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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
Crafting an essay on the subject of performance-enhancing drugs in sports can be a challenging
endeavor for various reasons. Firstly, it demands a comprehensive understanding of the intricate
relationship between athletes, competition, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of
substances that enhance performance. Delving into the scientific aspects of these drugs adds an
additional layer of complexity, requiring a grasp of pharmacology and biochemistry.
Moreover, addressing the historical context and evolution of performance-enhancing drugs in
sports necessitates meticulous research to provide a nuanced perspective. This involves exploring
instances where athletes have faced consequences for using such substances and understanding
the evolving stance of sports organizations and regulatory bodies.
The essay must also navigate through the ethical implications surrounding the pursuit of
excellence in sports, balancing the desire for fair competition against the pressures athletes face
to achieve exceptional results. Analyzing the impact of performance-enhancing drugs on the
integrity of sports and the athletes' health requires a careful examination of both short-term
benefits and long-term consequences.
In addition, formulating a coherent and persuasive argument involves synthesizing information
from diverse sources while maintaining a clear and engaging writing style. Addressing potential
counterarguments and presenting a well-rounded view further adds to the intricacy of the task.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in sports demands a
multifaceted approach, combining scientific knowledge, historical context, ethical considerations,
and a keen awareness of the evolving landscape of sports and anti-doping measures. It is a task
that requires careful research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the
complexities surrounding this controversial issue.
If you find such essays challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays and
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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay
Research Paper On Illegal Alien
Illegal Aliens: Friend or Enemy? The illegal alien debate has raged on for several
decades; however in recent years citizens have become more aware of the crisis.
Illegal immigrationis one of the most controversial political issues of today s society.
Illegal aliens and their immigration to the U.S. is a problem that needs to be
addressed. It is unfair to Americans and to the country from where they immigrated
from. Whether they (illegal aliens) take jobs or put a strain on Americans social
service programs, the constant invasion of illegal aliens has promoted disrespect for
the law and also limits our... Show more content on ...
Their cheap labor comes with a price, and that price has become too great for
Americans to except anymore. The cost associated with these illegal aliens are far
to great, they are a drain on Social Security, Medicare, School systems, food
assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunch programs. And
they are undermining the core values this country was established on. According to
the Center for Immigration Studies, households headed by illegal aliens imposed
more than twenty six point three billion in costs on the federal government in 2002
and paid only sixteen billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost ten point
four billion according to the Census Bureau. That s about two thousand seven
hundred dollars per illegal alien household the tax payer is having to fork over. The
Census Bureau has also developed estimates of its own. Their estimate at the time of
the 2000 Census suggests that the illegal immigration population was more than eight
million. Using this number, it can be concluded that the illegal alien population has
grown by almost half a million a year in the 1990s. This conclusion is derived from a
draft report that has been given to the House immigration subcommittee by the
Internal Revenue Service that estimated the illegal population was three and a half
million in 1990. For the illegal population to have reached eight million by 2000, the
net increase had to be four hundred thousand to five hundred
Hallmark Cards Business Development
Hallmark Cards afford many an opportunity to celebrate a multitude of occasions
with expressions that speak to the heart. Joyce C. Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards
Incorporated, started the company in 1910 in Kansas City, Mo. The very early years
of establishing his business Hall presented wholesale products created and
manufactured by others to gift shops, drugstores and bookstores. Today, Hallmark
CardsInc. produces and manufactures a variety of products. Hoover s database
estimates Hallmark products are available in over 39,000 US stores and are
published in more than 30 languages. Its distribution of its products is found in 100
countries across the globe. Outside the US, subsidiaries are located in Australia,
Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the UK. Their brands include
Keepsake (holiday ornaments and other collectibles), Mahogany (products
celebrating African American heritage), Nature s Sketchbook (cards and gifts),
Shoebox (greeting cards), Sinceramente (Spanish language greeting cards) and
Tree of Life (products celebrating Jewish heritage. Their Keepsake brand is the
most popular for the company. However, revenue from greeting cards and other
products sold in North America dropped 4 percent in 2013 compared to 2012
(Rosen). Hallmark s subsidiaries are profitable contributions to the company. The
company s subsidiaries include Crown Media Holdings (Hallmark Channel and
Hallmark Hall of Fame) and Crayola. According to Steve Rosen s
Business Torts Ethics And Ethics
Business Torts Ethics Business Torts Ethics As a business owner or manager, one
must always be aware of potential risks and liabilities, and perform necessary actions
to limit or remove those liabilities in their entirety. These foreseeable risks are
situations which can subject the owner to different types of torts. Furthermore,
beyond just reducing the possible financial and criminal liability, owners have an
ethical responsibility to provide an environment free of the risk of damages to their
customers. The following is a discussion of a potentially tortious situation, legal and
ethical responsibilities of the owner, and methods of mitigating risk. Anatomy of a
Tortious Act You own a rental property that consists of
... Show more content on ...
282) and include injuries that are substantially likely to result from the behavior or
action. Included in the categories of intentional tort are assault and battery, trespass,
intentional infliction of mental distress, and invasion of privacy (Reed et al., 2016).
Assault and battery includes the threat of harm, a present ability to carry out the
threat, and a harmful or offensive touching of another (Farlex, Inc, 2016). The
intruder threatened Sharon and Darryl, was able to carry out the threat at that
moment and followed through by physically harming each of them. Trespass
involves entering someone s land without their permission (Reed et al., 2016). The
intruder forced his way into Sharon s apartment without her consent. Intentional
infliction of mental distress is defined by Reed et al. (2016) as a battery to the
emotions (p. 284) and usually must be accompanied by physical manifestations.
The intruder inflicted distress upon Sharon as evidenced by her screams, and she
was physically harmed in the process. Invasion of privacy occurs when one intrudes
upon another s solitude, such as an illegal invasion of one s home (Reed et al.,
2016). It is clear in this example that the intruder illegally invaded Sharon s home.
Based on these definitions, the intruder s act of not only entering the property by
force, but further inflicting injury upon Sharon and Darryl makes him liable for
Essay On Renaissance Health And Medicine
How far did health and medicine improve during the Renaissance?
Health and medicine changed considerably during the Renaissance in some areas
and in some areas it remained the same. Major changes were seen in the fields of
anatomy and surgery, as seen in the published works of Vesalius, Leonardo Da Vinci
and William Harvey. But there was not much improvement when it came to cures and
treatments and also finding out the causes of diseases. Public healthcare remained
almost the same, although some efforts were carried out by the rich and powerful to
bring about a change. Overall, there was only a little improvement in this field from
the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
There was a massive change in the understanding of anatomy. ... Show more content
on ...
Andreas Vesalius (1514 1564), a professor of medicineat Padua University, and
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 1519), a world renowned artist, performed multiple
dissections on dead bodies of criminals. They created detailed drawings of all the
things they observed during the autopsies, which formed the basis for the
understanding of the inner workings of the human body (Blakstad, 2011). Vesalius
also published a book with these drawings called De Humani Corporis Fabrica
(Fabric of the human body) in the year 1543 (, 2014). William Harvey, a
London doctor proved that blood circulates around the body and is pumped by the
heart. He described how it happened in the book he published in 1628 called
Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (Anatomical
Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals) (Trueman, 2015). There
were many more doctors, teachers, researchers like Servetus, Columbo, Caselpino,
and Fabricius who played a very important role in the advancement in the
understanding of the human body and its organs (,
The African Freedom Movement
Caleb Renfroe
History of Civilization II
Ch.22 Question
Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants
without hindrance or restraint, and this idea of freedom is arguably one of the
most sought after privileges throughout the history of human existence. Wars have
been fought over it, lives have been lost, song and poems and works of literature
have been written about it. Freedom is what defines our country here in America
today and it is the desire of the entirety of the human race. Although we may desire
freedom and we may take it for granted in today s society, it hasn t always been so
easy to come by. The Indian freedom movement and the African freedom movement
both had their fair share of struggles before achieving their desired state of freedom.
Some of these struggles were common to both countries but each also experienced
difficulties unique to their own country as well.
One common thing between both India and Africa s freedom movements is their
success in becoming free nations under the rule of their own government rather than
by a foreign countries. In India, the movement began its success in 1885 with the
establishment of the Indian National Congress (INC) gained further traction under the
leadership of Mohandas Gandhi and by 1947 colonial India became independent. In
Africa, the struggle against apartheid was one of success as well. The African
freedom movement gained began in 1912 with the African National Congress (ANC)
and gained
I Am Gained Through Philosophy, Even For The
There is knowledge to be gained through philosophy, even for the computer science
student. When I first learned that this was a required course for my degree
curriculum, I did not believe I would find value in taking the course. Now I am
going to present my evaluation of why I have changed my mind. What is the
definition of philosophy? The dictionary would define it as the study of the basic
ideas about knowledge, truth, right and wrong, religion, and the nature and meaning
of life . My first response was truth, right and wrong, religion, meaning of life , how
can that help a computer science student? The idea of gaining knowledge through the
discipline of philosophy seemed foreign to me. What I learned was that my original...
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The historian would be able to go on for hours churning out historical facts. If you
were to ask the same question of philosophers, they would have to admit that their
studies have obtained positive along with negative results. The reason for this is that
as soon as any knowledge about a subject gets definite, it turns into its own science,
and is no longer called philosophy. (Bertrand Russell p21 Book). I agree with Russell
that the questions that philosophers try to answer are a part of what drives
ambiguity in philosophy. Russell states that philosophy is not just about
recommending answers to questions, additionally it is to make sure that people
are aware of the questions coupled with the importance of each of those questions.
Questions he posed like, is consciousness a permanent part of the universe giving
hope to indefinite growth in wisdom and the questions of good and evil are valid
questions that should be applied to all disciplines. Being employed in the field of
computer science feels like there is indefinite growth with what we are watching
being designed today, at the same time we shouldn t overlook the morality in the
things we create. I would agree with Russell s conclusion that we need to study the
questions. Before I took Introduction to Philosophy, if you were to ask me any of the
questions Russell mentions above I would have had no comment or opinion on any
of them. I never thought about them before. I
Erikson Stages
Erickson s stages of psycho social development Daleice Johnson Estrella Mountain
Community College Over time psychologist have found more ways to further the
study if humans behavior and metal processes. Erikson, a psychologist of the
twentieth century came up with a theory of how humans developmental stages
throughout a life span. His theory consisted of eight stages. The first stage is trust
vs. mistrust and this occurs from birth to 1 year of age. The next stage is autonomy
vs. shame and doubt and occurs from the age 1 to 3. Then there is initiative vs. guilt
this will last from age 3 to 6. The fourth stage is industry vs. inferiority and this
occurs from age 6 to puberty. Next is the stage of identity vs. role confusion this...
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The act of drinking milk with the lip is not only a physiological meaning of food
intake but also a psychological meaning which becomes the prototype of the
character development afterwards. Infants learn the world around them through their
mouths. At this time, the foundation for children to build up their intimate
relationships with the world is to cultivate themselves, rely on them, and whether
they can feel that they deserve to be trusted. 2 Early childhood (autonomy versus
shame, suspicion) At this time of the year, the infant has developed the muscle of
the whole body including the anus sphincter, it comes to be able to walk standing
by oneself, and it becomes possible to control the excretion. Whether it is possible
to acquire the sense of autonomy through the experience of excretion and holding
becomes important as a developmental problem. It is praised by parents if it is
possible to excrete well, and the infant experiences an embarrassed feeling when
failing. Moreover, it is time when the self insistence is started gradually, and it is
sometimes observed to treat my excrement as a weapon as a means of the attack.
Evaluating Performance
Evaluating Performance Performance evaluations, when implemented properly, act as
a tool for improving employee productivity, team performance and individual
development. They can serve to raise self esteem, increase motivation, strengthen
relationships and foster ongoing communication and commitment (Simpson, 2001). I
feel that these reviews play a critical role in the workplace and should remain a part
of standard operating procedures, however many are beginning to disagree.
Current Trends
By the end of 2015, at least 30 of the Fortune 500 companies had stopped using
performance evaluations (Goler, Gale, Grant, 2016). In fact, companies worldwide
have begun to question their rigid ratings systems and once a year appraisal processes,
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When conversations about professional growth are near constant and untethered by
ratings, people can get overwhelmed. Employees often struggle to figure out which
information matters most and what to ignore (Goler, Gale, Grant, 2016).
Performance evaluations allow for an overall assessment that helps people prioritize.
Employees learn what their key strengths are, and where they should focus their
development efforts.
Performance reviews also offer management the opportunity to recognize and address
gaps in training, leading to development or procurement of those skills. Additionally,
the review process offers employees feedback on how their performance can be
improved, such as starting or stopping certain behaviors (Duggan, N.d.). Lastly,
regularly scheduled performance reviews serve as a forcing function to make sure
that tough feedback is delivered, rather than swept under the rug (Goler, Gale, Grant,
The Air Pollution And The Water Pollution
Cancer it is one of those words that people whisper in hush tones behind closed
doors. It s the type of word that brings nothing but heartbreak. The second the
words you have cancer are said, the clock starts ticking away at the time you have
left louder than an airhorn. Cancer uncovers the fighters that have been hidden
away. It is one of the worst battles to fight, because ultimately it is already a battle
lost. In 2012, 14.1 million people were diagnosed with cancer. In that same year
8.2 million people died from it. There is predicted to be 23.6 million people
diagnosed with cancer each year by 2030. (CancerResearchUK) However, some
countries suffer more than others. China alone is responsible for 22% of new cancer
cases and almost 27% of global cancer deaths (CancerStatisticsinChina). Why is
cancer such an issue here? Outside of genetics, this is largely due to the country s
polluted environments, specifically the air pollutionand the water pollution. China
began seeing an increase in cancer a few decades ago when their industrial
movement began. Pollution from the factories seem to be the leading cause of
cancer in the Chinese population. This is a major socioeconomic issue because in
order to clean the environment, factories would be forced to close or relocate.
Initially, the Chinese government denied that cancer was a byproduct of pollution.
Although recently they were forced to acknowledge its effect and has since been
making an effort to clean their
African Slave Trade Research Papers
The African slave trade The topic of my research paper was the African slave trade,
I chose this topic because I learnt this topic last year in Geography class and I
wanted to know more information about this topic and ended the slavery in this world.
Start of the slave trade To talk about the African slave trade, the first word occurred in
my mind was wretched and terrified. The African slave trade was an action to sell the
African slaves. The Spanish and Portuguese attacked America for the large land and
killed many Native Americans, to enlarge the land, they needed labors, and they
found that black people were stronger, had better resistance to tropical
diseases.( The Europeans
Compare The Six Key Differences Between The United
I have decided to discuss United Kingdom and United States six key difference in
compensation and benefits. The 6 key compensation and benefits between United
Kingdom and United that I will address are paid maternity leave, paid paternity
leave,general parental leave,paid holiday allowances,paid sick leaveand
unemployment benefits. The first key difference that I will discuss is maternityleave.
In all the countries in Europe, the maternity leave minimum amount is 14 weeks
but the time and pay that is offered varies. The United Kingdom s maternity leave
is at 52 weeks (1 year) which is the longest maternity leave in Europe. The first 26
weeks is known as Ordinary Maternity Leave , the last 26 weeks as Additional
Maternity Leave .For the... Show more content on ...
United Kingdom on the other hand offers 8 paid holiday/vacation days. For sick and
pay leave United States does not have statutory mandate for paid sick leave. Just
like the paid holidays, the number of days that an employee is offered is apart of
the compensation package which is negotiated between the employee and
employer. Out of Europe, United Kingdom is one of the least generous when it
comes paid sick leave as they offer up to 28 weeks and it is paid at a flat rate of
around ВЈ88 a week. Lastly, the key difference I will discuss is unemployment
benefits. In the U.S they offer between 40% and 50% of earnings for up to 26
weeks, which also depends on the individual state. It is said that out of Europe,
United Kingdom is the least generous when it comes to benefits. They have to
check to see if they are eligible and if they are they they will receive a certain
amount which is based off their age,income and savings. Payments are usually made
every 2
The Corruptness Of The Judicial System
Crime is when somebody breaks the rules or laws and, if they re caught, getting
punished to the full extent. The basic foundation of crime has been around forever
but as time went by a small leak in the system was created and remains to this day.
That leak is the social injustice of wealthy people getting off easier with crimeand it
is time we start putting firm laws in place to stop this global corruptness. There have
been multiple recent accounts of people committing crimes and getting away with it
because they are wealthy and although the corruptness of the judicial system is very
obvious in modern society people still choose to turn the other cheek. Although there
are countless examples of wealthy people getting away with crime i have chosen 3
recent examples to explain and elaborate on.
The first recent example of this social injustice is the story of oj simpson. In 1994
Oj simpson was accused of the murders of his ex girlfriend and ex girlfriend s
current boyfriend. Although there was multiple pieces of evidence proving that he
did in fact commit these murders he was let off the hook with no punishments all
because of his wealth and popularity. This trail was a very important piece of
evidence in showing the corruptness of judicial system because it was so widely
broadcasted and investigated and yet people still ... Show more content on ...
He was originally sentenced to 5 years in jail but was only sentenced to 1 after the
judge learned that he was a well known actor and comedian. Yet again nobody paid
any mind to his charges getting lessened because he was wealthy. This is yet another
good piece of evidence showing the social injustice of wealthy people getting away
with crime because it shows that it s something that affects people all over the
The Happy Da Size Rv Identity Fraud Case
My folks moved to California when I was approx two years old. They moved to
various places in Rancho Cordova and Sacramento and then Folsom. Specific
addresses were 4036 Birch Grove Way, Rosemont Ca, and 1101 Avon Way, Folsom
Ca 95630.
The cash call and pizza issue with Sac county were the results of identity theft
which is what I filed with Folsom PD. The perp stole a box of check books from
my mail box and cashed them at several merchants around Folsom along with check
cashing establishments. Round table and cash call took it up in court which is why I
had to file the police report. The issues have since been resolved and moved from my
personal credit history as a result.
The Happy Daze RV is a situation which involved my father, Roger
The Innate System Vs. Adaptive System
When the innate system isn t enough to protect our bodies from foreign substances,
the adaptive system is our second and best resort. The adaptive system is a system
that is specifically suited to detect harmful antigens which are any foreign or
harmful substances. Viruses and bacteria will trigger an immunological response
when recognized and the adaptive system gets to work. Unlike our innate system
which is there from birth, the adaptive system develops over time. This type of
system works by using cells that are lymphocytes. The lymphocytes consists of two
types of cells which are T Cells and B Cells. Both cells are produced in bone
marrow and each lymphocyte has about a hundred receptors on its surface which
recognize specific chemical
Essay Surfing
When you think of surfing what comes to mind? Is it amp;#8220;yo dude, ; or the
beauty of a majestic wave breaking on the shore with the sun setting on the horizon?
Surfers today receive very little respect for the sport, sometimes referred to as an art,
that they participate in. Despite what most people think, the surfers are a rare breedlet
alone the soul surfer. However if you believe that surfers are just a bunch of beer
drinking, marijuana smoking, partygoers then you have something coming your way.
Surfing first came about in the late 1800 amp;#8217;s and early 1900 amp;#8217;s
at the time of the ancient Polynesian rule over the East Indies. To the Polynesians it
was only a royal sport in which only ... Show more content on ...
Surfers are one of the most peace minded and charismatic types of people. Ten percent
of the Australian population surfs. Most Doctors are repeatedly saying,
amp;#8220;surfing is the ultimate stress reliever. ; I will tell you one thing though, if
I ever have a problem it automatically disappears from my head the minute my board
touches the water. Surfing is probably the world amp;#8217;s best medicine.
Surfing is basically branched off into four major types of surfers. One of the
surfers is referred to as the expo surfer, a surfer that primarily surfs for the money,
fame, and endorsements. The true surfer the other type is referred to as the soul
surfer, this is a very special surfer. This is the only surfer that surfs for the right
reason amp;#8230; passion, devotion, beauty, and appreciation of what God has
given us, the swell of the ocean breaking on reefs or sandbars. He is also the most
respected. In addition the third surfer is known as the amp;#8220;snake ; surfer,
he is the one that steals everybody amp;#8217;s waves, meaning that if you are in
the correct section of the wave which is in the curl, he would just drop in on your
wave and not care. Lastly the cruelest surfers are the local boys the territorial ones.
If your not from that part of town you better watch your behind because if you
screw up the whole town gangs up on you and you are basically finished. The most
common place for these actions are in the city of Rio De
Quit Claim Deed Essay
Change is a part of life and business. So is the action to transfer deed title of
ownership. For some the decision is a result of acquiring new property. It may also
be related to family circumstances requiring a name be removed, changed or added
onto the property title. The property transfer involves legal forms to change the
recorded deed, some research on the propertyand the names of all the parties involved
in the transfer. Basic information about the property is obtained through the county
recorder s office where the property is located. The information received from the
county contains the name of the owner filed on the deed title, the property s legal
description along with the property s historical information and data. Meeting... Show
more content on ...
The quit claim deed allows the current owner to relinquish any claim or interest to a
deeded property. In real estate most of these transfers occur between family
members. Quit claim deeds do exactly what they named, they transfer property
titles quickly. It is more common to use this type of deed when transferring
property as part of the estate planning for personal assets. For example, your
grandparents pass away and leave property to several of their children. All of the
surviving children agree to release their interest to one of the siblings. In this case
the quit claim deed is signed by all of the parties and the new deed is transferred to
the single sibling as a sole owner.
Lack of Warranties and No Guarantees
A quit claim deed does not provide the new owner with any promises or guarantees.
Diligence is a must in this case. Whether the parties know each other or not, the
rights of the transferring owner should be verified. Due to the lack of guarantees
with this type of deed a title search is suggested. The search may uncover liabilities
or risks to the new owner. The search will confirm the property is free of any liens
or claims. If the new owner signs the quit claim deed without doing any verifications
they may be subjected and responsible for paying any debt connected to the property.
Consequences of Joint
Frankenstein Weather Quotes
Chapter 9 of Foster s book is all about the weather and how it affects the story. Foster
claims that weather is never just weather (Foster, 70). As he says this, he also
explains how rain carries a deeper meaning when it is presented in a setting, and that
is the same for fog, lightning, and sunshine. In Frankenstein, weatherpromotes a
deeper meaning when Victor s brother dies. Victor exclaims, William, dear angel!
This is thy funeral, this thy dirge...a flash of lightning illuminated the object, and
discovered its shape plainly to me: its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect,
more hideous than belongs to humanity, (Shelley, 77). This quote shows how a scary
scene is accompanied by lightning to add to the spookiness. This
Walter E Fortin Research Papers
In May, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fortin of Falmouth received notification from
the War Department that their son Corp. Walter E. Fortin, missing since November
26, 1943, was officially listed as dead. In just over a year they would receive
notification from the Navy Department their second son, SF 3/c Sylvester A. Fortin
Jr. died of his wounds. On Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1944 the HMT Rhona
along with four other transports steamed from the port of Oran, Algeria to rendezvous
with a convoy passing through the Mediterranean Sea. Rhona ,an 8600 ton British
troop transport was loaded with about 2000 American troops destined for new duty
stations in the Far east. Many would never reach their destination. By the afternoon
of November... Show more content on ...
From April 1 5 , Marathon s assault craft delivered elements of the 1st Marine
Division to the beaches of Okinawa. On April 5, Marathon began a return trip to San
Francisco, making stops at Saipan and Pearl Harbor. After a re supply in San
Francisco, Marathon returned to Buckner Bay, Okinawa. On Sunday, July 22, 1945,
at around 1:30 a.m. a one man, Japanese suicide submarine, human torpedo , slipped
into Buckner Bay and slammed into the anchored Marathon...detonating on contact.
The explosion ripped through a port side berthing compartment of the construction
and repair gangs, killing and wounding many of the men while they slept. The repair
crews fought hard and were able to save the ship, despite suffering heavy casualties
in the explosion. One of the men lost to the repair crew was Shipfitter 3/c Sylvester
A. Fortin Jr. Sylvester sustained multiple wounds in the initial explosion and died
later that day.
Sylvester Fortin was born in Portland October 20, 1924, and with his brother Walter,
grew up on the family farm in Falmouth. He was married to Corinne Adrianna
Bartlett and was the father of two young sons, Walter and Sylvester. He was 21.
Human Resource Planning And Human Resources
Executive summary
Relevance to the development of human resource planning firm employees to find
is very important. Aim to achieve the organization in this way it should be internal
or external supply to assess whether labor supply. With the needs of the firm s main
specialty AD workers describe the job analysis, there should be. Today s executives
of particular concern for the effective and acurate in human resource planning for the
needs of internal and external supply of labor.
Human Resource planning is the planning which can de said recruit planning. Human
Resource Management (HRM) organise the people who work in the affiliation. HRM
is the legitimate limit which find the issues that are related to people, for instance,
reward, enrolling, execution organization ,to benefit the firm, central focuses and
profits, delegate impulse, correspondence, association, and planning. Human
resource organizing means obliged number of people having proper knowledge and
skill. This essay will discuss the internal and external supply of labour, difference
,their benefits and loses. It will explain the necessity of internal and external supply of
labour for Human resource planning.
In interior supply of human asset there are numerous sources like trades, headways,
surrendered labourers, thus on which are considered. Outside supply of human
resource is availability of work drive in the business area and new recruitment. Outer
supply of human resource depends on upon a
Cheese Making Art Started Involuntarily, When Pastoral
Cheese making art started involuntarily, when pastoral tribes carrying milk using
saddlebags made of animal skins realized that, the milk clotted and in the end
separated into milk curds and whey. The whey provided a refreshing whey drink;
while they drained the curds, salted it to give a tasty and nourishing protein food.
Traditionally, the cheesemaking procedure remained a day long process, starting in
the morning, after farmers milked their cows, till late in the afternoon. Eventually,
the art evolved drastically and spread across the world. The cheese making process
is part science and all cheese crafting uses some variant of the four step process that
includes curdling, draining, pressing, and ripening. In this occasion, we explore...
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2.Making process
Another disparity is in their making processes; cheddar making process starts by
heating milk to 71F to pasteurize and curb decomposition and promote product
uniformity. Thereafter, a starter is added to enable the growth of flavor and texture.
The starter culture changes lactose to lactic acid, preparing the milk before adding
rennet which helps coagulate the milk proteins. Thereafter, the coagulated milk is cut
into small curds, a process that helps separate curd from whey. The cheesemakers
then heat the mixture, stirring constantly after which the whey is drained. The
Cheddaring stage kicks in, which involves kneading curd with salt, cutting it to drain
excessive whey, then rotating and piling. The cheese then enters the salting stage,
after which the curds are set in molds and pressed to shape and get rid of excess
moisture. Pressing can go overnight. Lastly, maturing stage sets in which goes on up
to 24 months, depending on the age required.
Subsequently, Gouda making process uses pasteurized or unpasteurized milk.
Nonetheless, the milk must be clean and quality milk. The milk is heated to 86F;
culture is added, and then ripened for one hour. Thereafter, rennet, which helps
coagulate the milk, is added. The mixture sits for about 45 minutes or until firm curds
develop. The process continues with cutting the curd, into inch big squares, holding
for another five minutes to let curds firm up; this trick helps avoid losing milk fat.
In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay
Media Controversy
With the nation s violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask,
why? Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: Who
says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect? The issue of
media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic.
There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to
inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in
America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing
them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged
exposure to such media portrayals results in ... Show more content on
In addition, high rated movies and games were found to be easily accessed by under
aged children. Furthermore, different ratings systems for each medium (television,
movies, music, and video games) make the ratings confusing, because they have little
similarity or relationship to one another.
One point of concern in the media relates specifically to the music industry.
Recently, many new artists have made their debut with a new genre called ?rap?,
which portrays the life of gangsters and ultimately, violence. This new genre has
become increasingly popular and many children are led to believe that a life of
violence is ?hip? and ?cool?.
This could also explain the increased gang related activity over the past few years.
Parents have been concerned about the fact that they don t write songs like they used
to. When asked about the issue, one rapper said: Being from the hood,
neighborhood, I can tell you that violence didn t start from a cassette that might have
been popped into a home or car stereo system.? While the fact that violence did not
start from music might be true, it does not help the situation any further. If anything,
it advocates violence and portrays it as something honorable to the children. As a
result of many complaints, record industries have agreed to a ?parental advisory:
Graphic Design Interview
As a freshman who is currently attending Harrisburg University of Science and
Technology, I am currently interested in becoming a Graphic Designer. Based on
the research I ve done regarding the occupation, the job seems to be within my field
of interest however, even with the research I ve done on the internet, an interview
with an individual who possesses a solid experience in the field of Graphic Designhas
given me a much better insight on what roles and responsibilities are required of
me if I expect to become a Graphic Designer. On March 28th I scheduled an
interview with a Graphic Designer named Amanda Howlett. She is the daughter of
one of the staff members of this University, Mrs. Howlett. Miss Amanda Howlett
gladly accepted my proposal and we scheduled our interview to be on the 1st of
April. When I interviewed her I asked her a series of organized questions regarding
her occupation as a Graphic Designer. I first began asking her about her
background and how she became a Graphic Designer. She told me that she graduated
from the Art Institute of York with a degree in Graphic Design. She then gave me a
more in depth statement on how her career journey was like during college. She told
me that her university occasionally received information on job openings from
companies who had previously hired... Show more content on ...
She told me that she works Monday through Friday. Her work hours are from 8:00
AM to 5:00 PM with a one hour lunch break. She works for a property development
and real estate management company named Triple Crown Corporation. This
company builds, develops and manages commercial and residential buildings. To
my surprise, most of her work is completed in Adobe programs like InDesign and
Photoshop, as well as online email systems like Constant Contract. When she works,
she has a desk all to herself with an office that s designed to hold two
Think Like A Freak Analysis
The average person would shy away from being called a freak, but after reading
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner s fascinating book Think Like a Freak, I
would argue this term to be a compliment. I will begin by providing a brief
summary of Think Like a Freak. Then, I will apply the principles shared by this
book to nursing practice and management. Finally, I will conclude with a personal
evaluation of the books strengths. Maybe by the end of this report, you too will
embrace the thoughts of a freak. Have fun, think small, don t fear the obvious is just
one of the many concepts that Think Like a Freak offers to retrain our brains way of
thinking (Levitt Dubner, 2014, p. 98). This book investigates more efficient and
improved ways... Show more content on ...
19). Think Like a Freak very plainly asserts that as humans we hate admitting we do
not know things, but frankly the things that we do know are vastly outweighed by
the things that we do not know. Levitt and Dubner very simply state, It has long
been said that the three hardest words to say in the English language are I love
you. , they go on to say, We heartily disagree! For most people, it is much harder to
say I don t know. That s a shame, for until you can admit what you don t yet know,
it s virtually impossible to learn what you need to. (Levitt Dubner, 2014, p. 20). An
article from Forbes noted that ideas, direction, and confidence could be gained from
admitting you do not know (The Muse, 2012). If managers and employees in the
hospital setting could become comfortable with the idea that we often do not know,
then possibly we could move into a learning environment that shares and amply
provides feedback (Levitt Dubner,
Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Many immigrants come to the United States in pursuit of opportunity, however they
struggle to adopt the dominant culture s language, which limits the job opportunities
available to them. Historically, immigrants assimilated by having to learn dominant
language, but this challenge led them to create ethnic enclaves that make them feel
more welcomed. Many enclaves in the United States, for example the Latino
population in San Francisco s Mission District, give a sense of comfort and nostalgia
of home because people from that community have similarities to their homeland.
Newcomers do not need to step out of their enclave because they have all the support
they need in their communities. Although many immigrants come to the United
States in hope of opportunity, they are limited to achieving and moving forward
because of their ethnic enclaves. Because these enclaves do not allow them to expand
into different cultures, they are limited both socially and economically.
Within ethnic communities, there are a huge number of people who face language
barriers that prevents them from seeking employment outside of their ethnic
community. People within these ethnic enclaves do not feel the need to learn the
dominant language, because the majority of the population with their community
speaks the same language as they do. Places like San Francisco s China town has
established their own enclave that includes everything from grocery shops to
hospitals. This
Discussion Of The Criticisms Of Social Learning Approach
Social learning theorists have been criticised for over emphasising environmental
factors in determining behaviour while neglecting individual differences, they show
little interest for example in innate differences that may cause one person to be
characteristically quick tempered and another to be extremely passive. Social
learning theorists see personality as having little stability but changing according to
the situation which is contrary to most people s experiences, so far social learning
theorists have failed to provide a concise idea of how the various learned behaviours
are integrated to form the total personality.
It is with commitment that scientific methods are a strength of the social learning
approach as its results are reliable and allow inreferences about cause and effect.
However it does give rise to criticism that relies heavily ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, social learning theory can explain a range of processes that
behaviourism has difficulties with, especially behaviours that emerge without the
person that produces them being directly conditioned. As such it has contributed
significantly to our understanding of processes like aggression and gender
development and has also formed the basis of a range of treatments for problems like
phobias. Modelling based therapies are particularly effective with children, who may
find behaviour therapies using direct conditioning hard to deal with.
Some criticisms of social learning theory arise from their commitment to the
environment as the chief influence on behaviour. For example, there are several
gender differences that appear to be universal, such as preferences for particular
characteristics in a potential heterosexual partner (men prioritise youth and fertility,
women prioritise status and resources) and differences in the gender thinking of boys
and girls (boys tend to be more rigid) that social learning theory cannot account for.
It may be that differences like these reflect genetic
Themes In Greasy Lake
Jordan Ford
Mailin Barlow
ENC 1102
27 Feb 2018
The Theme of Adolescence Found Within T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake
Adolescence is a terrifying ride that everyone experiences. Often times we butt
heads with one another. We go to places that reflect on who we are or want to be. At
the endo of it all the irony of it is palpable. T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake
explores this theme.
Boyle is known for his creative and compelling use of contemporary dialogue. (
Boyle, T. Coraghessan ) This fits in well with all of the talking amongst the teens.
Boyle was born in a lower middle class home in (a wealthy part of) New York... (
Boyle, T. Coraghessan ) This could easily been where his thoughts on the young and
rich may have formed. His views ... Show more content on ...
The narrator and his friends think that they re tough as nails. Verbally it s ironic
that the boy s say that their bad but their reasoning is hilarious. One was bad
because he allowed his father to pay for his tuition at Cornell... (Boyle), a high tier,
Ivy League University and another wanted to quit school to be a painter. As the
story goes on it is apparent that the boys believe in their façade despite being
pampered teens. Dramatically irony shows up when the trio of bad (Boyle)
characters meet someone who s been down the road they re headed and it not being
what they expected. The Situational irony is prevalent when the boys are finally
recognized as the bad characters that they ve been trying so hard to be, but all they
want to do is cry and get out of the car and retch...
Venus Of Urbino Analysis
Venus of Urbino demonstrates a beautiful, young woman, Venus, lying nude on what
appears to be a reclined couch or bed. However, the woman illustrated means much
more than merely a nude woman. There have been many interpretations of this
beautiful woman over the years but many art historians agree that the Venus of Urbino
has to do unambiguously with the male sexual desire for the female nude body.
Tiziano Vecellio, also documented, as Titian
was an Italian painter. He was born
sometime around 1470 1480, his exact date of birth is unclear and he died of a fever
during the plague around 1576. Titian was one of the furthermost adaptable Italian
painters during the High Renaissance. Titian was equally proficient with portraits,
landscape backgrounds and mythological and religious subjects. Consequently, Titian
was one of the furthermost important members of the sixteenth century Venetian
school and he is still an overwhelming influence on the art world. Often times, Titian
is described as the first artist to have an international career. Titian s painting career
was prosperous from the start but over the course of this prolonged life, his style
changed drastically and he retained a permanent interest in color, which is well
defined in his painting Venus of Urbino.
Consequently, many of the colors used in Titian s Venus of Urbino rematerialize in
numerous of Titian s other works, for example the green in the curtain behind the
young woman s head. The green depicted was painted
Bingo Slot Research Paper
Bingo Slot In America there is no game that can match bingo s popularity, in our
opinion there simply isn t any competition for it from a social gambling standpoint.
This is why, this year, OpenBet has brought us a brand new slot game called Bingo
Slot. We already know that online bingo is incredible, but this could be the hybrid
game that meshes it together with the world of slots in fantastic fortune. OpenBet
has a growing reputation with the world of online casino software development,
which why this game is generating so much buzz. With all the hype about this
hybrid game firmly in the rear view mirror, can Bingo Slot live up to what has been
seen in the previews? Read on to find out if this game really has the ability to step
up to the plate! Say it loud and say it proud What do you think a bingo based slot
game should look like? Picture it in your head right... Show more content on ...
The first game we have for you is Scoop The Cash, a Microgaming release that is
certainly all about the big wins. Featuring the same 5x3 reel, 25 payline setup, this
game certainly has a penchant for paying out. Also from Microgaming is Rainbow
s End, a game that once again mimics what Bingo Slot has to offer, so it s certainly
a game that all players should look to turn a hand to should they have the time. Get
ready to dab away with Bingo Slot! In our opinion, Bingo Slot definitely deserves
to have the name bingo in its title. It looks solid, it runs very well, it s fast paced,
the symbols are fun, and overall, it offers a pretty unforgettable experience. If you
love bingo, then you need to give this game a try, as it certainly offers up a fresh
take on the game of tickets. Meta: If you love bingo, then get ready, as OpenBet has
a treat in store, meshing the game of tickets with the world of slots, Bingo Slot doesn t
Tom Wilson
Page: Home Page
Tom Wilson is an award winning architect known for his work in renovation
architecture in Melbourne. Tom specializes in renovating period and heritage homes
to give them a new life.
Based in Melbourne s Eastern Suburbs, Tom has over 45 of years of experience in
renovation architecture and restoration. He has created livable solutions by restoring
traditional homes even with bare bones.
No one understands the form and material of heritage homes better than Tom Wilson.
His passion for fine heritage architecture can be seen in all his renovation architecture
projects. He has developed some award winning sustainable home solutions and high
esteemed renovation architecture projects in Melbourne.
A deep understanding of architectural heritage and aesthetics allows Tom to maintain
a balance between existing traditional architecture and the new contemporary
additions. He has some prestigious and ... Show more content on ...
Tom has won Boroondara Renovation Awards for both the Ligeti House and the
Turner Residence. With a huge list of projects in his name, Tom has a diversified
portfolio in renovation architecture work, from small Ensuites to major three storey
staged renovations.
With more than 45 years of experience, Tom has built a reputation for being
Melbourne s award winning renovation architect. He specializes in house extensions
and renovation, restoring the character and charm of period homes.
From period dwelling, heritage homes to contemporary dwellings like Victorian,
Federation, Edwardian, and Art Deco Houses, Tom has renovated all kinds of
heritage homes. Driven by innovation, he strives to transform the dream home from a
mere concept to the stunning
Persuasive Essay On The Second Amendment
It is a man s right according to the constitution under the second amendment to bear
arms. Unfortunately, in the state of California the second amendment has almost
been entirely revoked. Many mass shootings in the state have been on the rise for the
last few decades. Consequently, gun owners along with gun regulations have suffered
a mass change in gun control. One of the major changes is the Open CarryLaw, were
it prohibits gun owners from carrying any type of gun on their person. These
regulations have become extremely strict in the state of California to the point where
openly carrying a firearmhas become illegal. With the rise of mass shootings and
California being the primary target of such horrific events, it with no doubt that the
carry open law should be reinstated.
The constitution of the United States is made up of ten amendments that give rights
to the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, in the state of California the second
amendment has way too many restrictions and loopholes. The second amendment
states that A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed . What the
second part of this amendment refers to is that the people have the right to arm
themselves and no one can deprive them of doing so. The citizens are in their own
rightfulness to defend themselves in a life or death situation when being caused by
another human being. The second amendment
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Crystal Lusk Walden University
Family, Community, and Population Based Care 4011 12 March 19, 2014
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response A disaster is an event that is a
natural or man made occurrence that can disrupt or destroy the lives of those it
affects (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Management of a disaster includes four phases;
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Hawaii
s isolation in the pacific lends itself to the possibility of many disasters from; floods,
hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, pandemics, and volcano eruptions (Schaefers,
2014). The purpose of this paper is to study emergency preparedness and response to
... Show more content on ...
Handing out fliers on emergency kit preparation to the community through
emergency preparedness fairs and health centers is one way to educate the public.
During the recovery phase, the PHN assists the community to return to a state of
normalcy as quick as possible. Recovery is often difficult and requires long term
support of the community health nurse in collaboration with state and national
efforts aid (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). A nursing approach to recovery is to
remain flexible and continually assess community needs and determine
interventions that help to achieve pre disaster life (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014).
Many of Hawaii s PHN are not prepared for an emergency or disaster so training
through participation in disaster drills or actual disaster events is crucial (Baack
Alfred, 2013). A best practice strategy is participation in one of the Hawaii disaster
preparedness organizations such as; The Hawaii Medical Reserve Corps, which
members are a cumulative of physician and nurse volunteers who want to serve their
community when a disaster or public health emergency strikes ( HMRC, 2014). The
attendance of meetings, participation in preparedness exercises, and assistance in non
emergent community health activities all help the PHN to be prepared to respond
quickly when needed in a disaster ( HMRC, 2014). Summary Hawaii is known for its
natural disasters from floods, earthquakes, and the changing environment, and also
Patient Education Essay
According to Healthy People 2012 there are more then 800,000 new cases of
diabetes each year, with the numbers on the rise. With this in mind, Healthy People
2012 has identified diabetes as their number five focus area. In order to reach their
goal of improving the quality of life for people with diabetes they have identified
diabetes teaching as their number one objective. Furthermore, in order to reduce the
number of complications of diabetes, Healthy People 2012 has identified footulcers as
their ninth objective. Through patient educationHealthy People 2012 hopes to reduce
the number of foot ulcers in people with diabetes, as diabetes is the number one cause
of nontraumatic amputations in the United States. In order to... Show more content on ...
stated that he wears a size ten shoe however he does not own a pair of shoes in his
size. With all these factors involved it becomes obvious that J.L. is a diabetic patient
in need of foot care teaching, in order to prevent further complications. After
identification of a patient teaching need the next step in the teaching process is
establishing a measurable goal. Teaching goals are broad in scope and set down what
is expected as the final outcome of the teaching and learning process (Wilkinson Van
Leuven, 2007, p. 538). In order to achieve a high level of standard, teaching goals
need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. For our example,
the teaching goal for J.L. and his diabetic foot care is as follows: Client is able to
state five things he can do to prevent diabetic foot complications by the end of the
teaching session implemented on Sunday January 24, 2012. Specifically, the five
items J.L. will identify are to monitor and manage his diabetes, inspect feet daily,
wash feet with warm water while drying between toes and apply moisturizing cream
to feet daily (not between toes), avoid walking barefoot or with unfitted shoes, and
calling the doctor should he notice any changes in his feet. In this case the level of
prevention used, when implementing the diabetic foot care teaching, is tertiary
prevention. This intervention begins once the disease if obvious: the aim is to
interrupt the course of the disease,
George Orwell s 1984 is an exemplary work of dystopia. Although written in 1940s,
1984 is a vivid depiction of China during the Cultural Revolution and Soviet Union
during the Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries. Dystopia came into being after the
World War в…Ў, when the world was at a loss about its future. Although the world
was purged of fascism, personality cult and communist dictatorship arose to take its
place.Dystopia is characterized by an authoritarian and totalitarian regime that
oppresses individual freedom and development; scientific development and general
education is cast aside; the whole society is embedded in constant warfare and
violence, and scientific research is done only for military use and for controlling the...
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The population s need does not matter as long as they can sustain the Party s power
and the Party can maintain the people s ignorance. The Party inculcate its political
philosophy into people s mind day and night, whenever and wherever possible, and
thus people accept what they are imposed on everyday and everywhere as the real
truth. For example, they believe life before the Revolution is much deplorable and
they live much better even though their distribution of daily necessity is
decreasing day by day, only because the Party keeps instilling this belief in their
mind everyday and precluding people from knowing anything about the past by
destroying everything connected with the past and recreating the past. What is
the most appalling depicted in 1984 is the lack of ego consciousness. Human is
only a mass of mobile flesh knowing neither love nor happiness. They do not even
reason or think. Life is meaningless except for those in the Inner Party. But no one
has any knowledge about what life really means and should be like, and there is no
difference between people s life everyone shares the same dressing, the same
expression, the same thinking, etc. Every doubt is quelled by force by the Party. I
guess that is similar to what happened during the 1960s in China. No trust among
people, even parents had to be wary of being given away by their children. Under
such circumstance, knowledge and self awareness is agonizing and fatal. People
have to live against
Catoctin Mountain Review Essay
The National Park Service (NPS) and the U. S. Department of the Interior (USDI)
drafted the Catoctin Mountain National Park Management Plan and Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) (2006) to impart knowledge of a need for action to facilitate
the regeneration of vegetation and reforestation of the park. A population of white
tailed deer that was exceeding an estimated 100 individual animals per square mile
was over browsing the vegetation. According to the EIS a population of 15 to 20
individuals is optimal to protect herd health and allow regeneration of the vegetation.
The EIS listed four alternatives that were investigated in depth according to the
National Environmental Protection Act requirements (FHWA, n.d.) these... Show
more content on ...
This alternative would reach the goals through the length of the plan. The reduction
in deer population would not be rapid and regeneration would be seen mostly in the
exclusions until the population had diminished and the plan cost is over $9.5 million.
The preferred alternative, alternative C was comprised of the continuation of
alternative A with the use of sharpshooting and the subduing and euthanization of
deer to rapidly reduce the population to the goal range in three years. Through this
alternative the goals would be meet in a relatively short time frame at a cost between
$738,600 and $941,100. The final alternative, alternative D also continued alternative
A with the combination of sharpshooting, euthanization, and reproduction control.
Alternative D would meet the goals of the plan in a similar time frame as alternative
C with a cost of between $1.4 and $1.6 million.
Rejected alternatives:
Several alternatives were rejected for various reasons. The first rejected alternative
was a managed hunt, for the need of legislation change in congress to allow a hunt on
NPS land and possible cost and safety issues. A second was sterilization of bucks,
which would only show moderate control of the population if the dominant buck
were sterilized. Predator reintroduction was next rejected, because studies have shown
that predators have not shown consistent
Mayan Tribes
I am going to be telling you about three different tribes. Maya, Aztec, and Inca. I have
some information about all of them. I mostly have information about the Aztec, but I
will explain most of what they do in their life. I do have information about all of the
tribes. There is not that much that they have in common, but there should be enough
where they seem similar in a way.
The first group I am going to be talking about is the Mayan people. The mayans have
a religion. All of the groups do. The Mayan people believe in many gods. They do
animal and human sacrifices. Their kings blood was very sacred to them. The way
that they start a ceremony, is a priest cuts themselves to start it. When they would
conquer places, the enemies warriors would be sacrificed to show power. One type
of sacrifice was being thrown into a well, and if you survived, you would be
declared of being sacred. When they did sacrifices, they just did it for the blood.
Their sport was called the ball game. You can only use your hips, and elbows to get
a ball through a little circle hoop kind of thing.It was a veyr fun game but the loser
team was the only bad thing for the losers. The team captain was decapitated or in
slavery, but in general, everybody on the team dies. I would ... Show more content on ...
The Aztecs have some similarities to the Mayan. The Aztecs also believe in many
gods. The most important god to them is the sun god. They only had human
sacrifices. This time, it was all about the sacrifice. For every single ceremony, they
sacrifice over 20,000 people. All of these people were the people who were captured
from a conquer. I would say that if you were conquered, I would just say my last
words because they don t care who you work for or if you have a family. They would
capture you for slavery, or kill you. I would hate to be a warrior even more because
they get sacrificed because they conquered you and all of the people you
Global Warming And Its Effect On The Environment Essay
The majority of people across all academics accept global warming as a
phenomenon. Furthermore, greenhouse gases, including carbon emissions, are
established to be one of the main drivers of global warming. If allowed to continue,
global warming will damage our natural environment as well as our wellbeing.
Decreasing carbon emissions is a necessity in order to continue the growth and
development of our society. In the past few years, different methods have been
studied in order to prevent carbon emissions from increasing. The first method is a
carbon tax, a tax proportionate to the impact of emissions on the environment and the
economy (Lagerquist). Its goal is to incentivize producers and consumers to seek
business models and lifestyles which produce less carbon. The second method is an
emissions tradingsystem, or simply, a cap and trade system. In this system, there is a
limit on how much pollution a government is allowing and the right to emit becomes
a tradable commodity (Baumert). This is also known as an allowance and enables
emissions reductions to take place where they are least costly. Governments would be
able to decrease allowances in order to decrease emissions. Both systems put a price
on carbon, generate revenue, hold polluters responsible, and require monitoring,
reporting and verification with the intent of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Cap
and Trade. Vs. Taxes). But, there are arguments against such systems due to claims of
them being ineffective,
Ritzer s The Mcdonaldization Of Society
Since its release in the year 1993, The McDonaldization of Society , has gone
through various revisions and republications. Its on the context of the observations
made by Ritzer, that the argument of the entire process of McDonaldization finds its
place; which states that the concepts and principles followed by fast foodrestaurant
chains, are rapidly taking over majority of the sectors in the American economy, and
may dominate over the rest of the world (Ritzer, 2004, pg1).
Of the various impacts that this methodology may have had, one of them is that it
sees the revolution in the business principles, and has evolved the consumer s
experience in terms of production and consumption. Ritzer s ideology of
McDonaldization, again, is based off
Seat Belts Argumentative Essay
Anonymous Writer
Anonymous Teacher
English 10 Honors
November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay
Seat Belts
A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the
force of an injury during a crash ( Seat Belts 5). Although it is also known as a
safety belt, the safety part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around
drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The main idea around the debate is the
fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save
lives, opponents argue that mandating their use can actually cause more harm than
good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the
leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ...
Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon
as something puts lives in danger, the right of freedom disappears thus making
mandatory seatbelt laws a non infringement on freedom.
Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and
injury in a vehicle ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Wearing a seat belt can
reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in
preventing ejections from a vehicle. While opponents argue that in certain cases it
is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A
person will never know what type of accident they might enter and thus can t
prepare for a certain type of accident. You can t know whether or not having a
seatbelt will save you. It s better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than
not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident
where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that Seat Belts saved
more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008 ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ).
Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and
this would have negative social and economic effects on society. 49 States in the
USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the
people. With this law in place, many lives have been saved as people were forced to
wear seat belts to properly
Advantages Of Data Compression
What is compression?
Data compression is the method of reducing the number of bits to store or transmit
the data. It reduces the size of data to save storage space or speed transmission.
Cost is aldo decreased for storage and network bandwidth. Compression is performed
by a program that uses an algorithm on how to shrink the size of the data.
For data transmission, compression can be performed on the data content or on the
entire transmission unit.. When information is sent or received via the Internet, large
files, either singly or with others as part of an archive file, may be transmitted in a
.ZIP, gzip or other compressed format.
Text compression can be as simple as removing all unwanted characters, inserting a
single repeat ... Show more content on ...
After all this we come to the question about why do we need compression? What is
the need? And in what way will it benefit us? Data compression is needed because it
allows the data to be stored without taking up an unnecessary amount of space. Data
compression uses some algorithms to reduce the amount of actual space that the data
would take up.
The way the algorithm is compressed will determine how much data is compressed..
The compressed data will be large if the amount of data is of extremely large size.
Whereas compressed data will take up very small space if the size of the data to be
compressed is very small. [4]
Determining the amount of space that the data will take up is dependent on the
algorithm that is used to compress the data. If the algorithm is used properly and
formatted specifically for the data, the data can take up nearly no space. If a
generalized algorithm is used, the data may not fit into a compressed area. The
algorithm is the determining factor on how well the data will compress, how much
space it will take up and how much of the data will be available after compression.[4]
Various Compression Techniques
The most basic compression techniques are
Workplace Stress In The Workplace
Nowadays workplace stress is a major concern for several organisations. According
to surveys from the American institute of stress (2017), 80% of the workers
experience distress at work and half of them prefer to learn to manage stress. In
general, job stress is a common issue, which does not only affect organisations but
also workers. Noted by Stranks (2005), stresscan arise from various sources,
including low ambiguity and personal conflicts which are likely to contribute to the
inefficiency of organisations and workers, namely, increasing absenteeism or low
performances in employees. The essay will primarily discuss the problems and
solutions of stress for organisations and individuals, respectively. Subsequently, it will
compare the solutions for both sides of view. Thus, this essay will seek the most
effective techniques to combat workplace stressat both organisation and individual
levels by comparing several alternatives of stress management
Unquestionably, modern businesses have become more complex as compared to the
past. Such complexity contributes to high pressure at work and Fontana (1997) states
that workplace stress can come from several reasons, such as role conflict, frequent
clashes with colleagues or superiors and inadequate training. Consequently, these
causes might generate detrimental effects to organisations. Referring to EU OSHA
(2017), the negative effects include the loss of productivity, the increase in
absenteeism and other health related costs.
Sheila Mant Comparison
I never made the same mistake again (Wetherell 35). A Sound of Thunder by Ray
Bradbury and The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant by W.D Wetherell are
contrastive short stories, but they have their similarities. The characters Sheila
Mant from W.D Wetherell s short story and Eckels from Ray Bradbury s short
story have some resemblance. The authors of both short stories use literary
devices, literary elements, and also express the theme of choices have
consequences. The narrator s affection for a girl named Sheila Mant in Wetherell s
short story and her actions foreshadows what later happens. On the way to the
concert, there was largemouth bass flipping around in the water, and Shelia made a
face and said, I think fishing is dumb. I mean, it s boring and all. Definitely dumb
(Wetherell 33). The narrator is passionate about fishing, and he finds out the girl he
has an enormous crush on did not have the similar enthusiasm for fishing as he does.
He finally had the courage to ask out the girl he adores and finding this out
foreshadows the situation is not... Show more content on ...
There would be other Sheila Mant in my life, other fish, and though I came close
once or twice, it was these secret, hidden tugging in the night that claimed me, and I
never made the same mistake again (Wetherell 35). The narrator realize that Sheila
is not the one, she did not even care about him, and he lost the most massive bass in
his life because of her. He learns the consequence of his actions and states he will
never make the same mistake again. Likewise, Wetherell s short story demonstrations
the identical theme but in an altered form. No, it can t be. Not a little thing like that
(Bradbury 51). Eckels did not believe that stepping on a tiny butterfly could alter the
future. He chose to be ignorant and not be careful of his actions during the time
traveling, the consequence of his actions is when the future regenerated for the
Transversal Communication In A White Heron s A White
Unlike the hunter who concerns nonhuman or other humans merely for his own
benefit, Sylvia tries to understand other species. When the young man is ignorant
of how the family feels and keeps on asking Sylvia about the heron as if she is only
a tool, Sylvia is watching a toad and guessing that the hop toad may want to reach its
hole. In contrast to the sportsman s eagerness in extending his collection of birds (p.
200), Sylvia feels for the little creature, just as she enters into the thoughts of the birds
in the boughs, wondering if they are saying sleepy twitters (p. 198).
Whereas the male violently takes the singing creature down from the bough, Sylvia
questions his intention for killing the birds he claims to like. For... Show more content
on ...
Sylvia manages to attain transversal communication with other life forms including
her cow, the white heron and the old tree. All these friends help Sylvia to develop her
identity through her bond with her natural landscape. In return, she must do
something for the heron. She ought not to give its life away and must allow it to
continue to live (p 203). After her internal conflict between the rapport with nature
and the awakening interest in the opposite sex, Sylvia secures her purity and strength
by refusing to surrender to the hunter and remaining in nature. Indeed, the reader can
hardly not appreciate the spirit of adventure and rejoice at the fancied triumph for
Sylvia and the ecosystem (p. 201).
Bernhard, A. (2012). Topographies real and imagined in Sarah Orne Jewetts A White
Heron . Spatial Practices, 14, 217 231.
Brenzo, R. (1978). Free heron or dead sparrow: Sylvia s choice in Sarah Orne Jewett
s A White Heron . Colby Quarterly, 14(1), 36 41.
Griffith, K., Jr. (1985). Sylvia as hero in Sarah Orne Jewett s A White Heron . Colby
Library Quarterly, 21(1), 22 27.
Haroun [Def. 1]. (n.d.). In Almaany dictionary. Damascus Syria: Almaany.
Held, G. (1982). Heart to heart with nature: Ways of looking at A White Heron .
Colby Quarterly, 18(1), 55 65.
Jewett, S. O. (1980). A white heron. In G. L. McMichael (Ed.), Anthology of
American literature: Realism to the present (pp. 197 203). New York, NY:
Analysis Of The NFL Kneeling And Crazy Media Hype
NFL Kneeling and Crazy Media Hype Relatively recently the NFL players have
been partaking in symbolic gesturing during the National Anthem and as a result
have stirred the built up hype within media and consequently audiences. There
should be absolutely no debate in any of this situation regarding legalities. The
situation is very straightforward, and everyone understands (or must I say, should
understand ) the issue within a 10 second briefing. This is solely and example of
people s feelings and opinions, which is causing uproar in part because of its
critically divisive and particularly offensive execution. This is a scenario where a
ripple turned into a wave because of resentment being stoked by the exaggerated
media. To begin with, this is not a case for free speech in any way, if the playerswant
to make a statement or gesture then they should obviously expect to receive other s
viewpoints and opinions. It should not be shocking to people that there is a
disagreement, these sorts of events should certainly not be making headlines
especially not for this long. Concerning legalities and free speech, the playershave all
signed contracts to play for money this is not an outlandish concept and in return for
millions upon millions of dollars they put on hold certain rights while playing at
work. Consequently, the NFL owners have every right under the law to fire
employees for staging protest or bringing unwarranted attention to the corporation. It
is a private for profit
Darwin s Theory Of Descent
Darwin s theory of descent with modification brought about a new revolution in
scientific thought. He developed this theory independently after his around the
world voyage aboard the Beagle observing the flora and fauna of various parts of
the world (Bowler, 2009, p.149). Darwin could not have developed his theory
without working on novel concepts derived from his own observation or, equally so,
from learning of the concepts of other prominent scientists of his time.
Before Darwin went on his voyage aboard the Beagle, he, like many others, was
captivated by the accounts of Alexander Von Humboldt s journey to South America.
Humboldt was a natural romantic who was captivated by the beauty and complexity
of nature and the stories of his fantastical journey instilled those same beliefs into a
young Charles Darwin (Bowler, 2009, p.120). It was Humboldt s tales that made
Darwin want to go on his own journey to faraway lands and join Fitzroy on the
Beagle (Bowler, 2009, p.149).
On Darwin s exhibition, he brought with him Principles of Geography by Charles
Lyell which discussed the idea of uniformitarianism (Bowler, 2009, p.150). This idea
is in regards to how geography has been shaped relying on the concept of slow
mechanisms of change. These mechanisms are the same mechanisms we see at work
today and they have been working at a uniform rate throughout history. Darwin came
to accept this theory after witnessing how an earthquake raised a coastline in Chile,
coming to the
Liberty University Online Student Analysis
Distance Education Technologies at Liberty University Online
Liberty University Online (LUO) is the largest private non profit online university
in the nation and the world s largest Christian university. Founded in 1985 by Dr.
Farwell and the people of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia it
now has an online enrollment of over 95,000 students. LUO offers over 232 online
academic programs, with 100 concentrations. Seventy (70) of its academic
programs are undergraduate, 138 are graduate, 2 are post master s and 22 are
doctorate degrees. LUO s students are 39% Male and 61% Female. The majority of
its distance education students are adults, between the ages of 25 and 50 years
(Moore and Kearsley, 2012). Active duty, veterans... Show more content on ...
All textbooks and other materials for use in classes are purchased by the student
through MBS Direct. All University degrees are accredited by Southern Association
of College and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC) through 2016. The
Mission of Liberty is to develop Christ centered men and women with the values,
knowledge, and skills required to impact tomorrow s world. This mission is carried
out for external students in a comparable academic program but without the structure
of the resident community. In support of its Philosophy and Mission, Liberty
University seeks to develop the whole person by providing its students with
intellectual and cultural pursuits that: 1) contribute to a knowledge and
understanding of other cultures and of international events, 2) promotes an
understanding of the Western tradition and the diverse elements of American cultural
history, especially the importance of the individual in maintaining democratic and
free market processes. 3) fosters university level competencies in writing, speaking,
and reading, appreciation of the arts, analytical reasoning, computer literacy, and
research and 4) enhances graduate level knowledge and skills, particularly in the
areas of individual research and
Hmbr, Bangladesh
1. Introduction: HMBR is one of the famous names in the business world. It has
achieved its fame for its classic quality and for the maintenance of individuality in the
trading and manufacturing world of Bangladesh since its arrival in 1984. It has
imported and manufactured necessary hand tools, chemicals and household products
for satisfying need. HMBR has introduced advanced technology from Japan, Korea
and China, and thus have adopted the best production base for their chemical
products. They intend to place high emphasis on product quality; as such they regard
their reputation as the most important asset when selling in the market. Their mission
statement is persistence, dedication and quality . They are capable of offering... Show
more content on ...
HMBR basically transports to three main areas. It transports its products to local
dealers of sanitary ware, household tools shops, and carpentry shops. This is of
course where most of their distribution is focused on because they are their biggest
customers. Next packaging materials which are also made in the facility are
shipped to other companies and outlets who sell other products using that
packaging. Lastly shipment is also given to their very own local retail division.
After receiving the list from the pantry and the goods are sent down for shipment,
he gives list to the delivery personnel, explains where to go and how to get there,
makes sure they fully understand there duty and then sends them on their way.
The delivery team have at their disposal 4 large delivery vans and 3 rickshaw vans
which are the means by which the products are distributed. Of course the 3
rickshaw vans are for the short distances and the automobiles are for the large
distances. Distribution of goods takes place everyday but not necessarily to the
same places, usually each customer orders weekly. Target Markets Target market for
HMBR in general can be broken down into the subdivisions of the products or
services they provide. Firstly the tools and household products that they import as
well as the products they produce are firstly targeting the dealers of sanitary ware,
household tool shops, and carpentry shops. From their retail outlet perspective
Pharmacy Career Goal
I am writing to express my interest in PGY 1 residency position at the Exempla
Good Samaritan Medical Center. My career goal is to complete PGY 1 in
pharmacy practice, and continue to develop my clinical skills by pursuing PGY 2
specialized training. I am interested in PGY 1 residency program at Exempla Good
Samaritan Medical Center for its well rounded rotation opportunities, research and
teaching prospects. My long term career goal is to explore opportunity for clinical
pharmacistwith a faculty appointment at an academic medical center affiliated with a
School/Department of pharmacywith prospect to conduct research.
As a PGY 1 resident, I am looking forward to learn, implement and improve my
clinical knowledge, work in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of
healthcare providers to deliver an optimal patient care. I am convinced that your
program will help me tremendously in advancing my skills as clinical pharmacist. I
firmly believe that I have the skills, knowledge, and above ... Show more content on ...
I have been working as preclinical cancer researcher for many years, have
presented my work in several national and international meetings, and have
published in several peer reviewed reputed journals. Despite the fact pre clinical
research and clinical studies are closely associated, yet differ widely; I am excited
to take the challenge to conduct clinical research and working on the NIH
certification on clinical research design (expected to have it March 2015). I wish to
find an approach to bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical studies,
investigate ways to improve quality of patient care in active participation of
pharmacist, and extend collaboration with interdisciplinary medical teams. I truly feel
that PGY 1 program in your institution is well structured between clinical, research
and academia experience, and will greatly support my career
The Inhumanity Of Zoos
Masters of Disguise: The Inhumanity of Zoos
Every year approximately 175 million people go to aquariums, and zoos to spectate
and ponder at the vast number of wildlife from every corner of the world ( Static
Brain, n.p.). Little do visitors know that they are witnessing firsthand the
imprisonment and inhumane treatment of innocent animals. Wildlife should not be
kept captive where they are exposed to overwhelming isolation, a shortened life span,
and in the rare occasion when they are released back into the wild deprived of natural
instincts to help them survive.
Similar to humans, animals are living creatures who require interaction with their
own kind; however, when they are kept in captivity these animals are frequently
exposed to isolation. Wild animals commonly live in groups, whether it be a pride
of lions, pack of wolves or a pod of whales. One particular example pertains to the
natural grouping of elephants in the wild versus the complete solitary environment in
which they are kept in when captive. That being said, elephants naturally live within
large family groups and are one of the most socially complex animals outside of man.
Yet in zoos they are kept either alone or with only one or two other unrelated
elephants ( Los Angeles Times, n.p.). As if removing them out of their natural habitat
was not enough, zoos separate animal s families and place them in different exhibits
with other animals they are not accustomed to; thus, each individual is left feeling

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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay.pdf

  • 1. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of performance-enhancing drugs in sports can be a challenging endeavor for various reasons. Firstly, it demands a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between athletes, competition, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of substances that enhance performance. Delving into the scientific aspects of these drugs adds an additional layer of complexity, requiring a grasp of pharmacology and biochemistry. Moreover, addressing the historical context and evolution of performance-enhancing drugs in sports necessitates meticulous research to provide a nuanced perspective. This involves exploring instances where athletes have faced consequences for using such substances and understanding the evolving stance of sports organizations and regulatory bodies. The essay must also navigate through the ethical implications surrounding the pursuit of excellence in sports, balancing the desire for fair competition against the pressures athletes face to achieve exceptional results. Analyzing the impact of performance-enhancing drugs on the integrity of sports and the athletes' health requires a careful examination of both short-term benefits and long-term consequences. In addition, formulating a coherent and persuasive argument involves synthesizing information from diverse sources while maintaining a clear and engaging writing style. Addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a well-rounded view further adds to the intricacy of the task. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in sports demands a multifaceted approach, combining scientific knowledge, historical context, ethical considerations, and a keen awareness of the evolving landscape of sports and anti-doping measures. It is a task that requires careful research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the complexities surrounding this controversial issue. If you find such essays challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be ordered from professional writing services, such as, which can provide assistance tailored to your specific requirements. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay
  • 2. Research Paper On Illegal Alien Illegal Aliens: Friend or Enemy? The illegal alien debate has raged on for several decades; however in recent years citizens have become more aware of the crisis. Illegal immigrationis one of the most controversial political issues of today s society. Illegal aliens and their immigration to the U.S. is a problem that needs to be addressed. It is unfair to Americans and to the country from where they immigrated from. Whether they (illegal aliens) take jobs or put a strain on Americans social service programs, the constant invasion of illegal aliens has promoted disrespect for the law and also limits our... Show more content on ... Their cheap labor comes with a price, and that price has become too great for Americans to except anymore. The cost associated with these illegal aliens are far to great, they are a drain on Social Security, Medicare, School systems, food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunch programs. And they are undermining the core values this country was established on. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than twenty six point three billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only sixteen billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost ten point four billion according to the Census Bureau. That s about two thousand seven hundred dollars per illegal alien household the tax payer is having to fork over. The Census Bureau has also developed estimates of its own. Their estimate at the time of the 2000 Census suggests that the illegal immigration population was more than eight million. Using this number, it can be concluded that the illegal alien population has grown by almost half a million a year in the 1990s. This conclusion is derived from a draft report that has been given to the House immigration subcommittee by the Internal Revenue Service that estimated the illegal population was three and a half million in 1990. For the illegal population to have reached eight million by 2000, the net increase had to be four hundred thousand to five hundred
  • 3. Hallmark Cards Business Development Hallmark Cards afford many an opportunity to celebrate a multitude of occasions with expressions that speak to the heart. Joyce C. Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards Incorporated, started the company in 1910 in Kansas City, Mo. The very early years of establishing his business Hall presented wholesale products created and manufactured by others to gift shops, drugstores and bookstores. Today, Hallmark CardsInc. produces and manufactures a variety of products. Hoover s database estimates Hallmark products are available in over 39,000 US stores and are published in more than 30 languages. Its distribution of its products is found in 100 countries across the globe. Outside the US, subsidiaries are located in Australia, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the UK. Their brands include Keepsake (holiday ornaments and other collectibles), Mahogany (products celebrating African American heritage), Nature s Sketchbook (cards and gifts), Shoebox (greeting cards), Sinceramente (Spanish language greeting cards) and Tree of Life (products celebrating Jewish heritage. Their Keepsake brand is the most popular for the company. However, revenue from greeting cards and other products sold in North America dropped 4 percent in 2013 compared to 2012 (Rosen). Hallmark s subsidiaries are profitable contributions to the company. The company s subsidiaries include Crown Media Holdings (Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Hall of Fame) and Crayola. According to Steve Rosen s
  • 4. Business Torts Ethics And Ethics Business Torts Ethics Business Torts Ethics As a business owner or manager, one must always be aware of potential risks and liabilities, and perform necessary actions to limit or remove those liabilities in their entirety. These foreseeable risks are situations which can subject the owner to different types of torts. Furthermore, beyond just reducing the possible financial and criminal liability, owners have an ethical responsibility to provide an environment free of the risk of damages to their customers. The following is a discussion of a potentially tortious situation, legal and ethical responsibilities of the owner, and methods of mitigating risk. Anatomy of a Tortious Act You own a rental property that consists of ... Show more content on ... 282) and include injuries that are substantially likely to result from the behavior or action. Included in the categories of intentional tort are assault and battery, trespass, intentional infliction of mental distress, and invasion of privacy (Reed et al., 2016). Assault and battery includes the threat of harm, a present ability to carry out the threat, and a harmful or offensive touching of another (Farlex, Inc, 2016). The intruder threatened Sharon and Darryl, was able to carry out the threat at that moment and followed through by physically harming each of them. Trespass involves entering someone s land without their permission (Reed et al., 2016). The intruder forced his way into Sharon s apartment without her consent. Intentional infliction of mental distress is defined by Reed et al. (2016) as a battery to the emotions (p. 284) and usually must be accompanied by physical manifestations. The intruder inflicted distress upon Sharon as evidenced by her screams, and she was physically harmed in the process. Invasion of privacy occurs when one intrudes upon another s solitude, such as an illegal invasion of one s home (Reed et al., 2016). It is clear in this example that the intruder illegally invaded Sharon s home. Based on these definitions, the intruder s act of not only entering the property by force, but further inflicting injury upon Sharon and Darryl makes him liable for
  • 5. Essay On Renaissance Health And Medicine How far did health and medicine improve during the Renaissance? Introduction Health and medicine changed considerably during the Renaissance in some areas and in some areas it remained the same. Major changes were seen in the fields of anatomy and surgery, as seen in the published works of Vesalius, Leonardo Da Vinci and William Harvey. But there was not much improvement when it came to cures and treatments and also finding out the causes of diseases. Public healthcare remained almost the same, although some efforts were carried out by the rich and powerful to bring about a change. Overall, there was only a little improvement in this field from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Anatomy There was a massive change in the understanding of anatomy. ... Show more content on ... Andreas Vesalius (1514 1564), a professor of medicineat Padua University, and Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 1519), a world renowned artist, performed multiple dissections on dead bodies of criminals. They created detailed drawings of all the things they observed during the autopsies, which formed the basis for the understanding of the inner workings of the human body (Blakstad, 2011). Vesalius also published a book with these drawings called De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Fabric of the human body) in the year 1543 (, 2014). William Harvey, a London doctor proved that blood circulates around the body and is pumped by the heart. He described how it happened in the book he published in 1628 called Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals) (Trueman, 2015). There were many more doctors, teachers, researchers like Servetus, Columbo, Caselpino, and Fabricius who played a very important role in the advancement in the understanding of the human body and its organs (,
  • 6. The African Freedom Movement Caleb Renfroe History of Civilization II Ch.22 Question Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and this idea of freedom is arguably one of the most sought after privileges throughout the history of human existence. Wars have been fought over it, lives have been lost, song and poems and works of literature have been written about it. Freedom is what defines our country here in America today and it is the desire of the entirety of the human race. Although we may desire freedom and we may take it for granted in today s society, it hasn t always been so easy to come by. The Indian freedom movement and the African freedom movement both had their fair share of struggles before achieving their desired state of freedom. Some of these struggles were common to both countries but each also experienced difficulties unique to their own country as well. One common thing between both India and Africa s freedom movements is their success in becoming free nations under the rule of their own government rather than by a foreign countries. In India, the movement began its success in 1885 with the establishment of the Indian National Congress (INC) gained further traction under the leadership of Mohandas Gandhi and by 1947 colonial India became independent. In Africa, the struggle against apartheid was one of success as well. The African freedom movement gained began in 1912 with the African National Congress (ANC) and gained
  • 7. I Am Gained Through Philosophy, Even For The Computer... There is knowledge to be gained through philosophy, even for the computer science student. When I first learned that this was a required course for my degree curriculum, I did not believe I would find value in taking the course. Now I am going to present my evaluation of why I have changed my mind. What is the definition of philosophy? The dictionary would define it as the study of the basic ideas about knowledge, truth, right and wrong, religion, and the nature and meaning of life . My first response was truth, right and wrong, religion, meaning of life , how can that help a computer science student? The idea of gaining knowledge through the discipline of philosophy seemed foreign to me. What I learned was that my original... Show more content on ... The historian would be able to go on for hours churning out historical facts. If you were to ask the same question of philosophers, they would have to admit that their studies have obtained positive along with negative results. The reason for this is that as soon as any knowledge about a subject gets definite, it turns into its own science, and is no longer called philosophy. (Bertrand Russell p21 Book). I agree with Russell that the questions that philosophers try to answer are a part of what drives ambiguity in philosophy. Russell states that philosophy is not just about recommending answers to questions, additionally it is to make sure that people are aware of the questions coupled with the importance of each of those questions. Questions he posed like, is consciousness a permanent part of the universe giving hope to indefinite growth in wisdom and the questions of good and evil are valid questions that should be applied to all disciplines. Being employed in the field of computer science feels like there is indefinite growth with what we are watching being designed today, at the same time we shouldn t overlook the morality in the things we create. I would agree with Russell s conclusion that we need to study the questions. Before I took Introduction to Philosophy, if you were to ask me any of the questions Russell mentions above I would have had no comment or opinion on any of them. I never thought about them before. I
  • 8. Erikson Stages Erickson s stages of psycho social development Daleice Johnson Estrella Mountain Community College Over time psychologist have found more ways to further the study if humans behavior and metal processes. Erikson, a psychologist of the twentieth century came up with a theory of how humans developmental stages throughout a life span. His theory consisted of eight stages. The first stage is trust vs. mistrust and this occurs from birth to 1 year of age. The next stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt and occurs from the age 1 to 3. Then there is initiative vs. guilt this will last from age 3 to 6. The fourth stage is industry vs. inferiority and this occurs from age 6 to puberty. Next is the stage of identity vs. role confusion this... Show more content on ... The act of drinking milk with the lip is not only a physiological meaning of food intake but also a psychological meaning which becomes the prototype of the character development afterwards. Infants learn the world around them through their mouths. At this time, the foundation for children to build up their intimate relationships with the world is to cultivate themselves, rely on them, and whether they can feel that they deserve to be trusted. 2 Early childhood (autonomy versus shame, suspicion) At this time of the year, the infant has developed the muscle of the whole body including the anus sphincter, it comes to be able to walk standing by oneself, and it becomes possible to control the excretion. Whether it is possible to acquire the sense of autonomy through the experience of excretion and holding becomes important as a developmental problem. It is praised by parents if it is possible to excrete well, and the infant experiences an embarrassed feeling when failing. Moreover, it is time when the self insistence is started gradually, and it is sometimes observed to treat my excrement as a weapon as a means of the attack.
  • 9. Evaluating Performance Evaluating Performance Performance evaluations, when implemented properly, act as a tool for improving employee productivity, team performance and individual development. They can serve to raise self esteem, increase motivation, strengthen relationships and foster ongoing communication and commitment (Simpson, 2001). I feel that these reviews play a critical role in the workplace and should remain a part of standard operating procedures, however many are beginning to disagree. Current Trends By the end of 2015, at least 30 of the Fortune 500 companies had stopped using performance evaluations (Goler, Gale, Grant, 2016). In fact, companies worldwide have begun to question their rigid ratings systems and once a year appraisal processes, ... Show more content on ... When conversations about professional growth are near constant and untethered by ratings, people can get overwhelmed. Employees often struggle to figure out which information matters most and what to ignore (Goler, Gale, Grant, 2016). Performance evaluations allow for an overall assessment that helps people prioritize. Employees learn what their key strengths are, and where they should focus their development efforts. Performance reviews also offer management the opportunity to recognize and address gaps in training, leading to development or procurement of those skills. Additionally, the review process offers employees feedback on how their performance can be improved, such as starting or stopping certain behaviors (Duggan, N.d.). Lastly, regularly scheduled performance reviews serve as a forcing function to make sure that tough feedback is delivered, rather than swept under the rug (Goler, Gale, Grant,
  • 10. The Air Pollution And The Water Pollution Cancer it is one of those words that people whisper in hush tones behind closed doors. It s the type of word that brings nothing but heartbreak. The second the words you have cancer are said, the clock starts ticking away at the time you have left louder than an airhorn. Cancer uncovers the fighters that have been hidden away. It is one of the worst battles to fight, because ultimately it is already a battle lost. In 2012, 14.1 million people were diagnosed with cancer. In that same year 8.2 million people died from it. There is predicted to be 23.6 million people diagnosed with cancer each year by 2030. (CancerResearchUK) However, some countries suffer more than others. China alone is responsible for 22% of new cancer cases and almost 27% of global cancer deaths (CancerStatisticsinChina). Why is cancer such an issue here? Outside of genetics, this is largely due to the country s polluted environments, specifically the air pollutionand the water pollution. China began seeing an increase in cancer a few decades ago when their industrial movement began. Pollution from the factories seem to be the leading cause of cancer in the Chinese population. This is a major socioeconomic issue because in order to clean the environment, factories would be forced to close or relocate. Initially, the Chinese government denied that cancer was a byproduct of pollution. Although recently they were forced to acknowledge its effect and has since been making an effort to clean their
  • 11. African Slave Trade Research Papers The African slave trade The topic of my research paper was the African slave trade, I chose this topic because I learnt this topic last year in Geography class and I wanted to know more information about this topic and ended the slavery in this world. Start of the slave trade To talk about the African slave trade, the first word occurred in my mind was wretched and terrified. The African slave trade was an action to sell the African slaves. The Spanish and Portuguese attacked America for the large land and killed many Native Americans, to enlarge the land, they needed labors, and they found that black people were stronger, had better resistance to tropical diseases.( The Europeans
  • 12. Compare The Six Key Differences Between The United States... I have decided to discuss United Kingdom and United States six key difference in compensation and benefits. The 6 key compensation and benefits between United Kingdom and United that I will address are paid maternity leave, paid paternity leave,general parental leave,paid holiday allowances,paid sick leaveand unemployment benefits. The first key difference that I will discuss is maternityleave. In all the countries in Europe, the maternity leave minimum amount is 14 weeks but the time and pay that is offered varies. The United Kingdom s maternity leave is at 52 weeks (1 year) which is the longest maternity leave in Europe. The first 26 weeks is known as Ordinary Maternity Leave , the last 26 weeks as Additional Maternity Leave .For the... Show more content on ... United Kingdom on the other hand offers 8 paid holiday/vacation days. For sick and pay leave United States does not have statutory mandate for paid sick leave. Just like the paid holidays, the number of days that an employee is offered is apart of the compensation package which is negotiated between the employee and employer. Out of Europe, United Kingdom is one of the least generous when it comes paid sick leave as they offer up to 28 weeks and it is paid at a flat rate of around ВЈ88 a week. Lastly, the key difference I will discuss is unemployment benefits. In the U.S they offer between 40% and 50% of earnings for up to 26 weeks, which also depends on the individual state. It is said that out of Europe, United Kingdom is the least generous when it comes to benefits. They have to check to see if they are eligible and if they are they they will receive a certain amount which is based off their age,income and savings. Payments are usually made every 2
  • 13. The Corruptness Of The Judicial System Crime is when somebody breaks the rules or laws and, if they re caught, getting punished to the full extent. The basic foundation of crime has been around forever but as time went by a small leak in the system was created and remains to this day. That leak is the social injustice of wealthy people getting off easier with crimeand it is time we start putting firm laws in place to stop this global corruptness. There have been multiple recent accounts of people committing crimes and getting away with it because they are wealthy and although the corruptness of the judicial system is very obvious in modern society people still choose to turn the other cheek. Although there are countless examples of wealthy people getting away with crime i have chosen 3 recent examples to explain and elaborate on. The first recent example of this social injustice is the story of oj simpson. In 1994 Oj simpson was accused of the murders of his ex girlfriend and ex girlfriend s current boyfriend. Although there was multiple pieces of evidence proving that he did in fact commit these murders he was let off the hook with no punishments all because of his wealth and popularity. This trail was a very important piece of evidence in showing the corruptness of judicial system because it was so widely broadcasted and investigated and yet people still ... Show more content on ... He was originally sentenced to 5 years in jail but was only sentenced to 1 after the judge learned that he was a well known actor and comedian. Yet again nobody paid any mind to his charges getting lessened because he was wealthy. This is yet another good piece of evidence showing the social injustice of wealthy people getting away with crime because it shows that it s something that affects people all over the
  • 14. The Happy Da Size Rv Identity Fraud Case My folks moved to California when I was approx two years old. They moved to various places in Rancho Cordova and Sacramento and then Folsom. Specific addresses were 4036 Birch Grove Way, Rosemont Ca, and 1101 Avon Way, Folsom Ca 95630. The cash call and pizza issue with Sac county were the results of identity theft which is what I filed with Folsom PD. The perp stole a box of check books from my mail box and cashed them at several merchants around Folsom along with check cashing establishments. Round table and cash call took it up in court which is why I had to file the police report. The issues have since been resolved and moved from my personal credit history as a result. The Happy Daze RV is a situation which involved my father, Roger
  • 15. The Innate System Vs. Adaptive System When the innate system isn t enough to protect our bodies from foreign substances, the adaptive system is our second and best resort. The adaptive system is a system that is specifically suited to detect harmful antigens which are any foreign or harmful substances. Viruses and bacteria will trigger an immunological response when recognized and the adaptive system gets to work. Unlike our innate system which is there from birth, the adaptive system develops over time. This type of system works by using cells that are lymphocytes. The lymphocytes consists of two types of cells which are T Cells and B Cells. Both cells are produced in bone marrow and each lymphocyte has about a hundred receptors on its surface which recognize specific chemical
  • 16. Essay Surfing When you think of surfing what comes to mind? Is it amp;#8220;yo dude, ; or the beauty of a majestic wave breaking on the shore with the sun setting on the horizon? Surfers today receive very little respect for the sport, sometimes referred to as an art, that they participate in. Despite what most people think, the surfers are a rare breedlet alone the soul surfer. However if you believe that surfers are just a bunch of beer drinking, marijuana smoking, partygoers then you have something coming your way. Surfing first came about in the late 1800 amp;#8217;s and early 1900 amp;#8217;s at the time of the ancient Polynesian rule over the East Indies. To the Polynesians it was only a royal sport in which only ... Show more content on ... Surfers are one of the most peace minded and charismatic types of people. Ten percent of the Australian population surfs. Most Doctors are repeatedly saying, amp;#8220;surfing is the ultimate stress reliever. ; I will tell you one thing though, if I ever have a problem it automatically disappears from my head the minute my board touches the water. Surfing is probably the world amp;#8217;s best medicine. Surfing is basically branched off into four major types of surfers. One of the surfers is referred to as the expo surfer, a surfer that primarily surfs for the money, fame, and endorsements. The true surfer the other type is referred to as the soul surfer, this is a very special surfer. This is the only surfer that surfs for the right reason amp;#8230; passion, devotion, beauty, and appreciation of what God has given us, the swell of the ocean breaking on reefs or sandbars. He is also the most respected. In addition the third surfer is known as the amp;#8220;snake ; surfer, he is the one that steals everybody amp;#8217;s waves, meaning that if you are in the correct section of the wave which is in the curl, he would just drop in on your wave and not care. Lastly the cruelest surfers are the local boys the territorial ones. If your not from that part of town you better watch your behind because if you screw up the whole town gangs up on you and you are basically finished. The most common place for these actions are in the city of Rio De
  • 17. Quit Claim Deed Essay Change is a part of life and business. So is the action to transfer deed title of ownership. For some the decision is a result of acquiring new property. It may also be related to family circumstances requiring a name be removed, changed or added onto the property title. The property transfer involves legal forms to change the recorded deed, some research on the propertyand the names of all the parties involved in the transfer. Basic information about the property is obtained through the county recorder s office where the property is located. The information received from the county contains the name of the owner filed on the deed title, the property s legal description along with the property s historical information and data. Meeting... Show more content on ... The quit claim deed allows the current owner to relinquish any claim or interest to a deeded property. In real estate most of these transfers occur between family members. Quit claim deeds do exactly what they named, they transfer property titles quickly. It is more common to use this type of deed when transferring property as part of the estate planning for personal assets. For example, your grandparents pass away and leave property to several of their children. All of the surviving children agree to release their interest to one of the siblings. In this case the quit claim deed is signed by all of the parties and the new deed is transferred to the single sibling as a sole owner. Lack of Warranties and No Guarantees A quit claim deed does not provide the new owner with any promises or guarantees. Diligence is a must in this case. Whether the parties know each other or not, the rights of the transferring owner should be verified. Due to the lack of guarantees with this type of deed a title search is suggested. The search may uncover liabilities or risks to the new owner. The search will confirm the property is free of any liens or claims. If the new owner signs the quit claim deed without doing any verifications they may be subjected and responsible for paying any debt connected to the property. Consequences of Joint
  • 18. Frankenstein Weather Quotes Chapter 9 of Foster s book is all about the weather and how it affects the story. Foster claims that weather is never just weather (Foster, 70). As he says this, he also explains how rain carries a deeper meaning when it is presented in a setting, and that is the same for fog, lightning, and sunshine. In Frankenstein, weatherpromotes a deeper meaning when Victor s brother dies. Victor exclaims, William, dear angel! This is thy funeral, this thy dirge...a flash of lightning illuminated the object, and discovered its shape plainly to me: its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, (Shelley, 77). This quote shows how a scary scene is accompanied by lightning to add to the spookiness. This
  • 19. Walter E Fortin Research Papers In May, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fortin of Falmouth received notification from the War Department that their son Corp. Walter E. Fortin, missing since November 26, 1943, was officially listed as dead. In just over a year they would receive notification from the Navy Department their second son, SF 3/c Sylvester A. Fortin Jr. died of his wounds. On Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1944 the HMT Rhona along with four other transports steamed from the port of Oran, Algeria to rendezvous with a convoy passing through the Mediterranean Sea. Rhona ,an 8600 ton British troop transport was loaded with about 2000 American troops destined for new duty stations in the Far east. Many would never reach their destination. By the afternoon of November... Show more content on ... From April 1 5 , Marathon s assault craft delivered elements of the 1st Marine Division to the beaches of Okinawa. On April 5, Marathon began a return trip to San Francisco, making stops at Saipan and Pearl Harbor. After a re supply in San Francisco, Marathon returned to Buckner Bay, Okinawa. On Sunday, July 22, 1945, at around 1:30 a.m. a one man, Japanese suicide submarine, human torpedo , slipped into Buckner Bay and slammed into the anchored Marathon...detonating on contact. The explosion ripped through a port side berthing compartment of the construction and repair gangs, killing and wounding many of the men while they slept. The repair crews fought hard and were able to save the ship, despite suffering heavy casualties in the explosion. One of the men lost to the repair crew was Shipfitter 3/c Sylvester A. Fortin Jr. Sylvester sustained multiple wounds in the initial explosion and died later that day. Sylvester Fortin was born in Portland October 20, 1924, and with his brother Walter, grew up on the family farm in Falmouth. He was married to Corinne Adrianna Bartlett and was the father of two young sons, Walter and Sylvester. He was 21. Semper
  • 20. Human Resource Planning And Human Resources Executive summary Relevance to the development of human resource planning firm employees to find is very important. Aim to achieve the organization in this way it should be internal or external supply to assess whether labor supply. With the needs of the firm s main specialty AD workers describe the job analysis, there should be. Today s executives of particular concern for the effective and acurate in human resource planning for the needs of internal and external supply of labor. Human Resource planning is the planning which can de said recruit planning. Human Resource Management (HRM) organise the people who work in the affiliation. HRM is the legitimate limit which find the issues that are related to people, for instance, reward, enrolling, execution organization ,to benefit the firm, central focuses and profits, delegate impulse, correspondence, association, and planning. Human resource organizing means obliged number of people having proper knowledge and skill. This essay will discuss the internal and external supply of labour, difference ,their benefits and loses. It will explain the necessity of internal and external supply of labour for Human resource planning. In interior supply of human asset there are numerous sources like trades, headways, surrendered labourers, thus on which are considered. Outside supply of human resource is availability of work drive in the business area and new recruitment. Outer supply of human resource depends on upon a
  • 21. Cheese Making Art Started Involuntarily, When Pastoral Cheese making art started involuntarily, when pastoral tribes carrying milk using saddlebags made of animal skins realized that, the milk clotted and in the end separated into milk curds and whey. The whey provided a refreshing whey drink; while they drained the curds, salted it to give a tasty and nourishing protein food. Traditionally, the cheesemaking procedure remained a day long process, starting in the morning, after farmers milked their cows, till late in the afternoon. Eventually, the art evolved drastically and spread across the world. The cheese making process is part science and all cheese crafting uses some variant of the four step process that includes curdling, draining, pressing, and ripening. In this occasion, we explore... Show more content on ... 2.Making process Another disparity is in their making processes; cheddar making process starts by heating milk to 71F to pasteurize and curb decomposition and promote product uniformity. Thereafter, a starter is added to enable the growth of flavor and texture. The starter culture changes lactose to lactic acid, preparing the milk before adding rennet which helps coagulate the milk proteins. Thereafter, the coagulated milk is cut into small curds, a process that helps separate curd from whey. The cheesemakers then heat the mixture, stirring constantly after which the whey is drained. The Cheddaring stage kicks in, which involves kneading curd with salt, cutting it to drain excessive whey, then rotating and piling. The cheese then enters the salting stage, after which the curds are set in molds and pressed to shape and get rid of excess moisture. Pressing can go overnight. Lastly, maturing stage sets in which goes on up to 24 months, depending on the age required. Subsequently, Gouda making process uses pasteurized or unpasteurized milk. Nonetheless, the milk must be clean and quality milk. The milk is heated to 86F; culture is added, and then ripened for one hour. Thereafter, rennet, which helps coagulate the milk, is added. The mixture sits for about 45 minutes or until firm curds develop. The process continues with cutting the curd, into inch big squares, holding for another five minutes to let curds firm up; this trick helps avoid losing milk fat.
  • 22. In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay Media Controversy With the nation s violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, why? Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect? The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in ... Show more content on ... In addition, high rated movies and games were found to be easily accessed by under aged children. Furthermore, different ratings systems for each medium (television, movies, music, and video games) make the ratings confusing, because they have little similarity or relationship to one another. One point of concern in the media relates specifically to the music industry. Recently, many new artists have made their debut with a new genre called ?rap?, which portrays the life of gangsters and ultimately, violence. This new genre has become increasingly popular and many children are led to believe that a life of violence is ?hip? and ?cool?. This could also explain the increased gang related activity over the past few years. Parents have been concerned about the fact that they don t write songs like they used to. When asked about the issue, one rapper said: Being from the hood, neighborhood, I can tell you that violence didn t start from a cassette that might have been popped into a home or car stereo system.? While the fact that violence did not start from music might be true, it does not help the situation any further. If anything, it advocates violence and portrays it as something honorable to the children. As a result of many complaints, record industries have agreed to a ?parental advisory: explicit
  • 23. Graphic Design Interview As a freshman who is currently attending Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, I am currently interested in becoming a Graphic Designer. Based on the research I ve done regarding the occupation, the job seems to be within my field of interest however, even with the research I ve done on the internet, an interview with an individual who possesses a solid experience in the field of Graphic Designhas given me a much better insight on what roles and responsibilities are required of me if I expect to become a Graphic Designer. On March 28th I scheduled an interview with a Graphic Designer named Amanda Howlett. She is the daughter of one of the staff members of this University, Mrs. Howlett. Miss Amanda Howlett gladly accepted my proposal and we scheduled our interview to be on the 1st of April. When I interviewed her I asked her a series of organized questions regarding her occupation as a Graphic Designer. I first began asking her about her background and how she became a Graphic Designer. She told me that she graduated from the Art Institute of York with a degree in Graphic Design. She then gave me a more in depth statement on how her career journey was like during college. She told me that her university occasionally received information on job openings from companies who had previously hired... Show more content on ... She told me that she works Monday through Friday. Her work hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with a one hour lunch break. She works for a property development and real estate management company named Triple Crown Corporation. This company builds, develops and manages commercial and residential buildings. To my surprise, most of her work is completed in Adobe programs like InDesign and Photoshop, as well as online email systems like Constant Contract. When she works, she has a desk all to herself with an office that s designed to hold two
  • 24. Think Like A Freak Analysis The average person would shy away from being called a freak, but after reading Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner s fascinating book Think Like a Freak, I would argue this term to be a compliment. I will begin by providing a brief summary of Think Like a Freak. Then, I will apply the principles shared by this book to nursing practice and management. Finally, I will conclude with a personal evaluation of the books strengths. Maybe by the end of this report, you too will embrace the thoughts of a freak. Have fun, think small, don t fear the obvious is just one of the many concepts that Think Like a Freak offers to retrain our brains way of thinking (Levitt Dubner, 2014, p. 98). This book investigates more efficient and improved ways... Show more content on ... 19). Think Like a Freak very plainly asserts that as humans we hate admitting we do not know things, but frankly the things that we do know are vastly outweighed by the things that we do not know. Levitt and Dubner very simply state, It has long been said that the three hardest words to say in the English language are I love you. , they go on to say, We heartily disagree! For most people, it is much harder to say I don t know. That s a shame, for until you can admit what you don t yet know, it s virtually impossible to learn what you need to. (Levitt Dubner, 2014, p. 20). An article from Forbes noted that ideas, direction, and confidence could be gained from admitting you do not know (The Muse, 2012). If managers and employees in the hospital setting could become comfortable with the idea that we often do not know, then possibly we could move into a learning environment that shares and amply provides feedback (Levitt Dubner,
  • 25. Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Many immigrants come to the United States in pursuit of opportunity, however they struggle to adopt the dominant culture s language, which limits the job opportunities available to them. Historically, immigrants assimilated by having to learn dominant language, but this challenge led them to create ethnic enclaves that make them feel more welcomed. Many enclaves in the United States, for example the Latino population in San Francisco s Mission District, give a sense of comfort and nostalgia of home because people from that community have similarities to their homeland. Newcomers do not need to step out of their enclave because they have all the support they need in their communities. Although many immigrants come to the United States in hope of opportunity, they are limited to achieving and moving forward because of their ethnic enclaves. Because these enclaves do not allow them to expand into different cultures, they are limited both socially and economically. Within ethnic communities, there are a huge number of people who face language barriers that prevents them from seeking employment outside of their ethnic community. People within these ethnic enclaves do not feel the need to learn the dominant language, because the majority of the population with their community speaks the same language as they do. Places like San Francisco s China town has established their own enclave that includes everything from grocery shops to hospitals. This
  • 26. Discussion Of The Criticisms Of Social Learning Approach Social learning theorists have been criticised for over emphasising environmental factors in determining behaviour while neglecting individual differences, they show little interest for example in innate differences that may cause one person to be characteristically quick tempered and another to be extremely passive. Social learning theorists see personality as having little stability but changing according to the situation which is contrary to most people s experiences, so far social learning theorists have failed to provide a concise idea of how the various learned behaviours are integrated to form the total personality. It is with commitment that scientific methods are a strength of the social learning approach as its results are reliable and allow inreferences about cause and effect. However it does give rise to criticism that relies heavily ... Show more content on ... Consequently, social learning theory can explain a range of processes that behaviourism has difficulties with, especially behaviours that emerge without the person that produces them being directly conditioned. As such it has contributed significantly to our understanding of processes like aggression and gender development and has also formed the basis of a range of treatments for problems like phobias. Modelling based therapies are particularly effective with children, who may find behaviour therapies using direct conditioning hard to deal with. Some criticisms of social learning theory arise from their commitment to the environment as the chief influence on behaviour. For example, there are several gender differences that appear to be universal, such as preferences for particular characteristics in a potential heterosexual partner (men prioritise youth and fertility, women prioritise status and resources) and differences in the gender thinking of boys and girls (boys tend to be more rigid) that social learning theory cannot account for. It may be that differences like these reflect genetic
  • 27. Themes In Greasy Lake Jordan Ford Mailin Barlow ENC 1102 27 Feb 2018 The Theme of Adolescence Found Within T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake Adolescence is a terrifying ride that everyone experiences. Often times we butt heads with one another. We go to places that reflect on who we are or want to be. At the endo of it all the irony of it is palpable. T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake explores this theme. Boyle is known for his creative and compelling use of contemporary dialogue. ( Boyle, T. Coraghessan ) This fits in well with all of the talking amongst the teens. Boyle was born in a lower middle class home in (a wealthy part of) New York... ( Boyle, T. Coraghessan ) This could easily been where his thoughts on the young and rich may have formed. His views ... Show more content on ... The narrator and his friends think that they re tough as nails. Verbally it s ironic that the boy s say that their bad but their reasoning is hilarious. One was bad because he allowed his father to pay for his tuition at Cornell... (Boyle), a high tier, Ivy League University and another wanted to quit school to be a painter. As the story goes on it is apparent that the boys believe in their faГ§ade despite being pampered teens. Dramatically irony shows up when the trio of bad (Boyle) characters meet someone who s been down the road they re headed and it not being what they expected. The Situational irony is prevalent when the boys are finally recognized as the bad characters that they ve been trying so hard to be, but all they want to do is cry and get out of the car and retch...
  • 28. Venus Of Urbino Analysis Venus of Urbino demonstrates a beautiful, young woman, Venus, lying nude on what appears to be a reclined couch or bed. However, the woman illustrated means much more than merely a nude woman. There have been many interpretations of this beautiful woman over the years but many art historians agree that the Venus of Urbino has to do unambiguously with the male sexual desire for the female nude body. Tiziano Vecellio, also documented, as Titian was an Italian painter. He was born sometime around 1470 1480, his exact date of birth is unclear and he died of a fever during the plague around 1576. Titian was one of the furthermost adaptable Italian painters during the High Renaissance. Titian was equally proficient with portraits, landscape backgrounds and mythological and religious subjects. Consequently, Titian was one of the furthermost important members of the sixteenth century Venetian school and he is still an overwhelming influence on the art world. Often times, Titian is described as the first artist to have an international career. Titian s painting career was prosperous from the start but over the course of this prolonged life, his style changed drastically and he retained a permanent interest in color, which is well defined in his painting Venus of Urbino. Consequently, many of the colors used in Titian s Venus of Urbino rematerialize in numerous of Titian s other works, for example the green in the curtain behind the young woman s head. The green depicted was painted
  • 29. Bingo Slot Research Paper Bingo Slot In America there is no game that can match bingo s popularity, in our opinion there simply isn t any competition for it from a social gambling standpoint. This is why, this year, OpenBet has brought us a brand new slot game called Bingo Slot. We already know that online bingo is incredible, but this could be the hybrid game that meshes it together with the world of slots in fantastic fortune. OpenBet has a growing reputation with the world of online casino software development, which why this game is generating so much buzz. With all the hype about this hybrid game firmly in the rear view mirror, can Bingo Slot live up to what has been seen in the previews? Read on to find out if this game really has the ability to step up to the plate! Say it loud and say it proud What do you think a bingo based slot game should look like? Picture it in your head right... Show more content on ... The first game we have for you is Scoop The Cash, a Microgaming release that is certainly all about the big wins. Featuring the same 5x3 reel, 25 payline setup, this game certainly has a penchant for paying out. Also from Microgaming is Rainbow s End, a game that once again mimics what Bingo Slot has to offer, so it s certainly a game that all players should look to turn a hand to should they have the time. Get ready to dab away with Bingo Slot! In our opinion, Bingo Slot definitely deserves to have the name bingo in its title. It looks solid, it runs very well, it s fast paced, the symbols are fun, and overall, it offers a pretty unforgettable experience. If you love bingo, then you need to give this game a try, as it certainly offers up a fresh take on the game of tickets. Meta: If you love bingo, then get ready, as OpenBet has a treat in store, meshing the game of tickets with the world of slots, Bingo Slot doesn t
  • 30. Tom Wilson Page: Home Page Tom Wilson is an award winning architect known for his work in renovation architecture in Melbourne. Tom specializes in renovating period and heritage homes to give them a new life. Based in Melbourne s Eastern Suburbs, Tom has over 45 of years of experience in renovation architecture and restoration. He has created livable solutions by restoring traditional homes even with bare bones. No one understands the form and material of heritage homes better than Tom Wilson. His passion for fine heritage architecture can be seen in all his renovation architecture projects. He has developed some award winning sustainable home solutions and high esteemed renovation architecture projects in Melbourne. A deep understanding of architectural heritage and aesthetics allows Tom to maintain a balance between existing traditional architecture and the new contemporary additions. He has some prestigious and ... Show more content on ... Tom has won Boroondara Renovation Awards for both the Ligeti House and the Turner Residence. With a huge list of projects in his name, Tom has a diversified portfolio in renovation architecture work, from small Ensuites to major three storey staged renovations. With more than 45 years of experience, Tom has built a reputation for being Melbourne s award winning renovation architect. He specializes in house extensions and renovation, restoring the character and charm of period homes. From period dwelling, heritage homes to contemporary dwellings like Victorian, Federation, Edwardian, and Art Deco Houses, Tom has renovated all kinds of heritage homes. Driven by innovation, he strives to transform the dream home from a mere concept to the stunning
  • 31. Persuasive Essay On The Second Amendment It is a man s right according to the constitution under the second amendment to bear arms. Unfortunately, in the state of California the second amendment has almost been entirely revoked. Many mass shootings in the state have been on the rise for the last few decades. Consequently, gun owners along with gun regulations have suffered a mass change in gun control. One of the major changes is the Open CarryLaw, were it prohibits gun owners from carrying any type of gun on their person. These regulations have become extremely strict in the state of California to the point where openly carrying a firearmhas become illegal. With the rise of mass shootings and California being the primary target of such horrific events, it with no doubt that the carry open law should be reinstated. The constitution of the United States is made up of ten amendments that give rights to the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, in the state of California the second amendment has way too many restrictions and loopholes. The second amendment states that A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed . What the second part of this amendment refers to is that the people have the right to arm themselves and no one can deprive them of doing so. The citizens are in their own rightfulness to defend themselves in a life or death situation when being caused by another human being. The second amendment
  • 32. Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Crystal Lusk Walden University Family, Community, and Population Based Care 4011 12 March 19, 2014 Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response A disaster is an event that is a natural or man made occurrence that can disrupt or destroy the lives of those it affects (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Management of a disaster includes four phases; prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Hawaii s isolation in the pacific lends itself to the possibility of many disasters from; floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, pandemics, and volcano eruptions (Schaefers, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to study emergency preparedness and response to ... Show more content on ... Handing out fliers on emergency kit preparation to the community through emergency preparedness fairs and health centers is one way to educate the public. During the recovery phase, the PHN assists the community to return to a state of normalcy as quick as possible. Recovery is often difficult and requires long term support of the community health nurse in collaboration with state and national efforts aid (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). A nursing approach to recovery is to remain flexible and continually assess community needs and determine interventions that help to achieve pre disaster life (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Many of Hawaii s PHN are not prepared for an emergency or disaster so training through participation in disaster drills or actual disaster events is crucial (Baack Alfred, 2013). A best practice strategy is participation in one of the Hawaii disaster preparedness organizations such as; The Hawaii Medical Reserve Corps, which members are a cumulative of physician and nurse volunteers who want to serve their community when a disaster or public health emergency strikes ( HMRC, 2014). The attendance of meetings, participation in preparedness exercises, and assistance in non emergent community health activities all help the PHN to be prepared to respond quickly when needed in a disaster ( HMRC, 2014). Summary Hawaii is known for its natural disasters from floods, earthquakes, and the changing environment, and also from
  • 33. Patient Education Essay According to Healthy People 2012 there are more then 800,000 new cases of diabetes each year, with the numbers on the rise. With this in mind, Healthy People 2012 has identified diabetes as their number five focus area. In order to reach their goal of improving the quality of life for people with diabetes they have identified diabetes teaching as their number one objective. Furthermore, in order to reduce the number of complications of diabetes, Healthy People 2012 has identified footulcers as their ninth objective. Through patient educationHealthy People 2012 hopes to reduce the number of foot ulcers in people with diabetes, as diabetes is the number one cause of nontraumatic amputations in the United States. In order to... Show more content on ... stated that he wears a size ten shoe however he does not own a pair of shoes in his size. With all these factors involved it becomes obvious that J.L. is a diabetic patient in need of foot care teaching, in order to prevent further complications. After identification of a patient teaching need the next step in the teaching process is establishing a measurable goal. Teaching goals are broad in scope and set down what is expected as the final outcome of the teaching and learning process (Wilkinson Van Leuven, 2007, p. 538). In order to achieve a high level of standard, teaching goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. For our example, the teaching goal for J.L. and his diabetic foot care is as follows: Client is able to state five things he can do to prevent diabetic foot complications by the end of the teaching session implemented on Sunday January 24, 2012. Specifically, the five items J.L. will identify are to monitor and manage his diabetes, inspect feet daily, wash feet with warm water while drying between toes and apply moisturizing cream to feet daily (not between toes), avoid walking barefoot or with unfitted shoes, and calling the doctor should he notice any changes in his feet. In this case the level of prevention used, when implementing the diabetic foot care teaching, is tertiary prevention. This intervention begins once the disease if obvious: the aim is to interrupt the course of the disease,
  • 34. 1984 George Orwell s 1984 is an exemplary work of dystopia. Although written in 1940s, 1984 is a vivid depiction of China during the Cultural Revolution and Soviet Union during the Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries. Dystopia came into being after the World War в…Ў, when the world was at a loss about its future. Although the world was purged of fascism, personality cult and communist dictatorship arose to take its place.Dystopia is characterized by an authoritarian and totalitarian regime that oppresses individual freedom and development; scientific development and general education is cast aside; the whole society is embedded in constant warfare and violence, and scientific research is done only for military use and for controlling the... Show more content on ... The population s need does not matter as long as they can sustain the Party s power and the Party can maintain the people s ignorance. The Party inculcate its political philosophy into people s mind day and night, whenever and wherever possible, and thus people accept what they are imposed on everyday and everywhere as the real truth. For example, they believe life before the Revolution is much deplorable and they live much better even though their distribution of daily necessity is decreasing day by day, only because the Party keeps instilling this belief in their mind everyday and precluding people from knowing anything about the past by destroying everything connected with the past and recreating the past. What is the most appalling depicted in 1984 is the lack of ego consciousness. Human is only a mass of mobile flesh knowing neither love nor happiness. They do not even reason or think. Life is meaningless except for those in the Inner Party. But no one has any knowledge about what life really means and should be like, and there is no difference between people s life everyone shares the same dressing, the same expression, the same thinking, etc. Every doubt is quelled by force by the Party. I guess that is similar to what happened during the 1960s in China. No trust among people, even parents had to be wary of being given away by their children. Under such circumstance, knowledge and self awareness is agonizing and fatal. People have to live against
  • 35. Catoctin Mountain Review Essay Introduction: The National Park Service (NPS) and the U. S. Department of the Interior (USDI) drafted the Catoctin Mountain National Park Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (2006) to impart knowledge of a need for action to facilitate the regeneration of vegetation and reforestation of the park. A population of white tailed deer that was exceeding an estimated 100 individual animals per square mile was over browsing the vegetation. According to the EIS a population of 15 to 20 individuals is optimal to protect herd health and allow regeneration of the vegetation. The EIS listed four alternatives that were investigated in depth according to the National Environmental Protection Act requirements (FHWA, n.d.) these... Show more content on ... This alternative would reach the goals through the length of the plan. The reduction in deer population would not be rapid and regeneration would be seen mostly in the exclusions until the population had diminished and the plan cost is over $9.5 million. The preferred alternative, alternative C was comprised of the continuation of alternative A with the use of sharpshooting and the subduing and euthanization of deer to rapidly reduce the population to the goal range in three years. Through this alternative the goals would be meet in a relatively short time frame at a cost between $738,600 and $941,100. The final alternative, alternative D also continued alternative A with the combination of sharpshooting, euthanization, and reproduction control. Alternative D would meet the goals of the plan in a similar time frame as alternative C with a cost of between $1.4 and $1.6 million. Rejected alternatives: Several alternatives were rejected for various reasons. The first rejected alternative was a managed hunt, for the need of legislation change in congress to allow a hunt on NPS land and possible cost and safety issues. A second was sterilization of bucks, which would only show moderate control of the population if the dominant buck were sterilized. Predator reintroduction was next rejected, because studies have shown that predators have not shown consistent
  • 36. Mayan Tribes I am going to be telling you about three different tribes. Maya, Aztec, and Inca. I have some information about all of them. I mostly have information about the Aztec, but I will explain most of what they do in their life. I do have information about all of the tribes. There is not that much that they have in common, but there should be enough where they seem similar in a way. The first group I am going to be talking about is the Mayan people. The mayans have a religion. All of the groups do. The Mayan people believe in many gods. They do animal and human sacrifices. Their kings blood was very sacred to them. The way that they start a ceremony, is a priest cuts themselves to start it. When they would conquer places, the enemies warriors would be sacrificed to show power. One type of sacrifice was being thrown into a well, and if you survived, you would be declared of being sacred. When they did sacrifices, they just did it for the blood. Their sport was called the ball game. You can only use your hips, and elbows to get a ball through a little circle hoop kind of thing.It was a veyr fun game but the loser team was the only bad thing for the losers. The team captain was decapitated or in slavery, but in general, everybody on the team dies. I would ... Show more content on ... The Aztecs have some similarities to the Mayan. The Aztecs also believe in many gods. The most important god to them is the sun god. They only had human sacrifices. This time, it was all about the sacrifice. For every single ceremony, they sacrifice over 20,000 people. All of these people were the people who were captured from a conquer. I would say that if you were conquered, I would just say my last words because they don t care who you work for or if you have a family. They would capture you for slavery, or kill you. I would hate to be a warrior even more because they get sacrificed because they conquered you and all of the people you
  • 37. Global Warming And Its Effect On The Environment Essay The majority of people across all academics accept global warming as a phenomenon. Furthermore, greenhouse gases, including carbon emissions, are established to be one of the main drivers of global warming. If allowed to continue, global warming will damage our natural environment as well as our wellbeing. Decreasing carbon emissions is a necessity in order to continue the growth and development of our society. In the past few years, different methods have been studied in order to prevent carbon emissions from increasing. The first method is a carbon tax, a tax proportionate to the impact of emissions on the environment and the economy (Lagerquist). Its goal is to incentivize producers and consumers to seek business models and lifestyles which produce less carbon. The second method is an emissions tradingsystem, or simply, a cap and trade system. In this system, there is a limit on how much pollution a government is allowing and the right to emit becomes a tradable commodity (Baumert). This is also known as an allowance and enables emissions reductions to take place where they are least costly. Governments would be able to decrease allowances in order to decrease emissions. Both systems put a price on carbon, generate revenue, hold polluters responsible, and require monitoring, reporting and verification with the intent of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Cap and Trade. Vs. Taxes). But, there are arguments against such systems due to claims of them being ineffective,
  • 38. Ritzer s The Mcdonaldization Of Society Since its release in the year 1993, The McDonaldization of Society , has gone through various revisions and republications. Its on the context of the observations made by Ritzer, that the argument of the entire process of McDonaldization finds its place; which states that the concepts and principles followed by fast foodrestaurant chains, are rapidly taking over majority of the sectors in the American economy, and may dominate over the rest of the world (Ritzer, 2004, pg1). Of the various impacts that this methodology may have had, one of them is that it sees the revolution in the business principles, and has evolved the consumer s experience in terms of production and consumption. Ritzer s ideology of McDonaldization, again, is based off
  • 39. Seat Belts Argumentative Essay Anonymous Writer Anonymous Teacher English 10 Honors November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay Seat Belts A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the force of an injury during a crash ( Seat Belts 5). Although it is also known as a safety belt, the safety part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The main idea around the debate is the fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save lives, opponents argue that mandating their use can actually cause more harm than good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ... Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon as something puts lives in danger, the right of freedom disappears thus making mandatory seatbelt laws a non infringement on freedom. Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury in a vehicle ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in preventing ejections from a vehicle. While opponents argue that in certain cases it is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A person will never know what type of accident they might enter and thus can t prepare for a certain type of accident. You can t know whether or not having a seatbelt will save you. It s better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that Seat Belts saved more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008 ( Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws ). Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and this would have negative social and economic effects on society. 49 States in the USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the people. With this law in place, many lives have been saved as people were forced to wear seat belts to properly
  • 40. Advantages Of Data Compression 1.INTRODUCTION COMPRESSION What is compression? Data compression is the method of reducing the number of bits to store or transmit the data. It reduces the size of data to save storage space or speed transmission. Cost is aldo decreased for storage and network bandwidth. Compression is performed by a program that uses an algorithm on how to shrink the size of the data. For data transmission, compression can be performed on the data content or on the entire transmission unit.. When information is sent or received via the Internet, large files, either singly or with others as part of an archive file, may be transmitted in a .ZIP, gzip or other compressed format. Text compression can be as simple as removing all unwanted characters, inserting a single repeat ... Show more content on ... After all this we come to the question about why do we need compression? What is the need? And in what way will it benefit us? Data compression is needed because it allows the data to be stored without taking up an unnecessary amount of space. Data compression uses some algorithms to reduce the amount of actual space that the data would take up. The way the algorithm is compressed will determine how much data is compressed.. The compressed data will be large if the amount of data is of extremely large size. Whereas compressed data will take up very small space if the size of the data to be compressed is very small. [4] Determining the amount of space that the data will take up is dependent on the algorithm that is used to compress the data. If the algorithm is used properly and formatted specifically for the data, the data can take up nearly no space. If a generalized algorithm is used, the data may not fit into a compressed area. The algorithm is the determining factor on how well the data will compress, how much space it will take up and how much of the data will be available after compression.[4] Various Compression Techniques The most basic compression techniques are
  • 41. Workplace Stress In The Workplace Nowadays workplace stress is a major concern for several organisations. According to surveys from the American institute of stress (2017), 80% of the workers experience distress at work and half of them prefer to learn to manage stress. In general, job stress is a common issue, which does not only affect organisations but also workers. Noted by Stranks (2005), stresscan arise from various sources, including low ambiguity and personal conflicts which are likely to contribute to the inefficiency of organisations and workers, namely, increasing absenteeism or low performances in employees. The essay will primarily discuss the problems and solutions of stress for organisations and individuals, respectively. Subsequently, it will compare the solutions for both sides of view. Thus, this essay will seek the most effective techniques to combat workplace stressat both organisation and individual levels by comparing several alternatives of stress management Unquestionably, modern businesses have become more complex as compared to the past. Such complexity contributes to high pressure at work and Fontana (1997) states that workplace stress can come from several reasons, such as role conflict, frequent clashes with colleagues or superiors and inadequate training. Consequently, these causes might generate detrimental effects to organisations. Referring to EU OSHA (2017), the negative effects include the loss of productivity, the increase in absenteeism and other health related costs.
  • 42. Sheila Mant Comparison I never made the same mistake again (Wetherell 35). A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury and The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant by W.D Wetherell are contrastive short stories, but they have their similarities. The characters Sheila Mant from W.D Wetherell s short story and Eckels from Ray Bradbury s short story have some resemblance. The authors of both short stories use literary devices, literary elements, and also express the theme of choices have consequences. The narrator s affection for a girl named Sheila Mant in Wetherell s short story and her actions foreshadows what later happens. On the way to the concert, there was largemouth bass flipping around in the water, and Shelia made a face and said, I think fishing is dumb. I mean, it s boring and all. Definitely dumb (Wetherell 33). The narrator is passionate about fishing, and he finds out the girl he has an enormous crush on did not have the similar enthusiasm for fishing as he does. He finally had the courage to ask out the girl he adores and finding this out foreshadows the situation is not... Show more content on ... There would be other Sheila Mant in my life, other fish, and though I came close once or twice, it was these secret, hidden tugging in the night that claimed me, and I never made the same mistake again (Wetherell 35). The narrator realize that Sheila is not the one, she did not even care about him, and he lost the most massive bass in his life because of her. He learns the consequence of his actions and states he will never make the same mistake again. Likewise, Wetherell s short story demonstrations the identical theme but in an altered form. No, it can t be. Not a little thing like that (Bradbury 51). Eckels did not believe that stepping on a tiny butterfly could alter the future. He chose to be ignorant and not be careful of his actions during the time traveling, the consequence of his actions is when the future regenerated for the
  • 43. Transversal Communication In A White Heron s A White Heron Unlike the hunter who concerns nonhuman or other humans merely for his own benefit, Sylvia tries to understand other species. When the young man is ignorant of how the family feels and keeps on asking Sylvia about the heron as if she is only a tool, Sylvia is watching a toad and guessing that the hop toad may want to reach its hole. In contrast to the sportsman s eagerness in extending his collection of birds (p. 200), Sylvia feels for the little creature, just as she enters into the thoughts of the birds in the boughs, wondering if they are saying sleepy twitters (p. 198). Whereas the male violently takes the singing creature down from the bough, Sylvia questions his intention for killing the birds he claims to like. For... Show more content on ... Sylvia manages to attain transversal communication with other life forms including her cow, the white heron and the old tree. All these friends help Sylvia to develop her identity through her bond with her natural landscape. In return, she must do something for the heron. She ought not to give its life away and must allow it to continue to live (p 203). After her internal conflict between the rapport with nature and the awakening interest in the opposite sex, Sylvia secures her purity and strength by refusing to surrender to the hunter and remaining in nature. Indeed, the reader can hardly not appreciate the spirit of adventure and rejoice at the fancied triumph for Sylvia and the ecosystem (p. 201). References Bernhard, A. (2012). Topographies real and imagined in Sarah Orne Jewetts A White Heron . Spatial Practices, 14, 217 231. Brenzo, R. (1978). Free heron or dead sparrow: Sylvia s choice in Sarah Orne Jewett s A White Heron . Colby Quarterly, 14(1), 36 41. Griffith, K., Jr. (1985). Sylvia as hero in Sarah Orne Jewett s A White Heron . Colby Library Quarterly, 21(1), 22 27. Haroun [Def. 1]. (n.d.). In Almaany dictionary. Damascus Syria: Almaany. Held, G. (1982). Heart to heart with nature: Ways of looking at A White Heron . Colby Quarterly, 18(1), 55 65. Jewett, S. O. (1980). A white heron. In G. L. McMichael (Ed.), Anthology of American literature: Realism to the present (pp. 197 203). New York, NY:
  • 44. Analysis Of The NFL Kneeling And Crazy Media Hype NFL Kneeling and Crazy Media Hype Relatively recently the NFL players have been partaking in symbolic gesturing during the National Anthem and as a result have stirred the built up hype within media and consequently audiences. There should be absolutely no debate in any of this situation regarding legalities. The situation is very straightforward, and everyone understands (or must I say, should understand ) the issue within a 10 second briefing. This is solely and example of people s feelings and opinions, which is causing uproar in part because of its critically divisive and particularly offensive execution. This is a scenario where a ripple turned into a wave because of resentment being stoked by the exaggerated media. To begin with, this is not a case for free speech in any way, if the playerswant to make a statement or gesture then they should obviously expect to receive other s viewpoints and opinions. It should not be shocking to people that there is a disagreement, these sorts of events should certainly not be making headlines especially not for this long. Concerning legalities and free speech, the playershave all signed contracts to play for money this is not an outlandish concept and in return for millions upon millions of dollars they put on hold certain rights while playing at work. Consequently, the NFL owners have every right under the law to fire employees for staging protest or bringing unwarranted attention to the corporation. It is a private for profit
  • 45. Darwin s Theory Of Descent Darwin s theory of descent with modification brought about a new revolution in scientific thought. He developed this theory independently after his around the world voyage aboard the Beagle observing the flora and fauna of various parts of the world (Bowler, 2009, p.149). Darwin could not have developed his theory without working on novel concepts derived from his own observation or, equally so, from learning of the concepts of other prominent scientists of his time. Before Darwin went on his voyage aboard the Beagle, he, like many others, was captivated by the accounts of Alexander Von Humboldt s journey to South America. Humboldt was a natural romantic who was captivated by the beauty and complexity of nature and the stories of his fantastical journey instilled those same beliefs into a young Charles Darwin (Bowler, 2009, p.120). It was Humboldt s tales that made Darwin want to go on his own journey to faraway lands and join Fitzroy on the Beagle (Bowler, 2009, p.149). On Darwin s exhibition, he brought with him Principles of Geography by Charles Lyell which discussed the idea of uniformitarianism (Bowler, 2009, p.150). This idea is in regards to how geography has been shaped relying on the concept of slow mechanisms of change. These mechanisms are the same mechanisms we see at work today and they have been working at a uniform rate throughout history. Darwin came to accept this theory after witnessing how an earthquake raised a coastline in Chile, coming to the
  • 46. Liberty University Online Student Analysis Distance Education Technologies at Liberty University Online Liberty University Online (LUO) is the largest private non profit online university in the nation and the world s largest Christian university. Founded in 1985 by Dr. Farwell and the people of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia it now has an online enrollment of over 95,000 students. LUO offers over 232 online academic programs, with 100 concentrations. Seventy (70) of its academic programs are undergraduate, 138 are graduate, 2 are post master s and 22 are doctorate degrees. LUO s students are 39% Male and 61% Female. The majority of its distance education students are adults, between the ages of 25 and 50 years (Moore and Kearsley, 2012). Active duty, veterans... Show more content on ... All textbooks and other materials for use in classes are purchased by the student through MBS Direct. All University degrees are accredited by Southern Association of College and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC) through 2016. The Mission of Liberty is to develop Christ centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills required to impact tomorrow s world. This mission is carried out for external students in a comparable academic program but without the structure of the resident community. In support of its Philosophy and Mission, Liberty University seeks to develop the whole person by providing its students with intellectual and cultural pursuits that: 1) contribute to a knowledge and understanding of other cultures and of international events, 2) promotes an understanding of the Western tradition and the diverse elements of American cultural history, especially the importance of the individual in maintaining democratic and free market processes. 3) fosters university level competencies in writing, speaking, and reading, appreciation of the arts, analytical reasoning, computer literacy, and research and 4) enhances graduate level knowledge and skills, particularly in the areas of individual research and
  • 47. Hmbr, Bangladesh 1. Introduction: HMBR is one of the famous names in the business world. It has achieved its fame for its classic quality and for the maintenance of individuality in the trading and manufacturing world of Bangladesh since its arrival in 1984. It has imported and manufactured necessary hand tools, chemicals and household products for satisfying need. HMBR has introduced advanced technology from Japan, Korea and China, and thus have adopted the best production base for their chemical products. They intend to place high emphasis on product quality; as such they regard their reputation as the most important asset when selling in the market. Their mission statement is persistence, dedication and quality . They are capable of offering... Show more content on ... HMBR basically transports to three main areas. It transports its products to local dealers of sanitary ware, household tools shops, and carpentry shops. This is of course where most of their distribution is focused on because they are their biggest customers. Next packaging materials which are also made in the facility are shipped to other companies and outlets who sell other products using that packaging. Lastly shipment is also given to their very own local retail division. After receiving the list from the pantry and the goods are sent down for shipment, he gives list to the delivery personnel, explains where to go and how to get there, makes sure they fully understand there duty and then sends them on their way. The delivery team have at their disposal 4 large delivery vans and 3 rickshaw vans which are the means by which the products are distributed. Of course the 3 rickshaw vans are for the short distances and the automobiles are for the large distances. Distribution of goods takes place everyday but not necessarily to the same places, usually each customer orders weekly. Target Markets Target market for HMBR in general can be broken down into the subdivisions of the products or services they provide. Firstly the tools and household products that they import as well as the products they produce are firstly targeting the dealers of sanitary ware, household tool shops, and carpentry shops. From their retail outlet perspective
  • 48. Pharmacy Career Goal I am writing to express my interest in PGY 1 residency position at the Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center. My career goal is to complete PGY 1 in pharmacy practice, and continue to develop my clinical skills by pursuing PGY 2 specialized training. I am interested in PGY 1 residency program at Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center for its well rounded rotation opportunities, research and teaching prospects. My long term career goal is to explore opportunity for clinical pharmacistwith a faculty appointment at an academic medical center affiliated with a School/Department of pharmacywith prospect to conduct research. As a PGY 1 resident, I am looking forward to learn, implement and improve my clinical knowledge, work in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers to deliver an optimal patient care. I am convinced that your program will help me tremendously in advancing my skills as clinical pharmacist. I firmly believe that I have the skills, knowledge, and above ... Show more content on ... I have been working as preclinical cancer researcher for many years, have presented my work in several national and international meetings, and have published in several peer reviewed reputed journals. Despite the fact pre clinical research and clinical studies are closely associated, yet differ widely; I am excited to take the challenge to conduct clinical research and working on the NIH certification on clinical research design (expected to have it March 2015). I wish to find an approach to bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical studies, investigate ways to improve quality of patient care in active participation of pharmacist, and extend collaboration with interdisciplinary medical teams. I truly feel that PGY 1 program in your institution is well structured between clinical, research and academia experience, and will greatly support my career
  • 49. The Inhumanity Of Zoos Masters of Disguise: The Inhumanity of Zoos Every year approximately 175 million people go to aquariums, and zoos to spectate and ponder at the vast number of wildlife from every corner of the world ( Static Brain, n.p.). Little do visitors know that they are witnessing firsthand the imprisonment and inhumane treatment of innocent animals. Wildlife should not be kept captive where they are exposed to overwhelming isolation, a shortened life span, and in the rare occasion when they are released back into the wild deprived of natural instincts to help them survive. Similar to humans, animals are living creatures who require interaction with their own kind; however, when they are kept in captivity these animals are frequently exposed to isolation. Wild animals commonly live in groups, whether it be a pride of lions, pack of wolves or a pod of whales. One particular example pertains to the natural grouping of elephants in the wild versus the complete solitary environment in which they are kept in when captive. That being said, elephants naturally live within large family groups and are one of the most socially complex animals outside of man. Yet in zoos they are kept either alone or with only one or two other unrelated elephants ( Los Angeles Times, n.p.). As if removing them out of their natural habitat was not enough, zoos separate animal s families and place them in different exhibits with other animals they are not accustomed to; thus, each individual is left feeling