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Media And Media
The mass media is an important factor when it comes to getting a message across to the public. No specific community can do without media as it is a
crucial element to society. The media helps provide individuals things that they need the most, that being information. Sometimes this information is
considered injurious and appalling, whereas other times it normal. The messages that are taken from the media are based off of one's own faith and
knowledge, in accordance to the reinforcement theory (Jetter, 2017). The reinforcement theory argues that you can change someone's perspective or
behavior by using reinforcement, punishment and extinction. Punishments are used to avoid the behavior you do, rewards are used to support the
behavior you want and lastly extinction represents stopping an individual from acting upon a learned behavior.
Although terrorism cannot be defined in one specific definition, it can be depicted as the use of violence against innocent individuals to bring political
change through the means of fear . Majority of the time, terrorist attacks are often not directly intended for an exact individual, rather, are done to
convey a memorandum (Altheide, 2007). This can potentially signify that the media paying a large amount of attention to terrorist organizations, may
further encourage them to continue their violence. The correlation between terrorist and the media is symbiotic as terrorist organizations terrorize in
order to seek publicity for the sole
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Media Representation Essay
The majority of cast members in movies, and television shows, from the past and modern day seem to all share one thing in common: they are
straight, white, and male. Once one becomes aware, it is not difficult to notice this everywhere. What is being noticed is the severe lack of well
written, and well represented people of color, women, and members of the LGBT+ community. Representation, according to Rick Beach, is "the ways
in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological perspective." This means there
is usually only good representation for majorities, and bad representation for minorities. Normally, this means stereotypes are played up about people of
color, women, more content...
Now, especially in 2015, it seems as if more television shows have good representation. Shows like Elementary, Call of the Midwife, Sleepy
Hollow, Orphan Black, and The 100 show women, people of color, and members or the LGBT+ communities in important roles, and positive lights
(Tang). Nellie Andreeva in the article "Pilots 2015: The Year of Ethnic Castings", talks about the "noticeable shift towards minority casting" in late
2014, and early 2015, and how casting agents are now able to say how despite people of color once being rejected for almost any role on television
they "feel like the tide has turned" and that they can now "pitch any actor for any role and [they] think that's good." However, now, with the
introduction of more female writers and producers on television, it seems as if they may be part of the reason why this is happening. Shonda
Rhimes, executive producer for popular diverse shows like Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, "says she isn't
'diversifying' television, she's 'normalizing' it" (Williams). On a different level, Rebecca Sugar, writer of Steven Universe, has made her show quite
diverse as well. Mey writes, "the three main characters (besides Steven) are all voiced by women of color, and (like Steven) it is easy to interpret
[them] as people of color." James Michael–Nichols on Huffington Post also writes that the show contains very "heavy queer overtones." This means
not only is Steven Universe a good role model for children, but that it also contains just about any type of diversity with a cast of mostly women and
people of color, and characters that represent the LGBT+ community. This easily makes it one of the most diverse cartoons currently being aired on
television. Overall, while it may not seem like a trend in the media, the introduction of new television shows containing diverse
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Media And The Media
The term media refers to a collection of communication outlets that distribute messages and information to society. Media has revolutionized the world
because it allows individuals to connect with others at the push of a button, creates marketing platforms, and is a large source of entertainment. There
are many types of communication technologies, such as television, the internet, movies and the radio. I understand that media is an essential
component of society but I am also aware of its influences. All media is dangerous because media has the power to shape societies' opinions. I feel
that the most powerful forms of media are the internet and television. The internet and the television are influential because they utilizes techniques
such as broadcasting advertisements, celebrity endorsements and product placements in order to sell merchandise to consumers. In 2015, Canada
spent approximately $49,968,758 on advertising expenditures (Government Of Canada, 2015). These strategies are successful due to the mere
exposure effect (Grimes & Kitchen, 2007). The more often that an advertisement is seen, the easier it becomes to mentally identify it (Grimes &
Kitchen, 2007). Celebrity endorsement can also influence individuals because people trust and follow celebrities. For example, if Taylor Swift was
featured in a Revlon lipstick advertisment, Revlon lipstick sales would increase. However, society does not realize that celebrities are paid to advertise
certain products (Spry &
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Digital Technology And Social Media Essay
More recently than in years past, digital technology and social media have grown to become a part of our everyday lives. The recent rise in those
who own smartphones allows this everyday use of digital technology and social networking to be easier than ever before. At any time and any place,
we have the ability to "socialize" with nearly anyone–even celebrities who have no idea most of us even exist. The continuous consumption of digital
media has altered once personal face–to–face communication to just that, digital. More and more people seem to be living in what Sonia Maasik and
Jack Solomon call "The Cloud". "The Cloud" is a seemingly alternate universe of which communication is altered from personal to digital. This
universe has led to debates over whether or not these online communities are real or whether social media is actually social. Various digital media
sources also encourage users to create individual identities, of which may or may not actually be real. It seems as though our reliance on digital
technology and social media have allowed the determination of certain aspects of our lives. Although social media allows us to connect with nearly
anyone at any time, Americans have taken advantage of its use, and their attention has been drawn away from real life interactions to digital ones. The
ramifications of such influences reflect the hidden insecurities of Americans and, ironically, emphasize our inclination to boast about ourselves by
allowing others to see the
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Media Essay : The Power Of Social Media
The Power of Social Media Social media is said to be similar to a window. It allows the world to look through a person to discover something much
deeper than what can be seen on the outside. Social media accounts are a representation of the owners and their thoughts, actions, and hobbies. Because
of this representation, "recruiters believe that social media lets them discover an applicant's real character" (Fawthrop). Looking at another person's
social media account allows conclusions to easily be noted about that person based on the information provided within the account. This is why it can
be one of the quickest ways to get to know someone and their true character. Social media is a rising phenomenon that has been constantly expanding
across the globe reaching new places and achieving new heights of popularity. Currently, billions ofpeople have social media accounts, and this
number can be expected to increase as time goes on. Many people do not realize the power of social media accounts and may post negative
information about themselves. This negative information may include offensive comments or foul language, pictures or comments which suggest
alcohol or drug abuse, or inappropriate pictures posted on a social media can all have dire consequences to a person's future. People need to be more
aware of what they put on social media because employers, college recruiters, and teachers have the ability to search their accounts, and based on what
they find, determine
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Media And Identity Essay
With the rise of media within the past few decades, media gained the power to shape society. Everyday, millions and millions of people engage in
some sort of media; they spend their time texting, calling, or just browsing the internet looking up information, but mostly they utilize it for
entertainment. Media plays an important role in how everyone lives their daily lives, as they share information that their audiences might relate to.
A wide variety of audiences are consciously and subconsciously influenced by whatever the media claims. As media only shows what they believe
their audience wants to hear and see, many become naive. Alongside the power that comes with media, many people eventually turn to slaves to
media. They blindly follow and believe what the media says; it unknowingly forces them to remain ignorant. Consequently, the media can be a
distressing influence to individuals. Young individuals, who are still in the delicate stages of forming their identity, identifying their wants and goals
are easy targets for the media. Trapped in cyberspace, they are constantly bombarded with information, which the majority of individuals do not take
advantage of. The media can act as a resource that young people may exploit as a guide to follow. However, if they are exposed to the detrimental
side of media, it will become a challenge for them to figure out their true personal identity. The media tell "what we should buy, who we should be, or
who we should become..." which
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Media
The advantages and disadvantages of Media in the UK JFM – Maria Media, which is a communication outlet and a tool to transmit or store
information. The Media includes many kinds of communication businesses, such as social Media, magazine, the press, advertising, photography,
broadcasting, film and so on. It can be said with certainty that the Media is playing an increasingly important role in people's lives and it has
aroused wide public concern in the UK. In this essay, I will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of 5 Media communication businesses in the
UK in recent years. Social Media In terms of Social media, it is mainly includes broadcast, tagging, and search. There are several advantages of social
media. According to Nabanita Dhar (2015), the first advantage is that some conspicuous contents and the information about the product will bring to
potential customers' notice. At the same time, the brands of it will extensive publicity. Fortunately, the price of the social media is lower than the
traditional adverts and a variety of special promotion. Nabanita Dhar (2015) claims that workers can give the response to the customers immediately
and effectively. Certainly, the quality of the service also followed up. As the proverb goes "no garden without its weeds", social media is no exception.
Firstly, editors should commit lots of resources to improving the system of social media, giving the feedback to customers and uploading new contents
(Nabanita Dhar 2015).
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Can We Really Trust the Media? Essay
Can We Really Trust The News Media?
Can the people of the United States of America trust their modern news media? Since early colonial days, various forms of news coverage have existed
in this country. And for many years now, the reliability of the information delivered by the media has been heavily scrutinized. It seems that this issue
is becoming more and more significant in the 21st Century. Ronald Roach, executive editor of and Diverse: Issues in Higher
Education magazine, notes that "more than ever, the American news media are under public scrutiny for the way individual reporters conduct
themselves, for how news coverage on major events is carried out and for the balance media organizations purport more content...
Television news shows tend to emphasize negative issues and frequently portray violent or extreme news stories. It seems that television medium for
news, with its large visual aspect, lends itself particularly well to emotional stimulation. Apparently due to the desire for increased profit; many in the
media will display whatever has a potential to increase viewers, ignoring ethical principles.
Part of this ethical problem is due to the way the overall nature of news media is changing. The former news director of the ABC Information Radio
Network and past chairman of the Radio–Television News Directors Association, Rob Sunde says,
News programming has become a cheap alternative to entertainment programming, and the lines that once separated the two have become blurred. The
pressure to create impactful and profitable news programming for prime time will only become more intense. Young people––long on enthusiasm, short
on journalism––will burn ever brighter trails across the nighttime skies, and the American people will become inured to it. The danger is not so
much what will become of electronic news as what will become of the public's perception of it, its believability, and its relevance to our lives" (Rob
The news media is turning into more of an entertainment outlet than an actual source of factual news. This change is a reaction to the longing of present
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Sports Media Essay
Sports of old were merely competitive activities rooted in heroism and romanticism. Sports activities today, however, have no such innocence or
simplicity. Currently in America, the activities that make up our sports culture is not only the competitive events themselves but the processes and
issues that underlie and surround them. Entwined in our sports culture is the giant business of mass broadcasting. Indeed, sports and the media go hand
in hand like peanut butter and jelly, like Mickey and Minnie, Darth Vader and Luke. They are intertwined and depend on each other to continue to
grow. Sports media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, films, and, now, most importantly, social media devices provided by the more content...
Like female athletes, African Americans have had a difficult time getting equal treatment and representation for their successes by the media. African
Americans were thought to have a feeling of hate towards others, as displayed in the classic feature, Remember the Titans, "Look at them, they hate us,
they'll always hate us." In today's sports arena, African American athletes are represented in their sports' categories in a much larger group than in the
past. However, they are still struggling to have the same equalization as their teammates in the media's representation of their talents and skills. A typical
stereotype of the African American by the media is their depiction of them having more brawn than brain. For example, Luke Walton of the Los
Angeles Lakers, for example, is a white male whom commentators often commend for his high basketball IQ when he makes plays, but often fault for
his insufficient physical ability when he doesn't. African American teammates of Walton's, in contrast, find their "skills" praised when they execute
well and their "mental errors" blamed for failures to execute. Sports–related socialization of this discriminatory type can perpetuate stereotypes
generation after generation.
A pattern of distortion by the press that is more prevalent in the high school and college is the classic stereotype in North America of the jock. A jock
refers to male
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Media's Role in the Globalization Process
Essay: "The role of media in globalization process"
If we talk about the role of media in globalization process we should firstly say that what the media is. The media is media technologies that are
intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. And the media also play
important role in facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. The media spreads through international news broadcasts, new
technologies, television programming, film and music. There are a lot of broadcasts of media. Foe example: We can say aboutinternet, TV, radio,
newspapers, books, billboards and etc. The media connects the world to a network of information easily accessible for all of us. In this discussion
arises a question: Which role has media in globalization process? I think the role of media in globalization process is very important. And my point of
view is that the media is a part of the globalization process, it is like "pen" of the globalization process, because media shares everything that the
globalization process dictates. The important role in globalization process has Internet, which connects all the countries around the world. Internet is
called "world wide web". So if we say about the globalization process we should remind that the developed countries globalize enough. However, there
are some countries which do not globalize enough. For example, states of 3rd world, hungry states and others.
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media Essay examples
The 'media' as a whole plays a major part in one's life. Media messages can be presented in many ways from reading newspapers to watching news
on television from the comfort of your own home. However, the most important factors are how the news is retrieved and portrayed by an
individual or a group of individuals as each individual has the right to accept what they believe not what they are manipulated to believe or to accept.
There are various issues that can be looked at to conclude whether or not there is such thing as free, unbiased media, to define this topic it is too
broad to study itself so it will be broken down and researched in small parts. Bias in different context will be analysed and shown how it is interpreted. more content...
Taking this into consideration the media industries must release products for their customers to buy in order for them to make a profit. This is known
as commercial bias for the reason that the customers of the news media are advertisers. The meaning of 'good' to media sources is observed as the
number of readers and viewers attention they can draw.
The sources of bias can be from editors, journalists, speakers and corporation groups. When journalists or any other news source decide to publish a
particular story it needs to be taken into account whether or not they will benefit from the story or will it be a failure to them. Ajournalist will attempt to
be neutral by taking two points into thought, the first being: fairness to those individuals involved within the news / story being released and the
second is a professional process of collecting data / information that obtains fairness, completeness and accurateness.
When detecting bias in a press release or story a number of issues can be raised from the reader's point of view resulting in questions relating to the
authors socio–political position and which group they belong to, does the speaker have something or another to gain personally for actually releasing
the story or not. Such
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Youth and the Media Essay
Youth and the Media A major stepping stone in the path of contemporary youth is that of the media and it's all to often fatalistic, unfavourable and
adverse representation of today's youth. The media primarily are modes of communication in contemporary culture that are often created by teams of
people to entertain, inform, persuade and provide avenues of expression for mass audiences. As this is the case the media plays a pivotal and integral
part in our lives, affecting where we go, what more content...
Analysed will be the foundation of community versus "otherness" the use of technical and symbolic codes and finally the detrimental effects this has
on today's youth.
Central to the negative reflection of youth by the media is the establishment of the community versus "otherness" mentality which is formulated
through the use of binary oppositions and stereotypes following perceived dominant ideology. Through the use of stereotypes contrasts are able to be
made, these contrasts are known as binary oppositions and act as a platform from which comes a sense of conflict. This sense of conflict upheld by
the binary oppositions play upon the readers fear of a breakdown in community standards and thus portray youth against dominant ideology. This can be
clearly seen in the article headed "Why This Sick Music Is Warping Our Kids" where this supposed new generation of bad news rockers are
detrimental to the wholesome values of children and teenagers. This article puts forward the notion that these groups with foul language and lyrics
which implicate violence were solely responsible for the violence caused at the Woodstock '99 festival and the further violence and angst of youth in
society. These assumptions
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Mass Media Is An Integral Part Of Everyday Life
Mass media is an integral part of everyday life. Society depends on the various forms of media for information, education, and personal entertainment.
Mass media positively and negatively influences beliefs, values, and expands knowledge to bring awareness to various social events. Media also
impacts the way children and adolescences understanding of violence, racism, suicide, aggression, and sexual stereotyping. If viewing these portrayals
is accepted, then mass media does in fact negatively impact child and adolescent development because of the content displayed on movies, television,
and music. Children and adolescents learn to accept and have distorted views of violence, racism, sexual stereotyping, sexual behavior and suicide
represented on TV. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2015), children ages 8
–18 spend an average of 7.5 hours
a day with media and technology screens. Today, television shows and movies can be viewed on numerous devices. Children today will spend 27,375
hours viewing media which is more time than they will spend in a classroom setting in high school. Media entertainment is persuasive and has a strong
influence on today's children. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a policy statement that concludes, "Exposure to violence in media, including
TV, movies, music and video games, represents a significant risk to the health of children and adolescents" (American Academy of Psychiatry, 2012).
Today, the
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Digital Media Admission Essay
Throughout my childhood, I've always wanted to tell a story from my perspective. I was born with introverted tendencies, and I still have a hard
time articulating to people my thoughts. But creating short films has always been an effective medium to express my true self to the audience
around me. Most importantly, creating short stories helps me to understand who I am. I would like to be considered for the IFDM program because I
believe I was born to tell a story, and I would like the experience of others to help shape my influence.
My first experience with digital media started at Volcano VistaHigh School. Registering as an incoming freshman, I wanted to become a
photographer. I distinctly remember registering for photography class, but I was stuck with digital media as an alternative. I like to joke that it was
either destiny that put me in that class, or a huge mistake. Nonetheless, I instantly fell in love with digital media. My teacher, Jan Sherer, provided me
with equipment and software to be able to learn the basics of digital media. Although she was unpopular by most students in her class, I always
considered her a mentor. By senior year, I became proficient in most adobe products such as Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition. I
also learned different camera techniques thanks to her teachings. She also entrusted me with a cameraman job for the schools daily more
I am currently holding an internship with Moji studios, and a couple of my coworkers have graduated under IFDM. What I've noticed with IFDM
graduates is that their level of skills in the field they specialize in is astounding. Furthermore, graduates of IFDM have a higher chance of finding a
career, or so I hear. I would love to take this program so that I can find my specialty in digital media, and mature those skills to a professional level. I
know IFDM can provide me with the tools that I
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Effect of Media and Mass Communication Essay
The media is a powerful presence within the lives of others. It can be described as the main channel of mass communication. Media is often used to
deliver a message to a large audience who are diverse. It can be written, broadcast or spoken. Media is a significant force within modern culture.
Culture can be defined as the norms and values of a society. In our culture, the communications media hold an influential place in disseminating
information, forming attitudes, and motivating behaviour. Technological advances are increasing the role of the media and its capacity to shape public
opinion. Our society depends on the news media to provide information to help us form opinions and make voting decisions. It is clear the media has a more content...
It was cheaper and made large scale distribution possible. These technology advances allowed the medium to enter popular culture and enhancing its
influence within society [McLuhan, 1962]. By the nineteen twenties, mass media became known not only for print media, but radio and television
also. Television provided both information and entertainment which became very popular. It was considered easier than actively reading. In recent
times, mass media has taken on a different form; the internet. It is now the most popular form of mass media. Not only has the internet become a
sensation but mobile phones, blogs and podcasts have all become the new forms of mass media within our modern culture. The media is easily
accessed and waiting for us at the touch of a button. As a result, our culture is enormously influenced by the media. In this essay I will be discussing
the media and deviance and the effects it has on our culture.
One theory that was formed during this investigation was the cumulative effects model [Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann, 1974]. This complex theory looks
at the potential affects media has on an individual with an active media consumption. This theory focuses on the agenda setting function in which the
media acts upon. The media cannot force an individual to think a certain way. However it does have the power to control what the individual thinks
about. If an issue is frequently in the media, the
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The Importance Of Media In The Media
Media is everywhere around the world, it surrounds us even when sometimes we don't even notice it. It can appear from newspapers to news, or as
well physically and throughout electronic devices such as cell phones. We consider it as a tool to make time fly ahead or to spectate what is going
on with other people's lives. However, we may encounter certain factors that may not appeal to us. We may see postings or news about tragic events
that happen around the world and surprisingly, sometimes we don't even bother to care, due to the fact that it wasn't us in that situation. There are a
great number of aspects to be resolved for this world to be free from issues, but a question that comes to mind is, "What if it more content...
An example that can relate to this song is when 9/11 happened, due to terrorists. An unexpected tragic event that no one thought would happen that
took many lives from loved ones to close ones. In addition, Billie Joe Armstrong's pathos has an outstanding true meaning based from the lyrics,
"A new day dawning, comes without warning...". One can interpret based on this factor that every day is a new opportunity for something tragic
to happen. This here is the message that Billie Joe Armstrong is trying to convey to us all. He wants us to realize that all though we live happy at
times, there is always something dark waiting to approach at any time with unpredictable outcome. A second example based on this observation
can be the terror attack that happened recently on Friday when a bombing occurred in a London train underground that injured 30 passengers on
board. And furthermore, a second man was arrested a couple days later due to the fact that he too was also affiliated with the incident as well
according to officers. In addition to the topic, Billie Joe Armstrong states about love and peace and how it's impossible for such thing like that to
occur," What good is love and peace on earth? When it's exclusive?", as if he were trying to say that it would have to take a miracle for the world to
resolve from this. Many people have experienced moments when others are made fun of or times when people fight for various reasons such as an
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The Role of Media in the Society Essay
The Role of Media in the Society
Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient
times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like "the Iliad", and different
stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society,
because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers.
There're a lot of different types of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated more content...
There are two types of newspapers – Broadsheets and Tabloids. Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to
news. Their articles focus more on including political and foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids. Tabloid
newspapers are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspaper. Although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more
gossip, personality issues, shorter articles and more pictures than text. Moreover they often refuse and neglect the idea of publishing political and
foreign news. Also the newspapers are mostly bias in their view on what happened. For example in our country 90 percent of newspapers are
belong to government or to some rich people who still depends on government, so most of them are writing those things that are good for
government. As for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts and no silly stories and pictures. In such country like Kazakhstan
where, like I said before most of the media are controlling by the government, we need to spend our time and to read a lot of different newspapers so
we can get full information from different points of view, I like newspapers which are belong to opposition parties.
Internet: Also known as the World Wide Web(WWW), it contains of a web of computers working together and connecting to each
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The Evolution of Media Essay
The media has become a comfortable staple and commodity to the global lives it touches inadvertently and significantly. But what is this
incontrovertible influence? It is the radio, newspapers, television broadcasts, such as CNN and MTV; entertaining and informational, the media is
a valuable asset to all. How it came about was during the pivotal 20th century where skies were filled with airplane raids and on land there were
people full of fear, telling stories of the everlasting wars. The innate fear of world domination by Nazis and annihilation of all mankind by atomic
weapons were major driving forces to create the media; people wanted the answers to their questions and needed to be informed of the global chaos.
However, as more content...
This remained the informational monopoly until reporters adapted Marconi's 1905 invention of the transatlantic telegraph system to the radio. This was
a monumental juncture for it marked the beginning of facilitated forms of assimilating crucial information to the general public. Radio allowed
information to be sent across the Atlantic Ocean and to the ears of the curious and concerned.
Nevertheless, the media was not merely used for informational purposes but for swaying the beliefs of people, as well, which is known as
propaganda. During WWI, the involvement of citizens in the war was critical and plenty of engagement was necessary. So, in order to recruit more
soldiers and gain more support for the war, artists, teamed with government officials, created posters, a part of mass media, to entice citizens for further
participation. The posters helped not only with the obvious aim of recruiting members for the armed forces, but with the parallel home–front efforts, as
well. The United War Work campaign, the Red Cross, and most notably, the Liberty and Victory loans were all promoted by war
–induced propaganda
and, unambiguously, helped strengthen the United States of America socially, economically, and politically. The stimulation of war efforts through its
respective propaganda remains valid because posters like Rosie the Riveter, conserving material posters, and enlisting posters, caught the eyes of many
since these posters were easily
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Purpose of Media Essay example
Purpose of Media Media is the means of communicating news and information to the public via printed and visual media. In contemporary society
media is an essential way to advertise a product to its target audience, as it be seen by a wider range of people and it's more reliable as you are
guaranteed the audience will be able to view it. Printed media can be seen in leaflets and brochures since it is used to inform the audience of a certain
product by using more detailed information than visual media. Furthermore, printed media can also be seen in newspapers such as broadsheets and
tabloids where they inform more content...
This can be seen through its choice of childlike layout and organisation in comparison to the Club 18–30 brochure.
Furthermore the Forever young brochure identifies its target audience, which appears to be mature sophisticated adults. This is shown through the
layout and organization of the brochure, as it is well structured and organised. The brochure appeals to this specific type of audience since mature
reserved adults are not interested in a humorous brochure as they care not for the brochure appearance, this is shown in the brochure's text layout and
organisation as most young people in a contemporary society will find the brochure dull and tiresome.
The use of presentational devices in the Club 18–30 brochure reinforces the sense of security and authenticity, as shown by the logo of the brochure,
which informs the audience that the club is an established company. Furthermore the logo specifies its target audience and uses eye–catching colours
reflecting the sun and sea to entice the reader to continue reading the brochure.
Equally the picture attracts the target audience in a similar way as it enhances the sense of reliability and assurance, which is shown by the way the
people in the picture are presented as enjoying themselves. Sub headings are also used to empathise with the
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Media And Media

  • 1. Media And Media The mass media is an important factor when it comes to getting a message across to the public. No specific community can do without media as it is a crucial element to society. The media helps provide individuals things that they need the most, that being information. Sometimes this information is considered injurious and appalling, whereas other times it normal. The messages that are taken from the media are based off of one's own faith and knowledge, in accordance to the reinforcement theory (Jetter, 2017). The reinforcement theory argues that you can change someone's perspective or behavior by using reinforcement, punishment and extinction. Punishments are used to avoid the behavior you do, rewards are used to support the behavior you want and lastly extinction represents stopping an individual from acting upon a learned behavior. Although terrorism cannot be defined in one specific definition, it can be depicted as the use of violence against innocent individuals to bring political change through the means of fear . Majority of the time, terrorist attacks are often not directly intended for an exact individual, rather, are done to convey a memorandum (Altheide, 2007). This can potentially signify that the media paying a large amount of attention to terrorist organizations, may further encourage them to continue their violence. The correlation between terrorist and the media is symbiotic as terrorist organizations terrorize in order to seek publicity for the sole Get more content on
  • 2. Media Representation Essay The majority of cast members in movies, and television shows, from the past and modern day seem to all share one thing in common: they are straight, white, and male. Once one becomes aware, it is not difficult to notice this everywhere. What is being noticed is the severe lack of well written, and well represented people of color, women, and members of the LGBT+ community. Representation, according to Rick Beach, is "the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological perspective." This means there is usually only good representation for majorities, and bad representation for minorities. Normally, this means stereotypes are played up about people of color, women, more content... Now, especially in 2015, it seems as if more television shows have good representation. Shows like Elementary, Call of the Midwife, Sleepy Hollow, Orphan Black, and The 100 show women, people of color, and members or the LGBT+ communities in important roles, and positive lights (Tang). Nellie Andreeva in the article "Pilots 2015: The Year of Ethnic Castings", talks about the "noticeable shift towards minority casting" in late 2014, and early 2015, and how casting agents are now able to say how despite people of color once being rejected for almost any role on television they "feel like the tide has turned" and that they can now "pitch any actor for any role and [they] think that's good." However, now, with the introduction of more female writers and producers on television, it seems as if they may be part of the reason why this is happening. Shonda Rhimes, executive producer for popular diverse shows like Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, "says she isn't 'diversifying' television, she's 'normalizing' it" (Williams). On a different level, Rebecca Sugar, writer of Steven Universe, has made her show quite diverse as well. Mey writes, "the three main characters (besides Steven) are all voiced by women of color, and (like Steven) it is easy to interpret [them] as people of color." James Michael–Nichols on Huffington Post also writes that the show contains very "heavy queer overtones." This means not only is Steven Universe a good role model for children, but that it also contains just about any type of diversity with a cast of mostly women and people of color, and characters that represent the LGBT+ community. This easily makes it one of the most diverse cartoons currently being aired on television. Overall, while it may not seem like a trend in the media, the introduction of new television shows containing diverse Get more content on
  • 3. Media And The Media The term media refers to a collection of communication outlets that distribute messages and information to society. Media has revolutionized the world because it allows individuals to connect with others at the push of a button, creates marketing platforms, and is a large source of entertainment. There are many types of communication technologies, such as television, the internet, movies and the radio. I understand that media is an essential component of society but I am also aware of its influences. All media is dangerous because media has the power to shape societies' opinions. I feel that the most powerful forms of media are the internet and television. The internet and the television are influential because they utilizes techniques such as broadcasting advertisements, celebrity endorsements and product placements in order to sell merchandise to consumers. In 2015, Canada spent approximately $49,968,758 on advertising expenditures (Government Of Canada, 2015). These strategies are successful due to the mere exposure effect (Grimes & Kitchen, 2007). The more often that an advertisement is seen, the easier it becomes to mentally identify it (Grimes & Kitchen, 2007). Celebrity endorsement can also influence individuals because people trust and follow celebrities. For example, if Taylor Swift was featured in a Revlon lipstick advertisment, Revlon lipstick sales would increase. However, society does not realize that celebrities are paid to advertise certain products (Spry & Get more content on
  • 4. Digital Technology And Social Media Essay More recently than in years past, digital technology and social media have grown to become a part of our everyday lives. The recent rise in those who own smartphones allows this everyday use of digital technology and social networking to be easier than ever before. At any time and any place, we have the ability to "socialize" with nearly anyone–even celebrities who have no idea most of us even exist. The continuous consumption of digital media has altered once personal face–to–face communication to just that, digital. More and more people seem to be living in what Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon call "The Cloud". "The Cloud" is a seemingly alternate universe of which communication is altered from personal to digital. This universe has led to debates over whether or not these online communities are real or whether social media is actually social. Various digital media sources also encourage users to create individual identities, of which may or may not actually be real. It seems as though our reliance on digital technology and social media have allowed the determination of certain aspects of our lives. Although social media allows us to connect with nearly anyone at any time, Americans have taken advantage of its use, and their attention has been drawn away from real life interactions to digital ones. The ramifications of such influences reflect the hidden insecurities of Americans and, ironically, emphasize our inclination to boast about ourselves by allowing others to see the Get more content on
  • 5. Media Essay : The Power Of Social Media The Power of Social Media Social media is said to be similar to a window. It allows the world to look through a person to discover something much deeper than what can be seen on the outside. Social media accounts are a representation of the owners and their thoughts, actions, and hobbies. Because of this representation, "recruiters believe that social media lets them discover an applicant's real character" (Fawthrop). Looking at another person's social media account allows conclusions to easily be noted about that person based on the information provided within the account. This is why it can be one of the quickest ways to get to know someone and their true character. Social media is a rising phenomenon that has been constantly expanding across the globe reaching new places and achieving new heights of popularity. Currently, billions ofpeople have social media accounts, and this number can be expected to increase as time goes on. Many people do not realize the power of social media accounts and may post negative information about themselves. This negative information may include offensive comments or foul language, pictures or comments which suggest alcohol or drug abuse, or inappropriate pictures posted on a social media can all have dire consequences to a person's future. People need to be more aware of what they put on social media because employers, college recruiters, and teachers have the ability to search their accounts, and based on what they find, determine Get more content on
  • 6. Media And Identity Essay With the rise of media within the past few decades, media gained the power to shape society. Everyday, millions and millions of people engage in some sort of media; they spend their time texting, calling, or just browsing the internet looking up information, but mostly they utilize it for entertainment. Media plays an important role in how everyone lives their daily lives, as they share information that their audiences might relate to. A wide variety of audiences are consciously and subconsciously influenced by whatever the media claims. As media only shows what they believe their audience wants to hear and see, many become naive. Alongside the power that comes with media, many people eventually turn to slaves to media. They blindly follow and believe what the media says; it unknowingly forces them to remain ignorant. Consequently, the media can be a distressing influence to individuals. Young individuals, who are still in the delicate stages of forming their identity, identifying their wants and goals are easy targets for the media. Trapped in cyberspace, they are constantly bombarded with information, which the majority of individuals do not take advantage of. The media can act as a resource that young people may exploit as a guide to follow. However, if they are exposed to the detrimental side of media, it will become a challenge for them to figure out their true personal identity. The media tell "what we should buy, who we should be, or who we should become..." which Get more content on
  • 7. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Media The advantages and disadvantages of Media in the UK JFM – Maria Media, which is a communication outlet and a tool to transmit or store information. The Media includes many kinds of communication businesses, such as social Media, magazine, the press, advertising, photography, broadcasting, film and so on. It can be said with certainty that the Media is playing an increasingly important role in people's lives and it has aroused wide public concern in the UK. In this essay, I will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of 5 Media communication businesses in the UK in recent years. Social Media In terms of Social media, it is mainly includes broadcast, tagging, and search. There are several advantages of social media. According to Nabanita Dhar (2015), the first advantage is that some conspicuous contents and the information about the product will bring to potential customers' notice. At the same time, the brands of it will extensive publicity. Fortunately, the price of the social media is lower than the traditional adverts and a variety of special promotion. Nabanita Dhar (2015) claims that workers can give the response to the customers immediately and effectively. Certainly, the quality of the service also followed up. As the proverb goes "no garden without its weeds", social media is no exception. Firstly, editors should commit lots of resources to improving the system of social media, giving the feedback to customers and uploading new contents (Nabanita Dhar 2015). Get more content on
  • 8. Can We Really Trust the Media? Essay Can We Really Trust The News Media? Can the people of the United States of America trust their modern news media? Since early colonial days, various forms of news coverage have existed in this country. And for many years now, the reliability of the information delivered by the media has been heavily scrutinized. It seems that this issue is becoming more and more significant in the 21st Century. Ronald Roach, executive editor of and Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine, notes that "more than ever, the American news media are under public scrutiny for the way individual reporters conduct themselves, for how news coverage on major events is carried out and for the balance media organizations purport more content... Television news shows tend to emphasize negative issues and frequently portray violent or extreme news stories. It seems that television medium for news, with its large visual aspect, lends itself particularly well to emotional stimulation. Apparently due to the desire for increased profit; many in the media will display whatever has a potential to increase viewers, ignoring ethical principles. Part of this ethical problem is due to the way the overall nature of news media is changing. The former news director of the ABC Information Radio Network and past chairman of the Radio–Television News Directors Association, Rob Sunde says, News programming has become a cheap alternative to entertainment programming, and the lines that once separated the two have become blurred. The pressure to create impactful and profitable news programming for prime time will only become more intense. Young people––long on enthusiasm, short on journalism––will burn ever brighter trails across the nighttime skies, and the American people will become inured to it. The danger is not so much what will become of electronic news as what will become of the public's perception of it, its believability, and its relevance to our lives" (Rob Sunde). The news media is turning into more of an entertainment outlet than an actual source of factual news. This change is a reaction to the longing of present Get more content on
  • 9. Sports Media Essay Sports of old were merely competitive activities rooted in heroism and romanticism. Sports activities today, however, have no such innocence or simplicity. Currently in America, the activities that make up our sports culture is not only the competitive events themselves but the processes and issues that underlie and surround them. Entwined in our sports culture is the giant business of mass broadcasting. Indeed, sports and the media go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly, like Mickey and Minnie, Darth Vader and Luke. They are intertwined and depend on each other to continue to grow. Sports media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, films, and, now, most importantly, social media devices provided by the more content... Like female athletes, African Americans have had a difficult time getting equal treatment and representation for their successes by the media. African Americans were thought to have a feeling of hate towards others, as displayed in the classic feature, Remember the Titans, "Look at them, they hate us, they'll always hate us." In today's sports arena, African American athletes are represented in their sports' categories in a much larger group than in the past. However, they are still struggling to have the same equalization as their teammates in the media's representation of their talents and skills. A typical stereotype of the African American by the media is their depiction of them having more brawn than brain. For example, Luke Walton of the Los Angeles Lakers, for example, is a white male whom commentators often commend for his high basketball IQ when he makes plays, but often fault for his insufficient physical ability when he doesn't. African American teammates of Walton's, in contrast, find their "skills" praised when they execute well and their "mental errors" blamed for failures to execute. Sports–related socialization of this discriminatory type can perpetuate stereotypes generation after generation. A pattern of distortion by the press that is more prevalent in the high school and college is the classic stereotype in North America of the jock. A jock refers to male Get more content on
  • 10. Media's Role in the Globalization Process Essay: "The role of media in globalization process" If we talk about the role of media in globalization process we should firstly say that what the media is. The media is media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. And the media also play important role in facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. The media spreads through international news broadcasts, new technologies, television programming, film and music. There are a lot of broadcasts of media. Foe example: We can say aboutinternet, TV, radio, newspapers, books, billboards and etc. The media connects the world to a network of information easily accessible for all of us. In this discussion arises a question: Which role has media in globalization process? I think the role of media in globalization process is very important. And my point of view is that the media is a part of the globalization process, it is like "pen" of the globalization process, because media shares everything that the globalization process dictates. The important role in globalization process has Internet, which connects all the countries around the world. Internet is called "world wide web". So if we say about the globalization process we should remind that the developed countries globalize enough. However, there are some countries which do not globalize enough. For example, states of 3rd world, hungry states and others. Get more content on
  • 11. media Essay examples The 'media' as a whole plays a major part in one's life. Media messages can be presented in many ways from reading newspapers to watching news on television from the comfort of your own home. However, the most important factors are how the news is retrieved and portrayed by an individual or a group of individuals as each individual has the right to accept what they believe not what they are manipulated to believe or to accept. There are various issues that can be looked at to conclude whether or not there is such thing as free, unbiased media, to define this topic it is too broad to study itself so it will be broken down and researched in small parts. Bias in different context will be analysed and shown how it is interpreted. more content... Taking this into consideration the media industries must release products for their customers to buy in order for them to make a profit. This is known as commercial bias for the reason that the customers of the news media are advertisers. The meaning of 'good' to media sources is observed as the number of readers and viewers attention they can draw. The sources of bias can be from editors, journalists, speakers and corporation groups. When journalists or any other news source decide to publish a particular story it needs to be taken into account whether or not they will benefit from the story or will it be a failure to them. Ajournalist will attempt to be neutral by taking two points into thought, the first being: fairness to those individuals involved within the news / story being released and the second is a professional process of collecting data / information that obtains fairness, completeness and accurateness. When detecting bias in a press release or story a number of issues can be raised from the reader's point of view resulting in questions relating to the authors socio–political position and which group they belong to, does the speaker have something or another to gain personally for actually releasing the story or not. Such Get more content on
  • 12. Youth and the Media Essay Youth and the Media A major stepping stone in the path of contemporary youth is that of the media and it's all to often fatalistic, unfavourable and adverse representation of today's youth. The media primarily are modes of communication in contemporary culture that are often created by teams of people to entertain, inform, persuade and provide avenues of expression for mass audiences. As this is the case the media plays a pivotal and integral part in our lives, affecting where we go, what more content... Analysed will be the foundation of community versus "otherness" the use of technical and symbolic codes and finally the detrimental effects this has on today's youth. Central to the negative reflection of youth by the media is the establishment of the community versus "otherness" mentality which is formulated through the use of binary oppositions and stereotypes following perceived dominant ideology. Through the use of stereotypes contrasts are able to be made, these contrasts are known as binary oppositions and act as a platform from which comes a sense of conflict. This sense of conflict upheld by the binary oppositions play upon the readers fear of a breakdown in community standards and thus portray youth against dominant ideology. This can be clearly seen in the article headed "Why This Sick Music Is Warping Our Kids" where this supposed new generation of bad news rockers are detrimental to the wholesome values of children and teenagers. This article puts forward the notion that these groups with foul language and lyrics which implicate violence were solely responsible for the violence caused at the Woodstock '99 festival and the further violence and angst of youth in society. These assumptions Get more content on
  • 13. Mass Media Is An Integral Part Of Everyday Life Mass media is an integral part of everyday life. Society depends on the various forms of media for information, education, and personal entertainment. Mass media positively and negatively influences beliefs, values, and expands knowledge to bring awareness to various social events. Media also impacts the way children and adolescences understanding of violence, racism, suicide, aggression, and sexual stereotyping. If viewing these portrayals is accepted, then mass media does in fact negatively impact child and adolescent development because of the content displayed on movies, television, and music. Children and adolescents learn to accept and have distorted views of violence, racism, sexual stereotyping, sexual behavior and suicide represented on TV. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2015), children ages 8 –18 spend an average of 7.5 hours a day with media and technology screens. Today, television shows and movies can be viewed on numerous devices. Children today will spend 27,375 hours viewing media which is more time than they will spend in a classroom setting in high school. Media entertainment is persuasive and has a strong influence on today's children. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a policy statement that concludes, "Exposure to violence in media, including TV, movies, music and video games, represents a significant risk to the health of children and adolescents" (American Academy of Psychiatry, 2012). Today, the Get more content on
  • 14. Digital Media Admission Essay Throughout my childhood, I've always wanted to tell a story from my perspective. I was born with introverted tendencies, and I still have a hard time articulating to people my thoughts. But creating short films has always been an effective medium to express my true self to the audience around me. Most importantly, creating short stories helps me to understand who I am. I would like to be considered for the IFDM program because I believe I was born to tell a story, and I would like the experience of others to help shape my influence. My first experience with digital media started at Volcano VistaHigh School. Registering as an incoming freshman, I wanted to become a photographer. I distinctly remember registering for photography class, but I was stuck with digital media as an alternative. I like to joke that it was either destiny that put me in that class, or a huge mistake. Nonetheless, I instantly fell in love with digital media. My teacher, Jan Sherer, provided me with equipment and software to be able to learn the basics of digital media. Although she was unpopular by most students in her class, I always considered her a mentor. By senior year, I became proficient in most adobe products such as Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition. I also learned different camera techniques thanks to her teachings. She also entrusted me with a cameraman job for the schools daily more content... I am currently holding an internship with Moji studios, and a couple of my coworkers have graduated under IFDM. What I've noticed with IFDM graduates is that their level of skills in the field they specialize in is astounding. Furthermore, graduates of IFDM have a higher chance of finding a career, or so I hear. I would love to take this program so that I can find my specialty in digital media, and mature those skills to a professional level. I know IFDM can provide me with the tools that I Get more content on
  • 15. Effect of Media and Mass Communication Essay The media is a powerful presence within the lives of others. It can be described as the main channel of mass communication. Media is often used to deliver a message to a large audience who are diverse. It can be written, broadcast or spoken. Media is a significant force within modern culture. Culture can be defined as the norms and values of a society. In our culture, the communications media hold an influential place in disseminating information, forming attitudes, and motivating behaviour. Technological advances are increasing the role of the media and its capacity to shape public opinion. Our society depends on the news media to provide information to help us form opinions and make voting decisions. It is clear the media has a more content... It was cheaper and made large scale distribution possible. These technology advances allowed the medium to enter popular culture and enhancing its influence within society [McLuhan, 1962]. By the nineteen twenties, mass media became known not only for print media, but radio and television also. Television provided both information and entertainment which became very popular. It was considered easier than actively reading. In recent times, mass media has taken on a different form; the internet. It is now the most popular form of mass media. Not only has the internet become a sensation but mobile phones, blogs and podcasts have all become the new forms of mass media within our modern culture. The media is easily accessed and waiting for us at the touch of a button. As a result, our culture is enormously influenced by the media. In this essay I will be discussing the media and deviance and the effects it has on our culture. One theory that was formed during this investigation was the cumulative effects model [Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann, 1974]. This complex theory looks at the potential affects media has on an individual with an active media consumption. This theory focuses on the agenda setting function in which the media acts upon. The media cannot force an individual to think a certain way. However it does have the power to control what the individual thinks about. If an issue is frequently in the media, the Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Media In The Media Media is everywhere around the world, it surrounds us even when sometimes we don't even notice it. It can appear from newspapers to news, or as well physically and throughout electronic devices such as cell phones. We consider it as a tool to make time fly ahead or to spectate what is going on with other people's lives. However, we may encounter certain factors that may not appeal to us. We may see postings or news about tragic events that happen around the world and surprisingly, sometimes we don't even bother to care, due to the fact that it wasn't us in that situation. There are a great number of aspects to be resolved for this world to be free from issues, but a question that comes to mind is, "What if it more content... An example that can relate to this song is when 9/11 happened, due to terrorists. An unexpected tragic event that no one thought would happen that took many lives from loved ones to close ones. In addition, Billie Joe Armstrong's pathos has an outstanding true meaning based from the lyrics, "A new day dawning, comes without warning...". One can interpret based on this factor that every day is a new opportunity for something tragic to happen. This here is the message that Billie Joe Armstrong is trying to convey to us all. He wants us to realize that all though we live happy at times, there is always something dark waiting to approach at any time with unpredictable outcome. A second example based on this observation can be the terror attack that happened recently on Friday when a bombing occurred in a London train underground that injured 30 passengers on board. And furthermore, a second man was arrested a couple days later due to the fact that he too was also affiliated with the incident as well according to officers. In addition to the topic, Billie Joe Armstrong states about love and peace and how it's impossible for such thing like that to occur," What good is love and peace on earth? When it's exclusive?", as if he were trying to say that it would have to take a miracle for the world to resolve from this. Many people have experienced moments when others are made fun of or times when people fight for various reasons such as an argument. Get more content on
  • 17. The Role of Media in the Society Essay The Role of Media in the Society Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like "the Iliad", and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers. There're a lot of different types of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated more content... There are two types of newspapers – Broadsheets and Tabloids. Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to news. Their articles focus more on including political and foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids. Tabloid newspapers are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspaper. Although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more gossip, personality issues, shorter articles and more pictures than text. Moreover they often refuse and neglect the idea of publishing political and foreign news. Also the newspapers are mostly bias in their view on what happened. For example in our country 90 percent of newspapers are belong to government or to some rich people who still depends on government, so most of them are writing those things that are good for government. As for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts and no silly stories and pictures. In such country like Kazakhstan where, like I said before most of the media are controlling by the government, we need to spend our time and to read a lot of different newspapers so we can get full information from different points of view, I like newspapers which are belong to opposition parties. Internet: Also known as the World Wide Web(WWW), it contains of a web of computers working together and connecting to each Get more content on
  • 18. The Evolution of Media Essay The media has become a comfortable staple and commodity to the global lives it touches inadvertently and significantly. But what is this incontrovertible influence? It is the radio, newspapers, television broadcasts, such as CNN and MTV; entertaining and informational, the media is a valuable asset to all. How it came about was during the pivotal 20th century where skies were filled with airplane raids and on land there were people full of fear, telling stories of the everlasting wars. The innate fear of world domination by Nazis and annihilation of all mankind by atomic weapons were major driving forces to create the media; people wanted the answers to their questions and needed to be informed of the global chaos. However, as more content... This remained the informational monopoly until reporters adapted Marconi's 1905 invention of the transatlantic telegraph system to the radio. This was a monumental juncture for it marked the beginning of facilitated forms of assimilating crucial information to the general public. Radio allowed information to be sent across the Atlantic Ocean and to the ears of the curious and concerned. Nevertheless, the media was not merely used for informational purposes but for swaying the beliefs of people, as well, which is known as propaganda. During WWI, the involvement of citizens in the war was critical and plenty of engagement was necessary. So, in order to recruit more soldiers and gain more support for the war, artists, teamed with government officials, created posters, a part of mass media, to entice citizens for further participation. The posters helped not only with the obvious aim of recruiting members for the armed forces, but with the parallel home–front efforts, as well. The United War Work campaign, the Red Cross, and most notably, the Liberty and Victory loans were all promoted by war –induced propaganda and, unambiguously, helped strengthen the United States of America socially, economically, and politically. The stimulation of war efforts through its respective propaganda remains valid because posters like Rosie the Riveter, conserving material posters, and enlisting posters, caught the eyes of many since these posters were easily Get more content on
  • 19. Purpose of Media Essay example Purpose of Media Media is the means of communicating news and information to the public via printed and visual media. In contemporary society media is an essential way to advertise a product to its target audience, as it be seen by a wider range of people and it's more reliable as you are guaranteed the audience will be able to view it. Printed media can be seen in leaflets and brochures since it is used to inform the audience of a certain product by using more detailed information than visual media. Furthermore, printed media can also be seen in newspapers such as broadsheets and tabloids where they inform more content... This can be seen through its choice of childlike layout and organisation in comparison to the Club 18–30 brochure. Furthermore the Forever young brochure identifies its target audience, which appears to be mature sophisticated adults. This is shown through the layout and organization of the brochure, as it is well structured and organised. The brochure appeals to this specific type of audience since mature reserved adults are not interested in a humorous brochure as they care not for the brochure appearance, this is shown in the brochure's text layout and organisation as most young people in a contemporary society will find the brochure dull and tiresome. The use of presentational devices in the Club 18–30 brochure reinforces the sense of security and authenticity, as shown by the logo of the brochure, which informs the audience that the club is an established company. Furthermore the logo specifies its target audience and uses eye–catching colours reflecting the sun and sea to entice the reader to continue reading the brochure. Equally the picture attracts the target audience in a similar way as it enhances the sense of reliability and assurance, which is shown by the way the people in the picture are presented as enjoying themselves. Sub headings are also used to empathise with the Get more content on