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Nuclear Weapons & Influence
Kevin J. Benoy
Initial Impact
• The bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
made it abundantly
clear that the nature of
warfare had changed
• Now the question was:
“To what extend could
nuclear weapons be
applied directly to
diplomatic influence.”
Initial Impact
• While Politicians drooled
over the possibilities,
many scientists
international control over
the weapons to prevent
the suicidal possibilities
the new technology
presented – and to
forestall a new and
cripplingly expensive
arms race.
Initial Impact
• Along with the
destructive capability of
this new technology,
there was also an
apparent infinite
potential for energy
• The matter of control
rested on more than
just military interests.
Initial Impact
• The British and Canadians, co-
developers of the bomb with
the Americans, concluded that
the destructive potential of
the new weapon would soon
• The technology would also
spread. It could not be kept
secret. Missile technology was
developing quickly.
• Many experts predicted that
the Soviets would have atomic
bombs of their own in 4 or 5
Initial Impact
• This estimation brought
calls for international
sharing and control of
atomic technology.
• Nothing would be lost
in the long run and here
would be excellent
short term rewards for
such magnanimity.
Initial Impact
• Americans were divided
on the issue:
– One group favoured
international control as
expressed in the Acheson-
Lilienthal proposal.
– The opposing side won
out, as became clear after
Truman appointed Bernard
Baruch to the UN’s Atomic
Energy Commission.
Initial Impact
• The Baruch Plan called for international control international management
of the raw materials and inspection by international agencies of the
• It also provided for no vetoes in the UN of these policies and majority rule
in decision making.
• The Atomic Development Authority would establish plants, not national
• This was unacceptable to the Soviets since it would not be able to develop
facilities where they felt power requirements demanded them.
• The Soviets countered by demanding the destruction of all atomic bombs,
the cessation of production and an international agreement not to produce
• Neither side would moderate their position, resulting in deadlock.
• Canadian representative Andy McNaughton felt that the American
programme was insincere “from start to finish.”
• There would be no international sharing whatsoever. Everyone was
excluded by the Americans who sought to exploit their atomic monopoly.
Initial Impact
• The US atomic monopoly was
countered by large standing
forces on the part of the
• This became institutionalized
in Soviet military thinking.
• In the short run this would
hold American interests in
Western Europe hostage if the
threat of Soviet attack was
credible. When the Soviets
gained their own atomic
bombs, this threat made up
for the American advantage in
delivery systems.
• Large forces on the ground
also helped to maintain
satellite nation loyalty.
Doctrine of Massive Retaliation
• While they had an atomic
monopoly and even after
this, the threat of nuclear
war was employed by the
Americans several times.
• This became increasingly
dangerous as the Soviets
developed weapons and
delivery systems of their
Doctrine of Massive Retaliation
• Gwynne Dyer notes:
– President Eisenhower’s willingness to
use nuclear weapons, if necessary, to
break the stalemate in the Korean
truce talks in 1953, like Churchill’s
expressed willingness to use poison
gas (and anthrax germ warfare
bombs) on Germany in 1944, was
almost natural in an era already
inured to the idea of total war. The
fact that neither Churchill or
Eisenhower had to fear retaliation in
kind also made it easier for them to
think in such terms. The doctrine was
eventually formalized under the title
of “massive retaliation:” if the
Russians attacked in Europe, there
would be no shilly-shallying with
conventionally equipped armies. The
bombers of US Strategic Air
Command would simply destroy the
Soviet Union with nuclear weapons.
Doctrine of Massive Retaliation
• This policy was most
credible from 1945-49,
but still remained US
policy well into the 1950s,
with vestiges still present
as late as during the 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis.
• The massive Soviet
nuclear build-up of the
1960s rendered it
Mutual Assured Destruction
• With Americas superiority lost,
nuclear planners needed other
justifications for continuing to
produce new and better
bombs in an era when it was
clear that nuclear war meant
destruction of civilization in at
least the northern
• The new idea was to ensure
that a credible nuclear
deterrence was maintained.
That one could have enough
weapons survive a first strike
to be able to retaliate
Mutual Assured Destruction
• The US came to rely on
what they termed the triad
to ensure a second strike
• This consisted of the air
force’s strategic bombers,
land based missiles, and
submarine launch missiles
of the navy. In a military
world of competing
equipment demands, this
spread atomic spending
Mutual Assured Destruction
• The Soviets tended to
put most of their
effort into their land-
based missiles at first.
• Soviet aircraft were
not thought capable
of effective long-
range delivery.
• A second strike
capability from
submarine launched
missiles was felt
Mutual Assured Destruction
• In theory the possession
of relatively small
numbers of weapons
makes war between
nuclear states
• Interestingly, neither
superpower extended this
logic to others, opposing
other nations adopting a
similar strategy to
prevent war.
Civil Defence
• The idea of putting in
place defensive measures
for the civilian population
in case of nuclear attacks
runs counter to the
notion of mutual assured
• Nonetheless, most
countries did something.
– Efforts everywhere were
more window-dressing
than real.
– The cost of effective
defence measures was
simply too great.
Civil Defence
• In North America, efforts
were almost comic.
– The “Duck and Cover” film
discussed what to do in a
nuclear attack.
– A siren in Victoria Park was
set up to warn of nuclear
attack – though there is
nothing to be done about it.
– Some downtown buildings
had areas designated as
“shelters” – but basic survival
provisions were generally not
– Leaders and financial records
were often provided for, but
populations were not
Flexible Response
• US Defence Secretary Robert
MacNamara felt that only
about 200 or so “invulnerable”
missiles guaranteed western
nuclear security. Maintaining
submarine launch weapons
alone could do this.
• Others in the triad now had to
justify their spending.
• The result was the
development of plans to fight
and even win a “limited
nuclear war.”
• Allied to the generals in
formulating these plans were
the suppliers of weapon
Flexible Response
• In his 1961 farewell
speech, President
Eisenhower warned of
the influence of the
“military industrial
• In the Soviet Union,
Khruschev also warned
of the power of what he
termed the “metal
eaters’ alliance.”
Flexible Response
• Planners now thought that
because the cost of all-out
nuclear war was so high, perhaps
both sides would shrink from
using such weapons against
enemy populations – since a
similar fate would befall their
own population.
• They suggested a counter-force
strategy, targeting military targets
and dropping counter-value
targets (cities).
• The Doctrine of mutual assured
destruction was dropped.
• New and more accurate weapon
systems made this strategy
feasible; MacNamara bought it.
Flexible Response
• Justification for nuclear
build-ups were on two
– Growth in enemy stockpiles
required balanced growth to
ensure parity and that
refinement of delivery
systems was needed to make
the threat of retaliation
– A variety of nuclear weapon
systems were now required
to ensure an ability to
respond to any situation –
from a local battlefield
exchange to a full holocaust
nuclear exchange .
Flexible Responjse
• When “flexibility” is stressed, the
argument that there are only a limited
number of realistic targets of all kinds
and that the superpowers have
enough weapons to destroy them all
and turn the rubble a couple of more
times no longer holds.
• The numbers of weapons grow out of
all proportion to the number of
• Furthermore, the deployment of more
intermediate range weapons and
cruise missiles added a further
destabilizing element. For instance,
the warning time to the Soviets for a
Pershing II missile heading from W.
Europe to Moscow is only 6 minutes
(An ICBM from the USA takes 30).
What kind of rational decision making
can take place in this time frame?
Flexible Response
• Planning was increasingly
dominated by technical issues,
rather than consideration of
possible end results.
• Daniel Ellsberg, former
American strategic planner
and the source of the leaked
Pentagon Papers described
this kind of work as being
divorced from reality. Dealing
with numbers on paper, the
planners chart mega-death in
the same way that engineers
modify car designs. Ellsberg
resigned when he thought
about the implications of his
work and leaked information
to the press.
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) 1972
• The Nixon and
Brezhnev governments
recognized that leaps
in defensive
technologies might
destabilize the Cold
War balance as much
as offensive advances.
• In 1972 the US and
USSR agreed to limit
ABM systems used to
defend areas against
missile attacks – thus
ensuring that
deterrence could
Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
• Americans constantly
sought technological
solutions to the
problems confronting
• The notion of
technically solving
America’s nuclear
vulnerability was
particularly appealing.
Strategic Defence Initiative (1980s
Reagan’s America)
• The official line was that a
defensive shield should
be built to prevent the
penetration of enemy
• This is a difficult thing to
argue against.
• However, a shield is also a
weapon. Invulnerability
gives the ability to launch
a first strike without fear
of retaliation, making war
more, not less, likely.
Strategic Defence Initiative
• Most independent scientists
(those not employed by
defence contractors) feel that
complete protection is
impossible. Even 95%
reliability allows unacceptable
casualties – enough to destroy
the fabric of American society.
• Some believe that the
technical problems involved in
ultra-sophisticated technology,
using lasers, particle beam
weapons, electromagnetic
cannons and the incredible
computing power needed to
coordinate it all makes the
entire project unfeasible.
Strategic Defence Initiative
• Not the least of the problems
associated with anti-nuclear
defence work is the difficulty
in actually testing it.
• No above ground testing of
nuclear explosions have
happened since the early
• We have no idea of the effect
of even a small number of
exploding weapons in the
Strategic Defence Initiative
• SDI comes with a very high
price tag.
• Critics point to relatively
cheap ways of counter-
acting it.
– Massive use of decoys could
overwhelm command and
– Preliminary strikes against
multi-billion dollar space
platforms would obviously
precede any attack.
– Sailing weapons into enemy
ports in freighters easily
circumvents space based
defence measures.
Nuclear Proliferation
• Even when the USA had a
nuclear monopoly, it was
clear that it could not last.
• Next to join the nuclear club
was the USSR in 1949.
• They were followed by the
British, French and Chinese.
• All justifications mirrored
earlier claims that the
weapons were purely
defensive and intended to
promote peace.
Nuclear Proliferation
• This club hoped to remain exclusive. It didn’t.
• Even countries that signed the 1968 Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty sought the
• Israeli technician Mordechai Vanunu blew the
whistle on his country’s successful
• India exploded a bomb in the 1970s – and
Pakistan eventually followed suit.
• South Africa and Iraq nearly acquired
• Canada, Japan, Argentina, Iran and Brazil can
do so.
• North Korea is certainly a member of the
nuclear club.
• Even organizations could build simple
weapons if they had fissionable material. ABC
television hired to Physics Grad Student to
build a mock up with fake material, using plans
available on the Internet.
Nuclear Proliferation
• Even delivery systems, from
fighter-bombers to missiles
are available in the
international market place.
Despite an embargo, Iraq
was able to build missile
guidance systems from
Playstation components.
• Potential nuclear powers
wonder why some countries
seem to be allowed them
and others not.
Arms Limitation Agreements
• The Cuban Missile Crisis
alerted the world to the
danger of all-out conflict.
• The potential for accidental
war was too high; both powers
sought to diffuse the problem.
• The US leaked its fail-safe
technology to the Soviets and
both sides took the installation
of a telephone hotline
between the two national
leaders very seriously.
• The threat of war between the
super-powers remained
dangerously high.
Arms Limitation Agreements
• The first important treaty
was signed in 1963 – the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty,
which ended above-
ground testing of nuclear
• China and France did not
sign at the time – but
they too took to
underground testing only.
Arms Limitation Agreements
• After the Non-Proliferation
Treaty (negotiated in 1968 and
put into force in 1970) came
the Strategic Arms Limitation
Talks (SALT 1) in 1969.
• Both sides agreed to limit the
number of launchers they
would employ.
• Though a good first step,
technology outran diplomacy.
Soon new multiple-warhead
weapons arrived – as well as
mobile launch systems and
cruise missiles – which
rendered the agreement
practically useless.
Arms Limitation Agreements
• SALT 1 was signed in
Moscow in 1972 and
extended in Vladivostok in
• In 1979 President Carter
and Leonid Brezhnev came
to a more comprehensive
agreement, SALT 2, in
• Soviet involvement in
Afghanistan led to the killing
of the deal by new
President Ronald Reagan
and his conservative Senate
Arms Limitation Agreements
• Even the cooling of great
power relations did not
stop other talks.
• In 1982 the Strategic Arms
Reduction Talks (START)
• Though there was little
initial progress, a
breakthrough was
eventually reached when
Mikhail Gorbachev
established a trusting
relationship with the
American President.
Nuclear Winter
• Arms talks were difficult,
often bogging down over
minor points and evading
major ones.
• As we noted, technology
often outran diplomacy.
• In the end it was
technology that provided
a way out of the impasse.
• Progress came from a
seemingly unrelated field.
Nuclear Winter
• In 1971, scientists
examined meteorological
data from Mariner 9 s trip
to Mars.
• Dense dust clouds
frustrated them as they
sought to study the
• They concluded that
these long-lasting dust
storms significantly
lowered surface
Nuclear Winter
• Vulcanologists also
considered the effects of
volcanic ash and dust
spewed into earth’s
• It was well known that
the 19th century eruption
of Krakatoa depressed
global temperatures.
Scientists wondered if
prehistoric extinctions
might not have been
generated by such a
Nuclear Winter
• In 1982 other scientists considered the dust and smoke
effects of a potential nuclear war – in light of this
• They concluded that massive forest fires would be
ignited in such a conflict, sending hundreds of millions of
tons of smoke into the atmosphere that “would strongly
resist the penetration of sunlight to the earth’s surface.”
• The result would plunge the world into darkness for as
much as 6 months.
• A drop of 40 degrees centigrade was predicted in the
continental interiors,.
Nuclear Winter
• In 1983 a symposium of
40 scientists met to
further probe
• Carl Sagan and his
colleagues concluded
that fighting even a
limited nuclear war
could be suicidal – even
if one side was not
directly hit.
Nuclear Winter
• Their conclusions were
further test by a study of
the Soviet Academy of
• They felt that a war in which
5,000 megatons of weapons
were exploded (57% as
groundbursts over
hardened targets and 20%
as airbursts over cities)
could end most life on the
planet. Smaller conflicts
would also devastate the
• Nuclear war on any but very
small scale, is, therefore,
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces
• In 1988 the US and USSR
signed the first treaty
banning an entire category
of weapons.
• Allowing only a tiny
response time, these
weapons had the world on
a hair-trigger.
• The elimination of Pershing
IIs showed that Reagan was
serious about dealing with
Gorbachev and that he
trusted the Soviet leader.
Statue at the UN in New York. St. George
Slaying the Dragon – made from Pershing
II missile parts.
The Current Situation
• Talks and more talks in
the 1980s brought some
• More important were
developments in the
Soviet Union, where
Gorbachev sought to fix
the systemic problems
plaguing the country.
• His playing down Cold
War tensions and his
valiant attempts to
modernize his country
vastly reduced the danger
of war.
The Current Situation
• In the end, it also brought
complete collapse in
• At first the Soviet collapse
seemed to make the
world more, not less
dangerous, as huge
stockpiles of weapons
were outside the Russian
• Khazakhstan held many
ICBMs and the Ukraine
had a vast arsenal.
The Current Situation
• Fear of the Russians initially
complicated things, but
generous American aid
eventually greased a deal
ensuring the patriation of
old Soviet nuclear weapons
to Russia.
• The Ukraine became a
poster country for
decommissioning its large
nuclear arsenal (3rd largest
in the world) – the cost to
the US was estimated at
$630 million.
Soviet missile silo, now a Ukrainian museum
The Current Situation
• The US & Russia signed the Mutual Detargeting Treaty
(MDT) in 1994.
• They agreed to stop automatically targeting the other
country, assuming that it was an enemy.
The Current Situation
• As Russia looked inward,
sorting itself out in the post-
Soviet world – it looked as
though the Cold War threat
of nuclear annihilation was
• The post 9-11 world
brought new fears,
however. Governments
everywhere worry about
the unsecured and missing
fissionable material – that
rogue countries or terrorist
organizations might use.
The Current Situation
• Fear of “rogue states”
developing Nuclear
weapons and delivery
systems were huge
worries in the early 21st
• North Korea clearly had
such weapons and they
possessed IRBMs and
were working on ICBMs –
though to this point they
have not had a successful
Current Situation
• Iran’s nuclear
capability was another
concern – particularly
for the USA.
• The Iranians claim they
only want to generate
• The US fears weapon
development is the
real agenda.
• There was talk of an
Israeli pre-emptive
strike against Iran – as
they had attacked
Iraq’s Osiris facility in
The Current Situation
• In July, 2010 Iran’s nuclear
facilities were crippled by a
computer virus.
• In what has been called a
“weaponized computer
virus”, Iran’s nuclear
programme was set back
several years.
• The source of the Stuxnet
Virus appears to be Israel’s
top secret Dimona Complex.
The developers appear to
be Israeli and American.
The Current Situation
• 2010 also saw international
cooperation between the
two main nuclear powers
as they went to Prague to
sign the New START
agreement -- a follow-up
agreement to the START
agreement, agreeing to cut
their weapons numbers by
• It was finally ratified by the
US Senate on Dec. 30,
Obama & Medvedev After Signing New START
What Next?
• A Trump presidency presents more
questions than answers.
• The President has not demonstrated
much understanding of issues beyond his
narrow expertise in real-estate
development and he has shown no
understanding of diplomacy. His constant
tweeting in response to criticism is
bizarre and un-statesmanlike. Twitter is
an inappropriate forum for policy
pronouncements or musings on
relationships with foreign powers.
• More concerning is his distrust and
disregard of experts in most areas and his
not listening to even his closest
international allies.
What Next?
• There are still thousands of
nuclear weapons in the world
that pose existential risks to
the planet.
• Arms control and nuclear
proliferation are as important
now as during the Cold War.
• International conflicts are
inevitable, so nuanced
understanding of the world is
vital if we are to avoid

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Nuclear weapons & influence

  • 1. Nuclear Weapons & Influence Kevin J. Benoy
  • 2. Initial Impact • The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki made it abundantly clear that the nature of warfare had changed dramatically. • Now the question was: “To what extend could nuclear weapons be applied directly to diplomatic influence.”
  • 3. Initial Impact • While Politicians drooled over the possibilities, many scientists recommended international control over the weapons to prevent the suicidal possibilities the new technology presented – and to forestall a new and cripplingly expensive arms race.
  • 4. Initial Impact • Along with the destructive capability of this new technology, there was also an apparent infinite potential for energy generation. • The matter of control rested on more than just military interests.
  • 5. Initial Impact • The British and Canadians, co- developers of the bomb with the Americans, concluded that the destructive potential of the new weapon would soon spiral. • The technology would also spread. It could not be kept secret. Missile technology was developing quickly. • Many experts predicted that the Soviets would have atomic bombs of their own in 4 or 5 years.
  • 6. Initial Impact • This estimation brought calls for international sharing and control of atomic technology. • Nothing would be lost in the long run and here would be excellent short term rewards for such magnanimity.
  • 7. Initial Impact • Americans were divided on the issue: – One group favoured international control as expressed in the Acheson- Lilienthal proposal. – The opposing side won out, as became clear after Truman appointed Bernard Baruch to the UN’s Atomic Energy Commission.
  • 8. Initial Impact • The Baruch Plan called for international control international management of the raw materials and inspection by international agencies of the facilities. • It also provided for no vetoes in the UN of these policies and majority rule in decision making. • The Atomic Development Authority would establish plants, not national governments. • This was unacceptable to the Soviets since it would not be able to develop facilities where they felt power requirements demanded them. • The Soviets countered by demanding the destruction of all atomic bombs, the cessation of production and an international agreement not to produce them. • Neither side would moderate their position, resulting in deadlock. • Canadian representative Andy McNaughton felt that the American programme was insincere “from start to finish.” • There would be no international sharing whatsoever. Everyone was excluded by the Americans who sought to exploit their atomic monopoly.
  • 9. Initial Impact • The US atomic monopoly was countered by large standing forces on the part of the Soviets. • This became institutionalized in Soviet military thinking. • In the short run this would hold American interests in Western Europe hostage if the threat of Soviet attack was credible. When the Soviets gained their own atomic bombs, this threat made up for the American advantage in delivery systems. • Large forces on the ground also helped to maintain satellite nation loyalty.
  • 10. Doctrine of Massive Retaliation • While they had an atomic monopoly and even after this, the threat of nuclear war was employed by the Americans several times. • This became increasingly dangerous as the Soviets developed weapons and delivery systems of their own.
  • 11. Doctrine of Massive Retaliation • Gwynne Dyer notes: – President Eisenhower’s willingness to use nuclear weapons, if necessary, to break the stalemate in the Korean truce talks in 1953, like Churchill’s expressed willingness to use poison gas (and anthrax germ warfare bombs) on Germany in 1944, was almost natural in an era already inured to the idea of total war. The fact that neither Churchill or Eisenhower had to fear retaliation in kind also made it easier for them to think in such terms. The doctrine was eventually formalized under the title of “massive retaliation:” if the Russians attacked in Europe, there would be no shilly-shallying with conventionally equipped armies. The bombers of US Strategic Air Command would simply destroy the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons.
  • 12. Doctrine of Massive Retaliation • This policy was most credible from 1945-49, but still remained US policy well into the 1950s, with vestiges still present as late as during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. • The massive Soviet nuclear build-up of the 1960s rendered it inconceivable.
  • 13. Mutual Assured Destruction • With Americas superiority lost, nuclear planners needed other justifications for continuing to produce new and better bombs in an era when it was clear that nuclear war meant destruction of civilization in at least the northern hemisphere. • The new idea was to ensure that a credible nuclear deterrence was maintained. That one could have enough weapons survive a first strike to be able to retaliate effectively.
  • 14. Mutual Assured Destruction • The US came to rely on what they termed the triad to ensure a second strike capability. • This consisted of the air force’s strategic bombers, land based missiles, and submarine launch missiles of the navy. In a military world of competing equipment demands, this spread atomic spending around.
  • 15. Mutual Assured Destruction • The Soviets tended to put most of their effort into their land- based missiles at first. • Soviet aircraft were not thought capable of effective long- range delivery. • A second strike capability from submarine launched missiles was felt sufficient.
  • 16. Mutual Assured Destruction • In theory the possession of relatively small numbers of weapons makes war between nuclear states unthinkable. • Interestingly, neither superpower extended this logic to others, opposing other nations adopting a similar strategy to prevent war.
  • 17. Civil Defence • The idea of putting in place defensive measures for the civilian population in case of nuclear attacks runs counter to the notion of mutual assured destruction. • Nonetheless, most countries did something. – Efforts everywhere were more window-dressing than real. – The cost of effective defence measures was simply too great.
  • 18. Civil Defence • In North America, efforts were almost comic. – The “Duck and Cover” film discussed what to do in a nuclear attack. – A siren in Victoria Park was set up to warn of nuclear attack – though there is nothing to be done about it. – Some downtown buildings had areas designated as “shelters” – but basic survival provisions were generally not stored. – Leaders and financial records were often provided for, but populations were not
  • 19. Flexible Response • US Defence Secretary Robert MacNamara felt that only about 200 or so “invulnerable” missiles guaranteed western nuclear security. Maintaining submarine launch weapons alone could do this. • Others in the triad now had to justify their spending. • The result was the development of plans to fight and even win a “limited nuclear war.” • Allied to the generals in formulating these plans were the suppliers of weapon systems.
  • 20. Flexible Response • In his 1961 farewell speech, President Eisenhower warned of the influence of the “military industrial complex.” • In the Soviet Union, Khruschev also warned of the power of what he termed the “metal eaters’ alliance.”
  • 21. Flexible Response • Planners now thought that because the cost of all-out nuclear war was so high, perhaps both sides would shrink from using such weapons against enemy populations – since a similar fate would befall their own population. • They suggested a counter-force strategy, targeting military targets and dropping counter-value targets (cities). • The Doctrine of mutual assured destruction was dropped. • New and more accurate weapon systems made this strategy feasible; MacNamara bought it.
  • 22. Flexible Response • Justification for nuclear build-ups were on two grounds: – Growth in enemy stockpiles required balanced growth to ensure parity and that refinement of delivery systems was needed to make the threat of retaliation credible. – A variety of nuclear weapon systems were now required to ensure an ability to respond to any situation – from a local battlefield exchange to a full holocaust nuclear exchange .
  • 23. Flexible Responjse • When “flexibility” is stressed, the argument that there are only a limited number of realistic targets of all kinds and that the superpowers have enough weapons to destroy them all and turn the rubble a couple of more times no longer holds. • The numbers of weapons grow out of all proportion to the number of targets. • Furthermore, the deployment of more intermediate range weapons and cruise missiles added a further destabilizing element. For instance, the warning time to the Soviets for a Pershing II missile heading from W. Europe to Moscow is only 6 minutes (An ICBM from the USA takes 30). What kind of rational decision making can take place in this time frame?
  • 24. Flexible Response • Planning was increasingly dominated by technical issues, rather than consideration of possible end results. • Daniel Ellsberg, former American strategic planner and the source of the leaked Pentagon Papers described this kind of work as being divorced from reality. Dealing with numbers on paper, the planners chart mega-death in the same way that engineers modify car designs. Ellsberg resigned when he thought about the implications of his work and leaked information to the press.
  • 25. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) 1972 • The Nixon and Brezhnev governments recognized that leaps in defensive technologies might destabilize the Cold War balance as much as offensive advances. • In 1972 the US and USSR agreed to limit ABM systems used to defend areas against missile attacks – thus ensuring that deterrence could operate.
  • 26. Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) • Americans constantly sought technological solutions to the problems confronting them. • The notion of technically solving America’s nuclear vulnerability was particularly appealing.
  • 27. Strategic Defence Initiative (1980s Reagan’s America) • The official line was that a defensive shield should be built to prevent the penetration of enemy missiles. • This is a difficult thing to argue against. • However, a shield is also a weapon. Invulnerability gives the ability to launch a first strike without fear of retaliation, making war more, not less, likely.
  • 28. Strategic Defence Initiative • Most independent scientists (those not employed by defence contractors) feel that complete protection is impossible. Even 95% reliability allows unacceptable casualties – enough to destroy the fabric of American society. • Some believe that the technical problems involved in ultra-sophisticated technology, using lasers, particle beam weapons, electromagnetic cannons and the incredible computing power needed to coordinate it all makes the entire project unfeasible.
  • 29. Strategic Defence Initiative • Not the least of the problems associated with anti-nuclear defence work is the difficulty in actually testing it. • No above ground testing of nuclear explosions have happened since the early 1960s. • We have no idea of the effect of even a small number of exploding weapons in the atmosphere.
  • 30. Strategic Defence Initiative • SDI comes with a very high price tag. • Critics point to relatively cheap ways of counter- acting it. – Massive use of decoys could overwhelm command and control. – Preliminary strikes against multi-billion dollar space platforms would obviously precede any attack. – Sailing weapons into enemy ports in freighters easily circumvents space based defence measures.
  • 31. Nuclear Proliferation • Even when the USA had a nuclear monopoly, it was clear that it could not last. • Next to join the nuclear club was the USSR in 1949. • They were followed by the British, French and Chinese. • All justifications mirrored earlier claims that the weapons were purely defensive and intended to promote peace.
  • 32. Nuclear Proliferation • This club hoped to remain exclusive. It didn’t. • Even countries that signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty sought the technology. • Israeli technician Mordechai Vanunu blew the whistle on his country’s successful programme. • India exploded a bomb in the 1970s – and Pakistan eventually followed suit. • South Africa and Iraq nearly acquired weapons. • Canada, Japan, Argentina, Iran and Brazil can do so. • North Korea is certainly a member of the nuclear club. • Even organizations could build simple weapons if they had fissionable material. ABC television hired to Physics Grad Student to build a mock up with fake material, using plans available on the Internet.
  • 33. Nuclear Proliferation • Even delivery systems, from fighter-bombers to missiles are available in the international market place. Despite an embargo, Iraq was able to build missile guidance systems from Playstation components. • Potential nuclear powers wonder why some countries seem to be allowed them and others not.
  • 34. Arms Limitation Agreements • The Cuban Missile Crisis alerted the world to the danger of all-out conflict. • The potential for accidental war was too high; both powers sought to diffuse the problem. • The US leaked its fail-safe technology to the Soviets and both sides took the installation of a telephone hotline between the two national leaders very seriously. • The threat of war between the super-powers remained dangerously high.
  • 35. Arms Limitation Agreements • The first important treaty was signed in 1963 – the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which ended above- ground testing of nuclear weapons. • China and France did not sign at the time – but they too took to underground testing only.
  • 36. Arms Limitation Agreements • After the Non-Proliferation Treaty (negotiated in 1968 and put into force in 1970) came the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1) in 1969. • Both sides agreed to limit the number of launchers they would employ. • Though a good first step, technology outran diplomacy. Soon new multiple-warhead weapons arrived – as well as mobile launch systems and cruise missiles – which rendered the agreement practically useless.
  • 37. Arms Limitation Agreements • SALT 1 was signed in Moscow in 1972 and extended in Vladivostok in 1975. • In 1979 President Carter and Leonid Brezhnev came to a more comprehensive agreement, SALT 2, in Vienna. • Soviet involvement in Afghanistan led to the killing of the deal by new President Ronald Reagan and his conservative Senate supporters.
  • 38. Arms Limitation Agreements • Even the cooling of great power relations did not stop other talks. • In 1982 the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) began. • Though there was little initial progress, a breakthrough was eventually reached when Mikhail Gorbachev established a trusting relationship with the American President.
  • 39. Nuclear Winter • Arms talks were difficult, often bogging down over minor points and evading major ones. • As we noted, technology often outran diplomacy. • In the end it was technology that provided a way out of the impasse. • Progress came from a seemingly unrelated field.
  • 40. Nuclear Winter • In 1971, scientists examined meteorological data from Mariner 9 s trip to Mars. • Dense dust clouds frustrated them as they sought to study the planet. • They concluded that these long-lasting dust storms significantly lowered surface temperatures.
  • 41. Nuclear Winter • Vulcanologists also considered the effects of volcanic ash and dust spewed into earth’s atmosphere. • It was well known that the 19th century eruption of Krakatoa depressed global temperatures. Scientists wondered if prehistoric extinctions might not have been generated by such a catastrophe.
  • 42. Nuclear Winter • In 1982 other scientists considered the dust and smoke effects of a potential nuclear war – in light of this knowledge. • They concluded that massive forest fires would be ignited in such a conflict, sending hundreds of millions of tons of smoke into the atmosphere that “would strongly resist the penetration of sunlight to the earth’s surface.” • The result would plunge the world into darkness for as much as 6 months. • A drop of 40 degrees centigrade was predicted in the continental interiors,.
  • 43. Nuclear Winter • In 1983 a symposium of 40 scientists met to further probe possibilities. • Carl Sagan and his colleagues concluded that fighting even a limited nuclear war could be suicidal – even if one side was not directly hit.
  • 44. Nuclear Winter • Their conclusions were further test by a study of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. • They felt that a war in which 5,000 megatons of weapons were exploded (57% as groundbursts over hardened targets and 20% as airbursts over cities) could end most life on the planet. Smaller conflicts would also devastate the world. • Nuclear war on any but very small scale, is, therefore, suicidal.
  • 45. Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty • In 1988 the US and USSR signed the first treaty banning an entire category of weapons. • Allowing only a tiny response time, these weapons had the world on a hair-trigger. • The elimination of Pershing IIs showed that Reagan was serious about dealing with Gorbachev and that he trusted the Soviet leader. Statue at the UN in New York. St. George Slaying the Dragon – made from Pershing II missile parts.
  • 46. The Current Situation • Talks and more talks in the 1980s brought some progress. • More important were developments in the Soviet Union, where Gorbachev sought to fix the systemic problems plaguing the country. • His playing down Cold War tensions and his valiant attempts to modernize his country vastly reduced the danger of war.
  • 47. The Current Situation • In the end, it also brought complete collapse in 1991. • At first the Soviet collapse seemed to make the world more, not less dangerous, as huge stockpiles of weapons were outside the Russian Republic. • Khazakhstan held many ICBMs and the Ukraine had a vast arsenal.
  • 48. The Current Situation • Fear of the Russians initially complicated things, but generous American aid eventually greased a deal ensuring the patriation of old Soviet nuclear weapons to Russia. • The Ukraine became a poster country for voluntarily decommissioning its large nuclear arsenal (3rd largest in the world) – the cost to the US was estimated at $630 million. Soviet missile silo, now a Ukrainian museum
  • 49. The Current Situation • The US & Russia signed the Mutual Detargeting Treaty (MDT) in 1994. • They agreed to stop automatically targeting the other country, assuming that it was an enemy.
  • 50. The Current Situation • As Russia looked inward, sorting itself out in the post- Soviet world – it looked as though the Cold War threat of nuclear annihilation was gone. • The post 9-11 world brought new fears, however. Governments everywhere worry about the unsecured and missing fissionable material – that rogue countries or terrorist organizations might use.
  • 51. The Current Situation • Fear of “rogue states” developing Nuclear weapons and delivery systems were huge worries in the early 21st century. • North Korea clearly had such weapons and they possessed IRBMs and were working on ICBMs – though to this point they have not had a successful test.
  • 52. Current Situation • Iran’s nuclear capability was another concern – particularly for the USA. • The Iranians claim they only want to generate power. • The US fears weapon development is the real agenda. • There was talk of an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Iran – as they had attacked Iraq’s Osiris facility in 1981.
  • 53. The Current Situation • In July, 2010 Iran’s nuclear facilities were crippled by a computer virus. • In what has been called a “weaponized computer virus”, Iran’s nuclear programme was set back several years. • The source of the Stuxnet Virus appears to be Israel’s top secret Dimona Complex. The developers appear to be Israeli and American.
  • 54. The Current Situation • 2010 also saw international cooperation between the two main nuclear powers as they went to Prague to sign the New START agreement -- a follow-up agreement to the START agreement, agreeing to cut their weapons numbers by 1/3. • It was finally ratified by the US Senate on Dec. 30, 2010. Obama & Medvedev After Signing New START
  • 55. What Next? • A Trump presidency presents more questions than answers. • The President has not demonstrated much understanding of issues beyond his narrow expertise in real-estate development and he has shown no understanding of diplomacy. His constant tweeting in response to criticism is bizarre and un-statesmanlike. Twitter is an inappropriate forum for policy pronouncements or musings on relationships with foreign powers. • More concerning is his distrust and disregard of experts in most areas and his not listening to even his closest international allies.
  • 56. What Next? • There are still thousands of nuclear weapons in the world that pose existential risks to the planet. • Arms control and nuclear proliferation are as important now as during the Cold War. • International conflicts are inevitable, so nuanced understanding of the world is vital if we are to avoid Armageddon.
  • 57. finis