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Operating Systems
      CMPSCI 377
Advanced Synchronization
            Emery Berger
University of Massachusetts Amherst

  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science
Why Synchronization?
    Synchronization serves two purposes:

        Ensure safety for shared updates

              Avoid race conditions

        Coordinate actions of threads

              Parallel computation

              Event notification

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   2
Synch. Operations




        Condition variables

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   3
    Multiple threads/processes – access shared

    resource simultaneously
    Safe only if:

        All accesses have no effect on resource,

        e.g., reading a variable, or
        All accesses idempotent

              E.g., a = abs(x), a = highbit(a)

        Only one access at a time:

        mutual exclusion

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   4
Safety: Example
    “The too much milk problem”

    Model of need to synchronize activities

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   5
Why You Need Locks

thread A                                        thread B
if (no milk && no note)                         if (no milk && no note)
  leave note                                      leave note
  buy milk                                        buy milk
  remove note                                     remove note

    Does this work? milk
               too much

     UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   6
Mutual Exclusion
    Prevent more than one thread from

    accessing critical section
        Serializes access to section

    Lock, update, unlock:

    lock (&l);
    update data; /* critical section */
    unlock (&l);

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   7
Too Much Milk: Locks

thread A                                      thread B
lock(&l)                                      lock(&l)
if (no milk)                                  if (no milk)
  buy milk                                      buy milk
unlock(&l)                                    unlock(&l)

       UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   8
    Simple multi-threaded program

        N = number of iterations

        Spawn that many threads to compute

        Add value (safely!) to total


        pthread_mutex_create, _lock, _unlock

              pthread_mutex_t myLock;

        pthread_create, pthread_join

              pthread_t threads[100];

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   9

pthread_t theseArethreads[100];
pthread_mutex_t thisIsALock;
typedef void * fnType (void *);
pthread_create (pthread_t *, fnType, void *);
pthread_join (pthread_t * /*, void * */)
pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *)
pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *)
pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *)

    UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   10
#include <pthread.h>
                                            int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
int total = 0;
                                              int n = atoi(argv[1]);
pthread_mutex_t lock;
                                              // mutex init
void * wrapper (void * x) {
                                              pthread_mutex_init (&lock);
  int v = *((int *) x);                       // allocate threads
  delete ((int *) x);                         pthread_t * threads = new pthread_t[n];
                                              // spawn threads
  int res = expComp (v);
                                              for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
  pthread_mutex_lock (&lock);
                                                // heap allocate args
  total += res;
                                                int * newI = new int;
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock);                 *newI = i;
  return NULL;                                  pthread_create (&threads[i], wrapper,
                                            (void *) newI);
                                              // join
                                              for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
                                                pthread_join (threads[i], NULL);
                                              // done
                                              printf (“total = %dn”, total);
                                              return 0;
                 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   11
Atomic Operations
    But: locks are also variables, updated

    concurrently by multiple threads
        Lock the lock?

    Answer: use hardware-level atomic


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Test&Set Semantics
          int testAndset (int& v) {
            int old = v;
            v = 1;
            return old;

               pseudo-code: red = atomic

              What’s the effect of
                    value = 0?
                    value = 1?
   UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   13
Lock Variants
    Blocking Locks

    Spin locks


      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   14
Blocking Locks
    Suspend thread immediately

        Lets scheduler execute another thread

    Minimizes time spent waiting

    But: always causes context switch

                void blockinglock (Lock& l) {
                  while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) {

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   15
Spin Locks
    Instead of blocking, loop until lock released

              void spinlock (Lock& l) {
                while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) {

              void spinlock2 (Lock& l) {
                while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) {
                  while (l.v == 1)

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   16
Other Variants

        Spin for some time, then yield

              Fixed spin time

              Exponential backoff

    Queuing locks, etc.:

        Ensure fairness and scalability

              Major research issue in 90’s

        Not used (much) in real systems

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   17
    Locks can enforce mutual exclusion,

    but notorious source of errors
        Failure to unlock

        Double locking


        Priority inversion

              not an “error” per se

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   18
Failure to Unlock
            pthread_mutex_t l;
            void square (void) {
              pthread_mutex_lock (&l);
              // acquires lock
              // do stuff
              if (x == 0) {
              } else {
                x = x * x;
              pthread_mutex_unlock (&l);

    What happens when we call square()
    twice when x == 0?
      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   19
Scoped Locks with RAI
    Scoped Locks:

    acquired on entry, released on exit
        C++: Resource Acquisition is Initialization

          class Guard {
            Guard (pthread_mutex_t& l)
              : _lock (l)
            { pthread_mutex_lock (&_lock);}

            ~Guard (void) {
              pthread_mutex_unlock (&_lock);
            pthread_mutex_t& _lock;

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   20
Scoped Locks: Usage
    Prevents failure to unlock

              pthread_mutex_t l;
              void square (void) {
                Guard lockIt (&l);
                // acquires lock
                // do stuff
                if (x == 0) {
                  return; // releases lock
                } else {
                  x = x * x;
                // releases lock

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   21
    Another common mistake

         pthread_mutex_lock (&l);
         // do stuff
         // now unlock (or not...)
         pthread_mutex_lock (&l);

    Now what?

        Can find with static checkers –

        numerous instances in Linux kernel
    Better: avoid problem

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   22
Recursive Locks
    Solution: recursive locks

        If unlocked:

              threadID = pthread_self()

              count = 1

        Same thread locks  increment count

              Otherwise, block

        Unlock  decrement count

              Really unlock when count == 0

    Default in Java, optional in POSIX

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   23
Increasing Concurrency

    One object, shared among threads

                      W        R        R        W        R

    Each thread is either a reader or a writer

        Readers – only read data, never modify

        Writers – read & modify data

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   24
Single Lock Solution

thread A               thread B                    thread C
lock(&l)               lock(&l)                    lock(&l)
Read data              Modify data                 Read data
unlock(&l)             unlock(&l)                  unlock(&l)

thread D               thread E                    thread F
lock(&l)               lock(&l)                    lock(&l)
Read data              Read data                   Modify data
unlock(&l)             unlock(&l)                  unlock(&l)

    Drawbacks of this solution?

     UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   25

    Single lock: safe, but limits

        Only one thread at a time, but…

    Safe to have simultaneous readers

        Must guarantee mutual exclusion for


        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   26

    thread A                thread B                    thread C
    rlock(&rw)              wlock(&rw)                  rlock(&rw)
    Read data               Modify data                 Read data
    unlock(&rw)             unlock(&rw)                 unlock(&rw)

    thread D                thread E                    thread F
    rlock(&rw)              rlock(&rw)                  wlock(&rw)
    Read data               Read data                   Modify data
    unlock(&rw)             unlock(&rw)                 unlock(&rw)

     Maximizes concurrency

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   27
R/W Locks – Issues
    When readers and writers both queued up,

    who gets lock?
        Favor readers

              Improves concurrency

              Can starve writers

        Favor writers


              Avoids starvation

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   28
Synch. Operations




        Condition variables

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   29

    What’s a “semaphore” anyway?

    A visual signaling
    apparatus with
    flags, lights, or
    moving arms, as
    one used on a

    Regulates traffic at critical section

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   30
Semaphores in CS

    Computer science: Dijkstra (1965)

    A non-negative
    integer counter with
    atomic increment &
    Blocks rather than
    going negative.

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   31
Semaphore Operations

    P(sem), a.k.a. wait =                            V(sem), a.k.a. signal =
                                               
    decrement counter                                increment counter
        If sem = 0, block until                           Wake 1 waiting process
                                                     
        greater than zero                                 V = “verhogen”
        P = “prolagen” (proberen                          (“increase”)
        te verlagen, “try to

         UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science      32
Semaphore Example

    More flexible than locks

        By initializing semaphore to 0,
        threads can wait for an event to occur

    thread A                                     thread B
    // wait for thread B                         // do stuff, then
                                                 // wake up A
    // do stuff …

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   33
Counting Semaphores

    Controlling resources:

        E.g., allow threads to use at most 5 files

             Initialize to 5

    thread A                                     thread B
    sem.wait();                                  sem.wait();
    // use a file                                // use a file
    sem.signal();                                sem.signal();

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   34
Synch Problem: Queue
    Suppose we have a thread-safe queue

        insert(item), remove()

    Options for remove when queue empty:

        Return special error value (e.g., NULL)

        Throw an exception

        Wait for something to appear in the queue

    Wait = sleep()

        But sleep when holding lock…

              Goes to sleep

              Never wakes up!

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   35
Condition Variables
    Wait for 1 event, atomically grab lock

        wait(Lock& l)

              If queue is empty, wait

                     Atomically releases lock, goes to sleep

                     Reacquires lock when awakened


              Insert item in queue

                     Wakes up one waiting thread, if any


              Wakes up all waiting threads

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   36

   UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   37

    Deadlock = condition where two
    threads/processes wait on each other

    thread A                                  thread B
    printer->wait();                          disk->wait();
    disk->wait();                             printer->wait();

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   38
Deadlocks, Example II

   UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   39
Deadlocks - Terminology
        When several threads compete for finite number
        of resources simultaneously

    Deadlock prevention algorithms
        Check resource requests & availability

    Deadlock detection (rarely used today)
        Finds instances of deadlock when threads stop
        making progress
        Tries to recover

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   40
Rules for Deadlock
All of below must hold:
     Mutual exclusion:
             Resource used by one thread at a time

         Hold and wait
             One thread holds resource while waiting for
             another; other thread holds that resource
         No preemption
             Thread can only release resource voluntarily

             No other thread or OS can force thread to release
         Circular wait
             Set of threads {t1, …, tn}: ti waits on ti+1,
             tn waits on t1

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Circular Waiting

    If no way to free resources (preemption),
      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   42
Deadlock Detection
    Define graph with vertices:
        Resources = {r1, …, rm}

        Threads = {t1, …, tn}

    Request edge from thread to resource
    (rj → ti)
    Assignment edge from resource to thread
    (rj → ti)
        OS has allocated resource to thread


        No cycles  no deadlock

        Cycle  may deadlock

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               Deadlock or not?

    Request edge from
    thread to resource ti -> rj
      Thread: requested

       resource but not
       acquired it
    Assignment edge from
    resource to thread rj -> ti
      OS has allocated

       resource to thread

                  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   44
Multiple Resources

    What if there are multiple

    interchangeable instances of a resource?
        Cycle  deadlock might exist

        If any instance held by thread outside

        cycle, progress possible when thread
        releases resource

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Deadlock Detection

    Deadlock or not?

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Exercise: Resource Allocation Graph

              Draw a graph for the following event:

    Request edge from thread

    to resource ti -> rj
         Thread: requested

         resource but not
         acquired it
    Assignment edge from

    resource to thread rj -> ti
         OS has allocated

         resource to thread

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Resource Allocation Graph

    Draw a graph for the following event:

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Detecting Deadlock
    Scan resource allocation graph

    for cycles & break them!
    Different ways to break cycles:

      UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   49
Detecting Deadlock
    Scan resource allocation graph

    for cycles & break them!
    Different ways to break cycles:

        Kill all threads in cycle

        Kill threads one at a time

              Force to give up resources

        Preempt resources one at a time

              Roll back thread state to before acquiring resource

              Common in database transactions

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   50
Deadlock Prevention
        Instead of detection, ensure at least one

        of necessary conditions doesn’t hold
            Mutual exclusion

            Hold and wait

            No preemption

            Circular wait

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   51
Deadlock Prevention
        Mutual exclusion

            Make resources shareable (but not all

            resources can be shared)
        Hold and wait

            Guarantee that thread cannot hold one

            resource when it requests another
            Make threads request all resources they

            need at once and release all before
            requesting new set

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   52
Deadlock Prevention, continued
        No preemption

            If thread requests resource that cannot be

            immediately allocated to it
                 OS preempts (releases) all resources thread

                 currently holds
            When all resources available:

                 OS restarts thread

        Problem: not all resources can be


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Deadlock Prevention, continued

        Circular wait

            Impose ordering (numbering) on resources

            and request them in order

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   54
Avoiding Deadlock
    Cycle in locking graph = deadlock

    Standard solution:
    canonical order for locks
        Acquire in increasing order

              E.g., lock_1, lock_2, lock_3

        Release in decreasing order

    Ensures deadlock-freedom,

    but not always easy to do

        UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   55
The End

   UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science   56

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Operating Systems - Advanced Synchronization

  • 1. Operating Systems CMPSCI 377 Advanced Synchronization Emery Berger University of Massachusetts Amherst UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science
  • 2. Why Synchronization? Synchronization serves two purposes:  Ensure safety for shared updates  Avoid race conditions  Coordinate actions of threads  Parallel computation  Event notification  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 2
  • 3. Synch. Operations Safety:  Locks  Coordination:  Semaphores  Condition variables  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 3
  • 4. Safety Multiple threads/processes – access shared  resource simultaneously Safe only if:  All accesses have no effect on resource,  e.g., reading a variable, or All accesses idempotent  E.g., a = abs(x), a = highbit(a)  Only one access at a time:  mutual exclusion UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 4
  • 5. Safety: Example “The too much milk problem”  Model of need to synchronize activities  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 5
  • 6. Why You Need Locks thread A thread B if (no milk && no note) if (no milk && no note) leave note leave note buy milk buy milk remove note remove note Does this work? milk too much  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 6
  • 7. Mutual Exclusion Prevent more than one thread from  accessing critical section Serializes access to section  Lock, update, unlock:  lock (&l); update data; /* critical section */ unlock (&l); UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 7
  • 8. Too Much Milk: Locks thread A thread B lock(&l) lock(&l) if (no milk) if (no milk) buy milk buy milk unlock(&l) unlock(&l) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 8
  • 9. Exercise! Simple multi-threaded program  N = number of iterations  Spawn that many threads to compute  expensiveComputation(i) Add value (safely!) to total  Use:  pthread_mutex_create, _lock, _unlock  pthread_mutex_t myLock;  pthread_create, pthread_join  pthread_t threads[100];  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 9
  • 10. Prototypes pthread_t theseArethreads[100]; pthread_mutex_t thisIsALock; typedef void * fnType (void *); pthread_create (pthread_t *, fnType, void *); pthread_join (pthread_t * /*, void * */) pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *) pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *) pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 10
  • 11. Solution #include <pthread.h> int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { int total = 0; int n = atoi(argv[1]); pthread_mutex_t lock; // mutex init void * wrapper (void * x) { pthread_mutex_init (&lock); int v = *((int *) x); // allocate threads delete ((int *) x); pthread_t * threads = new pthread_t[n]; // spawn threads int res = expComp (v); for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock (&lock); // heap allocate args total += res; int * newI = new int; pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock); *newI = i; return NULL; pthread_create (&threads[i], wrapper, (void *) newI); } } // join for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) { pthread_join (threads[i], NULL); } // done printf (“total = %dn”, total); return 0; } UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 11
  • 12. Atomic Operations But: locks are also variables, updated  concurrently by multiple threads Lock the lock?  Answer: use hardware-level atomic  operations Test-and-set  Compare-and-swap  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 12
  • 13. Test&Set Semantics int testAndset (int& v) { int old = v; v = 1; return old; } pseudo-code: red = atomic What’s the effect of  testAndset(value) when: value = 0?  (“unlocked”) value = 1?  (“locked”) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 13
  • 14. Lock Variants Blocking Locks  Spin locks  Hybrids  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 14
  • 15. Blocking Locks Suspend thread immediately  Lets scheduler execute another thread  Minimizes time spent waiting  But: always causes context switch  void blockinglock (Lock& l) { while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) { sched_yield(); } } UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 15
  • 16. Spin Locks Instead of blocking, loop until lock released  void spinlock (Lock& l) { while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) { ; } } void spinlock2 (Lock& l) { while (testAndSet(l.v) == 1) { while (l.v == 1) ; } } UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 16
  • 17. Other Variants Spin-then-yield:  Spin for some time, then yield  Fixed spin time  Exponential backoff  Queuing locks, etc.:  Ensure fairness and scalability  Major research issue in 90’s  Not used (much) in real systems  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 17
  • 18. “Safety” Locks can enforce mutual exclusion,  but notorious source of errors Failure to unlock  Double locking  Deadlock  Priority inversion  not an “error” per se  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 18
  • 19. Failure to Unlock pthread_mutex_t l; void square (void) { pthread_mutex_lock (&l); // acquires lock // do stuff if (x == 0) { return; } else { x = x * x; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&l); } What happens when we call square()  twice when x == 0? UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 19
  • 20. Scoped Locks with RAI Scoped Locks:  acquired on entry, released on exit C++: Resource Acquisition is Initialization  class Guard { public: Guard (pthread_mutex_t& l) : _lock (l) { pthread_mutex_lock (&_lock);} ~Guard (void) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&_lock); } private: pthread_mutex_t& _lock; }; UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 20
  • 21. Scoped Locks: Usage Prevents failure to unlock  pthread_mutex_t l; void square (void) { Guard lockIt (&l); // acquires lock // do stuff if (x == 0) { return; // releases lock } else { x = x * x; } // releases lock } UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 21
  • 22. Double-Locking Another common mistake  pthread_mutex_lock (&l); // do stuff // now unlock (or not...) pthread_mutex_lock (&l); Now what?  Can find with static checkers –  numerous instances in Linux kernel Better: avoid problem  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 22
  • 23. Recursive Locks Solution: recursive locks  If unlocked:  threadID = pthread_self()  count = 1  Same thread locks  increment count  Otherwise, block  Unlock  decrement count  Really unlock when count == 0  Default in Java, optional in POSIX  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 23
  • 24. Increasing Concurrency One object, shared among threads  W R R W R Each thread is either a reader or a writer  Readers – only read data, never modify  Writers – read & modify data  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 24
  • 25. Single Lock Solution thread A thread B thread C lock(&l) lock(&l) lock(&l) Read data Modify data Read data unlock(&l) unlock(&l) unlock(&l) thread D thread E thread F lock(&l) lock(&l) lock(&l) Read data Read data Modify data unlock(&l) unlock(&l) unlock(&l) Drawbacks of this solution?  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 25
  • 26. Optimization Single lock: safe, but limits  concurrency Only one thread at a time, but…  Safe to have simultaneous readers  Must guarantee mutual exclusion for  writers UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 26
  • 27. Readers/Writers thread A thread B thread C rlock(&rw) wlock(&rw) rlock(&rw) Read data Modify data Read data unlock(&rw) unlock(&rw) unlock(&rw) thread D thread E thread F rlock(&rw) rlock(&rw) wlock(&rw) Read data Read data Modify data unlock(&rw) unlock(&rw) unlock(&rw) Maximizes concurrency  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 27
  • 28. R/W Locks – Issues When readers and writers both queued up,  who gets lock? Favor readers  Improves concurrency  Can starve writers  Favor writers  Alternate  Avoids starvation  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 28
  • 29. Synch. Operations Safety:  Locks  Coordination:  Semaphores  Condition variables  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 29
  • 30. Semaphores What’s a “semaphore” anyway?  A visual signaling apparatus with flags, lights, or mechanically moving arms, as one used on a railroad. Regulates traffic at critical section  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 30
  • 31. Semaphores in CS Computer science: Dijkstra (1965)  A non-negative integer counter with atomic increment & decrement. Blocks rather than going negative. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 31
  • 32. Semaphore Operations P(sem), a.k.a. wait = V(sem), a.k.a. signal =   decrement counter increment counter If sem = 0, block until Wake 1 waiting process   greater than zero V = “verhogen”  P = “prolagen” (proberen (“increase”)  te verlagen, “try to decrease”) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 32
  • 33. Semaphore Example More flexible than locks  By initializing semaphore to 0,  threads can wait for an event to occur thread A thread B // wait for thread B // do stuff, then // wake up A sem.wait(); sem.signal(); // do stuff … UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 33
  • 34. Counting Semaphores Controlling resources:  E.g., allow threads to use at most 5 files  simultaneously Initialize to 5  thread A thread B sem.wait(); sem.wait(); // use a file // use a file sem.signal(); sem.signal(); UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 34
  • 35. Synch Problem: Queue Suppose we have a thread-safe queue  insert(item), remove()  Options for remove when queue empty:  Return special error value (e.g., NULL)  Throw an exception  Wait for something to appear in the queue  Wait = sleep()  But sleep when holding lock…  Goes to sleep  Never wakes up!  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 35
  • 36. Condition Variables Wait for 1 event, atomically grab lock  wait(Lock& l)  If queue is empty, wait  Atomically releases lock, goes to sleep  Reacquires lock when awakened  notify()  Insert item in queue  Wakes up one waiting thread, if any  notifyAll()  Wakes up all waiting threads  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 36
  • 37. Deadlock UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 37
  • 38. Deadlocks Deadlock = condition where two  threads/processes wait on each other thread A thread B printer->wait(); disk->wait(); disk->wait(); printer->wait(); UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 38
  • 39. Deadlocks, Example II UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 39
  • 40. Deadlocks - Terminology Deadlock  When several threads compete for finite number  of resources simultaneously Deadlock prevention algorithms  Check resource requests & availability  Deadlock detection (rarely used today)  Finds instances of deadlock when threads stop  making progress Tries to recover  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 40
  • 41. Rules for Deadlock All of below must hold: Mutual exclusion: 1. Resource used by one thread at a time  Hold and wait 2. One thread holds resource while waiting for  another; other thread holds that resource No preemption 3. Thread can only release resource voluntarily  No other thread or OS can force thread to release  resource Circular wait 4. Set of threads {t1, …, tn}: ti waits on ti+1,  tn waits on t1 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 41
  • 42. Circular Waiting If no way to free resources (preemption),  deadlock UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 42
  • 43. Deadlock Detection Define graph with vertices:  Resources = {r1, …, rm}  Threads = {t1, …, tn}  Request edge from thread to resource  (rj → ti) Assignment edge from resource to thread  (rj → ti) OS has allocated resource to thread  Result:  No cycles  no deadlock  Cycle  may deadlock  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 43
  • 44. Example Deadlock or not?  Request edge from  thread to resource ti -> rj  Thread: requested resource but not acquired it Assignment edge from  resource to thread rj -> ti  OS has allocated resource to thread UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 44
  • 45. Multiple Resources What if there are multiple  interchangeable instances of a resource? Cycle  deadlock might exist  If any instance held by thread outside  cycle, progress possible when thread releases resource UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 45
  • 46. Deadlock Detection Deadlock or not?  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 46
  • 47. Exercise: Resource Allocation Graph Draw a graph for the following event:  Request edge from thread  to resource ti -> rj Thread: requested  resource but not acquired it Assignment edge from  resource to thread rj -> ti OS has allocated  resource to thread UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 47
  • 48. Resource Allocation Graph Draw a graph for the following event:  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 48
  • 49. Detecting Deadlock Scan resource allocation graph  for cycles & break them! Different ways to break cycles:  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 49
  • 50. Detecting Deadlock Scan resource allocation graph  for cycles & break them! Different ways to break cycles:  Kill all threads in cycle  Kill threads one at a time  Force to give up resources  Preempt resources one at a time  Roll back thread state to before acquiring resource  Common in database transactions  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 50
  • 51. Deadlock Prevention Instead of detection, ensure at least one  of necessary conditions doesn’t hold Mutual exclusion  Hold and wait  No preemption  Circular wait  UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 51
  • 52. Deadlock Prevention Mutual exclusion  Make resources shareable (but not all  resources can be shared) Hold and wait  Guarantee that thread cannot hold one  resource when it requests another Make threads request all resources they  need at once and release all before requesting new set UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 52
  • 53. Deadlock Prevention, continued No preemption  If thread requests resource that cannot be  immediately allocated to it OS preempts (releases) all resources thread  currently holds When all resources available:  OS restarts thread  Problem: not all resources can be  preempted UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 53
  • 54. Deadlock Prevention, continued Circular wait  Impose ordering (numbering) on resources  and request them in order UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 54
  • 55. Avoiding Deadlock Cycle in locking graph = deadlock  Standard solution:  canonical order for locks Acquire in increasing order  E.g., lock_1, lock_2, lock_3  Release in decreasing order  Ensures deadlock-freedom,  but not always easy to do UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 55
  • 56. The End UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST • Department of Computer Science 56