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New forms of Activism
 in a Network Society
    MJM17 Seminar Presentation
        Michelle O’Brien
       Student #10843673
Presentation Outline
1. Definitions of key terms
2. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation
3. OWS social media use
4. Impact of ICTs in offline participation (link
   between virtual & physical)
5. The Network Society as context for modern
   protest movements
6. Conclusion
7. Forum questions

The Internet as a tool for
OWS Manifesto:

“Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless people powered movement
  for democracy that began in America on September 17 with
  an encampment in the financial district of New York City.
  Inspired by the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprising and the
  Spanish acampadas, we vow to end the monied corruption of
  our democracy!”

                               Adbusters (, 2011)

The OWS movement began with a single tweet from Canadian
  activist group Adbusters on 4 July 2011.
              Source:!/Adbusters/status/88013043438600192, 2011
The campaign was followed up a few weeks later with the Charging Bull campaign
which quickly went viral on the Internet. The image is a public sculpture of a bull near
Wall Street, NYC. Possible interpretation is capitalist dynamism of a bull being
controlled by Zen-like stillness of a ballerina (Schwartz, 2011). Protesters are
emerging from a cloud of tear gas in the background and the text reads “What is our
one demand? #Occupy Wall Street, September 17th, Bring tent”.
         Source: Adbusters,, 2011
Memes & culture jamming

Many images and symbols have arisen in the political vocabulary
  of the OWS movement, going viral online as memes. An
  internet meme is a concept, in forms such as a hyperlink,
  video, image, hashtag or catchphrase, which spreads quickly
  via the Internet (Knobel & Lankshear, 2007).

The use of culture jamming is also an important tools of activism
  in a Network Society, spreading “ideas by playfully subverting
  the familiar ideas captured by popular cultural and
  commercial memes” (Bennett, 2003:28). New forms of
  activism often use culture jamming to stage subversion on the
  Internet and through media channels, for example through
  virtual ‘sit-in’, hacking, blocking access to official sites and
  disrupting official information flow (Van Aelst & Walgrave,
Example of OWS meme: Mister President, We HOPE
You’re On Our Side
  Source:, 2011
Example of OWS meme: #OWS
Source:, 2011   8
Example of OWS meme: Opening animation for a special
Occupy Wall Street screening, curated by Zero Film Festival
             Source: http://, 2011
Example of OWS meme: This Person Supports the Occupy Movement
     Source:, 2011   10
Example of OWS meme: Occupy Canberra Poster
    Source: , 2011   11
The Internet as a tool for mobilisation
OWS uses the Internet as a mobilisation tool to:

• Produce frames to signify collective identity and field of action
    – E.g. publishing a manifesto, principles, policies and collective statements
• Build networks
    – E.g. creation of online ‘groups’ coordinating various aspects of the movements
      including think tanks, alternate banking, accountability, legal, volunteer
      services and media
• Provide access to resources
    – E.g. online toolkits and how to guides such as organising a rally to designing an
      OWS poster
• Physically manifest emerging political ideals
    – E.g. Coordinating rallies, marches, stand-ins and other physical protest actions
      and events

Examples of various OWS websites can be seen in the following slides.

                               NYGA (, 2011), Juris (2005), Moussa (2011)
New York City General Assembly Website
                     Source:, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Website Homepage
           Source: , 2011
Occupy Together Website Homepage
         Source:, 2011
The Internet as a tool for mobilisation
• These websites are not only political campaign
  websites, but are also tools for OWS's internal
  activities, mostly organised around independent
  working groups within the movement.

• Underlying the operations of these online hubs is a
  horizontal structure that encourages anyone to
  participate in the movement.

• This online presence represents more than the
  facilitation of the movement; it can be argued that it
  has also inspired the design and structure of the
                                                 Rosen (2011)
The Internet as a tool for mobilisation
The voice of the Occupy movement online, as quoted from the Declaration
   posted across many of their unofficial websites, has a revolutionary
   rhetoric. An example can be seen here:
“To the people of the world, We, the New York City General Assembly
   occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power ...
   To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct
   democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at
   our disposal. Join us and make your voices heard!”
                                               NYCGA (, 2011)

Through this choice of language, it can be claimed the movement is:
• focussing on joint/collective action
• projecting general ‘change’-oriented goals and claims
• promoting non-institutional collective action
• aiming to attract supporters not limited to location or specific political
                                                              Moussa, 2011
Example of NYGA rhetoric: Declaration of the Occupation
of New York City Info Graphic
Source:, 2011   18
OWS Social Media Use
From early on in the movement, OWS has chosen not to use social media
   channels as their official communications channels, but instead to rely
   on tools including:
• WordPress
• other open-source platforms
                                                              Rosen (2011)
“The movement is so heavily based around the check and balance of
   corporate power. Relying on sites such as Facebook, they felt, placed
   them too much under someone else's control... We decided that low-
   tech communication methods would be best… If we’d used a mass text
   message, or Twitter, it would have been easy for the police to track
   down who was doing this.”
OWS organiser Jake DeGroot, as quoted by Rosen, 2011

Despite this decision, many unofficial OWS social media profiles have
  proliferated. Examples can be seen in the following slides.
Occupy Wall Street Twitter Profile
       Source:, 2011   20
Occupy Wall St. Facebook Page
   Source:, 2011   21
We Are the 99% Tumblr
     Source:, 2011
OWS Social Media Use
The OWS social media presence is largely decentralised, for example there are
   multiple Facebook pages and blogs dedicated to the movement rather than
   single official profiles. The use of Twitter hashtags in the OWS movement is an
   example of this decentralisation:
                    #ows #occupy #occupytogether #occupywallst
                       #occupywallstreet #sep17 #anonymous
                          #globalrevolution #occupywallstnyc
                         Twitter (, 2011)

This decentralisaton of hashtags is a possible reason why the OWS movement is not
   trending as highly on Twitter as organisers want. This has lead to conspiracy
   stories that Twitter is censoring the movement, a theory Twitter claims are
   incorrect (Social Media Collective,, 2011).

This graph shows the movements of the #occupy hashtag on Twitter on October 13, 2011, the
day the owners of Zuccotti park (OWS main location), requested that NYPD clear the park. The
graph represents over 6000 tweets posted by almost 5000 Twitter users, spreading information
about the “impeding standoff” between OWS protesters and NYPD. The bigger the cluster, the
more important the source in terms of Retweets and mentions by Twitter users.
                                    Source: Social Flow (, 2011)
This report on the use of the #occupy hashtag in Twitter over the past three
months shows peaks on Oct 10, 2011, the day NYC Mayor Bloomberg
suggested that he did not anticipate the removal of demonstrators from
Zuccotti Park (OWS main location) and Nov 14, 2011, the day NYPD raided
and cleared the camp.
                              Sources: Occupy Wall Street Website, (, 2011)
                                         Trendistic (, 2011)
OWS Social Media Use
Use of social media via mobile technologies is also a valuable
   communication tool for protest movements such as OWS, providing
   organisers with tools such as wireless internet and reception/coverage
• coordinate movements of groups
• communicate across diverse protest locations
• easily record and disseminate information and documentation of
   events (e.g. police brutality)
                                                              Garrett (2006)
However, heavy reliance by protest movements on ICTs can be
  problematic due to the fact that government and corporations often
  have control over these networks. For example, if activists depend on
  cell phones to coordinate action and these actions become threatening
  to the interests of those with power, disrupting or monitoring cell
  phone service may demobilise protest efforts. An example of this was
  seen after the UK riots of 2011 when Blackberry assisted police in an
  investigation into communications between rioters sent through their
                                               Rosen (2011), Halliday (2011) 26
Example of the importance of the dissemination of information through social
media in the movement: Occupy Together Poster - Sorry, The Revolution Will Not
Be Televised     Source: Occupy Together Website (, 2011)
Example of the OWS live stream, not seen of mainstream media channels:
Global Revolution Livestream Website
  Source: Global Revolution website (, 2011)
Impact of ICTs in offline participation
   (link between virtual & physical)
There is an intrinsic link between the virtual and physical
elements of the OWS movement
   – E.g. physical protests are often organised through virtual
     communications channls
The distinction between online and offline community is
often exaggerated
   – Theorists such as Gladwell (2010) argue digital activism is in no
     way linked with physical participation
Online networks is not a place apart but rather a crucial
element of the protest movement. Online networks
complement and strengthen offline networks, and vice
versa, through the integration of technology into
communication channels.
                                    Spyridakis et al (2009), Juris (2005)
Example of offline OWS protest projects: Image from
Occupy George Website
    Source: Occupy George website (, 2011)
Example of mass offline participation: Screenshot of CCN
  News Coverage of Physical Occupy Protests - Nov 17, 2011
Source: New Economies Tumblr (, 2011)   31
Impact of ICTs in offline participation

Protest movements such as OWS also actively
  encourage online contributors to extend their
  participation to a physical level.

For example the slogan of the email discussion list
  provider Riseup is “Get off the Internet. We’ll see
  you in the streets.”
                               Rise Up (, 2011)

Example of encouragement for protesters to move offline: ‚Like‘
    Is Not Action
Source: Facebook (, 2011)   33
Impact of ICTs in offline participation
The link between the virtual and the physical in modern
  protest movements usually occurs in the following
Step 1: Access to technology
Step 2: Exposure to online network
Step 3: Online participation
Step 4: Offline participation
                                                     Juris (2005)
However, even when activists are participating in offline
  activities, “they often move back and forth between
  online and offline political activity, using the internet as
  the protest movements technological architecture” Juris
The Network Society as context for
     modern protest movements
The Network Society provides a conducive environment for
organising modern protest movements.

One reason is that protest movements in a Network Society boast a
hacker ethic based on the values of “free information, decentralized
coordination, collaborative learning, peer recognition, and social
service” Juris (2004:4). Like computer hackers, activist-hackers
share and circulate information through communications networks
using cultural codes and symbols.

OWS is not the first protest movement that has used the
framework of the Network Society for mobilisation. In the recent
2011 Arab Spring protests, Islamic movements benefited greatly
from the use of ICTs, given strict government control and media
                                           Juris (2004), Moussa (2011)
The Network Society as context for
     modern protest movements
The Network Society not only provides a framework for
  modern protest movements such as OWS but also
  represents a model for “creating alternative forms of
  social, political, and economic organisation” Juris
  (2005:4). This innovation is possible largely through the
  technology at the movement’s disposal:

“Whereas before, hierarchy would have been assumed in a
  national happening like Occupy, protesters could look to
  other models of organizing work. They could look to open
  source projects or, more simply, the insta-networks that
  spring up around metastatic information. Networked
  organization is a useful reality as well as a sort of
  psychological support structure.”                Rosen (2011)
It can be claimed that power in the Networked Society is shifting away
    from traditional institutions such as the state, capitalist forms and
    the mainstream media, towards more disseminated groups,
    technologies and communications tools.

“Power is no longer concentrated in institutions, organisations or
   symbolic controllers. It is diffused in global networks of wealth,
   power, information and images” Castells, (2007: 167).

This can be seen in the growing power of ICTs as an important tool for
   new forms of activism. For example on June 16, 2011, in the height
   of the Arab Spring Revolution, the US government requested that
   Twitter postpone updates to the service by “highlight*ing] to them
   that this was an important form of communication” in both external
   information exchange as well as internal organisation of the
                                                            Gaffney (2011:1)
Thus, the Network Society provides a conducive breeding ground for
  the rise of modern protest movements. These new forms of
  activism are intrinsically linked to the growing power of technology
  in our society.

To conclude, a quote from a blogger who views OWS as the birth of a
   new social, ethical and political form, born of a Network Society:
“Born as a phenomena of and by the Internet and social media,
   chronicled and measured based upon Web-derived metrics and
   artefacts, I believe we are witnessing the birth and emergence of a
   new social, ethical and political form in its earliest nascent stage. It
   will continue to grow, and begin to develop ways of expressing and
   asserting itself, as an aggregated expression of the will of all those
   who by participating are its de facto contributors and constituents,
   which over time shall comprise a global 99%”.

                                 Breitbart (, 2011)
Forum Questions
       Please select two questions to answer in the Student Central Forum.

1. How have ICTs, in particular the Internet, changed the way you
   personally engage with social and political issues?
2. When people participate in activism via social media, do you believe
   they are doing anything meaningful? Is the line as straightforward as
   Internet activism and physical activism?
3. Select an image from the presentation and examine how its design
   and message fits within the framework of a Network Society.
4. Mattelaart (2003: 23) states that “each new generation revives the
   ‘redemptive discourse’ of liberating effects of new communication
   technology, only to be disappointed when old hierarchies of power
   prove to persist”. This quote shows the paradox between the
   liberation through ICTs and the over-arching corporate and
   government control of these technologies. Does this sentiment
   resonates within OWS movement?
5. Are modern protest movements such as OWS an expression of today’s
   Network Society? In what ways do you think they are related?
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Occupy George (2011) [Website]. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 22, 2011)
Occupy Together (2011) [Website]. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
   Occupy Wall Street (2011) [Website]. Retrieved from URL
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Occupy Wall St. (2011) [Website]. Occupy Wall St. Facebook profile, Facebook. Retrieved from URL
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Occupy Wall Street (2011) [Website]. Occupy Wall Street Twitter Profile, Twitter. Retrieved from URL
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Images / Video
Adbusters (2011) [Image]. Charging Bull Poster, Adbusters. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15,
Adbusters (2011) [Image]. First Occupy Tweet, Twitter, July 5, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed
           November 22, 2011)!/Adbusters/status/88013043438600192
Global Revolution Livestream Website (2011) [Image]. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15,
McMillian & Furlow (2011) [Image]. #OWS Poster, Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
MK12 ZeroFilm NYC Open (2011) [Video]. Opening animation for Zero Film Festival in NYC, Vimeo,
           November 18, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 22, 2011)
New Economies (2011) [Image]. CNN News Coverage TV Screengrab, Tumblr, November 17, 2011.
           Retrieved from URL (accessed November 22, 2011)
New York City General Assembly (2011) [Image]. Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Info
           Graphic, New York City General Assembly, October 19, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed
November 22, 2011)
New York City General Assembly (2011) [Image]. Website Homepage, New York City General Assembly.
           Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Occupy Canberra (2011) [Image]. A call to arms poster, Occupy Canberra. Retrieved from URL (accessed
           November 22, 2011)
Occupy George (2011) [Image]. Dollar Bill Photograph #1, Occupy George. Retrieved from URL (accessed
           November 22, 2011)
Images / Video
Occupy Together (2011) [Image]. Website Homepage, Occupy Together. Retrieved from URL (November
             15, 2011)
Occupy Wall St. (2011) *Image+. “Like” Is Not Action, Facebook. Retrieved from URL (accessed November
             15, 2011)
Occupy Wall Street (2011) [Image]. This Person Supports the Occupy Movement, Facebook. Retrieved
             from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Occupy Wall St. Facebook (2011) [Image]. Occupy Wall St. Facebook profile, Facebook. Retrieved from
             URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Occupy Wall Street Twitter (2011) [Image]. Occupy Wall Street Twitter Profile, Twitter. Retrieved from
             URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Occupy Wall Street Website (2011) [Image]. Occupy Wall Street Website Homepage, Occupy Wall Street.
             Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Samuel O. (2011) [Image]. Sorry, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Poster, Occupy Together. Retrieved
from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Social Flow (2011) [Image]. #OccupyWallStreet: origin and spread visualized, Social Flow, October 18,
             2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011)
Trendistic (2011) [Image]. #occupy Tweet trending graph Aug 28 – Nov 22, 2011, Trendistic. Retrieved
             from URL (accessed November 22, 2011)
We Are the 99% (2011) [Image]. We Are the 99% Tumblr Homepage, Tumblr. Retrieved from URL (accessed
November 22, 2011)

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New forms of Activism in a Network Society by Michelle O'Brien

  • 1. New forms of Activism in a Network Society MJM17 Seminar Presentation Michelle O’Brien Student #10843673
  • 2. Presentation Outline 1. Definitions of key terms 2. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation 3. OWS social media use 4. Impact of ICTs in offline participation (link between virtual & physical) 5. The Network Society as context for modern protest movements 6. Conclusion 7. Forum questions 2
  • 3. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation OWS Manifesto: “Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless people powered movement for democracy that began in America on September 17 with an encampment in the financial district of New York City. Inspired by the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprising and the Spanish acampadas, we vow to end the monied corruption of our democracy!” Adbusters (, 2011) 3
  • 4. The OWS movement began with a single tweet from Canadian activist group Adbusters on 4 July 2011. Source:!/Adbusters/status/88013043438600192, 2011 4
  • 5. The campaign was followed up a few weeks later with the Charging Bull campaign which quickly went viral on the Internet. The image is a public sculpture of a bull near Wall Street, NYC. Possible interpretation is capitalist dynamism of a bull being controlled by Zen-like stillness of a ballerina (Schwartz, 2011). Protesters are emerging from a cloud of tear gas in the background and the text reads “What is our one demand? #Occupy Wall Street, September 17th, Bring tent”. Source: Adbusters,, 2011 5
  • 6. Memes & culture jamming Many images and symbols have arisen in the political vocabulary of the OWS movement, going viral online as memes. An internet meme is a concept, in forms such as a hyperlink, video, image, hashtag or catchphrase, which spreads quickly via the Internet (Knobel & Lankshear, 2007). The use of culture jamming is also an important tools of activism in a Network Society, spreading “ideas by playfully subverting the familiar ideas captured by popular cultural and commercial memes” (Bennett, 2003:28). New forms of activism often use culture jamming to stage subversion on the Internet and through media channels, for example through virtual ‘sit-in’, hacking, blocking access to official sites and disrupting official information flow (Van Aelst & Walgrave, 2002). 6
  • 7. Example of OWS meme: Mister President, We HOPE You’re On Our Side Source:, 2011 7
  • 8. Example of OWS meme: #OWS Source:, 2011 8
  • 9. Example of OWS meme: Opening animation for a special Occupy Wall Street screening, curated by Zero Film Festival NYC Source: http://, 2011 9
  • 10. Example of OWS meme: This Person Supports the Occupy Movement Source:, 2011 10
  • 11. Example of OWS meme: Occupy Canberra Poster Source: , 2011 11
  • 12. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation OWS uses the Internet as a mobilisation tool to: • Produce frames to signify collective identity and field of action – E.g. publishing a manifesto, principles, policies and collective statements • Build networks – E.g. creation of online ‘groups’ coordinating various aspects of the movements including think tanks, alternate banking, accountability, legal, volunteer services and media • Provide access to resources – E.g. online toolkits and how to guides such as organising a rally to designing an OWS poster • Physically manifest emerging political ideals – E.g. Coordinating rallies, marches, stand-ins and other physical protest actions and events Examples of various OWS websites can be seen in the following slides. NYGA (, 2011), Juris (2005), Moussa (2011) 12
  • 13. New York City General Assembly Website Source:, 2011 13
  • 14. Occupy Wall Street Website Homepage Source: , 2011 14
  • 15. Occupy Together Website Homepage Source:, 2011 15
  • 16. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation • These websites are not only political campaign websites, but are also tools for OWS's internal activities, mostly organised around independent working groups within the movement. • Underlying the operations of these online hubs is a horizontal structure that encourages anyone to participate in the movement. • This online presence represents more than the facilitation of the movement; it can be argued that it has also inspired the design and structure of the movement. Rosen (2011) 16
  • 17. The Internet as a tool for mobilisation The voice of the Occupy movement online, as quoted from the Declaration posted across many of their unofficial websites, has a revolutionary rhetoric. An example can be seen here: “To the people of the world, We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power ... To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal. Join us and make your voices heard!” NYCGA (, 2011) Through this choice of language, it can be claimed the movement is: • focussing on joint/collective action • projecting general ‘change’-oriented goals and claims • promoting non-institutional collective action • aiming to attract supporters not limited to location or specific political stance Moussa, 2011 17
  • 18. Example of NYGA rhetoric: Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Info Graphic Source:, 2011 18
  • 19. OWS Social Media Use From early on in the movement, OWS has chosen not to use social media channels as their official communications channels, but instead to rely on tools including: • WordPress • other open-source platforms Rosen (2011) Why? “The movement is so heavily based around the check and balance of corporate power. Relying on sites such as Facebook, they felt, placed them too much under someone else's control... We decided that low- tech communication methods would be best… If we’d used a mass text message, or Twitter, it would have been easy for the police to track down who was doing this.” OWS organiser Jake DeGroot, as quoted by Rosen, 2011 Despite this decision, many unofficial OWS social media profiles have proliferated. Examples can be seen in the following slides. 19
  • 20. Occupy Wall Street Twitter Profile Source:, 2011 20
  • 21. Occupy Wall St. Facebook Page Source:, 2011 21
  • 22. We Are the 99% Tumblr Source:, 2011 22
  • 23. OWS Social Media Use The OWS social media presence is largely decentralised, for example there are multiple Facebook pages and blogs dedicated to the movement rather than single official profiles. The use of Twitter hashtags in the OWS movement is an example of this decentralisation: #ows #occupy #occupytogether #occupywallst #occupywallstreet #sep17 #anonymous #globalrevolution #occupywallstnyc Twitter (, 2011) This decentralisaton of hashtags is a possible reason why the OWS movement is not trending as highly on Twitter as organisers want. This has lead to conspiracy stories that Twitter is censoring the movement, a theory Twitter claims are incorrect (Social Media Collective,, 2011). 23
  • 24. This graph shows the movements of the #occupy hashtag on Twitter on October 13, 2011, the day the owners of Zuccotti park (OWS main location), requested that NYPD clear the park. The graph represents over 6000 tweets posted by almost 5000 Twitter users, spreading information about the “impeding standoff” between OWS protesters and NYPD. The bigger the cluster, the more important the source in terms of Retweets and mentions by Twitter users. Source: Social Flow (, 2011) 24
  • 25. This report on the use of the #occupy hashtag in Twitter over the past three months shows peaks on Oct 10, 2011, the day NYC Mayor Bloomberg suggested that he did not anticipate the removal of demonstrators from Zuccotti Park (OWS main location) and Nov 14, 2011, the day NYPD raided and cleared the camp. Sources: Occupy Wall Street Website, (, 2011) Trendistic (, 2011) 25
  • 26. OWS Social Media Use Use of social media via mobile technologies is also a valuable communication tool for protest movements such as OWS, providing organisers with tools such as wireless internet and reception/coverage to: • coordinate movements of groups • communicate across diverse protest locations • easily record and disseminate information and documentation of events (e.g. police brutality) Garrett (2006) However, heavy reliance by protest movements on ICTs can be problematic due to the fact that government and corporations often have control over these networks. For example, if activists depend on cell phones to coordinate action and these actions become threatening to the interests of those with power, disrupting or monitoring cell phone service may demobilise protest efforts. An example of this was seen after the UK riots of 2011 when Blackberry assisted police in an investigation into communications between rioters sent through their network. Rosen (2011), Halliday (2011) 26
  • 27. Example of the importance of the dissemination of information through social media in the movement: Occupy Together Poster - Sorry, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Source: Occupy Together Website (, 2011) 27
  • 28. Example of the OWS live stream, not seen of mainstream media channels: Global Revolution Livestream Website Source: Global Revolution website (, 2011) 28
  • 29. Impact of ICTs in offline participation (link between virtual & physical) There is an intrinsic link between the virtual and physical elements of the OWS movement – E.g. physical protests are often organised through virtual communications channls The distinction between online and offline community is often exaggerated – Theorists such as Gladwell (2010) argue digital activism is in no way linked with physical participation Online networks is not a place apart but rather a crucial element of the protest movement. Online networks complement and strengthen offline networks, and vice versa, through the integration of technology into communication channels. Spyridakis et al (2009), Juris (2005) 29
  • 30. Example of offline OWS protest projects: Image from Occupy George Website Source: Occupy George website (, 2011) 30
  • 31. Example of mass offline participation: Screenshot of CCN News Coverage of Physical Occupy Protests - Nov 17, 2011 Source: New Economies Tumblr (, 2011) 31
  • 32. Impact of ICTs in offline participation Protest movements such as OWS also actively encourage online contributors to extend their participation to a physical level. For example the slogan of the email discussion list provider Riseup is “Get off the Internet. We’ll see you in the streets.” Rise Up (, 2011) 32
  • 33. Example of encouragement for protesters to move offline: ‚Like‘ Is Not Action Source: Facebook (, 2011) 33
  • 34. Impact of ICTs in offline participation The link between the virtual and the physical in modern protest movements usually occurs in the following progression: Step 1: Access to technology Step 2: Exposure to online network Step 3: Online participation Step 4: Offline participation Juris (2005) However, even when activists are participating in offline activities, “they often move back and forth between online and offline political activity, using the internet as the protest movements technological architecture” Juris (2005:4). 34
  • 35. The Network Society as context for modern protest movements The Network Society provides a conducive environment for organising modern protest movements. One reason is that protest movements in a Network Society boast a hacker ethic based on the values of “free information, decentralized coordination, collaborative learning, peer recognition, and social service” Juris (2004:4). Like computer hackers, activist-hackers share and circulate information through communications networks using cultural codes and symbols. OWS is not the first protest movement that has used the framework of the Network Society for mobilisation. In the recent 2011 Arab Spring protests, Islamic movements benefited greatly from the use of ICTs, given strict government control and media censorship. Juris (2004), Moussa (2011) 35
  • 36. The Network Society as context for modern protest movements The Network Society not only provides a framework for modern protest movements such as OWS but also represents a model for “creating alternative forms of social, political, and economic organisation” Juris (2005:4). This innovation is possible largely through the technology at the movement’s disposal: “Whereas before, hierarchy would have been assumed in a national happening like Occupy, protesters could look to other models of organizing work. They could look to open source projects or, more simply, the insta-networks that spring up around metastatic information. Networked organization is a useful reality as well as a sort of psychological support structure.” Rosen (2011) 36
  • 37. Conclusion It can be claimed that power in the Networked Society is shifting away from traditional institutions such as the state, capitalist forms and the mainstream media, towards more disseminated groups, technologies and communications tools. “Power is no longer concentrated in institutions, organisations or symbolic controllers. It is diffused in global networks of wealth, power, information and images” Castells, (2007: 167). This can be seen in the growing power of ICTs as an important tool for new forms of activism. For example on June 16, 2011, in the height of the Arab Spring Revolution, the US government requested that Twitter postpone updates to the service by “highlight*ing] to them that this was an important form of communication” in both external information exchange as well as internal organisation of the movement. Gaffney (2011:1) 37
  • 38. Conclusion Thus, the Network Society provides a conducive breeding ground for the rise of modern protest movements. These new forms of activism are intrinsically linked to the growing power of technology in our society. To conclude, a quote from a blogger who views OWS as the birth of a new social, ethical and political form, born of a Network Society: “Born as a phenomena of and by the Internet and social media, chronicled and measured based upon Web-derived metrics and artefacts, I believe we are witnessing the birth and emergence of a new social, ethical and political form in its earliest nascent stage. It will continue to grow, and begin to develop ways of expressing and asserting itself, as an aggregated expression of the will of all those who by participating are its de facto contributors and constituents, which over time shall comprise a global 99%”. Breitbart (, 2011) 38
  • 39. Forum Questions Please select two questions to answer in the Student Central Forum. 1. How have ICTs, in particular the Internet, changed the way you personally engage with social and political issues? 2. When people participate in activism via social media, do you believe they are doing anything meaningful? Is the line as straightforward as Internet activism and physical activism? 3. Select an image from the presentation and examine how its design and message fits within the framework of a Network Society. 4. Mattelaart (2003: 23) states that “each new generation revives the ‘redemptive discourse’ of liberating effects of new communication technology, only to be disappointed when old hierarchies of power prove to persist”. This quote shows the paradox between the liberation through ICTs and the over-arching corporate and government control of these technologies. Does this sentiment resonates within OWS movement? 5. Are modern protest movements such as OWS an expression of today’s Network Society? In what ways do you think they are related? 39
  • 40. Bibliography Adbusters (2011) [Website]. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011) Bennett, W. L. (2003). New Media Power: The Internet and Global Activism. In Couldry, N & Curran, J. (Eds.) Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Breitbart, D. (2011) [Blog post]. Comment in response to A Movement of Numbers: Occupy Wall Street, The Why Axis, November 1, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed 15 November 2011) Castells, M. (2004) Informationalism, networks, and the network society: a theoretical blueprint. In M.Castells ed., The network society. A cross-cultural perspective, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 1 – 73. Castells, M. (2000a). The rise of the network society. Second edition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1 - 24. Castells, M. (2000b). End of Millennium, Oxford: Blackwell, 64 – 86. Castells, M. (2000c). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology Vol. No. 51 Issue No. 1 (Januar y/March 2000), 5-24. Retrieved from URL (accessed December 2, 2011) Fairey, S. (2011) *Image+. Mister President, We HOPE You’re On Our Side, Obey Giant, November 21, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 22, 2011) 40
  • 41. Bibliography Garrett, R. (2006). Protest in an Information Society: A Review of Literature on Social Movements and New ICTs. Information, Communication and Society, 9(2), 202-224. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011) Gillan, K. (2008). The UK Anti-War Movement Online: Uses and Limitations of Internet Technologies for Contemporary Activism. In Gillan, Pickerill & Webster (Eds.) Anti-War Activism: New Media and Protest in the Information Age, Taylor and Francis, ICS. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011) preprint.pdf Gladwell, M. (2010). Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted, The New Yorker, October 4, 2010. Retrieved from URL (accessed 10 November 2011) Global Revolution Livestream (2011) [Website]. Retrieved from URL (accessed November 15, 2011) Juris, J, S (2005). The new digital media and activist networking within anti- corporate globalisation movement. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 597(1), 189 - 208. Halliday, J. (2011). London riots: BlackBerry to help police probe Messenger looting 'role', The Guardian, August 8, 2011. Retrieved from URL (accessed December 3, 2011) 41
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