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Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
Ostrich Industry: A Beautiful U Turn in Poultry
Industry of Pakistan
Ghulam Abbas1*
, Colonel Maqsood Ur Rehman Qureshi1
, Muhammad Asif3
, Muhammad Sajid2
Syed Wasim Abbas3
Osama Zahid4
and Hira Saeed4
1* Department of Animal Production, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore
2 Department of Anatomy, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore
3 Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore-Pakistan
4 Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore
*Corresponding Author:
Abstract – Ostrich is a large ratite (flightless running bird)
hardy desert bird of African origin. Being a wild (desert) bird;
warm and extreme environment may be favorable for ostrich
production. Luckily, Pakistan’s environment is very hot in
summers and cool in winters which make it an ideal country
for ostrich farming. After the success of poultry industry
during last two decades ostrich farming can open new vistas
for development. Over the last decade, ostrich farming is
gaining popularity in Pakistan because of their tasty
nutritional meat, valuable skins as well as feathers, eggs and
multipurpose oil. Presently the number of slaughter ostriches
is increasing in the country and ostrich is now being
considered as part of poultry. Ostrich oils are used widely in
the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. They are
apparent to have exceptional moisturizing, penetrating and
therapeutic qualities for humans and animals. Increased
demand of ostrich meat has resulted in use of controlled
systems with scientifically proven management practices
(good bio-security measures, genetic selection, nutritional
innovations, health regimes, and extensive disease
surveillance) for higher sustainable production. Therefore, it
is practical to welcome such new efforts which are
advantageous to our farmers and the national prosperity.
Ostrich farming is convenient option for efficient organic
farming of excellent FCR (up to 200 times its birth weight
within a year) and high profitability due to negligible cost of
medicines, labor, housing and inexpensive fodder
consumption when compared with control sheds for livestock
and poultry. However, awareness and efforts/support are
needed to inspire/motivate the farmers to switch this
profitable business on scientific basis.
Keywords – Ostrich, Farming, Industry, Meat, Livestock,
FCR, Pakistan.
Ostrich (Struthio camelua) is a large flightless bird of
African origin existed as a species for over 40 million
years]. DNA based molecular evidence showed the Late
Pleistocene presence of ostriches in the subcontinent [3].
The Ostrich family (running bird family) is represented by
five species, the Ostrich (Africa), the Rhea (South
America), the Emu (Australia), the Kiwi (New-Zealand)
and the Cassowary (New-Guinea). The Apteryx, living in
New Zealand also considered in this family; but this is
controversial. Ostriches are twice the size of the others
Ostrich (Struthio camelua) has long neck and small head,
with large eyes (cornea is large enough to be trimmed down
to fit the human eye) and short broad beak [16]. The ostrich
has a large breast plate that covers the thoracic area and
protects the heart and liver, having the breast rounded like
a barrel. They lack keel bone therefore, have no location for
the attachment of flight muscles, however spreads small
wings while running [5]. The long powerful legs are used
for defense. The tendons (can be used to replace torn
tendons in humans) of the ostrich leg are very strong. The
Ostrich walks on its toes, feet have only two toes (Emu and
Rhea have 3) and can run at a speed of 70 kilometer per
hour [1; 17].
Ostriches have three stomach, lack gall bladder and crop
but has a glandular stomach called a proventriculus which
empties into a muscular structure (ventriculus). The
ventriculus/gizzard contains grit, pebbles etc. which helps
in grinding the food and allows it to pass into the small
intestine. The small lobed thymus of ostriches located
posteriorly along both sides of the neck and the cloacal
bursa of the ostrich chicks is not truly an independent
capsular space [9; 10; 11; 12), and convex papillae are
distributed along the surface of the plicae. The undeveloped
spleen of ostrich is elliptical, while those of chickens are
globular, and those of ducks are triangular. Intestine of the
ostrich is unusually long, therefore it takes at least 36 hours
for food to pass through it. The nostrils of ostrich are sited
ahead on the beak, rather than at the base of the beak. Unlike
other birds, the trachea or wind pipe is large and located in
the lower part of the mouth. The normal respiratory rate of
an ostrich is lower (between 7 and 12 breaths/minute). Like
other birds, ostrich posses a cloacae (common opening for
excretory, urinary and digestive tract) and lack the urethra
however it secretes urine and feces separately.
Ostriches can gain 80 kg body weight within 9 months
and 100 kg in one year. An ostrich will reach adult height
6-10 feet tall in between 18 and 20 months of age (Cramp
and Simmons 1980) with a growth rate 25cm per month and
300-400 pounds in mass [4]. Phallus (copulatory organ) of
an adult male is about 8 inches located in the ventral cloacae
and can curled up in the bladder. Regardless to egg weight
(1.5 kg, about 1.4 liters in volume, creamy white in color
and about 2 mm shell thickness), they lay smallest eggs of
any species [4; 6].
Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
Fig. 1. Some male (having black feathers) and female
(having brown feathers) ostriches
Males are mostly black [Fig 1], with white wings tips and
tail whereas females and young males are dull grayish
brown [1] the female reproductive system comprised of a
single ovary and reproductive tract with a small clitoris
located on the ventral cloacae. Females tend to mature
slightly faster (24 months of age) than males (30 months of
age); different species may mature at different ages.
Breeding season is heralded by courtship behavior, as
complicated series of displays, dancing, vocalization and
synchronous behavior [7; 2; 4]. An example of receptive
behavior by the female includes bowing and ruffling her
wings at her sides. They breed successfully for high fertility
about 40-45 years.
The current and future scenario point out probable
shortages of live stock in the country exasperated by the
recent reduction in agriculture land which is abruptly
converting in to residential area due to unwise resource
utilization and negligence of rules and regulations in this
regard. The ostrich production may provide a u turn to
motivate virgin ostrich market for Pakistan. Ostriches are
strong desert birds that can survive in temperatures ranging
from -2 °C degrees to 50 °C [1]. To dissipate body heat
ostrich use the air sacs. It can be reared on barren land and
mainly consumes lucerne and water. Therefore these can
easily propagate in climatic conditions of Pakistan [1]
Ostrich farming has been known from previous few years
in Pakistan. However ostrich industry is now growing
throughout the globe (Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia,
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, USA, England, France and in
about 100 other countries) from the last few years for its
delicious meat, feathers and the hide [1; 14]. The first
organized ostrich farm was established for feathers in 1863
in Karoo and Eastern Cape region of South Africa.
Fig. 2. An ostrich ranch at Raiwind road, Lahore, Pakistan
The unique tastes of ostrich meat have been increasing
the demand in Pakistan among taste conscious people. It is
similar to deer meat in taste and also offered as an appetizer
in well known restaurants. In addition to meat, high
premium beautiful plumage/feathers, oil, luxury leather,
and other by-products also captivating people toward this
enterprise [1]. Ostriches produce 14 Sq. ft fine hard leather
per ostrich which is used in premium leather products. The
bleached dyed feathers are used as the raw material for
fashion accessories, show business, brush industry (feather-
duster) and automobile accessories. Other ratites do not
produce feathers of any marketable value. Ostriches egg
shells by painting and carving converted into valuable
ornamental/decorated items. Ostrich Oil is High in Omega
3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, which are necessary for growth,
helpful in maintaining health of skin, helps in healing of
wounds and is a muscle relaxant [15]. The oil helps in
regulating metabolism, promoting carrying of fatty acids
from liver to the tissues and maintaining reproductive
performance. The oil is also beneficial remedy for sunburn,
blisters, dry Skin, skin cuts, skin burns and chapped lips and
is also used in beauty soaps [13].
In Pakistan, poultry production is one of the most
dynamic and well organized sectors which has emerged as
a source of employment for more than 1.7 million people.
Poultry industry is playing a significant role in poverty
alleviation in the country. It contributes 1.7% of GDP of
Pakistan. There exists a strong correlation (89.0%) between
the human population and poultry growth in Pakistan and
Poultry industry is playing an important role in bridging the
gap between the supply and demand for protein. However
during the last few years ostrich farming has opened new
horizons and a u turn of development of this industry [1].
The temperate climate of Pakistan with 0 °C of sub
Himalayan to up to 50°C of Sindh and Baluchistan deserts
are equally amiable for setting up ostrich farms in the
Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
country. Most of the people of Pakistan are suffered in
cardiovascular or diabetes (metabolic disorder). Ostrich
meat has been verified to be pretty healthier (lower in
cholesterol, calories and fat, higher in iron) than
conventional red meat (mutton and beef) and lots of taste
conscious and health conscious consumers (patients of
cardiovascular and diabetes) throughout the globe are
interested in eating ostrich meat. Therefore rapid increase
in demand of ostrich meat is expected in future years which
may contribute further additional growth of poultry industry
in the country.
Table 1. Growth rates of ostrich chicks
Age in weeks Average weight in pounds
2-3 weeks 0.56
3-4 weeks 0.82
4-5 week 1.08
5-6week 1.5
6-7 week 1.8
7-8 week 2
Table 2. Superiority of ostrich meat over others white/red
Meat 85 Grams Calories Fat Grams Cholesterol mg
Beef ( Steak) 240 15 77
Chicken 140 3 73
Turkey 135 3 59
Ostrich 97 1.7 58
When an ostrich is slaughtered, very little is wasted in the
slaughtering process, the meat is sold to distributors and
restaurants, the hide is sold for the production of high
quality leather products, the nails are ground into a fine dust
and sold to the far east for use in some medicines. The
feathers of the ostrich are sold to automobile manufacturers
and are used in the final stage of painting new automobiles,
and lastly, the eyes are sold to research facilities to perform
studies to gain more knowledge on human cataracts.
Ostriches have high resistance against diseases as compared
to other animals therefore required no vaccine, antibiotic,
steroid etc.
Currently, commercialization of the ostrich farming is
seeming mainly in the breeding phase worldwide. Some
birds are sold to other farmers and ranchers entering the
ostrich business. Prices continue to be artificially high. As
soon as the number of ostriches reaches a level high enough
to support a slaughter market, however, prices are bound to
drop. At present, there is no concrete indication as to when
the ostrich population will be large enough to meet current,
let alone future, consumer demand. However in the coming
few years, ostrich farming will progress dramatically and
the world ostrich industry will achieve some economic
stability. Despite its great potential, the ostrich received
little attention on commercial scale, although there is
considerable scope for areas of genetics and breeding,
nutrition, hatchery, farm management, abattoir, meat
processing, feather processing, leather processing and oil
refining to be working sectors of ostrich industry in
Pakistan. If ostrich farming is to provide the part of future
poultry industry, a proposed approach may likely to be as
1. Feed Manufacturer
a) Forages b) Grains c) Legumes d) Additives
2. Ostrich Farms
a) Breeder replacement genetics
b) Grower Farms Slaughter birds
3. Hatchery
Egg shells (Crafts and calcium products), chicks
4. Abattoir
i) Carcass Meat processing plants
Fresh meat, frozen meat, offal, bones, value added
ii) Tannery
Finished leather
Manufacturing (bags, shoes and accessories)
iii) Feather processing
Fashion, utility
iv) Oil refining
Food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals.
The general practice is one male for two females (trio) for
an average output of 60 eggs per female and 120 eggs for
breeding season, and with good rearing techniques one can
get 75 slaughter birds (10 months period).
Table 3. Floor Space requirements for a trio
Age Indoor Outdoor
1-2 Days Building 2 sq
10-15 sq Feet/Bird
22-90 Days 30 sq Feet/Bird 150 sq Feet/Bird
90-300 Days 300 sq Feet/Bird Min 2000 sq
Breeding/Selection Only open space 1500-2000 sq
12 months & Older 500 sq Feet/Bird Mini Space 2000
sq Feet/Bird
Fig. 3. Outside floor space for ostriches
Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
Fig. 4. Inside floor space for ostriches
Production System:
Production system is based on the basis of 2 different
rearing techniques:
Poultry and Cow Farming.
Production is a semi-intensive farming, indoors and
outdoors (building and free space).
Table 4. Production Cycle (4 Steps):
Age Housing
Starters (Chicks) 1 day to 3
Poultry Building and
Adjoining Free Space
Cow or Sheep Building and
Adjoining Free Space
Selection For
Free Space, Building is
Breeders + 24
2-3 Kanals Land for one trio
(Building is Optional)
Project Economics
All the figures in this financial model have been
calculated for 25 Ostriches for total area of around 21776
sq.ft (4 kanal), that would be used for different functions of
the farm. The following table shows inter nal rates of return
and payback period.
Table 5. Project Economic
Description Goat
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 18.5%
Payback Period (yrs) 5.5
Net Present Value (NPV) 34,85,000 Rs
Note: 1 US$ equivalent to 105.18 Pak Rupees Project cost
Following requirements have been identified for
operations of the proposed business.
Table 6. Project Cost
Project Investment Total
Ostriches 1,25,000 Rs
Building 24,75,000 Rs
Machinery & Equipment 60,000Rs
Outer wall / Fencing 8,25,000Rs
Total Capital Cost 34,85,000 Rs
Table 7. Ostriches & Feeding Cost
Desctiption No. of birds Price/Bird (Rs) Total Cost (Rs)
Birds 25 5,000 1,25,000 Rs
Feeding 25 10,000 2,50,000 Rs
Total Cost 3,75,000 Rs
Now a day, Government is giving subsidy on ostrich
farming, Bird of 15,000 rupees in just 5,000 rupees.
Space Requirement
Details of the area required are given below:
Table 8. Space Requirement
Description Space
space ft2
per ft2
Total cost
Sheltered for 25
birds (covered)
220 5500 350 19,25,000Rs
Open paddock for
25 birds
440 11000 50 55,000Rs
Total 24,75,000Rs
Machinery and Equipment
Following table provides list of machinery and
equipment required for Goat Farm working for Livestock
Table 9. List of Machinery and Equipment
Farm supplies Unit Cost (Rs) Total Cost
Feeding mangers 5 5,000 25,000Rs
Chaff cutter/(Tokka) 15,000 15,000Rs
Water pump 10,000 10,000Rs
Other farm equipment 10,000 10,000Rs
Total cost 60,000Rs
Table 10. Human Resource Requirement
Description No. of
month (Rs)
Total cost
per month
Salary / yr
Worker 2 10,000 20,000 2,40,000Rs
Total cost 2,40,000 Rs
Table 11. Store house, Workers room & Office room
Description Total
space ft2
Cost per
Total cost
Store house 25 20 500 350 1,75,000Rs
Workers room 20 20 400 350 140,000Rs
Office room 15 15 225 400 90,000Rs
Total Cost 4,05,000 Rs
Table 12. Drugs & Vaccination cost
Description Cost per
Total no. of
Total cost
Drugs 150 25 3750 Rs
Vaccines ______ ______ ______ Rs
Table 13. Revenue Generation
Product Average
per kg
25 Ostriches 70 1750 700 12,25,000Rs
Total 12,25,000Rs
Table 14. Profit loss statement
Cost & sales Cost
Feed & vaccination 3,750 Rs
Cost of ostriches 1,25,000Rs
Direct labor 2,40,000Rs
Transportation 1,00,000Rs
Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
Cost & sales Cost
Repair & maintenance 1,74,500Rs
Electricity 60,000 Rs
Outer wall &Building cost 33,00,000Rs
Total cost 40,03250Rs
Table 15. Temporary expenditure
Description Cost
Feed & vaccination 3,750Rs
Direct labor 2,40,000Rs
Transportation 1,00,000Rs
Repair & maintenance 1,75,500Rs
Electricity 60,000Rs
Total cost 5,79,250Rs
Table 16. Permanent ependiture, Profit & Loss analysis
Description Cost
Outer wall, Equipment &Building 33,60,000 Rs
Ostriches 1,25,000Rs
Total 34,85,000 Rs
Finance Per year
Cost 5,79,250Rs
Revenue 12,25,000Rs
Gross profit 6,45,750Rs
Although ostrich farming is considered highly profitable
however it encounters some problems in Pakistan which are
Farmers Related Problems
Ostrich farming is a new enterprise in the country and
farmers do not how to take proper care of the birds. Most of
the ostrich farmers in Pakistan are new comer in animal
field and they do not know the basic essentials about farm
management therefore the management of the birds is still
relatively primitive. Very low hatchability and very high
mortality (10-50%) Mal (poor) nutrition (incorrect feeding,
feeding cheap feed and [8] the wrong feeds.), under
nutrition, poor and improper feeding may yield eggs having
very low hatchability. Ostrich producers experience
problems with selling their products, as proper ostrich meat
market is not developed yet. Involvement of local ostrich
players in the market who have small investment (new
comer in the animal business) and lack the business
experience. Unavailability of day old chicks at country level
and hatching facilities (Hatchery) is the limiting factor for
its growth as industry. No tannery for skin processing and
market for skin in country. Ban on export at federal level is
the most limiting factor.
Bird Oriented Problems
Sever Leg deformities during early age which may be
either improper brooding facilities or improper nutrition.
Gastric impaction due to eating the non-food items is
another problem during brooding. Predator attack/crow
attacks has been observed in many flocks.
Since last few years efforts are being done to establish
ostrich farming as profitable enterprise in country.
However, in the recent years serious steps are taken by
Government (particularly credit goes to Secretary Live
stock (Nassem Sadiq) and academia (UVAS, Arid
Agriculture University Rawalpindi and RCVetS, Lahore)
for the development of ostrich farming in country.
Government is giving services and incentives to the ostrich
farmers. The academia is promoting this enterprise by
providing services, skills and research etc. The labour
available, local climate and agri based economy are most
appropriate for the supply side of this business in Pakistan.
Whereas the demand is ensured by the high end customer
not being catered to at all.
Any amount of product made available is most likely to
be absorbed, provided we can ensure a perpetual,
sustainable, quantity and quality. Initially we propose to
target the high end of the market for meat.
 Providing technical know-how and relevant expertise to
 Introducing high quality genetic stock in Pakistan
through breeding and selection.
 Selection of appropriate farm tools and equipment for
high scale commercial ostrich farming.
 Conducting researches on different nutritional and
husbandry aspects of ostrich farming.
 Creating market of ostrich products by generating the
demand and providing supply of ostrich products.
There is considerable scope for improvement in the areas
of artificial incubation, chick nutrition, environmental
requirements and selective breeding. Unfortunately, despite
its great potential, the ostrich has received and-continues to
receive little attention from scientists. Big investors should
involv in this enterprize, Otherwise shirkat farming must be
encouraged Training of vets in the country, Establishment
of ostrich breeding research stations to probe/exploit the
maximum genetic potential of ostrich. Establishment of
ostrich hatchery, processing plants and tanneries throughout
the country. Awareness to the public regarding nutritional
value of ostrich meat. Role of human health institutes
should not be overlook in this regard. Extension services
Seminars, conferences/ symposia.
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Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved
International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567
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ostrich farming in Pakistan

  • 1. Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved 1 International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567 Ostrich Industry: A Beautiful U Turn in Poultry Industry of Pakistan Ghulam Abbas1* , Colonel Maqsood Ur Rehman Qureshi1 , Muhammad Asif3 , Muhammad Sajid2 , Syed Wasim Abbas3 Osama Zahid4 and Hira Saeed4 1* Department of Animal Production, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore 2 Department of Anatomy, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore 3 Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore-Pakistan 4 Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore *Corresponding Author: Abstract – Ostrich is a large ratite (flightless running bird) hardy desert bird of African origin. Being a wild (desert) bird; warm and extreme environment may be favorable for ostrich production. Luckily, Pakistan’s environment is very hot in summers and cool in winters which make it an ideal country for ostrich farming. After the success of poultry industry during last two decades ostrich farming can open new vistas for development. Over the last decade, ostrich farming is gaining popularity in Pakistan because of their tasty nutritional meat, valuable skins as well as feathers, eggs and multipurpose oil. Presently the number of slaughter ostriches is increasing in the country and ostrich is now being considered as part of poultry. Ostrich oils are used widely in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. They are apparent to have exceptional moisturizing, penetrating and therapeutic qualities for humans and animals. Increased demand of ostrich meat has resulted in use of controlled systems with scientifically proven management practices (good bio-security measures, genetic selection, nutritional innovations, health regimes, and extensive disease surveillance) for higher sustainable production. Therefore, it is practical to welcome such new efforts which are advantageous to our farmers and the national prosperity. Ostrich farming is convenient option for efficient organic farming of excellent FCR (up to 200 times its birth weight within a year) and high profitability due to negligible cost of medicines, labor, housing and inexpensive fodder consumption when compared with control sheds for livestock and poultry. However, awareness and efforts/support are needed to inspire/motivate the farmers to switch this profitable business on scientific basis. Keywords – Ostrich, Farming, Industry, Meat, Livestock, FCR, Pakistan. I. INTRODUCTION Ostrich (Struthio camelua) is a large flightless bird of African origin existed as a species for over 40 million years]. DNA based molecular evidence showed the Late Pleistocene presence of ostriches in the subcontinent [3]. The Ostrich family (running bird family) is represented by five species, the Ostrich (Africa), the Rhea (South America), the Emu (Australia), the Kiwi (New-Zealand) and the Cassowary (New-Guinea). The Apteryx, living in New Zealand also considered in this family; but this is controversial. Ostriches are twice the size of the others ratites. Ostrich (Struthio camelua) has long neck and small head, with large eyes (cornea is large enough to be trimmed down to fit the human eye) and short broad beak [16]. The ostrich has a large breast plate that covers the thoracic area and protects the heart and liver, having the breast rounded like a barrel. They lack keel bone therefore, have no location for the attachment of flight muscles, however spreads small wings while running [5]. The long powerful legs are used for defense. The tendons (can be used to replace torn tendons in humans) of the ostrich leg are very strong. The Ostrich walks on its toes, feet have only two toes (Emu and Rhea have 3) and can run at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour [1; 17]. Ostriches have three stomach, lack gall bladder and crop but has a glandular stomach called a proventriculus which empties into a muscular structure (ventriculus). The ventriculus/gizzard contains grit, pebbles etc. which helps in grinding the food and allows it to pass into the small intestine. The small lobed thymus of ostriches located posteriorly along both sides of the neck and the cloacal bursa of the ostrich chicks is not truly an independent capsular space [9; 10; 11; 12), and convex papillae are distributed along the surface of the plicae. The undeveloped spleen of ostrich is elliptical, while those of chickens are globular, and those of ducks are triangular. Intestine of the ostrich is unusually long, therefore it takes at least 36 hours for food to pass through it. The nostrils of ostrich are sited ahead on the beak, rather than at the base of the beak. Unlike other birds, the trachea or wind pipe is large and located in the lower part of the mouth. The normal respiratory rate of an ostrich is lower (between 7 and 12 breaths/minute). Like other birds, ostrich posses a cloacae (common opening for excretory, urinary and digestive tract) and lack the urethra however it secretes urine and feces separately. Ostriches can gain 80 kg body weight within 9 months and 100 kg in one year. An ostrich will reach adult height 6-10 feet tall in between 18 and 20 months of age (Cramp and Simmons 1980) with a growth rate 25cm per month and 300-400 pounds in mass [4]. Phallus (copulatory organ) of an adult male is about 8 inches located in the ventral cloacae and can curled up in the bladder. Regardless to egg weight (1.5 kg, about 1.4 liters in volume, creamy white in color and about 2 mm shell thickness), they lay smallest eggs of any species [4; 6].
  • 2. Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved 2 International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567 Fig. 1. Some male (having black feathers) and female (having brown feathers) ostriches Males are mostly black [Fig 1], with white wings tips and tail whereas females and young males are dull grayish brown [1] the female reproductive system comprised of a single ovary and reproductive tract with a small clitoris located on the ventral cloacae. Females tend to mature slightly faster (24 months of age) than males (30 months of age); different species may mature at different ages. Breeding season is heralded by courtship behavior, as complicated series of displays, dancing, vocalization and synchronous behavior [7; 2; 4]. An example of receptive behavior by the female includes bowing and ruffling her wings at her sides. They breed successfully for high fertility about 40-45 years. II. FUTURE OF OSTRICHES IN PAKISTAN The current and future scenario point out probable shortages of live stock in the country exasperated by the recent reduction in agriculture land which is abruptly converting in to residential area due to unwise resource utilization and negligence of rules and regulations in this regard. The ostrich production may provide a u turn to motivate virgin ostrich market for Pakistan. Ostriches are strong desert birds that can survive in temperatures ranging from -2 °C degrees to 50 °C [1]. To dissipate body heat ostrich use the air sacs. It can be reared on barren land and mainly consumes lucerne and water. Therefore these can easily propagate in climatic conditions of Pakistan [1] Ostrich farming has been known from previous few years in Pakistan. However ostrich industry is now growing throughout the globe (Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, USA, England, France and in about 100 other countries) from the last few years for its delicious meat, feathers and the hide [1; 14]. The first organized ostrich farm was established for feathers in 1863 in Karoo and Eastern Cape region of South Africa. Fig. 2. An ostrich ranch at Raiwind road, Lahore, Pakistan The unique tastes of ostrich meat have been increasing the demand in Pakistan among taste conscious people. It is similar to deer meat in taste and also offered as an appetizer in well known restaurants. In addition to meat, high premium beautiful plumage/feathers, oil, luxury leather, and other by-products also captivating people toward this enterprise [1]. Ostriches produce 14 Sq. ft fine hard leather per ostrich which is used in premium leather products. The bleached dyed feathers are used as the raw material for fashion accessories, show business, brush industry (feather- duster) and automobile accessories. Other ratites do not produce feathers of any marketable value. Ostriches egg shells by painting and carving converted into valuable ornamental/decorated items. Ostrich Oil is High in Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, which are necessary for growth, helpful in maintaining health of skin, helps in healing of wounds and is a muscle relaxant [15]. The oil helps in regulating metabolism, promoting carrying of fatty acids from liver to the tissues and maintaining reproductive performance. The oil is also beneficial remedy for sunburn, blisters, dry Skin, skin cuts, skin burns and chapped lips and is also used in beauty soaps [13]. III. OSTRICH FARMING: A BENEFICIAL U TURN IN POULTRY INDUSTRY In Pakistan, poultry production is one of the most dynamic and well organized sectors which has emerged as a source of employment for more than 1.7 million people. Poultry industry is playing a significant role in poverty alleviation in the country. It contributes 1.7% of GDP of Pakistan. There exists a strong correlation (89.0%) between the human population and poultry growth in Pakistan and Poultry industry is playing an important role in bridging the gap between the supply and demand for protein. However during the last few years ostrich farming has opened new horizons and a u turn of development of this industry [1]. The temperate climate of Pakistan with 0 °C of sub Himalayan to up to 50°C of Sindh and Baluchistan deserts are equally amiable for setting up ostrich farms in the
  • 3. Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved 3 International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567 country. Most of the people of Pakistan are suffered in cardiovascular or diabetes (metabolic disorder). Ostrich meat has been verified to be pretty healthier (lower in cholesterol, calories and fat, higher in iron) than conventional red meat (mutton and beef) and lots of taste conscious and health conscious consumers (patients of cardiovascular and diabetes) throughout the globe are interested in eating ostrich meat. Therefore rapid increase in demand of ostrich meat is expected in future years which may contribute further additional growth of poultry industry in the country. Table 1. Growth rates of ostrich chicks Age in weeks Average weight in pounds 2-3 weeks 0.56 3-4 weeks 0.82 4-5 week 1.08 5-6week 1.5 6-7 week 1.8 7-8 week 2 Table 2. Superiority of ostrich meat over others white/red meat Meat 85 Grams Calories Fat Grams Cholesterol mg Beef ( Steak) 240 15 77 Chicken 140 3 73 Turkey 135 3 59 Ostrich 97 1.7 58 When an ostrich is slaughtered, very little is wasted in the slaughtering process, the meat is sold to distributors and restaurants, the hide is sold for the production of high quality leather products, the nails are ground into a fine dust and sold to the far east for use in some medicines. The feathers of the ostrich are sold to automobile manufacturers and are used in the final stage of painting new automobiles, and lastly, the eyes are sold to research facilities to perform studies to gain more knowledge on human cataracts. Ostriches have high resistance against diseases as compared to other animals therefore required no vaccine, antibiotic, steroid etc. IV. PROPOSED UNITS OF OSTRICH INDUSTRY Currently, commercialization of the ostrich farming is seeming mainly in the breeding phase worldwide. Some birds are sold to other farmers and ranchers entering the ostrich business. Prices continue to be artificially high. As soon as the number of ostriches reaches a level high enough to support a slaughter market, however, prices are bound to drop. At present, there is no concrete indication as to when the ostrich population will be large enough to meet current, let alone future, consumer demand. However in the coming few years, ostrich farming will progress dramatically and the world ostrich industry will achieve some economic stability. Despite its great potential, the ostrich received little attention on commercial scale, although there is considerable scope for areas of genetics and breeding, nutrition, hatchery, farm management, abattoir, meat processing, feather processing, leather processing and oil refining to be working sectors of ostrich industry in Pakistan. If ostrich farming is to provide the part of future poultry industry, a proposed approach may likely to be as follow: 1. Feed Manufacturer a) Forages b) Grains c) Legumes d) Additives 2. Ostrich Farms a) Breeder replacement genetics b) Grower Farms Slaughter birds 3. Hatchery Egg shells (Crafts and calcium products), chicks 4. Abattoir i) Carcass Meat processing plants Fresh meat, frozen meat, offal, bones, value added products. ii) Tannery Finished leather Manufacturing (bags, shoes and accessories) iii) Feather processing Fashion, utility iv) Oil refining Food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals. V. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The general practice is one male for two females (trio) for an average output of 60 eggs per female and 120 eggs for breeding season, and with good rearing techniques one can get 75 slaughter birds (10 months period). Table 3. Floor Space requirements for a trio Age Indoor Outdoor 1-2 Days Building 2 sq Feet/Bird 10-15 sq Feet/Bird 22-90 Days 30 sq Feet/Bird 150 sq Feet/Bird 90-300 Days 300 sq Feet/Bird Min 2000 sq Feet/Bird Breeding/Selection Only open space 1500-2000 sq Feet/Bird 12 months & Older 500 sq Feet/Bird Mini Space 2000 sq Feet/Bird Fig. 3. Outside floor space for ostriches
  • 4. Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved 4 International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567 Fig. 4. Inside floor space for ostriches Production System: Production system is based on the basis of 2 different rearing techniques: Poultry and Cow Farming. Production is a semi-intensive farming, indoors and outdoors (building and free space). Table 4. Production Cycle (4 Steps): Age Housing Starters (Chicks) 1 day to 3 month Poultry Building and Adjoining Free Space Fattening Ostriches 4-12 months Cow or Sheep Building and Adjoining Free Space Selection For Breeding 12-24 months Free Space, Building is Optional Breeders + 24 months 2-3 Kanals Land for one trio (Building is Optional) Project Economics All the figures in this financial model have been calculated for 25 Ostriches for total area of around 21776 sq.ft (4 kanal), that would be used for different functions of the farm. The following table shows inter nal rates of return and payback period. Table 5. Project Economic Description Goat Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 18.5% Payback Period (yrs) 5.5 Net Present Value (NPV) 34,85,000 Rs Note: 1 US$ equivalent to 105.18 Pak Rupees Project cost Following requirements have been identified for operations of the proposed business. Table 6. Project Cost Project Investment Total Ostriches 1,25,000 Rs Building 24,75,000 Rs Machinery & Equipment 60,000Rs Outer wall / Fencing 8,25,000Rs Total Capital Cost 34,85,000 Rs Table 7. Ostriches & Feeding Cost Desctiption No. of birds Price/Bird (Rs) Total Cost (Rs) Birds 25 5,000 1,25,000 Rs Feeding 25 10,000 2,50,000 Rs Total Cost 3,75,000 Rs Now a day, Government is giving subsidy on ostrich farming, Bird of 15,000 rupees in just 5,000 rupees. Space Requirement Details of the area required are given below: Table 8. Space Requirement Description Space /bird/ft2 Total space ft2 Cost per ft2 Total cost (Rs) Sheltered for 25 birds (covered) 220 5500 350 19,25,000Rs Open paddock for 25 birds 440 11000 50 55,000Rs Total 24,75,000Rs Machinery and Equipment Following table provides list of machinery and equipment required for Goat Farm working for Livestock sector. Table 9. List of Machinery and Equipment Farm supplies Unit Cost (Rs) Total Cost Feeding mangers 5 5,000 25,000Rs Chaff cutter/(Tokka) 15,000 15,000Rs Water pump 10,000 10,000Rs Other farm equipment 10,000 10,000Rs Total cost 60,000Rs Table 10. Human Resource Requirement Description No. of worker Salary/ month (Rs) Total cost per month (Rs) Salary / yr (Rs) Worker 2 10,000 20,000 2,40,000Rs Total cost 2,40,000 Rs Table 11. Store house, Workers room & Office room Description Total space ft2 Cost per ft2 Total cost Store house 25 20 500 350 1,75,000Rs Workers room 20 20 400 350 140,000Rs Office room 15 15 225 400 90,000Rs Total Cost 4,05,000 Rs Table 12. Drugs & Vaccination cost Description Cost per animal Total no. of animals Total cost Drugs 150 25 3750 Rs Vaccines ______ ______ ______ Rs Table 13. Revenue Generation Product Average Weight/Bird (Kg) Total Weight (Kg) Price per kg Total Revenue (kg) 25 Ostriches 70 1750 700 12,25,000Rs Total 12,25,000Rs Table 14. Profit loss statement Cost & sales Cost Feed & vaccination 3,750 Rs Cost of ostriches 1,25,000Rs Direct labor 2,40,000Rs Transportation 1,00,000Rs
  • 5. Copyright © 2018 IJAHVS, All right reserved 5 International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2455-8567 Cost & sales Cost Repair & maintenance 1,74,500Rs Electricity 60,000 Rs Outer wall &Building cost 33,00,000Rs Total cost 40,03250Rs Table 15. Temporary expenditure Description Cost Feed & vaccination 3,750Rs Direct labor 2,40,000Rs Transportation 1,00,000Rs Repair & maintenance 1,75,500Rs Electricity 60,000Rs Total cost 5,79,250Rs Table 16. Permanent ependiture, Profit & Loss analysis Description Cost Outer wall, Equipment &Building 33,60,000 Rs Ostriches 1,25,000Rs Total 34,85,000 Rs Finance Per year Cost 5,79,250Rs Revenue 12,25,000Rs Gross profit 6,45,750Rs VI. CHALLENGES IN OSTRICH FARMING IN PAKISTAN Although ostrich farming is considered highly profitable however it encounters some problems in Pakistan which are follows: Farmers Related Problems Ostrich farming is a new enterprise in the country and farmers do not how to take proper care of the birds. Most of the ostrich farmers in Pakistan are new comer in animal field and they do not know the basic essentials about farm management therefore the management of the birds is still relatively primitive. Very low hatchability and very high mortality (10-50%) Mal (poor) nutrition (incorrect feeding, feeding cheap feed and [8] the wrong feeds.), under nutrition, poor and improper feeding may yield eggs having very low hatchability. Ostrich producers experience problems with selling their products, as proper ostrich meat market is not developed yet. Involvement of local ostrich players in the market who have small investment (new comer in the animal business) and lack the business experience. Unavailability of day old chicks at country level and hatching facilities (Hatchery) is the limiting factor for its growth as industry. No tannery for skin processing and market for skin in country. Ban on export at federal level is the most limiting factor. Bird Oriented Problems Sever Leg deformities during early age which may be either improper brooding facilities or improper nutrition. Gastric impaction due to eating the non-food items is another problem during brooding. Predator attack/crow attacks has been observed in many flocks. VII. ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AND ACADEMIA IN DEVELOPMENT OF OSTRICH FARMING IN PAKISTAN Since last few years efforts are being done to establish ostrich farming as profitable enterprise in country. However, in the recent years serious steps are taken by Government (particularly credit goes to Secretary Live stock (Nassem Sadiq) and academia (UVAS, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi and RCVetS, Lahore) for the development of ostrich farming in country. Government is giving services and incentives to the ostrich farmers. The academia is promoting this enterprise by providing services, skills and research etc. The labour available, local climate and agri based economy are most appropriate for the supply side of this business in Pakistan. Whereas the demand is ensured by the high end customer not being catered to at all. VIII. THE DOCTORS OSTRICH COMPANY Any amount of product made available is most likely to be absorbed, provided we can ensure a perpetual, sustainable, quantity and quality. Initially we propose to target the high end of the market for meat.  Providing technical know-how and relevant expertise to farmers.  Introducing high quality genetic stock in Pakistan through breeding and selection.  Selection of appropriate farm tools and equipment for high scale commercial ostrich farming.  Conducting researches on different nutritional and husbandry aspects of ostrich farming.  Creating market of ostrich products by generating the demand and providing supply of ostrich products. IX. RECOMMENDATIONS There is considerable scope for improvement in the areas of artificial incubation, chick nutrition, environmental requirements and selective breeding. Unfortunately, despite its great potential, the ostrich has received and-continues to receive little attention from scientists. Big investors should involv in this enterprize, Otherwise shirkat farming must be encouraged Training of vets in the country, Establishment of ostrich breeding research stations to probe/exploit the maximum genetic potential of ostrich. Establishment of ostrich hatchery, processing plants and tanneries throughout the country. Awareness to the public regarding nutritional value of ostrich meat. Role of human health institutes should not be overlook in this regard. Extension services Seminars, conferences/ symposia. REFERENCES [1] Abbas, G., S. Mahmood, M. Sajid and Y. Ali. 2017. Ostrich Farming: A New Turn in Poultry Industry of Pakistan. Advances in Zoology and Botany 5(3): 33-38. [2] Coddington, C.L., Cockburn, A., 1995. The mating system of free living emus. Australian Journal of Zoology 43: 365-372.
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