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Major Features: Postgres 9.5
POSTGRESQL is an open-source, full-featured relational database.
This presentation gives an overview of the Postgres 9.5 release.
Creative Commons Attribution License
Last updated: November, 2015
1 / 40
PostgreSQL the database…
◮ Open Source Object Relational DBMS since 1996
◮ Distributed under the PostgreSQL License
◮ Similar technical heritage as Oracle, SQL Server & DB2
◮ However, a strong adherence to standards (ANSI-SQL 2008)
◮ Highly extensible and adaptable design
◮ Languages, indexing, data types, etc.
◮ Extensive use throughout the world for applications and
organizations of all types
◮ Bundled into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS
and Amazon Linux
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 2 / 40
PostgreSQL the community…
◮ Independent community led by a Core Team of six
◮ Large, active and vibrant community
◮ Downloads, Mailing lists, Documentation
◮ Sponsors sampler:
◮ Google, Red Hat, VMWare, Skype, Salesforce, HP and
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 3 / 40
EnterpriseDB the company…
◮ Worldwide leader of Postgres based products and services
founded in 2004
◮ Customers include 63 of the Fortune 500 and 137 of the
Forbes Global 2000
◮ 2,700 customers range across many industries including
financial, healthcare, government, retail, telcommunications,
and insurance
◮ Enterprise offerings:
◮ PostgreSQL Support, Services and Training
◮ Postgres Plus Advanced Server with Oracle Compatibility
◮ Tools for Monitoring, Replication, HA, Backup & Recovery
◮ Citizenship
◮ Contributor of key features: Materialized Views, JSON, &
◮ Nine community members on staff
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 4 / 40
EnterpriseDB the company…
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 5 / 40
EnterpriseDB Is a Leader
The Gartner report, Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems, by
Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian, Nick Heudecker, Adam Ronthal, and Terilyn Palanca was
published October 12, 2015.
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 6 / 40
9.5 Feature Outline
1. INSERT … ON CONFLICT, also known as “UPSERT”
2. Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) which enable compact indexing of
very large tables
3. Analytic operations GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP
4. Row-Level Security (RLS)
5. In-memory sorting and hashing performance improvements
6. Multi-core and large memory scalability improvements
7. Automated management of the number of WAL files
8. Additional JSONB data manipulation functions and operators
9. Enhancements to Foreign Data Wrappers
10. Allow Indexed PostGIS LIMIT distance calculations
without CTEs
To be released in 2015, full item list at
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 7 / 40
◮ Turns a conflicting INSERT into an UPDATE
◮ Works for VALUES and SELECT as a row source
◮ Handles concurrent operations without errors
◮ Is row-oriented, unlike MERGE, which is batch-oriented
◮ Does not have the problems associated with the
UPSERT/MERGE implementations of other vendors
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 8 / 40
INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1);
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL: Key (x)=(1) already exists.
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 9 / 40
INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1)
INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1)
SELECT * FROM ins_update_test;
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 10 / 40
INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Big customer’);
INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Non-paying customer’);
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL: Key (cust_id)=(100) already exists.
INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Non-paying customer’)
ON CONFLICT (cust_id) DO UPDATE SET name =;
SELECT * FROM customer;
cust_id | name
100 | Non-paying customer
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 11 / 40
INSERT INTO merge VALUES (1), (3), (5);
INSERT INTO merge SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 5);
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL: Key (x)=(1) already exists
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 12 / 40
INSERT INTO merge SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 5)
SELECT * FROM merge;
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 13 / 40
INSERT INTO merge2 VALUES (1, ’old’), (3, ’old’), (5, ’old’);
INSERT INTO merge2 SELECT *, ’new’ FROM generate_series(2, 5)
UPDATE SET status = ’conflict’;
SELECT * FROM merge2;
x | status
1 | old
2 | new
3 | conflict
4 | new
5 | conflict
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 14 / 40
2. Block-Range Indexes (BRIN)
◮ Tiny indexes designed for large tables
◮ Minimum/maximum values stored for a range of blocks
(default 1MB, 128 8k pages)
◮ Allows skipping large sections of the table that cannot
contain matching values
◮ Ideally for naturally-ordered tables, e.g. insert-only tables are
chronologically ordered
◮ Index is 0.003% the size of the heap
◮ Indexes are inexpensive to update
◮ Index every column at little cost
◮ Slower lookups than btree
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 15 / 40
Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) Example
CREATE TABLE brin_example AS
SELECT generate_series(1,100000000) AS id;
CREATE INDEX btree_index ON brin_example(id);
CREATE INDEX brin_index ON brin_example USING brin(id);
SELECT relname, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(oid))
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname LIKE ’brin_%’ OR relname = ’btree_index’
ORDER BY relname;
relname | pg_size_pretty
brin_example | 3457 MB
btree_index | 2142 MB
brin_index | 104 kB
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 16 / 40
3. Analytic Operations GROUPING SETS,
◮ Allows specification of multiple GROUP BY combinations in a
single query
◮ Avoids the need for UNION ALL and recomputation
◮ Empty fields are left NULL
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 17 / 40
Employee Table
SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY name;
name | office | department
Jill | PHL | Marketing
Lilly | SFO | Sales
Mark | PHL | Marketing
Nancy | PHL | Sales
Sam | SFO | Sales
Tim | PHL | Shipping
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 18 / 40
GROUP BY Example
SELECT office, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY office;
office | count
SFO | 2
PHL | 4
SELECT department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY department;
department | count
Marketing | 2
Shipping | 1
Sales | 3
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 19 / 40
SELECT office, NULL as department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY office
SELECT NULL as office, department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY department
office | department | count
PHL | | 4
SFO | | 2
| Marketing | 2
| Shipping | 1
| Sales | 3
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 20 / 40
SELECT office, department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (office, department)
ORDER BY office, department;
office | department | count
PHL | | 4
SFO | | 2
| Marketing | 2
| Sales | 3
| Shipping | 1
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 21 / 40
ROLLUP Example
SELECT office, department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY ROLLUP (office, department)
ORDER BY office, department;
office | department | count
PHL | Marketing | 2
PHL | Sales | 1
PHL | Shipping | 1
PHL | | 4
SFO | Sales | 2
SFO | | 2
| | 6
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 22 / 40
CUBE Example
SELECT office, department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY CUBE (office, department)
ORDER BY office, department;
office | department | count
PHL | Marketing | 2
PHL | Sales | 1
PHL | Shipping | 1
PHL | | 4
SFO | Sales | 2
SFO | | 2
| Marketing | 2
| Sales | 3
| Shipping | 1
| | 6
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 23 / 40
SELECT office, department, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
((office, department), office, department, ())
ORDER BY office, department;
office | department | count
PHL | Marketing | 2
PHL | Sales | 1
PHL | Shipping | 1
PHL | | 4
SFO | Sales | 2
SFO | | 2
| Marketing | 2
| Sales | 3
| Shipping | 1
| | 6
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 24 / 40
4. Row-Level Security (RLS)
control over existing rows with USING expression
◮ Also INSERT or UPDATE control over added and modified
rows with CHECK expression
◮ Expressions can contain checks for the current user,
subqueries, time comparisons, and function calls
◮ Enabled with GUC row_security, CREATE POLICY, and ALTER
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 25 / 40
Row-Level Security Example
Table Setup
SHOW row_security;
CREATE TABLE orders (id INTEGER, product TEXT,
entered_by TEXT);
CREATE POLICY orders_control ON orders FOR ALL TO PUBLIC
USING (entered_by = CURRENT_USER);
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 26 / 40
Row-Level Security Example
User Setup
INSERT INTO orders VALUES (101, ’fuse’, CURRENT_USER);
INSERT INTO orders VALUES (102, ’bolt’, CURRENT_USER);
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 27 / 40
Row-Level Security Example
SELECT * FROM orders;
id | product | entered_by
101 | fuse | emp1
102 | bolt | emp2
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 28 / 40
Row-Level Security Example
SELECT * FROM orders;
id | product | entered_by
101 | fuse | emp1
SELECT * FROM orders;
id | product | entered_by
102 | bolt | emp2
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 29 / 40
5. In-Memory Sorting and
Hashing Performance Improvements
◮ Allow VARCHAR(), TEXT and NUMERIC() to use the
abbreviated sorting optimization
◮ Use memcmp()as quick string equality checks before collation
◮ Decrease the average number of hash entries per bucket from
10 to 1
◮ Pre-allocate the maximum number of hash buckets in cases
where we are likely to use multiple work_mem-sized batches
◮ Allow CREATE INDEX, REINDEX, and CLUSTER to use inlined
◮ Allow use of 128-bit accumulators for aggregate
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 30 / 40
6. Multi-Core and Large Memory
Scalability Improvements
◮ Improve concurrency of shared buffer replacement
◮ Reduce the number of page locks and pins during index scans
◮ Make backend local tracking of buffer pins memory efficient
◮ Improve lock scalability on multi-socket systems
◮ Increase the number of shared buffer mapping hash table
entries from 16 to 128
◮ Allow searching for a free shared buffer to use minimal
◮ Force buffer descriptors to be CPU-cache aligned (128 bytes)
◮ Reduce btree page pinning
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 31 / 40
7. Automated Management of the Number of WAL
◮ New GUC variables min_wal_size and max_wal_size control
the minimum and maximum size of the pg_xlog directory
◮ Previously checkpoint_segments controlled only the
maximum directory size (previously WAL files were not
◮ Size specified in bytes, not segment files
◮ Allows use of additional WAL files only when needed
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 32 / 40
Management of WAL Files
111 1 1Begin 1
Rotate 2 22
2 2 2End 1
2 2 21 1
PostgreSQL Shared Buffer Cache Write−Ahead Log
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 33 / 40
8. Additional JSONB Data Manipulation Functions
and Operators
◮ Add jsonb_set(), which allows replacement of or addition
to JSONB documents
◮ Allow removal of JSONB documents using the subtraction
◮ Allow merging of JSONB documents using the concatenation
(|| operator)
◮ Add function to remove null values from documents
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 34 / 40
9. Enhancements to Foreign Data Wrappers
◮ Add IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA to create a local table
matching the schema of a foreign table
◮ Allow foreign tables to be part of inheritance trees
◮ Allow CHECK constraints on foreign tables
◮ Add infrastructure for foreign table join pushdown
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 35 / 40
10. Allow Indexed PostGIS LIMIT
Distance Calculations without CTEs
◮ Nearest neighbor searches allow index lookups to return the
closest matches, e.g. return the 10 nearest points to a given
◮ Only the bounding boxes of two-dimensional objects are
indexed, e.g. polygon, circle, line
◮ Previously LIMIT could not combine bounding box index
lookups with accurate calculations
◮ Now LIMIT bounding box index filtering can recheck using
accurate distance calculations
◮ Workaround was to use a CTE with a 10x limit, then an outer
query to do accurate distance calculations
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 36 / 40
Pre-9.5 LIMIT Distance Example
WITH index_query AS (
SELECT st_distance(geom,
’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’) AS distance,
parcel_id, address
FROM parcels
ORDER BY geom <-> ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’
FROM index_query
ORDER BY distance
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 37 / 40
9.5 LIMIT Distance Example
SELECT st_distance(geom,
’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’) AS distance,
parcel_id, address
FROM parcels
ORDER BY geom <-> ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 38 / 40
Additional Resources…
◮ Postgres Downloads:
◮ Product and Services information:
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 39 / 40
Major Features: Postgres 9.5 40 / 40

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Overview of Postgres 9.5

  • 1. Major Features: Postgres 9.5 BRUCE MOMJIAN POSTGRESQL is an open-source, full-featured relational database. This presentation gives an overview of the Postgres 9.5 release. Creative Commons Attribution License Last updated: November, 2015 1 / 40
  • 2. PostgreSQL the database… ◮ Open Source Object Relational DBMS since 1996 ◮ Distributed under the PostgreSQL License ◮ Similar technical heritage as Oracle, SQL Server & DB2 ◮ However, a strong adherence to standards (ANSI-SQL 2008) ◮ Highly extensible and adaptable design ◮ Languages, indexing, data types, etc. ◮ E.g. PostGIS, JSONB, SQL/MED ◮ Extensive use throughout the world for applications and organizations of all types ◮ Bundled into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS and Amazon Linux Major Features: Postgres 9.5 2 / 40
  • 3. PostgreSQL the community… ◮ Independent community led by a Core Team of six ◮ Large, active and vibrant community ◮ ◮ Downloads, Mailing lists, Documentation ◮ Sponsors sampler: ◮ Google, Red Hat, VMWare, Skype, Salesforce, HP and EnterpriseDB ◮ Major Features: Postgres 9.5 3 / 40
  • 4. EnterpriseDB the company… ◮ Worldwide leader of Postgres based products and services founded in 2004 ◮ Customers include 63 of the Fortune 500 and 137 of the Forbes Global 2000 ◮ 2,700 customers range across many industries including financial, healthcare, government, retail, telcommunications, and insurance ◮ Enterprise offerings: ◮ PostgreSQL Support, Services and Training ◮ Postgres Plus Advanced Server with Oracle Compatibility ◮ Tools for Monitoring, Replication, HA, Backup & Recovery Community ◮ Citizenship ◮ Contributor of key features: Materialized Views, JSON, & more ◮ Nine community members on staff Major Features: Postgres 9.5 4 / 40
  • 5. EnterpriseDB the company… Major Features: Postgres 9.5 5 / 40
  • 6. EnterpriseDB Is a Leader The Gartner report, Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems, by Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian, Nick Heudecker, Adam Ronthal, and Terilyn Palanca was published October 12, 2015. Major Features: Postgres 9.5 6 / 40
  • 7. 9.5 Feature Outline 1. INSERT … ON CONFLICT, also known as “UPSERT” 2. Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) which enable compact indexing of very large tables 3. Analytic operations GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP 4. Row-Level Security (RLS) 5. In-memory sorting and hashing performance improvements 6. Multi-core and large memory scalability improvements 7. Automated management of the number of WAL files 8. Additional JSONB data manipulation functions and operators 9. Enhancements to Foreign Data Wrappers 10. Allow Indexed PostGIS LIMIT distance calculations without CTEs To be released in 2015, full item list at Major Features: Postgres 9.5 7 / 40
  • 8. 1. INSERT … ON CONFLICT ◮ Turns a conflicting INSERT into an UPDATE ◮ Works for VALUES and SELECT as a row source ◮ Handles concurrent operations without errors ◮ Is row-oriented, unlike MERGE, which is batch-oriented ◮ Does not have the problems associated with the UPSERT/MERGE implementations of other vendors ( Major Features: Postgres 9.5 8 / 40
  • 9. INSERT … ON CONFLICT Example CREATE TABLE ins_update_test (x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ins_update_test_pkey" DETAIL: Key (x)=(1) already exists. Major Features: Postgres 9.5 9 / 40
  • 10. INSERT … ON CONFLICT Example INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT 0 0 INSERT INTO ins_update_test VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT (x) DO UPDATE SET x = 2; INSERT 0 1 SELECT * FROM ins_update_test; x --- 2 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 10 / 40
  • 11. INSERT … ON CONFLICT … EXCLUDED Example CREATE TABLE customer (cust_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT); INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Big customer’); INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Non-paying customer’); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "customer_pkey" DETAIL: Key (cust_id)=(100) already exists. INSERT INTO customer VALUES (100, ’Non-paying customer’) ON CONFLICT (cust_id) DO UPDATE SET name =; SELECT * FROM customer; cust_id | name ---------+--------------------- 100 | Non-paying customer Major Features: Postgres 9.5 11 / 40
  • 12. INSERT … ON CONFLICT with SELECT CREATE TABLE merge (x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO merge VALUES (1), (3), (5); INSERT INTO merge SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 5); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "merge_pkey" DETAIL: Key (x)=(1) already exists Major Features: Postgres 9.5 12 / 40
  • 13. INSERT … ON CONFLICT with SELECT INSERT INTO merge SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 5) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; SELECT * FROM merge; x --- 1 3 5 2 4 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 13 / 40
  • 14. INSERT … ON CONFLICT … UPDATE with SELECT CREATE TABLE merge2 (x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, status TEXT); INSERT INTO merge2 VALUES (1, ’old’), (3, ’old’), (5, ’old’); INSERT INTO merge2 SELECT *, ’new’ FROM generate_series(2, 5) ON CONFLICT (x) DO UPDATE SET status = ’conflict’; SELECT * FROM merge2; x | status ---+---------- 1 | old 2 | new 3 | conflict 4 | new 5 | conflict Major Features: Postgres 9.5 14 / 40
  • 15. 2. Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) ◮ Tiny indexes designed for large tables ◮ Minimum/maximum values stored for a range of blocks (default 1MB, 128 8k pages) ◮ Allows skipping large sections of the table that cannot contain matching values ◮ Ideally for naturally-ordered tables, e.g. insert-only tables are chronologically ordered ◮ Index is 0.003% the size of the heap ◮ Indexes are inexpensive to update ◮ Index every column at little cost ◮ Slower lookups than btree Major Features: Postgres 9.5 15 / 40
  • 16. Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) Example CREATE TABLE brin_example AS SELECT generate_series(1,100000000) AS id; CREATE INDEX btree_index ON brin_example(id); CREATE INDEX brin_index ON brin_example USING brin(id); SELECT relname, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(oid)) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE ’brin_%’ OR relname = ’btree_index’ ORDER BY relname; relname | pg_size_pretty --------------+---------------- brin_example | 3457 MB btree_index | 2142 MB brin_index | 104 kB Major Features: Postgres 9.5 16 / 40
  • 17. 3. Analytic Operations GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP ◮ Allows specification of multiple GROUP BY combinations in a single query ◮ Avoids the need for UNION ALL and recomputation ◮ Empty fields are left NULL Major Features: Postgres 9.5 17 / 40
  • 18. Employee Table SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY name; name | office | department -------+--------+------------ Jill | PHL | Marketing Lilly | SFO | Sales Mark | PHL | Marketing Nancy | PHL | Sales Sam | SFO | Sales Tim | PHL | Shipping Major Features: Postgres 9.5 18 / 40
  • 19. GROUP BY Example SELECT office, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY office; office | count --------+------- SFO | 2 PHL | 4 SELECT department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY department; department | count ------------+------- Marketing | 2 Shipping | 1 Sales | 3 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 19 / 40
  • 20. GROUP BY with UNION ALL SELECT office, NULL as department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY office UNION ALL SELECT NULL as office, department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY department ORDER BY 1; office | department | count --------+------------+------- PHL | | 4 SFO | | 2 | Marketing | 2 | Shipping | 1 | Sales | 3 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 20 / 40
  • 21. GROUPING SETS Example SELECT office, department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (office, department) ORDER BY office, department; office | department | count --------+------------+------- PHL | | 4 SFO | | 2 | Marketing | 2 | Sales | 3 | Shipping | 1 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 21 / 40
  • 22. ROLLUP Example SELECT office, department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY ROLLUP (office, department) ORDER BY office, department; office | department | count --------+------------+------- PHL | Marketing | 2 PHL | Sales | 1 PHL | Shipping | 1 PHL | | 4 SFO | Sales | 2 SFO | | 2 | | 6 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 22 / 40
  • 23. CUBE Example SELECT office, department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY CUBE (office, department) ORDER BY office, department; office | department | count --------+------------+------- PHL | Marketing | 2 PHL | Sales | 1 PHL | Shipping | 1 PHL | | 4 SFO | Sales | 2 SFO | | 2 | Marketing | 2 | Sales | 3 | Shipping | 1 | | 6 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 23 / 40
  • 24. GROUPING SETS Equivalent of CUBE SELECT office, department, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((office, department), office, department, ()) ORDER BY office, department; office | department | count --------+------------+------- PHL | Marketing | 2 PHL | Sales | 1 PHL | Shipping | 1 PHL | | 4 SFO | Sales | 2 SFO | | 2 | Marketing | 2 | Sales | 3 | Shipping | 1 | | 6 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 24 / 40
  • 25. 4. Row-Level Security (RLS) ◮ Allows SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE permission control over existing rows with USING expression ◮ Also INSERT or UPDATE control over added and modified rows with CHECK expression ◮ Expressions can contain checks for the current user, subqueries, time comparisons, and function calls ◮ Enabled with GUC row_security, CREATE POLICY, and ALTER TABLE … ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY Major Features: Postgres 9.5 25 / 40
  • 26. Row-Level Security Example Table Setup SHOW row_security; row_security -------------- on CREATE TABLE orders (id INTEGER, product TEXT, entered_by TEXT); ALTER TABLE orders ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; CREATE POLICY orders_control ON orders FOR ALL TO PUBLIC USING (entered_by = CURRENT_USER); GRANT ALL ON TABLE orders TO PUBLIC; Major Features: Postgres 9.5 26 / 40
  • 27. Row-Level Security Example User Setup CREATE USER emp1; CREATE USER emp2; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION emp1; INSERT INTO orders VALUES (101, ’fuse’, CURRENT_USER); SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION emp2; INSERT INTO orders VALUES (102, ’bolt’, CURRENT_USER); Major Features: Postgres 9.5 27 / 40
  • 28. Row-Level Security Example Testing SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres; SELECT * FROM orders; id | product | entered_by -----+---------+------------ 101 | fuse | emp1 102 | bolt | emp2 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 28 / 40
  • 29. Row-Level Security Example Testing SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION emp1; SELECT * FROM orders; id | product | entered_by -----+---------+------------ 101 | fuse | emp1 SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION emp2; SELECT * FROM orders; id | product | entered_by -----+---------+------------ 102 | bolt | emp2 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 29 / 40
  • 30. 5. In-Memory Sorting and Hashing Performance Improvements ◮ Allow VARCHAR(), TEXT and NUMERIC() to use the abbreviated sorting optimization ◮ Use memcmp()as quick string equality checks before collation comparisons ◮ Decrease the average number of hash entries per bucket from 10 to 1 ◮ Pre-allocate the maximum number of hash buckets in cases where we are likely to use multiple work_mem-sized batches ◮ Allow CREATE INDEX, REINDEX, and CLUSTER to use inlined sorting ◮ Allow use of 128-bit accumulators for aggregate computations Major Features: Postgres 9.5 30 / 40
  • 31. 6. Multi-Core and Large Memory Scalability Improvements ◮ Improve concurrency of shared buffer replacement ◮ Reduce the number of page locks and pins during index scans ◮ Make backend local tracking of buffer pins memory efficient ◮ Improve lock scalability on multi-socket systems ◮ Increase the number of shared buffer mapping hash table entries from 16 to 128 ◮ Allow searching for a free shared buffer to use minimal locking ◮ Force buffer descriptors to be CPU-cache aligned (128 bytes) ◮ Reduce btree page pinning Major Features: Postgres 9.5 31 / 40
  • 32. 7. Automated Management of the Number of WAL Files ◮ New GUC variables min_wal_size and max_wal_size control the minimum and maximum size of the pg_xlog directory ◮ Previously checkpoint_segments controlled only the maximum directory size (previously WAL files were not removed) ◮ Size specified in bytes, not segment files ◮ Allows use of additional WAL files only when needed Major Features: Postgres 9.5 32 / 40
  • 33. Management of WAL Files 000000000000 111111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000000 111111111111 000000 000 111111 111 00000000 0000 11111111 1111 00000000 0000 11111111 1111 000000000 111111111 000000000000 111111111111 000000000000 111111111111 000000000000 111111111111 000000000 111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 000000000000 111111111111 111 1 1Begin 1 Rotate 2 22 2 2 2End 1 2 2 21 1 PostgreSQL Shared Buffer Cache Write−Ahead Log Major Features: Postgres 9.5 33 / 40
  • 34. 8. Additional JSONB Data Manipulation Functions and Operators ◮ Add jsonb_set(), which allows replacement of or addition to JSONB documents ◮ Allow removal of JSONB documents using the subtraction operator ◮ Allow merging of JSONB documents using the concatenation (|| operator) ◮ Add function to remove null values from documents Major Features: Postgres 9.5 34 / 40
  • 35. 9. Enhancements to Foreign Data Wrappers ◮ Add IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA to create a local table matching the schema of a foreign table ◮ Allow foreign tables to be part of inheritance trees ◮ Allow CHECK constraints on foreign tables ◮ Add infrastructure for foreign table join pushdown Major Features: Postgres 9.5 35 / 40
  • 36. 10. Allow Indexed PostGIS LIMIT Distance Calculations without CTEs ◮ Nearest neighbor searches allow index lookups to return the closest matches, e.g. return the 10 nearest points to a given point ◮ Only the bounding boxes of two-dimensional objects are indexed, e.g. polygon, circle, line ◮ Previously LIMIT could not combine bounding box index lookups with accurate calculations ◮ Now LIMIT bounding box index filtering can recheck using accurate distance calculations ◮ Workaround was to use a CTE with a 10x limit, then an outer query to do accurate distance calculations Major Features: Postgres 9.5 36 / 40
  • 37. Pre-9.5 LIMIT Distance Example WITH index_query AS ( SELECT st_distance(geom, ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’) AS distance, parcel_id, address FROM parcels ORDER BY geom <-> ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’ LIMIT 100 ) SELECT * FROM index_query ORDER BY distance LIMIT 10; Major Features: Postgres 9.5 37 / 40
  • 38. 9.5 LIMIT Distance Example SELECT st_distance(geom, ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’) AS distance, parcel_id, address FROM parcels ORDER BY geom <-> ’SRID=3005;POINT(1011102 450541)’ LIMIT 10 Major Features: Postgres 9.5 38 / 40
  • 39. Additional Resources… ◮ Postgres Downloads: ◮ ◮ Product and Services information: ◮ Major Features: Postgres 9.5 39 / 40