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Sensitive Periods
Sensitive Periods Define the term sensitive periods Sensitive periods are a period in a child's life where they are obsessed with certain aspects of
learning without any particular reason. This period is an optimum time for development and children can really develop specific abilities and skills.
When children are in their sensitive periods and working with any activity, they will not show any signs of fatigue and will repeat the activity a number
of times. These periods last for a certain amount of time; however the child may eventually lose interest and may move on to another activity.
Development changes will not occur unless there is some kind of maturational process. It is essential to support the child's sensitive period ... Show
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E.g. A child may indentify similar qualities using colour box 2. Explain why it is important to support and facilitate these periods It is important to
support and facilitate this period because a child may need support to carry out a task independently so they can fulfil their sensitive period. E.g. If a
child is carrying out a task they might need material to support them. Montessori quoted, "Such assistance will not consist in forming the child since
this task belong to nature himself, but in a delicate respect for the outward manifestations of this development and in providing those means necessary
for his formation which he cannot be obtain by his efforts alone." (Montessori, 1966, p.46). Also by preparing for the environment you are supporting
the child's sensitive period. E.g. For sensitive period of order, the teacher would make sure the objects are kept in the same place and area. Overall,
these periods of sensitivity play a vital role on the development of a child and without the support from teachers the child may exhibit deviations in his
personalities. Outline any adverse consequences of not recognising If a child is deprived of supporting his development he may exhibit deviations in his
personality because his psychic life is disturbed and may show signs of attachment, possessiveness, desire of power, fear, complex and lies. Through
Montessori's observations she classified
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West Side Dance Synopsis
West side story is American musical loosely based on the story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It takes place in New York City in the
1950's and is a love story between Maria and Tony who come from rival street gangs in the upper west side.
Tony is an ex–gang member of the Jets, and is best friends with the Jet's leader Riff. The Jets is a caucasian gang that has a rivalry with a Puerto Rican
gang called the Sharks. Mira, is the sister of Bernardo, who is the leader of the Sharks.
The two rival gangs are fighting for control of the neighborhood when they are warned by Lieutenant Shrank, the local police officer to stop fighting.
Instead Riff decides to challenge Bernardo to a rumble at a neighborhood dance. Riff convinces Tony to join in the rumble. ... Show more content on ...
Maria has just arrived in New York from Puerto Rico and supposed to marry Chino, a friend of her brother, but she admits to Anita that she is not in
love with Chino.
At the dance, Tony and Maria meet and are drawn to each other from across the room. They dance with each other, kiss and fall in love. Bernardo sees
this and pulls Maria away from Tony and send her home. Afterwards, Tony meets up with Maria outside her building and they profess their love for
each other.
Riff and Bernardo meet up at Doc's drugstore which is considered mutual ground, in order to discuss what weapons to use in the rumble. Tony suggests
a fair fight using fists and no weapons. Both leaders agree, although the rest of the gang members protest. Bernardo thinks he will fight Tony but
instead must settle for Diesel, Riff's second in command. Tony tells Doc about Maria and although Doc is worried for them, Tony believes nothing can
go wrong.
Maria is very happy the next day, anticipating seeing Tony again. At the dress shop, she finds out about the rumble from Anita. When Tony arrives,
Maria asks him to stop the rumble which Tony agrees to
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Theme Of Racism In West Side Story
When I think of West Side Story, I think of the modern American version of Romeo and Juliet, the Jets (American gang) and Sharks (Puerto Rican
gang), the amazing musical numbers, dance breaks, and let's not forget all the snapping. I never thought of the injustice and racism that happens
through song and characters actions in the movie. After recently watching it, I started to realize how these terrible things are actually still happening to
this day. This movie has started to teach me how to recognize these issues and help me stop them from happening to the people around me through the
lyrics of the songs and the way characters treat each other. A good example of racism in the movie West Side Story would be shown in the song
America. These lyrics did not catch my attention until I watched it again a while ago. The song starts out with Anita talking about how much better
America is than Puerto Rico and why she and the other Puerto Rican women prefer living here. During this time, the men, mainly Bernardo, are talking
about how bad it is here for them and how they have to change their racial background to have a better life. The first couple lines that caught my
attention line that caught my attention is when Bernardo sang "One look at us and they charge twice", "better get rid of your accent", and "if you are all
white in America" when he was responding to Anita ("AMERICA"). These lines show how the only way the Puerto Ricans can achieve the dreams they
have is to be mixed into the "white" American culture. Later in the song, Anita talks about how in America, the people have freedom and pride while
Bernardo responds with "Long as you stay on your own side" ("AMERICA"). Anita tries to respond saying that the Puerto Ricans can be anything they
choose to be, but once again Bernardo and the boys respond by saying they only can wait tables and shine shoes. This line in particular shows how the
Puerto Rican boys feel like there are no chances for them America. Another big part of racism in West Side Story is how Lt. Schrank treats the Sharks
and how he treats the Jets. Throughout the movie, Lt. Schrank tries to get the Jets to tell him where the Sharks are or what they are doing. He never
believes that the Jets
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Montessori vs. Traditional Education Essay
Education is very important especially in this day and age. What school one attends and how they perceive school to be is a huge factor in one's life
success. There has been research done in the past few years proving that students who receive a Montessori education will prosper academically more
so than those who receive a traditional education (Ryniker and Shoho, 2001). Traditional schools typically follow teacher based philosophies and the
Montessori education is student centered. On average, children enjoy student based philosophy classrooms. Therefore, they are much more in tuned to
what they are learning and that benefits their educational career. Having fun while learning is the key to keeping children engaged.
Maria Montessori ... Show more content on ...
Many people think of it as "controlled chaos" (Kramer, 1976). Montessori resources are divided into four categories: practical life, sensorial, academic
and cultural/artistic supplies (Scotty, 2009).
Alan Gartner and Dorothy Lipsky, City University of New York academic researchers conducted research about success rates of public Montessori
students (Schapiro, 2002). The research conducted proves the children who attend Montessori public schools are better in certain subjects (Schapiro,
2002). Montessori is also very beneficial to children with dyslexia, because they use phonics to teach. Attending a Montessori school is also an
educational advantage for children because they have the opportunity to start as early as the age of three (Schapiro, 2002).
According to the study conducted by Alan Gartner and Dorothy Lipsky, research was found that students who attended a Montessori public school did
significantly better in math and social studies. Their overall GPA was not significantly higher than others but males received higher scores in science,
while females received higher scores in math, compared to other students who did not attend a Montessori school (Schapiro, 2002). Montessori
graduates also received higher scores overall on the ACT mathematics test, but lower on the ACT reading test (Schapiro, 2002). Montessori students
also tend to fail fewer classes and take more honors and advanced
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Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them...
TITLE SHEET for Distance Learning Students
Is English your first language: Yes (please delete as applicable)
ASSIGNMENT NO: 2 NO. OF WORDS: 2163 BIBLIOGRAPHY ENCLOSED: Yes/No (please delete as applicable)
I declare that this work is my own and the work of others is acknowledged by quotation or correct referencing. I declare that this work has not been
copied from another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any ... Show more content on ...
They are slowly coming to terms with their new identity as an adolescent and the world outside the family and school. For the first time, they no longer
see themselves as sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, or students, but as individuals who seek to understand their place in society and search for
opportunities to contribute to society.
The first phase can be sub divided the spiritual (Montessori 1966 and 2007a) and Social Embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a). The Spiritual
Embryonic is the phase of intellectual development or a period of mental construction of the child that starts developing right after birth and continues
developing to three. The Social Embryonic stages slowly replaces subconscious learning with the will to learn. The Child will demonstrate greater
awareness of others needs and becomes sensitive to the social aspects of their culture.
Montessori talks about Sensitive Periods, which she splits into six. In order to understand these Periods and how children move between these phases,
it's important to understand how children take in stimuli from the environment and use it to grow. Most theorists agree that there are periods in
children's lives in which they become biologically mature enough to gain certain skills that they could not have easily picked up prior to that
maturation. For example, research has shown that babies and toddlers' brains are more flexible with regard to learning to
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Quiz Questions On International Law
In order to receive credit for this assignment, please read the following guidelines and confirm that you understand and will follow them:
By typing my name below, I acknowledge the following requirements for this assignment and confirm that my work on this assignment abides by them.
1. I have drawn each of my answers from the required course texts, in–class discussion and lecture, or in–class video material.
2. I have appropriately cited the course texts and/or in–class material for each of my answers. This means, for instance, that after providing a definition
of a particular term in my own words, I have cited the specific pages in the textbook(s) from which I drew my answer. Example in–text citation:
(Murphy ... Show more content on ...
Be sure to explain the terms in your own words. Also, provide direct translations (usually from the Latin) where relevant. (Direct translations can be
quoted verbatim from Murphy.) If you found it necessary to do additional research to understand a term, cite the relevant passages in Murphy or NDJ
and provide a complete citation for the additional source(s) you used. (You will not get credit for only using internet sources.)
**Acceptable citation styles include Chicago, Turabian, APA, and MLA. If you used a website, provide the link in conjunction with the proper citation.
If you used another text, provide the relevant page numbers.
1. Define and explain the significance of jure imperii and jure gestionis (reference the theory of sovereign immunity to which they are relevant).
Principally, the theory of "restrictive" sovereign immunity is basically when the Department of States can elect to instill immunity, or otherwise not let
immunity happen (Murphy, 305). There are specifically two areas that either allows this unit to acclaim immunity and or reject immunity (Murphy,
305). The first area is known as jure imperii. When governments of other nations have an undertaking that is relevant to the community, then immunity
is acclaimed (Murphy, 305). The second area is known as jure gestionis. If a government of another nation has relayed information on undertakings in
being profit–oriented, then rejecting immunity is the option (Murphy, 305).
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The Essence of Education
1. Write an essay on "The Essence of Education". (1000–2000 words)
I cannot write this essay without reference to study of my own experienced and my daughter's– placed in the harsh environment of the government
schooling system and its observations of the stark belief systems of "the child to fit the system" and not "the system to fit the child" with reference to
the what education should be about. This means different things to different people. To some this means a teacher teaching and passive learning taking
place, the outcome is expected at the end of each year that each child has to achieve the same outcome and is graded accordingly.
The only problem with this is the removal of freedom and time constraints and a passive role for ... Show more content on ...
With this in mind, not only the environment plays the most important function in the restoration of natural learning, but so does the recognition of the
individual. This not includes the didactic materials available for learning but also includes the nature and predisposition of the teacher. A teacher who is
unkind is forever remembered and imprinted on the experience of the child, and so it is that no teacher should enter the profession without being
thoroughly researched by the place of employment.
I remember a few of these unkind souls and forever remember their manner and the effect it had on me. I simply did not wish to be there in the presence
of these teachers, so went out of my way to stay away. The harsh reality was that I failed to prosper in these classes. One has to ask if this is right and if
the essence of education is being missed. Reality and national results speak for themselves. What are we producing in society today? We are in effect
only producing human beings who are workers and not free thinkers. Human beings who do not question, reason and think for themselves. This is
where education has lead humanity. Is this an aid to life or a long term obstacle that is too far gone to fix in the later stages.
Many parents see this but are also trapped by fear and economics. Rather than question, too many offload the children in these harsh environments so
that they can see
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The Relationship Between Discipline and Obidience from...
Montessori Philosophy
Question: Explain the relationship between discipline and obedience from the Montessori perspective. Explain how discipline and obedience are linked
to the development of the will.
Maria Montessori (1988) believed that the discipline of a child is something to come, not something that is already present. It means discipline must be
stimulated, observed and let it grow by itself. How to start stimulating or awakening discipline inside a child? Montessori says, " an individual is
disciplined when he is the master of himself and when he can, as a consequence, control himself when he must follow a rule of life" (Montessori, 1997,
p. 51).
To awaken the child 's inner energy to become disciplined, the teacher 's ... Show more content on ...
In a sense that when a child does the exercise repeatedly, he/she will be able to independently realize or note should he/she make any mistake. By being
able to do so, subsequently for the next opportunity he/she will make sure that he/she should not do the same error again, which means he/she could
correct the error by himself/herself.
Obedience could be attained only when a child has fully developed and controlled his/her will, and he/she freely chooses to follow other 's instruction
or orders. This could happen because the child recognizes that the person who gives the order loves him/her and is more knowledgeable than him/her,
also this child is sure that the order given will be useful to perfect his/her skill.
Having explained the discipline and obedience, now we could conclude that these two features will only be developed in a child if he/she is already
able to control the inner power from within. This is whether to do something based on his/her likes, or to do something just because the child has
already understood that he/she has to follow orders from others, because there are common norms that a child have to obey should he/she want to live
with other people collectively. In case a child has not been able yet to control his/her will, then it is impossible for
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Analysis Of The Story West Side Story
West Side Story: Who is responsible?
West Side Story is a story that was transitioned from a play to a movie. This play was a readaptation of the playwright by William Shakespeare Romeo
and Juliet. In West Side Story story, there are two many characters they are Tony and Maria. Both plays show the cause and effect of the unnecessary
feud between two groups of people, which in return are given death.
These two star–crossed lovers come from completely opposite sides of a feud. This feud separates the two lovers, making it impossible for them to be
together in the world they live in. The feud is between two groups, the Jets which are the Americans with different heritages, then there are the Sharks
who are Puerto Rican immigrants. The Jets are very hostile towards the Sharks, the hostility was due to the Sharks trying to take the playground from
the Jets, which is the only place that they can call home. The Jets also just don't want the Sharks around. As a result of the feud, things went too far
resulting in the permanent separation of Tony and Maria becuase Chino, a Shark killed Tony.
The tragedy of Tony and Maria, with extensive investigation, should be blamed on the Jets. The responsibility of the tragedy can be blamed on the Jets
for a plethora of reasons. One of these reasons is that in the beginning of the story, Tony did not want any relation to the trouble that the Jets get into. At
the time, Tony was thriving because he had a job, wasn't involved in the trouble of
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Language and Phonics
"The Montessori classroom uses the phonics approach to teach reading. Outline the graded phonics sequence and state the reading skills required at
each stage. Suggest other activities that can be used to encourage children to read."
The natural purpose of language is the expression and communication of meaning in our daily living. It enables us to express our needs, share our
experiences and learn from each other. Language is the medium of thought and of learning. Language is needed to communicate with one another, this
is the social aspect of language, which unites human beings by a common bond. Language not only fuses men into groups and nations, but it is central
point of difference between the human species and all others. According ... Show more content on ...
Though gradual and normal learning processes, behavior patterns are established and the powers of the adult mind are developed. She recognized that
the young child in his formative stages absorbs almost all of his early learning from an environment in which he is placed, attitude, language,
movements and behavior. The environment of the classroom was prepared with this concept of mind.
The learning of language is truly the child's most remarkable intellectual achievement, the parents, who are the child's first language teachers, should
begin during his early infancy to give verbal meaning to the things in the child's environment. Language is an integral part of the Montessori class
room, though encouragement of self expression, lessons and freedom of conversation. Language lies at the root of that transformation of the
environment that we all call civilization.
Dr. Maria Montessori recognized that writing precedes reading in young children and developed her method of teaching. While normally young
children are frequently able to write before they learn to read. The children around three to four years old could know a small number of letters of
alphabet and they are in point to figure it out how to represent a word; for example
'o' and 'x', they might write down or construct in wooden letters or letter card. Because of this
Montessori used natural way, which referring to writing first method to teach reading as a direction to approach and which is suitable for
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New Approach to Education System
Lots of people have a transformative influence on people's lives. This can be achieved with different ways; education is one of these ways. From
Aristotle to today's world, lots of people have been contributing big impacts on education system which has big effect on people's personality and lives.
Anne Sullivan, William McGuffey, Emma Willard, and Maria Montessori all great teachers who did their work very well and they had a profound
impact on the lives of innumerable people. In today's world lots of students, teachers, and parents think that Montessori education system is much
successful than traditional education system. Maria Montessori was a successful scientist and educator at the same time. She brought a new approach to
education ... Show more content on ...
At the end, she reaped the fruits of victory and today's world she is one of the education leader.
The philosophy of Montessori Method not only affected her age, but also affects today's world because it was developed by lots of scientific and
psychological observations and the study results which make Montessori Method different than traditional education system. These differences makes
Montessori's System much successful than other traditional education systems. Montessori education has been practised over than 100 years. Maria
Montessori developed the first Montessori school in 1907 in Rome. Today, more than 5000 schools in the United States, including 300 public schools,
use the Montessori Method. According to Rathunde; "Montessori anticipated many contemporary 'Child–centred' or 'developmentally appropriate'
educational practises and was an advocate for the active child when it was not yet fashionable." She understood children's learning process, learning
ability, learning environment, and dynamics of teaching. Montessori system gives an opportunity to children to have better social and academic skills.
Montessori education's main points are freedom without any limits, independences, respect to children psychological, physical, social, and mental
basics, requirements, and developments. In Montessori education system; children take education in multi aged classrooms, student have a chance to
choose the next activity, there is no exact
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West Side Story Essay
West Side Story
1. Point out how the general setting of the play is established.
Give at least two examples.
The play West Side Story takes place in a suburb on the West Side of
New York City. We can conclude that we are talking about a socially disadvantaged suburb as the surrounding area is described with high brick walls,
not very attractive and by the presence of the two gangs
– the Jets and the Sharks.
We are also able to say in which time period the actions take place.
As an indicator we are using the dance at the gym in Act I,Scene 4, where Tony and Maria first meet. At this dance everyone is dancing the jitterbug
just as the jive. Both were popular during the 1940`s and
We should also mention that it is ... Show more content on ...
The second group we meet is the Sharks. They are all immigrants from
Puerto Rico who all came to find a better life. They feel especially disadvantaged and believe this is due to their place of birth.
Bernardo, who is the leader of the Sharks and Maria`s older brother seems to be in control of everything. It also appears as if he is more dominant than
his parents possibly because they are, just like he is, immigrants but less adapted to the new situation.
Both groups are struggling for survival in the streets and their social lives. Certain similarities can be found even though they would never admit to
Many of the above mentioned aspects are typical prejudices and therefore named as typical features of the society (in this case the society consists of
the Jets and the Sharks).
( 302 )
3. Examine the primary desires/hopes/agonies & terrors of one of the main characters and compare them with those of Gatsby.
One of the protagonists of West Side Story is Tony. We learn that Tony is one of the founders of the Jets. No matter what he might have had in the gang
in the past he left his "buddies" some time ago. What is important is that even though he no longer appears to be an active member of the Jets he still is
accepted and – what is even more – respected by the other members. His presence is important for them at the dance, as well is his decision concerning
the rumble.
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"Dr Maria Montessori took this idea that the human has a mathematical mind from a French philosopher Pascal and developed a revolutionary math
learning material for children as young as 3 years old. Her mathematical materials allow the children to begin their mathematical journey from a
concrete concept to abstract idea". With reference to the above statement please discuss how these children utilize their mathematical mind as part of
their natural progression, to reason, to calculate and estimate with these Montessori mathematical materials in conjunction with their aims and
presentations? What is a mathematical mind? The Mathematical Mind' refers to the unique tendencies of the human mind. The French philosopher
Blaise Pascal said ... Show more content on ...
A significant discovery that Dr. Montessori made was the importance of offering indirect preparation for the math materials while children were in the
sensitive periods for movement and the refinement of the senses. It is through children's work with the Exercises of Practical Life and Sensorial
materials that they first encounter and experience the concepts of measurement, sequence, exactness, and calculation Sensorial education is the basis of
mathematics. Dr. Montessori said that children are sensorial learners. They learn and experience the world through their five senses. So sensorial
education helps the child to create a mental order of the concepts he grasps using his five senses. "The skill of man's hand is bound up with the
development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the development of civilization." – Maria Montessori, THE ABSORBENT
MIND, Chap 14. pg. 138 Montessori firmly believed that the 'hands' are the mother of skills. By providing Montessori sensorial materials to the child
she was convinced that correct manipulation with quality and quantity would certainly create a lasting impression in the child's mind with the
understanding of mathematics. We place materials quite intentionally on trays, we color code activities, materials are displayed
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Creativeity and How the Skill Builders Assist This...
Assignment One Book four: Write a essay on creativity.
Discuss aspects off:
Young children being in the process of creating themselves.
The making of objects of art and crafts, a.
How the Montessori " skill builders" assist point 1 and 2 above.
Creativity is the making of anything and children are less interested in the product than they are interested in the process. They are learning without an
outcome in mind and will construct meaning to any skill acquisition or concept as it requires them to do so. Inevitably with the right skill building
activities a child's motor development will take form and become part of a conscious effort to create something new in the form of art .
The work is to acquire the initial building ... Show more content on ...
A teacher could either practice a art , hobby or craft or encourage visiting experts to share their pursuits with the children. Like any other area it needs
to presented as a practical pursuit and have its bases and function in the real world context the children find themselves in.
Maria Montessori states she has not developed this arts program without analysing the difficulties and barriers involved. Her objective is to give the
child the opportunity to prepare for the means of expression. 'Discovery of the Child", page 281. She aspired to foster in the child the skills required for
arts and crafts. This takes the form of the 'skill building' activities set on trays in the art corner. The child selects as with the other areas of work an
activity and follows it in a prescribed way as demonstrated by the teacher. These activities are especially designed to develop muscular control such as
the ones needed for efficient scissor and a pencil.
There are threading activities for needle craft, folding activities which can lead to the creation of concertina cards, fans or origami. Scissor and pasting
activities help the child acquire the skills for collage and decoupage. Stamping and printing materials help the child to build concepts around the art of
printmaking and understanding in area of Art appreciation for the works of famous printmakers, wallpapers and décor
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Reflection on Observation Essay
Observation Analysis Molley Green MTE 506 September 29th, 2012 Shawn Wells Observation Analysis Observing a classroom has a certain
metaphysical edge. Merely by your presence and watching, you cannot help but feel that you are somehow changing or influencing the class and the
students that make it up. My observations took place in two settings, the first and my primary observation source, was at Children's Garden Montessori
School in El Cerrito, my daughter's school, it is a private pre–school with children ages two to five. My second observation was the Fit Kids program at
my local Berkeley YMCA, this program was created for ... Show more content on ...
In this stage students are learning how to be moral, intellectually curious, and independent. The third plane, from twelve to eighteen years is a
psychologically unstable place where the adolescent is trying to form the person they will be as they enter into society. This period is creative, but
students also express difficulty in concentration as they try to relate to peer groups and the outside world, to find self esteem and define who they are.
The fourth plane is when a student enters the world and hopefully becomes a social aware and monetarily successful member of society. To Maria
Montessori her final and real goal was a student population that graduated her program with a sense that they had a duty to society, to be strong moral
leaders and increase peace. Teachers, she said, "must set a good example if there is to be a good humanity"(Montessori, 1949). Although the philosophy
of Montessori education intersects greatly with progressivism, the schools were often placed at odds with one another. A contemporary, collaborator,
and student of John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, orchestrated a series of lectures and writings that discounted Montessori's teaching philosophy as
egocentric and restrictive. He said that the learning materials created hindered the imagination of the teacher and the emphasis on the individual would
lead to an entire generation of ill–behaved egomaniacs (Shortridge, 2007). His critiques in combination with American educators
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The Importance Of Art In West Side Story
Art is something that be more influential than words, it let's one express themselves in way that words don't. Art has heavily impacted the society we
live in, beyond paintings and 2–D images. For example the musical, West Side Story had an enormous impact on the world around it. It challenged
people's ideas on immigration and racism while capturing one's heart with a tragic love story. One a smaller scale, a mural in Morrison, IL, remines any
viewer the importance of art. Art has transformed the social environment in America by questioning some of our fundamental values and thoughts;
however, art has also inspired Americans to live their best life and strive for success.
The musical West Side Story is a tragic romance story that follows two gangs in New York. One of the Jets members, Tony, falls in love with the leader
of the Sharks younger sister, Maria. This is such a big controversy because the Jets and Sharks are rivals. The Jets hate the Sharks because they are
Puerto Rican. This displays the racism and social climate in America during the 60's, when this musical came out. Inmigrantes where thought of as less
than but in hindsight as Americans we are all equal. This musical is also based on one of Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo and Juliet. Maria's
love for Tony is quickly forbidden and they have to meet in secrecy, like Romeo and Juliet. Tony is shot by the man who Maria is supposed to marry,
Chico, and dies in his lovers arms. Tony's death showed everyone that
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Essay on Who is Maria Montessori
Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the
Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine.
Graduated as Italy's first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a
childcare project for a social housing initiative and her first 'Children's House' opened in 1907. Here too she introduced the equipment she had designed
and observed the children very closely as they used it, tailoring what she provided in the environment to meet their developmental needs. There was ...
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Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all works in the Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using
whold and transfer bean to another bowl and so on. Care of environment:learning how to wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting. Care of
self:learning how to wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and the indirect aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim
The materials in the Montessori classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material isolates a concept and allows for
repetitive practice with a certain skill and the child repeats this process to because he gets a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in the Rice Pouring
activity will be concentration, co–ordination, independence and order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the child indirectly
prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on
the directress or any other adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a Montessori environment, has two elements. It includes
the self–evident purpose of the action. The second part of the indirect aim includes preparation for future learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child
as a spiritual embryo. Include the concepts of
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Gang Violence In West Side Story
"West Side Story" follows an ongoing feud between a New York City gang called the "Sharks", and a Puerto Rico gang called the "Jets", in hopes to
gain control of the territory. As their feud heightens, the gangs decide to set a date and time to fight and see who will have control over that area. The
fight between the Sharks and the Jets leads to the death of Riff, the leader of the Sharks, and Bernardo, the leader of the Jets. With both of their leaders
dead, the gangs show remorse for each other and end their feud for good. "West Side Story" was chosen because of the substantial examples of gang
violence and verbal police brutality present in the 1960's. The juvenile justice themes present in "West Side Story" are differential association, ... Show
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Differential association suggests that through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal
behavior. Differential association occurs in "West Side Story" when everyone follows the leader of their gang, creating their own rules and values. Riff
and Bernardo encourage the delinquent behavior of their friends, contributing to their criminal behavior. For example, in West Side Story, the Sharks
have a negative attitude towards the police because they noticed, as a gang, that the police think they are hoodlums. This negative attitude plays a part
in their daily criminal behavior because they feel like they do not have to listen to the police. In "Juvenile Delinquency in Search of a Practice Model:
Family Health, Differential Association, and Social Control", Mary Ann Jennings and John Gunther state, "According to the theory of differential
association, if one is to become delinquent then deviant values and norms are learned in contact with significant others." (Jennings & Gunther, 2000). In
other words, loved ones are initially the cause of differential association if they themselves are deviant. In "West Side Story", Riff explains how he and
his gang had horrible upbringings, causing their current delinquent behavior. Whether it is a friend or family member, their actions and values affect
how the delinquent sees the world as
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Dynamic Characters
Static and dynamic characters litter the pages of countless writings, yet they are not so easily understood or even defined. Some static characters have
more definition than originally thought, and continue to develop into more dynamic characters throughout a text. In Maria Edgeworth's 1801 novel,
Belinda, Edgeworth introduces Clarance Hervey's complex character as a promising genius privileged with a higher education, yet hopeless to
overcome his own insecurities; Edgeworth notes that "Clarence Hervey might have been more than a pleasant young man, if he had not been smitten
with the desire of being thought superior in every thing [sic]." The author creates a sense of annoyance with Hervey, who "had been early flattered with
the idea that ... Show more content on ...
Cervey already had every intention to flaunt his education when in the company of those who did not shun it and every intention to gain the acceptance
of others. However, we soon learn that Cervey "was so easily led, or rather so easily excited by his companions . . . that he would soon become vicious .
. . [and] did not think it incumbent on him to be more scrupulous or more attentive to appearances than [Lady Delacour's] ladyship." Originally, this
seems to connect more closely with Hervey's already–known sense of careless pride, but Edgeworth evolves it to suggest another daunting
characteristic of Hervey. Edgeworth hints that Hervey is merely using Lady Delacour to gain fame given her reputation, and is not fearful to rupture her
own reputation in the process. Hervey "was sometimes provoked, sometimes amused, and sometimes flattered . . . [b]y Lord Delacour's jealousy . . .
[and] was constantly of all her lady's parties in public and private." Hervey also is said to "[see] Belinda almost every day . . . with increasing dread of
being taken in to marry a niece of "the catch–match–maker . . . [also known as] Mrs. Stanhope." With this new knowledge given to the reader,
Edgeworth notes that Hervey refers to Lady Delacour by her first name, thus hinting a personal connection and suggesting that Hervey may have true
feelings for Lady Delacour regardless of her reputation, but he soon "suspected her of artifice in every word, look, and motion . . . [because] he [had
been] prejudiced by the character of her aunt [Mrs. Stanhope]." Edgeworth continues to develop Hervey's personality, noting that Hervey continued to
fail "to keep beyond the sphere of her attraction; but frequently, when he found himself within it, he cursed his folly, and drew back with sudden terror,"
thus reflecting back to Hervey's
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Prejudices in "The West Side Story" by Arthur Laurents Essay
The book West Side Story written by Arthur Laurents is set in the mid 1950's, created as modern version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. West Side
Story is a romantic tragedy about two characters that are supposedly completely different and aren't accepted when they fall in love. The "difference's"
between these characters is centered on the prejudice's they had against each other. Prejudice is a harsh opinion or feeling formed previously without
any knowledge or reason. The Jets and the Sharks used many prejudices against other races, sex, and age. What they didn't realize is that they have
more similarities than differences.
One of the most common prejudices used in West Side Story is about race. They majority of the racist ... Show more content on ...
Bernardo thinks he knows what's best for his little sister and believes that she, Maria, should listen to everything he tells her to do. Bernardo freaks out
because Maria was dancing with one of the Jets, Anita sticks up for her while she is gone, "So why doesn't he write a book about America? None of you
is so smart. In this country girls have as much right as boys to have fun. Girls can dance with anyone they please in America." (Laurents 90–91) The
boys believe that women are not free to do what they want, and cannot handle themselves. Then there's this girl named Anybodys and she is the only
girl that wants to be a part of the Jets, badly. They asked her how desperately she wanted to be one of the Jets. She said she would do anything. They
told her that they were going to look for chicks and that she wouldn't want to go. The Jets started laughing at her, "The sob tore from Anybodys' lips
was drowned by the roar of laughter" (Laurents 26). The Jets and the Sharks didn't trust girls in any sense. The only thing girls were reliable for was
being girlfriends, and even then they weren't trusted enough to do anything but be the puppet and their boyfriend be the puppeteer.
A very insulting prejudice is judging what people should and shouldn't do based on their age. Maria obtains the majority of it from Bernardo. He still
considers her a
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Romeo And Juliet Vs West Side Story Essay
In the film West Side Story, there are two gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. Similar to the Montagues and Capulets of Romeo and Juliet, these gangs
despise one another and fight consistently. West Side Story follows a similar plot as Romeo and Juliet, with a boy, Tony, and a girl, Maria, from
opposite gangs falling in love with each other, despite disapproval from their friends and family. There even is another boy who is in love with Maria,
and eventually, kills Tony. The recurring theme between these two films is that often times people believe that they have found their destiny, and give
up everything in order to chase what they think is meant to be, but in the end, they just end up losing everything. This is evident in Romeo and Juliet
because both Romeo and Juliet believe the other one is their true love, and they end up taking their own lives to be with each other, leaving behind their
family and their lives. In West Side Story, this is evident because Maria and Tony believe they are meant to be together, and in the end Tony gets killed,
leaving his family and friends behind.
One thing the director of West Side Story changed about this adaptation is the end. In Romeo and Juliet, the lovers both die, but in West Side Story,
only the boy dies. I ... Show more content on ...
In the scene when Maria went to find Tony, but was stopped by members of the rival gang. She was harassed by these men. Soon after a man walks in,
named Doc, and stops the men from harassing Maria. When Doc walks in, the music that was previously playing was completely cut off. It was totally
silent, except for the footsteps of Doc when he approached Maria and the men. This caused a very serious feeling to be created in the movie. Another
movie technique the directors used was the appearance of the gang that harassed Maria. They had a 'paperboy' type look, almost beggar like. To me, this
creates the tone that they were dirty misogynists, and just bad
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Analysis Of The Purple Jar By Maria Edgeworth
Rosamond, a seven year old little girl, is on her way to the store with her mother to buy a new pair of shoes. As they are walking through the streets of
London, Rosamond can not stop looking at all the objects in the store windows. Rosamond and her mother stop at one store that has a purple jar in the
front window that she is enamored by. Rosamond is begging her mother for the purple jar while her mother is trying to convince her that she needs a
new shoes more. This short story "The Purple Jar" written by Maria Edgeworth tells the story of little Rosamond learning a valuable lesson about wants
and needs. This short story about the decision Rosamond has to make is a teachable lesson to a group of second grade students. In second grade, ...
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This is a way for the students to understand what they are reading and to be able to put what they are learning from this story and from their teachers
into what they will learn later on in school. The curriculum for reading with a group of second grade students is, teaching the students how to interact
with the text by asking questions and answering those questions. Having the students learn how to ask "who, what, when, where, why, and how" is the
first step for new readers to understand what they are reading. The students are learning how to pick out the key ideas and details within the story to
help fully understand the concept and meaning behind the writers words. Students need to be able to describe what they are reading and pay attention to
the story's plot. Second grade students now have the ability to understand the reason behind the characters actions within the stories that they read. This
short story in particular serves the purpose of learning how to pick out the key ideas and details for new readers. The impact this short story brings to
the reader is one we all can relate to. We have all been that little child who wants something different then what our mother is trying to buy for us.
Parents are always there to help us out with what we need before the things we want. The attitude and behavior of the child in the short story should
impact the students to make them see and understand why
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West Side Story Essay
1. At the beginning of West Side Story, which gang is shown first? Where are they and what are they doing?
1.The Jets; they were socializing at the playground and hanging around.
2. Which gang is the Puerto Rican gang? What happens when they encounter the other gang at the beginning of the film?
2.The Sharks; they were taunting one another trying to show eachother that they had more strength and authority.
3. What event involving the two gangs begins the film?
3. The Sharks and the Jets begin to throw fists at each others members, and eventually both gangs get involved until the officers arrive.
4. Who is Riff? What is his position is his gang? Describe his personality.
4. The gang leader of the Jets, he is very protective and loyal ... Show more content on ...
Who is Bernardo? What is his position is his gang? Describe his personality.
5. The gang leader of the Sharks, unapologetic Puerto Rican who is worried about his friends and family in the United the States constantly and where
they stand.
6. What is the relationship between Riff and Tony? How do they feel about each other?
6. Riff and Tony are best friends; Tony believes that Riff prioritizes the Jets too much, and Riff believes that Tony doesn't have his priorities straight and
needs to focus more on what he wants in life.
7. What social event does Riff want Tony to attend? Why does he want him to attend?
7. The dance;he wants Tony there to watch him as he will challenge Bernardo and the rest of the Sharks to a rumble.
8. What is the relationship between Bernardo and Maria?
8. Bernardo is in love with Maria, he is head over heels for her nothing will stop him from defending her or coming to her rescue when she needs it.
9. Who is Maria's best friend and confidant? What does she talk to her about in the first scene in the bridal shop?
9.Anita; she tells her that she is considering maybe lowering the neckline of the dress more for the special dance.
10. What is the relationship between Anita and Bernardo? How do they feel about each
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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And West Side Story
West Side Story is a modern interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In West Side Story, there are two gangs, the Sharks and the Jets. These
two gangs represent the families that were feuding in Romeo and Juliet. The Sharks are the Capulets, and the Jets are the Montagues. Tony, who is
portraying Romeo, is in the Jets gang. Maria, who represents Juliet, has a brother, Bernardo, in the the Shark's gang. Immigrating from Puerto Rico, the
Sharks are not liked by the other gangs. West Side Story begins with the Jets showing their dominates over everyone. The Sharks get involved; they
fight. Soon after, the Officer Krupke break up the the fight. He states that they can not fight; if they do, they will be kicked out. The banishment would
be like death to them. In Romeo and Juliet, Prince Escalus broke up the fight and threatened them with their lives to stop fighting. Romeo was in love
with ... Show more content on ...
Riff and Bernardo fight with switchblades; Bernardo stabs Riff causing Riff's death. Out of rage, Tony fights Bernardo killing him. Devastated, Tony
released what he had done. Before Tony has a chance to see Maria to apologise for the murder of her brother, Anita arrives home. Anita was similar to
Juliet's nurse; but, although Anita knew of Tony, she did not approve. When Anita found out Tony murdered her man, Bernardo, she loathed Tony. His
clothes torn and mangled, Tony appeared at Maria's home. He apologises and comforts Maria; they decide to run away with each other. After Tony
leaves, Maria convinces Anita to tell Tony that she will go with him. Meanwhile, Tony goes to see Doc, who is similar to the Friar, for money so that he
and Maria can get on a bus and go far away. Anita is terrorized by the Jets. Because of her hatred for the Jets, she lies and tells the gang Maria will not
go away with Tony because she had killed herself from all of the grief Tony had inflicted on
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Lessons from Montessori
Test 2 Question 1. Presentations are offered to children so that they can perform activities. How do you differentiate between activities and
presentations? Presentations are: 1. Introducing the educational materials to the child, so that the child can perform and work with them in a purposeful
manner while, It is said that the Activity of the child will become purposeful only when or if the materials used is for the purpose it has been created. 2.
Presentations in Montessori has two forms, it can be direct presentations and indirect presentations. Direct Presentations has three types: Collective
Presentations, Group Presentations and Individual Presentations. 3. Presentations are offered when the child is ... Show more content on ...
There will be a positive challenge for them, that when they have successfully completed the task they will feel a sense of accomplishment and want to
do it again. And children will have an enjoyable experience and love what they are learning.
1. Some actions that are done with a certain purpose. 2. Simply ways of teaching children how to do things properly. 3. In Montessori, Activities may
be presented through Collectively, Group and Individual. 4. Activities perform by the adults are activities to get work done. 5. Activities done by the
children are to get fun, feel his/her independence and confidence and most especially is in order to learn. 6. Activities are shown giving the child only
the essential framework required for understanding, the bare minimum. By giving the bare minimum we create the opportunity for children to be at
liberty to explore, hypothesis and think creatively. 7. Ihn Montessori, the activity children undertake strengthen their ability to make choices and act
upon their own judgments and decisions. The activity also strengthens the child's ability to act for themselves and through the successful completion of
activities self–chosen and self–corrected they develop a powerful love of learning and of life itself.
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Maria Edgeworth's The Bracelet Sparknotes
In 1796 Maria Edgeworth published a series of short stories in a book entitled, The Parent Assistant where she strives to provide tales to educate
eighteenth century British children and their parents. Edgeworth was a firm believer in the rational education of children and focused on rational
thinking, and the equal education opportunity for women. In three of the stories within this set, she focuses on a female character. In "The Birthday
Present," "Simple Susan," and "The Bracelet," Edgeworth has establishes specific morals and commentary on the education of young women. She was
a firm believer in proper education for women, meaning that they had accesses to the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Through these
pieces she is able ... Show more content on ...
Mitzi Myers explains in "Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian
Children's Books," that "Woman writers used stories for mothers and children and childrearing advice manuals for parents to address broader
educational and social issues with a sense of confidence in their power to effect change. Innocent–looking stories about talking animals, heroic girls,
authoritative mothers, and worthy peasants served the well–born Georgian woman as a fiction of ideas" (35). We can see this thread run through each of
Edgeworth's stories, as the protagonists are females who are struggling with finding themselves as an individual and still staying true to the society in
which they live. Female writers were trying to not only improve the position of their sex, but also improve society.
Wollstonecraft, and eventually Edgeworth, was determined to see women treated fairly, and not merely as props. Her goal, as explained in A
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, is perhaps the largest influence on Edgeworth's texts, but also on other female
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Compare And Contrast West Side Story And West Side Story
West Side Story is the iconic American musical that is a 1957 Broadway production choreographed by Jerome Robbins. Arthur Laurents is the author of
the original book with the setting taking place in the upper west side New York city in a blue–collar neighborhood during the mid–1950s. (The
Broadway) Because West Side Story is a movie musical, it will be a lot of narrative conveyed through the song. The movie West Side Story and Romeo
and Juliet have many similarities and differences consider their plot, their character and their setting. The major plot of the musical is about a rivalry
between two different ethnic group gangs, the Sharks and Jets. The Sharks are Puerto Rican and the Jets are white. Leonard Bernstein composed the
dynamic and influential music. In the mix of the conflict between the two gangs, a former member of the Jets, Tony, falls in love with the leader of the
Sharks sister, Maria. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet clearly influenced this movie, and there are parallel characteristics. For instance, Romeo and
Tony, Juliet and Maria, Mercutio and Riff, Tybalt and Bernardo all have similar characteristics. As for the specific film, I decided to watch the 1961
2. Film Response
In the opening scene with the jets, the orchestral background music painted the picture of the jets being spontaneous and unpredictable. The music
especially designed their personalities well with the random loud burst of accented notes from the brass. The mood definitely changes
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West Side Story Symbolism
To begin with, the scenography mimics the aspects of Upper West Side New York during the 1950's to allow the audience to understand the setting of
play. Most of the sets depict an urban setting in which the audience can clearly see that the story takes place in a well–developed city. As for the
representation and perception of the stage, most sets were seen as abstract Some of the sets created entailed Doc's restaurant, The Playground, and
Statue of Liberty. Furthermore, the relationship between the audience space and performers space were definitely separate: meaning the audience were
strictly viewing the play while the performers were telling a story. Interestingly, the play at times had an amber lighting dispersed across the set to give
off a warm tone or vibe symbolizing good feelings or nice moment. Some parts of the play were set in a dimmer background enticing that the play at
times was very serious. In addition, the electronic used in IVC's West Side Story production amplified or added more symbolism to the play. The
hearing of a siren suggested that the police were coming. During fight scenes, the auditory sound of a punch suggested that a someone literally got
punched. When a building was lit with light and the surroundings were dark, it suggests that the current day of time was night time. During the rumble,
the color red was shined specifically on Riff and Bernardo to symbolize that they were bleeding out and had died. Overall, the props in the play
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The Role Of Sexuality In African American Literature
Last semester's Honors English lecture was on Sexual Identities in African American Literature. However, the topics often broadened to other areas,
one of the most recurring being that of female sexuality and whether literature depicted it as pure and nearly asexual or tainted and virulent. I think this
topic is a pressing issue in today's culture; many states are fine–tuning abortion, rape, and gender–identification laws as I write this. I also saw much
attention being paid to this topic in two of the novels we read this semester: Mary Wollstonecraft's The Wrongs of Woman, or Maria, and Mary
Robinson's The Natural Daughter. However, I found the relationship between female sexuality and its relation to the concepts of sensibility or
rationality ... Show more content on ...
He tried many times to persuade her to stay and be financially cared for by him, but Martha refused to give any credit to the reputation that followed
her everywhere; she would never pretend to be anyone but whom she actually was and therefore put her sexuality on hold. "She loved Lord Francis, but
Mr. Morley was her husband" (268). Even when her sister Julia becomes Mr. Morley's mistress, Martha will not, "in the smallest instance, violate the
proprieties of wedded life" (278). It is not until two events occurred that Martha was willing to allow her sexuality to become primary: one, her husband
dies with full knowledge that he was wrong about Martha and had ruined her for nothing, and two, Martha learns that Lord Francis is not Fanny's
deceiving father, but the child's uncle, brother to Fanny's biological mother (293–5). "As speedily as the decencies of life would permit, Lord Francis
solicited and received the hand of Mrs. Morley" (296). For the character of Martha, rationality and forthrightness far outweigh the sensibility of and
desire to act on her sexuality. She denies herself a relationship with the man she loves for years because of the vows she made to her husband. She
would rather experience the pain of loneliness and self–denial than be left with personal guilt and shame for breaking the vows she has already been
accused of having
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West Side Story Analysis
'West Side Story' is one of the most famous musicals in Broadway history. It is a re–telling and more modern remake of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and
Juliet.' The same love story is there, just a more modern take on it. The slight modern message on inequality because of skin color is what makes it so
modern. It has been revived many times and mostly it's always been a success. 'West Side Story,' is watched, taught and revived worldwide and will be
for many generations to come. The producers were Robert E. Griffith and Harold S. Prince; The very first production was September 26th, 1957. There
were 985 performances. Arthur Laurents is the playwright for 'West Side Story.' Arthur is most known for his work in 'West Side Story,' and 'Gypsy.' He
attended Cornell University and majored in English. His career started writing simple scripts for radio stations and programs. Soon Laurents got drafted
into the U.S Army. While in the army, he made and wrote scripts for training films and programs for the Army. Leonard Bernstein was the composer for
'West Side Story.' Leonard Bernstein is most famous for helping compose the score for West Side Story. He learned to play piano when he was only 10.
Dmitri Mitropoulos, a conductor for the Boston Symphony, was Leonard's mentor for a week. Afterwards, he had a love for music, and wanted to
center his life around it. Serge Koussevitzky was also his mentor, and a father figure to Leonard. He first met Serge, when he was one of only five, that
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Thank You Rotary for this Scholarship
When I was younger and thinking about college I always pictured it as I saw it in the movies, you sleep all day and have fun all night. Know what I
know now I understand the importance of college and I think of it a little differently than before. I know that I need to work hard and study hard to be
able to succeed at my fullest potential in college. I have had a few experiences in my life that have helped me realize that I need to work hard to get the
output which I was hoping for in the beginning. I've seen my sister diagnosed with diabetes her first week of high school, I've witnessed my dad
struggling through cancer and conquering it, and I have made it through 6 month of grueling and time consuming physical therapy to make it so I could
use my shoulder again. Through these experiences my perspective about hard work and perseverance has changed dramatically, and for that I am
thankful. My dad was diagnosed with cancer about 5 years ago. I was in middle school so I knew enough to understand that it was a very serious and
scary thing which not all people can defeat. I had a very frightening realization that he could die and I might only have a limited time left with him.
When he started to receive the chemotherapy treatments I knew that I had to step up and help out. This taught me that I had to get things done and I
couldn't procrastinate. He ended up defeating the cancer and coming home soon after, I'll always remember how this experience taught me to stay
strong and
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West Side Story Play Analysis
West Side Story is about a conflict between two rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, which comes to a head when Tony, a former Jets member, and
Maria, the sister of the leader of the Sharks, fall in love. Although the play centers around Tony and Maria, the character of Anita (played by Karli
Dinardo) caught my eye since she revealed her purple dress which was different from the reds of the Sharks and blues of the Jets and I found myself
drawn to her in each scene she was present in. I also found myself drawn to members of the Sharks as I understood the racism they faced from
members of the Jets, Officer Krupke, and Detective Schrank. The characters of Tony and Maria were actually the characters I didn't really like as I saw
them both as selfish. ... Show more content on ...
I found that many of the actors in West Side Story vocals fit well with their characters such as Carly Evans soprano–like voice that seemed so innocent
to the world just like Maria. The orchestra ability to match the emotions of the song or scene was very beneficial in letting the audience know of Tony
and Maria's undying love for each other in "Tonight" through the use of light and upbeat notes or Anita's anger in "A Boy Like That" which uses
harsher notes. The effects of the characters emotions would not have been as evident if the instrumentals they sang along too didn't match the emotions
they felt. Although the play is surrounded by dark themes, there are musical numbers with a tinge of comedic value such as in "America" where Rosalia
praises Puerto Rico through phrases such as "Puerto Rico, you lovely island" and Anita retorts back "Puerto Rico, you ugly island" or "Gee Officer
Krupke" where the Jets are joking as to what to say to Officer Krupke ending the song with "Gee, Officer Krupke. Krup you!". In many of the musical
numbers, there seems to be a kid friendly approach as profanity is nowhere to be found with the replacement of words such as "Buggin" in the Jet
Songs although slurs such as "spic" and "brown boy" fill the script. Besides the musical numbers, there were also sound effects in
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Miracle of Life
Contents Page Lesson Section Ideal setting for babys birth | 19,20 | 6 | 2 | Diet for a 4 year old (Winter and Summer) | | 7 | 2 | Child with feeding
problems | | 7 | 2 | Teacher–parent relationship | | 8 | 2 | Involving parents in school life | | 8 | 2 | Basic psychological needs | | 9 | 2 | How teaches can
provide for psychological needs | | 9 | 2 | Intergrated whole (will, mind, body and spirit) | | 9 | 2 | Three stages of obedience | | 10 | 2 | How deviations
manifest themselves in children | | 10 | 2 | Mixed ages in the learning enviroment | | 11 | 2 | Five different modes ... Show more content on ...
Include a table for each day detailing the nutritional value. group | servings per day | examples | grain | 6 | Rice, pasta, breads, cereals, muffins |
vegetable | 3 | Cucumber, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower ,spinach | fruit | 2 | Apple, banana, strawberry, pear, grapes, melons | dairy | 2 | Milk, cheese,
yoghurt, smoothie | meat | 2 | Chicken, mutton, beef, beans | Fats | 1 | Sugar, honey, butter, margarine, oil | Nutrient | benefit | | zinc | Essential for
normal growth and physical developmentOptimal immune function | | | | | Essential fatty acids | Metabolic & structural functions | | iron | Essential
for building healthy blood cells | | Vitamin B complex | Energy production and releaseImmune function and nervous system | | | | | Vitamin A | Normal
visionHealthy skinSkeletal developmentTooth developmentBoost resistance to infection | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Vitamin C & E | Antioxidant
vitaminsKeeps cells healthyBoost the immune system to help body resist infection | | | | | | | | Vitamin D | Increases the absorption of calcium and
phosphorusVital for healthy bones and teeth | | | | | carbohydrates | Provides energy | | proteins | Materials for growth and repair | | fats | Materials for
growth and repair | | Vitamins | Helps regulate body process | | minerals | Growth and repair and regulate body process | | BALANCED MEAL 5
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Analysis the Tonight Ensemble from West Side Story
West Side Story
No 10: Tonight (Ensemble)
Maria, Tony, Anita, Riff, Bernardo, Jets and Sharks
In this number, all the participants talk about the eventful evening they feel is ahead, each with their own thoughts on what will happen.
There are three trains of thought:
1 Riff and Bernardo – thinking (in terms of their own gangs) of the fight arranged for later that evening
2 Anita – thinking about her 'nocturnal activities' with Bernardo after the fight
3 Tony and Maria – more romantic love, idealised, though Tony has to agree with Riff, in exasperation, to be present at the fight
Each group/individual states their case with their own line (Anita's is related to Riff/Bernardo but adapted) and then the different melodic lines are ...
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The film version plays on this a little just after the Prologue where the Jets laugh as heartily as the Sharks at a joke made by Bernardo at the expense of
the common enemy – the police.
Bar 46 – verse 3 continuation
A hemiola effect with orchestral tutti chords every three beats. The characters are getting in their excuses ("well they began it") first with a particularly
childish version of the theme heard at 38 – both quickly observe that their gangs will be the ones to stop the opposition (once again in unison and with
the same lyrics. Sondheim is careful to have no references to Jets or Sharks when both leaders are singing). At 50 the "Tonight" motif is heard again. At
50 slinky, glissando saxophones announce musically the arrival of the alluring Anita for her verse. This sort of sax writing has been used in
innumerable films and television programmes to signify a particularly alluring or sexy (usually female) character
Bar 53 – verse 4
Musically a return to verse one but Anita's snaky, swinging triplets in the vocal part make more of her suggestive nature (rather than the rather direct
and unsubtle quavers of Riff and Bernardo)
Bar 68 – verse 4
Anita's "Tonight" motif overlaps with Tony's "tonight" on the anacrusis. Again there is a change to A major as Tony sings
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The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment
Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She did this by allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through
action rather than repetition. Montessori had five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, auto–education,
and the teacher's role. In this paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly and how a well prepared environment can positively affect each
student in the 3–6 classroom. I will, in reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill–prepared classroom.
Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child's life when the child is absorbed with one characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others
(Lillard, 1972, p.33). These sensitive periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue, the development of walking, a fascination with
minute and detailed objects, and a time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972, p.33).
The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for order which begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine
are important in a newborn's day; consistency is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and routine in a newborns day gives them the knowledge
that their caretakers are able to be relied on. They know they'll get fed and changed when need be, they'll be put to bed when they're tired and even get
to see new faces routinely (ie. Babysitters, grandparents,
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The West Side Story Musical Analysis
The musical, the west side story, is by Arthur Laurents. This musical was inspired by William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Some of the songs
in this musical are Jet Song, Something's coming, and A Dance at the Gym. This story is set in an Upper West Side neighborhood in New York city. It
was also set in the mid 1950s. This musical is about two teenage gangs. One of the gangs is a white American gang, the jets, led by Riff and the other
gang is a Puerto Rican gang, the sharks, led by Bernardo. These two gangs often get in fights and do not like each other. The jets planned a fight at a
dance with the sharks. They ask Tony, the co–founder of the gang, friend of Riff, and previous gang member, to come. At first Tony did not want to go,
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Sensitive Period and Absorbent Mind
What is sensitive period and the environment required for sensitive period At birth the child 's physical development is more or less complete while
psychologically it is still in the embryonic state. For this reason Dr. Maria Montessori called that the human being is still a "spiritual embryo" when it is
born. "Man seems to have two embryonic periods, one is prenatal like that of the animals; the other is postnatal and only man has this." –The Absorbent
Mind, p55, Chapter 7. "A child possesses an active psychic life even when he cannot manifest it, and must secretly perfect this inner live over a long
period of time, it is the spirit of the child that can determine the course of human progress and lead it perhaps even to a ... Show more content on ...
During the first phase, from birth to three years old, the young child unknowingly or unconsciously acquires his basic abilities. She called it the period
of unconscious creation or the unconscious absorbent mind. The child 's work during this period is to become independent from the adult for his basic
human functions. Mneme is a supreme type of memory, which unconsciously stores impressions, which then become part of the child's personality.
Once these basic skills are incorporated into his schema, by about three years old, he moves into the next phase of the absorbent mind, which
Montessori called the period of conscious work or the conscious absorbent mind. During this period, the child 's mathematical mind compels him to
perfect in himself that which is now there. His fundamental task during this phase is freedom; freedom to move purposefully, freedom to choose and
freedom to concentrate. His mantra is "Let Me Do It Myself!" Sensitive periods: A child passes through special times in his life when he easily
incorporates a particular ability into his schema if allowed to practice it exhaustively during this time. She referred to it as, "Sensitive Periods" a
passing impulse or potency. These sensitive periods are critical to the child 's self development. He unconsciously knows that the time to learn a
specific skill is now. The child 's intensity reflects his need for that particular acquisition in order to
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Castle Rackrent Essay
Maria Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent is a satirical novel blaming the Irish people and the English Landlords for the plight of the Irish poor. She illustrates
the comical ways of the drunks, and the way they act towards the Landlords. The Landlords on the other hand are careless men and women that control
the towns. One example of Edgeworth's use of satire in Castle Rackrent involves the landlords and their lack of leadership abilities. Another example of
satire in Castle Rackrent is Jason's inherent leadership abilities as an Irishman. Finally, another obvious use of satire is the language that is used by
Maria Edgeworth. Castle Rackrent is a brillant piece of satire because Edgeworth ridicules the Irishman and their irresponsible English ... Show more
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Another example of Edgeworth's satirizing English landlords is less obvious through Sir Murtaugh, who is a lawyer, and spends all of his money on his
lawsuit which in the long run caused him to be in debt. Murtaugh also had no leadership amoung the landlords. Furthermore, Lady Skin Flint takes
from the tenants, Thady says "Her table the same way, kept for the next to nothing, duty fowls, and duty turkies, and duty geese, came as fast as we
could eat 'em, for my lady kept a sharp look out, and knew to a tub of butter everything the tenants had, all round." When Sir Murtaugh died, "but they
were a set of poor wretches, and we had nothing but misfortunes with them, always breaking and running away. This, Sir Murtaugh and my lady said,
was all their former landlord Sir Patrick's fault, who let 'em all get the half year's rent into arrear, there was something in that, to be sure." Edgeworth is
also satirizing the English landlords through Murtaugh because Sir Murtaugh only takes from the tenants, which increase the desperate situation of the
Irish people. Sir Kit's story is a satire because Edgeworth
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A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman By Mary...
Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is a perfect example of the advocacy of women's equality of conformist feminism. This is
important in the progress of many of her works. Her work examined the mixing process in the downgrading of women. Wollstonecraft detected that the
social standards, morals, rules and traditional practices commanded and suggested detailed methods on how a woman should act. Women who don't
conform to these standards result in them being called freaks or witches. This is often known in Wollstonecraft's incomplete novel, Maria, or the wrongs
of woman, where the main character is a woman who is imprisoned for trying to leave from her unfortunate marriage. She wasn't able to excuse her
husband's wicked actions, and did not agree on her title as his possession. Maria tries to leave to Italy with her infant to have a new life. But, she is
taken and is put into an insane asylum and her baby girl is taken from her, and we learn later on in the novel that the baby does die. While at the
asylum, she shares her life experiences with another patient, Henry Darnford, and her caretaker Jemima; who is of the lower class. After Maria leaves
the asylum, she composes a text that was read in a court house stating her accusing Henry of infidelity and seduction. But, the judge reigned contrary to
her wishes, because she is a woman. I argue that upon reading Wollstonecraft's A Vindication to the Rights of Woman provided a feminist lens to read
... Get more on ...

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Sensitive Periods

  • 1. Sensitive Periods Sensitive Periods Define the term sensitive periods Sensitive periods are a period in a child's life where they are obsessed with certain aspects of learning without any particular reason. This period is an optimum time for development and children can really develop specific abilities and skills. When children are in their sensitive periods and working with any activity, they will not show any signs of fatigue and will repeat the activity a number of times. These periods last for a certain amount of time; however the child may eventually lose interest and may move on to another activity. Development changes will not occur unless there is some kind of maturational process. It is essential to support the child's sensitive period ... Show more content on ... E.g. A child may indentify similar qualities using colour box 2. Explain why it is important to support and facilitate these periods It is important to support and facilitate this period because a child may need support to carry out a task independently so they can fulfil their sensitive period. E.g. If a child is carrying out a task they might need material to support them. Montessori quoted, "Such assistance will not consist in forming the child since this task belong to nature himself, but in a delicate respect for the outward manifestations of this development and in providing those means necessary for his formation which he cannot be obtain by his efforts alone." (Montessori, 1966, p.46). Also by preparing for the environment you are supporting the child's sensitive period. E.g. For sensitive period of order, the teacher would make sure the objects are kept in the same place and area. Overall, these periods of sensitivity play a vital role on the development of a child and without the support from teachers the child may exhibit deviations in his personalities. Outline any adverse consequences of not recognising If a child is deprived of supporting his development he may exhibit deviations in his personality because his psychic life is disturbed and may show signs of attachment, possessiveness, desire of power, fear, complex and lies. Through Montessori's observations she classified ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. West Side Dance Synopsis West side story is American musical loosely based on the story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It takes place in New York City in the 1950's and is a love story between Maria and Tony who come from rival street gangs in the upper west side. Tony is an ex–gang member of the Jets, and is best friends with the Jet's leader Riff. The Jets is a caucasian gang that has a rivalry with a Puerto Rican gang called the Sharks. Mira, is the sister of Bernardo, who is the leader of the Sharks. The two rival gangs are fighting for control of the neighborhood when they are warned by Lieutenant Shrank, the local police officer to stop fighting. Instead Riff decides to challenge Bernardo to a rumble at a neighborhood dance. Riff convinces Tony to join in the rumble. ... Show more content on ... Maria has just arrived in New York from Puerto Rico and supposed to marry Chino, a friend of her brother, but she admits to Anita that she is not in love with Chino. At the dance, Tony and Maria meet and are drawn to each other from across the room. They dance with each other, kiss and fall in love. Bernardo sees this and pulls Maria away from Tony and send her home. Afterwards, Tony meets up with Maria outside her building and they profess their love for each other. Riff and Bernardo meet up at Doc's drugstore which is considered mutual ground, in order to discuss what weapons to use in the rumble. Tony suggests a fair fight using fists and no weapons. Both leaders agree, although the rest of the gang members protest. Bernardo thinks he will fight Tony but instead must settle for Diesel, Riff's second in command. Tony tells Doc about Maria and although Doc is worried for them, Tony believes nothing can go wrong. Maria is very happy the next day, anticipating seeing Tony again. At the dress shop, she finds out about the rumble from Anita. When Tony arrives, Maria asks him to stop the rumble which Tony agrees to ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Theme Of Racism In West Side Story When I think of West Side Story, I think of the modern American version of Romeo and Juliet, the Jets (American gang) and Sharks (Puerto Rican gang), the amazing musical numbers, dance breaks, and let's not forget all the snapping. I never thought of the injustice and racism that happens through song and characters actions in the movie. After recently watching it, I started to realize how these terrible things are actually still happening to this day. This movie has started to teach me how to recognize these issues and help me stop them from happening to the people around me through the lyrics of the songs and the way characters treat each other. A good example of racism in the movie West Side Story would be shown in the song America. These lyrics did not catch my attention until I watched it again a while ago. The song starts out with Anita talking about how much better America is than Puerto Rico and why she and the other Puerto Rican women prefer living here. During this time, the men, mainly Bernardo, are talking about how bad it is here for them and how they have to change their racial background to have a better life. The first couple lines that caught my attention line that caught my attention is when Bernardo sang "One look at us and they charge twice", "better get rid of your accent", and "if you are all white in America" when he was responding to Anita ("AMERICA"). These lines show how the only way the Puerto Ricans can achieve the dreams they have is to be mixed into the "white" American culture. Later in the song, Anita talks about how in America, the people have freedom and pride while Bernardo responds with "Long as you stay on your own side" ("AMERICA"). Anita tries to respond saying that the Puerto Ricans can be anything they choose to be, but once again Bernardo and the boys respond by saying they only can wait tables and shine shoes. This line in particular shows how the Puerto Rican boys feel like there are no chances for them America. Another big part of racism in West Side Story is how Lt. Schrank treats the Sharks and how he treats the Jets. Throughout the movie, Lt. Schrank tries to get the Jets to tell him where the Sharks are or what they are doing. He never believes that the Jets ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Montessori vs. Traditional Education Essay Education is very important especially in this day and age. What school one attends and how they perceive school to be is a huge factor in one's life success. There has been research done in the past few years proving that students who receive a Montessori education will prosper academically more so than those who receive a traditional education (Ryniker and Shoho, 2001). Traditional schools typically follow teacher based philosophies and the Montessori education is student centered. On average, children enjoy student based philosophy classrooms. Therefore, they are much more in tuned to what they are learning and that benefits their educational career. Having fun while learning is the key to keeping children engaged. Maria Montessori ... Show more content on ... Many people think of it as "controlled chaos" (Kramer, 1976). Montessori resources are divided into four categories: practical life, sensorial, academic and cultural/artistic supplies (Scotty, 2009). Alan Gartner and Dorothy Lipsky, City University of New York academic researchers conducted research about success rates of public Montessori students (Schapiro, 2002). The research conducted proves the children who attend Montessori public schools are better in certain subjects (Schapiro, 2002). Montessori is also very beneficial to children with dyslexia, because they use phonics to teach. Attending a Montessori school is also an educational advantage for children because they have the opportunity to start as early as the age of three (Schapiro, 2002). According to the study conducted by Alan Gartner and Dorothy Lipsky, research was found that students who attended a Montessori public school did significantly better in math and social studies. Their overall GPA was not significantly higher than others but males received higher scores in science, while females received higher scores in math, compared to other students who did not attend a Montessori school (Schapiro, 2002). Montessori graduates also received higher scores overall on the ACT mathematics test, but lower on the ACT reading test (Schapiro, 2002). Montessori students also tend to fail fewer classes and take more honors and advanced ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them... TITLE SHEET for Distance Learning Students Is English your first language: Yes (please delete as applicable) STUDENT NAME: John STUDENT NO: 56382 NAME OF MARKER: Jaff DATE OF SUBMISSION: ASSIGNMENT NO: 2 NO. OF WORDS: 2163 BIBLIOGRAPHY ENCLOSED: Yes/No (please delete as applicable) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I declare that this work is my own and the work of others is acknowledged by quotation or correct referencing. I declare that this work has not been copied from another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any ... Show more content on ... They are slowly coming to terms with their new identity as an adolescent and the world outside the family and school. For the first time, they no longer see themselves as sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, or students, but as individuals who seek to understand their place in society and search for opportunities to contribute to society. The first phase can be sub divided the spiritual (Montessori 1966 and 2007a) and Social Embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a). The Spiritual Embryonic is the phase of intellectual development or a period of mental construction of the child that starts developing right after birth and continues developing to three. The Social Embryonic stages slowly replaces subconscious learning with the will to learn. The Child will demonstrate greater awareness of others needs and becomes sensitive to the social aspects of their culture. Montessori talks about Sensitive Periods, which she splits into six. In order to understand these Periods and how children move between these phases, it's important to understand how children take in stimuli from the environment and use it to grow. Most theorists agree that there are periods in children's lives in which they become biologically mature enough to gain certain skills that they could not have easily picked up prior to that maturation. For example, research has shown that babies and toddlers' brains are more flexible with regard to learning to ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Quiz Questions On International Law QUIZ 2: INTERNATIONAL LAW In order to receive credit for this assignment, please read the following guidelines and confirm that you understand and will follow them: By typing my name below, I acknowledge the following requirements for this assignment and confirm that my work on this assignment abides by them. 1. I have drawn each of my answers from the required course texts, in–class discussion and lecture, or in–class video material. 2. I have appropriately cited the course texts and/or in–class material for each of my answers. This means, for instance, that after providing a definition of a particular term in my own words, I have cited the specific pages in the textbook(s) from which I drew my answer. Example in–text citation: (Murphy ... Show more content on ... Be sure to explain the terms in your own words. Also, provide direct translations (usually from the Latin) where relevant. (Direct translations can be quoted verbatim from Murphy.) If you found it necessary to do additional research to understand a term, cite the relevant passages in Murphy or NDJ and provide a complete citation for the additional source(s) you used. (You will not get credit for only using internet sources.) **Acceptable citation styles include Chicago, Turabian, APA, and MLA. If you used a website, provide the link in conjunction with the proper citation. If you used another text, provide the relevant page numbers. 1. Define and explain the significance of jure imperii and jure gestionis (reference the theory of sovereign immunity to which they are relevant). Principally, the theory of "restrictive" sovereign immunity is basically when the Department of States can elect to instill immunity, or otherwise not let immunity happen (Murphy, 305). There are specifically two areas that either allows this unit to acclaim immunity and or reject immunity (Murphy, 305). The first area is known as jure imperii. When governments of other nations have an undertaking that is relevant to the community, then immunity is acclaimed (Murphy, 305). The second area is known as jure gestionis. If a government of another nation has relayed information on undertakings in being profit–oriented, then rejecting immunity is the option (Murphy, 305). ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Essence of Education 1. Write an essay on "The Essence of Education". (1000–2000 words) I cannot write this essay without reference to study of my own experienced and my daughter's– placed in the harsh environment of the government schooling system and its observations of the stark belief systems of "the child to fit the system" and not "the system to fit the child" with reference to the what education should be about. This means different things to different people. To some this means a teacher teaching and passive learning taking place, the outcome is expected at the end of each year that each child has to achieve the same outcome and is graded accordingly. The only problem with this is the removal of freedom and time constraints and a passive role for ... Show more content on ... With this in mind, not only the environment plays the most important function in the restoration of natural learning, but so does the recognition of the individual. This not includes the didactic materials available for learning but also includes the nature and predisposition of the teacher. A teacher who is unkind is forever remembered and imprinted on the experience of the child, and so it is that no teacher should enter the profession without being thoroughly researched by the place of employment. I remember a few of these unkind souls and forever remember their manner and the effect it had on me. I simply did not wish to be there in the presence of these teachers, so went out of my way to stay away. The harsh reality was that I failed to prosper in these classes. One has to ask if this is right and if the essence of education is being missed. Reality and national results speak for themselves. What are we producing in society today? We are in effect only producing human beings who are workers and not free thinkers. Human beings who do not question, reason and think for themselves. This is where education has lead humanity. Is this an aid to life or a long term obstacle that is too far gone to fix in the later stages. Many parents see this but are also trapped by fear and economics. Rather than question, too many offload the children in these harsh environments so that they can see ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Relationship Between Discipline and Obidience from... Montessori Philosophy Question: Explain the relationship between discipline and obedience from the Montessori perspective. Explain how discipline and obedience are linked to the development of the will. Maria Montessori (1988) believed that the discipline of a child is something to come, not something that is already present. It means discipline must be stimulated, observed and let it grow by itself. How to start stimulating or awakening discipline inside a child? Montessori says, " an individual is disciplined when he is the master of himself and when he can, as a consequence, control himself when he must follow a rule of life" (Montessori, 1997, p. 51). To awaken the child 's inner energy to become disciplined, the teacher 's ... Show more content on ... In a sense that when a child does the exercise repeatedly, he/she will be able to independently realize or note should he/she make any mistake. By being able to do so, subsequently for the next opportunity he/she will make sure that he/she should not do the same error again, which means he/she could correct the error by himself/herself. Obedience could be attained only when a child has fully developed and controlled his/her will, and he/she freely chooses to follow other 's instruction or orders. This could happen because the child recognizes that the person who gives the order loves him/her and is more knowledgeable than him/her, also this child is sure that the order given will be useful to perfect his/her skill. Having explained the discipline and obedience, now we could conclude that these two features will only be developed in a child if he/she is already able to control the inner power from within. This is whether to do something based on his/her likes, or to do something just because the child has already understood that he/she has to follow orders from others, because there are common norms that a child have to obey should he/she want to live with other people collectively. In case a child has not been able yet to control his/her will, then it is impossible for ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Analysis Of The Story West Side Story West Side Story: Who is responsible? West Side Story is a story that was transitioned from a play to a movie. This play was a readaptation of the playwright by William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. In West Side Story story, there are two many characters they are Tony and Maria. Both plays show the cause and effect of the unnecessary feud between two groups of people, which in return are given death. These two star–crossed lovers come from completely opposite sides of a feud. This feud separates the two lovers, making it impossible for them to be together in the world they live in. The feud is between two groups, the Jets which are the Americans with different heritages, then there are the Sharks who are Puerto Rican immigrants. The Jets are very hostile towards the Sharks, the hostility was due to the Sharks trying to take the playground from the Jets, which is the only place that they can call home. The Jets also just don't want the Sharks around. As a result of the feud, things went too far resulting in the permanent separation of Tony and Maria becuase Chino, a Shark killed Tony. The tragedy of Tony and Maria, with extensive investigation, should be blamed on the Jets. The responsibility of the tragedy can be blamed on the Jets for a plethora of reasons. One of these reasons is that in the beginning of the story, Tony did not want any relation to the trouble that the Jets get into. At the time, Tony was thriving because he had a job, wasn't involved in the trouble of ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Language and Phonics "The Montessori classroom uses the phonics approach to teach reading. Outline the graded phonics sequence and state the reading skills required at each stage. Suggest other activities that can be used to encourage children to read." The natural purpose of language is the expression and communication of meaning in our daily living. It enables us to express our needs, share our experiences and learn from each other. Language is the medium of thought and of learning. Language is needed to communicate with one another, this is the social aspect of language, which unites human beings by a common bond. Language not only fuses men into groups and nations, but it is central point of difference between the human species and all others. According ... Show more content on ... Though gradual and normal learning processes, behavior patterns are established and the powers of the adult mind are developed. She recognized that the young child in his formative stages absorbs almost all of his early learning from an environment in which he is placed, attitude, language, movements and behavior. The environment of the classroom was prepared with this concept of mind. The learning of language is truly the child's most remarkable intellectual achievement, the parents, who are the child's first language teachers, should begin during his early infancy to give verbal meaning to the things in the child's environment. Language is an integral part of the Montessori class room, though encouragement of self expression, lessons and freedom of conversation. Language lies at the root of that transformation of the environment that we all call civilization. Dr. Maria Montessori recognized that writing precedes reading in young children and developed her method of teaching. While normally young children are frequently able to write before they learn to read. The children around three to four years old could know a small number of letters of alphabet and they are in point to figure it out how to represent a word; for example 'o' and 'x', they might write down or construct in wooden letters or letter card. Because of this Montessori used natural way, which referring to writing first method to teach reading as a direction to approach and which is suitable for ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. New Approach to Education System Lots of people have a transformative influence on people's lives. This can be achieved with different ways; education is one of these ways. From Aristotle to today's world, lots of people have been contributing big impacts on education system which has big effect on people's personality and lives. Anne Sullivan, William McGuffey, Emma Willard, and Maria Montessori all great teachers who did their work very well and they had a profound impact on the lives of innumerable people. In today's world lots of students, teachers, and parents think that Montessori education system is much successful than traditional education system. Maria Montessori was a successful scientist and educator at the same time. She brought a new approach to education ... Show more content on ... At the end, she reaped the fruits of victory and today's world she is one of the education leader. The philosophy of Montessori Method not only affected her age, but also affects today's world because it was developed by lots of scientific and psychological observations and the study results which make Montessori Method different than traditional education system. These differences makes Montessori's System much successful than other traditional education systems. Montessori education has been practised over than 100 years. Maria Montessori developed the first Montessori school in 1907 in Rome. Today, more than 5000 schools in the United States, including 300 public schools, use the Montessori Method. According to Rathunde; "Montessori anticipated many contemporary 'Child–centred' or 'developmentally appropriate' educational practises and was an advocate for the active child when it was not yet fashionable." She understood children's learning process, learning ability, learning environment, and dynamics of teaching. Montessori system gives an opportunity to children to have better social and academic skills. Montessori education's main points are freedom without any limits, independences, respect to children psychological, physical, social, and mental basics, requirements, and developments. In Montessori education system; children take education in multi aged classrooms, student have a chance to choose the next activity, there is no exact ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. West Side Story Essay West Side Story 1. Point out how the general setting of the play is established. Give at least two examples. The play West Side Story takes place in a suburb on the West Side of New York City. We can conclude that we are talking about a socially disadvantaged suburb as the surrounding area is described with high brick walls, not very attractive and by the presence of the two gangs – the Jets and the Sharks. We are also able to say in which time period the actions take place. As an indicator we are using the dance at the gym in Act I,Scene 4, where Tony and Maria first meet. At this dance everyone is dancing the jitterbug just as the jive. Both were popular during the 1940`s and 1950`s. We should also mention that it is ... Show more content on ... The second group we meet is the Sharks. They are all immigrants from Puerto Rico who all came to find a better life. They feel especially disadvantaged and believe this is due to their place of birth. Bernardo, who is the leader of the Sharks and Maria`s older brother seems to be in control of everything. It also appears as if he is more dominant than his parents possibly because they are, just like he is, immigrants but less adapted to the new situation. Both groups are struggling for survival in the streets and their social lives. Certain similarities can be found even though they would never admit to these. Many of the above mentioned aspects are typical prejudices and therefore named as typical features of the society (in this case the society consists of the Jets and the Sharks). ( 302 ) 3. Examine the primary desires/hopes/agonies & terrors of one of the main characters and compare them with those of Gatsby. One of the protagonists of West Side Story is Tony. We learn that Tony is one of the founders of the Jets. No matter what he might have had in the gang in the past he left his "buddies" some time ago. What is important is that even though he no longer appears to be an active member of the Jets he still is accepted and – what is even more – respected by the other members. His presence is important for them at the dance, as well is his decision concerning the rumble. He ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. HOW CHILDREN UTILIZE THEIR MATHEMATICAL MIND AS PART OF... "Dr Maria Montessori took this idea that the human has a mathematical mind from a French philosopher Pascal and developed a revolutionary math learning material for children as young as 3 years old. Her mathematical materials allow the children to begin their mathematical journey from a concrete concept to abstract idea". With reference to the above statement please discuss how these children utilize their mathematical mind as part of their natural progression, to reason, to calculate and estimate with these Montessori mathematical materials in conjunction with their aims and presentations? What is a mathematical mind? The Mathematical Mind' refers to the unique tendencies of the human mind. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said ... Show more content on ... A significant discovery that Dr. Montessori made was the importance of offering indirect preparation for the math materials while children were in the sensitive periods for movement and the refinement of the senses. It is through children's work with the Exercises of Practical Life and Sensorial materials that they first encounter and experience the concepts of measurement, sequence, exactness, and calculation Sensorial education is the basis of mathematics. Dr. Montessori said that children are sensorial learners. They learn and experience the world through their five senses. So sensorial education helps the child to create a mental order of the concepts he grasps using his five senses. "The skill of man's hand is bound up with the development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the development of civilization." – Maria Montessori, THE ABSORBENT MIND, Chap 14. pg. 138 Montessori firmly believed that the 'hands' are the mother of skills. By providing Montessori sensorial materials to the child she was convinced that correct manipulation with quality and quantity would certainly create a lasting impression in the child's mind with the understanding of mathematics. We place materials quite intentionally on trays, we color code activities, materials are displayed ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Creativeity and How the Skill Builders Assist This... Assignment One Book four: Write a essay on creativity. Discuss aspects off: Young children being in the process of creating themselves. The making of objects of art and crafts, a. How the Montessori " skill builders" assist point 1 and 2 above. Creativity is the making of anything and children are less interested in the product than they are interested in the process. They are learning without an outcome in mind and will construct meaning to any skill acquisition or concept as it requires them to do so. Inevitably with the right skill building activities a child's motor development will take form and become part of a conscious effort to create something new in the form of art . The work is to acquire the initial building ... Show more content on ... A teacher could either practice a art , hobby or craft or encourage visiting experts to share their pursuits with the children. Like any other area it needs to presented as a practical pursuit and have its bases and function in the real world context the children find themselves in. Maria Montessori states she has not developed this arts program without analysing the difficulties and barriers involved. Her objective is to give the child the opportunity to prepare for the means of expression. 'Discovery of the Child", page 281. She aspired to foster in the child the skills required for arts and crafts. This takes the form of the 'skill building' activities set on trays in the art corner. The child selects as with the other areas of work an activity and follows it in a prescribed way as demonstrated by the teacher. These activities are especially designed to develop muscular control such as the ones needed for efficient scissor and a pencil. There are threading activities for needle craft, folding activities which can lead to the creation of concertina cards, fans or origami. Scissor and pasting activities help the child acquire the skills for collage and decoupage. Stamping and printing materials help the child to build concepts around the art of printmaking and understanding in area of Art appreciation for the works of famous printmakers, wallpapers and décor ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Reflection on Observation Essay Observation Analysis Molley Green MTE 506 September 29th, 2012 Shawn Wells Observation Analysis Observing a classroom has a certain metaphysical edge. Merely by your presence and watching, you cannot help but feel that you are somehow changing or influencing the class and the students that make it up. My observations took place in two settings, the first and my primary observation source, was at Children's Garden Montessori School in El Cerrito, my daughter's school, it is a private pre–school with children ages two to five. My second observation was the Fit Kids program at my local Berkeley YMCA, this program was created for ... Show more content on ... In this stage students are learning how to be moral, intellectually curious, and independent. The third plane, from twelve to eighteen years is a psychologically unstable place where the adolescent is trying to form the person they will be as they enter into society. This period is creative, but students also express difficulty in concentration as they try to relate to peer groups and the outside world, to find self esteem and define who they are. The fourth plane is when a student enters the world and hopefully becomes a social aware and monetarily successful member of society. To Maria Montessori her final and real goal was a student population that graduated her program with a sense that they had a duty to society, to be strong moral leaders and increase peace. Teachers, she said, "must set a good example if there is to be a good humanity"(Montessori, 1949). Although the philosophy of Montessori education intersects greatly with progressivism, the schools were often placed at odds with one another. A contemporary, collaborator, and student of John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, orchestrated a series of lectures and writings that discounted Montessori's teaching philosophy as egocentric and restrictive. He said that the learning materials created hindered the imagination of the teacher and the emphasis on the individual would lead to an entire generation of ill–behaved egomaniacs (Shortridge, 2007). His critiques in combination with American educators ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Importance Of Art In West Side Story Art is something that be more influential than words, it let's one express themselves in way that words don't. Art has heavily impacted the society we live in, beyond paintings and 2–D images. For example the musical, West Side Story had an enormous impact on the world around it. It challenged people's ideas on immigration and racism while capturing one's heart with a tragic love story. One a smaller scale, a mural in Morrison, IL, remines any viewer the importance of art. Art has transformed the social environment in America by questioning some of our fundamental values and thoughts; however, art has also inspired Americans to live their best life and strive for success. The musical West Side Story is a tragic romance story that follows two gangs in New York. One of the Jets members, Tony, falls in love with the leader of the Sharks younger sister, Maria. This is such a big controversy because the Jets and Sharks are rivals. The Jets hate the Sharks because they are Puerto Rican. This displays the racism and social climate in America during the 60's, when this musical came out. Inmigrantes where thought of as less than but in hindsight as Americans we are all equal. This musical is also based on one of Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo and Juliet. Maria's love for Tony is quickly forbidden and they have to meet in secrecy, like Romeo and Juliet. Tony is shot by the man who Maria is supposed to marry, Chico, and dies in his lovers arms. Tony's death showed everyone that ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay on Who is Maria Montessori Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italy's first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative and her first 'Children's House' opened in 1907. Here too she introduced the equipment she had designed and observed the children very closely as they used it, tailoring what she provided in the environment to meet their developmental needs. There was ... Show more content on ... Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all works in the Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using whold and transfer bean to another bowl and so on. Care of environment:learning how to wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting. Care of self:learning how to wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and the indirect aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim The materials in the Montessori classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material isolates a concept and allows for repetitive practice with a certain skill and the child repeats this process to because he gets a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in the Rice Pouring activity will be concentration, co–ordination, independence and order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the child indirectly prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on the directress or any other adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a Montessori environment, has two elements. It includes the self–evident purpose of the action. The second part of the indirect aim includes preparation for future learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child as a spiritual embryo. Include the concepts of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Gang Violence In West Side Story "West Side Story" follows an ongoing feud between a New York City gang called the "Sharks", and a Puerto Rico gang called the "Jets", in hopes to gain control of the territory. As their feud heightens, the gangs decide to set a date and time to fight and see who will have control over that area. The fight between the Sharks and the Jets leads to the death of Riff, the leader of the Sharks, and Bernardo, the leader of the Jets. With both of their leaders dead, the gangs show remorse for each other and end their feud for good. "West Side Story" was chosen because of the substantial examples of gang violence and verbal police brutality present in the 1960's. The juvenile justice themes present in "West Side Story" are differential association, ... Show more content on ... Differential association suggests that through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior. Differential association occurs in "West Side Story" when everyone follows the leader of their gang, creating their own rules and values. Riff and Bernardo encourage the delinquent behavior of their friends, contributing to their criminal behavior. For example, in West Side Story, the Sharks have a negative attitude towards the police because they noticed, as a gang, that the police think they are hoodlums. This negative attitude plays a part in their daily criminal behavior because they feel like they do not have to listen to the police. In "Juvenile Delinquency in Search of a Practice Model: Family Health, Differential Association, and Social Control", Mary Ann Jennings and John Gunther state, "According to the theory of differential association, if one is to become delinquent then deviant values and norms are learned in contact with significant others." (Jennings & Gunther, 2000). In other words, loved ones are initially the cause of differential association if they themselves are deviant. In "West Side Story", Riff explains how he and his gang had horrible upbringings, causing their current delinquent behavior. Whether it is a friend or family member, their actions and values affect how the delinquent sees the world as ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Dynamic Characters Static and dynamic characters litter the pages of countless writings, yet they are not so easily understood or even defined. Some static characters have more definition than originally thought, and continue to develop into more dynamic characters throughout a text. In Maria Edgeworth's 1801 novel, Belinda, Edgeworth introduces Clarance Hervey's complex character as a promising genius privileged with a higher education, yet hopeless to overcome his own insecurities; Edgeworth notes that "Clarence Hervey might have been more than a pleasant young man, if he had not been smitten with the desire of being thought superior in every thing [sic]." The author creates a sense of annoyance with Hervey, who "had been early flattered with the idea that ... Show more content on ... Cervey already had every intention to flaunt his education when in the company of those who did not shun it and every intention to gain the acceptance of others. However, we soon learn that Cervey "was so easily led, or rather so easily excited by his companions . . . that he would soon become vicious . . . [and] did not think it incumbent on him to be more scrupulous or more attentive to appearances than [Lady Delacour's] ladyship." Originally, this seems to connect more closely with Hervey's already–known sense of careless pride, but Edgeworth evolves it to suggest another daunting characteristic of Hervey. Edgeworth hints that Hervey is merely using Lady Delacour to gain fame given her reputation, and is not fearful to rupture her own reputation in the process. Hervey "was sometimes provoked, sometimes amused, and sometimes flattered . . . [b]y Lord Delacour's jealousy . . . [and] was constantly of all her lady's parties in public and private." Hervey also is said to "[see] Belinda almost every day . . . with increasing dread of being taken in to marry a niece of "the catch–match–maker . . . [also known as] Mrs. Stanhope." With this new knowledge given to the reader, Edgeworth notes that Hervey refers to Lady Delacour by her first name, thus hinting a personal connection and suggesting that Hervey may have true feelings for Lady Delacour regardless of her reputation, but he soon "suspected her of artifice in every word, look, and motion . . . [because] he [had been] prejudiced by the character of her aunt [Mrs. Stanhope]." Edgeworth continues to develop Hervey's personality, noting that Hervey continued to fail "to keep beyond the sphere of her attraction; but frequently, when he found himself within it, he cursed his folly, and drew back with sudden terror," thus reflecting back to Hervey's ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Prejudices in "The West Side Story" by Arthur Laurents Essay The book West Side Story written by Arthur Laurents is set in the mid 1950's, created as modern version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. West Side Story is a romantic tragedy about two characters that are supposedly completely different and aren't accepted when they fall in love. The "difference's" between these characters is centered on the prejudice's they had against each other. Prejudice is a harsh opinion or feeling formed previously without any knowledge or reason. The Jets and the Sharks used many prejudices against other races, sex, and age. What they didn't realize is that they have more similarities than differences. One of the most common prejudices used in West Side Story is about race. They majority of the racist ... Show more content on ... Bernardo thinks he knows what's best for his little sister and believes that she, Maria, should listen to everything he tells her to do. Bernardo freaks out because Maria was dancing with one of the Jets, Anita sticks up for her while she is gone, "So why doesn't he write a book about America? None of you is so smart. In this country girls have as much right as boys to have fun. Girls can dance with anyone they please in America." (Laurents 90–91) The boys believe that women are not free to do what they want, and cannot handle themselves. Then there's this girl named Anybodys and she is the only girl that wants to be a part of the Jets, badly. They asked her how desperately she wanted to be one of the Jets. She said she would do anything. They told her that they were going to look for chicks and that she wouldn't want to go. The Jets started laughing at her, "The sob tore from Anybodys' lips was drowned by the roar of laughter" (Laurents 26). The Jets and the Sharks didn't trust girls in any sense. The only thing girls were reliable for was being girlfriends, and even then they weren't trusted enough to do anything but be the puppet and their boyfriend be the puppeteer. A very insulting prejudice is judging what people should and shouldn't do based on their age. Maria obtains the majority of it from Bernardo. He still considers her a ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Romeo And Juliet Vs West Side Story Essay In the film West Side Story, there are two gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. Similar to the Montagues and Capulets of Romeo and Juliet, these gangs despise one another and fight consistently. West Side Story follows a similar plot as Romeo and Juliet, with a boy, Tony, and a girl, Maria, from opposite gangs falling in love with each other, despite disapproval from their friends and family. There even is another boy who is in love with Maria, and eventually, kills Tony. The recurring theme between these two films is that often times people believe that they have found their destiny, and give up everything in order to chase what they think is meant to be, but in the end, they just end up losing everything. This is evident in Romeo and Juliet because both Romeo and Juliet believe the other one is their true love, and they end up taking their own lives to be with each other, leaving behind their family and their lives. In West Side Story, this is evident because Maria and Tony believe they are meant to be together, and in the end Tony gets killed, leaving his family and friends behind. One thing the director of West Side Story changed about this adaptation is the end. In Romeo and Juliet, the lovers both die, but in West Side Story, only the boy dies. I ... Show more content on ... In the scene when Maria went to find Tony, but was stopped by members of the rival gang. She was harassed by these men. Soon after a man walks in, named Doc, and stops the men from harassing Maria. When Doc walks in, the music that was previously playing was completely cut off. It was totally silent, except for the footsteps of Doc when he approached Maria and the men. This caused a very serious feeling to be created in the movie. Another movie technique the directors used was the appearance of the gang that harassed Maria. They had a 'paperboy' type look, almost beggar like. To me, this creates the tone that they were dirty misogynists, and just bad ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Analysis Of The Purple Jar By Maria Edgeworth Rosamond, a seven year old little girl, is on her way to the store with her mother to buy a new pair of shoes. As they are walking through the streets of London, Rosamond can not stop looking at all the objects in the store windows. Rosamond and her mother stop at one store that has a purple jar in the front window that she is enamored by. Rosamond is begging her mother for the purple jar while her mother is trying to convince her that she needs a new shoes more. This short story "The Purple Jar" written by Maria Edgeworth tells the story of little Rosamond learning a valuable lesson about wants and needs. This short story about the decision Rosamond has to make is a teachable lesson to a group of second grade students. In second grade, ... Show more content on ... This is a way for the students to understand what they are reading and to be able to put what they are learning from this story and from their teachers into what they will learn later on in school. The curriculum for reading with a group of second grade students is, teaching the students how to interact with the text by asking questions and answering those questions. Having the students learn how to ask "who, what, when, where, why, and how" is the first step for new readers to understand what they are reading. The students are learning how to pick out the key ideas and details within the story to help fully understand the concept and meaning behind the writers words. Students need to be able to describe what they are reading and pay attention to the story's plot. Second grade students now have the ability to understand the reason behind the characters actions within the stories that they read. This short story in particular serves the purpose of learning how to pick out the key ideas and details for new readers. The impact this short story brings to the reader is one we all can relate to. We have all been that little child who wants something different then what our mother is trying to buy for us. Parents are always there to help us out with what we need before the things we want. The attitude and behavior of the child in the short story should impact the students to make them see and understand why ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. West Side Story Essay 1. At the beginning of West Side Story, which gang is shown first? Where are they and what are they doing? 1.The Jets; they were socializing at the playground and hanging around. 2. Which gang is the Puerto Rican gang? What happens when they encounter the other gang at the beginning of the film? 2.The Sharks; they were taunting one another trying to show eachother that they had more strength and authority. 3. What event involving the two gangs begins the film? 3. The Sharks and the Jets begin to throw fists at each others members, and eventually both gangs get involved until the officers arrive. 4. Who is Riff? What is his position is his gang? Describe his personality. 4. The gang leader of the Jets, he is very protective and loyal ... Show more content on ... Who is Bernardo? What is his position is his gang? Describe his personality. 5. The gang leader of the Sharks, unapologetic Puerto Rican who is worried about his friends and family in the United the States constantly and where they stand. 6. What is the relationship between Riff and Tony? How do they feel about each other? 6. Riff and Tony are best friends; Tony believes that Riff prioritizes the Jets too much, and Riff believes that Tony doesn't have his priorities straight and needs to focus more on what he wants in life. 7. What social event does Riff want Tony to attend? Why does he want him to attend? 7. The dance;he wants Tony there to watch him as he will challenge Bernardo and the rest of the Sharks to a rumble. 8. What is the relationship between Bernardo and Maria? 8. Bernardo is in love with Maria, he is head over heels for her nothing will stop him from defending her or coming to her rescue when she needs it. 9. Who is Maria's best friend and confidant? What does she talk to her about in the first scene in the bridal shop? 9.Anita; she tells her that she is considering maybe lowering the neckline of the dress more for the special dance. 10. What is the relationship between Anita and Bernardo? How do they feel about each ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And West Side Story West Side Story is a modern interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In West Side Story, there are two gangs, the Sharks and the Jets. These two gangs represent the families that were feuding in Romeo and Juliet. The Sharks are the Capulets, and the Jets are the Montagues. Tony, who is portraying Romeo, is in the Jets gang. Maria, who represents Juliet, has a brother, Bernardo, in the the Shark's gang. Immigrating from Puerto Rico, the Sharks are not liked by the other gangs. West Side Story begins with the Jets showing their dominates over everyone. The Sharks get involved; they fight. Soon after, the Officer Krupke break up the the fight. He states that they can not fight; if they do, they will be kicked out. The banishment would be like death to them. In Romeo and Juliet, Prince Escalus broke up the fight and threatened them with their lives to stop fighting. Romeo was in love with ... Show more content on ... Riff and Bernardo fight with switchblades; Bernardo stabs Riff causing Riff's death. Out of rage, Tony fights Bernardo killing him. Devastated, Tony released what he had done. Before Tony has a chance to see Maria to apologise for the murder of her brother, Anita arrives home. Anita was similar to Juliet's nurse; but, although Anita knew of Tony, she did not approve. When Anita found out Tony murdered her man, Bernardo, she loathed Tony. His clothes torn and mangled, Tony appeared at Maria's home. He apologises and comforts Maria; they decide to run away with each other. After Tony leaves, Maria convinces Anita to tell Tony that she will go with him. Meanwhile, Tony goes to see Doc, who is similar to the Friar, for money so that he and Maria can get on a bus and go far away. Anita is terrorized by the Jets. Because of her hatred for the Jets, she lies and tells the gang Maria will not go away with Tony because she had killed herself from all of the grief Tony had inflicted on ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Lessons from Montessori Test 2 Question 1. Presentations are offered to children so that they can perform activities. How do you differentiate between activities and presentations? Presentations are: 1. Introducing the educational materials to the child, so that the child can perform and work with them in a purposeful manner while, It is said that the Activity of the child will become purposeful only when or if the materials used is for the purpose it has been created. 2. Presentations in Montessori has two forms, it can be direct presentations and indirect presentations. Direct Presentations has three types: Collective Presentations, Group Presentations and Individual Presentations. 3. Presentations are offered when the child is ... Show more content on ... There will be a positive challenge for them, that when they have successfully completed the task they will feel a sense of accomplishment and want to do it again. And children will have an enjoyable experience and love what they are learning. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1. Some actions that are done with a certain purpose. 2. Simply ways of teaching children how to do things properly. 3. In Montessori, Activities may be presented through Collectively, Group and Individual. 4. Activities perform by the adults are activities to get work done. 5. Activities done by the children are to get fun, feel his/her independence and confidence and most especially is in order to learn. 6. Activities are shown giving the child only the essential framework required for understanding, the bare minimum. By giving the bare minimum we create the opportunity for children to be at liberty to explore, hypothesis and think creatively. 7. Ihn Montessori, the activity children undertake strengthen their ability to make choices and act upon their own judgments and decisions. The activity also strengthens the child's ability to act for themselves and through the successful completion of activities self–chosen and self–corrected they develop a powerful love of learning and of life itself. ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Maria Edgeworth's The Bracelet Sparknotes In 1796 Maria Edgeworth published a series of short stories in a book entitled, The Parent Assistant where she strives to provide tales to educate eighteenth century British children and their parents. Edgeworth was a firm believer in the rational education of children and focused on rational thinking, and the equal education opportunity for women. In three of the stories within this set, she focuses on a female character. In "The Birthday Present," "Simple Susan," and "The Bracelet," Edgeworth has establishes specific morals and commentary on the education of young women. She was a firm believer in proper education for women, meaning that they had accesses to the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Through these pieces she is able ... Show more content on ... Mitzi Myers explains in "Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books," that "Woman writers used stories for mothers and children and childrearing advice manuals for parents to address broader educational and social issues with a sense of confidence in their power to effect change. Innocent–looking stories about talking animals, heroic girls, authoritative mothers, and worthy peasants served the well–born Georgian woman as a fiction of ideas" (35). We can see this thread run through each of Edgeworth's stories, as the protagonists are females who are struggling with finding themselves as an individual and still staying true to the society in which they live. Female writers were trying to not only improve the position of their sex, but also improve society. Wollstonecraft, and eventually Edgeworth, was determined to see women treated fairly, and not merely as props. Her goal, as explained in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, is perhaps the largest influence on Edgeworth's texts, but also on other female ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Compare And Contrast West Side Story And West Side Story West Side Story is the iconic American musical that is a 1957 Broadway production choreographed by Jerome Robbins. Arthur Laurents is the author of the original book with the setting taking place in the upper west side New York city in a blue–collar neighborhood during the mid–1950s. (The Broadway) Because West Side Story is a movie musical, it will be a lot of narrative conveyed through the song. The movie West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet have many similarities and differences consider their plot, their character and their setting. The major plot of the musical is about a rivalry between two different ethnic group gangs, the Sharks and Jets. The Sharks are Puerto Rican and the Jets are white. Leonard Bernstein composed the dynamic and influential music. In the mix of the conflict between the two gangs, a former member of the Jets, Tony, falls in love with the leader of the Sharks sister, Maria. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet clearly influenced this movie, and there are parallel characteristics. For instance, Romeo and Tony, Juliet and Maria, Mercutio and Riff, Tybalt and Bernardo all have similar characteristics. As for the specific film, I decided to watch the 1961 version. 2. Film Response In the opening scene with the jets, the orchestral background music painted the picture of the jets being spontaneous and unpredictable. The music especially designed their personalities well with the random loud burst of accented notes from the brass. The mood definitely changes ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. West Side Story Symbolism To begin with, the scenography mimics the aspects of Upper West Side New York during the 1950's to allow the audience to understand the setting of play. Most of the sets depict an urban setting in which the audience can clearly see that the story takes place in a well–developed city. As for the representation and perception of the stage, most sets were seen as abstract Some of the sets created entailed Doc's restaurant, The Playground, and Statue of Liberty. Furthermore, the relationship between the audience space and performers space were definitely separate: meaning the audience were strictly viewing the play while the performers were telling a story. Interestingly, the play at times had an amber lighting dispersed across the set to give off a warm tone or vibe symbolizing good feelings or nice moment. Some parts of the play were set in a dimmer background enticing that the play at times was very serious. In addition, the electronic used in IVC's West Side Story production amplified or added more symbolism to the play. The hearing of a siren suggested that the police were coming. During fight scenes, the auditory sound of a punch suggested that a someone literally got punched. When a building was lit with light and the surroundings were dark, it suggests that the current day of time was night time. During the rumble, the color red was shined specifically on Riff and Bernardo to symbolize that they were bleeding out and had died. Overall, the props in the play ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Role Of Sexuality In African American Literature Last semester's Honors English lecture was on Sexual Identities in African American Literature. However, the topics often broadened to other areas, one of the most recurring being that of female sexuality and whether literature depicted it as pure and nearly asexual or tainted and virulent. I think this topic is a pressing issue in today's culture; many states are fine–tuning abortion, rape, and gender–identification laws as I write this. I also saw much attention being paid to this topic in two of the novels we read this semester: Mary Wollstonecraft's The Wrongs of Woman, or Maria, and Mary Robinson's The Natural Daughter. However, I found the relationship between female sexuality and its relation to the concepts of sensibility or rationality ... Show more content on ... He tried many times to persuade her to stay and be financially cared for by him, but Martha refused to give any credit to the reputation that followed her everywhere; she would never pretend to be anyone but whom she actually was and therefore put her sexuality on hold. "She loved Lord Francis, but Mr. Morley was her husband" (268). Even when her sister Julia becomes Mr. Morley's mistress, Martha will not, "in the smallest instance, violate the proprieties of wedded life" (278). It is not until two events occurred that Martha was willing to allow her sexuality to become primary: one, her husband dies with full knowledge that he was wrong about Martha and had ruined her for nothing, and two, Martha learns that Lord Francis is not Fanny's deceiving father, but the child's uncle, brother to Fanny's biological mother (293–5). "As speedily as the decencies of life would permit, Lord Francis solicited and received the hand of Mrs. Morley" (296). For the character of Martha, rationality and forthrightness far outweigh the sensibility of and desire to act on her sexuality. She denies herself a relationship with the man she loves for years because of the vows she made to her husband. She would rather experience the pain of loneliness and self–denial than be left with personal guilt and shame for breaking the vows she has already been accused of having ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. West Side Story Analysis 'West Side Story' is one of the most famous musicals in Broadway history. It is a re–telling and more modern remake of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet.' The same love story is there, just a more modern take on it. The slight modern message on inequality because of skin color is what makes it so modern. It has been revived many times and mostly it's always been a success. 'West Side Story,' is watched, taught and revived worldwide and will be for many generations to come. The producers were Robert E. Griffith and Harold S. Prince; The very first production was September 26th, 1957. There were 985 performances. Arthur Laurents is the playwright for 'West Side Story.' Arthur is most known for his work in 'West Side Story,' and 'Gypsy.' He attended Cornell University and majored in English. His career started writing simple scripts for radio stations and programs. Soon Laurents got drafted into the U.S Army. While in the army, he made and wrote scripts for training films and programs for the Army. Leonard Bernstein was the composer for 'West Side Story.' Leonard Bernstein is most famous for helping compose the score for West Side Story. He learned to play piano when he was only 10. Dmitri Mitropoulos, a conductor for the Boston Symphony, was Leonard's mentor for a week. Afterwards, he had a love for music, and wanted to center his life around it. Serge Koussevitzky was also his mentor, and a father figure to Leonard. He first met Serge, when he was one of only five, that were ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Thank You Rotary for this Scholarship When I was younger and thinking about college I always pictured it as I saw it in the movies, you sleep all day and have fun all night. Know what I know now I understand the importance of college and I think of it a little differently than before. I know that I need to work hard and study hard to be able to succeed at my fullest potential in college. I have had a few experiences in my life that have helped me realize that I need to work hard to get the output which I was hoping for in the beginning. I've seen my sister diagnosed with diabetes her first week of high school, I've witnessed my dad struggling through cancer and conquering it, and I have made it through 6 month of grueling and time consuming physical therapy to make it so I could use my shoulder again. Through these experiences my perspective about hard work and perseverance has changed dramatically, and for that I am thankful. My dad was diagnosed with cancer about 5 years ago. I was in middle school so I knew enough to understand that it was a very serious and scary thing which not all people can defeat. I had a very frightening realization that he could die and I might only have a limited time left with him. When he started to receive the chemotherapy treatments I knew that I had to step up and help out. This taught me that I had to get things done and I couldn't procrastinate. He ended up defeating the cancer and coming home soon after, I'll always remember how this experience taught me to stay strong and ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. West Side Story Play Analysis West Side Story is about a conflict between two rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, which comes to a head when Tony, a former Jets member, and Maria, the sister of the leader of the Sharks, fall in love. Although the play centers around Tony and Maria, the character of Anita (played by Karli Dinardo) caught my eye since she revealed her purple dress which was different from the reds of the Sharks and blues of the Jets and I found myself drawn to her in each scene she was present in. I also found myself drawn to members of the Sharks as I understood the racism they faced from members of the Jets, Officer Krupke, and Detective Schrank. The characters of Tony and Maria were actually the characters I didn't really like as I saw them both as selfish. ... Show more content on ... I found that many of the actors in West Side Story vocals fit well with their characters such as Carly Evans soprano–like voice that seemed so innocent to the world just like Maria. The orchestra ability to match the emotions of the song or scene was very beneficial in letting the audience know of Tony and Maria's undying love for each other in "Tonight" through the use of light and upbeat notes or Anita's anger in "A Boy Like That" which uses harsher notes. The effects of the characters emotions would not have been as evident if the instrumentals they sang along too didn't match the emotions they felt. Although the play is surrounded by dark themes, there are musical numbers with a tinge of comedic value such as in "America" where Rosalia praises Puerto Rico through phrases such as "Puerto Rico, you lovely island" and Anita retorts back "Puerto Rico, you ugly island" or "Gee Officer Krupke" where the Jets are joking as to what to say to Officer Krupke ending the song with "Gee, Officer Krupke. Krup you!". In many of the musical numbers, there seems to be a kid friendly approach as profanity is nowhere to be found with the replacement of words such as "Buggin" in the Jet Songs although slurs such as "spic" and "brown boy" fill the script. Besides the musical numbers, there were also sound effects in ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Miracle of Life Contents Page Lesson Section Ideal setting for babys birth | 19,20 | 6 | 2 | Diet for a 4 year old (Winter and Summer) | | 7 | 2 | Child with feeding problems | | 7 | 2 | Teacher–parent relationship | | 8 | 2 | Involving parents in school life | | 8 | 2 | Basic psychological needs | | 9 | 2 | How teaches can provide for psychological needs | | 9 | 2 | Intergrated whole (will, mind, body and spirit) | | 9 | 2 | Three stages of obedience | | 10 | 2 | How deviations manifest themselves in children | | 10 | 2 | Mixed ages in the learning enviroment | | 11 | 2 | Five different modes ... Show more content on ... Include a table for each day detailing the nutritional value. group | servings per day | examples | grain | 6 | Rice, pasta, breads, cereals, muffins | vegetable | 3 | Cucumber, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower ,spinach | fruit | 2 | Apple, banana, strawberry, pear, grapes, melons | dairy | 2 | Milk, cheese, yoghurt, smoothie | meat | 2 | Chicken, mutton, beef, beans | Fats | 1 | Sugar, honey, butter, margarine, oil | Nutrient | benefit | | zinc | Essential for normal growth and physical developmentOptimal immune function | | | | | Essential fatty acids | Metabolic & structural functions | | iron | Essential for building healthy blood cells | | Vitamin B complex | Energy production and releaseImmune function and nervous system | | | | | Vitamin A | Normal visionHealthy skinSkeletal developmentTooth developmentBoost resistance to infection | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Vitamin C & E | Antioxidant vitaminsKeeps cells healthyBoost the immune system to help body resist infection | | | | | | | | Vitamin D | Increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorusVital for healthy bones and teeth | | | | | carbohydrates | Provides energy | | proteins | Materials for growth and repair | | fats | Materials for growth and repair | | Vitamins | Helps regulate body process | | minerals | Growth and repair and regulate body process | | BALANCED MEAL 5 ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Analysis the Tonight Ensemble from West Side Story West Side Story No 10: Tonight (Ensemble) Maria, Tony, Anita, Riff, Bernardo, Jets and Sharks In this number, all the participants talk about the eventful evening they feel is ahead, each with their own thoughts on what will happen. There are three trains of thought: 1 Riff and Bernardo – thinking (in terms of their own gangs) of the fight arranged for later that evening 2 Anita – thinking about her 'nocturnal activities' with Bernardo after the fight 3 Tony and Maria – more romantic love, idealised, though Tony has to agree with Riff, in exasperation, to be present at the fight Each group/individual states their case with their own line (Anita's is related to Riff/Bernardo but adapted) and then the different melodic lines are ... Show more content on ... The film version plays on this a little just after the Prologue where the Jets laugh as heartily as the Sharks at a joke made by Bernardo at the expense of the common enemy – the police. Bar 46 – verse 3 continuation A hemiola effect with orchestral tutti chords every three beats. The characters are getting in their excuses ("well they began it") first with a particularly childish version of the theme heard at 38 – both quickly observe that their gangs will be the ones to stop the opposition (once again in unison and with the same lyrics. Sondheim is careful to have no references to Jets or Sharks when both leaders are singing). At 50 the "Tonight" motif is heard again. At 50 slinky, glissando saxophones announce musically the arrival of the alluring Anita for her verse. This sort of sax writing has been used in innumerable films and television programmes to signify a particularly alluring or sexy (usually female) character Bar 53 – verse 4 Musically a return to verse one but Anita's snaky, swinging triplets in the vocal part make more of her suggestive nature (rather than the rather direct and unsubtle quavers of Riff and Bernardo) Bar 68 – verse 4 Anita's "Tonight" motif overlaps with Tony's "tonight" on the anacrusis. Again there is a change to A major as Tony sings ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She did this by allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through action rather than repetition. Montessori had five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, auto–education, and the teacher's role. In this paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly and how a well prepared environment can positively affect each student in the 3–6 classroom. I will, in reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill–prepared classroom. Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child's life when the child is absorbed with one characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others (Lillard, 1972, p.33). These sensitive periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue, the development of walking, a fascination with minute and detailed objects, and a time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972, p.33). The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for order which begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine are important in a newborn's day; consistency is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and routine in a newborns day gives them the knowledge that their caretakers are able to be relied on. They know they'll get fed and changed when need be, they'll be put to bed when they're tired and even get to see new faces routinely (ie. Babysitters, grandparents, ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. The West Side Story Musical Analysis The musical, the west side story, is by Arthur Laurents. This musical was inspired by William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Some of the songs in this musical are Jet Song, Something's coming, and A Dance at the Gym. This story is set in an Upper West Side neighborhood in New York city. It was also set in the mid 1950s. This musical is about two teenage gangs. One of the gangs is a white American gang, the jets, led by Riff and the other gang is a Puerto Rican gang, the sharks, led by Bernardo. These two gangs often get in fights and do not like each other. The jets planned a fight at a dance with the sharks. They ask Tony, the co–founder of the gang, friend of Riff, and previous gang member, to come. At first Tony did not want to go, ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Sensitive Period and Absorbent Mind What is sensitive period and the environment required for sensitive period At birth the child 's physical development is more or less complete while psychologically it is still in the embryonic state. For this reason Dr. Maria Montessori called that the human being is still a "spiritual embryo" when it is born. "Man seems to have two embryonic periods, one is prenatal like that of the animals; the other is postnatal and only man has this." –The Absorbent Mind, p55, Chapter 7. "A child possesses an active psychic life even when he cannot manifest it, and must secretly perfect this inner live over a long period of time, it is the spirit of the child that can determine the course of human progress and lead it perhaps even to a ... Show more content on ... During the first phase, from birth to three years old, the young child unknowingly or unconsciously acquires his basic abilities. She called it the period of unconscious creation or the unconscious absorbent mind. The child 's work during this period is to become independent from the adult for his basic human functions. Mneme is a supreme type of memory, which unconsciously stores impressions, which then become part of the child's personality. Once these basic skills are incorporated into his schema, by about three years old, he moves into the next phase of the absorbent mind, which Montessori called the period of conscious work or the conscious absorbent mind. During this period, the child 's mathematical mind compels him to perfect in himself that which is now there. His fundamental task during this phase is freedom; freedom to move purposefully, freedom to choose and freedom to concentrate. His mantra is "Let Me Do It Myself!" Sensitive periods: A child passes through special times in his life when he easily incorporates a particular ability into his schema if allowed to practice it exhaustively during this time. She referred to it as, "Sensitive Periods" a passing impulse or potency. These sensitive periods are critical to the child 's self development. He unconsciously knows that the time to learn a specific skill is now. The child 's intensity reflects his need for that particular acquisition in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Castle Rackrent Essay Maria Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent is a satirical novel blaming the Irish people and the English Landlords for the plight of the Irish poor. She illustrates the comical ways of the drunks, and the way they act towards the Landlords. The Landlords on the other hand are careless men and women that control the towns. One example of Edgeworth's use of satire in Castle Rackrent involves the landlords and their lack of leadership abilities. Another example of satire in Castle Rackrent is Jason's inherent leadership abilities as an Irishman. Finally, another obvious use of satire is the language that is used by Maria Edgeworth. Castle Rackrent is a brillant piece of satire because Edgeworth ridicules the Irishman and their irresponsible English ... Show more content on ... Another example of Edgeworth's satirizing English landlords is less obvious through Sir Murtaugh, who is a lawyer, and spends all of his money on his lawsuit which in the long run caused him to be in debt. Murtaugh also had no leadership amoung the landlords. Furthermore, Lady Skin Flint takes from the tenants, Thady says "Her table the same way, kept for the next to nothing, duty fowls, and duty turkies, and duty geese, came as fast as we could eat 'em, for my lady kept a sharp look out, and knew to a tub of butter everything the tenants had, all round." When Sir Murtaugh died, "but they were a set of poor wretches, and we had nothing but misfortunes with them, always breaking and running away. This, Sir Murtaugh and my lady said, was all their former landlord Sir Patrick's fault, who let 'em all get the half year's rent into arrear, there was something in that, to be sure." Edgeworth is also satirizing the English landlords through Murtaugh because Sir Murtaugh only takes from the tenants, which increase the desperate situation of the Irish people. Sir Kit's story is a satire because Edgeworth ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman By Mary... Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is a perfect example of the advocacy of women's equality of conformist feminism. This is important in the progress of many of her works. Her work examined the mixing process in the downgrading of women. Wollstonecraft detected that the social standards, morals, rules and traditional practices commanded and suggested detailed methods on how a woman should act. Women who don't conform to these standards result in them being called freaks or witches. This is often known in Wollstonecraft's incomplete novel, Maria, or the wrongs of woman, where the main character is a woman who is imprisoned for trying to leave from her unfortunate marriage. She wasn't able to excuse her husband's wicked actions, and did not agree on her title as his possession. Maria tries to leave to Italy with her infant to have a new life. But, she is taken and is put into an insane asylum and her baby girl is taken from her, and we learn later on in the novel that the baby does die. While at the asylum, she shares her life experiences with another patient, Henry Darnford, and her caretaker Jemima; who is of the lower class. After Maria leaves the asylum, she composes a text that was read in a court house stating her accusing Henry of infidelity and seduction. But, the judge reigned contrary to her wishes, because she is a woman. I argue that upon reading Wollstonecraft's A Vindication to the Rights of Woman provided a feminist lens to read Maria, ... Get more on ...