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Session #1.
Encountering Genesis
Areas/ regions:        Nations:

Fertile crescent      Israel
Ancient Mesopotamia   Egyptians
Egypt & Negev         Assyrians
 (Arabian desert)      Babylonians
Palestine/ Canaan     Persians
God’s people
…in God’s land
…ruled by God’s king
…acc. to God’s law
God the Creator & Redeemer
The Patriarchs (Father figures of Israel)
Moses, Joshua (& the birth of a nation)
Period of the Judges
Monarchy       United (Saul, David & Solomon)
                Divided (North & South)
Prophets       Captivity Exile       Return
                (Isaiah, Jeremiah Daniel , Ezekiel
First five books of the Bible
Greek: pente (five) & teuchos (scroll)
Torah (Law/Instruction): Book of the Law of
History: From beginning of recorded time
 formation of Israel as God’s people, awaiting
 entry into their “promised land” (1400 or 1250 BC)
Theological foundation for rest of the Bible
…History seen through Theology
Genesis = book of beginnings
Exodus = book of salvation (“departure”)
Leviticus = book of worship (&
Numbers = book of wilderness journeys
Deuteronomy = book of the second Law
God is … & He is a great King (sovereign)
History is His Story (in time & space)
Humanity is special…but fallen!
Paradise lost – & the search for peace (shalom)
God loves & God saves (always takes the initiative)
There is a way back to God (vs. a way of man)
God wants a people      …to know him (relationship)
                         …to be like him (holiness)
                         …to reveal him, to the nations
Compiled by Moses?
During late bronze age (1500-1200 BC)
Probably during period of 1450-1400 BC
 Fertile crescent in Arabia (2000 yrs)
 Palestine (200 yrs)
 Egypt (100 yrs)
Relationships (God to nature; God to
    humanity; Human to human)
Where did everything come from?
Why are we here?
Are we alone in the universe?
What’s wrong with the world?
Why do we do the things we do?
Where are we going?
Is this life all there is?
God is!

God is one, is distinct & yet is personal

God is sovereign (in control)

God enters into covenants (binding agreements)

God can be known thru…          sacrifice

                     by......    faith
Primeval history       Patriarchal history
(Chapters 1-11)        (Chapters 12-50)

1. Creation (1-2)      1. Abraham (12-21)
2. Fall (3-4)          2. Isaac (22-25)
3. Flood (5-9)         3. Jacob (25-36)
4. Scattering of the   4. Joseph (37-50)
    nations (10-11)
Four foundational      Four foundational
  stories                people
Cain Abel Seth
                                 (various generations)
     Noah (pre- Bronze-age c. 3500 BC)
     Shem         Ham          Japheth
                                   (various generations)
     Terah (c. 2300 BC)
     Abraham      Nahor        Haran
     Isaac        Ishmael
     Jacob        Esau
     Joseph (& his 11 brothers) – Twelve Tribes of Israel
“This is the account (these are the generations) of…”
1.  The heavens & the earth    2:4-4:26
2. Adam’s line                 5:1-6:8
3. Noah (Adam’s descendant)    6:9-9:29
4. Shem, Ham & Japheth         10:1-11:9
5. Shem (Noah’s son)           11:10-26
6. Terah (Shem’s descendant    11:27-25:11
    & Abraham’s father)
7. Ishmael (Abraham’s son)     25:12-18
8. Isaac (Abraham’s son)       25:19-35:29
9. Esau (Isaac’s son)          36:1-37:1
10. Jacob (Isaac’s son         37:2-50:26
    & Joseph’s father)
The Story of
Order & design
Intro. “God said”
                What?               Response?
Day 1          Light
Day 2          Sky
Day 3          Land                Good
                Vegetation          Good
Day 4          Sun, moon & stars   Good
Day 5          Fish & birds        Good/ Blessed
Day 6          Animals             Good
                Humans              Very good/ Blessed
Day 7 “God rested…sanctified”      Blessed
   Announcement: “And God said…”
   Command (Creative word): “Let there be…”
   Report (Fulfillment): “And it was so…”
   Evaluation: “And God saw that it was good…”
   Conclusion: “There was evening & morning…”
                  •   The bricklayer (foundation & walls)
                  •   The carpenter (framing)
                  •   The plumber (piping)
                  •   The electrician (wiring)
                  •   The plasterer (covering)
                  • The decorator (presentation/ finishing)
                      A day off!
Day                   Day

1. Light             4. Luminaries (sun, moon,
2. Heavens             stars)

3. Earth/ vegetation 5. Fish/ birds
                      6. Animals/ mankind

            7. Rest/ “Sabbath”
Creation science/ Creationism: God created the universe
 during 6 consecutive 24 hour days 6000-10,000 years ago,
 precisely as a literal interpretation of Genesis would indicate.
 All of the various species of plants and animals that currently
 exist (and that once existed) on earth are descendants of the
 original life forms that God created during the single week of
 creation. This is largely rejected among scientists today.
Theistic evolution/ Intelligent design: The universe is
 about 15 billion years old. The earth's crust developed about
 4 billion years ago. God created the first cell, and then used
 evolution as a tool to guide the development of each new
 species. The process, in successive stages, culminated in
 human beings.
Scientific/ Naturalism: Beliefs are similar to the theistic
 view, except that God is assumed to have played no part in
 the processes. Scientists assume evolution was driven by
 blind, random, purely natural forces.
The universe started with the "big bang" c.15 billion years
The world coalesced about 4.5 billion years ago.
The earth developed a crust about 3.9 billion years ago.
Crude, primitive forms of life appeared shortly thereafter.
Plant and animal species have been evolving ever since.
Fossil-bearing rock layers are composed of sediment
 which was laid down over an interval of millions of years.
Dinosaurs became extinct tens of millions of years ago,
 long before the first humans evolved. Meteor shower?
Humans evolved thru intervention of God 40,000+ years
 ago (from dust of the ground, along with animals, but
 received the neshana/ breath of life, from God)
1.   15-8 (billion)        Creation of universe Big bang
2.   Light separates from darkness .Electrons bond to form nuclei, light appears,
     galaxies form.
2.   8-4 (billion)                  Heavenly firmament forms .Milky Way & Sun
     (main star) forms
3.   4-2 (billion)                  Oceans/ dry land appear.            Earth cools /
     liquid water appears. First life form (plants). Bacteria/ algae life forms.
4.   2 (billion)-750,000         Sun, moon & stars   Earth’s atmosphere
     transparent, becomes visible in heavens. Photosynthesis produces
     oxygen-rich atmosphere.
5.   750,000-250,000 First animal life (in waters), First multi-cellular
     animals, reptiles & winged creatures waters swarm & insects form.
6.   250,000-6000        Land animals, mammals,      Massive extinction
     destroys c .90% of life. Land repopulated. Hominids, humankind
The Calendar-Day Interpretation

The Day-Age Interpretation

The Framework Interpretation

The Analogical Days Interpretation
Creationism     Intelligent       Evolution
Henry Morris                       Charles Darwin
                 Bernard Ramm
John Whitcomb                      David Attenborough
                 Hugh Ross
Duane T. Gish                      Stephen J. Gould
                 Phillip Johnson
Ken Ham                            Richard Dawkins
                 William Dembski
Kent Hovind                        (Theistic Evolution)
                 Lee Strobel
Tim LaHaye                         Francis Collins
                 Jonathan Wells
John MacArthur                     Alistair McGrath
                 J.P. Moreland
                                   NT Wright
Relationship &
When God created man (adam), he
 made him in the likeness of God. He
 created them male (zakar ) and
 female (nekebah) and blessed them.
 And when they were created, he
 called them “man”. [adam] Gen. 5:1-2
  NB. Always know when the Hebrew is …adam
 (humanity/ mankind), ish/ ishah (man/ woman or
 husband/ wife); or zakar/ nekebah (male/ female)

Man alone = “not good” Man/woman= “very
Together they reflect the image of God.
“God blessed them” (1:28)
Together they are commanded to “rule”…
 “be fruitful”, “increase/ fill”, “subdue”.
“The helper” (2:18) – equal yet distinct
Before the fall, equality – afterwards heirarchy
 What it is not!                  What it is!

Physical                          Mental likeness
Psychological                     Moral likeness
Perfection                        Social likeness


History begins & ends in a garden.
Man was a “living being (or soul)” - “breath of life”.
Mankind created for relationship & freedom-with-responsibility
to tend/ rule God’s creation (together).
Key lessons:

Role of the “serpent” (Rev. 12:9; 20:2)
Process of temptation (cf. James 1:14-16)
 “Deceived – desire – dragged away – death”
Did they die? – they did, they are & they will !
Shame, fear & separation (from God)
Eve was deceived, Adam was right by her side (v.6)
 & he disobeyed knowingly.
Deception & disobedience always bring
(Serpent) Visible curse upon the creature & first
  promise of salvation (through suffering). (vv. 14-15)
(Woman) Pain in childbearing & hierarchy in her
  relationship with the man. (v. 16)
(Man) Curse upon the ground. Work will become
  a painful toil. His body will die & return to the
  ground. Names his wife, “Eve”. (vv. 17-20)
 God banishes man from Eden, but protects them &
  provides for their salvation. (vv. 21-24)
 “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman
 who was deceived and became a sinner.”
                           (1 Tim 2:14; 2 Cor. 11:3)
“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one
 man, and death through sin, and in this way death
 came to all men, because all sinned.”
                           (Rom. 5:12; 2 Cor. 15:21-22)
“We know …that the whole world is under the control
 of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:9)
Cain         …Individuals

Flood        …Families

Tower of Babel…Nations
“What causes fights1 and quarrels2 among you? Don't
    they come from your desires3 that battle4 within you?”
    James 4:1

 (polemos – war, battle, strife, dispute)
  (mache – armed hand to hand combatants)
  (hedone – desire for personal pleasure/ satisfaction)
  (stratheuomai – lead soldiers in a military expedition
    to war; to fight)
“Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the
 soil. In the course of time Cain brought
 some of the fruits of the soil as an
 offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat
 portions from some of the firstborn of
 his flock. The LORD looked with favor
 (gaze upon with high regard) on Abel and his
 offering, but on Cain and his offering he did
 not look with favor (pay no attention; turn
 one’s eyes away)”.
 Anger, jealousy, hatred & deceit
Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and
 murdered his brother. And why did he murder him?
 Because his own actions were evil and his brother's
 were righteous. (1 Jn. 3:12)
By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than
 Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous
 man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith
 he still speaks, even though he is dead. (Heb. 11:4)
He makes a way open to all (Gen. 3:21)
It is ONLY on the basis of sacrifice, faith & obedience
 (& this may be costly)
We always attempt to come our own way
When we do, God will always turn away & send us
 away from his presence
This will affect our descendants & our culture
There is a godly line & an ungodly line
Building urban centres for our own glory
Polygamy (& challenging the nature of marriage)
Nomadic lifestyle & farming
Music & the arts
Metallurgy (tools…& weapons)-Bronze age 3500
Vengeance, pride…killing & war

 “The Days of Noah” (Matt. 24:37-38; 1 Peter 3:20)
The necessity for the flood (Gen. 6:1-8, 11-13)

The preparations for the flood
 Construction of the Ark; preaching to people; gathering of

The duration of the flood
 7 days waiting-40 days flooding-150 days flooded-1 year

The consequences of the flood
 Altar – Covenant – Sign of covenant – New Laws
 Scattering of the nations (Gen. 11…& 10)
Who were the “Nephilim”(6:4)?

Was the flood local or global?

Why did Noah curse one of his son’s
 children (Canaan) afterwards (9:25)?
Three views:

 Intermarriage of godly & ungodly lines
 (Fallen) angels have sex with human women and
  produce these “fallen ones”
 Men (possessed by evil spirits) have sex with women
  and produce a certain evil offspring
                                (cf. Numbers 13:33)
   Shem (Semitic people)
   Ancestor of Eber (“Hebrew”)
   Under a blessing
   Moved East toward the hill country
   Ancestor of Terah & Abraham
Ham (father of Canaanites)
 Under a curse (9:25)
 Ancestor of warrior peoples (Assyrians, Babylonians,
Philistines & Canaanites tribes)
 Territory included such cities as Sodom, Gomorrah, Sidon &
 Moved into Africa
 Under a blessing
 Ancestor of Soviet & European peoples (“maritime


 ABRAHAM – father of the promise

 ISAAC – son of the promise

 JACOB – inheritor of the promise

 (JOSEPH…continuation of story of Jacob)
God                      God

               Blessing     Grace
Faith/ Trust
               Obedience   Humility

                Isaac      Jacob
 The call of Abraham (ch. 12)

 The covenant with Abraham (chs. 15 & 17)
   A relationship – a seed (son) – a nation – a land
                       …all nations

 The foolish mistake (ch.16) & the wise choice (ch.22)

 The father of faith & The friend of God
     Romans 4…         “The righteous…” (Rom. 1:17)
     James 2…          “shall live…” (Gal. 3:11)
     Hebrews 11…       “by faith.” (Heb. 10:38)
 Promised (12:2-3)
 Formed (15:18)
 Confirmed/ sealed (17)
 Re-stated (22:15-18)
 Confirmed to Isaac (26:2-6, 23-25)
 Transmitted to Jacob (27:27-29; 28:1-4)
 Confirmed to Jacob (28:13-15; 35:9-12; 46:3-4)
 Transmitted to Judah, not Joseph! (49:10)
The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your
  country, your people and your father's
  household & go to the land I will show you.
I will make you into a great nation
        and I will bless you;
        I will make your name great,
        and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
        and whoever curses you I will curse;
        and all peoples on earth
        will be blessed through you."
                                (Gen. 12:1-3)
 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD
  appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty...I
  will confirm my covenant between me and you
  and I will greatly increase your numbers
This is my covenant with you: You will be the
  father of many nations. No longer will you be
  called Abram (exalted father) ; your name will be
  Abraham (father of many), for I have made you
  a father of many nations. I will make you very
  fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings
  will come from you. I will establish my covenant
  as an everlasting covenant between me and you
  and your descendants after you for the
  generations to come, to be your God and the God
  of your descendants after you.”
                                      (Gen. 17:1-7)
This is what Isaiah saw concerning Judah and
 Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the
 LORD's temple will be established as chief
 among the mountains; it will be raised above the
 hills, and all nations will stream to it.
Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go
 up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of
 the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so
 that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD
 from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations
 and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares and
 their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not
 take up sword against nation, nor will they train
 for war anymore.
Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of
 the LORD.       (Isaiah 2:1-5)

        A People

      The Nations

“New heavens & New earth”
 His miraculous birth (ch. 21)
 His father’s test (ch. 22)
 The death of his mother & discovery of his
  wife (chs. 23-24)
 The death of his father & birth of his twin
  sons (ch. 25)
 His obedience during the famine (ch. 24)
 The bestowal of his blessing
                     by deception (ch. 27)
                     by choice (ch. 28)

 The need for transformation (25:19-28:9)
     Rivalry – favoritism - deception
 The way God transforms (28:10-32:32)
     Shows him Himself – shows him himself
 The results of transformation (33:1-36:40)
     New courage – humility – generosity -
Type (picture) of Jesus?

 Favoured son
 Despised brother
 A slave in Egypt                                     Special
 A prince of Egypt                                    role of
 The saviour of his family

** Joseph was not officially one of the patriarchs, but rather an extension
of Jacob’s story. Also remember that the line through which the Messiah/
            blessing would come was Judah – not Joseph **
•   Reuben               •   Dan
•   Simeon               •   Gad
•   Levi (priests)       •   Asher
•   Judah (kings)        •   Naphtali
•   Zebulun              •   Joseph
•   Issachar             •   Benjamin

 “So Joseph died at the age of 110. And after they
embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.”

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OT Session #1. Genesis

  • 2. Areas/ regions: Nations: Fertile crescent Israel Ancient Mesopotamia Egyptians Egypt & Negev Assyrians (Arabian desert) Babylonians Palestine/ Canaan Persians
  • 3.
  • 4. God’s people …in God’s land …ruled by God’s king …acc. to God’s law
  • 5. God the Creator & Redeemer The Patriarchs (Father figures of Israel) Moses, Joshua (& the birth of a nation) Period of the Judges Monarchy United (Saul, David & Solomon) Divided (North & South) Prophets Captivity Exile Return (Isaiah, Jeremiah Daniel , Ezekiel Ezra/Nehemiah)
  • 6. First five books of the Bible Greek: pente (five) & teuchos (scroll) Torah (Law/Instruction): Book of the Law of Moses History: From beginning of recorded time formation of Israel as God’s people, awaiting entry into their “promised land” (1400 or 1250 BC) Theological foundation for rest of the Bible …History seen through Theology
  • 7. Genesis = book of beginnings Exodus = book of salvation (“departure”) Leviticus = book of worship (& priesthood) Numbers = book of wilderness journeys Deuteronomy = book of the second Law
  • 8. God is … & He is a great King (sovereign) History is His Story (in time & space) Humanity is special…but fallen! Paradise lost – & the search for peace (shalom) God loves & God saves (always takes the initiative) There is a way back to God (vs. a way of man) God wants a people …to know him (relationship) …to be like him (holiness) …to reveal him, to the nations
  • 9. Compiled by Moses? During late bronze age (1500-1200 BC) Probably during period of 1450-1400 BC Fertile crescent in Arabia (2000 yrs) Palestine (200 yrs) Egypt (100 yrs) Relationships (God to nature; God to humanity; Human to human)
  • 10. Where did everything come from? Why are we here? Are we alone in the universe? What’s wrong with the world? Why do we do the things we do? Where are we going? Is this life all there is?
  • 11. God is! God is one, is distinct & yet is personal God is sovereign (in control) God enters into covenants (binding agreements) God can be known thru… sacrifice by...... faith
  • 12. Primeval history Patriarchal history (Chapters 1-11) (Chapters 12-50) 1. Creation (1-2) 1. Abraham (12-21) 2. Fall (3-4) 2. Isaac (22-25) 3. Flood (5-9) 3. Jacob (25-36) 4. Scattering of the 4. Joseph (37-50) nations (10-11) Four foundational Four foundational stories people
  • 13. Adam Cain Abel Seth (various generations) Noah (pre- Bronze-age c. 3500 BC) Shem Ham Japheth (various generations) Terah (c. 2300 BC) Abraham Nahor Haran Isaac Ishmael Jacob Esau Joseph (& his 11 brothers) – Twelve Tribes of Israel
  • 14. “This is the account (these are the generations) of…” 1. The heavens & the earth  2:4-4:26 2. Adam’s line  5:1-6:8 3. Noah (Adam’s descendant)  6:9-9:29 4. Shem, Ham & Japheth  10:1-11:9 5. Shem (Noah’s son)  11:10-26 6. Terah (Shem’s descendant  11:27-25:11 & Abraham’s father) 7. Ishmael (Abraham’s son)  25:12-18 8. Isaac (Abraham’s son)  25:19-35:29 9. Esau (Isaac’s son)  36:1-37:1 10. Jacob (Isaac’s son  37:2-50:26 & Joseph’s father)
  • 15. The Story of Creation
  • 16. Order & design (1:1-2:3)
  • 17. Intro. “God said” What? Response? Day 1 Light Day 2 Sky Day 3 Land Good Vegetation Good Day 4 Sun, moon & stars Good Day 5 Fish & birds Good/ Blessed Day 6 Animals Good Humans Very good/ Blessed Day 7 “God rested…sanctified” Blessed
  • 18. Announcement: “And God said…”  Command (Creative word): “Let there be…”  Report (Fulfillment): “And it was so…”  Evaluation: “And God saw that it was good…”  Conclusion: “There was evening & morning…” • The bricklayer (foundation & walls) • The carpenter (framing) • The plumber (piping) • The electrician (wiring) • The plasterer (covering) • The decorator (presentation/ finishing) A day off!
  • 19. Day Day 1. Light 4. Luminaries (sun, moon, 2. Heavens stars) 3. Earth/ vegetation 5. Fish/ birds 6. Animals/ mankind 7. Rest/ “Sabbath”
  • 20. Creation science/ Creationism: God created the universe during 6 consecutive 24 hour days 6000-10,000 years ago, precisely as a literal interpretation of Genesis would indicate. All of the various species of plants and animals that currently exist (and that once existed) on earth are descendants of the original life forms that God created during the single week of creation. This is largely rejected among scientists today. Theistic evolution/ Intelligent design: The universe is about 15 billion years old. The earth's crust developed about 4 billion years ago. God created the first cell, and then used evolution as a tool to guide the development of each new species. The process, in successive stages, culminated in human beings. Scientific/ Naturalism: Beliefs are similar to the theistic view, except that God is assumed to have played no part in the processes. Scientists assume evolution was driven by blind, random, purely natural forces.
  • 21. The universe started with the "big bang" c.15 billion years ago The world coalesced about 4.5 billion years ago. The earth developed a crust about 3.9 billion years ago. Crude, primitive forms of life appeared shortly thereafter. Plant and animal species have been evolving ever since. Fossil-bearing rock layers are composed of sediment which was laid down over an interval of millions of years. Dinosaurs became extinct tens of millions of years ago, long before the first humans evolved. Meteor shower? Humans evolved thru intervention of God 40,000+ years ago (from dust of the ground, along with animals, but received the neshana/ breath of life, from God)
  • 22. 1. 15-8 (billion) Creation of universe Big bang 2. Light separates from darkness .Electrons bond to form nuclei, light appears, galaxies form. 2. 8-4 (billion) Heavenly firmament forms .Milky Way & Sun (main star) forms 3. 4-2 (billion) Oceans/ dry land appear. Earth cools / liquid water appears. First life form (plants). Bacteria/ algae life forms. 4. 2 (billion)-750,000 Sun, moon & stars Earth’s atmosphere transparent, becomes visible in heavens. Photosynthesis produces oxygen-rich atmosphere. 5. 750,000-250,000 First animal life (in waters), First multi-cellular animals, reptiles & winged creatures waters swarm & insects form. 6. 250,000-6000 Land animals, mammals, Massive extinction destroys c .90% of life. Land repopulated. Hominids, humankind
  • 23. The Calendar-Day Interpretation The Day-Age Interpretation The Framework Interpretation The Analogical Days Interpretation
  • 24. Creationism Intelligent  Evolution design Henry Morris Charles Darwin Bernard Ramm John Whitcomb David Attenborough Hugh Ross Duane T. Gish Stephen J. Gould Phillip Johnson Ken Ham Richard Dawkins William Dembski Kent Hovind (Theistic Evolution) Lee Strobel Tim LaHaye Francis Collins Jonathan Wells John MacArthur Alistair McGrath J.P. Moreland NT Wright
  • 26. When God created man (adam), he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male (zakar ) and female (nekebah) and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man”. [adam] Gen. 5:1-2 NB. Always know when the Hebrew is …adam (humanity/ mankind), ish/ ishah (man/ woman or husband/ wife); or zakar/ nekebah (male/ female)
  • 27. NOTE: Man alone = “not good” Man/woman= “very good” Together they reflect the image of God. “God blessed them” (1:28) Together they are commanded to “rule”… “be fruitful”, “increase/ fill”, “subdue”. “The helper” (2:18) – equal yet distinct Before the fall, equality – afterwards heirarchy
  • 28.  What it is not!  What it is! Physical Mental likeness Psychological Moral likeness Perfection Social likeness NOTE: History begins & ends in a garden. Man was a “living being (or soul)” - “breath of life”. Mankind created for relationship & freedom-with-responsibility to tend/ rule God’s creation (together).
  • 29. Key lessons: Role of the “serpent” (Rev. 12:9; 20:2) Process of temptation (cf. James 1:14-16) “Deceived – desire – dragged away – death” Did they die? – they did, they are & they will ! Shame, fear & separation (from God) Eve was deceived, Adam was right by her side (v.6) & he disobeyed knowingly. Deception & disobedience always bring consequences
  • 30. (Serpent) Visible curse upon the creature & first promise of salvation (through suffering). (vv. 14-15) (Woman) Pain in childbearing & hierarchy in her relationship with the man. (v. 16) (Man) Curse upon the ground. Work will become a painful toil. His body will die & return to the ground. Names his wife, “Eve”. (vv. 17-20)  God banishes man from Eden, but protects them & provides for their salvation. (vv. 21-24)
  • 31.  “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1 Tim 2:14; 2 Cor. 11:3) “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.” (Rom. 5:12; 2 Cor. 15:21-22) “We know …that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:9)
  • 32. Cain …Individuals Flood …Families Tower of Babel…Nations
  • 33. “What causes fights1 and quarrels2 among you? Don't they come from your desires3 that battle4 within you?” James 4:1 1 (polemos – war, battle, strife, dispute) 2 (mache – armed hand to hand combatants) 3 (hedone – desire for personal pleasure/ satisfaction) 4 (stratheuomai – lead soldiers in a military expedition to war; to fight)
  • 34. “Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor (gaze upon with high regard) on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor (pay no attention; turn one’s eyes away)”.
  • 35.  Anger, jealousy, hatred & deceit Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous. (1 Jn. 3:12) By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. (Heb. 11:4)
  • 36. He makes a way open to all (Gen. 3:21) It is ONLY on the basis of sacrifice, faith & obedience (& this may be costly) We always attempt to come our own way When we do, God will always turn away & send us away from his presence This will affect our descendants & our culture There is a godly line & an ungodly line
  • 37. Building urban centres for our own glory Polygamy (& challenging the nature of marriage) Nomadic lifestyle & farming Music & the arts Metallurgy (tools…& weapons)-Bronze age 3500 BC+ Vengeance, pride…killing & war  “The Days of Noah” (Matt. 24:37-38; 1 Peter 3:20)
  • 38. The necessity for the flood (Gen. 6:1-8, 11-13) The preparations for the flood Construction of the Ark; preaching to people; gathering of animals The duration of the flood 7 days waiting-40 days flooding-150 days flooded-1 year waiting The consequences of the flood Altar – Covenant – Sign of covenant – New Laws Scattering of the nations (Gen. 11…& 10)
  • 39. Who were the “Nephilim”(6:4)? Was the flood local or global? Why did Noah curse one of his son’s children (Canaan) afterwards (9:25)?
  • 40. Three views:  Intermarriage of godly & ungodly lines  (Fallen) angels have sex with human women and produce these “fallen ones”  Men (possessed by evil spirits) have sex with women and produce a certain evil offspring (cf. Numbers 13:33)
  • 41. Shem (Semitic people)  Ancestor of Eber (“Hebrew”)  Under a blessing  Moved East toward the hill country  Ancestor of Terah & Abraham Ham (father of Canaanites)  Under a curse (9:25)  Ancestor of warrior peoples (Assyrians, Babylonians, Philistines & Canaanites tribes)  Territory included such cities as Sodom, Gomorrah, Sidon & Gaza  Moved into Africa Japheth  Under a blessing  Ancestor of Soviet & European peoples (“maritime nations”)
  • 43.  ABRAHAM – father of the promise  ISAAC – son of the promise  JACOB – inheritor of the promise  (JOSEPH…continuation of story of Jacob)
  • 44. God God God Promise Blessing Grace Faith/ Trust Obedience Humility Abraham Isaac Jacob
  • 45.  The call of Abraham (ch. 12)  The covenant with Abraham (chs. 15 & 17) A relationship – a seed (son) – a nation – a land …all nations  The foolish mistake (ch.16) & the wise choice (ch.22)  The father of faith & The friend of God Romans 4… “The righteous…” (Rom. 1:17) James 2… “shall live…” (Gal. 3:11) Hebrews 11… “by faith.” (Heb. 10:38)
  • 46.  Promised (12:2-3)  Formed (15:18)  Confirmed/ sealed (17)  Re-stated (22:15-18)  Confirmed to Isaac (26:2-6, 23-25)  Transmitted to Jacob (27:27-29; 28:1-4)  Confirmed to Jacob (28:13-15; 35:9-12; 46:3-4)  Transmitted to Judah, not Joseph! (49:10)
  • 47. The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household & go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Gen. 12:1-3)
  • 48.  When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty...I will confirm my covenant between me and you and I will greatly increase your numbers This is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram (exalted father) ; your name will be Abraham (father of many), for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.” (Gen. 17:1-7)
  • 49. This is what Isaiah saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD. (Isaiah 2:1-5)
  • 50. God A People The Nations “New heavens & New earth”
  • 51.  His miraculous birth (ch. 21)  His father’s test (ch. 22)  The death of his mother & discovery of his wife (chs. 23-24)  The death of his father & birth of his twin sons (ch. 25)  His obedience during the famine (ch. 24)  The bestowal of his blessing by deception (ch. 27) by choice (ch. 28)
  • 52. GRACE  The need for transformation (25:19-28:9) Rivalry – favoritism - deception  The way God transforms (28:10-32:32) Shows him Himself – shows him himself  The results of transformation (33:1-36:40) New courage – humility – generosity - worship
  • 53. Type (picture) of Jesus?  Favoured son  Despised brother  A slave in Egypt Special  A prince of Egypt role of dreams  The saviour of his family ** Joseph was not officially one of the patriarchs, but rather an extension of Jacob’s story. Also remember that the line through which the Messiah/ blessing would come was Judah – not Joseph **
  • 54. Reuben • Dan • Simeon • Gad • Levi (priests) • Asher • Judah (kings) • Naphtali • Zebulun • Joseph • Issachar • Benjamin “So Joseph died at the age of 110. And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.”