupants were satisfied with the amount of natural lighting. Offices are mainly located on the eastern side of Weill. Glare from the sun rising is blocked by the Biotechnology building. Internal shading is utilized by occupants whenever glare became a problem. However, there are no obstructions on the western side of Weill, where the sun sets. Lab occupants complained of glare. Glare seemed to be more of an issue on the western side than the eastern side of Weill. However, like office occupants, lab occupants utilized their internal shades to manage this daylighting issue. In terms of split task–ambient lighting, Weill ... Show more content on ... In general, occupants of this building were happy with their spaces. Interestingly, they only began to raise concerns once new alternatives were introduced. Occupants were happy with the ambient lighting provided. When the option of a dimmable switch was introduced, they considered it an option that would further improve their experiences. A dimmable switch would further provide individuality to users who are keen on customizing their exact ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Benefits and Methods of Achieving Home Energy Efficiency Achieving Home Energy Efficiency: The achievement of home energy efficiency is a process that basically entails the reduction of unnecessary energy consumption, lessening the emissions of greenhouse gases, and lowering the demands of non–renewable energy resources. Such efforts are taken to ensure energy efficiency, which in turn provides healthier living conditions and resulting in considerable money savings. Furthermore, the achievement of home energy efficiency is beneficial to the nation because it promotes cleaner air and a healthier living environment. Through these initiatives, the nation can effectively protect the climate from diverse effects by lowering greenhouse gases. While there are various measures suggested for reducing energy use, homeowners can be involved in the process by embracing energy–efficient initiatives in daily practices. Energy– efficient processes at home include behavioral changes, managing electrical appliances efficiently, investing in home weatherization, and education. Behavioral Measures: Behavioral measures towards achieving home energy efficiency can be described as the necessary lifestyle changes that an individual should take. The first process in the behavioral approach towards energy efficiency is to identify any energy loss taking place through conducting an inspection (Tremblay, 2012). The inspection will help in identifying the problem areas for inefficient energy use or loss and prioritizing these areas based on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Environmental Protection Is A Trending Topic Environmental protection is a trending topic not only in industries but also in architectures. Finding a solution that could minimum the pollution to surrounding environment and save the resources at the same time is crucial for architects in the process of design. Large amount of architects accepted the practice of involving more daylight in their architects to save more resources. An abundant supply of natural lighting can also save money and improve the visual quality of the environment. However, for buildings with different functions, the usage and requirement of light are also different, in particular, the libraries and art museums. The development of a new architectural form, museums, had greatly changed the traditional classical architectures into innovative modern architectures. Jayne Merkel, a historian and critic, identifies three elements that control and define this development in museums as "lighting, security, and procession through space." Unlike those traditional rectilinear space that isolated from the outside world where even light were mostly artificial, museums are now increasingly open to natural light and paying more attention on introducing strong spacial experience of the visitors. Lighting in museums, especially art museum, is crucial for creating best views of exhibitions. Controlling the lighting is particularly important that it should have minimum damage to the arts. This is especially challenging in art museums with full glass roofing, for ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Daylighting In Architecture Daylighting in architecture has been a constant adaptation and a very influential aspect of design. Le Corbusier states "Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light. Our eyes are made to see forms in light: light and shade reveal these forms." He also states "The history of architecture is the history of the struggle for light." In the early age of architecture dating back to the Egyptian and classical period, different methods of daylighting were established and these practices were further developed throughout the years. Egyptians would use clerestories at the top of buildings to get light into interior or open plans and have a series of columns to take advantage of shading control. In ancient Greece the strategy of orientation on site was incorporated and would typically have buildings on an east–west axis so the morning sun would illuminate the deity being worshipped. To further the adaptation of daylighting, typically it was minimized or concentrated to bring attention to a certain statue or figure in the ancient Greek times, creating a feeling of holiness or divinity. The Parthenon especially was constructed so that on Athena's birthday, daylight would enter the cella during the morning so the sun would shine on the statue in the building. Once Romans had advancements in architecture, new innovations were created and skylights and clerestories became larger. Innovations such as the barrel vault and dome allowed ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Effects Of School Design And Building Age On Student Learning The Effects of School Design and Building Age on Student Learning When considering student outcomes in schools, much of the emphasis is placed on quality teachers, curriculum and socioeconomic factors. While these factors may be significant, the environment in which the students are placed has a direct impact on student learning and success as well. With school building age increasing, and school funding decreasing, it is imperative to understand and prepare for future maintenance needs while considering environmental factors that will facilitate student achievement. Moreover, in many school systems, students attend school in buildings that endanger their health, safety, and learning opportunities (U.S. DoED, 2000). Many of the schools ... Show more content on ... By isolating the independent variables in aging buildings that may be causing lower achievement scores, an obtainable solution can be proposed. Ventilation While considering factors that may be affecting student achievement, it is paramount to consider ventilation. Because proper ventilation and updating HVAC systems can be one of the costliest repairs for a school district, it is often delayed or avoided altogether. It is well known that all living beings need fresh air to survive and thrive in an environment. In schools, ventilation is necessary to ensure that all contaminants are removed or reduced for the safety of both students and staff. These contaminants come from people breathing, sneezing, coughing, skin cells, particles from clothes, cleaning supplies, perfumes and other harmful agents that can build up over time. Many classrooms are small, confined spaces that are increasing in numbers as the population grows. Schools need good ventilation because children breathe a greater volume of air in proportion to their body weights than adults do and because schools have much less floor space per person that is found in most office buildings (Schneider, 2002). Of particular interest is that asthma is one of the most reported side effects of poor ventilation. It could be of ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Daylight As A Healing Element Chapter Four Daylight as a healing element It has been established that a healing environment has a positive effect on the human being given the information mentioned above. In addition, healing architecture suggests that the incorporation of natural elements during the design process of the building is essential. The investigation on the themes of healing architecture lead to the conclusion that "the luminous environment plays an important role and an integral part of the hospital's healing environment (Aripin, 2006).However, it was noticed that "many studies on the subject of daylight focus on schools, offices and commercial buildings but few on hospitals" (Aripin, 2006).Therefore ,a decision was made in investigating how daylight can be used efficiently in a hospital setting in order to promote an effective healing environment. In recent literature, a number of studies have been conducted in order to showcase how daylight could be beneficial on the human being in both physiological and physical aspects. As a matter fact, Richard J. Wurtman suggested that "light is the most environmental input, after food and water, in controlling bodily functions" (Hattie & Anderman , 2013). In addition, The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) published a report which proposed that light could have a positive impact during the recovery process of the patient. Moreover, Roger S.Ulrich carried out a trial in order to see if indeed natural light has any sort of ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Artificial Lighting : Mohamed Amr Hassan [14ARCH08C] Building Services (1) Module Leader: Dr. Ashraf Nessim Group Research Assignment artificial lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan 118279 Artificial lighting: Introduction The actual conception of space will be immediately linked to just how mild combines with it. What we see, whatwe all experience as well as how we translate the elements will be afflicted with precisely how mild interacts with us as well aswith all the surroundings. Regarding architectural mastery, within whichever measurement it may be assessed, possibly while space, while materials or perhaps while colour, it can be essentially based on your lights situation that concerns the two the item as well as the onlooker. The actual energetic sunlight as well as the controlled man–made lights can affect besides specific actual measurable problems inside a space, but additionally to be able to start as well as pressure diverse graphic suffers from as well as moods. A result of the mild, it is possible to understand diverse atmospheres inside the similar actual surroundings. Gentle make up an element of standard meaning for your design of rooms as well as then it plays a significant role inside the talk of top quality within architectural mastery. Within executive tournaments, mild possesses often already been any stated term inside the jury's remarks; possibly in case this will never be any qualifying criterion from the program. Commonly within type of sunlight, your ample by using ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Building Integrated Photovoltaic ( Bipv ) Systems Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are one of the most promising solar–based technologies with the potential to minimise the high energy demands of office buildings in the Adelaide CBD. Recently, the Australian government has put in significant effort to increase the sustainability of existing buildings. The Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) program, released as part of the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010, requires the owners of Australia's largest office buildings to reveal information regarding their energy consumption and efficiency to the public (Department of Industry and Science 2015). By replacing conventional building materials on the exterior of a building with solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, BIPV allows on–site electricity generation to reduce the building's total energy consumption and emissions. A multifunctional technology, the modules can also serve dual functions as roofs, windows, walls, thermal insulation and daylight modulators, increasing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs. It is therefore recommended that the South Australian government develop policies and strategies to encourage the incorporation of BIVP into all future buildings and restoration projects. The development of BIVP standards and procedures will also be necessary to overcome the technical and financial constraints of BIVP and promote more industry professionals to partake in this new and innovative technology. In Australia, commercial buildings ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Causes And Effects Of Sustainability? Title: Sustainability Names: Yasmin Raed Said U14121695 Shaikha Al–Ali U14122183 Ahad Abothabet U15100929 University of Sharjah Table of Contents Abstract.......................................................................................................3 Introduction..................................................................................................4 Methodology.................................................................................................5 Causes and Effects..........................................................................................5 Cost..................................................................................................5 Energy Efficiency..................................................................................5 Water Efficiency...................................................................................5 Material Efficiency................................................................................6 Sustainable Methods........................................................................................6 The usage of sustainable materials for construction instead of the normal construction materials......................................................................................................6 ... Show more content on ... For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel to reduce energy of producing new steel. Standard buildings usually use new materials and constructed in a non–sustainable way. When these materials are made in the factories they produce CO2 emission which damage the environment. Materials that are not found locally should be shipped overseas and will impact air quality. Sustainable Methods There are many methods to approach to make buildings, such as the university of Sharjah which is already standing or other buildings that are under construction, more sustainable and therefore more environmentally friendly, such as: Exchanging facilities that use regular generators with ones that use renewable energy: using renewable energy facilities reduces the cost of operation since what is used to fuel them is always available and extracted from nature. Renewable energy also helps designers and engineers to lower the level of carbon dioxide or other chemical gases since this source of energy absorbs and doesn't produce it. One way to use renewable energy is using solar panels. Solar panel energy is considered as one of the most clean and efficient source of energy to ever be ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. LEED: The Future Of The Construction Industry The future of the construction industry is dependent upon the ability to transform the practices of successful businesses into leadership programs that are able to successfully complete LEED construction projects. The ability to complete these projects at a high level of expertise will help utilize green practices in the industry to reduce building emissions and the buildings carbon footprint on the planet. . LEED projects are defined by sustainability. The definition of sustainability is providing for the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to provide for their needs. Providing healthy, resource – conserving, energy–efficient buildings. "Green" building. Through this paper I will ... Show more content on ... These benefits can be accomplished for a minimum cost of around 3% of the construction price. LEED buildings achieve higher occupancy rates and lower capitalization rates potentially reflecting lower investment risk. These buildings use resources more efficiently compared to conventional buildings simply built to code. The buildings produce a healthier work and living environments which generally contribute to higher productivity and improved employee health and comfort which in turn is more profits for the business occupying the building. When a LEED rating is pursued, the costs of construction and design rises. There are many points in the construction process that will need additional time for research, design and education is a process of undertaking a LEED project, these additional costs can be effectively mitigated by the savings in time due to the lower – than – industry standard operating costs. LEED projects have specific documentation requirements such as: A. Applications are reviewed by a third party based on a series of templates and spreadsheets provided by the project team B. Many times some or all of the following documents may be required by the contractor: 1. Detailed breakdowns of material types, costs, weights, that may be used to calculate the percentage of ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Solar Energy : A Waste Of Energy What is the point of the sun? What do we even use the sun for? Is it just a waste of space? The sun is actually one of the most important natural sources in our galaxy, the Milky Way. We use the sun's radiation and heat rays and we wallow in the heat and sunlight, and because of the sun, we live. The suns radiation helps trees grow because trees provide the oxygen we live. The sun is extremely important. The sun is ninety–two point ninety–six miles away from us, and yet it still benefits us! Besides being able to live because of the sun, is there anything else we can use the sun for? According to "That's Solar Power" there is, "The sun is a natural resource. The sun's energy can be used to power homes. That is good for the Earth. Fossil fuels are used to provide energy in most homes. But the use of fossil fuels for energy can poison the Earth". Just like Abdul Kalam said, "If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun." Solar panels! Solar panels conserve energy beyond compare. Today our o–zone atmosphere is deteriorating because of all of the gasoline and fire that is dispersing through our Earth. If the gasoline we are using keeps on picking at our atmosphere, it will break and all of our tree's oxygen (from the sun) will disappear out of our galaxy. Soon, even the Sun won't be able to sustain us because of how sloppy we are conserving energy. But if we have solar panels, the sun can sustain us and you could save Earth by using solar panels. And not ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Dr. Dagmar's Delusion In 'Lars Is Single' Lars Lindstrom is a 27 year old Caucasian male. He has short brown hair, a brown mustache and brown eyes. Lars is a Christian, and is often see at his local church or reading the bible. Although he owns half of his parent's house, he lives in the garage, which he has made into a studio apartment. His education level is not mentioned, although he has a job that supports him, so he must be educated to some extent. At the beginning of the film Lars is single, though throughout the movie he enters into two different relationships (Kimmel & Gillespie 2007). Lars has many internal strengths, one of which is how he uses his delusion as a coping mechanism to combat the stressors in his life. Although delusion is typically seen as a mental 'illness', it should be viewed as the individual's ability to cope the best way they can in extreme stress, not as a weakness. Lars had plenty of stress to cope with: his mother passed away while giving birth to him, and years later his brother, Gus, left Lars and their father ... Show more content on ... Dagmar is Lar's doctor and psychologist. She offers to treat Bianca so that she can assess Lar's and help treat his delusion. Dr. Dagmar uses a strength based approach and views Lar's delusion as a way of him expressing his emotions in a safe way, not as an adverse illness. She explains that the delusion is real to Lars, that he is making the decisions surrounding it, and that others around him have to support the delusion if they want to give him a chance to recover from it. She accepts his belief in Bianca, does not belittle him for it, and encourages the community to do the same. This is a strength based approach in that she stays where the client is mentally and emotionally, accepts his choices and his behavior, and believes that the he has the power learn and grow from it (Kisthardt, 2006). Dr. Dagmar also helps Lars work through his aversion to touch, and his intense fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth and people leaving him (Kimmel & Gillespie ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Solar Energy : The Importance Of Solar Power he popularity of solar power seems undiminished even after decades of its discovery. It was what everybody was raving about in the 70's. The popular frenzy over solar power continued well into the 80's too. What is surprising to note is that solar power is still enjoying tremendous popularity even today. So what makes solar power such a 'hot' idea (no pun intended) even after all these years? The first, and clearly the most important reason, is economy. If you've ever wondered if there is such a thing as free energy, well, solar power is the closest you can get. The sun is a massive storehouse of abundant energy. Solar energy is virtually limitless. For millions of years, solar energy has supported life on earth. And now, thanks to modern science and technology, the same energy will help keep our homes warm and bright, especially during those cold winter days. This is the time when alternative is going mainstream. At least, in the field of energy generation and commercial power production. The need of the hour is to produce abundant quantity of 'green', renewable and low–cost energy in order to stop putting excessive strain on or natural resources. How can solar power help us? That great ball of fire up in the sky that we call the sun is the ultimate source of much of the power that is generated and used by man. Solar power is full of potential and has many benefits of which some are obvious and a few others that are not so easily realized by us. In fact, the sun has ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Sleeping In High Schools Essay Question: How can sleeping patterns be more effectively used to increase energy in high school students? Intro: Let's start by talking about zombies. What classifies a zombie? Zombies are usually defined as the living dead; "deceased" organisms that come back to life and are often propelled to eat human flesh by some sort of virus or disease. They are typically seen as slow and stupid; no thinking just doing with little to no energy; never sleeping. All of these traits that can be seen in zombies can also be seen in high school students. High schoolers go through the same daily routine, wake up early, go to 1st period, 2nd period, 3rd period, and so on and so forth until they get home where their homework continues to add to their stress and fatigue. Students complete their homework, ... Show more content on ... According to the National, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a consistent 9–10 hours of sleep a day is required in teenagers and adolescents to avoid health problems that come as a result of sleep deprivation. However, research collected by The National Sleep Foundation's Sleep in America Poll found that by the 12th grade, 75 percent of students self–reported sleep durations of less than 8 hours of sleep per night. Furthermore, although 30% to 41% of sixth through eighth graders were getting 9 or more hours of sleep, only 3% of 12th graders reported doing so. With this major gap in sleep needed and sleep acquired, students experience effects of sleep deprivation. Good sleep should be a priority for everyone as it takes up approximately 33 percent of our life, and by improving sleeping patterns students could experience a decrease in drowsiness and an increase in performance. In order to achieve this Schools should make sleep education a main focus and provide the right resources to improve the energy and mood of their students through proper sleeping ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Designing For Health : Designer 's Responsibility Essay 2. Project Context This Chapter covers the list of literature studies (all the research will be listed and briefly described), the project typology (the type of project), and the human factor (describing how the research paper relates and affect humans). 2.1 History of Ideas (literature study) This section presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in–depth search done by the researcher. This will also present the synthesis of the design, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done. 2.1.1 Designers' responsibility toward healthcare spaces Designing for Health: Designer's responsibility to Patient Health written by Henson, M and Baker, M and Keane, K (2015) In the article 'Designing for Health: Designers' Responsibility to Patient Health', written by Marie Henson, Molly Baker, and Kirsten Keane, Perkins+Will, states that "healthcare designers are fundamentally responsible for providing an enhanced healing environment that focuses on stress reduction, safety, and high–quality indoor spaces for patients, caregivers, and families." The first step towards reaching this goal is through the material selection that supports healthy environments and allows occupants to heal, recover and prosper in the healthcare environment. (Henson, Baker and Keane 2015) i. Relevance of the study It briefly describes the paper's question of what are the interior designers' responsibility towards healthcare design. It also ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Technology As Our Planet's Last Best Hope Analysis Technology in the 21st century has enhanced our lives by providing easy access to information, quick ways to communicate, and has allowed people to connect with others all over the world. In this case, technology is viewed in a positive light. However, when it comes to technology and it's ability to solve environmental problems, is it reliable? Before technological solutions are implemented in the environment, they must be thoroughly tested and reliable. These technological solutions should have positive short–term and long–term effects. If the benefits are only good in the short–term, but not in the long–term, and the environmental problem reoccurs or reincarnates into another problem, we end up in the same place we started at. This would ... Show more content on ... He presents two key groups within his article and their relationships with the environment. Pearce introduces the "mainstream environmentalists" and the "modernists." He explains their differences by stating, "While many mainstream environmentalists want to make peace with nature through the sustainable use of natural resources, the modernists want to cut the links between mankind and nature" (Pearce). Pearce theorizes that the debate about how useful technology is for our environmental problems and how it "exacerbates them is not new." An example of a technology that has proven successful, but has also been detrimental to the environment is the automobile. With the invention of the automobile came a more convenient and efficient way to travel from one destination to another, but unfortunately, the gases and oils these vehicles have expelled over time have created a build up of air pollution. While this example of technology has an impact on nature/the environment as an end result, modernists have come up with technologies that manipulate nature/the environment, both as a starting point and ending point. Modernists are in support of "rewilding", "the restoration of large tracts of habitat and the reintroduction of the species that once lived there" (Pearce). These supporters say that rewilding can only be done with technology, ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Design Of A Sustainable Design What we know today as sustainable architectural design began in the early 20th century; born and evolved from principles and theories of architects in addition to physical devices all which precursor those in today sustainable architecture. These premature design elements, and theories are visible in works such as Le Corbusier's early 20th century, Villa Savoye; and Alvar Aalto's mid–20th century, Villa Mairea. Reviewing and rereading these building's physical designs and their architects design thinking we begin to unfold how contemporary sustainable design today came to be. Examining William McDonough's sustainable office complex as a finale to these developments it is visible where the endeavours of the past century have taken ... Show more content on ... Le Corbusier comprehends his 'roof garden' as a habitable space "Is it not against all logic when the upper surface of a whole town remains unused and reserved exclusively for a dialogue between the tiles and the stars?... for the town it means that the built–up space lost is regained"1 instead only implying its possible ecological benefits. Utilising re–enforced concrete technology allowed the villa Savoye to harbour strip windows, also one of Le Corbusier's five points of new architecture. Embodied in the larger windows which give equal light to all rooms are the principles that more natural daylight allows for a better living experience, a step behind the more energy saving focused morals of today. With the development of Alvar Aalto's Villa Mairea in the mid– 20th century we can start to see the fundamental ideals and physical devices of sustainable architecture begin to form. Much like Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, Aalto's Villa Mairea incorporates undeveloped environmentally minded devices. However, Aalto who had a significant history with the Finnish forest "As for the Finnish landscape, it was all around me, all the time. That experience of a working balance also gave me an 1 Le Corbusier, Towards a new ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Understanding That Environmental Responsibility Is An... "Understanding that environmental responsibility is an integral part of design excellence" – Perkins + Will Contents Page 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................1 1.1 Design and Brief ..................................................................................................3 Location ..................................................................................................................4 Goals ......................................................................................................................5 Design theme and spatial aesthetics.................................................................................................................6 Structural system(s)....................................................................................................8 Lighting (artificial and natural) ................................................................................................................................9 Provision for water supply, distribution, and drainage ...............................................................................................................................10 Water sources and consumption............................................................................................................11 Air Supply ................................................................................................................12 Energy / Electricity sources and consumption .............................................................................................................................13 Maintenance access ...............................................................................................14 Efficiency measures..................................................................................................15 . Behaviour change measures ...............................................................................................................................16 Bibliography ............................................................................................................17 About the project Design and Brief: 1315 Peachtree Street, LLC Location: 1315 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta Georgia 30309 United States Architect: Perkins + Will Project Site Previously developed site The building holds a platinum LEED certificate. Submitting Architect: Perkins+Will ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Queens Botanical Garden And Visitor And Administration... Queens Botanical Garden Report ( Talib Ahmad 1. Background on the Queens Botanical Garden and Visitor and Administration Building What is the Queens Botanical Garden? Well, the Queens Botanical Garden is oasis located in New York, where people coming from all different locations and cultures can involve themselves in the beautiful gardens with many activates. This is the main goal, when the Queens Botanical Garden first came about. In 1999, the architects of the Queens Botanical Garden began brainstorming ideas of the garden's new visitor center. At this moment of time is when "green" building was first coming about. The visitor center of the Queen's Botanical Garden uses many sustainable and "green" construction methods to its building. The Visitor and Administration buildings costs about 14 million dollars and was planned by BKSK Architects. These buildings were one of the first constructions in the city to receive a Platinum LEED rating. According to John Krieble, "Queens structure 'is showing people that it can be down.'" One reason the building received its Platinum rating was the over 20 percent of its materials that is was constructed with was used was within 500 miles of its location. Using materials closer to the construction site saves money, time, and energy that would have been spent transporting the materials from a farther site. The visitor and administration center both were opened on September 27, 2007. ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Costco Price Club Essay As stated in the introduction, the founder, Sol Price named his store Price Club when it first opened its door in 1976 at a converted airplane hangar on Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Initially, the goal was to have greater buying power by selling to small business, non–profit organization and government. "The Price Club philosophy was simple: Keep overhead to an absolute minimum." (Fox, M. 2009). However, it was soon realized it wasn't profitable enough to keep the membership to an exclusive group such as small business and government so the membership was opened to the general public at an annual membership fee of $25. In doing so it became extremely profitable to the point where the employees were paid higher wages with benefits than typical retailers. The company also started expanding throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In 1983 the first Costco brand warehouse location opened in Seattle, WA. Costco became the first company to grow from zero to $3 billion in sales in less than six years. When Costco and Price Club merged in 1993 to become PriceCostco, it had 206 locations generating $16 billion in annual sales. At the end of their fiscal year in 2016, the company's total sales were $116.1 billion. (Membership. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2017, from Costco is one of the most admired ... Show more content on ... When this type of value is placed on the employees they are certain to reap the benefits in high productivity, commitment and loyalty. This action is taken by promoting the hourly position employees to warehouse managers. "Corporate and regional office employees started in our warehouses, depots and Business Centers. We aim to have a diverse workforce that is representative of the communities where we do business, and to foster an inclusive environment." ... Get more on ...