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Amit A Roy 
Katherine Miszkiel 
Neuroradiology is the radiological subspeciality dealing with the diag-nosis, 
characterization and, in some cases, treatment of disease entities 
affecting the central or peripheral nervous system. It is a rapidly expand-ing 
field and one in which technological advances have been pivotal in 
driving further progression. The last few years have seen significant 
improvements in access to high-quality imaging; modalities and tech-niques 
that were once the remit of academic institutions with significant 
research interests are now accessible to the majority with reduced cost, 
improved availability and concomitant dissemination of expertise. The 
trend towards subspecialization has continued in recent years, with 
a specialist’s career choice no longer limited to the pursuit of either 
a predominantly interventional or diagnostic role. The emergence of 
those with dedicated expertise in head and neck imaging, paediatric 
neuroradiology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-oncology and stroke is 
a development that is likely to continue and parallels that which is occur-ring 
in body imaging. 
The objectives of this chapter are to introduce the principal neuroradio-logical 
imaging modalities relevant to clinical practice, discuss what each 
offers and convey their respective limitations. Scenarios in which a given 
modality is particularly advantageous over others will be discussed as 
well as the circumstances that preclude the use of certain techniques. 
The list of modalities discussed is not intended to be exhaustive; the 
emphasis will be on those that are currently routinely available but 
novel developments and those currently limited to specialist centres func-tioning 
mainly as research tools will also be mentioned briefly. 
Keywords angiography; computerized tomography; Doppler ultrasound; 
magnetic resonance imaging; myelography; perfusion imaging; positron 
emission; radionuclide scanning 
Imaging modalities fall into one of two major categories: those that 
utilize ionizing radiation and those that rely instead upon some 
other physical characteristic of the tissue being interrogated in 
order to generate an image. The former group includes traditional 
radiographic techniques, such as plain film radiography, angiog-raphy 
and myelography, as well as the more recent developments 
of radionuclide scanning and computed tomography (CT). The 
latter subset includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 
MRI and CT are presently the modalities of choice in the 
evaluation of CNS pathology, with radiography, myelography 
and angiography generally regarded as second-line investiga-tions, 
reserved for cases when the former are precluded or as 
a prelude to therapeutic intervention. Despite being quick, rela-tively 
inexpensive and portable, ultrasound presently has 
a limited role in the evaluation of neurological disease on 
account of the osseous skull vault, which is relatively impervious 
to sound wave transmission. There are, however, a few defined 
indications where ultrasound provides invaluable adjunctive 
In recent years, increasing scrutiny has been placed on the 
judicious use of ionizing radiation in diagnostic studies. Well-publicized 
incidents in which patients received radiation doses 
from CT perfusion studies far in excess of those expected, with 
consequent deleterious outcomes, have made this issue front-page 
news in the medical press.1 Awareness and acknowledge-ment 
of the ALARA principle, which dictates that diagnostic 
studies utilize a radiation dose that is ‘as low as reasonably 
achievable’ has always constituted a fundamental component of 
radiology training. However, there has been progressive 
dissemination of this message to the medical community as 
a whole with the increasing expectation that tests be justified, 
optimized and dose-limited. As such, there is now ever-greater 
reliance on computerized post-processing techniques, which 
ensure that image quality is maintained in the face of the need to 
reduce radiation dose. The ‘image gently’ campaign,2 launched 
in the USA in 2008 by The Alliance for Radiation Safety in 
Paediatric Imaging, has sought to actively promote this message 
specifically in relation to imaging the child and to date has 
received over 12,000 pledges from medical practitioners. 
Computed tomography 
Since its inception in 1967 by the British engineer, Sir Godfrey 
Hounsfield, interest in CT has exploded with progressive 
refinements over the last four decades rendering the technique 
invaluable in the diagnosis of neurological disease. Even today, it 
remains the mainstay of imaging diagnosis in this field, not least 
on account of its availability and speed; modern-day multislice 
scanners, which can image multiple sites in the body simulta-neously, 
are able to achieve exceptionally short scanning times, 
facilitating the interrogation of ever smaller structures within 
a practicable time period, and negating the effects of motion. 
Indeed, the substantial evidence base that has recently been built 
around the diagnosis and management of patients with stroke 
owes a great deal to CT; its ready availability and rapid delivery 
of high-quality diagnostic images has been fundamental to the 
restructuring and centralization of stroke services, which has 
recently revolutionized the management of this condition. 
Conventional radiographic techniques involve the bombardment 
of a subject with X-rays, produced by an X-ray tube. The image 
generated is a representation of the extent to which the component 
tissues constituting the subject prevent the X-rays from passing 
through, a property known as attenuation. The attenuation of 
Amit A Roy MBBS (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCS DOHNS FRCR is a Neuroradiology 
Fellow at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen 
Square, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. 
Katherine Miszkiel BM (Hons) MRCP FRCR is a Consultant Neuroradiologist 
at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen 
Square, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. 
MEDICINE 40:8 440  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
a material is inextricably linked to its density. In this way, a two-dimensional 
(2D) representation of a 3D structure is obtained. 
CT is a natural extension of this technique; the same under-pinning 
physical principles are coupled with powerful computer-processing 
power to culminate in a series of images, or slices, 
depicting the subject concerned. Central to the understanding of 
CT is the notion of ‘voxels’; these are volume elements analogous 
to pixels in two dimensions. Each voxel depicts a small piece of 
the patient being scanned and is assigned a unit of measurement, 
called the Hounsfield unit, based on its attenuation. The 
computer derives the average Hounsfield number of the voxel 
under consideration via the fixed points of reference, namely the 
values assigned for water (HU ¼ 0) and air (HU ¼ 1000).3 The 
image begins taking shape as the numerical values for each pixel 
are represented on a two-dimensional matrix by a shade of grey. 
Tissues of high inherent density are depicted as white (such as 
bone, calcification or intravenous contrast) whilst low-density 
materials such as air and fat appear black. Soft tissue is of 
intermediate density. It follows that this system allows for more 
than 2000 shades of grey to be depicted. However, the human 
eye is unable to differentiate between such subtle gradations 
potentially rendering a large part of this dataset wasted. The 
fundamental principle of ‘windowing’ circumvents this problem 
and allows the user to tailor the image by focussing on a narrow 
range of densities and disregarding all voxels with attenuation 
values outside a pre-defined range. This principle is fundamen-tally 
important in the interpretation of stroke imaging, as subtle 
differences in the attenuation of ischaemic brain compared with 
healthy tissue can be made conspicuous only through appro-priate 
manipulation of windowing. 
In recent years, the advent of multislice scanners has brought 
huge advantages both in terms of improving image quality and 
reducing scanning time. Present day scanners can assimilate up 
to 256 sequential slices through a patient in a single rotation, 
making imaging of the brain possible within a fraction of 
a second. The attendant benefits in limiting artefact from motion 
are huge. In addition, the speeds achievable are sufficient to 
image during the first pass of a contrast bolus, obviating the need 
for larger volumes that expose the patient to a potentially higher 
risk of nephrotoxicity. 
The ability to image faster and obtain thinner slices has also 
made the notion of ‘isotropic’ voxels a reality. An isotropic voxel is 
essentially a cube, dimensionally identical in all three planes. This 
feature facilitates true 3D imaging through the generation of multi-planar 
reformatted images that lose nothing in terms of resolution. 
This is a major advance from the previous generations of CT 
scanners, which could achieve this feat of high-resolution non-axial 
imaging only by physically altering their gantry. 
Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) 
CT of the brain is a rapid and powerful diagnostic tool with 
proven benefit in both the acute and non-acute settings. 
However, its efficacy can be improved in a number of scenarios 
through the coupling of imaging with the administration of 
intravenous contrast media. Contrast agents used in CT imaging 
are water-soluble iodine macromolecules, either in ionic or non-ionic 
forms. The latter represent a more recent development, 
generally being the agents of choice today. Fewer associated 
adverse effects are seen than when using ionic agents and this is 
thought to result from a reduced propensity to dissociate into 
component molecules. 
Although modern contrast agents are safe, adverse effects do 
occur and include idiosyncratic reactions, anaphylaxis, drug 
interactions and contrast-induced nephropathy. The rare but real 
potential for anaphylactic reactions dictates that resuscitation 
facilities are available wherever contrast-enhanced scanning is 
being performed. Contrast-induced nephropathy is another 
feared complication, accounting for 12% of cases of hospital-acquired 
renal failure4; however, it is extremely unlikely in the 
absence of recognized risk factors, such as pre-existing renal 
impairment and severe diabetes.5 The choice of contrast agent in 
the scenario of a patient deemed at high risk of nephropathy has 
been the subject of much debate but current advice is that low-osmolality, 
non-ionic media are safest. 
The utility of contrast-enhanced imaging is in highlighting 
areas where the bloodebrain barrier has lost its normal integrity, 
as occurs in a number of infective, inflammatory and neoplastic 
conditions. When an area of tissue takes up contrast, its density 
(and thus the Hounsfield units ascribed to the voxels that depict 
that area) also increases. As a consequence, the area of tissue 
concerned appears brighter, a phenomenon termed enhance-ment. 
The enhancement patterns of certain lesions are predict-able 
and reproducible, thereby aiding differential diagnosis 
(Figures 1e3). 
As an adjunct to standard post-contrast imaging, a number of 
other techniques utilizing intravascular contrast delivery have 
evolved, simply by adjusting the timing of scanning relative to the 
time of peripheral venous injection. CT angiography (CTA) and 
venography (CTV) provide powerful non-invasive means by 
which the vessels supplying and draining the central and periph-eral 
nervous systems can be interrogated (Figures 4 and 5). 
Indeed, CTA is often the primary investigation performed in 
establishing the aetiology of subarachnoid haemorrhage, with 
catheter angiography relegated to situations in which therapeutic 
intervention is likely to ensue. The quality and speed with which 
CTA can now be performed has also rendered it invaluable in the 
assessment of stroke; it currently forms part of the initial imaging 
protocol, such that patients can now undergo comprehensive 
imaging of the brain and vasculature within minutes of arriving 
through the emergency department’s door. This owes a great deal 
to the advent of multislice scanners and powerful software 
programs, which effortlessly reconstruct the datasets obtained 
into formats that are most conducive to rapid diagnosis. 
So-called ‘stealth’ or stereotactic CT scanning is another 
relatively recent development. This permits pre-operative diag-nostic 
imaging to be loaded into a system located in the operating 
theatre, which translates the dataset into precise three-dimensional 
images, thereby aiding surgical mapping and facil-itating 
the safest and least invasive path to a lesion. 
CT myelography combines the potential for high-quality 
multi-planar reformatted imaging with the instillation of iodine-based 
contrast media into the intrathecal space. The resulting 
images enable excellent visualization of the terminal spinal cord 
and caudal nerve roots. Conventional myelography, in which 
plain radiography follows the instillation of contrast, is now 
essentially defunct. CT cisternography employs a similar prin-ciple 
and can be employed to visualize the CSF spaces around the 
brainstem and thus the anatomy of the lower cranial nerves. MRI 
MEDICINE 40:8 441  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 1 This 34-year-old woman had disseminated tuberculosis (TB) and multiple neurological signs and symptoms including headache, weakness and 
lower cranial nerve palsies. (a and b) Coronal and axial post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images demonstrating obstructive hydro-cephalus, 
multiple ring-enhancing tuberculomas (arrows) and prominent basal meningeal enhancement. (c) Sagittal post-contrast T1-weighted image of 
the cervical spine demonstrates diffuse meningeal enhancement. Prominent enhancement involving the ventral surfaces of the pons and medulla 
oblongata is particularly noteworthy (arrow). (d) Axial T2-weighted MR image through the thorax at the level of the upper mediastinum reveals multifocal 
patchy pulmonary changes in keeping with active TB. 
Figure 2 This 54-year-old woman presented with gradually progressive bony swelling involving the left side of her face. (a) Axial unenhanced CT on bony 
windows demonstrates gross bony expansion, sclerosis and deformity involving the left fronto-temporal region. (b and c) Axial T2-weighted and stealth 
protocol post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance images show bony sclerosis and expansion, widening of the diploic space, subjacent dural 
thickening and enhancement and normal intra-cranial appearances. The features are those of a predominantly intra-osseous meningioma. 
MEDICINE 40:8 442  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 3 This 74-year-old man presented with rapidly progressive left sided weakness and clumsiness. (a and b) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance 
images demonstrate thickening and signal abnormality in relation to the splenium of the corpus callosum (arrow) with further multifocal areas of 
parenchymal hyperintensity involving the parieto-occipital regions bilaterally. (c and d) Multiple peripherally enhancing lesions on both sides of the 
midline with involvement of the corpus callosum. The features are in keeping with multifocal high-grade glioma (glioblastoma multiforme). 
would now be more appropriate than either of these modalities in 
the first instance, but they are invaluable adjuncts when MRI is 
CT perfusion is another relatively novel technique made 
possible by the advent of faster scanning times. It is of particular 
relevance in the field of stroke imaging as it permits the rate of 
contrast uptake by defined areas of neuroparenchyma to be 
quantified. The process culminates in graphical representations 
of cerebral blood flow, blood volume and transit time from which 
the distributions of infarcted tissue and potentially salvageable 
ischaemic parenchyma can be derived.6 Although undoubtedly 
efficacious, the technique remains principally a research tool, 
limited to centres with experience and relevant expertise. 
Magnetic resonance imaging 
MRI is currently the modality of choice in the investigation of 
neurological disease. It provides the greatest soft tissue 
resolution among the techniques presently available and does 
not utilize ionizing radiation, rendering it safe in the vast 
majority of scenarios. Since its inception in the 1970s, interest in 
the technique has exploded, with progressive refinements and 
the addition of novel sequences occurring in parallel with 
concomitant advancements in CT. The two modalities are 
frequently utilized in a complementary fashion, as there are 
many circumstances in which the ready availability and scanning 
speed of CT render it the more appropriate option. 
Technique and principles7 
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the fundamental principle 
upon which MRI is based, was discovered as early as the 1930s. 
However, it was not until Bloch and Purcell realized its signifi-cance 
that NMR spectroscopy was born, their work culminating 
in the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1952. The exten-sion 
of NMR to a medical imaging technique did not occur until 
MEDICINE 40:8 443  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1973. Since this time, fervent research and development have 
brought about huge advances and refinements to the technique, 
elevating MRI to the status of current gold standard in imaging 
NMR is based on the observation that isotopes with an odd 
number of protons and neutrons demonstrate an intrinsic 
magnetic moment and can thus be induced to resonate when 
placed within a powerful magnetic field. The functional unit in 
clinical MRI is the hydrogen nucleus, or proton, which is abun-dant 
within organic tissue and behaves like a magnetic dipole 
when placed within an electromagnetic field. During an MRI 
scan, energy at a specific frequency is transmitted into the body 
as radio waves, causing the abundant protons to resonate and 
align against the magnetic field; when the radio wave then 
ceases, the protons realign with the original magnetic field and 
return energy in the form of further radio waves that constitute 
the MR signal. This signal is progressively amplified and 
undergoes numerous computer-processing steps to derive the MR 
image. Fundamental to the interpretation of MRI is the appreci-ation 
that different body tissues comprise hydrogen atoms in 
differing quantities and in varying molecular environments; the 
nature of the resulting image thus reflects both the abundance of 
hydrogen atoms and their chemical surroundings. 
Basic sequences 
The characteristics of the image obtained can be altered by 
manipulating the magnitude and direction of the applied radio-frequency 
pulses with pre-defined protocols termed sequences. 
The so-called T1 and T2 relaxation times are the fundamental 
parameters measured by all scanners, giving rise to T1- and T2- 
weighted images respectively, the basic sequences central to 
T1-weighted images provide excellent anatomical resolution. 
Free water molecules (such as those within circulating CSF) 
appear of low signal (dark) whilst proteinaceous fluid and 
melanin appear brighter than surrounding brain. Subacute 
Figure 4 This 64-year-old woman presented with sudden onset of right-sided weakness. (aeh) Acute stroke protocol CT/CTA on admission and MRI per-formed 
24 hours later. (a) Axial unenhanced CT. No discernible hypodensity is seen in the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory and the cortical insular 
ribbon appears intact. (b) Axial unenhanced CT. There is a short segment of hyperdensity within the Sylvian (M2) branch of the left MCA in keeping with 
intraluminal thrombus (arrow). (c) Axial CT angiographic (CTA) image at the level of the pterygoid plates. There is no contrast opacification within the left 
internal carotid artery (ICA) just distal to the carotid bifurcation (arrow). (d) Axial T2-weighted MR image. Subtle signal hyperintensity is seen within the left 
insular cortex (arrow). (e) Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MR image. The conspicuity of parenchymal changes in the left insular region is 
improved by nullifying the signal from adjacent CSF (arrow). (f ) Diffusion-weighted image (DWI): signal hyperintensity is demonstrated involving both grey 
and white matter within the left MCA territory. (g) Corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) image: signal hypointensity within the left insular, 
temporal and parietal lobes is indicative of restricted diffusion and thus acute infarction. (h) Axial gradient-echo T2* image demonstrates intraluminal 
thrombus within the left M2 segment corresponding to that seen on the admission unenhanced CT (arrow). (iek) MR angiography (MRA) and 
fat-suppressed imaging through the neck. (i) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) MRA images, antero-posterior (AP) projection. There is abrupt cut-off 
involving the left ICA just distal to the origin (black arrow). However, there is reconstitution of the terminal ICA via a persistent trigeminal artery (white 
arrow). A persistent trigeminal artery is an example of an arterial communication between the carotid and vertebro-basilar systems, which are present 
within the fetal circulation but normally involutes in adulthood. (j) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image at the level of the proximal ICAs demonstrates 
loss of the normal flow void on the left with signal hyperintensity in keeping with intraluminal thrombus. (k) Right anterior-oblique (RAO) MIP MRA image. 
MEDICINE 40:8 444  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 4 (continued) 
haemorrhage also appears bright due to the paramagnetic char-acteristics 
of iron within methaemoglobin, giving rise to so-called 
‘T1-shortening’. T1 images are also employed to demonstrate 
contrast enhancement, which occurs with gadolinium-based 
agents whose intrinsic ability to alter the magnetic properties 
of blood is responsible for signal augmentation. The indications 
for performing contrast-enhanced studies are analogous to those 
in CT imaging. 
T2-weighted images are superior in delineating abnormal 
tissues such as those harbouring infection, inflammation and 
neoplastic disease. 
T2* images are optimized to assess the effects of molecules 
with magnetic properties on surrounding tissues. The iron con-tained 
within haemoglobin is the commonest example and 
demonstrates paramagnetic effects following haemorrhage, which 
alter the local magnetic field within its vicinity (Figures 4 and 6). 
Scanning protocols 
Typically, a routine brain scan comprises several sequences 
including not only the above but also those tailored to the 
specific indication. It is conventional to include all three 
orthogonal planes (axial, coronal, sagittal), although any plane of 
imaging is theoretically possible, unlike CT. Spinal scanning 
typically includes sagittal imaging and selected axial slices 
through any regions of interest. 
There are a number of additional sequences that are particu-larly 
advantageous in certain scenarios. For example, those that 
suppress CSF-signal can be invaluable in visualizing the peri-ventricular 
lesions that characterize multiple sclerosis by 
greatly improving their conspicuity. FLAIR (fluid-attenuated 
inversion recovery) is such a sequence that has also proved to be 
valuable in monitoring tumour follow-up. 
Fat-suppressed sequences such as STIR (short-tau inverse 
recovery) are images created with T2-weighting but with 
suppression of signal generated by fat. This improves conspicuity 
of entities such as oedema, where the high signal of fat may 
obscure the boundaries of a pathological process. Fat-suppressed 
axial imaging through the neck is frequently employed in 
vascular dissection protocols, where the perceptibility of intra-mural 
haematoma is improved. High spatial resolution tech-niques 
such as CISS (constructive interference in steady state) 
provide exquisitely detailed images of inner ear anatomy and the 
lower cranial nerves, facilitating detection of even small 
cerebello-pontine angle lesions, for example, without the use of 
intravenous contrast. Establishing evidence of vascular contact 
in suspected cases of trigeminal neuralgia or hemi-facial spasm 
are further applications. 
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) utilizes the principle that 
the signals generated by protons in water molecules differ 
depending upon whether free diffusion is occurring; when 
Brownian motion is not permitted due to pathological processes, 
a differential MR signal is generated, which may be ‘mapped’. 
In normal tissues or those in which vasogenic oedema occurs, 
random Brownian motion of water molecules is not limited and 
thus no diffusion restriction is seen. In tissues with a tight degree 
of cellular packing or those in which cytotoxic oedema occurs, 
MEDICINE 40:8 445  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 5 This 28-year-old woman presented with a history of headaches followed by progressive cerebral obtundation. There was a preceding history of 
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (a) Axial CT venogram (CTV) image at the vertex demonstrates irregular filling defects within the superior sagittal sinus 
(arrows) with segments of non-opacification of the visualized cortical veins. The features are highly suggestive of sagittal sinus and cortical vein 
thrombosis. (b) More inferiorly, a discrete filling defect is visible within the superior sagittal sinus e the ‘empty delta sign’ (black arrow). The superior 
sagittal sinus is also expanded and hyperdense, suggestive of acute thrombosis. Scattered foci of para-sagittal parenchymal haemorrhage are also visible 
(white arrows). (c) CTV midline sagittal maximum intensity projection image further demonstrates multiple filling defects within the superior sagittal sinus 
(arrow). (d) Antero-posterior digital subtraction angiography (DSA) image depicting filling defects within the right transverse sinus and superior sagittal 
sinus (arrows). A catheter has been placed within the right transverse sinus during attempted mechanical thrombectomy. 
restricted diffusion occurs and manifests as decreased signal on 
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping. 
DWI has revolutionized the diagnosis of stroke, demon-strating 
unequivocal changes within minutes of infarction, far 
earlier than abnormalities are detectable on CT (Figure 4). 
Changes classically persist for up to 3 weeks, which can be useful 
in distinguishing acute from chronic phenomena. Restricted 
diffusion is also a feature of cerebral abscesses, prion diseases 
such as CJD8 and certain neoplastic lesions including lymphomas 
and high-grade gliomas (Figure 7). 
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) differs from the 
equivalent CT technique in that it is possible non-invasively 
to depict the vasculature without the need for contrast media. 
This is based on the principle that protons within flowing 
blood return signals distinct from those within static tissue. 
Post-processing steps are able to extract these differences to 
create so-called ‘time-of-flight’ angiographic images (Figure 4). 
Selective depiction of the arterial or venous tree is possible. 
However, contrast-enhanced MRA (CEMRA) is increasingly 
being performed for the diagnosis and follow-up of aneurysms 
and other vascular malformations on account of its improved 
MR spectroscopy remains mostly the remit of research despite 
early promise. Its basis lies in the ability of the MR signal to 
provide quantitative information regarding chemical composi-tion. 
Although the technique may be advantageous in certain 
defined situations, such as the differentiation of recurrent 
neoplasm from treatment-related change, and the assessment 
and monitoring of the leukodystrophies,9 it has largely failed to 
make a significant impact on routine clinical practice. 
Novel developments and future directions 
The intense research activity focused on MRI over the last four 
decades shows no signs of diminishing with numerous advances 
and technical refinements steadily adding to what is already 
available in the world of clinical practice. 
MEDICINE 40:8 446  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 6 This 66-year-old man had a history of previous head trauma and hypertension. (a) Axial unenhanced CT demonstrates a probable mature infarct 
in the right occipital pole (white arrow) with likely gliotic change from trauma within the right inferior frontal lobe (black arrow). No obvious focus of 
haemorrhage is seen. (bee) Phase, magnitude, maximum intensity projection and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) images from the SWI protocol 
demonstrate innumerable peripherally located microhaemorrhagic foci, lobar haemorrhage within the right frontal lobe and superficial haemosiderosis. 
These features are seen typically in cerebral amyloid angiopathy. (f ) Gradient-echo T2* image fails to demonstrate a number of the microbleeds seen on 
the SWI, highlighting the improved sensitivity of this novel technique. 
Presently, the majority of scanners in diagnostic use operate 
at field strengths of 1.5 T (tesla). 3 T scanners are now relatively 
commonplace but, despite definite advantages in terms of signal-to- 
noise ratio, commensurate improvements in resolution are not 
always apparent. In the research setting, higher field strength 
magnets at up to 11 T are achievable, but legitimate safety 
concerns and technical hurdles need addressing before such 
equipment is used for clinical purposes. 
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a novel development in 
which both the magnitude and direction of diffusion within 
cerebral white matter can be inferred and graphically repre-sented, 
culminating in the generation of elegant tractographic 
colour maps. Though principally a research tool confined to 
centres with specific expertise, information such as this may be 
fundamentally important to surgical planning in the future.10 
Perfusion MRI, analogous in principle to the equivalent CT 
method, entails scanning immediately and then sequentially after 
injection of intravenous contrast. This technique has been coupled 
with DWI in order to cross-reference areas of reduced perfusion 
with corresponding restricted diffusion; in this manner, potentially 
salvageable ischaemic parenchyma may be identified. Perfusion 
MRI may also have a role in the discrimination of tumour recur-rence 
from radiation necrosis and the predicting of malignant 
transformation of low-grade gliomas through the detection of 
increases in cerebral blood volume over time. Other examples of 
functional MRI include techniques in which dynamic scanning can 
demonstrate areas of parenchyma intimately involved in speech, 
through the depiction of increased activity. In the past, such tech-niques 
have principally been research-oriented, but they are grad-ually 
entering the realm of routine clinical practice as information 
such as this may be invaluable to surgical planning. 
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is a novel MRI tech-nique 
that is exquisitely sensitive to haemorrhage.11 Potential 
clinical applications include the assessment of trauma, stroke, 
malignancy and dementia (Figures 6 and 8). 
‘Stealth’ and interventional MRI follow similar principles to 
the analogous CT techniques; they not only facilitate surgical 
mapping of lesions but also provide the means for real-time 
imaging feedback intra-operatively. 
Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of CT 
and MRI in neuroimaging. Box 1 lists some of the more common 
contraindications and cautions associated with MRI. 
Angiography and interventional neuroradiology 
Intra-arterial cerebral angiography is usually achieved via selec-tive 
catheterization of the carotid or vertebral arteries under 
fluoroscopic guidance following percutaneous femoral or 
MEDICINE 40:8 447  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 7 This 33-year-old man presented with rapidly progressive dementia. (a) Axial T2-weighted image at the level of the basal ganglia demonstrates 
bilateral subtle signal hyperintensity involving the caudate and lentiform nuclei and thalami. (b) Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image 
demonstrates subtle cortically based signal hyperintensity involving the para-sagittal frontal lobes and peri-rolandic regions (arrows). (c and d) Axial 
diffusion-weighted image (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map respectively: hyperintense change is seen within the basal ganglia and 
thalami bilaterally with corresponding hypointensity on ADC; the appearances thus signify diffusion restriction. These are hallmark changes seen in 
CreutzfeldteJakob disease (CJD). 
brachial artery puncture. Iodinated contrast medium is injected 
rapidly through the catheter and sequential radiographic expo-sures 
delineate the passage of the bolus through progressive 
vascular phases. A digital subtraction technique removes bone 
and other obscuring soft tissues, leading to a series of post-injection 
images optimized to demonstrate the vascular 
anatomy at multiple phases. Since the inception of this technique 
some 80 years ago, numerous technological refinements 
involving every step have occurred, including the engineering of 
the catheters, the safety of the contrast media and the sophisti-cation 
of the fluoroscopic and image post-processing elements. 
Powerful software applications are now able to transform the 
dataset such that exquisite 3D representations of the most 
complex vascular anatomy are possible, affording the operator 
almost limitless potential to manipulate the images as desired. 
Despite meticulous technique there remains the small but 
significant risk of stroke through inadvertent arterial damage or 
introduction of embolic foci. For this reason, catheter 
MEDICINE 40:8 448  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 8 This 48-year-old woman presented with multiple transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs), dementia and progressive pseudobulbar palsy. (a) Axial 
T2-weighted magnetic resonance image depicts bilateral peri-ventricular and external capsular signal abnormality with a subcortical infarct in the left 
parietal lobe (black arrow). (b) Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image demonstrating the same features. (c and d) Susceptibility-weighted 
imaging (SWI) reveals multiple punctuate foci of signal hypointensity within the corpora striata, thalami and posterior fossa in keeping with 
microhaemorrhages. This patient was suspected of suffering from CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and 
angiography has largely been superseded by CTA or MRA, unless 
the intention is to proceed with therapeutic intervention. 
The burgeoning field of interventional neuroradiology has 
arguably experienced the greatest advancement in recent times, and 
owes a great deal to the huge technological stridesmade within both 
the imaging and engineering sciences. Many conditions for which 
surgery was the only feasible treatment 10e15 years ago can now 
be treated successfully via a minimally invasive interventional 
approach with significant improvements in morbidity and 
mortality. The range of therapeutic options is constantly evolving 
and presently includes the exclusion of intra-cerebral aneurysms 
through the delivery of endovascular platinum coils, the emboli-zation 
of arteriovenous malformations and the treatment of cere-bral 
vasospasm (Figures 5 and 9). 
The advent of flow-diverting stents for aneurysms previously 
deemed untreatable is another noteworthy advance. However, 
advancements in the field of stroke treatment have been partic-ularly 
exciting and so far-reaching as to prompt radical 
MEDICINE 40:8 449  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Advantages and disadvantages of CT and MRI in neuroimaging 
Imaging modality Advantages Disadvantages 
CT C Quicker scanning times 
restructuring of stroke service provision; the potential to deliver 
thrombolytic agents directly to the site of blockage and deploy 
mechanical thrombectomy devices directly to the site of occlu-sion 
represents a huge change in the manner in which this 
devastating condition is managed. Needless to say, rapid and 
accurate diagnosis is a prerequisite; in this way, concomitant 
advances in diagnostic CT and CTA have been equally 
Plain radiography 
Plain radiographic techniques in neuroimaging have largely been 
superseded by technically superior cross-sectional modalities. 
Other than as part of a general skeletal survey, skull radiography 
is now scarcely performed. Although spinal films are commonly 
undertaken as part of follow-up after surgery, their role in initial 
diagnosis is limited. Plain myelography is now largely defunct, 
replaced by lumbo-sacral MRI as the modality of choice in the 
investigation of lower spinal pathology. In situations where MRI 
is precluded, the myelographic technique is now combined with 
CT to produce multi-planar images with superior diagnostic 
Although the osseous skull vault is relatively impervious to 
sound wave transmission, a number of defined indications exist 
in which ultrasound is particularly favourable, given the absence 
of ionizing radiation and its portability, low cost and real-time 
feedback potential. 
Cervical Doppler (or duplex) has represented a key modality 
in the evaluation of occlusive arterial disease within the neck 
since the inception of ultrasound as a medical diagnostic tech-nique. 
It represents a fast, portable, non-invasive and safe 
alternative to intra-arterial angiography, which is now rarely 
performed for this indication. The superimposition of Doppler 
colour flow and velocity waveforms onto standard B-mode 
sonographic imaging permits not only visualization of the 
stenotic plaque and its anatomical composition but also quanti-fication 
of velocity and pressure gradients. 
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a more recent development. It 
utilizes the principle that velocity measurements within the 
major intra-cranial arteries are achievable via duplex ultrasound 
performed through thinner bony landmarks such as the temporal 
region or through the orbits. Recognized applications include the 
assessment of intra-cranial stenosis, subarachnoid haemorrhage 
(and potential associated vasospastic complications) and the 
confirmation of brain death. Future developments may include 
implantable devices linked to therapeutic drug delivery systems, 
which may provide a means not only to detect stroke at the 
earliest possible opportunity but also, potentially, to initiate 
antithrombotic therapy. 
Neonatal transcranial ultrasound is the most frequently per-formed 
neuroimaging investigation in this age group, making use 
Contraindications and cautions with MRI e metallic 
objects or implants 
C Pacemaker 
C Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) 
C Aneurysm clips 
C Coronary stents (some types) 
C Metallic foreign bodies, particularly in or near the eye 
C Metal implant, e.g. orthopaedic prosthesis 
C Shrapnel or bullet wounds 
C Neurostimulator 
C Implanted drug infusion device 
C Dentures/teeth with magnetic components 
Box 1 
C Patient more accessible thus preferential 
in critically ill or trauma patients 
C Currently more sensitive in the assessment 
of intra-cranial calcification, acute 
haemorrhage and bony disease 
C Improvements in 3D scanning with conse-quent 
improvements in CT angiography 
C Radiation dose, particularly important in 
repeated scanning 
C Inferior soft tissue contrast compared with 
C Streak artefact from metallic implants 
degrades image quality 
MRI C No radiation burden 
C Superior sensitivity in detecting CNS 
C Ability to image in any plane without need 
for reformatting 
C Optimal soft tissue contrast 
C Lengthy scanning time 
C Requirements for general anaesthetic or 
sedation in certain non-compliant groups 
C Metallic foreign bodies contraindicated 
(including medical devices such as cardiac 
pacemakers and neurostimulators) 
C First trimester of pregnancy is a relative 
Table 1 
MEDICINE 40:8 450  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Figure 9 This 26-year-old woman presented with proptosis of the left globe and associated pulsatile swelling. (a and b) Axial T2-weighted magnetic 
resonance imaging (MRI) scans depict gross proptosis of the left globe with a large curvilear flow void within the superior left orbit (arrow). (c) Lateral 
digital subtraction angiography image following contrast injection via the left internal carotid artery (ICA) in the arterial phase. A prominent anteriorly 
directed vessel (arrow) corresponding to that seen on the MRI opacifies via the cavernous carotid segment; the abnormal vessel is a distended left 
superior ophthalmic vein and an underlying arteriovenous fistula is responsible. (d) Angiographic image following direct cannulation of the left superior 
ophthalmic vein and instillation of embolic material at the origin of the fistula (arrow). Contrast injection via a catheter in the left ICA results in no 
discernible flow through the previous fistulous communication. 
of the natural acoustic windows of the fontanelles. Its utility lies 
principally in the bedside nature of the study, which makes its 
deployment on the intensive care unit ideal. Modern-day scan-ners 
may facilitate exquisitely detailed visualization of the 
superficial neuroparenchyma. However, the technique is heavily 
operator-dependent and its success relies wholly on the patency 
and calibre of the fontanelles, which begin closing after 10 
months or so. Limited visualization of the posterior fossa struc-tures 
is a further limitation. Common indications include the 
assessment of germinal matrix haemorrhage with its associated 
deleterious sequelae. 
Radionuclide imaging 
In radionuclide imaging, a radiopharmaceutical (comprising 
a tracer molecule coupled to a radioactive isotope) is adminis-tered 
to the patient and imaging ensues following an appropriate 
time interval, during which redistribution of tracer occurs. It is an 
example of functional imaging; biological processes such as 
blood flow and metabolic activity can be inferred from the 
distribution of tracer on the resulting image. Examples of 
commonly used radionuclide techniques include FDG-PET 
(fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography) and 
HMPAO SPECT (hexamethypropyleneamine oxime single photon 
emission computed tomography), the former enabling assess-ment 
of cerebral metabolism and the latter depicting blood flow. 
Common indications include the investigation of epilepsy and 
dementia. In the former, areas of increased blood flow on the 
ictal SPECT have been shown to correlate well with epileptogenic 
foci. The evaluation of malignancy formerly constituted an 
important indication for radionuclide scanning. The advent of 
improved MRI and CT technology has all but obviated the need 
to perform such tests in these cases, but FDG-PET may still play a 
role in differentiating recurrent malignancy from post-treatment 
change, a feat that has proved difficult with even the highest 
quality anatomical imaging available. 
MEDICINE 40:8 451  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Neuroradiology is a burgeoning field and one in which signifi-cant 
recent technical advancements have occurred. It is rapidly 
expanding in terms of manpower, expertise and resources such 
that prompt access to the highest quality imaging is available to 
all. Lengthy hospital admissions for diagnostic tests are no 
longer a major factor and the emergence of interventional 
neuroradiology is a development which has brought exciting 
novel treatments to the fore and promises much for the near 
future. A 
1 Safety Investigation of CT Brain Perfusion Scans: Initial Notification. 
ucm185898.htm. Date Issued: October 8, 2009. 
2 Goske MJ, Applegate KE, Bulas D, et al. Alliance for radiation safety 
in pediatric imaging. Image gently: progress and challenges in 
CT education and advocacy. Pediatr Radiol 2011; 41(suppl 2): 
3 Dendy PP, Heaton B. Tomographic imaging. In: Dendy PP, Heaton B, 
eds. Physics for diagnostic radiology. 2nd edn. London, UK: Taylor 
and Francis Group, 1999; 249e276. 
4 Nash K, Hafeez A, Hou S. Hospital-acquired renal insufficiency. Am J 
Kidney Dis 2002; 39: 930e6. 
5 Pannu N, Wiebe N, Tonelli M. Prophylaxis strategies for contrast-induced 
nephropathy. J Am Med Assoc 2006; 295: 2765e79. 
6 Leiva-Salinas C, Provenzale JM, Wintermark M. Responses to the 10 
most frequently asked questions about perfusion CT. AJR Am J 
Roentgenol 2011; 196: 53e60. 
7 Dendy PP, Heaton B. Magnetic resonance imaging. In: Dendy PP, 
Heaton B, eds. Physics for diagnostic radiology. 2nd edn. London, 
UK: Taylor and Francis Group, 1999; 378e406. 
8 Vitali P, Maccagnano E, Caverzasi E, et al. Diffusion-weighted MRI 
hyperintensity patterns differentiate CJD from other rapid dementias. 
Neurol 2011; 76: 1711e9. 
9 Saneto RP, Friedman SD, Shaw DW. Neuroimaging of mitochondrial 
disease. Mitochondrion 2008; 8: 396e413. 
10 O’Donnell LJ, Westin CF. An introduction to diffusion tensor image 
analysis. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2011; 22: 185e96. viii. 
11 Ong BC, Stuckey SL. Susceptibility weighted imaging: a pictorial 
review. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol 2010; 54: 435e49. 
MEDICINE 40:8 452  2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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  • 1. Neuroradiology Amit A Roy Katherine Miszkiel INVESTIGATIONS Abstract Neuroradiology is the radiological subspeciality dealing with the diag-nosis, characterization and, in some cases, treatment of disease entities affecting the central or peripheral nervous system. It is a rapidly expand-ing field and one in which technological advances have been pivotal in driving further progression. The last few years have seen significant improvements in access to high-quality imaging; modalities and tech-niques that were once the remit of academic institutions with significant research interests are now accessible to the majority with reduced cost, improved availability and concomitant dissemination of expertise. The trend towards subspecialization has continued in recent years, with a specialist’s career choice no longer limited to the pursuit of either a predominantly interventional or diagnostic role. The emergence of those with dedicated expertise in head and neck imaging, paediatric neuroradiology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-oncology and stroke is a development that is likely to continue and parallels that which is occur-ring in body imaging. The objectives of this chapter are to introduce the principal neuroradio-logical imaging modalities relevant to clinical practice, discuss what each offers and convey their respective limitations. Scenarios in which a given modality is particularly advantageous over others will be discussed as well as the circumstances that preclude the use of certain techniques. The list of modalities discussed is not intended to be exhaustive; the emphasis will be on those that are currently routinely available but novel developments and those currently limited to specialist centres func-tioning mainly as research tools will also be mentioned briefly. Keywords angiography; computerized tomography; Doppler ultrasound; magnetic resonance imaging; myelography; perfusion imaging; positron emission; radionuclide scanning Introduction Imaging modalities fall into one of two major categories: those that utilize ionizing radiation and those that rely instead upon some other physical characteristic of the tissue being interrogated in order to generate an image. The former group includes traditional radiographic techniques, such as plain film radiography, angiog-raphy and myelography, as well as the more recent developments of radionuclide scanning and computed tomography (CT). The latter subset includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound. MRI and CT are presently the modalities of choice in the evaluation of CNS pathology, with radiography, myelography and angiography generally regarded as second-line investiga-tions, reserved for cases when the former are precluded or as a prelude to therapeutic intervention. Despite being quick, rela-tively inexpensive and portable, ultrasound presently has a limited role in the evaluation of neurological disease on account of the osseous skull vault, which is relatively impervious to sound wave transmission. There are, however, a few defined indications where ultrasound provides invaluable adjunctive information. In recent years, increasing scrutiny has been placed on the judicious use of ionizing radiation in diagnostic studies. Well-publicized incidents in which patients received radiation doses from CT perfusion studies far in excess of those expected, with consequent deleterious outcomes, have made this issue front-page news in the medical press.1 Awareness and acknowledge-ment of the ALARA principle, which dictates that diagnostic studies utilize a radiation dose that is ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ has always constituted a fundamental component of radiology training. However, there has been progressive dissemination of this message to the medical community as a whole with the increasing expectation that tests be justified, optimized and dose-limited. As such, there is now ever-greater reliance on computerized post-processing techniques, which ensure that image quality is maintained in the face of the need to reduce radiation dose. The ‘image gently’ campaign,2 launched in the USA in 2008 by The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Paediatric Imaging, has sought to actively promote this message specifically in relation to imaging the child and to date has received over 12,000 pledges from medical practitioners. Computed tomography Since its inception in 1967 by the British engineer, Sir Godfrey Hounsfield, interest in CT has exploded with progressive refinements over the last four decades rendering the technique invaluable in the diagnosis of neurological disease. Even today, it remains the mainstay of imaging diagnosis in this field, not least on account of its availability and speed; modern-day multislice scanners, which can image multiple sites in the body simulta-neously, are able to achieve exceptionally short scanning times, facilitating the interrogation of ever smaller structures within a practicable time period, and negating the effects of motion. Indeed, the substantial evidence base that has recently been built around the diagnosis and management of patients with stroke owes a great deal to CT; its ready availability and rapid delivery of high-quality diagnostic images has been fundamental to the restructuring and centralization of stroke services, which has recently revolutionized the management of this condition. Technique Conventional radiographic techniques involve the bombardment of a subject with X-rays, produced by an X-ray tube. The image generated is a representation of the extent to which the component tissues constituting the subject prevent the X-rays from passing through, a property known as attenuation. The attenuation of Amit A Roy MBBS (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCS DOHNS FRCR is a Neuroradiology Fellow at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. Katherine Miszkiel BM (Hons) MRCP FRCR is a Consultant Neuroradiologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. MEDICINE 40:8 440 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 2. INVESTIGATIONS a material is inextricably linked to its density. In this way, a two-dimensional (2D) representation of a 3D structure is obtained. CT is a natural extension of this technique; the same under-pinning physical principles are coupled with powerful computer-processing power to culminate in a series of images, or slices, depicting the subject concerned. Central to the understanding of CT is the notion of ‘voxels’; these are volume elements analogous to pixels in two dimensions. Each voxel depicts a small piece of the patient being scanned and is assigned a unit of measurement, called the Hounsfield unit, based on its attenuation. The computer derives the average Hounsfield number of the voxel under consideration via the fixed points of reference, namely the values assigned for water (HU ¼ 0) and air (HU ¼ 1000).3 The image begins taking shape as the numerical values for each pixel are represented on a two-dimensional matrix by a shade of grey. Tissues of high inherent density are depicted as white (such as bone, calcification or intravenous contrast) whilst low-density materials such as air and fat appear black. Soft tissue is of intermediate density. It follows that this system allows for more than 2000 shades of grey to be depicted. However, the human eye is unable to differentiate between such subtle gradations potentially rendering a large part of this dataset wasted. The fundamental principle of ‘windowing’ circumvents this problem and allows the user to tailor the image by focussing on a narrow range of densities and disregarding all voxels with attenuation values outside a pre-defined range. This principle is fundamen-tally important in the interpretation of stroke imaging, as subtle differences in the attenuation of ischaemic brain compared with healthy tissue can be made conspicuous only through appro-priate manipulation of windowing. In recent years, the advent of multislice scanners has brought huge advantages both in terms of improving image quality and reducing scanning time. Present day scanners can assimilate up to 256 sequential slices through a patient in a single rotation, making imaging of the brain possible within a fraction of a second. The attendant benefits in limiting artefact from motion are huge. In addition, the speeds achievable are sufficient to image during the first pass of a contrast bolus, obviating the need for larger volumes that expose the patient to a potentially higher risk of nephrotoxicity. The ability to image faster and obtain thinner slices has also made the notion of ‘isotropic’ voxels a reality. An isotropic voxel is essentially a cube, dimensionally identical in all three planes. This feature facilitates true 3D imaging through the generation of multi-planar reformatted images that lose nothing in terms of resolution. This is a major advance from the previous generations of CT scanners, which could achieve this feat of high-resolution non-axial imaging only by physically altering their gantry. Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) CT of the brain is a rapid and powerful diagnostic tool with proven benefit in both the acute and non-acute settings. However, its efficacy can be improved in a number of scenarios through the coupling of imaging with the administration of intravenous contrast media. Contrast agents used in CT imaging are water-soluble iodine macromolecules, either in ionic or non-ionic forms. The latter represent a more recent development, generally being the agents of choice today. Fewer associated adverse effects are seen than when using ionic agents and this is thought to result from a reduced propensity to dissociate into component molecules. Although modern contrast agents are safe, adverse effects do occur and include idiosyncratic reactions, anaphylaxis, drug interactions and contrast-induced nephropathy. The rare but real potential for anaphylactic reactions dictates that resuscitation facilities are available wherever contrast-enhanced scanning is being performed. Contrast-induced nephropathy is another feared complication, accounting for 12% of cases of hospital-acquired renal failure4; however, it is extremely unlikely in the absence of recognized risk factors, such as pre-existing renal impairment and severe diabetes.5 The choice of contrast agent in the scenario of a patient deemed at high risk of nephropathy has been the subject of much debate but current advice is that low-osmolality, non-ionic media are safest. The utility of contrast-enhanced imaging is in highlighting areas where the bloodebrain barrier has lost its normal integrity, as occurs in a number of infective, inflammatory and neoplastic conditions. When an area of tissue takes up contrast, its density (and thus the Hounsfield units ascribed to the voxels that depict that area) also increases. As a consequence, the area of tissue concerned appears brighter, a phenomenon termed enhance-ment. The enhancement patterns of certain lesions are predict-able and reproducible, thereby aiding differential diagnosis (Figures 1e3). As an adjunct to standard post-contrast imaging, a number of other techniques utilizing intravascular contrast delivery have evolved, simply by adjusting the timing of scanning relative to the time of peripheral venous injection. CT angiography (CTA) and venography (CTV) provide powerful non-invasive means by which the vessels supplying and draining the central and periph-eral nervous systems can be interrogated (Figures 4 and 5). Indeed, CTA is often the primary investigation performed in establishing the aetiology of subarachnoid haemorrhage, with catheter angiography relegated to situations in which therapeutic intervention is likely to ensue. The quality and speed with which CTA can now be performed has also rendered it invaluable in the assessment of stroke; it currently forms part of the initial imaging protocol, such that patients can now undergo comprehensive imaging of the brain and vasculature within minutes of arriving through the emergency department’s door. This owes a great deal to the advent of multislice scanners and powerful software programs, which effortlessly reconstruct the datasets obtained into formats that are most conducive to rapid diagnosis. So-called ‘stealth’ or stereotactic CT scanning is another relatively recent development. This permits pre-operative diag-nostic imaging to be loaded into a system located in the operating theatre, which translates the dataset into precise three-dimensional images, thereby aiding surgical mapping and facil-itating the safest and least invasive path to a lesion. CT myelography combines the potential for high-quality multi-planar reformatted imaging with the instillation of iodine-based contrast media into the intrathecal space. The resulting images enable excellent visualization of the terminal spinal cord and caudal nerve roots. Conventional myelography, in which plain radiography follows the instillation of contrast, is now essentially defunct. CT cisternography employs a similar prin-ciple and can be employed to visualize the CSF spaces around the brainstem and thus the anatomy of the lower cranial nerves. MRI MEDICINE 40:8 441 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 3. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 1 This 34-year-old woman had disseminated tuberculosis (TB) and multiple neurological signs and symptoms including headache, weakness and lower cranial nerve palsies. (a and b) Coronal and axial post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images demonstrating obstructive hydro-cephalus, multiple ring-enhancing tuberculomas (arrows) and prominent basal meningeal enhancement. (c) Sagittal post-contrast T1-weighted image of the cervical spine demonstrates diffuse meningeal enhancement. Prominent enhancement involving the ventral surfaces of the pons and medulla oblongata is particularly noteworthy (arrow). (d) Axial T2-weighted MR image through the thorax at the level of the upper mediastinum reveals multifocal patchy pulmonary changes in keeping with active TB. Figure 2 This 54-year-old woman presented with gradually progressive bony swelling involving the left side of her face. (a) Axial unenhanced CT on bony windows demonstrates gross bony expansion, sclerosis and deformity involving the left fronto-temporal region. (b and c) Axial T2-weighted and stealth protocol post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance images show bony sclerosis and expansion, widening of the diploic space, subjacent dural thickening and enhancement and normal intra-cranial appearances. The features are those of a predominantly intra-osseous meningioma. MEDICINE 40:8 442 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 4. Figure 3 This 74-year-old man presented with rapidly progressive left sided weakness and clumsiness. (a and b) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images demonstrate thickening and signal abnormality in relation to the splenium of the corpus callosum (arrow) with further multifocal areas of parenchymal hyperintensity involving the parieto-occipital regions bilaterally. (c and d) Multiple peripherally enhancing lesions on both sides of the midline with involvement of the corpus callosum. The features are in keeping with multifocal high-grade glioma (glioblastoma multiforme). would now be more appropriate than either of these modalities in the first instance, but they are invaluable adjuncts when MRI is precluded. CT perfusion is another relatively novel technique made possible by the advent of faster scanning times. It is of particular relevance in the field of stroke imaging as it permits the rate of contrast uptake by defined areas of neuroparenchyma to be quantified. The process culminates in graphical representations of cerebral blood flow, blood volume and transit time from which the distributions of infarcted tissue and potentially salvageable ischaemic parenchyma can be derived.6 Although undoubtedly efficacious, the technique remains principally a research tool, limited to centres with experience and relevant expertise. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI is currently the modality of choice in the investigation of neurological disease. It provides the greatest soft tissue resolution among the techniques presently available and does not utilize ionizing radiation, rendering it safe in the vast majority of scenarios. Since its inception in the 1970s, interest in the technique has exploded, with progressive refinements and the addition of novel sequences occurring in parallel with concomitant advancements in CT. The two modalities are frequently utilized in a complementary fashion, as there are many circumstances in which the ready availability and scanning speed of CT render it the more appropriate option. Technique and principles7 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the fundamental principle upon which MRI is based, was discovered as early as the 1930s. However, it was not until Bloch and Purcell realized its signifi-cance that NMR spectroscopy was born, their work culminating in the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1952. The exten-sion of NMR to a medical imaging technique did not occur until INVESTIGATIONS MEDICINE 40:8 443 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 5. INVESTIGATIONS 1973. Since this time, fervent research and development have brought about huge advances and refinements to the technique, elevating MRI to the status of current gold standard in imaging technology. NMR is based on the observation that isotopes with an odd number of protons and neutrons demonstrate an intrinsic magnetic moment and can thus be induced to resonate when placed within a powerful magnetic field. The functional unit in clinical MRI is the hydrogen nucleus, or proton, which is abun-dant within organic tissue and behaves like a magnetic dipole when placed within an electromagnetic field. During an MRI scan, energy at a specific frequency is transmitted into the body as radio waves, causing the abundant protons to resonate and align against the magnetic field; when the radio wave then ceases, the protons realign with the original magnetic field and return energy in the form of further radio waves that constitute the MR signal. This signal is progressively amplified and undergoes numerous computer-processing steps to derive the MR image. Fundamental to the interpretation of MRI is the appreci-ation that different body tissues comprise hydrogen atoms in differing quantities and in varying molecular environments; the nature of the resulting image thus reflects both the abundance of hydrogen atoms and their chemical surroundings. Basic sequences The characteristics of the image obtained can be altered by manipulating the magnitude and direction of the applied radio-frequency pulses with pre-defined protocols termed sequences. The so-called T1 and T2 relaxation times are the fundamental parameters measured by all scanners, giving rise to T1- and T2- weighted images respectively, the basic sequences central to MRI. T1-weighted images provide excellent anatomical resolution. Free water molecules (such as those within circulating CSF) appear of low signal (dark) whilst proteinaceous fluid and melanin appear brighter than surrounding brain. Subacute Figure 4 This 64-year-old woman presented with sudden onset of right-sided weakness. (aeh) Acute stroke protocol CT/CTA on admission and MRI per-formed 24 hours later. (a) Axial unenhanced CT. No discernible hypodensity is seen in the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory and the cortical insular ribbon appears intact. (b) Axial unenhanced CT. There is a short segment of hyperdensity within the Sylvian (M2) branch of the left MCA in keeping with intraluminal thrombus (arrow). (c) Axial CT angiographic (CTA) image at the level of the pterygoid plates. There is no contrast opacification within the left internal carotid artery (ICA) just distal to the carotid bifurcation (arrow). (d) Axial T2-weighted MR image. Subtle signal hyperintensity is seen within the left insular cortex (arrow). (e) Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MR image. The conspicuity of parenchymal changes in the left insular region is improved by nullifying the signal from adjacent CSF (arrow). (f ) Diffusion-weighted image (DWI): signal hyperintensity is demonstrated involving both grey and white matter within the left MCA territory. (g) Corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) image: signal hypointensity within the left insular, temporal and parietal lobes is indicative of restricted diffusion and thus acute infarction. (h) Axial gradient-echo T2* image demonstrates intraluminal thrombus within the left M2 segment corresponding to that seen on the admission unenhanced CT (arrow). (iek) MR angiography (MRA) and fat-suppressed imaging through the neck. (i) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) MRA images, antero-posterior (AP) projection. There is abrupt cut-off involving the left ICA just distal to the origin (black arrow). However, there is reconstitution of the terminal ICA via a persistent trigeminal artery (white arrow). A persistent trigeminal artery is an example of an arterial communication between the carotid and vertebro-basilar systems, which are present within the fetal circulation but normally involutes in adulthood. (j) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image at the level of the proximal ICAs demonstrates loss of the normal flow void on the left with signal hyperintensity in keeping with intraluminal thrombus. (k) Right anterior-oblique (RAO) MIP MRA image. MEDICINE 40:8 444 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 6. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 4 (continued) haemorrhage also appears bright due to the paramagnetic char-acteristics of iron within methaemoglobin, giving rise to so-called ‘T1-shortening’. T1 images are also employed to demonstrate contrast enhancement, which occurs with gadolinium-based agents whose intrinsic ability to alter the magnetic properties of blood is responsible for signal augmentation. The indications for performing contrast-enhanced studies are analogous to those in CT imaging. T2-weighted images are superior in delineating abnormal tissues such as those harbouring infection, inflammation and neoplastic disease. T2* images are optimized to assess the effects of molecules with magnetic properties on surrounding tissues. The iron con-tained within haemoglobin is the commonest example and demonstrates paramagnetic effects following haemorrhage, which alter the local magnetic field within its vicinity (Figures 4 and 6). Scanning protocols Typically, a routine brain scan comprises several sequences including not only the above but also those tailored to the specific indication. It is conventional to include all three orthogonal planes (axial, coronal, sagittal), although any plane of imaging is theoretically possible, unlike CT. Spinal scanning typically includes sagittal imaging and selected axial slices through any regions of interest. There are a number of additional sequences that are particu-larly advantageous in certain scenarios. For example, those that suppress CSF-signal can be invaluable in visualizing the peri-ventricular lesions that characterize multiple sclerosis by greatly improving their conspicuity. FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) is such a sequence that has also proved to be valuable in monitoring tumour follow-up. Fat-suppressed sequences such as STIR (short-tau inverse recovery) are images created with T2-weighting but with suppression of signal generated by fat. This improves conspicuity of entities such as oedema, where the high signal of fat may obscure the boundaries of a pathological process. Fat-suppressed axial imaging through the neck is frequently employed in vascular dissection protocols, where the perceptibility of intra-mural haematoma is improved. High spatial resolution tech-niques such as CISS (constructive interference in steady state) provide exquisitely detailed images of inner ear anatomy and the lower cranial nerves, facilitating detection of even small cerebello-pontine angle lesions, for example, without the use of intravenous contrast. Establishing evidence of vascular contact in suspected cases of trigeminal neuralgia or hemi-facial spasm are further applications. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) utilizes the principle that the signals generated by protons in water molecules differ depending upon whether free diffusion is occurring; when Brownian motion is not permitted due to pathological processes, a differential MR signal is generated, which may be ‘mapped’. In normal tissues or those in which vasogenic oedema occurs, random Brownian motion of water molecules is not limited and thus no diffusion restriction is seen. In tissues with a tight degree of cellular packing or those in which cytotoxic oedema occurs, MEDICINE 40:8 445 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 7. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 5 This 28-year-old woman presented with a history of headaches followed by progressive cerebral obtundation. There was a preceding history of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (a) Axial CT venogram (CTV) image at the vertex demonstrates irregular filling defects within the superior sagittal sinus (arrows) with segments of non-opacification of the visualized cortical veins. The features are highly suggestive of sagittal sinus and cortical vein thrombosis. (b) More inferiorly, a discrete filling defect is visible within the superior sagittal sinus e the ‘empty delta sign’ (black arrow). The superior sagittal sinus is also expanded and hyperdense, suggestive of acute thrombosis. Scattered foci of para-sagittal parenchymal haemorrhage are also visible (white arrows). (c) CTV midline sagittal maximum intensity projection image further demonstrates multiple filling defects within the superior sagittal sinus (arrow). (d) Antero-posterior digital subtraction angiography (DSA) image depicting filling defects within the right transverse sinus and superior sagittal sinus (arrows). A catheter has been placed within the right transverse sinus during attempted mechanical thrombectomy. restricted diffusion occurs and manifests as decreased signal on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping. DWI has revolutionized the diagnosis of stroke, demon-strating unequivocal changes within minutes of infarction, far earlier than abnormalities are detectable on CT (Figure 4). Changes classically persist for up to 3 weeks, which can be useful in distinguishing acute from chronic phenomena. Restricted diffusion is also a feature of cerebral abscesses, prion diseases such as CJD8 and certain neoplastic lesions including lymphomas and high-grade gliomas (Figure 7). Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) differs from the equivalent CT technique in that it is possible non-invasively to depict the vasculature without the need for contrast media. This is based on the principle that protons within flowing blood return signals distinct from those within static tissue. Post-processing steps are able to extract these differences to create so-called ‘time-of-flight’ angiographic images (Figure 4). Selective depiction of the arterial or venous tree is possible. However, contrast-enhanced MRA (CEMRA) is increasingly being performed for the diagnosis and follow-up of aneurysms and other vascular malformations on account of its improved resolution. MR spectroscopy remains mostly the remit of research despite early promise. Its basis lies in the ability of the MR signal to provide quantitative information regarding chemical composi-tion. Although the technique may be advantageous in certain defined situations, such as the differentiation of recurrent neoplasm from treatment-related change, and the assessment and monitoring of the leukodystrophies,9 it has largely failed to make a significant impact on routine clinical practice. Novel developments and future directions The intense research activity focused on MRI over the last four decades shows no signs of diminishing with numerous advances and technical refinements steadily adding to what is already available in the world of clinical practice. MEDICINE 40:8 446 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 8. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 6 This 66-year-old man had a history of previous head trauma and hypertension. (a) Axial unenhanced CT demonstrates a probable mature infarct in the right occipital pole (white arrow) with likely gliotic change from trauma within the right inferior frontal lobe (black arrow). No obvious focus of haemorrhage is seen. (bee) Phase, magnitude, maximum intensity projection and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) images from the SWI protocol demonstrate innumerable peripherally located microhaemorrhagic foci, lobar haemorrhage within the right frontal lobe and superficial haemosiderosis. These features are seen typically in cerebral amyloid angiopathy. (f ) Gradient-echo T2* image fails to demonstrate a number of the microbleeds seen on the SWI, highlighting the improved sensitivity of this novel technique. Presently, the majority of scanners in diagnostic use operate at field strengths of 1.5 T (tesla). 3 T scanners are now relatively commonplace but, despite definite advantages in terms of signal-to- noise ratio, commensurate improvements in resolution are not always apparent. In the research setting, higher field strength magnets at up to 11 T are achievable, but legitimate safety concerns and technical hurdles need addressing before such equipment is used for clinical purposes. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a novel development in which both the magnitude and direction of diffusion within cerebral white matter can be inferred and graphically repre-sented, culminating in the generation of elegant tractographic colour maps. Though principally a research tool confined to centres with specific expertise, information such as this may be fundamentally important to surgical planning in the future.10 Perfusion MRI, analogous in principle to the equivalent CT method, entails scanning immediately and then sequentially after injection of intravenous contrast. This technique has been coupled with DWI in order to cross-reference areas of reduced perfusion with corresponding restricted diffusion; in this manner, potentially salvageable ischaemic parenchyma may be identified. Perfusion MRI may also have a role in the discrimination of tumour recur-rence from radiation necrosis and the predicting of malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas through the detection of increases in cerebral blood volume over time. Other examples of functional MRI include techniques in which dynamic scanning can demonstrate areas of parenchyma intimately involved in speech, through the depiction of increased activity. In the past, such tech-niques have principally been research-oriented, but they are grad-ually entering the realm of routine clinical practice as information such as this may be invaluable to surgical planning. Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is a novel MRI tech-nique that is exquisitely sensitive to haemorrhage.11 Potential clinical applications include the assessment of trauma, stroke, malignancy and dementia (Figures 6 and 8). ‘Stealth’ and interventional MRI follow similar principles to the analogous CT techniques; they not only facilitate surgical mapping of lesions but also provide the means for real-time imaging feedback intra-operatively. Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of CT and MRI in neuroimaging. Box 1 lists some of the more common contraindications and cautions associated with MRI. Angiography and interventional neuroradiology Intra-arterial cerebral angiography is usually achieved via selec-tive catheterization of the carotid or vertebral arteries under fluoroscopic guidance following percutaneous femoral or MEDICINE 40:8 447 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 9. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 7 This 33-year-old man presented with rapidly progressive dementia. (a) Axial T2-weighted image at the level of the basal ganglia demonstrates bilateral subtle signal hyperintensity involving the caudate and lentiform nuclei and thalami. (b) Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image demonstrates subtle cortically based signal hyperintensity involving the para-sagittal frontal lobes and peri-rolandic regions (arrows). (c and d) Axial diffusion-weighted image (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map respectively: hyperintense change is seen within the basal ganglia and thalami bilaterally with corresponding hypointensity on ADC; the appearances thus signify diffusion restriction. These are hallmark changes seen in CreutzfeldteJakob disease (CJD). brachial artery puncture. Iodinated contrast medium is injected rapidly through the catheter and sequential radiographic expo-sures delineate the passage of the bolus through progressive vascular phases. A digital subtraction technique removes bone and other obscuring soft tissues, leading to a series of post-injection images optimized to demonstrate the vascular anatomy at multiple phases. Since the inception of this technique some 80 years ago, numerous technological refinements involving every step have occurred, including the engineering of the catheters, the safety of the contrast media and the sophisti-cation of the fluoroscopic and image post-processing elements. Powerful software applications are now able to transform the dataset such that exquisite 3D representations of the most complex vascular anatomy are possible, affording the operator almost limitless potential to manipulate the images as desired. Despite meticulous technique there remains the small but significant risk of stroke through inadvertent arterial damage or introduction of embolic foci. For this reason, catheter MEDICINE 40:8 448 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 10. Figure 8 This 48-year-old woman presented with multiple transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs), dementia and progressive pseudobulbar palsy. (a) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image depicts bilateral peri-ventricular and external capsular signal abnormality with a subcortical infarct in the left parietal lobe (black arrow). (b) Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image demonstrating the same features. (c and d) Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) reveals multiple punctuate foci of signal hypointensity within the corpora striata, thalami and posterior fossa in keeping with microhaemorrhages. This patient was suspected of suffering from CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy). angiography has largely been superseded by CTA or MRA, unless the intention is to proceed with therapeutic intervention. The burgeoning field of interventional neuroradiology has arguably experienced the greatest advancement in recent times, and owes a great deal to the huge technological stridesmade within both the imaging and engineering sciences. Many conditions for which surgery was the only feasible treatment 10e15 years ago can now be treated successfully via a minimally invasive interventional approach with significant improvements in morbidity and mortality. The range of therapeutic options is constantly evolving and presently includes the exclusion of intra-cerebral aneurysms through the delivery of endovascular platinum coils, the emboli-zation of arteriovenous malformations and the treatment of cere-bral vasospasm (Figures 5 and 9). The advent of flow-diverting stents for aneurysms previously deemed untreatable is another noteworthy advance. However, advancements in the field of stroke treatment have been partic-ularly exciting and so far-reaching as to prompt radical INVESTIGATIONS MEDICINE 40:8 449 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 11. Advantages and disadvantages of CT and MRI in neuroimaging Imaging modality Advantages Disadvantages CT C Quicker scanning times restructuring of stroke service provision; the potential to deliver thrombolytic agents directly to the site of blockage and deploy mechanical thrombectomy devices directly to the site of occlu-sion represents a huge change in the manner in which this devastating condition is managed. Needless to say, rapid and accurate diagnosis is a prerequisite; in this way, concomitant advances in diagnostic CT and CTA have been equally contributory. Plain radiography Plain radiographic techniques in neuroimaging have largely been superseded by technically superior cross-sectional modalities. Other than as part of a general skeletal survey, skull radiography is now scarcely performed. Although spinal films are commonly undertaken as part of follow-up after surgery, their role in initial diagnosis is limited. Plain myelography is now largely defunct, replaced by lumbo-sacral MRI as the modality of choice in the investigation of lower spinal pathology. In situations where MRI is precluded, the myelographic technique is now combined with CT to produce multi-planar images with superior diagnostic potential. Ultrasound Although the osseous skull vault is relatively impervious to sound wave transmission, a number of defined indications exist in which ultrasound is particularly favourable, given the absence of ionizing radiation and its portability, low cost and real-time feedback potential. Cervical Doppler (or duplex) has represented a key modality in the evaluation of occlusive arterial disease within the neck since the inception of ultrasound as a medical diagnostic tech-nique. It represents a fast, portable, non-invasive and safe alternative to intra-arterial angiography, which is now rarely performed for this indication. The superimposition of Doppler colour flow and velocity waveforms onto standard B-mode sonographic imaging permits not only visualization of the stenotic plaque and its anatomical composition but also quanti-fication of velocity and pressure gradients. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a more recent development. It utilizes the principle that velocity measurements within the major intra-cranial arteries are achievable via duplex ultrasound performed through thinner bony landmarks such as the temporal region or through the orbits. Recognized applications include the assessment of intra-cranial stenosis, subarachnoid haemorrhage (and potential associated vasospastic complications) and the confirmation of brain death. Future developments may include implantable devices linked to therapeutic drug delivery systems, which may provide a means not only to detect stroke at the earliest possible opportunity but also, potentially, to initiate antithrombotic therapy. Neonatal transcranial ultrasound is the most frequently per-formed neuroimaging investigation in this age group, making use Contraindications and cautions with MRI e metallic objects or implants C Pacemaker C Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) C Aneurysm clips C Coronary stents (some types) C Metallic foreign bodies, particularly in or near the eye C Metal implant, e.g. orthopaedic prosthesis C Shrapnel or bullet wounds C Neurostimulator C Implanted drug infusion device C Dentures/teeth with magnetic components Box 1 C Patient more accessible thus preferential in critically ill or trauma patients C Currently more sensitive in the assessment of intra-cranial calcification, acute haemorrhage and bony disease C Improvements in 3D scanning with conse-quent improvements in CT angiography C Radiation dose, particularly important in repeated scanning C Inferior soft tissue contrast compared with MRI C Streak artefact from metallic implants degrades image quality MRI C No radiation burden C Superior sensitivity in detecting CNS pathology C Ability to image in any plane without need for reformatting C Optimal soft tissue contrast C Lengthy scanning time C Requirements for general anaesthetic or sedation in certain non-compliant groups C Metallic foreign bodies contraindicated (including medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and neurostimulators) C First trimester of pregnancy is a relative contraindication Table 1 INVESTIGATIONS MEDICINE 40:8 450 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 12. INVESTIGATIONS Figure 9 This 26-year-old woman presented with proptosis of the left globe and associated pulsatile swelling. (a and b) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans depict gross proptosis of the left globe with a large curvilear flow void within the superior left orbit (arrow). (c) Lateral digital subtraction angiography image following contrast injection via the left internal carotid artery (ICA) in the arterial phase. A prominent anteriorly directed vessel (arrow) corresponding to that seen on the MRI opacifies via the cavernous carotid segment; the abnormal vessel is a distended left superior ophthalmic vein and an underlying arteriovenous fistula is responsible. (d) Angiographic image following direct cannulation of the left superior ophthalmic vein and instillation of embolic material at the origin of the fistula (arrow). Contrast injection via a catheter in the left ICA results in no discernible flow through the previous fistulous communication. of the natural acoustic windows of the fontanelles. Its utility lies principally in the bedside nature of the study, which makes its deployment on the intensive care unit ideal. Modern-day scan-ners may facilitate exquisitely detailed visualization of the superficial neuroparenchyma. However, the technique is heavily operator-dependent and its success relies wholly on the patency and calibre of the fontanelles, which begin closing after 10 months or so. Limited visualization of the posterior fossa struc-tures is a further limitation. Common indications include the assessment of germinal matrix haemorrhage with its associated deleterious sequelae. Radionuclide imaging In radionuclide imaging, a radiopharmaceutical (comprising a tracer molecule coupled to a radioactive isotope) is adminis-tered to the patient and imaging ensues following an appropriate time interval, during which redistribution of tracer occurs. It is an example of functional imaging; biological processes such as blood flow and metabolic activity can be inferred from the distribution of tracer on the resulting image. Examples of commonly used radionuclide techniques include FDG-PET (fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography) and HMPAO SPECT (hexamethypropyleneamine oxime single photon emission computed tomography), the former enabling assess-ment of cerebral metabolism and the latter depicting blood flow. Common indications include the investigation of epilepsy and dementia. In the former, areas of increased blood flow on the ictal SPECT have been shown to correlate well with epileptogenic foci. The evaluation of malignancy formerly constituted an important indication for radionuclide scanning. The advent of improved MRI and CT technology has all but obviated the need to perform such tests in these cases, but FDG-PET may still play a role in differentiating recurrent malignancy from post-treatment change, a feat that has proved difficult with even the highest quality anatomical imaging available. MEDICINE 40:8 451 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 13. INVESTIGATIONS Conclusion Neuroradiology is a burgeoning field and one in which signifi-cant recent technical advancements have occurred. It is rapidly expanding in terms of manpower, expertise and resources such that prompt access to the highest quality imaging is available to all. Lengthy hospital admissions for diagnostic tests are no longer a major factor and the emergence of interventional neuroradiology is a development which has brought exciting novel treatments to the fore and promises much for the near future. A REFERENCES 1 Safety Investigation of CT Brain Perfusion Scans: Initial Notification. ucm185898.htm. Date Issued: October 8, 2009. 2 Goske MJ, Applegate KE, Bulas D, et al. Alliance for radiation safety in pediatric imaging. Image gently: progress and challenges in CT education and advocacy. Pediatr Radiol 2011; 41(suppl 2): 461e6. 3 Dendy PP, Heaton B. Tomographic imaging. In: Dendy PP, Heaton B, eds. Physics for diagnostic radiology. 2nd edn. London, UK: Taylor and Francis Group, 1999; 249e276. 4 Nash K, Hafeez A, Hou S. Hospital-acquired renal insufficiency. Am J Kidney Dis 2002; 39: 930e6. 5 Pannu N, Wiebe N, Tonelli M. Prophylaxis strategies for contrast-induced nephropathy. J Am Med Assoc 2006; 295: 2765e79. 6 Leiva-Salinas C, Provenzale JM, Wintermark M. Responses to the 10 most frequently asked questions about perfusion CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011; 196: 53e60. 7 Dendy PP, Heaton B. Magnetic resonance imaging. In: Dendy PP, Heaton B, eds. Physics for diagnostic radiology. 2nd edn. London, UK: Taylor and Francis Group, 1999; 378e406. 8 Vitali P, Maccagnano E, Caverzasi E, et al. Diffusion-weighted MRI hyperintensity patterns differentiate CJD from other rapid dementias. Neurol 2011; 76: 1711e9. 9 Saneto RP, Friedman SD, Shaw DW. Neuroimaging of mitochondrial disease. Mitochondrion 2008; 8: 396e413. 10 O’Donnell LJ, Westin CF. An introduction to diffusion tensor image analysis. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2011; 22: 185e96. viii. 11 Ong BC, Stuckey SL. Susceptibility weighted imaging: a pictorial review. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol 2010; 54: 435e49. MEDICINE 40:8 452 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.