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Biblical Creationism and Real
Week 9
Todd Pencarinha
Week 8 – Review
• Definition of Religion
• Introduction to Biology
• Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• The Bible vs Evolution on the Origins of Life
• The Evidence
• The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• The Science on the Origins of life
• The Complexity of DNA
• The Complexity of Interdependencies and Interactions
• Conclusions
• Applications
Week 9 – Overview
• Bible Passages
• Chromosomes, Genomes, Genes and DNA
• More on the Complexity of DNA
• DNA – Proof of Design
• “Junk” DNA
• Anatomical Design
• The Brain
• The Eyes
• The Heart
• The Bones
• Other Parts of the Body
• Conclusions
• Applications
Romans 1
Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in
unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within
them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly
seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without
excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or
give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart
was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged
the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man
and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
Other Scriptures
Psalm 139:14-16 (NASB) 14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully
wrought in the depths of the earth; 16 Your eyes have seen my unformed
substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for
me, When as yet there was not one of them.
Job 10:9-11 (NASB) 9 'Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And
would You turn me into dust again? 10 'Did You not pour me out like milk And
curdle me like cheese; 11 Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together
with bones and sinews?
DNA – Proof of Design
What is Design?
• Purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an
action, fact, or material object
• Binary code is a computer programming language that can be used to
represent text, computer processor instructions, or other data using any two-
symbol system, usually with 0 and 1. The binary code assigns a pattern of
binary digits (bits) to each character, instruction, etc. For example, a binary
string of eight bits can represent any of 256 possible values and can therefore
represent a variety of different items.
• DNA has 4 base nucleotides and is sort of a quaternary code
• RNA also has 4 base nucleotides, but 1 is different from DNA
• This code is the language that supports all life
• Are design or programming languages accidental?
• AIG Video
Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total, made up of 23 from each parent). The
chromosomes contain the DNA. The genome is the entire amount of an organism’s DNA. Only
1.5 percent of the DNA in the genome actually codes for genes. The human genome is defined by
approximately 3 billion pairs.
The concept of a gene continues to be refined as new phenomena are discovered. For example,
regulatory regions of a gene can be far removed from its coding regions, and coding regions can
be split into several exons.
When someone says “Humans are XX% similar to chimpanzees”
1. They are generally referring to genes, which are poorly defined, small portions of DNA
2. Genes represent only about 1.5 to 2% of the DNA!!!
“Genetic Similarity”
• Humans are supposedly…
• 96% genetically similar to chimpanzees
• 90% genetically similar to cats
• 85% genetically similar to mice
• 80% genetically similar to cows
• 61% genetically similar to fruit flies
• 60% genetically similar to chickens
• 60% genetically similar to bananas
• ICR Video
More on the Complexity of DNA
“Junk” DNA
• Junk DNA was supposed to be the bits of useless DNA left over from the
evolutionary process
• If evolution were true, you would expect to see some junk left over
• Recent Studies
• The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, or “ENCODE”, a $123 million endeavor
begun by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2003, which
includes 442 scientists in 32 labs around the world.
• Hidden Treasures of Junk DNA, Oct 1 2012,
• “What was once known as junk DNA turns out to hold hidden treasures”, says computational
biologist Ewan Birney, head of the ENCODE Project
• Scientist still have very little understanding of DNA “I get this strong feeling that previously I
was ignorant of my own ignorance, and now I understand my ignorance. It’s slightly
depressing as you realize how ignorant you are. But this is progress. The first step in
understanding these things is having a list of things that one has to understand, and that’s
what we’ve got here.”
More on the Complexity of DNA
“Junk” DNA
• “Earlier studies suggested that only, say, 3 to 15 percent of the genome had functional
significance—that is, actually did something, whether coding for proteins, regulating how the
genes worked or doing something else.“, Ewan Birney
• “the copying of DNA into RNA seems to happen all the time—about 80 percent of the
genome is actually transcribed. And there is still a raging debate about whether this large
amount of transcription is a background process that’s not terribly important or whether the
RNA that is being made actually does something that we don’t yet know about.” Ewan Birney
• “What it feels like is genuinely a jungle—a completely dense jungle of stuff that you have to
work your way through. You’re trying to hack your way to a certain position. And you’re really
not sure where you are, you know? It’s quite easy to feel lost in there.” Ewan Birney
• “Junk DNA – Not so Useless After All”, Sep 6, 2012,
• “…when all was said and done, and the Human Genome Project finally determined the entire
sequence of our DNA in 2001, researchers found that the 3 billion base pairs that comprised
our mere 21,000 genes made up a paltry 2% of the entire genome. The rest, geneticists
acknowledged with unconcealed embarrassment, was an apparent biological wasteland.”
More on the Complexity of DNA
“Junk” DNA
• “But it turns out they were wrong. In an impressive series of more than 30 papers
published in several journals, including Nature, Genome Research, Genome Biology,
Science and Cell, scientists now report that these vast stretches of seeming “junk” DNA
are actually the seat of crucial gene-controlling activity.”
• The authors of the ENCODE project conclude:
• “An interleaved genomic organization poses important mechanistic challenges for the
cell. One involves the [use of] the same DNA molecules for multiple functions. The
overlap of functionally important sequence motifs must be resolved in time and space
for this organization to work properly. Another challenge is the need to
compartmentalize RNA or mask RNAs that could potentially form long double-stranded
regions, to prevent RNA-RNA interactions that could prompt apoptosis [programmed cell
• RNA is a long single-strand molecule not unlike a long piece of sticky-tape—it will stick to
any nearby surface, including itself! Unless properly coordinated, it will all scrunch up
into a sticky mess.
More on the Complexity of DNA
“Junk” DNA
• Astonishing DNA Complexity Uncovered
• “These results are so astonishing, so shocking, that it is going to take an awful lot more
work to untangle what is really going on in cells. And the molecular taxonomists, who
have been drawing up evolutionary histories (‘phylogenies’) for everything, are going to
have to undo all their years of ‘junk DNA’-based historical reconstructions and wait for
the full implications to emerge before they try again. One of the supposedly ‘knock-
down’ arguments that humans have a common ancestor with chimpanzees is shared
‘non-functional’ DNA coding. That argument just got thrown out the window.”
Anatomical Design
The Brain
• Interacts with virtually every part of your body
• Is required for life
• Manages breathing
• Manager heart rate
• Creates, stores, and recalls memory
• Processes sight
• Processes sound
• Processes smell
• Processes touch, pain
• Processes cognitive thoughts
• Signals movement
• Processes balance
Anatomical Design
The Brain
• “…with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been
developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one
trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?” Charles
• Interacts with virtually every part of your body
• Is required for life
• Is the most complex organ
• Is the place of over 100,000 chemical reactions per second
• All brain cells are not alike. There are as many as 10,000 specific types of neurons in the brain
• A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses all
communicating with each other.
• Storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited. It doesn’t get “used up” like RAM in your computer.
• We are not getting smarter. Since the Victorian era, average IQs have gone down 1.6 points per decade
for a total of 13.35 points
Anatomical Design
The Brain
• A new imaging technique, called array tomography has revealed that just one
brain's connections and capacities far outnumber and outpace those of all the
world's computers
• “ ‘[The researchers] found that the brain's complexity is beyond anything they'd
imagined,’ … they found that the total number of synapses in a brain roughly
equaled the number of stars in 1,500 Milky Way galaxies! And memory patterns
and tiny on/off switches… [were] found to be smaller than the tiny synapse
connections. Each of the neurons imaged in the study serves thousands of
• “Stanford University professor and senior study author Stephen Smith said that
‘one synapse may contain on the order of 1,000 molecular-scale switches. A
single human brain has more switches than all the computers and routers and
Internet connections on Earth.’ This research multiplies the brain's overall
computing power far beyond what was previously known.”
Anatomical Design
The Eyes
• Extraordinarily complex organ that allows us to
convert light into images
• Eyes are in pairs, which allow for 3-D imaging
• Eyes are positioned to be protected in a hollowed
eye socket in our skulls
• Eye brows prevent sweat from getting into the
• Eye lashes keep dirt out of eyes
• Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers
connecting it to the brain
• Eyes have over 2 million working parts
• Eyes are the second most complex organ
• Less likely to result from accidental processes
than a Lamborghini Veneno
Anatomical Design
The Heart and Vascular System
• Our bodies require systems to continuously move blood
• Life is in the blood, including oxygen and nutrients
• A system is needed to deliver the fresh oxygen and nutrients and remove waste
– to all parts of the body
• Without a pump to move the blood, life would end after just a few minutes
• The pump can never stop or rest
• The pump must operate in 2 separate circuits – one to and from the lungs, and a
second to and from the rest of the body
• The pump must have a way of creating higher pressure than the rest of the body
to send the blood out
• At the same time, the pump must provide a lower pressure than the rest of the
body in order to draw the blood back in.
Anatomical Design
The Heart and Vascular System
• The heart is actually two pumps in one.
• In the womb, a baby’s heart starts out as a large tube.
• As the baby grows, tube so that it loops back, forming a kink, which then fuses together.
• As the rest of the heart forms, the two sides remain separate, becoming two separate pumps.
• Each side grows into two separate chambers with their own valves
• The heart beats one side at a time
• When the first side contracts, the valves open and close in such a way that the heart can only
pump blood to the lungs and to the other side of the heart and not backwards through the
• Then the second side contracts, the valves open and close in such a way that the blood cannot
go back to the first side and can only go out to the body and lungs
• As the second side contracts, the first side relaxes and the valves move in the opposite direction
allowing fresh blood to re-enter the chamber from both the lungs and the rest of the body
Anatomical Design
The Heart and Vascular System
• The heart actually twists itself as it contracts, like wringing a mop – which is more efficient
than the direct squeezing.
• The second side (left side) of the heart must pump blood to the whole body, which requires
six times more force than the right side.
• To compensate, the left side has been designed with more powerful muscles.
• The heart is protected by a special two-layered bag, called the “pericardial sac”
• The pericardial sac has 2 layers – a tough outer layer called the “fibrous pericardium”,
anchors to the diaphragm. The inner layer, called the “serous pericardium”, attaches tightly
to the heart.
• A special lubricant fluid between the two layers allows the heart to slide around with little
• Without the pericardial sac, the heart would easily be destroyed with motion
• Without the lubricated sac, the beating heart would create enough heat to kill us or the
friction would damage it beyond repair.
Anatomical Design
The Heart and Vascular System
• Most nerves tire, but the heart also has a separate system of nerves called the autonomic
• These nerves differ from the nerves of our five senses because they don’t tire.
• The upper right side of the heart has a cluster of specialized cells called the “sinoatrial node”,
which act as a built in pacemaker and generate electrical impulses that stimulate the heart
muscles to contract in regular waves, without need of direct input from the brain.
• The brain constantly monitors the heart, monitoring its performance and will “step in” when
• During a rigorous activities our muscles need more oxygen, so the brain signals the heart
directly to increase the heart rate.
• At the same time, the heart stimulates the adrenal glands to release the chemical adrenaline.
Adrenaline then keeps the heart rate up without further assistance from the brain.
• When the activity ends and the muscles relax, the brain signals the adrenal glands to stop
producing adrenaline, and the heart rate returns to normal.
Anatomical Design
The Bones
• Bones are structural engineering marvels
• Bone is constructed similarly, but much better than reinforced concrete
• Concrete has steel reinforcing bars ("rebar") to add tensile (stretching) strength that
reinforce the concrete
• The reinforcing "rods" in bone are made from minute strands of collagen fibers, 360 of
which could be put end-to-end in the width of a human hair.
• Each fiber is made of three strands wound in rope-like fashion around each
• The fibers are wound so tightly that along the area of contact only the smallest amino acid
can fit in the space between the strands.
• In order to work, the fiber has to be designed to allow the amino acid to fit only in every
third position on each strand-which is exactly what is specified in the DNA code.
• Collagen fibers made this way are strong that their tensile strength is greater than an equal
amount of steel rebar.
Anatomical Design
The Bones
• The “concrete” par to bones is made of apatite.
• Apatite is a medium-hard mineral with properties similar to marble
• The individual apatite crystals are connected to the collagen fibers to form a
continuous mesh, which appears solid without a microscope.
• Bone is more flexible and has more strength than steel reinforced concrete.
• Efficient structural designs must be fatigue resistant.
• Fatigue is a failure from cumulative damage that occurs when materials
experience repetitive cyclic loading.
• Average hip bone will sustain about 1.8 million cyclic loads per year
• “Bone is one of the most fatigue resistant materials known due to its unique
blend of strength, stiffness, and flexibility.”
Anatomical Design
The Bones
• Dense-compact bone is built into the outside shell, where it is most needed
since the bending and twisting forces are the highest
• Inside bones is a three-dimensional network resembling a porous sponge,
called spongy bone, which can absorb shocks and add to stiffness, while
minimizing weight
• Bone is also adaptive – adding strength by growing extra bracing where
higher stresses are applied and specific to the stress.
• Bone size and thickness constantly changes in response to forces throughout
a person's life.
• Bones also regenerate and replace their materials to for ongoing healing
• Bones have “crumple zones” like cars, that can be rapidly repaired and can
absorb impact with loose connections.
Anatomical Design
The Bones
• When bones suffer major damage, they undergo and unprecedented repair
• A major fracture tears blood vessels, causing extensive bleeding and tissue swelling.
• Blood clots around the fracture, starting the healing.
• “Within 48 hours, cells invade the blood clot and use it as a template to build a
microfiber meshwork that acts as the "scaffolding" supporting the rest of the repair
work. “
• Bone fragments and dead cells in the area are consumed by special “demolition” cells
turning unusable bone fragments into their component parts. Other cells engulf and
digest tissue debris.
• The reusable materials are saved and non-reusable materials are carried off.
• Special cells called “fibroblasts”, work off of the scaffolding and lay down collagen fibers
to span the gap of the break.
Anatomical Design
The Bones
• Next, new cartilage can is placed around the fibers.
• Fibroblasts transform themselves into chondroblasts to produce this cartilage.
• Once built, the collagen-cartilage unit functions as new inner rebar, forming structure
and the temporary bracing.
• Special bone building cells then form an ingenious system of microscopic canals to
shuttle nutrients.
• When new bone is made, hundreds of these cells join their special “arms” together to
form a three-dimensional network that will become the basis of the canal system.
• These cells will actually build new bone all around themselves and thus become
entrapped within the bone.
• The cells make the new "concrete," and become the material forming the interior
• Once done, the cell transforms itself into a nourishing/pressure-sensor cell called an
• The repair processes make bone so resilient that in time a repaired bone often looks
nearly identical to the original.
Anatomical Design
Other Systems
• Reproductive systems
• Lungs & diaphram
• Digestive system
• Liver
• Kidneys
• Muscles
• Central nervous system
• Pancreas
• Gall Bladder
• Skin
• Lymph system and glands
• Blood
• Hormonal systems
• Hands
• Feet
• Joints and connective tissues
• Vocal cords and speech
• Tongue and Taste
• God has made Himself plainly visible in His creation
• DNA is the programming language of life. All life is written in this
• Using DNA, God has written multiple, incredible, and diverse codes
for all varieties of life
• There are multiple insurmountable impasses in the supposed
evolution of DNA that cannot be overcome by evolutionary theory
• The complexity of the human body sings of God’s creation
• Examination of any specific part of the body creates awe and wonder
• When debating evolutionists, we are best served to:
• Try to discern if they are religious zealots or open to learning
• Recognize they have been indoctrinated over many years by our education
system and it will likely not be a quick conversion
• Start with scientific facts where evolution has no answer
• Pull them back from the details to see the grand picture that God has created
Read Gen 1-11
Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible”
Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”
Watch “Is Genesis History”
Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis”
The Institute for Creation Research
Answers in Genesis

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Biblical creationism and real science week 9

  • 1. Biblical Creationism and Real Science Week 9 Todd Pencarinha
  • 2.
  • 3. Week 8 – Review • Definition of Religion • Introduction to Biology • Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • The Bible vs Evolution on the Origins of Life • The Evidence • The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory • The Science on the Origins of life • The Complexity of DNA • The Complexity of Interdependencies and Interactions • Conclusions • Applications
  • 4. Week 9 – Overview • Bible Passages • Chromosomes, Genomes, Genes and DNA • More on the Complexity of DNA • DNA – Proof of Design • “Junk” DNA • Anatomical Design • The Brain • The Eyes • The Heart • The Bones • Other Parts of the Body • Conclusions • Applications
  • 5. Romans 1 Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
  • 6. Other Scriptures Psalm 139:14-16 (NASB) 14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; 16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. Job 10:9-11 (NASB) 9 'Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And would You turn me into dust again? 10 'Did You not pour me out like milk And curdle me like cheese; 11 Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together with bones and sinews?
  • 7. DNA – Proof of Design What is Design? • Purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object • Binary code is a computer programming language that can be used to represent text, computer processor instructions, or other data using any two- symbol system, usually with 0 and 1. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits (bits) to each character, instruction, etc. For example, a binary string of eight bits can represent any of 256 possible values and can therefore represent a variety of different items. • DNA has 4 base nucleotides and is sort of a quaternary code • RNA also has 4 base nucleotides, but 1 is different from DNA • This code is the language that supports all life • Are design or programming languages accidental? • AIG Video
  • 8. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total, made up of 23 from each parent). The chromosomes contain the DNA. The genome is the entire amount of an organism’s DNA. Only 1.5 percent of the DNA in the genome actually codes for genes. The human genome is defined by approximately 3 billion pairs.
  • 9. The concept of a gene continues to be refined as new phenomena are discovered. For example, regulatory regions of a gene can be far removed from its coding regions, and coding regions can be split into several exons.
  • 10. When someone says “Humans are XX% similar to chimpanzees” 1. They are generally referring to genes, which are poorly defined, small portions of DNA 2. Genes represent only about 1.5 to 2% of the DNA!!!
  • 11. “Genetic Similarity” • Humans are supposedly… • 96% genetically similar to chimpanzees • 90% genetically similar to cats • 85% genetically similar to mice • 80% genetically similar to cows • 61% genetically similar to fruit flies • 60% genetically similar to chickens • 60% genetically similar to bananas • ICR Video
  • 12. More on the Complexity of DNA “Junk” DNA • Junk DNA was supposed to be the bits of useless DNA left over from the evolutionary process • If evolution were true, you would expect to see some junk left over • Recent Studies • The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, or “ENCODE”, a $123 million endeavor begun by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2003, which includes 442 scientists in 32 labs around the world. • Hidden Treasures of Junk DNA, Oct 1 2012, • “What was once known as junk DNA turns out to hold hidden treasures”, says computational biologist Ewan Birney, head of the ENCODE Project • Scientist still have very little understanding of DNA “I get this strong feeling that previously I was ignorant of my own ignorance, and now I understand my ignorance. It’s slightly depressing as you realize how ignorant you are. But this is progress. The first step in understanding these things is having a list of things that one has to understand, and that’s what we’ve got here.”
  • 13. More on the Complexity of DNA “Junk” DNA • “Earlier studies suggested that only, say, 3 to 15 percent of the genome had functional significance—that is, actually did something, whether coding for proteins, regulating how the genes worked or doing something else.“, Ewan Birney • “the copying of DNA into RNA seems to happen all the time—about 80 percent of the genome is actually transcribed. And there is still a raging debate about whether this large amount of transcription is a background process that’s not terribly important or whether the RNA that is being made actually does something that we don’t yet know about.” Ewan Birney • “What it feels like is genuinely a jungle—a completely dense jungle of stuff that you have to work your way through. You’re trying to hack your way to a certain position. And you’re really not sure where you are, you know? It’s quite easy to feel lost in there.” Ewan Birney • “Junk DNA – Not so Useless After All”, Sep 6, 2012, • “…when all was said and done, and the Human Genome Project finally determined the entire sequence of our DNA in 2001, researchers found that the 3 billion base pairs that comprised our mere 21,000 genes made up a paltry 2% of the entire genome. The rest, geneticists acknowledged with unconcealed embarrassment, was an apparent biological wasteland.”
  • 14. More on the Complexity of DNA “Junk” DNA • “But it turns out they were wrong. In an impressive series of more than 30 papers published in several journals, including Nature, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Science and Cell, scientists now report that these vast stretches of seeming “junk” DNA are actually the seat of crucial gene-controlling activity.” • The authors of the ENCODE project conclude: • “An interleaved genomic organization poses important mechanistic challenges for the cell. One involves the [use of] the same DNA molecules for multiple functions. The overlap of functionally important sequence motifs must be resolved in time and space for this organization to work properly. Another challenge is the need to compartmentalize RNA or mask RNAs that could potentially form long double-stranded regions, to prevent RNA-RNA interactions that could prompt apoptosis [programmed cell death].’ • RNA is a long single-strand molecule not unlike a long piece of sticky-tape—it will stick to any nearby surface, including itself! Unless properly coordinated, it will all scrunch up into a sticky mess.
  • 15. More on the Complexity of DNA “Junk” DNA • Astonishing DNA Complexity Uncovered • “These results are so astonishing, so shocking, that it is going to take an awful lot more work to untangle what is really going on in cells. And the molecular taxonomists, who have been drawing up evolutionary histories (‘phylogenies’) for everything, are going to have to undo all their years of ‘junk DNA’-based historical reconstructions and wait for the full implications to emerge before they try again. One of the supposedly ‘knock- down’ arguments that humans have a common ancestor with chimpanzees is shared ‘non-functional’ DNA coding. That argument just got thrown out the window.”
  • 16. Anatomical Design The Brain • Interacts with virtually every part of your body • Is required for life • Manages breathing • Manager heart rate • Creates, stores, and recalls memory • Processes sight • Processes sound • Processes smell • Processes touch, pain • Processes cognitive thoughts • Signals movement • Processes balance
  • 17. Anatomical Design The Brain • “…with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?” Charles Darwin • Interacts with virtually every part of your body • Is required for life • Is the most complex organ • Is the place of over 100,000 chemical reactions per second • All brain cells are not alike. There are as many as 10,000 specific types of neurons in the brain • A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses all communicating with each other. • Storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited. It doesn’t get “used up” like RAM in your computer. • We are not getting smarter. Since the Victorian era, average IQs have gone down 1.6 points per decade for a total of 13.35 points
  • 18. Anatomical Design The Brain • A new imaging technique, called array tomography has revealed that just one brain's connections and capacities far outnumber and outpace those of all the world's computers • “ ‘[The researchers] found that the brain's complexity is beyond anything they'd imagined,’ … they found that the total number of synapses in a brain roughly equaled the number of stars in 1,500 Milky Way galaxies! And memory patterns and tiny on/off switches… [were] found to be smaller than the tiny synapse connections. Each of the neurons imaged in the study serves thousands of synapses” • “Stanford University professor and senior study author Stephen Smith said that ‘one synapse may contain on the order of 1,000 molecular-scale switches. A single human brain has more switches than all the computers and routers and Internet connections on Earth.’ This research multiplies the brain's overall computing power far beyond what was previously known.”
  • 19. Anatomical Design The Eyes • Extraordinarily complex organ that allows us to convert light into images • Eyes are in pairs, which allow for 3-D imaging • Eyes are positioned to be protected in a hollowed eye socket in our skulls • Eye brows prevent sweat from getting into the eyes • Eye lashes keep dirt out of eyes • Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers connecting it to the brain • Eyes have over 2 million working parts • Eyes are the second most complex organ • Less likely to result from accidental processes than a Lamborghini Veneno
  • 20. Anatomical Design The Heart and Vascular System • Our bodies require systems to continuously move blood • Life is in the blood, including oxygen and nutrients • A system is needed to deliver the fresh oxygen and nutrients and remove waste – to all parts of the body • Without a pump to move the blood, life would end after just a few minutes • The pump can never stop or rest • The pump must operate in 2 separate circuits – one to and from the lungs, and a second to and from the rest of the body • The pump must have a way of creating higher pressure than the rest of the body to send the blood out • At the same time, the pump must provide a lower pressure than the rest of the body in order to draw the blood back in.
  • 21. Anatomical Design The Heart and Vascular System • The heart is actually two pumps in one. • In the womb, a baby’s heart starts out as a large tube. • As the baby grows, tube so that it loops back, forming a kink, which then fuses together. • As the rest of the heart forms, the two sides remain separate, becoming two separate pumps. • Each side grows into two separate chambers with their own valves • The heart beats one side at a time • When the first side contracts, the valves open and close in such a way that the heart can only pump blood to the lungs and to the other side of the heart and not backwards through the veins. • Then the second side contracts, the valves open and close in such a way that the blood cannot go back to the first side and can only go out to the body and lungs • As the second side contracts, the first side relaxes and the valves move in the opposite direction allowing fresh blood to re-enter the chamber from both the lungs and the rest of the body
  • 22. Anatomical Design The Heart and Vascular System • The heart actually twists itself as it contracts, like wringing a mop – which is more efficient than the direct squeezing. • The second side (left side) of the heart must pump blood to the whole body, which requires six times more force than the right side. • To compensate, the left side has been designed with more powerful muscles. • The heart is protected by a special two-layered bag, called the “pericardial sac” • The pericardial sac has 2 layers – a tough outer layer called the “fibrous pericardium”, anchors to the diaphragm. The inner layer, called the “serous pericardium”, attaches tightly to the heart. • A special lubricant fluid between the two layers allows the heart to slide around with little friction. • Without the pericardial sac, the heart would easily be destroyed with motion • Without the lubricated sac, the beating heart would create enough heat to kill us or the friction would damage it beyond repair.
  • 23. Anatomical Design The Heart and Vascular System • Most nerves tire, but the heart also has a separate system of nerves called the autonomic nerves. • These nerves differ from the nerves of our five senses because they don’t tire. • The upper right side of the heart has a cluster of specialized cells called the “sinoatrial node”, which act as a built in pacemaker and generate electrical impulses that stimulate the heart muscles to contract in regular waves, without need of direct input from the brain. • The brain constantly monitors the heart, monitoring its performance and will “step in” when needed • During a rigorous activities our muscles need more oxygen, so the brain signals the heart directly to increase the heart rate. • At the same time, the heart stimulates the adrenal glands to release the chemical adrenaline. Adrenaline then keeps the heart rate up without further assistance from the brain. • When the activity ends and the muscles relax, the brain signals the adrenal glands to stop producing adrenaline, and the heart rate returns to normal.
  • 24. Anatomical Design The Bones • Bones are structural engineering marvels • Bone is constructed similarly, but much better than reinforced concrete • Concrete has steel reinforcing bars ("rebar") to add tensile (stretching) strength that reinforce the concrete • The reinforcing "rods" in bone are made from minute strands of collagen fibers, 360 of which could be put end-to-end in the width of a human hair. • Each fiber is made of three strands wound in rope-like fashion around each • The fibers are wound so tightly that along the area of contact only the smallest amino acid can fit in the space between the strands. • In order to work, the fiber has to be designed to allow the amino acid to fit only in every third position on each strand-which is exactly what is specified in the DNA code. • Collagen fibers made this way are strong that their tensile strength is greater than an equal amount of steel rebar.
  • 25. Anatomical Design The Bones • The “concrete” par to bones is made of apatite. • Apatite is a medium-hard mineral with properties similar to marble • The individual apatite crystals are connected to the collagen fibers to form a continuous mesh, which appears solid without a microscope. • Bone is more flexible and has more strength than steel reinforced concrete. • Efficient structural designs must be fatigue resistant. • Fatigue is a failure from cumulative damage that occurs when materials experience repetitive cyclic loading. • Average hip bone will sustain about 1.8 million cyclic loads per year • “Bone is one of the most fatigue resistant materials known due to its unique blend of strength, stiffness, and flexibility.”
  • 26. Anatomical Design The Bones • Dense-compact bone is built into the outside shell, where it is most needed since the bending and twisting forces are the highest • Inside bones is a three-dimensional network resembling a porous sponge, called spongy bone, which can absorb shocks and add to stiffness, while minimizing weight • Bone is also adaptive – adding strength by growing extra bracing where higher stresses are applied and specific to the stress. • Bone size and thickness constantly changes in response to forces throughout a person's life. • Bones also regenerate and replace their materials to for ongoing healing • Bones have “crumple zones” like cars, that can be rapidly repaired and can absorb impact with loose connections.
  • 27. Anatomical Design The Bones • When bones suffer major damage, they undergo and unprecedented repair process • A major fracture tears blood vessels, causing extensive bleeding and tissue swelling. • Blood clots around the fracture, starting the healing. • “Within 48 hours, cells invade the blood clot and use it as a template to build a microfiber meshwork that acts as the "scaffolding" supporting the rest of the repair work. “ • Bone fragments and dead cells in the area are consumed by special “demolition” cells turning unusable bone fragments into their component parts. Other cells engulf and digest tissue debris. • The reusable materials are saved and non-reusable materials are carried off. • Special cells called “fibroblasts”, work off of the scaffolding and lay down collagen fibers to span the gap of the break.
  • 28. Anatomical Design The Bones • Next, new cartilage can is placed around the fibers. • Fibroblasts transform themselves into chondroblasts to produce this cartilage. • Once built, the collagen-cartilage unit functions as new inner rebar, forming structure and the temporary bracing. • Special bone building cells then form an ingenious system of microscopic canals to shuttle nutrients. • When new bone is made, hundreds of these cells join their special “arms” together to form a three-dimensional network that will become the basis of the canal system. • These cells will actually build new bone all around themselves and thus become entrapped within the bone. • The cells make the new "concrete," and become the material forming the interior canals. • Once done, the cell transforms itself into a nourishing/pressure-sensor cell called an osteocyte. • The repair processes make bone so resilient that in time a repaired bone often looks nearly identical to the original.
  • 29. Anatomical Design Other Systems • Reproductive systems • Lungs & diaphram • Digestive system • Liver • Kidneys • Muscles • Central nervous system • Pancreas • Gall Bladder • Skin • Lymph system and glands • Blood • Hormonal systems • Hands • Feet • Joints and connective tissues • Vocal cords and speech • Tongue and Taste
  • 30. Conclusions • God has made Himself plainly visible in His creation • DNA is the programming language of life. All life is written in this code • Using DNA, God has written multiple, incredible, and diverse codes for all varieties of life • There are multiple insurmountable impasses in the supposed evolution of DNA that cannot be overcome by evolutionary theory • The complexity of the human body sings of God’s creation • Examination of any specific part of the body creates awe and wonder
  • 31. Application • When debating evolutionists, we are best served to: • Try to discern if they are religious zealots or open to learning • Recognize they have been indoctrinated over many years by our education system and it will likely not be a quick conversion • Start with scientific facts where evolution has no answer • Pull them back from the details to see the grand picture that God has created
  • 32. Recommendations Read Gen 1-11 Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible” Read Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” Watch “Is Genesis History” Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis” Watch The Institute for Creation Research Answers in Genesis Web

Editor's Notes

  1. 9:02 Lets Pray
  2. 9:05 Last week we looked at the definition of a religion: “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith” We concluded that evolution is clearly a religion and it has hijacked many fields of science, as well as our education system I introduced Biology as "the study of life.“ I shared statistics that only 5% biologists believe in a god - the least likely “scientists” to believe in a god Yet, biologists personify “Nature” (the created environment) and make God Then we looked at bible passages that point us to scientific principles recorded in the bible before scientists discovered them Water and wind cycles Ocean currents Underwater springs Best dimensions for ship building Invisible forces making things and holding them together The mass of air Benefits of quarantine and hygiene We compared the biblical view of the creation of life and the evolutionary view Then we walked through the evolution of evolutionary theory and what is claimed about how life began Evolutionists claim that life began in simple forms and evolved Originally, they believed single cell organisms were simple life forms After the discovery of DNA, RNA, their structure and how they work. Evolutionists had to completely re-think the origins of life and thus developed ridiculously weak theories about how life began Then we looked at the real science and learned about how real science opposes evolutionary theory at every step Yet even with that in opposition, evolutionists have continued to develop even more elaborate theories in opposition to thermodynamics and observable science AND NOTE – THEY ALWAYS WILLBECAUSE EVOLUTION IS A RELIGION Problem is, evolutionists continue to reach several impasses, such as The oxygen paradox – where oxygen is required for life, but quickly destroys proteins and amino acids The DNA self repairing paradox – the fact that without a repair mechanism, DNA cannot survive – even in the safety of the cells in the body The simultaneous creation requirement of Metabolism (storage and use of energy), compartmentalization (cell & Micro structure) and self replication, to name a few The raw energy paradox where all raw forms of energy would destroy any organic matter fast than it could be chemically produced The water paradox – where water is required for life, yet it quickly breaks down proteins and amino acids And a few others I didn’t mention – no RNA can self replicate – there is no mechanism for most amino acids to be produced – they are produced by living things Then we watched a brief clip from “Is Genesis History” about the 4-dimensional complexity of DNA and how each dimension includes critical features that are precisely necessary for life Finally, we started a discussion on the complexity of interdependencies and interactions for life to work We concluded once again that it takes far more faith be a member of the religion of evolution than it does to be a Christian
  3. 9:15
  4. 9:17 “Nature” has become the modern idol for evolutionists, which include most biologists
  5. 9:18 We get a lot of insights to God and to science from the Psalms Most people view the book of Job as just a story. Others view it as a testimony to keep faith in God no matter what your earthly circumstances But Job is also a great book for science and history, proving a young earth and creation
  6. 9:19 Let’s return briefly to our discussion of DNA
  7. 9:23
  8. 9:24 What??? What this means is that when someone says “Humans are XX% similar to chimpanzees” they referring to genes, which are poorly defined portions of DNA, representing only about 1.5 to 2% of the DNA!!!
  9. 9:25 The “XX” has been stated as 85-98%
  10. 9:27 Remember, “genetic” similarity means
  11. 9:29
  12. 9:31
  13. 9:32
  14. 9:33 Let’s move now from DNA to the human body, and look at just a few of the extraordinarily complex features of the human body
  15. 9:34
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