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Make it a point to talk to your infant about everything. “Now I’m
going to take off that wet diaper.” “Daddy is starving. What should
I eat?” Remember though, if your baby turns away when you’re
talking, it may be her way of saying, “Quiet please.”

Be attentive to what kind of sounds your baby likes best. Some
infants love music with strong beats, while others prefer softer
melodies. And don’t be shy about singing. No matter how in or out
of tune, she’ll like your voice best of all.





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Your baby has greater control
                                                      over her body. She may be able
                                                      to roll both ways, become bet-
                                         I’m in       ter at reaching and grasping,
                                        Control       and will begin to sit with assis-
                                                      tance. She will also be able to
                                                      use both hands to explore.
what to expect
            between 4 and 6 months:

                                                      Your baby learns how things
                                                      work and that he can make
                                                      things happen. He uses his
                                      I Can Do It!    new motor skills to pick up
                                                      and explore objects in new
                                                      ways. He will watch you to
                                                      learn what to do.

                                                      Your baby loves to anticipate
                                                      what will happen next.
                                                      She will look to you with
                                                      excitement, letting you know
                                      What’s Next?    she wants to do it again.
                                                      It gives her a sense of control
                                                      when she knows what to

                                                      Your baby will want to explore
                                                      his food and help feed himself.
                                                      Touching and tasting different
                                      All By Myself   foods is an important part
                                                      of his learning. Feeding him-
                                                      self builds his self-confidence.
Place your baby in different positions—on her back, stomach and
sitting with support. Each gives a different perspective on the
world and a chance to develop different skills such as rolling,
creeping and crawling, and using both hands while sitting.

                                                                       what you can do:
Play reaching and grasping games. Hold enticing toys just within
her reach and encourage her to grab them.

Give him a variety of toys with different textures, shapes, weights
and functions. Join in his exploration of them.

Show him different ways to use things: switching objects from one
hand to another, shaking, banging, pushing and dropping.

Speak to her while getting ready to feed her, whether it’s by
breast or bottle. This lets her know comfort is near and helps her
learn to wait.

Play peek-a-boo; pause briefly after you’ve “disappeared” to give
her time to think about what will happen next.

Establish routines. As much as possible, keep everyday routines
in the same sequence; for example: dinner, bath, stories, lullabies,

Let him play with your fingers and explore the bottle or breast
during feedings. This may get messy; but it is an essential part
of his learning as he discovers what different foods and liquids
feel and taste like.

As he grows, let him handle finger foods and encourage him to
feed himself by giving him his own spoon.
Your baby will make lots of
                                                      different sounds to you, to
                                                      other people, to her toys and
                                        I’ve Got      to whatever else inspires her.
                                       Something      All of this vocalizing is the
                                         to Say       foundation for speech. The
                                                      more you respond, the more
                                                      confident and eager she will
what to expect
                                                      be to keep “talking.”
            between 4 and 6 months:

                                                      At 4 months, your baby is
                                                      eager to explore every aspect
                                                      of the world around him. He
                                        It’s All in   learns through his senses.
                                       the Mouth      Mouthing objects is just
                                                      another way to “know” an
                                                      object. It often has less to do
                                                      with hunger or teething.

                                                      Four-month-olds still aren’t
                                                      using their thumb to grasp
                                                      things; and, as they shift from
                                      Hand it Over    two-handed to one-handed
                                                      play, they will hold things by
                                                      pressing their fingers against
                                                      their palms.

                                                      By 4 months you have a good
                                                      idea of how your baby is
                                                      different or similar to other
                                                      babies his age. During the
                                      I am a Person   next few months he will
                                                      become very good at letting
                                                      you know his likes and dis-
                                                      likes, as well as his interests.
Listen when she talks and look right into her eyes. When she
pauses, respond, and then wait. This turn-taking teaches her how
to have a conversation.

Start lots of conversations and see if she picks up your cues. But

                                                                        what you can do:
don’t forget about reading her signals. When she doesn’t want to
talk, don’t push it. She may need a break.

Make certain that any object your baby gets his hands on is clean
and safe for mouthing. That means it must be big enough not to
fit entirely into his mouth, and smooth enough not to scratch or

Offer toys with lots of variation in shape and texture. Bumpy,
smooth, round and square are all distinctions that can be made
by mouth.

Offer your baby toys that are easily grasped, with lots of handles.
And make sure they’re light enough in weight for your baby to
hang on to and big enough not to fit into her mouth.

Keep in mind that while your baby can hold onto a toy and even
reach for it, she can’t yet purposefully open up her hand and let
it go. When a 4-month-old drops a toy, it isn’t because she meant
to drop it!

When your baby turns away, arches his back, or starts to cry dur-
ing play or at other times, don’t take it personally; it may be his
way of saying that he needs a break from this intense interac-
tion. It might be the perfect time for a refreshing pause, like hold-
ing him close and singing a soothing melody.

Think about your baby’s personality. Does he like noisy environ-
ments or prefer quiet? Is he a jump-right-in kid, or a let-me-wait-
and-see kid? There is no single right way to be. You just need to
understand and respect who he is.
Your baby’s brain power grows
                                        I’ve Got    as he experiments with toys in
                                      Brain Power   more complex ways.
what to expect
            between 6 and 9 months:

                                                    Your baby is increasingly
                                                    mobile—creeping, crawling
                                      I Can Move    and even pulling herself up to
                                      and Shake     stand.

                                                    Your baby’s ability to use his
                                       I’m Good
                                                    hands and fingers is
                                       With My      increasing every day.

                                                    Your baby begins to under-
                                                    stand that people and things
                                       I See You!   exist even when she can’t see
Provide a variety of safe toys for the bath—containers, rubber
toys, plastic bath books, plastic ladles. Join his exploration and
show him different ways to use the objects.

Show him how to take a cup of water and pour it over the ducky

                                                                      what you can do:
to let him watch what happens. Help him fill up the whale and
squirt the water out.

Create an environment that is safe for exploration. Make sure
only safe objects are within her grasp and that anything she
might use to pull herself to standing is sturdy and fastened down
to support her weight.

Remind yourself that babies develop their motor skills at very dif-
ferent rates. Sometimes early crawlers are late walkers
(why bother walking when she can get to where she needs
to go so easily on all fours?). Development is an unfolding
process . . . not a race.

During the next few months he will begin to hold things between
his thumb and forefinger. This makes it much easier for him to
do things with his hands, like feeding himself.

Play back-and-forth games. He’ll love to hand you things that you
hand back to him. This can go on for hours, and it’s a great way
to learn give-and-take!

Now that your baby can pick up lots of things, make sure he
doesn’t get his hands on objects he can choke on – anything that
he can fit entirely into his mouth.

Play peek-a-boo. Even though you’re hiding your head for just a
moment (and in a very obvious way), this kind of game is
practice for saying good-bye in other settings.

Play disappearing and reappearing games, such as find the miss-
ing toy (hidden under cloth, table, etc.) or drop an object and
watch her try to locate it.
Your baby begins to be
                                                      uncertain or fearful around
                                                      strangers or even family
                                       Who, May I
                                                      members he doesn’t see very
                                        Ask, Are      often. Becoming quiet or even
                                         You?         distressed when meeting
                                                      someone new is quite typical
what to expect
                                                      of 6- to 9-month-olds.
            between 6 and 9 months:

                                                      Your baby begins using sounds
                                       Now Hear       and gestures to communicate
                                         This!        her wants and needs.

                                                      Your baby becomes a great
                                                      imitator. Imitating is not only
                                      I’m a Copycat   a great learning tool . . . it’s
                                                      lots of fun.

                                       Inquiring      Your baby is intensely curious
                                      Minds Want      and wants to spend almost
                                        to Know       every waking hour exploring.
Introduce your baby to new people from the safety of your arms.
Ask the new person to approach him slowly.

Give the new person one of your baby’s favorite toys or books to
help engage him.

                                                                      what you can do:
Prepare your extended family and friends for your baby’s new
wariness and make sure they understand that it isn’t anything

Become your baby’s interpreter. If she points to her bottle, ask,
“Do you want some juice?”

Encourage communication and motor skills by describing what
she is doing. When she throws a toy down, you can say, “Okay,
you don’t want the car. But you’re looking at the bear. Do you
want to hold him?” Then put the bear within her range and
encourage her to get it.

Play copycat games. Make a sound and give him time to
copy you.

Push a button on the jack-in-the-box to make the clown appear,
then wait for him to do it. This teaches him cause-and-effect and
that he can make things happen.

Follow her lead on what interests her and encourage

Think about the way your baby explores things. Does she explore
a book, for example, from beginning to end, page by page? Does
she turn it upside down, flip the pages quickly or look at one page
again and again. There are no “rights” or “wrongs.” Some babies
may find books so delicious that they’ll want to chew on them for
a while. That’s okay, too, as long as they’re safe.
At around 9 months, babies
                                                    begin to develop an awareness
                                        Look I      that things continue to exist,
                                       Found It!    even when they don’t see
                                                    them. This is called “object
what to expect
            between 9 and 12 months:

                                                    Separations may become
                                                    more difficult. As your baby’s
                                       Good-Byes    new physical independence
                                       Are Hard     increases, so does her emo-
                                                    tional dependence on you.

                                                    Your child becomes more inde-
                                                    pendent as he uses his body to
                                       Watch Me     move away from you—creep-
                                        Move        ing, crawling, or even taking
                                                    baby steps.

                                                    Your child understands more
                                                    than she can say and can even
                                        I Get It!   follow simple commands such
                                                    as “Go get your ball.”
Play hide-and-seek games that will help him master object per-
manence. After you show him the ball, hide it behind the couch
and encourage him to hunt for it.

Talk to him when you move out of his sight so he knows you are
near. This will reduce his anxiety and may help him play alone
for a few minutes.

                                                                      what you can do:
Be patient! Babies often become very persistent as they develop
“object permanence.” They remember the toy they had yesterday
and they want exactly the same thing now!

When saying good-bye, use positive language—with your words
and body. Children take their cues from you. So, with a smile, tell
her that you will really miss each other, but that she is going to
have so much fun with Miss Marie. And when you come back, like
you always do, you’ll read your favorite book together!

Give her a picture of you. Make an audiotape of yourself singing
songs or reading a cherished book.

Offer him a “safe base.” He needs to know you’ll still be there
when he decides he’s gone far enough. This sense of security
helps him feel safe to venture out again.

Avoid walkers. They can be dangerous and can interfere with
muscle and joint development.

Recognize his need to practice new skills. If he refuses to lie
down for diaper changes, you can say “You don’t want to lie down
now that you can stand all by yourself! Okay, we’ll do this
together. You hold the diaper while I fasten it.”

Put her actions into words and build on them. “You’re holding
bear. Does he want a drink?” and hold out a cup.

Use visual cues to help build comprehension. Ask, “Where are
your shoes?” as you point to them.
Your child uses his gestures
                                                      and vocalizations to communi-
                                         I’ve Got     cate. He may point to the juice
                                        Something     and say “juju” to show you
                                          to Say      what he wants. He may push
                                                      the cracker off the highchair
                                                      and say “nuhnuh.”
what to expect
            between 9 and 12 months:

                                                      Your child may become more
                                       I Want What    selective about foods (and
                                          I Want!     everything else!) and want to
                                                      eat on her own.

                                                      Your child discovers “No!” and
                                       Just Say No!   uses it with great abandon.

                                                      Your baby loves to explore, but
                                       Keep Me Safe   she still needs grown-ups to
                                                      keep her safe.
Help him show you what he wants. Present two toys and ask,
“Which do you want?” Encourage him to respond by pointing or
reaching. If he looks at or talks to one toy more than the other,
say, “You want this one!”

                                                                        what you can do:
Play back-and-forth games. Roll a ball to your baby and encour-
age him to roll it back. These games promote his social development
and lead to the back and forth of conversations.

Offer her choices because yesterday’s favorite food may be
rejected tomorrow. Be patient and experiment with foods to help
her find what she likes.

Allow and encourage her to feed herself. She can practice using
a spoon and drinking from a sipper cup. She will be proud to be
in charge of her feeding when you give her the chance. Of course,
she’ll need some help.

Learn to distinguish what your baby means by “No!” It can be his
way of declaring his independence. When he kicks and shouts and
shakes his head, “No,” as you lift him into the car, he may be say-
ing, “I’m the boss of me!” He may be sharing his likes and dis-
likes—”No peas . . . more carrots.” Or, he may be telling you,
“I’m too tired to cope,” as he protests, “No” when you carry him
to his crib.

Create a safe home. It helps to get down on all fours to see your
home from your baby’s viewpoint to make sure no dangers are
within reach. Install baby gates, outlet covers and other safety
items where necessary.

Create a stimulating home without having to spend a lot of money
on expensive toys. Make sure each room contains things that
interest her, like big, colorful books in the family room or a drawer
full of plastic containers in the kitchen.
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Everyday Moments

  •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
  •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ake it a point to talk to your infant about everything. “Now I’m going to take off that wet diaper.” “Daddy is starving. What should I eat?” Remember though, if your baby turns away when you’re talking, it may be her way of saying, “Quiet please.” Be attentive to what kind of sounds your baby likes best. Some infants love music with strong beats, while others prefer softer melodies. And don’t be shy about singing. No matter how in or out of tune, she’ll like your voice best of all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  • 5. Your baby has greater control over her body. She may be able to roll both ways, become bet- I’m in ter at reaching and grasping, Control and will begin to sit with assis- tance. She will also be able to use both hands to explore. what to expect between 4 and 6 months: Your baby learns how things work and that he can make things happen. He uses his I Can Do It! new motor skills to pick up and explore objects in new ways. He will watch you to learn what to do. Your baby loves to anticipate what will happen next. She will look to you with excitement, letting you know What’s Next? she wants to do it again. It gives her a sense of control when she knows what to expect. Your baby will want to explore his food and help feed himself. Touching and tasting different All By Myself foods is an important part of his learning. Feeding him- self builds his self-confidence.
  • 6. Place your baby in different positions—on her back, stomach and sitting with support. Each gives a different perspective on the world and a chance to develop different skills such as rolling, creeping and crawling, and using both hands while sitting. what you can do: Play reaching and grasping games. Hold enticing toys just within her reach and encourage her to grab them. Give him a variety of toys with different textures, shapes, weights and functions. Join in his exploration of them. Show him different ways to use things: switching objects from one hand to another, shaking, banging, pushing and dropping. Speak to her while getting ready to feed her, whether it’s by breast or bottle. This lets her know comfort is near and helps her learn to wait. Play peek-a-boo; pause briefly after you’ve “disappeared” to give her time to think about what will happen next. Establish routines. As much as possible, keep everyday routines in the same sequence; for example: dinner, bath, stories, lullabies, sleep. Let him play with your fingers and explore the bottle or breast during feedings. This may get messy; but it is an essential part of his learning as he discovers what different foods and liquids feel and taste like. As he grows, let him handle finger foods and encourage him to feed himself by giving him his own spoon.
  • 7. Your baby will make lots of different sounds to you, to other people, to her toys and I’ve Got to whatever else inspires her. Something All of this vocalizing is the to Say foundation for speech. The more you respond, the more confident and eager she will what to expect be to keep “talking.” between 4 and 6 months: At 4 months, your baby is eager to explore every aspect of the world around him. He It’s All in learns through his senses. the Mouth Mouthing objects is just another way to “know” an object. It often has less to do with hunger or teething. Four-month-olds still aren’t using their thumb to grasp things; and, as they shift from Hand it Over two-handed to one-handed play, they will hold things by pressing their fingers against their palms. By 4 months you have a good idea of how your baby is different or similar to other babies his age. During the I am a Person next few months he will become very good at letting you know his likes and dis- likes, as well as his interests.
  • 8. Listen when she talks and look right into her eyes. When she pauses, respond, and then wait. This turn-taking teaches her how to have a conversation. Start lots of conversations and see if she picks up your cues. But what you can do: don’t forget about reading her signals. When she doesn’t want to talk, don’t push it. She may need a break. Make certain that any object your baby gets his hands on is clean and safe for mouthing. That means it must be big enough not to fit entirely into his mouth, and smooth enough not to scratch or irritate. Offer toys with lots of variation in shape and texture. Bumpy, smooth, round and square are all distinctions that can be made by mouth. Offer your baby toys that are easily grasped, with lots of handles. And make sure they’re light enough in weight for your baby to hang on to and big enough not to fit into her mouth. Keep in mind that while your baby can hold onto a toy and even reach for it, she can’t yet purposefully open up her hand and let it go. When a 4-month-old drops a toy, it isn’t because she meant to drop it! When your baby turns away, arches his back, or starts to cry dur- ing play or at other times, don’t take it personally; it may be his way of saying that he needs a break from this intense interac- tion. It might be the perfect time for a refreshing pause, like hold- ing him close and singing a soothing melody. Think about your baby’s personality. Does he like noisy environ- ments or prefer quiet? Is he a jump-right-in kid, or a let-me-wait- and-see kid? There is no single right way to be. You just need to understand and respect who he is.
  • 9. Your baby’s brain power grows I’ve Got as he experiments with toys in Brain Power more complex ways. what to expect between 6 and 9 months: Your baby is increasingly mobile—creeping, crawling I Can Move and even pulling herself up to and Shake stand. Your baby’s ability to use his I’m Good hands and fingers is With My increasing every day. Hands Your baby begins to under- stand that people and things I See You! exist even when she can’t see them.
  • 10. Provide a variety of safe toys for the bath—containers, rubber toys, plastic bath books, plastic ladles. Join his exploration and show him different ways to use the objects. Show him how to take a cup of water and pour it over the ducky what you can do: to let him watch what happens. Help him fill up the whale and squirt the water out. Create an environment that is safe for exploration. Make sure only safe objects are within her grasp and that anything she might use to pull herself to standing is sturdy and fastened down to support her weight. Remind yourself that babies develop their motor skills at very dif- ferent rates. Sometimes early crawlers are late walkers (why bother walking when she can get to where she needs to go so easily on all fours?). Development is an unfolding process . . . not a race. During the next few months he will begin to hold things between his thumb and forefinger. This makes it much easier for him to do things with his hands, like feeding himself. Play back-and-forth games. He’ll love to hand you things that you hand back to him. This can go on for hours, and it’s a great way to learn give-and-take! Now that your baby can pick up lots of things, make sure he doesn’t get his hands on objects he can choke on – anything that he can fit entirely into his mouth. Play peek-a-boo. Even though you’re hiding your head for just a moment (and in a very obvious way), this kind of game is practice for saying good-bye in other settings. Play disappearing and reappearing games, such as find the miss- ing toy (hidden under cloth, table, etc.) or drop an object and watch her try to locate it.
  • 11. Your baby begins to be uncertain or fearful around strangers or even family Who, May I members he doesn’t see very Ask, Are often. Becoming quiet or even You? distressed when meeting someone new is quite typical what to expect of 6- to 9-month-olds. between 6 and 9 months: Your baby begins using sounds Now Hear and gestures to communicate This! her wants and needs. Your baby becomes a great imitator. Imitating is not only I’m a Copycat a great learning tool . . . it’s lots of fun. Inquiring Your baby is intensely curious Minds Want and wants to spend almost to Know every waking hour exploring.
  • 12. Introduce your baby to new people from the safety of your arms. Ask the new person to approach him slowly. Give the new person one of your baby’s favorite toys or books to help engage him. what you can do: Prepare your extended family and friends for your baby’s new wariness and make sure they understand that it isn’t anything personal. Become your baby’s interpreter. If she points to her bottle, ask, “Do you want some juice?” Encourage communication and motor skills by describing what she is doing. When she throws a toy down, you can say, “Okay, you don’t want the car. But you’re looking at the bear. Do you want to hold him?” Then put the bear within her range and encourage her to get it. Play copycat games. Make a sound and give him time to copy you. Push a button on the jack-in-the-box to make the clown appear, then wait for him to do it. This teaches him cause-and-effect and that he can make things happen. Follow her lead on what interests her and encourage exploration. Think about the way your baby explores things. Does she explore a book, for example, from beginning to end, page by page? Does she turn it upside down, flip the pages quickly or look at one page again and again. There are no “rights” or “wrongs.” Some babies may find books so delicious that they’ll want to chew on them for a while. That’s okay, too, as long as they’re safe.
  • 13. At around 9 months, babies begin to develop an awareness Look I that things continue to exist, Found It! even when they don’t see them. This is called “object permanence.” what to expect between 9 and 12 months: Separations may become more difficult. As your baby’s Good-Byes new physical independence Are Hard increases, so does her emo- tional dependence on you. Your child becomes more inde- pendent as he uses his body to Watch Me move away from you—creep- Move ing, crawling, or even taking baby steps. Your child understands more than she can say and can even I Get It! follow simple commands such as “Go get your ball.”
  • 14. Play hide-and-seek games that will help him master object per- manence. After you show him the ball, hide it behind the couch and encourage him to hunt for it. Talk to him when you move out of his sight so he knows you are near. This will reduce his anxiety and may help him play alone for a few minutes. what you can do: Be patient! Babies often become very persistent as they develop “object permanence.” They remember the toy they had yesterday and they want exactly the same thing now! When saying good-bye, use positive language—with your words and body. Children take their cues from you. So, with a smile, tell her that you will really miss each other, but that she is going to have so much fun with Miss Marie. And when you come back, like you always do, you’ll read your favorite book together! Give her a picture of you. Make an audiotape of yourself singing songs or reading a cherished book. Offer him a “safe base.” He needs to know you’ll still be there when he decides he’s gone far enough. This sense of security helps him feel safe to venture out again. Avoid walkers. They can be dangerous and can interfere with muscle and joint development. Recognize his need to practice new skills. If he refuses to lie down for diaper changes, you can say “You don’t want to lie down now that you can stand all by yourself! Okay, we’ll do this together. You hold the diaper while I fasten it.” Put her actions into words and build on them. “You’re holding bear. Does he want a drink?” and hold out a cup. Use visual cues to help build comprehension. Ask, “Where are your shoes?” as you point to them.
  • 15. Your child uses his gestures and vocalizations to communi- I’ve Got cate. He may point to the juice Something and say “juju” to show you to Say what he wants. He may push the cracker off the highchair and say “nuhnuh.” what to expect between 9 and 12 months: Your child may become more I Want What selective about foods (and I Want! everything else!) and want to eat on her own. Your child discovers “No!” and Just Say No! uses it with great abandon. Your baby loves to explore, but Keep Me Safe she still needs grown-ups to keep her safe.
  • 16. Help him show you what he wants. Present two toys and ask, “Which do you want?” Encourage him to respond by pointing or reaching. If he looks at or talks to one toy more than the other, say, “You want this one!” what you can do: Play back-and-forth games. Roll a ball to your baby and encour- age him to roll it back. These games promote his social development and lead to the back and forth of conversations. Offer her choices because yesterday’s favorite food may be rejected tomorrow. Be patient and experiment with foods to help her find what she likes. Allow and encourage her to feed herself. She can practice using a spoon and drinking from a sipper cup. She will be proud to be in charge of her feeding when you give her the chance. Of course, she’ll need some help. Learn to distinguish what your baby means by “No!” It can be his way of declaring his independence. When he kicks and shouts and shakes his head, “No,” as you lift him into the car, he may be say- ing, “I’m the boss of me!” He may be sharing his likes and dis- likes—”No peas . . . more carrots.” Or, he may be telling you, “I’m too tired to cope,” as he protests, “No” when you carry him to his crib. Create a safe home. It helps to get down on all fours to see your home from your baby’s viewpoint to make sure no dangers are within reach. Install baby gates, outlet covers and other safety items where necessary. Create a stimulating home without having to spend a lot of money on expensive toys. Make sure each room contains things that interest her, like big, colorful books in the family room or a drawer full of plastic containers in the kitchen.