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Foundations (Year Two)

“Encountering the New Testament”

   Session #8. Encountering
Written earlier:
    The NT Writings             Letter of James (40’s/50’s)

Letters of Paul:                Written later:
Galatians (48/49 CE)           Letters of Peter (64-66)
1 & 2 Thessalonians (51-52)    Mark (68-70 )
1 & 2 Corinthians (53-57)      Matthew (70-80)
Romans (56-57)                 Luke-Acts (70-80)
Prison letters (61-62):
                                Hebrews (50’s/60’s?)
 (Colossians, Ephesians,
 Philemon & Philippians)        Letter of Jude (50’s ?)
Pastoral letters (64-66):      Writings of John:
       (1, 2 Timothy & Titus)
                                 Gospel, Letters &
                                 Revelation (90-96)
The General Letters

1.   Hebrews
2.   James
3.   1 Peter
               General = “catholic”
4.   2 Peter   Addressed to Christians in
5.   1 John    general, rather than to
6.   2 John    individuals or specific
7.   3 John
8.   Jude
               …& not Pauline.

Grace through suffering
“Peter” (Disciple of Jesus/ Pillar of the Church - Gal. 2:9)
[Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You
  will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter – a
  rock). John 1:42]

“an apostle of Jesus Christ”
“my second letter” (2 Peter 3:1)
“by Silvanus” (Lat.)/ Silas (Gk.) the scribe (5:13)
from “Babylon” (5:13 cf. Revelation 17-18)
“my son Mark” (5:13)
Objections to Peter as the author
  Linguistic

    How could a Galilean fisherman use such good
     Greek as a second language?
    Use of the Septuagint (LXX)
    Use of Silas as a scribe (5:12)
  Historical

    What persecution does all this reflect?
  Other pseudonymous writings attributed to Peter:

    Gospel of Peter, Preaching of Peter, Acts of Peter &
     Apocalypse of Peter.
The case for Petrine Authorship
Internal claims

  Identifieshimself as Peter the Apostle (1:1)
  Words & experiences of Christ woven into writings

   - Eyewitness of Jesus’ life & ministry (2:23; 5:1)
   - Familiar with Jesus’ teachings (2:12/Matthew
   5:16; 2:21/Matthew 10:38; 3:14, 4:13-14/Matthew
  Similarity to Peter’s speeches in Acts

  Peter’s connection with Mark (5:13)
The case for Petrine Authorship
External claims

  Papias  claims that Peter’s interpreter was Mark
  2 Pet. 3:1 speaks of a previous letter

  Clement (95 CE) Irenaeus (180 CE) and Origen
   (185-253 CE) allude to the letter. Following this, it
   is not questioned until recently.
  “Peter blows on the twin trumpets of his own
   epistles” (Origen)
Date of 1 Peter
Generally before 64/ 65, since Peter died shortly
The letter is written during a time of
 persecution (2:12, 20; 3:16,17; 4:4,16)
  Various     persecutions are possible
      Initial Jewish persecution (Acts 4:17; 5:28,40; 9:16)
      Nero (starting 64)
      Domitian (starting 95)
      Trajan (starting 110)
Origin & Destination of 1 Peter
“She who is in Babylon greets you”
  Babylon on the Euphrates
  Rome (as in Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21)
  Jerusalem (Rev. 11:8)

“To the strangers…in Pontus, Galatia,
 Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (v.1)
  Similar to James 1:1
  People in this area are mostly non-Jews
  Geographical areas/ Roman Provinces in Northern
   Asia Minor (on circular trade route?)
  Message sent with Silas around churches?
The recipients
Elect (of God)               Exiles (in the world)

Chosen…                       Strangers…
acc. to foreknowledge of      …throughout:
 God the father
through the sanctifying
 work of the Spirit
for obedience to Jesus       Cappadocia

 Christ & sprinkling by his   Asia
 blood                        Bithynia


      CHOSEN (1 PETER 1:1)
The theme & setting
Grace in suffering
 salt in an open wound              suffering x16
 light shining in a dark place      grace x10

Jn. 16:33 "In this world you will suffer…"
2 Tim. 3:12 "anyone who wants to live a godly life in
 Christ will suffer…"
1 Pet. 4:12 "don't be surprised…as if something
 strange were happening"
Jas. 1:2 "consider it joy when you face trials…"
The blessing

Grace                Peace

(charis - NT)         (shalom - OT)

favour               right-relationship
blessing             well-being
strength             wholeness

          “be yours…in abundance”
1 Peter 1:3 -12 Opening greeting
                  & blessing

                       1 Peter 2:13 -   1 Peter 3:8 –
 1 PETER 1:13 - 2:12

                            3:8             4:19

              Call to
                                          Call to
 Call to    Submissive
              Living                     Suffering
Holy Living
                                          Final words to
                        1 Peter 5:1-11 leaders & members
                       Closing greeting
                                        1 Peter 5:12-14
                          & blessing
Our salvation – what God has done

PRAISE be (to this God)

In his great mercy
       He has regenerated us (lit. caused us to be born)
            into a living hope
                 (thru the resurrection of Jesus
            into an inheritance
                 (that can never perish, spoil or fade)
                 (kept in heaven for you)
Benefits & blessings of salvation

A refined faith in Christ (vv.6-7)

A personal knowledge of Christ (vv. 8-9)

A privileged taste of the present grace &
 future glory of Christ (vv. 10-12)
Our salvation
NOW                               NOT YET

 Into a living hope                Into an inheritance
 Shielded by God’s power,          Ready to be revealed in
  through faith                      the last time
 Though now you may have           Your faith will result in
  to suffer grief through trials     praise, glory & honour to
  for a time                         God
 You are filled with joy           You do not see him

  You are receiving the goal of your faith =               the
                salvation of your souls
Our salvation – how we should respond

“Therefore…(1:13; 2:1; 4:1)”
Embrace a life of holiness (1:13-2:12)

Embrace a life of submission (2:13-3:8)

Embrace a life of suffering (3:8-5:11)
#1. Embrace a life of holiness (1:13-2:12)

 Setting our priorities (on the call of God) 1:13-16

 “Be holy (all of you) because I am holy”
 Living as strangers (in relationship with God) 1:17-2:3

 Redeemed by the blood of Christ
 Regenerated through the word of God
 Building on the foundation (of the Son of God) 2:4-8

 Loving one another (as the people of God) 2:9-12

 “Love one another truly, madly, deeply” (1:22; 4:8)
The biblical image of the “stone”

“The ROCK of Israel” (Gen. 49:24; 2 Sam. 23:3; Is. 30:29)
“The LORD is my ROCK” (see handout)
“The sacred stone of Baal” (2 Kings 10:26-27)
“The cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22/ Isaiah 28:16)
“The rock, not cut by human hands” Dan. 2:34-35, 42-45

“The wise man built his house on a rock” (Matt. 7/Luke 6)
“You are Peter…on this rock I will build my Church”
 (Matt. 16:18)
“Jesus is the stone the builders rejected” (Matt . 21:42-44;
 Acts 4:10-12; Romans 9:30-33; 1 Peter 2:4-8)
#2. Embrace a life of submission (2:13-3:8)

Submission to every authority (2:13-17)
    as unto God
Submission to your masters (18-25)
    following the example of Christ
Submission as husbands & wives (3:1-7)
    cf. Eph. 5:21-33/ Col. 2:18-19

       “Live in harmony with one another” (3:8)
#3. Embrace a life of suffering (3:8-4:19)

Remember our calling           vv.8-12
 Called by God (“to this you were called”)
 Rewarded by God        (Ps. 34:12-16a)
Be prepared
 Don’t be intimidated vv.13-14
 Acknowledge Christ (alone) as LORD v.15
 Know your faith vv.15-19
 Remember your baptism vv.20-22
Suffering – the example of Christ

Have the same attitude            Have the same response
                          4:1-11                          4:12-19
 Towards sin – hate it             Don’t be surprised
                                    Rejoice – you’re becoming
 Towards God – love him
                                     like him
 Towards ourselves – deny          Receive the blessing/
 Towards others – serve
                                     Receive the discipline
                                    Commit yourself to God

    ** Just make sure it’s for the right reasons! (vv. 15-16)
Final words (5:1-11)
To the elders (older men)  vv.1-4
 “Be shepherds…serve as overseers”
      NOT                     BUT
     because you must         willingly
     for money                as servants
     lording over             as examples
 “When the Chief Shepherd appears…(rewarded)”
To the younger men           v.5
 “Clothe yourselves with humility”
To the churches        vv.6-11
 “Submit to God…resist the devil” (cf. James 4:6-10)

Relationship between 2 Peter & Jude

2 Peter 2-3 and Jude are very similar
  Confront  the problem of false teachers
  Severe warnings
  Use of similar OT examples
  Last (disputed) books to be accepted as scripture

  Both rely on a (lost) common source
  2 Peter borrows from Jude
  Jude borrows from 2 Peter
       This is most widely held, allowing Jude to be written anywhere from
        65-80 CE, and Peter having greater authority as an apostle.
Who Were These False Teachers?
 Denied the lordship of Jesus by the way they lived (2 Peter
  2:1; Jude 4).
 Defiled the love-feast (communion).
 Were immoral themselves and encouraged immorality in
 Minimized the place of law in the Christian life and
  emphasized freedom (2 Peter 2:10, 10ff, 18ff; Jude 4, 12).
 Were plausible and crafty, fond of rhetoric, out for gain, and
  pandered to those from whom they hoped to gain some
  advantage (2 Peter 2:3, 12, 14, 15, 18; Jude 16).
 Were arrogant and cynical of church leaders (2 Peter 2:1, 10,
  11; Jude 8).
 Posed as visionaries or prophets (2 Peter 2:1; Jude 8).
 Were self-willed, divisive, and confident of their own
  superiority (2 Peter 2:2, 10, 18; Jude 19).
Outline (2 Peter)
“Our precious faith”

Introduction (1:1-2)
Reminder #1: Privileges & responsibilities of faith
Reminder #2: Source of the truth (1:12-21)
Reminder #3: Warning against the false (2:1-22)
Reminder #4: The “Day of the Lord” (3:1-16)
Conclusion (3:17-18)
2 Peter - Introduction

    “Simon Peter”
    “A servant and apostle”
    “My second letter” (3:1)
    An older man, about to die (cf. 1:13-15)
 A righteous God/ A precious faith (cf. I 1:19; 2:4-7; II 1:4)
 Grace & peace in abundance
    …through the knowledge of God (our father)
                                              and Jesus our Lord
Privileges & Responsibilities (1:3-11)
God’s power has given us all
 we need for:                               “Make every effort to…”
    Life (in all it’s fullness; sacred/
     secular)                               Add to your faith (v.5)
    Godliness (to become like God)
God’s promises give us:                    “Be all the more eager
    Escape from the corruption of          to…”
     this world
    Share in God’s divine nature           Ensure your faith (v.10)

 Eph. 1:3 – every spiritual blessing
Seven Cardinal Virtues

1.  Goodness            Appeal: Virtues to be
2. Knowledge             added, to our faith (vv.5-
3. Self-control          7)
4. Perseverance
5. Godliness            Warning: Consequence of
                         adding - or not adding
6. Brotherly kindness
                         these virtues (vv.8-9)
7. Love
The Consequences
Adding these virtues will prevent negatives:
  Being useless or unfruitful
  Spiritual blindness or myopia
  Neglecting our salvation

Adding these virtues will promote positives:
  Spiritual sure-footedness
  Receiving a rich welcome into the everlasting kingdom
  Assurance of our salvation
A reminder of the truth (1:12-21)
Reminder of the message (12-15)

It was rooted in history (16-18)
     We saw him             “This is eternal life, that they
     We heard him           may know…Jesus Christ
                            whom you have sent.”(Jn. 17:3)
     We were with him
It was inspired as prophecy (19)

It must be interpreted very carefully! (20-21)
A warning of the false (2:1-22)

How to recognize false teachers (1-3)
    Remember the warnings of Jesus
    They are deceitful (denying the Lord/ secretly introducing heresy)
    They will have large followings (lead others astray)
    They are “covetous” (exploit others with grand stories)
    God has already condemned them
Illustrations of False Teachers (2:4-12)

1. Angels who sinned (v.4)
2. Noah & the flood (v.5)
3. Sodom, Gomorrah & Lot (vv.6-9)
4. Celestial beings (vv.10-12)

Other examples of false teachers:
  NT – Acts 13; 2 Thess. 2; 2 Cor. 10-11

  OT – Deut. 13:1-18; 18:9-22; Ezekiel 34
Attributes of False Teachers (vv.12-22)

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's
 clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” Matt. 7:15
 Like beasts (v.12)
 Blasphemous (v.12)
 Morally corrupt (v.13)
 Adulterous & greedy (v.14)
 Follow “the way of Balaam” (vv.15-16, Numb. 22-24)
 Empty & shallow (v.17)
 Vain & boastful (v.18)
 Deceitful: promise liberty – enslave people (v.19)
 Apostates (vv.20-22)
Christ’s return/ Second coming?

Wholesome thinking (lit. sincere, cf. Phil. 1:10)
KEY: “The Prophets…the Lord…the Apostles”
God has a plan (creation…salvation…judgment)
God’s timing is unique (perspective & patience)
The LORD will come (unexpectedly)
Judgment is determined (destruction or renewal?)
Our ultimate hope: Redemption.
 A transformed cosmos - “new heavens & new earth” &
 a resurrected body (1 Cor. 15; Rev. 21-22)
             ** Apart from this no one knows,
          so STOP speculating and START living!
Getting ready for Christ’s return

Live a holy & godly life (v.11)
Looking forward to the day of God/ looking
 forward to a new earth – “speed its coming”
Be diligent in applying the truth (v.14)
Be familiar with apostolic teaching (vv.15-16)
Be on your guard against error (v.17)
Grow in grace & knowledge (v.18)

 The brother of Jesus? (Judas/ Jude)
Matt. 13:55-56/ Mark 6:3 "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't
  his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James,
  Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren't all his sisters with us?"
 The letter is written to:
   The “called ones”

   The “beloved ones”

   The “kept ones”

 The purpose of the letter
   Our “common salvation”

   Contend for what is true

   Recognize what is false
Why Did Jude Write? (vv.3-4)
Original intention: “the salvation we share”
Immediate necessity: “contend for the faith”
The false teachers :
 v.4 “Certain men have crept in, unawares.“
 v.4 “(they) change the grace of God…deny Jesus Christ as lord”
 v.8 “(they) pollute their own bodies”
 v.8 “(they) reject authority”
 vv.8-10 “(they) blaspheme/ slander what they don’t know”
 v.11 They follow bad (historical) examples (ie. Cain, Balaam & Korah)
 v.12 “They are (corrupt) blemishes at your love-feasts”
 v.15 “(they) are ungodly…ungodly…ungodly…ungodly”
 v.16 “(they) grumble…complain…boast…flatter”
 v.19 “(they) are divisive, follow natural instincts…don’t have the Spirit”
Who were the False Teachers?
Theologically in error
“Believers” who had craftily perverted the apostolic doctrine.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -
  and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by
  works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9)
Ethically immoral
“Believers” who had taken up an extreme position in
  opposition to the legalistic Judaizers.
“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that
 grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how
 can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2)
Jude – an outline
1. INTRODUCTION — vv. 1-2
   What constitutes a true believer?
 Their evil perversions: Three basic denials (faith, grace, Lord) vv. 3- 4
 Their certain doom: Three historic examples vv. 5- 7
 Their impious ways: Three historic examples vv. 8-11
 Their utter depravity: Six terrible metaphors vv. 12-13
 Their final destruction: Enoch's testimony vv. 14-16

 Recognize that apostasy has been foretold vv. 17-18
 Analyze their actions, and fruit v. 19
 Draw upon Divine resources vv. 20-21
 Seek to reclaim, where possible vv. 22-23
 Rest in the security of Christ vv. 24-25

The natural division occurs at v. 17 with the statement: "But, beloved ones".
  Having warned them of the dangerous influence of apostasy, Jude then
  instructs his readers how to counter it.
The marks of a true believer (vv.1-2)

They recognize the family of God
 “servant of Jesus…brother of…”

They respond to the work of God
 “called & loved by the Father, kept by/ in the Son”

They receive the gifts of God
 “mercy, peace & love…in abundance”
Three basic denials (vv.3-4)

The faith…
 “once for all delivered to the saints”

The grace (of God)…
 “changed…into a licence for immorality”
The Lord…
 “Jesus Christ, our only sovereign & Lord”
Three historical warnings (vv.5-7)

The Children of Israel (v.5)
cf. Numbers 14; Heb. 3-4

The fallen angels (v.6)
cf. Rev. 12:7-9; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 2:4-5; Is. 14/ Ezek. 28

Sodom & Gomorrah (v.7)
cf. Genesis 19; Deut. 29:23; Is. 1:9-10; 13:19; Jer. 23:14; 49:18;
  50:40; Amos 4:11; Zeph. 2:9.
   Matt. 10:15; 2 Peter 2:6-7
Three historical examples (v.11)
“The way of Cain”            The envious murderer
 (cf. Gen. 4; Heb. 11:4; 1 John 3:12)
“Balaam’s error”               The greedy diviner
 (cf. Numbers 22-24; Deut. 23:3-6; Josh. 24:8-10; Neh.
 13:1-2; Micah 6:5; 2 Pet. 2:14-16; Rev. 2:14)
“Korah’s rebellion”           The disobedient rebel
 (cf. Numbers 16; 26:9-11; 27:3)

                                We did it our way!
Illustrations of false teachers (vv.12-13)

1.   “Hidden Blemishes”

2.   “Selfish shepherds”

3.   “Clouds without water”

4.   “Trees without fruit”

5.   “Raging waves of the sea”

6.   “Wandering stars”
What Does Jude Quote?

The Book of Enoch:
  Presumed visions of the “Enoch” of Genesis 5
  Focus on angels, demons, & spiritual battles
  Tells of spiritual conflicts that spill over into the history of
   Israel from the beginning of time through the inter-
   Testamental period
The Assumption of Moses:
  Presumed to be the Final Testimony of Moses as dictated to
  Warns of coming days when people will be led astray by lying
   spirits & false teachers
The verdict
“See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon
 thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to
 convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they
 have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh
 words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.“
 (Book of Enoch 1:9, disc. by James Bruce, 1773)

“The Lord rebuke you” (The Assumption/ Testament
  of Moses, disc. by Antonio Ceriani, 1861)
[Not found in text, yet approx one-third believed missing]
Contending for the faith (vv.17-25)
Recognize apostasy has been foretold vv. 17-18 (cf.
 Matt. 24:10-13; 2 Tim. 3:1)
Analyze their actions, and fruit v. 19
 (They are divisive – “soul men” vs “spiritual men”)
Draw upon divine resources vv. 20-21
 Build yourselves (in your faith), keep yourselves      (in
 God’s love), wait (for the completion of eternal life)
Seek to reclaim, where possible vv. 22-23
 “Be merciful to doubters… save (those in peril)…”
Rest in the security of Christ vv. 24-25
The Doxology

“To him who is able to keep you from falling
 and to present you before his glorious
 presence without fault and with great joy - to
 the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty,
 power and authority, through Jesus Christ
 our Lord, before all ages, now and
 forevermore! Amen.”

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NT Session 8 Letters of Peter & Jude

  • 1. Foundations (Year Two) “Encountering the New Testament” Session #8. Encountering THE LETTERS OF PETER & JUDE.
  • 2. Written earlier: The NT Writings Letter of James (40’s/50’s) Letters of Paul: Written later: Galatians (48/49 CE) Letters of Peter (64-66) 1 & 2 Thessalonians (51-52) Mark (68-70 ) 1 & 2 Corinthians (53-57) Matthew (70-80) Romans (56-57) Luke-Acts (70-80) Prison letters (61-62): Hebrews (50’s/60’s?) (Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon & Philippians) Letter of Jude (50’s ?) Pastoral letters (64-66): Writings of John: (1, 2 Timothy & Titus) Gospel, Letters & Revelation (90-96)
  • 3. The General Letters 1. Hebrews 2. James 3. 1 Peter General = “catholic” 4. 2 Peter Addressed to Christians in 5. 1 John general, rather than to 6. 2 John individuals or specific 7. 3 John churches 8. Jude …& not Pauline.
  • 5. Authorship “Peter” (Disciple of Jesus/ Pillar of the Church - Gal. 2:9) [Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter – a rock). John 1:42] “an apostle of Jesus Christ” “my second letter” (2 Peter 3:1) “by Silvanus” (Lat.)/ Silas (Gk.) the scribe (5:13) from “Babylon” (5:13 cf. Revelation 17-18) “my son Mark” (5:13)
  • 6. Authorship Objections to Peter as the author  Linguistic  How could a Galilean fisherman use such good Greek as a second language?  Use of the Septuagint (LXX)  Use of Silas as a scribe (5:12)  Historical  What persecution does all this reflect?  Other pseudonymous writings attributed to Peter:  Gospel of Peter, Preaching of Peter, Acts of Peter & Apocalypse of Peter.
  • 7. The case for Petrine Authorship Internal claims  Identifieshimself as Peter the Apostle (1:1)  Words & experiences of Christ woven into writings - Eyewitness of Jesus’ life & ministry (2:23; 5:1) - Familiar with Jesus’ teachings (2:12/Matthew 5:16; 2:21/Matthew 10:38; 3:14, 4:13-14/Matthew 5:10-12)  Similarity to Peter’s speeches in Acts  Peter’s connection with Mark (5:13)
  • 8. The case for Petrine Authorship External claims  Papias claims that Peter’s interpreter was Mark  2 Pet. 3:1 speaks of a previous letter  Clement (95 CE) Irenaeus (180 CE) and Origen (185-253 CE) allude to the letter. Following this, it is not questioned until recently.  “Peter blows on the twin trumpets of his own epistles” (Origen)
  • 9. Date of 1 Peter Generally before 64/ 65, since Peter died shortly thereafter The letter is written during a time of persecution (2:12, 20; 3:16,17; 4:4,16)  Various persecutions are possible  Initial Jewish persecution (Acts 4:17; 5:28,40; 9:16)  Nero (starting 64)  Domitian (starting 95)  Trajan (starting 110)
  • 10. Origin & Destination of 1 Peter “She who is in Babylon greets you”  Babylon on the Euphrates  Rome (as in Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21)  Jerusalem (Rev. 11:8) “To the strangers…in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (v.1)  Similar to James 1:1  People in this area are mostly non-Jews  Geographical areas/ Roman Provinces in Northern Asia Minor (on circular trade route?)  Message sent with Silas around churches?
  • 11. The recipients Elect (of God) Exiles (in the world) Chosen… Strangers… acc. to foreknowledge of …throughout: God the father Pontus through the sanctifying Galatia work of the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Cappadocia Christ & sprinkling by his Asia blood Bithynia
  • 13. The theme & setting Grace in suffering  salt in an open wound suffering x16  light shining in a dark place grace x10 Jn. 16:33 "In this world you will suffer…" 2 Tim. 3:12 "anyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ will suffer…" 1 Pet. 4:12 "don't be surprised…as if something strange were happening" Jas. 1:2 "consider it joy when you face trials…"
  • 14. The blessing Grace Peace (charis - NT) (shalom - OT) favour right-relationship blessing well-being strength wholeness “be yours…in abundance”
  • 15. 1 Peter 1:3 -12 Opening greeting & blessing 1 Peter 2:13 - 1 Peter 3:8 – 1 PETER 1:13 - 2:12 3:8 4:19 Call to Call to Call to Submissive Living Suffering Holy Living Final words to 1 Peter 5:1-11 leaders & members Closing greeting 1 Peter 5:12-14 & blessing
  • 16. Our salvation – what God has done PRAISE be (to this God) In his great mercy He has regenerated us (lit. caused us to be born) into a living hope (thru the resurrection of Jesus Christ) into an inheritance (that can never perish, spoil or fade) (kept in heaven for you)
  • 17. Benefits & blessings of salvation A refined faith in Christ (vv.6-7) A personal knowledge of Christ (vv. 8-9) A privileged taste of the present grace & future glory of Christ (vv. 10-12)
  • 18. Our salvation NOW NOT YET  Into a living hope  Into an inheritance  Shielded by God’s power,  Ready to be revealed in through faith the last time  Though now you may have  Your faith will result in to suffer grief through trials praise, glory & honour to for a time God  You are filled with joy  You do not see him You are receiving the goal of your faith = the salvation of your souls
  • 19. Our salvation – how we should respond “Therefore…(1:13; 2:1; 4:1)” Embrace a life of holiness (1:13-2:12) Embrace a life of submission (2:13-3:8) Embrace a life of suffering (3:8-5:11)
  • 20. #1. Embrace a life of holiness (1:13-2:12)  Setting our priorities (on the call of God) 1:13-16 “Be holy (all of you) because I am holy”  Living as strangers (in relationship with God) 1:17-2:3 Redeemed by the blood of Christ Regenerated through the word of God  Building on the foundation (of the Son of God) 2:4-8  Loving one another (as the people of God) 2:9-12 “Love one another truly, madly, deeply” (1:22; 4:8)
  • 21. The biblical image of the “stone” “The ROCK of Israel” (Gen. 49:24; 2 Sam. 23:3; Is. 30:29) “The LORD is my ROCK” (see handout) “The sacred stone of Baal” (2 Kings 10:26-27) “The cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22/ Isaiah 28:16) “The rock, not cut by human hands” Dan. 2:34-35, 42-45 “The wise man built his house on a rock” (Matt. 7/Luke 6) “You are Peter…on this rock I will build my Church” (Matt. 16:18) “Jesus is the stone the builders rejected” (Matt . 21:42-44; Acts 4:10-12; Romans 9:30-33; 1 Peter 2:4-8)
  • 22. #2. Embrace a life of submission (2:13-3:8) Submission to every authority (2:13-17) as unto God Submission to your masters (18-25) following the example of Christ Submission as husbands & wives (3:1-7) cf. Eph. 5:21-33/ Col. 2:18-19 “Live in harmony with one another” (3:8)
  • 23. #3. Embrace a life of suffering (3:8-4:19) Remember our calling vv.8-12  Called by God (“to this you were called”)  Rewarded by God (Ps. 34:12-16a) Be prepared  Don’t be intimidated vv.13-14  Acknowledge Christ (alone) as LORD v.15  Know your faith vv.15-19  Remember your baptism vv.20-22
  • 24. Suffering – the example of Christ Have the same attitude Have the same response 4:1-11 4:12-19  Towards sin – hate it  Don’t be surprised  Rejoice – you’re becoming  Towards God – love him like him  Towards ourselves – deny  Receive the blessing/  Towards others – serve Receive the discipline  Commit yourself to God ** Just make sure it’s for the right reasons! (vv. 15-16)
  • 25. Final words (5:1-11) To the elders (older men) vv.1-4 “Be shepherds…serve as overseers” NOT BUT because you must willingly for money as servants lording over as examples “When the Chief Shepherd appears…(rewarded)” To the younger men v.5 “Clothe yourselves with humility” To the churches vv.6-11 “Submit to God…resist the devil” (cf. James 4:6-10)
  • 27. Relationship between 2 Peter & Jude 2 Peter 2-3 and Jude are very similar  Confront the problem of false teachers  Severe warnings  Use of similar OT examples  Last (disputed) books to be accepted as scripture Options:  Both rely on a (lost) common source  2 Peter borrows from Jude  Jude borrows from 2 Peter  This is most widely held, allowing Jude to be written anywhere from 65-80 CE, and Peter having greater authority as an apostle.
  • 28. Who Were These False Teachers?  Denied the lordship of Jesus by the way they lived (2 Peter 2:1; Jude 4).  Defiled the love-feast (communion).  Were immoral themselves and encouraged immorality in others.  Minimized the place of law in the Christian life and emphasized freedom (2 Peter 2:10, 10ff, 18ff; Jude 4, 12).  Were plausible and crafty, fond of rhetoric, out for gain, and pandered to those from whom they hoped to gain some advantage (2 Peter 2:3, 12, 14, 15, 18; Jude 16).  Were arrogant and cynical of church leaders (2 Peter 2:1, 10, 11; Jude 8).  Posed as visionaries or prophets (2 Peter 2:1; Jude 8).  Were self-willed, divisive, and confident of their own superiority (2 Peter 2:2, 10, 18; Jude 19).
  • 29. Outline (2 Peter) “Our precious faith” Introduction (1:1-2) Reminder #1: Privileges & responsibilities of faith (1:3-11) Reminder #2: Source of the truth (1:12-21) Reminder #3: Warning against the false (2:1-22) Reminder #4: The “Day of the Lord” (3:1-16) Conclusion (3:17-18)
  • 30. 2 Peter - Introduction Greeting:  “Simon Peter”  “A servant and apostle”  “My second letter” (3:1)  An older man, about to die (cf. 1:13-15) A righteous God/ A precious faith (cf. I 1:19; 2:4-7; II 1:4) Grace & peace in abundance  …through the knowledge of God (our father) and Jesus our Lord
  • 31. Privileges & Responsibilities (1:3-11) God’s power has given us all we need for:  “Make every effort to…”  Life (in all it’s fullness; sacred/ secular) Add to your faith (v.5)  Godliness (to become like God) God’s promises give us:  “Be all the more eager  Escape from the corruption of to…” this world  Share in God’s divine nature Ensure your faith (v.10) Eph. 1:3 – every spiritual blessing
  • 32. Seven Cardinal Virtues Faith 1. Goodness Appeal: Virtues to be 2. Knowledge added, to our faith (vv.5- 3. Self-control 7) 4. Perseverance 5. Godliness Warning: Consequence of adding - or not adding 6. Brotherly kindness these virtues (vv.8-9) 7. Love
  • 33. The Consequences Adding these virtues will prevent negatives:  Being useless or unfruitful  Spiritual blindness or myopia  Neglecting our salvation Adding these virtues will promote positives:  Spiritual sure-footedness  Receiving a rich welcome into the everlasting kingdom  Assurance of our salvation
  • 34. A reminder of the truth (1:12-21) Reminder of the message (12-15) It was rooted in history (16-18) We saw him “This is eternal life, that they We heard him may know…Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”(Jn. 17:3) We were with him It was inspired as prophecy (19) It must be interpreted very carefully! (20-21)
  • 35. A warning of the false (2:1-22) How to recognize false teachers (1-3)  Remember the warnings of Jesus  They are deceitful (denying the Lord/ secretly introducing heresy)  They will have large followings (lead others astray)  They are “covetous” (exploit others with grand stories)  God has already condemned them
  • 36. Illustrations of False Teachers (2:4-12) 1. Angels who sinned (v.4) 2. Noah & the flood (v.5) 3. Sodom, Gomorrah & Lot (vv.6-9) 4. Celestial beings (vv.10-12) Other examples of false teachers:  NT – Acts 13; 2 Thess. 2; 2 Cor. 10-11  OT – Deut. 13:1-18; 18:9-22; Ezekiel 34
  • 37. Attributes of False Teachers (vv.12-22) “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” Matt. 7:15  Like beasts (v.12)  Blasphemous (v.12)  Morally corrupt (v.13)  Adulterous & greedy (v.14)  Follow “the way of Balaam” (vv.15-16, Numb. 22-24)  Empty & shallow (v.17)  Vain & boastful (v.18)  Deceitful: promise liberty – enslave people (v.19)  Apostates (vv.20-22)
  • 38. Christ’s return/ Second coming? Wholesome thinking (lit. sincere, cf. Phil. 1:10) KEY: “The Prophets…the Lord…the Apostles” God has a plan (creation…salvation…judgment) God’s timing is unique (perspective & patience) The LORD will come (unexpectedly) Judgment is determined (destruction or renewal?) Our ultimate hope: Redemption. A transformed cosmos - “new heavens & new earth” & a resurrected body (1 Cor. 15; Rev. 21-22) ** Apart from this no one knows, so STOP speculating and START living!
  • 39. Getting ready for Christ’s return Live a holy & godly life (v.11) Looking forward to the day of God/ looking forward to a new earth – “speed its coming” (vv.12-13) Be diligent in applying the truth (v.14) Be familiar with apostolic teaching (vv.15-16) Be on your guard against error (v.17) Grow in grace & knowledge (v.18)
  • 41. Jude  The brother of Jesus? (Judas/ Jude) Matt. 13:55-56/ Mark 6:3 "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren't all his sisters with us?"  The letter is written to:  The “called ones”  The “beloved ones”  The “kept ones”  The purpose of the letter  Our “common salvation”  Contend for what is true  Recognize what is false
  • 42. Why Did Jude Write? (vv.3-4) Original intention: “the salvation we share” Immediate necessity: “contend for the faith” The false teachers :  v.4 “Certain men have crept in, unawares.“  v.4 “(they) change the grace of God…deny Jesus Christ as lord”  v.8 “(they) pollute their own bodies”  v.8 “(they) reject authority”  vv.8-10 “(they) blaspheme/ slander what they don’t know”  v.11 They follow bad (historical) examples (ie. Cain, Balaam & Korah)  v.12 “They are (corrupt) blemishes at your love-feasts”  v.15 “(they) are ungodly…ungodly…ungodly…ungodly”  v.16 “(they) grumble…complain…boast…flatter”  v.19 “(they) are divisive, follow natural instincts…don’t have the Spirit”
  • 43. Who were the False Teachers? Theologically in error “Believers” who had craftily perverted the apostolic doctrine. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9) Ethically immoral “Believers” who had taken up an extreme position in opposition to the legalistic Judaizers. “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2)
  • 44. Jude – an outline 1. INTRODUCTION — vv. 1-2 What constitutes a true believer? 2. THE NEED TO CONTEND — APOSTATE TEACHERS — vv. 3-16  Their evil perversions: Three basic denials (faith, grace, Lord) vv. 3- 4  Their certain doom: Three historic examples vv. 5- 7  Their impious ways: Three historic examples vv. 8-11  Their utter depravity: Six terrible metaphors vv. 12-13  Their final destruction: Enoch's testimony vv. 14-16 3. THE WAY TO CONTEND — AVAILABLE RESOURCES — vv. 17-25  Recognize that apostasy has been foretold vv. 17-18  Analyze their actions, and fruit v. 19  Draw upon Divine resources vv. 20-21  Seek to reclaim, where possible vv. 22-23  Rest in the security of Christ vv. 24-25 The natural division occurs at v. 17 with the statement: "But, beloved ones". Having warned them of the dangerous influence of apostasy, Jude then instructs his readers how to counter it.
  • 45. The marks of a true believer (vv.1-2) They recognize the family of God “servant of Jesus…brother of…” They respond to the work of God “called & loved by the Father, kept by/ in the Son” They receive the gifts of God “mercy, peace & love…in abundance”
  • 46. Three basic denials (vv.3-4) The faith… “once for all delivered to the saints” The grace (of God)… “changed…into a licence for immorality” The Lord… “Jesus Christ, our only sovereign & Lord”
  • 47. Three historical warnings (vv.5-7) The Children of Israel (v.5) cf. Numbers 14; Heb. 3-4 The fallen angels (v.6) cf. Rev. 12:7-9; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 2:4-5; Is. 14/ Ezek. 28 Sodom & Gomorrah (v.7) cf. Genesis 19; Deut. 29:23; Is. 1:9-10; 13:19; Jer. 23:14; 49:18; 50:40; Amos 4:11; Zeph. 2:9. Matt. 10:15; 2 Peter 2:6-7
  • 48. Three historical examples (v.11) “The way of Cain” The envious murderer (cf. Gen. 4; Heb. 11:4; 1 John 3:12) “Balaam’s error” The greedy diviner (cf. Numbers 22-24; Deut. 23:3-6; Josh. 24:8-10; Neh. 13:1-2; Micah 6:5; 2 Pet. 2:14-16; Rev. 2:14) “Korah’s rebellion” The disobedient rebel (cf. Numbers 16; 26:9-11; 27:3) We did it our way!
  • 49. Illustrations of false teachers (vv.12-13) 1. “Hidden Blemishes” 2. “Selfish shepherds” 3. “Clouds without water” 4. “Trees without fruit” 5. “Raging waves of the sea” 6. “Wandering stars”
  • 50. What Does Jude Quote? The Book of Enoch:  Presumed visions of the “Enoch” of Genesis 5  Focus on angels, demons, & spiritual battles  Tells of spiritual conflicts that spill over into the history of Israel from the beginning of time through the inter- Testamental period The Assumption of Moses:  Presumed to be the Final Testimony of Moses as dictated to Joshua  Warns of coming days when people will be led astray by lying spirits & false teachers
  • 51. The verdict “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.“ (Book of Enoch 1:9, disc. by James Bruce, 1773) “The Lord rebuke you” (The Assumption/ Testament of Moses, disc. by Antonio Ceriani, 1861) [Not found in text, yet approx one-third believed missing]
  • 52. Contending for the faith (vv.17-25) Recognize apostasy has been foretold vv. 17-18 (cf. Matt. 24:10-13; 2 Tim. 3:1) Analyze their actions, and fruit v. 19 (They are divisive – “soul men” vs “spiritual men”) Draw upon divine resources vv. 20-21 Build yourselves (in your faith), keep yourselves (in God’s love), wait (for the completion of eternal life) Seek to reclaim, where possible vv. 22-23 “Be merciful to doubters… save (those in peril)…” Rest in the security of Christ vv. 24-25
  • 53. The Doxology “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”