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People’s Insights Volume 2, Issue 4

Half the Sky Movement
People’s Insights
100+ thinkers and planners within MSL-              In 2013, we continue to track inspiring
GROUP share and discuss inspiring proj-             projects at the intersection of social data,
ects on social data, crowdsourcing, story-          crowdsourcing and storytelling, with a fo-
telling and citizenship on the MSLGROUP             cus on projects that are shaping the Future
Insights Network. Every week, we pick up            of Citizenship.
one project and curate the conversations
                                                    Do subscribe to receive our weekly insights
around it — on the MSLGROUP Insights
                                                    reports, quarterly magazines, and annual
Network itself but also on the broader
                                                    reports, and do share your tips and com-
social web — into a weekly insights report.
                                                    ments with us at @PeoplesLab on Twitter.
Every quarter, we compile these insights,
along with original research and insights
from the MSLGROUP global network, into
the People’s Insights Quarterly Magazine.
We have synthesized the insights from our
year-long endeavor throughout 2012 to
provide foresights for business leaders and
changemakers — in the ten-part People’s
Insights Annual Report titled Now & Next:
Ten Frontiers for the Future of Engage-

        People’s Insights                 People’s Insights              People’s Insights
         weekly report                   quarterly magazines              Annual Report

              Volume 2, Issue 4,      Future of     Half the Sky
              January - March, 2013   Citizenship   Movement
What is the Half the Sky
The Half the Sky Movement creates awareness             book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into
about women’s issues and highlights solutions           Opportunity for Women Worldwide in 2009,
through a stream of transmedia initiatives and          and is supported by celebrity advocates, media
social media campaigns. The movement was                partners, NGOs and people who have engaged
launched by journalists Nicholas Kristof and            with various initiatives.
Sheryl WuDunn following the success of their


Most notable is the movement’s focus on providing ways for people to get involved and contribute to

Transmedia storytelling approach                        While the book was initially the heart of the
                                                        movement, the stories featured have been
Transmedia programs ensure the movement                 brought to life through a four hour documentary
reaches a diverse range of people and, as               featuring the authors and celebrities America
Magazine’s Randy Astle points out, encourages           Ferrera, Diane Lane, Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan,
participation:                                          Gabrielle Union, and Olivia Wilde. The series was
“One of the most intriguing things about                broadcast in full on PBS, with excerpts available
transmedia when compared to traditional film,           on YouTube and a shortened version available for
particularly documentary, is that through its           screening events.
multiple entry points and interactive experiences
it has the potential to more fully engage viewers in
causes. It doesn’t just inspire people to action, in
other words; at its best, it gives them the tools and
initial opportunities to take action then and there.”
Half the Sky uses content to share the stories
of real women, and partners with NGOs and
organizations to create educational material and
engagement opportunities around these stories.
The movement also uses diverse channels, such           Source:
as exhibitions and social games, to reach new

These stories are also used as an educational
tool. Half the Sky partnered with The
Independent Television Service (ITVS) to create
five lesson plans that complement the stories
and can be used in a classroom setting. Half
the Sky also partnered with women’s health
organization Engender Health to create a chapter
by chapter Reader’s Companion that expands on
the issues raised in the documentary.
In late 2011, Half the Sky created an exhibit to
bring the stories to life with ‘visual art, immersive
sound installations, and interactive experiences.’
In early 2013, Half the Sky launched a Facebook
game that invites people to follow the daily
struggles and life of a fictional character Radhika
and make decisions on her behalf.
Each medium also focuses on driving action. On
YouTube, people are encouraged to donate to
the cause. On Facebook, people are encouraged
to play the game to unlock corporate donations.
Blogger Doreen Anderson commented on the                    Source:
call to actions in the book:
                                                            Half the Sky launched 30 songs in 30 days to
“The last page of the book offers “steps you can            reach out to music fans, giving away a song a
take in the next 10 minutes” to make a difference--         day from established and emerging female
so you are not left feeling, Yeah, but what can I DO?       musicians in the month leading up to the
In those 10 minutes, my first step was to connect           premiere. Musicians were honored to be a part
with KIVA, one of many suggestions on that page,            of a good cause, and promoted the campaign on
to begin my involvement with this issue.”                   their social networks.
Transmedia programs are also used to reach
out to the women who are facing the struggles.
Half the Sky has launched three mobile games
in India and East Africa to educate women about
pregnancy, dangers of intestinal worms and
family choices.

Promoting the documentary
Half the Sky launched a series of campaigns to
reach out to different audiences and build buzz
for the documentary premiere, and created a
social TV experience to engage fans during the
premiere. Half the Sky involved celebrities in              During the premiere, people were invited to join
both phases of promotion to increase reach.                 the conversation on social networks (Twitter and
                                                            GoodReads) and social TV apps (GetGlue and
Half the Sky launched Hashtagart Mosaic to                  Yap TV) for the chance to win virtual goodies,
reach out to the Twitter community, inviting them           exclusive content, books and DVDs.
to tweet with #HalftheSky to have their profile
photo featured in a virtual mosaic.                         Natan Edelsburg, Vice President of Sawhorse
                                                            Media, commented:
                                                            “They used Getglue to allow viewers to earn a
                                                            special sticker for watching both nights of the
                                                            broadcast. They did this by offering two half
                                                            stickers, something that hadn’t been done before
                                                            on GetGlue.”

               Volume 2, Issue 4,      Future of     Half the Sky
               January - March, 2013   Citizenship   Movement
According to Kara Tureski, associate director at
                                                         non-profit FHI 360:
                                                         “All three games use two common models to
                                                         achieve social impact—adventure and simulation.
                                                         Players are exposed to characters that can serve
                                                         as role models, and will be rewarded for positive
                                                         actions, such as killing the worms inside their
                                                         stomachs or seeking antenatal care. Players also
                                                         face choices, such as making decisions that lead to
                                                         a delay in marriage and betterment of the family.”
                                                         She quotes Asi Burak, co-president of Games for
                                                         Change, on why games have potential for driving
                                                         social change:
In addition, Kristof, WuDunn, celebrities featured
in the documentary and part organizations live           “Social games offer a unique way to reach your
tweeted during the broadcast to create buzz. As          audience in a way that is not didactic or preachy.
Mashable’s Zoe Fox points out, the movement              By playing a role and making choices, players are
makes good use of its social currency:                   participating in a rehearsal for life. They experiment
                                                         with scenarios and consequences that may be part
“New York Times columnist Kristof, the paper’s           of their future, and at the very least, this experience
first blogger and a journalist touted for his early      triggers reflection, debate, and a new perspective on
embrace of digital platforms, has more than 1.3          their present situation.”
million followers on Twitter. Two actresses featured
in the documentary have major followings as              The Half the Sky social game launched on
well — Gabrielle Union has more than 800,000             March 4, 2013, as “the first Facebook game with
and Olivia Wilde has more than 650,000. These            direct virtual to real-life translation.” By playing
influencers’ tweets and use of the #HalftheSky           the game, people can unlock donations worth
hashtag are part of a social strategy to drive lasting   500,000 from Johnson & Johnson and Pearson.
conversation.”                                           The game was produced by non-profit Games
                                                         for Change and is backed by foundations and
According to Twitter, the launch promotions were         corporate sponsors.
quite successful:
“On the day that the first part of the @Half
documentary aired on @PBS, #HalftheSky trended
In the United States. @PBS kept the momentum
going with Promoted Tweets and #HalftheSky
trended worldwide on the day that the second half


Source:         Blogger Brandy Shaul summarizes the
Gaming for good
                                                         “The Half the Sky Movement game follows fictional
Half the Sky uses mobile and social games to             female characters that might be forced to change
drive change at ground level, and to energize            their way of thinking or living in order to better
people in the developed world.                           their own lives, the lives of their children, and
The mobile games were developed in English,              more. Quests offer educational content, and for
Hindi and Swahili and were made available for            every quest that’s completed, players are given the
free through local mobile app stores. Half the           opportunity to donate real money to a matching
Sky also created videos and a short manual to            cause (a quest about vaccinations may give players
help NGOs and advocacy groups promote the                the chance to donate to a real world vaccination
games in India and East Africa.                          center, for instance). Play enough, and you’ll unlock

a sponsor gift for free, without actually spending                inspire people to drive real change. If successful,
any money.”                                                       the game could lead to a boost to the gaming
                                                                  for good industry and position social gaming as a
Ariel Schwartz, senior editor at Fast Co.Exist,
                                                                  philanthropic tool.
reflects on the addictive nature of games for
good:                                                             Innovative social media
“In some ways, Half the Sky’s game is similar to                  campaigns
WeTopia, another Facebook game that lets people
donate to nonprofits through gameplay… After                      In addition to being transmedia savvy, Half the
covering WeTopia on Co.Exist, I became very, very                 Sky is also very social media savvy, creating
addicted--and I’m not a big Facebook game player                  innovative campaigns and experimenting with
at all. There’s something gratifying (and yes,                    emerging tools and platforms.
addictive) about knowing your insignificant actions               To create buzz around the launch of the social
on a social network make a real-life difference. That             game, Half the Sky challenged people to
will serve Half the Sky well.”                                    participate in a #halfathon on Twitter:
As with the other transmedia programs, the social                 “Unlike traditional game-a-thons, we are not
game is designed to target new audiences. Indeed,                 asking that you play for 24 hours consecutively, but
as player Lisa Alcock commented on Facebook:                      that you recruit as many friends as possible to play
“My 7 year-old son & I are both playing this game                 in this 24-hour period. The more people play, the
& he was so proud when he got to the point where a                more real impact we can make, and all it takes is a
book was donated just because he was playing! He’s                15-minute session to make a difference.”
starting to ask questions about the world & why it’s              To boost effectiveness of the campaign, Half the
different in other countries. Thanks for the fun way              Sky encouraged people to ‘RSVP’ on Thunderclap,
to raise awareness & start conversations! :)”                     a service that broadcasts the same message on
Kristof and WuDunn hope to capture 2% of                          behalf of all supporters at the same time.
the 300 million social gaming audience and to


                     Volume 2, Issue 4,      Future of     Half the Sky
                     January - March, 2013   Citizenship   Movement
On International Women’s Day, Half the Sky
invited Twitter users to participate in Change
Her Story and craft a “collaborative story about
empowering women” on Twitter. 103 people
crafted the life of Radhika, the main character of
the Half the Sky social game.
Half the Sky has also used launched a
crowdfunding program, designed to energize
both supporters of the cause and NGO partners
with leaderboards and incentives. As Blogger
David Cohen notes:
“Viewers can donate to any Half the Sky Movement
charity or their NGO partners via online fundraising
site CrowdRise, with the team raising the most to
be matched by a $20,000 donation.”



The Half the Sky website acts as a central repository for these initiatives and programs, and also acts as a
social advocacy website with information on how people can get involved.

People’s Lab:
Crowdsourcing Innovation & Insights
People’s Lab is MSLGROUP’s proprietary               comment on other people’s content and
crowdsourcing platform and approach that             collaborate to find innovative solutions.
helps organizations tap into people’s insights for
innovation, storytelling and change.                 The People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform
                                                     and approach forms the core of our distinctive
The People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform              insights and foresight approach, which consists
helps organizations build and nurture public         of four elements: organic conversation analysis,
or private, web or mobile, hosted or white           MSLGROUP’s own insight communities, client-
label communities around four pre-configured         specific insights communities, and ethnographic
application areas: Expertise Request Network,        deep dives into these communities. The People’s
Innovation Challenge Network, Research &             Insights Quarterly Magazines showcase our
Insights Network and Contest & Activation            capability in crowdsourcing and analyzing
Network. Our community and gaming features           insights from conversations and communities.
encourage people to share rich content, vote/

                                                     Learn more about us at:
For People’s Lab solutions, contact

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Half the Sky Movement: People’s Insights Vol. 2 Issue 4

  • 1. crowdsourcing | storytelling | citizenship | social data People’s Insights Volume 2, Issue 4 Half the Sky Movement
  • 2. People’s Insights 100+ thinkers and planners within MSL- In 2013, we continue to track inspiring GROUP share and discuss inspiring proj- projects at the intersection of social data, ects on social data, crowdsourcing, story- crowdsourcing and storytelling, with a fo- telling and citizenship on the MSLGROUP cus on projects that are shaping the Future Insights Network. Every week, we pick up of Citizenship. one project and curate the conversations Do subscribe to receive our weekly insights around it — on the MSLGROUP Insights reports, quarterly magazines, and annual Network itself but also on the broader reports, and do share your tips and com- social web — into a weekly insights report. ments with us at @PeoplesLab on Twitter. Every quarter, we compile these insights, along with original research and insights from the MSLGROUP global network, into the People’s Insights Quarterly Magazine. We have synthesized the insights from our year-long endeavor throughout 2012 to provide foresights for business leaders and changemakers — in the ten-part People’s Insights Annual Report titled Now & Next: Ten Frontiers for the Future of Engage- ment. People’s Insights People’s Insights People’s Insights weekly report quarterly magazines Annual Report Volume 2, Issue 4, Future of Half the Sky January - March, 2013 Citizenship Movement
  • 3. What is the Half the Sky Movement? The Half the Sky Movement creates awareness book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into about women’s issues and highlights solutions Opportunity for Women Worldwide in 2009, through a stream of transmedia initiatives and and is supported by celebrity advocates, media social media campaigns. The movement was partners, NGOs and people who have engaged launched by journalists Nicholas Kristof and with various initiatives. Sheryl WuDunn following the success of their Source: Most notable is the movement’s focus on providing ways for people to get involved and contribute to solutions. Transmedia storytelling approach While the book was initially the heart of the movement, the stories featured have been Transmedia programs ensure the movement brought to life through a four hour documentary reaches a diverse range of people and, as featuring the authors and celebrities America Magazine’s Randy Astle points out, encourages Ferrera, Diane Lane, Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan, participation: Gabrielle Union, and Olivia Wilde. The series was “One of the most intriguing things about broadcast in full on PBS, with excerpts available transmedia when compared to traditional film, on YouTube and a shortened version available for particularly documentary, is that through its screening events. multiple entry points and interactive experiences it has the potential to more fully engage viewers in causes. It doesn’t just inspire people to action, in other words; at its best, it gives them the tools and initial opportunities to take action then and there.” Half the Sky uses content to share the stories of real women, and partners with NGOs and organizations to create educational material and engagement opportunities around these stories. The movement also uses diverse channels, such Source: as exhibitions and social games, to reach new people, 3
  • 4. These stories are also used as an educational tool. Half the Sky partnered with The Independent Television Service (ITVS) to create five lesson plans that complement the stories and can be used in a classroom setting. Half the Sky also partnered with women’s health organization Engender Health to create a chapter by chapter Reader’s Companion that expands on the issues raised in the documentary. In late 2011, Half the Sky created an exhibit to bring the stories to life with ‘visual art, immersive sound installations, and interactive experiences.’ In early 2013, Half the Sky launched a Facebook game that invites people to follow the daily struggles and life of a fictional character Radhika and make decisions on her behalf. Each medium also focuses on driving action. On YouTube, people are encouraged to donate to the cause. On Facebook, people are encouraged to play the game to unlock corporate donations. Blogger Doreen Anderson commented on the Source: call to actions in the book: Half the Sky launched 30 songs in 30 days to “The last page of the book offers “steps you can reach out to music fans, giving away a song a take in the next 10 minutes” to make a difference-- day from established and emerging female so you are not left feeling, Yeah, but what can I DO? musicians in the month leading up to the In those 10 minutes, my first step was to connect premiere. Musicians were honored to be a part with KIVA, one of many suggestions on that page, of a good cause, and promoted the campaign on to begin my involvement with this issue.” their social networks. Transmedia programs are also used to reach out to the women who are facing the struggles. Half the Sky has launched three mobile games in India and East Africa to educate women about pregnancy, dangers of intestinal worms and family choices. Promoting the documentary Half the Sky launched a series of campaigns to reach out to different audiences and build buzz for the documentary premiere, and created a Source: social TV experience to engage fans during the premiere. Half the Sky involved celebrities in During the premiere, people were invited to join both phases of promotion to increase reach. the conversation on social networks (Twitter and GoodReads) and social TV apps (GetGlue and Half the Sky launched Hashtagart Mosaic to Yap TV) for the chance to win virtual goodies, reach out to the Twitter community, inviting them exclusive content, books and DVDs. to tweet with #HalftheSky to have their profile photo featured in a virtual mosaic. Natan Edelsburg, Vice President of Sawhorse Media, commented: “They used Getglue to allow viewers to earn a special sticker for watching both nights of the broadcast. They did this by offering two half stickers, something that hadn’t been done before on GetGlue.” Volume 2, Issue 4, Future of Half the Sky January - March, 2013 Citizenship Movement
  • 5. According to Kara Tureski, associate director at non-profit FHI 360: “All three games use two common models to achieve social impact—adventure and simulation. Players are exposed to characters that can serve as role models, and will be rewarded for positive actions, such as killing the worms inside their stomachs or seeking antenatal care. Players also face choices, such as making decisions that lead to a delay in marriage and betterment of the family.” She quotes Asi Burak, co-president of Games for Source: Change, on why games have potential for driving social change: In addition, Kristof, WuDunn, celebrities featured in the documentary and part organizations live “Social games offer a unique way to reach your tweeted during the broadcast to create buzz. As audience in a way that is not didactic or preachy. Mashable’s Zoe Fox points out, the movement By playing a role and making choices, players are makes good use of its social currency: participating in a rehearsal for life. They experiment with scenarios and consequences that may be part “New York Times columnist Kristof, the paper’s of their future, and at the very least, this experience first blogger and a journalist touted for his early triggers reflection, debate, and a new perspective on embrace of digital platforms, has more than 1.3 their present situation.” million followers on Twitter. Two actresses featured in the documentary have major followings as The Half the Sky social game launched on well — Gabrielle Union has more than 800,000 March 4, 2013, as “the first Facebook game with and Olivia Wilde has more than 650,000. These direct virtual to real-life translation.” By playing influencers’ tweets and use of the #HalftheSky the game, people can unlock donations worth hashtag are part of a social strategy to drive lasting 500,000 from Johnson & Johnson and Pearson. conversation.” The game was produced by non-profit Games for Change and is backed by foundations and According to Twitter, the launch promotions were corporate sponsors. quite successful: “On the day that the first part of the @Half documentary aired on @PBS, #HalftheSky trended In the United States. @PBS kept the momentum going with Promoted Tweets and #HalftheSky trended worldwide on the day that the second half aired.” Source: embedded&v=N6Ahpocmjs0 Source: Blogger Brandy Shaul summarizes the gameplay: Gaming for good “The Half the Sky Movement game follows fictional Half the Sky uses mobile and social games to female characters that might be forced to change drive change at ground level, and to energize their way of thinking or living in order to better people in the developed world. their own lives, the lives of their children, and The mobile games were developed in English, more. Quests offer educational content, and for Hindi and Swahili and were made available for every quest that’s completed, players are given the free through local mobile app stores. Half the opportunity to donate real money to a matching Sky also created videos and a short manual to cause (a quest about vaccinations may give players help NGOs and advocacy groups promote the the chance to donate to a real world vaccination games in India and East Africa. center, for instance). Play enough, and you’ll unlock 5
  • 6. a sponsor gift for free, without actually spending inspire people to drive real change. If successful, any money.” the game could lead to a boost to the gaming for good industry and position social gaming as a Ariel Schwartz, senior editor at Fast Co.Exist, philanthropic tool. reflects on the addictive nature of games for good: Innovative social media “In some ways, Half the Sky’s game is similar to campaigns WeTopia, another Facebook game that lets people donate to nonprofits through gameplay… After In addition to being transmedia savvy, Half the covering WeTopia on Co.Exist, I became very, very Sky is also very social media savvy, creating addicted--and I’m not a big Facebook game player innovative campaigns and experimenting with at all. There’s something gratifying (and yes, emerging tools and platforms. addictive) about knowing your insignificant actions To create buzz around the launch of the social on a social network make a real-life difference. That game, Half the Sky challenged people to will serve Half the Sky well.” participate in a #halfathon on Twitter: As with the other transmedia programs, the social “Unlike traditional game-a-thons, we are not game is designed to target new audiences. Indeed, asking that you play for 24 hours consecutively, but as player Lisa Alcock commented on Facebook: that you recruit as many friends as possible to play “My 7 year-old son & I are both playing this game in this 24-hour period. The more people play, the & he was so proud when he got to the point where a more real impact we can make, and all it takes is a book was donated just because he was playing! He’s 15-minute session to make a difference.” starting to ask questions about the world & why it’s To boost effectiveness of the campaign, Half the different in other countries. Thanks for the fun way Sky encouraged people to ‘RSVP’ on Thunderclap, to raise awareness & start conversations! :)” a service that broadcasts the same message on Kristof and WuDunn hope to capture 2% of behalf of all supporters at the same time. the 300 million social gaming audience and to Source: Volume 2, Issue 4, Future of Half the Sky January - March, 2013 Citizenship Movement
  • 7. On International Women’s Day, Half the Sky invited Twitter users to participate in Change Her Story and craft a “collaborative story about empowering women” on Twitter. 103 people crafted the life of Radhika, the main character of the Half the Sky social game. Half the Sky has also used launched a crowdfunding program, designed to energize both supporters of the cause and NGO partners with leaderboards and incentives. As Blogger David Cohen notes: “Viewers can donate to any Half the Sky Movement charity or their NGO partners via online fundraising site CrowdRise, with the team raising the most to be matched by a $20,000 donation.” Source: Source: The Half the Sky website acts as a central repository for these initiatives and programs, and also acts as a social advocacy website with information on how people can get involved. 7
  • 8. People’s Lab: Crowdsourcing Innovation & Insights People’s Lab is MSLGROUP’s proprietary comment on other people’s content and crowdsourcing platform and approach that collaborate to find innovative solutions. helps organizations tap into people’s insights for innovation, storytelling and change. The People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform and approach forms the core of our distinctive The People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform insights and foresight approach, which consists helps organizations build and nurture public of four elements: organic conversation analysis, or private, web or mobile, hosted or white MSLGROUP’s own insight communities, client- label communities around four pre-configured specific insights communities, and ethnographic application areas: Expertise Request Network, deep dives into these communities. The People’s Innovation Challenge Network, Research & Insights Quarterly Magazines showcase our Insights Network and Contest & Activation capability in crowdsourcing and analyzing Network. Our community and gaming features insights from conversations and communities. encourage people to share rich content, vote/ Learn more about us at: |
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