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Palm Beach Gardens- Eissey Campus
Professor Jacques de Beaufort

Course number: ART 2501C
Room: BB 00109
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 32 Lab Hours: 32
Funding Category: Advanced Professional (Transfer)
Prerequisites: ART 2500C
Gordon Rule: No.
Required Text: None.
        To Link directly to this course outline please click on the following:

Jacques de Beaufort
Office hours: By appointment, see schedule on AA 107
Phone: 561-207-5374
Fax: 561-207-500
Class website:

Dr. Robert Gingras
Palm Beach State College-Eissey Campus
3160 PGA Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
ph: 561.207.5420 , fax: 561.207.5009
email address:

A intermediate college course in painting allows experimentation in acrylics and gouache. Projects are designed to
provide experience in mixing colors, selection and application to surfaces of various types. Exercises are assigned
which expand the thinking of the student as relates to the possibilities of creativity through the paint media. Supply
purchase required. Studio fee required.

   1. Identify and apply a variety of painting techniques and media.
   2. Demonstrate the preliminary, intermediate and final stages of the painting process as well as the use of
      value, texture and color in the design of a painting in two-dimensional image making.
   3. Understand the technical process of preparing a canvas or panel and the process of applying oil or acrylic
      paint to these surfaces.
   4. Develop and justify attitudes and approaches in selecting and painting various subject matter (self-portraits),
      landscapes, still lives, architecture, old masters reproductions).
   5. Explore with confidence the abstract and non-abstract considerations of painting.
   6. Create a sense of unity on the picture plane through manipulation of color, line, shape, space, texture and
      composition according to various systems of design.
   7. Develop a sense of aesthetic judgment on a personal and individual level.
   8. Differentiate and interpret the narrative, psychological, and conceptual aspects of a painting.
Fundamental Techniques
During class, we will discuss the fundamental techniques as listed in the course objectives. Demonstrations will be
followed by in-class work time where you will complete exercises using the demonstrated technique(s).

Power Point Lectures
Instructional images and examples from Art History will provide a broad array of images that will amplify and enhance
student understanding of given objectives. It is important to have a substantial knowledge of imagery to create
personal work with greater depth and vision.

Class Critique
After we have completed our projects, the class will gather to discuss our work. By looking and talking about our work
and the way in which others perceive it, we will come to understand the essentials of visual communication.

Homework consists of practice assignments that you will execute at home. Practice is essential to developing your
skills and you will find that progress is difficult without it.

You will be expected to complete a specific project in regards to each lecture topic and completion of this stated
assignment will be the source of points which will determine your grade.

Notes on the Assignments
        From the onset of the class the students will be involved in problem solving assignments. Each project
        presents problems that must be evaluated, analyzed, and solved. Each project leads into the next and
        provides for a synthesis of knowledge and overall comprehension of the painting medium. An example of
        this critical thinking in class is shown by the student's ability to:
        A. Create and design a painting using the visual vocabulary.
        B. Evaluate the finishing painting.
        C. Apply the knowledge gained in class in analyzing other paintings.
        D. Look at painting more critically through application and evaluation.,

1. Techniques for canvas/panel application
        Students learn basic surface preparation techniques for painting on illustration board, masonite, and
        stretched canvas. Special attention given to gesso/ sizing agents and discussion of variable surface qualities
        and their affect on paint application.
        DATE: tba

2. Introduction of Color Theories and Techniques for Mixing Color
         Using acrylic paints, students create color wheels and value charts as well as cross-mixing experiments with
         compliments and triads. Various color mixing techniques are discussed, the role of saturation, tinting,
         shading, and simultaneous color contrast. Glazing is also discussed, and paint extending, drying retardants
         and palette storage/ brush care is explained.
         DATE: tba

3. Color Mixing/ Grid Method project
         Using a photograph that has been traced/ transferred to an illustration board, students fill in broad simple
         areas using a pre-determined palette. The goal of this project is to demonstrate an ability to correctly mix
         color and reproduce given palettes as accurately as possible.
         DATE : tba

4. The Still Life
        Working first with monochromatic palettes, students will build their skills to include complex color situations
        and ways to approach simple still life compositions. The role of reflected light, local color, and various
        chromatic values will be discussed with regards to achieving a volumetric and mimetic representation.
        Various paint application methods will be explored.

5. The Landscape
        Landscape will be approached from various angles including plein-air and photorealistic methods. Special
        attention will be given to spatial illusionism and compositional awareness. Color mixing with regards to
        mood, light, and atmosphere is and important consideration, as well as thinking about how shapes and
        colors may appear to move forward or receed into pictorial space.

6. The self-portrait
        The self-portrait project is an opportunity to consider the ability of painting to reflect inner states of mind-in
        this regard considerations such as pose, lighting, color theory, and allegorical/metaphorical content become
        important. It's equally important to work towards convincing human representations and working from life in
        order to understand the complex and subtle relationships and characteristics of human proportion and

7. Abstraction/Expressionism/Decollage
         Students are given an opportunity to explore nonrepresentational or collage techniques. Although variety
         and dynamic compositional energy will be emphasized, there will need to be unifying agents that prevent the
         painting from falling into chaos. In this project, special attention to paint application and it's emotive potential
         will be emphasized, as well as the importance of color and surface.
         DATE: tba

8. The interior scene
         The interior scene is an opportunity to integrate architectural ideas with still-life and/or human
         representation. Light becomes important, as well as textural variants such as reflection and transparency. A
         convincing spatial representation and a feeling of "place" are key elements to this assignment.
         DATE: tba

9. Old Master copy and Interpretation
        An Old Master painting will be selected from the cannon of art history and analyzed formally. A reproduction
        will be made using the "grid" method, and the artist will additionally interpret the piece from a contemporary
        perspective by adding/altering picture elements.
        DATE: tba

10. Museum Project Writing Assignment
        With the application of class knowledge, the student will visit a local fine arts gallery, select a painting, and
        write a critical analysis of the work. Making the paper relevant to class assignments, the painting will be
        analyzed and evaluated in terms of subject matter, historical period represented, method of paint
        application, integration of formal considerations (color, texture, line, value, shape, composition) and
        readability of its conceptual framework.
        DATE: tba

         Materials for this class will be EXPENSIVE. Remember, you may not use everything and can continue to
         paint far into the future. Think of it as an INVESTMENT! Please buy mid-priced paints when possible. Cheap
         paints usually yield AWFUL and depressing results that may result in mental anguish. Frustration and tears.
         Good materials=Good Art.

         I recommend sketching on your surface first with vine charcoal, and then finalizing the lines with charcoal
         pencil. Hopefully you have saved your drawing supplies and will not need to re-purchase.

If you have previously used oil paint, then you are welcome to continue, however class instruction
will be primarily based around acrylic painting techniques.
There are three qualities of acrylic paint to consider:
               BASICS by Liquitex,
               Cheap, but very LOW quality. Difficult to work with and achieve similar effects of other paints.
               Best for use as a primer/ underpainting color
               NOT RECOMMENDED for anything else.
               Winsor &Newton
                        GALERIA, is low end of the middle range, can work for you, but still not good quality.
                        FINITY, is the best medium range, mid quality acrylic paint. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
               Liquitex Professional Heavy Body
                        If you must, but some white and black is mixing colors or some cadmiums.
                        The best paint to use if money is no option.

            Yellow ochre 2 oz
            Burnt sienna 2 oz
            Raw Sienna 2 oz
            Ultramarine Blue 2 oz
            Cadmium Yellow Light 2 oz
            Cobalt Blue 2 oz
            Cadmium Red Medium 2 oz
            Pthalo Blue Greeb Shade 2 oz
            Cadmium Orange 2 oz
            Quinacridone Magenta 2 oz
            Emerald Green 2 oz

                       Napthol Red Light 2 oz
                       Burnt Umber 2 oz
                       Olive Green 2 oz
                       Permanent Rose 2 oz
                       Graphite Grey 2 oz
                       Buff Titanium 2 oz
                       Pthalo Turquoise 2oz

               Pthalo Green 2 oz
               Permanent Green Light 2 oz
               Mars Black 200 ml

               Titanium White 138 ml

      While these additives are not completely NECESSARY for acrylic painting, they will make your life much
      easier and give your paint increasing flexibility and qualities that lead to better work.

        Liquitex FLOW AID 118ml
        Liquitex SLOW-DRI BLENDING MEDIUM 118ml
        Liquitex SLOW-DRI FLUID RETARDER 118ml
        Liquitex GLAZING MEDIUM 237 ml
        Liquitex MATTE VARNISH, 237/473 ml

        1 gallon or litre (approx 946 ml) any brand
      3-4 of various sizes, cheap white plastic brand ok

      1 VALUE PACK BRUSH SET (Princeton Art& Brush)
               small rounds, midsize flats
               30 Blick Mega Brush, white nylon (filbert)
               40 Blick Mega Brush, nylon filbert
               50 Blick Mega Brush, nylon, flat
      You can use just about anything:
      Plastic plates
      Surgical tray
      Masterson STA-WET palette

           Crescent Illustration Board (Cold Press) Heavy Weight 20"x30" quantity 5-6
           Pre-cut particle board, masonite, or birch plywood from HOME DEPOT (2-3)

              Various sized pre-stretched canvas surfaces

        Blue Painters tape (delicate surfaces) from home depot (1 roll)

      Sandpaper 320 grit (6 pack from Home Depot)
      1 hairdryer with extension cord
      1 roll saran wrap
      2 large plastic cups (large big gulp cups fine)
      2-3 midsize bowls or cups
      1 bottle dish detergent (joy or other)
      carrying cases, boxes, etc
      paper towels
      razor blade from box cutter

Each assignment will have a specific set of stated objectives that must be fulfilled upon
Three primary factors determine the grade on any given project:
        1.Concept: Were the stated objectives of the project realized? Did the student utilize design elements and
principles to create cohesive and unified composition? Did the student demonstrate an ability to understand
        the conceptual requirements of each assigned project and a willingness/ability to adhere to standard

        2. Professionalism: Did the student use assigned materials/techniques to best advantage? Was the project
        finished completely and thoroughly in the time given? Did the student demonstrate sufficient technical skill to
        produce finished presentations in keeping with professional industry and gallery standards?

        3. Originality: Are the designs innovative and original, or simply rote copies of the examples given? Did the
        student demonstrate an ability to compose design elements with a sufficient degree of originality and

A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 and below
        A: work of outstanding quality indicating a full, as well as a successful resolution. Moreover, this work
        challenges and even transcends the limits of the problem(s) and learning objectives as defined. "A" work is
        not merely competent, it is daring.

        B: work exhibiting insight into and understanding of objectives and the ideas expressed, but without a full
        and/or polished resolution of them.

        C: work gives evidence of only partial understanding and/or exhibits very little refinement.

        D: work showing almost no understanding or evidence of an effort to try to understand given objectives.

        F: work that appears mindless (without direction, understanding and/or any evidence of caring).

Late Work Policy:
        Work handed in a 1-6 days late -10%. (including e-mails the day of).
        Work handed in 7-13 days late -15%.
        Work handed in 14-20 days late -30%.
        Work handed in 21-27 days late -45%

     Failure to complete an assignment will result in a 0 grade being given, which is far worse than an
     F of 59%. It is much preferred to hand in projects late than to not hand them in at all.

Most assignments are worth 100 POINTS.
To determine your final grade, I add all the points you have
earned and then divide this number by the total number of
points possible.

1. Attendance will be taken in each and every class.
2. Absences are detrimental to a student’s grade.
3. “Incomplete” grades are assigned only in cases where severe illness or emergency has prevented
   the student’s being present at the final examination.
4.   Late arrivals or early departures count as 1/3 of an absence.
5.   Excused absences due to extenuating circumstances or family emergencies must be verified.
6.   More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a failing (F) grade.

1.    Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted in any of the classrooms.
2.    Cell-phones, laptops, electronic devices, must be turned off during class time NO TEXTING
      !!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!
      Although websites such as Wikipedia are often helpful tools for research, studies have shown that
      multi-tasking results in lower overall performance and retention. Please take handwritten notes
      and then conduct supplemental research outside of class.
3.    If student is caught disrupting the class, talking, sleeping or text messaging during a lecture, he/she
      may be asked to leave for the rest of the class period and/or sent to the department chair.

Class Contacts:
It is strongly encouraged to get at least three classmates’ phone numbers/ e-mail. If you miss a lecture
and/or class schedule changes occur, you can call your a classmate and obtain any missed information. I
teach several classes and cannot personally respond to ALL inquiries as quickly as I would like.

Email Policy: Students may contact/receive class information through their Palm Beach State e-mail

Field Trips:
I have scheduled at least one field trip for this semester. You must sign the liability/release form to attend
with the class. If you absolutely cannot find transportation to the site, you may attend an art exhibit or
cultural event closer to you and retain proof of your visit. Additionally, you must complete the assignment
for the trip, but adapt the questions to the exhibit you have attended.

Professor’s Expectations:
It is important that you demonstrate a willingness to learn, develop, and a desire to try things that may at
first seem difficult. The acquisition of skill and fluency do not come easy, Without a substantial effort you
will not be able to develop your talents. Personal and professional development are the ultimate reward.

Respect towards your classmates and instructor is expected and essential for keeping a positive and
friendly environment throughout the course. You must be willing to clean up after yourself, help others,
and work to create a pleasant and safe class environment in which everyone can learn. Leaving early and
demonstrating a lack of interest or serious desire to improve will result in lower grades.

Artistic Integrity:
All worked turned in must be the product of the student alone and must be produced during this semester.
Friends/family are not allowed to assist you, and you may nor turn in old work completed for another

Unique Requirements of the Class:
Most assignments will require substantial work outside of class. Therefore it is important that you have a
clean, quiet area where you can work, and a surface large enough to place your materials.

Academic Dishonesty *
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student who commits academic dishonesty will receive a grade of
zero for the assignment or test. A second instance of cheating will culminate in a student being given an F or failure
for the class. Instructors may also pursue disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Handbook. Academic
dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with
respect to the student’s academic performance:
(1) cheating on an exam,
(2) collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course,
(3) submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course,
knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an
arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a
person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed
Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false
representation with respect to the student’s academic performance:
(4) cheating on an exam,
(5) collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course,
(6) submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course,
(7) knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an
     arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by
person other that the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed,
(8) plagiarism.
Please refer to the Palm Beach Community College Student Handbook for further information.

The purpose of this information is to assist students in understanding proper classroom behavior. The classroom
should be a learning centered environment in which faculty and students are unhindered by disruptive behavior. You
are a college student and are expected to act in a mature manner. Unfortunately, we are finding students who seem
to be disrespectful of the learning process and their fellow students. Faculty have the authority to manage their
classroom to ensure an environment conducive to learning. Florida Statute Title XLVIII, Chapter 1006.61 and
PBCC Board Rule 6Hx-18-3.35 state:

                  Any person who shall accept the privilege (emphasis added) extended by
                  Florida laws of attendance or employment at any state college, state junior
                  college or state university shall by so attending or working at such institution, be
                  deemed to have given consent to the policies of the institution, the Board of
                  Regents and the laws of this state. Such policies shall include prohibition against
                  disruptive activities at state institutions of higher learning.

         Take responsibility for your education - There is a common myth among students that because they pay
         tuition they deserve to receive credit for the class. This is not true. In fact, students pay approximately 30
         percent of the cost of their education; taxpayers pay the rest. Instructors are here to create a learning
         environment. Whether you learn depends on your willingness to listen, ask appropriate questions, and do
         the work necessary to pass the course. If your academic preparation from high school is weak or if you
         have been out of school for a period of time, you may have to work harder and seek more help in order to

         Attend every class - You will find that students who attend every class, listen to the instructor and take
         good notes will be more likely to pass (with a higher grade). If you have an emergency or illness, contact
         your instructor ahead of time to let her/him know that you will be absent. A local study showed that students
         who missed the first class meeting were more likely later to withdraw or fail. Important note: if you miss a
         class it is your responsibility to meet with the instructor, outside of regular class time, to determine a plan to
         make up the missed work.

         Get to class on time and do not leave class early – Students who enter class late or leave class early
         distract their classmates and the instructor. This is seen as disruption and cannot be tolerated.

         Do not have private conversations - The noise is distracting and disruptive to other students.

         Turn all cellular phones off - It is very distracting to hear someone’s cellular phone go off in class.
Do not dominate other students’ opportunity to learn by asking too many questions - It’s good to ask
         questions and make comments, but if you dominate the class time with too many questions and/or
         comments, the instructor and other students cannot participate in class discussions. When asking questions
         and making comments, keep them related to the discussion at hand.

         Respect your instructor - Openly challenging the instructor’s knowledge or authority in the classroom is
         not proper. If you take issue with the instructor’s information or instructional methods, make sure that your
         comments are made with respect and without confrontation or antagonism. You may want to discuss your
         issues with her/him privately.

         Instructors’ classroom policies, procedures and teaching styles vary - Some instructors enforce
         attendance policies vigorously; other instructors are more lenient about attendance. Assignments and
         classroom activities are at the prerogative of the instructor. Instructors have the freedom and authority to set
         the guidelines and policies for their individual classroom (within the overall policies of the college). Faculty
         have the right to remove disruptive students from their class.

         Your classmates deserve your respect and support - Others may have different ideas and opinions from
         yours, they may ask questions you perceive to be “stupid,” but they deserve the same level of respect from
         you as you wish from them.

         Come to class prepared - Students who forget common classroom supplies such as a pencil, paper,
         books, test materials, etc. usually waste class time. Students who have not completed their assigned
         homework many times ask questions that could have been answered through their assignments.

         Turn in your work on time - It is important to plan ahead. Students who wait until the last minute to do
         their work usually make lower grades and are more likely to miss deadlines. Study and do your
         assignments every day. If a problem occurs at the last minute such as a computer malfunction, you will still
         be prepared.

         Do not bring children to class - Children in classrooms are distracting to the instructor, other students, and
         you. You need to plan ahead for child care.

         When having academic difficulty seek assistance - Your instructors are willing to assist you however,
         there are other ways to get help. The Student Learning Center (SLC) has tutorial assistance available for
         many courses, student services can assist with course scheduling and career development and specific
         courses, such as SLS1501 Strategies for College Success, are offered to help you succeed.

If you have questions or need assistance, please make an appointment to see your academic advisor or call 207-
5340. She/he is willing to assist you so you can succeed.

Computer Competency Statement:
     Each student will, to the satisfaction of the professor, demonstrate a fundamental understanding
     of basic computer operations through various professor-determined exercises and/or
     assignments. These assignments are listed in the methods of evaluation.

Disability Support Services:
College-Wide Coordinator             Susan Lang         868-3375
Belle Glade                                  John Pierson            993-1125
Boca Raton                                   Susan Mills       862-4316
Lake Worth                                   Jelecia Kirk      868-3046
Palm Beach Gardens                           Ken Swain                 207-5345

Eating, Drinking and Smoking
Eating and drinking are confined to (specific to campus). Smoking is not permitted in any College building.

Student Responsibility Policy
When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct
themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life. By enrolling, they pledge to obey the rules and
regulations of the College and are responsible for observing all College policies and procedures as published in the
student handbook, the College catalog and other College publications. The student will be responsible for preparing
for class, participating in class, and completing assignments on time.

PBCC Websites of Interest
Home Page                          
Career Center                      
Disability Support Services
Distance Learning                  
Financial Aid                      
Library Learning Resource Center
Programs of Study                  
Student Services          
Testing Center                     

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Painting 2 syllabus

  • 1. PAINTING 2 PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE Palm Beach Gardens- Eissey Campus Professor Jacques de Beaufort Course number: ART 2501C Room: BB 00109 Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 32 Lab Hours: 32 Funding Category: Advanced Professional (Transfer) Prerequisites: ART 2500C Gordon Rule: No. Required Text: None. FULL COURSE OUTLINE To Link directly to this course outline please click on the following: PROFESSOR’S CONTACT INFORMATION Jacques de Beaufort Office hours: By appointment, see schedule on AA 107 Email: Phone: 561-207-5374 Fax: 561-207-500 Class website: DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. Robert Gingras Palm Beach State College-Eissey Campus 3160 PGA Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 ph: 561.207.5420 , fax: 561.207.5009 email address: COURSE DESCRIPTION A intermediate college course in painting allows experimentation in acrylics and gouache. Projects are designed to provide experience in mixing colors, selection and application to surfaces of various types. Exercises are assigned which expand the thinking of the student as relates to the possibilities of creativity through the paint media. Supply purchase required. Studio fee required. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Identify and apply a variety of painting techniques and media. 2. Demonstrate the preliminary, intermediate and final stages of the painting process as well as the use of value, texture and color in the design of a painting in two-dimensional image making. 3. Understand the technical process of preparing a canvas or panel and the process of applying oil or acrylic paint to these surfaces. 4. Develop and justify attitudes and approaches in selecting and painting various subject matter (self-portraits), landscapes, still lives, architecture, old masters reproductions). 5. Explore with confidence the abstract and non-abstract considerations of painting. 6. Create a sense of unity on the picture plane through manipulation of color, line, shape, space, texture and composition according to various systems of design. 7. Develop a sense of aesthetic judgment on a personal and individual level. 8. Differentiate and interpret the narrative, psychological, and conceptual aspects of a painting.
  • 2. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Fundamental Techniques During class, we will discuss the fundamental techniques as listed in the course objectives. Demonstrations will be followed by in-class work time where you will complete exercises using the demonstrated technique(s). Power Point Lectures Instructional images and examples from Art History will provide a broad array of images that will amplify and enhance student understanding of given objectives. It is important to have a substantial knowledge of imagery to create personal work with greater depth and vision. Class Critique After we have completed our projects, the class will gather to discuss our work. By looking and talking about our work and the way in which others perceive it, we will come to understand the essentials of visual communication. METHODS OF EVALUATION Homework Homework consists of practice assignments that you will execute at home. Practice is essential to developing your skills and you will find that progress is difficult without it. Projects You will be expected to complete a specific project in regards to each lecture topic and completion of this stated assignment will be the source of points which will determine your grade. PROJE CT CALENDAR/ COURSE CONTENT Notes on the Assignments From the onset of the class the students will be involved in problem solving assignments. Each project presents problems that must be evaluated, analyzed, and solved. Each project leads into the next and provides for a synthesis of knowledge and overall comprehension of the painting medium. An example of this critical thinking in class is shown by the student's ability to: A. Create and design a painting using the visual vocabulary. B. Evaluate the finishing painting. C. Apply the knowledge gained in class in analyzing other paintings. D. Look at painting more critically through application and evaluation., 1. Techniques for canvas/panel application Students learn basic surface preparation techniques for painting on illustration board, masonite, and stretched canvas. Special attention given to gesso/ sizing agents and discussion of variable surface qualities and their affect on paint application. DATE: tba 2. Introduction of Color Theories and Techniques for Mixing Color Using acrylic paints, students create color wheels and value charts as well as cross-mixing experiments with compliments and triads. Various color mixing techniques are discussed, the role of saturation, tinting, shading, and simultaneous color contrast. Glazing is also discussed, and paint extending, drying retardants and palette storage/ brush care is explained. DATE: tba 3. Color Mixing/ Grid Method project Using a photograph that has been traced/ transferred to an illustration board, students fill in broad simple areas using a pre-determined palette. The goal of this project is to demonstrate an ability to correctly mix color and reproduce given palettes as accurately as possible. DATE : tba 4. The Still Life Working first with monochromatic palettes, students will build their skills to include complex color situations and ways to approach simple still life compositions. The role of reflected light, local color, and various chromatic values will be discussed with regards to achieving a volumetric and mimetic representation. Various paint application methods will be explored.
  • 3. DATE:Ttba 5. The Landscape Landscape will be approached from various angles including plein-air and photorealistic methods. Special attention will be given to spatial illusionism and compositional awareness. Color mixing with regards to mood, light, and atmosphere is and important consideration, as well as thinking about how shapes and colors may appear to move forward or receed into pictorial space. DATE:tba 6. The self-portrait The self-portrait project is an opportunity to consider the ability of painting to reflect inner states of mind-in this regard considerations such as pose, lighting, color theory, and allegorical/metaphorical content become important. It's equally important to work towards convincing human representations and working from life in order to understand the complex and subtle relationships and characteristics of human proportion and anatomy. DATE:tba 7. Abstraction/Expressionism/Decollage Students are given an opportunity to explore nonrepresentational or collage techniques. Although variety and dynamic compositional energy will be emphasized, there will need to be unifying agents that prevent the painting from falling into chaos. In this project, special attention to paint application and it's emotive potential will be emphasized, as well as the importance of color and surface. DATE: tba 8. The interior scene The interior scene is an opportunity to integrate architectural ideas with still-life and/or human representation. Light becomes important, as well as textural variants such as reflection and transparency. A convincing spatial representation and a feeling of "place" are key elements to this assignment. DATE: tba 9. Old Master copy and Interpretation An Old Master painting will be selected from the cannon of art history and analyzed formally. A reproduction will be made using the "grid" method, and the artist will additionally interpret the piece from a contemporary perspective by adding/altering picture elements. DATE: tba 10. Museum Project Writing Assignment With the application of class knowledge, the student will visit a local fine arts gallery, select a painting, and write a critical analysis of the work. Making the paper relevant to class assignments, the painting will be analyzed and evaluated in terms of subject matter, historical period represented, method of paint application, integration of formal considerations (color, texture, line, value, shape, composition) and readability of its conceptual framework. DATE: tba MATERIALS Materials for this class will be EXPENSIVE. Remember, you may not use everything and can continue to paint far into the future. Think of it as an INVESTMENT! Please buy mid-priced paints when possible. Cheap paints usually yield AWFUL and depressing results that may result in mental anguish. Frustration and tears. Good materials=Good Art. SKETCHING SUPPLIES I recommend sketching on your surface first with vine charcoal, and then finalizing the lines with charcoal pencil. Hopefully you have saved your drawing supplies and will not need to re-purchase. PAINTS: If you have previously used oil paint, then you are welcome to continue, however class instruction will be primarily based around acrylic painting techniques.
  • 4. There are three qualities of acrylic paint to consider: CHEAP/BEGINNER: BASICS by Liquitex, Cheap, but very LOW quality. Difficult to work with and achieve similar effects of other paints. Best for use as a primer/ underpainting color NOT RECOMMENDED for anything else. MIDDLE RANGE/ BEGINNER Winsor &Newton GALERIA, is low end of the middle range, can work for you, but still not good quality. FINITY, is the best medium range, mid quality acrylic paint. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. HIGH QUALITY/ INTERMEDIATE, ADVANCED Liquitex Professional Heavy Body If you must, but some white and black is mixing colors or some cadmiums. The best paint to use if money is no option. MY RECOMMENDATION: WINSOR & NEWTON FINITY brand: Yellow ochre 2 oz Burnt sienna 2 oz Raw Sienna 2 oz Ultramarine Blue 2 oz Cadmium Yellow Light 2 oz Cobalt Blue 2 oz Cadmium Red Medium 2 oz Pthalo Blue Greeb Shade 2 oz Cadmium Orange 2 oz Quinacridone Magenta 2 oz Emerald Green 2 oz OPTIONAL: Napthol Red Light 2 oz Burnt Umber 2 oz Olive Green 2 oz Permanent Rose 2 oz Graphite Grey 2 oz Buff Titanium 2 oz Pthalo Turquoise 2oz GALERIA (WINSOR & NEWTON) Pthalo Green 2 oz Permanent Green Light 2 oz Mars Black 200 ml LIQUITEX HEAVY BODY Titanium White 138 ml EXTENDERS/ RETARDENTS, etc. While these additives are not completely NECESSARY for acrylic painting, they will make your life much easier and give your paint increasing flexibility and qualities that lead to better work. Liquitex FLOW AID 118ml Liquitex SLOW-DRI BLENDING MEDIUM 118ml Liquitex SLOW-DRI FLUID RETARDER 118ml Liquitex GLAZING MEDIUM 237 ml Liquitex MATTE VARNISH, 237/473 ml GESSO 1 gallon or litre (approx 946 ml) any brand
  • 5. PALETTE KNIFES: 3-4 of various sizes, cheap white plastic brand ok BRUSHES 1 VALUE PACK BRUSH SET (Princeton Art& Brush) small rounds, midsize flats LARGE BRUSHES 30 Blick Mega Brush, white nylon (filbert) 40 Blick Mega Brush, nylon filbert 50 Blick Mega Brush, nylon, flat PALETTE You can use just about anything: Plastic plates FREEZER PAPER Glass Surgical tray Masterson STA-WET palette SURFACES/SUPPORT MY RECOMMENDATION: Crescent Illustration Board (Cold Press) Heavy Weight 20"x30" quantity 5-6 Pre-cut particle board, masonite, or birch plywood from HOME DEPOT (2-3) ALTERNATIVES: Various sized pre-stretched canvas surfaces TAPE Blue Painters tape (delicate surfaces) from home depot (1 roll) MISCELLANEOUS: Sandpaper 320 grit (6 pack from Home Depot) 1 hairdryer with extension cord 1 roll saran wrap 2 large plastic cups (large big gulp cups fine) 2-3 midsize bowls or cups smock 1 bottle dish detergent (joy or other) carrying cases, boxes, etc paper towels razor blade from box cutter GRADING PROCEDURES Each assignment will have a specific set of stated objectives that must be fulfilled upon completion. Three primary factors determine the grade on any given project: C-P-O=Concept/Professionalism/Originality 1.Concept: Were the stated objectives of the project realized? Did the student utilize design elements and
  • 6. principles to create cohesive and unified composition? Did the student demonstrate an ability to understand the conceptual requirements of each assigned project and a willingness/ability to adhere to standard guidelines? 2. Professionalism: Did the student use assigned materials/techniques to best advantage? Was the project finished completely and thoroughly in the time given? Did the student demonstrate sufficient technical skill to produce finished presentations in keeping with professional industry and gallery standards? 3. Originality: Are the designs innovative and original, or simply rote copies of the examples given? Did the student demonstrate an ability to compose design elements with a sufficient degree of originality and creativity? GRADING SCALE A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 and below A: work of outstanding quality indicating a full, as well as a successful resolution. Moreover, this work challenges and even transcends the limits of the problem(s) and learning objectives as defined. "A" work is not merely competent, it is daring. B: work exhibiting insight into and understanding of objectives and the ideas expressed, but without a full and/or polished resolution of them. C: work gives evidence of only partial understanding and/or exhibits very little refinement. D: work showing almost no understanding or evidence of an effort to try to understand given objectives. F: work that appears mindless (without direction, understanding and/or any evidence of caring). Late Work Policy: Work handed in a 1-6 days late -10%. (including e-mails the day of). Work handed in 7-13 days late -15%. Work handed in 14-20 days late -30%. Work handed in 21-27 days late -45% PLEASE COMPLETE ALL GIVEN ASSIGNMENTS Failure to complete an assignment will result in a 0 grade being given, which is far worse than an F of 59%. It is much preferred to hand in projects late than to not hand them in at all. Most assignments are worth 100 POINTS. To determine your final grade, I add all the points you have earned and then divide this number by the total number of points possible. CLASS POLICIES: ATTENDANCE: 1. Attendance will be taken in each and every class. 2. Absences are detrimental to a student’s grade. 3. “Incomplete” grades are assigned only in cases where severe illness or emergency has prevented the student’s being present at the final examination.
  • 7. 4. Late arrivals or early departures count as 1/3 of an absence. 5. Excused absences due to extenuating circumstances or family emergencies must be verified. 6. More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a failing (F) grade. 7. FAMILY AND PERSONAL VACATIONS DO NOT COUNT AS EXCUSED ABSENCES. I WILL NOT MAKE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS MISSING CLASS FOR LEISURE/TRAVEL. CLASSROOM CONDUCT: 1. Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted in any of the classrooms. 2. Cell-phones, laptops, electronic devices, must be turned off during class time NO TEXTING !!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!! Although websites such as Wikipedia are often helpful tools for research, studies have shown that multi-tasking results in lower overall performance and retention. Please take handwritten notes and then conduct supplemental research outside of class. 3. If student is caught disrupting the class, talking, sleeping or text messaging during a lecture, he/she may be asked to leave for the rest of the class period and/or sent to the department chair. Class Contacts: It is strongly encouraged to get at least three classmates’ phone numbers/ e-mail. If you miss a lecture and/or class schedule changes occur, you can call your a classmate and obtain any missed information. I teach several classes and cannot personally respond to ALL inquiries as quickly as I would like. Email Policy: Students may contact/receive class information through their Palm Beach State e-mail account. Field Trips: I have scheduled at least one field trip for this semester. You must sign the liability/release form to attend with the class. If you absolutely cannot find transportation to the site, you may attend an art exhibit or cultural event closer to you and retain proof of your visit. Additionally, you must complete the assignment for the trip, but adapt the questions to the exhibit you have attended. Professor’s Expectations: It is important that you demonstrate a willingness to learn, develop, and a desire to try things that may at first seem difficult. The acquisition of skill and fluency do not come easy, Without a substantial effort you will not be able to develop your talents. Personal and professional development are the ultimate reward. Respect towards your classmates and instructor is expected and essential for keeping a positive and friendly environment throughout the course. You must be willing to clean up after yourself, help others, and work to create a pleasant and safe class environment in which everyone can learn. Leaving early and demonstrating a lack of interest or serious desire to improve will result in lower grades. Artistic Integrity: All worked turned in must be the product of the student alone and must be produced during this semester. Friends/family are not allowed to assist you, and you may nor turn in old work completed for another class. Unique Requirements of the Class: Most assignments will require substantial work outside of class. Therefore it is important that you have a clean, quiet area where you can work, and a surface large enough to place your materials. PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE
  • 8. Academic Dishonesty * Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student who commits academic dishonesty will receive a grade of zero for the assignment or test. A second instance of cheating will culminate in a student being given an F or failure for the class. Instructors may also pursue disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Handbook. Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student’s academic performance: (1) cheating on an exam, (2) collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (3) submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student’s academic performance: (4) cheating on an exam, (5) collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (6) submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, (7) knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other that the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed, (8) plagiarism. Please refer to the Palm Beach Community College Student Handbook for further information. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE AND STUDENT BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES The purpose of this information is to assist students in understanding proper classroom behavior. The classroom should be a learning centered environment in which faculty and students are unhindered by disruptive behavior. You are a college student and are expected to act in a mature manner. Unfortunately, we are finding students who seem to be disrespectful of the learning process and their fellow students. Faculty have the authority to manage their classroom to ensure an environment conducive to learning. Florida Statute Title XLVIII, Chapter 1006.61 and PBCC Board Rule 6Hx-18-3.35 state: Any person who shall accept the privilege (emphasis added) extended by Florida laws of attendance or employment at any state college, state junior college or state university shall by so attending or working at such institution, be deemed to have given consent to the policies of the institution, the Board of Regents and the laws of this state. Such policies shall include prohibition against disruptive activities at state institutions of higher learning. Take responsibility for your education - There is a common myth among students that because they pay tuition they deserve to receive credit for the class. This is not true. In fact, students pay approximately 30 percent of the cost of their education; taxpayers pay the rest. Instructors are here to create a learning environment. Whether you learn depends on your willingness to listen, ask appropriate questions, and do the work necessary to pass the course. If your academic preparation from high school is weak or if you have been out of school for a period of time, you may have to work harder and seek more help in order to succeed. Attend every class - You will find that students who attend every class, listen to the instructor and take good notes will be more likely to pass (with a higher grade). If you have an emergency or illness, contact your instructor ahead of time to let her/him know that you will be absent. A local study showed that students who missed the first class meeting were more likely later to withdraw or fail. Important note: if you miss a class it is your responsibility to meet with the instructor, outside of regular class time, to determine a plan to make up the missed work. Get to class on time and do not leave class early – Students who enter class late or leave class early distract their classmates and the instructor. This is seen as disruption and cannot be tolerated. Do not have private conversations - The noise is distracting and disruptive to other students. Turn all cellular phones off - It is very distracting to hear someone’s cellular phone go off in class.
  • 9. Do not dominate other students’ opportunity to learn by asking too many questions - It’s good to ask questions and make comments, but if you dominate the class time with too many questions and/or comments, the instructor and other students cannot participate in class discussions. When asking questions and making comments, keep them related to the discussion at hand. Respect your instructor - Openly challenging the instructor’s knowledge or authority in the classroom is not proper. If you take issue with the instructor’s information or instructional methods, make sure that your comments are made with respect and without confrontation or antagonism. You may want to discuss your issues with her/him privately. Instructors’ classroom policies, procedures and teaching styles vary - Some instructors enforce attendance policies vigorously; other instructors are more lenient about attendance. Assignments and classroom activities are at the prerogative of the instructor. Instructors have the freedom and authority to set the guidelines and policies for their individual classroom (within the overall policies of the college). Faculty have the right to remove disruptive students from their class. Your classmates deserve your respect and support - Others may have different ideas and opinions from yours, they may ask questions you perceive to be “stupid,” but they deserve the same level of respect from you as you wish from them. Come to class prepared - Students who forget common classroom supplies such as a pencil, paper, books, test materials, etc. usually waste class time. Students who have not completed their assigned homework many times ask questions that could have been answered through their assignments. Turn in your work on time - It is important to plan ahead. Students who wait until the last minute to do their work usually make lower grades and are more likely to miss deadlines. Study and do your assignments every day. If a problem occurs at the last minute such as a computer malfunction, you will still be prepared. Do not bring children to class - Children in classrooms are distracting to the instructor, other students, and you. You need to plan ahead for child care. When having academic difficulty seek assistance - Your instructors are willing to assist you however, there are other ways to get help. The Student Learning Center (SLC) has tutorial assistance available for many courses, student services can assist with course scheduling and career development and specific courses, such as SLS1501 Strategies for College Success, are offered to help you succeed. If you have questions or need assistance, please make an appointment to see your academic advisor or call 207- 5340. She/he is willing to assist you so you can succeed. Computer Competency Statement: Each student will, to the satisfaction of the professor, demonstrate a fundamental understanding of basic computer operations through various professor-determined exercises and/or assignments. These assignments are listed in the methods of evaluation. Disability Support Services: College-Wide Coordinator Susan Lang 868-3375 Belle Glade John Pierson 993-1125 Boca Raton Susan Mills 862-4316 Lake Worth Jelecia Kirk 868-3046 Palm Beach Gardens Ken Swain 207-5345 Eating, Drinking and Smoking Eating and drinking are confined to (specific to campus). Smoking is not permitted in any College building. Student Responsibility Policy
  • 10. When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life. By enrolling, they pledge to obey the rules and regulations of the College and are responsible for observing all College policies and procedures as published in the student handbook, the College catalog and other College publications. The student will be responsible for preparing for class, participating in class, and completing assignments on time. PBCC Websites of Interest Home Page Advising Catalog Career Center Disability Support Services Distance Learning Financial Aid Honors Library Learning Resource Center PantherWeb/Registration Programs of Study SLC/VPI Student Services Testing Center