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Nephrotic Syndrome
• Manifestation of glomerular disease,
characterized by nephrotic range proteinuria
and a triad of clinical findings associated with
large urinary losses of protein :
hypoalbuminaemia , edema and
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1801
Why ‘nephrotic range’
• Defined as
– protein excretion of > 40 mg/m2/hr
– Spot protein : creatinine ratio of > 3 : 1
– Hypoalbuminamia <2.5g/dl
– Edema- generalised
– S cholesterol 220mg/dl
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1801
Inherent susceptibility T CELL dysfuction
Release of lymphokines (IL 2)
Decrease in sialoprotein of glomerular basement
Loss of net negative charge of glomerulus
Increase in pore size
Massive proteinuria
Loss of IgG Hypoalbuminamia Loss of AT-iii
decrease in plasma oncotic pressure
Thrombotic episodes
fall in plasma oncotic pressure
hypovolumia due to fluid leak from vressels
activation of Rennin Angiotension
Aldosterone system
Retention of sodium and water
Also, hypoalbuminamia
Induces synthesis of Beta
lipoprotiens from liver
Hyperlipidemia increased clotting factor
hyper coagulable state
Incidence ( paediatric ) ?
• 2 – 7 cases per 10,000 children per year
• Higher in underdeveloped countries ( South
east Asia )
• Occurs at all ages but is most prevalent in
children between the ages 1.5-6 years.
• It affects more boys than girls, 2:1 ratio
• Primary or idiopathic
• Secondary
Primary or idiopathic
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1804
Constitutes 90% of cases of childhood NS
Secondary causes
• Congenital
– TORCH Infections
• Infectious
– Hepatitis (B,C) , HIV-1, Malaria, Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis
• Inflammatory
– Glomerulonephritis
• Neoplastic
– Lymphoma, Leukemia
• Drug induced
– Penicillamine, Gold, NSAIDS, Pamidronate, Mercury,
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2,19th edition, page 1802, table 521-1
Diabetes Mellitus
Multisystem disorder
Vasculitis due to any cause
Insect bites
Sjogren syndrome
Histology classification
Minimal change NS NS With significant lesion
1 mesangioproliferative gn
4 Membranous nephropathy
Clinical Features
In children the commonest form of N.S. is
primary nephrotic syndrome
• Among these the
MCNS is the most frequent.
• Insidious onset of
• odema
• fever
• oliguria
• Many children have recurrent episodes of such transient
edema for many months.
• Physical examination shows
• Edema – The edema is initially noted around
the eyes and in the lower extremidies where it
is pitting in nature, with time edema becomes
generalized and may associate with weight gain
and the development of ascites, pleural
effusion and decreased urinal output.
• Pallor
• White nails with red bands (leukonychia)
• Normal Blood Pressure
• No evidence of Renal failure
Age <1y or >8y
Renal dysfuctiuon
Exta renal symptoms
Decresed c3,c4
Complicatios of NS
A. Loss of Proteins:
Albumin Edema
Transferrin Anemia
TMG Biochemical hypothyroidism
Vit.D Binding Globulin Hypocalcemia (Along with
loss1,25diOH chole calciferol)
Immunoglobulin Infection
Coagulation factors Hypercoagulable state
B. Infection:
Loss of Immunoglobulin Acute
Depressed CMI Chronic
C. Hypercoagulable State:
- due to alteration in coagulation factors, associated infections,
sepsis, Hypovolemia
i) Renal Vein Thrombosis
ii) Peripheral Vein Thrombosis
iii) Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
D. Renal Failure:
i) Chronic renal failure
- as a part of disease process.
ii) Acute renal failure
a) Hypovolemia induced ATN
b) Septicemia leading to shock and ATN
c) Septicemia causing bacterimia and AIN
d) Other drugs causing AIN
e) Bilateral renal vein thrombosis
f) Crescentic GN on existing glomerular disease like FSGS,
E. Convulsions:
i) Hypocalcemia due to loss of Ca, 1, 25 di OH
Cholecalciferol, Vit.D, binding protein in
ii) Hypertension
iii) Renal failure – uraemic
iv) Hyponatremia
v) Cerebral Vein thrombosis
Pericardial effusion and hyrothorax
d/t fluid retention
Postural hypotension
Loss of zn cu decrease in immunity
Hb %
Urine Examination
Urine Culture and Sensitivity
X Ray Chest
USG Abdomen
Serum Proteins
Urinary Proteins
Spot Urine Test
Serum Cholesterol
Kidney Biopsy
Additional Tests
• C3 and antistreptolysin O
• Chest X ray and tuberculin test
• Hepatitis B surface antigen
Ghai Essential Paediatrics,8th edition, page 478
Indications for Biopsy
• Age below 12 months
• Gross or persistent microscopic hematuria
• Low blood C3
• Hypertension
• Impaired renal Function
• Failure of steroid therapy
Therefore, presence of
Proteinuria of 3+ or more
Hyline cast on microscopy
Hypercholesterolemia> 220mg/ddl
Urine spot protein creatinine ratio of >3
Is diagnostic of NS
Idiopathic Lab Findings
Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome Raised BUN in 15 – 30 %
Highly Selective proteinuria
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Raised BUN in 20 – 40 %
Type I Low C1, C4 , C3 – C9
Type II Normal C1, C4 , Low C3 – C9
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2 : page 1803, table 521-2
Cause Light
Immunoflorescence Electron Microscopy
Minimal Change
Normal Negative Foot process fusion
Focal Segmental
IgM, C3 in lesions Foot process fusion
Fine Granular IgG Sub epithelial deposits
Type I Thickened
Granular IgG, C3 Mesangial and
subendothelial deposits
Type II Lobulation C3 only Dense deposits
- Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2 : page 1803, table 521-2
Initial Episode
Ghai Essential Paediatrics,8th edition, page 476, 477
Child is admitted in hospital
Salt restriction
To decrease edema
Table salt contains 40% of Na and 60% of
So normal salt is still advised only excess
consumption of salt is stopped
Fluid restriction
Fluid intake is restricted to, insensible water loss
plus urine output
Insensible loss means lost through skin and
respiratory tract
Normal protien intake of 1.5-2g/kg/day is advised. .
Idli, idiyappam, rice puttu, sweet pongal, coconut
rice, curd rice, lemon rice, beet-root, chappathi,
dhall, sugar candy, boiled potato, carrot, cabbage,
tomato and onion are accepted.
Control of edema
It is an integral part of
supportive care. Since treatment with
corticosteroids usually leads to diuresis within
5-10 days, diuretics are avoided unless edema
is significant. Diuretics should also not be
given to patients with diarrhea,.vomiting or
Patients with persistent edema and weight gain of
7-10% are treated with oral frusemide (1-3 mg/kg
daily). Additional treatment with potassium sparing
diuretics is not required if frusemide is used at this
dose for less than one week. Patients requiring
higher doses and prolonged duration of treatment
with frusemide should receive potassium sparing
diuretics, e.g., spironolactone (2-4 mg/kg daily).
Blood pressure should be monitored frequently. A
gradual reduction of edema, over one week, is
For patients with refractory edema, a combination
of diuretics and albumin infusion is used. Albumin
(20%) is given as an infusion at a dose of 0.5-1
g/kg over 2-4 hr, followed by administration of
frusemide (1-2 mg/kg intravenously).
While infusion of albumin results in
increased urine output, the effect is not sustained
and repeated administration might be
necessary,Albumin should be administered very
cautiously in patients with renal failure,
pneumonia or pulmonary edema due to its
potential to increase the plasma volume. Patients
receiving albumin should be observed for
respiratory distress, hypertension and congestive
heart failure
Examine for hypovolemia
Frusemide 1-3 mg/kg/day
May add spironolactone 2-4 mg/kg/day
No response` (no weight loss or diuresis in 48 h)
Double dose of frusemide until diuresis maximum
daily dose of frusemide(4-6 mg/kg/day) is reached
No response
Add hydrochlorthiazide 1-2 mg/kg/day or
metolazone 0.1-0.3 mg/kg/day
No response
Frusemide IV bolus 1-3 mg/kg/dose
infusion 0.1-1 mg/kg/h
No response
• 20% Albumin 1 g/kg IV
• followed by IV frusemide
drugs to control proteinuria
• The standard medication for treatment
is prednisolone or prednisone.
The use of methylprednisolone,
dexamethasone, betamethasone, triamcinolone
or hydrocortisone is not recommended.
There is also limited evidence on the efficacy
or benefits of therapy with deflazocort for
nephrotic syndrome.
first episode
Prednisolone is administered at a dose of 2
mg/kg/day (maximum 60 mg in single
or divided doses) for 6 weeks, followed by
1.5mg/kg(maximum 40 mg) as a single
morning dose on alternate days for the next 6
weeks; therapy is then discontinued.
Thus the duration of therapy in first episode is
12 weeks.
Urine albumin nil or trace (or proteinuria <4 mg/m2/h) for 3
consecutive early morning specimens.
Urine albumin 3+ or 4+ (or proteinuria >40 mg/m2/h) for 3
consecutive early morning specimens,having been in remission
Frequent relapses
Two or more relapses in initial six months or more than three relapses
in any twelve months.
Steroid dependence
Two consecutive relapses when on alternate day steroids or within 14
days of its discontinuation.
Steroid resistance
Absence of remission despite therapy with daily prednisolone at a
dose of 2 mg/kg per day for 4 weeks
Treatment of Relapse
The patient should be examined for infections,
which should be treated before initiating steroid
Appropriate therapy of an infection might rarely
result in spontaneous remission, there by
avoiding the need for treatment with
Prednisolone is administered at a dose of
2 mg/kg/day (single or divided doses) until urine
protein is trace or nil for three consecutive days.
Subsequently, prednisolone is given in a single
morning dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for
4 weeks, and then discontinued. The usual
duration of treatment for a relapse is thus 5-6
In case the patient is not in remission despite
two weeks treatment with daily prednisolone,
the treatment is extended for 2 more weeks.
Patients showing no remission despite 4
weeks’ treatment with daily prednisolone
should be treated as steroid resistance.
Infrequent Relapsers
• Patients who have three or less relapses a year
and respond promptly to prednisolone are
managed using the aforementioned regimen
for each relapse.Such children are at a low risk
for developing steroid toxicity.
Frequent Relapsers and Steroid Dependence
Patients with frequent relapses or steroid
dependence should be managed in
consultation with a pediatric nephrologist.
It is usually not necessary to
perform a renal biopsy in these cases.
Following treatment of a relapse,
prednisolone is gradually tapered to maintain
the patient in remission on alternate day dose
of 0.5-0.7 mg/kg, which is administered for 9-
18 months.
A close monitoring of growth and blood
pressure, and evaluation for features of steroid
toxicity is essential.
If the prednisolone threshold,to maintain
remission, is higher or if features of
corticosteroid toxicity are seen, additional use
of the following immuno-modulators is
• (a) Levamisole is administered at a dose of2-
2.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 12-24months.
Co-treatment with prednisolone at a dose of
1.5 mg/kg on alternate days is given for 2-4
weeks; its dose is gradually reduced by 0.15-
0.25 mg/kg every 4 weeks to a maintenance
dose of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg that is continued for
six or more months.
The chief side effect of levamisole are
leukopenia; flu-like symptoms,liver toxicity,
convulsions and skin rash . The leukocyte
count should be monitoredevery 12-16 weeks.
• b) Cyclophosphamide
is administered at adose of 2-2.5 mg/kg/day for
12 weeks.Prednisolone is co-administered at a
dose of1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4
weeks,followed by 1 mg/kg for the next 8
weeks;steroid therapy is tapered and stopped
over thenext 2-3 months. Therapy with
cyclophosphamide should be instituted
preferablyfollowing remission of proteinuria.
Total leukocyte counts are monitored every
2 weeks; treatment with cyclophosphamide is
temporarily discontinued if the count falls
below 4000/mm3. An increased oral fluidintake
and frequent voiding prevents the
complication of hemorrhagic cystitis;
otherside effects are alopecia, nausea and
vomiting.The risk of gonadal toxicity is limited
with a single (12 weeks) course of
cyclophosphamide. The use of more than one
course of this agent should preferably be
(c) Calcineurin inhibitors: Cyclosporin (CsA) is
given at a dose of 4-5 mg/kg daily for 12-24
months. Prednisolone is co-administered at a
dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 2-4
weeks; its dose is gradually reduced by 0.15-
0.25 mg/kg every 4 weeks to a maintenance
dose of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg that is continued for six
or more months. Occasionally, treatment
withcorticosteroids may be discontinued
Side effects of CsA therapy include,
hypertension, cosmetic symptoms(gum
hypertrophy, hirsutism) and
nephrotoxicity;hypercholesterolemia and
elevated transaminases may occur. Estimation
of blood levels of creatinine is required every
2-3months and a lipid profile annually. A
repeat kidney biopsy, to examine for
histologicalevidence of nephrotoxicity, should
be done iftherapy with calcineurin inhibitors is
extendedbeyond 2 years.
Tacrolimus is an alternative agent,
administeredat a dose of 0.1-0.2 mg/kg daily
for 12-24months.
Side effects include hyperglycemia,diarrhea
and rarely neurotoxicity (headache,seizures).
The use of tacrolimus is preferred especially in
adolescents, because of lack of
cosmetic side effects . Blood levels of creatinine
and glucose should be estimated every 2-3
(d) Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF)is given at
dose of 800-1200 mg/m2 along with tapering
doses of prednisolone for 12-24 month.The
principal side effects include gastrointestinal
discomfort, diarrhea and leukopenia.
Leukocyte counts should be monitored every
1-2 months; treatment is withheld if count falls
below 4000/mm3.
Patient and parent education
Parental motivation and involvement is essential
in the long-term management of these children.
They should be provided information about
the disease, its expected course and risk of
complications. The following are emphasized
(a) Urine examination for protein at home using
dipstick, sulfosalicylic acid or boiling test. The
examination should be done every morning
during a relapse, during intercurrent infections
or if there is even mild periorbital puffiness.
(b) Maintain a diary showing results of urine
protein examination, medications received and
intercurrent infections.
(c) Ensure normal activity and school
attendance;the child should continue to
participate in allactivities and sports.
(d) Since infections are an important cause of
morbidity, patients should receive appropriate
immunization and other measures for
Parents should be advised regarding
the need for completing the primary
immunization.Administration of some vaccines,
e.g., hepatitis B,measles-mumps-rubella or
meningococcal vaccinesmay rarely precipitate a
Patients receiving prednisolone at a dose of 2 mg/
kg/day or greater, or total 20 mg/day or greater (for
patients weighing >10 kg) for more than 14 days are
considered immunocompromised. Such patients
should not receive live attenuated vaccines;
inactivated or killed vaccines are safe).
Live vaccines are administered once the child is
off immunosuppressive medications for at
least 4weeks. If there is a pressing need, these
vaccines maybe given to patients receiving
alternate day prednisolone at a dose less than
0.5 mg/kg.
All children with nephrotic syndrome should
receive immunization against pneumococcal and
chickenpox infections.
Complications of steroid treatment
Patients with steroid sensitive nephrotic
syndrome are at risk for certain complications,
early detection of which is necessary.
Children with nephrotic syndrome are
susceptible to severe infections, which need
prompttreatment. Common infections include
peritonitis,cellulitis and pneumonia.
Thrombosis: Children with nephrotic syndrome
are at risk for venous and, rarely, arterial
Thrombosis. Patients with thrombotic
complications require urgent treatment.
The treatment includes correction of
dehydration and other complications, and use
of heparin (IV) or low-molecular-weight
heparin (subcutaneously) initially, followed by
oral anti-coagulants on the long-term
This may be detected at the onset of
nephrotic syndrome or later due to steroid
Therapy is initiated with ACE inhibitors, calcium
channel blockers or β adrenergic antagonists,
keeping the blood pressure at less than the 90th
All patients should be monitored for
cushingoid features and blood pressure; six-
monthly record of height and weight, and
yearly evaluation for cataract should be done.
Patients on prolonged (>3 months) treatment
with steroids should receivedaily supplements
of oral calcium (250-500 mgdaily) and vitamin
D (125-250 IU
• Onset below 1-year of age;
• family history of nephroticsyndrome.
• Nephrotic syndrome with hypertension,
gross/persistent microscopic hematuria, impaired renal
function, or extrarenal features (e.g., arthritis, serositis,
• Complications: refractory edema, thrombosis, severe
infections, steroid toxicity.
• Resistance to steroid therapy.
Frequently relapsing or steroid dependent nephrotic
85%cases NS respond to steroids.
5% cases recover spontaneously.
10%cases are steroid dependent.
In cases with significant lesions
1/3rd recover spontaneously
Another 1/3rd cases go for CRF.

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  • 2. Definition • Manifestation of glomerular disease, characterized by nephrotic range proteinuria and a triad of clinical findings associated with large urinary losses of protein : hypoalbuminaemia , edema and hyperlipidemia - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1801
  • 3. Why ‘nephrotic range’ • Defined as – protein excretion of > 40 mg/m2/hr – Spot protein : creatinine ratio of > 3 : 1 – Hypoalbuminamia <2.5g/dl – Edema- generalised – S cholesterol 220mg/dl - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1801
  • 4. Pathogenesis Inherent susceptibility T CELL dysfuction Release of lymphokines (IL 2) Decrease in sialoprotein of glomerular basement membrane Loss of net negative charge of glomerulus Increase in pore size
  • 5. Massive proteinuria Loss of IgG Hypoalbuminamia Loss of AT-iii Infections decrease in plasma oncotic pressure Thrombotic episodes
  • 6. hypoalbuminamia fall in plasma oncotic pressure hypovolumia due to fluid leak from vressels activation of Rennin Angiotension Aldosterone system Retention of sodium and water odema
  • 7. Also, hypoalbuminamia Induces synthesis of Beta lipoprotiens from liver Hyperlipidemia increased clotting factor synthesis hyper coagulable state
  • 8. Incidence ( paediatric ) ? • 2 – 7 cases per 10,000 children per year • Higher in underdeveloped countries ( South east Asia ) • Occurs at all ages but is most prevalent in children between the ages 1.5-6 years. • It affects more boys than girls, 2:1 ratio
  • 9. Etiology • Primary or idiopathic • Secondary
  • 10. Primary or idiopathic - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2, 19th Edition, page 1804 Constitutes 90% of cases of childhood NS
  • 11. Secondary causes • Congenital – TORCH Infections • Infectious – Hepatitis (B,C) , HIV-1, Malaria, Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis • Inflammatory – Glomerulonephritis • Neoplastic – Lymphoma, Leukemia • Drug induced – Penicillamine, Gold, NSAIDS, Pamidronate, Mercury, Lithium - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2,19th edition, page 1802, table 521-1
  • 12. Endocrine Diabetes Mellitus Multisystem disorder SLE PAN Vasculitis due to any cause Miscellenious Insect bites Amyloidosis Sjogren syndrome
  • 13. Histology classification Minimal change NS NS With significant lesion 1 mesangioproliferative gn 2 FSGS 3 MPGN 4 Membranous nephropathy
  • 15. In children the commonest form of N.S. is primary nephrotic syndrome • Among these the MCNS is the most frequent. • Insidious onset of • odema • fever • oliguria • Many children have recurrent episodes of such transient edema for many months.
  • 16. • Physical examination shows • • Edema – The edema is initially noted around the eyes and in the lower extremidies where it is pitting in nature, with time edema becomes generalized and may associate with weight gain and the development of ascites, pleural effusion and decreased urinal output. • Pallor • White nails with red bands (leukonychia) • Normal Blood Pressure • No evidence of Renal failure
  • 17. NS WITH SIGNIFICANT LESIONS SUSPECTED IN FOLLOWING CONDITIONS Age <1y or >8y Hypertension Haematuria Renal dysfuctiuon Exta renal symptoms Rash Arthrlagia Decresed c3,c4
  • 18.
  • 19. Complicatios of NS A. Loss of Proteins: Albumin Edema Transferrin Anemia TMG Biochemical hypothyroidism Vit.D Binding Globulin Hypocalcemia (Along with loss1,25diOH chole calciferol) Immunoglobulin Infection Coagulation factors Hypercoagulable state
  • 20. B. Infection: Loss of Immunoglobulin Acute Depressed CMI Chronic C. Hypercoagulable State: - due to alteration in coagulation factors, associated infections, sepsis, Hypovolemia i) Renal Vein Thrombosis ii) Peripheral Vein Thrombosis iii) Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
  • 21. D. Renal Failure: i) Chronic renal failure - as a part of disease process. ii) Acute renal failure a) Hypovolemia induced ATN b) Septicemia leading to shock and ATN c) Septicemia causing bacterimia and AIN d) Other drugs causing AIN e) Bilateral renal vein thrombosis f) Crescentic GN on existing glomerular disease like FSGS, MGN and MPGN.
  • 22. E. Convulsions: i) Hypocalcemia due to loss of Ca, 1, 25 di OH Cholecalciferol, Vit.D, binding protein in urine. ii) Hypertension iii) Renal failure – uraemic iv) Hyponatremia v) Cerebral Vein thrombosis
  • 23. OTHERS Pericardial effusion and hyrothorax d/t fluid retention Postural hypotension Atherosclerosis Loss of zn cu decrease in immunity
  • 24. Hb % TC DC Mx Urine Examination Urine Culture and Sensitivity X Ray Chest USG Abdomen Serum Proteins Urinary Proteins Spot Urine Test Serum Cholesterol Kidney Biopsy
  • 25. Additional Tests • C3 and antistreptolysin O • Chest X ray and tuberculin test • ANA • Hepatitis B surface antigen Ghai Essential Paediatrics,8th edition, page 478 Indications for Biopsy • Age below 12 months • Gross or persistent microscopic hematuria • Low blood C3 • Hypertension • Impaired renal Function • Failure of steroid therapy
  • 26. Therefore, presence of Proteinuria of 3+ or more Hyline cast on microscopy Hypercholesterolemia> 220mg/ddl Urine spot protein creatinine ratio of >3 oliguria Is diagnostic of NS
  • 27. Idiopathic Lab Findings Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome Raised BUN in 15 – 30 % Highly Selective proteinuria Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Raised BUN in 20 – 40 % Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Type I Low C1, C4 , C3 – C9 Type II Normal C1, C4 , Low C3 – C9 - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2 : page 1803, table 521-2
  • 28. Cause Light microscopy Immunoflorescence Electron Microscopy Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome Normal Negative Foot process fusion Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Focal sclerotic lesions IgM, C3 in lesions Foot process fusion Membranous Nephropathy Thickened GBM Fine Granular IgG Sub epithelial deposits Membranoprolifer ative Glomerulonephriti s Type I Thickened GBM, proliferation Granular IgG, C3 Mesangial and subendothelial deposits Type II Lobulation C3 only Dense deposits - Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol 2 : page 1803, table 521-2
  • 30. Initial Episode Ghai Essential Paediatrics,8th edition, page 476, 477 Child is admitted in hospital Salt restriction To decrease edema Table salt contains 40% of Na and 60% of chloride So normal salt is still advised only excess consumption of salt is stopped
  • 31. Fluid restriction Fluid intake is restricted to, insensible water loss plus urine output Insensible loss means lost through skin and respiratory tract Diet Normal protien intake of 1.5-2g/kg/day is advised. . Idli, idiyappam, rice puttu, sweet pongal, coconut rice, curd rice, lemon rice, beet-root, chappathi, dhall, sugar candy, boiled potato, carrot, cabbage, tomato and onion are accepted.
  • 32. Control of edema It is an integral part of supportive care. Since treatment with corticosteroids usually leads to diuresis within 5-10 days, diuretics are avoided unless edema is significant. Diuretics should also not be given to patients with diarrhea,.vomiting or hypovolemia.
  • 33. Patients with persistent edema and weight gain of 7-10% are treated with oral frusemide (1-3 mg/kg daily). Additional treatment with potassium sparing diuretics is not required if frusemide is used at this dose for less than one week. Patients requiring higher doses and prolonged duration of treatment with frusemide should receive potassium sparing diuretics, e.g., spironolactone (2-4 mg/kg daily). Blood pressure should be monitored frequently. A gradual reduction of edema, over one week, is preferred.
  • 34. For patients with refractory edema, a combination of diuretics and albumin infusion is used. Albumin (20%) is given as an infusion at a dose of 0.5-1 g/kg over 2-4 hr, followed by administration of frusemide (1-2 mg/kg intravenously). While infusion of albumin results in increased urine output, the effect is not sustained and repeated administration might be necessary,Albumin should be administered very cautiously in patients with renal failure, pneumonia or pulmonary edema due to its potential to increase the plasma volume. Patients receiving albumin should be observed for respiratory distress, hypertension and congestive heart failure
  • 35. Examine for hypovolemia No Frusemide 1-3 mg/kg/day May add spironolactone 2-4 mg/kg/day No response` (no weight loss or diuresis in 48 h) Double dose of frusemide until diuresis maximum daily dose of frusemide(4-6 mg/kg/day) is reached No response Add hydrochlorthiazide 1-2 mg/kg/day or metolazone 0.1-0.3 mg/kg/day No response Frusemide IV bolus 1-3 mg/kg/dose infusion 0.1-1 mg/kg/h No response • 20% Albumin 1 g/kg IV • followed by IV frusemide
  • 36. drugs to control proteinuria • The standard medication for treatment is prednisolone or prednisone. The use of methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone, triamcinolone or hydrocortisone is not recommended. There is also limited evidence on the efficacy or benefits of therapy with deflazocort for nephrotic syndrome.
  • 37. first episode Prednisolone is administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (maximum 60 mg in single or divided doses) for 6 weeks, followed by 1.5mg/kg(maximum 40 mg) as a single morning dose on alternate days for the next 6 weeks; therapy is then discontinued. Thus the duration of therapy in first episode is 12 weeks.
  • 38. Remission Urine albumin nil or trace (or proteinuria <4 mg/m2/h) for 3 consecutive early morning specimens. Relapse Urine albumin 3+ or 4+ (or proteinuria >40 mg/m2/h) for 3 consecutive early morning specimens,having been in remission previously. Frequent relapses Two or more relapses in initial six months or more than three relapses in any twelve months. Steroid dependence Two consecutive relapses when on alternate day steroids or within 14 days of its discontinuation. Steroid resistance Absence of remission despite therapy with daily prednisolone at a dose of 2 mg/kg per day for 4 weeks
  • 39. Treatment of Relapse The patient should be examined for infections, which should be treated before initiating steroid therapy. Appropriate therapy of an infection might rarely result in spontaneous remission, there by avoiding the need for treatment with corticosteroids.
  • 40. Prednisolone is administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (single or divided doses) until urine protein is trace or nil for three consecutive days. Subsequently, prednisolone is given in a single morning dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4 weeks, and then discontinued. The usual duration of treatment for a relapse is thus 5-6 weeks.
  • 41. In case the patient is not in remission despite two weeks treatment with daily prednisolone, the treatment is extended for 2 more weeks. Patients showing no remission despite 4 weeks’ treatment with daily prednisolone should be treated as steroid resistance. Infrequent Relapsers • Patients who have three or less relapses a year and respond promptly to prednisolone are managed using the aforementioned regimen for each relapse.Such children are at a low risk for developing steroid toxicity.
  • 42. Frequent Relapsers and Steroid Dependence Patients with frequent relapses or steroid dependence should be managed in consultation with a pediatric nephrologist. It is usually not necessary to perform a renal biopsy in these cases. Following treatment of a relapse, prednisolone is gradually tapered to maintain the patient in remission on alternate day dose of 0.5-0.7 mg/kg, which is administered for 9- 18 months.
  • 43. A close monitoring of growth and blood pressure, and evaluation for features of steroid toxicity is essential. If the prednisolone threshold,to maintain remission, is higher or if features of corticosteroid toxicity are seen, additional use of the following immuno-modulators is suggested.
  • 44. • (a) Levamisole is administered at a dose of2- 2.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 12-24months. Co-treatment with prednisolone at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days is given for 2-4 weeks; its dose is gradually reduced by 0.15- 0.25 mg/kg every 4 weeks to a maintenance dose of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg that is continued for six or more months. The chief side effect of levamisole are leukopenia; flu-like symptoms,liver toxicity, convulsions and skin rash . The leukocyte count should be monitoredevery 12-16 weeks.
  • 45. • b) Cyclophosphamide is administered at adose of 2-2.5 mg/kg/day for 12 weeks.Prednisolone is co-administered at a dose of1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4 weeks,followed by 1 mg/kg for the next 8 weeks;steroid therapy is tapered and stopped over thenext 2-3 months. Therapy with cyclophosphamide should be instituted preferablyfollowing remission of proteinuria.
  • 46. Total leukocyte counts are monitored every 2 weeks; treatment with cyclophosphamide is temporarily discontinued if the count falls below 4000/mm3. An increased oral fluidintake and frequent voiding prevents the complication of hemorrhagic cystitis; otherside effects are alopecia, nausea and vomiting.The risk of gonadal toxicity is limited with a single (12 weeks) course of cyclophosphamide. The use of more than one course of this agent should preferably be avoided.
  • 47. (c) Calcineurin inhibitors: Cyclosporin (CsA) is given at a dose of 4-5 mg/kg daily for 12-24 months. Prednisolone is co-administered at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 2-4 weeks; its dose is gradually reduced by 0.15- 0.25 mg/kg every 4 weeks to a maintenance dose of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg that is continued for six or more months. Occasionally, treatment withcorticosteroids may be discontinued
  • 48. Side effects of CsA therapy include, hypertension, cosmetic symptoms(gum hypertrophy, hirsutism) and nephrotoxicity;hypercholesterolemia and elevated transaminases may occur. Estimation of blood levels of creatinine is required every 2-3months and a lipid profile annually. A repeat kidney biopsy, to examine for histologicalevidence of nephrotoxicity, should be done iftherapy with calcineurin inhibitors is extendedbeyond 2 years.
  • 49. Tacrolimus is an alternative agent, administeredat a dose of 0.1-0.2 mg/kg daily for 12-24months. Side effects include hyperglycemia,diarrhea and rarely neurotoxicity (headache,seizures). The use of tacrolimus is preferred especially in adolescents, because of lack of cosmetic side effects . Blood levels of creatinine and glucose should be estimated every 2-3 months.
  • 50. (d) Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF)is given at dose of 800-1200 mg/m2 along with tapering doses of prednisolone for 12-24 month.The principal side effects include gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea and leukopenia. Leukocyte counts should be monitored every 1-2 months; treatment is withheld if count falls below 4000/mm3.
  • 51. Patient and parent education Parental motivation and involvement is essential in the long-term management of these children. They should be provided information about the disease, its expected course and risk of complications. The following are emphasized (a) Urine examination for protein at home using dipstick, sulfosalicylic acid or boiling test. The examination should be done every morning during a relapse, during intercurrent infections or if there is even mild periorbital puffiness.
  • 52. (b) Maintain a diary showing results of urine protein examination, medications received and intercurrent infections. (c) Ensure normal activity and school attendance;the child should continue to participate in allactivities and sports. (d) Since infections are an important cause of morbidity, patients should receive appropriate immunization and other measures for protection
  • 53. Immunization: Parents should be advised regarding the need for completing the primary immunization.Administration of some vaccines, e.g., hepatitis B,measles-mumps-rubella or meningococcal vaccinesmay rarely precipitate a relapse. Patients receiving prednisolone at a dose of 2 mg/ kg/day or greater, or total 20 mg/day or greater (for patients weighing >10 kg) for more than 14 days are considered immunocompromised. Such patients should not receive live attenuated vaccines; inactivated or killed vaccines are safe).
  • 54. Live vaccines are administered once the child is off immunosuppressive medications for at least 4weeks. If there is a pressing need, these vaccines maybe given to patients receiving alternate day prednisolone at a dose less than 0.5 mg/kg. All children with nephrotic syndrome should receive immunization against pneumococcal and chickenpox infections.
  • 55. Complications of steroid treatment Patients with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome are at risk for certain complications, early detection of which is necessary. Infections Peritonitis Children with nephrotic syndrome are susceptible to severe infections, which need prompttreatment. Common infections include peritonitis,cellulitis and pneumonia.
  • 56. Thrombosis: Children with nephrotic syndrome are at risk for venous and, rarely, arterial Thrombosis. Patients with thrombotic complications require urgent treatment. The treatment includes correction of dehydration and other complications, and use of heparin (IV) or low-molecular-weight heparin (subcutaneously) initially, followed by oral anti-coagulants on the long-term
  • 57. Hypertension: This may be detected at the onset of nephrotic syndrome or later due to steroid toxicity. Therapy is initiated with ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers or β adrenergic antagonists, keeping the blood pressure at less than the 90th percentile.
  • 58. All patients should be monitored for cushingoid features and blood pressure; six- monthly record of height and weight, and yearly evaluation for cataract should be done. Patients on prolonged (>3 months) treatment with steroids should receivedaily supplements of oral calcium (250-500 mgdaily) and vitamin D (125-250 IU
  • 59. INDICATIONS FOR REFERRAL TO A PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGIST • Onset below 1-year of age; • family history of nephroticsyndrome. • Nephrotic syndrome with hypertension, gross/persistent microscopic hematuria, impaired renal function, or extrarenal features (e.g., arthritis, serositis, rash). • Complications: refractory edema, thrombosis, severe infections, steroid toxicity. • Resistance to steroid therapy. Frequently relapsing or steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome
  • 60. Prognosis 85%cases NS respond to steroids. 5% cases recover spontaneously. 10%cases are steroid dependent. In cases with significant lesions 1/3rd recover spontaneously Another 1/3rd cases go for CRF.