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Persuasive Essay School Uniforms
Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of school uniforms can be a challenging endeavor that
requires a careful balance of presenting factual information, addressing counterarguments, and
skillfully persuading the reader. The difficulty arises not only from the need to provide
compelling evidence in favor of your stance but also from acknowledging and refuting opposing
Firstly, gathering relevant and credible sources to support your arguments requires thorough
research. You must delve into educational studies, psychological research, and sociological
perspectives to build a solid foundation for your claims. This process demands time and effort,
as it's crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in your essay.
Addressing counterarguments adds another layer of complexity to the task. Understanding and
acknowledging opposing viewpoints is essential to strengthen your own position. This involves
anticipating and dismantling potential objections through thoughtful analysis and evidence-based
reasoning. Balancing the strengths and weaknesses of both sides requires careful consideration to
maintain the essay's persuasiveness.
Furthermore, achieving a persuasive tone without sounding overly biased is a delicate task.
Striking the right balance between passion for your viewpoint and a respectful acknowledgment
of differing opinions is vital. The essay should not only present a strong case but also invite the
reader to critically evaluate the information presented.
Finally, organizing your thoughts coherently and articulating your arguments with clarity is
crucial to ensuring that your persuasive essay has the intended impact. This involves structuring
your essay logically, using effective transitions, and crafting a compelling introduction and
In conclusion, composing a persuasive essay on the topic of school uniforms is a multifaceted
task that demands research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It requires a
delicate balance between presenting compelling evidence, addressing opposing views, and
maintaining a persuasive yet respectful tone. For those seeking assistance, various resources,
including similar essays, can be explored on platforms like
Persuasive Essay School UniformsPersuasive Essay School Uniforms
Friar In Romeo And Juliet
Friars, which are similar to nuns, are known for their benevolence, righteousness,
and helpfulness. As a Friar, one is agreeing to serve society. Their central duty and
purpose is to help those in need. Along with their helpfulness is their intelligence
due to their extensive education. They also have a high sense of morality as
members of a religious order. Accordingly, these virtues are possessed by the
character of Friar Lawrence from William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. The
Friar spends the entire story assisting the other characters in some way, whether it be
with his advice or with his inventive plans. He is a pivotal character in the story as
his well meaning attempts to help Romeo and Juliet unfortunately lead to the demise
of the... Show more content on ...
The Friar explains his plan to help Juliet to her and says she will, appear like death
/...Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua (IV.I.103, 117). Juliet does not want to
marry Paris and their wedding is planned to take place in only a few days. Friar
Lawrence thinks outside of the box and devises a scheme that will fool others into
thinking that Juliet is dead so that she will not have to marry Paris. The fact that
the Friar came up with such a plan under such short notice shows that he is a quick,
but careful thinker. Later, Friar Lawrence is told that Romeo was not aware of his
plan yet and reacts, Romeo hath no notice of these accidents/... [I will] keep her at
my cell till Romeo came (V.II. 26 28). The Friar had planned to send a message to
Romeo telling him that Juliet is not actually dead, but he has not gotten this note
yet, so he believes his love has died. Friar Lawrence is aware of the love between
the two and knows that this mistake could result in Romeo harming himself, so he
must fix this immediately. The Friar is clever enough to quickly rethink his plan in
order to save Romeo from himself. The Friar uses his qualities of intelligence and
cunning to help Romeo and Juliet, greatly influencing and changing their
Farmer Market Observation
During my visit to Crocker Galleria farmer s market, I was amaze how I never
knew that there was a farmer s market in downtown San Francisco held every
thursday and I work downtown and hang out there eating at food places which
were unhealthy, so I am glad I was able to discover this farmer s market. As I
walked around each station that had many variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish,
honey, etc available for anybody to view, to buy and ask questions to the farmers
about their products and also having samples of the food they grown, where I tasted
many foods which was delicious and for the first time I tasted a pomegranate fruit
rather than the juice brand, so it was a unique experience from me to see farmer s
eager to let people taste... Show more content on ...
In the textbook on page 18 it has a similar connection with organic food and how
experts like the watchdog Environmental working group thinks the government is
too liberal when it comes to the amount of levels of allowable pesticides to foods.
In an article called Grocery store vs. Farmer s market they question whether
buying local is better than grocery store and got a response from Lottie Thacker a
shopper who said I ve been buying from these people for quite a long time so it s
cheaper, ( A similar correlation from this quote, would be from
a YouTube video called Farmer s Market vs. Supermarketwhere they also wanted to
see if it is better to shop at farmer s market or a Supermarket when it comes down to
price and what they found out that it doing make a difference. In conclusion I will
seriously consider to make an effort to shop for my produce at a farmer s market
because as I was comparing prices, it s cheaper which is good for me to save money
and also to me the produce look better and taste better than Supermarket
Nonprofit Organizations Vs Nonprofit Organizations
The term, Nonprofit Organization, is a broad based term encompassing all
organizations usually encompassing charities, nonprofits, non governmental
organizations (NGOs), private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and civil society
organizations (CSOs). Not for Profit Organizations are regulated by local, state
and federal law. Nonprofit Organizations are created for the benefit of the general
public. They do not have shareholders and do not operate according to a profit
motive. State law governs Nonprofit corporations. Similar to for profit corporations,
nonprofit corporations are required to file a corporate purpose statement with either
a Secretary of State or a Department of Charities and pay a fee, draft articles of
incorporation, conduct meetings on a regular basis, and meet other requirements that
would allow it to receive and retain corporate status. Several factors distinguish
nonprofit corporations from profit focused corporations. The most significant
difference is that nonprofit corporations may not operate for profit, specifically, they
are intended to make income for the corporate shareholders. The funds acquired by
nonprofit corporations must remain within the corporate accounts to pay for
reasonable salaries, expenses, and corporate activities. If corporate income
distributed to personally benefit any individual, the corporation is considered to be a
for profit corporation. Salaries, however, are not regarded as personal benefits
because they are necessary to
Game Warden Position
I noticed that there were some job openings for game warden in the Jefferson
National Forest. I am very interested in this position since the forest is practically
in my back yard. I think I would be an excellent candidate for this position because
I meet the educational standards for this job. I also am an avid hunter and
fisherman. I am also interested in protecting our beautiful wildlife and forest. It is
for these reasons that I think I would make an excellent game warden. First of all, I
attended MECC in Big Stone Gap, Virginia where I studied forestry and police
science. I really enjoyed these classes and did very well in them. I received A s in my
forestry and police science classes. My education
Robberies, murder, revenge… some of the most renowned...
Robberies, murder, revenge... some of the most renowned films are centred on some
of the vilest human acts. Our instinctive nature to crave unpredictability is often
satisfied through crime films whether it is through fear, thrill, perplexity,
mystification, disgust, horror, amazement, shock, or even offence. So what is it
exactly that constitutes the quintessential crime film? People find themselves being
transfixed by this popular medium, forming an addiction to the unfolding and
prodigious plots, sharp protagonists and often the less anticipated outcome. As a
crime film fanatic myself I can assure you that these elements are crucial in
intensifying the overall impact it has on you as a viewer. I am aware that some
claims have been made... Show more content on ...
When on a sailing trip and the Coast Guards make the discovery of Libby in a
blood saturated nightgown on a blood tarnished deck holding a knife in her hand the
presumption that she murdered her husband is made by them, though we make an
intuitive leap that she isn t a killer. With evidence against her being too compelling
she is convicted of her husband s murder and sent to jail later making the discovery
that the in fact her husband remains alive and framed her for his own murder.
Enlightened of the term double jeopardy by an inmate nobody can be convicted
twice for the same crime her now determined and revenge driven character sets out
on a pursuit to locate her husband, with the resort of killing him being available in
order to retrieve her son back. The collaborative nature of film making is especially
highlighted in Beresford s production with his decisions in film techniques aiding
the overall presentation as well as pace of the plot. In the initial scene where the
first action takes place and Libby awakes to trails of blood we are provided with a
long, fixed shot of the bed seen under deck with little lighting. These shots introduce
the motif of unmotivated camera movement and with slow transitions of frame we
begin to see close ups which single out important details. Other close ups throughout
the film allow for more intimate encounters, often displaying various
Tuckman s Team Development
The model of team development is a brainchild of Bruce Tuckman, who proposed
this idea in 1965. The model consists of 4 stages in which teams go through during
the accomplishment of its tasks and goals. Each phase has its own peculiar areas
covered. (Tuckman, 1965). Particularly. the stages of Tuckman s model are forming,
storming, norming and performing.
Now, let me consider the stages of the theory at the same time introducing the case. I
came across with a case study of Interactive Multimedia course at Edith Cowan
University in 2002, which can be accessed from the following website: http:/
/ cours/teams/docs/team%20Successful%20teamwork.pdf
Senior students at Edith Cowan University, in the class of Interactive Multimedia,
were asked to gather in teams and work on the design and development of web sites
for clients. The teams consisted of 4 to 5 people, and their main task was to apply
their technical skills to meet the expectations of the instructor in establishing a client
seeking product. Undoubtedly, the team consisted of different members with
different backgrounds ranging from programmers, graphic designers and others. They
were given autonomous environment, where ... Show more content on
Some of the main special points were that patience of each team member and
differences were respected. The main reason for this is that without tolerance or
controlling, the destiny of the team is in mishap, according to Tuckman. Here,
disagreements boldened the team s strength and effectiveness. In the end, the team
members felt themselves close to one another that they didn t feel any judgement and
discomfort when speaking up different ideas to their team members. In other words,
there was open communications and positive feedback inside the team. And they
deemed it as natural need to discuss problems or tough issues and try to come up with
Comparing Vietnam And The United States
The world has become more global as time is going through. However, there are still
some significant differences when comparing between developed country and
developing country, such as Vietnam and the United States. While the United States
has been developed in many fields (economy, religions, educational system..),
Vietnamis still in transition process. They are located on two different continents;
they have so much difference on religious, languages, and practices although those
distinctions are seemed to get more narrow than before. People are trying to adopt the
different culture, as they still the keep their traditional practices of their own culture.
Weddinglife, food, and the educational system are the typical things, which have the
similarities and differences at the same time.
Firstly, the wedding life for couples is significantly different even though it still has
some few things similar. In both countries, the couples will an engagement ceremony
before getting to an actual wedding ceremony. They both will receive wedding rings
from their lovers. Also, they will sometime hold a reception the celebration party in
when they share theirs happiness to their friends and happiness. On the other hand,
there are still some contrasts between for the couple before and after the wedding. In
the U.S, the couples are free to choose theirs partners, their parents do not interfere
their children s decision, but the couples cannot get married unless they have
Atopic Dermatitis Research Paper
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing eczematous skin disease characterized
by pruritus and inflammation and accompanied by cutaneous physiological
dysfunction with majority of patients having a personal or family history of atopic
diathesis . The term Atopic Diathesis refers to the presence of allergic rhinitis,
bronchial asthma or AD.1The first recorded reference to Hippocrates described a
condition characterized as itching over patient s whole body ,over 2500 years
ago.2 The concept of atopy (derived from the Greek atopia, meaning different or out
of place ) was originally proposed in 1923 and included asthma and allergic rhinitis,
but in 1933, AD was added to the group of atopic disorders on the basis of
association of... Show more content on ...
Decrease in incidence of rickets after fortification of foods with vitamin D led
physicians to believe that vitamin D related health disorders had come to an end. But
unfortunately, rickets appears to be a mere drop in the vast ocean of disorders
resulting from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has potential to suppress
inflammatory responses, enhance antimicrobial peptide activity .It also maintains the
integrity of the permeability barrier and can stimulate or inhibit keratinocyte
differentiation and stimulate synthesis of proteins such as filaggrin that are necessary
for formation of the stratum corneum barrier.8 Vitamin D plays a role in atopic
dermatitis pathogenesis mainly through its immunomodulatory action.9 Vitamin D
active form i.e. vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D3] plays main role in enhancing the
expression of antibacterial peptides and thus preventing skin infection
Ryme Of The Ancient Mariner Essay
Of all the stories and poems we have read for the second semester my top three
favorite would have to be Ryme of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge as my
third favorite. Then to follow Ryme would be Ozymandis by Shelley. This would
then conclude with my favorite text of the second quarter being To a Mouseby Robert
Burns. The three poems or stories just listed are my favorite due to the way that
their author was able to reach out and grab his audience by the ear. The authors all
had a beautiful way of capturing the reader s attention and holding it. In Ryme the
audience was able to provided this story that kept the audience waiting because
they didn t know what was up with the old man stopping the young wedding guest
in order to tell him his story. The poem of Ozymandis is able to hold the attention
by providing the reader the question of is nature going to slaughter us all one day.
To a Mouse caught its readers attention by making us question if we get too attached
to the things of today. These stories all hold a place in my heart because they are
pure beauty, with a... Show more content on ...
The author, Robert Burns, remarks that the mouse ran away as its house was
destroyed. The author used this as an explanation as to why mice might be more
evolved than humans The mouse as well as with other animals Have begun to
move away from material objects and have begun to focus on survival instead of
comfort. While some are able to completely give up material objects others are not
willing to because they are too tied into the current world. We as a race need to
become like the animals that are focusing on surviving instead of living in nice
houses, and having nice cars. Robert Burns was addressing a problem that he was
hoping wouldn t exist in the future, unfortunately it only got worse. Our obsession
with technology is going to bring our race to its knees. It might already be too late to
Breast Magmentation Surgery
Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is one of
the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries. The procedure involves the use of
implants or fat transfer to increase breast size/volume. A major application for this
surgery involves reconstruction for patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Even
if done for reconstruction, all breastaugmentations are cosmetic. However, the
majority of health insurance providers do not cover costs of cosmetic surgeries, or
even complications due to surgery, because they are largely elective procedures.
Furthermore, some insurance companies may even refuse to pay for treatment of
breast disease in women who have received a breast augmentation. According to, the average cost of a breast augmentation is $3,708, with many
surgeons offering payment plans for the procedure.... Show more content on ...
During the actual surgery, the patient is under general anesthesia. An incision is
made in an area that will hide scarring and subsequently, the implant is placed
either under the chest muscle (sub muscular) or under the breast (sub mammary).
There are many types of implants but the most common are saline and silicone.
Implants are not indestructible however and may leak, but according to Dr. Scott
Haydon, silicone implants have a lower reoperation rate. A fat transfer breast
augmentation, in which fat is taken from the body and redistributed to the breasts,
may also be performed. After the implants are inserted, the incisions are closed and
the patient is moved to a recovery area. The patient may go home in a few hours, but
will continue recovering for one to two days followed by a few days of reduced
activity. As with any surgery, soreness is expected for a couple of weeks but as time
goes on, people become more and more satisfied with the
Gottiparthi Nitin. 700657173. Mis Final Exam. . . 1.With
Gottiparthi Nitin
MIS Final Exam
1.With future in mind apple is building its third and largest data center in North
Carolina. The reason apple build its data center in NC is that the area is wired for
heavy industry and has cheap of the major vendor for building this
project is Tera Data Extreme Data Appliances. Those are obviously Teradata data
warehousing appliances, which are actually OEMed Dell PowerEdge servers that run
the company s eponymous clustered database Apple has openly said to controlling its
data centers altogether with sustainable power source and does as such by utilizing a
mix of solar and geothermal energy, and in addition energy units that keep running on
Apple spent more than $1 ... Show more content on ...
Right now, outsider administrations handle a dominant part of iTunes information
needs, with Azure being the essential supplier. Rather than sinking capital into
foundation claimed and worked by outside firms, Apple is currently pondering its
very own buildout. With that in mind, the organization has obtained plots of land
in China and Hong Kong for future server farms, as per Apple insider. Beside the
monetary advantages, Apple would have the capacity to enhance its server farms
to suit client needs, bringing about an enhanced client encounter. 25% of the
power will be utilized from solar energy, which at today s date has 1% of data
centers energy supply. It can be said that 60% of the processing will be cloud
based. Data centers possess less space than they are involving now. The greater part
of the sustainable sources like sun based, wind, power devices, geothermal and tidal
vitality sources will be upto half purpose behind the Data Center s energy
b). It is true that only fewer companies who are ready to spend more than billion
dollars a year on data centers, can get the exceptionally talented programming
architects and scholarly pioneers of the processing scene, and the capacity to setup
and execute their tweaked equipment chips, and have entry to preparing datasets that
comprises todays web advancements and ability to assemble their equipment which
can be just good with their own foundation can have their own particular Data
James Naismith History
James Naismith is known world wide as the father of basketball . His way of
thinking and theory around the sport PAVED a pathway for young athletes. The
question might arise, why should James Naismith be in the history books? His
invention of basketball was the mark set for those who felt academics wasn t their
strong point. James Naismithis basketball, and basketball is James Naismith.
Naismith is truly a man of the past, present and future, he was a man who wasn t
afraid to push the envelope in whatever he was doing.
James Naismith built the sport of basketball out of nothing. The sport basketball
known to society today, isn t the same sport it was in 1891. Originally played with
two peach baskets and a soccer ball, Naismith published ... Show more content on ...
He worked hard so that basketball could be at it s highest in the future. Once he
conquered that he DID NOT stop working, Dr. Naismith decided that he wanted to
teach as many young people as he possibly could. That LED to the wide spread of
basketball. He was inducted into the hall of fame as someone who contributed to
making this game what it is now. The invention of basketball was a complete change
to sports and how sports can be played. James Naismith is truly one for the history
books with his outstanding effort to achieve nothing but greatness and to inspire
those to never stop working at their dreams, because nothing is
Analysis Of Elephant By George Orwell
Elizabeth Canon
ENG 1301 (34652)
Pamela McLeod
13 September 2017
George Orwell works as the police subdivision of Moulmein, a city in the British
colony of Burma. Because he is, like the rest of the English, a military occupier, he
is hated by much of the village. Although the Burmese never carry out a complete
revolt, they express their displeasure by harassing Europeans at every opportunity.
He works in the management of miserable prisoners gives him a close up view of
the dirty work of Europe and makes him feel guilty for his role in colonialism. He has
yet to understand that the British Empire is decreasing deteriorating, and will soon
be replaced by even worse regimes. This conflicting mentality is typical of officers in
the British Raj, he explains.
One day, Orwell receives a call from another policeman, informing him that a rogue
elephant has been causing damage in the city. Orwell heads for the affected area.
Along the way, villagers explain that the elephant is not wild, but rather a
domesticated one that has had a must attack. Must occurs when domesticated
elephants, held in chains, break their restraints and go crazy. The Burmese have been
unable to contain the elephant. His manager, chased him in the wrong direction and
is now twelve hours away. In its uproar, the elephant has destroyed public and private
property and has killed cattle.
Orwell goes to the neighborhood where the elephant, which is one of the poorest
districts of the city, was last
Computer Algebra Systems ( Cas )
Introduction About CAS Calculator Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) were first
introduced in the early 1970s on large frame computers and are now accessible on
a hand held CAS calculator that is increasing in popularity and affordability for
high school students (Kendal, 2006). The CAS calculator is a multi
representational too with symbolic, graphical and numeric capabilities and a large
variety of procedural skills that include calculus, drawing graphs, and the execution
of numerical, vector, matrix, and statistical calculations (Zbiek, Heid Hirsch, 2009).
The CAS calculator is a powerful dynamic tool that offers opportunities of learning
new concepts and experiences and allows teachers to use the CAS to help students
focus on either a more targeted or a global view of their work with symbolic
representations, depending on the instructional goal (Zbiek, Heid Hirsch, 2009). Bert
Waits, co‐founder of T3 (Teachers Teaching with Technology) mentioned that
graphing calculator is a great pedagogical tool as it offers multi‐representational
approaches in teaching and learning of mathematics (Parrot Eu, 2014). Paragraph 1
How is it used in the VCE Maths Methods study design Textbooks Its been
incorporated into year 12 In 2001 the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
Authority (VCAA) allowed the year 11 cohort to use the CAS calculator (Ball,
2014). Mathematical Methods 1 2 was taken by 3 Year 11 classes in 2001 with the
students taking Mathematical Methods 3 4 the final
Essay about Compare and Contrast Religion in Two Works
Religion is sold to the masses daily. In 1925 it was sold to the masses in the form
of printed material by Bruce Barton. In 1960 it was sold to the masses by way of a
film entitled Elmer Gantry. Bruce Barton sold a different idea of Jesus than most
people were familiar with. In the film, Elmer Gantry sold religionwith bravado and
arrogance which was not the typical way of selling religion either. In each work,
religion is being sold but Elmer is a more exciting and relatable character than Bruce
Barton s Jesus. Elmer Gantry sold religion in a similar way to Barton s Jesus but did
so in a more relatable manner. In both works, each character sought out to sell
religion. Although the major characters in each work were selling... Show more
content on ...
Although, Jesus saved people because it was a duty imposed upon him by his
father. Elmer Gantry however, had a different reason for preaching the word of the
lord. Elmer found it convenient to preach about the lord when he knew he could
get something in return. He had no ulterior motive than to use the words in the
Bible to his advantage to gain something for him. In the film, Elmer sees a good
thing in Sister Sharon Falconer s evangelical troupe and cons his way into her tent
tabernacle, her graces, and her heart (Weiler, 1960). Elmer used the Bible to get
closer to and ultimately to win over Sister Sharon. Elmer Gantry was an
opportunistic character. He used religion when it could benefit him. Not only was
Gantry opportunistic about religion, but was opportunistic when it came to sex
and alcohol as well (Bluestone, 1961). Many people can relate to a character such
as Elmer Gantry. When the opportunity arises for something to go in his favor, he
grabs the opportunity. Many people may feel the same way today. If an
opportunity arises to get something for yourself, you will. Elmer is an ordinary
person with ordinary impulses. He sees Sister Sharon as something he desires and
works his way into her inner circle to be closer to her. An ordinary man would do
something similar to be closer to a woman he finds attractive. Both characters had
very different reasons for selling religion, but both were extremely successful.
Greek Letter Organizations Impact
e Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member s
The Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member s
Carey S. Williams
Northwestern State University The Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter
Organizations: A Member s Perspective
It is said that Greek life will change a person s life in so many ways. Aside from
partying, staying up late, learning the secret handshake and secret rituals, thousands
of black college students embark on a journey of a lifelong brotherhood or
sisterhood to one of the most prestigious black Greek letter organizations, known as
BGLO. Since their beginning, BGLO s have been impacting the lives of students at ...
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While not trying to lose focus on the research at hand, as a graduate of a PWI and a
current employee of an HBCU, it is evident that stipulations are more lenient at the
HBCU institution. This study attempts to answer the question, What impact and
influences does fraternities and sororities have on individuals attitudes and behaviors,
both undergraduate and post graduate. The research questions were given to
members of a BGLO from a PWI or HBCU that were currently an undergraduate or
post graduate. Members of Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Beta Sigma,
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho were
given research questions to answer to conduct this
Analysis Of The Book Blue Heron
Kristan Higgins is best selling author of several novels including the Blue Heron
series. The books in the series are connected because of the Blue Heron winery,
located in Manningsport, New York, that the Holland family owns. Three of the
books are centered around a single member of the Holland family Faith, Honor, and
Jack, the other two entries are focused on twins Connor and Colleen O Rourke. All
five are unmarried at the beginning of their respective books.
The Best Man was the first book released in the series and was released in early
2013. This book is centered around Faith Holland. Three years ago, Faith Holland
was left at the altar by her fiance whose best man, and now the town s police chief,
Levi Cooper, told her he was gay right before they were set to say I do . She is so
embarrassed by this that she leaves and does not return for three years. When she
comes back, she ends up seeing that the best man in her wedding, Levi, he s not
such a bad guy. They end up getting together after she realizes that he only cared for
her when he told her the man she was about to marry was gay. She also tries to help
her dad find love, even with the fact that she has not had the best luck where that is
concerned, and helps her grandparents get back together again after their marriage hit
a rough patch. You also see how her and her ex fiance s relationship evolves since
they broke up on what would have been their wedding day.
Fans of this book say that the books are
A Study On Diabetes Mellitus
Part A 1. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (previously described as non insulin dependent
diabetes) is a condition due to hyperglycemia that accompanies a relative rather than
an absolute insulin deficiency. It appears as a consequence of the alteration
(genetically inherited or acquired) of insulin secretion, sometimes associated with
peripheral insulin resistance.
Impaired ability to absorb certain macronutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids and
proteins can lead to a large spectrum of chronic complications that involve more or
less all tissues of the human body. Globally, an estimated 422 million adults are living
with diabetes mellitus, according to the latest 2016 data from the World Health
Organization. Diabetes Mellitus affects an estimated 29.1 million people in the
United States and is the 7th leading cause of death.
T2DM includes a heterogeneous group of diseases that associate in different
degrees two major metabolic defects: beta cell insulin secretion defect and insulin
resistance of the peripheral tissues. Obesity and insulin resistance are characteristic
for the majority (80 90%) of T2DM cases (Obese T2DM). The sine qua non
condition for the progression from the preclinical phases (prediabetes) to the overt
hyperglycemia stages is represented by the presence of the insulin secretion beta cell
defect. A lack of compensation for insulin resistance will lead to evolution towards
T2DM. The first sign of
Popular Music Of The 80s
The use of synthesizers is one way in which modern popular music is heavily
influenced by the music of the 80s. Synthesizers, keyboards, and keytars were all
common instruments in popular music in the 1980s. Many rock, hip hop, and pop
musicians incorporated or relied heavily on these instruments for back beats. These
instruments lost popularity during the 1990s and early 2000s. In fact, during that
time musicians using keytars were often not taken seriously. But in today s pop
scene, popular artists such as Lady Gaga and LMFAO are openly playing keytars,
and are all the more popular because of it. The use of the synthesizer has become
ubiquitous in modern popular music. It is obvious that the artists of today are heavily
influenced by
The Dumb Waiter Is Written by Harold Pinter in 1957
The Dumb Waiter is written by Harold Pinter in 1957. Absurd is a movement that
was centered in Paris. it is actually derive from the theory of existentialism and
partly is an ideology that believes God is non existed. it was popularized after an
essay written by Franz Kafka. When it was introduced in Malaysia, somewhere in
the early 1970 s, many theatre critics and activists rejected the ideology of the
absurd. my personal remark below in which i am quoted, Absurd is that which is
devoid of purpose;cut off from his religious, metaphysical, and transcendental roots,
man is lost; all his actions become senseless, absurd, useless. is actually a quotation
taken from Eugene Ionesco on his reactions towards the essay that was written by...
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Gambaran ini telah dilukiskan oleh Samuel Beckett melalui karya drama absurdnya
yang pertama iaitu En attendant Godot (Waiting For Godot). Samuel Beckett
merupakan tokoh yang bertanggung jawab dalam mempopularkan drama absurd di
kaca mata teater dunia selain daripada Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet dan Arthur
Adamov. Seperti mana bentuk bentuk drama absurd lain, Beckett memperlihatkan
ketidakrasionalan ini melalui pengujudan masa dan tempat yang tergantung seperti
mana juga idealisme perletakan masa yang tidak spesifik oleh Adamov yang beliau
samakan dengan alam alam mimpi. Kebanyakan watak watak yang dilukiskan dalam
drama absurd ditimpa kesengsaraan dan berupaya berdiri sendiri dalam
menyelesaikan konflik yang ditanggung tanpa menangisi nasib takdir tersebut kepada
tuhan. Demikian juga topik dan isu persoalan yang ditimbulkan adalah sukar untuk
dikenal pasti di dalam drama berbentuk absurd. Ia seperti satu persoalan yang
tergantung yang tidak menemui jawapan. Kesemua bentuk bentuk yang
membangunkan drama drama absurd ini didasari oleh kekejaman peperangan yang
melanda manusia pada ketika itu dan nasib manusia yang tidak terbela oleh tuhan
yang kemudiannya diluahkan melalui pembentukan drama absurd barat. Konsep dan
ciri seperti inilah yang diterapkan dalam fahaman absurdisme barat namun ciri ciri
Return To Krypton Story
I used to have a wondrous father fantasy. He is tall and strong and has good
looking features that he would pass on me according to the genetics laws. He can
fix all the fixable furniture at home just as he can fix any seemingly unfixable
problems at work. He tells jokes with kind laughs. He would someday come back
with an utterly logical explanation for his absence for a decade, I was forced to
return to Krypton, dear daughter. Our beloved Earth was in danger and Krypton
had what it needed for me to get a PhD and learn the knowledge to save the world.
The process held me off for 6 years. Took me several more years to travel across the
universe, but here I am now, at home, with you.
Hence, since the dawn of my perceptual abilities, I have encountered father s
disappearance with reasonable comfort, spent most of my childhood living with
grandparents and soon adapted quickly with the elders style of living, that is, moving
calmly and slowly. At the time, my house located near a... Show more content on ...
The fact that I can see him now and then in recent years after his return makes it s
hard for my fantasy to stand. My father doesn t have Krypton as his old homeland.
Nor do I ever see him telling jokes with kind laughs, though indeed some of my
good looking features resemble that of his. Nor do I have the chance to observe him
fixing things, though indeed he told me the reason of his departure is for his PhD
and for the sake of many lives including my family. Regardless of what he said, he
has permanently gone, from our house, along with his gadgets, right after his return,
when I was in grade 3. Thus his return is not a return after all, as returning means stay,
not leave. Each night of that time, lying on the bed thinking about my father s return
that is not a return, I deeply realized how life could be so ever changing and
nonchalant, and how fragile human bondings could be without maintenance and
Issues with Athletes’ Salaries and How to Change Them
Professional sports were beginning to be organized in the 1850s. At this point, their
salaries, although they were still higher than the average person s, were not too
outrageous. In the 1880s and 90s, baseball players in particular were making on
average about $1,750 annually. Even though this was three times the salary of an
industrial worker of the time, they were not happy with this amount of money and
felt they should be earning more (Baseball n.d.). In the 1970s, the worlds of
professional sportstook a drastic turn. According to an article by J.L. Carnagie, Two
words described sports in the 1970s: big business. Owners and athletes in major
professional team sports knew there was money to be made in their games, and they
went... Show more content on ...
According to a study done by American Demographics magazine in April of 1996,
the number of adults making $20,000 to $29,000 annually who attended sporting
events dropped from 11% in 1985 to 8% in 1995. This shows how exclusive
sporting events are becoming due to increasing prices. The attendance rates of
people in lower income brackets dropped, while the rates of people in higher
income brackets did not change much (Professional Sports Salaries, n.d.) Lastly,
but most importantly is the affect that athletes salaries have on children and
teenagers. Many people fear that the illusion given off by the professional sports
industry is detrimental to children and teenagers who are trying to decide what
they should do with their lives. Young people read about professional athletes and
hear about them on the news and from people around them all the time. They
realize the kind of money they make and that sounds like a great lifestyle to them.
What many kids do not realize is the very minute chance they have of actually
playing a sport professionally. Only about 1% of high school athletes go on to play
in college. And from those college athletes only about 1% go on the play
professionally. So the chances of becoming a professional athlete are about 1 in
10,000 or 0.01% for high school athletes and in 1997, 66% of seventh and eighth
grade boys expected to play professional sports as their career (Professional Sports
Salaries). Not only do children
Essay on Love and Time in Rossetti s Poems
Love and Time in Rossetti s Poems
It is evident that themes of love and time are frequently referred to in several of
Rossetti s poems and I believe that she treats these themes in a variety of ways.
Regarding love, Rossetti explores the disappointment and betrayal caused by love,
her love of God as though part of an intimate relationship and the temptation that love
causes young women to abandon the traditional rules. Using seasonal imagery,
Rossetti relates to time contradicting herself as she often implies that we should take
time to enjoy and observe life whilst she also states that she is unable to be satisfied
with earthly life and it is death that will provide the ultimate fulfilment.
Aware of the inevitable that... Show more content on ...
A parallel to this in Song , Rossetti treats time as missed opportunities, But pluck an
ivy branch for me demonstrating that she missed out on her youth and prime time
but grew old before she had the chance to enjoy life. Using flower imagery,
Rossetti compares the different states of life, Violets are for the grave of youth , a
vibrant and exciting time and for someone to die young would be a shame. And
laurel for the perfect prime , a symbol of continuity and everlasting life; however
withered leaves I chose ,
Rossetti conveys a humble attitude as though she doesn t deserve anymore.
Contrasting her positive thoughts of living life to the full, Rossetti also releases her
inner emotions regarding her own experience of not being successful in love and
consequently was unable to enjoy life like others do. Through song , Who look upon
them hand in hand ,
Rossetti realises how nicer the world could be if she was able to share it with
someone special. Two doves upon the self same branch , using the recurring motif of
innocence and purity , Rossetti attempts to see life as others do who take time to
observe the beauty that surrounds them, and wishes that she could be as content, Oh
happy they who look on them . Aware that she looks at herself and her life in bleak
terms Rossetti affirms, Who look upon them hand in hand/ and never give a thought
to night as she constantly refers to
Marketing Design Of Samsung Mobile
(Analysis of Samsung mobile)
Marketing design and innovation concept has been explained in this study. The
product chosen is mobiles that holds a global presence and has undergone
technological changes to cater to the changing needs of the customers. The models of
mobiles show the changes produced by to remain competitive in the market by
constantly adopting innovations and moving with the pace of IT. It highlights the
value driven by the customers and business clients. It also demonstrated the
significance of design change that leads to satisfaction of the customers. This
assignment highlighted changes in design and innovation adopted by . In the end,
reflective summary is given that reflects my ... Show more content on
For completion of this study, electronics which is leading manufacture through
innovative and reliable products and services in highly competitive market. Main
focus is on mobile phone who are attracting customers through new design, innovative
features and competitive price (, 2014)
2. Product design and innovation
The value to the customer is the benefit derived by the consumers from a product
in exchange of money or cost paid by the customers for the product; it is in
accordance with the customer perspective of value. In 1986, Park, MacInnis and
Jawarski came up with a theory on customer value and revealed that there are three
needs of customers that can be fulfilled by delivering value to them. The three needs
highlighted by Park, MacInnis and Jawarski (1986) were functional, experiential and
symbolic needs. The basic needs related to the problems of consumers are functional
needs; the needs of pleasure, emotions and excitement is related to experiential
needs; and needs related to maintaining social status in society for self satisfaction
and achieving higher status in society is related to symbolic needs (Shanker, 2012).
Similarly, also works with these frameworks as launch of Galaxy models showed that
launched this phone with more upgraded features and improved the existing features.
The focus of production on was on innovation and the
Responsibility Of The Actions Of His Employees As Their...
A great manager is willing to take the responsibility of the actions of his employees
as their leader. Great manager learns from the company s previous mistakes and
are devoted to better the company. Managers should be knowledgeable about the
company, to prepare them to answer any questions the employees or customers
ask. They motivate their employees to be successful and accomplish the company
s day to day task. A great manager listens to employees and customers. They
improve from what they are told and catch on to their own mistakes. Great
managers should know how to handle criticism from an employee or customer. For
instance, say John the manager of Starbucks gets told he is a lousy manager, who
doesn t know what he is doing. John has the choice of either feeling bad for himself,
getting angry, or learn from his mistakes. The better choice would be to learn from
his mistakes. This will allow John to understand to better in a function he lacks in
which is organizing.
In the Management textbook there are four main functions a Great manager should
be skilled in planning, organizing, leading, and control. Good managers don t
neglect any four management functions (Pg 8). Great managers see their employees
as a team and also a family. A good manager gets to know their employees. They use
smarter goals and delegate authority. Get some insight into the lives of the people you
hired. Learn about who they are and where they are going. Find out what motivates
Aboriginal Education Is A Subject That Should Be
Aboriginal education is a subject that should be embedded into curricular activities on
a daily basis from the beginning of early childhood. This essay highlights the
importance of Aboriginal education from an early age for both Indigenous and non
indigenous children in Australia through the discussion of three strategise. These
include the use of Aboriginal perspective in the curriculum, Outcomes for Aboriginal
children and cultural safety in the early childhoodenvironment. It also evaluates the
Early Years Learning Framework and how it reflects the inclusion of Aboriginal
individuals, their culture, histories and communities into the learning process.
Indigenous children in Australia are faced with illness and hardships which... Show
more content on ...
The term Aboriginal perspectives means to include Aboriginal views and
understandings of particular themes or issues (State of New South Wales through the
NSW Department of Education and Communities, 1999 2011). Educationalists are
encouraged to draw upon the local Aboriginal Elders, and community members
knowledge when teaching Indigenous topics to gain local perspectives (State of New
South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Communities, 1999
2011). This is essential as the educator must be providing accurate information to the
children, and this will vary depending on the location of the centre. Aboriginal
perspective can be shared with both Aboriginal and non Aboriginal children, as it is a
way of building on exisiting knowledge and enlightening non Aboriginal students to
learn local Aboriginal histories (Anderson, 2010). Throughout the Early Years
Learning Framework are examples of how to incorporate Abroiginal cultures and
perspectives into the learning environment. The document states that It guides
educators in their curriculum decision making and assists in planning, implementing
and evaluating quality in early childhood settings. It also underpins the
implementation of more specific curriculum relevant to each local community and
early childhood setting (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations, DEEWR, 2009, page 8). It also values the continuity and richness of local
knowledge shared by community
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Essay
The influenza pandemic of 1918 had not only altered the lives of thousands, but the
habitual lives of family and work as well. The Spanish Influenza collected more
lives than all of the casualties of war in the twentieth century combined. After the
disease had swept through the nation, towns that once began their days in lazy,
comfortable manners had begun to struggle to get through a single day. What
started as a mild neglect of a typical fever or case of chills had escalated and grown at
an alarmingly rapid rate to be fearsome and tragic. The influenzaspread through the
simplest means of a welcoming handshake, a gentle touch, or the lightest kiss. Anna
Milani, a survivor of the disease, solemnly recalled a remorseful memory, I... Show
more content on ...
Lee Reay, another survivor of the influenza, reminisced:
It wasn t real medicine, but it smelled like medicine and it tasted like medicine and
we put a lot of honey in it so that it would taste pretty good and we passed it out to
everyone who wanted medicine. It went in a hurry, there wasn t much left. It didn t
do any harm. Most of them thought it did good[sic] (Kenmer Influenza 1918).
Homemade remedies were not uncommon and varied from necklaces of garlic to
the distinct scents of camphor, but none to prove to be promising. Death tolls kept
rising and some children were left to fend for themselves. Parents sometimes left
their healthier kids in the care of relatives that lived further away from the
pandemic or had spare bedrooms that better the chances of surviving. Family
members that passed away were denied a proper church service as a method of
slowing the spread of influenza; only immediate members of the family were
allowed a small and rather quick procession alongside the coffin. Ministers and
priests were scarce and hardly had the time to attend every procession thus leaving
it to the remaining mourners albeit the mother, father, brother or sister to give an
offer of prayer and bow their heads in sorrow of their departure of their loved ones.
Face to face contact was discouraged and often avoided which led to the death of
sweet, simple intimacy and
Analytical Analysis Of Frost At Midnight By Samuel
Analytical essay of Frost at Midnight by Samuel Coleridge
People think that nature brings a sort of calmness, happiness or peace, which is why
most people travel to places with beautiful sceneries, or build houses near beaches, or
have a plant in their surrounding or even just a painting of a tree, flower or mountain.
The importance of nature is subjective as it nature touches people in different ways.
The poem Frost at Midnight, Samuel Coleridge, is a monolingual conversation
between the speaker and his sleeping infant. It is written in blank verse, with little or
no rhyme but in iambic pentameter. In this poem, the speaker emphasises the
importance of nature by equating it to God, he also speaks about the ability of nature
to create treasured memories, which he wants to use to plant himself in his child s
future, therefore, he his rallying against modernization because of this.
The speaker stresses the importance of nature by comparing it to God, he says that
his child will be far from God because he will not be able to hear God s voice which
apparently is, The lovely shapes and sounds intelligible / Of that eternal language...
(65 66). I believe that this comparison is quite different as most religions such as
Christianity do not equate God with earth but instead suggests that God created
earth (New International Version, Gen. 1.1). This sentence makes me think that
God can mean different things to different people. The thing or person we worship
the most or respect the most can be a god, money can be a god, a popular music artist
can be a god, and a tyrannical president can also be a god. The speaker s definition of
a God involved the ability to: from eternity doth teach Himself in all... Great
universal Teacher! (67 69).The speaker s definition of God entails the ability to be
able to teach one s self and be able to mold spirits. Thereby nature is important in this
way because it can mold people s spirits and lives.
Another way in which the speaker stresses the importance of nature is by stating
benefits from nature. He is sitting at home and staring out through the window,
looking at the fluttering object and listening to the owl while the rest of the residents
in the house are asleep. He is in his
The Battle Of Vehicle ( Bfv ) Versus The Future Fighting...
The Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) versus the Future Fighting Vehicle (FFV)
Programs MSG Torry Rice United States Army Sergeants Major Academy Class 67
Mr. Madera Introduction In the past 15 years, the battlefield has been in the open
desert and urban environments. The geographical locations where the United
States have fought their wars have had a demand for armored troop vehicles. The
Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) has met and exceeded that demand since 1981.
With the possible new threat in Eastern Europe, there is a more demand to have a
solid armored troop carrier in the Army s arsenal. The Bradley is the right vehicle
for the current and possible future threats. The Army wants to erase the M2A3
BFV from its inventory and replace it with a new and improved fighting vehicle.
Replacing the Bradley without doing an effective cost analysis would be a huge
loss to the Army s budget plan. This would be detrimental especially when the
Bradley is not the only vehicle program the Army is trying to replace. The purpose
of this paper is to discuss the rationality behind not replacing the BFV at this time.
Background Between 1950 and 1960, the Army was developing a plan to transport
infantry troops in a specialized armored vehicle. The first transport vehicle was the
M113. This vehicle would transform over the years until 1981 when the Bradley
Fighting Vehicle was introduced into the Army s arsenal. This armored vehicle got
its name from a World War II General
The Giver Research Paper
Readers who give up early on the challenging read of The Giver will miss out on
the meaningful lessons and themes in the story. Jonas is the main character in The
Giver, a science fiction novel by Lois Lowry. Jonas lives in a society with no color,
no music, no feelings, and no love. Everything seems perfect to the people of the
community, but no one has any memories of what came before them. When Jonasis
selected to become the new receiver of memory he meets The Giver, a man who has
all the memories of the world. Together, Jonas and The Giver devise a plan to bring
back all of the things and memories people had before Sameness. The Giver is a
very complicated and difficult story. There are many themes a reader can take away
from this book,... Show more content on ...
One great piece of evidence can be found on page 90, We ve never completely
mastered Sameness. I suppose the genetic scientists are still hard at work trying to
work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona s must drive them crazy. (Lowry p. 90) There is
no doubt that they are trying to control everything, even people s hair color! As a
result of wanting to be in control, The community has depended, all these
generations, back and back and back, on a resident receiver to hold their memories
for them. (Lowry p. 146) In other words, Jonas community doesn t even want
people to have memories. By taking away all memories, the elders hoped it would
make everyone more similar. Another example from the text is, There was a time,
actually... when flesh was many different colors. That was before we went to
Sameness. Today flesh is all the same, and what you saw was the red tones. (Lowry
p. 90) This shows that the community is controlling the people, because by
controlling their skin color, they are controlling a person s uniqueness and
individuality. In Jonas society, they attempt to use extreme control to create a utopian
society, however it is clear that it s better to Embrace your differences don t control
Ethical Theories Of Utilitarianism, And Deontological Ethics
The three main ethical theories that will be compared in this paper are: virtue,
utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. Similarities and differences between each
theory will be pointed out to further understand the concept as well as address ethics
and morality between all three. To wrap things up, a personal experience will be
shared to explain the relationship among virtue, values, and moral concepts as they
relate to one of the three theories that will be outlined.
Virtues are the character traits that a moral life consists of such as courage, integrity,
and honesty. In virtue ethics the importance does not rely on rules and a
consequence of actions but rather if a person is expressing good moral character or
not. According to Aristotle moral virtue is expressed in good purpose that is to say,
in prescriptions for action in accordance with a good plan of life (Britannica). On the
ethics side of virtues, determination of rightfulness or wrongfulness of a specific
action is based on worthy character traits. Negative criticism of the virtue theory
points out that there ... Show more content on ...
Recently at the San Diego Regional Airport Authority many volunteering events
have become available to its employees and are kept optional and don t affect
status of employment if one chooses not to partake. Whether its volunteering at the
local Father Joes Villages serving food to the homeless or boxing supplies to
families in need, many of the employees take precious time out of their lives to give
to others. Although I haven t volunteered yet, I recognize the sacrifices people make
to benefit a greater cause. Even after a long day at work, men and women with
families go spend valuable time helping out the homeless and low income families
that aren t as fortunate. Virtues, values, and morals align perfectly with the
philosophy of utilitarianism when it comes to volunteer
Persuasive Essay On The Process Of Bathing Your Cat
While cats become aggressive when wet, general grooming is required to help keep
your cat s skin and fur in healthy peak condition because regular grooming keeps their
coats clean and skin healthy. many kittens are not able to keep themselves completely
clean despite their natural grooming instincts and their coats become greasy
.Overweight cats have a harder time reaching the furon their back, so it is often
matted and dry, which can lead to infections.
The first step to bathing your cat is to have the area where the bathing is to take
place in the best order it can be. This can mean just tidying up or moving
unnecessary objects out of the way. The area where you decide to bathe your cat
should be taken into thought. Bathtubs work the best, but if you do not own one
your kitchen or bathroom sink can also work. The water you use to bathe your cat
should be at least three inches in height, and luke warm so not to scold the cat, but
not cold because then the animal might go into shock. When choosing your soap
you need to be careful of what you use and to only use shampoo formulated for the
use of cats or non toxic dish soaps like Dawn. You should keep a towel at hand at
all times while bathing your cat. When rinsing your cat you can use a large bowl or
a cup to pour clean water over the animal.
Once you have your bathing area set up, the next step is the actual bathing of the cat,
the best way not to get scratched when giving your cat a bath is to grab it from
behind by the
Subaru Outback
When the Subaru Outback was first introduced, there was no other vehicle of its
type. Over the years, other car manufacturers have worked to replicate the success
of this vehicle, but it only keeps getting better. As a result, it remains among the
best in its class. Drivers state it offers the perfect combination of refinement and
comfort, and i s ideal for those who need a car they can drive every day, even when
weather conditions are less than ideal. For this reason, anyone looking to buy a car
should consider purchasing a 2017 Subaru Outback near Hilton Head SC.
Why We Love This Car
As our Outback dealers near Hilton Head like to point out, the 2017 Subaru
Outback offers more space than many of its competitors. This is of great help when
hauling kids to sporting events or heading out for a camping trip for the weekend.
The cargo loading area and roof are lower in this vehicle than in the majority of
SUVs, making it easy to load and unload the gear for these activities. Furthermore,
this vehicle was designed with off road adventures in mind. It can go where the
driver desires with ease, and visibility is outstanding in all directions.
2017 Upgrades ... Show more content on ...
In 2017, they decided to add a Touring model, one that is designed for individuals
who want a stylish vehicle. Although they did have to sacrifice some utility to
achieve this goal, drivers who choose this model don t seem to mind. In addition,
they have upgraded the safety systems of the 2017 Subaru Outback near Hilton Head
SC. The EyeSight driver assist suite now includes reverse automatic braking to detect
items when going backwards and automatic high beams. Drivers are sure to quickly
fall n love with both features and wonder how they lived without them in the
The Skin Of Our Teeth
Fine art is art developed mainly for aesthetics or beauty. The definition of fine art has
the same situation as with all kinds of art in which it is subjective. Thus, generally
speaking, fine art is considered to involve some main fine arts such as painting,
drawing, sculpture, architecture, photography, and film. Also, some definitions
include the performing arts, such as music, theater, and dance (Richard Sheposh,
2017). Performing arts are those arts than involve live, filmed, or videotaped
presentation of drama or the performance of certain skills such as dance and theatre.
Therefore, this paper is going to discuss three main aspects; the most different part
between the Dance Concert and The Skin of Our Teeth, as well as the most similar
side between these two performances, and my overall viewpoint of the two
Primary, there are some differences between those two performances, but the most
different part of those two performances is the ... Show more content on ...
Unlike ballet choreographer , who depend on a language with specific steps,
modern dancers create their own dance language (Funk and Wagnalls, 2017). Thus,
the dancers in the performances only use body language and did not talk while
dancing except some words. The goal of this performance was to send a message
for the audience through their dancing bodies and face expressions and may say
some words. As an example, for that is what happen in the Finding Fire dance in
which the dancers were telling about people relationships and love with each other
and how other people feel about their relationship through only using their body
language and face expression with only some words to tell whether they are happy,
sad, or angry. In each dance they were representing different story for the audience.
On the other hand, the players communication at The Skin of Our Teeth performance.
Players communicate through talking,
Ty Cobb Research Paper
Ty Cobb: An American Legend When you hear of great baseball players you think
of statistics and how many homeruns that player hit. That is exactly the opposite
for baseball Hall of Fame centerfielder Tyrus Raymond Cobb. Nicknamed the
Georgia Peach , Cobb grew into one of the greatest players to ever play the game.
A 1942 survey of former managers said that he was the greatest of all time. (Official
Website). To some, he is known to be the greatest all around player in history. Ty
Cobbinspired many on a daily basis with his fireball spirit, wittiness, amazing skill,
and his desire to be successful on the field. Tyrus Raymond Cobb was born on
December 18th, 1886 in Narrows, Georgia. He was the eldest of three children.
Growing up Cobb s dad forced him to study constantly, and his dad never accepted
anything from his son but excellence. (Los Angeles Times).... Show more content on ...
His lifestyle was plagued by deaths, and his own personal trouble. Cobb s father
died after being shot by his mother two times. Cobb was suspended at a point in his
career in 1912. Playing at New York a fan proceeded to heckle Cobb. Cobb later
went into the stands after the fan began calling him names. He punched, kicked,
and stomped the fan who was already missing a hand and part of another due to a
workplace accident. (ESPN). Ty Cobb would snap on anyone in a heartbeat. At
one point in his life, Cobb was jumped while he was with his wife by 3 men. His
gun wouldn t fire, so Cobb chased the man down and beat the man s face
unrecognizably with the butt of his pistol. (Knife in Cobb s Back). He never had
an issue fighting anyone. No matter who they were. However, Cobb had an attitude
that most didn t. He would never give up and he always tried to win at everything.
(Los Angeles Times). Ty Cobb invested lifetime in a stock market known as Coca
Cola . The investment proved to pay off huge dividends for Cobb who went on to
retire a millionaire.
Violation Of The 8th Amendment
The death penalty is a subject that is ever changing and has been changed in many
occasions during its long history in society. There where moments where being
mentally ill, or being a juvenile was a tickets out of the death penalty no matter how
severe or horrid the crime commited truly was. The reason this changed occured it
because the courts believe it is a violation of the 8th amendment which protects
people from cruel and unsual
but this makes me begin to think if this amendment is used to protect only those that
apply to these certain conditions isnt it a cruel and unsual punishment for the people
that do not fall under these catergories. Many individuals believe that a child is not yet
Cell Phones By Sherrill Sellman Summary
The news has recently been highlighting the negative effects of radiation from cell
phones and the detrimental effects it has on our body. However, have you ever
considered the radiation from cell phones affecting your hormones as well? In the
article, Cell Phones, Hormones and Breast Cancer: Connect the Dots , written by
Sherrill Sellman representing Total Health Magazine strays from the norm and
discusses the effects. Sellman highlights many issues regarding the radiation and
electromagnetic field repercussions on the human body physiological imbalances.
The author Sellman first goes over information regarding hormones in the body,
electromagnetic fields the earth provides, and the connection of breast cancerto
radiation. She cited that maintaining hormonal balance is crucial in having a healthy...
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Sellman then continued to explain that the human body is a electrical system and
everything on this earth emits electric fields. Electromagnetic fields are transmitted
from phone towers, computers routers and any matter on earth. However, on the
other alternative side the electromagnetic frequencies found within the natural world
are harmonious with and supportive of life . She stated how these electromagnetic
waves affect our glucose, lipid and blood pressure levels. Sellman then states
information from an scientist, Robert O. Becker who was the author of Cross
Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, and further stated that our bodies and
immune systems are being detrimentally affected by power lines, cell phones,
microwaves, etc. Robert believes that radiation, once safe now contributes to
increases in cancer, birth defects, depression, learning disabilities, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, Alzheimer s disease and much more . Radiation once having positive side
effects now with more research and the greater emittance from multiple prospects it
has unfavorable
Police Enforcement And Criminal Investigation Essay
Law enforcement, in some form, has existed for centuries and since its creation there
has been numerous improvements. Improvements have come about because of
community changes and the need for more effective ways of policing the people. As
crimes became more fierce and complex so did the need for the investigation and
solving of these crimes. Criminal investigative techniques were not just born from
thin air, some thought and planning had to go into figuring out the proper ways to go
about doing things. Pioneers of the criminal justiceand criminal investigation field
such as August Vollmer, Alphonse Bertillon, Edward Henry, and Edmond Locard
have made superior contributions to the development of criminal investigative
techniques. These techniques have impacted the way policeoperate today and set a
substantial base for law enforcement to build on. Alphonse Bertillon devised a
system simply called, The Bertillon System. This was a first attempt at criminal
identification and was thought to be reliable and accurate. Bertillon developed an
anthropometric system of physical measurements of body parts, especially
components of the head and face. This system was used primarily to determine if a
person in custody had committed a previous crime. Archives of these records began to
be compiled. A form of this system is still used today, but we now call them mugshots
. (Bertillon System of Criminal Identification, 2011). Although mugshots are still
used today, anthropometry was
Examples Of Onomatopoeia In John Henry
The author used literary devices in all parts of the book. It says the moon cried,
and the sun shed a tear this is Personification where human characteristics are to non
human things such as the sun and the moon. John Henry being born to him
destroying the boulder then to racing ferret faced freddy then racing a drill these
are the plot a sequence in which events happen. John Henry Yelled get up from there
. Ferret faced freddy said It s a deal This is dialogue, the written conversation in the
book. John Henry is the Characterof the book or what the book is about.
Some things the author did use was onomatopoeia there was only one part when he
was hitting the boulder there was clink clink .Onomatopoeia are the sound effects such
Essay on Character Movement in James Joyce s Dubliners
Character Movement in Dubliners
In a letter to his publisher, Grant Richards, concerning his collection of stories called
Dubliners, James Joyce wrote:
My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose
Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the centre of paralysis. I have
tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its aspects: childhood,
adolescence, maturity, and public life. The stories are arranged in this order. I have
written it for the most part in a style of scrupulous meanness and with the conviction
that he is a very bold man who dares to alter in the resentment, still more to deform,
whatever he has seen and heard (Peake 2).
Joyce s passion ... Show more content on ...
Physical movement becomes especially important in presenting spiritual paralysis in
Sister, the first story of Dubliners. The main character, a nameless young boy, is
brought by his aunt, to mourn for Father James Flynn, a priest who has recently
died. He had been physically paralyzed by a number of strokes, but had also
experienced spiritual paralysis because he had broken a sacred chalice. According
to C.H. Peake, author of James Joyce: The Citizen and the Artist, The breaking of
the chalice was a breach of ritual: the emptiness of the chalice, each time it is
referred to, symbolizes a ritual from which all spiritual content has been emptied.
Only the forms remain . . . religion, like the old priest himself, is paralyzed (13).
The dead priest represents the state of the Irish Church. The young boy moves
toward spiritual paralysis when he travels west to the drapery house where a priest
lived, a house where the windows look west and reflect the false gold of the
western clouds (Bidwell and Heffer 72). Even when the boy returns eastward to his
home, the street on which he lives, North Richmond Street, is a dead end street. This
dead end is a physical barrier to his attempts to progress east toward escape.
The childhood stories depict attempts to flee East that are never actualized. Both the
young boy and the elderly priest fall under this category. The young boy dreams of
the Middle Eastern country of Persia and recalls, I felt that I had been very
Pulaski County Water Supply
I conducted a survey of Pulaski county residents to get their opinion about the
Pulaski county water supply. The purpose of the survey is to get others viewpoint
of Pulaski County drinking water so that we can improve our waters system. In
the Article Arkansas Rivers is Too Polluted to Touch written on April 24, 2000, it
states The river is fairly clean as it flows into Wichita, but by the time it leaves the
city, the water is so dirty it is not safe for wading, fishing and touching, said Tom
Stiles, chief of the office of planning and prevention at the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment. The river also is not safe for canoeing, kayaking or
water skiing. Have Arkansas Rivers improved within 14 years? This question will
help us to see how far Arkansas Rivers have come since the year 2000. According
to Carl Safina in Song for the Blue Ocean he discussed how pollution can interfere
with not only wildlife and aquatic animals, but humans as well. Pollution can get into
our water system causing bacteria and diseases. These waters are the same that runs
in our faucets and pipelines. I will discuss resent studies of central Arkansas water
quality later in the survey report. Central Arkansas Water supplycomes from two
water sources surfaces, Lake Winona located in Saline County and Lake Maumelle
in the Pulaski County area. Both lakes supply water to Jackson Reservoir which
regulates water sources located in Little Rock near the Reservoir Park. The water
Orange County Research Paper
Where is a good place to travel to? What place would I love to travel to? The place
that I would love to travel to Orange County. Orange County, California, a south
western city, has many activities, tourist sites, and beautiful beaches; one being
Huntington Beach. I have always wanted to go there and tour the area and do all
of their activities. This is the place I have wanted to go to since the first time I
heard about it. There are tons of activities to do in Orange County. They range from
water jetpacking all the way to long board skateboarding. There is also surfing,
yachts, jetpacks, and skiing. In Orange County they have many surfing competitions
and even offer surfing lessons. There are also many shops that sell a lot of items
that many surfers will use while surfing. Next, there are many skiing resorts that
allow tourist to ski and snowboard. The resorts have rental boards and boots for the...
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This is a beach on the edge of Orange County where surfing competitions happen.
The beach has white sand and a peer. The peer goes out over water and has a
restaurant on it. According to Welcome to Orange County, Californiathe restaurant is
a local company to Orange County and is not a chain restaurant. The beach is
popular to all of the people in Orange County. The beach has many stores for
surfing and wakeboarding. Huntington Beach is also known for it is beautiful and
amazing sunsets in the summer nights. The beach is something that I would go to
every day if I went to Orange County. I would surf because I could rent all the
equipment I need. I would also meet some of the surfers from the Hollister brand,
and learn some tips and tricks to surfing. According to the website Huntington Beach
wants you to get there the beach was constructed for $114,000 mainly to attract
attention to all of the people in Orange County. Orange County wanted to make this a
big part of Orange County for all the people that come and
Bob Marley, Reggae Artist And Icon
Bob Marley is a world renowned reggae artist and icon that uses his musical genius
to shed light on the social injustices of the effective working class people around the
world. Bob Marley s distinguishing characteristics in his songs resulted in his
success, especially love and openly political songs. Another distinguishing
characteristic of Marley is that the Rastafarian religion and the political roots in
which it came from to guide the music and lyrics.
The music genre Reggae was popularized in Jamaica in the late 1960 s. Although
today reggae is more generalized to Jamaican dance music. According to the article
Local and Foreign: The Popular Music Culture of Kingston, Jamaica, before Ska,
Rock Steady, and Reggae by Robert Witmer in actuality, reggae was influenced by
traditional mento and calypso music. American popular music at the time was even
added such as American jazz, rhythm and blues. Soon evolved out of the earlier
genres of ska and rocksteady. In terms of style, reggae has a very unique style that
includes elements of jazz, blues, mento, calypso, and African music, which resulted
in the positive reception of the music worldwide. (1) The most important element of
reggae is the offbeat rhythm created by a piano or guitar and sometimes the
combination of both. The reggae genre has a slow tempo that gives the music a
relaxing rhythm heartening it back, once again, to its island roots.
The most prominent and important instrument in reggae is the bass. It holds a
The History of Southwest Airlines Essay
The History of Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines (SWA) begins in June 18, 1971, when SWA first operated a first
airline consul between Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Rollin King and Herb
Kelleher are the founders of the company. The end of 1971 SWA immediately began
to expand.
In 1972 all Houston service is transferred to Houston s Hobby Airport form Houston
Intercontinental, that is make more convenient for people to fly. During the first year
of operations the customers were the Southwest s first priority. Five years after the
first operated a twin engine the SWA places its sixth Boeing 737 into service while
flying over one and a half million satisfied customers to their destinations. Also at the
same year SWA gets... Show more content on ...
This is somewhat slower than the projected 3.5% gain for real gross domestic
product (GDP) in 1998. In 1999, RPMs would advance 2.5% to 605 billion, while
real GDP is seen growing 1.7%. The recently sluggish pace for air travel represents
a break from the normal pattern: since 1987, air travel has grown 1.8 times faster
than real GDP.
Two elements are working against air travel at present. First, the industry is
experiencing a cyclical slowdown that has its origins in the Asian financial crisis.
Second, with the days of deeply discounted fares over, fewer first time travelers are
entering the market.
The big swing factor for air travel in 1998 and 1999 will be the international
market. International travel accounts for some 27% of total Revenues per mile
(RPM) and 22% of revenues for the largest U.S. carriers. For the first eight months
of 1998, international RPMs climbed 3.7% over the year earlier period. However,
as capacity grew 5.8%, the load factor deteriorated to 73.7% from 75.2%. Most of
the international weakness is confined to Asia, where traffic is off about 8%.
While the economic slowdown that s underway may not deteriorate into a recession,
it is expected to take its toll on corporate profits. Historically, business travel reflects
changes in corporate profits, though sometimes with a lag. In 1997, the Travel
Industry Association of America reported that business travel
Pros And Cons Of Natural Stone Countertops
Decorating your home requires making the natural versus synthetic choice many
times over. Carpet or hardwood flooring? Wooden or hard plastic furniture? Natural or
synthetic stone counters? Rino s Tile Stone is here to help you with the latter
decision, as the Anchorage, AK company specializes in granite, marble, and quartz
countertops. All countertops are customized to perfection via the most advanced
fabrication process in Alaska. Allow the purveyors of custom countertops to help you
make this important home decor decision before heading over to their beautiful
showroom: Uniqueness: Natural stone comes from the ground and subsequently
features natural flaws. Granite is an ideal example of flawed stone, as slabs vary in
terms of color, pattern, and thickness. When you purchase natural stone counters, you
get to enjoy highly unique countertops. Synthetic stone is made... Show more content
on ...
Natural stone countertops are simple enough to maintain assuming spills are wiped
up immediately and stone is resealed about every two years. Aesthetic Appeal:
Synthetic stone counters may look appealing, however it is hard to compete with the
supreme beauty of natural stone. Whether you choose granite countertops, marble
countertops, or another natural stone option, your home will feature a timeless look
that is challenging to match. Discuss granite countertops and other stunning natural
stone counter possibilities with the friendly, knowledgeable team at Rino s Tile
Stone. Browse the showroom at this locally owned and operated business to find the
perfect stone countertop for your budget and have it installed with meticulous
precision by the Rino s Tile Stone team. Learn more about granite countertops, marble
countertops, and other custom countertops by contacting Rino s Tile Stone today.
Call (907) 743 1075 or visit the
Management Performance Evaluation Of Employees
Managers s play a huge role in performance evaluation of employees. There are
several factors that contribute to how managers assess performance evaluation, these
components are orientation, training, development, feedback, and annual
performance appraisals (). Human Resource managers are important to the
performance appraisal process, because they make sure that the appraisal is fair,
detailed, and the managers are handling the appraisals professionally(). In order to
properly ensure that the performance appraisals are conducted in a fairly, HR
managers need to make sure that the appraisals are non discriminatory. As an Human
Resource manager it is important that the managers who conduct the performance
appraisals are properly trained on... Show more content on ...
Performance evaluations can also aid in helping an organization reach their future
goals. They allow managers and employee to sit down and think strategically on
how the organization can reach their goals in the upcoming year. Not only does it
give an opportunity to achieve the organization s goals, but it also can encourage
employees to set their own standards and goals on themselves for the next work
year. Using performance appraisal can ultimately assist organizations on reaching
their strategic goals and giving them an internal advantage against competition. If
performance appraisals are not done properly, this could lead to many negative
consequences for an organization. The first thing to recognize when doing
performance appraisal it takes a long period of time to properly conduct
performance evaluations. It can become extremely stressful and overwhelming to
managers, because they have to evaluate all of their employees. This can lead to
managers having a negative attitude towards performance reviews. Another issue
with performance appraisals is if they are mishandled during the process. If a
manager is poorly trained and is not knowledgeable in how to properly carry out
these appraisals, a bad review could lead to an extremely negative and hostile work
environment for the manager and employees. This could also lead to possible legal
issues for the organization if they are not careful about the procedure in which they
Ushuaia Essay
of this work was to perform an analysis of the activities offered by tour operators, on
the one hand, in Antarctica and, on the other hand, in Ushuaia as a gateway, and to
analyze how the destination can be positioned as complementary destination of
Antarctica. The province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Southern Atlantic Islands
is situated in the southern tip of South America in Argentina, and comprises three
different territorial areas: the eastern sector of the large island of Tierra del Fuego and
its adjacent islands, the Atlantic islands: Southern Falkland Islands, Southern Georgia
and Southern Sandwich Islands, and the Argentine Antarctica which also includes the
... Show more content on ...
Its name has a YГЎmana origin and means bay that penetrates towards the west. It
is located at the foot of the Martial Mountains, on the northern bank of the Beagle
Channel. Taking into account the preferences for new destinations away from the
big urban centers and the geopolitical conflicts as well as the need to get in touch
with nature in places little altered by man, Ushuaia has become an important point
of attraction in recent years. Touristically Ushuaia is part of the Patagonian corridor
that includes Puerto Madryn and El Calafate. Of the total number of tourists
registered in Ushuaia in the 2003 2004 season, 77% of the visitors were foreigners
and only 23% were locals. This is due to the large participation of considerable size
cruise ships. Ushuaia is included as a port of call in the route of large tourist cruises
that make trips around South America. In their routes the ports of the South Atlantic
Ocean are united with those of the South Pacific Ocean, crossing the Beagle Channel.
Among the ports of call we can mention Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Puerto Madryn,
Falkland Islands, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas, Puerto Montt and
Castaway Movie Analysis-Journeys
Castaway , directed by Robert Zemeckis, is a 2001 film starring Tom Hanks. Hanks
stars as Chuck Noland, a FedEx delivery man whose life is headed in the right
direction , until his plane crashes and he is stranded on an island. He must adapt to
his new life on the island; overcoming many obstacles in order to survive. Castaway
explores three different journeys; physical, inner and imaginative. Chuck Noland is a
filmic representation of the philosophy of time equals money equals fulfilment.
Zemeckis is deliberate in his obvious manipulation of the responder as he uses a
multitude of filmic techniques to create a connection between the audience and
Chuck. The physical journey in Castaway is Chuck s struggle to survive all the...
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His determination and faith serve to evoke optimism within the responder and it
gives them hope that Chuck will continue to survive until he gets off the island.
The impact time has on his life is also evident when he is admonishing FedEx
employees. He states We live or we die by the clock. Never allow ourselves to
commit the sin of losing track of time. He says the same thing to the volleyball,
Wilson, when he is planning their escape off the island. The context of when he
says it changes the meaning of this quote. The first time it is said he is
passionately trying to get workers to be more efficient and the quote is an
exaggeration. The second time Chuck makes this remark, death is actually a
serious option. Although the timing of his escape is important to him, time is not
what is driving him anymore, instead his desire to get back to Kelly. The
volleyball, Wilson, becomes Chuck s only companion on the island. Wilson is
Chuck s need for companionship personified. Wilson is a part of Chuck as Wilson
s face is made of his blood and is the physical manifestation of Chuck s mental state.
I know you. Chuck repeats to Wilson and this signifies that Chuck is aware that
Wilson is a part of him while demonstrating Chuck trying to reassure himself of who
he is. When Wilson is lost at sea, Chuck is devastated at losing his friend and one of
the only things kept him sane on the island. Chuck s palpable anguish evokes
sympathy and grief within the responder.
Cash Grants Essay
Consider the compact of co responsibility between the government and recipients.
What is needed to make the compact work? Progresa had the goal of increasing the
basic capabilities of extremely poor people in rural Mexico (Levine, 2007, p.67).
Progresa is a program developed by the government of Mexico in 1997, and was
implemented by President Ernesto Zedillo. With the help of Santiago Levy who was
an economist, Progresa was developed to help break the cycle of povertyin Mexico. In
order for the compact to work between the governmentand the recipients, a change
had to take place from the governments standpoint. The government came to the
realization of what the recipients needed and to provide that for them. Since the
government was... Show more content on ...
67). The focus of the cash grants was used as an incentive to help motivate people
to participate in the program, specifically mothers. Mothers were usually the
caretakers of the children and the household; therefore, the program directed the
cash grants to support the mothers in their decision and their responsibility
towards the program. This decision was based on research conducted by social
science analysis, which proved to have worked. According to the research, mothers
tend to invest in their children s education, healthcare and nutritional needs more
than any other parent. Therefore, it made logical sense to have the mothers be
responsible and eligible for the cash grants. In this choice, positivity seemed to
have been the outcome. Child health improved in the Progresa areas. For example,
children under 5 years of age in Progresa, who were required to seek well child care
and received nutritional support, had a 12% lower incidence of illness than children
not included in the program (Levine, 2007, p. 70). In regards to education,
enrollment grew for the girls and the boys while child labor decreased significantly.
Nutritionally, the children in the program had less sickness or
Speech On Hair Transplant
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant is a type of surgery which moves hairs you already have to bald or
thinning area. This surgery usually have to perform in doctor s office. First of all,
surgeon will clean your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of your head. At
Dezire Clinic, we uses FUE technique for hair transplantation. In FUE procedure,
Firstly surgeon s team will shave the scalp of your head. After that doctor will
remove hair follicles one by one or individually from back side of your head, which is
called as Donor area. This area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will
cover. After, surgeon will prepare the grafts, he will clean the numb area where
hairs to be implanted, creates holes by using small needle or it is also called as
Scalpel, and places each graft one by one in holes. To plant the grafts he will get
help from other team members also. Depending on the size of hair transplant, the
process will take 4 8 hours.
At Dezire Clinic, ... Show more content on ...
In FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction used to take hairs from donor area in naturally
growing individual groups of 1, 2, or 3 hairs follicles. FUE is actually a tool based
procedure. The best outcome of hair transplant procedure is depend on various factors
like good density, direction of implantation. FUE surgery time varies according to the
surgeon s experience, speed of harvesting, patient characteristics etc. The main
advantage of FUE hair restoration procedure is that patient get scar free skin after the
Dezire clinic, Pune performs FUE hair restoration procedure by using the semi robotic
equipment s for the extraction of follicular unit grafts.
If you are considering the Hair Transplant surgery please contact at Dezire Clinic,
Pune. Dr. Prashant Yadav will gather your aspects, and examine the areas of hair loss.
Body Hair
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Microbial Insecticides
Microbial insecticides
Pest management approach, methods and discipline have undergone developments
and advancements with the progress of time to reduce environmental impacts.
Microbial insect control uses pathogenic microorganisms isolated from diseased
insects during naturally occurring outbreaks. Usually, such epidemics only occur
when pest population densities are high and usually after significant damage have
been done to crops [1], [2], [3]. Over 400 species of fungi and more than 90 species
of bacteria which infect insects have been described including Bacillus thuringiensis ,
varieties of which are manufactured and sold throughout the world essentially for the
control of caterpillar pests and more recently mosquitoes ... Show more content on ...
If necessary, most microbial insecticides can be used in conjunction with synthetic
chemical insecticides because in most cases the microbial product is not deactivated
or damaged by residues of conventional insecticides.(Follow label directions
concerning any limitation) Disadvantages of microbial insecticides :
The limitations or disadvantages listed below do not prevent the successful use of
microbial insecticides. Understanding how these limitations affect specific
microorganisms will help users to choose effective products and take necessary steps
to achieve successful results.
Each application may control only a portion of the pests present in a field, garden,
or lawn because a single microbial insecticide is toxic only to a specific species or
group of insects. If other types of pests are present in the treated area, they will
survive and may continue to cause damage. Conventional insecticides are subject to
similar limitations because they too are not equally effective against all pests. The
negative aspect of selectivity is often more noticeable for microbials . So there is
limited market for some microbial insecticides, thus these products are not widely
available or are relatively
Why Misunderstanding Occurs Will Help Improve Our...
People communicate for more meaning than only for the words spoken. Sometimes
what we intended to say is not what the other person undersrands. By understanding
why misunderstanding occurs will help to improve our communication skills in or
prevent this from happening again (Managing and managing people, 2011a). The
three approaches by John Austin (1962) who established the concept of using
language as a speech act which help in identify the differences between what the
speaker intended to say, the literary meaning of the speaker as well as how what was
said was received by the speaker. (Managing and managing people, 2011b).
On the day of the incident the house was busy as can be expected of such a large
family. Physical barriers and ... Show more content on ...
According to McLaughlin et al, (2008), the distance in proximity between people
affects people s levels of comfort and can cause anxiety.
Fear and lack of trust are among the most typical barriers to effective communication.
People can be hesitant to communicate in particular their thoughts as well as their
feelings for fear of being criticised, getting negative reactions, or getting an angry
response. if people lack trust they might be hesitant to communicate, not just their
feelings and thoughts, but any ideas they might have. For example, the situation
was hugely affected by the service user s current emotions which involved her
family members constantly shouting and criticising her. She appeared nervous and
anxious especially whenever one of her parents came into the kitchen. It was
evident that she was not listening actively to what was being said. To be able to
listen actively the listener is required to be attentive (Jones, 2009; Smith, 2010; Xue,
2009). The service user was distracted and was not as attentive as when it was just
the two of us in the room.
Interpersonal barriers, otherwise referred to as personality clashes occur when
relationships between individuals are weak and not hamonial . As a result of this the
confidence and mutual trust in one another is low, therefore leading to emotional
barriers set out above (Managing and managing people, 2011c).In the intervention this
occurred between me (the professional)
Theme Of Contradictions In A Clockwork Orange
Contradiction/Duality as the ultimate reality in A clockwork orange.
In his novel A clockwork orange, Anthony Burgess explores contradiction/duality as a
ultimate reality. His understanding of this phrase reflects the world as a set of
fundamental and coequal oppositions of forces, and this is evident throughout the
novel (Sparknotes, 2015:1). In the following essay we will be exploring the concept
of contradictions/duality as portrayed in the novella by referring to the following
contradictions namely; good versus evil, commitment versus neutrality, free will
versus the Clockwork orange , man versus government, youth versus maturity and
intellect versus intuition.
Burgess expresses the idea that a man cannot be completely good or evil and ... Show
more content on ...
The novel revolves around what happens when a person s free will is taken away
(Novelguide, 2015:2). Alex asserts his free will by choosing a course of wickedness,
but he is subsequently robbed of his self determination by the governments
implementation of the Ludovico Technique upon him (Sparknotes, 2015:1). By
making Alex a ruthless and wicked criminal, Burgess argues that humanity must, at
any cost, insist that individuals be allowed to make their own moral choices, even if
that freedom results in depravity (Sparknotes, 2015:1). When the government
removes Alex s power to choose his own moral course of action, Alex becomes
nothing more than a thing, something like a machine, something as unnatural as a
clockwork orange (Novelguide, 2015:2). It is suggested that Burgess believes that an
evil Alex is a human Alex, and therefore he prefers the evil Alex to an Alex who has
been programmed to deny his own nature (Scaruso, 2015:1). The chaplain presents
the Christian concept of morality, and sums up Burgess s position very concisely,
when he explains to Alex that: When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man
(Burgess, 2013:169). F. Alexander echoes this sentiment from a different
philosophical viewpoint, however, when he tells Alex that the treatment has: Turned
him into something other a human being. He has no power of choice any longer.
You are committed to socially accepted acts, a little machine capable only of good
(Burgess, 2013:173). Burgess s novel ultimately supports the conception of morality
as a matter of choice and determination and argues that good behaviour is
meaningless if one does not actively choose goodness (Sparknotes,
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  • 1. Persuasive Essay School Uniforms Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of school uniforms can be a challenging endeavor that requires a careful balance of presenting factual information, addressing counterarguments, and skillfully persuading the reader. The difficulty arises not only from the need to provide compelling evidence in favor of your stance but also from acknowledging and refuting opposing viewpoints. Firstly, gathering relevant and credible sources to support your arguments requires thorough research. You must delve into educational studies, psychological research, and sociological perspectives to build a solid foundation for your claims. This process demands time and effort, as it's crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in your essay. Addressing counterarguments adds another layer of complexity to the task. Understanding and acknowledging opposing viewpoints is essential to strengthen your own position. This involves anticipating and dismantling potential objections through thoughtful analysis and evidence-based reasoning. Balancing the strengths and weaknesses of both sides requires careful consideration to maintain the essay's persuasiveness. Furthermore, achieving a persuasive tone without sounding overly biased is a delicate task. Striking the right balance between passion for your viewpoint and a respectful acknowledgment of differing opinions is vital. The essay should not only present a strong case but also invite the reader to critically evaluate the information presented. Finally, organizing your thoughts coherently and articulating your arguments with clarity is crucial to ensuring that your persuasive essay has the intended impact. This involves structuring your essay logically, using effective transitions, and crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion. In conclusion, composing a persuasive essay on the topic of school uniforms is a multifaceted task that demands research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It requires a delicate balance between presenting compelling evidence, addressing opposing views, and maintaining a persuasive yet respectful tone. For those seeking assistance, various resources, including similar essays, can be explored on platforms like Persuasive Essay School UniformsPersuasive Essay School Uniforms
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  • 3. Farmer Market Observation During my visit to Crocker Galleria farmer s market, I was amaze how I never knew that there was a farmer s market in downtown San Francisco held every thursday and I work downtown and hang out there eating at food places which were unhealthy, so I am glad I was able to discover this farmer s market. As I walked around each station that had many variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, honey, etc available for anybody to view, to buy and ask questions to the farmers about their products and also having samples of the food they grown, where I tasted many foods which was delicious and for the first time I tasted a pomegranate fruit rather than the juice brand, so it was a unique experience from me to see farmer s eager to let people taste... Show more content on ... In the textbook on page 18 it has a similar connection with organic food and how experts like the watchdog Environmental working group thinks the government is too liberal when it comes to the amount of levels of allowable pesticides to foods. In an article called Grocery store vs. Farmer s market they question whether buying local is better than grocery store and got a response from Lottie Thacker a shopper who said I ve been buying from these people for quite a long time so it s cheaper, ( A similar correlation from this quote, would be from a YouTube video called Farmer s Market vs. Supermarketwhere they also wanted to see if it is better to shop at farmer s market or a Supermarket when it comes down to price and what they found out that it doing make a difference. In conclusion I will seriously consider to make an effort to shop for my produce at a farmer s market because as I was comparing prices, it s cheaper which is good for me to save money and also to me the produce look better and taste better than Supermarket
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  • 5. Game Warden Position I noticed that there were some job openings for game warden in the Jefferson National Forest. I am very interested in this position since the forest is practically in my back yard. I think I would be an excellent candidate for this position because I meet the educational standards for this job. I also am an avid hunter and fisherman. I am also interested in protecting our beautiful wildlife and forest. It is for these reasons that I think I would make an excellent game warden. First of all, I attended MECC in Big Stone Gap, Virginia where I studied forestry and police science. I really enjoyed these classes and did very well in them. I received A s in my forestry and police science classes. My education
  • 6. Robberies, murder, revenge… some of the most renowned... Robberies, murder, revenge... some of the most renowned films are centred on some of the vilest human acts. Our instinctive nature to crave unpredictability is often satisfied through crime films whether it is through fear, thrill, perplexity, mystification, disgust, horror, amazement, shock, or even offence. So what is it exactly that constitutes the quintessential crime film? People find themselves being transfixed by this popular medium, forming an addiction to the unfolding and prodigious plots, sharp protagonists and often the less anticipated outcome. As a crime film fanatic myself I can assure you that these elements are crucial in intensifying the overall impact it has on you as a viewer. I am aware that some claims have been made... Show more content on ... When on a sailing trip and the Coast Guards make the discovery of Libby in a blood saturated nightgown on a blood tarnished deck holding a knife in her hand the presumption that she murdered her husband is made by them, though we make an intuitive leap that she isn t a killer. With evidence against her being too compelling she is convicted of her husband s murder and sent to jail later making the discovery that the in fact her husband remains alive and framed her for his own murder. Enlightened of the term double jeopardy by an inmate nobody can be convicted twice for the same crime her now determined and revenge driven character sets out on a pursuit to locate her husband, with the resort of killing him being available in order to retrieve her son back. The collaborative nature of film making is especially highlighted in Beresford s production with his decisions in film techniques aiding the overall presentation as well as pace of the plot. In the initial scene where the first action takes place and Libby awakes to trails of blood we are provided with a long, fixed shot of the bed seen under deck with little lighting. These shots introduce the motif of unmotivated camera movement and with slow transitions of frame we begin to see close ups which single out important details. Other close ups throughout the film allow for more intimate encounters, often displaying various
  • 7. Tuckman s Team Development The model of team development is a brainchild of Bruce Tuckman, who proposed this idea in 1965. The model consists of 4 stages in which teams go through during the accomplishment of its tasks and goals. Each phase has its own peculiar areas covered. (Tuckman, 1965). Particularly. the stages of Tuckman s model are forming, storming, norming and performing. Now, let me consider the stages of the theory at the same time introducing the case. I came across with a case study of Interactive Multimedia course at Edith Cowan University in 2002, which can be accessed from the following website: http:/ / cours/teams/docs/team%20Successful%20teamwork.pdf Senior students at Edith Cowan University, in the class of Interactive Multimedia, were asked to gather in teams and work on the design and development of web sites for clients. The teams consisted of 4 to 5 people, and their main task was to apply their technical skills to meet the expectations of the instructor in establishing a client seeking product. Undoubtedly, the team consisted of different members with different backgrounds ranging from programmers, graphic designers and others. They were given autonomous environment, where ... Show more content on ... Some of the main special points were that patience of each team member and differences were respected. The main reason for this is that without tolerance or controlling, the destiny of the team is in mishap, according to Tuckman. Here, disagreements boldened the team s strength and effectiveness. In the end, the team members felt themselves close to one another that they didn t feel any judgement and discomfort when speaking up different ideas to their team members. In other words, there was open communications and positive feedback inside the team. And they deemed it as natural need to discuss problems or tough issues and try to come up with constructive
  • 8. Comparing Vietnam And The United States The world has become more global as time is going through. However, there are still some significant differences when comparing between developed country and developing country, such as Vietnam and the United States. While the United States has been developed in many fields (economy, religions, educational system..), Vietnamis still in transition process. They are located on two different continents; they have so much difference on religious, languages, and practices although those distinctions are seemed to get more narrow than before. People are trying to adopt the different culture, as they still the keep their traditional practices of their own culture. Weddinglife, food, and the educational system are the typical things, which have the similarities and differences at the same time. Firstly, the wedding life for couples is significantly different even though it still has some few things similar. In both countries, the couples will an engagement ceremony before getting to an actual wedding ceremony. They both will receive wedding rings from their lovers. Also, they will sometime hold a reception the celebration party in when they share theirs happiness to their friends and happiness. On the other hand, there are still some contrasts between for the couple before and after the wedding. In the U.S, the couples are free to choose theirs partners, their parents do not interfere their children s decision, but the couples cannot get married unless they have permissions
  • 9. Atopic Dermatitis Research Paper Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing eczematous skin disease characterized by pruritus and inflammation and accompanied by cutaneous physiological dysfunction with majority of patients having a personal or family history of atopic diathesis . The term Atopic Diathesis refers to the presence of allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma or AD.1The first recorded reference to Hippocrates described a condition characterized as itching over patient s whole body ,over 2500 years ago.2 The concept of atopy (derived from the Greek atopia, meaning different or out of place ) was originally proposed in 1923 and included asthma and allergic rhinitis, but in 1933, AD was added to the group of atopic disorders on the basis of association of... Show more content on ... Decrease in incidence of rickets after fortification of foods with vitamin D led physicians to believe that vitamin D related health disorders had come to an end. But unfortunately, rickets appears to be a mere drop in the vast ocean of disorders resulting from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has potential to suppress inflammatory responses, enhance antimicrobial peptide activity .It also maintains the integrity of the permeability barrier and can stimulate or inhibit keratinocyte differentiation and stimulate synthesis of proteins such as filaggrin that are necessary for formation of the stratum corneum barrier.8 Vitamin D plays a role in atopic dermatitis pathogenesis mainly through its immunomodulatory action.9 Vitamin D active form i.e. vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D3] plays main role in enhancing the expression of antibacterial peptides and thus preventing skin infection
  • 10. Ryme Of The Ancient Mariner Essay Of all the stories and poems we have read for the second semester my top three favorite would have to be Ryme of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge as my third favorite. Then to follow Ryme would be Ozymandis by Shelley. This would then conclude with my favorite text of the second quarter being To a Mouseby Robert Burns. The three poems or stories just listed are my favorite due to the way that their author was able to reach out and grab his audience by the ear. The authors all had a beautiful way of capturing the reader s attention and holding it. In Ryme the audience was able to provided this story that kept the audience waiting because they didn t know what was up with the old man stopping the young wedding guest in order to tell him his story. The poem of Ozymandis is able to hold the attention by providing the reader the question of is nature going to slaughter us all one day. To a Mouse caught its readers attention by making us question if we get too attached to the things of today. These stories all hold a place in my heart because they are pure beauty, with a... Show more content on ... The author, Robert Burns, remarks that the mouse ran away as its house was destroyed. The author used this as an explanation as to why mice might be more evolved than humans The mouse as well as with other animals Have begun to move away from material objects and have begun to focus on survival instead of comfort. While some are able to completely give up material objects others are not willing to because they are too tied into the current world. We as a race need to become like the animals that are focusing on surviving instead of living in nice houses, and having nice cars. Robert Burns was addressing a problem that he was hoping wouldn t exist in the future, unfortunately it only got worse. Our obsession with technology is going to bring our race to its knees. It might already be too late to stop
  • 11. Breast Magmentation Surgery Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries. The procedure involves the use of implants or fat transfer to increase breast size/volume. A major application for this surgery involves reconstruction for patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Even if done for reconstruction, all breastaugmentations are cosmetic. However, the majority of health insurance providers do not cover costs of cosmetic surgeries, or even complications due to surgery, because they are largely elective procedures. Furthermore, some insurance companies may even refuse to pay for treatment of breast disease in women who have received a breast augmentation. According to, the average cost of a breast augmentation is $3,708, with many surgeons offering payment plans for the procedure.... Show more content on ... During the actual surgery, the patient is under general anesthesia. An incision is made in an area that will hide scarring and subsequently, the implant is placed either under the chest muscle (sub muscular) or under the breast (sub mammary). There are many types of implants but the most common are saline and silicone. Implants are not indestructible however and may leak, but according to Dr. Scott Haydon, silicone implants have a lower reoperation rate. A fat transfer breast augmentation, in which fat is taken from the body and redistributed to the breasts, may also be performed. After the implants are inserted, the incisions are closed and the patient is moved to a recovery area. The patient may go home in a few hours, but will continue recovering for one to two days followed by a few days of reduced activity. As with any surgery, soreness is expected for a couple of weeks but as time goes on, people become more and more satisfied with the
  • 12. Gottiparthi Nitin. 700657173. Mis Final Exam. . . 1.With Gottiparthi Nitin 700657173 MIS Final Exam 1.With future in mind apple is building its third and largest data center in North Carolina. The reason apple build its data center in NC is that the area is wired for heavy industry and has cheap of the major vendor for building this project is Tera Data Extreme Data Appliances. Those are obviously Teradata data warehousing appliances, which are actually OEMed Dell PowerEdge servers that run the company s eponymous clustered database Apple has openly said to controlling its data centers altogether with sustainable power source and does as such by utilizing a mix of solar and geothermal energy, and in addition energy units that keep running on biogas. Apple spent more than $1 ... Show more content on ... Right now, outsider administrations handle a dominant part of iTunes information needs, with Azure being the essential supplier. Rather than sinking capital into foundation claimed and worked by outside firms, Apple is currently pondering its very own buildout. With that in mind, the organization has obtained plots of land in China and Hong Kong for future server farms, as per Apple insider. Beside the monetary advantages, Apple would have the capacity to enhance its server farms to suit client needs, bringing about an enhanced client encounter. 25% of the power will be utilized from solar energy, which at today s date has 1% of data centers energy supply. It can be said that 60% of the processing will be cloud based. Data centers possess less space than they are involving now. The greater part of the sustainable sources like sun based, wind, power devices, geothermal and tidal vitality sources will be upto half purpose behind the Data Center s energy b). It is true that only fewer companies who are ready to spend more than billion dollars a year on data centers, can get the exceptionally talented programming architects and scholarly pioneers of the processing scene, and the capacity to setup and execute their tweaked equipment chips, and have entry to preparing datasets that comprises todays web advancements and ability to assemble their equipment which can be just good with their own foundation can have their own particular Data
  • 13. James Naismith History James Naismith is known world wide as the father of basketball . His way of thinking and theory around the sport PAVED a pathway for young athletes. The question might arise, why should James Naismith be in the history books? His invention of basketball was the mark set for those who felt academics wasn t their strong point. James Naismithis basketball, and basketball is James Naismith. Naismith is truly a man of the past, present and future, he was a man who wasn t afraid to push the envelope in whatever he was doing. James Naismith built the sport of basketball out of nothing. The sport basketball known to society today, isn t the same sport it was in 1891. Originally played with two peach baskets and a soccer ball, Naismith published ... Show more content on ... He worked hard so that basketball could be at it s highest in the future. Once he conquered that he DID NOT stop working, Dr. Naismith decided that he wanted to teach as many young people as he possibly could. That LED to the wide spread of basketball. He was inducted into the hall of fame as someone who contributed to making this game what it is now. The invention of basketball was a complete change to sports and how sports can be played. James Naismith is truly one for the history books with his outstanding effort to achieve nothing but greatness and to inspire those to never stop working at their dreams, because nothing is
  • 14. Analysis Of Elephant By George Orwell Elizabeth Canon ENG 1301 (34652) Pamela McLeod 13 September 2017 Summary George Orwell works as the police subdivision of Moulmein, a city in the British colony of Burma. Because he is, like the rest of the English, a military occupier, he is hated by much of the village. Although the Burmese never carry out a complete revolt, they express their displeasure by harassing Europeans at every opportunity. He works in the management of miserable prisoners gives him a close up view of the dirty work of Europe and makes him feel guilty for his role in colonialism. He has yet to understand that the British Empire is decreasing deteriorating, and will soon be replaced by even worse regimes. This conflicting mentality is typical of officers in the British Raj, he explains. One day, Orwell receives a call from another policeman, informing him that a rogue elephant has been causing damage in the city. Orwell heads for the affected area. Along the way, villagers explain that the elephant is not wild, but rather a domesticated one that has had a must attack. Must occurs when domesticated elephants, held in chains, break their restraints and go crazy. The Burmese have been unable to contain the elephant. His manager, chased him in the wrong direction and is now twelve hours away. In its uproar, the elephant has destroyed public and private property and has killed cattle. Orwell goes to the neighborhood where the elephant, which is one of the poorest districts of the city, was last
  • 15. Computer Algebra Systems ( Cas ) Introduction About CAS Calculator Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) were first introduced in the early 1970s on large frame computers and are now accessible on a hand held CAS calculator that is increasing in popularity and affordability for high school students (Kendal, 2006). The CAS calculator is a multi representational too with symbolic, graphical and numeric capabilities and a large variety of procedural skills that include calculus, drawing graphs, and the execution of numerical, vector, matrix, and statistical calculations (Zbiek, Heid Hirsch, 2009). The CAS calculator is a powerful dynamic tool that offers opportunities of learning new concepts and experiences and allows teachers to use the CAS to help students focus on either a more targeted or a global view of their work with symbolic representations, depending on the instructional goal (Zbiek, Heid Hirsch, 2009). Bert Waits, co‐founder of T3 (Teachers Teaching with Technology) mentioned that graphing calculator is a great pedagogical tool as it offers multi‐representational approaches in teaching and learning of mathematics (Parrot Eu, 2014). Paragraph 1 How is it used in the VCE Maths Methods study design Textbooks Its been incorporated into year 12 In 2001 the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) allowed the year 11 cohort to use the CAS calculator (Ball, 2014). Mathematical Methods 1 2 was taken by 3 Year 11 classes in 2001 with the students taking Mathematical Methods 3 4 the final
  • 16. Essay about Compare and Contrast Religion in Two Works Religion is sold to the masses daily. In 1925 it was sold to the masses in the form of printed material by Bruce Barton. In 1960 it was sold to the masses by way of a film entitled Elmer Gantry. Bruce Barton sold a different idea of Jesus than most people were familiar with. In the film, Elmer Gantry sold religionwith bravado and arrogance which was not the typical way of selling religion either. In each work, religion is being sold but Elmer is a more exciting and relatable character than Bruce Barton s Jesus. Elmer Gantry sold religion in a similar way to Barton s Jesus but did so in a more relatable manner. In both works, each character sought out to sell religion. Although the major characters in each work were selling... Show more content on ... Although, Jesus saved people because it was a duty imposed upon him by his father. Elmer Gantry however, had a different reason for preaching the word of the lord. Elmer found it convenient to preach about the lord when he knew he could get something in return. He had no ulterior motive than to use the words in the Bible to his advantage to gain something for him. In the film, Elmer sees a good thing in Sister Sharon Falconer s evangelical troupe and cons his way into her tent tabernacle, her graces, and her heart (Weiler, 1960). Elmer used the Bible to get closer to and ultimately to win over Sister Sharon. Elmer Gantry was an opportunistic character. He used religion when it could benefit him. Not only was Gantry opportunistic about religion, but was opportunistic when it came to sex and alcohol as well (Bluestone, 1961). Many people can relate to a character such as Elmer Gantry. When the opportunity arises for something to go in his favor, he grabs the opportunity. Many people may feel the same way today. If an opportunity arises to get something for yourself, you will. Elmer is an ordinary person with ordinary impulses. He sees Sister Sharon as something he desires and works his way into her inner circle to be closer to her. An ordinary man would do something similar to be closer to a woman he finds attractive. Both characters had very different reasons for selling religion, but both were extremely successful.
  • 17. Greek Letter Organizations Impact e Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member s Perspective The Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member s Perspective Carey S. Williams Northwestern State University The Impact Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member s Perspective It is said that Greek life will change a person s life in so many ways. Aside from partying, staying up late, learning the secret handshake and secret rituals, thousands of black college students embark on a journey of a lifelong brotherhood or sisterhood to one of the most prestigious black Greek letter organizations, known as BGLO. Since their beginning, BGLO s have been impacting the lives of students at ... Show more content on ... While not trying to lose focus on the research at hand, as a graduate of a PWI and a current employee of an HBCU, it is evident that stipulations are more lenient at the HBCU institution. This study attempts to answer the question, What impact and influences does fraternities and sororities have on individuals attitudes and behaviors, both undergraduate and post graduate. The research questions were given to members of a BGLO from a PWI or HBCU that were currently an undergraduate or post graduate. Members of Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Beta Sigma, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho were given research questions to answer to conduct this
  • 18. Analysis Of The Book Blue Heron Kristan Higgins is best selling author of several novels including the Blue Heron series. The books in the series are connected because of the Blue Heron winery, located in Manningsport, New York, that the Holland family owns. Three of the books are centered around a single member of the Holland family Faith, Honor, and Jack, the other two entries are focused on twins Connor and Colleen O Rourke. All five are unmarried at the beginning of their respective books. The Best Man was the first book released in the series and was released in early 2013. This book is centered around Faith Holland. Three years ago, Faith Holland was left at the altar by her fiance whose best man, and now the town s police chief, Levi Cooper, told her he was gay right before they were set to say I do . She is so embarrassed by this that she leaves and does not return for three years. When she comes back, she ends up seeing that the best man in her wedding, Levi, he s not such a bad guy. They end up getting together after she realizes that he only cared for her when he told her the man she was about to marry was gay. She also tries to help her dad find love, even with the fact that she has not had the best luck where that is concerned, and helps her grandparents get back together again after their marriage hit a rough patch. You also see how her and her ex fiance s relationship evolves since they broke up on what would have been their wedding day. Fans of this book say that the books are
  • 19. A Study On Diabetes Mellitus Part A 1. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (previously described as non insulin dependent diabetes) is a condition due to hyperglycemia that accompanies a relative rather than an absolute insulin deficiency. It appears as a consequence of the alteration (genetically inherited or acquired) of insulin secretion, sometimes associated with peripheral insulin resistance. Impaired ability to absorb certain macronutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins can lead to a large spectrum of chronic complications that involve more or less all tissues of the human body. Globally, an estimated 422 million adults are living with diabetes mellitus, according to the latest 2016 data from the World Health Organization. Diabetes Mellitus affects an estimated 29.1 million people in the United States and is the 7th leading cause of death. T2DM includes a heterogeneous group of diseases that associate in different degrees two major metabolic defects: beta cell insulin secretion defect and insulin resistance of the peripheral tissues. Obesity and insulin resistance are characteristic for the majority (80 90%) of T2DM cases (Obese T2DM). The sine qua non condition for the progression from the preclinical phases (prediabetes) to the overt hyperglycemia stages is represented by the presence of the insulin secretion beta cell defect. A lack of compensation for insulin resistance will lead to evolution towards T2DM. The first sign of
  • 20. Popular Music Of The 80s The use of synthesizers is one way in which modern popular music is heavily influenced by the music of the 80s. Synthesizers, keyboards, and keytars were all common instruments in popular music in the 1980s. Many rock, hip hop, and pop musicians incorporated or relied heavily on these instruments for back beats. These instruments lost popularity during the 1990s and early 2000s. In fact, during that time musicians using keytars were often not taken seriously. But in today s pop scene, popular artists such as Lady Gaga and LMFAO are openly playing keytars, and are all the more popular because of it. The use of the synthesizer has become ubiquitous in modern popular music. It is obvious that the artists of today are heavily influenced by
  • 21. The Dumb Waiter Is Written by Harold Pinter in 1957 The Dumb Waiter is written by Harold Pinter in 1957. Absurd is a movement that was centered in Paris. it is actually derive from the theory of existentialism and partly is an ideology that believes God is non existed. it was popularized after an essay written by Franz Kafka. When it was introduced in Malaysia, somewhere in the early 1970 s, many theatre critics and activists rejected the ideology of the absurd. my personal remark below in which i am quoted, Absurd is that which is devoid of purpose;cut off from his religious, metaphysical, and transcendental roots, man is lost; all his actions become senseless, absurd, useless. is actually a quotation taken from Eugene Ionesco on his reactions towards the essay that was written by... Show more content on ... Gambaran ini telah dilukiskan oleh Samuel Beckett melalui karya drama absurdnya yang pertama iaitu En attendant Godot (Waiting For Godot). Samuel Beckett merupakan tokoh yang bertanggung jawab dalam mempopularkan drama absurd di kaca mata teater dunia selain daripada Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet dan Arthur Adamov. Seperti mana bentuk bentuk drama absurd lain, Beckett memperlihatkan ketidakrasionalan ini melalui pengujudan masa dan tempat yang tergantung seperti mana juga idealisme perletakan masa yang tidak spesifik oleh Adamov yang beliau samakan dengan alam alam mimpi. Kebanyakan watak watak yang dilukiskan dalam drama absurd ditimpa kesengsaraan dan berupaya berdiri sendiri dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang ditanggung tanpa menangisi nasib takdir tersebut kepada tuhan. Demikian juga topik dan isu persoalan yang ditimbulkan adalah sukar untuk dikenal pasti di dalam drama berbentuk absurd. Ia seperti satu persoalan yang tergantung yang tidak menemui jawapan. Kesemua bentuk bentuk yang membangunkan drama drama absurd ini didasari oleh kekejaman peperangan yang melanda manusia pada ketika itu dan nasib manusia yang tidak terbela oleh tuhan yang kemudiannya diluahkan melalui pembentukan drama absurd barat. Konsep dan ciri seperti inilah yang diterapkan dalam fahaman absurdisme barat namun ciri ciri sedemikian
  • 22. Return To Krypton Story I used to have a wondrous father fantasy. He is tall and strong and has good looking features that he would pass on me according to the genetics laws. He can fix all the fixable furniture at home just as he can fix any seemingly unfixable problems at work. He tells jokes with kind laughs. He would someday come back with an utterly logical explanation for his absence for a decade, I was forced to return to Krypton, dear daughter. Our beloved Earth was in danger and Krypton had what it needed for me to get a PhD and learn the knowledge to save the world. The process held me off for 6 years. Took me several more years to travel across the universe, but here I am now, at home, with you. Hence, since the dawn of my perceptual abilities, I have encountered father s disappearance with reasonable comfort, spent most of my childhood living with grandparents and soon adapted quickly with the elders style of living, that is, moving calmly and slowly. At the time, my house located near a... Show more content on ... The fact that I can see him now and then in recent years after his return makes it s hard for my fantasy to stand. My father doesn t have Krypton as his old homeland. Nor do I ever see him telling jokes with kind laughs, though indeed some of my good looking features resemble that of his. Nor do I have the chance to observe him fixing things, though indeed he told me the reason of his departure is for his PhD and for the sake of many lives including my family. Regardless of what he said, he has permanently gone, from our house, along with his gadgets, right after his return, when I was in grade 3. Thus his return is not a return after all, as returning means stay, not leave. Each night of that time, lying on the bed thinking about my father s return that is not a return, I deeply realized how life could be so ever changing and nonchalant, and how fragile human bondings could be without maintenance and
  • 23. Issues with Athletes’ Salaries and How to Change Them Professional sports were beginning to be organized in the 1850s. At this point, their salaries, although they were still higher than the average person s, were not too outrageous. In the 1880s and 90s, baseball players in particular were making on average about $1,750 annually. Even though this was three times the salary of an industrial worker of the time, they were not happy with this amount of money and felt they should be earning more (Baseball n.d.). In the 1970s, the worlds of professional sportstook a drastic turn. According to an article by J.L. Carnagie, Two words described sports in the 1970s: big business. Owners and athletes in major professional team sports knew there was money to be made in their games, and they went... Show more content on ... According to a study done by American Demographics magazine in April of 1996, the number of adults making $20,000 to $29,000 annually who attended sporting events dropped from 11% in 1985 to 8% in 1995. This shows how exclusive sporting events are becoming due to increasing prices. The attendance rates of people in lower income brackets dropped, while the rates of people in higher income brackets did not change much (Professional Sports Salaries, n.d.) Lastly, but most importantly is the affect that athletes salaries have on children and teenagers. Many people fear that the illusion given off by the professional sports industry is detrimental to children and teenagers who are trying to decide what they should do with their lives. Young people read about professional athletes and hear about them on the news and from people around them all the time. They realize the kind of money they make and that sounds like a great lifestyle to them. What many kids do not realize is the very minute chance they have of actually playing a sport professionally. Only about 1% of high school athletes go on to play in college. And from those college athletes only about 1% go on the play professionally. So the chances of becoming a professional athlete are about 1 in 10,000 or 0.01% for high school athletes and in 1997, 66% of seventh and eighth grade boys expected to play professional sports as their career (Professional Sports Salaries). Not only do children
  • 24. Essay on Love and Time in Rossetti s Poems Love and Time in Rossetti s Poems It is evident that themes of love and time are frequently referred to in several of Rossetti s poems and I believe that she treats these themes in a variety of ways. Regarding love, Rossetti explores the disappointment and betrayal caused by love, her love of God as though part of an intimate relationship and the temptation that love causes young women to abandon the traditional rules. Using seasonal imagery, Rossetti relates to time contradicting herself as she often implies that we should take time to enjoy and observe life whilst she also states that she is unable to be satisfied with earthly life and it is death that will provide the ultimate fulfilment. Aware of the inevitable that... Show more content on ... A parallel to this in Song , Rossetti treats time as missed opportunities, But pluck an ivy branch for me demonstrating that she missed out on her youth and prime time but grew old before she had the chance to enjoy life. Using flower imagery, Rossetti compares the different states of life, Violets are for the grave of youth , a vibrant and exciting time and for someone to die young would be a shame. And laurel for the perfect prime , a symbol of continuity and everlasting life; however withered leaves I chose , Rossetti conveys a humble attitude as though she doesn t deserve anymore. Contrasting her positive thoughts of living life to the full, Rossetti also releases her inner emotions regarding her own experience of not being successful in love and consequently was unable to enjoy life like others do. Through song , Who look upon them hand in hand , Rossetti realises how nicer the world could be if she was able to share it with someone special. Two doves upon the self same branch , using the recurring motif of innocence and purity , Rossetti attempts to see life as others do who take time to observe the beauty that surrounds them, and wishes that she could be as content, Oh happy they who look on them . Aware that she looks at herself and her life in bleak terms Rossetti affirms, Who look upon them hand in hand/ and never give a thought to night as she constantly refers to
  • 25. Marketing Design Of Samsung Mobile MARKETING DESIGN INNOVATION (Analysis of Samsung mobile) Abstract Marketing design and innovation concept has been explained in this study. The product chosen is mobiles that holds a global presence and has undergone technological changes to cater to the changing needs of the customers. The models of mobiles show the changes produced by to remain competitive in the market by constantly adopting innovations and moving with the pace of IT. It highlights the value driven by the customers and business clients. It also demonstrated the significance of design change that leads to satisfaction of the customers. This assignment highlighted changes in design and innovation adopted by . In the end, reflective summary is given that reflects my ... Show more content on ... For completion of this study, electronics which is leading manufacture through innovative and reliable products and services in highly competitive market. Main focus is on mobile phone who are attracting customers through new design, innovative features and competitive price (, 2014) 2. Product design and innovation The value to the customer is the benefit derived by the consumers from a product in exchange of money or cost paid by the customers for the product; it is in accordance with the customer perspective of value. In 1986, Park, MacInnis and Jawarski came up with a theory on customer value and revealed that there are three needs of customers that can be fulfilled by delivering value to them. The three needs highlighted by Park, MacInnis and Jawarski (1986) were functional, experiential and symbolic needs. The basic needs related to the problems of consumers are functional needs; the needs of pleasure, emotions and excitement is related to experiential needs; and needs related to maintaining social status in society for self satisfaction and achieving higher status in society is related to symbolic needs (Shanker, 2012). Similarly, also works with these frameworks as launch of Galaxy models showed that launched this phone with more upgraded features and improved the existing features. The focus of production on was on innovation and the
  • 26. Responsibility Of The Actions Of His Employees As Their... A great manager is willing to take the responsibility of the actions of his employees as their leader. Great manager learns from the company s previous mistakes and are devoted to better the company. Managers should be knowledgeable about the company, to prepare them to answer any questions the employees or customers ask. They motivate their employees to be successful and accomplish the company s day to day task. A great manager listens to employees and customers. They improve from what they are told and catch on to their own mistakes. Great managers should know how to handle criticism from an employee or customer. For instance, say John the manager of Starbucks gets told he is a lousy manager, who doesn t know what he is doing. John has the choice of either feeling bad for himself, getting angry, or learn from his mistakes. The better choice would be to learn from his mistakes. This will allow John to understand to better in a function he lacks in which is organizing. In the Management textbook there are four main functions a Great manager should be skilled in planning, organizing, leading, and control. Good managers don t neglect any four management functions (Pg 8). Great managers see their employees as a team and also a family. A good manager gets to know their employees. They use smarter goals and delegate authority. Get some insight into the lives of the people you hired. Learn about who they are and where they are going. Find out what motivates each
  • 27. Aboriginal Education Is A Subject That Should Be Embedded... Aboriginal education is a subject that should be embedded into curricular activities on a daily basis from the beginning of early childhood. This essay highlights the importance of Aboriginal education from an early age for both Indigenous and non indigenous children in Australia through the discussion of three strategise. These include the use of Aboriginal perspective in the curriculum, Outcomes for Aboriginal children and cultural safety in the early childhoodenvironment. It also evaluates the Early Years Learning Framework and how it reflects the inclusion of Aboriginal individuals, their culture, histories and communities into the learning process. Indigenous children in Australia are faced with illness and hardships which... Show more content on ... The term Aboriginal perspectives means to include Aboriginal views and understandings of particular themes or issues (State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Communities, 1999 2011). Educationalists are encouraged to draw upon the local Aboriginal Elders, and community members knowledge when teaching Indigenous topics to gain local perspectives (State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Communities, 1999 2011). This is essential as the educator must be providing accurate information to the children, and this will vary depending on the location of the centre. Aboriginal perspective can be shared with both Aboriginal and non Aboriginal children, as it is a way of building on exisiting knowledge and enlightening non Aboriginal students to learn local Aboriginal histories (Anderson, 2010). Throughout the Early Years Learning Framework are examples of how to incorporate Abroiginal cultures and perspectives into the learning environment. The document states that It guides educators in their curriculum decision making and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating quality in early childhood settings. It also underpins the implementation of more specific curriculum relevant to each local community and early childhood setting (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, DEEWR, 2009, page 8). It also values the continuity and richness of local knowledge shared by community
  • 28. The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Essay The influenza pandemic of 1918 had not only altered the lives of thousands, but the habitual lives of family and work as well. The Spanish Influenza collected more lives than all of the casualties of war in the twentieth century combined. After the disease had swept through the nation, towns that once began their days in lazy, comfortable manners had begun to struggle to get through a single day. What started as a mild neglect of a typical fever or case of chills had escalated and grown at an alarmingly rapid rate to be fearsome and tragic. The influenzaspread through the simplest means of a welcoming handshake, a gentle touch, or the lightest kiss. Anna Milani, a survivor of the disease, solemnly recalled a remorseful memory, I... Show more content on ... Lee Reay, another survivor of the influenza, reminisced: It wasn t real medicine, but it smelled like medicine and it tasted like medicine and we put a lot of honey in it so that it would taste pretty good and we passed it out to everyone who wanted medicine. It went in a hurry, there wasn t much left. It didn t do any harm. Most of them thought it did good[sic] (Kenmer Influenza 1918). Homemade remedies were not uncommon and varied from necklaces of garlic to the distinct scents of camphor, but none to prove to be promising. Death tolls kept rising and some children were left to fend for themselves. Parents sometimes left their healthier kids in the care of relatives that lived further away from the pandemic or had spare bedrooms that better the chances of surviving. Family members that passed away were denied a proper church service as a method of slowing the spread of influenza; only immediate members of the family were allowed a small and rather quick procession alongside the coffin. Ministers and priests were scarce and hardly had the time to attend every procession thus leaving it to the remaining mourners albeit the mother, father, brother or sister to give an offer of prayer and bow their heads in sorrow of their departure of their loved ones. Face to face contact was discouraged and often avoided which led to the death of sweet, simple intimacy and
  • 29. Analytical Analysis Of Frost At Midnight By Samuel Coleridge Analytical essay of Frost at Midnight by Samuel Coleridge People think that nature brings a sort of calmness, happiness or peace, which is why most people travel to places with beautiful sceneries, or build houses near beaches, or have a plant in their surrounding or even just a painting of a tree, flower or mountain. The importance of nature is subjective as it nature touches people in different ways. The poem Frost at Midnight, Samuel Coleridge, is a monolingual conversation between the speaker and his sleeping infant. It is written in blank verse, with little or no rhyme but in iambic pentameter. In this poem, the speaker emphasises the importance of nature by equating it to God, he also speaks about the ability of nature to create treasured memories, which he wants to use to plant himself in his child s future, therefore, he his rallying against modernization because of this. The speaker stresses the importance of nature by comparing it to God, he says that his child will be far from God because he will not be able to hear God s voice which apparently is, The lovely shapes and sounds intelligible / Of that eternal language... (65 66). I believe that this comparison is quite different as most religions such as Christianity do not equate God with earth but instead suggests that God created earth (New International Version, Gen. 1.1). This sentence makes me think that God can mean different things to different people. The thing or person we worship the most or respect the most can be a god, money can be a god, a popular music artist can be a god, and a tyrannical president can also be a god. The speaker s definition of a God involved the ability to: from eternity doth teach Himself in all... Great universal Teacher! (67 69).The speaker s definition of God entails the ability to be able to teach one s self and be able to mold spirits. Thereby nature is important in this way because it can mold people s spirits and lives. Another way in which the speaker stresses the importance of nature is by stating benefits from nature. He is sitting at home and staring out through the window, looking at the fluttering object and listening to the owl while the rest of the residents in the house are asleep. He is in his
  • 30. The Battle Of Vehicle ( Bfv ) Versus The Future Fighting... The Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) versus the Future Fighting Vehicle (FFV) Programs MSG Torry Rice United States Army Sergeants Major Academy Class 67 Mr. Madera Introduction In the past 15 years, the battlefield has been in the open desert and urban environments. The geographical locations where the United States have fought their wars have had a demand for armored troop vehicles. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) has met and exceeded that demand since 1981. With the possible new threat in Eastern Europe, there is a more demand to have a solid armored troop carrier in the Army s arsenal. The Bradley is the right vehicle for the current and possible future threats. The Army wants to erase the M2A3 BFV from its inventory and replace it with a new and improved fighting vehicle. Replacing the Bradley without doing an effective cost analysis would be a huge loss to the Army s budget plan. This would be detrimental especially when the Bradley is not the only vehicle program the Army is trying to replace. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rationality behind not replacing the BFV at this time. Background Between 1950 and 1960, the Army was developing a plan to transport infantry troops in a specialized armored vehicle. The first transport vehicle was the M113. This vehicle would transform over the years until 1981 when the Bradley Fighting Vehicle was introduced into the Army s arsenal. This armored vehicle got its name from a World War II General
  • 31. The Giver Research Paper Readers who give up early on the challenging read of The Giver will miss out on the meaningful lessons and themes in the story. Jonas is the main character in The Giver, a science fiction novel by Lois Lowry. Jonas lives in a society with no color, no music, no feelings, and no love. Everything seems perfect to the people of the community, but no one has any memories of what came before them. When Jonasis selected to become the new receiver of memory he meets The Giver, a man who has all the memories of the world. Together, Jonas and The Giver devise a plan to bring back all of the things and memories people had before Sameness. The Giver is a very complicated and difficult story. There are many themes a reader can take away from this book,... Show more content on ... One great piece of evidence can be found on page 90, We ve never completely mastered Sameness. I suppose the genetic scientists are still hard at work trying to work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona s must drive them crazy. (Lowry p. 90) There is no doubt that they are trying to control everything, even people s hair color! As a result of wanting to be in control, The community has depended, all these generations, back and back and back, on a resident receiver to hold their memories for them. (Lowry p. 146) In other words, Jonas community doesn t even want people to have memories. By taking away all memories, the elders hoped it would make everyone more similar. Another example from the text is, There was a time, actually... when flesh was many different colors. That was before we went to Sameness. Today flesh is all the same, and what you saw was the red tones. (Lowry p. 90) This shows that the community is controlling the people, because by controlling their skin color, they are controlling a person s uniqueness and individuality. In Jonas society, they attempt to use extreme control to create a utopian society, however it is clear that it s better to Embrace your differences don t control
  • 32. Ethical Theories Of Utilitarianism, And Deontological Ethics The three main ethical theories that will be compared in this paper are: virtue, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. Similarities and differences between each theory will be pointed out to further understand the concept as well as address ethics and morality between all three. To wrap things up, a personal experience will be shared to explain the relationship among virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the three theories that will be outlined. Virtues are the character traits that a moral life consists of such as courage, integrity, and honesty. In virtue ethics the importance does not rely on rules and a consequence of actions but rather if a person is expressing good moral character or not. According to Aristotle moral virtue is expressed in good purpose that is to say, in prescriptions for action in accordance with a good plan of life (Britannica). On the ethics side of virtues, determination of rightfulness or wrongfulness of a specific action is based on worthy character traits. Negative criticism of the virtue theory points out that there ... Show more content on ... Recently at the San Diego Regional Airport Authority many volunteering events have become available to its employees and are kept optional and don t affect status of employment if one chooses not to partake. Whether its volunteering at the local Father Joes Villages serving food to the homeless or boxing supplies to families in need, many of the employees take precious time out of their lives to give to others. Although I haven t volunteered yet, I recognize the sacrifices people make to benefit a greater cause. Even after a long day at work, men and women with families go spend valuable time helping out the homeless and low income families that aren t as fortunate. Virtues, values, and morals align perfectly with the philosophy of utilitarianism when it comes to volunteer
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On The Process Of Bathing Your Cat While cats become aggressive when wet, general grooming is required to help keep your cat s skin and fur in healthy peak condition because regular grooming keeps their coats clean and skin healthy. many kittens are not able to keep themselves completely clean despite their natural grooming instincts and their coats become greasy .Overweight cats have a harder time reaching the furon their back, so it is often matted and dry, which can lead to infections. The first step to bathing your cat is to have the area where the bathing is to take place in the best order it can be. This can mean just tidying up or moving unnecessary objects out of the way. The area where you decide to bathe your cat should be taken into thought. Bathtubs work the best, but if you do not own one your kitchen or bathroom sink can also work. The water you use to bathe your cat should be at least three inches in height, and luke warm so not to scold the cat, but not cold because then the animal might go into shock. When choosing your soap you need to be careful of what you use and to only use shampoo formulated for the use of cats or non toxic dish soaps like Dawn. You should keep a towel at hand at all times while bathing your cat. When rinsing your cat you can use a large bowl or a cup to pour clean water over the animal. Once you have your bathing area set up, the next step is the actual bathing of the cat, the best way not to get scratched when giving your cat a bath is to grab it from behind by the
  • 34. Subaru Outback When the Subaru Outback was first introduced, there was no other vehicle of its type. Over the years, other car manufacturers have worked to replicate the success of this vehicle, but it only keeps getting better. As a result, it remains among the best in its class. Drivers state it offers the perfect combination of refinement and comfort, and i s ideal for those who need a car they can drive every day, even when weather conditions are less than ideal. For this reason, anyone looking to buy a car should consider purchasing a 2017 Subaru Outback near Hilton Head SC. Why We Love This Car As our Outback dealers near Hilton Head like to point out, the 2017 Subaru Outback offers more space than many of its competitors. This is of great help when hauling kids to sporting events or heading out for a camping trip for the weekend. The cargo loading area and roof are lower in this vehicle than in the majority of SUVs, making it easy to load and unload the gear for these activities. Furthermore, this vehicle was designed with off road adventures in mind. It can go where the driver desires with ease, and visibility is outstanding in all directions. 2017 Upgrades ... Show more content on ... In 2017, they decided to add a Touring model, one that is designed for individuals who want a stylish vehicle. Although they did have to sacrifice some utility to achieve this goal, drivers who choose this model don t seem to mind. In addition, they have upgraded the safety systems of the 2017 Subaru Outback near Hilton Head SC. The EyeSight driver assist suite now includes reverse automatic braking to detect items when going backwards and automatic high beams. Drivers are sure to quickly fall n love with both features and wonder how they lived without them in the
  • 35. The Skin Of Our Teeth Fine art is art developed mainly for aesthetics or beauty. The definition of fine art has the same situation as with all kinds of art in which it is subjective. Thus, generally speaking, fine art is considered to involve some main fine arts such as painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture, photography, and film. Also, some definitions include the performing arts, such as music, theater, and dance (Richard Sheposh, 2017). Performing arts are those arts than involve live, filmed, or videotaped presentation of drama or the performance of certain skills such as dance and theatre. Therefore, this paper is going to discuss three main aspects; the most different part between the Dance Concert and The Skin of Our Teeth, as well as the most similar side between these two performances, and my overall viewpoint of the two performances. Primary, there are some differences between those two performances, but the most different part of those two performances is the ... Show more content on ... Unlike ballet choreographer , who depend on a language with specific steps, modern dancers create their own dance language (Funk and Wagnalls, 2017). Thus, the dancers in the performances only use body language and did not talk while dancing except some words. The goal of this performance was to send a message for the audience through their dancing bodies and face expressions and may say some words. As an example, for that is what happen in the Finding Fire dance in which the dancers were telling about people relationships and love with each other and how other people feel about their relationship through only using their body language and face expression with only some words to tell whether they are happy, sad, or angry. In each dance they were representing different story for the audience. On the other hand, the players communication at The Skin of Our Teeth performance. Players communicate through talking,
  • 36. Ty Cobb Research Paper Ty Cobb: An American Legend When you hear of great baseball players you think of statistics and how many homeruns that player hit. That is exactly the opposite for baseball Hall of Fame centerfielder Tyrus Raymond Cobb. Nicknamed the Georgia Peach , Cobb grew into one of the greatest players to ever play the game. A 1942 survey of former managers said that he was the greatest of all time. (Official Website). To some, he is known to be the greatest all around player in history. Ty Cobbinspired many on a daily basis with his fireball spirit, wittiness, amazing skill, and his desire to be successful on the field. Tyrus Raymond Cobb was born on December 18th, 1886 in Narrows, Georgia. He was the eldest of three children. Growing up Cobb s dad forced him to study constantly, and his dad never accepted anything from his son but excellence. (Los Angeles Times).... Show more content on ... His lifestyle was plagued by deaths, and his own personal trouble. Cobb s father died after being shot by his mother two times. Cobb was suspended at a point in his career in 1912. Playing at New York a fan proceeded to heckle Cobb. Cobb later went into the stands after the fan began calling him names. He punched, kicked, and stomped the fan who was already missing a hand and part of another due to a workplace accident. (ESPN). Ty Cobb would snap on anyone in a heartbeat. At one point in his life, Cobb was jumped while he was with his wife by 3 men. His gun wouldn t fire, so Cobb chased the man down and beat the man s face unrecognizably with the butt of his pistol. (Knife in Cobb s Back). He never had an issue fighting anyone. No matter who they were. However, Cobb had an attitude that most didn t. He would never give up and he always tried to win at everything. (Los Angeles Times). Ty Cobb invested lifetime in a stock market known as Coca Cola . The investment proved to pay off huge dividends for Cobb who went on to retire a millionaire.
  • 37. Violation Of The 8th Amendment The death penalty is a subject that is ever changing and has been changed in many occasions during its long history in society. There where moments where being mentally ill, or being a juvenile was a tickets out of the death penalty no matter how severe or horrid the crime commited truly was. The reason this changed occured it because the courts believe it is a violation of the 8th amendment which protects people from cruel and unsual punishmentп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп but this makes me begin to think if this amendment is used to protect only those that apply to these certain conditions isnt it a cruel and unsual punishment for the people that do not fall under these catergories. Many individuals believe that a child is not yet
  • 38. Cell Phones By Sherrill Sellman Summary The news has recently been highlighting the negative effects of radiation from cell phones and the detrimental effects it has on our body. However, have you ever considered the radiation from cell phones affecting your hormones as well? In the article, Cell Phones, Hormones and Breast Cancer: Connect the Dots , written by Sherrill Sellman representing Total Health Magazine strays from the norm and discusses the effects. Sellman highlights many issues regarding the radiation and electromagnetic field repercussions on the human body physiological imbalances. The author Sellman first goes over information regarding hormones in the body, electromagnetic fields the earth provides, and the connection of breast cancerto radiation. She cited that maintaining hormonal balance is crucial in having a healthy... Show more content on ... Sellman then continued to explain that the human body is a electrical system and everything on this earth emits electric fields. Electromagnetic fields are transmitted from phone towers, computers routers and any matter on earth. However, on the other alternative side the electromagnetic frequencies found within the natural world are harmonious with and supportive of life . She stated how these electromagnetic waves affect our glucose, lipid and blood pressure levels. Sellman then states information from an scientist, Robert O. Becker who was the author of Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, and further stated that our bodies and immune systems are being detrimentally affected by power lines, cell phones, microwaves, etc. Robert believes that radiation, once safe now contributes to increases in cancer, birth defects, depression, learning disabilities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer s disease and much more . Radiation once having positive side effects now with more research and the greater emittance from multiple prospects it has unfavorable
  • 39. Police Enforcement And Criminal Investigation Essay Law enforcement, in some form, has existed for centuries and since its creation there has been numerous improvements. Improvements have come about because of community changes and the need for more effective ways of policing the people. As crimes became more fierce and complex so did the need for the investigation and solving of these crimes. Criminal investigative techniques were not just born from thin air, some thought and planning had to go into figuring out the proper ways to go about doing things. Pioneers of the criminal justiceand criminal investigation field such as August Vollmer, Alphonse Bertillon, Edward Henry, and Edmond Locard have made superior contributions to the development of criminal investigative techniques. These techniques have impacted the way policeoperate today and set a substantial base for law enforcement to build on. Alphonse Bertillon devised a system simply called, The Bertillon System. This was a first attempt at criminal identification and was thought to be reliable and accurate. Bertillon developed an anthropometric system of physical measurements of body parts, especially components of the head and face. This system was used primarily to determine if a person in custody had committed a previous crime. Archives of these records began to be compiled. A form of this system is still used today, but we now call them mugshots . (Bertillon System of Criminal Identification, 2011). Although mugshots are still used today, anthropometry was
  • 40. Examples Of Onomatopoeia In John Henry The author used literary devices in all parts of the book. It says the moon cried, and the sun shed a tear this is Personification where human characteristics are to non human things such as the sun and the moon. John Henry being born to him destroying the boulder then to racing ferret faced freddy then racing a drill these are the plot a sequence in which events happen. John Henry Yelled get up from there . Ferret faced freddy said It s a deal This is dialogue, the written conversation in the book. John Henry is the Characterof the book or what the book is about. Some things the author did use was onomatopoeia there was only one part when he was hitting the boulder there was clink clink .Onomatopoeia are the sound effects such
  • 41. Essay on Character Movement in James Joyce s Dubliners Character Movement in Dubliners In a letter to his publisher, Grant Richards, concerning his collection of stories called Dubliners, James Joyce wrote: My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the centre of paralysis. I have tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity, and public life. The stories are arranged in this order. I have written it for the most part in a style of scrupulous meanness and with the conviction that he is a very bold man who dares to alter in the resentment, still more to deform, whatever he has seen and heard (Peake 2). Joyce s passion ... Show more content on ... Physical movement becomes especially important in presenting spiritual paralysis in Sister, the first story of Dubliners. The main character, a nameless young boy, is brought by his aunt, to mourn for Father James Flynn, a priest who has recently died. He had been physically paralyzed by a number of strokes, but had also experienced spiritual paralysis because he had broken a sacred chalice. According to C.H. Peake, author of James Joyce: The Citizen and the Artist, The breaking of the chalice was a breach of ritual: the emptiness of the chalice, each time it is referred to, symbolizes a ritual from which all spiritual content has been emptied. Only the forms remain . . . religion, like the old priest himself, is paralyzed (13). The dead priest represents the state of the Irish Church. The young boy moves toward spiritual paralysis when he travels west to the drapery house where a priest lived, a house where the windows look west and reflect the false gold of the western clouds (Bidwell and Heffer 72). Even when the boy returns eastward to his home, the street on which he lives, North Richmond Street, is a dead end street. This dead end is a physical barrier to his attempts to progress east toward escape. The childhood stories depict attempts to flee East that are never actualized. Both the young boy and the elderly priest fall under this category. The young boy dreams of the Middle Eastern country of Persia and recalls, I felt that I had been very
  • 42. Pulaski County Water Supply I conducted a survey of Pulaski county residents to get their opinion about the Pulaski county water supply. The purpose of the survey is to get others viewpoint of Pulaski County drinking water so that we can improve our waters system. In the Article Arkansas Rivers is Too Polluted to Touch written on April 24, 2000, it states The river is fairly clean as it flows into Wichita, but by the time it leaves the city, the water is so dirty it is not safe for wading, fishing and touching, said Tom Stiles, chief of the office of planning and prevention at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The river also is not safe for canoeing, kayaking or water skiing. Have Arkansas Rivers improved within 14 years? This question will help us to see how far Arkansas Rivers have come since the year 2000. According to Carl Safina in Song for the Blue Ocean he discussed how pollution can interfere with not only wildlife and aquatic animals, but humans as well. Pollution can get into our water system causing bacteria and diseases. These waters are the same that runs in our faucets and pipelines. I will discuss resent studies of central Arkansas water quality later in the survey report. Central Arkansas Water supplycomes from two water sources surfaces, Lake Winona located in Saline County and Lake Maumelle in the Pulaski County area. Both lakes supply water to Jackson Reservoir which regulates water sources located in Little Rock near the Reservoir Park. The water
  • 43. Orange County Research Paper Where is a good place to travel to? What place would I love to travel to? The place that I would love to travel to Orange County. Orange County, California, a south western city, has many activities, tourist sites, and beautiful beaches; one being Huntington Beach. I have always wanted to go there and tour the area and do all of their activities. This is the place I have wanted to go to since the first time I heard about it. There are tons of activities to do in Orange County. They range from water jetpacking all the way to long board skateboarding. There is also surfing, yachts, jetpacks, and skiing. In Orange County they have many surfing competitions and even offer surfing lessons. There are also many shops that sell a lot of items that many surfers will use while surfing. Next, there are many skiing resorts that allow tourist to ski and snowboard. The resorts have rental boards and boots for the... Show more content on ... This is a beach on the edge of Orange County where surfing competitions happen. The beach has white sand and a peer. The peer goes out over water and has a restaurant on it. According to Welcome to Orange County, Californiathe restaurant is a local company to Orange County and is not a chain restaurant. The beach is popular to all of the people in Orange County. The beach has many stores for surfing and wakeboarding. Huntington Beach is also known for it is beautiful and amazing sunsets in the summer nights. The beach is something that I would go to every day if I went to Orange County. I would surf because I could rent all the equipment I need. I would also meet some of the surfers from the Hollister brand, and learn some tips and tricks to surfing. According to the website Huntington Beach wants you to get there the beach was constructed for $114,000 mainly to attract attention to all of the people in Orange County. Orange County wanted to make this a big part of Orange County for all the people that come and
  • 44. Bob Marley, Reggae Artist And Icon Bob Marley is a world renowned reggae artist and icon that uses his musical genius to shed light on the social injustices of the effective working class people around the world. Bob Marley s distinguishing characteristics in his songs resulted in his success, especially love and openly political songs. Another distinguishing characteristic of Marley is that the Rastafarian religion and the political roots in which it came from to guide the music and lyrics. The music genre Reggae was popularized in Jamaica in the late 1960 s. Although today reggae is more generalized to Jamaican dance music. According to the article Local and Foreign: The Popular Music Culture of Kingston, Jamaica, before Ska, Rock Steady, and Reggae by Robert Witmer in actuality, reggae was influenced by traditional mento and calypso music. American popular music at the time was even added such as American jazz, rhythm and blues. Soon evolved out of the earlier genres of ska and rocksteady. In terms of style, reggae has a very unique style that includes elements of jazz, blues, mento, calypso, and African music, which resulted in the positive reception of the music worldwide. (1) The most important element of reggae is the offbeat rhythm created by a piano or guitar and sometimes the combination of both. The reggae genre has a slow tempo that gives the music a relaxing rhythm heartening it back, once again, to its island roots. The most prominent and important instrument in reggae is the bass. It holds a
  • 45. The History of Southwest Airlines Essay The History of Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines (SWA) begins in June 18, 1971, when SWA first operated a first airline consul between Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Rollin King and Herb Kelleher are the founders of the company. The end of 1971 SWA immediately began to expand. In 1972 all Houston service is transferred to Houston s Hobby Airport form Houston Intercontinental, that is make more convenient for people to fly. During the first year of operations the customers were the Southwest s first priority. Five years after the first operated a twin engine the SWA places its sixth Boeing 737 into service while flying over one and a half million satisfied customers to their destinations. Also at the same year SWA gets... Show more content on ... This is somewhat slower than the projected 3.5% gain for real gross domestic product (GDP) in 1998. In 1999, RPMs would advance 2.5% to 605 billion, while real GDP is seen growing 1.7%. The recently sluggish pace for air travel represents a break from the normal pattern: since 1987, air travel has grown 1.8 times faster than real GDP. Two elements are working against air travel at present. First, the industry is experiencing a cyclical slowdown that has its origins in the Asian financial crisis. Second, with the days of deeply discounted fares over, fewer first time travelers are entering the market. The big swing factor for air travel in 1998 and 1999 will be the international market. International travel accounts for some 27% of total Revenues per mile (RPM) and 22% of revenues for the largest U.S. carriers. For the first eight months of 1998, international RPMs climbed 3.7% over the year earlier period. However, as capacity grew 5.8%, the load factor deteriorated to 73.7% from 75.2%. Most of the international weakness is confined to Asia, where traffic is off about 8%. While the economic slowdown that s underway may not deteriorate into a recession, it is expected to take its toll on corporate profits. Historically, business travel reflects changes in corporate profits, though sometimes with a lag. In 1997, the Travel Industry Association of America reported that business travel
  • 46. Pros And Cons Of Natural Stone Countertops Decorating your home requires making the natural versus synthetic choice many times over. Carpet or hardwood flooring? Wooden or hard plastic furniture? Natural or synthetic stone counters? Rino s Tile Stone is here to help you with the latter decision, as the Anchorage, AK company specializes in granite, marble, and quartz countertops. All countertops are customized to perfection via the most advanced fabrication process in Alaska. Allow the purveyors of custom countertops to help you make this important home decor decision before heading over to their beautiful showroom: Uniqueness: Natural stone comes from the ground and subsequently features natural flaws. Granite is an ideal example of flawed stone, as slabs vary in terms of color, pattern, and thickness. When you purchase natural stone counters, you get to enjoy highly unique countertops. Synthetic stone is made... Show more content on ... Natural stone countertops are simple enough to maintain assuming spills are wiped up immediately and stone is resealed about every two years. Aesthetic Appeal: Synthetic stone counters may look appealing, however it is hard to compete with the supreme beauty of natural stone. Whether you choose granite countertops, marble countertops, or another natural stone option, your home will feature a timeless look that is challenging to match. Discuss granite countertops and other stunning natural stone counter possibilities with the friendly, knowledgeable team at Rino s Tile Stone. Browse the showroom at this locally owned and operated business to find the perfect stone countertop for your budget and have it installed with meticulous precision by the Rino s Tile Stone team. Learn more about granite countertops, marble countertops, and other custom countertops by contacting Rino s Tile Stone today. Call (907) 743 1075 or visit the
  • 47. Management Performance Evaluation Of Employees Managers s play a huge role in performance evaluation of employees. There are several factors that contribute to how managers assess performance evaluation, these components are orientation, training, development, feedback, and annual performance appraisals (). Human Resource managers are important to the performance appraisal process, because they make sure that the appraisal is fair, detailed, and the managers are handling the appraisals professionally(). In order to properly ensure that the performance appraisals are conducted in a fairly, HR managers need to make sure that the appraisals are non discriminatory. As an Human Resource manager it is important that the managers who conduct the performance appraisals are properly trained on... Show more content on ... Performance evaluations can also aid in helping an organization reach their future goals. They allow managers and employee to sit down and think strategically on how the organization can reach their goals in the upcoming year. Not only does it give an opportunity to achieve the organization s goals, but it also can encourage employees to set their own standards and goals on themselves for the next work year. Using performance appraisal can ultimately assist organizations on reaching their strategic goals and giving them an internal advantage against competition. If performance appraisals are not done properly, this could lead to many negative consequences for an organization. The first thing to recognize when doing performance appraisal it takes a long period of time to properly conduct performance evaluations. It can become extremely stressful and overwhelming to managers, because they have to evaluate all of their employees. This can lead to managers having a negative attitude towards performance reviews. Another issue with performance appraisals is if they are mishandled during the process. If a manager is poorly trained and is not knowledgeable in how to properly carry out these appraisals, a bad review could lead to an extremely negative and hostile work environment for the manager and employees. This could also lead to possible legal issues for the organization if they are not careful about the procedure in which they use
  • 48. Ushuaia Essay USHUAIA AS A COMPLEMENTARY DESTINY OF ANTARCTICA The objective of this work was to perform an analysis of the activities offered by tour operators, on the one hand, in Antarctica and, on the other hand, in Ushuaia as a gateway, and to analyze how the destination can be positioned as complementary destination of Antarctica. The province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Southern Atlantic Islands is situated in the southern tip of South America in Argentina, and comprises three different territorial areas: the eastern sector of the large island of Tierra del Fuego and its adjacent islands, the Atlantic islands: Southern Falkland Islands, Southern Georgia and Southern Sandwich Islands, and the Argentine Antarctica which also includes the ... Show more content on ... Its name has a YГЎmana origin and means bay that penetrates towards the west. It is located at the foot of the Martial Mountains, on the northern bank of the Beagle Channel. Taking into account the preferences for new destinations away from the big urban centers and the geopolitical conflicts as well as the need to get in touch with nature in places little altered by man, Ushuaia has become an important point of attraction in recent years. Touristically Ushuaia is part of the Patagonian corridor that includes Puerto Madryn and El Calafate. Of the total number of tourists registered in Ushuaia in the 2003 2004 season, 77% of the visitors were foreigners and only 23% were locals. This is due to the large participation of considerable size cruise ships. Ushuaia is included as a port of call in the route of large tourist cruises that make trips around South America. In their routes the ports of the South Atlantic Ocean are united with those of the South Pacific Ocean, crossing the Beagle Channel. Among the ports of call we can mention Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Puerto Madryn, Falkland Islands, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas, Puerto Montt and
  • 49. Castaway Movie Analysis-Journeys Castaway , directed by Robert Zemeckis, is a 2001 film starring Tom Hanks. Hanks stars as Chuck Noland, a FedEx delivery man whose life is headed in the right direction , until his plane crashes and he is stranded on an island. He must adapt to his new life on the island; overcoming many obstacles in order to survive. Castaway explores three different journeys; physical, inner and imaginative. Chuck Noland is a filmic representation of the philosophy of time equals money equals fulfilment. Zemeckis is deliberate in his obvious manipulation of the responder as he uses a multitude of filmic techniques to create a connection between the audience and Chuck. The physical journey in Castaway is Chuck s struggle to survive all the... Show more content on ... His determination and faith serve to evoke optimism within the responder and it gives them hope that Chuck will continue to survive until he gets off the island. The impact time has on his life is also evident when he is admonishing FedEx employees. He states We live or we die by the clock. Never allow ourselves to commit the sin of losing track of time. He says the same thing to the volleyball, Wilson, when he is planning their escape off the island. The context of when he says it changes the meaning of this quote. The first time it is said he is passionately trying to get workers to be more efficient and the quote is an exaggeration. The second time Chuck makes this remark, death is actually a serious option. Although the timing of his escape is important to him, time is not what is driving him anymore, instead his desire to get back to Kelly. The volleyball, Wilson, becomes Chuck s only companion on the island. Wilson is Chuck s need for companionship personified. Wilson is a part of Chuck as Wilson s face is made of his blood and is the physical manifestation of Chuck s mental state. I know you. Chuck repeats to Wilson and this signifies that Chuck is aware that Wilson is a part of him while demonstrating Chuck trying to reassure himself of who he is. When Wilson is lost at sea, Chuck is devastated at losing his friend and one of the only things kept him sane on the island. Chuck s palpable anguish evokes sympathy and grief within the responder.
  • 50. Cash Grants Essay Consider the compact of co responsibility between the government and recipients. What is needed to make the compact work? Progresa had the goal of increasing the basic capabilities of extremely poor people in rural Mexico (Levine, 2007, p.67). Progresa is a program developed by the government of Mexico in 1997, and was implemented by President Ernesto Zedillo. With the help of Santiago Levy who was an economist, Progresa was developed to help break the cycle of povertyin Mexico. In order for the compact to work between the governmentand the recipients, a change had to take place from the governments standpoint. The government came to the realization of what the recipients needed and to provide that for them. Since the government was... Show more content on ... 67). The focus of the cash grants was used as an incentive to help motivate people to participate in the program, specifically mothers. Mothers were usually the caretakers of the children and the household; therefore, the program directed the cash grants to support the mothers in their decision and their responsibility towards the program. This decision was based on research conducted by social science analysis, which proved to have worked. According to the research, mothers tend to invest in their children s education, healthcare and nutritional needs more than any other parent. Therefore, it made logical sense to have the mothers be responsible and eligible for the cash grants. In this choice, positivity seemed to have been the outcome. Child health improved in the Progresa areas. For example, children under 5 years of age in Progresa, who were required to seek well child care and received nutritional support, had a 12% lower incidence of illness than children not included in the program (Levine, 2007, p. 70). In regards to education, enrollment grew for the girls and the boys while child labor decreased significantly. Nutritionally, the children in the program had less sickness or
  • 51. Speech On Hair Transplant HAIR TRANSPLANT What is Hair Transplant? Hair transplant is a type of surgery which moves hairs you already have to bald or thinning area. This surgery usually have to perform in doctor s office. First of all, surgeon will clean your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of your head. At Dezire Clinic, we uses FUE technique for hair transplantation. In FUE procedure, Firstly surgeon s team will shave the scalp of your head. After that doctor will remove hair follicles one by one or individually from back side of your head, which is called as Donor area. This area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will cover. After, surgeon will prepare the grafts, he will clean the numb area where hairs to be implanted, creates holes by using small needle or it is also called as Scalpel, and places each graft one by one in holes. To plant the grafts he will get help from other team members also. Depending on the size of hair transplant, the process will take 4 8 hours. At Dezire Clinic, ... Show more content on ... In FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction used to take hairs from donor area in naturally growing individual groups of 1, 2, or 3 hairs follicles. FUE is actually a tool based procedure. The best outcome of hair transplant procedure is depend on various factors like good density, direction of implantation. FUE surgery time varies according to the surgeon s experience, speed of harvesting, patient characteristics etc. The main advantage of FUE hair restoration procedure is that patient get scar free skin after the treatment. Dezire clinic, Pune performs FUE hair restoration procedure by using the semi robotic equipment s for the extraction of follicular unit grafts. If you are considering the Hair Transplant surgery please contact at Dezire Clinic, Pune. Dr. Prashant Yadav will gather your aspects, and examine the areas of hair loss. Body Hair
  • 52. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Microbial Insecticides Microbial insecticides Introduction Pest management approach, methods and discipline have undergone developments and advancements with the progress of time to reduce environmental impacts. Microbial insect control uses pathogenic microorganisms isolated from diseased insects during naturally occurring outbreaks. Usually, such epidemics only occur when pest population densities are high and usually after significant damage have been done to crops [1], [2], [3]. Over 400 species of fungi and more than 90 species of bacteria which infect insects have been described including Bacillus thuringiensis , varieties of which are manufactured and sold throughout the world essentially for the control of caterpillar pests and more recently mosquitoes ... Show more content on ... If necessary, most microbial insecticides can be used in conjunction with synthetic chemical insecticides because in most cases the microbial product is not deactivated or damaged by residues of conventional insecticides.(Follow label directions concerning any limitation) Disadvantages of microbial insecticides : The limitations or disadvantages listed below do not prevent the successful use of microbial insecticides. Understanding how these limitations affect specific microorganisms will help users to choose effective products and take necessary steps to achieve successful results. Each application may control only a portion of the pests present in a field, garden, or lawn because a single microbial insecticide is toxic only to a specific species or group of insects. If other types of pests are present in the treated area, they will survive and may continue to cause damage. Conventional insecticides are subject to similar limitations because they too are not equally effective against all pests. The negative aspect of selectivity is often more noticeable for microbials . So there is limited market for some microbial insecticides, thus these products are not widely available or are relatively
  • 53. Why Misunderstanding Occurs Will Help Improve Our... People communicate for more meaning than only for the words spoken. Sometimes what we intended to say is not what the other person undersrands. By understanding why misunderstanding occurs will help to improve our communication skills in or prevent this from happening again (Managing and managing people, 2011a). The three approaches by John Austin (1962) who established the concept of using language as a speech act which help in identify the differences between what the speaker intended to say, the literary meaning of the speaker as well as how what was said was received by the speaker. (Managing and managing people, 2011b). On the day of the incident the house was busy as can be expected of such a large family. Physical barriers and ... Show more content on ... According to McLaughlin et al, (2008), the distance in proximity between people affects people s levels of comfort and can cause anxiety. Fear and lack of trust are among the most typical barriers to effective communication. People can be hesitant to communicate in particular their thoughts as well as their feelings for fear of being criticised, getting negative reactions, or getting an angry response. if people lack trust they might be hesitant to communicate, not just their feelings and thoughts, but any ideas they might have. For example, the situation was hugely affected by the service user s current emotions which involved her family members constantly shouting and criticising her. She appeared nervous and anxious especially whenever one of her parents came into the kitchen. It was evident that she was not listening actively to what was being said. To be able to listen actively the listener is required to be attentive (Jones, 2009; Smith, 2010; Xue, 2009). The service user was distracted and was not as attentive as when it was just the two of us in the room. Interpersonal barriers, otherwise referred to as personality clashes occur when relationships between individuals are weak and not hamonial . As a result of this the confidence and mutual trust in one another is low, therefore leading to emotional barriers set out above (Managing and managing people, 2011c).In the intervention this occurred between me (the professional)
  • 54. Theme Of Contradictions In A Clockwork Orange Contradiction/Duality as the ultimate reality in A clockwork orange. In his novel A clockwork orange, Anthony Burgess explores contradiction/duality as a ultimate reality. His understanding of this phrase reflects the world as a set of fundamental and coequal oppositions of forces, and this is evident throughout the novel (Sparknotes, 2015:1). In the following essay we will be exploring the concept of contradictions/duality as portrayed in the novella by referring to the following contradictions namely; good versus evil, commitment versus neutrality, free will versus the Clockwork orange , man versus government, youth versus maturity and intellect versus intuition. Burgess expresses the idea that a man cannot be completely good or evil and ... Show more content on ... The novel revolves around what happens when a person s free will is taken away (Novelguide, 2015:2). Alex asserts his free will by choosing a course of wickedness, but he is subsequently robbed of his self determination by the governments implementation of the Ludovico Technique upon him (Sparknotes, 2015:1). By making Alex a ruthless and wicked criminal, Burgess argues that humanity must, at any cost, insist that individuals be allowed to make their own moral choices, even if that freedom results in depravity (Sparknotes, 2015:1). When the government removes Alex s power to choose his own moral course of action, Alex becomes nothing more than a thing, something like a machine, something as unnatural as a clockwork orange (Novelguide, 2015:2). It is suggested that Burgess believes that an evil Alex is a human Alex, and therefore he prefers the evil Alex to an Alex who has been programmed to deny his own nature (Scaruso, 2015:1). The chaplain presents the Christian concept of morality, and sums up Burgess s position very concisely, when he explains to Alex that: When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man (Burgess, 2013:169). F. Alexander echoes this sentiment from a different philosophical viewpoint, however, when he tells Alex that the treatment has: Turned him into something other a human being. He has no power of choice any longer. You are committed to socially accepted acts, a little machine capable only of good (Burgess, 2013:173). Burgess s novel ultimately supports the conception of morality as a matter of choice and determination and argues that good behaviour is meaningless if one does not actively choose goodness (Sparknotes,