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National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

                           Network Structure Routing Protocols in WSN
                                  Jain Pratik P1, Manjunath CR2 , DrNagaraj GS3
                       1          nd
                       MTech 2 Sem, SET, JAIN University,
                      Asst Prof, Dept of CSE, SET, JAIN University,
                                           professor, Dept of CSE, RVCE

ABSTRACT- Routing protocols are in charge of               play different roles in the network. In location-
discovering and maintaining the routes in the              based routing, sensor nodes' positions are exploited
network. This paper presents a review of the main          to route data in the network [2]. A routing protocol
routing protocols proposed for Network Structure in        is considered adaptive if certain system parameters
WSN. Based on the study, they are classified into
                                                           can be controlled in order to adapt to the current
three categories: SPIN & Directed Diffusion in Flat-
based, LEACH, PEGASIS & SOP in Hierarchical-               network conditions and available energy levels.
based, SPAN & GOFAR in Location-based, which               Another class of routing protocols is called the
underlying Network Structure.                              cooperative routing protocols. In cooperative
                                                           routing, nodes send data to a central node where
Keywords- Wireless Sensor Network, Routing                 data can be aggregated and may be subject to
Protocols: Flat-based, Hierarchical-based, Location-       further processing, hence reducing route cost in
based.                                                     terms of energy use [2].
   I.    INTRODUCTION                                        II.    Flat-based Routing Protocols
          Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are                         The first category of routing protocol is
intended for monitoring an environment. The main           the multi-hop flat routing protocols. In flat
task of a wireless sensor node is to sense and             networks, each node typically plays the same role
collect data from a certain domain, process them           and sensor nodes collaborate together to perform
and transmit it to the sink where the application          the sensing task. Due to the large number of such
lies. Areas of applications are like, physical             nodes, it is not feasible to assign a global identifier
parameters (e.g., humidity, temperature, light, etc.),     to each node. This consideration has led to data
to safety and security-oriented (intrusion detection,      centric routing, where the BS sends queries to
natural disaster detection, etc.), to monitor soldiers     certain regions and waits for data from the sensors
in the battle field (military applications), patients in   located in the selected regions. Since data is being
nursing institutes (e-health applications), fire           requested through queries, attribute-based naming
brigades       and     policemen       (security/safety    is necessary to specify the properties of data. Early
applications) [1, 6].                                      works on data centric routing, e.g., SPIN and
          The use of potentially unique identifier         directed diffusion were shown to save energy
such as the MAC (Medium Access Control)                    through data negotiation and elimination of
address or the GPS coordinates is not                      redundant data.
recommended as it forces a significant payload in
the messages. However, this drawback is easily
overcome in wireless sensor networks since an IP
address is not required to identify the destination
node of a specific packet. In fact, attribute-based
addressing fits better with the specificities of
wireless sensor networks. In this case, an attribute
such as node location and sensor type is used to
identify the final destination. Once nodes are
identified, routing protocols are in charge of
constructing and maintaining routes between
distant nodes. The different ways in which routing
protocols operate make them appropriate for
certain applications [6].
                                                                     Figure1: Routing Protocols in WSN
          In general, network structure routing in
WSNs can be divided into flat-based routing,
hierarchical-based routing, and location-based
                                                                    Sensor Protocols for Information via
routing depending on the envirnoment.
                                                           Negotiation (SPIN) that enables a user to query any
          In flat-based routing, all nodes are
                                                           node and get the required information immediately.
typically assigned equal roles or functionality. In
                                                           These protocols make use of the property that
hierarchical-based routing, however, nodes will
                                                           nodes in close proximity have similar data, and

National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

hence there is a need to only distribute the data that    SPIN-RL: When a channel is lossy, a protocol
other nodes do not posses. The SPIN family of             called SPIN-RL is used where adjustments are
protocols uses data negotiation and resource-             added to the SPIN-PP protocol to account for the
adaptive algorithms. Nodes running SPIN assign a          lossy channel.
high-level name to completely describe their              Advantages: Topological changes are localized
collected data (called meta-data) and perform meta-       since each node needs to know only its single-hop
data negotiations before any data is transmitted.         neighbors. SPIN provides much energy savings
This assures that there is no redundant data sent         than flooding and meta-data negotiation almost
throughout the network. The semantics of the meta         halves the redundant data. However, SPINs data
data format is application-specific and is not            advertisement mechanism cannot guarantee the
specified in SPIN. For example, sensors might use         delivery of data. To see this, consider the
their unique IDs to report meta-data if they cover a      application of intrusion detection where data
certain known region. In addition, SPIN has access        should be reliably reported over periodic intervals
to the current energy level of the node and adapts        and assume that nodes interested in the data are
the protocol it is running based on how much              located far away from the source node and the
energy is remaining. These protocols work in a            nodes between source and destination nodes are not
time-driven fashion and distribute the information        interested in that data, such data will not be
all over the network, even when a user does not           delivered to the destination at all [2].
request any data. The SPIN family is designed to
address the deficiencies of classic flooding by           Directed Diffusion:
negotiation and resource adaptation. The SPIN                       Directed diffusion is a data-centric (DC)
family of protocols is designed based on two basic        and application-aware paradigm in the sense that
ideas:                                                    all data generated by sensor nodes is named by
      1) Sensor nodes operate more efficiently and        attribute-value pairs. The main idea of the DC
conserve energy by sending data that describe the         paradigm is to combine the data coming from
sensor data instead of sending all the data; for          different sources enroute (in-network aggregation)
example, image and sensor nodes must monitor the          by eliminating redundancy, minimizing the number
changes in their energy resources.                        of transmissions; thus saving network energy and
      2) Conventional protocols like flooding or          prolonging its lifetime. Unlike traditional end-to-
gossiping based routing protocols waste energy and        end routing, DC routing finds routes from multiple
bandwidth when sending extra and un-necessary             sources to a single destination that allows in-
copies of data by sensors covering overlapping            network consolidation of redundant data.
areas. The drawbacks of flooding include                            In directed diffusion, sensors measure
implosion, which is caused by duplicate messages          events and create gradients of information in their
sent to the same node, overlap when two nodes             respective neighborhoods. The base station
sensing the same region will send similar packets         requests data by broadcasting interests. Interest
to the same neighbor and resource blindness by            describes a task required to be done by the
consuming large amounts of energy without                 network. Interest diffuses through the network hop-
consideration for the energy constraints.                 by-hop, and is broad-cast by each node to its
          SPIN is a 3-stage protocol as sensor nodes      neighbors. As the interest is propagated throughout
use three types of messages ADV, REQ and DATA             the network, gradients are setup to draw data
to communicate. ADV is used to advertise new              satisfying the query towards the requesting node,
data, REQ to request data, and DATA is the actual         i.e., a BS may query for data by disseminating
message itself. The protocol starts when a SPIN           interests and intermediate nodes propagate these
node obtains new data that it is willing to share. It     interests. Each sensor that receives the interest
does so by broadcasting an ADV message                    setup a gradient toward the sensor nodes from
containing meta-data. If a neighbor is interested in      which it receives the interest. This process
the data, it sends a REQ message for the DATA             continues until gradients are setup from the sources
and the DATA is sent to this neighbor node. The           back to the BS. More generally, a gradient specifies
neighbor sensor node then repeats this process with       an attribute value and a direction. The strength of
its neighbors. As a result, the entire sensor area will   the gradient may be different towards different
receive a copy of the data.                               neighbors resulting in different amounts of
          The SPIN family of protocols includes           information flow. At this stage, loops are not
many protocols.                                           checked, but are removed at a later stage. Figure2
SPIN-BC: This protocol is designed for broadcast          shows an example of the working of directed
channels.                                                 diffusion ((a) sending interests, (b) building
SPIN-PP: This protocol is designed for a point to         gradients, and (c) data dissemination). When
point communication, i.e., hop-by-hop routing.            interests fit gradients, paths of information flow are
SPIN-EC: This protocol works similar to SPIN-             formed from multiple paths and then the best paths
PP, but with an energy heuristic added to it.             are reinforced so as to prevent further flooding

National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

according to a local rule. In order to reduce         known techniques with special advantages related
communication costs, data is aggregated on the        to scalability and efficient communication. As
way. The goal is to find a good aggregation tree      such, the concept of hierarchical routing is also
which gets the data from source nodes to the BS.      utilized to perform energy-efficient routing in
The BS periodically refreshes and re-sends the        WSNs. In a hierarchical architecture, higher energy
interest when it starts to receive data from the      nodes can be used to process and send the
source(s). This is necessary because interests are    information while low energy nodes can be used to
not reliably transmitted throughout the network.      perform the sensing in the proximity of the target.
                                                      This means that creation of clusters and assigning
                                                      special tasks to cluster heads can greatly contribute
                                                      to overall system scalability, lifetime, and energy
                                                      efficiency. Hierarchical routing is an efficient way
                                                      to lower energy consumption within a cluster and
                                                      by performing data aggregation and fusion in order
                                                      to decrease the number of transmitted messages to
                                                      the BS. Hierarchical routing is mainly two-layer
                                                      routing where one layer is used to select cluster
                                                      heads and the other layer is used for routing.

                                                      LEACH protocol:
                                                                Low      Energy    Adaptive    Clustering
                                                      Hierarchy (LEACH) is a cluster-based protocol,
                                                      which includes distributed cluster formation.
                                                      LEACH, randomly selects a few sensor nodes as
                                                      cluster-heads (CHs) and rotate this role to evenly
                                                      distribute the energy load among the sensors in the
                                                      network. In LEACH, the cluster-head (CH) nodes
                                                      compress data arriving from nodes that belong to
                                                      the respective cluster, and send an aggregated
                                                      packet to the base station in order to reduce the
                                                      amount of information that must be transmitted to
                                                      the base station. LEACH uses a TDMA/CDMA
                                                      MAC to reduce inter-cluster and intra-cluster
                                                      collisions. However, data collection is centralized
                                                      and is performed periodically. Therefore, this
                                                      protocol is most appropriate when there is a need
Figure2: Examples of Interest Diffusion in Sensor     for constant monitoring by the sensor network. A
                   Network                            user may not need all the data immediately. Hence,
                                                      periodic data transmissions are unnecessary which
         Directed diffusion differs from SPIN in      may drain the limited energy of the sensor nodes.
two aspects:                                          After a given interval of time, a randomized
         1) Directed diffusion issues on demand       rotation of the role of the CH is conducted so that
data queries as the BS send queries to the sensor     uniform energy dissipation in the sensor network is
nodes by flooding some tasks. In SPIN, however,       obtained. The authors found, based on their
sensors advertise the availability of data allowing   simulation model, that only 5% of the nodes need
interested nodes to query that data.                  to act as cluster heads.
         2) All communication in directed                       The operation of LEACH is separated into
diffusion is neighbor-to-neighbor with each node      two phases, the setup phase and the steady state
having the capability of performing data              phase.
aggregation and caching. Unlike SPIN, there is no               In the setup phase, the clusters are
need to maintain global network topology in           organized and CHs are selected. In the steady state
directed diffusion. However, directed diffusion       phase, the actual data transfer to the base station
may not be applied to applications (e.g.,             takes place. The duration of the steady state phase
environmental monitoring) that require continuous     is longer than the duration of the setup phase in
data delivery to the BS.                              order to minimize overhead. During the setup
                                                      phase, a predetermined fraction of nodes, p, elect
III.    Hierarchical-based Routing Protocols          themselves as CHs as follows. A sensor node
                                                      chooses a random number, r, between 0 and 1. If
         Hierarchical or cluster-based routing,       this random number is less than a threshold value,
originally proposed in wireline networks, are well-   T(n), the node becomes a cluster-head for the

National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

current round. The threshold value is calculated        fashion. Simulation results showed that PEGASIS
based on an equation that incorporates the desired      is able to increase the lifetime of the network twice
percentage to become a cluster-head, the current        as much the lifetime of the network under the
round, and the set of nodes that have not been          LEACH protocol. Such performance gain is
selected as a cluster-head in the last (1/P) rounds,    achieved through the elimination of the overhead
denoted by                                              caused by dynamic cluster formation in LEACH
G. It is given by:                                      and through decreasing the number of
                                                        transmissions and reception by using data
          Where, G is the set of nodes that are         SOP:
involved in the CH election. Each elected CH                       Self Organizing Protocol is used to build
broadcast an advertisement message to the rest of       architecture to support heterogeneous sensors.
the nodes in the network that they are the new          These sensors can be mobile or stationary. Some
cluster-heads. All the non-cluster head nodes, after    sensors probe the environment and forward the data
receiving this advertisement, decide on the cluster     to a designated set of nodes that act as routers.
to which they want to belong to. This decision is       Router nodes are stationary and form the backbone
based on the signal strength of the advertisement.      for communication. Collected data are forwarded
The non cluster-head nodes inform the appropriate       through the routers to the more powerful BS nodes.
cluster-heads that they will be a member of the         Each sensing node should be able to reach a router
cluster. After receiving all the messages from the      in order to be part of the network. A routing
nodes that would like to be included in the cluster     architecture that requires addressing of each sensor
and based on the number of nodes in the cluster,        node has been proposed. Sensing nodes are
the cluster-head node creates a TDMA schedule           identifiable through the address of the router node
and assigns each node a time slot when it can           they are connected to. The routing architecture is
transmit. This schedule is broadcast to all the nodes   hierarchical where groups of nodes are formed and
in the cluster. [2].                                    merge when needed. Local Markov Loops (LML)
                                                        algorithm, which performs a random walk on
PEGASIS:                                                spanning trees of a graph, was used to support fault
         Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor            tolerance and as a means of broadcasting. Such
Information Systems (PEGASIS) is a near optimal         approach is similar to the idea of virtual grid used
chain-based protocol. The basic idea of the             in some other protocols that will be discussed later
protocol is that in order to extend network lifetime,   under location-based routing protocols. In this
nodes need only communicate with their closest          approach, sensor nodes can be addressed
neighbors and they take turns in communicating          individually in the routing architecture, and hence
with the base-station. When, the round of all nodes     it is suitable for applications where communication
communicating with the base-station ends, a new         to a particular node is required. Furthermore, this
round will start and so on. This reduces the power      algorithm incurs a small cost for maintaining
required to transmit data per round as the power        routing tables and keeping a balanced routing
draining is spread uniformly over all nodes. Hence,     hierarchy. It was also found that the energy
PEGASIS has two main objectives:                        consumed for broadcasting a message is less than
         1) Increase the lifetime of each node by       that consumed in the SPIN protocol. This protocol,
using collaborative techniques and as a result the      however, is not an on-demand protocol especially
network lifetime will be increased.                     in the organization phase of algorithm. Another
         2) Allow only local coordination between       issue is related to the formation of hierarchy. It
nodes that are close together so that the bandwidth     could happen that there are many cuts in the
consumed in communication is reduced. Unlike            network, and hence the probability of applying
LEACH, PEGASIS avoids cluster formation and             reorganization phase increases, which will be an
uses only one node in a chain to transmit to the BS     expensive operation [2].
instead of using multiple nodes.
         To locate the closest neighbor node in         VGA:
PEGASIS, each node uses the signal strength to                    Virtual Grid Architecture routing is an
measure the distance to all neighboring nodes and       energy-efficient routing paradigm, proposed in
then adjusts the signal strength so that only one       utilizes data aggregation and in-network processing
node can be heard. The chain in PEGASIS will            to maximize the network lifetime. A GPS-free
consist of those nodes that are closest to each other   approach is used to build clusters that are fixed,
and form a path to the base-station. The aggregated     equal, adjacent, and non-overlapping with
form of the data will be sent to the base-station by    symmetric shapes. In square clusters were used to
any node in the chain and the nodes in the chain        obtain a fixed rectilinear virtual topology. Inside
will take turns in sending to the base-station. The     each zone, a node is optimally selected to act as
chain construction is performed in a greedy

National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

cluster-head. Data aggregation is performed at two      certain region rather than sending the interests to
levels: local and then global. The set of cluster-      the whole network. By doing this, GEAR can
heads, also called Local Aggregators (LAs),             conserve more energy than directed diffusion. Each
perform the local aggregation, while a subset of        node in GEAR keeps an estimated cost and a
these Las, are used to perform global aggregation.      learning cost of reaching the destination through its
However, the determination of an optimal selection      neighbors. The estimated cost is a combination of
of global aggregation points, called Master             residual energy and distance to destination. The
Aggregators (MAs), is NP-hard problem. Figure 6         learned cost is a refinement of the estimated cost
illustrates an example of fixed zoning and the          that accounts for routing around holes in the
resulting VGA used to perform two level data            network. A hole occurs when a node does not have
aggregation. Note that the location of the base         any closer neighbor to the target region than itself.
station is not necessarily at the extreme corner of     If there are no holes, the estimated cost is equal to
the grid rather it can be located at any arbitrary      the learned cost. The learned cost is propagated one
place.                                                  hop back every time a packet reaches the
                                                        destination so that route setup for next packet will
                                                        be adjusted. There are two phases in the algorithm:
                                                                  1) Forwarding packets towards the target
                                                        region: Upon receiving a packet, a node checks its
                                                        neighbors to see if there is one neighbor, which is
                                                        closer to the target region than itself. If there is
                                                        more than one, the nearest neighbor to the target
                                                        region is selected as the next hop. If they are all
                                                        further than the node itself, this means there is a
                                                        hole. In this case, one of the neighbors is picked to
                                                        forward the packet based on the learning cost
                                                        function. This choice can then be updated
Figure3: Regular shape tessellation applied to the      according to the convergence of the learned cost
network area. In each zone, a cluster-head is           during the delivery of packets.
selected for local aggregation. Subsets of those                  2) Forwarding the packets within the
cluster-heads, called Master nodes, are optimally       region: If the packet has reached the region, it can
selected to do global aggregation.                      be diffused in that region by either recursive
                                                        geographic forwarding or restricted flooding.
                                                        Restricted flooding is good when the sensors are
 IV.     Location based routing protocols
                                                        not densely deployed. In high-density networks,
           In this kind of routing, sensor nodes are    recursive geographic flooding is more energy
addressed by means of their locations. The distance     efficient than restricted flooding. In that case, the
between neighboring nodes can be estimated on the       region is divided into four sub regions and four
basis of incoming signal strengths. Relative            copies of the packet are created. This splitting and
coordinates of neighboring nodes can be obtained        forwarding process continues until the regions with
by exchanging such information between                  only one node are left [2].
neighbors. Alternatively, the location of nodes may
be available directly by communicating with a           GOAFR:
satellite, using GPS (Global Positioning System), if             The Greedy Other Adaptive Face Routing.
nodes are equipped with a small low power GPS           The greedy algorithm of GOAFR always picks the
receiver. To save energy, some location based           neighbor closest to a node to be next node for
schemes demand that nodes should go to sleep if         routing. However, it can be easily stuck at some
there is no activity. More energy savings can be        local minimum, i.e. no neighbor is closer to a node
obtained by having as many sleeping nodes in the        than the current node. Other Face Routing (OFR) is
network as possible. The problem of designing           a variant of Face Routing (FR). The Face Routing
sleep period schedules for each node in a localized     (FR) algorithm is the first one that guarantees
manner was addressed in. In the rest of this section,   success if the source and the destination are
we review most of the location or geographic based      connected. However, the worst-case cost of FR is
routing protocols.                                      proportional to the size of the network in terms of
                                                        number of nodes. The first algorithm that can
           The protocol, called Geographic and          compete with the best route in the worst-case is the
Energy Aware Routing (GEAR), uses energy aware          Adaptive Face Routing (AFR) algorithm.
and geographically-informed neighbor selection          Moreover, by a lower bound argument, AFR is
heuristics to route a packet towards the destination    shown to be asymptotically worst-case optimal. But
region. The key idea is to restrict the number of       AFR is not average-case efficient. OFR utilizes the
interests in directed diffusion by only considering a   face structure of planar graphs such that the

National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012

message is routed from node s to node t by              protocols in wireless sensor networks which have
traversing a series of face boundaries. The aim is to   been presented in the literature.
find the best node on the boundary, i.e., the closest             Overall, the routing techniques are
node to the destination t by using geometric planes.    classified based on the network structure into three
When finished, the algorithm returns to s the best      categories: SPIN & Directed Diffusion in Flat  Flat-
node on the boundary. The simple greedy                 based, LEACH, PEGASIS & SOP in Hierarchical
algorithm behaves well in dense networks, but it        based, SPAN & GOFAR in Location
fails for very simple configurations. It was shown
that GOAFR algorithm can achieve both worst   worst-    REFERENCES
                                                        [1] Luca Borsani, Sergio Guglielmi, Alessandro Redondi &
case optimality and average-case efficiency. Based
                                                        Matteo Cesana, “Tree based           Routing protocols in WSN,”
on the simulation results of GOAFR, there are           Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazio
                                                                                             Informazione,Politecnico di
several ways to further improve the average case
                                       average-         Milano, Italy
performance. It was also shown that GOAFR               [2] Jamal N. Al-Karaki, Ahmed E. Kamal, “
                                                                        Karaki,                     “Routing Techniques
                                                        in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey*,” Dept. of Electrical
outperforms other prominent algorithms, such as
                                                        and Computer Engineering
GPSR or AFR [2].                                        Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
                                                        [3] M.Simek, D.Komosny, R.Burget & J.S.Silva, Multicast
SPAN:                                                   Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
                                                                                          Networks,” Member, IEEE,
                                                        Department of Telecommunications & Department of
         Another position based algorithm called
                                                        Informatics Engineering
SPAN selects some nodes as coordinators based on        [4] Rong Fan, Jian Chen, Jian-Qing Fu, Ling
                                                                                           Qing       Ling-Di Ping,” A
their positions. The coordinators form a network        Steiner-Based Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for Wireless
backbone that is used to forward messages. A node       Sensor Network,” College of Computer Science and
                                                        Technology, Zhejiang University, presenting on 2010 Second
should become a coordinator if two neighbor of a
                                                        International Conference on Future Networks Hang Zhou,
non-coordinator node cannot reach each other
     coordinator                                        China
directly or via one or two coordinators (3 hop          [5] Shibo Wu, K. Selc¸uk Candan,” GMP: Distributed
reachability). New and existing coordinators are        Geographic Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
                                                        Department of Computer Science, Arizona State University,
not necessarily neighbors, which, makes the design
                                                        Tempe, AZ, USA.
less energy efficient because of the need to            [6] Luis Javier García Villalba *, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco,
maintain the positions of two or three hop              Alicia Triviño Cabrera and Cláudia Jacy Barenco Abbas,”
neighbors in the complicated SPAN algorithm [2].        Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Department of
                                                        Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Ciudad
                                                        Universitaria, Madrid, Spain.

    Figure 4: Classification and Comparision of
            Routing Protocols in WSN.


         Routing in sensor networks is a new a
of research and rapidly growing set of research
results. In this paper, we presented a
comprehensive survey of network structure routing


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Network structure routing_protocols_in_wsn

  • 1. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 Network Structure Routing Protocols in WSN Jain Pratik P1, Manjunath CR2 , DrNagaraj GS3 1 nd MTech 2 Sem, SET, JAIN University, 2 Asst Prof, Dept of CSE, SET, JAIN University, 3 professor, Dept of CSE, RVCE ABSTRACT- Routing protocols are in charge of play different roles in the network. In location- discovering and maintaining the routes in the based routing, sensor nodes' positions are exploited network. This paper presents a review of the main to route data in the network [2]. A routing protocol routing protocols proposed for Network Structure in is considered adaptive if certain system parameters WSN. Based on the study, they are classified into can be controlled in order to adapt to the current three categories: SPIN & Directed Diffusion in Flat- based, LEACH, PEGASIS & SOP in Hierarchical- network conditions and available energy levels. based, SPAN & GOFAR in Location-based, which Another class of routing protocols is called the underlying Network Structure. cooperative routing protocols. In cooperative routing, nodes send data to a central node where Keywords- Wireless Sensor Network, Routing data can be aggregated and may be subject to Protocols: Flat-based, Hierarchical-based, Location- further processing, hence reducing route cost in based. terms of energy use [2]. I. INTRODUCTION II. Flat-based Routing Protocols Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are The first category of routing protocol is intended for monitoring an environment. The main the multi-hop flat routing protocols. In flat task of a wireless sensor node is to sense and networks, each node typically plays the same role collect data from a certain domain, process them and sensor nodes collaborate together to perform and transmit it to the sink where the application the sensing task. Due to the large number of such lies. Areas of applications are like, physical nodes, it is not feasible to assign a global identifier parameters (e.g., humidity, temperature, light, etc.), to each node. This consideration has led to data to safety and security-oriented (intrusion detection, centric routing, where the BS sends queries to natural disaster detection, etc.), to monitor soldiers certain regions and waits for data from the sensors in the battle field (military applications), patients in located in the selected regions. Since data is being nursing institutes (e-health applications), fire requested through queries, attribute-based naming brigades and policemen (security/safety is necessary to specify the properties of data. Early applications) [1, 6]. works on data centric routing, e.g., SPIN and The use of potentially unique identifier directed diffusion were shown to save energy such as the MAC (Medium Access Control) through data negotiation and elimination of address or the GPS coordinates is not redundant data. recommended as it forces a significant payload in the messages. However, this drawback is easily overcome in wireless sensor networks since an IP address is not required to identify the destination node of a specific packet. In fact, attribute-based addressing fits better with the specificities of wireless sensor networks. In this case, an attribute such as node location and sensor type is used to identify the final destination. Once nodes are identified, routing protocols are in charge of constructing and maintaining routes between distant nodes. The different ways in which routing protocols operate make them appropriate for certain applications [6]. Figure1: Routing Protocols in WSN In general, network structure routing in WSNs can be divided into flat-based routing, SPIN: hierarchical-based routing, and location-based Sensor Protocols for Information via routing depending on the envirnoment. Negotiation (SPIN) that enables a user to query any In flat-based routing, all nodes are node and get the required information immediately. typically assigned equal roles or functionality. In These protocols make use of the property that hierarchical-based routing, however, nodes will nodes in close proximity have similar data, and 23
  • 2. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 hence there is a need to only distribute the data that SPIN-RL: When a channel is lossy, a protocol other nodes do not posses. The SPIN family of called SPIN-RL is used where adjustments are protocols uses data negotiation and resource- added to the SPIN-PP protocol to account for the adaptive algorithms. Nodes running SPIN assign a lossy channel. high-level name to completely describe their Advantages: Topological changes are localized collected data (called meta-data) and perform meta- since each node needs to know only its single-hop data negotiations before any data is transmitted. neighbors. SPIN provides much energy savings This assures that there is no redundant data sent than flooding and meta-data negotiation almost throughout the network. The semantics of the meta halves the redundant data. However, SPINs data data format is application-specific and is not advertisement mechanism cannot guarantee the specified in SPIN. For example, sensors might use delivery of data. To see this, consider the their unique IDs to report meta-data if they cover a application of intrusion detection where data certain known region. In addition, SPIN has access should be reliably reported over periodic intervals to the current energy level of the node and adapts and assume that nodes interested in the data are the protocol it is running based on how much located far away from the source node and the energy is remaining. These protocols work in a nodes between source and destination nodes are not time-driven fashion and distribute the information interested in that data, such data will not be all over the network, even when a user does not delivered to the destination at all [2]. request any data. The SPIN family is designed to address the deficiencies of classic flooding by Directed Diffusion: negotiation and resource adaptation. The SPIN Directed diffusion is a data-centric (DC) family of protocols is designed based on two basic and application-aware paradigm in the sense that ideas: all data generated by sensor nodes is named by 1) Sensor nodes operate more efficiently and attribute-value pairs. The main idea of the DC conserve energy by sending data that describe the paradigm is to combine the data coming from sensor data instead of sending all the data; for different sources enroute (in-network aggregation) example, image and sensor nodes must monitor the by eliminating redundancy, minimizing the number changes in their energy resources. of transmissions; thus saving network energy and 2) Conventional protocols like flooding or prolonging its lifetime. Unlike traditional end-to- gossiping based routing protocols waste energy and end routing, DC routing finds routes from multiple bandwidth when sending extra and un-necessary sources to a single destination that allows in- copies of data by sensors covering overlapping network consolidation of redundant data. areas. The drawbacks of flooding include In directed diffusion, sensors measure implosion, which is caused by duplicate messages events and create gradients of information in their sent to the same node, overlap when two nodes respective neighborhoods. The base station sensing the same region will send similar packets requests data by broadcasting interests. Interest to the same neighbor and resource blindness by describes a task required to be done by the consuming large amounts of energy without network. Interest diffuses through the network hop- consideration for the energy constraints. by-hop, and is broad-cast by each node to its SPIN is a 3-stage protocol as sensor nodes neighbors. As the interest is propagated throughout use three types of messages ADV, REQ and DATA the network, gradients are setup to draw data to communicate. ADV is used to advertise new satisfying the query towards the requesting node, data, REQ to request data, and DATA is the actual i.e., a BS may query for data by disseminating message itself. The protocol starts when a SPIN interests and intermediate nodes propagate these node obtains new data that it is willing to share. It interests. Each sensor that receives the interest does so by broadcasting an ADV message setup a gradient toward the sensor nodes from containing meta-data. If a neighbor is interested in which it receives the interest. This process the data, it sends a REQ message for the DATA continues until gradients are setup from the sources and the DATA is sent to this neighbor node. The back to the BS. More generally, a gradient specifies neighbor sensor node then repeats this process with an attribute value and a direction. The strength of its neighbors. As a result, the entire sensor area will the gradient may be different towards different receive a copy of the data. neighbors resulting in different amounts of The SPIN family of protocols includes information flow. At this stage, loops are not many protocols. checked, but are removed at a later stage. Figure2 SPIN-BC: This protocol is designed for broadcast shows an example of the working of directed channels. diffusion ((a) sending interests, (b) building SPIN-PP: This protocol is designed for a point to gradients, and (c) data dissemination). When point communication, i.e., hop-by-hop routing. interests fit gradients, paths of information flow are SPIN-EC: This protocol works similar to SPIN- formed from multiple paths and then the best paths PP, but with an energy heuristic added to it. are reinforced so as to prevent further flooding 24
  • 3. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 according to a local rule. In order to reduce known techniques with special advantages related communication costs, data is aggregated on the to scalability and efficient communication. As way. The goal is to find a good aggregation tree such, the concept of hierarchical routing is also which gets the data from source nodes to the BS. utilized to perform energy-efficient routing in The BS periodically refreshes and re-sends the WSNs. In a hierarchical architecture, higher energy interest when it starts to receive data from the nodes can be used to process and send the source(s). This is necessary because interests are information while low energy nodes can be used to not reliably transmitted throughout the network. perform the sensing in the proximity of the target. This means that creation of clusters and assigning special tasks to cluster heads can greatly contribute to overall system scalability, lifetime, and energy efficiency. Hierarchical routing is an efficient way to lower energy consumption within a cluster and by performing data aggregation and fusion in order to decrease the number of transmitted messages to the BS. Hierarchical routing is mainly two-layer routing where one layer is used to select cluster heads and the other layer is used for routing. LEACH protocol: Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is a cluster-based protocol, which includes distributed cluster formation. LEACH, randomly selects a few sensor nodes as cluster-heads (CHs) and rotate this role to evenly distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network. In LEACH, the cluster-head (CH) nodes compress data arriving from nodes that belong to the respective cluster, and send an aggregated packet to the base station in order to reduce the amount of information that must be transmitted to the base station. LEACH uses a TDMA/CDMA MAC to reduce inter-cluster and intra-cluster collisions. However, data collection is centralized and is performed periodically. Therefore, this protocol is most appropriate when there is a need Figure2: Examples of Interest Diffusion in Sensor for constant monitoring by the sensor network. A Network user may not need all the data immediately. Hence, periodic data transmissions are unnecessary which Directed diffusion differs from SPIN in may drain the limited energy of the sensor nodes. two aspects: After a given interval of time, a randomized 1) Directed diffusion issues on demand rotation of the role of the CH is conducted so that data queries as the BS send queries to the sensor uniform energy dissipation in the sensor network is nodes by flooding some tasks. In SPIN, however, obtained. The authors found, based on their sensors advertise the availability of data allowing simulation model, that only 5% of the nodes need interested nodes to query that data. to act as cluster heads. 2) All communication in directed The operation of LEACH is separated into diffusion is neighbor-to-neighbor with each node two phases, the setup phase and the steady state having the capability of performing data phase. aggregation and caching. Unlike SPIN, there is no In the setup phase, the clusters are need to maintain global network topology in organized and CHs are selected. In the steady state directed diffusion. However, directed diffusion phase, the actual data transfer to the base station may not be applied to applications (e.g., takes place. The duration of the steady state phase environmental monitoring) that require continuous is longer than the duration of the setup phase in data delivery to the BS. order to minimize overhead. During the setup phase, a predetermined fraction of nodes, p, elect III. Hierarchical-based Routing Protocols themselves as CHs as follows. A sensor node chooses a random number, r, between 0 and 1. If Hierarchical or cluster-based routing, this random number is less than a threshold value, originally proposed in wireline networks, are well- T(n), the node becomes a cluster-head for the 25
  • 4. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 current round. The threshold value is calculated fashion. Simulation results showed that PEGASIS based on an equation that incorporates the desired is able to increase the lifetime of the network twice percentage to become a cluster-head, the current as much the lifetime of the network under the round, and the set of nodes that have not been LEACH protocol. Such performance gain is selected as a cluster-head in the last (1/P) rounds, achieved through the elimination of the overhead denoted by caused by dynamic cluster formation in LEACH G. It is given by: and through decreasing the number of transmissions and reception by using data aggregation. Where, G is the set of nodes that are SOP: involved in the CH election. Each elected CH Self Organizing Protocol is used to build broadcast an advertisement message to the rest of architecture to support heterogeneous sensors. the nodes in the network that they are the new These sensors can be mobile or stationary. Some cluster-heads. All the non-cluster head nodes, after sensors probe the environment and forward the data receiving this advertisement, decide on the cluster to a designated set of nodes that act as routers. to which they want to belong to. This decision is Router nodes are stationary and form the backbone based on the signal strength of the advertisement. for communication. Collected data are forwarded The non cluster-head nodes inform the appropriate through the routers to the more powerful BS nodes. cluster-heads that they will be a member of the Each sensing node should be able to reach a router cluster. After receiving all the messages from the in order to be part of the network. A routing nodes that would like to be included in the cluster architecture that requires addressing of each sensor and based on the number of nodes in the cluster, node has been proposed. Sensing nodes are the cluster-head node creates a TDMA schedule identifiable through the address of the router node and assigns each node a time slot when it can they are connected to. The routing architecture is transmit. This schedule is broadcast to all the nodes hierarchical where groups of nodes are formed and in the cluster. [2]. merge when needed. Local Markov Loops (LML) algorithm, which performs a random walk on PEGASIS: spanning trees of a graph, was used to support fault Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor tolerance and as a means of broadcasting. Such Information Systems (PEGASIS) is a near optimal approach is similar to the idea of virtual grid used chain-based protocol. The basic idea of the in some other protocols that will be discussed later protocol is that in order to extend network lifetime, under location-based routing protocols. In this nodes need only communicate with their closest approach, sensor nodes can be addressed neighbors and they take turns in communicating individually in the routing architecture, and hence with the base-station. When, the round of all nodes it is suitable for applications where communication communicating with the base-station ends, a new to a particular node is required. Furthermore, this round will start and so on. This reduces the power algorithm incurs a small cost for maintaining required to transmit data per round as the power routing tables and keeping a balanced routing draining is spread uniformly over all nodes. Hence, hierarchy. It was also found that the energy PEGASIS has two main objectives: consumed for broadcasting a message is less than 1) Increase the lifetime of each node by that consumed in the SPIN protocol. This protocol, using collaborative techniques and as a result the however, is not an on-demand protocol especially network lifetime will be increased. in the organization phase of algorithm. Another 2) Allow only local coordination between issue is related to the formation of hierarchy. It nodes that are close together so that the bandwidth could happen that there are many cuts in the consumed in communication is reduced. Unlike network, and hence the probability of applying LEACH, PEGASIS avoids cluster formation and reorganization phase increases, which will be an uses only one node in a chain to transmit to the BS expensive operation [2]. instead of using multiple nodes. To locate the closest neighbor node in VGA: PEGASIS, each node uses the signal strength to Virtual Grid Architecture routing is an measure the distance to all neighboring nodes and energy-efficient routing paradigm, proposed in then adjusts the signal strength so that only one utilizes data aggregation and in-network processing node can be heard. The chain in PEGASIS will to maximize the network lifetime. A GPS-free consist of those nodes that are closest to each other approach is used to build clusters that are fixed, and form a path to the base-station. The aggregated equal, adjacent, and non-overlapping with form of the data will be sent to the base-station by symmetric shapes. In square clusters were used to any node in the chain and the nodes in the chain obtain a fixed rectilinear virtual topology. Inside will take turns in sending to the base-station. The each zone, a node is optimally selected to act as chain construction is performed in a greedy 26
  • 5. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 cluster-head. Data aggregation is performed at two certain region rather than sending the interests to levels: local and then global. The set of cluster- the whole network. By doing this, GEAR can heads, also called Local Aggregators (LAs), conserve more energy than directed diffusion. Each perform the local aggregation, while a subset of node in GEAR keeps an estimated cost and a these Las, are used to perform global aggregation. learning cost of reaching the destination through its However, the determination of an optimal selection neighbors. The estimated cost is a combination of of global aggregation points, called Master residual energy and distance to destination. The Aggregators (MAs), is NP-hard problem. Figure 6 learned cost is a refinement of the estimated cost illustrates an example of fixed zoning and the that accounts for routing around holes in the resulting VGA used to perform two level data network. A hole occurs when a node does not have aggregation. Note that the location of the base any closer neighbor to the target region than itself. station is not necessarily at the extreme corner of If there are no holes, the estimated cost is equal to the grid rather it can be located at any arbitrary the learned cost. The learned cost is propagated one place. hop back every time a packet reaches the destination so that route setup for next packet will be adjusted. There are two phases in the algorithm: 1) Forwarding packets towards the target region: Upon receiving a packet, a node checks its neighbors to see if there is one neighbor, which is closer to the target region than itself. If there is more than one, the nearest neighbor to the target region is selected as the next hop. If they are all further than the node itself, this means there is a hole. In this case, one of the neighbors is picked to forward the packet based on the learning cost function. This choice can then be updated Figure3: Regular shape tessellation applied to the according to the convergence of the learned cost network area. In each zone, a cluster-head is during the delivery of packets. selected for local aggregation. Subsets of those 2) Forwarding the packets within the cluster-heads, called Master nodes, are optimally region: If the packet has reached the region, it can selected to do global aggregation. be diffused in that region by either recursive geographic forwarding or restricted flooding. Restricted flooding is good when the sensors are IV. Location based routing protocols not densely deployed. In high-density networks, In this kind of routing, sensor nodes are recursive geographic flooding is more energy addressed by means of their locations. The distance efficient than restricted flooding. In that case, the between neighboring nodes can be estimated on the region is divided into four sub regions and four basis of incoming signal strengths. Relative copies of the packet are created. This splitting and coordinates of neighboring nodes can be obtained forwarding process continues until the regions with by exchanging such information between only one node are left [2]. neighbors. Alternatively, the location of nodes may be available directly by communicating with a GOAFR: satellite, using GPS (Global Positioning System), if The Greedy Other Adaptive Face Routing. nodes are equipped with a small low power GPS The greedy algorithm of GOAFR always picks the receiver. To save energy, some location based neighbor closest to a node to be next node for schemes demand that nodes should go to sleep if routing. However, it can be easily stuck at some there is no activity. More energy savings can be local minimum, i.e. no neighbor is closer to a node obtained by having as many sleeping nodes in the than the current node. Other Face Routing (OFR) is network as possible. The problem of designing a variant of Face Routing (FR). The Face Routing sleep period schedules for each node in a localized (FR) algorithm is the first one that guarantees manner was addressed in. In the rest of this section, success if the source and the destination are we review most of the location or geographic based connected. However, the worst-case cost of FR is routing protocols. proportional to the size of the network in terms of number of nodes. The first algorithm that can GEAR: The protocol, called Geographic and compete with the best route in the worst-case is the Energy Aware Routing (GEAR), uses energy aware Adaptive Face Routing (AFR) algorithm. and geographically-informed neighbor selection Moreover, by a lower bound argument, AFR is heuristics to route a packet towards the destination shown to be asymptotically worst-case optimal. But region. The key idea is to restrict the number of AFR is not average-case efficient. OFR utilizes the interests in directed diffusion by only considering a face structure of planar graphs such that the 27
  • 6. National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering - CSECONF2012 n message is routed from node s to node t by protocols in wireless sensor networks which have traversing a series of face boundaries. The aim is to been presented in the literature. find the best node on the boundary, i.e., the closest Overall, the routing techniques are e node to the destination t by using geometric planes. classified based on the network structure into three When finished, the algorithm returns to s the best categories: SPIN & Directed Diffusion in Flat Flat- node on the boundary. The simple greedy based, LEACH, PEGASIS & SOP in Hierarchical Hierarchical- algorithm behaves well in dense networks, but it based, SPAN & GOFAR in Location Location-based. fails for very simple configurations. It was shown that GOAFR algorithm can achieve both worst worst- REFERENCES [1] Luca Borsani, Sergio Guglielmi, Alessandro Redondi & case optimality and average-case efficiency. Based case Matteo Cesana, “Tree based Routing protocols in WSN,” on the simulation results of GOAFR, there are Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazio Informazione,Politecnico di several ways to further improve the average case average- Milano, Italy performance. It was also shown that GOAFR [2] Jamal N. Al-Karaki, Ahmed E. Kamal, “ Karaki, “Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey*,” Dept. of Electrical outperforms other prominent algorithms, such as and Computer Engineering GPSR or AFR [2]. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa [3] M.Simek, D.Komosny, R.Burget & J.S.Silva, Multicast J.S.Silva,” SPAN: Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Networks,” Member, IEEE, Department of Telecommunications & Department of Another position based algorithm called Informatics Engineering SPAN selects some nodes as coordinators based on [4] Rong Fan, Jian Chen, Jian-Qing Fu, Ling Qing Ling-Di Ping,” A their positions. The coordinators form a network Steiner-Based Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for Wireless Based backbone that is used to forward messages. A node Sensor Network,” College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, presenting on 2010 Second , should become a coordinator if two neighbor of a neighbors International Conference on Future Networks Hang Zhou, Networks, non-coordinator node cannot reach each other coordinator China directly or via one or two coordinators (3 hop [5] Shibo Wu, K. Selc¸uk Candan,” GMP: Distributed reachability). New and existing coordinators are Geographic Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Networks,” Department of Computer Science, Arizona State University, not necessarily neighbors, which, makes the design Tempe, AZ, USA. less energy efficient because of the need to [6] Luis Javier García Villalba *, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, maintain the positions of two or three hop Alicia Triviño Cabrera and Cláudia Jacy Barenco Abbas,” cia neighbors in the complicated SPAN algorithm [2]. Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain. Figure 4: Classification and Comparision of omparision Routing Protocols in WSN. V. CONCLUSION Routing in sensor networks is a new a area of research and rapidly growing set of research results. In this paper, we presented a comprehensive survey of network structure routing 28