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Strat’Z’Fun :
Corporate Strategy Gamified
Youssef Ouazzani Submission for
the Octalysis Level 2 Certification
3rd Submission on October 07 2020
Table of Contents
▸ Context & Ambitions
▸ Octalysis Strategy Dashboard
▸ Analysis of the Current Experience
▸ Brainstorm & Analysis of the Future Experience
▸ Concept Wireframes
Context &
Context & Ambitions
In a big company, strategy is key to success.
However, due to its complexity, collaborators
don’t really understand it. Thus, in their daily work,
they tend not to adopt the right thinking patterns,
In order to make their work and deliverables
alligned with the company’s strategic vision.
The complex and dour image projected by
strategic matters, doesn’t help either to get
employees attention and will to engage with the
understanding of the company’s strategy.
Through this project, I ambition to make strategy
fun and easy to understand through doing and
playing. This is supposed to drive employee
engagement towards strategy and lift the fear of
thinking about it and handling strategic matters.
I also ambition that employees will become able to
consider the strategic concerns of the company
while doing their daily job, thus allowing the
results to be more alligned with the company’s
strategic vision.
Business Metrics
▸ 1st Metric to Optimize: # of collaboratorswho understand the strategic aspects of the
company (KPI : All players who have more than 30% of wins in the game)
▸ 2nd : # of collaboratorswho make that understanding impact their daily work and deliverables
(KPI : All collaboratorswhose work have been noticed by their managers, to have become
more aligned with the company’s strategy)
▸ 3rd : # of collaboratorswho play the game (Successful if 50% of the employees are weekly
active users)
▸ 4th : # of collaboratorswho downloaded the app and created a profile (Successful if 70%
created a profile)
▸ 5th : # of collaboratorswho entered the endgame phase (Successfulif 20% did)
Player Types Diagram Challenging : Like to change how things are
done, and apply any new knownedge learned
in daily tasks and job
Playful : Enjoy playing in the
Serious : Like to remain serious in the
Comfy : Prefer to keep doing their job the way
they’re used to
Serious Strategist
The serious strategist is a player type who lives
for their job. This player type is attracted by the
epic calling of the company they work in. They
like to feel development of their skills and
accomplishment, and are afraid of losing their
position and image in the company.
The main core drives that motivate this profile
are the following :
▸ Epic Meaning and Calling
▸ Development and Accomplishment
▸ Avoidance
- Believes really hard in the need for mastering
the strategic aspects of the company
- Believes his company’s higher vision and
wants to help achieving it by mastering the
strategic aspects
- Enjoys feeling empowered and smart in
solving the company’s issues
- Not very interested by the social
- Prefers to see the help he provides to
others like serving the organization
rather than helping fellow individuals
- Dislikes unpredictability and prefers plans
and the feeling of mastery over things and
- Never shows it, but secretly likes a bit of
unpredictability when it comes to strategy, to
feel the thrill of it. It makes them feel alive
- Has a strong sense of avoidance regarding
the fact that the company might not perform
well on a strategic level
- Has a strong sense of avoidance cncerning
the fact of losing his position and expert
image within the company
- Ambitious and attracted by hard to get
positions and opportunities within the
- Feels a sense of ownership
towards the company
- Feels like it’s very important to develop his
skills to be able to respond to the higher
- Enjoys feeling accomplished when
learning new skills in general and new
strategic aspects in particular
Strategy Lover
- Feels the epic meaning and calling of the
- Understands the use of understanding and
mastering the strategic aspects of the
- Deeply loves the feeling of
having to be creative and play
with the rules to win
- Loves Analyzing, forecasting
and checking if the projections
were accurate
- Loves showing off his skills and
smart moves to the other
players and collaborators
- Loves playing with opponents
and looks for strong opponents
to measure with
- Generally likes to have the upper
hand over things and be in a control
mindset not leaving that much place
for unpredictability
- But is aware that unpredictability
makes things fun in life in general
and in particular in strategy. Liking it
a bit for the thrill it provides
- Has strong avoidance feeling
when it comes to failing a
- Avoids Losing his strategical
position within the company
- Avoids having a bad image
within the company
- Likes and is looking to achieve
rare and valuable results resulting
from a strategical mindset and
- Would like access to the most
trategic positions of the company
- Feels fair ownership of the
company and feels like owning it
- Is conscious that this feeling is
necessary to operate a good
- Is really motivated by the strategy,
the ownership feeling is just
necessary to do a good strategic
- Loves upgrading and
developing his strategy related
- Feels accomplished when
achieving a good strategy
The Strategy Lover is a player type that is
passionate about the subject of strategy.
Whether they are part of the strategy department
or other parts of the organization, these people
live by strategy and have a very strategy oriented
mindset they like and love to develop.
The main core drives that motivate this player
type are :
▸ Development and Accomplishment
▸ Empowerment of Creativity and Feedback
▸ Loss and Avoidance
▸ Social Influence
Gaming Lover
- Lightly attracted by the epic
meaning and calling
- But it’s not the main core drive
that motivates this player type
- Likes the context the epic
meaning and calling provides to
the work, but is not enough to
motivate by itself
- This player type loves the
feeling of having to use
creativity and wit to solve
complex problems
- Loves to feel clever and have
positive feedback about the
result and how to improve it
- Slightly interested by the social
- Mainly when it comes to providing
feedback related to the
empowerment of creativity
- Or when a game needs to be
played by many players by nature
- Also likes to be recognized by
peers for special achievements
- This player type loves the
unpredictability that makes things
enjoyable and fun
- Always curious to try new fun
- Loves to try all what is related to
gaming and playing
- Doesn’t want to lose owned
stuff, progress and own
- Would not like to lose job but is
not mainly motivated by this idea
that doesn’t cross that much the
mind of this player type
- Likes the scarcity when it
comes to rare stuff this player
type can own, or rare
performance to achieve, or
rare experience to live
- Impatient to own rare stuff,
achieve rare performance,
and live rare experiences
- Impatient to be recognized by
peers for such achievements
- Doesn’t feel ownership towards
the company
- But is highly attracted by
ownership towards stuff,
experiences and own
performance (like ranks, coins,
improvement tracking, etc.)
- This player type is highly
attracted by the feeling of
evolution and
- Loves to feel instant
upgrades in skills, levels, win
states etc.
The gaming lover is a player type that loves to
have fun, and experience things related to fun.
They would love to see more fun in the workplace
and would be the first to take part to fun
experiences in the workplace.
This player type is strongly motivated by the
following core drives :
▸ Development & Accomplishment
▸ Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback
▸ Ownership & Possession
▸ Curiosity & Unpredictability
▸ Scarcity & Impatience
Strategy Wanderer
- Weaklyattracted by the epic
meaning and calling of the
- Doesn’t see what strategy has to
do with own work and how it
reflects on the overall
organization - Would be a bit open to
experiment how to handle
those strategic aspects we tell
him about
- Can get dragged into an
experiment through social
- Listens to friends, family and
- Likes the Social dynamics and
having friends
- Is driven by this core drive
- Curious about what strategy is
- Curious about why it is
important for the company
- Open to new experiments and
what might come out of them
- Is driven by this core drive
- Feels a bit of avoidance regarding
the fact of losing their job
- Knows this isn’t gonna happen
even if they don’t master the
strategic subjects that actually
aren’t their job
- Feels no great impatience
towards the strategic subjects
- Might be slightly interested by
being one of the rare people to
understand the strategic
aspects of the company
- But this isn’t enough to drive
this player type
- Feels a bit of ownership
towards his company
- Feels no real ownership
regarding the subjects
related to strategy
- Quite open to develop
strategy skills
- Bit afraid of it meaning
increased responsibility
- Not very driven by the idea of
developing those skills
The strategy wanderer are normal employees
who like their comfort zone. They don’t feel the
need to learn new things or to live new
professional experiences. The main things that
motivate them to act are the Social Influence,
The Curiosity and Unpredictability and the
In our case, as the strategy isn’t a subject they
are accountant for, this player type is mainly
motivated by the following core drives :
▸ Social Influence
▸ Curiosity and Unpredictability
Most Important Player Types
As the main goal of the company is to drive most employees to acquire strategic reflexes and mindset in
their daily work through a game, the most important player types of our case are the following :
▸ StrategyWanderer : They are resistant, not very open, but we need to put them at the center of our
experience because they represent 80% of the company’s employees.
▸ StrategyLover : They both love to play and apply their learnings to their daily tasks and jobs, and are
highly driven by the social dynamics. They would make great examples for other employees to follow,
and due to their social motivation, their enthousiasm has high chances to become contagious for the
Strategy Wanderer player type, that mainly reacts through social interaction as well.
The two other player types are also interesting but won’t be our main focus, in the sense that they would
give a better atmosphere and diversity to the overall experience, but are not the main player types that
would help us achieve our objectives
Desired Actions
▸ Discovery :
▸ 1- Learn about the new game via :
▸ Reading the billboards about the new game
▸ Reading articles on the internal communication platform about the new game
▸ Talking with friends about the new game
▸ Seeing friends playing
▸ Getting invited by friends over company’s internal social media platform
▸ 2- Plan to get into the experience via :
▸ Downloading the app
▸ Planning to attend a playing session
Desired Actions
▸ Onboarding :
▸ Get into the experience via one of those paths :
▸ Playing the tutorial of the game alone
▸ Attending a playing session where the game is explained by a physical person while
▸ For the new hires, attending the playing session scheduled in their company onboarding
▸ 1- Open the app for the first time
▸ 2- Create a profile in the app
▸ 3- Create a first team in the app
▸ 4 – Challenge other teams in a game session
▸ 5- Play 4 strategic moves to get the bigger market share in the game session
▸ 6- Get rewards at the end of the game session
Desired Actions
Scaffolding & Endgame
▸ Scaffolding :
▸ 1- Open the game at least once a week
▸ 2- Play more game sessions against opponents
▸ 3 – Level up in the game
▸ 4- Win digital currency
▸ 5- Lose digital currency (We need players to bet and lose digital currency from time to time against other
players, in order to get more competitive and want to get the currency back, which will drive them to play more
▸ 6- Convert digital currency to physical goods & gifts
▸ 7- Create and maintain a guild
▸ 8- Attend various playing events and contests
▸ Endgame :
▸ 1- Get lot of digital currency
▸ 2- Get to the higher levels in the game
▸ 3- Take part to competitions about the best or more creative application of strategy learning in daily jobs
▸ 4- Mentor newcomers to the game and help them onboard and upgrade in their skills and strategic reflexion
Feedback Mechanics
▸ Ingame notifications
▸ Mobile Push notifications
▸ Email
▸ Corporate internal social media network
▸ Corporate internal communication platform
▸ Physical gifts and goodies
▸ Fellow players
▸ Fellow guild members
▸ Playing Events and contests
Feedback Mechanics
▸ Get exposed to a communication campaign
▸ Seeing content and other’s accomplishments on company’s social media platform
▸ Get invited to the game by a player (through company mobile push notification and / or company email)
▸ Get invited to a guild by a player (through company mobile push notification and / or company email)
▸ Feedback from a fellow employee acting as a mentor through the first phases of the game
▸ Mentor feedback about skills progression
▸ Company Social Media private groups dynamic and notifications (group about the game and separate groups
for each guild)
▸ Participation in playing events and contests and get feedbacks on performance
▸ Notifications from the game app
▸ Level and achievement reminder from physical gifts and goodies (the more the achievement the better the
Feedback Mechanics
▸ Countdown before next playing session / Contest
▸ The player’s own feeling of upgrading and leveling up
▸ Fellow collaborators’ feedback on playing performance
▸ The points, badges, ranks and virtual currency unlocked in the game
▸ Display game rank on company’s social media groups
▸ Collaborators’ feedbacks on social media groups
▸ Get notified by the game app for new challenges and contests
▸ Get talked to directly in the company’s social media groups by fellow guild members
▸ Get invited to hangout with guild members
▸ Get proposition from the app to mentor people when level is up
▸ Points and Levels
▸ Badges and Achievements
▸ In-Game Ranks
▸ Digital Currency
▸ Physical Products
▸ Access for Private Groups
▸ Physical Prizes
▸ Cash Prizes
▸ Feedback and Positive Reinforcement
▸ Social Hangouts
▸ New Evolution Paths
Core Drives Order of
As our main player types are the StrategyWanderer and the StrategyLover,the order of importance of our
core drives would then be :
▸ 1- Curiosity and Unpredictability
▸ 2- Social Influence
▸ 3- Development & Accomplishment
▸ 3- Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback
▸ 4- Ownership & Possession
▸ 5- Scarcity & Impatience
▸ 6- Loss & Avoidance
▸ 7- Epic Meaning and Calling
Analysis of the
Through the 8 Octalysis Core Drives
Current Experience
The current experience is actually pretty
The user works on a concrete case and is pretty
motivated by all core drives, minding a slight
gap between some of them.
The problem of the current experience is that it
only lasts for one day before vanishing forever.
The idea would be to embetter this experience
and make it more available to the user.
- Basic Storytelling about the company needing to be
competitive on the market
- Creative Strategic choices that need to be
- 3 next rounds building on the previous
decisions, and requiring new creativity to
adapt to the new market situation
- Required teamwork to solve the case
- Competition between teams
- Many rounds with changing results on the
- Other team’s decisions
- New external events happening on the market
and pushing the players to adapt their
- Whole day invested in the experience (avoid
losing time for nothing)
- Mandatory participation
- Losing rounds
- Losing the game session
- Prize for winning team
- Special players noticed by the strategy
- Virtual currency won through the
different rounds (NOT usable, just
imaginary for the sake of the case)
- Better ownership towards the
company through the experience
- New knowledge gained through solving
the cases
- Performance on the market building up
on top of previous rounds
Current Experience Analysis
Comparison with important Player Types
The current experience is a bit close to our two main player types. While our two main player types are mainly motivated by
the CDs 5,7,2,3, the pretty balanced current experience draws from all the CDs.
Thus, the following actions should be implemented :
▸ CD 5&7: Emphasize more on those CDs
▸ CD 2&3: Enhance those core drives in the scaffolding phase
▸ CD 4,6& 8 : Those CDs are already good enough. No need to focus on them
▸ CD 1 : A slight enhancement of CD 1 would be a nice to have for our future scaffolding experience
Analysis of the
Brainstorm▸ CD5Emphasis:
▹ Get out of the course format and make the game an open app playable any time by any collaborator
▹ As the game is playable by teams againsteams, enable multiple playing modes:
▹ Give the collaboratorsthe possibility whetherto join a randomly created team for a quick game
▹ Or create their own guild they can nurture and keep playing with
▹ Or give them the possibilityto join nations(Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. LikePokemonGo Instinct,Valor or Mystic teams
mechanic),where their performancewill enhanceor decrease the overall nation performance.They can join the nation as
individualsor even as guilds
▹ Add a leaderboard of most performingguilds and the most performingof the 4 nations
▹ Lauch special events, contestsand competitionsabout the game to emphasizethe competitionsocial dynamic :
▹ Contest of the month : Each month,a contest is organizedfor the players willing to take part, with a prize to win
▹ Nation Day : On day of the year, every collaboratorwears the colors of his nation,and is dedicated tomakingboostingthe
score of his nation as much as he can
▹ Guilds hangouts : Organizeteam buildingactivitiesfor the guilds members
▹ ExchangeDay : A day dedicated toexchangingmemberswith other guilds to collaborate,provide diversity(and also get to
know your opponentsbetter ;) )
▹ Spy Season : A time in the year dedicated togetting strategic informationfrom other guilds. Who can you trust ?
▹ Etc.
▸ CD7Emphasis:
▹ When a game is won, give digital currency, but also a randomobject/ powerup or boosterat the end of every game
▹ Powerup that enables you to see the next move of an opponent
▹ Booster that enables you to get more experienceat the end of a game session
▹ Booster that enables you to get more digitalcurrency at the end of a game session
▹ Powerup that enables you to hide your moves and protect from other power ups
▹ Etc.
▹ Give certain objectsto users that act like randomizers,like an objectthat multiplies randomlythe digital currencyheld bya player, etc.
Brainstorm▸ CD2Enhancement:
▹ Make streak of winsvisible
▹ Make progress of objectscollectionvisible
▹ Create a level up and rank system dependingon the number of wins andthe overall performanceof the player
▸ CD3Enhancement:
▹ Diversity of profiles andopponentteams encountered: ThisCD is naturally going to be drastically enhanced asthe players will play
against themselves, thus creatingneverendinglevels of challenge and neverendingdifferentsituationswhere the player will need to
use their creativityand intelligenceto win the game.
NOTETOREVIEWER: To make it clearer, whilein the previous experience,players had to workon a single case in a definedteam,
before finishingthe experience forever, in this new experience,players can choosemany differentteams for each game session,and
join a guild with new, differentand changingmembers.Thisdiversityin people now allowed to play with, makesthe user
always confrontedto new situations,diversityin other players’ intelligence,creativityand reflexion patterns, thus constantly
challenginghiscreativity.The thingthe user didn’thave in the previous experience.
▹ Ongoingevolving market through the ongoinggame
NOTETOREVIEWER: Regardingthe pointof the case remainingthe same, actually when makingthe experienceinto an ongoing
gamingexperience,the case evolves way beyondthe scopeof the previous experience.As the caseis a market, makingthe experience
into an ongoinggame gives us an ongoingevolving market,whichgives more new situationsto crack, giving more field to express the
creativity of the player.
▸ CD1Slightenhancement:
▹ Make the narrative and story contextualization ofthe game visible through the texts and wordsused (like nationsinstead of teams for
example), to let the collaboratorrememberwhy he’s playing and how it relates to the corporate strategy and the strategic vision of the
company. Thecollaboratorwill be playing in a simulation of his company market and the words and texts will be those of the company.
Analysis of the
Through the 8 Octalysis Core Drives
Future Experience
- Narrative and story contextualization of game more visible through texts and words used
- Basic Storytelling about the company needing to be competitive on the market
- Diversity of profiles and opponent teams encountered
- Ongoing evolving market through the ongoing game
- Creative Strategic choices that need to be done
- 3 next rounds building on the previous decisions, and requiring new creativity to adapt
to the new market situation
- Get out of course format and make game playable by any collaborator anytime
on phone
- Enable multiple social playing modes
- Add leaderboard of most performing guilds, individuals, and nations
- Launch special events, contest and challenges
- Required teamwork to solve the case
- Competition between teams
- Random object, power up or booster when game is won
- Objects that act like randomizers
- Many rounds with changing results on the market
- Other team’s decisions
- New external events happening on the market and pushing the players to adapt their
- Whole day invested in the experience (avoid losing time for nothing)
- Mandatory participation
- Losing rounds
- Losing the game session
- Different levels of scarcity for physical goods exchanged for digital currency
- Prize for winning team
- Special players noticed by the strategy department
- Give digital currency to players
- Make players win real goods and objects with digital currency
- Virtual currency won through the different rounds (NOT usable, just imaginary for
the sake of the case)
- Better ownership towards the company through the experience
- Make streak of wins visible
- Make progress of objects collection visible
- Create level up and rank system
- New knowledge gained through solving the cases
- Performance on the market building up on top of previous rounds
- Future Experience
- Current Experience
Note about the Future
In conclusion of our brainstormingand analysis of the future experience, we can imagine the futureexperience to be completely
different from the current experience, in the sense that it will be long lasting and accessible to all, all the time (in comparison with the
time and fun limited course format experience).
To roughly sum up our analysis, we would want the future experience to be open, accessible, highly gamified, collaborative, surprizing
and way more funny and engaging and to seem a bit like this :
▸ Discovery: Design the same experience whether it’s for the new hires or ordinary collaborators. We want the discovery to happen
through a big buzz and high internal communication.We would also want people to invite each other to the game
▸ Onboarding: No theory in this phase, but rather an instantaneous game trial with Key concepts presented in very short and
concise videos with instant impact on the game
▸ Scaffolding :Consists of playing with teams on the app on demand. No need to wait for a strategy case to crack. All is in the game
where you evolve, and anywhere, anytime, on your phone. Special events along this game would happen
▸ Endgame: The endgame experience would be more focused on how to use the learnings of the game in own everyday work.
Examples and contests about this application of learning would be embeded in the game and events would happen in the
company around this theme. Mentoring aspects would also be important to implement
Main Idea n° 1 :
Team and guild functionality, to
create a sense of ownership
and social cohesion.
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Dummy Text
Dummy Text
Main Idea n° 2 :
Make every stat of other teams
and markets visible in order to
create a sense of social
Also useful as a building block
for Idea n°3 (consisting of
making the most creative
choices) by providing the user
with the data needed.
Main Idea n° 3 :
Drag & Drop functionality, with
instant impact on numbers and
Designed to make strategic
decisions more explicit, and
visually strongly appealing to
CD3, where the user is trying to
find the best creative way to
optimize its strategic choices.
I would like to address a special thanks to all the
OctalysisTeam for the resources and knowledge
sharing, that allowed me to be able to analyze in
depth the current experience of the Corporate
Strategy. Thus, helping me suggest this
presentation to take it further.
Hoping to see you soon in other adventures and
analysis !
Priiiime Onnn!

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Octalysis Level 2 Certificate - Youssef Ouazzani - StratZFun

  • 1. Strat’Z’Fun : Corporate Strategy Gamified System Youssef Ouazzani Submission for the Octalysis Level 2 Certification 3rd Submission on October 07 2020
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents ▸ Context & Ambitions ▸ Octalysis Strategy Dashboard ▸ Analysis of the Current Experience ▸ Brainstorm & Analysis of the Future Experience ▸ Concept Wireframes
  • 4. 4 Context & Ambitions In a big company, strategy is key to success. However, due to its complexity, collaborators don’t really understand it. Thus, in their daily work, they tend not to adopt the right thinking patterns, In order to make their work and deliverables alligned with the company’s strategic vision. The complex and dour image projected by strategic matters, doesn’t help either to get employees attention and will to engage with the understanding of the company’s strategy. Through this project, I ambition to make strategy fun and easy to understand through doing and playing. This is supposed to drive employee engagement towards strategy and lift the fear of thinking about it and handling strategic matters. I also ambition that employees will become able to consider the strategic concerns of the company while doing their daily job, thus allowing the results to be more alligned with the company’s strategic vision.
  • 7. 7 Business Metrics ▸ 1st Metric to Optimize: # of collaboratorswho understand the strategic aspects of the company (KPI : All players who have more than 30% of wins in the game) ▸ 2nd : # of collaboratorswho make that understanding impact their daily work and deliverables (KPI : All collaboratorswhose work have been noticed by their managers, to have become more aligned with the company’s strategy) ▸ 3rd : # of collaboratorswho play the game (Successful if 50% of the employees are weekly active users) ▸ 4th : # of collaboratorswho downloaded the app and created a profile (Successful if 70% created a profile) ▸ 5th : # of collaboratorswho entered the endgame phase (Successfulif 20% did)
  • 8. 8 Player Types Diagram Challenging : Like to change how things are done, and apply any new knownedge learned in daily tasks and job Playful : Enjoy playing in the workplace Strategy Lover Gaming Lover Strategy Wanderer Serious Strategist Serious : Like to remain serious in the workplace Comfy : Prefer to keep doing their job the way they’re used to
  • 9. 9 Serious Strategist The serious strategist is a player type who lives for their job. This player type is attracted by the epic calling of the company they work in. They like to feel development of their skills and accomplishment, and are afraid of losing their position and image in the company. The main core drives that motivate this profile are the following : ▸ Epic Meaning and Calling ▸ Development and Accomplishment ▸ Avoidance - Believes really hard in the need for mastering the strategic aspects of the company - Believes his company’s higher vision and wants to help achieving it by mastering the strategic aspects - Enjoys feeling empowered and smart in solving the company’s issues - Not very interested by the social dynamics - Prefers to see the help he provides to others like serving the organization rather than helping fellow individuals - Dislikes unpredictability and prefers plans and the feeling of mastery over things and randomness - Never shows it, but secretly likes a bit of unpredictability when it comes to strategy, to feel the thrill of it. It makes them feel alive - Has a strong sense of avoidance regarding the fact that the company might not perform well on a strategic level - Has a strong sense of avoidance cncerning the fact of losing his position and expert image within the company - Ambitious and attracted by hard to get positions and opportunities within the company - Feels a sense of ownership towards the company - Feels like it’s very important to develop his skills to be able to respond to the higher vision - Enjoys feeling accomplished when learning new skills in general and new strategic aspects in particular
  • 10. 10 Strategy Lover - Feels the epic meaning and calling of the company - Understands the use of understanding and mastering the strategic aspects of the company - Deeply loves the feeling of having to be creative and play with the rules to win - Loves Analyzing, forecasting and checking if the projections were accurate - Loves showing off his skills and smart moves to the other players and collaborators - Loves playing with opponents and looks for strong opponents to measure with - Generally likes to have the upper hand over things and be in a control mindset not leaving that much place for unpredictability - But is aware that unpredictability makes things fun in life in general and in particular in strategy. Liking it a bit for the thrill it provides - Has strong avoidance feeling when it comes to failing a strategy - Avoids Losing his strategical position within the company - Avoids having a bad image within the company - Likes and is looking to achieve rare and valuable results resulting from a strategical mindset and reflexion - Would like access to the most trategic positions of the company - Feels fair ownership of the company and feels like owning it somehow - Is conscious that this feeling is necessary to operate a good strategy - Is really motivated by the strategy, the ownership feeling is just necessary to do a good strategic job - Loves upgrading and developing his strategy related skills - Feels accomplished when achieving a good strategy The Strategy Lover is a player type that is passionate about the subject of strategy. Whether they are part of the strategy department or other parts of the organization, these people live by strategy and have a very strategy oriented mindset they like and love to develop. The main core drives that motivate this player type are : ▸ Development and Accomplishment ▸ Empowerment of Creativity and Feedback ▸ Loss and Avoidance ▸ Social Influence
  • 11. 11 Gaming Lover - Lightly attracted by the epic meaning and calling - But it’s not the main core drive that motivates this player type - Likes the context the epic meaning and calling provides to the work, but is not enough to motivate by itself - This player type loves the feeling of having to use creativity and wit to solve complex problems - Loves to feel clever and have positive feedback about the result and how to improve it - Slightly interested by the social dynamics - Mainly when it comes to providing feedback related to the empowerment of creativity - Or when a game needs to be played by many players by nature - Also likes to be recognized by peers for special achievements - This player type loves the unpredictability that makes things enjoyable and fun - Always curious to try new fun experiments - Loves to try all what is related to gaming and playing - Doesn’t want to lose owned stuff, progress and own performance - Would not like to lose job but is not mainly motivated by this idea that doesn’t cross that much the mind of this player type - Likes the scarcity when it comes to rare stuff this player type can own, or rare performance to achieve, or rare experience to live - Impatient to own rare stuff, achieve rare performance, and live rare experiences - Impatient to be recognized by peers for such achievements - Doesn’t feel ownership towards the company - But is highly attracted by ownership towards stuff, experiences and own performance (like ranks, coins, improvement tracking, etc.) - This player type is highly attracted by the feeling of evolution and accomplishment - Loves to feel instant upgrades in skills, levels, win states etc. The gaming lover is a player type that loves to have fun, and experience things related to fun. They would love to see more fun in the workplace and would be the first to take part to fun experiences in the workplace. This player type is strongly motivated by the following core drives : ▸ Development & Accomplishment ▸ Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback ▸ Ownership & Possession ▸ Curiosity & Unpredictability ▸ Scarcity & Impatience
  • 12. 12 Strategy Wanderer - Weaklyattracted by the epic meaning and calling of the company - Doesn’t see what strategy has to do with own work and how it reflects on the overall organization - Would be a bit open to experiment how to handle those strategic aspects we tell him about - Can get dragged into an experiment through social recommendations - Listens to friends, family and colleagues - Likes the Social dynamics and having friends - Is driven by this core drive - Curious about what strategy is about - Curious about why it is important for the company - Open to new experiments and what might come out of them - Is driven by this core drive - Feels a bit of avoidance regarding the fact of losing their job - Knows this isn’t gonna happen even if they don’t master the strategic subjects that actually aren’t their job - Feels no great impatience towards the strategic subjects - Might be slightly interested by being one of the rare people to understand the strategic aspects of the company - But this isn’t enough to drive this player type - Feels a bit of ownership towards his company - Feels no real ownership regarding the subjects related to strategy - Quite open to develop strategy skills - Bit afraid of it meaning increased responsibility - Not very driven by the idea of developing those skills The strategy wanderer are normal employees who like their comfort zone. They don’t feel the need to learn new things or to live new professional experiences. The main things that motivate them to act are the Social Influence, The Curiosity and Unpredictability and the Avoidance. In our case, as the strategy isn’t a subject they are accountant for, this player type is mainly motivated by the following core drives : ▸ Social Influence ▸ Curiosity and Unpredictability
  • 13. 13 Most Important Player Types As the main goal of the company is to drive most employees to acquire strategic reflexes and mindset in their daily work through a game, the most important player types of our case are the following : ▸ StrategyWanderer : They are resistant, not very open, but we need to put them at the center of our experience because they represent 80% of the company’s employees. ▸ StrategyLover : They both love to play and apply their learnings to their daily tasks and jobs, and are highly driven by the social dynamics. They would make great examples for other employees to follow, and due to their social motivation, their enthousiasm has high chances to become contagious for the Strategy Wanderer player type, that mainly reacts through social interaction as well. The two other player types are also interesting but won’t be our main focus, in the sense that they would give a better atmosphere and diversity to the overall experience, but are not the main player types that would help us achieve our objectives
  • 14. 14 Desired Actions Discovery ▸ Discovery : ▸ 1- Learn about the new game via : ▸ Reading the billboards about the new game ▸ Reading articles on the internal communication platform about the new game ▸ Talking with friends about the new game ▸ Seeing friends playing ▸ Getting invited by friends over company’s internal social media platform ▸ 2- Plan to get into the experience via : ▸ Downloading the app ▸ Planning to attend a playing session
  • 15. 15 Desired Actions Onboarding ▸ Onboarding : ▸ Get into the experience via one of those paths : ▸ Playing the tutorial of the game alone ▸ Attending a playing session where the game is explained by a physical person while playing ▸ For the new hires, attending the playing session scheduled in their company onboarding week ▸ 1- Open the app for the first time ▸ 2- Create a profile in the app ▸ 3- Create a first team in the app ▸ 4 – Challenge other teams in a game session ▸ 5- Play 4 strategic moves to get the bigger market share in the game session ▸ 6- Get rewards at the end of the game session
  • 16. 16 Desired Actions Scaffolding & Endgame ▸ Scaffolding : ▸ 1- Open the game at least once a week ▸ 2- Play more game sessions against opponents ▸ 3 – Level up in the game ▸ 4- Win digital currency ▸ 5- Lose digital currency (We need players to bet and lose digital currency from time to time against other players, in order to get more competitive and want to get the currency back, which will drive them to play more sessions) ▸ 6- Convert digital currency to physical goods & gifts ▸ 7- Create and maintain a guild ▸ 8- Attend various playing events and contests ▸ Endgame : ▸ 1- Get lot of digital currency ▸ 2- Get to the higher levels in the game ▸ 3- Take part to competitions about the best or more creative application of strategy learning in daily jobs ▸ 4- Mentor newcomers to the game and help them onboard and upgrade in their skills and strategic reflexion
  • 17. 17 Feedback Mechanics Vehicles ▸ Ingame notifications ▸ Mobile Push notifications ▸ Email ▸ Corporate internal social media network ▸ Corporate internal communication platform ▸ Physical gifts and goodies ▸ Fellow players ▸ Fellow guild members ▸ Playing Events and contests
  • 18. 18 Feedback Mechanics ▸ Get exposed to a communication campaign ▸ Seeing content and other’s accomplishments on company’s social media platform ▸ Get invited to the game by a player (through company mobile push notification and / or company email) ▸ Get invited to a guild by a player (through company mobile push notification and / or company email) ▸ Feedback from a fellow employee acting as a mentor through the first phases of the game ▸ Mentor feedback about skills progression ▸ Company Social Media private groups dynamic and notifications (group about the game and separate groups for each guild) ▸ Participation in playing events and contests and get feedbacks on performance ▸ Notifications from the game app ▸ Level and achievement reminder from physical gifts and goodies (the more the achievement the better the goodie)
  • 19. 19 Feedback Mechanics ▸ Countdown before next playing session / Contest ▸ The player’s own feeling of upgrading and leveling up ▸ Fellow collaborators’ feedback on playing performance ▸ The points, badges, ranks and virtual currency unlocked in the game ▸ Display game rank on company’s social media groups ▸ Collaborators’ feedbacks on social media groups ▸ Get notified by the game app for new challenges and contests ▸ Get talked to directly in the company’s social media groups by fellow guild members ▸ Get invited to hangout with guild members ▸ Get proposition from the app to mentor people when level is up
  • 20. 20 Rewards ▸ Points and Levels ▸ Badges and Achievements ▸ In-Game Ranks ▸ Digital Currency ▸ Physical Products ▸ Access for Private Groups ▸ Physical Prizes ▸ Cash Prizes ▸ Feedback and Positive Reinforcement ▸ Social Hangouts ▸ New Evolution Paths
  • 21. 21 Core Drives Order of Importance As our main player types are the StrategyWanderer and the StrategyLover,the order of importance of our core drives would then be : ▸ 1- Curiosity and Unpredictability ▸ 2- Social Influence ▸ 3- Development & Accomplishment ▸ 3- Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback ▸ 4- Ownership & Possession ▸ 5- Scarcity & Impatience ▸ 6- Loss & Avoidance ▸ 7- Epic Meaning and Calling
  • 22. Analysis of the Current Experience Through the 8 Octalysis Core Drives 3
  • 23. 23 Current Experience The current experience is actually pretty balanced. The user works on a concrete case and is pretty motivated by all core drives, minding a slight gap between some of them. The problem of the current experience is that it only lasts for one day before vanishing forever. The idea would be to embetter this experience and make it more available to the user. - Basic Storytelling about the company needing to be competitive on the market - Creative Strategic choices that need to be done - 3 next rounds building on the previous decisions, and requiring new creativity to adapt to the new market situation - Required teamwork to solve the case - Competition between teams - Many rounds with changing results on the market - Other team’s decisions - New external events happening on the market and pushing the players to adapt their strategies - Whole day invested in the experience (avoid losing time for nothing) - Mandatory participation - Losing rounds - Losing the game session - Prize for winning team - Special players noticed by the strategy department - Virtual currency won through the different rounds (NOT usable, just imaginary for the sake of the case) - Better ownership towards the company through the experience - New knowledge gained through solving the cases - Performance on the market building up on top of previous rounds
  • 24. 24 Current Experience Analysis Comparison with important Player Types Strategy Lover Strategy Wanderer Current Experience The current experience is a bit close to our two main player types. While our two main player types are mainly motivated by the CDs 5,7,2,3, the pretty balanced current experience draws from all the CDs. Thus, the following actions should be implemented : ▸ CD 5&7: Emphasize more on those CDs ▸ CD 2&3: Enhance those core drives in the scaffolding phase ▸ CD 4,6& 8 : Those CDs are already good enough. No need to focus on them ▸ CD 1 : A slight enhancement of CD 1 would be a nice to have for our future scaffolding experience
  • 26. 26 Brainstorm▸ CD5Emphasis: ▹ Get out of the course format and make the game an open app playable any time by any collaborator ▹ As the game is playable by teams againsteams, enable multiple playing modes: ▹ Give the collaboratorsthe possibility whetherto join a randomly created team for a quick game ▹ Or create their own guild they can nurture and keep playing with ▹ Or give them the possibilityto join nations(Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. LikePokemonGo Instinct,Valor or Mystic teams mechanic),where their performancewill enhanceor decrease the overall nation performance.They can join the nation as individualsor even as guilds ▹ Add a leaderboard of most performingguilds and the most performingof the 4 nations ▹ Lauch special events, contestsand competitionsabout the game to emphasizethe competitionsocial dynamic : ▹ Contest of the month : Each month,a contest is organizedfor the players willing to take part, with a prize to win ▹ Nation Day : On day of the year, every collaboratorwears the colors of his nation,and is dedicated tomakingboostingthe score of his nation as much as he can ▹ Guilds hangouts : Organizeteam buildingactivitiesfor the guilds members ▹ ExchangeDay : A day dedicated toexchangingmemberswith other guilds to collaborate,provide diversity(and also get to know your opponentsbetter ;) ) ▹ Spy Season : A time in the year dedicated togetting strategic informationfrom other guilds. Who can you trust ? ▹ Etc. ▸ CD7Emphasis: ▹ When a game is won, give digital currency, but also a randomobject/ powerup or boosterat the end of every game ▹ Powerup that enables you to see the next move of an opponent ▹ Booster that enables you to get more experienceat the end of a game session ▹ Booster that enables you to get more digitalcurrency at the end of a game session ▹ Powerup that enables you to hide your moves and protect from other power ups ▹ Etc. ▹ Give certain objectsto users that act like randomizers,like an objectthat multiplies randomlythe digital currencyheld bya player, etc.
  • 27. 27 Brainstorm▸ CD2Enhancement: ▹ Make streak of winsvisible ▹ Make progress of objectscollectionvisible ▹ Create a level up and rank system dependingon the number of wins andthe overall performanceof the player ▸ CD3Enhancement: ▹ Diversity of profiles andopponentteams encountered: ThisCD is naturally going to be drastically enhanced asthe players will play against themselves, thus creatingneverendinglevels of challenge and neverendingdifferentsituationswhere the player will need to use their creativityand intelligenceto win the game. NOTETOREVIEWER: To make it clearer, whilein the previous experience,players had to workon a single case in a definedteam, before finishingthe experience forever, in this new experience,players can choosemany differentteams for each game session,and join a guild with new, differentand changingmembers.Thisdiversityin people now allowed to play with, makesthe user always confrontedto new situations,diversityin other players’ intelligence,creativityand reflexion patterns, thus constantly challenginghiscreativity.The thingthe user didn’thave in the previous experience. ▹ Ongoingevolving market through the ongoinggame NOTETOREVIEWER: Regardingthe pointof the case remainingthe same, actually when makingthe experienceinto an ongoing gamingexperience,the case evolves way beyondthe scopeof the previous experience.As the caseis a market, makingthe experience into an ongoinggame gives us an ongoingevolving market,whichgives more new situationsto crack, giving more field to express the creativity of the player. ▸ CD1Slightenhancement: ▹ Make the narrative and story contextualization ofthe game visible through the texts and wordsused (like nationsinstead of teams for example), to let the collaboratorrememberwhy he’s playing and how it relates to the corporate strategy and the strategic vision of the company. Thecollaboratorwill be playing in a simulation of his company market and the words and texts will be those of the company.
  • 28. Analysis of the Future Experience Through the 8 Octalysis Core Drives 4
  • 29. 29 Future Experience - Narrative and story contextualization of game more visible through texts and words used - Basic Storytelling about the company needing to be competitive on the market - Diversity of profiles and opponent teams encountered - Ongoing evolving market through the ongoing game - Creative Strategic choices that need to be done - 3 next rounds building on the previous decisions, and requiring new creativity to adapt to the new market situation - Get out of course format and make game playable by any collaborator anytime on phone - Enable multiple social playing modes - Add leaderboard of most performing guilds, individuals, and nations - Launch special events, contest and challenges - Required teamwork to solve the case - Competition between teams - Random object, power up or booster when game is won - Objects that act like randomizers - Many rounds with changing results on the market - Other team’s decisions - New external events happening on the market and pushing the players to adapt their strategies - Whole day invested in the experience (avoid losing time for nothing) - Mandatory participation - Losing rounds - Losing the game session - Different levels of scarcity for physical goods exchanged for digital currency - Prize for winning team - Special players noticed by the strategy department - Give digital currency to players - Make players win real goods and objects with digital currency - Virtual currency won through the different rounds (NOT usable, just imaginary for the sake of the case) - Better ownership towards the company through the experience - Make streak of wins visible - Make progress of objects collection visible - Create level up and rank system - New knowledge gained through solving the cases - Performance on the market building up on top of previous rounds - Future Experience - Current Experience
  • 30. 30 Note about the Future Experience In conclusion of our brainstormingand analysis of the future experience, we can imagine the futureexperience to be completely different from the current experience, in the sense that it will be long lasting and accessible to all, all the time (in comparison with the time and fun limited course format experience). To roughly sum up our analysis, we would want the future experience to be open, accessible, highly gamified, collaborative, surprizing and way more funny and engaging and to seem a bit like this : ▸ Discovery: Design the same experience whether it’s for the new hires or ordinary collaborators. We want the discovery to happen through a big buzz and high internal communication.We would also want people to invite each other to the game ▸ Onboarding: No theory in this phase, but rather an instantaneous game trial with Key concepts presented in very short and concise videos with instant impact on the game ▸ Scaffolding :Consists of playing with teams on the app on demand. No need to wait for a strategy case to crack. All is in the game where you evolve, and anywhere, anytime, on your phone. Special events along this game would happen ▸ Endgame: The endgame experience would be more focused on how to use the learnings of the game in own everyday work. Examples and contests about this application of learning would be embeded in the game and events would happen in the company around this theme. Mentoring aspects would also be important to implement
  • 33. 33 Main Idea n° 1 : Team and guild functionality, to create a sense of ownership and social cohesion.
  • 35. 35 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Dummy Text Dummy Text Main Idea n° 2 : Make every stat of other teams and markets visible in order to create a sense of social competition. Also useful as a building block for Idea n°3 (consisting of making the most creative choices) by providing the user with the data needed.
  • 36. 36 Main Idea n° 3 : Drag & Drop functionality, with instant impact on numbers and simulations. Designed to make strategic decisions more explicit, and visually strongly appealing to CD3, where the user is trying to find the best creative way to optimize its strategic choices.
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. “ WORD OF THANKS : I would like to address a special thanks to all the OctalysisTeam for the resources and knowledge sharing, that allowed me to be able to analyze in depth the current experience of the Corporate Strategy. Thus, helping me suggest this presentation to take it further. Hoping to see you soon in other adventures and analysis ! Priiiime Onnn! 39