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Nicola Taddio, Physical Therapist, BPT, OMTP, ATC
Masters Degree in Science of Health and Rehabilitation Professions
First Level Master IFOMT in Manual Therapy and Musculo-Skeletal Rehabilitation, University of Padua, Italy
Lecturer a.c. Master in “Sports Physioterapy”, University of Siena, Italy
Lecturer a.c. Master in “Sports Physiotherapy and Performing Arts”, University of Genoa, Savona pole, Italy nicolataddio@fisioterapiafilanda.It
The interpretation of diagnostic test: a primer for physiotherapists.
Davidson M.
Aust J Physiother. 2002;48(3):227-32. Review.
Shoulder girdle:
physical examination of
passive structures
• Gleno-humeral
• Acromion-clavicular
• Sterno-clavicular
• Scapulo-toracic
• Sub-acromion deltoid
complex of 5 joints
fasciae slide
one each
other, on
the torax
and ribs
Kinetic Chain Role
John McMullen, MS, ATC*; Timothy L. Uhl, Phd, ATC, PT A
Kinetic Chain Approach for Shoulder Rehabilitation
Journal of Athletic Training 2000:35(3):329-337
1. Any movement of upper limbs generate a “PRE-
ACTIVATION” (anticipatory contraction) of
deep lumbo-pelvic muscle
2. Therefore, the sequence of muscular activation
begin from “CORE” to periferic joint (proximal to
3. The rationale in shoulder rehabilitation is
BEGINNING”, the exercises of trunk and lower
limbs in the exercise of upper limb and shoulder
Mobility with Stability
Stability and instability
Clinical spinal instability and low back pain.
Panjabi MM.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2003 Aug;13(4):371-9.
• Musculoskeletal
• Stiffness
• Force/resistence/power
• Bone surfaces
• Ligaments
• Labrum
• Nervous System
• Central and
Lee SB, Kim KJ, O'Driscoll SW, Morrey BF, An KN.
Dynamic glenohumeral stability provided by the rotator cuff muscles in the mid-range and
end-range of motion. A study in cadavera.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2000 Jun;82(6):849-57.
Curl LA, Warren RF.
Glenohumeral joint stability. Selective cutting studies on the static capsular restraints.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996 Sep;(330):54-65. Review.
The glenohumeral
joint relies on static
and dynamic contribution
s of the local soft tissues
to maintain joint stability.
Dynamic stabilizers
consist of the local
musculature (the rotator
cuff and periscapular
muscles), whereas static
stabilizers include the
glenoid labrum and
associated capsulo
ligamentous components.
1. Ligaments [CHL, SGHL,
2. Capsule (AX.P, P)
3. Labrum
4. Gleno-humeral
5. Concavity compression
6. Adhesion-cohesion
7. Neuromuscular balance
8. Proprioception and
neuromuscular control
Why and How instability
History and clinical picture
Unstable Shoulder Picture
A.M.B.R.R.I A.I.O.S.S.
Burkart AC, Debski RE.
Anatomy and function of the glenohumeral ligaments in anterior shoulder instability.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002 Jul;(400):32-9. Review.
1. The function of glenohumeral ligaments is
highly dependent on the position of the
humerus with respect to the glenoid.
2. The coracohumeral ligament with
superior glenohumeral ligament the was
shown to be an important stabilizer in
the inferior direction.
3. The
middle glenohumeral ligament provides
anterior stability at 45 degrees and 60
degrees abduction whereas
4. The inferior glenohumeral ligament compl
ex is the most important stabilizer against
antero-inferior shoulder dislocation.
5. Therefore, this component of the capsule is
the most frequently injured structure.
6. In addition, a detached labrum can lead to
recurrent anterior instability and a
compromised inferior glenohumeral ligam
ent complex.
Wang VM, Flatow EL.
Pathomechanics of acquired shoulder instability: a basic science perspective.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Jan-Feb;14(1 Suppl S):2S-11S. Review.
1. Normal
asymptomatic glenohumeral motion is
dependent on the coordinated function of
dynamic and static stabilizers.
2. Data from both selective sectioning
studies of the capsuloligamentous
components and tensile testing of
the inferior glenohumeral ligament have
provided important insights into the in
situ function of these structures.
3. However, little is known regarding the
mechanism of microdamage
accumulation in acquired shoulder
4. Recent findings suggest that cyclic
subfailure loading of the
inferior glenohumeral ligament may
induce gradual stretching of the
anteroinferior capsule, compromising its
capacity to restrain excessive humeral
The interpretation of diagnostic test: a primer for physiotherapists.
Davidson M.
Aust J Physiother. 2002;48(3):227-32. Review.
Shoulder girdle:
physical examination of
passive structures
E.B.M. approach to orthopaedic
clinical examination
Reliability [true and error about test or measure (intra and
inter examiner) acceptable reliability] = affidabilità, attendibilità
Diagnostic accuracy (comparison between golden
standard to clinical test) = accuratezza, esattezza, precisione
2x2 Contingency Table
Overall Accuracy
Pos. and Neg. Predictive Value
Sensitivity = detect people have disorder or tear
Specificity = detect people don’ t have disorder or tear
Likelihood Ratio
Confidence Interval
Pre-Test and Post-Test Probability
Calculating Post-Test Probability
Assessment of Study Quality
examination to
assess the baseline
function and
the rehabilitative
program progresses
or outcome
Physical Therapist Orthopaedic Surgeon
examination to
assess if the patient
and lesion need the
surgical or
Labrum and Biceps Anchor
• The labrum is a firm ring of fibro-
cartilage that surrounds the edge of
• It serves two pupose:
1. it increase the depth and size of
glenoid fossa, giving the joint greater
stability and surface area;
2. it acts a “chock block” to stop the
humeral head from translating off the
• The term labral tear is used to classify
several types of labral injury, the most
common is Bankart lesion and SLAP
Suspected injuries
• Labral tear (traumatic)
• Labral lesion (degenerative)
• Bankart lesion (in which the antero-
inferior labrum is torn)
• SLAP lesion (in which the superior
anterior or posterior or both may have
been injuried)
Labrum tears
Epidemiology and demographics
• The most common cause of labral tear is
trauma from a dislocation
• In addition, younger individuals are prone to
labral injury with repetitive overhead motion,
such as swimming, tennis or throwing
• Older people are more prone to degenerative
lesions, which often are associated with poor
vascular supply to the labral tissue
Relevant special tests
• Active compression test of O’Brien
• Anterior slide test
• Biceps tension test
• Clunk test
• Biceps load test
• Labral crank test
• SLAP prehension test
Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of labral lesion
Parentis MA, Glousman RE, Mohr KS, Yocum LA.
An evaluation of the provocative tests for superior labral anterior posterior lesions.
Am J Sports Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):265-8.
Active compression test of O’Brien
• Purpose = assess the integrity of superior aspect of the shoulder labrum
• Patient position = standing, arm forward flexed to 90° and the elbow
fully extended
• Examiner position = stands slightly behind and adjacent to the test
• Test procedure = the examiner puts one hand on the patient’s shoulder
to stabilize the scapula and clavicle and the other hand on the forearm
of the affected arm. The arm is horizintally adducted 10° to 15° (starting
position) and intrarotated with the thumb faces downward (pronated).
The examiner applies a downward eccentric force to the arm. The arm is
returned to the starting position, the thumb is upward (supination) and
the downward eccentric load is repeated.
• Indication of a positive test = if pain or painful clicking is produced
inside the shoulder(not over the A/C joint) in the first part of the test
(intrarotation) and eliminated or decreased in the second part
(extrarotation), the trest is considered positive for labral abnormalities
• Clinical note/caution = the test also “locks and loads” the A/C joint in
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity =
Specificity: 31% to 99% Sensitivity: 54% to 00%
Anterior Slide Test
• Purpose = assess the integrity of anterior shoulder
• Patient position = sitting or standing, with the
hands on the waist, thumbs posterior
• Examiner position = standing behind, stabilize
scapula and clavicle and with the same
hand/fingers palpate the humeral head. The other
hand on the posterior aspect of elbow
• Test procedure = the examiner applies an
anterosuperior force at the patient’s elbow
• Indication of a positive test = if labrum is torn
(SLAP lesion) the humeral head slides over the
labrum with a pop or crack and with pain or painful
clicking. Sometimes is possible to palpate anterior
superiorly the pop or click/crack
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Specificity
range: 85% to 91,5% Sensitivity range: 8% to 78%
Biceps Tension Test
• Purpose = to assess for a lesion of the superior
shoulder labrum
• Patient position = the patient standing, abduct
and externally rotates the shoulder, the elbow
fully extended, the forearm supinated
• Examiner position = standing behind, stabilize
scapula and clavicle and with the same
hand/fingers palpate the humeral head. The other
hand grasp the wrist and forearm
• Test procedure = the examiner applies an eccentric adduction force to
the straightened and supineted arm
• Indication of a positive test = the test is positive if labrum is torn (SLAP
lesion) and we see a reproduction of patient’ s symptoms
• Clinical note/caution = the test stress also the biceps tendon and then
Speed test should be done di differential diagnosis
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
Clunk Test
• Purpose = to assess the integrty
of anterior shoulder labrum
• Patient position = the patient
lies supine
• Examiner position = standing
adjacent and superior to the
shoulder to be tested
• Test procedure = the examiner places one hand under the posterior aspect of
the shoulder so that it lies under the humeral head; the other holds the
humerus above the elbow. The examiner fully abducts the arm over the
patients head and push anteriorly the hand or the fist while the other hand
externally rotates the humerus at the shoulder level
• Indication of a positive test = a clunk or grinding sound indicates both a
positive test result and a labral tear. The test also may cause apprehension if
anterior instability is present
• Clinical note/caution = the test stress different parts of labrum if arm is
positioned in different amount o abduction (if done in adduction relocation)
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
Biceps Load Test
• Purpose = to assess for a lesion of the superior
shoulder labrum
• Patient position = the patient lies supine, with the
shoulderabducted 90° and externally rotates, the
elbow 90° flexed, the forearm supinated
• Examiner position = the examiner stands slightly
superiorly and adjacent to the test shoulder
• Test procedure = the examiner holds the patient’s elbow for support with one
hand and grasp the wrist with the other hand, perform an apprehension test
by a fully external rotoation. If apprension appears the examiner stops the E/R
and hold the position and ask the patient flex the elbow against the examiner
• Indication of a positive test = the test is positive if elbow flexion reproduce the
patient’ s symptoms (pain and apprension) and negative if decrease
apprension and pain
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Specificity 96,6% Sensitivity 89%
Labral Crunk Test
• Purpose = to assess the integrity
and lesion of shoulder labrum
• Patient position = the patient is
in supine-lyng or sitting position
• Examiner position = standing
adjacent to the testing shoulder
• Test procedure = the examiner places one hand on the patient’s elbow for
support and stability and grasp the wrist with the other hand. The arm is
elevated to 160° in the scapular plane. In this position the exminer applies an
axial load to the humerus with one hand while the other hand rotates the
humerus in I/R and E/R
• Indication of a positive test = a positive test result is indicated by on pain in
rotation expecially in E/R, with or without a click or reproduction of symptoms
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
SLAP Prehension Test
• Purpose = to assess for a lesion of shoulder
superior labrum
• Patient position = the patient is in standing or
sitting position
• Examiner position = standing behind and
adjacent to the testing shoulder
• Test procedure = the examiner places one hand on the patient’s shoulder to
stabilize scapula and clavicle and holds the wrist with the other hand. The
examiner abduct the arm to 90° in the scapular plane with the elbow
extended and yhe forearm pronated (thumb down and shoulder in I/R). The
patient then, is asked to adduct the arm orizzontally. The movement is
repeated with the forearm supinated (the thumb up and the shoulder in E/R)
• Indication of a positive test = if patients feel pain in the bicipital groove with
pronation and lessens or absent with supination, the test is positive for SLAP
• Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
Inferior Gleno Humeral
Ligament (IGHL)
Curl LA, Warren RF.
Glenohumeral joint stability. Selective cutting studies on the static capsular restraints.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996 Sep;(330):54-65. Review.
The function of
the capsuloligamentous restraints is highly
dependent on arm position
Debski RE, Weiss JA, Newman WJ, Moore SM, McMahon PJ.
Stress and strain in the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament during a
simulated clinical examination.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Jan-Feb;14(1 Suppl S):24S-31S.
Relevant special tests
Physical examination tests of the shoulder:
a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests.
Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C.
Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review.
•Load and Shift Test (Anterior)
•Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test)
•Rockwood Test (Modification of Crank Test)
•Fulcrum Test (Modification of Crank Test)
•Load and Shift Test (Posterior)
•Norwood Stress Test
•Posterior Apprehension or Stress Test
•Sulcus Sign
•Feagin Test
Inferior and/or
Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion
Many instability tests have validity,
sensitivity and specificity unknown
Crank Apprehension Test
(Relocation Test)
• Purpose 1 = to determine whether the humerus will sublux or
dislocate anteriorly out of the glenoid
• Purpose 2 = to differentiate between dislocation/subluxation
(apprehension) and impingement (pain)
• Purpose 3 = to differentiate between instability and impingement
(relocation part of the test)
Crank Apprehension Test
(Relocation Test)
• Patient position = the patient lies supine, with the shoulder
abducted 90° and externally rotates, the elbow 90° flexed,
the forearm pronated. The test arm is close to the edge of
the couch
• Examiner position = the examiner stands at the patient’s
side facing to the test shoulder
Crank Apprehension Test
(Relocation Test)
• Test Procedure
• Step 1 The Crank Test
• Step 2 The Relocation test
Crank Apprehension Test
(Relocation Test)
• Specificity Range: 56% to 100%
• Sensitivity Range: 35% to 91%
Medium Gleno Humeral
Ligament (MGHL)
Relevant special tests
The middle glenohumeral
ligament provides anterior
stability at 45 degrees
and 60 degrees
abduction whereas
Physical examination tests of the shoulder:
a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests.
Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C.
Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review.
Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion
Superior Gleno Humeral
Ligament (SGHL)
Relevant special tests
Physical examination tests of the shoulder:
a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests.
Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C.
Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review.
Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion
Coraco Humeral Ligament (CHL)
Relevant special tests
coracohumeral ligament with
superior glenohumeral ligament
the was shown to be an
important stabilizer in
the inferior direction.
Anatomy of the superior glenohumeral ligament.
Kask K, Põldoja E, Lont T, Norit R, Merila M, Busch LC, Kolts I.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Sep;19(6):908-16.
Rotator Interval
Relevant special tests
The addition of an arthroscopic rotator interval closure after posterior
capsulolabral repair did not improve posterior stability; however,
anterior stability was improved further after a rotator interval closure.
Inferior stability was not improved. Arthroscopic rotator interval
closure significantly decreased external rotation at both neutral and
abducted arm positions.
Arthroscopic closure may be beneficial in certain cases of
anterior shoulder instability; however, posterior instability was not
improved. Predictable losses of external rotation after rotator interval
closure are of concern.
Mologne TS, Zhao K, Hongo M, Romeo AA, An KN, Provencher MT.
The addition of rotator interval closure after arthroscopic repair of either anterior or
posterior shoulder instability: effect on glenohumeraltranslation and range of motion.
Am J Sports Med. 2008 Jun;36(6):1123-31. Epub 2008 Mar 4.
Posterior Capsule(PC)
Posterior capsular contracture of the shoulder.
Bach HG, Goldberg BA.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2006 May;14(5):265-77. Review.
• Common cause of shoulder pain in which
the patient presents with restricted internal
rotation and reproduction of pain.
• Increased anterosuperior translation of the
humeral head occurs with forward flexion
and can mimic the pain reported with
impingement syndrome; however, the
patient with impingement syndrome
presents with normal range of motion.
• In the throwing athlete, repetitive forces on
the posteroinferior capsule may cause
posteroinferior capsular hypertrophy and
limited internal rotation.
• This may be the initial pathologic event in
the so-called dead arm syndrome, leading
to a superior labrum anteroposterior lesion
and, possibly, rotator cuff tear.
Posterior Capsular Contracture
Relevant special tests
Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of labral lesion
Parentis MA, Glousman RE, Mohr KS, Yocum LA.
An evaluation of the provocative tests for superior labral anterior posterior lesions.
Am J Sports Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):265-8.
Thanks for your
kind attention
science explain what is possible to make
ethics tell us what is right (Socrates)
la scienza spiega cio’ che e’ possibile fare,
l’etica dice cio’ che e’ giusto fare (Socrate)

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Nicola Taddio Arezzo Nicolas Foundation 2011 Shoulder Cadaver Lab

  • 1. Nicola Taddio, Physical Therapist, BPT, OMTP, ATC Masters Degree in Science of Health and Rehabilitation Professions First Level Master IFOMT in Manual Therapy and Musculo-Skeletal Rehabilitation, University of Padua, Italy Lecturer a.c. Master in “Sports Physioterapy”, University of Siena, Italy Lecturer a.c. Master in “Sports Physiotherapy and Performing Arts”, University of Genoa, Savona pole, Italy nicolataddio@fisioterapiafilanda.It
  • 3. The interpretation of diagnostic test: a primer for physiotherapists. Davidson M. Aust J Physiother. 2002;48(3):227-32. Review. Shoulder girdle: physical examination of passive structures
  • 5. • Gleno-humeral • Acromion-clavicular • Sterno-clavicular • Scapulo-toracic • Sub-acromion deltoid “SHOULDER COMPLEX” complex of 5 joints Anatomical joints (properly defined) Muscle tendons fasciae slide one each other, on the torax and ribs
  • 6. Kinetic Chain Role John McMullen, MS, ATC*; Timothy L. Uhl, Phd, ATC, PT A Kinetic Chain Approach for Shoulder Rehabilitation Journal of Athletic Training 2000:35(3):329-337 1. Any movement of upper limbs generate a “PRE- ACTIVATION” (anticipatory contraction) of deep lumbo-pelvic muscle 2. Therefore, the sequence of muscular activation begin from “CORE” to periferic joint (proximal to distal) 3. The rationale in shoulder rehabilitation is “INTEGRATE, FROM THE BEGINNING”, the exercises of trunk and lower limbs in the exercise of upper limb and shoulder complex
  • 8. Stability and instability Clinical spinal instability and low back pain. Panjabi MM. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2003 Aug;13(4):371-9. Active System • Musculoskeletal • Stiffness • Force/resistence/power Passive System • Bone surfaces • Ligaments • Labrum Control System • Nervous System • Central and Peripheral
  • 9. Lee SB, Kim KJ, O'Driscoll SW, Morrey BF, An KN. Dynamic glenohumeral stability provided by the rotator cuff muscles in the mid-range and end-range of motion. A study in cadavera. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2000 Jun;82(6):849-57. Curl LA, Warren RF. Glenohumeral joint stability. Selective cutting studies on the static capsular restraints. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996 Sep;(330):54-65. Review. The glenohumeral joint relies on static and dynamic contribution s of the local soft tissues to maintain joint stability. Dynamic stabilizers consist of the local musculature (the rotator cuff and periscapular muscles), whereas static stabilizers include the glenoid labrum and associated capsulo ligamentous components.
  • 10. 1. Ligaments [CHL, SGHL, MGHL, IGHL (AB, PB, AP)] 2. Capsule (AX.P, P) 3. Labrum 4. Gleno-humeral congruency 5. Concavity compression 6. Adhesion-cohesion mechanism 7. Neuromuscular balance 8. Proprioception and neuromuscular control MOBILITY with STABILITY
  • 12. History and clinical picture TRAUMA OVERUSELAXITY
  • 14. Burkart AC, Debski RE. Anatomy and function of the glenohumeral ligaments in anterior shoulder instability. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002 Jul;(400):32-9. Review. 1. The function of glenohumeral ligaments is highly dependent on the position of the humerus with respect to the glenoid. 2. The coracohumeral ligament with superior glenohumeral ligament the was shown to be an important stabilizer in the inferior direction. 3. The middle glenohumeral ligament provides anterior stability at 45 degrees and 60 degrees abduction whereas 4. The inferior glenohumeral ligament compl ex is the most important stabilizer against antero-inferior shoulder dislocation. 5. Therefore, this component of the capsule is the most frequently injured structure. 6. In addition, a detached labrum can lead to recurrent anterior instability and a compromised inferior glenohumeral ligam ent complex. Bankart SLAP PB AP AB
  • 15. Wang VM, Flatow EL. Pathomechanics of acquired shoulder instability: a basic science perspective. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Jan-Feb;14(1 Suppl S):2S-11S. Review. 1. Normal asymptomatic glenohumeral motion is dependent on the coordinated function of dynamic and static stabilizers. 2. Data from both selective sectioning studies of the capsuloligamentous components and tensile testing of the inferior glenohumeral ligament have provided important insights into the in situ function of these structures. 3. However, little is known regarding the mechanism of microdamage accumulation in acquired shoulder instability. 4. Recent findings suggest that cyclic subfailure loading of the inferior glenohumeral ligament may induce gradual stretching of the anteroinferior capsule, compromising its capacity to restrain excessive humeral translations.
  • 16. The interpretation of diagnostic test: a primer for physiotherapists. Davidson M. Aust J Physiother. 2002;48(3):227-32. Review. Shoulder girdle: physical examination of passive structures
  • 17. E.B.M. approach to orthopaedic clinical examination Reliability [true and error about test or measure (intra and inter examiner) acceptable reliability] = affidabilità, attendibilità Diagnostic accuracy (comparison between golden standard to clinical test) = accuratezza, esattezza, precisione diagnostica 2x2 Contingency Table Overall Accuracy Pos. and Neg. Predictive Value Sensitivity = detect people have disorder or tear Specificity = detect people don’ t have disorder or tear Likelihood Ratio Confidence Interval Pre-Test and Post-Test Probability Calculating Post-Test Probability Assessment of Study Quality
  • 18. Clinical examination to assess the baseline function and the rehabilitative program progresses or outcome Physical Therapist Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinical examination to assess if the patient and lesion need the surgical or conservative approach
  • 20. Definition • The labrum is a firm ring of fibro- cartilage that surrounds the edge of glenoid • It serves two pupose: 1. it increase the depth and size of glenoid fossa, giving the joint greater stability and surface area; 2. it acts a “chock block” to stop the humeral head from translating off the glenoid • The term labral tear is used to classify several types of labral injury, the most common is Bankart lesion and SLAP lesion
  • 21. Suspected injuries • Labral tear (traumatic) • Labral lesion (degenerative) • Bankart lesion (in which the antero- inferior labrum is torn) • SLAP lesion (in which the superior anterior or posterior or both may have been injuried)
  • 22. Labrum tears BANKART SLAP TYPE 2° BONY BANKART
  • 23. Epidemiology and demographics • The most common cause of labral tear is trauma from a dislocation • In addition, younger individuals are prone to labral injury with repetitive overhead motion, such as swimming, tennis or throwing • Older people are more prone to degenerative lesions, which often are associated with poor vascular supply to the labral tissue
  • 24. Relevant special tests • Active compression test of O’Brien • Anterior slide test • Biceps tension test • Clunk test • Biceps load test • Labral crank test • SLAP prehension test Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of labral lesion Parentis MA, Glousman RE, Mohr KS, Yocum LA. An evaluation of the provocative tests for superior labral anterior posterior lesions. Am J Sports Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):265-8.
  • 25. Active compression test of O’Brien • Purpose = assess the integrity of superior aspect of the shoulder labrum • Patient position = standing, arm forward flexed to 90° and the elbow fully extended • Examiner position = stands slightly behind and adjacent to the test shoulder • Test procedure = the examiner puts one hand on the patient’s shoulder to stabilize the scapula and clavicle and the other hand on the forearm of the affected arm. The arm is horizintally adducted 10° to 15° (starting position) and intrarotated with the thumb faces downward (pronated). The examiner applies a downward eccentric force to the arm. The arm is returned to the starting position, the thumb is upward (supination) and the downward eccentric load is repeated. • Indication of a positive test = if pain or painful clicking is produced inside the shoulder(not over the A/C joint) in the first part of the test (intrarotation) and eliminated or decreased in the second part (extrarotation), the trest is considered positive for labral abnormalities • Clinical note/caution = the test also “locks and loads” the A/C joint in I/R • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Specificity: 31% to 99% Sensitivity: 54% to 00%
  • 26. Anterior Slide Test • Purpose = assess the integrity of anterior shoulder labrum • Patient position = sitting or standing, with the hands on the waist, thumbs posterior • Examiner position = standing behind, stabilize scapula and clavicle and with the same hand/fingers palpate the humeral head. The other hand on the posterior aspect of elbow • Test procedure = the examiner applies an anterosuperior force at the patient’s elbow • Indication of a positive test = if labrum is torn (SLAP lesion) the humeral head slides over the labrum with a pop or crack and with pain or painful clicking. Sometimes is possible to palpate anterior superiorly the pop or click/crack • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Specificity range: 85% to 91,5% Sensitivity range: 8% to 78%
  • 27. Biceps Tension Test • Purpose = to assess for a lesion of the superior shoulder labrum • Patient position = the patient standing, abduct and externally rotates the shoulder, the elbow fully extended, the forearm supinated • Examiner position = standing behind, stabilize scapula and clavicle and with the same hand/fingers palpate the humeral head. The other hand grasp the wrist and forearm • Test procedure = the examiner applies an eccentric adduction force to the straightened and supineted arm • Indication of a positive test = the test is positive if labrum is torn (SLAP lesion) and we see a reproduction of patient’ s symptoms • Clinical note/caution = the test stress also the biceps tendon and then Speed test should be done di differential diagnosis • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
  • 28. Clunk Test • Purpose = to assess the integrty of anterior shoulder labrum • Patient position = the patient lies supine • Examiner position = standing adjacent and superior to the shoulder to be tested • Test procedure = the examiner places one hand under the posterior aspect of the shoulder so that it lies under the humeral head; the other holds the humerus above the elbow. The examiner fully abducts the arm over the patients head and push anteriorly the hand or the fist while the other hand externally rotates the humerus at the shoulder level • Indication of a positive test = a clunk or grinding sound indicates both a positive test result and a labral tear. The test also may cause apprehension if anterior instability is present • Clinical note/caution = the test stress different parts of labrum if arm is positioned in different amount o abduction (if done in adduction relocation) • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
  • 29. Biceps Load Test • Purpose = to assess for a lesion of the superior shoulder labrum • Patient position = the patient lies supine, with the shoulderabducted 90° and externally rotates, the elbow 90° flexed, the forearm supinated • Examiner position = the examiner stands slightly superiorly and adjacent to the test shoulder • Test procedure = the examiner holds the patient’s elbow for support with one hand and grasp the wrist with the other hand, perform an apprehension test by a fully external rotoation. If apprension appears the examiner stops the E/R and hold the position and ask the patient flex the elbow against the examiner resistence • Indication of a positive test = the test is positive if elbow flexion reproduce the patient’ s symptoms (pain and apprension) and negative if decrease apprension and pain • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Specificity 96,6% Sensitivity 89%
  • 30. Labral Crunk Test • Purpose = to assess the integrity and lesion of shoulder labrum • Patient position = the patient is in supine-lyng or sitting position • Examiner position = standing adjacent to the testing shoulder • Test procedure = the examiner places one hand on the patient’s elbow for support and stability and grasp the wrist with the other hand. The arm is elevated to 160° in the scapular plane. In this position the exminer applies an axial load to the humerus with one hand while the other hand rotates the humerus in I/R and E/R • Indication of a positive test = a positive test result is indicated by on pain in rotation expecially in E/R, with or without a click or reproduction of symptoms • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
  • 31. SLAP Prehension Test • Purpose = to assess for a lesion of shoulder superior labrum • Patient position = the patient is in standing or sitting position • Examiner position = standing behind and adjacent to the testing shoulder • Test procedure = the examiner places one hand on the patient’s shoulder to stabilize scapula and clavicle and holds the wrist with the other hand. The examiner abduct the arm to 90° in the scapular plane with the elbow extended and yhe forearm pronated (thumb down and shoulder in I/R). The patient then, is asked to adduct the arm orizzontally. The movement is repeated with the forearm supinated (the thumb up and the shoulder in E/R) • Indication of a positive test = if patients feel pain in the bicipital groove with pronation and lessens or absent with supination, the test is positive for SLAP • Reliability/Specificity/Sensitivity = Unknown
  • 33. Curl LA, Warren RF. Glenohumeral joint stability. Selective cutting studies on the static capsular restraints. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996 Sep;(330):54-65. Review. The function of the capsuloligamentous restraints is highly dependent on arm position
  • 34. Debski RE, Weiss JA, Newman WJ, Moore SM, McMahon PJ. Stress and strain in the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament during a simulated clinical examination. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Jan-Feb;14(1 Suppl S):24S-31S.
  • 35. Relevant special tests Physical examination tests of the shoulder: a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests. Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C. Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review. •Load and Shift Test (Anterior) •Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test) •Rockwood Test (Modification of Crank Test) •Fulcrum Test (Modification of Crank Test) •Load and Shift Test (Posterior) •Norwood Stress Test •Posterior Apprehension or Stress Test •Sulcus Sign •Feagin Test Anterior Instability Posterior Instability Inferior and/or Multidirectional Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion
  • 36. Many instability tests have validity, sensitivity and specificity unknown
  • 37. Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test) • Purpose 1 = to determine whether the humerus will sublux or dislocate anteriorly out of the glenoid • Purpose 2 = to differentiate between dislocation/subluxation (apprehension) and impingement (pain) • Purpose 3 = to differentiate between instability and impingement (relocation part of the test)
  • 38. Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test) • Patient position = the patient lies supine, with the shoulder abducted 90° and externally rotates, the elbow 90° flexed, the forearm pronated. The test arm is close to the edge of the couch • Examiner position = the examiner stands at the patient’s side facing to the test shoulder
  • 39. Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test) • Test Procedure • Step 1 The Crank Test • Step 2 The Relocation test
  • 40. Crank Apprehension Test (Relocation Test) • Specificity Range: 56% to 100% • Sensitivity Range: 35% to 91%
  • 42. Relevant special tests The middle glenohumeral ligament provides anterior stability at 45 degrees and 60 degrees abduction whereas Physical examination tests of the shoulder: a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests. Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C. Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review. Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion ?
  • 44. Relevant special tests ? Physical examination tests of the shoulder: a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests. Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT 3rd, Cook C. Br J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;42(2):80-92; discussion 92. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Review. Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of capsulo-ligamentous lesion
  • 46. Relevant special tests ? The coracohumeral ligament with superior glenohumeral ligament the was shown to be an important stabilizer in the inferior direction. Anatomy of the superior glenohumeral ligament. Kask K, Põldoja E, Lont T, Norit R, Merila M, Busch LC, Kolts I. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Sep;19(6):908-16.
  • 49. SURGICAL FINDINGS The addition of an arthroscopic rotator interval closure after posterior capsulolabral repair did not improve posterior stability; however, anterior stability was improved further after a rotator interval closure. Inferior stability was not improved. Arthroscopic rotator interval closure significantly decreased external rotation at both neutral and abducted arm positions. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Arthroscopic closure may be beneficial in certain cases of anterior shoulder instability; however, posterior instability was not improved. Predictable losses of external rotation after rotator interval closure are of concern. Mologne TS, Zhao K, Hongo M, Romeo AA, An KN, Provencher MT. The addition of rotator interval closure after arthroscopic repair of either anterior or posterior shoulder instability: effect on glenohumeraltranslation and range of motion. Am J Sports Med. 2008 Jun;36(6):1123-31. Epub 2008 Mar 4.
  • 51. Posterior capsular contracture of the shoulder. Bach HG, Goldberg BA. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2006 May;14(5):265-77. Review. • Common cause of shoulder pain in which the patient presents with restricted internal rotation and reproduction of pain. • Increased anterosuperior translation of the humeral head occurs with forward flexion and can mimic the pain reported with impingement syndrome; however, the patient with impingement syndrome presents with normal range of motion. • In the throwing athlete, repetitive forces on the posteroinferior capsule may cause posteroinferior capsular hypertrophy and limited internal rotation. • This may be the initial pathologic event in the so-called dead arm syndrome, leading to a superior labrum anteroposterior lesion and, possibly, rotator cuff tear. Posterior Capsular Contracture
  • 52. Relevant special tests Note: no one test can provide a definite diagnosis of labral lesion Parentis MA, Glousman RE, Mohr KS, Yocum LA. An evaluation of the provocative tests for superior labral anterior posterior lesions. Am J Sports Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):265-8.
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