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Child Development
The Montessori method of education is one of the very unusual approaches of educating young
children that has been based on the experiences and research of educator and physician Maria
Montessori (1870–1952). The method basically arose from what Dr. Montessori's discovered and
named it the "the child's normal nature" back in 1907 (Montessori, 1972). This happened during one
of her experimental observations with young children who had been given the freedom they need d
in an environment that was fully prepared with all the materials and was specifically designed to
support their self–directed learning experiences (Montessori, 1977).
Factor generating an amazing child
Law of Will
A child's development of will has ... Show more content on ...
She argued that, the only way to be bale to help a child is if we know the Nature of the child, since
then we are in a good position to help him to fully develop all of his inner powers so that he can
grow from being a helpless creature into a responsible mature citizen. This approach by Montessori
thus values the believe that a child's main goal since birth is to just but develop all of his potentials
according to a certain physic pattern that he does possess even before his birth (Montessori, 1977).
In real practice, Montessori method has only been applied with some kind of varying degrees of
strict adherence to the main philosophies, though it is generally agreed that they all somehow
subscribe to some of her writings (Polk and Montessori, 1988). The result has been that there are
some people who strictly adhere to either one of these philosophies, while there have been another
group that have seen it wise to develop a unique concepts all based on interpretation of her
philosophies and writings. There are thus several concepts that are now widely accepted by several
practitioners and which are said to be consistent with the teachings of Montessori method. These
concepts have been developed from different
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Discoveries of Maria Montessori
2. What are the discoveries of Dr. Maria Montessori ?
Dr. Maria Montessori was a keen observer of children. She used her observational and experimental
proclivities from her medical background to develop, what we might today call, a Constructivist
understanding of the process of learning. She studied them scientifically. If she saw some unusual
behavior in a child, she would say,"I won't believe it now, I shall if it happens again". She studied
the conditions in which the children would perform those actions.
She thought education always involved three elements: The learner, the Prepared Environment, and
the Trained Adult.
The basic areas in which she gave importance was freedom, independence, respect and
She believed ... Show more content on ...
The inner drive to work is sufficient to reach their goal if it corresponded with the inner
developmental need. With the provision of the necessary conditions and necessary environment the
child without the instigation of an adult can reach his goal. 2. When an inner need to do something
meets with the inner urge spontaneous Interest is generated. When the inner urge or the Interest
finds a suitable working condition it leads to spontaneous Repetition. When this spontaneous
Repetition of an activity is done with interest the natural result is Concentration. Concentration is
not the end product of education, its just the beginning. Any true learning happens with
concentration. The children revealed that given the right conditions they would work with
concentration. 3. Very young children need order for their development. This order need not be only
with things in the environment but also with values, functions and other human activities. The child
needs to see human values like 'Say the Truth' being practiced. But the adults do not practice in the
everyday life. The child gets confused and this can create a warp in his development. Similarly any
object in the environment being used for a purpose other than it is meant for creates disturbance.
(e.g. the other end of a teaspoon used as a screwdriver).Contrary instructions about behaviour
muddle his decisions how some action is allowed at some other time (for example. when a visitor is
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Normalization: Maria Montessori
In Montessori education, the term "normalization" has a specialized meaning. "Normal" does not
refer to what is considered to be "typical" or "average" or even "usual". "Normalization" does not
refer to a process of being forced to conform. Instead, Maria Montessori used the terms "normal"
and "normalization" to describe a unique process she observed in child development. Normalization
refers to the focus, concentration and independence of the child, by his own choice. It means the
child has acquired the internal freedom to initiate work, be independent, and adhere (by choice) to
the rules of the environment. DR Maria Montessori's main discovery was the reality of a child's true
nature WHICH IS the NORMALIZED CHILD. She described the ... Show more content on ...
Dr Montessori described the normalized child as "one who is precociously intelligent, who has
learned to overcome himself and to live peace and who prefers a disciplined task to futile idleness"
(Maria Montessori, the secret of childhood). A pre–normalized child does not have the joy
normalized children have . a pre– normalized child coming into the Montessori environment has a
chaotic impression from surrounding environment, he has a low self–esteem. He would abandon his
work without completion. He shows discipline only when an adult is around and it does not last.
Normalization come about through "concentration" on a piece of work. When the child engages with
the Montessori materials in total concentration for long periods of time, a transformation occurs.
This transformation is what Dr. Maria Montessori calls "normalization". It is a process that occurs
over a period of time, usually three or four years and it requires the child's total engagement with the
Montessori materials. The process of normalization is a journey. It begins when a child is introduced
to activities like the practical life materials. The materials help the child to develop his motor skills ,
acquire a sense of order , and begin the process of extending their ability, and desire for
concentrated work. For normalization to occur, child development must proceed from birth with the
non–physical growth of the child's mind , intellect, personality, temperament, spirit and soul.
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A Child Is Mysterious and Powerful
"Within the child lies the fate of the future. Whoever wishes to confer some benefit on society must
preserve him from deviation and observe his natural ways acting. A child is mysterious and powerful
and contains within himself the secret of human nature."
Explain the above quote with reference to the Montessori philosophy.
The term 'Montessori Philosophy' originated from the name of Dr. Maria Montessori, one of the
most influential pioneers in early childhood education. She advised an education which combines a
philosophy with a practical approach based on the central idea of freedom for the child within a
carefully planned and structured environment. To analyze the above quote, we will have to know
what it is in essence the ... Show more content on ...
Thus it is said that "The child is endowed with unknown powers which can guide us to a radiant
future."(The Absorbent Mind ,P2)
During the observation of children at Casa Dei Bambini, Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that
children prefer work to play. They were able to achieve a self integration through this work. She
found that the aggressive and destructive children became calm and peaceful after working with the
materials. She concluded that through work the child seemed to get fulfillment of some internal need
which made him normalized.
Montessori found out that independence is necessary to the child's normal development. The child
uses his independence to listen to his inner guide for actions that can be useful to him and one who
is served is actually limited in his independence. It is well said that "we habitually serve children;
and this is not only an act of servility towards them but it is dangerous, since it tends to suffocate
their useful, spontaneous activity." (Course manual P.40).
We can help the child attain independence by giving opportunity for him to work with the materials
by himself, by directing him towards a given end to develop his will, by giving him constructive
work to help him in developing discipline, by letting him know and have an understanding of what
is good and bad and also giving him freedom to reveal himself completely by playing only passive
Maria Montessori stated that at certain stages
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The Role of a Teacher in a Montessori Classroom
Montessori's developed method of educating the natural characteristics which influenced a child to
learn. Her method is simply protecting these characteristics and allowing them to develop naturally.
She believed that every child held the ability to learn but only needed to be shown or guided on how
to correctly do so. The teachers role in the class room is to cater for these needs. Montessori
believed that only a certain type of person suited the role of a Montessori teacher "The teacher must
derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. In our system, she must
become a passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of
anxious scientific curiosity and of absolute respect ... Show more content on ...
The child may also associate praise with their behaviour and feel if they are not being praised they
are not succeeding or doing well. It is a difficult position as it is instinct to praise when a child has
done well but a Montessori teacher must be able to do so correctly. In Montessori it is taught to the
teacher that it is the child's right to freedom but within limits. "If everyone did exactly as they
pleased chaos would reign, then nobody could do as they pleased. Freedom would effectively be
gone."(Walls, 2006, p4). These limits are kept my the basic rule of respect By treating others with
courtesy and care it will be expected back. Making this happen with young children will takes
patience from the teacher. The rules should be told and shown to the class, this way a child can self
correct their behaviour and lean from themselves. By enforcing this the teacher has taught the
children to respect others and given them the gift of patience as they learn of turn taking etc. The
role of a Montessori teacher is complex and has many layers to it. The teacher's role must be an
observer as well as an educator. The teacher must cater for the needs of the child. Be the link
between the prepared environment. The techer must have a complete understanding of Montessori to
be successful within the class room, as a child's mind is so absorbent at the ages of three to six,
Irreversible damage may be cause without this. References: Issah,
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Sensorial Materials
Essay 15: What is the purpose of the sensorial materials? Describe the essential qualities needed in a
sensorial apparatus. "The first of the child's organs to begin functioning are his senses....instruments
by which we lay hold impressions, and these, in the child's case, have to become "incarnated", made
part of his personality." The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 8, p. 84 A child's journey in life begins as a
physical embryo right from the time that he is in his mother's womb, increasing in size and
developing his physical structures. Once he is born, leaving the comfort of his mother's womb, he
must go through a phase of reconstruction or incarnation, to develop in movement, speech and other
areas. However, the child ... Show more content on ...
Thus, if exploration is necessary for child development then the instruments of exploration, which is
the senses, must be trained from an early age. "It is necessary to begin the education of the senses in
the formative period, if we wish to perfect this sense development with the education which is to
follow. The education of the senses should be begun methodically in infancy, and should continue
during the entire period of instruction which is to prepare the individual for life in society."(The
Montessori Method, Chapter XIV, Pg. 221) Maria Montessori believed that there is nothing in the
intellect which first does not exist in the senses. The child's intellect does not work in isolation, but
is everywhere and is always intimately bound up with his body, particularly with his nervous and
muscular system. During the first 3 years of life, the young child would have already absorbed a
large amount of information from his environment however the information is merely in the form of
impressions in his unconscious mind. As the child continues to work, the mind begins to gains
awareness of various concepts of color, weight, size and so on. This becomes the beginning of his
sensorial education. Maria Montessori based her method of educating the senses realizing the fact
that a child between ages two to six years passes through the 'sensitive period for the refinement of
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Advantages Of Montessori Method
Throughout this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting many aspects of the Montessori Method
and the High/Scope Approach – developed by Dr. David Weikart. I will first discuss a brief history
of each pedagogy, then compare both on certain aspects I find to be similar and different. I will
discuss the views of each on the senses, the learning environment, the freedom and child–led
philosophy, the need for order, KDI's and sensitive periods, reflection and aspects of the daily
routine in each setting, with particular emphasis on Montessori's outdoor setting. Dr. Maria
Montessori was an Italian educator and scientist. She developed a revolutionary approach to
education in children. Montessori was the first female in Italy to obtain a medical ... Show more
content on ...
"To capture and build on children's natural enthusiasms, adults put themselves in children's hands as
often as possible. They follow the children's directions". (Hohmann et al 1995 p.53). When it comes
to the similarities between the High/Scope planned learning environment and Montessori's prepared
environment, one thing I observe is the sense of order – "...The little child's need for order is one of
the most powerful incentives to dominate his early life". (Montessori, 1949, p. 190), and providing
the child the opportunity to make choices and decisions; for this particularly plays a large role in
Montessori's philosophy. "...The child should be allowed to exercise himself freely in the work
organised for him". (Montessori 1915, p. 51). High/Scope activities are focused around Key
Development Indicators (KDI's). These KDI's are similar to the likes of Aistear. They are a sequence
of statements describing key development experiences and are used by educators to assist them in
observing, arranging, and evaluating what children learn as they partake in activities. For example,
in my work placement they go exactly by Aistear recommended activities, so they can be sure to
meet all their principles and themes with the children (Identity & Belonging, Exploring & Thinking,
Communicating and Well–being). Montessori, however, focuses more on sensitive periods.
Throughout these periods, the child has a particularly strong sensitivity towards a specific piece of
information or ability. The sensitivity lasts for a definite period and will not
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Philosophy of Montessori Education
"Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge, but must take new path, seeking the
release of potentialities." Discuss the statement with reference to Montessori philosophy. Dr Maria
Montessori started her work in the field of education and child psychology, when she had already
obtained a doctor's degree in medicine and surgery. Her scientific training and experience were
exceptionally broad based and unique. Her approach to education encompassed the whole
development of man from birth to adulthood. The most important contribution of her work, in the
present day, is the focussed attention on the fact that no attempt to solve social and moral problems
of the society will succeed if it is concentrated only on ... Show more content on ...
Dr Montessori believed that for the psychic pattern to reveal itself, two conditions must be fulfilled,
first, the environment that he interacts to understand the limit of his universe, second, the freedom to
reveal himself. She emphasised that when these two conditions are met, the psychic life of the child
will not reach its potential and his personality will be stunted. Dr Montessori strongly felt that, the
work of man on the earth is related to his spirit, to his creative intelligence, therefore this spirit and
creative intelligence must be the fulcrum of his existence, and of all the workings of human body. It
is about this fulcrum, the behaviour and physical economy is organised. Dr Montessori says that the
whole man develops within this "spiritual halo" and therefore first care given to the new–born babe,
over riding all others, must be a care for his mental life, and not just for his bodily life. Dr
Montessori described the time line of 3 yrs from birth, as the period of 'Spiritual Embryo', and all
the non–physical qualities namely his intelligence, temperament, personality, spirit and soul develop
in this stage. Dr Montessori describes that development of child is due to an unconscious power, a
vital force, she borrowed a word 'horme' to describe this vital force, which is similar to the force that
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The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment
Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She did this by
allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through action rather than repetition. Montessori had
five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, auto–
education, and the teacher's role. In this paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly
and how a well prepared environment can positively affect each student in the 3–6 classroom. I will,
in reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill–prepared classroom.
Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child's life when the child is absorbed with one
characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others (Lillard, 1972, p.33). These sensitive
periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue, the development of walking, a
fascination with minute and detailed objects, and a time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972,
The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for order which
begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine are important in a newborn's day; consistency
is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and routine in a newborns day gives them the
knowledge that their caretakers are able to be relied on. They know they'll get fed and changed when
need be, they'll be put to bed when they're tired and even get to see new faces routinely (ie.
Babysitters, grandparents,
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The Role Of Teacher As A Montessori Teacher Essay
The Role of the Teacher
In a Montessori School, the word Teacher is used as Directress instead. In her writings, Maria
Montessori used the word "Direttoressa" taken from the Italian word "direttore" which when looking
into the meaning of the word is less about telling people what to do but more about steering people
in the right direction. It is not only used for teacher but also for conductor, editors and managers.
The word "Directress" which is used today was first used in translation of the book The Montessori
Method in 1912 by the American, Anne Everett George. If we look again at the meaning of the
Directress referred to above, it is the perfect description of the Role of a Montessori Teacher. She
also believed that Montessori teacher's ultimate objective is to help the children to learn how to
learn independently, retaining the curiosity, creativity, and intelligence with which they were born.
Therefore, Montessori teachers do not simply present lessons; they are facilitators, mentors,
coaches, and guides for the children.
The Role of the Teacher
The role of a Montessori Directress is the vital link between that of the child and the environment.
"She is the main connecting link between the material, that is, the objects, and the child."
Montessori believed that only a certain type of person suited the role of a Montessori teacher "The
teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. In our
system, she must become a
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Childcare Level 3
E1: Reggio Emilia In 1945, Loris Malaguzzi founded the first Reggio school. His Reggio education
dominated the Italian education that was already in place. The approach of Reggio is community
led, this involves everyone in their close community but also those from outside of the close
community. Within Reggio, they repeat their ideas and activities, so that the children are able to
revisit what they were doing the day before to further their understanding of what they were doing,
but also get help if they need it. Reggio also allows the children to direct their own learning, so if
they do not fully understand what they are doing at the time, then they can go back and revisit it to
make sure they understand it, however if the children are ... Show more content on
Children's journeys throughout education should be personal, and this is what the Montessori
approach achieves. From visiting a Montessori setting, the practitioners accomplished this as they
allowed the children to play individually "Montessori thought working alone encouraged children to
become independent learners" (M. Beaver, J. Brewster et all, CACHE Level 3 Childcare and
Education). It is also important that they do plan times for the children to socialize and work
together as this will build their Social and Emotional development. By providing individual learning
journey books for each child, means that the child's key worker can add notes and pictures to show
to their family what they do at nursery, however these are also available to take home and adapt
them at home. E3: Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. She wanted to become a doctor, so
she enrolled at the University of Rome; however at this time she began to develop an interest in
children who were deprived; which at the time were referred to as 'idiot children', this encouraged
Maria into studying about those who were mentally defective. Her interest then changed, and was
focused into education. When she was fixed on to this idea, she began to study the theories which
were devised over the last 200 years. By 1900 Montessori was known for a
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The Educational Work Of Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Maria got her
quest for knowledge from her parents who were both well educated. She started her education at a
local state school and proceeded onto a technical institute where she intended to pursue a career in
engineering. This was unusual at the time as there were barriers that constrained women's careers,
leaving them with fewer options to pursue technical careers than their male contemporaries.
Even after graduating from technical Maria yearned for me, this yearning led her to enroll in
medical school against her father's wishes and faced with the challenges and prejudice she would
face in this field. She triumphed through it all and in 1896 became the first woman to qualify as a
doctor in Italy. A little into her career, Maria began working with mentally retarded children it was
here that her observations would become fundamental to her future educational work.
Montessori began to develop her philosophy and methods in 1897. She caught everyone 's attention
when most of her "uneducable" students passed the state test in reading and math, some scoring
above average. Curious how such principles would work with the mainstream population of
children, Montessori then opened her first school; Casa dei Bambini (Children 's House) in 1907.
Montessori education spread to the United States in 1911 and became popular and widely accepted.
The educational philosophy however began to conflict with
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Montessori Method Of Education
Montessori Method of Education is one of the unique methods of the education which stimulates the
child's natural curiosity to learn. Culture and creativity area an integral part of the Montessori
curriculum. Every area of the Montessori curriculum is interrelated and follows the same
foundations. Each area of curriculum has special purpose of education and helps the child in
stimulating their imaginative powers. Montessori Method strongly believes that imagination is based
on the reality based experiences and creativity is directly related to exposing the children to real life
situations. So, we can say that in order to be more imaginative and creative, child must have real and
concrete experiences with the real objects.
According to Maria Montessori, "The true basis of the imagination is reality, and its perception is
related to exactness of observation. It is necessary to prepare children to perceive the things in their
environment exactly, in order to secure for them the material required by the imagination.
Intelligence, reasoning, and distinguishing one thing from another prepares a cement for imaginative
constructions"1 (The advanced Montessori method.p.196)
Montessori Method of Education believes that every child is different and has his own needs. So
every child is allowed to learn in his own unique manner at his own pace. Every aspect of the
Montessori curriculum starting from the Practical life to the Culture area is closely intrigued with
each other which help in
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Maria Montessori Essay
Maria Montessori was considered ahead of her time. She was born in Chiaravalle, in the province of
Ancona, Italy in 1870 to an educated but not wealthy family. Despite her father's wishes and
society's conservative ways at the time, she studied science. She was the first female physician in
Italy when she graduated medical school in 1896. She worked mostly with the poor because she saw
vast potential in them. She was an unselfish person and she traveled Italy speaking of women's
rights and child labor law reforms. Not too long after graduating she was chosen to represent Italy in
two different women's conferences. They were at Berlin in 1896 and also in London in 1900. Maria
was appointed a professor of anthropology at the University of ... Show more content on ...
There is no set level that all children must follow; they learn when they explore by themselves. This
method leaves children with freedom where they can learn self–discipline in a place designed
specifically for their developmental needs. Teachers would have a part in the education of children
though even though 80% of it was up to the children. Teachers are to make sure that children are
presented with the right extent of material at the right time. In other words, if a child is too advanced
for one activity, a teacher would present a new one to fit them, and vice versa. Maria believed if her
methods were applied to public schools the results would be even better than the traditional method
results. Since the government didn't let her, she started to work with poor daycare children. She
doubted that her methods would work under these conditions but she had shocking results. She
discovered if the children were in an orderly place to work, they will respect that and care for it.
They are able to learn longer and better than in an everyday setting. In Montessori preschool, five
areas make up the prepared learning environment. These areas include practical life, the sensorial
area, mathematics, and cultural activities. In the elementary program, areas include integration,
presentation of knowledge, presentation of the formal scientific languages, the use of visual aids,
mathematic curriculum, Montessori trained teachers, emphasis on open–ended research and
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Practical Life Essay
DMT 104 Practical Life (Assignment One) Montessori in the Absorbent Mind writes that "the hands
are instruments of man's intelligence". It is therefore critical that children develop the ability to
control and coordinate their hand muscle so that these can come into contact with the environment
in intelligent ways. Discuss the principles underlining the practical life exercises and how it fosters
independence in children. Introduction A child in the first six years becomes a full member of her
particular culture and family group absorbing language, attitudes, manners and values of those in
which she comes in daily contact. A child develops properly if they are in an environment full of
affection, love, caring and support. They ... Show more content on ...
Within the Montessori classroom deep concentration can be acquired through the 'Silence Game".
To achieve silence requires effort and the attention of the will, and maximum control of self–
consciousness of every movement. Montessori thought of the silence lesson as a means for bringing
children to this higher level of spiritual awareness. Practical Life Exercises aid the child in his
journey towards normalization As a result of learning Practical Life Exercises in the Montessori
environment, the child starts to develop confidence, self–esteem, he grow towards independence,
mutual aid and co–operation, profound spontaneous concentration, attachment to reality and most
importantly child's joy of learning is supreme. All these help the child to lead towards normalization.
The normalized children possess a unique character and personality not recognized in young
children. Children needs a carefully prepared environment It is important to provide the child an
environment to work on activities of their own choice at their own pace experiencing freedom and
self discipline while developing towards independence. Even though materials in Practical Life area
are the least standardized, exercises needs to be carefully thought and designed. A prepared
environment should consist of
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Essay on Who is Maria Montessori
Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her
life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in
Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine.
Graduated as Italy's first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health.
Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative
and her first 'Children's House' opened in 1907. Here too she introduced the equipment she had
designed and observed the children very closely as they used it, tailoring what she provided in the
environment to meet their developmental needs. There was ... Show more content on ...
Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all works in the
Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using whold and transfer bean to another bowl
and so on. Care of environment:learning how to wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting.
Care of self:learning how to wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and
the indirect aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim The materials in the Montessori
classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material isolates a concept and
allows for repetitive practice with a certain skill and the child repeats this process to because he gets
a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in the Rice Pouring activity will be concentration, co–
ordination, independence and order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the
child indirectly prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the
child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on the directress or any other
adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a Montessori environment, has
two elements. It includes the self–evident purpose of the action. The second part of the indirect aim
includes preparation for future learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child as a spiritual embryo.
Include the concepts of
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Advantages Of Montessori
The Montessori style of education comes from the educator Maria Montessori. Montessori believed
that teaching a child should be created on the basis that children are all individual humans whom
have different strengths, needs, interests and learning styles. "In Montessori classrooms children
make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the teacher offers age–appropriate
activities to guide the process." However in the traditional education system we a have the child
repeat something from what the teacher has taught the children together and not individually. In the
usual approach, students sit quietly at their assigned seats and listen to one student after another
narrate his or her lesson without having a major input. The ... Show more content on
Passive; Montessori lessons are hands–on and "active" majority of the time such as the Parsing
Boxes. Students discover information for themselves by using the different symbols to point out
nouns from pro nouns and injections from adjectives and so on. Traditional school lessons are often
given to students who listen passively, having to memorize everything and take tests.
 Give them Time; In the Montessori classroom, children work on lessons as long as need be, and
interruptions are avoided whenever possible. Time limitations are mandated by arbitrary schedules
in traditional classrooms.
 The Teachers' Role. Montessori teachers act as guides and consultants to students on a one–on–
one basis. They assist each child along his or her own learning path. Teacher teaching girlIntern
Student Teacher demonstrates lesson for a girlTraditionally, the pace and order of each lesson is
predetermined. The teacher must deliver the same lesson, at the same pace, in the same order, for all
of the students.
 Age Groups and Grade–levels. In Montessori schools, "grade–levels" are flexible and determined
by the child's developmental range, i.e., 0–3, 3–6, 6–9, 9–12, 12–15, and 15–18 years of age. In
traditional schools, grade levels are not flexible and strictly defined by chronological age within a
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Contribution Of The Montessori Method
Maria Montessori once stated, "The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, 'The
children are now working as if I did not exist'" (Chattin–McNichols, 1992). The end goal of a
Montessori classroom is to create independent and curious learners ready to take on any challenge
thrown their way. The Montessori Method differs from traditional school settings because learning
is child–centered, meaning children create their own knowledge from experiences within a prepared
Who were the leaders?
Maria Montessori, the first female physician in Italy, brought about revolutionary ideas in regards to
Early Childhood Education because of how she understood how complex and advanced young
minds were. Dr. Montessori had two main strands of ideas that overall led to her development in the
Montessori Method. This includes the writings of the Swiss educators, Jean Jacques Rousseau and
Johann Pestalozzi, who wrote about the need of hands–on experiences and the Scottish
businessman, Robert Owen, who insisted that the social environment contributed to children's
knowledge (Bloom, 2004). Shortly after graduation, Dr. Montessori was placed into a psychiatric
clinic where she would visit with people living inside of an insane asylum. Inside of this asylum she
observed children living alongside their parents. The children were considered to be feebleminded
because they played with bread crumbs found on the floor. However, Montessori came to the
conclusion of, these
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Role Of Teacher : The Montessori Classroom Essay
The Role of Teacher/Guide in the Montessori Classroom "We discovered that education is not
something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in
the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the
child acts on his environment. The teacher 's task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of
motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child." It takes a very special
person to become a Montessori Teacher. The Montessori teaching method emphasizes the
heightened learning ability of children when they are allowed to make their own choices. It was
developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century to improve children's education by
helping them help themselves. Montessori teacher's role revolves around this very method of
guiding young minds. Maria herself quoted in one of her books "The teacher, when she begins to
work in our schools, must have a kind of faith that the child will reveal himself through work. She
must free herself from all preconceived ideas concerning the levels at which the children may be.
The many different types of children...must not worry her...The teacher must believe that this child
before her will show his true nature when he finds a piece of work that attracts him. So what must
she look out for? That one child or another will begin to concentrate." One key difference between a
Montessori teacher and a
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A Sample Letter from a Montessori Teacher to a Parent
Dear Montessori Parents, In this monthly newsletter, I would like to share with you three beliefs of
Dr. Maria Montessori. As your child's teacher; I would like to support each of these beliefs with
vivid examples from my experience in the classroom as well as Dr. Montessori's own words. While
all of us within the community clearly already support the Montessori Method, it is important to
'touch base' with these beliefs as we affirm the principles of our learning environment. I believe
Maria Montessori was right in her belief that every child has the right to proceed upon his or her
learning path at his or her own pace. In contrast to the obsession with 'pushing' children so common
today, Maria Montessori said: "it is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only [give the child]
the chance to fulfill his potential possibilities" (Maria Montessori quotes, 2012, Daily Montessori).
Through the Montessori Method, children learn how to learn when we teach children about letters of
the alphabet, children are encouraged to select colors of crayons they like, as we guide their hands to
make their names on the page. Some children need more assistance with others, just like some need
more encouragement to pick up a book and look at pictures. The goal is always independence, but
every child has a different path: "the essence of independence is to be able to do something for one's
self" (Maria Montessori quotes, 2012, Daily Montessori). This independence cannot be rushed. We
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Maria Montessori Child Development Essay
The baby is not an inert or passive being, but a "creative" individual, actively struggling to grow and
learn. There is an unconscious urge, a life force or horme that works untiringly, but this work of the
child cannot achieve perfect development if the conditions are not right."
Discuss a perfect prepared environment, stimulating his needs for emotional, intellectual
stimulation, hygienic precaution and his physical growth.
"There is a play of instincts within a child not only with respect to its physical growth and
nourishment but also with respect to various psychic operations."
Maria Montessori ... Show more content on ...
This helps the child in his stages of growth as he will use only those materials which are suitable for
him. This ensures a complete work cycle for him. The child is able to derive his principles of
orientation from his environment and it, therefore, shouldn't change and should be concrete and not
vague when it comes to its setting. For e.g. when the child enters the classroom and doesn't find the
material that he wishes to use in its place, then it disturbs his mental balance and he develops
It is accepted that there is Reality and Nature in the classroom. This is because Maria Montessori
wanted the child to be in touch with real, comprehensible things in his environment. She didn't
believe in obscuring the child's sense of reality by introducing him to a fantasy world. This was to
enable him to think appropriately by interacting with and re–acting to the world around him. Make–
believe situations close the mind of the child. "Nature" in classrooms is necessary for him to be able
to communicate with his environment and categorise his perception of his imagination. Reality and
nature in the classroom helps the child develop his imagination and powers of creativity. With "real"
things around him, his imaginative play is revealed through the cluster of suggestions and
anticipations that gather about the things he uses. For e.g. the classrooms have many real objects
such as real jugs and glasses
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Theory-Part 1. What Are The Principals Governing The Creation
Theory–Part 1
What are the principals governing the creation of the Prepared Environment? How are the concepts
of freedom and discipline encompassed within the prepared environment? Please consider the
importance of freedom for the developing child in terms of self–regulation.
The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child
independent of the adult.
–Maria Montessori The Secret of Childhood, 1966
The Montessori Environment is prepared on six principals: Freedom, Structure and Order, Beauty,
Nature and Reality, Social Environment, Intellectual Environment.
Montessori believed that a child must be free to explore and follow his own natural impulses. Within
the prepared ... Show more content on ...
Montessori's definition of discipline is not something the teacher does to control children. There is a
self–discipline in Montessori classroom that means a child is responsible for his/her act.
Responsibility to the environment, self–control, self–motivation, self–initiated tasks and way to
independence. Children learn decision–making skills through the pro
Montessori believed that there is a sensitive period for order which occurs between the ages of one
and three years of age. The structure and order of the prepared environment plays a significant role
in children's learning and development. The materials are classified, ordered and sequenced
according to the child's stages of development and the particular interests or skills they are designed
to serve. This orderly environment provides the child with a sense of security. An early childhood
Montessori classroom will have areas for Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language and Culture.
Within that order, each object has its own place on a shelf. Additionally, each activity has its own
organization within itself. Children will find all the pieces needed for the exercise they choose...
they have to return the materials to the place and condition in which they found them, so the child
becomes an integral partner in maintaining the order of the classroom.
Everything in the classroom is designed to bring the child into closer
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Montessori: Preparing a Child for the Futur
eIntroduction "...the caterpillar and the butterfly are two creatures very different to look at and in the
way they behave, yet the beauty of the butterfly comes from its life in the larval form, and not
through any efforts it may make to imitate another butterfly. We serve the future by protecting the
present. The more fully the needs of one period are met, the greater will be the success of the next."
(Maria Montessori) The Montessori environment may be looked at as a small society that is
preparing the child for his future. Guiding him towards finding his role in the Universe; that he has a
responsibility to nature; and to be respectful to everything in the Universe. To enable the directress
to channel the children towards these goals ... Show more content on ...
As a result, this successfully caters to the child's sensitive periods. For example, a child may have an
interest in letters. He may then go to the language area and work with materials that have been
presented to him. The Montessori didactic materials are available at all times, and are easily
accessible. The didactics "are designed to prepare the child indirectly for future learning." The
materials are of high standard, interesting, challenging, self–correcting and always complete. "...the
child has an absorbent mind rather that reasoning mind before the age of six. A child is not capable
of gathering materials from all over the room for one specific exercise." The environment must
therefore, be prepared for the child by experienced and sensitive adult. Extension with Sensorial
Didactics Geometry and Algebra Didactics The Directress "Plainly, the environment must be a
living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission. It
is this that our conception differs both from that of the world in which the adult does everything for
the child and from that of a passive environment in which the adult abandons the child to
himself.....This means that it is not enough to set the child among objects in proportion
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The Relationship Between Discipline and Obidience from...
Montessori Philosophy
Question: Explain the relationship between discipline and obedience from the Montessori
perspective. Explain how discipline and obedience are linked to the development of the will.
Maria Montessori (1988) believed that the discipline of a child is something to come, not something
that is already present. It means discipline must be stimulated, observed and let it grow by itself.
How to start stimulating or awakening discipline inside a child? Montessori says, " an individual
is disciplined when he is the master of himself and when he can, as a consequence, control himself
when he must follow a rule of life" (Montessori, 1997, p. 51).
To awaken the child 's inner energy to become disciplined, the teacher 's ... Show more content on ...
In a sense that when a child does the exercise repeatedly, he/she will be able to independently realize
or note should he/she make any mistake. By being able to do so, subsequently for the next
opportunity he/she will make sure that he/she should not do the same error again, which means
he/she could correct the error by himself/herself.
Obedience could be attained only when a child has fully developed and controlled his/her will, and
he/she freely chooses to follow other 's instruction or orders. This could happen because the child
recognizes that the person who gives the order loves him/her and is more knowledgeable than
him/her, also this child is sure that the order given will be useful to perfect his/her skill.
Having explained the discipline and obedience, now we could conclude that these two features will
only be developed in a child if he/she is already able to control the inner power from within. This is
whether to do something based on his/her likes, or to do something just because the child has
already understood that he/she has to follow orders from others, because there are common norms
that a child have to obey should he/she want to live with other people collectively. In case a child
has not been able yet to control his/her will, then it is impossible for
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The Importance of the Main Ingredients of the Montessori...
The importance of the main ingredients of the Montessori method : the directress and the prepared
environment Motto:'' The teacher as an adult should try to interpret the child's needs and meet them
as best as he can by preparing a really suitable environment. This may be the beginning of a new
epoch in education, which will consider how it can assist the life of the child.'' (Montessori, M., The
Secret of Childhood, Part1, Chapter IV: Where adults impede the question of sleep, 1963, p.79). The
child in the Montessori school needs the best conditions for his development and for achieving this,
he needs a link between him and the knowledge to come: this link could be represented by the
directress who connects the child to the surrounding ... Show more content on ...
For example, I've noticed that at the Montessori school where I did my work experience the children
interacted repeatedly with the environment by using the Montessori materials: Dressing frames or
Pink Tower and this interaction lasted longer than the directress–child one, because once the child
has been introduced to the Montessori materials he will learn as his nature dictates and he will know
how to do the Montessori activities without being in need of the directress. The prepared
environment has three components: one physical that is represented by the child–sized furniture and
the Montessori materials, another intellectual created with the help of the directress who designs the
perfect climate for the child to work and develop himself and another one–spiritual offering the
child patterns of spiritual behaviour through the genuine example given by the directress.( I've
noticed at the Montessori school, in the pre–school classroom that every time the directress was
praying before the snack time, the children took her example and did the same). The directress is the
one who plans the way in which the environment has to be prepared for the children, according to
the child's each activity and to the materials required for each exercise; the things regarding the
planning of the environment have to move from the directress to the child: e.g. I've seen at the
Montessori School where I did my work experience that the directress provided good quality and
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Maria Montessori 's Role For Young Girls
Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy on August 31, 1870 to parents Allessandro and
Renilde Montessori, she was their only child. Her parents were well educated, her father served in
the army as an officer, her mother, coming from an upper–class family, was very intelligent and a
forward thinker. During the time of Maria's early education, Italy's view on the roles of women were
very traditional, therefore the opportunities for young girls were limited. Young girls were not
encouraged to receive any more than an elementary education. Allessandro, Maria's father, was
conservative and traditional, while her mother was modern and non–traditional. Maria's mother not
only taught her daily skills, such as cleaning floors, but also ... Show more content on ...
Montessori visited mental asylums to choose patients for treatment at the clinic. It was here she first
saw the neglect of children with mental disabilities in the asylum. This troubled her deeply. She
began focusing her research on possible treatments for the children, deciding the it was not
medicine, but teaching.
Maria Montessori became absorbed in learning all she could by auditing education and physical
anthropology courses at Rome University form 1897–1898 and studying every theory on how
children learn from the past two hundred years. She ultimately merged the theories of Pestalozzi and
Froebel, focusing on the relationships of sensory, cognitive and social development with the studies
Edouard Seguin, an early 19th century reformer who focused on the sensory and motor development
for disabled children. She tried her ideas regarding "special education" at the psychiatric clinic,
medical and teacher conferences and public lectures throughout Italy. In 1900, she was appointed as
the director at the Roman medical–pedagogical institute for teachers of developmentally disabled
children, this institute was new. It was here that Montessori experimented with new teaching
methods focusing on ways to help them develop their sensory, motor and cognitive skills. Results
were presented and were impressive, many of the children who were viewed as unteachable could
learn basic skills, learn to read and write and could pass exams given to children at
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Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them...
Define the term sensitive periods and link them appropriately to the child's first stage of
development. Explain how you would support these sensitive periods during this first crucial stage.
In this essay I will define the term sensitive periods linking it with stage of development, I will also
outline the importance of these periods , the consequences of not recognising it, and finally how we
can support children in this crucial time.
"A sensitive periods refers to a special sensibility which a creature in its infantile state, while it is
still in a process of evolution". ( Montessori, 1966, p38) Maria Montessori believed that during first
few years of life its very easy for a child to learn without an effort that later on will ... Show more
content on ...
Few of the children were putting toys at the wrong place. One girl of the class became distressed
over this and began explaining that this is a wrong place. She knew that these toys didn't belong to
the shelf. Sensitive period for order had been disrupted.
The other sensitive periods to consider are the refinement of the senses. The way the children can
find out abut their environment at this stage is through their senses. By looking, smelling, hearing,
touching child learn differences in sensory stimuli. A child brain react different to each sense stimuli
and helps him/her to find out which stimuli is more important, which is relevant. this helps in
preventing their nervous system from being over–stimulated.
The activities used within a Montessori environment to develop this include such things as weights,
colours, grading, matching, shapes, sounds, smells and taste. During his/her playtime outside
(smelling flowers, picking up leaves or small stones) and in a classroom. The place should provide
enough sensorial materials for children to get them started in recognised different sense stimuli,
sorting, pairing.
This bring us to the sensitive period of the language it is from 7 months up to 5.5 to 6 years of age.
There are three forms of language from spoken language, to written language and reading. This is an
important part of a child's life to be able to use words to communicate and its learnt very easily at
this time. Preparing the environment
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Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives...
Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives them the strength and energy to achieve
potentially. When you give a child guidance and freedom, they focus mainly on what they need to
know. Children have more confidence and they do not need to rely on the teachers. Maria had put
optimism and humanism in her teaching.
Montessori approach, she made the school beautiful and careful environment for the children.
Didactic materials, so she could meet the needs of each child at their level of development. The
teacher has to prepare instructions that get the children interested in the activity. I believe that they
should not force it upon the child, it is better for the child to choose his or her activity as they will
become more ... Show more content on ...
Observation is a key method, it is a way for the adults to learn about what the child needs. For
example, if you see a child hammering on objects this means that the child is involved in the activity
so we give him a drum. This is how observation can help and achieve a child's requirement.
Following the Child
The child will show you what they need to do, what to develop in themselves and what are the areas
they need to be challenged in. "The aim of the children who persevere in their work with an object is
certainly not to "learn"; they are drawn to it by the needs of their inner life, which must be
recognized and developed by its means." – Maria Montessori.
Following the child around in the classroom will help you find out a little more about the child. If
they want to climb, let them climb in a safe manner. Do not be overprotective or they will always
rely on the teachers. It is better for the child to understand and be mature from a younger age as it
will help them in the future. Also it is best not to tell the child what to do all the time, the child
needs to familiarise themselves within their environment. One thing ever child needs is "freedom"
and it is better to give that to the child. Keep presenting the child with some choices of different toys
so they are fully focused and engaging in the activity. Also, step away from the child and let him or
her get on with the
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Characteristics Of Montessori
Society is the aggregate of people, in general, thought of as living together in more or less organized
communities with shared laws, traditions, and values. It is based on relationship among people, and
if more than two people are gathered, it can be a society. and Furthermore, social life may refer to an
individual's interpersonal relationships. Each individual in the world belongs to a society and has a
responsibility not to derange the order of the society as a part of it.
People label themselves to identify themselves; compared with others to find out who they are, such
as "I am a American, I am a mother," and so on. An individual needs others to label himself. Society
create different characteristics, such as asocial, antisocial, sociable, and socialized person. Asocial
means avoiding social interactions ... Show more content on ...
There are many kinds of people in a society and the age range is also wide. The child can have wider
experienced in the society by interacting efferent people and it brings him to a higher level of
development. Most schools separate children by age, but it is unnatural as a society and it takes
away a chance to develop proper social skill from the child. Dr. Maria Montessori express it as, "It
breaks the bonds of social life, deprives it of nourishment." Younger children absorb many things
from older children by observing them in the environment, and older children learn to take care of
younger children. It develops the admiration of younger children toward the older and motivation to
develop themselves. On the other hand, the older start feel the responsibility to take care of others
and self–confidence. Moreover, Dr. Montessori discovered that the children a natural mental
"osmosis"; the children can teach each other and it is easier to understand than have explanations
from adults in most
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Why Are Montessori Materials Essential Parts of the...
Next to the family, the Montessori classroom is the place of importance in the world of a child. The
Montessori classroom is a social institution that not only determines the present state of the child but
also their future. In "The Absorbent Mind", Dr Maria Montessori wrote, "The most important period
of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.
For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed...At no
other age has the child greater need of intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative
work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection." In order to help children Maria
Montessori developed what she called "the ... Show more content on ...
Montessori classroom materials are designed to meet the needs of young children's sensitive
periods. "The objects in our system are instead a help to the child himself, he chooses what he wants
for his own use, and works with it according to his own needs, tendencies and special interests. In
this way, the objects become a means of growth." Maria Montessori, Discovery of the child. When
introducing the child into the exercise with the sensorial materials teacher should present it as a
silent presentation. Because of sensorial materials provide "training of the senses". The Montessori
materials are motivating the child's 5 senses: Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Olfactory and gustatory. The
purpose of sensorial material is to refine and develop the child's senses. During the first three years
the child will absorb, like a sponge, whatever good or bad is in the environment. Between the ages
of three to six the child applies logic and structure to the information that is absorbed in born to
three years of age. The Montessori sensorial materials are help in refining and identifying the color,
texture, size, weight, shape and smell and perfect skills such as increased observation and
vocabulary. The child begins to experience the outer world through the classroom and it becomes
clear and order. Senses gather information from the environment and transmit it to the brain. The 5
basic senses are Visual (sight): children need
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Sensitive Period to Order
In this assignment I am going to discuss the child's sensitive period for order. I will explain how it is
catered for in the classroom, referring to materials and activities.
Sensitive Periods
The Sensitive Periods are the best times for a child to learn a specific skill and are critical to the
child's self development. The child has this inner urge to undertake the task in order to live.
Although, once this period passes it is possible for the child to learn the new skill but with much
more difficulty. A sensitive period that is prevented from occurring will manifest itself into a cranky
The three main sensitive periods for children aged birth to six are, order, movement and language.
There are also other ... Show more content on ...
But freedom within limits, not the right to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Freedom
needs to work within the grounds of discipline. Discipline is making correct choices while
respecting the classroom, and the rights of the other children.
In my experience, Marie is consistent at all times while teaching but kind and caring at the same
time. She set clear expectations very early on in the school year and this is evident through the
respect the children show her and the order that upholds in the classroom.
The expectations included; * Children are given the freedom to move, to communicate, to choose
activity and to work with others. * Children must not disrespect the materials. The materials must
only be used for the purpose intended. * Children can only choose what he/she has been presented. *
If the child cannot use a specific piece of material, it is removed and re–presented or, a period of
time is given to allow the child's development.
Referring to materials and activities in the Montessori classroom, it is fair to say that the Practical
Life and Sensorial shelves all stimulate the child's sense of order. The Practical Life shelf consists of
the dressing frames, which allows the child to understand the importance of sequence in tasks. The
pouring exercises which teaches the child hand eye coordination and their entire body concentrates
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Montessori Classrooms Environment Essay
Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment where children are free to respond to their
natural tendency to work.
In a Montessori Infant/Toddler room, the prepared environment is very important. It is designed to
meet these goals: * Be attractive, welcoming, and conducive to learning * Have a space large
enough to accommodate all the children, providing them with free and comfortable movement *
Provide areas for all the activities each day * Provide and store equipment for the personal care of
young children * Provide materials designed with a self–correcting control of error * To allow the
adults to view all the children and get to them quickly as necessary
The Montessori ... Show more content on ...
Uncluttered and well–maintained, the environment should reflect peace and tranquility. The
environment should invite the learner to come in and work. This atmosphere is easily seen by the
attitude of those working there, both child and adult.
Montessori had a deep respect and reverence for nature. She believed that we should use nature to
inspire children. She continually suggested that Montessori teachers take the children out into
nature, rather than keeping them confined in the classroom. This is why natural materials are
preferred in the prepared environment. Real wood, reeds, bamboo, metal, cotton, and glass are
preferred to synthetics or plastics.
It is here where child–size real objects come into play. Furniture should be child–size so the child is
not dependent on the adult for his movement. Rakes, hoes, pitchers, tongs, shovels should all fit
children's hands and height so that the work is made easier, thus ensuring proper use and completion
of the work without frustration.
Where there is freedom to interact, children learn to encourage and develop a sense of compassion
and empathy for others. As children develop, they become more socially aware, preparing to work
and play in groups. This social interaction is supported throughout the environment and is
encouraged with the nature of multi–age classroom
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Essay On Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, was born on August 31, 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy, and died
on 6 May 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands. She was one of the pioneers of theories in early
childhood education and her theories are still applied in Montessori schools all over the world. At
that time, when Montessori was growing up, Italy had conservative values about women's role but
she consistently broke out of those prescribed gender limitations as she grew younger. When her
family moved to Rome, she attended boys' technical institutions where she developed her
mathematics and scientific interests. Despite her father's resistance but with the support of her
mother, Montessori went on to graduate with high honor from the medical ... Show more content on ...
Montessori realized the connection between science, psychology, and the education world and began
to speak out at conferences about the subject. She also studied the needs of special education
children and began to establish strategies of teaching the so called 'degenerate' children in society
(Povell, 2007). Furthermore, she was a major impact on the woman's movement in Italy, and
believed in the fact of the "new woman", so she pushed women to take leading roles in instructional
reform. In addition to being an example of the "new woman", she used that distinction to encourage
the woman to struggle for their rights and win the distinction as an equal gender. (Hainstock, 1997)
Despite her success, Musilini banished her from Italy because she didn't teach the traditional Italian
way, so she went to Spain and then the Netherlands where she died in 1952, after she was nominated
three times for the Nobel Prize. However, her name and philosophy are still alive in many schools
around the world. (Povell, 2007) With respect to education, Maria Montessori was influenced by the
works of the physicians
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How Does the Montessori Environment Facilitate and...
In a Montessori classroom, a child is free to move about and explore the environment because with
activity and movement comes learning. Movement, in fact, contributes not only to the physical, but
also to the intellectual potential and spiritual development of the child. The child must have freedom
achieved through order and self–discipline. The child in a Montessori environment can learn,
discover and be creative. He has the freedom of choice and develops his individual interest.
The child learns best in a prepared environment. It is a place where the child can do things for him
or herself. The environment is created in proportion to the child and his or her needs. They decide
for themselves which materials to work with. "The extern ... Show more content on
The child is given the opportunity to become independent and care for him or herself in a
responsible way. "A teacher simply assists him at the beginning to get his bearings among so many
different things and teaches him the precise use of each them, that is to say, she introduces him to
the ordered and active life of the environment. But then she leaves him free in the choice and
execution of his work." (Montessori, the Discovery of the Child. 1972. P.63)
The exercises that are developed in the practical life area help the children to be independent and
feel at home. There are example frame boards where the child learns to button, lace, hook, or tie
things together. This encourages them to practice putting on real clothes and dressing themselves.
There are also sinks where the child can wash their hands. "The surrounding objects should be
proportioned to the size and strength of the child: light furniture that can carry about; low dressers
and low shelves that they can easily manipulate. Light doors that they can open and shut readily.
Brooms with short and smooth, light handles, clothes he can easily put and take off himself."
(Montessori, Spontaneous Activity in Education, 1969, p.75)
Finally, general overall movement ties together the physical, intellectual, and spiritual qualities of
each child. It keeps the entire child or adult healthy. Both the spirit and the intellect of the child or
person depend
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The Great Power Of Man
"The great power of man is that he adapts to every part of the environment and that he modifies it
while developing himself he unconsciously develops his own adaptation of his environment."
Dr. Maria Montessori (Meaning of Adaptation, p.5)
Montessori start to set the environment and surroundings to the child's size and real to help the
children to move things easily without the adults help and to feel comfortable in the environment.
the main model of education in human development by Montessori is divided into two main
concepts 1– Children and developing is a psychological self–construction by engaging with the
environment. 2– children from zero to six their psychological development is developed by
observation and
helping ... Show more content on ...
Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her methodology is designed to help
the child to concentrate in infants is a fragile thing but adults distracts the child in so many ways by
engaging the child in the early age with Montessori activities practical life is one of the keys to help
the child in independence coordination and to follow a certain steps.
The structure of the class room and the curriculum helps the child to make his own choice and
independence ,the teacher is a facilitator by preparing the class room activities , give them the lesson
, rain force information , guide them and redirect them so if the child wants to work on a specific
area and the teacher wants to introduce anther area the teacher must be patient and wait for the child
to master what he is doing then he will come to discover the other area one of the most important
part for the teacher is to captive the child interest it is one of the important keys to motivate the child
to explore other areas the teacher role here will be inspiring the child
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Montessori Imagination Research Paper
Dr Montessori emphasises the importance of the development of imagination. How do cultural
activities in a Montessori prepared environment aid in this development?
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming mental images, sensations
and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses.
Imagination is the work of the mind that helps create fantasy. Imagination helps provide meaning to
experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental facility through which people make
sense of the world, and it also plays a key role in the learning process. A basic training for
imagination is the listening to storytelling, in which the exactness of the chosen words is ... Show
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It is imagination that begins to develop and occupy a very vital place in a child 's mental world. With
imagination, a child can move mountains, transport himself to a distant world, make himself smaller
or larger, or disappear from sight. Imagination allows children to form new ideas and explore old
ideas, all at once. For children with more to escape in their unfortunate realities, such as abuse
victims or children with separated parents, imagination plays an even more critical role in
development as it aids with coping.
When children get scared, it is important to show them compassion and belonging. This can be
accomplished through the use of imagination at play. Doll houses, miniature worlds, board games,
role–playing games, or even a simple tent in the backyard can promote imagination in small children
as they are influenced through the limitless boundaries of the creative world.
With more than these in mind, Dr Montessori emphasises the importance of imagination in children.
Maria Montessori said "Free the child 's potential, and you will transform him into the world". When
she said this, she also meant that imagination is one of the child's potential that can be broadened
over time.
However Dr Montessori only emphasized imagination but not fantasy. She felt that young children
would not be able to differentiate between reality and fiction if they got too much
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Maria Montessori and Environment
"Concentration is the key that opens up the child's latent treasures within him. As the scattered
elements if his personality comes together, order begins to take the place of disorder, and the work
of self–construction, which had been interrupted, is now taken up again, as nature has intended all
along." E.M Standing, Maria Montessori: her life and work, pg 174
Learning, by itself, cannot happen without concentration. Whether we are learning to tie our shoes,
write our name, wash a car or solve complex algebraic equations, there is intense concentration
specific to the task at hand. Dr. Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her
methodology is designed to nurture this power. Concentration in infants is a fragile ... Show more
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The sensitive periods are triggered due to an unconscious will power/force called Horme, which
pushes the child to fulfill his divine urge. The sensitive periods are critical to the child 's self
development. The child passes through six significant sensitive periods those for Sensitivity to
order; learning through five senses; sensitivity to small objects; sensitivity to co–ordination of
movement; language and social aspect of life. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the child is born
with pre–determined psychic pattern or The eight Law's of Natural Development which are laid
down before birth i.e. Law of work; when children were exposed to the material in the prepared
environment become calm and peaceful and their destructive behaviors disappear. Thus, Montessori
concluded that some great need of the child must have been met through this activity of
concentration. Law of Independence, wherein the child uses his independence to listen to his own
inner guide for actions that can be useful for him. We must keep children independent by providing
them enough opportunities to work with materials. Power of attention, to further enhance and
cultivate the power of attention we engage the child into various Montessori activities thereby
developing the ability to concentrate and building personality. After internal coordination is
established through the child's ability for prolonged attention and concentration, the Development of
Will takes place, where in
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Montessori : Curriculum Model Approach Research
Montessori Curriculum Model Approach Research Paper 2017–10–13 The topic that I choose for
my curriculum model/approach paper is Montessori. Montessori is an approach to education that is
individual. It is for children from toddlers all through high school that helps all children reach full
potential in all the areas of life. Montessori is an approach that is student–centered. Montessori
encourages creativity and curiosity and helps children to ask questions, explore, investigate and
think of themselves as they acquire many skills. The environment that Montessori focusses on is
based on students learning rather than teachers teaching. Montessori students develop creativity and
confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills and ... Show more content on ...
The children showed great interest in working with puzzles, learning to prepare meals, and
manipulating materials that held lessons in math. Maria Montessori used the specific observations
and experiences that gained her earlier work with young children, she designed a learning materials
and a classroom environment that fostered the children's natural desire to learn. By 1910,
Montessori's school success soon spread through Italy schools were acclaimed worldwide. In 1940
Maria travelled in India when hostilities between Italy and Great Britain broke out. Maria was
forced to live in exile for the remainder of the war. There, Maria took the opportunity to train
teachers her method of education. Maria Montessori died peacefully in a friend's garden on May 6th
1952. Maria travelled the world and wrote extensively about her approach to education, attracting
many devotees. Maria's key beliefs are independence, observation, following the child, correcting
the child, prepared environment, respect for child, sensitive periods, auto education and an
absorbent mind. Montessori education in the classrooms is to make the children independent and
allows children to do things for themselves. Giving the children opportunities to move, dress
themselves, and choose what they want to do. When you give children independence you are
... Get more on ...
Montessori Philosophy
Written by: imass Date: 3 March 2012 Student No: M/10/11/0352 Assignment: Explain how the role
of the teacher changes in the process of the child's growing normalization (socialization). Define the
term normalization, linking it with the concept of deviations. Outline the environmental aspects that
support normalization. Explain the maturation nature of normalization linked to the child's growing
social development. Describe the teacher's initial approach with children. Explain the change in the
teacher's role as each child begins to concentrate and focus on activities, and the impact this has on
the child's growing normalization. Show an understanding of why the child might regress. ... Show
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Therefore, a duty of Montessori teacher is to ensure that a classroom provides activities and motives
for normalization to occur. So, how is an adult or a Montessori teacher can help a child overcome
these deviations and help them along the path to normalization? As stated by Dr Maria Montessori, a
Montessori teacher must practice patience rather than anger. An adult who is impatient or angry
cannot build confidence or independence in a child. She recommended interrupting the misbehavior
because it is an obstacle to development, and to offer interesting and purposeful activities to re–
channel that energy in a productive way. She believed the only way to re–direct misbehavior was to
return to the work cycle. Once the child has returned to a state of normalcy, the teacher must not
interrupt while the child is focused and concentrating. By observing and protecting those moments,
they will become more frequent and the child will not have to deviate as much. His energy will have
found a new outlet in his work. Usually, the process of normalization takes place in any Montessori
school at the beginning of the year when children return to school after a long school holidays and
the classroom is entered by many new small children. Children enter a new unknown surrounding
and have to get familiarized to it and to a completely different way of life which radically
... Get more on ...

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Child Development

  • 1. Child Development Introduction The Montessori method of education is one of the very unusual approaches of educating young children that has been based on the experiences and research of educator and physician Maria Montessori (1870–1952). The method basically arose from what Dr. Montessori's discovered and named it the "the child's normal nature" back in 1907 (Montessori, 1972). This happened during one of her experimental observations with young children who had been given the freedom they need d in an environment that was fully prepared with all the materials and was specifically designed to support their self–directed learning experiences (Montessori, 1977). Factor generating an amazing child Law of Will A child's development of will has ... Show more content on ... She argued that, the only way to be bale to help a child is if we know the Nature of the child, since then we are in a good position to help him to fully develop all of his inner powers so that he can grow from being a helpless creature into a responsible mature citizen. This approach by Montessori thus values the believe that a child's main goal since birth is to just but develop all of his potentials according to a certain physic pattern that he does possess even before his birth (Montessori, 1977). In real practice, Montessori method has only been applied with some kind of varying degrees of strict adherence to the main philosophies, though it is generally agreed that they all somehow subscribe to some of her writings (Polk and Montessori, 1988). The result has been that there are some people who strictly adhere to either one of these philosophies, while there have been another group that have seen it wise to develop a unique concepts all based on interpretation of her philosophies and writings. There are thus several concepts that are now widely accepted by several practitioners and which are said to be consistent with the teachings of Montessori method. These concepts have been developed from different ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Discoveries of Maria Montessori 2. What are the discoveries of Dr. Maria Montessori ? Dr. Maria Montessori was a keen observer of children. She used her observational and experimental proclivities from her medical background to develop, what we might today call, a Constructivist understanding of the process of learning. She studied them scientifically. If she saw some unusual behavior in a child, she would say,"I won't believe it now, I shall if it happens again". She studied the conditions in which the children would perform those actions. She thought education always involved three elements: The learner, the Prepared Environment, and the Trained Adult. The basic areas in which she gave importance was freedom, independence, respect and responsibility. She believed ... Show more content on ... The inner drive to work is sufficient to reach their goal if it corresponded with the inner developmental need. With the provision of the necessary conditions and necessary environment the child without the instigation of an adult can reach his goal. 2. When an inner need to do something meets with the inner urge spontaneous Interest is generated. When the inner urge or the Interest finds a suitable working condition it leads to spontaneous Repetition. When this spontaneous Repetition of an activity is done with interest the natural result is Concentration. Concentration is not the end product of education, its just the beginning. Any true learning happens with concentration. The children revealed that given the right conditions they would work with concentration. 3. Very young children need order for their development. This order need not be only with things in the environment but also with values, functions and other human activities. The child needs to see human values like 'Say the Truth' being practiced. But the adults do not practice in the everyday life. The child gets confused and this can create a warp in his development. Similarly any object in the environment being used for a purpose other than it is meant for creates disturbance. (e.g. the other end of a teaspoon used as a screwdriver).Contrary instructions about behaviour muddle his decisions how some action is allowed at some other time (for example. when a visitor is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Normalization: Maria Montessori In Montessori education, the term "normalization" has a specialized meaning. "Normal" does not refer to what is considered to be "typical" or "average" or even "usual". "Normalization" does not refer to a process of being forced to conform. Instead, Maria Montessori used the terms "normal" and "normalization" to describe a unique process she observed in child development. Normalization refers to the focus, concentration and independence of the child, by his own choice. It means the child has acquired the internal freedom to initiate work, be independent, and adhere (by choice) to the rules of the environment. DR Maria Montessori's main discovery was the reality of a child's true nature WHICH IS the NORMALIZED CHILD. She described the ... Show more content on ... Dr Montessori described the normalized child as "one who is precociously intelligent, who has learned to overcome himself and to live peace and who prefers a disciplined task to futile idleness" (Maria Montessori, the secret of childhood). A pre–normalized child does not have the joy normalized children have . a pre– normalized child coming into the Montessori environment has a chaotic impression from surrounding environment, he has a low self–esteem. He would abandon his work without completion. He shows discipline only when an adult is around and it does not last. Normalization come about through "concentration" on a piece of work. When the child engages with the Montessori materials in total concentration for long periods of time, a transformation occurs. This transformation is what Dr. Maria Montessori calls "normalization". It is a process that occurs over a period of time, usually three or four years and it requires the child's total engagement with the Montessori materials. The process of normalization is a journey. It begins when a child is introduced to activities like the practical life materials. The materials help the child to develop his motor skills , acquire a sense of order , and begin the process of extending their ability, and desire for concentrated work. For normalization to occur, child development must proceed from birth with the non–physical growth of the child's mind , intellect, personality, temperament, spirit and soul. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. A Child Is Mysterious and Powerful "Within the child lies the fate of the future. Whoever wishes to confer some benefit on society must preserve him from deviation and observe his natural ways acting. A child is mysterious and powerful and contains within himself the secret of human nature." Explain the above quote with reference to the Montessori philosophy. The term 'Montessori Philosophy' originated from the name of Dr. Maria Montessori, one of the most influential pioneers in early childhood education. She advised an education which combines a philosophy with a practical approach based on the central idea of freedom for the child within a carefully planned and structured environment. To analyze the above quote, we will have to know what it is in essence the ... Show more content on ... Thus it is said that "The child is endowed with unknown powers which can guide us to a radiant future."(The Absorbent Mind ,P2) During the observation of children at Casa Dei Bambini, Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that children prefer work to play. They were able to achieve a self integration through this work. She found that the aggressive and destructive children became calm and peaceful after working with the materials. She concluded that through work the child seemed to get fulfillment of some internal need which made him normalized. Montessori found out that independence is necessary to the child's normal development. The child uses his independence to listen to his inner guide for actions that can be useful to him and one who is served is actually limited in his independence. It is well said that "we habitually serve children; and this is not only an act of servility towards them but it is dangerous, since it tends to suffocate their useful, spontaneous activity." (Course manual P.40). We can help the child attain independence by giving opportunity for him to work with the materials by himself, by directing him towards a given end to develop his will, by giving him constructive work to help him in developing discipline, by letting him know and have an understanding of what is good and bad and also giving him freedom to reveal himself completely by playing only passive role. Maria Montessori stated that at certain stages ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Role of a Teacher in a Montessori Classroom Montessori's developed method of educating the natural characteristics which influenced a child to learn. Her method is simply protecting these characteristics and allowing them to develop naturally. She believed that every child held the ability to learn but only needed to be shown or guided on how to correctly do so. The teachers role in the class room is to cater for these needs. Montessori believed that only a certain type of person suited the role of a Montessori teacher "The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. In our system, she must become a passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of anxious scientific curiosity and of absolute respect ... Show more content on ... The child may also associate praise with their behaviour and feel if they are not being praised they are not succeeding or doing well. It is a difficult position as it is instinct to praise when a child has done well but a Montessori teacher must be able to do so correctly. In Montessori it is taught to the teacher that it is the child's right to freedom but within limits. "If everyone did exactly as they pleased chaos would reign, then nobody could do as they pleased. Freedom would effectively be gone."(Walls, 2006, p4). These limits are kept my the basic rule of respect By treating others with courtesy and care it will be expected back. Making this happen with young children will takes patience from the teacher. The rules should be told and shown to the class, this way a child can self correct their behaviour and lean from themselves. By enforcing this the teacher has taught the children to respect others and given them the gift of patience as they learn of turn taking etc. The role of a Montessori teacher is complex and has many layers to it. The teacher's role must be an observer as well as an educator. The teacher must cater for the needs of the child. Be the link between the prepared environment. The techer must have a complete understanding of Montessori to be successful within the class room, as a child's mind is so absorbent at the ages of three to six, Irreversible damage may be cause without this. References: Issah, ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Sensorial Materials Essay 15: What is the purpose of the sensorial materials? Describe the essential qualities needed in a sensorial apparatus. "The first of the child's organs to begin functioning are his senses....instruments by which we lay hold impressions, and these, in the child's case, have to become "incarnated", made part of his personality." The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 8, p. 84 A child's journey in life begins as a physical embryo right from the time that he is in his mother's womb, increasing in size and developing his physical structures. Once he is born, leaving the comfort of his mother's womb, he must go through a phase of reconstruction or incarnation, to develop in movement, speech and other areas. However, the child ... Show more content on ... Thus, if exploration is necessary for child development then the instruments of exploration, which is the senses, must be trained from an early age. "It is necessary to begin the education of the senses in the formative period, if we wish to perfect this sense development with the education which is to follow. The education of the senses should be begun methodically in infancy, and should continue during the entire period of instruction which is to prepare the individual for life in society."(The Montessori Method, Chapter XIV, Pg. 221) Maria Montessori believed that there is nothing in the intellect which first does not exist in the senses. The child's intellect does not work in isolation, but is everywhere and is always intimately bound up with his body, particularly with his nervous and muscular system. During the first 3 years of life, the young child would have already absorbed a large amount of information from his environment however the information is merely in the form of impressions in his unconscious mind. As the child continues to work, the mind begins to gains awareness of various concepts of color, weight, size and so on. This becomes the beginning of his sensorial education. Maria Montessori based her method of educating the senses realizing the fact that a child between ages two to six years passes through the 'sensitive period for the refinement of senses' ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Advantages Of Montessori Method Throughout this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting many aspects of the Montessori Method and the High/Scope Approach – developed by Dr. David Weikart. I will first discuss a brief history of each pedagogy, then compare both on certain aspects I find to be similar and different. I will discuss the views of each on the senses, the learning environment, the freedom and child–led philosophy, the need for order, KDI's and sensitive periods, reflection and aspects of the daily routine in each setting, with particular emphasis on Montessori's outdoor setting. Dr. Maria Montessori was an Italian educator and scientist. She developed a revolutionary approach to education in children. Montessori was the first female in Italy to obtain a medical ... Show more content on ... "To capture and build on children's natural enthusiasms, adults put themselves in children's hands as often as possible. They follow the children's directions". (Hohmann et al 1995 p.53). When it comes to the similarities between the High/Scope planned learning environment and Montessori's prepared environment, one thing I observe is the sense of order – "...The little child's need for order is one of the most powerful incentives to dominate his early life". (Montessori, 1949, p. 190), and providing the child the opportunity to make choices and decisions; for this particularly plays a large role in Montessori's philosophy. "...The child should be allowed to exercise himself freely in the work organised for him". (Montessori 1915, p. 51). High/Scope activities are focused around Key Development Indicators (KDI's). These KDI's are similar to the likes of Aistear. They are a sequence of statements describing key development experiences and are used by educators to assist them in observing, arranging, and evaluating what children learn as they partake in activities. For example, in my work placement they go exactly by Aistear recommended activities, so they can be sure to meet all their principles and themes with the children (Identity & Belonging, Exploring & Thinking, Communicating and Well–being). Montessori, however, focuses more on sensitive periods. Throughout these periods, the child has a particularly strong sensitivity towards a specific piece of information or ability. The sensitivity lasts for a definite period and will not ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Philosophy of Montessori Education "Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge, but must take new path, seeking the release of potentialities." Discuss the statement with reference to Montessori philosophy. Dr Maria Montessori started her work in the field of education and child psychology, when she had already obtained a doctor's degree in medicine and surgery. Her scientific training and experience were exceptionally broad based and unique. Her approach to education encompassed the whole development of man from birth to adulthood. The most important contribution of her work, in the present day, is the focussed attention on the fact that no attempt to solve social and moral problems of the society will succeed if it is concentrated only on ... Show more content on ... Dr Montessori believed that for the psychic pattern to reveal itself, two conditions must be fulfilled, first, the environment that he interacts to understand the limit of his universe, second, the freedom to reveal himself. She emphasised that when these two conditions are met, the psychic life of the child will not reach its potential and his personality will be stunted. Dr Montessori strongly felt that, the work of man on the earth is related to his spirit, to his creative intelligence, therefore this spirit and creative intelligence must be the fulcrum of his existence, and of all the workings of human body. It is about this fulcrum, the behaviour and physical economy is organised. Dr Montessori says that the whole man develops within this "spiritual halo" and therefore first care given to the new–born babe, over riding all others, must be a care for his mental life, and not just for his bodily life. Dr Montessori described the time line of 3 yrs from birth, as the period of 'Spiritual Embryo', and all the non–physical qualities namely his intelligence, temperament, personality, spirit and soul develop in this stage. Dr Montessori describes that development of child is due to an unconscious power, a vital force, she borrowed a word 'horme' to describe this vital force, which is similar to the force that ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She did this by allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through action rather than repetition. Montessori had five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, auto– education, and the teacher's role. In this paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly and how a well prepared environment can positively affect each student in the 3–6 classroom. I will, in reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill–prepared classroom. Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child's life when the child is absorbed with one characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others (Lillard, 1972, p.33). These sensitive periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue, the development of walking, a fascination with minute and detailed objects, and a time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972, p.33). The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for order which begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine are important in a newborn's day; consistency is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and routine in a newborns day gives them the knowledge that their caretakers are able to be relied on. They know they'll get fed and changed when need be, they'll be put to bed when they're tired and even get to see new faces routinely (ie. Babysitters, grandparents, ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Role Of Teacher As A Montessori Teacher Essay The Role of the Teacher Introduction In a Montessori School, the word Teacher is used as Directress instead. In her writings, Maria Montessori used the word "Direttoressa" taken from the Italian word "direttore" which when looking into the meaning of the word is less about telling people what to do but more about steering people in the right direction. It is not only used for teacher but also for conductor, editors and managers. The word "Directress" which is used today was first used in translation of the book The Montessori Method in 1912 by the American, Anne Everett George. If we look again at the meaning of the Directress referred to above, it is the perfect description of the Role of a Montessori Teacher. She also believed that Montessori teacher's ultimate objective is to help the children to learn how to learn independently, retaining the curiosity, creativity, and intelligence with which they were born. Therefore, Montessori teachers do not simply present lessons; they are facilitators, mentors, coaches, and guides for the children. The Role of the Teacher The role of a Montessori Directress is the vital link between that of the child and the environment. "She is the main connecting link between the material, that is, the objects, and the child." Montessori believed that only a certain type of person suited the role of a Montessori teacher "The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. In our system, she must become a ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Childcare Level 3 E1: Reggio Emilia In 1945, Loris Malaguzzi founded the first Reggio school. His Reggio education dominated the Italian education that was already in place. The approach of Reggio is community led, this involves everyone in their close community but also those from outside of the close community. Within Reggio, they repeat their ideas and activities, so that the children are able to revisit what they were doing the day before to further their understanding of what they were doing, but also get help if they need it. Reggio also allows the children to direct their own learning, so if they do not fully understand what they are doing at the time, then they can go back and revisit it to make sure they understand it, however if the children are ... Show more content on ... Children's journeys throughout education should be personal, and this is what the Montessori approach achieves. From visiting a Montessori setting, the practitioners accomplished this as they allowed the children to play individually "Montessori thought working alone encouraged children to become independent learners" (M. Beaver, J. Brewster et all, CACHE Level 3 Childcare and Education). It is also important that they do plan times for the children to socialize and work together as this will build their Social and Emotional development. By providing individual learning journey books for each child, means that the child's key worker can add notes and pictures to show to their family what they do at nursery, however these are also available to take home and adapt them at home. E3: Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. She wanted to become a doctor, so she enrolled at the University of Rome; however at this time she began to develop an interest in children who were deprived; which at the time were referred to as 'idiot children', this encouraged Maria into studying about those who were mentally defective. Her interest then changed, and was focused into education. When she was fixed on to this idea, she began to study the theories which were devised over the last 200 years. By 1900 Montessori was known for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Educational Work Of Maria Montessori Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Maria got her quest for knowledge from her parents who were both well educated. She started her education at a local state school and proceeded onto a technical institute where she intended to pursue a career in engineering. This was unusual at the time as there were barriers that constrained women's careers, leaving them with fewer options to pursue technical careers than their male contemporaries. Even after graduating from technical Maria yearned for me, this yearning led her to enroll in medical school against her father's wishes and faced with the challenges and prejudice she would face in this field. She triumphed through it all and in 1896 became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in Italy. A little into her career, Maria began working with mentally retarded children it was here that her observations would become fundamental to her future educational work. Montessori began to develop her philosophy and methods in 1897. She caught everyone 's attention when most of her "uneducable" students passed the state test in reading and math, some scoring above average. Curious how such principles would work with the mainstream population of children, Montessori then opened her first school; Casa dei Bambini (Children 's House) in 1907. Montessori education spread to the United States in 1911 and became popular and widely accepted. The educational philosophy however began to conflict with ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Montessori Method Of Education Montessori Method of Education is one of the unique methods of the education which stimulates the child's natural curiosity to learn. Culture and creativity area an integral part of the Montessori curriculum. Every area of the Montessori curriculum is interrelated and follows the same foundations. Each area of curriculum has special purpose of education and helps the child in stimulating their imaginative powers. Montessori Method strongly believes that imagination is based on the reality based experiences and creativity is directly related to exposing the children to real life situations. So, we can say that in order to be more imaginative and creative, child must have real and concrete experiences with the real objects. According to Maria Montessori, "The true basis of the imagination is reality, and its perception is related to exactness of observation. It is necessary to prepare children to perceive the things in their environment exactly, in order to secure for them the material required by the imagination. Intelligence, reasoning, and distinguishing one thing from another prepares a cement for imaginative constructions"1 (The advanced Montessori method.p.196) Montessori Method of Education believes that every child is different and has his own needs. So every child is allowed to learn in his own unique manner at his own pace. Every aspect of the Montessori curriculum starting from the Practical life to the Culture area is closely intrigued with each other which help in ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Maria Montessori Essay Maria Montessori was considered ahead of her time. She was born in Chiaravalle, in the province of Ancona, Italy in 1870 to an educated but not wealthy family. Despite her father's wishes and society's conservative ways at the time, she studied science. She was the first female physician in Italy when she graduated medical school in 1896. She worked mostly with the poor because she saw vast potential in them. She was an unselfish person and she traveled Italy speaking of women's rights and child labor law reforms. Not too long after graduating she was chosen to represent Italy in two different women's conferences. They were at Berlin in 1896 and also in London in 1900. Maria was appointed a professor of anthropology at the University of ... Show more content on ... There is no set level that all children must follow; they learn when they explore by themselves. This method leaves children with freedom where they can learn self–discipline in a place designed specifically for their developmental needs. Teachers would have a part in the education of children though even though 80% of it was up to the children. Teachers are to make sure that children are presented with the right extent of material at the right time. In other words, if a child is too advanced for one activity, a teacher would present a new one to fit them, and vice versa. Maria believed if her methods were applied to public schools the results would be even better than the traditional method results. Since the government didn't let her, she started to work with poor daycare children. She doubted that her methods would work under these conditions but she had shocking results. She discovered if the children were in an orderly place to work, they will respect that and care for it. They are able to learn longer and better than in an everyday setting. In Montessori preschool, five areas make up the prepared learning environment. These areas include practical life, the sensorial area, mathematics, and cultural activities. In the elementary program, areas include integration, presentation of knowledge, presentation of the formal scientific languages, the use of visual aids, mathematic curriculum, Montessori trained teachers, emphasis on open–ended research and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Practical Life Essay DMT 104 Practical Life (Assignment One) Montessori in the Absorbent Mind writes that "the hands are instruments of man's intelligence". It is therefore critical that children develop the ability to control and coordinate their hand muscle so that these can come into contact with the environment in intelligent ways. Discuss the principles underlining the practical life exercises and how it fosters independence in children. Introduction A child in the first six years becomes a full member of her particular culture and family group absorbing language, attitudes, manners and values of those in which she comes in daily contact. A child develops properly if they are in an environment full of affection, love, caring and support. They ... Show more content on ... Within the Montessori classroom deep concentration can be acquired through the 'Silence Game". To achieve silence requires effort and the attention of the will, and maximum control of self– consciousness of every movement. Montessori thought of the silence lesson as a means for bringing children to this higher level of spiritual awareness. Practical Life Exercises aid the child in his journey towards normalization As a result of learning Practical Life Exercises in the Montessori environment, the child starts to develop confidence, self–esteem, he grow towards independence, mutual aid and co–operation, profound spontaneous concentration, attachment to reality and most importantly child's joy of learning is supreme. All these help the child to lead towards normalization. The normalized children possess a unique character and personality not recognized in young children. Children needs a carefully prepared environment It is important to provide the child an environment to work on activities of their own choice at their own pace experiencing freedom and self discipline while developing towards independence. Even though materials in Practical Life area are the least standardized, exercises needs to be carefully thought and designed. A prepared environment should consist of ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Essay on Who is Maria Montessori Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italy's first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative and her first 'Children's House' opened in 1907. Here too she introduced the equipment she had designed and observed the children very closely as they used it, tailoring what she provided in the environment to meet their developmental needs. There was ... Show more content on ... Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all works in the Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using whold and transfer bean to another bowl and so on. Care of environment:learning how to wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting. Care of self:learning how to wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and the indirect aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim The materials in the Montessori classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material isolates a concept and allows for repetitive practice with a certain skill and the child repeats this process to because he gets a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in the Rice Pouring activity will be concentration, co– ordination, independence and order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the child indirectly prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on the directress or any other adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a Montessori environment, has two elements. It includes the self–evident purpose of the action. The second part of the indirect aim includes preparation for future learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child as a spiritual embryo. Include the concepts of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Advantages Of Montessori The Montessori style of education comes from the educator Maria Montessori. Montessori believed that teaching a child should be created on the basis that children are all individual humans whom have different strengths, needs, interests and learning styles. "In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the teacher offers age–appropriate activities to guide the process." However in the traditional education system we a have the child repeat something from what the teacher has taught the children together and not individually. In the usual approach, students sit quietly at their assigned seats and listen to one student after another narrate his or her lesson without having a major input. The ... Show more content on ... Passive; Montessori lessons are hands–on and "active" majority of the time such as the Parsing Boxes. Students discover information for themselves by using the different symbols to point out nouns from pro nouns and injections from adjectives and so on. Traditional school lessons are often given to students who listen passively, having to memorize everything and take tests.  Give them Time; In the Montessori classroom, children work on lessons as long as need be, and interruptions are avoided whenever possible. Time limitations are mandated by arbitrary schedules in traditional classrooms.  The Teachers' Role. Montessori teachers act as guides and consultants to students on a one–on– one basis. They assist each child along his or her own learning path. Teacher teaching girlIntern Student Teacher demonstrates lesson for a girlTraditionally, the pace and order of each lesson is predetermined. The teacher must deliver the same lesson, at the same pace, in the same order, for all of the students.  Age Groups and Grade–levels. In Montessori schools, "grade–levels" are flexible and determined by the child's developmental range, i.e., 0–3, 3–6, 6–9, 9–12, 12–15, and 15–18 years of age. In traditional schools, grade levels are not flexible and strictly defined by chronological age within a twelve–month ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Contribution Of The Montessori Method Maria Montessori once stated, "The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist'" (Chattin–McNichols, 1992). The end goal of a Montessori classroom is to create independent and curious learners ready to take on any challenge thrown their way. The Montessori Method differs from traditional school settings because learning is child–centered, meaning children create their own knowledge from experiences within a prepared environment. Who were the leaders? Maria Montessori, the first female physician in Italy, brought about revolutionary ideas in regards to Early Childhood Education because of how she understood how complex and advanced young minds were. Dr. Montessori had two main strands of ideas that overall led to her development in the Montessori Method. This includes the writings of the Swiss educators, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Johann Pestalozzi, who wrote about the need of hands–on experiences and the Scottish businessman, Robert Owen, who insisted that the social environment contributed to children's knowledge (Bloom, 2004). Shortly after graduation, Dr. Montessori was placed into a psychiatric clinic where she would visit with people living inside of an insane asylum. Inside of this asylum she observed children living alongside their parents. The children were considered to be feebleminded because they played with bread crumbs found on the floor. However, Montessori came to the conclusion of, these ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Role Of Teacher : The Montessori Classroom Essay The Role of Teacher/Guide in the Montessori Classroom "We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on his environment. The teacher 's task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child." It takes a very special person to become a Montessori Teacher. The Montessori teaching method emphasizes the heightened learning ability of children when they are allowed to make their own choices. It was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century to improve children's education by helping them help themselves. Montessori teacher's role revolves around this very method of guiding young minds. Maria herself quoted in one of her books "The teacher, when she begins to work in our schools, must have a kind of faith that the child will reveal himself through work. She must free herself from all preconceived ideas concerning the levels at which the children may be. The many different types of children...must not worry her...The teacher must believe that this child before her will show his true nature when he finds a piece of work that attracts him. So what must she look out for? That one child or another will begin to concentrate." One key difference between a Montessori teacher and a ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. A Sample Letter from a Montessori Teacher to a Parent Dear Montessori Parents, In this monthly newsletter, I would like to share with you three beliefs of Dr. Maria Montessori. As your child's teacher; I would like to support each of these beliefs with vivid examples from my experience in the classroom as well as Dr. Montessori's own words. While all of us within the community clearly already support the Montessori Method, it is important to 'touch base' with these beliefs as we affirm the principles of our learning environment. I believe Maria Montessori was right in her belief that every child has the right to proceed upon his or her learning path at his or her own pace. In contrast to the obsession with 'pushing' children so common today, Maria Montessori said: "it is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only [give the child] the chance to fulfill his potential possibilities" (Maria Montessori quotes, 2012, Daily Montessori). Through the Montessori Method, children learn how to learn when we teach children about letters of the alphabet, children are encouraged to select colors of crayons they like, as we guide their hands to make their names on the page. Some children need more assistance with others, just like some need more encouragement to pick up a book and look at pictures. The goal is always independence, but every child has a different path: "the essence of independence is to be able to do something for one's self" (Maria Montessori quotes, 2012, Daily Montessori). This independence cannot be rushed. We ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Maria Montessori Child Development Essay The baby is not an inert or passive being, but a "creative" individual, actively struggling to grow and learn. There is an unconscious urge, a life force or horme that works untiringly, but this work of the child cannot achieve perfect development if the conditions are not right." Discuss a perfect prepared environment, stimulating his needs for emotional, intellectual stimulation, hygienic precaution and his physical growth. "There is a play of instincts within a child not only with respect to its physical growth and nourishment but also with respect to various psychic operations." Maria Montessori ... Show more content on ... This helps the child in his stages of growth as he will use only those materials which are suitable for him. This ensures a complete work cycle for him. The child is able to derive his principles of orientation from his environment and it, therefore, shouldn't change and should be concrete and not vague when it comes to its setting. For e.g. when the child enters the classroom and doesn't find the material that he wishes to use in its place, then it disturbs his mental balance and he develops insecurity. It is accepted that there is Reality and Nature in the classroom. This is because Maria Montessori wanted the child to be in touch with real, comprehensible things in his environment. She didn't believe in obscuring the child's sense of reality by introducing him to a fantasy world. This was to enable him to think appropriately by interacting with and re–acting to the world around him. Make– believe situations close the mind of the child. "Nature" in classrooms is necessary for him to be able to communicate with his environment and categorise his perception of his imagination. Reality and nature in the classroom helps the child develop his imagination and powers of creativity. With "real" things around him, his imaginative play is revealed through the cluster of suggestions and anticipations that gather about the things he uses. For e.g. the classrooms have many real objects such as real jugs and glasses ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Theory-Part 1. What Are The Principals Governing The Creation Theory–Part 1 What are the principals governing the creation of the Prepared Environment? How are the concepts of freedom and discipline encompassed within the prepared environment? Please consider the importance of freedom for the developing child in terms of self–regulation. The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult. –Maria Montessori The Secret of Childhood, 1966 The Montessori Environment is prepared on six principals: Freedom, Structure and Order, Beauty, Nature and Reality, Social Environment, Intellectual Environment. 1. FREEDOM Montessori believed that a child must be free to explore and follow his own natural impulses. Within the prepared ... Show more content on ... Montessori's definition of discipline is not something the teacher does to control children. There is a self–discipline in Montessori classroom that means a child is responsible for his/her act. Responsibility to the environment, self–control, self–motivation, self–initiated tasks and way to independence. Children learn decision–making skills through the pro 2. STRUCTURE AND ORDER Montessori believed that there is a sensitive period for order which occurs between the ages of one and three years of age. The structure and order of the prepared environment plays a significant role in children's learning and development. The materials are classified, ordered and sequenced according to the child's stages of development and the particular interests or skills they are designed to serve. This orderly environment provides the child with a sense of security. An early childhood Montessori classroom will have areas for Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language and Culture. Within that order, each object has its own place on a shelf. Additionally, each activity has its own organization within itself. Children will find all the pieces needed for the exercise they choose... they have to return the materials to the place and condition in which they found them, so the child becomes an integral partner in maintaining the order of the classroom. 3. REALITY AND NATURE
  • 44. Everything in the classroom is designed to bring the child into closer ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Montessori: Preparing a Child for the Futur eIntroduction "...the caterpillar and the butterfly are two creatures very different to look at and in the way they behave, yet the beauty of the butterfly comes from its life in the larval form, and not through any efforts it may make to imitate another butterfly. We serve the future by protecting the present. The more fully the needs of one period are met, the greater will be the success of the next." (Maria Montessori) The Montessori environment may be looked at as a small society that is preparing the child for his future. Guiding him towards finding his role in the Universe; that he has a responsibility to nature; and to be respectful to everything in the Universe. To enable the directress to channel the children towards these goals ... Show more content on ... As a result, this successfully caters to the child's sensitive periods. For example, a child may have an interest in letters. He may then go to the language area and work with materials that have been presented to him. The Montessori didactic materials are available at all times, and are easily accessible. The didactics "are designed to prepare the child indirectly for future learning." The materials are of high standard, interesting, challenging, self–correcting and always complete. "...the child has an absorbent mind rather that reasoning mind before the age of six. A child is not capable of gathering materials from all over the room for one specific exercise." The environment must therefore, be prepared for the child by experienced and sensitive adult. Extension with Sensorial Didactics Geometry and Algebra Didactics The Directress "Plainly, the environment must be a living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission. It is this that our conception differs both from that of the world in which the adult does everything for the child and from that of a passive environment in which the adult abandons the child to himself.....This means that it is not enough to set the child among objects in proportion ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Relationship Between Discipline and Obidience from... Montessori Philosophy Question: Explain the relationship between discipline and obedience from the Montessori perspective. Explain how discipline and obedience are linked to the development of the will. Maria Montessori (1988) believed that the discipline of a child is something to come, not something that is already present. It means discipline must be stimulated, observed and let it grow by itself. How to start stimulating or awakening discipline inside a child? Montessori says, " an individual is disciplined when he is the master of himself and when he can, as a consequence, control himself when he must follow a rule of life" (Montessori, 1997, p. 51). To awaken the child 's inner energy to become disciplined, the teacher 's ... Show more content on ... In a sense that when a child does the exercise repeatedly, he/she will be able to independently realize or note should he/she make any mistake. By being able to do so, subsequently for the next opportunity he/she will make sure that he/she should not do the same error again, which means he/she could correct the error by himself/herself. Obedience could be attained only when a child has fully developed and controlled his/her will, and he/she freely chooses to follow other 's instruction or orders. This could happen because the child recognizes that the person who gives the order loves him/her and is more knowledgeable than him/her, also this child is sure that the order given will be useful to perfect his/her skill. Having explained the discipline and obedience, now we could conclude that these two features will only be developed in a child if he/she is already able to control the inner power from within. This is whether to do something based on his/her likes, or to do something just because the child has already understood that he/she has to follow orders from others, because there are common norms that a child have to obey should he/she want to live with other people collectively. In case a child has not been able yet to control his/her will, then it is impossible for ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Importance of the Main Ingredients of the Montessori... The importance of the main ingredients of the Montessori method : the directress and the prepared environment Motto:'' The teacher as an adult should try to interpret the child's needs and meet them as best as he can by preparing a really suitable environment. This may be the beginning of a new epoch in education, which will consider how it can assist the life of the child.'' (Montessori, M., The Secret of Childhood, Part1, Chapter IV: Where adults impede the question of sleep, 1963, p.79). The child in the Montessori school needs the best conditions for his development and for achieving this, he needs a link between him and the knowledge to come: this link could be represented by the directress who connects the child to the surrounding ... Show more content on ... For example, I've noticed that at the Montessori school where I did my work experience the children interacted repeatedly with the environment by using the Montessori materials: Dressing frames or Pink Tower and this interaction lasted longer than the directress–child one, because once the child has been introduced to the Montessori materials he will learn as his nature dictates and he will know how to do the Montessori activities without being in need of the directress. The prepared environment has three components: one physical that is represented by the child–sized furniture and the Montessori materials, another intellectual created with the help of the directress who designs the perfect climate for the child to work and develop himself and another one–spiritual offering the child patterns of spiritual behaviour through the genuine example given by the directress.( I've noticed at the Montessori school, in the pre–school classroom that every time the directress was praying before the snack time, the children took her example and did the same). The directress is the one who plans the way in which the environment has to be prepared for the children, according to the child's each activity and to the materials required for each exercise; the things regarding the planning of the environment have to move from the directress to the child: e.g. I've seen at the Montessori School where I did my work experience that the directress provided good quality and easy ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Maria Montessori 's Role For Young Girls Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy on August 31, 1870 to parents Allessandro and Renilde Montessori, she was their only child. Her parents were well educated, her father served in the army as an officer, her mother, coming from an upper–class family, was very intelligent and a forward thinker. During the time of Maria's early education, Italy's view on the roles of women were very traditional, therefore the opportunities for young girls were limited. Young girls were not encouraged to receive any more than an elementary education. Allessandro, Maria's father, was conservative and traditional, while her mother was modern and non–traditional. Maria's mother not only taught her daily skills, such as cleaning floors, but also ... Show more content on ... Montessori visited mental asylums to choose patients for treatment at the clinic. It was here she first saw the neglect of children with mental disabilities in the asylum. This troubled her deeply. She began focusing her research on possible treatments for the children, deciding the it was not medicine, but teaching. Maria Montessori became absorbed in learning all she could by auditing education and physical anthropology courses at Rome University form 1897–1898 and studying every theory on how children learn from the past two hundred years. She ultimately merged the theories of Pestalozzi and Froebel, focusing on the relationships of sensory, cognitive and social development with the studies Edouard Seguin, an early 19th century reformer who focused on the sensory and motor development for disabled children. She tried her ideas regarding "special education" at the psychiatric clinic, medical and teacher conferences and public lectures throughout Italy. In 1900, she was appointed as the director at the Roman medical–pedagogical institute for teachers of developmentally disabled children, this institute was new. It was here that Montessori experimented with new teaching methods focusing on ways to help them develop their sensory, motor and cognitive skills. Results were presented and were impressive, many of the children who were viewed as unteachable could learn basic skills, learn to read and write and could pass exams given to children at ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them... Define the term sensitive periods and link them appropriately to the child's first stage of development. Explain how you would support these sensitive periods during this first crucial stage. In this essay I will define the term sensitive periods linking it with stage of development, I will also outline the importance of these periods , the consequences of not recognising it, and finally how we can support children in this crucial time. "A sensitive periods refers to a special sensibility which a creature in its infantile state, while it is still in a process of evolution". ( Montessori, 1966, p38) Maria Montessori believed that during first few years of life its very easy for a child to learn without an effort that later on will ... Show more content on ... Few of the children were putting toys at the wrong place. One girl of the class became distressed over this and began explaining that this is a wrong place. She knew that these toys didn't belong to the shelf. Sensitive period for order had been disrupted. The other sensitive periods to consider are the refinement of the senses. The way the children can find out abut their environment at this stage is through their senses. By looking, smelling, hearing, touching child learn differences in sensory stimuli. A child brain react different to each sense stimuli and helps him/her to find out which stimuli is more important, which is relevant. this helps in preventing their nervous system from being over–stimulated. The activities used within a Montessori environment to develop this include such things as weights, colours, grading, matching, shapes, sounds, smells and taste. During his/her playtime outside (smelling flowers, picking up leaves or small stones) and in a classroom. The place should provide enough sensorial materials for children to get them started in recognised different sense stimuli, sorting, pairing. This bring us to the sensitive period of the language it is from 7 months up to 5.5 to 6 years of age. There are three forms of language from spoken language, to written language and reading. This is an important part of a child's life to be able to use words to communicate and its learnt very easily at this time. Preparing the environment ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives... Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives them the strength and energy to achieve potentially. When you give a child guidance and freedom, they focus mainly on what they need to know. Children have more confidence and they do not need to rely on the teachers. Maria had put optimism and humanism in her teaching. Montessori approach, she made the school beautiful and careful environment for the children. Didactic materials, so she could meet the needs of each child at their level of development. The teacher has to prepare instructions that get the children interested in the activity. I believe that they should not force it upon the child, it is better for the child to choose his or her activity as they will become more ... Show more content on ... Observation is a key method, it is a way for the adults to learn about what the child needs. For example, if you see a child hammering on objects this means that the child is involved in the activity so we give him a drum. This is how observation can help and achieve a child's requirement. Following the Child The child will show you what they need to do, what to develop in themselves and what are the areas they need to be challenged in. "The aim of the children who persevere in their work with an object is certainly not to "learn"; they are drawn to it by the needs of their inner life, which must be recognized and developed by its means." – Maria Montessori. Following the child around in the classroom will help you find out a little more about the child. If they want to climb, let them climb in a safe manner. Do not be overprotective or they will always rely on the teachers. It is better for the child to understand and be mature from a younger age as it will help them in the future. Also it is best not to tell the child what to do all the time, the child needs to familiarise themselves within their environment. One thing ever child needs is "freedom" and it is better to give that to the child. Keep presenting the child with some choices of different toys so they are fully focused and engaging in the activity. Also, step away from the child and let him or her get on with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Characteristics Of Montessori Society is the aggregate of people, in general, thought of as living together in more or less organized communities with shared laws, traditions, and values. It is based on relationship among people, and if more than two people are gathered, it can be a society. and Furthermore, social life may refer to an individual's interpersonal relationships. Each individual in the world belongs to a society and has a responsibility not to derange the order of the society as a part of it. People label themselves to identify themselves; compared with others to find out who they are, such as "I am a American, I am a mother," and so on. An individual needs others to label himself. Society create different characteristics, such as asocial, antisocial, sociable, and socialized person. Asocial means avoiding social interactions ... Show more content on ... There are many kinds of people in a society and the age range is also wide. The child can have wider experienced in the society by interacting efferent people and it brings him to a higher level of development. Most schools separate children by age, but it is unnatural as a society and it takes away a chance to develop proper social skill from the child. Dr. Maria Montessori express it as, "It breaks the bonds of social life, deprives it of nourishment." Younger children absorb many things from older children by observing them in the environment, and older children learn to take care of younger children. It develops the admiration of younger children toward the older and motivation to develop themselves. On the other hand, the older start feel the responsibility to take care of others and self–confidence. Moreover, Dr. Montessori discovered that the children a natural mental "osmosis"; the children can teach each other and it is easier to understand than have explanations from adults in most ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Why Are Montessori Materials Essential Parts of the... Next to the family, the Montessori classroom is the place of importance in the world of a child. The Montessori classroom is a social institution that not only determines the present state of the child but also their future. In "The Absorbent Mind", Dr Maria Montessori wrote, "The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed...At no other age has the child greater need of intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection." In order to help children Maria Montessori developed what she called "the ... Show more content on ... Montessori classroom materials are designed to meet the needs of young children's sensitive periods. "The objects in our system are instead a help to the child himself, he chooses what he wants for his own use, and works with it according to his own needs, tendencies and special interests. In this way, the objects become a means of growth." Maria Montessori, Discovery of the child. When introducing the child into the exercise with the sensorial materials teacher should present it as a silent presentation. Because of sensorial materials provide "training of the senses". The Montessori materials are motivating the child's 5 senses: Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Olfactory and gustatory. The purpose of sensorial material is to refine and develop the child's senses. During the first three years the child will absorb, like a sponge, whatever good or bad is in the environment. Between the ages of three to six the child applies logic and structure to the information that is absorbed in born to three years of age. The Montessori sensorial materials are help in refining and identifying the color, texture, size, weight, shape and smell and perfect skills such as increased observation and vocabulary. The child begins to experience the outer world through the classroom and it becomes clear and order. Senses gather information from the environment and transmit it to the brain. The 5 basic senses are Visual (sight): children need ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Sensitive Period to Order INTRODUCTION In this assignment I am going to discuss the child's sensitive period for order. I will explain how it is catered for in the classroom, referring to materials and activities. Sensitive Periods The Sensitive Periods are the best times for a child to learn a specific skill and are critical to the child's self development. The child has this inner urge to undertake the task in order to live. Although, once this period passes it is possible for the child to learn the new skill but with much more difficulty. A sensitive period that is prevented from occurring will manifest itself into a cranky child. The three main sensitive periods for children aged birth to six are, order, movement and language. There are also other ... Show more content on ... But freedom within limits, not the right to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Freedom needs to work within the grounds of discipline. Discipline is making correct choices while respecting the classroom, and the rights of the other children. In my experience, Marie is consistent at all times while teaching but kind and caring at the same time. She set clear expectations very early on in the school year and this is evident through the respect the children show her and the order that upholds in the classroom. The expectations included; * Children are given the freedom to move, to communicate, to choose activity and to work with others. * Children must not disrespect the materials. The materials must only be used for the purpose intended. * Children can only choose what he/she has been presented. * If the child cannot use a specific piece of material, it is removed and re–presented or, a period of time is given to allow the child's development. REFER TO MATERIALS AND ACTIVITIES IN THE CLASSROOM Referring to materials and activities in the Montessori classroom, it is fair to say that the Practical Life and Sensorial shelves all stimulate the child's sense of order. The Practical Life shelf consists of the dressing frames, which allows the child to understand the importance of sequence in tasks. The pouring exercises which teaches the child hand eye coordination and their entire body concentrates to ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Montessori Classrooms Environment Essay THE PREPARED ENVIRONMENT Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment where children are free to respond to their natural tendency to work. In a Montessori Infant/Toddler room, the prepared environment is very important. It is designed to meet these goals: * Be attractive, welcoming, and conducive to learning * Have a space large enough to accommodate all the children, providing them with free and comfortable movement * Provide areas for all the activities each day * Provide and store equipment for the personal care of young children * Provide materials designed with a self–correcting control of error * To allow the adults to view all the children and get to them quickly as necessary The Montessori ... Show more content on ... Uncluttered and well–maintained, the environment should reflect peace and tranquility. The environment should invite the learner to come in and work. This atmosphere is easily seen by the attitude of those working there, both child and adult. NATURE AND REALITY Montessori had a deep respect and reverence for nature. She believed that we should use nature to inspire children. She continually suggested that Montessori teachers take the children out into nature, rather than keeping them confined in the classroom. This is why natural materials are preferred in the prepared environment. Real wood, reeds, bamboo, metal, cotton, and glass are preferred to synthetics or plastics. It is here where child–size real objects come into play. Furniture should be child–size so the child is not dependent on the adult for his movement. Rakes, hoes, pitchers, tongs, shovels should all fit children's hands and height so that the work is made easier, thus ensuring proper use and completion of the work without frustration. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Where there is freedom to interact, children learn to encourage and develop a sense of compassion and empathy for others. As children develop, they become more socially aware, preparing to work and play in groups. This social interaction is supported throughout the environment and is encouraged with the nature of multi–age classroom ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Essay On Maria Montessori Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, was born on August 31, 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy, and died on 6 May 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands. She was one of the pioneers of theories in early childhood education and her theories are still applied in Montessori schools all over the world. At that time, when Montessori was growing up, Italy had conservative values about women's role but she consistently broke out of those prescribed gender limitations as she grew younger. When her family moved to Rome, she attended boys' technical institutions where she developed her mathematics and scientific interests. Despite her father's resistance but with the support of her mother, Montessori went on to graduate with high honor from the medical ... Show more content on ... Montessori realized the connection between science, psychology, and the education world and began to speak out at conferences about the subject. She also studied the needs of special education children and began to establish strategies of teaching the so called 'degenerate' children in society (Povell, 2007). Furthermore, she was a major impact on the woman's movement in Italy, and believed in the fact of the "new woman", so she pushed women to take leading roles in instructional reform. In addition to being an example of the "new woman", she used that distinction to encourage the woman to struggle for their rights and win the distinction as an equal gender. (Hainstock, 1997) Despite her success, Musilini banished her from Italy because she didn't teach the traditional Italian way, so she went to Spain and then the Netherlands where she died in 1952, after she was nominated three times for the Nobel Prize. However, her name and philosophy are still alive in many schools around the world. (Povell, 2007) With respect to education, Maria Montessori was influenced by the works of the physicians ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. How Does the Montessori Environment Facilitate and... In a Montessori classroom, a child is free to move about and explore the environment because with activity and movement comes learning. Movement, in fact, contributes not only to the physical, but also to the intellectual potential and spiritual development of the child. The child must have freedom achieved through order and self–discipline. The child in a Montessori environment can learn, discover and be creative. He has the freedom of choice and develops his individual interest. The child learns best in a prepared environment. It is a place where the child can do things for him or herself. The environment is created in proportion to the child and his or her needs. They decide for themselves which materials to work with. "The extern ... Show more content on ... The child is given the opportunity to become independent and care for him or herself in a responsible way. "A teacher simply assists him at the beginning to get his bearings among so many different things and teaches him the precise use of each them, that is to say, she introduces him to the ordered and active life of the environment. But then she leaves him free in the choice and execution of his work." (Montessori, the Discovery of the Child. 1972. P.63) The exercises that are developed in the practical life area help the children to be independent and feel at home. There are example frame boards where the child learns to button, lace, hook, or tie things together. This encourages them to practice putting on real clothes and dressing themselves. There are also sinks where the child can wash their hands. "The surrounding objects should be proportioned to the size and strength of the child: light furniture that can carry about; low dressers and low shelves that they can easily manipulate. Light doors that they can open and shut readily. Brooms with short and smooth, light handles, clothes he can easily put and take off himself." (Montessori, Spontaneous Activity in Education, 1969, p.75) Finally, general overall movement ties together the physical, intellectual, and spiritual qualities of each child. It keeps the entire child or adult healthy. Both the spirit and the intellect of the child or person depend ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Great Power Of Man Adaptation "The great power of man is that he adapts to every part of the environment and that he modifies it while developing himself he unconsciously develops his own adaptation of his environment." Dr. Maria Montessori (Meaning of Adaptation, p.5) Montessori start to set the environment and surroundings to the child's size and real to help the children to move things easily without the adults help and to feel comfortable in the environment. the main model of education in human development by Montessori is divided into two main concepts 1– Children and developing is a psychological self–construction by engaging with the environment. 2– children from zero to six their psychological development is developed by observation and helping ... Show more content on ... Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her methodology is designed to help the child to concentrate in infants is a fragile thing but adults distracts the child in so many ways by engaging the child in the early age with Montessori activities practical life is one of the keys to help the child in independence coordination and to follow a certain steps. The structure of the class room and the curriculum helps the child to make his own choice and independence ,the teacher is a facilitator by preparing the class room activities , give them the lesson , rain force information , guide them and redirect them so if the child wants to work on a specific area and the teacher wants to introduce anther area the teacher must be patient and wait for the child to master what he is doing then he will come to discover the other area one of the most important part for the teacher is to captive the child interest it is one of the important keys to motivate the child to explore other areas the teacher role here will be inspiring the child ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Montessori Imagination Research Paper Dr Montessori emphasises the importance of the development of imagination. How do cultural activities in a Montessori prepared environment aid in this development? Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses. Imagination is the work of the mind that helps create fantasy. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental facility through which people make sense of the world, and it also plays a key role in the learning process. A basic training for imagination is the listening to storytelling, in which the exactness of the chosen words is ... Show more content on ... It is imagination that begins to develop and occupy a very vital place in a child 's mental world. With imagination, a child can move mountains, transport himself to a distant world, make himself smaller or larger, or disappear from sight. Imagination allows children to form new ideas and explore old ideas, all at once. For children with more to escape in their unfortunate realities, such as abuse victims or children with separated parents, imagination plays an even more critical role in development as it aids with coping. When children get scared, it is important to show them compassion and belonging. This can be accomplished through the use of imagination at play. Doll houses, miniature worlds, board games, role–playing games, or even a simple tent in the backyard can promote imagination in small children as they are influenced through the limitless boundaries of the creative world. With more than these in mind, Dr Montessori emphasises the importance of imagination in children. Maria Montessori said "Free the child 's potential, and you will transform him into the world". When she said this, she also meant that imagination is one of the child's potential that can be broadened over time. However Dr Montessori only emphasized imagination but not fantasy. She felt that young children would not be able to differentiate between reality and fiction if they got too much ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Maria Montessori and Environment "Concentration is the key that opens up the child's latent treasures within him. As the scattered elements if his personality comes together, order begins to take the place of disorder, and the work of self–construction, which had been interrupted, is now taken up again, as nature has intended all along." E.M Standing, Maria Montessori: her life and work, pg 174 Learning, by itself, cannot happen without concentration. Whether we are learning to tie our shoes, write our name, wash a car or solve complex algebraic equations, there is intense concentration specific to the task at hand. Dr. Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her methodology is designed to nurture this power. Concentration in infants is a fragile ... Show more content on ... The sensitive periods are triggered due to an unconscious will power/force called Horme, which pushes the child to fulfill his divine urge. The sensitive periods are critical to the child 's self development. The child passes through six significant sensitive periods those for Sensitivity to order; learning through five senses; sensitivity to small objects; sensitivity to co–ordination of movement; language and social aspect of life. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the child is born with pre–determined psychic pattern or The eight Law's of Natural Development which are laid down before birth i.e. Law of work; when children were exposed to the material in the prepared environment become calm and peaceful and their destructive behaviors disappear. Thus, Montessori concluded that some great need of the child must have been met through this activity of concentration. Law of Independence, wherein the child uses his independence to listen to his own inner guide for actions that can be useful for him. We must keep children independent by providing them enough opportunities to work with materials. Power of attention, to further enhance and cultivate the power of attention we engage the child into various Montessori activities thereby developing the ability to concentrate and building personality. After internal coordination is established through the child's ability for prolonged attention and concentration, the Development of Will takes place, where in ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Montessori : Curriculum Model Approach Research Montessori Curriculum Model Approach Research Paper 2017–10–13 The topic that I choose for my curriculum model/approach paper is Montessori. Montessori is an approach to education that is individual. It is for children from toddlers all through high school that helps all children reach full potential in all the areas of life. Montessori is an approach that is student–centered. Montessori encourages creativity and curiosity and helps children to ask questions, explore, investigate and think of themselves as they acquire many skills. The environment that Montessori focusses on is based on students learning rather than teachers teaching. Montessori students develop creativity and confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills and ... Show more content on ... The children showed great interest in working with puzzles, learning to prepare meals, and manipulating materials that held lessons in math. Maria Montessori used the specific observations and experiences that gained her earlier work with young children, she designed a learning materials and a classroom environment that fostered the children's natural desire to learn. By 1910, Montessori's school success soon spread through Italy schools were acclaimed worldwide. In 1940 Maria travelled in India when hostilities between Italy and Great Britain broke out. Maria was forced to live in exile for the remainder of the war. There, Maria took the opportunity to train teachers her method of education. Maria Montessori died peacefully in a friend's garden on May 6th 1952. Maria travelled the world and wrote extensively about her approach to education, attracting many devotees. Maria's key beliefs are independence, observation, following the child, correcting the child, prepared environment, respect for child, sensitive periods, auto education and an absorbent mind. Montessori education in the classrooms is to make the children independent and allows children to do things for themselves. Giving the children opportunities to move, dress themselves, and choose what they want to do. When you give children independence you are increasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Montessori Philosophy Written by: imass Date: 3 March 2012 Student No: M/10/11/0352 Assignment: Explain how the role of the teacher changes in the process of the child's growing normalization (socialization). Define the term normalization, linking it with the concept of deviations. Outline the environmental aspects that support normalization. Explain the maturation nature of normalization linked to the child's growing social development. Describe the teacher's initial approach with children. Explain the change in the teacher's role as each child begins to concentrate and focus on activities, and the impact this has on the child's growing normalization. Show an understanding of why the child might regress. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, a duty of Montessori teacher is to ensure that a classroom provides activities and motives for normalization to occur. So, how is an adult or a Montessori teacher can help a child overcome these deviations and help them along the path to normalization? As stated by Dr Maria Montessori, a Montessori teacher must practice patience rather than anger. An adult who is impatient or angry cannot build confidence or independence in a child. She recommended interrupting the misbehavior because it is an obstacle to development, and to offer interesting and purposeful activities to re– channel that energy in a productive way. She believed the only way to re–direct misbehavior was to return to the work cycle. Once the child has returned to a state of normalcy, the teacher must not interrupt while the child is focused and concentrating. By observing and protecting those moments, they will become more frequent and the child will not have to deviate as much. His energy will have found a new outlet in his work. Usually, the process of normalization takes place in any Montessori school at the beginning of the year when children return to school after a long school holidays and the classroom is entered by many new small children. Children enter a new unknown surrounding and have to get familiarized to it and to a completely different way of life which radically ... Get more on ...