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My Neighborhood Essay
Embarking on the task of writing an essay about my neighborhood might seem deceptively
simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of capturing the essence of a familiar space
can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information or
the absence of personal experiences, but rather in the art of transforming mundane details into a
compelling narrative.
Crafting an engaging essay on one's neighborhood requires a keen observational eye and a knack
for weaving together seemingly ordinary elements into a tapestry that resonates with the reader.
It involves transcending the mundane descriptions of streets and houses and delving into the
unique atmosphere, the idiosyncrasies of the community, and the emotional connections that
make the neighborhood a distinct entity.
The challenge is not merely in recounting the physical attributes of the area but in conveying the
intangible aspects that contribute to its character. Translating the sights, sounds, and smells into
words that evoke a sensory experience for the reader is no small feat. It demands a careful
balance between vivid imagery and thoughtful reflection, ensuring that the essay captures both
the external landscape and the internal sentiments associated with the neighborhood.
Moreover, there's the delicate task of avoiding clichГ©s and stereotypes while still presenting a
genuine and relatable portrayal. The danger lies in succumbing to overly sentimental descriptions
or resorting to generic depictions that fail to capture the uniqueness of one's own corner of the
In essence, writing an essay on my neighborhood becomes a challenging exercise in storytelling,
requiring the author to navigate the fine line between detailed observation and thoughtful
introspection. It demands a skillful use of language to transform the ordinary into the
extraordinary, enabling the reader to connect with the writer's perspective on a personal level.
For those seeking assistance in mastering this intricate art of essay writing, it's worth noting that
there are resources available to provide guidance and support. Similar essays, enriched with
creativity and eloquence, can be explored and even commissioned on platforms like, offering a valuable tool for those navigating the nuances of expressing the
essence of their neighborhoods or any other subject matter.
My Neighborhood Essay My Neighborhood Essay
Compare And Contrast Football And High School Football
Middle school football vs. High school football
How hard do you think high school football is? I m in eighth grade and i was
invited to play for our high school. I can tell you from personal experience that
high school practices are very rough. Of course I was very honored but, it was also
very different. The coaches are rough on you but it is worth it.
First off, you have more freedom in high school. Now what I mean by that is if the
coach calls a play and the quarterback doesn t like it then he can change the play.
But, if the play that the quarterback called fails then we will probably have to run
next practice. Also you can talk during practice unlike in middle school practice.
Their both football but high school football is
Parallelism Jane Eyre
Parallelism that Empowers Gender plays a significant role in both Jasper Fforde s
The Eyre Affair and in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre. The protagonists in each of
these novels contradict the expected roles of men and women through similar
methods. Many parallels can be drawn between Jane Eyre and Thursday Next,
exposing the true strength of these women in the face of society s expectations of
them. By investigating the genderroles of the Victorian Era in Jane Eyreand looking
at the more modern presentation of gender roles in The Eyre Affair, a clear
understanding of these author s intentions to expose the gender issues can be seen.
Jane Eyre is a classic novelin which orphan Jane opposes societal expectations by
becoming an intelligent,... Show more content on ...
In The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next is presented with an opportunity to move to
Ohio and start a life with one of her coworkers. Although she heavily considers this
option, Thursday ultimately decides to follow her heart and marry Landen Park
Laine. A similar plot is seen in Bronte s Jane Eyre. Jane is presented with a
marriage proposal and an opportunity to travel to India with St. John Rivers. While
this is the chosen path in the first manuscript of Jane Eyre in Fforde s novel, the
ending is altered to parallel that of Thursday Next s marriage plot. Jane, like
Thursday, denies this proposal and follows her heart. She returns to Thornfield to
marry Mr. Rochester. It would have been easy for these two women to succumb to
societal expectations and rush into a marriage with suitable men for the purpose of
conforming to society. Jane and Thursday empower women by proving that patience
and love is the most rewarding. By rejecting their marriage proposals, Jane Eyre and
Thursday Next empower other women to take control of their lives and choose their
spouses. As C. Sykes examines Victorian literature in his essay, he recognizes that
many authors reveal gender issues. While some define characters by his or her
marital status, others reveal inequality through female capabilities (Sykes). Victorian
literature, like Bronte s Jane Eyre, reveal gender
Theme Of La Belle Dame Sans Merci
In the beginning of La Belle Dame sans Merci , Keats presents love in a negative
light through the knight s loneliness. The knight is shown to be, Alone and palely
loitering? The verb phrase, palely loitering is used to present the miserable and
lamentable emotions flowing through the knight s mind as he solely waits for his
loved one. The premodifier palely is explicitly used as a colour imagery to illustrate
his dim mood due to his feelings of isolation. Keats also describes the deterioration of
the surroundings in the poem through the personification of the sedge which has
withered from the lake . In this personification, the concrete noun sedge represents the
state of their relationship, the fact that it has withered signifies that their relationship
has ended. Despite how faithfully the knight waits, his loved one will not return. The
personification of the sedge can be seen as a pathetic fallacy which suggests the
tragic consequences that the knight will have to face. As a result of Keats description
of the knight s lamentable feelings and loneliness in waiting for his love, the theme of
unrequited love is portrayed in the poem La Belle Dame sans Merci in a negative...
Show more content on ...
This is evident when, She looked at him as she did love, / And made sweet moan .
The noun phrase, she did love suggests the bias perspective of the knight, the woman
may have only decided to have sexual intercourse with him to favour his sexual
desires; thus do not represent her affection for him. The sudden change of meter from
iambic tetrameter to iambic dimeter in the line And made sweet moan causes a sense
of foreboding; hinting that the love between the woman and the knight will not last
long. Nevertheless, through the negative consequences caused by the obsession the
knight has for the woman, Keats aims to express obsessive love in a negative
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple...
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple negative breast cancer is
subtype of breast cancer that lack estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors or large
amounts of HER2/neu proteins. It s commonly known as ER negative, PR negative
and HER2/neu negative breast cancer (1). Due to the aforementioned characteristic of
triple negative breast cancerit is insensitive to most of the effective therapies available
for breast cancer treatment including HER2 directed therapy such as trastuzumab (2).
Chemotherapy is the only systemic treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Even
though standard chemotherapy regimens can be effective for patients in the early
stages of triple negative breast cancer, but patients with... Show more content on ...
Second generation Antibody drug conjugate consider as a new approach for
treatments of TNBC. The main idea is to use an antibody and cytotoxic agents
together to produce a synergistic effect and to ensure delivery of the cytotoxic
agent to the target cell (6) Our main goal in this research is to develop a novel
antibody based therapy against LRP8. We hypothesis that an anti LRP8 antibody
conjugated to cytotoxic drug will lead toward effective therapy for TNBC. We will
perform experiments using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to prove that
LRP8 is suitable ADC target. Two main factors will contribute to whether it is
suitable target:
i.100,000 LPR8 receptors should be expressed on the surface of 18 20 cells line.
Our hypothesis is that will be more than 100,000 LPR8 receptors on the surface of
breast cancer cell line. ii. Internalization of antibody bound to LRP8 We hypothesis
that the antibody bind to the LRP8 have the ability to internalize and eventually
causes cell death or apoptosis.
Background and Preliminary Results: In February 2013, an anti HER2 antibody
trastuzumab was approved by the FDA following the positive outcome of the Phase
In this trial, Patients with HER2 (also known as ERBB2) positive metastatic breast
cancer had an improved median overall survival benefit compared to the combination
of lapatinib and capecitabine (6). This drug represents an
Food Additives And Their Harmful Effects On Consumers ...
Food Additives and Their Harmful Effects on Consumers Health In this increasingly
health conscious culture, many Americans are looking for ways to improve their
health. Whether this journey includes adding weight training or subtracting fast food,
many travelers alter their footfalls along the way. Exercise is significant, but a
nutritious diet is crucial for reaching the final destination. Because of the role that
foodand drinks play in a wholesome lifestyle, many consumers have scrutinized
certain products, looking for the product s advantages or disadvantages. After this
search, consumers often have doubts about the benefits of food additives. C. Curtis,
R. Meer, and S. Misner of the University of Arizona Cooperative... Show more
content on ...
The warnings against these preservatives continue. Grace Communications
Foundation warns that research from 2006 discovered that those who commonly eat
animal products containing nitrites have a nearly three quarters higher chance of
developing lung disease compared to people who abstain from those products
( Sodium phosphate, another preservative, can increase the
chances of developing heart disease when taken above the recommended levels.
However, because the additive is so common many people consume too much and are
unaware, Melanie Warner, a freelance reporter for the New York Times, cautions
(113). Consumers should not eat meat products with additives in them because the
additives can cause serious health issue in consumers. However, some additives can
improve a food s nutritional content. Health Research Funding mentions that nutrients
can be additives and improve the product s nutritional value
( Foods which previously had very little nutritional value
may now contain vitamins and minerals which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
Some additives are harmless; however, these food products that have added nutrients
also have many other harmful additives to maintain taste and appearance. Warner
believes that products with additives are made to be tasty and easy to make (117).
Processed food needs to look and taste appealing to stand against
Poop Digestion Essay
Chapter 4 Building a Better Poop Digester
Countries such as the U.S. have the resources to build elaborate biogas systems,
including syngas gasification, a much faster process than anaerobic digestion.
However coming up with efficient and inexpensive ways to harvest biogas can be
tricky in places where energy is most needed and money and resources are most
scarce. This chapter would show examples of innovative digesters being tried out in
places throughout the world.
i.e.: Future work with Afri Flame Network: The Potential of Small Scale Biogas
Digesters to Alleviate Poverty and Improve Long Term Sustainability of Ecosystem
Services in Sub Saharan Africa Main project features: This proposed action focuses
on improving the efficacy of ... Show more content on ...
and counts as human waste.
Landfills are the third largest source of human related methane emissions in the
United States, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Biogas from landfills is also called landfill gas (LFG), as the digestion process
takes place in the ground rather than in an anaerobic digester. As of March 2015,
there were about 645 operational LFG projects in the United States, according to
EPA. However, most of these projects use biogas to produce electricity rather than
power natural gas vehicles.
Creative use of landfill gas (LFG) includes heating greenhouses, producing electricity
and heat in cogeneration applications, firing brick kilns, supplying high Btu pipeline
quality gas, fueling garbage trucks, and providing fuel to chemical and automobile
manufacturing. Projects range from small scale community driven initiatives to multi
million dollar private investments.
Text Box: Some wastewater plants in the U.S. are set up to burn the methane gas
for bigger energy uses. Several cities use the resource to fuel the city buses. In the
UK they are called Bio Buses and can travel almost 200 miles on the yearly waste
generated by five
For Whom The Bell Tolls Research Paper
Ernest Hemingway s classic novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is an extremely
inspirational work of literature, especially for a person seeking a career in public
service. During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Barack Obama named
For Whom the Bell Tolls as a book that really inspired him, leading him to strive to
become president and make a difference in this country. Public service is all about
making a difference, and this book inspires those that would like to make a
difference. The characters fight in the war and are committed to making a difference,
knowing their lives can end at any moment. For Whom the Bell Tollsis inspirational
because it inspires people to make a difference, demonstrates the importance of
commitment, and invokes
Ames Room Essay
The visual perception field is a very old are of study in psychological research.
From ancient Greece to modern day scholars, philospher and psychologists have
been studying on visual perception for centruries. As a result of people studying
visual perception for such a lengthy amount of time, ground breaking researches
have been conducted by many observers like Emil Emmert. In1881 it was found by
Emil Emmert that an objects size afterimage seems to vary in size based on
whether it is positioned close or farther away. When near by the object looks small.
And the farther away it gets, the size of the object becomes noticeably larger. It s
perceived size is thought to be fixed on the retina and as it increases the perceived
distance is also thought to increase consecutively. This... Show more content on ...
Ames has also restricted the viewers to only observe the room through a peekhole.
He also strategically placed the floors, ceiling and walls by slanting them which
manipulated their depth perception and size constancy. Therefore Ames Room also
had an element of suprise. Meanwhile Emmert s Law did not involved any optical
illusions, therefore Emmert regarded the perceived sizes of the objects in the after
image as a reaction of the body to continue psychological function.
According to Emmert s Law the perceptual constancy was thought to happen by
multiple depth perception cues that include; binocular vision, linear perspective and
monocular cue. In contrast to Emmert s Law in Ames Room Illusion there are 2
illusions that take place. By looking through a peeping whole with one eye, the
peephole eliminates all the depth perception cues and causes the room to appear
like a regular cubic room. The other illusion is the fact that objects swtich sizes as
they swap places in the room. This leds all the distance cues to be abolished as
Persuasive Essay On Coming To America
I believe there will be a rainbow after a thunderstorm. As any living thing, we go
through many different occasions. Most of them being difficult situations that
require a bit more than some fine tuning to resolve. We usually try to avoid these
situations, because they are trouble and bothersome. But still sometime these
decisions are made for us, we do not get to decide what happens. Whether it s
another hard day of work to support your family or making anxious and pressuring
decisions that will decide the fate of a company. They are all rewarding experiences
whether the rewardis minimum wage or landing million dollar contracts. I have
never experienced what people might call hardship before, not until I became 12.
Before that, the only thing I saw as problems were school and the occasional fights
at my school. It was never anything serious, just some scratches. A few years before
I was 12, the year I immigrated here to America, my dad has talked about his
thoughts and plans about it. I can remember him putting his hand on my shoulder
with a firm yet gentle grip and speaking Chinese, which roughly translates to You ve
got to study hard, especially English, you will make much use of it later. I didn t
understand much of it then.
But that all changed when I came to America. One day, not long after I moved into
my first house in America. There was a small park on the other side of the street,
and since it was summer, all the kids I ve seen from my window are in the
Essay about Alternative Transportation Greenways System...
Alternative Transportation Greenways System Plan
In Transportation Alternative s Bicycle Blueprint for the five boroughs of New York
City, John Kaehny, executive director, states:
Making greenway networks a reality will require partnership between planners and
advocates, on the one hand, and public officials controlling purse strings on the other.
Local elected officials, particularly city council members and borough presidents,
have to be reminded that greenways can multiply the value and variety of open
space in the region at very low cost in public resources; under ISTEA, bike and
pedestrian projects may be paid for using a 20/80 local/federal matching formula.
What s more, by offering fresh air, recreation, quiet and sheer ... Show more content
on ...
This committee is charged with guiding Ratio Architects, the city contracted
engineering firm, in facilitating public workshops, preparing the planning document,
and crafting a comprehensive plan.
This paper will explore the policy process underlying the development of the City of
Bloomington s Alternative Transportation and Greenways System Plan. It will
investigate the issues and the actors, the rules and policies that influence an outcome,
priorities and alternatives, as well as the lessons that can be learned from this project
and others like it.
First and foremost, the most pressing issue and reason for the current greenways
project rests on the desire of the citizenry to realize and exercise alternative means of
transportation. Indiana, like most mid western states, is heavily dependent upon
fossil fuels and recognizes the strong hold that fuel economies have on its citizens. In
Life After Oil Jeremiah Creedon states, Oil supplies are dwindling and much faster
than most business, government, and even environmental leaders recognize.
Problems are already appearing in the form of climbing gasoline prices, electricity
shortages, and skyrocketing heating bills. 3
Nonetheless Indiana still seems perfectly
Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs)
Achievement OF THE Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for education in
A senier ESSAY SUBMITTED in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Bachelor of Arts degree in public administration and development Management
Department of Public Administration and Development management
Faculty of business and economics
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
JUNE 2008
I would like to express my deep appreciation for my mother and father for their
encouragement and financial support. My sincere gratitude goes to my adviser Ato
Berhanu Temesgen, who has provided me with his important suggestions and
comments for which I am most grateful. Finally, I would like to thank Hanna ... Show
more content on ...
In this respect, the submit calls for countries to plan and implement appropriate
policies and strategies to ensure UPE for all children by 2015. Achieving the goal
of UPE by 2015 requires not only children are in school but also complete primary
education. Furthermore, the MDGs require development agencies and developed
countries to re affirm their commitment to provide financial and technical assistance
to poor countries to implement these plans.
2 Statement of the problem
The compressive nature of MDGs, targets and indicators pose several problems as
well as opportunity for the countries that embraced them and Ethiopia is also one of
them. For the last many decades Ethiopia is characterized by higher level of poverty
prevalence, poor access for education, health, water supply and sanitation. In the
recent years there are some improvements regarding reduction of poverty, access to
education and health. Especially the education sector is in rapid growth than ever
before. The MDGs regarding education requires that there should be full primary
enrolment and elimination of gender disparity in primary and secondary education.
Despite rapid expansion of primary enrollment in Ethiopia, many children continue to
remain behind normal schooling progress. According to the Ministry of Education
the Current national figures indicate that nearly 45 percent of
Theme Of Death In A Clean Well Lighted Place By Ernest...
Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific writers of the Lost Generation, of
men who lived through the horrors of World War One. Death played an important
role in shaping both his young and adult life and was a seemingly unavoidable to
many of the people closest to him. Hemingway s life was drastically altered by the
outbreak of WWI, which was one of the greatest influences on the works he would
later produce. There, he met his first wife, which marked the beginning of several
troubled and unhappy marriages. His father committed suicidearound this time, the
first of many suicides of the people nearest to Hemingway which would plague him
for the rest of his life. The war remained a driving force in Hemingway s life long
after its finish.... Show more content on ...
Their dispute arise, as the man wishes for the child to be aborted as so that they can
be unrestrained and continue to live their lives in the manner that it was lived, while
the woman wishes to keep the child in order to settle down and live a fulfilling life
(Holladay [EBSCO]). Much like the previous short story, Hills Like White Elephants
tackles the concept of finding fulfillment in the meaningless suffering that is life to
Hemingway. The man wishes to lead a life filled with instant and spontaneous
gratitude, that being traveling across the world or drinking, while the woman wishes
to things that are satiating and fulfilling in the long term, like settling down and
raising a family. This leads into the existentialism that is so paramount to Hemingway
s worldview. The man, therefore, represents humanity in the modern age as he does
not live honestly and seeks only what rewards him instantly rather than something
that benefits him greater in the long term. Rather than focus and work towards
something truly beneficial, humanity fights to be unrestrained and minimally
responsible for their actions, choosing to devote themselves to simple pleasures and
vices rather than honest and bountiful rewards. The couple is described to be in a
bar located in a rather barren, lifeless area
Compare And Contrast Tom Brady And Lebron James
Tom Brady and Lebron James both acheived success through hard work and
Tom brady and Lebron James were both average sports players who both failed time
and time again to make their high school sports teams.
Tom brady had a goal of becoming his high school football team s starting
quarterback, but lacked the talent to do so.
Also, Lebron James had the desire to make his high school basketball team, however,
he lacked the money to afford the bills that came with the sport of basketball.
Though they failed continously to achieve their goal, they never gave up and soon
acheived what many had perceived they couldn t do.
They gained success through hard work and their achievements, which luck had no
part in.
Tom Brady failed time
Maya Angelou Contributions
Maya Angelou was a remarkable woman who contributed a lot through her craft as a
poet, author, activist, and philanthropist. A large amount of her work was influenced
by her past life experiences that added social, cultural, and political topics to her
writing. Angelou growing up endured a broken home, segregation, and rape;
however, regardless of her woeful beginnings, she became one of the most notable
black female writers of our century.
Angelou was raised in a rural area in Arkansas,where she grew up during the Great
Depression. Therefore, Angelou saw the hapless effects of increased poverty in her
community. She lived with her brother and mother after her parents had divorced,
which was looked down upon during this time. Her mother had a boyfriend who
sadly raped Angelou at the age of seven. This lead to him being convicted by the
court and when he was released from jail he was killed for his crime. This incident
affected Angelou deeply and shortly after she became mute. Since she was not
speaking, she would pass her time reading literature. Authors like Langston Hughes,
W.E.B Du Bois, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens are just some of the
writers that inspired her to create her own pieces. When she began school, she was
excelling in all her studies which brought the attention of her mentor, Ms. Flowers.
She gave Angelou one life lesson that stuck with her forever, It takes the human
voice to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning ( Angelou Caged Bird
Tyson Market Structure
So, the one of the 4 market structures that I will talk about will be Perfect
Competition. What is Perfect Competition? Perfect Competition is Firms are said
to be in perfect competition when the following conditions occur: (1) many firms
produce identical products; (2) many buyers are available to buy the product, and
many sellers are available to sell the product; (3) sellers and buyers have all
relevant information to make rational decisions about the product being bought and
sold; and (4) firms can enter and leave the market without any restrictions in other
words ,there is free entry and exit into and out of the market (Principles of
Economics, pg. 180). The firm that I will be talking about is Tyson chicken. Tyson is
good in and their... Show more content on ...
The country has itself been fighting an avian flu outbreak, culling 34 million birds
so far this year (The New York Times). The types of decisions might managers have
made for him/her due to the market structure characteristics, the manager might
have to decide how to make a profit due to the many sellers selling identical profits.
For example, in the book it said The same crops grown by different farmers are
largely interchangeable. According to the United States Department of
Agriculture monthly reports, in 2015, U.S. corn farmers received an average price
of $6.00 per bushel and wheat farmers received an average price of $6.00 per
bushel. A corn farmer who attempted to sell at $7.00 per bushel, or a wheat grower
who attempted to sell for $8.00 per bushel, would not have found any buyers. A
perfectly competitive firm will not sell below the equilibrium price either. Why
should they when they can sell all they want at the higher price? Other examples of
agricultural markets that operate in close to perfectly competitive markets are small
roadside produce markets and small organic farmers (Principles of Economics, pg.
Razor Sharp Research Paper
One thing I learned in life is that you should try before doing something stupid or
wrong. For me apparently it is using razor sharp objects. I have many scars from
times when I was using something sharp. Therefore, the worst part about this is
that I am accident prone so using razor sharp objects is not really something I
should be doing. I really should not use any razor sharp objects even after life. I
accomplished not using sharp related objects and will now know not to use them
in the future. First, one was when I was 12 or 13, it was about eight in the morning
and I got up to get a brownie because you know brownies are the right thing to eat
for breakfast. Well, I was empty and I was not in the mood to get something that was
not sharp.
I Felt Like Making A Deep Breath Of Fresh Air
It is my impression that a poem is complicated, obscure, and must have deep
meaning. However, after reading William Carlos Williams poems, I felt like
making a deep breath of fresh air. It was the first time I felt that poems could be
simple like this. In his poems, everything is expressed in simple words. Even a
reader as me, an international student, could understand his words easily. Also, the
images he described are the common but neglected scenes. Nonetheless, when I
closed the book, some of the images overlapped with my memory. It seemed like
something happened before in my experience but I ignored. The fragments now
look so beautiful. I especially like his poems To a Poor Old Woman, Poem, and
Her Daughter. These three poems help me to find the beauty around me, help me
to change a direction to see the world, help me to appreciate. In the poem To a Poor
Old Woman, Williams described an old woman eating plums on the street.
Munching a plum on the street a paper bag of them in her hand. I was laughing
when I read this. Eagerly eating something on the street, I believe it happened in
many people s life. For example, I have a nice memory of eating a hot roast sweet
potato on the street in a cold winter afternoon. However, some people think eating
on the street is impolite and unsightly. In New York, eating on the street even is
illegal in some residential neighborhoods. For an poor old woman in the poem, she
might had no free time or a spacious dining room to enjoy her
Analysis Of The Dinner Table By Judy Chicago
The Dinner Table (1974 1979) by Judy Chicago
1a. While viewing this piece of work, the emotions I feel are powerful and pride. I
feel powerful because I am a woman and here s this piece of art celebrating and
embracing all the women who made a difference and pathed a way for every other
woman in this world. When I look at those work of art I feel as if I can do anything
I set my mind too. Many of the women printed on the art didn t have is easy. They
work hard for all their accomplishments and didn t let the men in this world
intimidate them to stop just because they are women. I feel pride because this piece
makes me feel happy to be a woman and that I am special because of that.
1b. The goal of The Dinner Party was to introduce women s heritage and the role
they played in throughout history. Mostly the history of women in Western
civilization. Also, the goal was to show the importance of women in this world.
Many things wouldn t be if it weren t for women. At the time this piece was made,
the women s right movement was just beginning, so I believe this was made to
encourage equal rights for women.
1c. Judy Chicago chose to use the form of a triangle because it s the earliest signs
for women, an ancient symbol for the goddess, and the three equal sides represents
the equalized world woman try to create. Michelangelo s Pieta (1498 1499)
2a. The subject matter of this is a real representation of Virgin Maryholding the dying
body of Jesus Christ. This is exactly what
Do You Agree That If a Trade Union Persuades Employers
Trade unions can be very powerful organisations, however their power does not
inevitably lead to increases in wage rates, but not always. The power that the union
has can have a big impact upon whether or not it can affect the wage rates within
that particular market. It largely depends upon the financial status of the
employer. If the union is powerful enough to get wages to rise then it may not lead
to a loss in jobs, because it shows that the employer has money in which to raise the
wages of its employers and still make supernormal profits. A very powerful trade
union may be able to negotiate this rise with the employer, but it would depend on
the type of job, if the workers were skilled and difficult to replace then it is likely that
... Show more content on ...
If each extra worker that is employed is adding to the companies output then the
business will continue to grow. However as soon as a new employee does not add
anything to the business then no more will be employed. This should not change if
the wages rise, because as long as the employee is adding value to the business
then they are worth employing, meaning that if a union does employ as many
workers as it feels is enough to add value to the business then the price of labour
should be irrelevant. If the economy is booming then there is likely to be a rise in
wages to entice new people to work for certain companies. This could mean that a
trade union forces a rise in wages because of how it views that the company is
likely to have more money than previously meaning that it could raise the prices of
its wages whilst keeping the same number of employees. This force by the trade
union could lead to a standoff between the trade union and the employer, because
the employer would argue that the workers were prepared to work before hand,
and therefore it does not see the value in raising its wages just because the
company is doing well at that point in time. The diagram to the left shows how a
trade union can force a rise in wages, but it could lead to a cut in the number of
jobs. If the union secures the rise in wages from W1 to W2, the trade union mark up,
then this leads to an increase in wages. However it also intersects the demand curve
at a much higher point
Outcome Practice
acticeUnit 513
Andrew Blackwood
Understanding and implementation of outcome based practice within my work setting.
Outcome based practice is to deliver a service which is measured by the outcomes of
the support delivered.
From the initial stages of referral it is made clear what outcomes are expected to be
achieved or worked towards. An individual s care co ordinator will draw up a pen
picture representing the individual and disclosing details of the support that they
require and a summary of their character, within this pen picture, required outcomes
will be stated and it s down to us to detail how we can meet these outcomes within
our practice. A required outcomemay state:
A long term period of stability and ... Show more content on ...
It is of upmost importance that the systems and processes used are in favour of the
promotion of well being. Many professional parties involved in the care of an
individual have many different systems and many different processes so to avoid
confusion I will focus on some applicable to our organisation.
The initial care needs assessment has a huge impact on the individual s well being
as first contact with a service which will be playing a huge part in the delivery of
your care can be quite daunting. It is important to make the individual feel valued,
empowered and in control of their own care package. A good care needs assessment
will reflect the individual s wants, dreams, aspiration s and how they want their life to
be, it will highlight their true needs as well as their strengths.
The review process should have the same result as the above and should ensure that
changes are monitored, progress mapped and new goals and targets are set, it is
imperative that the care plan gives a true and current reflection of the individual in
order for them to receive the correct support.
Lead practice that promotes individuals health and choices and control over the
outcomes they want to achieve (O3.3, O3.4, O4.4)
Develop a plan to ensure your workforce has the necessary training to recognise
individual health care needs and to support individuals to achieve outcomes * See
Training requirements to meet service user individual needs document
Essay on What Dreams May Come Analysis
What Dreams May Come is a movie about life, loss, death, afterlife and rebirth. The
film explores the emotions evoked by a variety of characters when they are faced
with coping with tragedy and death. It also delves into the manifestations of heaven
and the variety of forms heaven takes in the minds of different people.
The main character, Dr. Christian Nielsen, and his wife Annie Collins are forced to
cope with the tragic deaths of their two children Marie and Ian. The children s deaths
almost rip apart their marriage. Though they were able to pull through and remain
together and repair a torn relationship. In a tragic turn of events, Christian is also
killed in an auto accident while trying to help a motorist. It is that ... Show more
content on ...
Christian decides to travel to hell to try to bring his wife back to paradise. Once he
finds his wife, Christian makes the decision that since it is virtually impossible to
bring a person from one realm into another, that he will stay with his wife. He would
rather live eternity in hell than in heaven without his true love. He is willing to make
the ultimate sacrifice in order to stay with his wife. He makes one last attempt to
lure Annie from the depths by telling her the same thing that he told her when she
was suffering from depression after the deaths of her children. This was actually
able to rouse Annie and through the power of love, Christian was able to rescue
Annie and bring her to paradise. Since Christian had actually created his own heaven,
it would not have been complete without his wife. He in actuality was able to create
his own reality.
Upon everyone s reunification in heaven they realize that the one thing that paradise
is missing is life. They decide that they need to be reborn in order to experience the
beauty that is living. Through all of their struggles, they have experienced a myriad
of emotions. They have hated life, and yearned for death. Now they look forward
towards life with a changed and renewed outlook.
This film explores the cyclical nature of life and death and how people really can
create their own realities. It explores how ones cope with tragedy, death and even
life. What Dreams May Come shows how the love of
Shonda Rhimes Year Of Yes
When you think Shonda Rhimes the first thing that most likely pops into your
head is Greys Anatomy or How To Get Away With Murder or the fact a single
woman basically owns a whole TV network every Thursday night. Regardless if
you are a huge fan of Ms. Rhymes or you have just heard her name in passing, you
ve probably heard her titled as one of the greatest Television show creatures and or
scriptwriters to date. What you don t usually think about when you hear the name
Shonda Rhimesis someone who turns down events, who has intense anxiety or
someone who has to drink two glasses of red wine before she gives a speech. The
novel, Year of Yes published by Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, published in 2015
and written by Ms. Shonda Rhimes, is a 300 page nonfiction novel that does
exactly that. This novels goal is to shows the raw side of Ms. Rhimes, it shows
that she is or should I say, used to be, a big personality behind paper. This novel all
started after her sister mentions to her that Rhymes never says, yes to anything (p. 1).
After her sister mentions this, Shonda begins to consider it, but with her anxious side
always present, she makes up multiple excuses as to why she says no to just about
everything that comes her way. She tells her sister that she... Show more content on ...
This novel was easy to read and also exciting to read! I constantly wanted to know
what she was going to say yes to next. After reading this book, I feel like Ms.
Rhimes and I are best friends. Her writing style and language, mainly slang, it
makes it feel like I am talking to a friend who is gossiping to me over brunch. I
read this novel rather quickly, I loved watching her start out terrified to say yes to
anything all the way to finding new things to say yes to. I felt like as I read the
novel, the author gained a new perspective on life and all the exciting moments a
person can have if they open their heart to
What Is The Metaphors In Spoon River
To Love Or Be Loved In the book Spoon River Anthology, author Edgar Lee
Masters uses epitaphs to recap the lives of the Midwestern people that lived in a
town called Spoon River. Masters awakens the souls of the people to tell the secrets
of their lives and the myths of moral superiority of the town. Spoon River is an evil
and corrupt city filled with sneaky, conniving people and a few good hearts. Spoon
River Anthologydescribes the relationships and marriages of the people in the town.
Some of the marriages were extremely happy and others were abruptly unhappy. In
our society, the qualities of a happy marriage differentiate based off the concepts of
a happy marriage in the book. Typically in our society, if someone is unhappy in their
marriage... Show more content on ...
Some couples keep all of their arguments and fights between them instead of letting
everyone else know. Lucinda and Davis Matlock are a perfect example of one of
those couples. Lucinda went through a great deal of things during her lifetime, but
she never complained. She did her motherly and wifely duties and enjoyed doing
so. She was a mother of twelve, but she lost eight of her children. Lucinda was a
hard working woman, in and outside of the house. She still managed to make the
most out her life. Many of the other married women complained about how they
were disgusted, angry, or unsatisfied, but Lucinda enjoyed her life, despite of
everything she went through. She is very proud of the life that she lives. She says,
Life is too strong for you It takes life to love life. What Lucinda means is that the
people of our society take small things and make them much bigger than what they
should be. She doesn t think that they can truly understand and love life, because
no one tries to be happy with the positive things. Davis was her husband of seventy
years. He compares how his generation lives to how he expects the future
generations to live. He believes that the people of his time works hard for
everything they own. Davis says, For the next generation, this generation never
living, describing that he thinks the next generations won t be of people who are
willing to earn their belongings. He also lost eight children, but still manages to
enjoy the rest of his life. According to For Your Marriage, the most recent studies
show that 63.1% of men and 60.7% of women say that they are in happy marriages.
Fortunately, over half of men and women consider their marriage to be a happy one.
The number increases when both husband and wife accept God as the center of their
marriages. If more people, including Mr. and Mrs. Pantier, could see life and each
other the way the Lucinda
The Security Research Of Cloud Database
The security research of cloud database
Hao Xu
Professor: Carol Auerbach
Course Number: EAP 6110 20
Date: 12/1/2014
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
In September, there was breaking news in the American entertainment world private
pictures of Hollywood movie star Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities were
leaked online by hacker who stole the pictures from their Apple s iCloud. People
were shocked by this news, and a debate was generated online on whether cloud
technology is safe enough to upload private files. Despite this incident, cloud database
can be trusted as a secure space to store information as long as the users have some
basic safety awareness.
1.2 The concept of cloud database
Cloud is a popular concept in the world of technology today. Put everything in the
cloud is a popular statement used by cloud database vendors. A cloud database is a
database that has been optimized to create a virtualized computing environment.
Businesses and other organizations with large databases can benefit from putting
their databases in the cloud because it allows them to effectively support and use
cloud enable business applications as part of a wider software as a service (SaaS)
deployment (Rouse, M). Furthermore, more and more people are choosing to use
cloud database to store and share documents, or even run some software on the web,
rather then installing it to their own computer. In addition, cloud database is also
convenient for mobile users.
The Unknown Citizen Auden
In the late 1930s, many countries struggled politically and economically because of
the governments that rose up after the first world war. Though at first the United
States prospered after the war, they soon fell into the Great Depression. To some
Americans, the government s attempts to alleviate their financial struggles made their
situation worse. They viewed the governmentas an overbearing, controlling body that
needed reform. One poem written in 1939 showcases this opinion through a satirical
story of a stateofficial praising a citizen who died. W. H. Audens The Unknown
Citizen criticizes the government for not truly caring about its people.
The government commends its citizens only when they do not interfere with the
state s agenda. In this poem, one specific man is what the state considers an ideal
citizen, so they build a monument for him after he dies. The words of this poem
are their tribute to this citizen for his respectable life. Their ideal citizen, though, is
one who blindly follows their rules; for example, they check all the reports on his
conduct and call him a saint because they see no official complaints against him
(line 4). They also say he had the proper opinions for the time of year (23). Basically,
they are happy that his opinions matched theirs, whether it be in politics, education,
or war. The last line of the poem neatly summarizes the government s motives. The
speaker of the poem says, Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have
A Brief Note On The Dormant Form Of Tuberculosis ( Tb )
A huge caution associated with the use of adalimumab is its ability to reactivate, or
make one more susceptible to infection. This is because it inhibits TNFО± which
plays a role in the fighting of infections. Reactivating the dormant form of
tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important infectious adverse reactions in those
taking adalimumab. Consequently, patients are assessed for tuberculosis before being
offered adalimumab. Other infections include septicaemia and hepatitis B. As a
general rule of thumb, evaluation for infection before, during and 4 months post
treatment should occur. Treatment should not be started until the infection is
controlled and it is advised that adalimumab be avoided in patients on drugs that alter
immune function (e.g. immunosuppressants). Respiratory tract infections such as
sinitis, lower and upper tract infections are most commonly reported. Other common
side effects are nausea, headaches and rash. Live vaccines are also advised to be
avoided in patients taking adalimumab, despite the lack of supporting evidence that
concomitant use causes significant harm or affects the efficacy of either treatment.
Asides from infections, adalimumab has been shown to cause reactions at the
injection site including rashes (sometimes in the form of urticaria itchy rash),
eczema, reddening skin sometimes accompanied by pain and swelling. As an
antibody, adalimumab is structurally able to trigger an immune response where parts
of it can be
The Counseling Program For Clinical Mental Health
Throughout the counseling program for clinical mental health in Edinboro
University, students will be required to take a course called group processes. In
group processes, students will learn the necessary skills and knowledge of
counseling in a group setting as a group facilitator. The course will focus on many
topics such as 1) personal qualities. 2) world view. 3) beliefs. 4) values. 5) attitudes.
6) multicultural competencies. 7) students personal goals. 8) countertransference
issues. 9) strengths and weaknesses. And 10) what students have learned throughout
the assignments and experiences. Facilitators should have a set of personal qualities
that help individuals by empowering them to find strengths and solutions themselves.
professional group facilitators must display qualities about themselves which can be
used as a model for the members, displaying how responses and conversations
should be like. Having a flexible worldview is necessary for counselors to understand
and accept cultureas an effective factor when considering group therapy. Worldview
is the way in which we perceive the world from the perspective of all our beliefs. It
is these beliefs that shape or view of the world (Gerig, 2014). A counselor must have
a flexible worldview to attempt to understand what a member is thinking, feelings,
etc. and understand why they might be feeling those thoughts or feelings. Counselors
beliefs have an influence on group therapy in many ways, 1) Our perspective of
The Cult of Contemporary Celebrity Essay
Celebrity: (noun) 1. A well known person. 2. Fame, being famous.
No doubt every simian tribe of hunter gatherers had their local celebrities: the woman
who gave birth to quintuplets, the boy who swallowed a porcupine and survived, the
man who wrestled with a tyrannosaurus and... well, he probably would have died, but
celebrity status would have been applied posthumously.
If, however, the man wrestling with a Tyrannosaurus was a modern Hollywood
celebrity, not only would he have lived, he would have pocketed something like $20
million for his efforts, and earned the adulation of several billion people.
The global celebration of modern celebrity is partly a product of our pre historic need
for heroes. In a world where ... Show more content on ...
Information on celebrities is not only very popular with the general public, it also
popular with journalists. Interviewing a movie star requires almost no effort. The
celebrity s publicist will provide you with every significant and insignificant detail of
the celebrity s life. All you have to do is read this information, interview the subject,
cut and paste what the celebrity says so the interview has a coherent structure, and
`bang, there is your thousand or two thousand word article.
Because of this modern media frenzy there are as many divisions of Hollywood
celebrity as there are bird species in the Amazon. As the dim witted, obtuse and
lethargic stars of Big Brother proved last summer you don t need any skills to
become a celebrity these days, you just need to be in the media. In Hollywood there
are A listcommercial celebrities like Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts.
There are your B list celebrities like Ben Affleck, Kevin Kline and Uma Thurman
(they might not have to audition for parts, but nor can they expect a fee any higher
than a couple of million dollars.) There are struggling in the grave celebrities like
Mickey Rourke, reluctant celebrities like Kate Winslet, Lazarus celebrities like John
Travolta, Art house celebrities like Judy Davis, institutional celebrities like James
Cann, BOB celebrities (Bottom of the Barrel) like
Global Wine War Analysis
Due to French history and tradition it was possible to gain a strong image in regard to
vinery and example, which can be highlighted might be the invention of Champaign.
The experience of France as a quality wine producer going back to the middle ages
can be regarded as a source of competitive advantage. Another source is the strong
wine culture in France creating a positive image for customers. The wine industry by
itself is a very important economic factor in France, in the mid 18th century the wine
industry accounted for 17% of the overall industry. As a consequence, in 1855 the
government classified wine yard into five different levels of quality. This helped the
consumers to identify the best possible wines and was unique at the ... Show more
content on ...
Discuss founding a consortium of different wine producers to produce different wines
that will be high in demand soon in the future.
c. Advice to the French Minister of Agriculture
Help your producers sell their vine: provide more funds for marketing campaigns and
fund workshops on how they can identify their target group and do targeted, cost
efficient marketing
a. Australian Minister of Agriculture:
The labeling of wine according to regions in Australia has been already done but not
with protection by law. Tighten laws in relevance of how to label wines can be
beneficial in the long run when it comes to value creation, as can be successfully
recognized in France.
Simultaneously, a financially subsidy should support wine yards with their surplus
production hence the successful long term strategy Directions to 2025 , which
foresees value growth by 2015 and global leadership on the wine market by 2025
might be eased. This is necessary since Australia will cannot compete on price in the
long term bringing to mind low cost production countries such as Chile.
b. Australian wine industry association
Align marketing activities with the plan of Direction to 2025 . Support the Australian
s wine image from cheap and cheerful into a classified and recognizable labeling
scheme. It might be added that the new scheme can be restructured in a way that it
does not mix up psychographic targeting with regional ones, since this might be
confusing. The
The Ionic Reactionalization
Name: Kamaal Thomas |Date: January 4, 2011 | |Graded Assignment
Lab Report
Answer the questions below. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your
teacher by the due date for full credit.
(8 points)
|Score |
| |
1. For Part 2: Single Displacement Reactions: For each of the four single
displacement reactions, describe what happened in each well. If a chemical reaction
occurred, write a balanced equation for it. Then using the A, B symbols, write a
general equation for a single displacement reaction.
Here are the chemical formulas of the reactants for each reaction:
zinc Zn copper sulfate CuSO4
In well 1A there was a chemical reaction which turned ... Show more content on ...
Then using the A, B symbols, write a general equation for a double displacement
Here are the chemical formulas of the reactants for each reaction:
sodium chloride NaCl copper sulfate CuSO4
In well 1A there was no chemical reaction between the sodium chloride and copper
sulfate. We know this because there was no color change, precipitate formation, or
gas production in this mixture.
AX + BY в†’ AY + BX
sodium hydroxide NaOH copper sulfate CuSO4
In well 2A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium hydroxide and copper
sulfate. There was a blue precipitate formation which proves there was a chemical
AX + BY в†’ AY + BX
NaOH + CuSO4 в†’ NaSO4 + CuOH
sodium phosphate (trisodium phosphate) Na3(PO4) copper sulfate CuSO4
In well 3A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium phosphate and copper
sulfate. There was a light blue precipitate formation which proves there was a
chemical reaction.
AX + BY в†’ AY + BX
Na3(PO4) + CuSO4 в†’ Na3SO4 + CuPO4
sodium chloride NaCl silver nitrate AgNO3
In well 4A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium chloride and silver
nitrate. There was a white precipitate formation which proves there was a chemical
AX + BY в†’ AY + BX
NaCl + AgNO3 в†’ NaNO3 +
External Influences on a Business
External Influences Paper
C. Rutherford
University of Phoenix
Management 417 Business Continuity Planning and Management
June 1, 2009
External Influences Paper
Knowing how to successfully build a business from the ground up is a challenging
task. Performance of the business can affect a number of issues, there may be some
issues that are controllable like cost being too high or trying to reduce certain costs
by finding new and creative ways for employees to work or having to lay off
employees and so on. The main problems a business can suffer are the problems in
which they cannot control. Businesses have to consider many external influences,
how they may affect the company depending on the external influence and the type ...
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If the damage is widespread for example, like a flood not only will state, federal and
governmental resources be provided the American Red Cross will too be accounted
for. Usually emergency officials advise businesses and families to prepare to help
themselves at least for the next 72 hours after a crisis or disaster strikes. The main
focus of company such as the Red Cross during hard times is creating a plan to
rescue, find and temporarily house individuals while providing them with food and
water and medical care as needed. As mentioned before the Red Cross is known as
nonprofit company who demanded the highest quality of ethical performance from
their employees down to the volunteers who help and assist them. The Red Cross
operates under an ethical code of business which helps them maintain a high standard
of conduct that is expected by the American people who allows them to continue
their services. Red Cross has an Ombudsman as an impartial way of resolving
disputes who provides informal assistance to individuals who may have complaints
on the company. The constituents or internal stakeholders consist of volunteer s
employees of the company, donors and suppliers. Information is voluntary and
confidential, the informal processes are to be fair and offer different alternates to
resolve issues. Formal resolution of
External Influences Paper
Michael Phelps Is An International Swimming Sensation
Michael Phelps is an international swimming sensation from the United States.
Born in 1985 in Baltimore Maryland, he began swimming at an early age. By age
fifteen, he competed in his first Olympics as a member of the U.S. men s swim
team. Not seven years later, Phelps dominated the next Olympic Games and set the
world records.
Phelps is most known for his Olympian status and endorsement deals. At just twenty
two years old, Phelps set the world record for men s swimming medals earned during
the Olympics. He also set the record for most medals won by an Olympian athlete.
Michael Phelps became the face of men s swimming and a sponsor for many products.
Growing up, Phelps lived a middle class life in a nice area of Baltimore. His ... Show
more content on ...
After a divorce in the family, many children act out, rebel, and get themselves into
trouble. The divorce did not cause any undue harm on Phelps per se. He maintained
his health and fitness levels and was determined to keep swimming.
Water is always nearby in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and most residents
gravitate towards the water via boating and swimming. Phelps took a love of water
more seriously and began to hone his swimming skills to become the best in
Maryland. Soon after wishing to become the best in Maryland, Phelps set his sights
on the Olympics. He began swimming at a high school pool and training at an
aquatic club in Maryland. The coach could sense the fierce competition and skill
Phelps portrayed in the water and began to work with Michael with intense training
sessions. At age fifteen, Phelps was the youngest member of the Olympic American
male swim team in sixty eight years. He did not win any medals at this Olympic
Games, but he made the team, set a record, and left determined to try again.
Michael Phelps had ample time to drop out of swimming, pursue other interests, or
become discouraged. Despite being the youngest man on most every swim team, and
not winning as many awards early on, Phelps continued to train and workout daily
and stuck to a strict diet designed to keep his body in ideal shape for swimming. His
Essay about Procurement at Betapharm Corp. Case
Procurement at Betapharm Corp. (A) Notes
George Brannigan, Vice President
Doug Burke, Director of eSourcing
Betapharm recently implemented the Emptoris ePass system, which facilitates
eProcurement activities and, specifically, reverse auctions
Industry Information
Pharmaceutical sales experienced average growth in the low teens between 1996 and
2003, single digit growth was expected over the next few years
Betapharm outperformed the industry
Industry benefited from increased demand and projected future growth due to: o A
growing elderly segment o Increased average life expectancy o Rising incidence of
chronic diseases
Pricing pressures from managed care and government programs and the migration to
generic drugs due ... Show more content on ...
Food and Drug Administration code, and Betapharms s internal procedures
If no prior info on supplier, quality and compliance groups would conduct a full audit
New suppliers performed an initial general systems inspection which comprised of an
evaluation of the employees, plant, process, and documentation of each supplier
If the supplier was not in compliance with the system standard, the team estimated the
resources need to get the suppler up to standards and the company s willingness to
invest in the systems necessary to comply with standards and expectations
After successful completion of the audit, intermediate product suppliers were re
audited every two years and raw materials supplier audits were updated every three
Current Situation
Brannigan need to analyze the suppliers and competitive situation in both the global
hotels and malic acid product spaces.
Global Hotels
Management constantly thinking of ways to decrease travel and lodging costs across
the org, currently reserved approx. 500,000 hotel room nights annually for a total
spend of 70 mil Euro during 2003
Currently focused on major markets, UK and NA to negotiate better rates and
decrease spending, but ignored potential savings from numerous other regions and
Considering global hotels as a candidate for
Good Morning Mrs Von Blerk And Class, Today I M Going
Good Morning Mrs Von Blerk and Class, today I m going to be talking about one of
the major fast food restaurants McDonalds. Today I m going to be giving a brief
history of McDonalds and I m also going to be talking about the marketing of
McDonald s Corporation is the world s largest chain of hamburger fast food
restaurants, serving more than 58 million customers daily. The business began in
1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San
Bernardino, California. Their introduction of the Speedee Service System in 1948
established the principles of the modern fast food restaurant SLIDE 1
The original staff of the McDonald s brothers hamburger restaurant.
The first McDonald s restaurant opened ... Show more content on ...
However, they have expanded their product mix over time. At present, customers can
purchase other popular products.
Place/Distribution in McDonald s
Marketing Mix
McDonald s restaurants are the most prominent places where the company s products
are distributed. This element of the marketing mix indicates the venues or locations
where the firm s products are offered. McDonald s main places for distributing its
products are as follows:Restaurants,McDonald s mobile app
McDonald s restaurants are where the company generates most of its sales revenues.
Some of these restaurants also manage kiosks to sell a limited selection of products,
such as desserts. Some kiosks are temporary, as in the cases of kiosks used in
seasonal events and professional sports competitions. customers can place their orders
through the mobile app. The company s mobile apps let customers claim special
deals and find McDonald s restaurants near them. This element of the marketing mix
supports and promotes McDonalds intensive growth strategy.
McDonald s Promotion (Promotional Mix)
McDonald s promotes its products to get the attention of consumers and attract more
customers. This element of the marketing mix is defined as the way in which
McDonalds communicates with the customers. McDonald s uses the following
tactics in its promotional mix: Advertising, Sales promotions, public relations and
Short Story Of An Immigrant In Ladillian
It wasn t the first time that a new baby arrived in Ladillian on the third Wednesday
of the fifth month of the odd year. Azax had paced through his entire castle since
the clock had struck midnight, fearful of the news that was to travel to him about
the new arrivals that will be in town before the end of the day. Master, Leroy said
as he came tripping into the room, there is no news of the baby yet. Leroy was a
Boraro. His feet were created to be turned backwards so that he could fool those
who were hunting him. By his feet being backwards, he could trick his hunters to
believe that he was going in one direction but really going in another. But there was
one hunter that Boraro couldn t trick and that was Azax but instead of killing him...
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Azax went back to the window to stare at the night sky. He watched to see if the
stars shined any brighter but he saw nothing. While Azax stared at the night sky
high in his castle, there was a seer by the name of Bracken who happened to be the
main messenger for the moon goddess. He wobbled out of the woods where the
bracken and curling ferns grow down a dirt path that lead to a small cottage built
for just one but where five dwelled miles away from the castle. Bracken wobbled
up to the front door but before he could knock, the door opened and in the doorway
stood Ash. I knew you would come Ash said as he welcomed Bracken into his
home. Bracken came in and greeted Ash s family. He walked back towards the far
corner of the home where two people, one who went by the name of Halily, stood
guarding a woman who held a child in her
Pink Salmon Case Study
The local alignment results indicate that the species from the sample is from is pink
salmon. According to BLAST, the top hit (and therefore the highest scoring sequence
via local alignment) belonged to the COI gene of pink salmon (figure 4), and
therefore it can be strongly implied that the pink salmon one can buy at the store is,
in fact, pink salmon. The electropherogram (figure 3) helped confirm the sequencing
results, and the electrophoresis results confirmed the validity of the PCR products
obtained which showed relevant bands according to their corresponding ladder. There
is no limit to the amount of research that should be conducted in the concept of
testing the validity of the claims of grocery store claims about their products using...
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Just as COI can be analyzed in salmon, the same gene can also be analyzed and
sequenced in other species. According to a study by Liu et al. (2018), a species of
fly that is a common carrier of pathogenic organisms in Asia was analyzed based on
both morphology and phylogenetics7. After analyzing the species with
morphological understandings, Liu et al. analyzed the genomes of pathogenic
vectors residing within these flies for a comparison of where these pathogens were
concentrated most strongly according to their population and localization7. It
should be noted that definitions of species have their downfalls, however where
one definition fails another can be used alongside to fill in the gaps. Several
bioinformatics analysis methods exist for this such purpose, and it can be inferred
for future research into DNA barcoding to take advantage of these techniques, as
seen in the phylogenetic tree created by Liu et al7. Of course DNA barcoding
involves the process of sequencing DNA, however the proteins expressed from said
genes should enter the discussion of DNA barcoding due to their effects on species
differentiation. Bioinformaticians have recently been able to combine the complex
topic of protein structure with phylogenetic analysis in order to further analyze
species differentiation, as evident in Pittman et al. (2016)8. In this study the genes
themselves coding for the calcium
Final Study Guide Essay examples
The exam will be 80 questions, multiple choice. You may use a calculator, however,
CELL PHONE USE IS PROHIBITED. Please bring a #2 pencil.
Study aids: This sheet, lecture notes, textbook. Learn and be able to apply concepts;
do NOT simply memorize facts. Questions? Come to office hours, ask your TA, post
to the discussion board on Compass.
п‚· _What is the difference between satellites and radar? 1. Satellites: View clouds
from space a. Radar: View precipitation from ground
п‚· _How is wind direction defined? 1. Wind Direction: Direction FROM which the
wind is blowing a. i.e. A north wind blows from the north (toward the south) b. Stick
on weather map ... Show more content on ...
п‚· _What is a constant pressure surface? * Uniform surface temperature and
pressure; parallel to constant height surfaces
п‚· _How are low and high heights related to temperature and weather? * High
Heights * Warm air below pressure surface * Analogous to high pressure on
constant height surface * Remember: A high is a high * Low Heights * Cold air
below pressure surface * Analogous to low pressure on constant pressure surface *
Remember: A low is a low
п‚· _How do you identify ridges and troughs? * A ridge is an area of higher heights
or pressures * A trough is an area of lower heights or pressures
п‚· _What is the pressure gradient force? In what direction does it act? * PG =
change in pressure/distance * Tightly packed isobars (elevation changes rapidly over
small distance) strong pressure gradient * Widely spaced isobars weak pressure
gradient * Longer arrows = stronger PGF * PGF directed from higher to lower
pressure (or higher heights to lower heights on constant pressure surface) * Acts
perpendicular to isobars (or heights contours) * Air wants to go from where there is
more air (high pressure) to less air (low pressure) * PGF causes wind to blow
п‚· _How does the pressure gradient force influence the wind speed? * Stronger PGF
yields stronger winds * Tightly packed isobars (elevation changes
Two Sisters Struggles
Two Sisters Big Dream I had the wrong gender, looks, DNA, and hometown for
music business success in the era we grew up in. But aren t the sweetest parts
about music always what s wrong? said Ann Wilson of the band Heart at their
induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Heart did many great things
that will never be forgotten. Heart is a very successful band lead by two sisters,
Ann and Nancy Wilson. They showed the world women can rock by fronting a band,
the hole band grew up in the same area, they had many struggles, and they are known
for several legendary songs.
Seattle, Washington is home to many of the bands musicsations. The Wilson sisters
spent most of their childhood in Southern California. They moved to the Seattle
suburbs when their dad retired. Ann was a singer and Nancy played guitar. The
Wilson sisters, original lead guitarist Roger Fisher, and bass guitarist Steve Fossen
all lived in Seattle. The heart of Heart changed over time but the music was ... Show
more content on ...
Ann and Nancy came across problems everywhere they went because they were
females playing rock music. They did not think that if they were female they would
be looked down on. They thought if they were good at their instruments they would
be treated as real musicians.
Heart did many great things like awards and being woman rockers. From 1976 1982
six of their most popular albums were Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, Magazine,
Dog and Butterfly, Bebe le Strange Greatest Live Hits, and Private Audition. They
had three number one hits, What about Love , Never , and These Dreams. Another
achievement of Heart was they got inducted for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in
the fall of 2013.
The thing they were most known for was having two woman as their leaders. Heart
got criticised for that but used it to their advantage. Instead they became a novelty
because there were few female rockers people wanted to see them play and they
became rock
Analysis Of Shamefully Mann s World Concert And
Comedy Show
As I entered Chrysler Hall I immediately became nervous. Shamefully Mann s
World Concert and Comedy Show will be the first live gospel performance I have
ever attended. However, I didn t know what to expect. Even more embarrassing I
m not as savvy in the gospel genre as I should be. The only songs that I have heard
the Mann family perform were the songs they performed with Kirk Franklin and the
Family and the popular ones that play on the radio. I glanced around the auditorium
and it appeared to a full house. The audience had several nationalities ready to enjoy
a night of gospel music. There was a deejay table off to the side entertaining the
crowd as everyone arrived at their seats. The stage had band instruments towards
the back of the stage with a deejay table in front of them. The lights were beautiful;
they displayed various scenes and sceneries throughout the show. First to arrive on
stage was David Mann Jr. He walked out and headed towards the deejay tables that
were center stage. His energy and music selections pumped the crowd up and had
everyone ready to party. The lights on the stage had a party appearance and
holograms of a dancer. As the lights begin to flash a different color I anxiously
waited for the next song to start. He played all the family reunion and As I entered
Chrysler Hall I immediately became nervous. Shamefully Mann s World Concert and
Comedy Show will be the first live gospel performance I have ever attended.
Case Study Of Social Justice In Northern Ireland
Case study of an attempt to achieve social justice; The Civil Rights Movement in the
North of Ireland
Northern Ireland during the 1960 s was a place that was considered unsafe and
unfair for any citizen that was Catholic. Discrimination was in every aspect of life
was rife. There was no fair treatment anywhere. The Civil Rights Movement that
took place was largely inspired by the American Civil Rights Movement lead by
Martin Luther King Jr took place in the 1960 s also. Many tactics and strategies used
in America where copied and reproduced in Northern Ireland, hoping for a similar
outcome of gaining civil rights. What happened was a short but turbulent movement.
The movement was plagued with violence and Unionist opposition but rights where
... Show more content on ...
The American Civil Rights Movement was being broadcast across the world,
including Northern Ireland. It was a considerable factor to the movement in the North.
Republican leader Gerry Adams credits coverage of the black civil rights movement
as a contributing factor to an increased politicisation in Northern Ireland (Dooley,
1998). This demonstrated to the Catholics that there could be something done, that
there was people at the other side of the world in a similar situation.
.. attempted to achieve reform by publicising, documenting, and lobbying for an end
to abuses in areas such as housing, unfair electoral procedures, discrimination in
employment and the Special Powers Act (A United Ireland, 2016). There was a
number of different groups and committees that where set up across the state to
uncover the discrimination, so there would be evidence that could be used to show
the world. In Queens University in Belfast, Michael Farrell and his fellow students
set up the Working Committee in 1964 which had the aim of investigating and
gathering the evidence of discrimination (Dooley, 1998). It was also in 1964 that the
Campaign for Social Justice (CSJ) was set up (CAIN,
Bilasia In The Bhil Woman
her shadow at a tribal dance, and I have seen her, pensive and inviolable, her
clothes clinging to her wet body, beside a tank in Benares .Yes this woman keeps
crossing my dreams causing in me a fearful disturbance, the full meaning of which
I have yet to understand. (p.93) This vague image is later concretized in the form
of Bilasia, the Bhil woman whom he finds an ideal combination of Otherness and
the Self. Bilasia s exotic Otherness is clearly seen in her untamed beauty , her
promiscuity and her obvious difference from the respectable wife, Meena. Yet, how
is Bilasia an ideal other for Billy Biswas, the upper class Hindu? Perhaps this may
be explained by the way tribals have generally been viewed as peripheral
communities within the dominant Hindu fold. So while recognizing the tribal
Otherness, the Hindu view also makes them accessible. Moreover, Bilasia has beauty
albeit an untamed one and she belongs to the Bhil community, which has traditionally
been seen as possessing many Rajput qualities, like valour, nobility etc. Incidentally,
one may compare the account of Billy s life with that of Verrier Elwin, an Englishman
who came to India as a Christian missionary in 1927. A few years later, varrier Elwin
voluntarily gave up his ministry and decided to devote himself to the tribal people of
India. He started living in the Chhattisgarh area, along with Shamrao Hivale. Though
not a trained anthropologist, Verrier Elwin later gained fame for his anthropological
writings on the Chhattisgarh and other... Show more content on ...
In such romantic representations, the tribal, especially the women, is dark,
inscrutable, a kind of repository of unrepressed, orgiastic, magical sexuality,
therapeutic powers and the unconscious and as such a solution for the urban malaise
Skin We Speak
The purpose of this book review is to critically inspect Lisa Delpit and Joanne
Kilgour Dowdy s book The Skin that We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture
(2008). The majority of the essays compiled in the book aim to deconstruct the
negative effects of Standard English or right language in the classroom and how that
can affect the identities of the students in that environment. Contributors offered their
anecdotal experiences as well as recommendations for ways in which the approach to
language in curricula can shift to be more inclusive. By making language more
accessible in the classroom, the pathway to learning can be opened.
Keywords: language, Ebonics, identity, Standard English, curriculum Introduction
Lisa Delpit and ... Show more content on ...
Lisa Delpit authored the first essay in part two of the book and in it she emphasized
the importance of students being able to identify with the content of a curriculum in
order to succeed within the confines of that curriculum (2008, p. 39). Delpit wrote,
there is little in the curriculum that apprises the students of their intellectual legacy
of the fact that people who look like them created much of the knowledge base of
today s world (2008, p. 41). Delpit identified a major problem in education that
affects both success as reflected in assignment work (paper writing) and success
related to true learning and internalizing of material. Both Delpit and contributor
Judith Baker wrote about the intersection of language and success in the classroom
by giving concrete examples of where curricula are failing and how it can be
addressed (2008, p. 55). Part two of the book is largely made up of essays that
deconstructed the problems in classrooms that relate to students of color and
language as well as what avenues there are to begin combating those

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My Neighborhood Essay.pdf

  • 1. My Neighborhood Essay Embarking on the task of writing an essay about my neighborhood might seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of capturing the essence of a familiar space can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information or the absence of personal experiences, but rather in the art of transforming mundane details into a compelling narrative. Crafting an engaging essay on one's neighborhood requires a keen observational eye and a knack for weaving together seemingly ordinary elements into a tapestry that resonates with the reader. It involves transcending the mundane descriptions of streets and houses and delving into the unique atmosphere, the idiosyncrasies of the community, and the emotional connections that make the neighborhood a distinct entity. The challenge is not merely in recounting the physical attributes of the area but in conveying the intangible aspects that contribute to its character. Translating the sights, sounds, and smells into words that evoke a sensory experience for the reader is no small feat. It demands a careful balance between vivid imagery and thoughtful reflection, ensuring that the essay captures both the external landscape and the internal sentiments associated with the neighborhood. Moreover, there's the delicate task of avoiding clichГ©s and stereotypes while still presenting a genuine and relatable portrayal. The danger lies in succumbing to overly sentimental descriptions or resorting to generic depictions that fail to capture the uniqueness of one's own corner of the world. In essence, writing an essay on my neighborhood becomes a challenging exercise in storytelling, requiring the author to navigate the fine line between detailed observation and thoughtful introspection. It demands a skillful use of language to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, enabling the reader to connect with the writer's perspective on a personal level. For those seeking assistance in mastering this intricate art of essay writing, it's worth noting that there are resources available to provide guidance and support. Similar essays, enriched with creativity and eloquence, can be explored and even commissioned on platforms like, offering a valuable tool for those navigating the nuances of expressing the essence of their neighborhoods or any other subject matter. My Neighborhood Essay My Neighborhood Essay
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Football And High School Football Middle school football vs. High school football How hard do you think high school football is? I m in eighth grade and i was invited to play for our high school. I can tell you from personal experience that high school practices are very rough. Of course I was very honored but, it was also very different. The coaches are rough on you but it is worth it. First off, you have more freedom in high school. Now what I mean by that is if the coach calls a play and the quarterback doesn t like it then he can change the play. But, if the play that the quarterback called fails then we will probably have to run next practice. Also you can talk during practice unlike in middle school practice. Their both football but high school football is
  • 3. Parallelism Jane Eyre Parallelism that Empowers Gender plays a significant role in both Jasper Fforde s The Eyre Affair and in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre. The protagonists in each of these novels contradict the expected roles of men and women through similar methods. Many parallels can be drawn between Jane Eyre and Thursday Next, exposing the true strength of these women in the face of society s expectations of them. By investigating the genderroles of the Victorian Era in Jane Eyreand looking at the more modern presentation of gender roles in The Eyre Affair, a clear understanding of these author s intentions to expose the gender issues can be seen. Jane Eyre is a classic novelin which orphan Jane opposes societal expectations by becoming an intelligent,... Show more content on ... In The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next is presented with an opportunity to move to Ohio and start a life with one of her coworkers. Although she heavily considers this option, Thursday ultimately decides to follow her heart and marry Landen Park Laine. A similar plot is seen in Bronte s Jane Eyre. Jane is presented with a marriage proposal and an opportunity to travel to India with St. John Rivers. While this is the chosen path in the first manuscript of Jane Eyre in Fforde s novel, the ending is altered to parallel that of Thursday Next s marriage plot. Jane, like Thursday, denies this proposal and follows her heart. She returns to Thornfield to marry Mr. Rochester. It would have been easy for these two women to succumb to societal expectations and rush into a marriage with suitable men for the purpose of conforming to society. Jane and Thursday empower women by proving that patience and love is the most rewarding. By rejecting their marriage proposals, Jane Eyre and Thursday Next empower other women to take control of their lives and choose their spouses. As C. Sykes examines Victorian literature in his essay, he recognizes that many authors reveal gender issues. While some define characters by his or her marital status, others reveal inequality through female capabilities (Sykes). Victorian literature, like Bronte s Jane Eyre, reveal gender
  • 4. Theme Of La Belle Dame Sans Merci In the beginning of La Belle Dame sans Merci , Keats presents love in a negative light through the knight s loneliness. The knight is shown to be, Alone and palely loitering? The verb phrase, palely loitering is used to present the miserable and lamentable emotions flowing through the knight s mind as he solely waits for his loved one. The premodifier palely is explicitly used as a colour imagery to illustrate his dim mood due to his feelings of isolation. Keats also describes the deterioration of the surroundings in the poem through the personification of the sedge which has withered from the lake . In this personification, the concrete noun sedge represents the state of their relationship, the fact that it has withered signifies that their relationship has ended. Despite how faithfully the knight waits, his loved one will not return. The personification of the sedge can be seen as a pathetic fallacy which suggests the tragic consequences that the knight will have to face. As a result of Keats description of the knight s lamentable feelings and loneliness in waiting for his love, the theme of unrequited love is portrayed in the poem La Belle Dame sans Merci in a negative... Show more content on ... This is evident when, She looked at him as she did love, / And made sweet moan . The noun phrase, she did love suggests the bias perspective of the knight, the woman may have only decided to have sexual intercourse with him to favour his sexual desires; thus do not represent her affection for him. The sudden change of meter from iambic tetrameter to iambic dimeter in the line And made sweet moan causes a sense of foreboding; hinting that the love between the woman and the knight will not last long. Nevertheless, through the negative consequences caused by the obsession the knight has for the woman, Keats aims to express obsessive love in a negative
  • 5. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple... According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple negative breast cancer is subtype of breast cancer that lack estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors or large amounts of HER2/neu proteins. It s commonly known as ER negative, PR negative and HER2/neu negative breast cancer (1). Due to the aforementioned characteristic of triple negative breast cancerit is insensitive to most of the effective therapies available for breast cancer treatment including HER2 directed therapy such as trastuzumab (2). Chemotherapy is the only systemic treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Even though standard chemotherapy regimens can be effective for patients in the early stages of triple negative breast cancer, but patients with... Show more content on ... Second generation Antibody drug conjugate consider as a new approach for treatments of TNBC. The main idea is to use an antibody and cytotoxic agents together to produce a synergistic effect and to ensure delivery of the cytotoxic agent to the target cell (6) Our main goal in this research is to develop a novel antibody based therapy against LRP8. We hypothesis that an anti LRP8 antibody conjugated to cytotoxic drug will lead toward effective therapy for TNBC. We will perform experiments using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to prove that LRP8 is suitable ADC target. Two main factors will contribute to whether it is suitable target: i.100,000 LPR8 receptors should be expressed on the surface of 18 20 cells line. Our hypothesis is that will be more than 100,000 LPR8 receptors on the surface of breast cancer cell line. ii. Internalization of antibody bound to LRP8 We hypothesis that the antibody bind to the LRP8 have the ability to internalize and eventually causes cell death or apoptosis. Background and Preliminary Results: In February 2013, an anti HER2 antibody trastuzumab was approved by the FDA following the positive outcome of the Phase III EMILIA trial. In this trial, Patients with HER2 (also known as ERBB2) positive metastatic breast cancer had an improved median overall survival benefit compared to the combination of lapatinib and capecitabine (6). This drug represents an
  • 6. Food Additives And Their Harmful Effects On Consumers ... Food Additives and Their Harmful Effects on Consumers Health In this increasingly health conscious culture, many Americans are looking for ways to improve their health. Whether this journey includes adding weight training or subtracting fast food, many travelers alter their footfalls along the way. Exercise is significant, but a nutritious diet is crucial for reaching the final destination. Because of the role that foodand drinks play in a wholesome lifestyle, many consumers have scrutinized certain products, looking for the product s advantages or disadvantages. After this search, consumers often have doubts about the benefits of food additives. C. Curtis, R. Meer, and S. Misner of the University of Arizona Cooperative... Show more content on ... The warnings against these preservatives continue. Grace Communications Foundation warns that research from 2006 discovered that those who commonly eat animal products containing nitrites have a nearly three quarters higher chance of developing lung disease compared to people who abstain from those products ( Sodium phosphate, another preservative, can increase the chances of developing heart disease when taken above the recommended levels. However, because the additive is so common many people consume too much and are unaware, Melanie Warner, a freelance reporter for the New York Times, cautions (113). Consumers should not eat meat products with additives in them because the additives can cause serious health issue in consumers. However, some additives can improve a food s nutritional content. Health Research Funding mentions that nutrients can be additives and improve the product s nutritional value ( Foods which previously had very little nutritional value may now contain vitamins and minerals which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Some additives are harmless; however, these food products that have added nutrients also have many other harmful additives to maintain taste and appearance. Warner believes that products with additives are made to be tasty and easy to make (117). Processed food needs to look and taste appealing to stand against
  • 7. Poop Digestion Essay Chapter 4 Building a Better Poop Digester Countries such as the U.S. have the resources to build elaborate biogas systems, including syngas gasification, a much faster process than anaerobic digestion. However coming up with efficient and inexpensive ways to harvest biogas can be tricky in places where energy is most needed and money and resources are most scarce. This chapter would show examples of innovative digesters being tried out in places throughout the world. i.e.: Future work with Afri Flame Network: The Potential of Small Scale Biogas Digesters to Alleviate Poverty and Improve Long Term Sustainability of Ecosystem Services in Sub Saharan Africa Main project features: This proposed action focuses on improving the efficacy of ... Show more content on ... and counts as human waste. Landfills are the third largest source of human related methane emissions in the United States, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Biogas from landfills is also called landfill gas (LFG), as the digestion process takes place in the ground rather than in an anaerobic digester. As of March 2015, there were about 645 operational LFG projects in the United States, according to EPA. However, most of these projects use biogas to produce electricity rather than power natural gas vehicles. Creative use of landfill gas (LFG) includes heating greenhouses, producing electricity and heat in cogeneration applications, firing brick kilns, supplying high Btu pipeline quality gas, fueling garbage trucks, and providing fuel to chemical and automobile manufacturing. Projects range from small scale community driven initiatives to multi million dollar private investments. Text Box: Some wastewater plants in the U.S. are set up to burn the methane gas for bigger energy uses. Several cities use the resource to fuel the city buses. In the UK they are called Bio Buses and can travel almost 200 miles on the yearly waste generated by five
  • 8. For Whom The Bell Tolls Research Paper Ernest Hemingway s classic novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is an extremely inspirational work of literature, especially for a person seeking a career in public service. During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Barack Obama named For Whom the Bell Tolls as a book that really inspired him, leading him to strive to become president and make a difference in this country. Public service is all about making a difference, and this book inspires those that would like to make a difference. The characters fight in the war and are committed to making a difference, knowing their lives can end at any moment. For Whom the Bell Tollsis inspirational because it inspires people to make a difference, demonstrates the importance of commitment, and invokes
  • 9. Ames Room Essay The visual perception field is a very old are of study in psychological research. From ancient Greece to modern day scholars, philospher and psychologists have been studying on visual perception for centruries. As a result of people studying visual perception for such a lengthy amount of time, ground breaking researches have been conducted by many observers like Emil Emmert. In1881 it was found by Emil Emmert that an objects size afterimage seems to vary in size based on whether it is positioned close or farther away. When near by the object looks small. And the farther away it gets, the size of the object becomes noticeably larger. It s perceived size is thought to be fixed on the retina and as it increases the perceived distance is also thought to increase consecutively. This... Show more content on ... Ames has also restricted the viewers to only observe the room through a peekhole. He also strategically placed the floors, ceiling and walls by slanting them which manipulated their depth perception and size constancy. Therefore Ames Room also had an element of suprise. Meanwhile Emmert s Law did not involved any optical illusions, therefore Emmert regarded the perceived sizes of the objects in the after image as a reaction of the body to continue psychological function. According to Emmert s Law the perceptual constancy was thought to happen by multiple depth perception cues that include; binocular vision, linear perspective and monocular cue. In contrast to Emmert s Law in Ames Room Illusion there are 2 illusions that take place. By looking through a peeping whole with one eye, the peephole eliminates all the depth perception cues and causes the room to appear like a regular cubic room. The other illusion is the fact that objects swtich sizes as they swap places in the room. This leds all the distance cues to be abolished as
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Coming To America I believe there will be a rainbow after a thunderstorm. As any living thing, we go through many different occasions. Most of them being difficult situations that require a bit more than some fine tuning to resolve. We usually try to avoid these situations, because they are trouble and bothersome. But still sometime these decisions are made for us, we do not get to decide what happens. Whether it s another hard day of work to support your family or making anxious and pressuring decisions that will decide the fate of a company. They are all rewarding experiences whether the rewardis minimum wage or landing million dollar contracts. I have never experienced what people might call hardship before, not until I became 12. Before that, the only thing I saw as problems were school and the occasional fights at my school. It was never anything serious, just some scratches. A few years before I was 12, the year I immigrated here to America, my dad has talked about his thoughts and plans about it. I can remember him putting his hand on my shoulder with a firm yet gentle grip and speaking Chinese, which roughly translates to You ve got to study hard, especially English, you will make much use of it later. I didn t understand much of it then. But that all changed when I came to America. One day, not long after I moved into my first house in America. There was a small park on the other side of the street, and since it was summer, all the kids I ve seen from my window are in the
  • 11. Essay about Alternative Transportation Greenways System... Alternative Transportation Greenways System Plan In Transportation Alternative s Bicycle Blueprint for the five boroughs of New York City, John Kaehny, executive director, states: Making greenway networks a reality will require partnership between planners and advocates, on the one hand, and public officials controlling purse strings on the other. Local elected officials, particularly city council members and borough presidents, have to be reminded that greenways can multiply the value and variety of open space in the region at very low cost in public resources; under ISTEA, bike and pedestrian projects may be paid for using a 20/80 local/federal matching formula. What s more, by offering fresh air, recreation, quiet and sheer ... Show more content on ... This committee is charged with guiding Ratio Architects, the city contracted engineering firm, in facilitating public workshops, preparing the planning document, and crafting a comprehensive plan. This paper will explore the policy process underlying the development of the City of Bloomington s Alternative Transportation and Greenways System Plan. It will investigate the issues and the actors, the rules and policies that influence an outcome, priorities and alternatives, as well as the lessons that can be learned from this project and others like it. Issues First and foremost, the most pressing issue and reason for the current greenways project rests on the desire of the citizenry to realize and exercise alternative means of transportation. Indiana, like most mid western states, is heavily dependent upon fossil fuels and recognizes the strong hold that fuel economies have on its citizens. In Life After Oil Jeremiah Creedon states, Oil supplies are dwindling and much faster than most business, government, and even environmental leaders recognize. Problems are already appearing in the form of climbing gasoline prices, electricity shortages, and skyrocketing heating bills. 3 Nonetheless Indiana still seems perfectly
  • 12. Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) for... Achievement OF THE Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for education in ethiopia PREPARED BY: ABIY NEGUSSIE A senier ESSAY SUBMITTED in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree in public administration and development Management Department of Public Administration and Development management Faculty of business and economics Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia JUNE 2008 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my deep appreciation for my mother and father for their encouragement and financial support. My sincere gratitude goes to my adviser Ato Berhanu Temesgen, who has provided me with his important suggestions and comments for which I am most grateful. Finally, I would like to thank Hanna ... Show more content on ... In this respect, the submit calls for countries to plan and implement appropriate policies and strategies to ensure UPE for all children by 2015. Achieving the goal of UPE by 2015 requires not only children are in school but also complete primary education. Furthermore, the MDGs require development agencies and developed countries to re affirm their commitment to provide financial and technical assistance to poor countries to implement these plans. 2 Statement of the problem The compressive nature of MDGs, targets and indicators pose several problems as well as opportunity for the countries that embraced them and Ethiopia is also one of them. For the last many decades Ethiopia is characterized by higher level of poverty prevalence, poor access for education, health, water supply and sanitation. In the recent years there are some improvements regarding reduction of poverty, access to education and health. Especially the education sector is in rapid growth than ever
  • 13. before. The MDGs regarding education requires that there should be full primary enrolment and elimination of gender disparity in primary and secondary education. Despite rapid expansion of primary enrollment in Ethiopia, many children continue to remain behind normal schooling progress. According to the Ministry of Education the Current national figures indicate that nearly 45 percent of
  • 14. Theme Of Death In A Clean Well Lighted Place By Ernest... Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific writers of the Lost Generation, of men who lived through the horrors of World War One. Death played an important role in shaping both his young and adult life and was a seemingly unavoidable to many of the people closest to him. Hemingway s life was drastically altered by the outbreak of WWI, which was one of the greatest influences on the works he would later produce. There, he met his first wife, which marked the beginning of several troubled and unhappy marriages. His father committed suicidearound this time, the first of many suicides of the people nearest to Hemingway which would plague him for the rest of his life. The war remained a driving force in Hemingway s life long after its finish.... Show more content on ... Their dispute arise, as the man wishes for the child to be aborted as so that they can be unrestrained and continue to live their lives in the manner that it was lived, while the woman wishes to keep the child in order to settle down and live a fulfilling life (Holladay [EBSCO]). Much like the previous short story, Hills Like White Elephants tackles the concept of finding fulfillment in the meaningless suffering that is life to Hemingway. The man wishes to lead a life filled with instant and spontaneous gratitude, that being traveling across the world or drinking, while the woman wishes to things that are satiating and fulfilling in the long term, like settling down and raising a family. This leads into the existentialism that is so paramount to Hemingway s worldview. The man, therefore, represents humanity in the modern age as he does not live honestly and seeks only what rewards him instantly rather than something that benefits him greater in the long term. Rather than focus and work towards something truly beneficial, humanity fights to be unrestrained and minimally responsible for their actions, choosing to devote themselves to simple pleasures and vices rather than honest and bountiful rewards. The couple is described to be in a bar located in a rather barren, lifeless area
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Tom Brady And Lebron James Tom Brady and Lebron James both acheived success through hard work and determination. Tom brady and Lebron James were both average sports players who both failed time and time again to make their high school sports teams. Tom brady had a goal of becoming his high school football team s starting quarterback, but lacked the talent to do so. Also, Lebron James had the desire to make his high school basketball team, however, he lacked the money to afford the bills that came with the sport of basketball. Though they failed continously to achieve their goal, they never gave up and soon acheived what many had perceived they couldn t do. They gained success through hard work and their achievements, which luck had no part in. Tom Brady failed time
  • 16. Maya Angelou Contributions Maya Angelou was a remarkable woman who contributed a lot through her craft as a poet, author, activist, and philanthropist. A large amount of her work was influenced by her past life experiences that added social, cultural, and political topics to her writing. Angelou growing up endured a broken home, segregation, and rape; however, regardless of her woeful beginnings, she became one of the most notable black female writers of our century. Angelou was raised in a rural area in Arkansas,where she grew up during the Great Depression. Therefore, Angelou saw the hapless effects of increased poverty in her community. She lived with her brother and mother after her parents had divorced, which was looked down upon during this time. Her mother had a boyfriend who sadly raped Angelou at the age of seven. This lead to him being convicted by the court and when he was released from jail he was killed for his crime. This incident affected Angelou deeply and shortly after she became mute. Since she was not speaking, she would pass her time reading literature. Authors like Langston Hughes, W.E.B Du Bois, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens are just some of the writers that inspired her to create her own pieces. When she began school, she was excelling in all her studies which brought the attention of her mentor, Ms. Flowers. She gave Angelou one life lesson that stuck with her forever, It takes the human voice to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning ( Angelou Caged Bird
  • 17. Tyson Market Structure So, the one of the 4 market structures that I will talk about will be Perfect Competition. What is Perfect Competition? Perfect Competition is Firms are said to be in perfect competition when the following conditions occur: (1) many firms produce identical products; (2) many buyers are available to buy the product, and many sellers are available to sell the product; (3) sellers and buyers have all relevant information to make rational decisions about the product being bought and sold; and (4) firms can enter and leave the market without any restrictions in other words ,there is free entry and exit into and out of the market (Principles of Economics, pg. 180). The firm that I will be talking about is Tyson chicken. Tyson is good in and their... Show more content on ... The country has itself been fighting an avian flu outbreak, culling 34 million birds so far this year (The New York Times). The types of decisions might managers have made for him/her due to the market structure characteristics, the manager might have to decide how to make a profit due to the many sellers selling identical profits. For example, in the book it said The same crops grown by different farmers are largely interchangeable. According to the United States Department of Agriculture monthly reports, in 2015, U.S. corn farmers received an average price of $6.00 per bushel and wheat farmers received an average price of $6.00 per bushel. A corn farmer who attempted to sell at $7.00 per bushel, or a wheat grower who attempted to sell for $8.00 per bushel, would not have found any buyers. A perfectly competitive firm will not sell below the equilibrium price either. Why should they when they can sell all they want at the higher price? Other examples of agricultural markets that operate in close to perfectly competitive markets are small roadside produce markets and small organic farmers (Principles of Economics, pg.
  • 18. Razor Sharp Research Paper One thing I learned in life is that you should try before doing something stupid or wrong. For me apparently it is using razor sharp objects. I have many scars from times when I was using something sharp. Therefore, the worst part about this is that I am accident prone so using razor sharp objects is not really something I should be doing. I really should not use any razor sharp objects even after life. I accomplished not using sharp related objects and will now know not to use them in the future. First, one was when I was 12 or 13, it was about eight in the morning and I got up to get a brownie because you know brownies are the right thing to eat for breakfast. Well, I was empty and I was not in the mood to get something that was not sharp.
  • 19. I Felt Like Making A Deep Breath Of Fresh Air It is my impression that a poem is complicated, obscure, and must have deep meaning. However, after reading William Carlos Williams poems, I felt like making a deep breath of fresh air. It was the first time I felt that poems could be simple like this. In his poems, everything is expressed in simple words. Even a reader as me, an international student, could understand his words easily. Also, the images he described are the common but neglected scenes. Nonetheless, when I closed the book, some of the images overlapped with my memory. It seemed like something happened before in my experience but I ignored. The fragments now look so beautiful. I especially like his poems To a Poor Old Woman, Poem, and Her Daughter. These three poems help me to find the beauty around me, help me to change a direction to see the world, help me to appreciate. In the poem To a Poor Old Woman, Williams described an old woman eating plums on the street. Munching a plum on the street a paper bag of them in her hand. I was laughing when I read this. Eagerly eating something on the street, I believe it happened in many people s life. For example, I have a nice memory of eating a hot roast sweet potato on the street in a cold winter afternoon. However, some people think eating on the street is impolite and unsightly. In New York, eating on the street even is illegal in some residential neighborhoods. For an poor old woman in the poem, she might had no free time or a spacious dining room to enjoy her
  • 20. Analysis Of The Dinner Table By Judy Chicago The Dinner Table (1974 1979) by Judy Chicago 1a. While viewing this piece of work, the emotions I feel are powerful and pride. I feel powerful because I am a woman and here s this piece of art celebrating and embracing all the women who made a difference and pathed a way for every other woman in this world. When I look at those work of art I feel as if I can do anything I set my mind too. Many of the women printed on the art didn t have is easy. They work hard for all their accomplishments and didn t let the men in this world intimidate them to stop just because they are women. I feel pride because this piece makes me feel happy to be a woman and that I am special because of that. 1b. The goal of The Dinner Party was to introduce women s heritage and the role they played in throughout history. Mostly the history of women in Western civilization. Also, the goal was to show the importance of women in this world. Many things wouldn t be if it weren t for women. At the time this piece was made, the women s right movement was just beginning, so I believe this was made to encourage equal rights for women. 1c. Judy Chicago chose to use the form of a triangle because it s the earliest signs for women, an ancient symbol for the goddess, and the three equal sides represents the equalized world woman try to create. Michelangelo s Pieta (1498 1499) 2a. The subject matter of this is a real representation of Virgin Maryholding the dying body of Jesus Christ. This is exactly what
  • 21. Do You Agree That If a Trade Union Persuades Employers to... Trade unions can be very powerful organisations, however their power does not inevitably lead to increases in wage rates, but not always. The power that the union has can have a big impact upon whether or not it can affect the wage rates within that particular market. It largely depends upon the financial status of the employer. If the union is powerful enough to get wages to rise then it may not lead to a loss in jobs, because it shows that the employer has money in which to raise the wages of its employers and still make supernormal profits. A very powerful trade union may be able to negotiate this rise with the employer, but it would depend on the type of job, if the workers were skilled and difficult to replace then it is likely that ... Show more content on ... If each extra worker that is employed is adding to the companies output then the business will continue to grow. However as soon as a new employee does not add anything to the business then no more will be employed. This should not change if the wages rise, because as long as the employee is adding value to the business then they are worth employing, meaning that if a union does employ as many workers as it feels is enough to add value to the business then the price of labour should be irrelevant. If the economy is booming then there is likely to be a rise in wages to entice new people to work for certain companies. This could mean that a trade union forces a rise in wages because of how it views that the company is likely to have more money than previously meaning that it could raise the prices of its wages whilst keeping the same number of employees. This force by the trade union could lead to a standoff between the trade union and the employer, because the employer would argue that the workers were prepared to work before hand, and therefore it does not see the value in raising its wages just because the company is doing well at that point in time. The diagram to the left shows how a trade union can force a rise in wages, but it could lead to a cut in the number of jobs. If the union secures the rise in wages from W1 to W2, the trade union mark up, then this leads to an increase in wages. However it also intersects the demand curve at a much higher point
  • 22. Outcome Practice acticeUnit 513 Andrew Blackwood 01/10/2011 Understanding and implementation of outcome based practice within my work setting. Outcome based practice is to deliver a service which is measured by the outcomes of the support delivered. From the initial stages of referral it is made clear what outcomes are expected to be achieved or worked towards. An individual s care co ordinator will draw up a pen picture representing the individual and disclosing details of the support that they require and a summary of their character, within this pen picture, required outcomes will be stated and it s down to us to detail how we can meet these outcomes within our practice. A required outcomemay state: A long term period of stability and ... Show more content on ... It is of upmost importance that the systems and processes used are in favour of the promotion of well being. Many professional parties involved in the care of an individual have many different systems and many different processes so to avoid confusion I will focus on some applicable to our organisation. The initial care needs assessment has a huge impact on the individual s well being as first contact with a service which will be playing a huge part in the delivery of your care can be quite daunting. It is important to make the individual feel valued, empowered and in control of their own care package. A good care needs assessment will reflect the individual s wants, dreams, aspiration s and how they want their life to be, it will highlight their true needs as well as their strengths. The review process should have the same result as the above and should ensure that changes are monitored, progress mapped and new goals and targets are set, it is imperative that the care plan gives a true and current reflection of the individual in order for them to receive the correct support. Lead practice that promotes individuals health and choices and control over the outcomes they want to achieve (O3.3, O3.4, O4.4) Develop a plan to ensure your workforce has the necessary training to recognise individual health care needs and to support individuals to achieve outcomes * See Training requirements to meet service user individual needs document As
  • 23. Essay on What Dreams May Come Analysis What Dreams May Come is a movie about life, loss, death, afterlife and rebirth. The film explores the emotions evoked by a variety of characters when they are faced with coping with tragedy and death. It also delves into the manifestations of heaven and the variety of forms heaven takes in the minds of different people. The main character, Dr. Christian Nielsen, and his wife Annie Collins are forced to cope with the tragic deaths of their two children Marie and Ian. The children s deaths almost rip apart their marriage. Though they were able to pull through and remain together and repair a torn relationship. In a tragic turn of events, Christian is also killed in an auto accident while trying to help a motorist. It is that ... Show more content on ... Christian decides to travel to hell to try to bring his wife back to paradise. Once he finds his wife, Christian makes the decision that since it is virtually impossible to bring a person from one realm into another, that he will stay with his wife. He would rather live eternity in hell than in heaven without his true love. He is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to stay with his wife. He makes one last attempt to lure Annie from the depths by telling her the same thing that he told her when she was suffering from depression after the deaths of her children. This was actually able to rouse Annie and through the power of love, Christian was able to rescue Annie and bring her to paradise. Since Christian had actually created his own heaven, it would not have been complete without his wife. He in actuality was able to create his own reality. Upon everyone s reunification in heaven they realize that the one thing that paradise is missing is life. They decide that they need to be reborn in order to experience the beauty that is living. Through all of their struggles, they have experienced a myriad of emotions. They have hated life, and yearned for death. Now they look forward towards life with a changed and renewed outlook. This film explores the cyclical nature of life and death and how people really can create their own realities. It explores how ones cope with tragedy, death and even life. What Dreams May Come shows how the love of
  • 24. Shonda Rhimes Year Of Yes When you think Shonda Rhimes the first thing that most likely pops into your head is Greys Anatomy or How To Get Away With Murder or the fact a single woman basically owns a whole TV network every Thursday night. Regardless if you are a huge fan of Ms. Rhymes or you have just heard her name in passing, you ve probably heard her titled as one of the greatest Television show creatures and or scriptwriters to date. What you don t usually think about when you hear the name Shonda Rhimesis someone who turns down events, who has intense anxiety or someone who has to drink two glasses of red wine before she gives a speech. The novel, Year of Yes published by Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, published in 2015 and written by Ms. Shonda Rhimes, is a 300 page nonfiction novel that does exactly that. This novels goal is to shows the raw side of Ms. Rhimes, it shows that she is or should I say, used to be, a big personality behind paper. This novel all started after her sister mentions to her that Rhymes never says, yes to anything (p. 1). After her sister mentions this, Shonda begins to consider it, but with her anxious side always present, she makes up multiple excuses as to why she says no to just about everything that comes her way. She tells her sister that she... Show more content on ... This novel was easy to read and also exciting to read! I constantly wanted to know what she was going to say yes to next. After reading this book, I feel like Ms. Rhimes and I are best friends. Her writing style and language, mainly slang, it makes it feel like I am talking to a friend who is gossiping to me over brunch. I read this novel rather quickly, I loved watching her start out terrified to say yes to anything all the way to finding new things to say yes to. I felt like as I read the novel, the author gained a new perspective on life and all the exciting moments a person can have if they open their heart to
  • 25. What Is The Metaphors In Spoon River To Love Or Be Loved In the book Spoon River Anthology, author Edgar Lee Masters uses epitaphs to recap the lives of the Midwestern people that lived in a town called Spoon River. Masters awakens the souls of the people to tell the secrets of their lives and the myths of moral superiority of the town. Spoon River is an evil and corrupt city filled with sneaky, conniving people and a few good hearts. Spoon River Anthologydescribes the relationships and marriages of the people in the town. Some of the marriages were extremely happy and others were abruptly unhappy. In our society, the qualities of a happy marriage differentiate based off the concepts of a happy marriage in the book. Typically in our society, if someone is unhappy in their marriage... Show more content on ... Some couples keep all of their arguments and fights between them instead of letting everyone else know. Lucinda and Davis Matlock are a perfect example of one of those couples. Lucinda went through a great deal of things during her lifetime, but she never complained. She did her motherly and wifely duties and enjoyed doing so. She was a mother of twelve, but she lost eight of her children. Lucinda was a hard working woman, in and outside of the house. She still managed to make the most out her life. Many of the other married women complained about how they were disgusted, angry, or unsatisfied, but Lucinda enjoyed her life, despite of everything she went through. She is very proud of the life that she lives. She says, Life is too strong for you It takes life to love life. What Lucinda means is that the people of our society take small things and make them much bigger than what they should be. She doesn t think that they can truly understand and love life, because no one tries to be happy with the positive things. Davis was her husband of seventy years. He compares how his generation lives to how he expects the future generations to live. He believes that the people of his time works hard for everything they own. Davis says, For the next generation, this generation never living, describing that he thinks the next generations won t be of people who are willing to earn their belongings. He also lost eight children, but still manages to enjoy the rest of his life. According to For Your Marriage, the most recent studies show that 63.1% of men and 60.7% of women say that they are in happy marriages. Fortunately, over half of men and women consider their marriage to be a happy one. The number increases when both husband and wife accept God as the center of their marriages. If more people, including Mr. and Mrs. Pantier, could see life and each other the way the Lucinda
  • 26. The Security Research Of Cloud Database The security research of cloud database Hao Xu Professor: Carol Auerbach Course Number: EAP 6110 20 Date: 12/1/2014 1. Introduction 1.1 Background In September, there was breaking news in the American entertainment world private pictures of Hollywood movie star Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities were leaked online by hacker who stole the pictures from their Apple s iCloud. People were shocked by this news, and a debate was generated online on whether cloud technology is safe enough to upload private files. Despite this incident, cloud database can be trusted as a secure space to store information as long as the users have some basic safety awareness. 1.2 The concept of cloud database Cloud is a popular concept in the world of technology today. Put everything in the cloud is a popular statement used by cloud database vendors. A cloud database is a database that has been optimized to create a virtualized computing environment. Businesses and other organizations with large databases can benefit from putting their databases in the cloud because it allows them to effectively support and use cloud enable business applications as part of a wider software as a service (SaaS) deployment (Rouse, M). Furthermore, more and more people are choosing to use cloud database to store and share documents, or even run some software on the web, rather then installing it to their own computer. In addition, cloud database is also convenient for mobile users.
  • 27. The Unknown Citizen Auden In the late 1930s, many countries struggled politically and economically because of the governments that rose up after the first world war. Though at first the United States prospered after the war, they soon fell into the Great Depression. To some Americans, the government s attempts to alleviate their financial struggles made their situation worse. They viewed the governmentas an overbearing, controlling body that needed reform. One poem written in 1939 showcases this opinion through a satirical story of a stateofficial praising a citizen who died. W. H. Audens The Unknown Citizen criticizes the government for not truly caring about its people. The government commends its citizens only when they do not interfere with the state s agenda. In this poem, one specific man is what the state considers an ideal citizen, so they build a monument for him after he dies. The words of this poem are their tribute to this citizen for his respectable life. Their ideal citizen, though, is one who blindly follows their rules; for example, they check all the reports on his conduct and call him a saint because they see no official complaints against him (line 4). They also say he had the proper opinions for the time of year (23). Basically, they are happy that his opinions matched theirs, whether it be in politics, education, or war. The last line of the poem neatly summarizes the government s motives. The speaker of the poem says, Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have
  • 28. A Brief Note On The Dormant Form Of Tuberculosis ( Tb ) A huge caution associated with the use of adalimumab is its ability to reactivate, or make one more susceptible to infection. This is because it inhibits TNFО± which plays a role in the fighting of infections. Reactivating the dormant form of tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important infectious adverse reactions in those taking adalimumab. Consequently, patients are assessed for tuberculosis before being offered adalimumab. Other infections include septicaemia and hepatitis B. As a general rule of thumb, evaluation for infection before, during and 4 months post treatment should occur. Treatment should not be started until the infection is controlled and it is advised that adalimumab be avoided in patients on drugs that alter immune function (e.g. immunosuppressants). Respiratory tract infections such as sinitis, lower and upper tract infections are most commonly reported. Other common side effects are nausea, headaches and rash. Live vaccines are also advised to be avoided in patients taking adalimumab, despite the lack of supporting evidence that concomitant use causes significant harm or affects the efficacy of either treatment. Asides from infections, adalimumab has been shown to cause reactions at the injection site including rashes (sometimes in the form of urticaria itchy rash), eczema, reddening skin sometimes accompanied by pain and swelling. As an antibody, adalimumab is structurally able to trigger an immune response where parts of it can be
  • 29. The Counseling Program For Clinical Mental Health Throughout the counseling program for clinical mental health in Edinboro University, students will be required to take a course called group processes. In group processes, students will learn the necessary skills and knowledge of counseling in a group setting as a group facilitator. The course will focus on many topics such as 1) personal qualities. 2) world view. 3) beliefs. 4) values. 5) attitudes. 6) multicultural competencies. 7) students personal goals. 8) countertransference issues. 9) strengths and weaknesses. And 10) what students have learned throughout the assignments and experiences. Facilitators should have a set of personal qualities that help individuals by empowering them to find strengths and solutions themselves. professional group facilitators must display qualities about themselves which can be used as a model for the members, displaying how responses and conversations should be like. Having a flexible worldview is necessary for counselors to understand and accept cultureas an effective factor when considering group therapy. Worldview is the way in which we perceive the world from the perspective of all our beliefs. It is these beliefs that shape or view of the world (Gerig, 2014). A counselor must have a flexible worldview to attempt to understand what a member is thinking, feelings, etc. and understand why they might be feeling those thoughts or feelings. Counselors beliefs have an influence on group therapy in many ways, 1) Our perspective of
  • 30. The Cult of Contemporary Celebrity Essay Celebrity: (noun) 1. A well known person. 2. Fame, being famous. No doubt every simian tribe of hunter gatherers had their local celebrities: the woman who gave birth to quintuplets, the boy who swallowed a porcupine and survived, the man who wrestled with a tyrannosaurus and... well, he probably would have died, but celebrity status would have been applied posthumously. If, however, the man wrestling with a Tyrannosaurus was a modern Hollywood celebrity, not only would he have lived, he would have pocketed something like $20 million for his efforts, and earned the adulation of several billion people. The global celebration of modern celebrity is partly a product of our pre historic need for heroes. In a world where ... Show more content on ... Information on celebrities is not only very popular with the general public, it also popular with journalists. Interviewing a movie star requires almost no effort. The celebrity s publicist will provide you with every significant and insignificant detail of the celebrity s life. All you have to do is read this information, interview the subject, cut and paste what the celebrity says so the interview has a coherent structure, and `bang, there is your thousand or two thousand word article. Because of this modern media frenzy there are as many divisions of Hollywood celebrity as there are bird species in the Amazon. As the dim witted, obtuse and lethargic stars of Big Brother proved last summer you don t need any skills to become a celebrity these days, you just need to be in the media. In Hollywood there are A listcommercial celebrities like Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts. There are your B list celebrities like Ben Affleck, Kevin Kline and Uma Thurman (they might not have to audition for parts, but nor can they expect a fee any higher than a couple of million dollars.) There are struggling in the grave celebrities like Mickey Rourke, reluctant celebrities like Kate Winslet, Lazarus celebrities like John Travolta, Art house celebrities like Judy Davis, institutional celebrities like James Cann, BOB celebrities (Bottom of the Barrel) like
  • 31. Global Wine War Analysis 1. Due to French history and tradition it was possible to gain a strong image in regard to vinery and example, which can be highlighted might be the invention of Champaign. The experience of France as a quality wine producer going back to the middle ages can be regarded as a source of competitive advantage. Another source is the strong wine culture in France creating a positive image for customers. The wine industry by itself is a very important economic factor in France, in the mid 18th century the wine industry accounted for 17% of the overall industry. As a consequence, in 1855 the government classified wine yard into five different levels of quality. This helped the consumers to identify the best possible wines and was unique at the ... Show more content on ... Discuss founding a consortium of different wine producers to produce different wines that will be high in demand soon in the future. c. Advice to the French Minister of Agriculture Help your producers sell their vine: provide more funds for marketing campaigns and fund workshops on how they can identify their target group and do targeted, cost efficient marketing 4. a. Australian Minister of Agriculture: The labeling of wine according to regions in Australia has been already done but not with protection by law. Tighten laws in relevance of how to label wines can be beneficial in the long run when it comes to value creation, as can be successfully recognized in France. Simultaneously, a financially subsidy should support wine yards with their surplus production hence the successful long term strategy Directions to 2025 , which foresees value growth by 2015 and global leadership on the wine market by 2025 might be eased. This is necessary since Australia will cannot compete on price in the long term bringing to mind low cost production countries such as Chile. b. Australian wine industry association Align marketing activities with the plan of Direction to 2025 . Support the Australian s wine image from cheap and cheerful into a classified and recognizable labeling scheme. It might be added that the new scheme can be restructured in a way that it does not mix up psychographic targeting with regional ones, since this might be confusing. The
  • 32. The Ionic Reactionalization Name: Kamaal Thomas |Date: January 4, 2011 | |Graded Assignment Lab Report Answer the questions below. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit. (8 points) |Score | | | 1. For Part 2: Single Displacement Reactions: For each of the four single displacement reactions, describe what happened in each well. If a chemical reaction occurred, write a balanced equation for it. Then using the A, B symbols, write a general equation for a single displacement reaction. Here are the chemical formulas of the reactants for each reaction: zinc Zn copper sulfate CuSO4 In well 1A there was a chemical reaction which turned ... Show more content on ... Then using the A, B symbols, write a general equation for a double displacement reaction. Here are the chemical formulas of the reactants for each reaction: sodium chloride NaCl copper sulfate CuSO4 In well 1A there was no chemical reaction between the sodium chloride and copper sulfate. We know this because there was no color change, precipitate formation, or gas production in this mixture. AX + BY в†’ AY + BX NO REACTION sodium hydroxide NaOH copper sulfate CuSO4 In well 2A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate. There was a blue precipitate formation which proves there was a chemical reaction.
  • 33. AX + BY в†’ AY + BX NaOH + CuSO4 в†’ NaSO4 + CuOH sodium phosphate (trisodium phosphate) Na3(PO4) copper sulfate CuSO4 In well 3A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium phosphate and copper sulfate. There was a light blue precipitate formation which proves there was a chemical reaction. AX + BY в†’ AY + BX Na3(PO4) + CuSO4 в†’ Na3SO4 + CuPO4 sodium chloride NaCl silver nitrate AgNO3 In well 4A there was a chemical reaction between the sodium chloride and silver nitrate. There was a white precipitate formation which proves there was a chemical reaction. AX + BY в†’ AY + BX NaCl + AgNO3 в†’ NaNO3 +
  • 34. External Influences on a Business External Influences Paper C. Rutherford University of Phoenix Management 417 Business Continuity Planning and Management June 1, 2009 External Influences Paper Knowing how to successfully build a business from the ground up is a challenging task. Performance of the business can affect a number of issues, there may be some issues that are controllable like cost being too high or trying to reduce certain costs by finding new and creative ways for employees to work or having to lay off employees and so on. The main problems a business can suffer are the problems in which they cannot control. Businesses have to consider many external influences, how they may affect the company depending on the external influence and the type ... Show more content on ... If the damage is widespread for example, like a flood not only will state, federal and governmental resources be provided the American Red Cross will too be accounted for. Usually emergency officials advise businesses and families to prepare to help themselves at least for the next 72 hours after a crisis or disaster strikes. The main focus of company such as the Red Cross during hard times is creating a plan to rescue, find and temporarily house individuals while providing them with food and water and medical care as needed. As mentioned before the Red Cross is known as nonprofit company who demanded the highest quality of ethical performance from their employees down to the volunteers who help and assist them. The Red Cross operates under an ethical code of business which helps them maintain a high standard of conduct that is expected by the American people who allows them to continue their services. Red Cross has an Ombudsman as an impartial way of resolving disputes who provides informal assistance to individuals who may have complaints on the company. The constituents or internal stakeholders consist of volunteer s employees of the company, donors and suppliers. Information is voluntary and confidential, the informal processes are to be fair and offer different alternates to resolve issues. Formal resolution of External Influences Paper disputing,
  • 35. Michael Phelps Is An International Swimming Sensation Michael Phelps is an international swimming sensation from the United States. Born in 1985 in Baltimore Maryland, he began swimming at an early age. By age fifteen, he competed in his first Olympics as a member of the U.S. men s swim team. Not seven years later, Phelps dominated the next Olympic Games and set the world records. Phelps is most known for his Olympian status and endorsement deals. At just twenty two years old, Phelps set the world record for men s swimming medals earned during the Olympics. He also set the record for most medals won by an Olympian athlete. Michael Phelps became the face of men s swimming and a sponsor for many products. Growing up, Phelps lived a middle class life in a nice area of Baltimore. His ... Show more content on ... After a divorce in the family, many children act out, rebel, and get themselves into trouble. The divorce did not cause any undue harm on Phelps per se. He maintained his health and fitness levels and was determined to keep swimming. Water is always nearby in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and most residents gravitate towards the water via boating and swimming. Phelps took a love of water more seriously and began to hone his swimming skills to become the best in Maryland. Soon after wishing to become the best in Maryland, Phelps set his sights on the Olympics. He began swimming at a high school pool and training at an aquatic club in Maryland. The coach could sense the fierce competition and skill Phelps portrayed in the water and began to work with Michael with intense training sessions. At age fifteen, Phelps was the youngest member of the Olympic American male swim team in sixty eight years. He did not win any medals at this Olympic Games, but he made the team, set a record, and left determined to try again. Michael Phelps had ample time to drop out of swimming, pursue other interests, or become discouraged. Despite being the youngest man on most every swim team, and not winning as many awards early on, Phelps continued to train and workout daily and stuck to a strict diet designed to keep his body in ideal shape for swimming. His
  • 36. Essay about Procurement at Betapharm Corp. Case Procurement at Betapharm Corp. (A) Notes George Brannigan, Vice President Doug Burke, Director of eSourcing Betapharm recently implemented the Emptoris ePass system, which facilitates eProcurement activities and, specifically, reverse auctions Industry Information Pharmaceutical sales experienced average growth in the low teens between 1996 and 2003, single digit growth was expected over the next few years Betapharm outperformed the industry Industry benefited from increased demand and projected future growth due to: o A growing elderly segment o Increased average life expectancy o Rising incidence of chronic diseases Pricing pressures from managed care and government programs and the migration to generic drugs due ... Show more content on ... Food and Drug Administration code, and Betapharms s internal procedures If no prior info on supplier, quality and compliance groups would conduct a full audit New suppliers performed an initial general systems inspection which comprised of an evaluation of the employees, plant, process, and documentation of each supplier If the supplier was not in compliance with the system standard, the team estimated the resources need to get the suppler up to standards and the company s willingness to invest in the systems necessary to comply with standards and expectations After successful completion of the audit, intermediate product suppliers were re audited every two years and raw materials supplier audits were updated every three years Current Situation Brannigan need to analyze the suppliers and competitive situation in both the global hotels and malic acid product spaces. Global Hotels Management constantly thinking of ways to decrease travel and lodging costs across the org, currently reserved approx. 500,000 hotel room nights annually for a total spend of 70 mil Euro during 2003 Currently focused on major markets, UK and NA to negotiate better rates and decrease spending, but ignored potential savings from numerous other regions and countries Considering global hotels as a candidate for
  • 37. Good Morning Mrs Von Blerk And Class, Today I M Going To Good Morning Mrs Von Blerk and Class, today I m going to be talking about one of the major fast food restaurants McDonalds. Today I m going to be giving a brief history of McDonalds and I m also going to be talking about the marketing of McDonalds McDonald s Corporation is the world s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving more than 58 million customers daily. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. Their introduction of the Speedee Service System in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast food restaurant SLIDE 1 The original staff of the McDonald s brothers hamburger restaurant. The first McDonald s restaurant opened ... Show more content on ... However, they have expanded their product mix over time. At present, customers can purchase other popular products. Place/Distribution in McDonald s Marketing Mix McDonald s restaurants are the most prominent places where the company s products are distributed. This element of the marketing mix indicates the venues or locations where the firm s products are offered. McDonald s main places for distributing its products are as follows:Restaurants,McDonald s mobile app McDonald s restaurants are where the company generates most of its sales revenues. Some of these restaurants also manage kiosks to sell a limited selection of products, such as desserts. Some kiosks are temporary, as in the cases of kiosks used in seasonal events and professional sports competitions. customers can place their orders through the mobile app. The company s mobile apps let customers claim special deals and find McDonald s restaurants near them. This element of the marketing mix supports and promotes McDonalds intensive growth strategy. McDonald s Promotion (Promotional Mix) McDonald s promotes its products to get the attention of consumers and attract more customers. This element of the marketing mix is defined as the way in which McDonalds communicates with the customers. McDonald s uses the following tactics in its promotional mix: Advertising, Sales promotions, public relations and direct
  • 38. Short Story Of An Immigrant In Ladillian It wasn t the first time that a new baby arrived in Ladillian on the third Wednesday of the fifth month of the odd year. Azax had paced through his entire castle since the clock had struck midnight, fearful of the news that was to travel to him about the new arrivals that will be in town before the end of the day. Master, Leroy said as he came tripping into the room, there is no news of the baby yet. Leroy was a Boraro. His feet were created to be turned backwards so that he could fool those who were hunting him. By his feet being backwards, he could trick his hunters to believe that he was going in one direction but really going in another. But there was one hunter that Boraro couldn t trick and that was Azax but instead of killing him... Show more content on ... Azax went back to the window to stare at the night sky. He watched to see if the stars shined any brighter but he saw nothing. While Azax stared at the night sky high in his castle, there was a seer by the name of Bracken who happened to be the main messenger for the moon goddess. He wobbled out of the woods where the bracken and curling ferns grow down a dirt path that lead to a small cottage built for just one but where five dwelled miles away from the castle. Bracken wobbled up to the front door but before he could knock, the door opened and in the doorway stood Ash. I knew you would come Ash said as he welcomed Bracken into his home. Bracken came in and greeted Ash s family. He walked back towards the far corner of the home where two people, one who went by the name of Halily, stood guarding a woman who held a child in her
  • 39. Pink Salmon Case Study The local alignment results indicate that the species from the sample is from is pink salmon. According to BLAST, the top hit (and therefore the highest scoring sequence via local alignment) belonged to the COI gene of pink salmon (figure 4), and therefore it can be strongly implied that the pink salmon one can buy at the store is, in fact, pink salmon. The electropherogram (figure 3) helped confirm the sequencing results, and the electrophoresis results confirmed the validity of the PCR products obtained which showed relevant bands according to their corresponding ladder. There is no limit to the amount of research that should be conducted in the concept of testing the validity of the claims of grocery store claims about their products using... Show more content on ... Just as COI can be analyzed in salmon, the same gene can also be analyzed and sequenced in other species. According to a study by Liu et al. (2018), a species of fly that is a common carrier of pathogenic organisms in Asia was analyzed based on both morphology and phylogenetics7. After analyzing the species with morphological understandings, Liu et al. analyzed the genomes of pathogenic vectors residing within these flies for a comparison of where these pathogens were concentrated most strongly according to their population and localization7. It should be noted that definitions of species have their downfalls, however where one definition fails another can be used alongside to fill in the gaps. Several bioinformatics analysis methods exist for this such purpose, and it can be inferred for future research into DNA barcoding to take advantage of these techniques, as seen in the phylogenetic tree created by Liu et al7. Of course DNA barcoding involves the process of sequencing DNA, however the proteins expressed from said genes should enter the discussion of DNA barcoding due to their effects on species differentiation. Bioinformaticians have recently been able to combine the complex topic of protein structure with phylogenetic analysis in order to further analyze species differentiation, as evident in Pittman et al. (2016)8. In this study the genes themselves coding for the calcium
  • 40. Final Study Guide Essay examples ATMS 100: EXAM III REVIEW SHEET The exam will be 80 questions, multiple choice. You may use a calculator, however, CELL PHONE USE IS PROHIBITED. Please bring a #2 pencil. Study aids: This sheet, lecture notes, textbook. Learn and be able to apply concepts; do NOT simply memorize facts. Questions? Come to office hours, ask your TA, post to the discussion board on Compass. FROM BEFORE: п‚· _What is the difference between satellites and radar? 1. Satellites: View clouds from space a. Radar: View precipitation from ground п‚· _How is wind direction defined? 1. Wind Direction: Direction FROM which the wind is blowing a. i.e. A north wind blows from the north (toward the south) b. Stick on weather map ... Show more content on ... п‚· _What is a constant pressure surface? * Uniform surface temperature and pressure; parallel to constant height surfaces п‚· _How are low and high heights related to temperature and weather? * High Heights * Warm air below pressure surface * Analogous to high pressure on constant height surface * Remember: A high is a high * Low Heights * Cold air below pressure surface * Analogous to low pressure on constant pressure surface * Remember: A low is a low п‚· _How do you identify ridges and troughs? * A ridge is an area of higher heights or pressures * A trough is an area of lower heights or pressures п‚· _What is the pressure gradient force? In what direction does it act? * PG = change in pressure/distance * Tightly packed isobars (elevation changes rapidly over small distance) strong pressure gradient * Widely spaced isobars weak pressure gradient * Longer arrows = stronger PGF * PGF directed from higher to lower pressure (or higher heights to lower heights on constant pressure surface) * Acts perpendicular to isobars (or heights contours) * Air wants to go from where there is more air (high pressure) to less air (low pressure) * PGF causes wind to blow п‚· _How does the pressure gradient force influence the wind speed? * Stronger PGF yields stronger winds * Tightly packed isobars (elevation changes
  • 41. Two Sisters Struggles Two Sisters Big Dream I had the wrong gender, looks, DNA, and hometown for music business success in the era we grew up in. But aren t the sweetest parts about music always what s wrong? said Ann Wilson of the band Heart at their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Heart did many great things that will never be forgotten. Heart is a very successful band lead by two sisters, Ann and Nancy Wilson. They showed the world women can rock by fronting a band, the hole band grew up in the same area, they had many struggles, and they are known for several legendary songs. Seattle, Washington is home to many of the bands musicsations. The Wilson sisters spent most of their childhood in Southern California. They moved to the Seattle suburbs when their dad retired. Ann was a singer and Nancy played guitar. The Wilson sisters, original lead guitarist Roger Fisher, and bass guitarist Steve Fossen all lived in Seattle. The heart of Heart changed over time but the music was ... Show more content on ... Ann and Nancy came across problems everywhere they went because they were females playing rock music. They did not think that if they were female they would be looked down on. They thought if they were good at their instruments they would be treated as real musicians. Heart did many great things like awards and being woman rockers. From 1976 1982 six of their most popular albums were Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, Magazine, Dog and Butterfly, Bebe le Strange Greatest Live Hits, and Private Audition. They had three number one hits, What about Love , Never , and These Dreams. Another achievement of Heart was they got inducted for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the fall of 2013. The thing they were most known for was having two woman as their leaders. Heart got criticised for that but used it to their advantage. Instead they became a novelty because there were few female rockers people wanted to see them play and they became rock
  • 42. Analysis Of Shamefully Mann s World Concert And Comedy Show As I entered Chrysler Hall I immediately became nervous. Shamefully Mann s World Concert and Comedy Show will be the first live gospel performance I have ever attended. However, I didn t know what to expect. Even more embarrassing I m not as savvy in the gospel genre as I should be. The only songs that I have heard the Mann family perform were the songs they performed with Kirk Franklin and the Family and the popular ones that play on the radio. I glanced around the auditorium and it appeared to a full house. The audience had several nationalities ready to enjoy a night of gospel music. There was a deejay table off to the side entertaining the crowd as everyone arrived at their seats. The stage had band instruments towards the back of the stage with a deejay table in front of them. The lights were beautiful; they displayed various scenes and sceneries throughout the show. First to arrive on stage was David Mann Jr. He walked out and headed towards the deejay tables that were center stage. His energy and music selections pumped the crowd up and had everyone ready to party. The lights on the stage had a party appearance and holograms of a dancer. As the lights begin to flash a different color I anxiously waited for the next song to start. He played all the family reunion and As I entered Chrysler Hall I immediately became nervous. Shamefully Mann s World Concert and Comedy Show will be the first live gospel performance I have ever attended.
  • 43. Case Study Of Social Justice In Northern Ireland Case study of an attempt to achieve social justice; The Civil Rights Movement in the North of Ireland Northern Ireland during the 1960 s was a place that was considered unsafe and unfair for any citizen that was Catholic. Discrimination was in every aspect of life was rife. There was no fair treatment anywhere. The Civil Rights Movement that took place was largely inspired by the American Civil Rights Movement lead by Martin Luther King Jr took place in the 1960 s also. Many tactics and strategies used in America where copied and reproduced in Northern Ireland, hoping for a similar outcome of gaining civil rights. What happened was a short but turbulent movement. The movement was plagued with violence and Unionist opposition but rights where ... Show more content on ... The American Civil Rights Movement was being broadcast across the world, including Northern Ireland. It was a considerable factor to the movement in the North. Republican leader Gerry Adams credits coverage of the black civil rights movement as a contributing factor to an increased politicisation in Northern Ireland (Dooley, 1998). This demonstrated to the Catholics that there could be something done, that there was people at the other side of the world in a similar situation. .. attempted to achieve reform by publicising, documenting, and lobbying for an end to abuses in areas such as housing, unfair electoral procedures, discrimination in employment and the Special Powers Act (A United Ireland, 2016). There was a number of different groups and committees that where set up across the state to uncover the discrimination, so there would be evidence that could be used to show the world. In Queens University in Belfast, Michael Farrell and his fellow students set up the Working Committee in 1964 which had the aim of investigating and gathering the evidence of discrimination (Dooley, 1998). It was also in 1964 that the Campaign for Social Justice (CSJ) was set up (CAIN,
  • 44. Bilasia In The Bhil Woman her shadow at a tribal dance, and I have seen her, pensive and inviolable, her clothes clinging to her wet body, beside a tank in Benares .Yes this woman keeps crossing my dreams causing in me a fearful disturbance, the full meaning of which I have yet to understand. (p.93) This vague image is later concretized in the form of Bilasia, the Bhil woman whom he finds an ideal combination of Otherness and the Self. Bilasia s exotic Otherness is clearly seen in her untamed beauty , her promiscuity and her obvious difference from the respectable wife, Meena. Yet, how is Bilasia an ideal other for Billy Biswas, the upper class Hindu? Perhaps this may be explained by the way tribals have generally been viewed as peripheral communities within the dominant Hindu fold. So while recognizing the tribal Otherness, the Hindu view also makes them accessible. Moreover, Bilasia has beauty albeit an untamed one and she belongs to the Bhil community, which has traditionally been seen as possessing many Rajput qualities, like valour, nobility etc. Incidentally, one may compare the account of Billy s life with that of Verrier Elwin, an Englishman who came to India as a Christian missionary in 1927. A few years later, varrier Elwin voluntarily gave up his ministry and decided to devote himself to the tribal people of India. He started living in the Chhattisgarh area, along with Shamrao Hivale. Though not a trained anthropologist, Verrier Elwin later gained fame for his anthropological writings on the Chhattisgarh and other... Show more content on ... In such romantic representations, the tribal, especially the women, is dark, inscrutable, a kind of repository of unrepressed, orgiastic, magical sexuality, therapeutic powers and the unconscious and as such a solution for the urban malaise (Sangari:
  • 45. Skin We Speak Abstract The purpose of this book review is to critically inspect Lisa Delpit and Joanne Kilgour Dowdy s book The Skin that We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture (2008). The majority of the essays compiled in the book aim to deconstruct the negative effects of Standard English or right language in the classroom and how that can affect the identities of the students in that environment. Contributors offered their anecdotal experiences as well as recommendations for ways in which the approach to language in curricula can shift to be more inclusive. By making language more accessible in the classroom, the pathway to learning can be opened. Keywords: language, Ebonics, identity, Standard English, curriculum Introduction Lisa Delpit and ... Show more content on ... Lisa Delpit authored the first essay in part two of the book and in it she emphasized the importance of students being able to identify with the content of a curriculum in order to succeed within the confines of that curriculum (2008, p. 39). Delpit wrote, there is little in the curriculum that apprises the students of their intellectual legacy of the fact that people who look like them created much of the knowledge base of today s world (2008, p. 41). Delpit identified a major problem in education that affects both success as reflected in assignment work (paper writing) and success related to true learning and internalizing of material. Both Delpit and contributor Judith Baker wrote about the intersection of language and success in the classroom by giving concrete examples of where curricula are failing and how it can be addressed (2008, p. 55). Part two of the book is largely made up of essays that deconstructed the problems in classrooms that relate to students of color and language as well as what avenues there are to begin combating those