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Exploring the Design Space for Situated Glyphs to
              Support Dynamic Work Environments
Fahim Kawsar1,2, Jo Vermeulen3, Kevin Smith2, Kris Luyten3, Gerd Kortuem2
                      1Bell Labs, 2Lancaster University, 3Hasselt University
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            Medical Professionals deal with large amounts of dynamic data.
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                 ‣ Encoding patient information visually?*)$"#*0'*,"#'54%@"$'0@122'*"1@0'45';'A'B'$"0/C#"%0'*,1*'C1*,"%"$'122'45'*,"'/#$/D/$)12'/+4#0'
                                                                                        for quick understandability.
                                             (-* #3$* :$5'2&)* '"-(%:&#'("* 646#$:* #3&#* D$* 5$E$)(8$5*
 $* D&6* $E&),&#$5* &"5* &"&)4F$5* >4*       &6*-'"&)*8%(#(#48$C*13$*646#$:*)&"/,&/$*D&6*(%'/'"&))4*
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                 ‣ Combining
  $G8$%#6C* NO6* 8%$8&%$5* &* )'6#* (-* icons to represent complex medical concepts with quick readability
                                           !                                          K/C)%"'B'
      Medical Information System with Iconic User Interfaces
                                           !                                            The Visualisation of Medical Concepts
                                                                                      Visualization System
      (Salman et al., 2010)                !                                            (Zender et al., 2007)
                                           !                                          U'

                   $%012*#3"*IQ&#'$"#*J'6#(%4K*MN!*(-*#3$*-'"&)*8%(5,2#*                              U'
                                             *                                                        '

                                 Visual Language for Medical Concepts                                 /4+,"@/+12'HFW"+*'/+4#0&'$"0/C#"%0'2"D"%1C"$'*,"'0E0*"@1*/+'7%47"#0/*/"0'45'0+/"#*/0*0'FE'$"0/C#/#C'
4. Verbal concepts are linked with the VLsys’s visual
example of the VLsys                                                                                                                   representation. The verbal concept identifier appears
Display with text                                                                                                                      on roll-over, like a software ‘tool tip.’
explanation.                                                                                                                                                                     An Iconic Language for the Graphical
                                                                                                                                       5. The VLsys presents all concepts in an interactive
  Visual Language System for representing Medical                                                                                      display (see Cell 3-4).

                                                                                                                                                                                 Representation of Medical Concepts (Lamy et
  Concepts (Zender et al., 2010)                                                                                                                                                !"#$"%&'()*$+,-./0)1'(2$),&$3%('2'.,$")4',5!"##$%!!&'(                           )**+&,,---./01234536*789.512,':;"<(=:;,$,'(

                                                                                                                                                                                 al., 2008)
                                                                                                                                                        Display example from a
                                                                                                                                                        preliminary VLsys
                                                                                                                                                        Icons (in circles) represent concepts
                                                                                                                                                        in neuronal plasticity / Alzheimer’s
                                                                                                                                                        Disease, organized by ontological
                                                                                                                                                        structure with the most frequent
                                                                                                                                                        concepts larger, the less frequent
                                                                                                                                                        smaller. Connecting the icons are
                                                                                                                                                        line glyphs, which animate on roll-
                                                                                                                                                        over, representing semantic
                                                                                                                                                        relations: regulate, modulate,
                                                                                                                                                        produce, etc..
                                                                                                                                                        Each icon pair may represent one
Visual Language System for Representing Medical Concepts                                                       6/11/10 4                                or scores of papers or data sets.
                                                                                                                                                        Clicking an icon pair brings up a
           A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to a sudden, disorderly, and window (not shown here) with all
           excessive neuronal discharge.                                                                                                                the related papers (or other data
           MeSH tree number C10.228.140.490                                                                                                             sources), with links to sources.
In this definition we identified the three key terms as:                                                                                                                        !"#$"%&'()*$+,-./0)1'(2$),&$3%('2'.,$")4',5!"##$%!!&'(
                                                                                                                                                        Using a fisheye views approach,
                                                                                                                                                        successive levels of interaction
           neuronal                                                                                                                                     reveal more concepts related to
                                                                                                                                                        visualized ones.
           (electrical) discharges [seizures].                                                                                                          In a pilot study, this display was
From this breakdown we created individual icons for head, nervous system, electrical discharge and repetition (see Figure 4).                           understood both faster and more
We can machine assembled these icons into an epilepsy icon. Modular machine assembly is important because it enables a accurately than a word-based
limited number of icons and glyphs to be combined in software to represent a large number of concepts (see Figure 4).                                   display (Telemakus). For
                                                                                                                                                        identification tasks requiring
                                                                                                                                                                                  Figure 1
                                                                                                                                                        reasoning or associationExamples of VCM icons created by combining central pictograms, external shapes, colors and top-right pictograms
Figure 4. Modular icon construction. Reading left to right, a human head icon is combined with a circle glyph, which is combined with a brain + brain stem                         the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             VCM icon
                                                                                                                                                                                  Examples of VCM icons created by combining central pictograms, external shapes, colors and top-right picto-
icon to make nervous system, which is combined with an electric glyph to make seizure, which is combined with a repetition glyph (arrows) to construct aggregate mean time for this
Epilepsy (repeating seizures).                                                                                                                                                    grams. Simple physiological or pathological states are represented by combining a color that indicates the moment at which
                                                                                                                                                        display was 18% faster than the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Drug mo
                                                                                                                                                                                  the patient state occurs, a shape that distinguishes pathological (square) and physiological (circle) states, and a central picto-
                                                                                                                                                        word-based display, andgram. These icons can be reused for building drug and test icons.
                                                                                                                                                        identification of related concepts,                                                                                                                                  ties of th
                                                                                                                                                        the mean time for this display was
                                                                                                                                                        twice as fast as the word-based
                                                                                                                                                                                  Both methods can be combined in the same icon, e.g. the             The external shape is brown for antecedents, red for cur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ning. Th
                                                                                                                                                        display.                  square with the downward arrow combined with the heart
                                                                                                                                                                                with an ECG signal indicates bradycardia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      rent states and orange for risks. Risks play an important
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   role in the expression of adverse effects of drugs (see icons             square a
       difficult to represent: the disease epilepsy for example. Moreover, in a language as rich, complex and numerous as medicine it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (a), (b) and (d) on Figure 1).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   VCM icons for drugs
       is not practical to develop a custom-designed icon for every term. Our strategy to overcome this is to develop a modular icon                                                                                                               VCM represents the therapeutic classes of drugs using the                 dose). T
Moreover, we foundiconaprimitives that epilepsy is often broken software to represent complex concepts. Through evaluation we found that
       system of that concept such as can be combined in down into several classifications along well-defined lines.                                                                                                                               icon of the disease they are indicated for (as given by the
For example, the MeSH description for epilepsy indicates that: words that, when analyzed, can be broken into individual representational
       medical definitions often consist of several key                                                                                                                                                                                            ATC Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical drug classifica-                    ifiers to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tion [43]). A green top-right pictogram is added to the dis-
       icons. For example, systems are generally based MeSH as:
        Epilepsy classification epilepsy is described in upon:
          (1) clinical features of the seizure episodes (e.g., motor seizure),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ease icon to obtain the drug icon (see Figure 4). The top-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   right pictogram is a cross if the route of administration is
          (2) etiology (e.g., post-traumatic),                                                                                                                                                                                                     not specified, or a tablet, a syringe or a pomade tube to                 means d
   ‣                Used effectively for visualising a patient’s situation, providing instructions,
          (3) anatomic site of seizure origin (e.g., frontal lobe seizure),
          (4) tendency to spread to other structures in the brain, and
          (5) temporal patterns (e.g., nocturnal epilepsy).
                                                                                                                                                                                Figure 2
                                                                                                                                                                                Examples of VCM disease or sign icons
                                                                                                                                                                                Examples of VCM disease or sign icons. Icon (a) simply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   indicate drugs with an oral, injectable or topical adminis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tration route, respectively.

                    offering task support.
                                                                                                                                                                                indicates the anatomical and functional location of the dis-
          (MeSH tree C10.228.140.490 continued)                                                                                                                                 ease. Icon (b) provides additional information about the gen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   VCM icons for tests
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In drug monographs, tests are mostly mentioned for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Building s
This structure offers five categories along which icon representations can be developed. Figure 5 shows an example of a                                                         eral pathological mechanism, using a shape modifier, and icon
partial iconic representation of various types of epilepsy based on these categories.
                                                                                                                                                                                (c) provides additional information about the function
                                                                                                                                                                                involved, by modifying the central pictogram. Icon (d) com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   follow-up of potential adverse effects of drugs. Thus, VCM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   represents a test using the icon of the risk it can follow up.            One or m
Figure 5. Pilot epilepsy vocabulary. The ‘root’ epilepsy icon is modified by icon primitives to represent five forms of epilepsy, from left to right:                           bines both the shape modifier and the pictogram modifica-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A blue top-right pictogram is added to the risk icon to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   obtain the test icon. The top-right pictogram is a stetho-                ical elem
generalized, temporal lobe, absence, tonic-clonic, and myoclonic, plus a related concept: infantile spasms.

                    All are used in Desktop Environment, primarily used as a communication                                                                                                                                                         scope, a test tube, a ray or a signal, for clinical tests, bio-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ing cont
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             or adver
                    medium for informed discussion across medical experts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               >8?3!(!1@!'"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ture. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (e.g. the

                                          Visual Language for Medical Concepts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to three
Using this approach, iconic ‘words’ form basic vocabularies from which numerous specific icons can be assembled. These
repeated icons form icon families, which forms a context on which many specific vocabularies can be constructed: a disease                                                      Figure 3
                                                                                                                                                                                Examples of VCM disease icons using various shape modifiers                                                                                  in the se
vocabulary, a protein/gene vocabulary, a study or trial vocabulary, etc..
         Images clustered together in a shared space or context, such as a circle or square containing shape, are interpreted                                                   Examples of VCM disease icons using various shape                                                                                            avoid (e
together. (Arnheim, 1969, p. 55 ff.) By controlling image hierarchy and/or reading sequence the VLsys can cause some images
to be read as primary and others as secondary. By altering the visual form of the images in the reading sequence or hierarchy,                                                  modifiers. In icon (a) a pathological agent entering in the                                                                                  is empty
the reader can be stimulated to understand one icon as the primary concept and another image as a supporting or modifying                                                       square from the left represents the etiology, in (b) the cell in                                                                             the drug
‣   Focuses primarily on co-ordination, and supporting collaborative discussion,
    planning, (and supporting nomadic activities to some extent) across medical
    professionals and patients.

      ‣    does not address information presentation modality - visualisation aspects.

      ‣    Mostly confined to one space.                                                               Ecological Validity and Pervasiveness                                              421

                                              Downloaded By: [Favela, Jesus] At: 03:53 20 April 2010
          (Bardram et al. 2006, 2009, 2010)                                                                                (Favela et al., 2010)
                                                                                                         FIGURE 3 The CHIS system (a): The user uses the handheld to learn of the
                                                                                                         availability and location of colleagues and services (b) and to send context-aware
                                                                                                         messages (c).

                                                                                                       information and services according to user context. For instance, when a physi-
                                                                                                       cian carrying a PDA approaches a patient, the system can automatically display
                                                                                                       that patient’s clinical record.
                                                                                                           A second version of CHIS integrates public displays that personalize the infor-
                                                                                                       mation shown to the user and offer opportunistic access to clinical information
                                                                                                       (Favela et al., 2004). For instance, if a physician approaches a public display, it
                                                                                                       detects her presence and personalizes the system, highlighting in the floor map
                                                                                                       recent additions to clinical records of her patients, messages and services most
                                                                                                       relevant to her current work activities (Figure 3a). Information from the mobile
                                                                                                       device can also be seamlessly moved to the public display and vice versa. For
                                                                                                       instance, a physician can drag a window in the display over her picture to transfer
                                                                                                       the information contained in it to her PDA.
                                                                                                           A third and final version of CHIS incorporates mechanisms that let users
                                                                                                       manage their privacy based on contextual information (Tentori et al., 2006). For
                                                                                                       instance, a physician can configure the floor map to show only the area where he
                                                                                                       is located and his role instead of his precise location and name.
                                                                                                           There is a significant complexity in evaluating such a system in situ. On one

                (Scupelli et al., 2010)                                                                                        (Wilcox et al., 2010)
                                                                                                       hand, the system needs to be integrated with the Hospital Information System
                                                                                                       and an Electronic Patient Record. In addition, the reliability of the location estima-
                                                                                                       tion component must be assured (Castro & Favela, 2008). Thus, we opted for an
                                                                                                       approach in which some of these components can be simulated, in order to reduce
                                                                                                       the cost and the complexity of the evaluation.

                                              Situated Displays in Health Care
Nurse can provide
                        saline to patient one
                        or three.
                                      Saline                       Nurse can support patient
                                    Machine        UD              two with regular morning
                   Patient One          PO                           PO
                                                                            Patient Two

                   UD: Use Device
                   PO : Perform On

(Zender et al., 2006, Bardram et al., 2006, 2008. Favela et al., 2010)                           Act
Research Goal
Activity-aware tiny displays distributed across the environment providing task information

Situated Glyphs
‣   Adaptive and multivariate graphical units that provide in­situ task

‣   Visual representations of human activities that are integrated in the
    environment and linked to physical entities - like objects and people -
    and are adaptive and mobile.

‣   Situated Glyphs can be realised by micro display networks.

                                               Situated Glyphs
Information Affinity                How
                                      Representation Fidelity
             When                  Spatial Distribution
    Temporal Distribution

        Design Space

                                          Situated Glyphs
‣   Followed Nurses to understand their daily routine, information needs, and
          current work practices (semi structured Interview)

            ‣    20-22 beds distributed over 10 rooms in 4 areas.

            ‣    1 Head Nurse, 8-10 Nurses, 4-5 at duty all the time

            ‣    Typical Stay Time for Patients : 3 weeks

Formative Study at the Department of Geriatric Psychiatry of the District Hospital
Mainkofen, Germany supporting elderly patients suffering from dementia.

                                                            Formative Study
Activity Pattern
A:   do x               x : action
A:   do x with y        y : device / object
                        z : patient
A:   do x to z
A:   do x with y to z

                                Insight -1
                  Objects (Optional)

                                              Activity Pattern
Activity Pattern
A:   do x               x : action
A:   do x with y        y : device / object
                        z : patient
A:   do x to z
A:   do x with y to z

                  Objects (Optional)

                                              Activity Pattern
     Information Affinity                How
                                           Representation Fidelity
                  When                  Spatial Distribution
         Temporal Distribution

     Information Affinity
What to Present in Glyphs (and to Whom)
Identity          Confirmation

                                      Information     Instructions
                          Explanation   Affinity

‣   Identity and Relationship - Which equipment to use with Whom.

                             Insight - 2
‣   Status - Current operation status (ok, faulty) for equipment, last checkup time for
    patients, etc.

‣   Instructions - Guideline to perform a complex operation in sensitive areas, e.g.
    Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit etc.

‣   Confirmation - Feedback of task completion, and recorded.

‣   Explanation - Why the equipment is not working

‣   Trends : Equipment status history, patient medication record, etc.

                                                           Information Types
Identity          Confirmation

                                      Information     Instructions
                          Explanation   Affinity

‣   Identity and Relationship - Which equipment to use with Whom.

‣   Status - Current operation status (ok, faulty) for equipment, last checkup time for
    patients, etc.

‣   Instructions - Guideline to perform a complex operation in sensitive areas, e.g.
    Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit etc.

‣   Confirmation - Feedback of task completion, and recorded.

‣   Explanation - Why the equipment is not working

‣   Trends : Equipment status history, patient medication record, etc.

                                                           Information Types
 Information Affinity                How
                                       Representation Fidelity
              When                  Spatial Distribution
     Temporal Distribution

Representation Fidelity
       How to Present Glyphs
‣ Symbolic | Iconic | Indexical (Semiotics Signs)

                Symbolic Signs                           Iconic Signs (Static | Animated)

          Symbolic Colour Coded Signs               Iconic Signs (Static | Animated)

                (a) Symbolic                                   (b) Iconic

           Direct Images          Direct Images with Text       Colour Coded Text and Number

                                         (c) Indexical

                                        Learning from Semiotics
Representation Fidelity
                                         Symbolic                Iconic             Indexical
                                           (abstract)           (metaphoric)           (direct)

                        Identity &           Yes                   Yes                  Yes
                       Relationship                                              (With Colour, Text
                                        (With Colour)      (With Multiple Icons)
Information Affinity

                                                                                   and Number)
                                             Yes                   Yes                  Yes
                                        (With Colour)

                                           Insight - 3
                                                                   Yes                  Yes

                       Confirmation                                Yes                  Yes
                                      (With Colour Code)

                       Explanation           No                    No                   Yes

                          Trends             No                    Yes                  Yes
                                                            (With Animation)

                                        Information Vs Fidelity                        [with Semiotics]
Representation Fidelity
                                         Symbolic                Iconic             Indexical
                                           (abstract)           (metaphoric)           (direct)

                        Identity &           Yes                   Yes                  Yes
                       Relationship                                              (With Colour, Text
                                        (With Colour)      (With Multiple Icons)
Information Affinity

                                                                                   and Number)
                                             Yes                   Yes                  Yes
                                        (With Colour)

                        Instruction          No                    Yes                  Yes
                       Confirmation                                Yes                  Yes
                                      (With Colour Code)

                       Explanation           No                    No                   Yes

                          Trends             No                    Yes                  Yes
                                                            (With Animation)

                                        Information Vs Fidelity                        [with Semiotics]
Colour Representing
 ‣ Situated Glyphs are represented              (b)
    with colour, text, number and                     measure                 Entity and Relationship
    arrows.                                                                    Instruction | Explanation
                                                      pressure                 Confirmation | Trends
 ‣ Identity and relationship are
    managed by a simple colour code                                           Entity A Identity
    system (e.g. Nurse A is only allowed
    to interact with patients and                      19            3        Entity B Identity
    equipments marked with a given                                             Status
    colour code).

 ‣ Glyphs are initially abstract, on
    approaching an entity more detail is (a)    (c)
                                                                             Missing / Faulty

Represents “red” coded nurse’s activity of measuring blood pressure with a “red” coded patient numbered
“3”, using a “red” coded blood monitoring device numbered “19” which is working fine.

                      Colour + Number + Text + Symbol

                                                                      Example Glyphs
Alternative Glyph Design
Text Snippet + Symbolic + Temporal Stream

                        Design Alternatives
Iconic + Abstract + Temporal Stream

                   Design Alternatives
Information Affinity                How
                                      Representation Fidelity
             When                  Spatial Distribution
    Temporal Distribution

Spatial Distribution
    Where to Present Glyphs
Eppler et al. 2004, Muller et al. 2009, Pousman et al. 2006


       Fragmentation of Attention

                                                 Fine Grained

                                       Information Capacity

Fragmentation of Attention vs Information Capacity
Entity Centric
Glyph is placed at each entity, e.g.,
                 patient, equipment

                                Activity Centric
                    Glyph is placed at the location of the

                                          Insight - 4
                              activity, e.g.,patient’s bed.

                                                     Co-Location Centric
                                                    Glyph is placed at the glance-able
                                                              space, e.g., nearby wall

                                                                      Design Alternatives
Entity Centric
Glyph is placed at each entity, e.g.,
                 patient, equipment

                                Activity Centric
                    Glyph is placed at the location of the
                              activity, e.g.,patient’s bed.

                                                     Co-Location Centric
                                                    Glyph is placed at the glance-able
                                                              space, e.g., nearby wall

                                                                      Design Alternatives
 Information Affinity                How
                                       Representation Fidelity
              When                  Spatial Distribution
     Temporal Distribution

Temporal Distribution
     When to Present Glyphs
Temporal Distribution

                                       Before    During   After

                       Relationship     Yes       Yes      Yes
Information Affinity

                       Status           Yes        -        -

                                                Insight - 5
                       Instruction      Yes       Yes       -

                       Confirmation      -         -       Yes

                       Explanation       -        Yes       -

                       Trends           Yes        -        -

                                                          Information Vs Timing
Temporal Distribution

                                       Before   During   After

                       Relationship     Yes      Yes      Yes
Information Affinity

                       Status           Yes       -        -
                       Instruction      Yes      Yes       -

                       Confirmation      -        -       Yes

                       Explanation       -       Yes       -

                       Trends           Yes       -        -

                                                         Information Vs Timing
iPod Touch with Custom Shield

                               51 mm x 30 mm
                               Jennic JN5139 Micro Controllers
                               OELD-160-G1 Displays (160x128 Pixels)
                               Contiki Operating System
                               TCP/IP Suite on top of ZigBee

with TeCO
Visit us at the Demo Session

                               Hardware Prototype
Kawsar & Kortuem, "Supporting Interaction with the Internet of Things across
       Objects, Time and Space" Internet of Things 2010 Conference (IoT-2010)

RESTful Software Infrastructure
Follow-up Studies
Temporal Distribution
                  Control Mediation

Study 1 - @ Mainkofen Hospital with Nurses
Spatial Distribution

Study 2 - @ Controlled Lab Settings
‣   Situated Glyphs as visual representations of human activities to
    provide in-situ task support information.

‣   Activity patterns expressed in action-object pairs for a hospital ward
    dedicated to dementia patients.

‣   A design space analysis for situated glyphs

       ‣   Information Affinity - Type of Information Need
       ‣   Representation Fidelity - Semiotics Signs Mapping
       ‣   Spatial Distribution - 3 Design Alternatives
       ‣   Temporal Distribution

‣   A prototype wearable display for situated glyphs - as building blocks
    for miniature display network.

                                                    Take Away Points



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Pervasive 2011 Talk on Situated Glyphs

  • 1. Exploring the Design Space for Situated Glyphs to Support Dynamic Work Environments Fahim Kawsar1,2, Jo Vermeulen3, Kevin Smith2, Kris Luyten3, Gerd Kortuem2 1Bell Labs, 2Lancaster University, 3Hasselt University
  • 3. #3$*MN!6*D&6*5$E$)(8$5*&6*#3$*-'"&)* 6#'"/* '"6#%,:$"#6* D$%$* ,6$5* D3')$* >(G$6* D$%$* 5$2%$&6$5* '"* $&23* -(%:C* .$#&')$5* #$:* 6,23* &6* #3$* 8%'"#$5* -(%:6C* 13$* 5$62%'8#'("* &"5* 6,//$6#'("6* -(%* $%%(%* 3&"5)'"/* D$%$* $%$*‣5$6'/"$5* -(%* >(#3* /&#3$%'"/* Medical Professionals deal with large amounts of dynamic data. 6,88)'$5*-(%*#3$*,6$%6*-(%*%$5,2'"/*#3$*8(#$"#'&)*$%%(%6C* 346'2'&"6* &"5* ",%6$6* D'#3(,#* &"4* 7"*$&64*#(*,6$*IJ$)8K*:$",*D&6*8%(E'5$5*#(*#3$*,6$%6* !"#$"%&'(%)*+,"%'-'. /0)12/31*/4#'45'6"$/+12'(4#+"7*0' . 89:;9<=' ><' ' 2#'("6* &"5* :(#'E&#'("6* (-* #3$* ,6$%6* D'#3*&*6':8)$*&22$66C*@'/,%$*U*63(D6*#3$*6$)$2#$5*MN!6* ‣ Encoding patient information visually?*)$"#*0'*,"#'54%@"$'0@122'*"1@0'45';'A'B'$"0/C#"%0'*,1*'C1*,"%"$'122'45'*,"'/#$/D/$)12'/+4#0' "6'5$%&#'("*("*#3$*646#$:C** for quick understandability. (-* #3$* :$5'2&)* '"-(%:&#'("* 646#$:* #3&#* D$* 5$E$)(8$5* *4C"*,"%'*,"#&'10'1'*"1@&'+4#+"/D"$'1#$'$"0/C#"$'*,"'/#$/D/$)12'/+4#0'/#*4'1'0E0*"@'FE'+4#+"/D/#C' $* D&6* $E&),&#$5* &"5* &"&)4F$5* >4* &6*-'"&)*8%(#(#48$C*13$*646#$:*)&"/,&/$*D&6*(%'/'"&))4* 1#$'$"0/C#/#C'1'C2E7,'0E0*"@'*4'4%C1#/3"'1#$'+1*"C4%/3"'*,"'/#$/D/$)12'/+4#0'/#*4'1'+4,"%"#*'0E0*"@' 1,%H'63*>,#*D&6*#%&"6)&#$5*#(*O"/)'63C* $"0+%/F"$'1F4D"G'H#"'0)+,'0E0*"@&'0,4I#'F"24I'JK/C)%"'BL&'I10'$"0/C#"$'FE'0*)$"#*0'?"1#' ‣ Combining $G8$%#6C* NO6* 8%$8&%$5* &* )'6#* (-* icons to represent complex medical concepts with quick readability M%"0"#0&'N1D/$'O%4#"%&'P421#'?*4D"%'1#$'Q)R"'S44$0G'' $%*8$%-(%:'"/*D'#3*#3$*&88)'2&#'("*'"* ' ! K/C)%"'B' Medical Information System with Iconic User Interfaces ! The Visualisation of Medical Concepts Visualization System (Salman et al., 2010) ! (Zender et al., 2007) ?*)$"#*'$"0/C#"%0T'?"1#'M%"0"#0&'N1D/$'O%4#"%&'P421#'?*4D"%'1#$'Q)R"'S44$0' ! U' ! $%012*#3"*IQ&#'$"#*J'6#(%4K*MN!*(-*#3$*-'"&)*8%(5,2#* U' * ' V1#C/F2"'HFW"+*0' X0',10'F""#'#4*"$'7%"D/4)02E&'/+4#0',1D"'F""#'7%4D"#'"55"+*/D"'1*'%"7%"0"#*/#C'*1#C/F2"'4FW"+*0&'*,"' 21#C)1C"'"Y)/D12"#*'45'#4)#0'J!"#$"%&':<<ZLG'[#'*,"'$"D"247@"#*'45'*,"'%"Y)/0/*"'/424C/+12'4%' Visual Language for Medical Concepts /4+,"@/+12'HFW"+*'/+4#0&'$"0/C#"%0'2"D"%1C"$'*,"'0E0*"@1*/+'7%47"#0/*/"0'45'0+/"#*/0*0'FE'$"0/C#/#C' 51@/2/"0'45'*1#C/F2"'4FW"+*'/+4#0G'[+4#'51@/2/"0'@/@/+'*,"'71%"#*9+,/2$'0*%)+*)%"'45'*,"']6Q?'1#$'FE' $4/#C'04'+%"1*"$'/+4#0'I/*,'1'^7%4_/@1*"'+4#*"_*`'*,1*'"#1F2"0'4#"'/+4#`0'@"1#/#C&'*,"'71%"#*&'*4' 143
  • 4. 4. Verbal concepts are linked with the VLsys’s visual example of the VLsys representation. The verbal concept identifier appears Display with text on roll-over, like a software ‘tool tip.’ explanation. An Iconic Language for the Graphical 5. The VLsys presents all concepts in an interactive Visual Language System for representing Medical display (see Cell 3-4). Representation of Medical Concepts (Lamy et Concepts (Zender et al., 2010) !"#$"%&'()*$+,-./0)1'(2$),&$3%('2'.,$")4',5!"##$%!!&'( )**+&,,---./01234536*789.512,':;"<(=:;,$,'( al., 2008) Display example from a preliminary VLsys Icons (in circles) represent concepts in neuronal plasticity / Alzheimer’s Disease, organized by ontological structure with the most frequent concepts larger, the less frequent smaller. Connecting the icons are line glyphs, which animate on roll- over, representing semantic relations: regulate, modulate, produce, etc.. Each icon pair may represent one Visual Language System for Representing Medical Concepts 6/11/10 4 or scores of papers or data sets. Clicking an icon pair brings up a A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to a sudden, disorderly, and window (not shown here) with all excessive neuronal discharge. the related papers (or other data MeSH tree number C10.228.140.490 sources), with links to sources. In this definition we identified the three key terms as: !"#$"%&'()*$+,-./0)1'(2$),&$3%('2'.,$")4',5!"##$%!!&'( Using a fisheye views approach, successive levels of interaction repeated neuronal reveal more concepts related to visualized ones. (electrical) discharges [seizures]. In a pilot study, this display was From this breakdown we created individual icons for head, nervous system, electrical discharge and repetition (see Figure 4). understood both faster and more We can machine assembled these icons into an epilepsy icon. Modular machine assembly is important because it enables a accurately than a word-based limited number of icons and glyphs to be combined in software to represent a large number of concepts (see Figure 4). display (Telemakus). For identification tasks requiring Figure 1 reasoning or associationExamples of VCM icons created by combining central pictograms, external shapes, colors and top-right pictograms Figure 4. Modular icon construction. Reading left to right, a human head icon is combined with a circle glyph, which is combined with a brain + brain stem the VCM icon Examples of VCM icons created by combining central pictograms, external shapes, colors and top-right picto- icon to make nervous system, which is combined with an electric glyph to make seizure, which is combined with a repetition glyph (arrows) to construct aggregate mean time for this Epilepsy (repeating seizures). grams. Simple physiological or pathological states are represented by combining a color that indicates the moment at which display was 18% faster than the Drug mo the patient state occurs, a shape that distinguishes pathological (square) and physiological (circle) states, and a central picto- word-based display, andgram. These icons can be reused for building drug and test icons. for identification of related concepts, ties of th the mean time for this display was twice as fast as the word-based Both methods can be combined in the same icon, e.g. the The external shape is brown for antecedents, red for cur- ning. Th display. square with the downward arrow combined with the heart with an ECG signal indicates bradycardia. rent states and orange for risks. Risks play an important role in the expression of adverse effects of drugs (see icons square a difficult to represent: the disease epilepsy for example. Moreover, in a language as rich, complex and numerous as medicine it (a), (b) and (d) on Figure 1). indicate VCM icons for drugs is not practical to develop a custom-designed icon for every term. Our strategy to overcome this is to develop a modular icon VCM represents the therapeutic classes of drugs using the dose). T Moreover, we foundiconaprimitives that epilepsy is often broken software to represent complex concepts. Through evaluation we found that system of that concept such as can be combined in down into several classifications along well-defined lines. icon of the disease they are indicated for (as given by the For example, the MeSH description for epilepsy indicates that: words that, when analyzed, can be broken into individual representational medical definitions often consist of several key ATC Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical drug classifica- ifiers to tion [43]). A green top-right pictogram is added to the dis- icons. For example, systems are generally based MeSH as: Epilepsy classification epilepsy is described in upon: (1) clinical features of the seizure episodes (e.g., motor seizure), ease icon to obtain the drug icon (see Figure 4). The top- right pictogram is a cross if the route of administration is property (2) etiology (e.g., post-traumatic), not specified, or a tablet, a syringe or a pomade tube to means d ‣ Used effectively for visualising a patient’s situation, providing instructions, (3) anatomic site of seizure origin (e.g., frontal lobe seizure), (4) tendency to spread to other structures in the brain, and (5) temporal patterns (e.g., nocturnal epilepsy). Figure 2 Examples of VCM disease or sign icons Examples of VCM disease or sign icons. Icon (a) simply indicate drugs with an oral, injectable or topical adminis- tration route, respectively. offering task support. indicates the anatomical and functional location of the dis- (MeSH tree C10.228.140.490 continued) ease. Icon (b) provides additional information about the gen- VCM icons for tests In drug monographs, tests are mostly mentioned for the Building s This structure offers five categories along which icon representations can be developed. Figure 5 shows an example of a eral pathological mechanism, using a shape modifier, and icon partial iconic representation of various types of epilepsy based on these categories. (c) provides additional information about the function involved, by modifying the central pictogram. Icon (d) com- follow-up of potential adverse effects of drugs. Thus, VCM represents a test using the icon of the risk it can follow up. One or m Figure 5. Pilot epilepsy vocabulary. The ‘root’ epilepsy icon is modified by icon primitives to represent five forms of epilepsy, from left to right: bines both the shape modifier and the pictogram modifica- tion. A blue top-right pictogram is added to the risk icon to obtain the test icon. The top-right pictogram is a stetho- ical elem ‣ generalized, temporal lobe, absence, tonic-clonic, and myoclonic, plus a related concept: infantile spasms. All are used in Desktop Environment, primarily used as a communication scope, a test tube, a ray or a signal, for clinical tests, bio- ing cont or adver medium for informed discussion across medical experts. >8?3!(!1@!'" 67)5%$,809%/$,.1$-./$('1)1'.,$78/7.2%2: to right ture. The (e.g. the Visual Language for Medical Concepts to three Using this approach, iconic ‘words’ form basic vocabularies from which numerous specific icons can be assembled. These repeated icons form icon families, which forms a context on which many specific vocabularies can be constructed: a disease Figure 3 Examples of VCM disease icons using various shape modifiers in the se vocabulary, a protein/gene vocabulary, a study or trial vocabulary, etc.. Images clustered together in a shared space or context, such as a circle or square containing shape, are interpreted Examples of VCM disease icons using various shape avoid (e together. (Arnheim, 1969, p. 55 ff.) By controlling image hierarchy and/or reading sequence the VLsys can cause some images to be read as primary and others as secondary. By altering the visual form of the images in the reading sequence or hierarchy, modifiers. In icon (a) a pathological agent entering in the is empty the reader can be stimulated to understand one icon as the primary concept and another image as a supporting or modifying square from the left represents the etiology, in (b) the cell in the drug
  • 5. Focuses primarily on co-ordination, and supporting collaborative discussion, planning, (and supporting nomadic activities to some extent) across medical professionals and patients. ‣ does not address information presentation modality - visualisation aspects. ‣ Mostly confined to one space. Ecological Validity and Pervasiveness 421 Downloaded By: [Favela, Jesus] At: 03:53 20 April 2010 (Bardram et al. 2006, 2009, 2010) (Favela et al., 2010) FIGURE 3 The CHIS system (a): The user uses the handheld to learn of the availability and location of colleagues and services (b) and to send context-aware messages (c). information and services according to user context. For instance, when a physi- cian carrying a PDA approaches a patient, the system can automatically display that patient’s clinical record. A second version of CHIS integrates public displays that personalize the infor- mation shown to the user and offer opportunistic access to clinical information (Favela et al., 2004). For instance, if a physician approaches a public display, it detects her presence and personalizes the system, highlighting in the floor map recent additions to clinical records of her patients, messages and services most relevant to her current work activities (Figure 3a). Information from the mobile device can also be seamlessly moved to the public display and vice versa. For instance, a physician can drag a window in the display over her picture to transfer the information contained in it to her PDA. A third and final version of CHIS incorporates mechanisms that let users manage their privacy based on contextual information (Tentori et al., 2006). For instance, a physician can configure the floor map to show only the area where he is located and his role instead of his precise location and name. There is a significant complexity in evaluating such a system in situ. On one (Scupelli et al., 2010) (Wilcox et al., 2010) hand, the system needs to be integrated with the Hospital Information System and an Electronic Patient Record. In addition, the reliability of the location estima- tion component must be assured (Castro & Favela, 2008). Thus, we opted for an approach in which some of these components can be simulated, in order to reduce the cost and the complexity of the evaluation. Situated Displays in Health Care
  • 6. Nurse can provide saline to patient one or three. Saline Nurse can support patient Machine UD two with regular morning routine. Patient One PO PO Patient Two PO Patient Three UD: Use Device PO : Perform On Discover Understand Select (Zender et al., 2006, Bardram et al., 2006, 2008. Favela et al., 2010) Act
  • 8. Activity-aware tiny displays distributed across the environment providing task information Discover Understand Select Act
  • 10. Adaptive and multivariate graphical units that provide in­situ task information. ‣ Visual representations of human activities that are integrated in the environment and linked to physical entities - like objects and people - and are adaptive and mobile. ‣ Situated Glyphs can be realised by micro display networks. Situated Glyphs
  • 11. What Information Affinity How Representation Fidelity Situated Glyphs Where When Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Design Space Situated Glyphs
  • 12. Followed Nurses to understand their daily routine, information needs, and current work practices (semi structured Interview) ‣ 20-22 beds distributed over 10 rooms in 4 areas. ‣ 1 Head Nurse, 8-10 Nurses, 4-5 at duty all the time ‣ Typical Stay Time for Patients : 3 weeks Formative Study at the Department of Geriatric Psychiatry of the District Hospital Mainkofen, Germany supporting elderly patients suffering from dementia. Formative Study
  • 13. Activity Pattern A: do x x : action A: do x with y y : device / object z : patient A: do x to z A: do x with y to z Insight -1 Action Activity Objects (Optional) Activity Pattern
  • 14. Activity Pattern A: do x x : action A: do x with y y : device / object z : patient A: do x to z A: do x with y to z Action Activity Objects (Optional) Activity Pattern
  • 15. What Information Affinity How Representation Fidelity Situated Glyphs Where When Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Information Affinity What to Present in Glyphs (and to Whom)
  • 16. Identity Confirmation Relationship Information Instructions Explanation Affinity Status Trends ‣ Identity and Relationship - Which equipment to use with Whom. Insight - 2 ‣ Status - Current operation status (ok, faulty) for equipment, last checkup time for patients, etc. ‣ Instructions - Guideline to perform a complex operation in sensitive areas, e.g. Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit etc. ‣ Confirmation - Feedback of task completion, and recorded. ‣ Explanation - Why the equipment is not working ‣ Trends : Equipment status history, patient medication record, etc. Information Types
  • 17. Identity Confirmation Relationship Information Instructions Explanation Affinity Status Trends ‣ Identity and Relationship - Which equipment to use with Whom. ‣ Status - Current operation status (ok, faulty) for equipment, last checkup time for patients, etc. ‣ Instructions - Guideline to perform a complex operation in sensitive areas, e.g. Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit etc. ‣ Confirmation - Feedback of task completion, and recorded. ‣ Explanation - Why the equipment is not working ‣ Trends : Equipment status history, patient medication record, etc. Information Types
  • 18. What Information Affinity How Representation Fidelity Situated Glyphs Where When Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Representation Fidelity How to Present Glyphs
  • 19. ‣ Symbolic | Iconic | Indexical (Semiotics Signs) Symbolic Signs Iconic Signs (Static | Animated) Symbolic Colour Coded Signs Iconic Signs (Static | Animated) (a) Symbolic (b) Iconic Direct Images Direct Images with Text Colour Coded Text and Number (c) Indexical Learning from Semiotics
  • 20. Representation Fidelity Symbolic Iconic Indexical (abstract) (metaphoric) (direct) Identity & Yes Yes Yes Relationship (With Colour, Text (With Colour) (With Multiple Icons) Information Affinity and Number) Yes Yes Yes Status (With Colour) Instruction Insight - 3 No Yes Yes Yes Confirmation Yes Yes (With Colour Code) Explanation No No Yes Trends No Yes Yes (With Animation) Information Vs Fidelity [with Semiotics]
  • 21. Representation Fidelity Symbolic Iconic Indexical (abstract) (metaphoric) (direct) Identity & Yes Yes Yes Relationship (With Colour, Text (With Colour) (With Multiple Icons) Information Affinity and Number) Yes Yes Yes Status (With Colour) Instruction No Yes Yes Yes Confirmation Yes Yes (With Colour Code) Explanation No No Yes Trends No Yes Yes (With Animation) Information Vs Fidelity [with Semiotics]
  • 22. Colour Representing ‣ Situated Glyphs are represented (b) with colour, text, number and measure Entity and Relationship blood 3 arrows. Instruction | Explanation pressure Confirmation | Trends ‣ Identity and relationship are managed by a simple colour code Entity A Identity system (e.g. Nurse A is only allowed to interact with patients and 19 3 Entity B Identity equipments marked with a given Status colour code). ‣ Glyphs are initially abstract, on approaching an entity more detail is (a) (c) revealed. Missing / Faulty Status Represents “red” coded nurse’s activity of measuring blood pressure with a “red” coded patient numbered “3”, using a “red” coded blood monitoring device numbered “19” which is working fine. Colour + Number + Text + Symbol Example Glyphs
  • 24. Text Snippet + Symbolic + Temporal Stream Design Alternatives
  • 25. Iconic + Abstract + Temporal Stream Design Alternatives
  • 26. What Information Affinity How Representation Fidelity Situated Glyphs Where When Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Spatial Distribution Where to Present Glyphs
  • 27. Eppler et al. 2004, Muller et al. 2009, Pousman et al. 2006 Demanding Fragmentation of Attention Context Switch Fine Grained Situated Information Capacity Fragmentation of Attention vs Information Capacity
  • 28. Entity Centric Glyph is placed at each entity, e.g., patient, equipment Activity Centric Glyph is placed at the location of the Insight - 4 activity, e.g.,patient’s bed. Co-Location Centric Glyph is placed at the glance-able space, e.g., nearby wall Design Alternatives
  • 29. Entity Centric Glyph is placed at each entity, e.g., patient, equipment Activity Centric Glyph is placed at the location of the activity, e.g.,patient’s bed. Co-Location Centric Glyph is placed at the glance-able space, e.g., nearby wall Design Alternatives
  • 30. What Information Affinity How Representation Fidelity Situated Glyphs Where When Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Temporal Distribution When to Present Glyphs
  • 31. Temporal Distribution Before Before During After Relationship Yes Yes Yes Information Affinity Status Yes - - During Insight - 5 Instruction Yes Yes - Confirmation - - Yes Explanation - Yes - After Trends Yes - - Information Vs Timing
  • 32. Temporal Distribution Before Before During After Relationship Yes Yes Yes Information Affinity Status Yes - - During Instruction Yes Yes - Confirmation - - Yes Explanation - Yes - After Trends Yes - - Information Vs Timing
  • 34. iPod Touch with Custom Shield 51 mm x 30 mm Jennic JN5139 Micro Controllers OELD-160-G1 Displays (160x128 Pixels) Contiki Operating System TCP/IP Suite on top of ZigBee with TeCO Visit us at the Demo Session Hardware Prototype
  • 35. Kawsar & Kortuem, "Supporting Interaction with the Internet of Things across Objects, Time and Space" Internet of Things 2010 Conference (IoT-2010) RESTful Software Infrastructure
  • 37. Temporal Distribution Control Mediation Study 1 - @ Mainkofen Hospital with Nurses
  • 38. Spatial Distribution Study 2 - @ Controlled Lab Settings
  • 39. Situated Glyphs as visual representations of human activities to provide in-situ task support information. ‣ Activity patterns expressed in action-object pairs for a hospital ward dedicated to dementia patients. ‣ A design space analysis for situated glyphs ‣ Information Affinity - Type of Information Need ‣ Representation Fidelity - Semiotics Signs Mapping ‣ Spatial Distribution - 3 Design Alternatives ‣ Temporal Distribution ‣ A prototype wearable display for situated glyphs - as building blocks for miniature display network. Take Away Points
  • 40. Fahim  Kawsar @raswak h-p://www.fahim-­‐ Jo  Vermeulen @jozilla h-p:// Gerd  Kortuem @kortuem h-p://