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Western European Civilization
for Zoey and Kaya
Created by GrandBob
Selected Slides from Modern
Western European and North
Amnerican History
Most pictures and many text boxes have embedded links for more information
This is an incomplete first draft
This is an excerpt from World History Lessons for Zoey and Kaya
Clickable links begin on next slide.
European Overview
Rulers of Europe from 400 BC to 1917 AD
List of Conflicts in Europe
European Empires
History of Europe Timeline
Topography of Europe
Biogeographical Regions of Europe
Scenic Western Europe
Swiss Alps Italian Lakes German Rivers
French Riviera Norwegian Fjords Gibraltar
European Explorers
European Empires (1500 - 1991 AD)
Great Divergence
European History by Countries
Travel Guide
Habsburg Empire 1556
Maria Theresa
Charles V
Rudolf I
Maximillian I
Francis II
Ottoman Siege of Vienna 1529
Ottoman Battle of Vienna 1683
Franz Joseph
Empress Sisi
Prince Rudolf Hungarian Revolution 1848
Archduke Franz
History of Belgium
Travel Guide
Belgian Empire (1885- 1962)
Belgium had several colonies in central Africa. The largest was the Congo which
they was ruled very ruthlessly for many years from 1885 by King Leopold and only
transferred to the Belgian government in 1908.
Belgian Colonial Empire
Evil King Leopold
Travel Guide
History of Cyprus
Ottoman–Venetian War
Battle of Lepanto 1571
Makarios Cyprus Coup 1974 Turkish Invasion 1974
History of France
Travel Guide
French Religious Conflicts
St Barthomolew Massacres 1572
Edict of Nantes 1598
Henry IV
1589 -1610
  Controlled by Huguenot nobility
   Controlled by Catholic nobility
  Contested between Huguenots and Catholic
French Wars of Religion
1562 - 1598
Catherine de Medici
Duke of Guise
Edict of Fontainebleau 1685
Bourbon Kings after Henri IV
Louis XIII
Louis XVI
1774- 1791
Louis XV
Louis XIV
1643 -1715
Charles X
French Philosophers
Pascal 1662 Diderot 1784
Rousseau 1778
Voltaire 1778
Descartes 1650 Montesquieu 1755
French Revolution(1789 - 1815)
In 1789, the French people revolted against their King and aristocracy. It began on July 14, with the
storming of the Bastille prison and armory. The revolution started slowly but gained momentum with the
execution of the King. Danton and Marat were leaders of the Revolution. Eventually Robespierre seized
power and launched a Reign of Terror until he was overthrown and executed.
Execution of the King
Storming of the Bastille
Reign of Terror
Movie Part 1 Movie Part 2 Documentary
Napoleon’s Empire (1812)
Red line is boundary of Napoleon’s empire before he invaded Russia
French Colonial Empire 1534 - 1958
The French Colonial Empire was the major competitor with Britain during the 1700’s. They
fought a global war (1755 - 1763) that resulted in France losing its Canadian and Indian
possessions. England had a better fleet because France (King Louis XIV) was focused
more in Europe. Vietnam threw off French rule in 1953 as did Algeria in 1958 France held
on to northwest Africa south of the Sahara and is still a major influence there.
French Colonial Empire in blue
Animated History of France
Animated History of Germany
History of Germany in Video
History of Germany in a Nutshell
Detailed Timeline of German History
History of Germany
Timeline of German History
Travel Guide
These slides are from an earlier presentation on German History
Early Modern Germany (1517- 1648)
Thirty Years War(1618-1648)
Martin Luther (1517)
Peasant Rebellions
German Peasant Rebellion (1525- 1526)
Diet of Worms (1521)
Mighty Fortress
Thomas Muntzer
Religious Division
Frederick the Great
(1746 - 1786)
Napoleonic Wars (1796- 1815)
Holy Roman Empire (1700)
Pennsylvania Dutch
9 Years War 1688-1689
Franco-Prussian War
Austro-Prussian War
1848 Revolution
Migration to US
Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto
Napoleon III
Kaiser Wilhelm I
German Empire, 1871–1918
Bismarck Kaiser Wilhelm II
World War I
Anti-German Feeiing in US
Patriotic Song
Trench Warfare
German Colonial Empire 1884 - 1918
After the unification of Germany under Prussia in 1870, Germany began building a colonial empire. It
was based on earlier settlement by missionaries. During World War 1, Germany lost all her colonies.
German Colonial Empire in black
Rulers of Germany
Animated History of Germany
German Unification and Empire
German Empire
German Colonial
Empire History
Weimar Republic, 1919–1933
Hyperinflation Great Depression
Beer Hall Putsch 1922
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hitler rules Germany (1932 - 1945)
Germany suffered greatly after losing World War 1.They had to pay millions of dollars in
reparations and their currency collapsed in 1921 (4 million marks for a loaf of bread).As they
were recovering from this disaster, Germany was hit with the Great Depression. Millions of
people lost their jobs.This enabled a Fascist politician, Adolph Hitler, to become Chancellor.
Hitler was a powerful speaker showing great emotion. He instituted a dictatorship (as the
Fuhrer) and became very popular by putting people back to work, many in military-related jobs.
He used his military power to start World War 2 , which Germany eventually lost badly.
Money to buy bread loaf (1921) Hitler Speeches
Unemployed Workers (1932)
Nazi Germany, 1933–1945
Austria US
Ann Frank
Germany before the War
Sophie Scholl
Warsaw Ghetto
Nuremberg 1936
World War II (1939 - 1945)
Operation Barbarossa
Germany during the Cold War, 1945–1989
Berlin Wall 1961
Airlift (1948)
East and West Germany
Federal Republic of Germany, 1989–present
Most Admired Country
Berlin Wall Falls (1989)
Merkel EU
Timeline of Greek Modern History
Travel Guide
Modern Greek History
Ioannis Kapodistrias
1828 -1831
Assasination 1831
King Otto
George I
1863 - 1913
Balkan Wars
Greek War of
Independence 1821
War 1897
Modern Greek History
World War II
Civil War 1946-1949 Military Junta 1967-1974
Economic Crisis 2009-2018
History of Ireland
Travel Guide
Irish History
St Patrick Daniel O’Connell Roger Casement
Easter Rising 1916
Irish Famine
Irish Republican Army
Travel Guide
Italian Renaissance (1400 -1600)
The Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of culture that was centered in Northern italy (Florence, Venice, Milan,
Rome). It was comparable to Athens in the 4th century BC. Some of the outstanding artists included Michelangelo
(David, Sistine Chapel), Raphael (School of Athens), and Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa, Last Supper). Lorenzo de
Medici was the wealthy leader of Florence who supported both Leonardo and Michelangelo.,
Mona Lisa
Socrates and Plato
in the School of Athens
Lorenzo de Medici
Sistine Chapel
Italian Nation
Mazzini Cavour
Victor Emanuel II
Italian Unification Animated Map
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Kingdom of Sardinia
History of Italy
Italian Empire(1869 - 1947)
Rome Today Venice Today Florence Today Tuscany Today
Mussolini rules Italy (1922 - 1943)
Italy was poor after World War 1. Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini led a march of
“Black Shirts”on Rome.The Italian king made Mussolini, the head of the government.
Mussolini became a dictator, calling himself the leader “Il Duce”. He was famous for
giving speeches from a balcony in Rome. Mussolini entered World 2 on the side of
Hitler which resulted in his overthrow by the US and execution by Italian guerillas.
March on Rome (1922) Mussolini Speeches
Travel Guide
History of Malta
Knights Hospitalier 1530
Ottoman Attack 1565
Caribbean Colonies
Megalithic Temple
The Netherlands
History of the Netherlands
Travel Guide
Dutch Empire (1594 - 1948)
Holland became a naval power and was able to obtain colonies in Asia (Indonesia) and the Americas.
She replaced Portugal as the leading naval power but later lost out to the larger English resources.
Dutch Colonial Empire Dutch East India Company
Dutch Golden Age
 Dutch Revolt
Batavia 1619-1949
Dutch East Indies
Batavia Massacre 1740
Travel Guide
John I 1420
Earthquake in 1755
Salazar 1950
John IV 1648 Marquis de
Pombal 1765
Duke of Alba
Battle of São
Mamede 1128
Party 1920
Portugese Routes with Winds
Da Gama
Dias Cabral
Prince Henry
PortugeseVoyages with Dates
Portugese Colonial Empire 1415 - 1974
Portugal was the first European power to reach India by going around Africa.
They also established a small colony in Macau, China (given back to China in
1999) . Their biggest colony was Brazil (independent in1822) that was
discovered by accident by a ship going around Africa. Portugal’s frican
colonies became independent in 1974
Portugese Colonial Empire in red
History of Scandinavia
Kalmar Union
Travel Guide
Travel Guide
Travel Guide
Travel Guide
Travel Guide
Johann Friedrich
Struensee 1770
Tausen 1535 Frederick 1 1530
Jelling Stones 970
Harald Bluetooth
Augusta 1790
Margaret I
Denmark 1570
Danish Empire 1750
Northern Europe 814
Finnish Invasion
of Russia 1941
Russian Invasion
of Finland 1940
Niinistö 2021
Sibelius 1913
Erik the Red
Arnarson 874
Iceland Volcanoes
Haakon VII
Dude in Oslo
Constituent Assembly
Constitution 1814
Bergen - Hanseatic League
Olav V
Princess Märtha
Norwegian Fjords
Gustavus Adolphus Gustav Vasa
Vasa Ship
Stockholm Bloodbath
Charles XII 1710
Great Northern War 1700-1721
History of Spain
Travel Guide
Spanish Empire (1492 - 1898 AD)
After the voyages of Columbus, Spanish Conquistadors conquered the Aztec Empire
in Mexico and the Inca Empire in Peru. They also colonized the Philippines , several
Caribbean islands, and parts of the United States .They lost their South American and
Mexican colonies to revolution at the beginning of the 19th century (1820 -1848). Most
of the rest were lost to the US in the Spanish-American ar 0f 1898.
Spanish Kings and Presidents
Animated History of Spain
Franco rules Spain (1939 - 1975)
In 1936, Spain was ruled by a democratically elected Republic. A Fascist general Francisco Franco launched a
military overthrow of the Republic.This led to a bitter bloody civil war. Franco was supported by Hitler,
Mussolini, the Catholic Church, and large landowners.The Republic was supported by the middle class,
peasants, the Communist Party, and international anti-Fascists. In 1939, Franco won the war and stayed in
power for 26 more years because he stayed neutral in World War 2. In 1975, Spain returned to democracy
Franco giving Fascist salute
Picasso painting of Fascist bombing Guernica
Fascists bombs destroy city of Guernica
International Brigade and slogan
Ernest Hemingway (center)
wrote a famous novel about
the International Brigade
Valley of the Fallen
Travel Guide
History of Switzerland
Swiss Guards Zwingli
Wars of Kappel
John Calvin
United Kingdom
History of Britain
English History
UK Travel Guide
Scottish History
Welsh History
English Travel Guide
Northern Ireland Travel Guide
Scottish Travel Guide
Welsh Travel Guide
War of the Roses 1455-1487
Henry VI Edward IV Richard III
Edward V in Tower
Battle of Bosworth 1485
Margaret of Anjou
Henry VII
Henry VIII
Mary Edward VI
Elizabeth I
Catherine of Aragon Ann Boleyn Jane Seymour
Owen Tudor
Mary, Queen of Scots
James I Guy Fawkes
Lord Darnley Earl Bothwell
Gun Powder Plot 1605
English Revolutions (1642 -1651 AD and 1688 -1689 AD)
Charles I Charles II
Execution of Charles I
James II
and Mary
Thomas Hobbes
British Empire 1600 - 1970
The British Empire was the largest ever in the world. Below are all of the territories
that they once ruled in pink. India was their prize colony
Timeline of all English Kings
British Exploitation of South Asia
Large British Empire Website
Smaller Countries
Smaller Countries
Andorra Liechenstein
San Marino Malta
Travel Guide
Travel Guide
Travel Guide Travel Guide
Travel Guide Travel Guide
Rick Steves Video
Anglo North American History
United States
Travel Guide
United States
American Revolution
In 1776, the American colonies revolted against Britain. They achieved independence in 1783
Signing Declaration of Independence (1776) General George Washington Thomas Jefferson
Surrender of Cornwalis ending war
Washinton crossing Delaware
More American Revolution People
Paine Franklin
John Adams Henry
Samuel Adams
American Wars (19th Century)
American Presidents
War of 1812
Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of New Orleans Burning of Washington
USS Constitution
Mexican - American (1848)
America was expanding westward. Texas had revolted from Mexico in 1836. After a famous
loss at the Alamo (300 men killed), Texas won its independence. In 1845, it joined the United
States. In 1848, a border dispute between Mexico and the US led to a war. The US seized
California. invaded Mexico, and captured Mexico City to win the war.
The Alamo
US Invasion of Mexico
Troops fighting
American Civil War (1861 -1865)
The American South had grown wealthy on cotton and tobacco picked by slaves imported from Africa.
When a Republican, Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, several states seceded. When war broke
out, several more left to form the Confederate States of America. This resulted in a long and bloody
war (600,000 dead). The war was finally won by the North restoring the Union and abolishing slavery.
Battle of Gettysburg
American Indian Wars (1609 - 1924)
By the time of the American Civil War, European immigrants and their
African slaves had displaced most of the Indian tribes east of the
Mississippi River. When the war ended, settlers poured into the West
looking for farmlan and gold. The US government signed many treaties
with the Indians that the government later broke. When the Indians
fought back against the settlers and miners, the US sent him troops that
massacred the Indians. The Indians under Sitting Bull had one big victory
against General Custer at the Little Big Horn in Montana.
Sitting Bull General Custer
Custer's Last Stand
Massacre of Indians at
Wounded Knee, Colorado
Spanish-American War (1898)
In 1898, Spain was fighting against rebels in their Cuban colony. The US was sympathetic to the rebels. On
February 15, a US battleship (Maine) blew up in Havana harbor. Newspapers in the US wanted to go to war and
claimed that the ship had been blown up by Spain. (This was never proven). War was declared and easily won
by the US which captured Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Theodore Roosevelt led a group of "Rough
Riders” up a hill in Cuba. This made him a war hero and led to him becoming President in 1901.
Roosevelt leading the charge
Maine exploding
Cuba and Puerto Rico
The Philippines
Battle of Manila Bay
History of Canada
Travel Guide
French Canada
Battle of Quebec 1763
French and Indian War
Champlain La Salle
Montcalm Wolfe
Canadian Provinces
Canadian History
Timeline of Canadian History
Battle of Quebec 1775
Rebellions 1838-1839
Lower Canada Rebelion
Upper Canada Rebellion
Patriot War Patriote Movement
Chateauguay Battle
Hudson Bay Company
1670 -1869
Rupert’s Land Rupert’s Land
Canada 1838
Canadian History
History of British Columbia
James Douglas Amor De Cosmos Joseph Howe
History of Nova Scotia
Acadian Civil War 1635-1654
Joey Smallwood
History of
Famous Canadians in History
John McDonald
Lord Durham Louis Riel
William Cornelius
Van Horne
Tommy Douglas
European History by Dates
Involving multiple countries usually wars
Modern Western Civilization by Centuries
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21th Century
List of Conflicts
Europe 15th Century
Europe Conflicts 15th Century
Hanseatic League Ottoman - Venetian War
1463 -1479
Hussite Wars 1419-1434
Anglo-Hanseatic War 1469-1474
Thirteen Years War 1454-1466)
Europe 16th Century
European Wars16th Century
Anglo-Spanish Wars 1585 -1604 Italian Wars 1494-1559
Dano-Swedish War
1501-1512 War of the League
of Cognac 1526-1530
Northern 7 Years War
War of the League
of Cambrai 1508-1516
Protestant Reformation (1517 -1648)
Since the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church was a major power in Europe. Its
influence was based on religious belief that allowed the Church to accumulate great
wealth. The leader of the Church (Pope) and the various bishops were often corrupt,
selling indulgences (reduced time in purgatory), and threatening excommunication. In
addition, the bible was only in Latin that could not be understood by most people. Religious
reformers in several countries (Luthor in Germany) and (Calvin in Switzerland) rebelled
against he Catholic Church and started the Protestant religions. England became
Prostestant because King Henry VIII wanted a divorce which was not possible for
Catholics. There were many bitter battles between Protestants and Catholics in Germany,
France, and England.
Martin Luther John Calvin King Henry VIII
Europe 17th Century
European Wars 17th Century
Thirty Years War
Dutch-Portugese War Eighty Years War
Population Decline
Habsburg Domain 1700
Europe 18th Century
European Wars 18th Century
War of the Spanish
Succession 1701-1714
War of the Austrian
Succession 1740-1748
Seven Years War
Europe 1748
War of the Quadruple Alliance 1718-1720
Europe 19th Century
European Wars 19th Century
Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 Crimean War 1853-1856 Franco-Prussian War 1870
Austro-Prussian War 1866
Greek War of Independence
Italian Wars of
• First Italian War of Independence (1848–1849)
• Second Italian War of Independence (1859)
• Third Italian War of Independence (1866)
• Fourth Italian War of Independence (1915–1918)
Western Europe (1848, 1871)
During 1848, revolutions took place in Western Europe. In France, King Louis Phillipe was forced
to abdicate and was replaced by a republic. The first elected President ws Napoleon’s nephew,
Louis Napoleon who soon proclaimed himself Emperor, Napoleon III. In the German states like
Prussia, there were popular uprising that were crushed. Many Germans fled to the US. One of
the revolutionaries, Karl Marx, fled to England and started the Communist movement with
Friedrich Engels writing the Communist Manifesto. In Italy, Giuseppi Garibaldi led revolutionary
troops that eventually unified Italy in 1861. In 1870, Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck of Prussia
provoked and won wars with Austria and France. Napoleon III was forced to abdicate in France
and was succeeded by a Third Republic.
Napoleon III 1873 Garibaldi 1882 Karl Marx 1883 Engels 1895 Paris Commune 1871
Manifesto 1848
Napoleon’s Empire (1812)
Red line is boundary of Napoleon’s empire before he invaded Russia
Western Europe (1848, 1870)
During 1848, revolutions took place in Western Europe. In France, King Louis Phillipe was forced
to abdicate and was replaced by a republic. The first elected President ws Napoleon’s nephew,
Louis Napoleon who soon proclaimed himself Emperor, Napoleon III. In the German states like
Prussia, there were popular uprising that were crushed. Many Germans fled to the US. One of
the revolutionaries, Karl Marx, fled to England and started the Communist movement with a
Manifesto. In Italy, Giuseppi Garibaldi led revolutionary troops that eventually unified Italy in
1861. In 1870, Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck of Prussia provoked and won wars with Austria
and France. Napoleon III was forced to abdicate in France and was succeeded by a Third
Republic. Germany was united under the leadership of the Kaiser of Prussia.
Napoleon III Garibaldi Karl Marx Bismarck Kaiser Wilhelm I
Europe 20th Century
European Wars 20th Century
Easter Uprising 1916
Greco-Turkish War
Irish War of Independence
World War I
World War II
1939- 1945
Silesian Uprisings 1919 -1921
Allied Intervention
in Russia 1918-1925
Alliances before World War 1
World War 1 (1914-1918)
The Spanish Flu spread during and after World War 1. The nations fighting hid
the disease spread with only neutral Spain reporting on the disease. The resulting
pandemic killed more people (over 20 million) than the World War.
Patients of the Spanish Flu Victims of the Spanish Flu
Spread of
the Spanish Flu
World War II (1939 - 1945)
City of Stalingrad
Victory Statue
Allied Invasions
Germany attacks France (1914 and 1940)
In World War 1, Germany attacked France through Belgium and was stopped before Paris. Before
World War 2, France fortified their northern border with the Maginot Line of bunkers. They left their eastern
border unfortified because they thought the Germans would not be able to attack through t he Ardennes forest.
When the Germans blitzkrieg burst through there, the French were trapped and forced to surrender. The
English army made it to the Atlantic Coast (Dunkirk) where they were saved by small boats. Germany also
occupied France’s North African colonies (Morocco. Algeria, Tunisia)
World War 1 World War 2
Casablanca Morocco
Dunkirk (1940)
After the German breakthrough in France, the English army was forced to retreat to the Atlantic coast.
There were 300,000 troops surrounded and trapped. Every small boat in England was sent across the
Enlish Channel and most of the soldiers were returned safely to England.
Trapped in Dunkirk
Nazi Empire 1942
The Germans conquered France and most of Europe. They couldn’t
invade England because theBritish Navy was too strong. The Germans
invaded Russia with great initial success but eventual defeat.
Invasion of Russia
German Leader Adolph Hitler
El Alamein
First Battle of El Alamein
July 1942
Second Battle of El Alamein
Oct-Nov 1942
Rommel Montgomery
Battle of Stalingrad
The battle of Stalingrad was the biggest battle in history. Several million soldiers died.
It was the turning point of World War 2.
Normandy Invasion (1944)
On June 6, 1944 American and English Troops landed in Normandy, France. This was the largest
marine invasion in history. They took the Germans by surprise, but took heavy casualties on one of the
beaches (Omaha). This beach was guarded by high cliffs that the invaders had to climb.
Normandy Invasion Map Omaha Beach
The Holocaust
Adolph Hitler had a terrible hatred of Jews, Roma (Gipsies), and Gays. He started by placing them in
concentration camps. During the war, 1941-1945, these became slave and death camps. Using gas
chambers enabled the Nazis to kill over 6 million Jews and other minorities (men, women and children)
Entrance to Auschwitz where 2 million were killed Survivors of Auschwitz
Allied Leaders World War 2
In 1942, there were 3 main countries fighting Hitler. England was led by Winston
Churchill who rallied the country after the defeat in France. The US was led by Franklin
Roosevelt, who had guided the country through the Great Depression. Russia was led
by Joseph Stalin who was an evil dictator who had killed millions of Russians. However
when the Germans attacked and were very brutal, the Russians rallied behind Stalin.
There was also a French general, Charles de Gaulle, who fled France in 1940 and was
leading a Free French Movement. He became the leader of France after the war.
Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill in 1943 De Gaulle entering Paris after Liberation
The War in The Pacific (1941 - 1945)
The War in the Pacific between the United States and Japan began with a Japanese surprise
air attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941 that sank several battleships. It
ended in August 1945, when the United States dropped two nuclear weapons on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely destroying the Japanese cities.
Pearl Harbor Attack (1941) Atomic Bomb destroys Hiroshima(1945)
Japanese Empire 1942 -1945
Since 1931, Japan had been attacking China. In 1937, they seized all of
China's eastern cities killing many people. In 1941, in a series of
attacks beginning with Pearl Harbor, Japan captured Indonesia from
the Dutch, Southeast Asia from the French, Philippines from the US,
and Hong Kong and Singapore from the English. They held on to many
of these conquests until the US Navy and Marines pushed them back.
Korean War 1950 -1953
After World War 2, Korea was divided into two parts. North Korea became
Communist, South Korea was pro-American. In 1950, North Korea invaded
South Korea and almost conquered it. The US military held only a small tip in the far
south. However a successful naval landing allowed the US to get behind the North
Koreans and drive them all the way to the Chinese border. This caused the Chinese to
launch a surprise attack that drove the US troops back to the original border between
North and South. In 1953, the war ended with thousands dead but no change in the border
Map of attacks
Korean War Memorial in Washington DC
Painting of war
Vietnamese War (1945-1975)
Vietnam was a French colony conquered by the Japanese in World War 2. After World War 2, the French tried to regain their
colony, but guerrilla forces under Ho Chi Minh fought back. In 1953, they won a major battle at Dien Bien Phu and the French
left. Vietnam was divided into a Communist North and a pro-US South. There were supposed to be free elections but the US
thought the Communists would win and cancelled them. The US installed a dictator in the South which provoked a long war.
Eventually the Communists defeated the US-backed government in 1975 and Vietnam was united under the Communists
Map of the War
Ho Chi Minh
DC Vietnam War Memorial with names of 50,000 dead
Anti-war demonstrations in U.S.
Apocalypse Now
Watergate 1974
Liddy Dean
Assassinations and Terrorists
1865 -2018
Famous Assassinations 1865 -1961
1865 President Lincoln

after Civil War

1898 Empress Cisi

Alexander 2
1916 Rasputin
Ruasian Monk
1914 Archduke Ferdinand

of Austria-Hungary 

started World War 2

1940 Leon Trotsky

killed by order of Stalin

1881 President Garfield
1901 President McKinley
1923 Pancho Villa
Mexican Revolutionary
1948 Mahatma Ghandi

Indian Independence Leader
1961Patrice Lumumba

Congolese Leader
Famous Assassinations 1961 - 2007

President Kennedy

1968 Robert Kennedy

running for President

1964 Malcolm X

Civil Rights Leader

1968 Martin Luther King

Civil Rights Leader
1980 John Lennon

Beatle singer
1984 Indira Ghandi

Indian Prime Minister 1978 Harvey Milk

Gay Rights Leader

1995 Yitzhak Rabin

Israeli Prime Minister

1961Anwar Sadat

Egyptian President

2007 Benazir Bhutto

Pakistani Leader
1963 Ngo Dinh Diem

Vietnam President


Her Son

PM Rajiv
1967 Che Guevara

US -Terrorist Conflict
On September 11, 2001 Arab terrorists hijacked American airplanes and flew into the
World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. In response, the US invaded
Afghanistan where the Arab terrorist group, Al Quaeda and its leader Osama bin Ladin had its
headquarters. Iraq was also invaded because of false reports of connection to the terrorists. Iraq was
ruled by a dictator called Saddam Hussein and was a major oil producer. These wars are still underway.
Sept 11,
1998 American Embassy Bombings USS Cole 2000
Global War on Terror
On September 11, 2001 Arab terrorists hijacked American airplanes and flew into the World Trade Centers in New York and
the Pentagon in Washington. In response, the US invaded Afghanistan where the Arab terrorist group, Al Quaeda and its
leader Osama bin Ladin had its headquarters. Iraq was also invaded because of false reports of connection to the terrorists.
Iraq was ruled by a dictator called Saddam Hussein and was a major oil producer. Some of these wars are still underway.
Osama Bin Ladin
Killed 2011
Saddam Hussein
Killed 2006
Iraqi War 2003 -2017
Afganistan War
Syrian War
2011 - present
Abu Bakr al Bagdadhi
Killed 2018
Somali Civil War
1991 - present
Mohamed Aidid
Died 1996
Rick Steves Videos
European Wars 21th Century Ongoing Conflicts
Note that all of these Wars are in Eastern Europe outside EU

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Modern Western History

  • 1. Western European Civilization for Zoey and Kaya Created by GrandBob Muse Grandma
  • 2. Selected Slides from Modern Western European and North Amnerican History Most pictures and many text boxes have embedded links for more information This is an incomplete first draft
  • 3. This is an excerpt from World History Lessons for Zoey and Kaya Clickable links begin on next slide.
  • 4. European Overview Rulers of Europe from 400 BC to 1917 AD List of Conflicts in Europe European Empires History of Europe Timeline
  • 7. Scenic Western Europe Swiss Alps Italian Lakes German Rivers French Riviera Norwegian Fjords Gibraltar
  • 9. European Empires (1500 - 1991 AD) Great Divergence
  • 10. European History by Countries
  • 12. Austria Habsburg Empire 1556 Maria Theresa 1740-1760 Charles V 1519-1556 Rudolf I 1273-1291 Maximillian I 1508-1519 Francis II 1792-1835 Ottoman Siege of Vienna 1529 Ottoman Battle of Vienna 1683
  • 13. Austria-Hungary Emperor Franz Joseph Empress Sisi Hungarian Coronation Prince Rudolf Hungarian Revolution 1848 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • 15. Belgian Empire (1885- 1962) Belgium had several colonies in central Africa. The largest was the Congo which they was ruled very ruthlessly for many years from 1885 by King Leopold and only transferred to the Belgian government in 1908. Belgian Colonial Empire Evil King Leopold
  • 17. History of Cyprus Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–1573) Battle of Lepanto 1571 Makarios Cyprus Coup 1974 Turkish Invasion 1974
  • 19. French Religious Conflicts St Barthomolew Massacres 1572 Huguenots Edict of Nantes 1598 Henry IV 1589 -1610   Controlled by Huguenot nobility    Controlled by Catholic nobility   Contested between Huguenots and Catholic French Wars of Religion 1562 - 1598 Catherine de Medici 1547-1563 Duke of Guise Edict of Fontainebleau 1685
  • 20. Bourbon Kings after Henri IV Louis XIII 1610-1643 Louis XVI 1774- 1791 Louis XV 1715-1774 Louis XIV 1643 -1715 Louis XVIII 1814-1824 Charles X 1824-1830
  • 21. French Philosophers Pascal 1662 Diderot 1784 Rousseau 1778 Voltaire 1778 Descartes 1650 Montesquieu 1755
  • 22. French Revolution(1789 - 1815) In 1789, the French people revolted against their King and aristocracy. It began on July 14, with the storming of the Bastille prison and armory. The revolution started slowly but gained momentum with the execution of the King. Danton and Marat were leaders of the Revolution. Eventually Robespierre seized power and launched a Reign of Terror until he was overthrown and executed. Robespierre Execution of the King Storming of the Bastille Reign of Terror Marseillaise Marat Danton Movie Part 1 Movie Part 2 Documentary
  • 23. Napoleon’s Empire (1812) Red line is boundary of Napoleon’s empire before he invaded Russia Napoleon
  • 24. French Colonial Empire 1534 - 1958 The French Colonial Empire was the major competitor with Britain during the 1700’s. They fought a global war (1755 - 1763) that resulted in France losing its Canadian and Indian possessions. England had a better fleet because France (King Louis XIV) was focused more in Europe. Vietnam threw off French rule in 1953 as did Algeria in 1958 France held on to northwest Africa south of the Sahara and is still a major influence there. French Colonial Empire in blue Animated History of France
  • 25. Germany Animated History of Germany History of Germany in Video History of Germany in a Nutshell Detailed Timeline of German History History of Germany Timeline of German History Travel Guide These slides are from an earlier presentation on German History
  • 26. Early Modern Germany (1517- 1648) Thirty Years War(1618-1648) Martin Luther (1517) Peasant Rebellions German Peasant Rebellion (1525- 1526) Diet of Worms (1521) Mighty Fortress Thomas Muntzer Religious Division
  • 27. 1648–1815 Frederick the Great (1746 - 1786) Napoleonic Wars (1796- 1815) Holy Roman Empire (1700) Pennsylvania Dutch 9 Years War 1688-1689
  • 28. 1815–1871 Franco-Prussian War Austro-Prussian War 1848 Revolution Migration to US Karl Marx Communist Manifesto Napoleon III Kaiser Wilhelm I
  • 29. German Empire, 1871–1918 Bismarck Kaiser Wilhelm II World War I Anti-German Feeiing in US Patriotic Song Trench Warfare
  • 30. German Colonial Empire 1884 - 1918 After the unification of Germany under Prussia in 1870, Germany began building a colonial empire. It was based on earlier settlement by missionaries. During World War 1, Germany lost all her colonies. German Colonial Empire in black Rulers of Germany Animated History of Germany German Unification and Empire German Empire Anthem German Colonial Empire History
  • 31. Weimar Republic, 1919–1933 Hyperinflation Great Depression Beer Hall Putsch 1922 Hitler becomes Chancellor
  • 32. Hitler rules Germany (1932 - 1945) Germany suffered greatly after losing World War 1.They had to pay millions of dollars in reparations and their currency collapsed in 1921 (4 million marks for a loaf of bread).As they were recovering from this disaster, Germany was hit with the Great Depression. Millions of people lost their jobs.This enabled a Fascist politician, Adolph Hitler, to become Chancellor. Hitler was a powerful speaker showing great emotion. He instituted a dictatorship (as the Fuhrer) and became very popular by putting people back to work, many in military-related jobs. He used his military power to start World War 2 , which Germany eventually lost badly. Money to buy bread loaf (1921) Hitler Speeches Unemployed Workers (1932)
  • 33. Nazi Germany, 1933–1945 Austria US Ann Frank Auschwitz Youth Germany before the War Sophie Scholl Supporters Resisters Warsaw Ghetto Nuremberg 1936
  • 34. World War II (1939 - 1945) Operation Barbarossa
  • 35. Germany during the Cold War, 1945–1989 1953 Berlin Wall 1961 Airlift (1948) East and West Germany
  • 36. Federal Republic of Germany, 1989–present Most Admired Country Kohl Berlin Wall Falls (1989) Merkel EU 230 Covidiots
  • 37. Greece Timeline of Greek Modern History Travel Guide
  • 38. Modern Greek History Ioannis Kapodistrias 1828 -1831 Assasination 1831 King Otto 1833-1863 George I 1863 - 1913 Balkan Wars 1912-1913 Venizelos Greek War of Independence 1821 Ottoman-Greek War 1897
  • 39. Modern Greek History World War II Civil War 1946-1949 Military Junta 1967-1974 Papadoulous Karamanlis Economic Crisis 2009-2018
  • 41. Irish History St Patrick Daniel O’Connell Roger Casement Easter Rising 1916 Irish Famine 1845-1852 Irish Republican Army
  • 43. Italian Renaissance (1400 -1600) The Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of culture that was centered in Northern italy (Florence, Venice, Milan, Rome). It was comparable to Athens in the 4th century BC. Some of the outstanding artists included Michelangelo (David, Sistine Chapel), Raphael (School of Athens), and Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa, Last Supper). Lorenzo de Medici was the wealthy leader of Florence who supported both Leonardo and Michelangelo., Michelangelo David Leonardo Mona Lisa Raphael Socrates and Plato in the School of Athens Lorenzo de Medici Sistine Chapel
  • 44. Italian Nation Garibaldi Mazzini Cavour Victor Emanuel II Italian Unification Animated Map Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Kingdom of Sardinia History of Italy
  • 45. Italian Empire(1869 - 1947) Rome Today Venice Today Florence Today Tuscany Today
  • 46. Mussolini rules Italy (1922 - 1943) Italy was poor after World War 1. Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini led a march of “Black Shirts”on Rome.The Italian king made Mussolini, the head of the government. Mussolini became a dictator, calling himself the leader “Il Duce”. He was famous for giving speeches from a balcony in Rome. Mussolini entered World 2 on the side of Hitler which resulted in his overthrow by the US and execution by Italian guerillas. March on Rome (1922) Mussolini Speeches
  • 48. History of Malta Valleta Knights Hospitalier 1530 Ottoman Attack 1565 Caribbean Colonies Megalithic Temple
  • 49. The Netherlands History of the Netherlands Travel Guide
  • 50. Dutch Empire (1594 - 1948) Holland became a naval power and was able to obtain colonies in Asia (Indonesia) and the Americas. She replaced Portugal as the leading naval power but later lost out to the larger English resources. Dutch Colonial Empire Dutch East India Company 1601-1799  Dutch Golden Age 1588-1672  Dutch Revolt 1566-1648 Batavia 1619-1949 Dutch East Indies Batavia Massacre 1740
  • 52. Portugal John I 1420 Earthquake in 1755 Salazar 1950 John IV 1648 Marquis de Pombal 1765 Duke of Alba 1581 Battle of São Mamede 1128 Democratic Party 1920
  • 53. Portugese Routes with Winds Da Gama Dias Cabral Prince Henry Magellan
  • 55. Portugese Colonial Empire 1415 - 1974 Portugal was the first European power to reach India by going around Africa. They also established a small colony in Macau, China (given back to China in 1999) . Their biggest colony was Brazil (independent in1822) that was discovered by accident by a ship going around Africa. Portugal’s frican colonies became independent in 1974 Portugese Colonial Empire in red
  • 56. Scandinavia Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden History of Scandinavia Kalmar Union Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide
  • 58. Denmark Johann Friedrich Struensee 1770 Tausen 1535 Frederick 1 1530 Jelling Stones 970 Harald Bluetooth Louise Augusta 1790 Margaret I 1400 Denmark 1570
  • 61. Finland Ståhlberg 1919  Svinhufvud 1935 Mechelin 1905 Mannerheim 1945 Finnish Invasion of Russia 1941 Russian Invasion of Finland 1940 Niinistö 2021 Sibelius 1913
  • 62. Iceland Erik the Red Althing Finnbogadóttir Arnarson 874 Leif_Erikson Iceland Volcanoes
  • 63. Norway Haakon VII Dude in Oslo Constituent Assembly Constitution 1814 Bergen - Hanseatic League Quisling Olav V Princess Märtha Norwegian Fjords
  • 64. Sweden Gustavus Adolphus Gustav Vasa Vasa Ship Stockholm Bloodbath 1520 Charles XII 1710 Great Northern War 1700-1721
  • 66. Spanish Empire (1492 - 1898 AD) After the voyages of Columbus, Spanish Conquistadors conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico and the Inca Empire in Peru. They also colonized the Philippines , several Caribbean islands, and parts of the United States .They lost their South American and Mexican colonies to revolution at the beginning of the 19th century (1820 -1848). Most of the rest were lost to the US in the Spanish-American ar 0f 1898. Spanish Kings and Presidents Animated History of Spain
  • 67. Franco rules Spain (1939 - 1975) In 1936, Spain was ruled by a democratically elected Republic. A Fascist general Francisco Franco launched a military overthrow of the Republic.This led to a bitter bloody civil war. Franco was supported by Hitler, Mussolini, the Catholic Church, and large landowners.The Republic was supported by the middle class, peasants, the Communist Party, and international anti-Fascists. In 1939, Franco won the war and stayed in power for 26 more years because he stayed neutral in World War 2. In 1975, Spain returned to democracy Franco giving Fascist salute Picasso painting of Fascist bombing Guernica Fascists bombs destroy city of Guernica International Brigade and slogan Ernest Hemingway (center) wrote a famous novel about the International Brigade Valley of the Fallen
  • 69. History of Switzerland Swiss Guards Zwingli Wars of Kappel John Calvin
  • 70. United Kingdom History of Britain English History UK Travel Guide Scottish History Welsh History English Travel Guide Northern Ireland Travel Guide Scottish Travel Guide Welsh Travel Guide
  • 71. War of the Roses 1455-1487 Henry VI Edward IV Richard III Edward V in Tower Battle of Bosworth 1485 Margaret of Anjou
  • 72. Tudors Henry VII Henry VIII Mary Edward VI Elizabeth I Catherine of Aragon Ann Boleyn Jane Seymour Owen Tudor
  • 73. Stuarts Mary, Queen of Scots James I Guy Fawkes Lord Darnley Earl Bothwell Gun Powder Plot 1605
  • 74. English Revolutions (1642 -1651 AD and 1688 -1689 AD) Cromwell Charles I Charles II William Execution of Charles I James II and Mary Thomas Hobbes
  • 75. British Empire 1600 - 1970 The British Empire was the largest ever in the world. Below are all of the territories that they once ruled in pink. India was their prize colony Timeline of all English Kings British Exploitation of South Asia Large British Empire Website
  • 77. Smaller Countries Luxembourg Andorra Liechenstein Vatican San Marino Malta Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Travel Guide Rick Steves Video
  • 81. American Revolution In 1776, the American colonies revolted against Britain. They achieved independence in 1783 Signing Declaration of Independence (1776) General George Washington Thomas Jefferson Surrender of Cornwalis ending war Washinton crossing Delaware
  • 82. More American Revolution People Paine Franklin John Adams Henry Hamilton Arnold Lafayette Samuel Adams Jones Allen Revere Hancock
  • 83. American Wars (19th Century) American Presidents
  • 84. War of 1812 Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of New Orleans Burning of Washington USS Constitution
  • 85. Mexican - American (1848) America was expanding westward. Texas had revolted from Mexico in 1836. After a famous loss at the Alamo (300 men killed), Texas won its independence. In 1845, it joined the United States. In 1848, a border dispute between Mexico and the US led to a war. The US seized California. invaded Mexico, and captured Mexico City to win the war. The Alamo US Invasion of Mexico Troops fighting
  • 86. American Civil War (1861 -1865) The American South had grown wealthy on cotton and tobacco picked by slaves imported from Africa. When a Republican, Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, several states seceded. When war broke out, several more left to form the Confederate States of America. This resulted in a long and bloody war (600,000 dead). The war was finally won by the North restoring the Union and abolishing slavery. President Lincoln General Grant General Lee Slavery Battle of Gettysburg
  • 87. American Indian Wars (1609 - 1924) By the time of the American Civil War, European immigrants and their African slaves had displaced most of the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River. When the war ended, settlers poured into the West looking for farmlan and gold. The US government signed many treaties with the Indians that the government later broke. When the Indians fought back against the settlers and miners, the US sent him troops that massacred the Indians. The Indians under Sitting Bull had one big victory against General Custer at the Little Big Horn in Montana. Sitting Bull General Custer Custer's Last Stand Massacre of Indians at Wounded Knee, Colorado
  • 88. Spanish-American War (1898) In 1898, Spain was fighting against rebels in their Cuban colony. The US was sympathetic to the rebels. On February 15, a US battleship (Maine) blew up in Havana harbor. Newspapers in the US wanted to go to war and claimed that the ship had been blown up by Spain. (This was never proven). War was declared and easily won by the US which captured Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Theodore Roosevelt led a group of "Rough Riders” up a hill in Cuba. This made him a war hero and led to him becoming President in 1901. Roosevelt leading the charge Maine exploding Cuba and Puerto Rico The Philippines Battle of Manila Bay
  • 90. French Canada Battle of Quebec 1763 Cartier French and Indian War Champlain La Salle Montcalm Wolfe
  • 92. Canadian History Timeline of Canadian History Battle of Quebec 1775 Rebellions 1838-1839 Lower Canada Rebelion Upper Canada Rebellion Patriot War Patriote Movement Chateauguay Battle 1813 Hudson Bay Company 1670 -1869 Rupert’s Land Rupert’s Land Canada 1838
  • 93. Canadian History History of British Columbia James Douglas Amor De Cosmos Joseph Howe History of Nova Scotia Acadian Civil War 1635-1654 Joey Smallwood History of Newfoundland
  • 94. Famous Canadians in History John McDonald Lord Durham Louis Riel William Cornelius Van Horne Maurice Duplessis Pierre Trudeau Mackenzie Papineau Tommy Douglas Justin Trudeau
  • 95. European History by Dates Involving multiple countries usually wars
  • 96. Modern Western Civilization by Centuries 15th Century 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th Century 21th Century List of Conflicts
  • 98. Europe Conflicts 15th Century Hanseatic League Ottoman - Venetian War 1463 -1479 Hussite Wars 1419-1434 Anglo-Hanseatic War 1469-1474 Thirteen Years War 1454-1466)
  • 100. European Wars16th Century Anglo-Spanish Wars 1585 -1604 Italian Wars 1494-1559 Dano-Swedish War 1501-1512 War of the League of Cognac 1526-1530 Northern 7 Years War 1563-1570 War of the League of Cambrai 1508-1516
  • 101. Protestant Reformation (1517 -1648) Since the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church was a major power in Europe. Its influence was based on religious belief that allowed the Church to accumulate great wealth. The leader of the Church (Pope) and the various bishops were often corrupt, selling indulgences (reduced time in purgatory), and threatening excommunication. In addition, the bible was only in Latin that could not be understood by most people. Religious reformers in several countries (Luthor in Germany) and (Calvin in Switzerland) rebelled against he Catholic Church and started the Protestant religions. England became Prostestant because King Henry VIII wanted a divorce which was not possible for Catholics. There were many bitter battles between Protestants and Catholics in Germany, France, and England. Martin Luther John Calvin King Henry VIII
  • 103. European Wars 17th Century Thirty Years War Dutch-Portugese War Eighty Years War Population Decline
  • 106. European Wars 18th Century War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1714 War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748 Seven Years War 1756-1763 Europe 1748 War of the Quadruple Alliance 1718-1720
  • 108. European Wars 19th Century Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 Crimean War 1853-1856 Franco-Prussian War 1870 Austro-Prussian War 1866 Greek War of Independence 1821-1828 Italian Wars of Independence • First Italian War of Independence (1848–1849) • Second Italian War of Independence (1859) • Third Italian War of Independence (1866) • Fourth Italian War of Independence (1915–1918)
  • 109. Western Europe (1848, 1871) During 1848, revolutions took place in Western Europe. In France, King Louis Phillipe was forced to abdicate and was replaced by a republic. The first elected President ws Napoleon’s nephew, Louis Napoleon who soon proclaimed himself Emperor, Napoleon III. In the German states like Prussia, there were popular uprising that were crushed. Many Germans fled to the US. One of the revolutionaries, Karl Marx, fled to England and started the Communist movement with Friedrich Engels writing the Communist Manifesto. In Italy, Giuseppi Garibaldi led revolutionary troops that eventually unified Italy in 1861. In 1870, Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck of Prussia provoked and won wars with Austria and France. Napoleon III was forced to abdicate in France and was succeeded by a Third Republic. Napoleon III 1873 Garibaldi 1882 Karl Marx 1883 Engels 1895 Paris Commune 1871 Communist Manifesto 1848
  • 110. Napoleon’s Empire (1812) Red line is boundary of Napoleon’s empire before he invaded Russia Napoleon
  • 111. Western Europe (1848, 1870) During 1848, revolutions took place in Western Europe. In France, King Louis Phillipe was forced to abdicate and was replaced by a republic. The first elected President ws Napoleon’s nephew, Louis Napoleon who soon proclaimed himself Emperor, Napoleon III. In the German states like Prussia, there were popular uprising that were crushed. Many Germans fled to the US. One of the revolutionaries, Karl Marx, fled to England and started the Communist movement with a Manifesto. In Italy, Giuseppi Garibaldi led revolutionary troops that eventually unified Italy in 1861. In 1870, Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck of Prussia provoked and won wars with Austria and France. Napoleon III was forced to abdicate in France and was succeeded by a Third Republic. Germany was united under the leadership of the Kaiser of Prussia. Napoleon III Garibaldi Karl Marx Bismarck Kaiser Wilhelm I
  • 113. European Wars 20th Century Easter Uprising 1916 Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922 Irish War of Independence 1919-1921 World War I 1914-1918 World War II 1939- 1945 Silesian Uprisings 1919 -1921 Allied Intervention in Russia 1918-1925
  • 115. World War 1 (1914-1918) Wilson Lloyd George Clemenceau
  • 116. ` The Spanish Flu spread during and after World War 1. The nations fighting hid the disease spread with only neutral Spain reporting on the disease. The resulting pandemic killed more people (over 20 million) than the World War. Patients of the Spanish Flu Victims of the Spanish Flu Spread of the Spanish Flu
  • 117. World War II (1939 - 1945) Stalingrad Normandy City of Stalingrad Victory Statue Allied Invasions
  • 118. Germany attacks France (1914 and 1940) In World War 1, Germany attacked France through Belgium and was stopped before Paris. Before World War 2, France fortified their northern border with the Maginot Line of bunkers. They left their eastern border unfortified because they thought the Germans would not be able to attack through t he Ardennes forest. When the Germans blitzkrieg burst through there, the French were trapped and forced to surrender. The English army made it to the Atlantic Coast (Dunkirk) where they were saved by small boats. Germany also occupied France’s North African colonies (Morocco. Algeria, Tunisia) World War 1 World War 2 Casablanca Morocco
  • 119. Dunkirk (1940) After the German breakthrough in France, the English army was forced to retreat to the Atlantic coast. There were 300,000 troops surrounded and trapped. Every small boat in England was sent across the Enlish Channel and most of the soldiers were returned safely to England. Evacuation Trapped in Dunkirk
  • 120. Nazi Empire 1942 The Germans conquered France and most of Europe. They couldn’t invade England because theBritish Navy was too strong. The Germans invaded Russia with great initial success but eventual defeat. Invasion of Russia German Leader Adolph Hitler
  • 121. El Alamein First Battle of El Alamein July 1942 Second Battle of El Alamein Oct-Nov 1942 Rommel Montgomery
  • 122. Battle of Stalingrad The battle of Stalingrad was the biggest battle in history. Several million soldiers died. It was the turning point of World War 2.
  • 123. Normandy Invasion (1944) On June 6, 1944 American and English Troops landed in Normandy, France. This was the largest marine invasion in history. They took the Germans by surprise, but took heavy casualties on one of the beaches (Omaha). This beach was guarded by high cliffs that the invaders had to climb. Normandy Invasion Map Omaha Beach
  • 124. The Holocaust Adolph Hitler had a terrible hatred of Jews, Roma (Gipsies), and Gays. He started by placing them in concentration camps. During the war, 1941-1945, these became slave and death camps. Using gas chambers enabled the Nazis to kill over 6 million Jews and other minorities (men, women and children) Entrance to Auschwitz where 2 million were killed Survivors of Auschwitz
  • 125. Allied Leaders World War 2 In 1942, there were 3 main countries fighting Hitler. England was led by Winston Churchill who rallied the country after the defeat in France. The US was led by Franklin Roosevelt, who had guided the country through the Great Depression. Russia was led by Joseph Stalin who was an evil dictator who had killed millions of Russians. However when the Germans attacked and were very brutal, the Russians rallied behind Stalin. There was also a French general, Charles de Gaulle, who fled France in 1940 and was leading a Free French Movement. He became the leader of France after the war. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill in 1943 De Gaulle entering Paris after Liberation
  • 126. The War in The Pacific (1941 - 1945) The War in the Pacific between the United States and Japan began with a Japanese surprise air attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941 that sank several battleships. It ended in August 1945, when the United States dropped two nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely destroying the Japanese cities. Pearl Harbor Attack (1941) Atomic Bomb destroys Hiroshima(1945)
  • 127. Japanese Empire 1942 -1945 Since 1931, Japan had been attacking China. In 1937, they seized all of China's eastern cities killing many people. In 1941, in a series of attacks beginning with Pearl Harbor, Japan captured Indonesia from the Dutch, Southeast Asia from the French, Philippines from the US, and Hong Kong and Singapore from the English. They held on to many of these conquests until the US Navy and Marines pushed them back.
  • 128. Korean War 1950 -1953 After World War 2, Korea was divided into two parts. North Korea became Communist, South Korea was pro-American. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and almost conquered it. The US military held only a small tip in the far south. However a successful naval landing allowed the US to get behind the North Koreans and drive them all the way to the Chinese border. This caused the Chinese to launch a surprise attack that drove the US troops back to the original border between North and South. In 1953, the war ended with thousands dead but no change in the border Map of attacks Korean War Memorial in Washington DC Painting of war
  • 129. Vietnamese War (1945-1975) Vietnam was a French colony conquered by the Japanese in World War 2. After World War 2, the French tried to regain their colony, but guerrilla forces under Ho Chi Minh fought back. In 1953, they won a major battle at Dien Bien Phu and the French left. Vietnam was divided into a Communist North and a pro-US South. There were supposed to be free elections but the US thought the Communists would win and cancelled them. The US installed a dictator in the South which provoked a long war. Eventually the Communists defeated the US-backed government in 1975 and Vietnam was united under the Communists Map of the War Ho Chi Minh DC Vietnam War Memorial with names of 50,000 dead Anti-war demonstrations in U.S. Apocalypse Now
  • 132. Famous Assassinations 1865 -1961 1865 President Lincoln after Civil War 1898 Empress Cisi 1881Tsar Alexander 2 1916 Rasputin Ruasian Monk 1914 Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary started World War 2 
 1940 Leon Trotsky killed by order of Stalin 1881 President Garfield 1901 President McKinley 1923 Pancho Villa Mexican Revolutionary 1948 Mahatma Ghandi Indian Independence Leader 1961Patrice Lumumba Congolese Leader
  • 133. Famous Assassinations 1961 - 2007 1963 President Kennedy 1968 Robert Kennedy running for President 1964 Malcolm X Civil Rights Leader 1968 Martin Luther King Civil Rights Leader 1980 John Lennon Beatle singer 1984 Indira Ghandi Indian Prime Minister 1978 Harvey Milk Gay Rights Leader 
 1995 Yitzhak Rabin Israeli Prime Minister 1961Anwar Sadat Egyptian President 2007 Benazir Bhutto Pakistani Leader 1963 Ngo Dinh Diem Vietnam President 1991 Her Son PM Rajiv 1967 Che Guevara Revolutionary
  • 134. US -Terrorist Conflict On September 11, 2001 Arab terrorists hijacked American airplanes and flew into the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. In response, the US invaded Afghanistan where the Arab terrorist group, Al Quaeda and its leader Osama bin Ladin had its headquarters. Iraq was also invaded because of false reports of connection to the terrorists. Iraq was ruled by a dictator called Saddam Hussein and was a major oil producer. These wars are still underway. Sept 11, 2001 1998 American Embassy Bombings USS Cole 2000
  • 135. Global War on Terror On September 11, 2001 Arab terrorists hijacked American airplanes and flew into the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. In response, the US invaded Afghanistan where the Arab terrorist group, Al Quaeda and its leader Osama bin Ladin had its headquarters. Iraq was also invaded because of false reports of connection to the terrorists. Iraq was ruled by a dictator called Saddam Hussein and was a major oil producer. Some of these wars are still underway. Osama Bin Ladin Killed 2011 Saddam Hussein Killed 2006 Iraqi War 2003 -2017 Afganistan War 2001-2021 Syrian War 2011 - present Abu Bakr al Bagdadhi Killed 2018 Somali Civil War 1991 - present Mohamed Aidid Died 1996
  • 137. References Rick Steves Videos European Wars 21th Century Ongoing Conflicts Note that all of these Wars are in Eastern Europe outside EU