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Myelin and White Matter 
• The gray and white matter of the central nervous system 
(CNS) differ not only in gross morphology but also in water 
content and macromolecular components, notably 
membrane lipids. 
• Although the gray matter primarily contains neurons and 
their processes, the white matter is composed 
predominantly of myelinated bundles of axons 
• The oligodendroglial cell membrane is the source of the 
myelin sheath, which is a tightly wrapped, multilayered 
membrane composed of a repeating structure 
characterized by lipid-cytoplasm-lipid-water and which 
ensheathes axons 
• Cholesterol, galactocerebroside, sphingomyelin, and 
phospholipids are the lipids found in fully formed 
white matter and account for the stability and 
• proteins are also embedded within the myelin, 
including proteolipid protein, myelin basic protein 
(MBP), 20,30-cyclic-nucleotide 30- 
phosphodiesterase, myelin-associated glycoprotein, 
and myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 
• . Any process, including metabolic injury or 
ischemia, that changes the chemical composition of 
myelin will result in a less stable structure that is 
more susceptible to injury .
• Neuroglial cells, namely oligodendrocytes, 
astrocytes, and microglia, are primarily 
responsible for the maintenance or “well-being” 
of the white matter- by providing structural and 
nutritional support of neurons, regulating the 
extracellular environment, and acting as 
scavenger cells
Progression of Myelination 
• Proximal pathways before distal (e.g., 
brainstem before supratentorial brain) 
• Sensory (visual and auditory) before motor 
• Central white matter before peripheral 
• Posterior before anterior
Myelinated Regions at Birth (or Shortly After 
• Dorsal brainstem 
• Inferior, superior cerebellar peduncles 
• Perirolandic region 
• Corticospinal tract 
• Central portion of centrum semiovale 
• Posterior limb of internal capsule to cerebral 
• Ventrolateral thalamus 
• Optic nerve, chiasm, tract
Myelination and MR Findings 
• The most commonly used marker for evaluating 
normal brain maturation on conventional MR is the 
progression of myelination. 
• Myelination starts in the second trimester of 
gestation and continues into adulthood, beginning 
with the peripheral nervous system and then the 
spinal cord, the brainstem, and finally the 
supratentorial brain. 
• Myelination of the brain evolves in a predictable 
sequential fashion over the first 2 postnatal years . 
• Studies have suggested that the sequence of 
myelination has functional significance and is 
correlated with psychomotor development ..
• As white matter becomes myelinated, it appears 
hyperintense on T1-weighted and hypointense on 
T2-weighted images relative to gray matter 
• it is known that the signal changes on T1-weighted 
MR parallel increases in certain lipids that occur 
during the formation of myelin from 
oligodendrocytes . 
• The signal changes on T2-weighted MR have been 
presumed to be correlated with the period of 
maturation of the myelin sheath seen histologically 
as thickening and tightening of the spiral of myelin 
around the axon and loss of water
• During the first 6 months of life, T1-weighted images 
are most useful for evaluating the progression of 
myelination .. 
• After 6 months of age, most cerebral white matter 
appears high in signal intensity on the T1-weighted 
• beyond this time the T2-weighted images are 
generally relied on to further evaluate myelin 
progression . 
• By 24 months of age, the process of myelination is 
essentially complete except for the terminal zones of 
myelination found in the occipital-parietal 
periventricular white matter. 
• These regions appear as subtle, ill-defined areas of 
• “. From the pathologic point of view, white 
matter diseases can be classified into three 
major groups: 
• primary demyelination, 
• secondary demyelination, 
• dysmyelination.
Primary demyelinating diseases are characterized by loss 
of normally formed myelin with relative preservation of 
Multiple sclerosis 
Classic (Charcot type) 
Acute (Marburg type) 
Diffuse cerebral sclerosis (Schilder type) 
Concentric sclerosis (Balò type) 
Neuromyelitis optica (Devic type) 
Inflammatory demyelinating pseudotumor
Secondary demyelination - Demyelination 
associated with a known etiology or a systemic 
preferential destruction of white matter (i.e., 
destruction of both axons and myelin 
• Associated with infectious agents and/or 
• AssociateAssociated with physical/chemical 
agents or therapeuticprocedures 
• Associated with nutritional/vitamin deficiency 
• Associated with genetic abnormality
• Dysmyelination is a pathologic process of the 
white matter characterized by defective 
formation or maintenance of myelin. 
• Many of these dysmyelinating have known 
genetic defects regarding abnormal metabolism 
of myelin. 
• These disorders also called leukodystrophies
• X-linked 
Classic type 
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 
Autosomal recessive 
Vanishing white matter disease 
Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) 
Canavan disease (spongy degeneration of the brain) 
Metachromatic leukodystrophy 
Cockayne syndromea 
Aicardi-Goutière syndromea 
Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy 
Pattern of inheritance unknown 
Alexander disease
• Multiple sclerosis - is the most common 
inflammatory demyelinating disease of the 
central nervous system in young and middle-age 
• A significant body of information suggests a viral 
etiology in genetically susceptible individuals . 
• However, there has been no confirmed isolation 
of a conclusive and unequivocal infective agent 
at autopsy or biopsy of MS plaques
• MS is characterized by a variety of clinical 
courses and disease patterns. 
• Most MS cases are categorized into the classic 
form, or Charcot type 
• Most patients initially present in the third and 
fourth decades, 
• The incidence of MS is two to three times higher 
in females than in males, and it is quite 
uncommon in children, with only 0.3% to 0.4% of 
all cases occurring during the first decade.
The first clinical symptom is 
• often impaired or double vision; 
• other common complaints include weakness, 
numbness, tingling, and gait disturbances. 
• As the disease progresses, loss of sphincter 
control, blindness, paralysis, and dementia may 
• Patients rarely experience pain with MS, except 
that associated with eye movement in 
association with optic neuritis
The clinical course of classic MS is highly variable. 
four temporal patterns of multiple sclerosis . 
• Most patients (80% to 85%) experience a relapsing-remitting 
course of exacerbations (attacks) and remissions of neurologic 
deficits separated by stable periods. 
• . About 10% to 15% of the cases have a nonremitting 
progressive course and have been termed primary-progressive 
MS . 
• Less than 5% of patients start off with a primary progressive 
course but develop discrete exacerbations and are 
categorized under the progressive- relapsing MS 
• Patients exhibiting the chronic-progressive pattern typically 
have more severe spinal cord involvement.
• Late in the classic form of the disease, severe 
neurologic disability with cognitive impairment is 
common, regardless of the overall time course of 
the progression . 
• MS in this group, especially in infants or children 
younger than 5 years, may have unusual clinical 
and imaging features. 
• Seizures have been reported to occur more 
frequently than in adults.
• In addition to these clinical patterns, patients 
may be monosymptomatic, in which the 
presentation consists of a single episode of a 
neurologic deficit 
• These patients are included in the clinically 
isolated syndrome category, such as optic 
neuritis, transverse myelitis, or brainstem 
• Characteristic pattern of distribution of plaques in 
brains affected by MS is widely recognized, 
considerable variation is noted from patient to patient 
• For unknown reasons, there is a distinct propensity 
for involvement of certain regions of white matter, 
most notably the periventricular white matter , optic 
nerves, brainstem, and spinal cord
• The characteristic susceptibility of the 
periventricular regions to MS plaques is not 
uniform; however, most plaques are seen 
anatomically related to subependymal veins 
• About 50% occur in a periventricular 
distribution, predominantly near the angles of 
the lateral ventricles . 
• The periaqueductal region and the floor of the 
fourth ventricle are also frequently involved
• MS plaques are typically situated within white 
matter, gray matter lesions are not uncommon 
on pathologic examination 
• Typically, these lesions go through different 
stages, including an 
• acute “active” stage, 
• followed by a subacute stage with plaques with 
radially expanding “active rims” and plaques 
with “smoldering rims,” 
• finally reach the “inactive” gliotic stage
• MR has fundamentally changed the clinical evaluation of patients with 
• The sensitivity of MR to MS lesions far exceeds that of the clinical 
examination and any other imaging modality (e.g., computed 
tomography [CT] . 
• MR is not specific for the diagnosis of MS because white matter lesions 
that mimic those of MS may be detected in both normal volunteers and 
patients harboring other pathologic conditions, some of which have 
nothing to do with demyelinating disease per se. 
• Moreover, conventional MR can be normal in up to 25% of patients 
with a proven clinical diagnosis 
• . For these reasons, MR imaging cannot be the sole criterion for the 
diagnosis of MS but must be included with clinical and laboratory 
MS Brain Protocol 
Indications for MRI of the brain are: 
• Clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS to prove 
dissemination in time or space in order to fulfill the 
McDonald criteria 
• Patients with MS to determine the prognosis or response 
to therapy 
• To specify an atypical lesion in the spinal cord 
• To screen for opportunistic infections in patients receiving 
immunosuppressive treatment (for example development 
of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopthy in patients 
using natalizumab).
• Gadolinium is administered at the start of the examination 
because the longer you wait the more enhancement you 
will see on the T1W images (MS lesions are not 
spontaneously bright on T1-weighted images without 
contrast administration). 
• A scout with additional mid-sagittal T1WI is made for 
optimal and constant positioning. 
• The sagittal FLAIR is ideal for detection of lesions in the 
corpus callosum and the 3D sequence allows for better 
detection of smaller and juxtacortical lesions. 
• Finally the axial T1W-images are made after about 15 
minutes to provide optimal contrast enhancement
Magnetic Resonance Findings 
• typically presenting as scattered foci of varying 
size demonstrating high signal intensity on T2- 
weighted images 
• MS lesions are frequently situated in the 
periventricular white matter, internal capsule, 
corpus callosum, pons, and but may be found 
throughout the myelinated white matter and 
within gray matter
• . Plaques located in the immediate periventricular 
region may be difficult to appreciate on T2-weighted 
• proton density– weighted images or fluid-attenuated 
inversion recovery (FLAIR) images usually 
better define periventricular lesions. 
• MS plaques have a propensity to occur in the 
periventricular region 
• commonly appear as linear or ovoid lesions 
oriented perpendicular to the lateral ventricle 
(Dawson fingers),
• MR appearance of MS lesions is highly variable and 
certainly not specific . 
• anatomic distribution of the lesions should not be 
considered key to the diagnosis because 
“exceptional” locations are commonly encountered. 
• However, the corpus callosum is a region that is 
especially vulnerable to demyelination in MS, 
possibly due to its intimate neuroanatomic 
relationship to the lateral ventricular roofs and to 
small penetrating vessels.
• Studies have shown focal areas of high signal 
intensity on T2-weighted images in the inferior 
aspect of the corpus callosum (callosal–septal 
interface) in up to 93% of MS patients 
• . Sagittal T1-weighted images also nicely depict 
these lesions as focal areas of thinning of the 
inferior aspect of the corpus callosum
• MS lesions typically decrease in size over time and leave a 
smaller residual plaque. 
• MS plaques may enhance after the administration of 
intravenous contrast , reflecting transient abnormality of 
the blood–brain barrier. 
• The enhancement patterns are extremely variable and 
may appear homogeneous, ringlike, or nodular. 
• Treatment with steroids may also be associated with a 
marked reduction in lesion enhancement and morphology 
• Contrast enhancement may be used to add specificity to 
the finding of multiple hyperintensities on T2-weighted 
images because the finding of enhancing along with 
nonenhancing lesions is quite common in MS (
• Although quite commonly large MS lesions have 
very little mass effect, masslike lesions (tumefactive 
MS) that may mimic a tumor on imaging 
• Perfusion MR techniques may also be useful to 
increase the confidence of the noninvasive diagnosis 
of tumefactive MS . 
• Typically there is evidence of decreased perfusion 
within the lesion in comparison with contralateral, 
normal-appearing brain parenchyma. 
• MS can also appear as very subtle diffuse 
hyperintensity in the white matter
• Increasing hypointensity of MS plaques on T1- 
weighted images has been correlated with increased 
demyelination and axonal loss on pathology . 
• These lesions may approach the signal intensity of 
CSF, referred to as “black holes,” and have been 
shown to be correlated more closely with clinical 
• Peripheral lesional high signal intensity on T1- 
weighted images is frequently encountered, 
suggesting the presence of paramagnetic material 
and likely corresponds to the presence of free 
radicals in the macrophage layer forming the margin 
of an acute plaque.
• MS lesions may also display clearly defined rings 
within or surrounding plaques of demyelination
• Atrophy is common with progression of disease, 
usually manifested by ventricular enlargement 
and thinning of the corpus callosum, 
• increased iron deposition is concomitantly found 
in the basal ganglia, thalami, cortex, and 
subcortical white matter 
• . Rare reports are even found in the literature of 
meningeal enhancement (93) and hemorrhagic 
MS lesions
Revised Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Multiple 
Sclerosis Magnetic resonance abnormality and 
dissemination in space 
Dissemination in time 
At least one gadolinium-enhancing lesion 
or nine T2 hyperintense lesions if there is 
no gadolinium- enhancing lesion 
Detection of gadolinium enhancement at 
least 3 mo after the onset of the initial 
clinical event, if not at the site 
corresponding to the initial event 
At least one infratentorial lesion 
At least one juxtacortical lesion 
At least three periventricular lesions 
Detection of a new T2 lesion if it appears 
at any time compared with a reference 
scan done at least 30 days after the onset 
of the initial clinical event 
A spinal cord lesion can be considered 
equivalent to a brain infratentorial lesion 
Three of the following
• One of the most common questions 
in daily radiology practice when we 
see an image like the one on the 
left is: 
• 'Do we have to think of Multiple 
• Or are these white matter lesions 
the result of small vessel disease, as 
in a hypertensive patient? 
• Or should we think of more 
uncommon diseases? 
• In order to be able to answer that 
question, we have to realise that 
when we study white matter lesions 
• Many neurological diseases can 
mimic MS both clinically and 
• Most incidentally found WMLs will 
have a vascular origin.
• MS has a typical distribution of WMLs. 
This can be very helpful in differentiating them from 
vascular lesions . 
Typical for MS 
• involvement of corpus callosum, 
• U-fibers, 
• temporal lobes, 
• brainstem, 
• cerebellum 
• spinal cord. 
This pattern of involvement is uncommon in other 
In small vessel disease there may be involvement of the 
brainstem, but it is usually symmetrical and central, while 
in MS it is periphera
• The lesions in the deep white 
matter (yellow arrow) are 
nonspecific and can be seen in 
many diseases. 
Typical for MS in this case is: 
• Involvement of the temporal 
lobe (red arrow) 
• Juxtacortical lesions (green 
arrow) - touching the cortex 
• Involvement of the corpus 
callosum (blue arrow) 
• Periventricular lesions - 
touching the ventricles
• TYpical findings for MS as seen 
in this case are: 
• Multiple lesions adjacent to 
the ventricles (red arrow). 
• Ovoid lesions perpendicular to 
the ventricles (yellow arrow). 
• Multiple lesions in brainstem 
and cerebellum. 
• These ovoid lesions are also 
called Dawson fingers. 
They represent areas of 
demyelination along the small 
cerebral veins that run 
perpendicular to the 
• Ovoid lesions perpendicular to 
the ventricles (Dawson fingers). 
• Enhancing lesion. 
• Multiple lesions adjacent to the 
• Dawson fingers are typical for 
MS and are the result of 
inflammation around 
penetrating venules. 
These veins are perpendicular 
to the ventricular surface. 
• .
• Enhancement is another typical finding in MS. 
This enhancement will be present for about 
one month after the occurrence of a lesion. 
The simultaneous demonstration of enhancing 
and non-enhancing lesions in MS is the 
radiological counterpart of the clinical 
dissemination in time and space. 
The edema will regress and finally only the 
center will remain as a hyperintense lesion on 
Juxtacortical lesions 
• located in the U-fibers are also 
very specific for MS. 
• The involvement of the U-fibers 
is best seen on the 
magnification view.
• Acute MS (Marburg type)- occurs as an 
infrequent variety of MS, most commonly in 
younger patients. 
• It is often preceded by fever and typically has 
inexorable rapid progression to death within 
• This fulminant form of MS has also been seen as 
a terminal event in classic MS. 
• Pathologic findings of extensive myelin 
destruction, severe axonal loss, and early edema 
are seen
• Neuromyelitis optica (Devic type) -is a syndrome of acute 
onset of optic neuritis and transverse myelitis that develop 
at approximately the same time and dominate the clinical 
• . This condition has a different pathogenesis from most of 
the other MS types related to the fact that demyelination 
is antibody dependent and complement mediated 
• . Approximately 50% of these patients die within several 
• . The relationship of Devic syndrome to MS is 
controversial; indeed, other acute demyelinating 
disorders, including acute disseminated 
encephalomyelitis, can affect optic nerves and spinal cord
• Schilder type, or myelinoclastic diffuse 
• refers to an entity consisting of extensive, confluent, 
asymmetric demyelination of both cerebral hemispheres with 
involvement of the brainstem and cerebellum. It is usually 
• seen in children presenting with seizures, signs of pyramidal 
tract involvement, ataxia, and psychiatric symptomatology. 
• Adult cases have aso been described . 
• Typically, there is a rapid progression of disease over the 
course of 1 to 2 years, but the demyelinating process may be 
fulminant se..
• Concentric sclerosis (Balò type) 
• IT is a very rare type of demyelinating disease in which 
large regions with alternating zones of demyelinated and 
myelinated white matter are found. 
• The myelinated regions may reflect remyelination rather 
than spared normal myelin. 
• This progressive disease is more often found in young 
patients and is more common in the Philippines. 
• When encountered, Balò concentric sclerosis has a 
pathognomonic appearance on both pathology and MR
• Tumefactive MS 
• Tumefactive MS is a variant of 
Multiple Sclerosis. 
• The open-ring enhancement 
pattern with low signal T2 ring 
and low CBF are all indicative 
of demyelination.
Spinal cord. 
• MS lesions of the spinal cord are usually found in 
combination with lesions in the brain; however, 
5% to 24% of cases can be found in isolation 
• MR studies have shown that cord abnormalities 
may be found in approximately 75% of MS 
patients and in an even higher proportion of 
patients with spinal cord symptoms
• Most lesions are found in the cervical region 
• Axial T2-weighted images demonstrate the 
typical peripheral location of MS lesions commonly 
the dorsolateral aspect of the cord, where pial veins 
are adjacent to white matter . 
• Involvement of both gray and white matter by MS 
plaques can be seen. 
• Gadolinium contrast administration frequently 
demonstrates enhancement of acute spinal cord 
• The most typical enhancement pattern in 
demyelinating spinal cord lesions is a peripheral 
ringlike enhancement, although this is not always 
• Enhancing MS plaques can be virtually 
indistinguishable from neoplastic lesions and other 
inflammatory lesions of the spinal cord particularly 
when the spinal cord is enlarged due to edema. 
• Therefore, clinical correlation and often serial 
follow-up scanning are necessary to formulate a 
specific diagnosis,
Differential diagnosis of WMLs
DD multiple patchy lesions 
• Borderzone infarction 
Key finding: typically these lesions are located in only one 
hemisphere either in deep watershed area or peripheral 
watershed area. In the case on the left the infarction is in 
the deep watershed area. 
Key findings: Multifocal lesions in WM and basal ganglia 
10-14 days following infection or vaccination. 
As in MS, ADEM can involve the spinal cord, U-fibers and 
corpus callosum and sometimes show enhancement. 
Different from MS is that the lesions are often large and 
in a younger age group. The disease is monophasic
• Lyme 
2-3mm lesions simulating MS in a patient with skin 
rash and influenza-like illness. Other findings are 
high signal in spinal cord and enhancement of CN7 
(root entry zone) 
• PML 
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) 
is a demyelinating disease caused by JC virus in 
immunosuppressed patients. 
Key finding: space-occupying, nonenhancing WMLs 
in the U-fibers (unlike HIV or CMV). 
PML may be unilateral, but more often it is 
asymmetrical and bilateral.
• Metastases 
Metastases are mostly surrounded by a lot of edema. 
• Virchow Robin spaces 
On the T2W image there are multiple high intensity lesions 
Mc location in the basal ganglia. basal ganglia, around atria, 
near the anterior commissure and in the middle of the 
On the FLAIR image these lesions are dark, so they follow the 
intensity of CSF on all sequences (they were hypointense ion 
the T1WI). 
This signal intensity in combination with the location is typical 
for VR spaces.
• Normal Aging 
In normal ageing we can see: 
Periventricular caps and bands 
Mild atrophy with widening of sulci and ventricles 
Punctate and sometimes even confluent lesions in the deep white 
matter (Fazekas I and II). 
Periventricular caps are hyperintense regions around the anterior and 
posterior pole of the lateral ventricles and are associated with myelin 
pallor and dilated perivascular spaces. 
Periventricular bands or 'rims' are thin linear lesions along the body of 
the lateral ventricles and are associated with subependymal gliosis.
Newer Techniques 
• Proton MR spectroscopy has been studied by several 
investigators in MS 
• Decreased levels of NAA have been reported in acute 
active and chronic plaques 
• Serial MR spectroscopic studies have shown that the 
NAA level can be partially restored, 
• The described reduced level in MS plaques does not 
imply irreversible damage. Instead, its recovery might be 
related to resolution of edema or recovery from 
sublethal neuroaxonal injury
• MT techniques have been applied to brain MR in an 
attempt to characterize MS lesions and to discern 
otherwise occult disease in normal-appearing brain 
• This pulse sequence technique, which can be 
implemented on a conventional scanner, exploits 
differences in relaxation between immobilized water 
transiently bound to macromolecules and water protons 
not associated with macromolecules. 
• The hypothesis underlying these investigations is that 
demyelination results in more free water compared with 
myelinated white matter or intact but edematous tissue. 
• Selective suppression of immobilized water is 
accomplished by the application of an off-resonance 
saturation pulse, which saturates the broad resonance of 
protons bound to macromolecules.
• . Using this experimental design, it has been shown in 
some studies that MT ratios are higher in normal 
mature myelinated white matter than in gray matter. 
• A slight decrease of the magnetization transfer ratio 
was noted in early inflammatory lesions without 
demyelination in models of experimental allergic 
• More pronounced reductions in MT ratios have been 
described in demyelinating lesions in experimental 
models (proportional to the degree of demyelination) 
and in patients with MS
• diffusion MR study showed that markedly hypointense 
nonenhancing lesions showed higher apparent diffusion 
coefficient (ADC) values than isointense nonenhancing 
lesions, indicating that quantitative diffusion data from 
MR imaging differs among MS lesions that appear 
different from each other on T1-weighted images. 
• These quantitative diffusion differences imply 
microstructural differences, which may prove useful in 
documenting irreversible disease. 
• A whole-brain diffusion MR histogram study also 
showed that MR diffusion histograms can quantify 
visible and occult cerebral lesion load in patients with 
• Fiber tractography is another promising 
technique for evaluation of white matter 
abnormalities in MS patients, in particular in 
assessing the degree of axonal loss 
• demonstrating fewer fibers in corticospinal 
tracts of patients with higher lesion loads
multiple sclerosis dr.renuks

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multiple sclerosis dr.renuks

  • 2. Myelin and White Matter • The gray and white matter of the central nervous system (CNS) differ not only in gross morphology but also in water content and macromolecular components, notably membrane lipids. • Although the gray matter primarily contains neurons and their processes, the white matter is composed predominantly of myelinated bundles of axons • The oligodendroglial cell membrane is the source of the myelin sheath, which is a tightly wrapped, multilayered membrane composed of a repeating structure characterized by lipid-cytoplasm-lipid-water and which ensheathes axons .
  • 3. • Cholesterol, galactocerebroside, sphingomyelin, and phospholipids are the lipids found in fully formed white matter and account for the stability and strength • proteins are also embedded within the myelin, including proteolipid protein, myelin basic protein (MBP), 20,30-cyclic-nucleotide 30- phosphodiesterase, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein • . Any process, including metabolic injury or ischemia, that changes the chemical composition of myelin will result in a less stable structure that is more susceptible to injury .
  • 4. • Neuroglial cells, namely oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia, are primarily responsible for the maintenance or “well-being” of the white matter- by providing structural and nutritional support of neurons, regulating the extracellular environment, and acting as scavenger cells
  • 5. Progression of Myelination • Proximal pathways before distal (e.g., brainstem before supratentorial brain) • Sensory (visual and auditory) before motor • Central white matter before peripheral • Posterior before anterior
  • 6. Myelinated Regions at Birth (or Shortly After Birth) • Dorsal brainstem • Inferior, superior cerebellar peduncles • Perirolandic region • Corticospinal tract • Central portion of centrum semiovale • Posterior limb of internal capsule to cerebral peduncle • Ventrolateral thalamus • Optic nerve, chiasm, tract
  • 7. Myelination and MR Findings • The most commonly used marker for evaluating normal brain maturation on conventional MR is the progression of myelination. • Myelination starts in the second trimester of gestation and continues into adulthood, beginning with the peripheral nervous system and then the spinal cord, the brainstem, and finally the supratentorial brain. • Myelination of the brain evolves in a predictable sequential fashion over the first 2 postnatal years . • Studies have suggested that the sequence of myelination has functional significance and is correlated with psychomotor development ..
  • 8. • As white matter becomes myelinated, it appears hyperintense on T1-weighted and hypointense on T2-weighted images relative to gray matter • it is known that the signal changes on T1-weighted MR parallel increases in certain lipids that occur during the formation of myelin from oligodendrocytes . • The signal changes on T2-weighted MR have been presumed to be correlated with the period of maturation of the myelin sheath seen histologically as thickening and tightening of the spiral of myelin around the axon and loss of water
  • 9. • During the first 6 months of life, T1-weighted images are most useful for evaluating the progression of myelination .. • After 6 months of age, most cerebral white matter appears high in signal intensity on the T1-weighted images, • beyond this time the T2-weighted images are generally relied on to further evaluate myelin progression . • By 24 months of age, the process of myelination is essentially complete except for the terminal zones of myelination found in the occipital-parietal periventricular white matter. • These regions appear as subtle, ill-defined areas of hyperintensity
  • 10.
  • 11. CLASSIFICATION OF WHITE MATTER DISEASES • “. From the pathologic point of view, white matter diseases can be classified into three major groups: • primary demyelination, • secondary demyelination, • dysmyelination.
  • 12. Primary demyelinating diseases are characterized by loss of normally formed myelin with relative preservation of axons Multiple sclerosis Classic (Charcot type) Acute (Marburg type) Diffuse cerebral sclerosis (Schilder type) Concentric sclerosis (Balò type) Neuromyelitis optica (Devic type) Inflammatory demyelinating pseudotumor
  • 13. Secondary demyelination - Demyelination associated with a known etiology or a systemic disorder preferential destruction of white matter (i.e., destruction of both axons and myelin • Associated with infectious agents and/or vaccinations • AssociateAssociated with physical/chemical agents or therapeuticprocedures • Associated with nutritional/vitamin deficiency • Associated with genetic abnormality
  • 14. • Dysmyelination is a pathologic process of the white matter characterized by defective formation or maintenance of myelin. • Many of these dysmyelinating have known genetic defects regarding abnormal metabolism of myelin. • These disorders also called leukodystrophies
  • 15. Leukodystrophies • X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy Classic type Adrenomyeloneuropathy Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease Autosomal recessive Vanishing white matter disease Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) Canavan disease (spongy degeneration of the brain) Metachromatic leukodystrophy Cockayne syndromea Aicardi-Goutière syndromea Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy Pattern of inheritance unknown Alexander disease
  • 16. • Multiple sclerosis - is the most common inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system in young and middle-age adults. • A significant body of information suggests a viral etiology in genetically susceptible individuals . • However, there has been no confirmed isolation of a conclusive and unequivocal infective agent at autopsy or biopsy of MS plaques
  • 17. • MS is characterized by a variety of clinical courses and disease patterns. • Most MS cases are categorized into the classic form, or Charcot type • Most patients initially present in the third and fourth decades, • The incidence of MS is two to three times higher in females than in males, and it is quite uncommon in children, with only 0.3% to 0.4% of all cases occurring during the first decade.
  • 18. The first clinical symptom is • often impaired or double vision; • other common complaints include weakness, numbness, tingling, and gait disturbances. • As the disease progresses, loss of sphincter control, blindness, paralysis, and dementia may develop. • Patients rarely experience pain with MS, except that associated with eye movement in association with optic neuritis
  • 19. The clinical course of classic MS is highly variable. four temporal patterns of multiple sclerosis . • Most patients (80% to 85%) experience a relapsing-remitting course of exacerbations (attacks) and remissions of neurologic deficits separated by stable periods. • . About 10% to 15% of the cases have a nonremitting progressive course and have been termed primary-progressive MS . • Less than 5% of patients start off with a primary progressive course but develop discrete exacerbations and are categorized under the progressive- relapsing MS • Patients exhibiting the chronic-progressive pattern typically have more severe spinal cord involvement.
  • 20. • Late in the classic form of the disease, severe neurologic disability with cognitive impairment is common, regardless of the overall time course of the progression . • MS in this group, especially in infants or children younger than 5 years, may have unusual clinical and imaging features. • Seizures have been reported to occur more frequently than in adults.
  • 21. • In addition to these clinical patterns, patients may be monosymptomatic, in which the presentation consists of a single episode of a neurologic deficit • These patients are included in the clinically isolated syndrome category, such as optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, or brainstem syndrome
  • 22. PATHOLOGY • Characteristic pattern of distribution of plaques in brains affected by MS is widely recognized, considerable variation is noted from patient to patient • For unknown reasons, there is a distinct propensity for involvement of certain regions of white matter, most notably the periventricular white matter , optic nerves, brainstem, and spinal cord
  • 23. • The characteristic susceptibility of the periventricular regions to MS plaques is not uniform; however, most plaques are seen anatomically related to subependymal veins • About 50% occur in a periventricular distribution, predominantly near the angles of the lateral ventricles . • The periaqueductal region and the floor of the fourth ventricle are also frequently involved
  • 24. • MS plaques are typically situated within white matter, gray matter lesions are not uncommon on pathologic examination • Typically, these lesions go through different stages, including an • acute “active” stage, • followed by a subacute stage with plaques with radially expanding “active rims” and plaques with “smoldering rims,” • finally reach the “inactive” gliotic stage
  • 25. Imaging • MR has fundamentally changed the clinical evaluation of patients with MS. • The sensitivity of MR to MS lesions far exceeds that of the clinical examination and any other imaging modality (e.g., computed tomography [CT] . • MR is not specific for the diagnosis of MS because white matter lesions that mimic those of MS may be detected in both normal volunteers and patients harboring other pathologic conditions, some of which have nothing to do with demyelinating disease per se. • Moreover, conventional MR can be normal in up to 25% of patients with a proven clinical diagnosis • . For these reasons, MR imaging cannot be the sole criterion for the diagnosis of MS but must be included with clinical and laboratory findings
  • 26. MS Brain Protocol Indications for MRI of the brain are: • Clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS to prove dissemination in time or space in order to fulfill the McDonald criteria • Patients with MS to determine the prognosis or response to therapy • To specify an atypical lesion in the spinal cord • To screen for opportunistic infections in patients receiving immunosuppressive treatment (for example development of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopthy in patients using natalizumab).
  • 27. • Gadolinium is administered at the start of the examination because the longer you wait the more enhancement you will see on the T1W images (MS lesions are not spontaneously bright on T1-weighted images without contrast administration). • A scout with additional mid-sagittal T1WI is made for optimal and constant positioning. • The sagittal FLAIR is ideal for detection of lesions in the corpus callosum and the 3D sequence allows for better detection of smaller and juxtacortical lesions. . • Finally the axial T1W-images are made after about 15 minutes to provide optimal contrast enhancement
  • 28. Magnetic Resonance Findings • typically presenting as scattered foci of varying size demonstrating high signal intensity on T2- weighted images • MS lesions are frequently situated in the periventricular white matter, internal capsule, corpus callosum, pons, and but may be found throughout the myelinated white matter and within gray matter
  • 29. • . Plaques located in the immediate periventricular region may be difficult to appreciate on T2-weighted image • proton density– weighted images or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images usually better define periventricular lesions. • MS plaques have a propensity to occur in the periventricular region • commonly appear as linear or ovoid lesions oriented perpendicular to the lateral ventricle (Dawson fingers),
  • 30. • MR appearance of MS lesions is highly variable and certainly not specific . • anatomic distribution of the lesions should not be considered key to the diagnosis because “exceptional” locations are commonly encountered. • However, the corpus callosum is a region that is especially vulnerable to demyelination in MS, possibly due to its intimate neuroanatomic relationship to the lateral ventricular roofs and to small penetrating vessels.
  • 31. • Studies have shown focal areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images in the inferior aspect of the corpus callosum (callosal–septal interface) in up to 93% of MS patients • . Sagittal T1-weighted images also nicely depict these lesions as focal areas of thinning of the inferior aspect of the corpus callosum
  • 32.
  • 33. • MS lesions typically decrease in size over time and leave a smaller residual plaque. • MS plaques may enhance after the administration of intravenous contrast , reflecting transient abnormality of the blood–brain barrier. • The enhancement patterns are extremely variable and may appear homogeneous, ringlike, or nodular. • Treatment with steroids may also be associated with a marked reduction in lesion enhancement and morphology . • Contrast enhancement may be used to add specificity to the finding of multiple hyperintensities on T2-weighted images because the finding of enhancing along with nonenhancing lesions is quite common in MS (
  • 34. • Although quite commonly large MS lesions have very little mass effect, masslike lesions (tumefactive MS) that may mimic a tumor on imaging • Perfusion MR techniques may also be useful to increase the confidence of the noninvasive diagnosis of tumefactive MS . • Typically there is evidence of decreased perfusion within the lesion in comparison with contralateral, normal-appearing brain parenchyma. • MS can also appear as very subtle diffuse hyperintensity in the white matter
  • 35.
  • 36. • Increasing hypointensity of MS plaques on T1- weighted images has been correlated with increased demyelination and axonal loss on pathology . • These lesions may approach the signal intensity of CSF, referred to as “black holes,” and have been shown to be correlated more closely with clinical disability • Peripheral lesional high signal intensity on T1- weighted images is frequently encountered, suggesting the presence of paramagnetic material and likely corresponds to the presence of free radicals in the macrophage layer forming the margin of an acute plaque.
  • 37. • MS lesions may also display clearly defined rings within or surrounding plaques of demyelination
  • 38. • Atrophy is common with progression of disease, usually manifested by ventricular enlargement and thinning of the corpus callosum, • increased iron deposition is concomitantly found in the basal ganglia, thalami, cortex, and subcortical white matter • . Rare reports are even found in the literature of meningeal enhancement (93) and hemorrhagic MS lesions
  • 39. Revised Magnetic Resonance Imaging Criteria for the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis Magnetic resonance abnormality and dissemination in space Dissemination in time At least one gadolinium-enhancing lesion or nine T2 hyperintense lesions if there is no gadolinium- enhancing lesion Detection of gadolinium enhancement at least 3 mo after the onset of the initial clinical event, if not at the site corresponding to the initial event At least one infratentorial lesion At least one juxtacortical lesion At least three periventricular lesions Detection of a new T2 lesion if it appears at any time compared with a reference scan done at least 30 days after the onset of the initial clinical event A spinal cord lesion can be considered equivalent to a brain infratentorial lesion Three of the following
  • 40. • One of the most common questions in daily radiology practice when we see an image like the one on the left is: • 'Do we have to think of Multiple Sclerosis? • Or are these white matter lesions the result of small vessel disease, as in a hypertensive patient? • Or should we think of more uncommon diseases? • In order to be able to answer that question, we have to realise that when we study white matter lesions (WMLs): • Many neurological diseases can mimic MS both clinically and radiologically. • Most incidentally found WMLs will have a vascular origin.
  • 41. • MS has a typical distribution of WMLs. This can be very helpful in differentiating them from vascular lesions . Typical for MS • involvement of corpus callosum, • U-fibers, • temporal lobes, • brainstem, • cerebellum • spinal cord. This pattern of involvement is uncommon in other diseases. In small vessel disease there may be involvement of the brainstem, but it is usually symmetrical and central, while in MS it is periphera
  • 42. • The lesions in the deep white matter (yellow arrow) are nonspecific and can be seen in many diseases. Typical for MS in this case is: • Involvement of the temporal lobe (red arrow) • Juxtacortical lesions (green arrow) - touching the cortex • Involvement of the corpus callosum (blue arrow) • Periventricular lesions - touching the ventricles
  • 43. • TYpical findings for MS as seen in this case are: • Multiple lesions adjacent to the ventricles (red arrow). • Ovoid lesions perpendicular to the ventricles (yellow arrow). • Multiple lesions in brainstem and cerebellum. • These ovoid lesions are also called Dawson fingers. They represent areas of demyelination along the small cerebral veins that run perpendicular to the ventricles.
  • 44. DAWSON FINGERS • Ovoid lesions perpendicular to the ventricles (Dawson fingers). • Enhancing lesion. • Multiple lesions adjacent to the ventricles. • Dawson fingers are typical for MS and are the result of inflammation around penetrating venules. These veins are perpendicular to the ventricular surface. • .
  • 45. • Enhancement is another typical finding in MS. This enhancement will be present for about one month after the occurrence of a lesion. The simultaneous demonstration of enhancing and non-enhancing lesions in MS is the radiological counterpart of the clinical dissemination in time and space. The edema will regress and finally only the center will remain as a hyperintense lesion on T2WI
  • 46. Juxtacortical lesions • located in the U-fibers are also very specific for MS. • The involvement of the U-fibers is best seen on the magnification view.
  • 47. Variants • Acute MS (Marburg type)- occurs as an infrequent variety of MS, most commonly in younger patients. • It is often preceded by fever and typically has inexorable rapid progression to death within months. • This fulminant form of MS has also been seen as a terminal event in classic MS. • Pathologic findings of extensive myelin destruction, severe axonal loss, and early edema are seen
  • 48. • Neuromyelitis optica (Devic type) -is a syndrome of acute onset of optic neuritis and transverse myelitis that develop at approximately the same time and dominate the clinical picture • . This condition has a different pathogenesis from most of the other MS types related to the fact that demyelination is antibody dependent and complement mediated • . Approximately 50% of these patients die within several months • . The relationship of Devic syndrome to MS is controversial; indeed, other acute demyelinating disorders, including acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, can affect optic nerves and spinal cord
  • 49.
  • 50. • Schilder type, or myelinoclastic diffuse • refers to an entity consisting of extensive, confluent, asymmetric demyelination of both cerebral hemispheres with involvement of the brainstem and cerebellum. It is usually • seen in children presenting with seizures, signs of pyramidal tract involvement, ataxia, and psychiatric symptomatology. • Adult cases have aso been described . • Typically, there is a rapid progression of disease over the course of 1 to 2 years, but the demyelinating process may be fulminant se..
  • 51.
  • 52. • Concentric sclerosis (Balò type) • IT is a very rare type of demyelinating disease in which large regions with alternating zones of demyelinated and myelinated white matter are found. • The myelinated regions may reflect remyelination rather than spared normal myelin. • This progressive disease is more often found in young patients and is more common in the Philippines. • When encountered, Balò concentric sclerosis has a pathognomonic appearance on both pathology and MR
  • 53.
  • 54. • Tumefactive MS • Tumefactive MS is a variant of Multiple Sclerosis. • The open-ring enhancement pattern with low signal T2 ring and low CBF are all indicative of demyelination.
  • 55. EXTRA CEREBRAL LESIONS Spinal cord. • MS lesions of the spinal cord are usually found in combination with lesions in the brain; however, 5% to 24% of cases can be found in isolation • MR studies have shown that cord abnormalities may be found in approximately 75% of MS patients and in an even higher proportion of patients with spinal cord symptoms
  • 56. • Most lesions are found in the cervical region • Axial T2-weighted images demonstrate the typical peripheral location of MS lesions commonly the dorsolateral aspect of the cord, where pial veins are adjacent to white matter . • Involvement of both gray and white matter by MS plaques can be seen. • Gadolinium contrast administration frequently demonstrates enhancement of acute spinal cord lesion
  • 57. • The most typical enhancement pattern in demyelinating spinal cord lesions is a peripheral ringlike enhancement, although this is not always seen • Enhancing MS plaques can be virtually indistinguishable from neoplastic lesions and other inflammatory lesions of the spinal cord particularly when the spinal cord is enlarged due to edema. • Therefore, clinical correlation and often serial follow-up scanning are necessary to formulate a specific diagnosis,
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  • 60.
  • 61. DD multiple patchy lesions • Borderzone infarction Key finding: typically these lesions are located in only one hemisphere either in deep watershed area or peripheral watershed area. In the case on the left the infarction is in the deep watershed area. • ADEM Key findings: Multifocal lesions in WM and basal ganglia 10-14 days following infection or vaccination. As in MS, ADEM can involve the spinal cord, U-fibers and corpus callosum and sometimes show enhancement. Different from MS is that the lesions are often large and in a younger age group. The disease is monophasic
  • 62. • Lyme 2-3mm lesions simulating MS in a patient with skin rash and influenza-like illness. Other findings are high signal in spinal cord and enhancement of CN7 (root entry zone) • PML Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease caused by JC virus in immunosuppressed patients. Key finding: space-occupying, nonenhancing WMLs in the U-fibers (unlike HIV or CMV). PML may be unilateral, but more often it is asymmetrical and bilateral.
  • 63. • Metastases Metastases are mostly surrounded by a lot of edema. • Virchow Robin spaces On the T2W image there are multiple high intensity lesions Mc location in the basal ganglia. basal ganglia, around atria, near the anterior commissure and in the middle of the brainstem. On the FLAIR image these lesions are dark, so they follow the intensity of CSF on all sequences (they were hypointense ion the T1WI). This signal intensity in combination with the location is typical for VR spaces.
  • 64.
  • 65. • Normal Aging In normal ageing we can see: Periventricular caps and bands Mild atrophy with widening of sulci and ventricles Punctate and sometimes even confluent lesions in the deep white matter (Fazekas I and II). Periventricular caps are hyperintense regions around the anterior and posterior pole of the lateral ventricles and are associated with myelin pallor and dilated perivascular spaces. Periventricular bands or 'rims' are thin linear lesions along the body of the lateral ventricles and are associated with subependymal gliosis.
  • 66.
  • 67. Newer Techniques • Proton MR spectroscopy has been studied by several investigators in MS • Decreased levels of NAA have been reported in acute active and chronic plaques • Serial MR spectroscopic studies have shown that the NAA level can be partially restored, • The described reduced level in MS plaques does not imply irreversible damage. Instead, its recovery might be related to resolution of edema or recovery from sublethal neuroaxonal injury
  • 68. • MT techniques have been applied to brain MR in an attempt to characterize MS lesions and to discern otherwise occult disease in normal-appearing brain parenchyma. • This pulse sequence technique, which can be implemented on a conventional scanner, exploits differences in relaxation between immobilized water transiently bound to macromolecules and water protons not associated with macromolecules. • The hypothesis underlying these investigations is that demyelination results in more free water compared with myelinated white matter or intact but edematous tissue. • Selective suppression of immobilized water is accomplished by the application of an off-resonance saturation pulse, which saturates the broad resonance of protons bound to macromolecules.
  • 69. • . Using this experimental design, it has been shown in some studies that MT ratios are higher in normal mature myelinated white matter than in gray matter. • A slight decrease of the magnetization transfer ratio was noted in early inflammatory lesions without demyelination in models of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. • More pronounced reductions in MT ratios have been described in demyelinating lesions in experimental models (proportional to the degree of demyelination) and in patients with MS
  • 70. • diffusion MR study showed that markedly hypointense nonenhancing lesions showed higher apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values than isointense nonenhancing lesions, indicating that quantitative diffusion data from MR imaging differs among MS lesions that appear different from each other on T1-weighted images. • These quantitative diffusion differences imply microstructural differences, which may prove useful in documenting irreversible disease. • A whole-brain diffusion MR histogram study also showed that MR diffusion histograms can quantify visible and occult cerebral lesion load in patients with MS
  • 71. • Fiber tractography is another promising technique for evaluation of white matter abnormalities in MS patients, in particular in assessing the degree of axonal loss • demonstrating fewer fibers in corticospinal tracts of patients with higher lesion loads