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Moore Vs Hlobo
This essay will explore the contrasts and similarities that can be taken from two drawings. Henry
Moore's, Standing figures of 1940 and Nicholas Hlobo's, Macaleni Iintozomlambo of 2010. It will
discuss the comparisons that can be made about the colour schemes, composition and subject matter
of the pieces. This will also include an evaluation of how the time scales and influences of the
period have affected the final outcomes of the two artists. The two pieces actually share many more
similarities than first hits the eye after deconstructing all of the components listed.
Henry Moore is typically renowned for the many sculptures mused by the human form, typically the
female form. He began his artistic venture in 1919 where he attended Leeds School of art, here he
met Barbra Hepworth and was inspired greatly by her. He then received many scholarships leading
to the opportunity to travel around the world, it was early Mexican and Aztec that mostly inspired
his work. His first commissioned piece was in 1928 and named West Wind. In order to create his
pieces he did however create unfinished drawing plans of organic compositions that he could
imagine creating to a much larger scale. These were often many drawings to a page that overlapped
showing the spontaneity ... Show more content on ...
He creates sculptural pieces that contrast the ideals of feminine and masculine qualities. He uses
different media's to create this and has been awarded acknowledgement in the textiles industry as
well as the art despite creating sculptures. Like Moore he has created a drawing that is being studied
in this essay. It is a single finished drawing. It is composed of layers off Tea stains and Thread,
juxtaposing colours and using the thread to tell a story of the human inners and old folk tales. It isn't
an obvious piece and requires a description to know the history behind the
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A Drawing is a Line Going to a Walk
What is Drawing?
"A drawing is simply a line going for a walk." Paul Klee (Klee, 2010)
Drawing is to create a picture, image or diagram with a pencil or pen by making lines or marks on a
piece of paper or other material. The common theory I have found, after questioning several people
on what their definition of drawing was, is that drawing is a method to convey feelings or emotions
onto a piece of paper, using a pencil or pen so that others can see what they are thinking or feeling.
This is correct but is this the only way drawing is used?
Drawing has a vast variety of descriptions as to what they thought drawing was it seems that there
are three common usages ; drawing as an art form, as a tool for communication or as part of ... Show
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Drawing as movement implies that individual drawings are put together as frames, and create
something new and different from each individual drawing. It is fundamentally different from the
other three types of drawing, as it develops through time" therefore clarifying that drawing is a
important piece of the animation process. Most animations being with a script and therefore a
storyboard is created, allowing changes to be made before the next stage of sketching characters and
scenes and of course space. Applying Aesthetics touches can be done which are fundamentally
important as to the look and feel of the final animation. From this cells can be drawn upon in order
of sequence to be filmed and animated. Of course if a 3–D program is to be used to finalise the
animation then the concluding part of drawing onto cells would not occur and the drawing portion of
the animation would terminate here.
2d animation was first produced as an art form by a William McKay back in 1911 yet people have
been using animation since 1600bc when columns were found in Pharoah Rameses II temple with
different poses of the goddess Isis on them in a progressive manner. This was so horsemen and
people in chariots could would see what would seem like Isis dancing and moving around. Even
earlier than this, animation was attempted by cavemen, who would draw four sets of legs to depict
There were various attempts in the 1800s to project images
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Art Progression
I enrolled in this class to challenge myself in learning and viewing art in another perspective. Art in
general has always been my biggest love. Throughout my academic career I have taken multiple art
classes and improved my understanding of the subject. Painting was and still is my favorite medium,
but recently I found an interest in drawing, more specifically graphite drawings. Transitioning from
painting to graphite or black and white drawing has been challenging. It is quite easy to show
differences of shades forms, contrasts with colors than black and white. In addition, drawing is a bit
more tedious than painting. On the other, the renaissance was the period in history that paid a special
interest in the physicality and or the physiology
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Essay on Art History
The exhibition Degas: Form, Movement and the Antique at the Tampa Museum of art consist of 47
pieces from the French impressionist's Edgar Degas life. The exhibition focuses on Degas
fascination with motion, and shape and his influences from Greek and Roman art. It consists of oil
paintings, charcoal and pastel drawings, and bronze replicas of his works. Most of the pieces are
inspired by horses, ballerinas and everyday women. He traditionally used line, color and texture in
his paintings to convey the poise and grace of the figures. He also used asymmetry, imbalance and
dramatic angles to give the dancers a more naturalistic feeling. In his sculptures he typically used
shape and space to simulate movement, and used form to capture the ... Show more content on ...
In Rearing Horse he uses a dramatic poses to express the dynamic movement of the horse and to
capture the horse's wild and unrestrained nature. In this piece I believe Degas was trying to express a
sense of freedom and impulsiveness. In Thoroughbred Horse Walking the statue has an incomplete
and spontaneous feeling to it that is almost like a quick drawing. It feels as though Degas is trying to
communicate a feeling of defeat and resignation with this piece. In Horse with Jockey Degas is
trying to show the connection between a horse and its rider, it is meant to show how they both move
as one during a race and the relationship between man and nature.
Both Dancer Looking at the Sole of Her Right Foot and Dancer Holding Her Right Foot in Her
Right Hand are statues of Ballerinas balancing on one leg, cast in bronze. In these pieces Degas
manages to capture the poised nature of the dancer's movements. The pieces themselves have a
rough and unfinished quality to them like a sketch or gesture drawing. These pieces show Degas
love for sculpting bodies in motion, and by looking at these pieces it was easy for me to see why
Degas found dancers such an enchanting subject; he saw even their smallest gestures inspiring and
translated that beauty into sculptures that express their rhythm and movement perfectly.
In the statues Spanish Dancer and Grande Arabesque demonstrates Degas's ability to convey
dancelike rhythm and motion in his
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Drawing M & Ms In Panama Art
I sat at the coffee table in our living room surrounded by scattered papers and worn down pencils
trying to color my dinosaur in space a bright lime green. A fridge worthy piece, in my eight year old
opinion. I turned around to display my master work to my mom. She looked at it with an
unimpressed expression and said the words that would ring my in ears for years to come " You need
to stop drawing so much" then returned her attention to cutting carrots for that night's dinner.
From drawing m&ms in ms paint with my dad in between deployments to sketching the forest
covered mountains on long car trips through Panama art has been an important escape for me. I used
my craft to understand my emotions, define my identity, and was something that I took pride in.
Until that day my art was a way of interpreting the world around me, but hearing as only parent I
had disprove of my craft, ... Show more content on ...
After my first few drawings, I still felt awful. Almost five years of not drawing had left me very
rusty. I looked at all of them with disdain; the messy lines and clashing art styles made me think that
my mom was right to steer me away from art. My first few drawings were quickly thrown away and
my sculptures were tucked away in shame, but something about picking up that pencil and clay felt
so natural that I couldn't help but do it again. I started drawing small doodles on my notes of flowers
and bunnies. Then to making series of paintings, small clay sculptures, and crochet scarves. Slowly I
was regaining my love for art and creating, but the sad eight year old inside still felt like it was a
waste of time. It wasn't until weeks later when a friend and I were discussing artists when Picasso
was brought up that things started to change. We both found his art style to pretentious and
overrated. Then she said, "Well I'm sure he at least liked
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Analysis Of The Book ' My Dream '
Throughout the semester, I drew pictures on a sketch book. I started drawing on September 23,
2016, and tried to draw at least four days a week till November 20. Thus, I got 41 drawings in the
sketch book. When I started this project, I was not sure what I was doing. Without having any
theme, I just followed what I wanted to draw when I graved a pen. Some days, I drew what I saw in
my dream, some days, I drew my emotional feelings that I had hard time to express, and some days,
I drew whatever that came up in my mind. Interestingly, if I look back the images that I drew, it
shows that I unconsciously drew many images that is reminiscent of anima/ animus or sky/the
I did not know about anima/animus until we studied about them in the class. I was not really
consciously thinking about it, but since we learned Jungian Concepts in the class, it seems like
anima/animus caught my interest. I wrote about these concepts for my first essay, yet I was not
really sure how my anima/animus appear within me. I was curious about it, but I did not know how
to figure it out, but this project helped me to see my anima/animus: especially development of
animus. In my drawings, many symbols that refer anima/animus appeared unconsciously and
changed its forms overtime. At the beginning of the project, my animus seems weaker or smaller
than my anima. Specifically, in the moon and sun image that I drew on September 24, 2016, the
moon, the implication of animus in my culture, is closing
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Connection Within Mandala
Finding Connections Within Mandalas I remember thinking how much I was looking forward to
taking this humanities course at the beginning of the term because I was eager to learn more about
Far East cultures, as I have always been intrigued by their ideologies. Throughout the term, I have
learned a great deal about the fundamental beliefs and concepts that encompass Hinduism,
Buddhism, and other Far Eastern religions, as well as the underlying connections and common
beliefs that they share. All these religions value the ideas of following a certain path or lifestyle that
has been passed down as the 'right way' to achieve eternal happiness whether it be enlightenment in
Hinduism and Buddhism, or harmony in Confucianism and Daoism. However, ... Show more
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When I sat down to begin drawing this mandala, I continued with the "pre–ritual" that I described
previously of lighting incense, turning on purple lights, and putting on a record. I chose Led
Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy for the inspiration of Mandala #4. I suppose I chose this album
because I wasn't in the best mood that day, and was feeling very overwhelmed with stress, so I
picked an album that I knew would put me in a positive mindset. Before I drew my mandala that
day, I was in a very frantic state of mind because I was feeling worried and unprepared for my
chemistry exam I had the following day. This mandala is unique in that it has many more sharp,
layered points that radiate outward. I used various diamond and triangular shapes, with very little
use of circles. This may indicate my emotions of uneasiness and slight anxiety, and not feeling very
balanced or complete (Fincher, 22). My feeling of stress also shine through in the articulate, bold
line work throughout the Mandala. I went over each of the lines multiple times, making them darker
and thicker. The shapes and colors in the design remind of a succulent plant with the green and
purple colors, and pointed petal–like figures. Perhaps this is indicating that I need to become more
in–tune with nature, since that is something I value in order to keep a happy, and positive state of
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Drawing 101 Research Paper
I have been learning about the art since I was young. It was 4 years ago that I started studying the art
for my dream, a production designer. Even though I have learned and experienced so many things, I
still do not know a lot. In Korea, we learn drawing first when we begin to learn about the art. Such
as Rendering, sketches, and animation, drawing is necessary in the art and design. I learned the
perspective, how to use charcoal and pencil, and still–life in Drawing 100. However, I am pretty
sure that Drawing 101 gave me an opportunity to learn advanced study such as how to do portraits,
still–life by pastel, and three–point perspective.
First of all, the method of drawing portraits is what I learned the most in Drawing 101. I would
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Art 135 Unit 4 Assignment
Assignment 1
I am very excited for this semester in ART 135. I have always been very interested in art, I like to
draw and use watercolor paint. I also sell little animals made of "junk" at farmer markets during the
summer. I am excited to expand upon my drawing ability for personal reasons as well as educational
My drawing experience is not extensive, but I think that I have potential in my drawing ability,
however I need instruction on tools and technique to improve my skill. My favorite material is
charcoal, I love how it blends and how forgiving it can be. I am also appreciative of paper stumps
for blending, I find them to be the most useful tool, to achieve a "soft" style that I like.
I am currently an interior design major,
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Analysis Of A Draughtsman Drawing A Portrait By Albrecht...
In the 1968 art exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity L. D. Harmon and K. C. Knowlton take a simple
picture of two birds flying in the sky and computer generated the photography by converting
electrical signals into numerical representations on magnetic tape, this then provides a digital
version of the photo to be used in computer processing. The photo is divided into fragments where
its generated by numbers. The photo is given a density that's shown by different shades of dots that
creates the computer–generated photograph. In close range, you can see each separate shaded dot
which makes up the photo. At 20–30 feet, away from the overall computer–generated photograph
you are able to conduct the figure that once was an original photograph.
The modernist work I chose was A draughtsman drawing a portrait by Albrecht Durer. Albrecht
Durer was one of the many modernist yet abstract. I chose this Modernist work because Durer is
abstract and he uses perception is a great deal of his art works. Albrecht Durer's artworks were very
diverse and vibrant, they also included modern ways of creativity and originality. Durer was a huge
example of originality which made his drawing A draughtsman drawing a portrait so spectacular
because it had never been seen before. This drawing represented a way to draw people exactly as
they are seen in real life, as three dimensional. The artist as shown in the drawing using Durer's
drawing machine, would draw specific lines that were accurate
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Edgar Degas And Cassatt Similarities
Edgar Degas and Mary Cassatt, has similarities and differences. They both have the same subject
matter but different in media. Degas and Cassatt both used gesture lines sketch like drawing. Both of
the painters used pastel on paper. In addition, they used chalks of medium in the painting. Each of
the artist has pale and light colors.
Edgar Degas was a French artist famous for his different paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings.
Degas if famous for the "After bath, women drying herself." This painting was made from 1889–
1890. This painting was on a pastel paper. It is 26 5/8 x 22 ¾ in. This painting is located in
Courtauld Institute of art in London. This artwork is used by a chalk medium with color pigments
and non–greasy binders added
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Shading can be a difficult concept to grasp let alone execute!
Today, we will learn a few techniques to help you prepare to start a portrait drawing of your own!
You may practice along with us in your notebook to get a good handle on things!
Working on shading before starting a drawing helps refresh our minds and focus in on the
fundamentals of art.
One of the best ways to practice shading is to start by drawing a few solid objects.
Let's start with a simple circle.
What is the most important element that affects the values you will apply to a circle?
To locate your light source you need only look at the object you are drawing.
If you are making it up the same principle applies, only this time you choose the light source. ...
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That's ok! Just use your eraser to fix it!
If you have trouble erasing dark lines, try easing up on the pencil next time.
Give it another go with a different light source now!
See how practice helps a lot!?
Now we can transfer this skill to a facial feature!
Remember, when you are drawing any features, you want to locate the light source and avoid using
very many hard contour lines.
Shading will give you the effect of line, depth and shape.
You can start off a nose by breaking its form down into shapes!
Don't overlap the side of the nose with the nostrils.
Erase the middle of the circles but leave the points where there is overlap.
Find your light source and start to shade where you see darks!
You may use hatch marks just don't draw too hard!
You will have a hard time erasing your mistakes if you do!
Don't forget to shade with the objects curves and honor flat areas to give it a more realistic look.
When you think you have it right, go ahead and blend if you want!
You may use your eraser to brighten the highlight areas that are hit with direct light!
Feel free to fix areas you are not happy with or start a new nose!
Don't worry about making every drawing
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How To Describe Jereon's Drawing
For my first drawing I had a two–year–old named Jaxon. His Drawing was a bunch of scribbles. He
did use multiple colors and did draw on different parts of the paper. Our setting was at a co–worker's
house. The stage I would put Jaxon's drawing in would be the scribble stage. His drawing would be
perfect in the scribble stage because his drawing was a lot of random scribbling. The scribble stage
is usually for children ages1 ½– 2 years of age. Children can be given crayons or markers once they
stop the phase of putting everything in their mouths. Young children do not have much control over
hand movements or the marks on the page this is why lots of the children will scribble with
anything, and onto anything near them. A lot of the children ... Show more content on ...
Her drawing represented her and her daddy. Her father is in the army so she drew both in uniform,
saluting. She also included the sun, sky, grass and a flag on a flap pole. The setting of this drawing
was at a co–worker's house. The stage I would put Kaylee in would be the early pictorial stage. In
the early pictorial stage children work on making and perfecting one or many symbols. Symbol
making are like lopsided geometric shapes made. Mandalas and suns are drawn and eventually
becomes human figures. Therefore, I put Kaylee in this stage due to the fact that she drew human
figures. Also during this time some children can draw multiple unrelated shapes and figures. This
type of drawing is an example of a child making multiple drawings of multiple symbols. At the early
pictorial stage children search for new ideas, and their symbols change constantly. A picture a child
draws of a lady could look like a different lady the next day. Most of the time a great variety of form
represent the same symbol. Drawings in this stage are flexible in
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Thesis Statement Of Architectural Drawing
"An artist can make a cart with square wheels, but an architect can't" – Louis Kahn, American
An architectural drawing is a technical drawing of a structure or building. These are used by
architects to develop a design, to communicate their ideas and concepts, to convince clients, to
enable a building contractor to construct it, and to make a record of a building that already exists.
Drawing, sketches and animations are just some of non–verbal languages used by architects to show
their works. Truly, architects communicate through drawings. Architecture students are going to be
doing a lot of drawing in their five years. Sketching and drawing will seems to be the foundation ...
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It may help them to decide whether the students will continue pursuing architecture or not.
College Architecture Students
The study can also help the college architecture students to enhance their drawing skills. Also, this
research can encourage architecture students who have low confidence because they think that being
not good in drawing is a hindrance in succeeding.
College Architecture Professors
The College Architecture Professors will understand more the capabilities of each student.
Professors may conclude that not all the students have the talent or the same level of skills in
drawing. This research will increase the awareness of the professors about the differences of the
students and how to adjust to help them to enhance their drawing skills.
Future Researchers
The research can also be beneficial to the future researches since the information presented in the
study may be used as reference in conducting related researches. This study will also give them a
background and overview about the importance of drawing skills for architecture students.
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Studies For The Libyan Sibyl
"Studies for the Libyan Sibyl"
"Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" (1510–11) by Michelangelo Buonarroti is the study of male anatomy
and is a characteristic example of Michelangelo 's late draughtsmanship, and a preparatory sketch
for one of the female seers frescoed Libyan figure Sibyl, painted on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling
(1508–1512) Rome, Vaticana Palace. Michelangelo Buonarroti (Italian, Caprese 1475–1564 Rome)
was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet, engineer as well as a compulsive drawer, of the High Italian
Renaissance era, who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.
Michelangelo was once quoted saying "Design, which by another name is called drawing is the font
and body of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other kind of painting and the root of
all sciences" (Michelangelo And The Mastery Of Drawing). Michelangelo's purpose for "Studies for
the Libyan Sibyl" was not to create a finished piece to please the public or even a person. "Studies
for the Libyan Sibyl" is a 28.9 x 21.4 cm nude Italian Renaissance piece he has distilled both the
linear and tonal essence of the form. Drawn with red and white chalk and possibly soft black chalk,
or less probably charcoal on paper. The reason Michelangelo drew "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl"
was his way of learning and understanding "the elements that were crucial to the elegant resolution
of the figure 's pose, especially the counterpoint twist of the shoulders and hips and the
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Drawing Kawaii
"Oh snap!" I need to get a new pencil, it broke! I need to be done soon!
I thought it was a great idea to start drawing kawaii animals, and objects so that is when i started
draw different types of drawing. What we are doing is drawing kawaii. Kawaii is a type of drawing
that is very, VERY, cute and fun to draw.The first materials you will need are several pencils or
eraser pens and some coloring pencils or markers also some printer paper or notebook paper .
Drawing kawaii is fun calming, relaxing, and enjoyable. Kawaii pandas are super cute and great for
your friends birthday card, and Christmas cards.
Body parag. One To begin, find a piece of paper and some pencils and pens. If you want color in
your panda grab coloring pencils and have them handy. First, is to draw a backwards capital "C"
shape. Next up, you want to draw a upside down question mark (without a dot). Now, you draw a
curved line, and draw a slanted letter "M", and a straight line for the base. Then, draw a upside down
letter "V", and a curved line. ... Show more content on ...
Two Next up, step number six, draw a letter"D" like shape for the nose, and the right ear. Now, draw
a C for the left ear, and the left paw on the panda. Draw ovals for the patches around the eyes. Next,
draw two sideways question mark with no dots for the front right and the back right paws. Now,
draw a circle inside the patches for each of the
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Young Asher Lev Research Paper
Imagine, just for a moment, that you are young Asher Lev, son of Rivkeh and Aryeh Lev, two highly
respected members in the Jewish community. Pretend you were born with an extraordinary talent,
one which you deem an incredible and intriguing gift, and think of how you would feel if your talent
were ridiculed by those who you love and respect the most, because your gift is "foolishness from
the other side". Would you throw away every trace of your talent and be the studious child that
everyone wants you to be and focus on school and your religious responsibilities? Or would you
continue to let your gift shine? For young Asher Lev, this decision was incredibly difficult.
In Asher's early years, his life was filled with the love and support that every child needs and
desires. His parents admired his gift and ... Show more content on ...
This death took an immense toll on the family which caused Asher's Mother to become extremely
depressed and sick. For months, Asher's Mother wouldn't leave her room. She wouldn't eat or dress
herself, and she forgot about all her modest responsibilities. Typically, she would wear a nicely
combed wig and wear modest clothing such as a long dress or skirt, but during her time of grieving,
she didn't take care of herself at all. She smoked in the house, she didn't go to the synagogue and she
didn't pray at all. Asher felt the tension in his home and he saw how his mother lost weight and
became extremely ill. He began drawing things that were not pretty or beautiful. He would draw
everything distorted and sometimes Asher would find himself "in front of a drawing filled with
black and red swirls and gray eyes and dead birds" (Potok, 15). During these times, Asher would be
so frightened of what he drew that he would throw all his drawings in the bottom of a drawer and
jump in bed to pray a prayer out of the Krias
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Statement Of Purpose In Architecture
Being a city dweller, I have been surrounded by many tall concrete buildings but I did not appreciate
the beauty of them until I came across architecture. I first encountered architecture when I took Art
Studies as one of my subjects during SPM in high school as I loved to draw and paint at a very
young age. I did a 4 month product design related project and the project has given me an
opportunity to discover and appreciate the design of everything surrounding us. I learned to create
models from simple materials like cardboard and paint and evaluate how to improve the models.
Architecture, I believe, will provide me a platform to further develop my love for creation of new
My drawing skills have been developed at a very young age. I went to art courses when I was a
child and I learned the basics of ... Show more content on ...
For example architects have beautifully melded structures and nature into one by designing green
buildings as new generations in urban areas lose their connection with nature. This proves that
creativity is also an essential skill when come to architecture in both the design and the quality of
the building. Furthermore, I read a book called "Steal like an artist" by Austin Kleon and I learned
how I can improve my creativity by simply experimenting different ways and combining ideas into
To deepen my interest in architecture, I shadowed an architect. I learned some skills in drawing
blueprints of buildings and managed to grasp knowledge used to design unique buildings. I realised
that accurate planning and designing are essential for all structures as a small mistake could lead to
major consequences. Besides, he also brought me to the construction site where I understood that
teamwork between engineers, architects and workers are essential in construction. When it comes to
design, listening and cooperation with clients are important in order to satisfy
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Disney Princess Drawing Research Paper
I always knew I wanted to be artist ever since I was that little girl with an overactive imagination. If
my Grandma only knew, that one Disney princess drawing book would influence me so much. I still
remember feeling those crisps papers and staring at those colorful drawings for hours.The detailed
directions of creating these beautiful princess open something inside of me. My Grandma buying
that drawing book that day, inspired me to draw. The coloring book wasn't enough to satisfy this
urge of creativity. Soon the world become my model as began to realize the tiny details that were
hidden that other kids seem unable to draw. All I wanted to do after that simple magical moment
was draw for a career and do something with this talent. That's
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The Importance Of Art
Art is liked and favorited by lots of people. There's a lot of crafts and activitys you can do in art such
as; Painting, Sketching, Designing, Or even Create types of fanart that lots of people enjoy! Art is
also a type of history to us,It started long ago,before we were born. Most Artwork from back then
shows us how different modern times were like back then. Many people also favor art because of
how they can become creative and they can have fun at the same time! In this essay,I'll explain how
art is a fun and educational activity people can enjoy.
Currently,Lots of people like drawing,and sketching small drawings of what they first think of. For
example it could be a small flower or a small bird. Most people start sketching their drawing before
doing anything else to it. Most worry about the shading and coloring later after their drawing is
drawn and sketched.Then after your done sketching your small drawing you use line designs to
make your drawing more clear looking,in this process you also create the facial features (If there are
any,if not then you ignore this step). Lots of people enjoy sketching,yet it takes a lot of patience and
work to sketch and draw your picture without messing up. If you want your artwork to be popular
online or in your community,you have to take your time and make sure its neat,creative and
attractive,if it isn't then your artwork wouldn't be as good as you thought it would be. When your
drawing your
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What Does It Take?
If you want to learn how to draw, you don 't just want know how to do "nice" drawings, and you don
't want to learn how to copy somebody else 's drawings. You want to create great drawings of your
very own, don 't you?
So what does it take?
It actually takes less magic than most people think.
I don 't know who started the myth that only a few especially talented people can learn how to draw.
There are even some art teachers out there who believe that.
But if you learned how to draw the alphabet, and are able to write a sentence that other people can
read, you can learn how to draw. It just takes lots of practice, and some guidance from people who
have learned a few tricks.
In a way it 's a lot like learning to play baseball – you need to train your eye to see better than you
ever have before, and you need to train your fingers and hands to move the way you want them to.
The first time you took a swing at a baseball, you probably missed. So don 't expect to become a
professional artist overnight.
Now, does that mean that everyone who has the patience and the willingness to learn will become a
famous artist?
No, not necessarily. It means that if you are willing to practice and to make mistakes, you will very
soon be drawing far better than just about anyone you know, and your friends and family and
teachers will be amazed.
People may even ask you for copies of your drawings, beg you to make special ones just for them,
and request that you make drawings for the
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Friedl Dicker: A Life Story Of The Holocaust
While walking in to an art gallery, everyone had a moment of stopping in their tracks to be
memorized by a painting or a drawing. Only to think about what that art is about and the meaning
behind it. Especially at a holocaust museum. There are many works of art about the holocaust. The
prisoners had a life story to share. Also, the people who did the art works had to be careful, not to be
caught by the Germans. The reason for this, was it was illegal to draw what's actually happening in
the camps. Few of the prisoners were "privileged" to make art for the Germans, to only draw or
paint what the Germans say. The prisoners were only chosen, because they were talented enough.
But for the prisoners who weren't "privileged" had to be smart, by ... Show more content on ...
She was a woman who taught 600 out of 15000 children to draw out their emotions. She used her
raw material she brought with her when she arrived. She stayed joyful for the children's sake. She
went to Auschwitz in October 1994, where she perished, with thousands and thousands of children.
For example, Liana Franklova (13), Ruth Cechova (13), Josef Pollak (9), Panel Sonnenscein (11),
and Petr Weidmann (12). Only having 100 surviving children, like Helga Weissova. From Dicker
helping the children, she saved 5,000 artworks of the children's emotions and dreams. With the kids
only being under 14, with little knowledge of what's going on. Only taking comfort of others and
doing what others say.The children would draw what they see or wishing they were somewhere else.
From these drawing we know who these kids were and what they experience. For example, they
would draw about family, homes, or what they do during the days. The kids were defenseless and
scare, but one woman changed that.
The Holocaust happening and the art that came with the horrors, we can use the art for proof and to
help us understand. We have many examples of brave men and women showing us in different
ways. Yet, we will never know what the prisoners went through and what they felt. With all the art
of the Holocaust, we have proof that it did happened and the horrors that the prisoners faced, young
to old. With all this knowledge we will never forget about the ones who died and suffered. We have
the artist art that shows us their story and what they went
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Ashley Sims Drawing
Ashley Sims was born in Arcadia, Florida and studied art at South Florida State College as well as
Greenville Technical College in South Carolina where Sims is currently in college, majoring in art
education. The theme of the collection being shown is to show the importance of a well rounded
education when it comes to the field of drawing. The importance of this theme is that each drawing
is an example of a different concept of drawing, Though multiple concepts are sometimes included
in the same drawing there will always be a main focus that teaches a new lesson and learning these
is imperative for any artist. The media used on these drawings are graphite, charcoal, ink wash, and
prisma pencil. Project one, is of an orange. Sims follows this theme by experimenting with mixed
media. She uses graphite, charcoal, and ink wash as well as 11 media processes in the creation of
this piece including, hatching, cross hatching, scribbling, tortillion marks and many more. This
project is used as a preview to all the processes that can be used in the creation of a drawing. Project
two depicts a closet scene, the viewer is looking ... Show more content on ...
Sims wanted this collection to be used as a way for prospective artists to see and understand some of
the most important concepts of creating a drawing. The drawings of this collection are objective,
every mark was intentional and the meanings behind the images are not complicated. Her idea was
to show how to create a drawing rather than to make the viewer guess how to do it like they would
with subjective art where nothing is definite. Overall, any drawing that is created will have at least
one of the concepts shown in this collection. It does not matter whether the image is hundreds of
years old or will not be created for another hundred years. To be a successful drawing, it will have to
contain at least one of these
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Annie Nicolaides The Natural Way To Draw
Annie read her first nonfiction book, The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaides, when she
borrowed the drawing book from her friend's father. She was fascinated by it, stating, "I was amazed
that there were books about things that one actually did," and took up drawing almost every day.
Throughout August and the fall season the, "book ran my life," Annie explains, making a
tremendous effort to try to follow its rigorous daily drawing routines. While her father was away on
his trip, Annie converted the family's attic bedroom into a studio and moved in. Annie describes that
at eight o'clock every summer or weekend morning she would tape, "that day's drawing schedule to
a wall," and since she did not have a model, she would draw her baseball
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Case Study Of A Child To Love The Art Of Drawing
Case Study
According to (Ya–Huei,2014), It is natural for a child to love the art of drawing. It is stated that
children's work on a whole reflects their feelings, thoughts, and actions circling in their minds. The
purpose of the study is to critically assess a student who displays a high level of interest in Visual
Arts. The data was collected through interviews with parents, teacher and the student. After a few
months of studying and collection, the results found that: 1) the drawings reflected the child's
imagination, 2) the drawings were of the things in relation to his life, 3) the drawings reflected his
feelings about what he sees.
(Ya–Huei,2014) also stated that children naturally enjoy drawing. There drawings are typically
simple and straightforward which reflects their psychological condition. At the early stages of
childhood, children's drawings are equivalent to their language, and ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, in the process of understanding children's drawings, words that demonstrate personal or
social functions are key factors in determining children's nature and their early symbolic
development. Thus, drawings are children's behavioural and dialectical expressions, and their mental
and ideological presentations. Children's drawings typically exhibit personal meaning, and present
various image manifestations and styles. Although children are designated as "little artists," few
studies have examined the images portrayed in children's drawings.
This case study is about a young boy named John Miller. I observed him in his classroom at the St.
Mary Academy for children. He is 8 years old, has a young brother and lives with his mother and his
father. The study focuses primarily on the child's drawings that were collected to determine his
artistic development.
Background Information of the
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Sol Lewitt Wall Drawing Analysis
Sol Lewitt's art caught my attention, I selected two works of art without knowing that both works
belonged to him. I first came across with Lewitt's painting named "Wall Drawing" which consists of
colorful thick zig zag lines on a wall with the dimensions of w482 x h298 cm. Lewitt painted this in
1996, for his medium he used ink on a wall. His second work of art I selected is an
installation/painting named "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands" which consists of
different colorful lines, Lewitt painted this in 2003 using synthetic polymer paint and a wall. The
wall painting is part of a room so the dimensions are w16000 x h2000 cm. Both works of art have
their similarities and differences when comparing and contrasting their visual ... Show more content
on ...
For example, in "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands", it includes geometric shapes that are
painted such as circles (half circles), and rectangles, along with organic shapes that are irregular as
some of them curve in their distinct manner to create a unique shape. The reason for his use of
shapes both geometric and organic could be for the simple reason Lewitt wanted to bring variety
into his work of art, by combining both types of shapes he is able to achieve a unique, different look
upon each section making it more fun and creative to view. Lewitt's "Wall Drawing" does not
include shapes for the reason that he might be trying to focus on a particular single idea compared to
his other painting. Both pieces of art use color, but the choice of color is completely different from
one another. "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands" uses intense, warm colors (red,yellow,
and orange) along with some cool colors (blue, and violet). The colors used in this wall painting
consist of primary hues such as red, yellow and blue, along with secondary hues such as orange,
green, and violet. The colors used in "Wall Drawing" are completely different in the sense that only
one color is a primary color such as yellow, making it the only warm, intense color across the
painting. Three colors fall under the category of cool colors such as baby blue, light pale blue, and
dark violet. He also used complimentary colors such as yellow and violet which are opposite to each
other on the color wheel. By painting these two colors next to each other he created unity and
variety by placing them together. Even though these two colors have nothing in common, yellow
and violet seem to compliment each other really well. Since yellow is a bright warm color when it is
placed next to violet which is a cool, dark color both colors create a sense of harmony.
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Why Drawing Is Drawing
A person can have many skills, whether it be good or bad. Someone could paint really well or could
be a disastrous cook. There are many common skills such as doing underwater handstands and then
there are skills that are absolutely out of the blue, for example bending their index finger backwards
down the wrist. My skill isn't too common though it isn't very unique either. My skill isn't painting
or cooking, or even having strangely, stretchy fingers. My skill is drawing. Drawing is one of my
passions, because it is a good stress reliever and it can help express emotion. Drawing is very useful
for when I'm upset and need something to boost my moralemood and is comforting for just a
normal, rainy day activity. I especially draw especially when I'm bored or trying to pass time. Some
people agree, and find drawing fun, but others may find it frustrating or boring. I enjoy drawing
because it lets me work at my own pace. I casually sketch, whether it be for a novel or just a plain
doodle, I find a way to maneuver it into random pieces of work. I could be working on notes, and
sooner or later have a mural on the sides of the paper. This is funny considering that when I get an
actual sketching pad, the sketches look horrible, but on a sheet of scratched up ... Show more
content on ...
I will admit, drawing is hard when you first attempt it, but drawing is made up of building blocks.
You start out with a pencil sketch, and start adding new edits and textures to make it more and more
vivid and detailed. I don't usually color drawings because they look better to me in mono, but that
gives me a chance to make the tiny details in the drawing a lot bigger. Drawing may come as a
gifted skill to some people where they can draw perfectly when a pencil is given to them, but I find
it hard to believe that without practice, a magnificent piece of art can be
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The Importance Of Art
Art is liked and favorited by lots of people. There's a lot of crafts and activitys you can do in art such
as; Painting, Sketching, Designing, Or even Create types of fanart that lots of people enjoy! Art is
also a type of history to us,It started long ago,before we were born. Most Artwork from back then
shows us how different modern times were like back then. Many people also favor art because of
how they can become creative and they can have fun at the same time! In this essay,I'll explain how
art is a fun and educational activity people can enjoy.
Currently,Lots of people like drawing,and sketching small drawings of what they first think of. For
example it could be a small flower or a small bird. Most people start sketching their drawing before
doing anything else to it. Most worry about the shading and coloring later after their drawing is
drawn and sketched.Then after your done sketching your small drawing you use line designs to
make your drawing more clear looking,in this process you also create the facial features (If there are
any,if not then you ignore this step). Lots of people enjoy sketching,yet it takes a lot of patience and
work to sketch and draw your picture without messing up. If you want your artwork to be popular
online or in your community,you have to take your time and make sure its neat,creative and
attractive,if it isn't then your artwork wouldn't be as good as you thought it would be. When your
drawing your
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Compare And Contrast Mr. Collins And Life Drawing
Many people have said that the past always has an impact on the present and in the case of Mr.
Collins and Steve in the short story "Life Drawing," it's very true. Two different age groups and two
different generations colliding into a somewhat "I know better than you" teacher vs. student
situation. At fifty–five years old, Mr. Collins is a professor at the Chelsea College of Art and has a
very comfortable life which he enjoys very much, but sometimes wishes that he had more time to
pursue his youthful dream of experimental work. Steve, on the other hand, is probably around
eighteen to twenty–two years old and can be considered a typical college student. No one can tell
him anything. He knows it all. He loves his type of art and all the colors ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Collins has been doing his job and living in the same place since the 1960's and loved the idea
of the Life Drawing class because it teaches students how important it was to study the human form,
understand the body, and be patient. He loved the idea of order, taking pride in one's work and doing
whatever your passion was. To Mr. Collins, "drawing was the absolute cornerstone of artistic
creativity, something that had to be learned before you moved on to any other sphere of the arts" (4).
Steve liked to rave, do graphic designing and had a bit of an attitude. "Steve wanted to be part of the
internet generation, he wanted to communicate his ideas globally and address issues that mattered to
him" (4). But at the end of the day, Mr. Collins hoped Steve would understand that "one day....he'll
wish that he'd paid more attention here"
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How To Write A Forensic Investigation Essay
Abstract Law enforcement agencies have relied on forensic art as one of their investigation methods
for many years. The job of a forensic artist is quite difficult because he or she must reconstruct an
image of an individual based on just hearsay and memory from another individual. The purpose of
this study is to research forensic artists, also known as sketch artists, and their ability to draw up a
suspect through the information provided by a witness. Interviews on two different forensic artists
provide insight of the duties and hardships a law enforcement sketch artist takes on. The process of
how law enforcement sketch artists are able to recreate the face of another individual, and how that
picture can be a very useful piece of evidence for crime reports will also be addressed throughout
the study. This study is relevant to anthropology because it touches on how how an individual
perceives those around them and forensics itself is also one of the key topics discussed in biological
Statement of the Research Question Sketch artists are capable of reconstructing the faces of suspects
by either the detailed information (or lack of detailed information) given to them by those who were
at the scene of the crime, which is quite a challenging task to do. The overall questions I want to
address and answer are how accurate are the artist's sketches and whether or not TV shows and or
movies accurately depict the everyday life of a forensic artist.
Review of
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Boris Pelcer Drawings
In this world where we are all connected through another; it is impossible to find a person that hasn't
been touched both emotionally and mentally by a multitude of people and altered because of these
personal influences, even unintentionally. Our mental and emotional beings are meant to shift and
grow with each new experience and choice. And through this process we allow the alteration of self
and the migration of our old self to our altered and perhaps more enlightened self. Our thoughts and
ideas make up who we are and what we will eventually become. Through the migration of self, we
see from personal experience what the migration process is through our individual growth and we
find our inner selves or the person we were meant to be. The ... Show more content on ...
His paintings always hold an emotional and expressionistic air to them. I wanted to draw on this
technique in my artwork to create a powerful sense of finding one's self in other section of my
artwork piece. My idea was to show the two sides of migration of self. By moving on and growing
up you either become the person you feel you were always meant to be or the person you regret
becoming. The one half of my project reflects the latter and the other half reflects the former. A
mirror between them shows that there is little in the way of becoming either person, and there is
little in the way of trying to change. My artwork draws on themes of identity crisis, migration of
self, isolation and regret. Similar themes are used by Stan Miller as well as similar techniques of
watercolour painting. I drew inspiration from Stan Miller because of the expressive use of strokes he
uses to create a haunting portrait that depicts fragmentation, isolation and similarly migration of self.
His portraits connect through the use of sombre colours of dark blues, greens and purples contrast to
the pencil and graphite used create a transformation of ideas as my artwork shows two contradicting
points of view on the migration of self.
Stephanie Hillvitz also provided inspiration for my artwork and drawing. She is a mixed media artist
that draws inspiration from real life events and the people who are involved in the events. In her
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Disadvantages Of Drawing
I'd love to tell you that drawings skills are just a "plus" or that the age of pencils has passed. But, I
can't do it. I'm sure many of you could (and will) argue with me. Please do. Comments are open and
welcome, and I'd love to hear what you think. I can imagine that some of you have stories of
successful careers, even though you "can't even draw a stick figure," or perhaps you've worked for a
talented creative director who could ONLY draw stick figures. I don't think it's impossible to be a
designer with little or no drawing skills, but I do think that it is a huge advantage. Drawing will
Make You a Better Communicator, I can't tell you how many times I've been in the middle of trying
to explain something to someone, when I finally stopped ... Show more content on
Below is a review of categories of uses with examples and links. Sketching is an excellent way to
quickly explore concepts. You can sketch for one or two hours and work out multiple possible
solutions to the design problem at hand. This is an essential step in the design process. It will save
you time to work through concepts on paper before going to the computer. While it is possible to
build sketches on the computer, it's not as fast as sketching multiple concepts on paper. Hand
drawing is a powerful tool used by firms in conceptual design presentations. Design educators and
professionals see hand drawing as an important skill needed to lead a design team in an interior
design or architecture firm. When the spatial complexities of a project or detail are unclear, firms
rely on a designer's capacity to quickly create a hand drawing. This hand drawing visually
communicates the idea in an instant to other designers, contractors, or clients. Designers must also
be able to hand draw plans, elevations, sections, perspectives, and details to guide a draftsperson or
intern as they create or modify a computer drawing. Hand drawings help emphasize a project's
objectives and ideas by omitting non–essential details about material or methods of
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Creating Art Is Important In My World
In every corner of the Earth, there's art. In houses, nature, outside. If you don't notice, you aren't
looking hard enough. Creating art is extremely important to me. All types ranging from music,
painting, using Prisma colors and more. Art has always been present in my life, but I began to get
serious about it when I visited my Aunt's home last year. I saw my cousin sketching in a small
notebook with a black pen. I asked her what she was doing, and she showed me some pages. It
mesmerized me. Her drawings were so flawless, but best of all, they looked like fun. From that day
forward, I vowed to make art a part of my world, including all the practicing, art–block and the
different mediums of art.
It really is as they say, "practice make perfect". I've been drawing for two years now and I can
definitely see improvement in my artwork. Adding drawing to your daily life, even if it's just a small
doodle, can help you in the long run. Any famous artist you can think of didn't just wake up with
talent, they practiced. Even Mozart had to practice for over ten years before becoming the musical
genius he was. It's not only about practicing for long periods of time, it's about working on things
you're not good at. For example, I usually draw faces, so I can't draw bodies. What I do now is pick
one of my favorite characters and and sketch their entire body. It helps to add something you enjoy
drawing to something you're not good at. In order to practice, you have to envision the thing
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Analysis Of The Book ' My Dream '
Throughout the semester, I drew pictures on a sketch book. I started drawing on September 23,
2016, and tried to draw at least four days a week till November 20. Thus, I got 41 drawings in the
sketch book. When I started this project, I was not sure what I was doing. Without having any
theme, I just followed what I wanted to draw when I graved a pen. Some days, I drew what I saw in
my dream, some days, I drew my emotional feelings that I had hard time to express, and some days,
I drew whatever that came up in my mind. Interestingly, if I look back the images that I drew, it
shows that I unconsciously drew many images that is reminiscent of anima/ animus or sky/the
I did not know about anima/animus until we studied about them in the class. I was not really
consciously thinking about it, but since we learned Jungian Concepts in the class, it seems like
anima/animus caught my interest. I wrote about these concepts for my first essay, yet I was not
really sure how my anima/animus appear within me. I was curious about it, but I did not know how
to figure it out, but this project helped me to see my anima/animus: especially development of
animus. In my drawings, many symbols that refer anima/animus appeared unconsciously and
changed its forms overtime. At the beginning of the project, my animus seems weaker or smaller
than my anima. Specifically, in the moon and sun image that I drew on September 24, 2016, the
moon, the implication of animus in my culture, is closing
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Visual Communication : Emanuele Dascanio
Vision is a crucial aspect of human existence, and the way that it enables them to understand the
world is even more crucial. The human ability to see can influence beliefs if one is to take a step
back and examine vision as a whole. This can be done easily with artwork as the messages that
artists send are powerful due to the fact that interpretations of meaning depend on the beliefs and
attitudes of the specific individual. One artist, Emanuele Dascanio, is an artist whose work
demonstrates numerous aspects of visual communication. The works are intriguing because of the
hyperrealistic feel they embody. There is a pull and desire for one to engage with the works because
they are not abstract pieces but extremely real and detailed ones. While many people may strongly
appreciate the talent of Dascanio's work, few take time to consider the reasons that people react the
way they do to them. The reason for such a strong connection between both drawing and viewer
comes from all of the elements that come together to compose the image.
The connection that people feel to Dascanio's work is a powerful one since his drawings are the
extremely captivating. This is not solely because of the pure talent put into each piece, but the
numerous qualities depicted within each work. Each piece of artwork is an icon, which according to
Arthur Asa Berger, "is a sign that looks like or resembles the thing it stands for" (How, 1998). By
looking at Dascanio's drawings, even for a
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Drawing And Drawing Essay
When most people think about the first things they really enjoyed doing as children, drawing is one
of the first things that come to mind. Not only is it one of the first things human beings enjoy doing,
but it is also one of the first things they are taught how to do. Schools first educated children in how
to draw simply to show the children that it is encouraged to have an imagination and it is acceptable
to illustrate their imagination for others to see. Drawing is emboldened by not only teachers and
elders, but is also stimulated and inspired by a person's peers. Peers have a great influence as they
push one another to become more superior and efficient than one another. Additionally, it is
important to note that engineers often find themselves in situations where peers push them to design
and redesign their own inventions. As engineers refine their abilities to draw and to design, they
further lengthen the drawing and designing process. Furthermore, as an engineer becomes better at
designing and drawing they not only become more detailed, but also draw a design and redraw it in
many different ways just to find the most efficient and best design. The best engineers are often the
most detailed artists; this can be seen from many famous engineers, such as Leonardo Da Vinci.
From the life of Da Vinci and many other famous engineers, it is quite obvious that drawing is a
quintessential component to being a good engineer. Every engineer must hone their drawing skills
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Shading Research Paper
Do you ever glance at your drawing and wonder how you can make it better? Maybe you want to
make it less obvious that you did not put any effort to it or you did it last minute. Shading is a great
technique to add in any extra detail and sometimes catch people's attention. It does not necessary
have to be a drawing, you can add it to the letters in your poster project and give it a "wow". In
order to shade, you will need the supplies of color pencils, white sketching paper, and if you are an
OCD person about straight lines, a ruler will be necessary. Shading in different types of art requires
creativity, technique and passion. The first step in shading in, is creating an art work in a white
sketching paper. You do not have to create an amazing
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My Experience Of Art
Since elementary school I have envisioned my life deeply intertwined with art, however, at the same
time I also knew that vision never had me living out the stereotype of a starving artist either. As a
child my understanding of artist in the work force was nothing more than the cliché vision, of a
paint covered artist smearing vivid hues on a canvas and then rushing to the nearest art gallery to
sell their work. I didn't know anything of the vast opportunities for artist or even how abundantly art
is used throughout our society. Maybe this was due to the fact I was never one of those kids who
know what they wanted to be since they were three. Nevertheless, I always had a passion to create,
even when I was determined to become the next Thomas Edison, I was looking for an outlet to
create. By the time third grade would roll around though, it would be made evident that art in its
most traditional since of drawing and painting would be the outlet I was always looking for.
Understanding my niche in the creative world would take me over a decade of self–evaluation,
inspiration, and research.
I never started out saying I was going to be an artist, I still did a child's fair share of doodles and
finger painting but it was never anything that raptured my attention. However, this would all change
on Christmas Eve, when my grandmother presented me with a book entitled "How to Draw 120 of
your Favorite Things". Now the title was not the most original approach, the book's cover made up
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My First Year Of High School
It was the year 2014 and summer had come to a close. My mind had suddenly switched from
lounging on the warm, sandy beach and being gently kissed by sunshine to traumatizing, stressful
high school. My first year of high school–what was it going to be like? Who was I going to be
friends with? Am I going to get terrible grades? These thoughts flooded my mind and I was nervous.
Thinking about being a highschooler made my throat close up and my heart beat faster. I was
overcome with fear and excitement, going into the unknown and stepping into a freaky future. Soon
the time had come to experience my classes that I had carefully selected earlier in the summer. I was
especially excited, however, about my elective that I had chosen: classical drawing. Little did I
realize that this decision would teach me perseverance and work ethic, while opening up a world of
possibilities. I had decided to enroll in a class called Classical Drawing by Andrea Mosley. Miss
Mosley is an incredible artist, who was taught by John Angel, a former student of the great Pietro
Annigon. She was taught for four years in Florence, Italy and mastered her incredible ability to
draw. This knowledge only made me more intrigued but exceptionally anxious. I didn't know what
to expect from such a well–taught artist. I began to doubt myself even before the class started,
assuming I couldn't draw nearly as well as she. The time had come. It was a Wednesday afternoon
and I walked into class, hoping
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Moore Vs Hlobo

  • 1. Moore Vs Hlobo This essay will explore the contrasts and similarities that can be taken from two drawings. Henry Moore's, Standing figures of 1940 and Nicholas Hlobo's, Macaleni Iintozomlambo of 2010. It will discuss the comparisons that can be made about the colour schemes, composition and subject matter of the pieces. This will also include an evaluation of how the time scales and influences of the period have affected the final outcomes of the two artists. The two pieces actually share many more similarities than first hits the eye after deconstructing all of the components listed. Henry Moore is typically renowned for the many sculptures mused by the human form, typically the female form. He began his artistic venture in 1919 where he attended Leeds School of art, here he met Barbra Hepworth and was inspired greatly by her. He then received many scholarships leading to the opportunity to travel around the world, it was early Mexican and Aztec that mostly inspired his work. His first commissioned piece was in 1928 and named West Wind. In order to create his pieces he did however create unfinished drawing plans of organic compositions that he could imagine creating to a much larger scale. These were often many drawings to a page that overlapped showing the spontaneity ... Show more content on ... He creates sculptural pieces that contrast the ideals of feminine and masculine qualities. He uses different media's to create this and has been awarded acknowledgement in the textiles industry as well as the art despite creating sculptures. Like Moore he has created a drawing that is being studied in this essay. It is a single finished drawing. It is composed of layers off Tea stains and Thread, juxtaposing colours and using the thread to tell a story of the human inners and old folk tales. It isn't an obvious piece and requires a description to know the history behind the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. A Drawing is a Line Going to a Walk What is Drawing? "A drawing is simply a line going for a walk." Paul Klee (Klee, 2010) Drawing is to create a picture, image or diagram with a pencil or pen by making lines or marks on a piece of paper or other material. The common theory I have found, after questioning several people on what their definition of drawing was, is that drawing is a method to convey feelings or emotions onto a piece of paper, using a pencil or pen so that others can see what they are thinking or feeling. This is correct but is this the only way drawing is used? Drawing has a vast variety of descriptions as to what they thought drawing was it seems that there are three common usages ; drawing as an art form, as a tool for communication or as part of ... Show more content on ... Drawing as movement implies that individual drawings are put together as frames, and create something new and different from each individual drawing. It is fundamentally different from the other three types of drawing, as it develops through time" therefore clarifying that drawing is a important piece of the animation process. Most animations being with a script and therefore a storyboard is created, allowing changes to be made before the next stage of sketching characters and scenes and of course space. Applying Aesthetics touches can be done which are fundamentally important as to the look and feel of the final animation. From this cells can be drawn upon in order of sequence to be filmed and animated. Of course if a 3–D program is to be used to finalise the animation then the concluding part of drawing onto cells would not occur and the drawing portion of the animation would terminate here. 2d animation was first produced as an art form by a William McKay back in 1911 yet people have been using animation since 1600bc when columns were found in Pharoah Rameses II temple with different poses of the goddess Isis on them in a progressive manner. This was so horsemen and people in chariots could would see what would seem like Isis dancing and moving around. Even earlier than this, animation was attempted by cavemen, who would draw four sets of legs to depict movement. There were various attempts in the 1800s to project images ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Art Progression I enrolled in this class to challenge myself in learning and viewing art in another perspective. Art in general has always been my biggest love. Throughout my academic career I have taken multiple art classes and improved my understanding of the subject. Painting was and still is my favorite medium, but recently I found an interest in drawing, more specifically graphite drawings. Transitioning from painting to graphite or black and white drawing has been challenging. It is quite easy to show differences of shades forms, contrasts with colors than black and white. In addition, drawing is a bit more tedious than painting. On the other, the renaissance was the period in history that paid a special interest in the physicality and or the physiology ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Essay on Art History The exhibition Degas: Form, Movement and the Antique at the Tampa Museum of art consist of 47 pieces from the French impressionist's Edgar Degas life. The exhibition focuses on Degas fascination with motion, and shape and his influences from Greek and Roman art. It consists of oil paintings, charcoal and pastel drawings, and bronze replicas of his works. Most of the pieces are inspired by horses, ballerinas and everyday women. He traditionally used line, color and texture in his paintings to convey the poise and grace of the figures. He also used asymmetry, imbalance and dramatic angles to give the dancers a more naturalistic feeling. In his sculptures he typically used shape and space to simulate movement, and used form to capture the ... Show more content on ... In Rearing Horse he uses a dramatic poses to express the dynamic movement of the horse and to capture the horse's wild and unrestrained nature. In this piece I believe Degas was trying to express a sense of freedom and impulsiveness. In Thoroughbred Horse Walking the statue has an incomplete and spontaneous feeling to it that is almost like a quick drawing. It feels as though Degas is trying to communicate a feeling of defeat and resignation with this piece. In Horse with Jockey Degas is trying to show the connection between a horse and its rider, it is meant to show how they both move as one during a race and the relationship between man and nature. Both Dancer Looking at the Sole of Her Right Foot and Dancer Holding Her Right Foot in Her Right Hand are statues of Ballerinas balancing on one leg, cast in bronze. In these pieces Degas manages to capture the poised nature of the dancer's movements. The pieces themselves have a rough and unfinished quality to them like a sketch or gesture drawing. These pieces show Degas love for sculpting bodies in motion, and by looking at these pieces it was easy for me to see why Degas found dancers such an enchanting subject; he saw even their smallest gestures inspiring and translated that beauty into sculptures that express their rhythm and movement perfectly. In the statues Spanish Dancer and Grande Arabesque demonstrates Degas's ability to convey dancelike rhythm and motion in his ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Drawing M & Ms In Panama Art I sat at the coffee table in our living room surrounded by scattered papers and worn down pencils trying to color my dinosaur in space a bright lime green. A fridge worthy piece, in my eight year old opinion. I turned around to display my master work to my mom. She looked at it with an unimpressed expression and said the words that would ring my in ears for years to come " You need to stop drawing so much" then returned her attention to cutting carrots for that night's dinner. From drawing m&ms in ms paint with my dad in between deployments to sketching the forest covered mountains on long car trips through Panama art has been an important escape for me. I used my craft to understand my emotions, define my identity, and was something that I took pride in. Until that day my art was a way of interpreting the world around me, but hearing as only parent I had disprove of my craft, ... Show more content on ... After my first few drawings, I still felt awful. Almost five years of not drawing had left me very rusty. I looked at all of them with disdain; the messy lines and clashing art styles made me think that my mom was right to steer me away from art. My first few drawings were quickly thrown away and my sculptures were tucked away in shame, but something about picking up that pencil and clay felt so natural that I couldn't help but do it again. I started drawing small doodles on my notes of flowers and bunnies. Then to making series of paintings, small clay sculptures, and crochet scarves. Slowly I was regaining my love for art and creating, but the sad eight year old inside still felt like it was a waste of time. It wasn't until weeks later when a friend and I were discussing artists when Picasso was brought up that things started to change. We both found his art style to pretentious and overrated. Then she said, "Well I'm sure he at least liked ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Analysis Of The Book ' My Dream ' Throughout the semester, I drew pictures on a sketch book. I started drawing on September 23, 2016, and tried to draw at least four days a week till November 20. Thus, I got 41 drawings in the sketch book. When I started this project, I was not sure what I was doing. Without having any theme, I just followed what I wanted to draw when I graved a pen. Some days, I drew what I saw in my dream, some days, I drew my emotional feelings that I had hard time to express, and some days, I drew whatever that came up in my mind. Interestingly, if I look back the images that I drew, it shows that I unconsciously drew many images that is reminiscent of anima/ animus or sky/the universe. I did not know about anima/animus until we studied about them in the class. I was not really consciously thinking about it, but since we learned Jungian Concepts in the class, it seems like anima/animus caught my interest. I wrote about these concepts for my first essay, yet I was not really sure how my anima/animus appear within me. I was curious about it, but I did not know how to figure it out, but this project helped me to see my anima/animus: especially development of animus. In my drawings, many symbols that refer anima/animus appeared unconsciously and changed its forms overtime. At the beginning of the project, my animus seems weaker or smaller than my anima. Specifically, in the moon and sun image that I drew on September 24, 2016, the moon, the implication of animus in my culture, is closing ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Connection Within Mandala Finding Connections Within Mandalas I remember thinking how much I was looking forward to taking this humanities course at the beginning of the term because I was eager to learn more about Far East cultures, as I have always been intrigued by their ideologies. Throughout the term, I have learned a great deal about the fundamental beliefs and concepts that encompass Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Far Eastern religions, as well as the underlying connections and common beliefs that they share. All these religions value the ideas of following a certain path or lifestyle that has been passed down as the 'right way' to achieve eternal happiness whether it be enlightenment in Hinduism and Buddhism, or harmony in Confucianism and Daoism. However, ... Show more content on ... When I sat down to begin drawing this mandala, I continued with the "pre–ritual" that I described previously of lighting incense, turning on purple lights, and putting on a record. I chose Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy for the inspiration of Mandala #4. I suppose I chose this album because I wasn't in the best mood that day, and was feeling very overwhelmed with stress, so I picked an album that I knew would put me in a positive mindset. Before I drew my mandala that day, I was in a very frantic state of mind because I was feeling worried and unprepared for my chemistry exam I had the following day. This mandala is unique in that it has many more sharp, layered points that radiate outward. I used various diamond and triangular shapes, with very little use of circles. This may indicate my emotions of uneasiness and slight anxiety, and not feeling very balanced or complete (Fincher, 22). My feeling of stress also shine through in the articulate, bold line work throughout the Mandala. I went over each of the lines multiple times, making them darker and thicker. The shapes and colors in the design remind of a succulent plant with the green and purple colors, and pointed petal–like figures. Perhaps this is indicating that I need to become more in–tune with nature, since that is something I value in order to keep a happy, and positive state of ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Drawing 101 Research Paper I have been learning about the art since I was young. It was 4 years ago that I started studying the art for my dream, a production designer. Even though I have learned and experienced so many things, I still do not know a lot. In Korea, we learn drawing first when we begin to learn about the art. Such as Rendering, sketches, and animation, drawing is necessary in the art and design. I learned the perspective, how to use charcoal and pencil, and still–life in Drawing 100. However, I am pretty sure that Drawing 101 gave me an opportunity to learn advanced study such as how to do portraits, still–life by pastel, and three–point perspective. First of all, the method of drawing portraits is what I learned the most in Drawing 101. I would answer ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Art 135 Unit 4 Assignment Assignment 1 I am very excited for this semester in ART 135. I have always been very interested in art, I like to draw and use watercolor paint. I also sell little animals made of "junk" at farmer markets during the summer. I am excited to expand upon my drawing ability for personal reasons as well as educational reasons. My drawing experience is not extensive, but I think that I have potential in my drawing ability, however I need instruction on tools and technique to improve my skill. My favorite material is charcoal, I love how it blends and how forgiving it can be. I am also appreciative of paper stumps for blending, I find them to be the most useful tool, to achieve a "soft" style that I like. I am currently an interior design major, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Analysis Of A Draughtsman Drawing A Portrait By Albrecht... In the 1968 art exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity L. D. Harmon and K. C. Knowlton take a simple picture of two birds flying in the sky and computer generated the photography by converting electrical signals into numerical representations on magnetic tape, this then provides a digital version of the photo to be used in computer processing. The photo is divided into fragments where its generated by numbers. The photo is given a density that's shown by different shades of dots that creates the computer–generated photograph. In close range, you can see each separate shaded dot which makes up the photo. At 20–30 feet, away from the overall computer–generated photograph you are able to conduct the figure that once was an original photograph. The modernist work I chose was A draughtsman drawing a portrait by Albrecht Durer. Albrecht Durer was one of the many modernist yet abstract. I chose this Modernist work because Durer is abstract and he uses perception is a great deal of his art works. Albrecht Durer's artworks were very diverse and vibrant, they also included modern ways of creativity and originality. Durer was a huge example of originality which made his drawing A draughtsman drawing a portrait so spectacular because it had never been seen before. This drawing represented a way to draw people exactly as they are seen in real life, as three dimensional. The artist as shown in the drawing using Durer's drawing machine, would draw specific lines that were accurate ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Edgar Degas And Cassatt Similarities Edgar Degas and Mary Cassatt, has similarities and differences. They both have the same subject matter but different in media. Degas and Cassatt both used gesture lines sketch like drawing. Both of the painters used pastel on paper. In addition, they used chalks of medium in the painting. Each of the artist has pale and light colors. Edgar Degas was a French artist famous for his different paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings. Degas if famous for the "After bath, women drying herself." This painting was made from 1889– 1890. This painting was on a pastel paper. It is 26 5/8 x 22 ¾ in. This painting is located in Courtauld Institute of art in London. This artwork is used by a chalk medium with color pigments and non–greasy binders added ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Shading Audio Shading can be a difficult concept to grasp let alone execute! Today, we will learn a few techniques to help you prepare to start a portrait drawing of your own! You may practice along with us in your notebook to get a good handle on things! Working on shading before starting a drawing helps refresh our minds and focus in on the fundamentals of art. One of the best ways to practice shading is to start by drawing a few solid objects. Let's start with a simple circle. What is the most important element that affects the values you will apply to a circle? Light! To locate your light source you need only look at the object you are drawing. If you are making it up the same principle applies, only this time you choose the light source. ... Show more content on ... That's ok! Just use your eraser to fix it! If you have trouble erasing dark lines, try easing up on the pencil next time. Give it another go with a different light source now! See how practice helps a lot!? Now we can transfer this skill to a facial feature! Remember, when you are drawing any features, you want to locate the light source and avoid using very many hard contour lines. Shading will give you the effect of line, depth and shape. You can start off a nose by breaking its form down into shapes! Don't overlap the side of the nose with the nostrils. Erase the middle of the circles but leave the points where there is overlap. Find your light source and start to shade where you see darks! You may use hatch marks just don't draw too hard! You will have a hard time erasing your mistakes if you do!
  • 24. Don't forget to shade with the objects curves and honor flat areas to give it a more realistic look. When you think you have it right, go ahead and blend if you want! You may use your eraser to brighten the highlight areas that are hit with direct light! Feel free to fix areas you are not happy with or start a new nose! Don't worry about making every drawing ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. How To Describe Jereon's Drawing For my first drawing I had a two–year–old named Jaxon. His Drawing was a bunch of scribbles. He did use multiple colors and did draw on different parts of the paper. Our setting was at a co–worker's house. The stage I would put Jaxon's drawing in would be the scribble stage. His drawing would be perfect in the scribble stage because his drawing was a lot of random scribbling. The scribble stage is usually for children ages1 ½– 2 years of age. Children can be given crayons or markers once they stop the phase of putting everything in their mouths. Young children do not have much control over hand movements or the marks on the page this is why lots of the children will scribble with anything, and onto anything near them. A lot of the children ... Show more content on ... Her drawing represented her and her daddy. Her father is in the army so she drew both in uniform, saluting. She also included the sun, sky, grass and a flag on a flap pole. The setting of this drawing was at a co–worker's house. The stage I would put Kaylee in would be the early pictorial stage. In the early pictorial stage children work on making and perfecting one or many symbols. Symbol making are like lopsided geometric shapes made. Mandalas and suns are drawn and eventually becomes human figures. Therefore, I put Kaylee in this stage due to the fact that she drew human figures. Also during this time some children can draw multiple unrelated shapes and figures. This type of drawing is an example of a child making multiple drawings of multiple symbols. At the early pictorial stage children search for new ideas, and their symbols change constantly. A picture a child draws of a lady could look like a different lady the next day. Most of the time a great variety of form represent the same symbol. Drawings in this stage are flexible in ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Thesis Statement Of Architectural Drawing CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction "An artist can make a cart with square wheels, but an architect can't" – Louis Kahn, American Architect. An architectural drawing is a technical drawing of a structure or building. These are used by architects to develop a design, to communicate their ideas and concepts, to convince clients, to enable a building contractor to construct it, and to make a record of a building that already exists. Drawing, sketches and animations are just some of non–verbal languages used by architects to show their works. Truly, architects communicate through drawings. Architecture students are going to be doing a lot of drawing in their five years. Sketching and drawing will seems to be the foundation ... Show more content on ... It may help them to decide whether the students will continue pursuing architecture or not. College Architecture Students The study can also help the college architecture students to enhance their drawing skills. Also, this research can encourage architecture students who have low confidence because they think that being not good in drawing is a hindrance in succeeding. College Architecture Professors The College Architecture Professors will understand more the capabilities of each student. Professors may conclude that not all the students have the talent or the same level of skills in drawing. This research will increase the awareness of the professors about the differences of the students and how to adjust to help them to enhance their drawing skills. Future Researchers The research can also be beneficial to the future researches since the information presented in the study may be used as reference in conducting related researches. This study will also give them a background and overview about the importance of drawing skills for architecture students. SCOPES & ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Studies For The Libyan Sibyl "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" (1510–11) by Michelangelo Buonarroti is the study of male anatomy and is a characteristic example of Michelangelo 's late draughtsmanship, and a preparatory sketch for one of the female seers frescoed Libyan figure Sibyl, painted on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508–1512) Rome, Vaticana Palace. Michelangelo Buonarroti (Italian, Caprese 1475–1564 Rome) was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet, engineer as well as a compulsive drawer, of the High Italian Renaissance era, who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. Michelangelo was once quoted saying "Design, which by another name is called drawing is the font and body of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other kind of painting and the root of all sciences" (Michelangelo And The Mastery Of Drawing). Michelangelo's purpose for "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" was not to create a finished piece to please the public or even a person. "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" is a 28.9 x 21.4 cm nude Italian Renaissance piece he has distilled both the linear and tonal essence of the form. Drawn with red and white chalk and possibly soft black chalk, or less probably charcoal on paper. The reason Michelangelo drew "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl" was his way of learning and understanding "the elements that were crucial to the elegant resolution of the figure 's pose, especially the counterpoint twist of the shoulders and hips and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Drawing Kawaii "Oh snap!" I need to get a new pencil, it broke! I need to be done soon! I thought it was a great idea to start drawing kawaii animals, and objects so that is when i started draw different types of drawing. What we are doing is drawing kawaii. Kawaii is a type of drawing that is very, VERY, cute and fun to draw.The first materials you will need are several pencils or eraser pens and some coloring pencils or markers also some printer paper or notebook paper . Drawing kawaii is fun calming, relaxing, and enjoyable. Kawaii pandas are super cute and great for your friends birthday card, and Christmas cards. Body parag. One To begin, find a piece of paper and some pencils and pens. If you want color in your panda grab coloring pencils and have them handy. First, is to draw a backwards capital "C" shape. Next up, you want to draw a upside down question mark (without a dot). Now, you draw a curved line, and draw a slanted letter "M", and a straight line for the base. Then, draw a upside down letter "V", and a curved line. ... Show more content on ... Two Next up, step number six, draw a letter"D" like shape for the nose, and the right ear. Now, draw a C for the left ear, and the left paw on the panda. Draw ovals for the patches around the eyes. Next, draw two sideways question mark with no dots for the front right and the back right paws. Now, draw a circle inside the patches for each of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Young Asher Lev Research Paper Imagine, just for a moment, that you are young Asher Lev, son of Rivkeh and Aryeh Lev, two highly respected members in the Jewish community. Pretend you were born with an extraordinary talent, one which you deem an incredible and intriguing gift, and think of how you would feel if your talent were ridiculed by those who you love and respect the most, because your gift is "foolishness from the other side". Would you throw away every trace of your talent and be the studious child that everyone wants you to be and focus on school and your religious responsibilities? Or would you continue to let your gift shine? For young Asher Lev, this decision was incredibly difficult. In Asher's early years, his life was filled with the love and support that every child needs and desires. His parents admired his gift and ... Show more content on ... This death took an immense toll on the family which caused Asher's Mother to become extremely depressed and sick. For months, Asher's Mother wouldn't leave her room. She wouldn't eat or dress herself, and she forgot about all her modest responsibilities. Typically, she would wear a nicely combed wig and wear modest clothing such as a long dress or skirt, but during her time of grieving, she didn't take care of herself at all. She smoked in the house, she didn't go to the synagogue and she didn't pray at all. Asher felt the tension in his home and he saw how his mother lost weight and became extremely ill. He began drawing things that were not pretty or beautiful. He would draw everything distorted and sometimes Asher would find himself "in front of a drawing filled with black and red swirls and gray eyes and dead birds" (Potok, 15). During these times, Asher would be so frightened of what he drew that he would throw all his drawings in the bottom of a drawer and jump in bed to pray a prayer out of the Krias ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Statement Of Purpose In Architecture Being a city dweller, I have been surrounded by many tall concrete buildings but I did not appreciate the beauty of them until I came across architecture. I first encountered architecture when I took Art Studies as one of my subjects during SPM in high school as I loved to draw and paint at a very young age. I did a 4 month product design related project and the project has given me an opportunity to discover and appreciate the design of everything surrounding us. I learned to create models from simple materials like cardboard and paint and evaluate how to improve the models. Architecture, I believe, will provide me a platform to further develop my love for creation of new things. My drawing skills have been developed at a very young age. I went to art courses when I was a child and I learned the basics of ... Show more content on ... For example architects have beautifully melded structures and nature into one by designing green buildings as new generations in urban areas lose their connection with nature. This proves that creativity is also an essential skill when come to architecture in both the design and the quality of the building. Furthermore, I read a book called "Steal like an artist" by Austin Kleon and I learned how I can improve my creativity by simply experimenting different ways and combining ideas into one. To deepen my interest in architecture, I shadowed an architect. I learned some skills in drawing blueprints of buildings and managed to grasp knowledge used to design unique buildings. I realised that accurate planning and designing are essential for all structures as a small mistake could lead to major consequences. Besides, he also brought me to the construction site where I understood that teamwork between engineers, architects and workers are essential in construction. When it comes to design, listening and cooperation with clients are important in order to satisfy ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Disney Princess Drawing Research Paper I always knew I wanted to be artist ever since I was that little girl with an overactive imagination. If my Grandma only knew, that one Disney princess drawing book would influence me so much. I still remember feeling those crisps papers and staring at those colorful drawings for hours.The detailed directions of creating these beautiful princess open something inside of me. My Grandma buying that drawing book that day, inspired me to draw. The coloring book wasn't enough to satisfy this urge of creativity. Soon the world become my model as began to realize the tiny details that were hidden that other kids seem unable to draw. All I wanted to do after that simple magical moment was draw for a career and do something with this talent. That's ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Importance Of Art ~Introduction~ Art is liked and favorited by lots of people. There's a lot of crafts and activitys you can do in art such as; Painting, Sketching, Designing, Or even Create types of fanart that lots of people enjoy! Art is also a type of history to us,It started long ago,before we were born. Most Artwork from back then shows us how different modern times were like back then. Many people also favor art because of how they can become creative and they can have fun at the same time! In this essay,I'll explain how art is a fun and educational activity people can enjoy. Drawing Currently,Lots of people like drawing,and sketching small drawings of what they first think of. For example it could be a small flower or a small bird. Most people start sketching their drawing before doing anything else to it. Most worry about the shading and coloring later after their drawing is drawn and sketched.Then after your done sketching your small drawing you use line designs to make your drawing more clear looking,in this process you also create the facial features (If there are any,if not then you ignore this step). Lots of people enjoy sketching,yet it takes a lot of patience and work to sketch and draw your picture without messing up. If you want your artwork to be popular online or in your community,you have to take your time and make sure its neat,creative and attractive,if it isn't then your artwork wouldn't be as good as you thought it would be. When your drawing your ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. What Does It Take? If you want to learn how to draw, you don 't just want know how to do "nice" drawings, and you don 't want to learn how to copy somebody else 's drawings. You want to create great drawings of your very own, don 't you? So what does it take? It actually takes less magic than most people think. I don 't know who started the myth that only a few especially talented people can learn how to draw. There are even some art teachers out there who believe that. But if you learned how to draw the alphabet, and are able to write a sentence that other people can read, you can learn how to draw. It just takes lots of practice, and some guidance from people who have learned a few tricks. In a way it 's a lot like learning to play baseball – you need to train your eye to see better than you ever have before, and you need to train your fingers and hands to move the way you want them to. The first time you took a swing at a baseball, you probably missed. So don 't expect to become a professional artist overnight. Now, does that mean that everyone who has the patience and the willingness to learn will become a famous artist? No, not necessarily. It means that if you are willing to practice and to make mistakes, you will very soon be drawing far better than just about anyone you know, and your friends and family and teachers will be amazed. People may even ask you for copies of your drawings, beg you to make special ones just for them, and request that you make drawings for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Friedl Dicker: A Life Story Of The Holocaust While walking in to an art gallery, everyone had a moment of stopping in their tracks to be memorized by a painting or a drawing. Only to think about what that art is about and the meaning behind it. Especially at a holocaust museum. There are many works of art about the holocaust. The prisoners had a life story to share. Also, the people who did the art works had to be careful, not to be caught by the Germans. The reason for this, was it was illegal to draw what's actually happening in the camps. Few of the prisoners were "privileged" to make art for the Germans, to only draw or paint what the Germans say. The prisoners were only chosen, because they were talented enough. But for the prisoners who weren't "privileged" had to be smart, by ... Show more content on ... She was a woman who taught 600 out of 15000 children to draw out their emotions. She used her raw material she brought with her when she arrived. She stayed joyful for the children's sake. She went to Auschwitz in October 1994, where she perished, with thousands and thousands of children. For example, Liana Franklova (13), Ruth Cechova (13), Josef Pollak (9), Panel Sonnenscein (11), and Petr Weidmann (12). Only having 100 surviving children, like Helga Weissova. From Dicker helping the children, she saved 5,000 artworks of the children's emotions and dreams. With the kids only being under 14, with little knowledge of what's going on. Only taking comfort of others and doing what others say.The children would draw what they see or wishing they were somewhere else. From these drawing we know who these kids were and what they experience. For example, they would draw about family, homes, or what they do during the days. The kids were defenseless and scare, but one woman changed that. The Holocaust happening and the art that came with the horrors, we can use the art for proof and to help us understand. We have many examples of brave men and women showing us in different ways. Yet, we will never know what the prisoners went through and what they felt. With all the art of the Holocaust, we have proof that it did happened and the horrors that the prisoners faced, young to old. With all this knowledge we will never forget about the ones who died and suffered. We have the artist art that shows us their story and what they went ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Ashley Sims Drawing Ashley Sims was born in Arcadia, Florida and studied art at South Florida State College as well as Greenville Technical College in South Carolina where Sims is currently in college, majoring in art education. The theme of the collection being shown is to show the importance of a well rounded education when it comes to the field of drawing. The importance of this theme is that each drawing is an example of a different concept of drawing, Though multiple concepts are sometimes included in the same drawing there will always be a main focus that teaches a new lesson and learning these is imperative for any artist. The media used on these drawings are graphite, charcoal, ink wash, and prisma pencil. Project one, is of an orange. Sims follows this theme by experimenting with mixed media. She uses graphite, charcoal, and ink wash as well as 11 media processes in the creation of this piece including, hatching, cross hatching, scribbling, tortillion marks and many more. This project is used as a preview to all the processes that can be used in the creation of a drawing. Project two depicts a closet scene, the viewer is looking ... Show more content on ... Sims wanted this collection to be used as a way for prospective artists to see and understand some of the most important concepts of creating a drawing. The drawings of this collection are objective, every mark was intentional and the meanings behind the images are not complicated. Her idea was to show how to create a drawing rather than to make the viewer guess how to do it like they would with subjective art where nothing is definite. Overall, any drawing that is created will have at least one of the concepts shown in this collection. It does not matter whether the image is hundreds of years old or will not be created for another hundred years. To be a successful drawing, it will have to contain at least one of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Annie Nicolaides The Natural Way To Draw Annie read her first nonfiction book, The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaides, when she borrowed the drawing book from her friend's father. She was fascinated by it, stating, "I was amazed that there were books about things that one actually did," and took up drawing almost every day. Throughout August and the fall season the, "book ran my life," Annie explains, making a tremendous effort to try to follow its rigorous daily drawing routines. While her father was away on his trip, Annie converted the family's attic bedroom into a studio and moved in. Annie describes that at eight o'clock every summer or weekend morning she would tape, "that day's drawing schedule to a wall," and since she did not have a model, she would draw her baseball ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Case Study Of A Child To Love The Art Of Drawing Case Study According to (Ya–Huei,2014), It is natural for a child to love the art of drawing. It is stated that children's work on a whole reflects their feelings, thoughts, and actions circling in their minds. The purpose of the study is to critically assess a student who displays a high level of interest in Visual Arts. The data was collected through interviews with parents, teacher and the student. After a few months of studying and collection, the results found that: 1) the drawings reflected the child's imagination, 2) the drawings were of the things in relation to his life, 3) the drawings reflected his feelings about what he sees. Introduction (Ya–Huei,2014) also stated that children naturally enjoy drawing. There drawings are typically simple and straightforward which reflects their psychological condition. At the early stages of childhood, children's drawings are equivalent to their language, and ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in the process of understanding children's drawings, words that demonstrate personal or social functions are key factors in determining children's nature and their early symbolic development. Thus, drawings are children's behavioural and dialectical expressions, and their mental and ideological presentations. Children's drawings typically exhibit personal meaning, and present various image manifestations and styles. Although children are designated as "little artists," few studies have examined the images portrayed in children's drawings. Objective This case study is about a young boy named John Miller. I observed him in his classroom at the St. Mary Academy for children. He is 8 years old, has a young brother and lives with his mother and his father. The study focuses primarily on the child's drawings that were collected to determine his artistic development. Background Information of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Sol Lewitt Wall Drawing Analysis Sol Lewitt's art caught my attention, I selected two works of art without knowing that both works belonged to him. I first came across with Lewitt's painting named "Wall Drawing" which consists of colorful thick zig zag lines on a wall with the dimensions of w482 x h298 cm. Lewitt painted this in 1996, for his medium he used ink on a wall. His second work of art I selected is an installation/painting named "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands" which consists of different colorful lines, Lewitt painted this in 2003 using synthetic polymer paint and a wall. The wall painting is part of a room so the dimensions are w16000 x h2000 cm. Both works of art have their similarities and differences when comparing and contrasting their visual ... Show more content on ... For example, in "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands", it includes geometric shapes that are painted such as circles (half circles), and rectangles, along with organic shapes that are irregular as some of them curve in their distinct manner to create a unique shape. The reason for his use of shapes both geometric and organic could be for the simple reason Lewitt wanted to bring variety into his work of art, by combining both types of shapes he is able to achieve a unique, different look upon each section making it more fun and creative to view. Lewitt's "Wall Drawing" does not include shapes for the reason that he might be trying to focus on a particular single idea compared to his other painting. Both pieces of art use color, but the choice of color is completely different from one another. "Wall drawing #1091: arcs, circles and bands" uses intense, warm colors (red,yellow, and orange) along with some cool colors (blue, and violet). The colors used in this wall painting consist of primary hues such as red, yellow and blue, along with secondary hues such as orange, green, and violet. The colors used in "Wall Drawing" are completely different in the sense that only one color is a primary color such as yellow, making it the only warm, intense color across the painting. Three colors fall under the category of cool colors such as baby blue, light pale blue, and dark violet. He also used complimentary colors such as yellow and violet which are opposite to each other on the color wheel. By painting these two colors next to each other he created unity and variety by placing them together. Even though these two colors have nothing in common, yellow and violet seem to compliment each other really well. Since yellow is a bright warm color when it is placed next to violet which is a cool, dark color both colors create a sense of harmony. ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Why Drawing Is Drawing A person can have many skills, whether it be good or bad. Someone could paint really well or could be a disastrous cook. There are many common skills such as doing underwater handstands and then there are skills that are absolutely out of the blue, for example bending their index finger backwards down the wrist. My skill isn't too common though it isn't very unique either. My skill isn't painting or cooking, or even having strangely, stretchy fingers. My skill is drawing. Drawing is one of my passions, because it is a good stress reliever and it can help express emotion. Drawing is very useful for when I'm upset and need something to boost my moralemood and is comforting for just a normal, rainy day activity. I especially draw especially when I'm bored or trying to pass time. Some people agree, and find drawing fun, but others may find it frustrating or boring. I enjoy drawing because it lets me work at my own pace. I casually sketch, whether it be for a novel or just a plain doodle, I find a way to maneuver it into random pieces of work. I could be working on notes, and sooner or later have a mural on the sides of the paper. This is funny considering that when I get an actual sketching pad, the sketches look horrible, but on a sheet of scratched up ... Show more content on ... I will admit, drawing is hard when you first attempt it, but drawing is made up of building blocks. You start out with a pencil sketch, and start adding new edits and textures to make it more and more vivid and detailed. I don't usually color drawings because they look better to me in mono, but that gives me a chance to make the tiny details in the drawing a lot bigger. Drawing may come as a gifted skill to some people where they can draw perfectly when a pencil is given to them, but I find it hard to believe that without practice, a magnificent piece of art can be ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. The Importance Of Art ~Introduction~ Art is liked and favorited by lots of people. There's a lot of crafts and activitys you can do in art such as; Painting, Sketching, Designing, Or even Create types of fanart that lots of people enjoy! Art is also a type of history to us,It started long ago,before we were born. Most Artwork from back then shows us how different modern times were like back then. Many people also favor art because of how they can become creative and they can have fun at the same time! In this essay,I'll explain how art is a fun and educational activity people can enjoy. Drawing Currently,Lots of people like drawing,and sketching small drawings of what they first think of. For example it could be a small flower or a small bird. Most people start sketching their drawing before doing anything else to it. Most worry about the shading and coloring later after their drawing is drawn and sketched.Then after your done sketching your small drawing you use line designs to make your drawing more clear looking,in this process you also create the facial features (If there are any,if not then you ignore this step). Lots of people enjoy sketching,yet it takes a lot of patience and work to sketch and draw your picture without messing up. If you want your artwork to be popular online or in your community,you have to take your time and make sure its neat,creative and attractive,if it isn't then your artwork wouldn't be as good as you thought it would be. When your drawing your ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Compare And Contrast Mr. Collins And Life Drawing Many people have said that the past always has an impact on the present and in the case of Mr. Collins and Steve in the short story "Life Drawing," it's very true. Two different age groups and two different generations colliding into a somewhat "I know better than you" teacher vs. student situation. At fifty–five years old, Mr. Collins is a professor at the Chelsea College of Art and has a very comfortable life which he enjoys very much, but sometimes wishes that he had more time to pursue his youthful dream of experimental work. Steve, on the other hand, is probably around eighteen to twenty–two years old and can be considered a typical college student. No one can tell him anything. He knows it all. He loves his type of art and all the colors ... Show more content on ... Mr. Collins has been doing his job and living in the same place since the 1960's and loved the idea of the Life Drawing class because it teaches students how important it was to study the human form, understand the body, and be patient. He loved the idea of order, taking pride in one's work and doing whatever your passion was. To Mr. Collins, "drawing was the absolute cornerstone of artistic creativity, something that had to be learned before you moved on to any other sphere of the arts" (4). Steve liked to rave, do graphic designing and had a bit of an attitude. "Steve wanted to be part of the internet generation, he wanted to communicate his ideas globally and address issues that mattered to him" (4). But at the end of the day, Mr. Collins hoped Steve would understand that "one day....he'll wish that he'd paid more attention here" ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. How To Write A Forensic Investigation Essay Abstract Law enforcement agencies have relied on forensic art as one of their investigation methods for many years. The job of a forensic artist is quite difficult because he or she must reconstruct an image of an individual based on just hearsay and memory from another individual. The purpose of this study is to research forensic artists, also known as sketch artists, and their ability to draw up a suspect through the information provided by a witness. Interviews on two different forensic artists provide insight of the duties and hardships a law enforcement sketch artist takes on. The process of how law enforcement sketch artists are able to recreate the face of another individual, and how that picture can be a very useful piece of evidence for crime reports will also be addressed throughout the study. This study is relevant to anthropology because it touches on how how an individual perceives those around them and forensics itself is also one of the key topics discussed in biological anthropology. Statement of the Research Question Sketch artists are capable of reconstructing the faces of suspects by either the detailed information (or lack of detailed information) given to them by those who were at the scene of the crime, which is quite a challenging task to do. The overall questions I want to address and answer are how accurate are the artist's sketches and whether or not TV shows and or movies accurately depict the everyday life of a forensic artist. Review of ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Boris Pelcer Drawings In this world where we are all connected through another; it is impossible to find a person that hasn't been touched both emotionally and mentally by a multitude of people and altered because of these personal influences, even unintentionally. Our mental and emotional beings are meant to shift and grow with each new experience and choice. And through this process we allow the alteration of self and the migration of our old self to our altered and perhaps more enlightened self. Our thoughts and ideas make up who we are and what we will eventually become. Through the migration of self, we see from personal experience what the migration process is through our individual growth and we find our inner selves or the person we were meant to be. The ... Show more content on ... His paintings always hold an emotional and expressionistic air to them. I wanted to draw on this technique in my artwork to create a powerful sense of finding one's self in other section of my artwork piece. My idea was to show the two sides of migration of self. By moving on and growing up you either become the person you feel you were always meant to be or the person you regret becoming. The one half of my project reflects the latter and the other half reflects the former. A mirror between them shows that there is little in the way of becoming either person, and there is little in the way of trying to change. My artwork draws on themes of identity crisis, migration of self, isolation and regret. Similar themes are used by Stan Miller as well as similar techniques of watercolour painting. I drew inspiration from Stan Miller because of the expressive use of strokes he uses to create a haunting portrait that depicts fragmentation, isolation and similarly migration of self. His portraits connect through the use of sombre colours of dark blues, greens and purples contrast to the pencil and graphite used create a transformation of ideas as my artwork shows two contradicting points of view on the migration of self. Stephanie Hillvitz also provided inspiration for my artwork and drawing. She is a mixed media artist that draws inspiration from real life events and the people who are involved in the events. In her artworks ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Disadvantages Of Drawing I'd love to tell you that drawings skills are just a "plus" or that the age of pencils has passed. But, I can't do it. I'm sure many of you could (and will) argue with me. Please do. Comments are open and welcome, and I'd love to hear what you think. I can imagine that some of you have stories of successful careers, even though you "can't even draw a stick figure," or perhaps you've worked for a talented creative director who could ONLY draw stick figures. I don't think it's impossible to be a designer with little or no drawing skills, but I do think that it is a huge advantage. Drawing will Make You a Better Communicator, I can't tell you how many times I've been in the middle of trying to explain something to someone, when I finally stopped ... Show more content on ... Below is a review of categories of uses with examples and links. Sketching is an excellent way to quickly explore concepts. You can sketch for one or two hours and work out multiple possible solutions to the design problem at hand. This is an essential step in the design process. It will save you time to work through concepts on paper before going to the computer. While it is possible to build sketches on the computer, it's not as fast as sketching multiple concepts on paper. Hand drawing is a powerful tool used by firms in conceptual design presentations. Design educators and professionals see hand drawing as an important skill needed to lead a design team in an interior design or architecture firm. When the spatial complexities of a project or detail are unclear, firms rely on a designer's capacity to quickly create a hand drawing. This hand drawing visually communicates the idea in an instant to other designers, contractors, or clients. Designers must also be able to hand draw plans, elevations, sections, perspectives, and details to guide a draftsperson or intern as they create or modify a computer drawing. Hand drawings help emphasize a project's objectives and ideas by omitting non–essential details about material or methods of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Creating Art Is Important In My World In every corner of the Earth, there's art. In houses, nature, outside. If you don't notice, you aren't looking hard enough. Creating art is extremely important to me. All types ranging from music, painting, using Prisma colors and more. Art has always been present in my life, but I began to get serious about it when I visited my Aunt's home last year. I saw my cousin sketching in a small notebook with a black pen. I asked her what she was doing, and she showed me some pages. It mesmerized me. Her drawings were so flawless, but best of all, they looked like fun. From that day forward, I vowed to make art a part of my world, including all the practicing, art–block and the different mediums of art. It really is as they say, "practice make perfect". I've been drawing for two years now and I can definitely see improvement in my artwork. Adding drawing to your daily life, even if it's just a small doodle, can help you in the long run. Any famous artist you can think of didn't just wake up with talent, they practiced. Even Mozart had to practice for over ten years before becoming the musical genius he was. It's not only about practicing for long periods of time, it's about working on things you're not good at. For example, I usually draw faces, so I can't draw bodies. What I do now is pick one of my favorite characters and and sketch their entire body. It helps to add something you enjoy drawing to something you're not good at. In order to practice, you have to envision the thing ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Analysis Of The Book ' My Dream ' Throughout the semester, I drew pictures on a sketch book. I started drawing on September 23, 2016, and tried to draw at least four days a week till November 20. Thus, I got 41 drawings in the sketch book. When I started this project, I was not sure what I was doing. Without having any theme, I just followed what I wanted to draw when I graved a pen. Some days, I drew what I saw in my dream, some days, I drew my emotional feelings that I had hard time to express, and some days, I drew whatever that came up in my mind. Interestingly, if I look back the images that I drew, it shows that I unconsciously drew many images that is reminiscent of anima/ animus or sky/the universe. I did not know about anima/animus until we studied about them in the class. I was not really consciously thinking about it, but since we learned Jungian Concepts in the class, it seems like anima/animus caught my interest. I wrote about these concepts for my first essay, yet I was not really sure how my anima/animus appear within me. I was curious about it, but I did not know how to figure it out, but this project helped me to see my anima/animus: especially development of animus. In my drawings, many symbols that refer anima/animus appeared unconsciously and changed its forms overtime. At the beginning of the project, my animus seems weaker or smaller than my anima. Specifically, in the moon and sun image that I drew on September 24, 2016, the moon, the implication of animus in my culture, is closing ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Visual Communication : Emanuele Dascanio Vision is a crucial aspect of human existence, and the way that it enables them to understand the world is even more crucial. The human ability to see can influence beliefs if one is to take a step back and examine vision as a whole. This can be done easily with artwork as the messages that artists send are powerful due to the fact that interpretations of meaning depend on the beliefs and attitudes of the specific individual. One artist, Emanuele Dascanio, is an artist whose work demonstrates numerous aspects of visual communication. The works are intriguing because of the hyperrealistic feel they embody. There is a pull and desire for one to engage with the works because they are not abstract pieces but extremely real and detailed ones. While many people may strongly appreciate the talent of Dascanio's work, few take time to consider the reasons that people react the way they do to them. The reason for such a strong connection between both drawing and viewer comes from all of the elements that come together to compose the image. The connection that people feel to Dascanio's work is a powerful one since his drawings are the extremely captivating. This is not solely because of the pure talent put into each piece, but the numerous qualities depicted within each work. Each piece of artwork is an icon, which according to Arthur Asa Berger, "is a sign that looks like or resembles the thing it stands for" (How, 1998). By looking at Dascanio's drawings, even for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Drawing And Drawing Essay When most people think about the first things they really enjoyed doing as children, drawing is one of the first things that come to mind. Not only is it one of the first things human beings enjoy doing, but it is also one of the first things they are taught how to do. Schools first educated children in how to draw simply to show the children that it is encouraged to have an imagination and it is acceptable to illustrate their imagination for others to see. Drawing is emboldened by not only teachers and elders, but is also stimulated and inspired by a person's peers. Peers have a great influence as they push one another to become more superior and efficient than one another. Additionally, it is important to note that engineers often find themselves in situations where peers push them to design and redesign their own inventions. As engineers refine their abilities to draw and to design, they further lengthen the drawing and designing process. Furthermore, as an engineer becomes better at designing and drawing they not only become more detailed, but also draw a design and redraw it in many different ways just to find the most efficient and best design. The best engineers are often the most detailed artists; this can be seen from many famous engineers, such as Leonardo Da Vinci. From the life of Da Vinci and many other famous engineers, it is quite obvious that drawing is a quintessential component to being a good engineer. Every engineer must hone their drawing skills ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Shading Research Paper Do you ever glance at your drawing and wonder how you can make it better? Maybe you want to make it less obvious that you did not put any effort to it or you did it last minute. Shading is a great technique to add in any extra detail and sometimes catch people's attention. It does not necessary have to be a drawing, you can add it to the letters in your poster project and give it a "wow". In order to shade, you will need the supplies of color pencils, white sketching paper, and if you are an OCD person about straight lines, a ruler will be necessary. Shading in different types of art requires creativity, technique and passion. The first step in shading in, is creating an art work in a white sketching paper. You do not have to create an amazing ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. My Experience Of Art Since elementary school I have envisioned my life deeply intertwined with art, however, at the same time I also knew that vision never had me living out the stereotype of a starving artist either. As a child my understanding of artist in the work force was nothing more than the cliché vision, of a paint covered artist smearing vivid hues on a canvas and then rushing to the nearest art gallery to sell their work. I didn't know anything of the vast opportunities for artist or even how abundantly art is used throughout our society. Maybe this was due to the fact I was never one of those kids who know what they wanted to be since they were three. Nevertheless, I always had a passion to create, even when I was determined to become the next Thomas Edison, I was looking for an outlet to create. By the time third grade would roll around though, it would be made evident that art in its most traditional since of drawing and painting would be the outlet I was always looking for. Understanding my niche in the creative world would take me over a decade of self–evaluation, inspiration, and research. I never started out saying I was going to be an artist, I still did a child's fair share of doodles and finger painting but it was never anything that raptured my attention. However, this would all change on Christmas Eve, when my grandmother presented me with a book entitled "How to Draw 120 of your Favorite Things". Now the title was not the most original approach, the book's cover made up ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. My First Year Of High School It was the year 2014 and summer had come to a close. My mind had suddenly switched from lounging on the warm, sandy beach and being gently kissed by sunshine to traumatizing, stressful high school. My first year of high school–what was it going to be like? Who was I going to be friends with? Am I going to get terrible grades? These thoughts flooded my mind and I was nervous. Thinking about being a highschooler made my throat close up and my heart beat faster. I was overcome with fear and excitement, going into the unknown and stepping into a freaky future. Soon the time had come to experience my classes that I had carefully selected earlier in the summer. I was especially excited, however, about my elective that I had chosen: classical drawing. Little did I realize that this decision would teach me perseverance and work ethic, while opening up a world of possibilities. I had decided to enroll in a class called Classical Drawing by Andrea Mosley. Miss Mosley is an incredible artist, who was taught by John Angel, a former student of the great Pietro Annigon. She was taught for four years in Florence, Italy and mastered her incredible ability to draw. This knowledge only made me more intrigued but exceptionally anxious. I didn't know what to expect from such a well–taught artist. I began to doubt myself even before the class started, assuming I couldn't draw nearly as well as she. The time had come. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I walked into class, hoping ... Get more on ...