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Agbay, Noralyn G. Dr. Yolanda D. Reyes
II-ELLA Philippine Literature
Novel Analysis
A Child of Sorrow
(Zoilo M. Galang, 1922)
Chapter 1: Vacation Days
In this chapter, the story revolves around the introduction of the character. Lucio Soliman,
a very poetic man who resides in Fertile Ville would prefer to read books all day. Camilo, his
friend who lives in the beautiful town of Merry Town invited Lucio to come with him to spend
their vacation. Lucio’s father, Benito Soliman allowed him to go with Camillo. So the next day
they travel to their destination—about two or three hours rigging.
On their way they passed by “the broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the
Governor of the province of the plains”. The Governor was Don Pancho Ismael. In the same
province, there were peaceful, law-abiding citizens, among whom was Juan dela Cruz, a
benevolent-looking, hardworking and liberty loving man reside.
Also, in not far distant barrio, there also dwelt a middle class, middle-aged woman called
Felipa-On. She is the mother of Rosa Garcia—a blooming flower; fair-built of white Malayan
Complexion; curly hair; graceful steps; kind hearted and modest in character. Another was Oscar
Ramirez, one among the wealthy ones.
Then, the story revolves around Lucio and Rosa from the day they met in an ordinary way.
“I wish to see you again before I leave, angelic beauty. You are a vision, born of love and sweet
fancy. I am yours—I will lay down my life like a cavalier of old ad die for you….” Lucio’s poetic
spirit aroused because of Rosa.
Chapter 2: Till death do us part
It was during one summer morning, Lucio was enjoying nature. He tried to inhale all the
fragrance of the flowers but he could not, for his heart was already full—Rosa.
Rosa, herself came to fill an earthen pitcher with water from the brook. Lucio was lost in
admiration. He did not know how to approach her but he did.
Time passed by when Lucio was able to say his feelings to Rosa but she was not able to
move nor answer back. So, Lucio waited for her answer. But to Rosa it was an enigma, a strange
thing both to her and to her lover.
Poor youth, there he was, in the bosom of Nature soliloquizing—mad with passion and lost
in meditation. To Rosa, she repented why she did not answer and why she was so silent and why
she not tell Lucio at once all that she felt and all that she desired and all that she dreamed day and
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night in order to unload and ease up her aching young heart. She became restless—the virgin of
the meadow.
What was going on between Lucio and Rosa was not a secret to Camilo. Hand in hand
Lucio and Camilo went home. Camilo talking of his field work whilst Lucio talking of his love.
That night, Lucio forgot Juan de la Cruz’s remarks—That Rosa was a woman without a
It was a lovely April morning. Lucio went back to the same place where he was supposed
to hear her answer. He waited. Indeed, time passes so tediously to those who wait and expect
nothing for Lucio became rather impatient until his heart beat low. It is the person who waits and
not the one waited who becomes impatient.
Then, a very soft sound flapping. A distinct form approaching—the rose of his dreams—
awaits a life or death to him.
At last, Rosa softly spoke: “yes, yours till death do us part”—Sampaguita.
Chapter 3: The Transformation of Youth
Swiftly but full of joy, the end of vacation days drew to an end and Lucio with much regret
and heart-pain bade adieu for a tie to his beloved Rosa and to his friend Camilo.
The day of separation had at last come to pass. “Just wait Rosa, and time shall find us the
happiest beings in this world. I will just work hard in order to deserve your affection sweet and
lasting and then we shall marry”.
The Handkerchief, wet by each other’s tears mingled together—then the bearer of the
handkerchief shall feel no sorrow—he or she shall not want for happiness, for joy and love shall
always abide by with the bearer of the handkerchief while the memory lasts—like the Egyptian
amulet. Rosa kept that handkerchief for Lucio could endure sorrow better than his Rosa.
Lucio returned to his native town much perturbed and lost in the mists of the enchanted
world of love. Back home, his father advised him to forget a while the sad thoughts, delve into
the happy realms of book—just like the old days. Be a man and suffer it all bravely like a man.
Lucio tried to forget but he could not. That seemed to him the most impossible. Love
letters between them relieved the sadness. Really they were transformed, and it was love that
transformed them.
Meanwhile, Lucio with Juan became busy forming a Union. A union among young people
who will help each other, which has for its object physical culture, education and fraternal union—
The Rising Generation.
It was first of June, he received a note from his Rosa imploring him in the name of their
love to go and see their Garden Day and participate in the town’s happiness and jubilee. That day,
Governor Ismael was there, also an American Teacher called Uncle Sam, the superintendent of the
Schools; another man well known to Juan de la Cruz was Oscar, a pretender of Rosa. Camilo was
there too, who acted as the ball’s toastmaster. The two, Rosa and Lucio met again though not too
long, Lucio left good Rosa her first kiss.
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Chapter 4: Cup of Sorrow
Every time Rosa will be asked who her father was, she only cry instead of answering it.
Either because she did not know, knowing or she was ashamed of it or else felt the disgrace of her
being born fatherless.
Oscar Ramirez did not cease in his selfish pursuits of love and devotion to Rosa, worrying
her almost to death in spite of the awful fact that he knew from mere gossip that she was engaged
to Lucio, and that they loved each other ever so much. But, he kept on wooing her along lavishing
gifts and numerous favors upon the family that after the lapse of time, the mother of Rosa became
compassionately moved and touched by the good acts of Oscar.
Oscar did his best to have the support of Rosa’s mother and the Governor. The governor
assured him that he will have his wish—to marry Rosa.
The fatal came, it was announced from an unknown source that she would be married to
Camilo and Juan upon hearing that fatal went straight to Rosa. Oscar has none to Rosa
Rosa empowering Women—The Panacea of Life:
“Women are as good as men; strong in soul as they are in body; pure in hear as they are
in mind. The mother who creates grandeur of nations, for they rear the citizens of all climes. They
mould the world at their laps; the character of children; train them for service to humanity. Not
only adorn the world but shed sunshine, perfume and affection. True that there are some lost
women, but there is always an exception—for here on earth good and evil exist side by side.”
Camilo’s letter to Lucio had reached him in time. After reading the letter telling the fatal
rumor –clearly Lucio spoke of his love’s faithlessness. He was eaten by the fever of jealousy,
A year after he learned that Rosa was forced against her will to love a man she did not by
heart and soul really love. Exactly a year and half, they met again—she fainted in his arm, assured
her that it was all over. Howbeit, it was her dilemma. To disobey her mother was unfilial and to
forsake her lover was faithlessly loathsome. To Lucio, it was her duty to obey her mother. Broken
engagement—The cup of sorrow was full of poison, sadness and misfortune.
Chapter 5: The City of Opportunity
“All is over. Rosa is free to do as she wishes. I only hope to see her happy. I stand always
ready to help her—cruel though fate was to us—and separate though our destiny shall be…Now,
I must get busy!” Man is bigger than his sorrow. Lucio decided to go to Manila and work. Find
his way or else make one. For that is the land of opportunity, where he could labor and shape his
own destiny and be a worthy son of Fertile Valley.
Manila, as land of opportunity to him. Lucio realized more and more that he who knows
more and knows what he really knows is the logical man who commands the best salary, while the
man who know only what is at the surface of things is bound to be at the bottom rung of the ladder.
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Thus, in order to climb up the ladder of achievement Lucio believed that one must do the
superfluous work—work that is dignified and that enhances progress and civilization.
Climb higher every minute, for our allotment of the span of life is at best very short as Juan
de la Cruz advised Lucio. Being busy, he thought he was over Rosa. The life of Lucio in the city
was full of social and business activities. He was one of the members of the leading societies
composed of self-supporting students and employees who were forging ahead into commercial
field and world of belles-letters—into the spot light of Philippine history.
While Lucio was trying his best to move on. Rosa is doing the total opposite. She can't
forget Lucio. By this time, Rosa knew who her father was. It was Ismael. Rosa rebuked her
mother crying: “if you had told me long before, people won’t have called me such a disgraceful
name as A child without a Father”.
Then, a letter was received by Lucio from Rosa. “It is only our love that makes me live.
And I believe that women only live for love. I do, and am still waiting for you….Forget me
not….And believe me, I am still waiting for the promised day….Yours till death do us part”
Chapter 6: At the Carnival
The Queen of Carnival, really she was fair, in appearance all love and in beauty Venus-
like. Dressed in rich colors and in splendor beyond what the words in the compass of human
description could tell. Rosa’s eyes met Lucio’s—they were as if enchanted and fascinated. It was
a fixed momentary glance—surprising and magnetically bewildering, fraught with
incomprehensible sighs and longings.
There at the carnival, they were dancing. Lucio saw Rosa, dancing with the governor, his
father and what more—dancing gaily and merrily with Oscar.
At home. Lucio sat for a moment watching life slip between his helpless fingers. He was
full of regrets uttering in mind: “Why…I could not say she had been faithless to me”. He then
knew that she abhors and loathes and curses to the bottom of her heart. She yearns for peace—for
love and for simplicity—nothing more.
Lucio, even in his dream was terrified by his dear unforgettable being—Rosa. He worked
and worked as work exalteth the workers. His curious officemates asked him why he seemed so
pale and careworn.
As fate had it, the very being he wanted most to avoid came in full view—Rosa. Thanks
to Camilo for a beautiful pair, dancing together—Rosa and Lucio. Later they went to get a drink
and had their chance to talk. The meeting of their eyes was sufficient, they read what could neither
be spoken nor described. The last glance of the lover during that memorable Carnival.
Chapter 7: Blasted Dreams of Happiness
As the carnival ended, so as the joy and merriments of the people. To Lucio, sorrow was
all his—after turning his situation all over, reviewing his past life. He hopelessly wrote: “Born
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of sorrow, I am and a man of sorrow, I shall be…”
Little by little Lucio’s sorrows vanished and little by little he recovered from shock. Time
healed his wounds at last, but the scars of sorrow left their footprint upon his heart in mournful
disillusionment. Pale, thin and forlorn as he was, still his mind or intellect was bright and remained
fresh. He learned from the “school of life” things never to be found in textbooks, how to suffer
humbly; suffer like a man; as Jesus did and as his father told him. Sorrow made him a wiser man
from being a lad. He even sent a telegram to both husband and wife wishing them the best of
conjugal life and every happiness.
One night, there were seen two men walking. They talked. The young man was persistent,
instructing the old man how to grant his wish. Paternal concern was still there for he told the
young man: “Beware of what you do! Swear before heaven and me this night that you will not
harm nor touch even the hair of that girl. Remember, that for any breach of this condition, I will
hold your very life responsible! Swear that you will do no harm to my child—Rosa”
Felipa and Ismael had their conversation as they left sleeping Rosa to Oscar that night.
Felipa tried to convince the Governor not to give their child to another liar like him. That by doing
so, he was as if giving his daughter to a beast—a ruthless animal. When the two went back to the
house, Oscar was gone and Rosa was crying in the dead of the night—what darkness.
Rosa was married to Oscar. People did not know why—forced, traitored of what?
Juan de la Cruz was not as bad as that. He investigated the whole matter in his own way
then he briefly wrote to Lucio. Rosa was raped by Oscar as Camilo was retelling what he knew to
Juan. Rosa was like a crushed bud, fallen and never to bloom.
In the end after all the things had happened in between. Lucio’s father died and three days
later Lucio receive letter of condolence from Rosa; a year after the carnival meeting of Lucio and
Rosa, she reminisced their vow of ”till death do us part” whilst her husband, Oscar was at work
with the Governor; all prayed for the peace as she rested with her eyes closed; a sweet angelic
smile was on her virgin face; her hands were devoutly folded; as if asleep and only dreaming of
the joys and the raptures and ecstasies of heaven. Poor, hopeless woman—with blasted hopes
Thirteen days after, Oscar died too and the people believed that Governor Ismael was the
only person who knew the cause of it.
Days, months and years passed by and from that time on wherever Lucio was seen, men,
women and children pointed to him and said: “there is the child of sorrow!”
The Author
Zoilo Galang was born on June 27 1895 in Bacolor, Pampanga. It was said that he was an
encyclopedist, and the very first English-language Filipino novelist.
Also, he spent his early life in a Bucolic town famed for its writers and artist. He lived
with influenced of Spanish culture but was raised and gained consciousness under American
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culture. He went to school at the Bacolor Elementary School and then went to Manila to study at
the Escuela de Derecho, the country’s eminent law school where he graduated in 1919. A self-
starter, he learned typing and stenography in English and Spanish all by himself. Attracted to the
English language, he took special courses at the University of the Philippines in 1925, then went
to Columbia University for further studies in Literature.
After which, he began to write books of fiction, biography, and philosophy.His early poems
saw print of the Kapampangan paper, “E Mngabiran”. He authored “ A Child of Sorrow”, the first
English novel written by Filipino. This was later made into a movie in 1930. Other notable works
include “ Nadia”, “ For Dreams Must Die”, “Springtime”, “ Leaders of the Philippines”, “Glimpse
of the worlds”, “ Life and Success”, Master of Destiny”, “Unisophy”, and “Barrio Life”
But his greatest opus undoubtedly is the Encyclopedia of the Philippines, which began as a
10 volume set when first printed. Galang himself, edited and wrote entries for the book set which
covered Philippine literature, biography, commerce and industry, art, education, religion,
government, science, history and builders of the new Philippines. The Encyclopedia of the
Philippines came with a general information and index.
Biographical Analysis
Upon reading some of his biography, I could infer that a child of sorrow was somehow a
reflection of his own life experiences. Lucio, just like him was fond of reading. The Encyclopedia
of the Philippines which he himself authored was because of his desire to own an encyclopedia
which was only available at their school when he was a student until his father bought him his own
in an installment basis paying 50php per month. Just like Benito Soliman in the story, full
supportive father to his son Lucio.
Galang’s knowledge from reading was evident in the novel. Many part of it that were
mention such Eulysis; Erenia; Egyptian’s amulet; Grecian standard of beauty and the likes attested
to it. Religion as well, the strong Christian influence to him brought by Spaniards was very evident
in the story.
The place in the story, the Province of the Plain obviously referred to Pampanga, his
province. Pampanga, the first Spanish province in Luzon. Farming large fields for it is the
province of the plain was its main source of living portrayed in the story by the Hacienda owned
by the family of Camilo David.
The town, Fertile Valley and Merry Town both resembles the richness of Pampanga.
Fertile having vast range of rich fields and farm lands in Pampanga. Merry portraying the
merriness of the people and their culture. The festivals, celebrations, carnivals, dances that were
mentioned in the story were described in details, an almost exactly as how Kapampangan
celebrated theirs as their tradition.
This novel mirrored not only what was happening in the past but it also help us understand
what had inspired the author to write such beautiful piece of art with the influence of how he was
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brought up by his parents and by his first teacher who was an American educator clearly portrayed
in the story. The existence of Uncle Sam.
The author's ideals and aspirations were also portrayed by the protagonist of the novel.
Historical Analysis
The politics during his time as well had influenced the story. The campaign of the
Governor, the ill tradition during campaign period which was still evident up to these days was
portrayed by Gov. Ismael and Oscar Ramirez.
It was perfectly expressed in some scenes of the novel how the author abhor Governor
Ismael's regime which represents commonwealth governance during his time.
During the time he wrote this novel, form of government was not favorable. American
government only appoint those they think are qualified to rule the town. This was depicted in his
novel wherein Gov. Pancho Ismael, the ill-mannered governor was elected only because he
threatened the workers in his land.
It was also believed that Governor Ismael is Governor Honorio Ventura in real life who
ruled Pampanga from 1916 to 1922. Though it was not sure if he, Gov. Ventura was also “the
broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the Governor of the province of the plains”.
Also, there was a part in the story in which Juan and Lucio formed a Union. A union
among young people who will help each other, which has for its object physical culture, education
and fraternal union—The Rising Generation. Those realizations directed him to pour them out in
words such as the oppression of Filipinos by the corrupted society.
In addition, during the mid-18th to 19th century there was a sentimentalist movement in
Europe and it greatly affected the literary traditions of all writers in the world and one of them was
Galang. Sentimentalism during the 18th century, this is a European idea that emphasized feelings
and emotions, a physical appreciation of God, nature, and other people, rather than logic and reason.
As a result the main theme of Galang's novel is LOVE. The novel also depicts the every aspect of
the 19th century Philippine social, political, and religious life.
Character Analysis
Lucio Soliman.
He is the protagonist. He is a round/dynamic character. Physically I would imagined him
as a man with a slender and well-built with brown hair, dark clear eyes, and a gay and graceful
demeanor. His face was oval and handsome in a truly manly fashion.
Spiritually, he lived to serve God; a very righteous man; guided by principles and ideals.
Intellectually, he is calm pensive and poetic. He is very good in public speaker, one reason
why the governor hated him for he outshined the governor with his speech which also gained
admiration from the people.
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In the story, to me he is not the child of sorrow as what the ending remark says in the novel.
I admired him at the same hated him for he was so Righteous and Ideal that made a girl such Rosa
suffered to death. Advising Rosa to be an obedient and dutiful daughter & just letting go of their
love for each other are breaking scene to me knowing that Rosa was ready to face against all odds
for him. I also dislike him when he doubted his feelings for Rosa, triggered by the issue of Oscar-
Rosa marriage. Rosa’s being a child without a father suddenly became an issue to him.
Camilo David & Juan de la Cruz
Camilo is a flat characters. They were friends of Lucio Soliman. Camilo’s home town
was Merry Town whilst his uncle was in Fertile Valley, the place of Lucio.
Juan de la Cruz is a round character. At first I thought he will be the antagonist of the
novel but later it turned out that he will be one of the true friend to Lucio & Rosa. He initiated
an investigation to what was really going on.
Both of them supported and comforted Rosa and Lucio. The lines which I liked the most
from them was: “Come with you? We will not come with you… We will accompany you!”.—
True Friend indeed.
Governor Pancho Ismael
He is a flat character. He is the corrupt governor of Merry Town. Father of Rosa.
In the novel, he is “the broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the Governor of the
province of the plains”. The broken promise not only to the province but also to unfortunate
women of the novel, Felipa and Rosa.
Oscar Ramirez
He is a flat character and the antagonist. He loved everybody, if they also loved him. He
was a patriot, but his patriotism was only for himself. He worked with the Governor and if not for
him Rosa would not suffer to death. Rapist and husband of Rosa. He also suffered in the later
part of the story being in the far away den of brutes and died after Rosa’s which I think was the
revenge and the fulfillment of the threat to him by the Governor.
Flat character too. The second unfortunate woman for her mother was the first and Rosa
was the third. Mother of Rosa. I admired her maternal love for Rosa but I dislike what she did in
the story. Maybe because of the societal pressure during those time when Illegitimates were not
yet accepted. Another is that she was too weak, for she just let her daughter the same misfortune
she had with the Governor. She knew it already but she just let it happened.
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Rosa Garcia
Protagonist and has dynamic/round character. A blooming flower; fair-built of white
Malayan complexion; curly hair and graceful steps; kind-hearted and modest; simple and artless;
with beautiful body harbored a pure heart and honest soul. Regarded as: one of the lovely virgin
creations of Raphael.; the April morn—fresh as morning dew; lovey as June flower; Madonna of
Angelo; Virgin of the Plain; A child without a father and to me she is the Child of Sorrow. For
all she had been through from her childhood up to her coffin she stood strong; faithful; dutiful and
obedient woman. She’s an inspiration, she suffered because that was what the people whom she
love wanted to but never hated them and always forgiving. Her mother and Lucio who were
supposed to care had loved her the painful way.
Some lines worth pondering with
from Rosa Garcia—Empowering Women—the Child of Sorrow
“Women are as good as men; strong in soul as they are in body; pure in hear as they are
in mind. The mother who creates grandeur of nations, for they rear the citizens of all climes. They
mould the world at their laps; the character of children; train them for service to humanity. Not
only adorn the world but shed sunshine, perfume and affection. True that there are some lost
women, but there is always an exception—for here on earth good and evil exist side by side.”
from Lucio Soliman
“you are the sole master of yourself , architect of your own destinies”
“it is practice, constant practice, untiring practice that makes man perfect in whatever they
“work or read 16hours a day: work if is work; play if is play; rest then rest soundly”
“duty before pleasure” –the principle that made Lucio decide to just let Rosa suffered to
“the man who uses his brain and talents is called lucky, while the man who ignores these
assets is unlucky and that is all there is to Luck—no regret in it but manly labor”
from Benito Soliman
“when sorrow comes, they come not singly but in battalion. Some drift us along into the
dark sea of despearation”
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“be a man and suffer it all bravely like a man”
The Sampaguita
The symbol of their love; their till death do us part. It was chosen by Rosa among other
and have it kept by Lucio. Like their love, pure and honest, though it is small, it can spread huge
enchanting fragrance all over once bloomed.
The handkerchief—like Egyptian Amulet
Though were apart, they were bonded by the mingled tears of each other as it symbolizes
their suffering. It was kept by Rosa believing that the bearer of it shall feel no sorrow—he or she
shall not want for happiness; for joy and love shall always abide by with the bearer of the
handkerchief while the memory lasts. Though Rosa doubted by asking that when the tears faded
and only the salt remained would it not be the sadder still? He explained that it is like the Egyptian
amulet that will protect them from misfortunes.
But I think the opposite had happened, because most of misfortune happened to Rosa whilst
success in carrier and lesser misfortune happened to Lucio.
The Novel
The novel was not mere love story of Lucio and Rosa. It depicts tradition, culture and
multitude principles on different facet of life. Love and Sacrifices; Obedience of a child to his or
her parents; Judgement and societal stereotyping; Injustice in Politics; Nationalism in their
speeches; Poetics in their letters; Friendship; Courage in hardships; Faithfulness in vows; Integrity
in service; Dignity of a woman; Responsibility of a man; Sacredness of marriage; Spiritual Faith
and many more lesson in every detail of the scene in the novel.
As the title implies, A Child of Sorrow discusses the different lesson found in different
sorrow in life from birth to death that one may encounter in real life.

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novel analysis: a child of sorrow

  • 1. Page 1 of 10 Agbay, Noralyn G. Dr. Yolanda D. Reyes II-ELLA Philippine Literature Novel Analysis A Child of Sorrow (Zoilo M. Galang, 1922) SUMMARY Chapter 1: Vacation Days In this chapter, the story revolves around the introduction of the character. Lucio Soliman, a very poetic man who resides in Fertile Ville would prefer to read books all day. Camilo, his friend who lives in the beautiful town of Merry Town invited Lucio to come with him to spend their vacation. Lucio’s father, Benito Soliman allowed him to go with Camillo. So the next day they travel to their destination—about two or three hours rigging. On their way they passed by “the broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the Governor of the province of the plains”. The Governor was Don Pancho Ismael. In the same province, there were peaceful, law-abiding citizens, among whom was Juan dela Cruz, a benevolent-looking, hardworking and liberty loving man reside. Also, in not far distant barrio, there also dwelt a middle class, middle-aged woman called Felipa-On. She is the mother of Rosa Garcia—a blooming flower; fair-built of white Malayan Complexion; curly hair; graceful steps; kind hearted and modest in character. Another was Oscar Ramirez, one among the wealthy ones. Then, the story revolves around Lucio and Rosa from the day they met in an ordinary way. “I wish to see you again before I leave, angelic beauty. You are a vision, born of love and sweet fancy. I am yours—I will lay down my life like a cavalier of old ad die for you….” Lucio’s poetic spirit aroused because of Rosa. Chapter 2: Till death do us part It was during one summer morning, Lucio was enjoying nature. He tried to inhale all the fragrance of the flowers but he could not, for his heart was already full—Rosa. Rosa, herself came to fill an earthen pitcher with water from the brook. Lucio was lost in admiration. He did not know how to approach her but he did. Time passed by when Lucio was able to say his feelings to Rosa but she was not able to move nor answer back. So, Lucio waited for her answer. But to Rosa it was an enigma, a strange thing both to her and to her lover. Poor youth, there he was, in the bosom of Nature soliloquizing—mad with passion and lost in meditation. To Rosa, she repented why she did not answer and why she was so silent and why she not tell Lucio at once all that she felt and all that she desired and all that she dreamed day and
  • 2. Page 2 of 10 night in order to unload and ease up her aching young heart. She became restless—the virgin of the meadow. What was going on between Lucio and Rosa was not a secret to Camilo. Hand in hand Lucio and Camilo went home. Camilo talking of his field work whilst Lucio talking of his love. That night, Lucio forgot Juan de la Cruz’s remarks—That Rosa was a woman without a father. It was a lovely April morning. Lucio went back to the same place where he was supposed to hear her answer. He waited. Indeed, time passes so tediously to those who wait and expect nothing for Lucio became rather impatient until his heart beat low. It is the person who waits and not the one waited who becomes impatient. Then, a very soft sound flapping. A distinct form approaching—the rose of his dreams— awaits a life or death to him. At last, Rosa softly spoke: “yes, yours till death do us part”—Sampaguita. Chapter 3: The Transformation of Youth Swiftly but full of joy, the end of vacation days drew to an end and Lucio with much regret and heart-pain bade adieu for a tie to his beloved Rosa and to his friend Camilo. The day of separation had at last come to pass. “Just wait Rosa, and time shall find us the happiest beings in this world. I will just work hard in order to deserve your affection sweet and lasting and then we shall marry”. The Handkerchief, wet by each other’s tears mingled together—then the bearer of the handkerchief shall feel no sorrow—he or she shall not want for happiness, for joy and love shall always abide by with the bearer of the handkerchief while the memory lasts—like the Egyptian amulet. Rosa kept that handkerchief for Lucio could endure sorrow better than his Rosa. Lucio returned to his native town much perturbed and lost in the mists of the enchanted world of love. Back home, his father advised him to forget a while the sad thoughts, delve into the happy realms of book—just like the old days. Be a man and suffer it all bravely like a man. Lucio tried to forget but he could not. That seemed to him the most impossible. Love letters between them relieved the sadness. Really they were transformed, and it was love that transformed them. Meanwhile, Lucio with Juan became busy forming a Union. A union among young people who will help each other, which has for its object physical culture, education and fraternal union— The Rising Generation. It was first of June, he received a note from his Rosa imploring him in the name of their love to go and see their Garden Day and participate in the town’s happiness and jubilee. That day, Governor Ismael was there, also an American Teacher called Uncle Sam, the superintendent of the Schools; another man well known to Juan de la Cruz was Oscar, a pretender of Rosa. Camilo was there too, who acted as the ball’s toastmaster. The two, Rosa and Lucio met again though not too long, Lucio left good Rosa her first kiss.
  • 3. Page 3 of 10 Chapter 4: Cup of Sorrow Every time Rosa will be asked who her father was, she only cry instead of answering it. Either because she did not know, knowing or she was ashamed of it or else felt the disgrace of her being born fatherless. Oscar Ramirez did not cease in his selfish pursuits of love and devotion to Rosa, worrying her almost to death in spite of the awful fact that he knew from mere gossip that she was engaged to Lucio, and that they loved each other ever so much. But, he kept on wooing her along lavishing gifts and numerous favors upon the family that after the lapse of time, the mother of Rosa became compassionately moved and touched by the good acts of Oscar. Oscar did his best to have the support of Rosa’s mother and the Governor. The governor assured him that he will have his wish—to marry Rosa. The fatal came, it was announced from an unknown source that she would be married to Oscar. Camilo and Juan upon hearing that fatal went straight to Rosa. Oscar has none to Rosa Rosa empowering Women—The Panacea of Life: “Women are as good as men; strong in soul as they are in body; pure in hear as they are in mind. The mother who creates grandeur of nations, for they rear the citizens of all climes. They mould the world at their laps; the character of children; train them for service to humanity. Not only adorn the world but shed sunshine, perfume and affection. True that there are some lost women, but there is always an exception—for here on earth good and evil exist side by side.” Camilo’s letter to Lucio had reached him in time. After reading the letter telling the fatal rumor –clearly Lucio spoke of his love’s faithlessness. He was eaten by the fever of jealousy, burning. A year after he learned that Rosa was forced against her will to love a man she did not by heart and soul really love. Exactly a year and half, they met again—she fainted in his arm, assured her that it was all over. Howbeit, it was her dilemma. To disobey her mother was unfilial and to forsake her lover was faithlessly loathsome. To Lucio, it was her duty to obey her mother. Broken engagement—The cup of sorrow was full of poison, sadness and misfortune. Chapter 5: The City of Opportunity “All is over. Rosa is free to do as she wishes. I only hope to see her happy. I stand always ready to help her—cruel though fate was to us—and separate though our destiny shall be…Now, I must get busy!” Man is bigger than his sorrow. Lucio decided to go to Manila and work. Find his way or else make one. For that is the land of opportunity, where he could labor and shape his own destiny and be a worthy son of Fertile Valley. Manila, as land of opportunity to him. Lucio realized more and more that he who knows more and knows what he really knows is the logical man who commands the best salary, while the man who know only what is at the surface of things is bound to be at the bottom rung of the ladder.
  • 4. Page 4 of 10 Thus, in order to climb up the ladder of achievement Lucio believed that one must do the superfluous work—work that is dignified and that enhances progress and civilization. Climb higher every minute, for our allotment of the span of life is at best very short as Juan de la Cruz advised Lucio. Being busy, he thought he was over Rosa. The life of Lucio in the city was full of social and business activities. He was one of the members of the leading societies composed of self-supporting students and employees who were forging ahead into commercial field and world of belles-letters—into the spot light of Philippine history. While Lucio was trying his best to move on. Rosa is doing the total opposite. She can't forget Lucio. By this time, Rosa knew who her father was. It was Ismael. Rosa rebuked her mother crying: “if you had told me long before, people won’t have called me such a disgraceful name as A child without a Father”. Then, a letter was received by Lucio from Rosa. “It is only our love that makes me live. And I believe that women only live for love. I do, and am still waiting for you….Forget me not….And believe me, I am still waiting for the promised day….Yours till death do us part” Chapter 6: At the Carnival The Queen of Carnival, really she was fair, in appearance all love and in beauty Venus- like. Dressed in rich colors and in splendor beyond what the words in the compass of human description could tell. Rosa’s eyes met Lucio’s—they were as if enchanted and fascinated. It was a fixed momentary glance—surprising and magnetically bewildering, fraught with incomprehensible sighs and longings. There at the carnival, they were dancing. Lucio saw Rosa, dancing with the governor, his father and what more—dancing gaily and merrily with Oscar. At home. Lucio sat for a moment watching life slip between his helpless fingers. He was full of regrets uttering in mind: “Why…I could not say she had been faithless to me”. He then knew that she abhors and loathes and curses to the bottom of her heart. She yearns for peace—for love and for simplicity—nothing more. Lucio, even in his dream was terrified by his dear unforgettable being—Rosa. He worked and worked as work exalteth the workers. His curious officemates asked him why he seemed so pale and careworn. As fate had it, the very being he wanted most to avoid came in full view—Rosa. Thanks to Camilo for a beautiful pair, dancing together—Rosa and Lucio. Later they went to get a drink and had their chance to talk. The meeting of their eyes was sufficient, they read what could neither be spoken nor described. The last glance of the lover during that memorable Carnival. Chapter 7: Blasted Dreams of Happiness As the carnival ended, so as the joy and merriments of the people. To Lucio, sorrow was all his—after turning his situation all over, reviewing his past life. He hopelessly wrote: “Born
  • 5. Page 5 of 10 of sorrow, I am and a man of sorrow, I shall be…” Little by little Lucio’s sorrows vanished and little by little he recovered from shock. Time healed his wounds at last, but the scars of sorrow left their footprint upon his heart in mournful disillusionment. Pale, thin and forlorn as he was, still his mind or intellect was bright and remained fresh. He learned from the “school of life” things never to be found in textbooks, how to suffer humbly; suffer like a man; as Jesus did and as his father told him. Sorrow made him a wiser man from being a lad. He even sent a telegram to both husband and wife wishing them the best of conjugal life and every happiness. One night, there were seen two men walking. They talked. The young man was persistent, instructing the old man how to grant his wish. Paternal concern was still there for he told the young man: “Beware of what you do! Swear before heaven and me this night that you will not harm nor touch even the hair of that girl. Remember, that for any breach of this condition, I will hold your very life responsible! Swear that you will do no harm to my child—Rosa” Felipa and Ismael had their conversation as they left sleeping Rosa to Oscar that night. Felipa tried to convince the Governor not to give their child to another liar like him. That by doing so, he was as if giving his daughter to a beast—a ruthless animal. When the two went back to the house, Oscar was gone and Rosa was crying in the dead of the night—what darkness. Rosa was married to Oscar. People did not know why—forced, traitored of what? Juan de la Cruz was not as bad as that. He investigated the whole matter in his own way then he briefly wrote to Lucio. Rosa was raped by Oscar as Camilo was retelling what he knew to Juan. Rosa was like a crushed bud, fallen and never to bloom. In the end after all the things had happened in between. Lucio’s father died and three days later Lucio receive letter of condolence from Rosa; a year after the carnival meeting of Lucio and Rosa, she reminisced their vow of ”till death do us part” whilst her husband, Oscar was at work with the Governor; all prayed for the peace as she rested with her eyes closed; a sweet angelic smile was on her virgin face; her hands were devoutly folded; as if asleep and only dreaming of the joys and the raptures and ecstasies of heaven. Poor, hopeless woman—with blasted hopes Thirteen days after, Oscar died too and the people believed that Governor Ismael was the only person who knew the cause of it. Days, months and years passed by and from that time on wherever Lucio was seen, men, women and children pointed to him and said: “there is the child of sorrow!” Reference: The Author Zoilo Galang was born on June 27 1895 in Bacolor, Pampanga. It was said that he was an encyclopedist, and the very first English-language Filipino novelist. Also, he spent his early life in a Bucolic town famed for its writers and artist. He lived with influenced of Spanish culture but was raised and gained consciousness under American
  • 6. Page 6 of 10 culture. He went to school at the Bacolor Elementary School and then went to Manila to study at the Escuela de Derecho, the country’s eminent law school where he graduated in 1919. A self- starter, he learned typing and stenography in English and Spanish all by himself. Attracted to the English language, he took special courses at the University of the Philippines in 1925, then went to Columbia University for further studies in Literature. After which, he began to write books of fiction, biography, and philosophy.His early poems saw print of the Kapampangan paper, “E Mngabiran”. He authored “ A Child of Sorrow”, the first English novel written by Filipino. This was later made into a movie in 1930. Other notable works include “ Nadia”, “ For Dreams Must Die”, “Springtime”, “ Leaders of the Philippines”, “Glimpse of the worlds”, “ Life and Success”, Master of Destiny”, “Unisophy”, and “Barrio Life” But his greatest opus undoubtedly is the Encyclopedia of the Philippines, which began as a 10 volume set when first printed. Galang himself, edited and wrote entries for the book set which covered Philippine literature, biography, commerce and industry, art, education, religion, government, science, history and builders of the new Philippines. The Encyclopedia of the Philippines came with a general information and index. Reference: Biographical Analysis Upon reading some of his biography, I could infer that a child of sorrow was somehow a reflection of his own life experiences. Lucio, just like him was fond of reading. The Encyclopedia of the Philippines which he himself authored was because of his desire to own an encyclopedia which was only available at their school when he was a student until his father bought him his own in an installment basis paying 50php per month. Just like Benito Soliman in the story, full supportive father to his son Lucio. Galang’s knowledge from reading was evident in the novel. Many part of it that were mention such Eulysis; Erenia; Egyptian’s amulet; Grecian standard of beauty and the likes attested to it. Religion as well, the strong Christian influence to him brought by Spaniards was very evident in the story. The place in the story, the Province of the Plain obviously referred to Pampanga, his province. Pampanga, the first Spanish province in Luzon. Farming large fields for it is the province of the plain was its main source of living portrayed in the story by the Hacienda owned by the family of Camilo David. The town, Fertile Valley and Merry Town both resembles the richness of Pampanga. Fertile having vast range of rich fields and farm lands in Pampanga. Merry portraying the merriness of the people and their culture. The festivals, celebrations, carnivals, dances that were mentioned in the story were described in details, an almost exactly as how Kapampangan celebrated theirs as their tradition. This novel mirrored not only what was happening in the past but it also help us understand what had inspired the author to write such beautiful piece of art with the influence of how he was
  • 7. Page 7 of 10 brought up by his parents and by his first teacher who was an American educator clearly portrayed in the story. The existence of Uncle Sam. The author's ideals and aspirations were also portrayed by the protagonist of the novel. Historical Analysis The politics during his time as well had influenced the story. The campaign of the Governor, the ill tradition during campaign period which was still evident up to these days was portrayed by Gov. Ismael and Oscar Ramirez. It was perfectly expressed in some scenes of the novel how the author abhor Governor Ismael's regime which represents commonwealth governance during his time. During the time he wrote this novel, form of government was not favorable. American government only appoint those they think are qualified to rule the town. This was depicted in his novel wherein Gov. Pancho Ismael, the ill-mannered governor was elected only because he threatened the workers in his land. It was also believed that Governor Ismael is Governor Honorio Ventura in real life who ruled Pampanga from 1916 to 1922. Though it was not sure if he, Gov. Ventura was also “the broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the Governor of the province of the plains”. Also, there was a part in the story in which Juan and Lucio formed a Union. A union among young people who will help each other, which has for its object physical culture, education and fraternal union—The Rising Generation. Those realizations directed him to pour them out in words such as the oppression of Filipinos by the corrupted society. In addition, during the mid-18th to 19th century there was a sentimentalist movement in Europe and it greatly affected the literary traditions of all writers in the world and one of them was Galang. Sentimentalism during the 18th century, this is a European idea that emphasized feelings and emotions, a physical appreciation of God, nature, and other people, rather than logic and reason. As a result the main theme of Galang's novel is LOVE. The novel also depicts the every aspect of the 19th century Philippine social, political, and religious life. Character Analysis Lucio Soliman. He is the protagonist. He is a round/dynamic character. Physically I would imagined him as a man with a slender and well-built with brown hair, dark clear eyes, and a gay and graceful demeanor. His face was oval and handsome in a truly manly fashion. Spiritually, he lived to serve God; a very righteous man; guided by principles and ideals. Intellectually, he is calm pensive and poetic. He is very good in public speaker, one reason why the governor hated him for he outshined the governor with his speech which also gained admiration from the people.
  • 8. Page 8 of 10 In the story, to me he is not the child of sorrow as what the ending remark says in the novel. I admired him at the same hated him for he was so Righteous and Ideal that made a girl such Rosa suffered to death. Advising Rosa to be an obedient and dutiful daughter & just letting go of their love for each other are breaking scene to me knowing that Rosa was ready to face against all odds for him. I also dislike him when he doubted his feelings for Rosa, triggered by the issue of Oscar- Rosa marriage. Rosa’s being a child without a father suddenly became an issue to him. Camilo David & Juan de la Cruz Camilo is a flat characters. They were friends of Lucio Soliman. Camilo’s home town was Merry Town whilst his uncle was in Fertile Valley, the place of Lucio. Juan de la Cruz is a round character. At first I thought he will be the antagonist of the novel but later it turned out that he will be one of the true friend to Lucio & Rosa. He initiated an investigation to what was really going on. Both of them supported and comforted Rosa and Lucio. The lines which I liked the most from them was: “Come with you? We will not come with you… We will accompany you!”.— True Friend indeed. Governor Pancho Ismael He is a flat character. He is the corrupt governor of Merry Town. Father of Rosa. In the novel, he is “the broken promised and unfulfilled promises of the Governor of the province of the plains”. The broken promise not only to the province but also to unfortunate women of the novel, Felipa and Rosa. Oscar Ramirez He is a flat character and the antagonist. He loved everybody, if they also loved him. He was a patriot, but his patriotism was only for himself. He worked with the Governor and if not for him Rosa would not suffer to death. Rapist and husband of Rosa. He also suffered in the later part of the story being in the far away den of brutes and died after Rosa’s which I think was the revenge and the fulfillment of the threat to him by the Governor. Felipa-On Flat character too. The second unfortunate woman for her mother was the first and Rosa was the third. Mother of Rosa. I admired her maternal love for Rosa but I dislike what she did in the story. Maybe because of the societal pressure during those time when Illegitimates were not yet accepted. Another is that she was too weak, for she just let her daughter the same misfortune she had with the Governor. She knew it already but she just let it happened.
  • 9. Page 9 of 10 Rosa Garcia Protagonist and has dynamic/round character. A blooming flower; fair-built of white Malayan complexion; curly hair and graceful steps; kind-hearted and modest; simple and artless; with beautiful body harbored a pure heart and honest soul. Regarded as: one of the lovely virgin creations of Raphael.; the April morn—fresh as morning dew; lovey as June flower; Madonna of Angelo; Virgin of the Plain; A child without a father and to me she is the Child of Sorrow. For all she had been through from her childhood up to her coffin she stood strong; faithful; dutiful and obedient woman. She’s an inspiration, she suffered because that was what the people whom she love wanted to but never hated them and always forgiving. Her mother and Lucio who were supposed to care had loved her the painful way. Some lines worth pondering with from Rosa Garcia—Empowering Women—the Child of Sorrow “Women are as good as men; strong in soul as they are in body; pure in hear as they are in mind. The mother who creates grandeur of nations, for they rear the citizens of all climes. They mould the world at their laps; the character of children; train them for service to humanity. Not only adorn the world but shed sunshine, perfume and affection. True that there are some lost women, but there is always an exception—for here on earth good and evil exist side by side.” from Lucio Soliman “you are the sole master of yourself , architect of your own destinies” “it is practice, constant practice, untiring practice that makes man perfect in whatever they do” “work or read 16hours a day: work if is work; play if is play; rest then rest soundly” “duty before pleasure” –the principle that made Lucio decide to just let Rosa suffered to death. “the man who uses his brain and talents is called lucky, while the man who ignores these assets is unlucky and that is all there is to Luck—no regret in it but manly labor” from Benito Soliman “when sorrow comes, they come not singly but in battalion. Some drift us along into the dark sea of despearation”
  • 10. Page 10 of 10 “be a man and suffer it all bravely like a man” Symbolism The Sampaguita The symbol of their love; their till death do us part. It was chosen by Rosa among other and have it kept by Lucio. Like their love, pure and honest, though it is small, it can spread huge enchanting fragrance all over once bloomed. The handkerchief—like Egyptian Amulet Though were apart, they were bonded by the mingled tears of each other as it symbolizes their suffering. It was kept by Rosa believing that the bearer of it shall feel no sorrow—he or she shall not want for happiness; for joy and love shall always abide by with the bearer of the handkerchief while the memory lasts. Though Rosa doubted by asking that when the tears faded and only the salt remained would it not be the sadder still? He explained that it is like the Egyptian amulet that will protect them from misfortunes. But I think the opposite had happened, because most of misfortune happened to Rosa whilst success in carrier and lesser misfortune happened to Lucio. The Novel The novel was not mere love story of Lucio and Rosa. It depicts tradition, culture and multitude principles on different facet of life. Love and Sacrifices; Obedience of a child to his or her parents; Judgement and societal stereotyping; Injustice in Politics; Nationalism in their speeches; Poetics in their letters; Friendship; Courage in hardships; Faithfulness in vows; Integrity in service; Dignity of a woman; Responsibility of a man; Sacredness of marriage; Spiritual Faith and many more lesson in every detail of the scene in the novel. As the title implies, A Child of Sorrow discusses the different lesson found in different sorrow in life from birth to death that one may encounter in real life.