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Concentrate on the cross in the middle, after a while you will notice that this moving
purple dot will turn green!
Look at the cross a bit longer
and you‘ll notice that all dots
except the green one will
disappear. 6
Maximizing Performance:
3 Principles
1. Visualize, Speak, See,
Hear, Feel, Taste.
2. Silence: The
judgmental view.
3. Focus on the process.
The Inner Game of Winning!The Inner Game of Winning!
Second day
• 1Preferred Representational Systems
• 2 Languages and Representational System
• 3 The Right Brain
• 4 The Left Brain
• 5 predictions
• 6 predictions samples
• 7 the phenomenal power of human mind
(brain gym)
• 8 internal vs external behaviour
Discover your preferred way of thinking and interpreting
the world – your preferred Representational System
Before we go into the quiz below where you can discover
your own preferred system we’d like to explain a little about
representational systems and their importance.
We each have a preferred way of representing the world to
ourselves, a preferred representational system. By
understanding your preferred system you can:
Get better learning outcomes
Set better and more compelling goals
Design work tasks to suit your preference and therefore
improve your performance
By understanding other peoples preferred system you can:
Communicate with them on their level – resonate with their thinking
Motivate them better
Be in a better position to influence and persuade them
Help them work through their problems more effectively
What is a Preferred Representational System?
As you get to know yourself better you may have noticed that the things
that you do and the things that occupy your thoughts occur largely
involuntarily. This is down to the mysterious world of the unconscious or
One of the aspects that is governed by our unconscious is our preferred
sensory system. That is: 1) do we prefer to interpret the world (re-
present the world to ourselves) through our visual sense, through
pictures, sights, using our eyes?
2) de we prefer to interpret the world through our kinaesthetic sense,
touching, through feelings?
3) do we prefer to interpret the world through our auditory sense,
hearing, through sounds?
4) do we have a preference for a more digital interpretation of the world,
through logic, self talk, making sense of everything?
The chances are that you do have a preference for using one sense or
sensory system over another and yet you may not be aware of
it….consciously. This is your preferred representational system.
Our representational systems (re-presenting the world to us)
You will notice that we call it a “preferred system”. We each have internal systems for each
sensory aspect, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, gustatory, olfactory. These systems allow us to
assess what we are experiencing in the world through our senses in the moment and also
allow us to create and recreate memories of what we have experienced in the past and
thoughts of what we may expect to experience in the future.
We process external data
We each have the ability to process external visual data, through our eyes, auditory data
through our ears, kinaesthetic data (including tastes and smells) through our skin, and through
our mouth and nose.
We process internal data
We each also are able to create and recreate sights, pictures (and movies), sounds and
feelings internally based on data that we have stored from experiences in the past.
Providing an insight into our thinking
We can all do all of these things (assuming that our senses work ok) and we will have
developed a preference for using one system over another.
What is important is that our preferred system will provide insights into how we think and
how we process information.
I use the word “insight” above. Which sensory system do you think that the
word “insight” belongs to? It is a visual word, in-sight. This implies that whilst
creating these words I am thinking about the visual aspect of our thoughts ie
the pictures that we create internally. If someone has a preference for their
visual system, then they will predominantly be thinking in terms of pictures and
images. This makes sense to me because I have a visual preference.
If I had said “…will enable us to get in touch with how we (and others) think”,
then I would have been using my kinaesthetic system. “Touch” is a kinaesthetic
word. Got it? Good.
By listening to the words that people use, by watching their eye patterns, by
observing their body language you can discover your own and other peoples
likely preferred representational system without the need for this quiz or test.
This is a skill that we teach in our NLP training.
How does know this benefit us?
When developing a new skill do you think that it would be useful to know which
is your preferred system?
Developing new skills – Would you like to see how the skill works? Do you want to hear about
it first? Do you prefer to practice it? We will develop a new skill most effectively and quickly by
aligning our development with our preferred system.
Communicating with others – When you communicate with others do you prefer to see them
face to face? Are you happier speaking to them over the phone? Do you prefer to meet them
and interact with them?
When you buy a product – do you need to see it working? See how it looks? Hear about it from
others? Listen to recommendations? Play with it? Get a feel for it first?
Hopefully this is resonating (auditory) with you now. Hopefully you can see (visual) how this
might be useful. Hopefully you are getting a feel for how this could work for you?
Take the 5 minute quiz to discover your preferred representational system.
You may also be i
Primary Representational System. The Preferred
Rep System (or primary repsystem) in NLP is the representational system that
someone most often uses to display their experiences and show them to the world. It
can be via pictures, feelings, sounds, self talk, tastes, smells or auditory.
Sometimes in NLP a distinction is made between a person's primaryrepresentational system,
his or her “lead system,” and his or her “referencesystem.” A person's “lead system” is the
sensory channel that individual relies upon to input or gather information.
Sensory Based Language is a term in NLP used to describe language based on our senses.
Sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting
Overlap technique. Overlap is the process where you make use onerepresentational system
to gain access to the other. This process is used in situations where someone has difficulties
coming in to a specific representational system, while this would be desired.
Calibration in NLP is the ability to notice and measure changes with respect to a standard. Usually
involves the comparison between two different sets of external, non-verbal cues.
... Calibration skills are essential if one is to develop any facility at all with high-
level NLP communication skills and techniques.
In NLP Auditory Digital is the Representational System dealing with logic and the way we talk to
ourselves. During the process of building our models of the world, language is attached to our
What is kinesthetic communication?
Kinesthetic communication is one of the many forms of language that human beings use.
Generally speaking, it is also called body language. It includes all body
movements. Kinesthetic communication is very powerful. It transmits a lot of information
about a person's character and emotions 21
• ( To Live)
• (To Learn)
• (To Love)
• (To Contribute )
• To Know Yourself
• Contribution to
• Society 23
Don’t Miss Any of this will make
our Life’s Journey Miserable
• “Khudee ko kar buland itana ki har
takdeer se pahale, Khuda bande
se khud poochche bata teri razaa kya
hai”. 24
• Is a journey, not a destination.
• A successful career requires falling in love many times
with your work - Frank Watson.
• Winners don’t do different things, they do things
• Success comes to those who dare and act – Pandit
Jawahar lal Nehru.
• If you have built castles in the air, your work need not
be lost.That is where they should be.Now put the
foundation under them - Henry David Thoreau 25
. WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME? (What do I stand for, what would not I
stand for, what would I sacrifice for?)
Purpose Finder Exercise:Purpose Finder Exercise: 28
S.No. Identify the
Why and how it
When it
What to do
about it
• Questions for an internal
ecology: (Check in VAK)
• Is it worth it? What will I
lose/gain if I make this
change? What are the
good aspects of the
present situation? How
can I keep these good
aspects while making the
change? What are the
wider consequences of my
Ecology is a concern for
the overall system.
Ecology check is when you
consider the change you
are making fits into the
wider system.
Internal Ecology; Checking
with your own feelings that
a course of action would
be a wise one to follow.
• The map is not the territory (first coined by Alfred
Korzybski, a Polish mathematician). Experience has
a structure. If one person can do something, anyone
can learn to do it. The mind and body are parts of the
same system. People already have resources they
need. You can't NOT communicate. The meaning
ofyour communication is the response you get.
Underlying every behavior is a positive intention.
People always make the best choice(s) available to
them. If what you are doing is not working, do
something else.
Calibration: Improve your ability to observe and respond to
the physiological and behavioral cue of others. Calibration
involves linking behavioral cues to internal and emotional
Calibration Method• Step 1. Ask your partner to think of a
situation/person and speak from one to ten;
Check the visual and aUditorY signals
• Step 2. Ask your partner to think of another
(different in nature) situation/person and
speak from one to ten; Cn".· 'l1e visual and
auditory signals
• Step 3: Ask YOl.lI, ""er to think of either
situation; see closely and find out which
situation he is in.
What is a state?
• A sum total of neuro-physiological process at a given point of
time. It is our way of being in any moment. It is sum total of
thoughts + emotions + physical energy It is just your 'mood' at
any pOint of time
• Two components of a STATE;
• a. Physiology
• b. Personal Internal Representation
• States can be resourceful or unresourceful.
• Resourceful states: confidence, happiness, delightfulness,
concentration, ecstasy, decision making, love, flexibility,
playfulness etc.
• Unresourceful states: fear, phobia, trauma, sadness, guilt,
discomfort, confusion, depression, frustration etc.
How we create a STATE? We perceive any event
through five senses i.e.• see (Visual learning) hear (auditory learning) touch
(kinesthetic learning) smell (olfactory learning) taste
(gustatory learning)
• Remember: We don't perceive the world as it is; we delete,
distort or generalize before we perceive it and then create our
inner representation.
• Deletion/Distortion/Generalization:
• Deletion: Important information is left out and this limits
thoughts and action.
• Distortion: Information is twisted in a way that limits choices
and leads to unneceS~dly problems and pain. Generalization:
One example is taken to represent a class in a way that
narrows possibilities. 35
A Burning Desire
Along With
Positive Emotions And
Positive Thinking,
Creates the Power To
Convert A Goal Into
An External Reality.
State of Association; • . You are in the here and now. You are
absorbed what you are doing. You are inside your body
looking out from your own eyes. You feel bodily sensations.
• State of Dissociation; ~~ You are thinking about
something rather than being in it. Feel distance from what
you do. You see yourself in your imagination. You are
aware of the time passing. You experience distance from
bodily sensations.
• How to change STATE
• a. By physiology: As if ... posture, breathing, facial
expressions and inner voice
• b. By Changing Internal Representation -t !
As if Exercise: By Physiology
• Finalize the state that you want to be in like
confidence, wellness, delightful, positive
• Create the physiology as if you are
• Breathe as if you are confident
• Have facial expression as if you are
• Have some internal sound as if you are
As if Exercise
Senses: Representational System
(Preferred Thinking System)
• To understand 'Preferred Thinking System' or PTS, first we
need to understand how we human
• beings structure our internal representations.
• We receive and represent information through five senses -
• sight or vision; means we perceive the things through our
• sound or auditory; means we perceive the things through uur
• touch or kinesthesis; means we perceive the things through
touch or feeling
• smell or olfaction; means perceiving the things through smell
• taste or gustatory' means perceiving the thing through taste.
• Though we use five senses, but we use primarily only three of
these senses: the visual, auditory and kinesthetic system. These
specialized receptors send external stimuli to the brain. And
each of you know that through the process of deletion,
distortion and generalization, the brain takes these signals and
form an internal representation of the external event."
• It means the internal representation has a structure and that
structure has three ingredients i.e. visual, auditory and
kinesthetic. These ingredients do not have to be in equal
quantity or quality. For an event, I may have 'visual'
dominated representation while for you it may be auditory
dominated and for someone else it may be kinesthetic. Though
the external event was one, yet three people may have different
internal representation of it. When you ask people to describe
an event, they speak in different language."
Visual Manager
• When you have a visual manager or boss, do hustle around a
fistful papers before him. It will
• ensure for the visual manager that you work more that a
person who is sitting quiet and
• completing his job.
• A visual manager may take a little more notice of who actually
produces result, as distinct from who simply looks busy. To
your visual boss, show him what you have achieved. Do not
tell him what you have achieved. He may not listen to you
because he wants to see the things.
• Visual employees
• Visuals real talent lies
in the areas that
demand visual skills,
like designing,
• photography or media.
Visuals should be kept
away from customer
relation department.
• Visual clients
• When you have a visual
customer, do not waste time in
telling him what your product
is. Show him. They want to see
what they are getting for
money, be it a flat, TV, or
anything else. Before making a
final decision, visuals want to
see the things. If you are
making a sale to visual
customer, show him what you
are offering and then give
them some time. Give some
time to create a clear and vivid
mental image before they
finally decide.
language for the visuals
Some of the key words and phrase of visuals are;
• see, look, clear, focus, picture, bright, dim,
hazy, colofful, view, appear, show'reveal,
envision, imagine, flash, illuminate. Make a
scene, in light of, in view of, eye to eye, beyond
a shadow of doubt, bird's eye view, looks like,
see to it, catch a glimpse of, mental image,
mind's eye, naked eye, paint a picture, tunnel
vision, hazy idea, flashed on, under your nose.
• The auditory people have more modulated speech. The tempo
is balanced. The voice tends to have a clear, resonant tonality.
Their breathing is even and deep, coming from the diaphragm
or the whole chest. They tilt their head slightly to one side. The
auditory eye movements are to left or right towards ears.
When they make some internal dialogue, their eyes go left
down. They make around twenty to thirty percent of the
business population.
• Some auditories may tend to be somewhat assertive. They
dominate meetings because they verbalize their thoughts in
order to clarify their ideas.
Auditory Language
Some of the key words and phrases of auditories are;
• Hear, listen, sound, resonate, harmonize,
Be all ears, ring a bell, make music, clear
as a
bell, describe In detail, earful, express
yourself, outspoken, keynote speaker,
message, idle talk, give me your ear, grant an
audience, heard voice, loud and clear, pay
attention to, word for word, tell the truth,
voice an opinion,
Recognize Kinesthetic People
• People who are more kinesthetic tend to be
even slower. They primarily react to feelings.
• Their voice tends to be deep. Many times, they
take long pauses between words and have
• low, deep tonality. They try to get the feeling.
When they get their feeling, they are able to
• continue their talking.
• Kinesthetics' eye movement is -down and to
Kinesthetics love to touch people
and things
• . They often touch you to make a point -on the arm, or on
the shoulders etc. When they are talking to you across a
desk, they often pick up some objects like paperweight, pen
etc and start playing with them. During conversation, they
often look to their right and down and start caressing the
table before them. Touching gives them a feeling of
• Kinesthetics feel temperature changes more often than
visuals and auditories.
• A kinesthetic may take it negatively when he offers you tea,
coffee or cold drink and you refuse him.
Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern: Questionnaire
• This questionnaire is in no way a definitive analysis but is
merely to raise your awareness of how you think. Your
thinking patterns may vary from one situation to another.
• The aim of this exercise is to help you identify any preferences
you have in your thinking pattern.
• You may tick as many senses as are true for you for any
question. You may, for example,
• have one sense ticked for one question and five for another
question. Work through each
• question and be aware of what comes to mind the moment you
see it.
Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern:
• 1 . Chocolate Bar
• An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
• 2. Your bestfriend
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
• 3. The way you would most like to spend your time
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c.A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
• 4. What you did last on Sunday
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
• 5. Any function or party where you enjoyed most
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern: Questionnaire
• 6. Your favorite restaurant
• a. An image or picture b. A sound
• 7. Something from your childhood
• a. An image or picture b. A sound
• 8. Something from work
• a. An ima~e or picture b. A sound
• 9. Where you may be tomorrow
• a. An image or picture b. A sound
• c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
• c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
• c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
• c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
• 10. Something you find to difficult to do
• a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A
taste e. A smell
• 11. Something you find rewarding
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A
• 12. Something you find amusing a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A
feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
• 13. A goal that you have fixed for future
• a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste
• e. A smell
• 14. Your expectations for the rest of this week
• a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A
taste e. A smell
• 15. What are you doing this moment?
• a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A
taste e. A smell
• Predicates for Different Representational System
• What do you notice about the following four sentences?
• You have shown me a bright idea on how to proceed and I would like to
look into it further.
• You have told me of a way to proceed that sounds good and I would like to
hear more about it.
• You have handed me a way to proceed that is on solid ground and I would
like to get more of a feel for it.
• ..You have provided me with a way to proceed that makes sense and I
would like have more details.
• The first sentence uses visual words, the second auditory, the third kinesthetic
and the fourth uses words that are not sensory based (auditory digital), yet all
four sentences convey the same general meaning.
• You use words to describe your thoughts. If your thoughts (internal
representations) are mainly
• pictures, then you will tend to use more visual words when describing your
thoughts. If your
• thoughts are based on logic or making sense of something, you may tend to
use words that
• reflect the logic of your thinking. Likewise, for auditory and kinesthetic. The
words you use
• reflect your internal thought processes. This is a very important point as you
are revealing your
• internal thoughts and thought structures to others through the words you
choose to use or not
• use -more about this in later classes
In NLP terms, visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auditory digital
words are called predicates.
• The predicates that a person uses will provide you with an
indication of the person's preferred
• representational system.
• The following table gives you an idea of some of the different
predicates. This is not a complete
• list. Can you think of other words or phrases that can be
added? Notice that some words like
• fuzzy could appear in more than one column.
Exercise 1: For two minutes, describe your home using only
visual words.
• For the next two minutes use only auditory words.
For the next two minutes use only kinesthetic words and for
the final two minutes use only auditory digital words.
• Hint: for visual, you can describe the different colors; for
auditory, the different sounds; for kinesthetic, different feelings
or textures; and for auditory digital, you can use facts and
figures. Notice which modality (or modalities) gives you the
most difficulty. These are the ones that you will need to
practice. If you want people to clearly see, hear, grasp or
understand your message, you need to be able to speak their
Exercise 2: Listen to the predicates that your friends or family
members use. They will use a mixture of visual, auditory,
kinesthetic and auditory digital predicates and one or two of
these will be used more frequently and this is their preferred
representational system.
• Assignment:
• 1. Watch people closely when they are talking;
their eye movement, tonality, breathing pattern
and physiology. Watch how they have stored
their information. 58
SIX Catalysts of
Subconscious Mind
• Fasting
• Silence
• Prayer
• Positive Thinking
• Meditation
• Hypnosis
Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR
Learn Success Analogy
through NLP 59
… and you are the programmer. 60
SIX Catalysts of
Subconscious Mind
• Fasting
• Silence
• Prayer
• Positive Thinking
• Meditation
• Hypnosis
Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR
R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R. RavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindra KumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumar
Chief Mentor
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Nlp 2nd June 2019

  • 2. 2
  • 3. Your Mentor? •• Professional Manager with 30 + yearsProfessional Manager with 30 + years Experience in Management of Life InsuranceExperience in Management of Life Insurance Marketing and Operation.Marketing and Operation. ••Global Experience with People CapitalGlobal Experience with People Capital ••More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power.More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power. ••Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors. Of Corporate World.Of Corporate World. ••More then 100 Web PublishMore then 100 Web Publish ••T.V PresenterT.V Presenter •• NLP TrainerNLP Trainer •• Motivational SpeakerMotivational Speaker ••Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia,Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada & Other 11 countries by invitationCanada & Other 11 countries by invitation
  • 4. Concentrate on the cross in the middle, after a while you will notice that this moving purple dot will turn green! Look at the cross a bit longer and you‘ll notice that all dots except the green one will disappear.
  • 5.
  • 6. 6 Maximizing Performance: 3 Principles 1. Visualize, Speak, See, Hear, Feel, Taste. 2. Silence: The judgmental view. 3. Focus on the process. The Inner Game of Winning!The Inner Game of Winning!
  • 7. Second day • 1Preferred Representational Systems • 2 Languages and Representational System • 3 The Right Brain • 4 The Left Brain
  • 8. • 5 predictions • 6 predictions samples • 7 the phenomenal power of human mind (brain gym) • 8 internal vs external behaviour
  • 9.
  • 10. Discover your preferred way of thinking and interpreting the world – your preferred Representational System Before we go into the quiz below where you can discover your own preferred system we’d like to explain a little about representational systems and their importance. We each have a preferred way of representing the world to ourselves, a preferred representational system. By understanding your preferred system you can: Get better learning outcomes Set better and more compelling goals Design work tasks to suit your preference and therefore improve your performance
  • 11. By understanding other peoples preferred system you can: Communicate with them on their level – resonate with their thinking Motivate them better Be in a better position to influence and persuade them Help them work through their problems more effectively
  • 12. What is a Preferred Representational System? As you get to know yourself better you may have noticed that the things that you do and the things that occupy your thoughts occur largely involuntarily. This is down to the mysterious world of the unconscious or subconscious. One of the aspects that is governed by our unconscious is our preferred sensory system. That is: 1) do we prefer to interpret the world (re- present the world to ourselves) through our visual sense, through pictures, sights, using our eyes? 2) de we prefer to interpret the world through our kinaesthetic sense, touching, through feelings? 3) do we prefer to interpret the world through our auditory sense, hearing, through sounds? 4) do we have a preference for a more digital interpretation of the world, through logic, self talk, making sense of everything? The chances are that you do have a preference for using one sense or sensory system over another and yet you may not be aware of it….consciously. This is your preferred representational system.
  • 13.
  • 14. Our representational systems (re-presenting the world to us) You will notice that we call it a “preferred system”. We each have internal systems for each sensory aspect, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, gustatory, olfactory. These systems allow us to assess what we are experiencing in the world through our senses in the moment and also allow us to create and recreate memories of what we have experienced in the past and thoughts of what we may expect to experience in the future. We process external data We each have the ability to process external visual data, through our eyes, auditory data through our ears, kinaesthetic data (including tastes and smells) through our skin, and through our mouth and nose. We process internal data We each also are able to create and recreate sights, pictures (and movies), sounds and feelings internally based on data that we have stored from experiences in the past. Providing an insight into our thinking We can all do all of these things (assuming that our senses work ok) and we will have developed a preference for using one system over another. What is important is that our preferred system will provide insights into how we think and how we process information.
  • 15.
  • 16. Example: I use the word “insight” above. Which sensory system do you think that the word “insight” belongs to? It is a visual word, in-sight. This implies that whilst creating these words I am thinking about the visual aspect of our thoughts ie the pictures that we create internally. If someone has a preference for their visual system, then they will predominantly be thinking in terms of pictures and images. This makes sense to me because I have a visual preference. If I had said “…will enable us to get in touch with how we (and others) think”, then I would have been using my kinaesthetic system. “Touch” is a kinaesthetic word. Got it? Good. By listening to the words that people use, by watching their eye patterns, by observing their body language you can discover your own and other peoples likely preferred representational system without the need for this quiz or test. This is a skill that we teach in our NLP training. How does know this benefit us? When developing a new skill do you think that it would be useful to know which is your preferred system?
  • 17. Developing new skills – Would you like to see how the skill works? Do you want to hear about it first? Do you prefer to practice it? We will develop a new skill most effectively and quickly by aligning our development with our preferred system. Communicating with others – When you communicate with others do you prefer to see them face to face? Are you happier speaking to them over the phone? Do you prefer to meet them and interact with them? When you buy a product – do you need to see it working? See how it looks? Hear about it from others? Listen to recommendations? Play with it? Get a feel for it first? Hopefully this is resonating (auditory) with you now. Hopefully you can see (visual) how this might be useful. Hopefully you are getting a feel for how this could work for you? Take the 5 minute quiz to discover your preferred representational system. You may also be i Primary Representational System. The Preferred Rep System (or primary repsystem) in NLP is the representational system that someone most often uses to display their experiences and show them to the world. It can be via pictures, feelings, sounds, self talk, tastes, smells or auditory.
  • 18. Sometimes in NLP a distinction is made between a person's primaryrepresentational system, his or her “lead system,” and his or her “referencesystem.” A person's “lead system” is the sensory channel that individual relies upon to input or gather information. Sensory Based Language is a term in NLP used to describe language based on our senses. Sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting Overlap technique. Overlap is the process where you make use onerepresentational system to gain access to the other. This process is used in situations where someone has difficulties coming in to a specific representational system, while this would be desired. Calibration in NLP is the ability to notice and measure changes with respect to a standard. Usually involves the comparison between two different sets of external, non-verbal cues. ... Calibration skills are essential if one is to develop any facility at all with high- level NLP communication skills and techniques. In NLP Auditory Digital is the Representational System dealing with logic and the way we talk to ourselves. During the process of building our models of the world, language is attached to our experiences.
  • 19.
  • 20. What is kinesthetic communication? Kinesthetic communication is one of the many forms of language that human beings use. Generally speaking, it is also called body language. It includes all body movements. Kinesthetic communication is very powerful. It transmits a lot of information about a person's character and emotions
  • 22. 22 GAMES OF THE LIFE !!! • SOCIAL • (To Love) • TO Love PEOPLE • TO BE LOVED BY THE PEOPLE • SPIRITUAL • (To Contribute ) • To Know Yourself • Contribution to • Society
  • 23. 23 Don’t Miss Any of this will make our Life’s Journey Miserable • “Khudee ko kar buland itana ki har takdeer se pahale, Khuda bande se khud poochche bata teri razaa kya hai”.
  • 24. 24 SUCCESS • Is a journey, not a destination. • A successful career requires falling in love many times with your work - Frank Watson. • Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently. • Success comes to those who dare and act – Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru. • If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost.That is where they should be.Now put the foundation under them - Henry David Thoreau
  • 26. 26 . WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME? (What do I stand for, what would not I stand for, what would I sacrifice for?) . . . Purpose Finder Exercise:Purpose Finder Exercise:
  • 27.
  • 28. 28 WHAT ARE MY FIVE BIGGEST PROBLEMS? WHAT ARE MY FIVE BIGGEST PROBLEMS? S.No. Identify the problem Why and how it occurred When it occurred What to do about it 1 2 3 4 5
  • 29. Ecology • Questions for an internal ecology: (Check in VAK) • Is it worth it? What will I lose/gain if I make this change? What are the good aspects of the present situation? How can I keep these good aspects while making the change? What are the wider consequences of my actions? Ecology: Ecology is a concern for the overall system. Ecology check is when you consider the change you are making fits into the wider system. Internal Ecology; Checking with your own feelings that a course of action would be a wise one to follow.
  • 30. Presuppositions • The map is not the territory (first coined by Alfred Korzybski, a Polish mathematician). Experience has a structure. If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do it. The mind and body are parts of the same system. People already have resources they need. You can't NOT communicate. The meaning ofyour communication is the response you get. Underlying every behavior is a positive intention. People always make the best choice(s) available to them. If what you are doing is not working, do something else.
  • 31. Calibration: Improve your ability to observe and respond to the physiological and behavioral cue of others. Calibration involves linking behavioral cues to internal and emotional responses
  • 32. Calibration Method• Step 1. Ask your partner to think of a situation/person and speak from one to ten; Check the visual and aUditorY signals • Step 2. Ask your partner to think of another (different in nature) situation/person and speak from one to ten; Cn".· 'l1e visual and auditory signals • Step 3: Ask YOl.lI, ""er to think of either situation; see closely and find out which situation he is in.
  • 33. What is a state? • A sum total of neuro-physiological process at a given point of time. It is our way of being in any moment. It is sum total of thoughts + emotions + physical energy It is just your 'mood' at any pOint of time • Two components of a STATE; • a. Physiology • b. Personal Internal Representation • States can be resourceful or unresourceful. • Resourceful states: confidence, happiness, delightfulness, concentration, ecstasy, decision making, love, flexibility, playfulness etc. • Unresourceful states: fear, phobia, trauma, sadness, guilt, discomfort, confusion, depression, frustration etc.
  • 34. How we create a STATE? We perceive any event through five senses i.e.• see (Visual learning) hear (auditory learning) touch (kinesthetic learning) smell (olfactory learning) taste (gustatory learning) • Remember: We don't perceive the world as it is; we delete, distort or generalize before we perceive it and then create our inner representation. • Deletion/Distortion/Generalization: • Deletion: Important information is left out and this limits thoughts and action. • Distortion: Information is twisted in a way that limits choices and leads to unneceS~dly problems and pain. Generalization: One example is taken to represent a class in a way that narrows possibilities.
  • 35. 35 A Burning Desire Along With Positive Emotions And Positive Thinking, Creates the Power To Convert A Goal Into An External Reality.
  • 36. State of Association; • . You are in the here and now. You are absorbed what you are doing. You are inside your body looking out from your own eyes. You feel bodily sensations. • State of Dissociation; ~~ You are thinking about something rather than being in it. Feel distance from what you do. You see yourself in your imagination. You are aware of the time passing. You experience distance from bodily sensations. • • How to change STATE • a. By physiology: As if ... posture, breathing, facial expressions and inner voice • b. By Changing Internal Representation -t !
  • 37. As if Exercise: By Physiology • Finalize the state that you want to be in like confidence, wellness, delightful, positive etc; • Create the physiology as if you are confident. • Breathe as if you are confident • Have facial expression as if you are confident • Have some internal sound as if you are confident
  • 39. Senses: Representational System (Preferred Thinking System) • To understand 'Preferred Thinking System' or PTS, first we need to understand how we human • beings structure our internal representations. • We receive and represent information through five senses - • sight or vision; means we perceive the things through our vision. • sound or auditory; means we perceive the things through uur eCl!S • touch or kinesthesis; means we perceive the things through touch or feeling • smell or olfaction; means perceiving the things through smell • taste or gustatory' means perceiving the thing through taste. •
  • 40.
  • 41. • Though we use five senses, but we use primarily only three of these senses: the visual, auditory and kinesthetic system. These specialized receptors send external stimuli to the brain. And each of you know that through the process of deletion, distortion and generalization, the brain takes these signals and form an internal representation of the external event." • It means the internal representation has a structure and that structure has three ingredients i.e. visual, auditory and kinesthetic. These ingredients do not have to be in equal quantity or quality. For an event, I may have 'visual' dominated representation while for you it may be auditory dominated and for someone else it may be kinesthetic. Though the external event was one, yet three people may have different internal representation of it. When you ask people to describe an event, they speak in different language."
  • 42. Visual Manager • When you have a visual manager or boss, do hustle around a fistful papers before him. It will • ensure for the visual manager that you work more that a person who is sitting quiet and • completing his job. • A visual manager may take a little more notice of who actually produces result, as distinct from who simply looks busy. To your visual boss, show him what you have achieved. Do not tell him what you have achieved. He may not listen to you because he wants to see the things.
  • 43. • Visual employees • Visuals real talent lies in the areas that demand visual skills, like designing, architecture, • photography or media. Visuals should be kept away from customer relation department. • • • Visual clients • When you have a visual customer, do not waste time in telling him what your product is. Show him. They want to see what they are getting for money, be it a flat, TV, or anything else. Before making a final decision, visuals want to see the things. If you are making a sale to visual customer, show him what you are offering and then give them some time. Give some time to create a clear and vivid mental image before they finally decide.
  • 44. language for the visuals Some of the key words and phrase of visuals are; • see, look, clear, focus, picture, bright, dim, hazy, colofful, view, appear, show'reveal, envision, imagine, flash, illuminate. Make a scene, in light of, in view of, eye to eye, beyond a shadow of doubt, bird's eye view, looks like, see to it, catch a glimpse of, mental image, mind's eye, naked eye, paint a picture, tunnel vision, hazy idea, flashed on, under your nose.
  • 45. Auditory • The auditory people have more modulated speech. The tempo is balanced. The voice tends to have a clear, resonant tonality. Their breathing is even and deep, coming from the diaphragm or the whole chest. They tilt their head slightly to one side. The auditory eye movements are to left or right towards ears. When they make some internal dialogue, their eyes go left down. They make around twenty to thirty percent of the business population. • Some auditories may tend to be somewhat assertive. They dominate meetings because they verbalize their thoughts in order to clarify their ideas.
  • 46. Auditory Language Some of the key words and phrases of auditories are; • Hear, listen, sound, resonate, harmonize, Be all ears, ring a bell, make music, clear as a bell, describe In detail, earful, express yourself, outspoken, keynote speaker, hidden message, idle talk, give me your ear, grant an audience, heard voice, loud and clear, pay attention to, word for word, tell the truth, voice an opinion,
  • 47. Recognize Kinesthetic People • People who are more kinesthetic tend to be even slower. They primarily react to feelings. • Their voice tends to be deep. Many times, they take long pauses between words and have • low, deep tonality. They try to get the feeling. When they get their feeling, they are able to • continue their talking. • Kinesthetics' eye movement is -down and to right.
  • 48. Kinesthetics love to touch people and things • . They often touch you to make a point -on the arm, or on the shoulders etc. When they are talking to you across a desk, they often pick up some objects like paperweight, pen etc and start playing with them. During conversation, they often look to their right and down and start caressing the table before them. Touching gives them a feeling of connectedness. • Kinesthetics feel temperature changes more often than visuals and auditories. • A kinesthetic may take it negatively when he offers you tea, coffee or cold drink and you refuse him.
  • 49. Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern: Questionnaire • This questionnaire is in no way a definitive analysis but is merely to raise your awareness of how you think. Your thinking patterns may vary from one situation to another. • The aim of this exercise is to help you identify any preferences you have in your thinking pattern. • • You may tick as many senses as are true for you for any question. You may, for example, • have one sense ticked for one question and five for another question. Work through each • question and be aware of what comes to mind the moment you see it.
  • 50. Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern: Questionnaire • 1 . Chocolate Bar • An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 2. Your bestfriend • a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 3. The way you would most like to spend your time • a. An image or picture b. A sound c.A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 4. What you did last on Sunday • a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 5. Any function or party where you enjoyed most • a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
  • 51. Identify Your Preferred Thinking Pattern: Questionnaire • 6. Your favorite restaurant • a. An image or picture b. A sound • 7. Something from your childhood • a. An image or picture b. A sound • 8. Something from work • a. An ima~e or picture b. A sound • 9. Where you may be tomorrow • a. An image or picture b. A sound • c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell •
  • 52. • 10. Something you find to difficult to do • a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 11. Something you find rewarding • a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 12. Something you find amusing a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • 13. A goal that you have fixed for future • a. An image or picture b. A sound c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste • e. A smell • 14. Your expectations for the rest of this week • a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell
  • 53. • 15. What are you doing this moment? • a. An image or picture b. A sound or inner c. A feeling or an emotion d. A taste e. A smell • Predicates for Different Representational System • What do you notice about the following four sentences? • You have shown me a bright idea on how to proceed and I would like to look into it further. • You have told me of a way to proceed that sounds good and I would like to hear more about it. • You have handed me a way to proceed that is on solid ground and I would like to get more of a feel for it. • ..You have provided me with a way to proceed that makes sense and I would like have more details. •
  • 54. • The first sentence uses visual words, the second auditory, the third kinesthetic and the fourth uses words that are not sensory based (auditory digital), yet all four sentences convey the same general meaning. • You use words to describe your thoughts. If your thoughts (internal representations) are mainly • pictures, then you will tend to use more visual words when describing your thoughts. If your • thoughts are based on logic or making sense of something, you may tend to use words that • reflect the logic of your thinking. Likewise, for auditory and kinesthetic. The words you use • reflect your internal thought processes. This is a very important point as you are revealing your • internal thoughts and thought structures to others through the words you choose to use or not • use -more about this in later classes
  • 55. In NLP terms, visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auditory digital words are called predicates. • The predicates that a person uses will provide you with an indication of the person's preferred • representational system. • The following table gives you an idea of some of the different predicates. This is not a complete • list. Can you think of other words or phrases that can be added? Notice that some words like • fuzzy could appear in more than one column.
  • 56. Exercise 1: For two minutes, describe your home using only visual words. • For the next two minutes use only auditory words. For the next two minutes use only kinesthetic words and for the final two minutes use only auditory digital words. • Hint: for visual, you can describe the different colors; for auditory, the different sounds; for kinesthetic, different feelings or textures; and for auditory digital, you can use facts and figures. Notice which modality (or modalities) gives you the most difficulty. These are the ones that you will need to practice. If you want people to clearly see, hear, grasp or understand your message, you need to be able to speak their language • •
  • 57. Exercise 2: Listen to the predicates that your friends or family members use. They will use a mixture of visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auditory digital predicates and one or two of these will be used more frequently and this is their preferred representational system. • Assignment: • 1. Watch people closely when they are talking; their eye movement, tonality, breathing pattern and physiology. Watch how they have stored their information.
  • 58. 58 SIX Catalysts of Subconscious Mind • Fasting • Silence • Prayer • Positive Thinking • Meditation • Hypnosis Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR JOIN ME AT
  • 59. Learn Success Analogy through NLP 59 = … and you are the programmer.
  • 60. 60 SIX Catalysts of Subconscious Mind • Fasting • Silence • Prayer • Positive Thinking • Meditation • Hypnosis Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR JOIN ME AT
  • 61. 61 R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R. RavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindraRavindra KumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumarKumar Chief Mentor UTOPIA’S MASTER of POSSIBILITIES rravindrakumar rravindrakumar rravindrakumar.mop +91 9773091448 Only Or send TEXT ON +919427960310 Like my page: therravindrakumar Email ME@ Join me @ mentor/0/670/107 Tweet your comments on!/rravindrakumar