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Mobile Marketing Tips
Don’t lose out to your competitors.
Make sure you have the mobile competitive edge
Understanding the mobile user experience
is vital for every marketer to maximize their
campaign effectiveness. Most consumers
now have constant connectivity - whether
this is by smartphone, tablet or computer -
they are ‘always on, always connected’.
Currently, 1.75 billion people worldwide
own a smartphone, with the US having
173 million smartphone users, making
up almost 72% of their mobile market
Online shopping on mobiles has recently
overtaken desktop for the first time -
52% of website visits are now made via
a mobile device, and some impressive
Christmas 2014 statistics in the US from
IBM include:
	 Mobile accounted for 57.1% of all online 	
	 Christmas shopping traffic, up 18.6% 	
	 from 2013
	 Mobile made up 34.8% of total Christmas
	 Day online sales, an increase of 20.4% 	
	 from 2013
Tablet users are valuable - 72% of tablet
owners make purchases from their devices
on a weekly basis (Google), 52% of tablet
users say they prefer to shop using their
tablet rather than their PC (Alexander
Interactive) and tablet users spend 50%
more than PC users and are 3x more likely
to purchase than smartphone visitors
Whatever message you want to send,
whether it’s personalized content on
a webpage, mobile push message,
proximity alert or an optimized email it is
more and more likely to be received and
viewed on a smartphone.
Add mobile value to your marketing
campaigns using our easy to implement tips.
Avoid a mobile
disaster in your
marketing campaigns
Sounds obvious? But how many emails do
you still get that aren’t mobile optimized?
Check how your optimized emails appear
across a number of different smartphones
and tablets to make sure they look amazing
across all mobile devices.
30% of mobile shoppers abandon a
transaction if their experience is not
optimized (MoPowered).
A customer’s local store information
should always be included in your email
campaigns. However, the challenge for
marketers is knowing where the customer
considers local: Close to home? Near their
work? Somewhere else?
Rather than second guess which is the
most important, simply direct them to
their nearest store when the email is
opened on a mobile device using GPS
data as a reference. If the email is opened
on a desktop, then use its IP address
cross-referenced with previous store
purchase data, which will help identify
their nearest store.
Dwell time for an email can be as short as
3 seconds. On mobile devices especially,
the key to ensuring the success of a
campaign is the visual presentation of
calls to action. These need to stand out on
the page and be immediately recognizable
when the page is rapidly scanned.
On mobile devices, screen space and
resolution may make it difficult to pick
up on more subtle designs. Ensure that
it is obvious to the reader what the email
is about, why the email is relevant to the
recipient and what they can do next to
find out more.
Mobile best practice for building emails:
	 On average, email recipients on a 		
	 mobile device take 2 to 5 seconds to 	
	 decide if email is worth reading
	 If recipients do scroll down (only 50% 	
	 do), most don’t scroll back up
	 Always design your email with the above-	
	 the-fold mark in mind with at least one 	
	 primary CTA visible on open
	 The email reading order is typically -
	 headline, bullet points, CTA, then 		
	 paragraph copy
	 Email recipients can click all over the 	
	 place including in non-clickable areas.
	 So, more links = more clicks
	 Time, location, proximity – understand 	
	 when, where and how close your mobile 	
	 customers are when they’re searching. 	
	 Use these to personalize your CTA
	 Use geo-location to contextualize your 	
	 The ideal subject line length that 		
	 achieves the highest click rate is 28-39 	
Companies who want to achieve mobile
success need to think about how to deliver
mobile content. It is not good enough just
to adapt a desktop strategy to fit mobile
users as they have different requirements.
	 If your website isn’t optimized you will be
	 losing sales - check your website 		
	 navigation works across smartphones 	
	 and tablets
	 Check the speed of your page loading -
	 57% of mobile customers will abandon 	
	 your site if they have to wait 3 seconds 	
	 for a page to load (Strangeloop 		
	 Networks) with 70% of tablet users 	
	 expecting a website to load in two 	
	 seconds or less (Compuware). Vitally,
	 every 100 millisecond increase in load 	
	 time decreases sales by 1% (Amazon)
Personalized campaigns triggered by
browsing behavior can drive conversion rates
up to 10x higher than standard promotional
campaigns. In-store, online or social
engagement behavioral data can be used
to automatically trigger a campaign send.
Since the message is sent when the
customer has shown they are ‘in the
market’ to buy, your customer can be
gently pushed to convert without reverting
to price based incentives.
The optimal time to send a campaign
message, and indeed the channel through
which it should be sent, should be an
integral part of campaign planning and
ongoing optimization plans.
Showrooming – where consumers shop
online after experiencing the product in a
physical store
With 80% of smartphone users using their
mobiles for shopping research and 80%
of those doing their research in-store,
price transparency is vitally important
for mobile customers. Showrooming is
on the rise as smartphone penetration
increases. So how do you reduce the
number of store walkouts from the result
of smartphone usage?
How to prevent showrooming:
Reward your shoppers in-store, securing
	 an edge over online only competitors
Implement staff training to deal with 	
	 showrooming enquiries and connected 	
	 customers. Set and distribute a company 	
	 policy that deals with how staff handle
	 price match requests
Consider selective price matching instead
	 of matching online prices for all items. 	
	 Alongside stocking exclusive items, this
	 helps keep customers returning to the store
	 Offer more unique items in-store to 	
	 discourage showrooming. 50% of Macy’s 	
	 inventory is made up of products only 	
	 available in Macy’s locations
Offer a service where in-store out-		
	 of-stock items will be shipped to the 	
	 customer’s home for free, thus making 	
	 your high street presence an extension 	
	 of your online presence
	 People use mobile devices to enhance 	
	 their in-store shopping experience – 	
	 make sure you offer extra content 		
	 (videos, rate and reviews etc) to give 	
	 your store visitors more incentive to buy
Offer free WiFi to help consumers redeem 	
	 mobile vouchers/scan QR codes etc instore
Fighting showrooming using beacon
The US consumer electronics giant GameStop
is fighting showrooming by introducing
real-time promotions, information plus
ratings and reviews to smartphone users
directly in-store via beacons.
Beacons trigger expert content, relevant
data and more when browsing a product
area. Installed on shelving to deliver
an enhanced shopping experience to
their stores, beacons help eliminate the
need for additional online research and
showrooming, while saving shoppers time
and increasing buying power to make
decisions based on immediate information.
Webrooming (also known as Reverse
Showrooming) – where consumers
research products online before going
into the store to purchase
	 Webrooming will result in $1.8 trillion
	 in sales by 2017
	 Ecommerce sales should reach
	 $370 billion in 2017
	 Webrooming is where retail’s future 	
	 winners will dominate
	 (Forrester Research)
	 69% of people in the US webroom while 	
	only 46% showroom
	 (Harris Poll)
What makes customers want to come
in-store to make or complete a purchase?
Here are a few reasons customers choose
webrooming over showrooming
(Merchant Warehouse):
like to touch and feel a
product before they buy
will ask the store to match
a price found online
like the option of being able
to return the item if needed
don’t want to wait for delivery
don’t want to pay for shipping
How to promote webrooming:
Go omni-channel with highly personalized 	
	 cross-selling initiatives delivered to the 	
	 right customers at the right time. This 	
	 opportunity enhances sales across all 	
	 Engage customers with context driven 	
	 incentives. Sending location-specific 	
	 mobile vouchers and coupons that can 	
	 be redeemed nearby can entice a 		
	 potential purchaser in-store
	 Give in-store customers great service
	 that is harder to replicate online
Offer consumers useful and relevant 	
	 mobile accessible information such as 	
	 videos, rate and reviews or similar to 	
	 drive them into store and encourage 	
	 sales conversions
	 Engage shopper’s opinions – take
	 advantage of shoppers who are on their
	 mobile in-store, by asking them to 		
	 engage via social media, which could 	
	 also be incentivised
A good example of a successful webrooming
technique was shown by Lowe’s home
improvement stores in the US, who used a Vine
mobile campaign tagged #LowesFixInSix
to encourage customers to create and post
short six-second video clips of their home
improvement solutions. This is a perfect
example of how a brand gives consumers
useful and relevant information in a mobile-
friendly way and ultimately drives these mobile
shoppers into a local store. It also landed the
brand a Bronze Cyber Lion at Cannes and a
Silver Clio and a Mashies Best in Show.
If a business commits to offering useful
content, engaging with customers and
republishing their content, sharing images,
videos and insider information, this will
engage and increase audiences.
Webrooming is at a critical intersection of
the digital and physical worlds. Showrooming
may be a problem, but webrooming could
be the solution. Closing the online and offline
loop is now possible, which is more important
for retailers to ensure their marketing success.
Both the retailer and the consumer will
benefit from a single marketing initiative.
At each step, think about what your mobile
customers need when they interact with
your business.
“By placing mobile at the center of the omni-channel strategy,
retailers and brands will enable a new level of interaction,
engagement, conversation and loyalty. And revenue”
The greatest priority is to build a mobile
website that is actually designed for mobile
rather than just a resized desktop site.
There are three ways to do this:
	 Use responsive web design
	 Dynamically serve different HTML on 	
	 the same web address depending on
	 the device viewing content
	 Create mobile-first not desktop-lite 	
	 destinations. Build a mobile-optimized 	
	 website that you continue to optimize 	
	 over time
What % of your website traffic and search
enquiries comes from mobile devices?
Look at your mobile data in a timely
manner and react accordingly.
Important points to consider for your mobile marketing plans
Moving forward
Make frequent updates, for example
allowing users to access store specific
real-time inventory and pricing as well
as product location information in-store.
Include a ‘current location’ search, enable
faster checkout process and offer simplified
website content.
Companies who understand the importance
of mobile and have a person or department
who can carry the message across their
company are less likely to miss out on
opportunities. Those who don’t may lose
out on the sense of urgency that mobile
opportunities bring.
Beacons, or iBeacons, are an important
retail technology, being rapidly adopted
by businesses with a bricks-and-mortar
presence. They enable location-based
targeted mobile marketing solutions.
Beacons, both physical and virtual, join
the gap between online and offline
marketing and have a big role to play in
the future of retail. They allow you to
send real-time messages to customers’
smartphones when they are in a physical
environment. This technology allows
contextualized marketing for a mobile
world - beacons tell a marketer when
their customer visits a store; they allow
predictive recommendation technology
that serves up-to-the-second content
at the precise moment the customer
opens their email, offer or visits their site;
and they give insights that effortlessly
generate a truly personalized experience.
If you want the benefits of
beaconing but don’t want to invest
in the hardware, consider virtual
beacons as an alternative.
What is a virtual beacon?
Indoor tracking and navigation is a
fundamental requirement for context-
aware smartphone applications. Virtual
beacons are a responsive indoor
mapping system that is extremely
fast and highly accurate. Pinpoint the
position of a user from smartphone
accelerometer and magnetometer
measurements only, without physical
beacons, equipment or WiFi - the only
required information is a floor plan. This
cost effective, energy efficient approach
to indoor mapping enables always-on
background localization.
Beacons can now be replaced by
virtual beacons, removing the
implementation and management
How to successfully drive revenue
using beacons:
UK retailer OFFICE Shoes wanted a solution
that would tie together multiple marketing
channels and provide a seamless in-store
and digital customer experience. Following
the launch of a beacon-enabled app,
OFFICE used beacons and the SmartFocus
Message Cloud marketing platform to
deliver offers and push notifications to their
customers plus an in-app competition.
Real-time offers were sent to app users
in-store using beacon technology and had
over 80% engagement levels. Customers
using the OFFICE app also received
a beacon-enabled personalized email
directly after their visit in-store. This
resulted in an extremely high open rate of
71% and an impressive click-through rate
of 40%, as well as increased revenue from
in-store visits.
True proximity marketing
is now a reality. Marketers
are empowered to create
personalized messages that
are not just context-aware,
but context driven. With the
bridging of the gap between
online and offline, omni-
channel marketing becomes
an imperative. Marketers who
embrace this new world will
deliver more conversions,
happier customers and more
SmartFocus Inc
18 West 18th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10011, USA
Tel: +1 (646) 356-1169
Fax: +1 (646) 783-7982
SmartFocus UK
Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Sq
London, WC1H 9LT, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7554 4500
Fax: +44 (0)20 7554 4501
SmartFocus is an innovator in messaging and communications,
enabling the world’s largest brands – including Mercedes-Benz,
Nestlé and House of Fraser – to understand and connect more
closely with today’s connected consumers; whether that be via
web, mobile, email or social channels.
Through The Message Cloud solution, SmartFocus genuinely
listens to and learns from customers using patented algorithms
and unique location-based marketing tools.
Using The Message Cloud, SmartFocus customers have the
rich data, intelligence and the tools for contextually unique
engagements, through any digital channel.
Get in touch with us to find out more.

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Mobile Marketing Tips

  • 2. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 2 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS Don’t lose out to your competitors. Make sure you have the mobile competitive edge Understanding the mobile user experience is vital for every marketer to maximize their campaign effectiveness. Most consumers now have constant connectivity - whether this is by smartphone, tablet or computer - they are ‘always on, always connected’. Currently, 1.75 billion people worldwide own a smartphone, with the US having 173 million smartphone users, making up almost 72% of their mobile market (comScore). Online shopping on mobiles has recently overtaken desktop for the first time - 52% of website visits are now made via a mobile device, and some impressive Christmas 2014 statistics in the US from IBM include: Mobile accounted for 57.1% of all online Christmas shopping traffic, up 18.6% from 2013 Mobile made up 34.8% of total Christmas Day online sales, an increase of 20.4% from 2013 Tablet users are valuable - 72% of tablet owners make purchases from their devices on a weekly basis (Google), 52% of tablet users say they prefer to shop using their tablet rather than their PC (Alexander Interactive) and tablet users spend 50% more than PC users and are 3x more likely to purchase than smartphone visitors (Adobe). Whatever message you want to send, whether it’s personalized content on a webpage, mobile push message, proximity alert or an optimized email it is more and more likely to be received and viewed on a smartphone. Add mobile value to your marketing campaigns using our easy to implement tips. Avoid a mobile disaster in your marketing campaigns
  • 3. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 3 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS 21 MAKE SURE YOUR EMAILS ARE OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE DEVICES Sounds obvious? But how many emails do you still get that aren’t mobile optimized? Check how your optimized emails appear across a number of different smartphones and tablets to make sure they look amazing across all mobile devices. 30% of mobile shoppers abandon a transaction if their experience is not optimized (MoPowered). OFFER LOCATION BASED STORE INFORMATION WHEN YOUR EMAIL IS OPENED A customer’s local store information should always be included in your email campaigns. However, the challenge for marketers is knowing where the customer considers local: Close to home? Near their work? Somewhere else? Rather than second guess which is the most important, simply direct them to their nearest store when the email is opened on a mobile device using GPS data as a reference. If the email is opened on a desktop, then use its IP address cross-referenced with previous store purchase data, which will help identify their nearest store.
  • 4. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 4 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS 3 MAKE MOBILE ENGAGEMENT EASY Dwell time for an email can be as short as 3 seconds. On mobile devices especially, the key to ensuring the success of a campaign is the visual presentation of calls to action. These need to stand out on the page and be immediately recognizable when the page is rapidly scanned. On mobile devices, screen space and resolution may make it difficult to pick up on more subtle designs. Ensure that it is obvious to the reader what the email is about, why the email is relevant to the recipient and what they can do next to find out more. Mobile best practice for building emails: On average, email recipients on a mobile device take 2 to 5 seconds to decide if email is worth reading If recipients do scroll down (only 50% do), most don’t scroll back up Always design your email with the above- the-fold mark in mind with at least one primary CTA visible on open The email reading order is typically - headline, bullet points, CTA, then paragraph copy Email recipients can click all over the place including in non-clickable areas. So, more links = more clicks Time, location, proximity – understand when, where and how close your mobile customers are when they’re searching. Use these to personalize your CTA Use geo-location to contextualize your messages The ideal subject line length that achieves the highest click rate is 28-39 characters
  • 5. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 5 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS OPTIMIZING FOR MOBILE SEARCH Companies who want to achieve mobile success need to think about how to deliver mobile content. It is not good enough just to adapt a desktop strategy to fit mobile users as they have different requirements. If your website isn’t optimized you will be losing sales - check your website navigation works across smartphones and tablets Check the speed of your page loading - 57% of mobile customers will abandon your site if they have to wait 3 seconds for a page to load (Strangeloop Networks) with 70% of tablet users expecting a website to load in two seconds or less (Compuware). Vitally, every 100 millisecond increase in load time decreases sales by 1% (Amazon) 4 INCREASE CONVERSION RATES BY TIMING BROWSING BASED EMAIL CAMPAIGNS Personalized campaigns triggered by browsing behavior can drive conversion rates up to 10x higher than standard promotional campaigns. In-store, online or social engagement behavioral data can be used to automatically trigger a campaign send. Since the message is sent when the customer has shown they are ‘in the market’ to buy, your customer can be gently pushed to convert without reverting to price based incentives. The optimal time to send a campaign message, and indeed the channel through which it should be sent, should be an integral part of campaign planning and ongoing optimization plans. 5
  • 6. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 6 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS Showrooming – where consumers shop online after experiencing the product in a physical store With 80% of smartphone users using their mobiles for shopping research and 80% of those doing their research in-store, price transparency is vitally important for mobile customers. Showrooming is on the rise as smartphone penetration increases. So how do you reduce the number of store walkouts from the result of smartphone usage? How to prevent showrooming: Reward your shoppers in-store, securing an edge over online only competitors Implement staff training to deal with showrooming enquiries and connected customers. Set and distribute a company policy that deals with how staff handle price match requests Consider selective price matching instead of matching online prices for all items. Alongside stocking exclusive items, this helps keep customers returning to the store Offer more unique items in-store to discourage showrooming. 50% of Macy’s inventory is made up of products only available in Macy’s locations 6 Offer a service where in-store out- of-stock items will be shipped to the customer’s home for free, thus making your high street presence an extension of your online presence People use mobile devices to enhance their in-store shopping experience – make sure you offer extra content (videos, rate and reviews etc) to give your store visitors more incentive to buy Offer free WiFi to help consumers redeem mobile vouchers/scan QR codes etc instore Fighting showrooming using beacon technology: The US consumer electronics giant GameStop is fighting showrooming by introducing real-time promotions, information plus ratings and reviews to smartphone users directly in-store via beacons. Beacons trigger expert content, relevant data and more when browsing a product area. Installed on shelving to deliver an enhanced shopping experience to their stores, beacons help eliminate the need for additional online research and showrooming, while saving shoppers time and increasing buying power to make decisions based on immediate information. MAKE SHOWROOMING WORK FOR YOU
  • 7. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 7 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS 47% 23% 46% 36% 37% PROMOTE WEBROOMING Webrooming (also known as Reverse Showrooming) – where consumers research products online before going into the store to purchase Webrooming will result in $1.8 trillion in sales by 2017 Ecommerce sales should reach $370 billion in 2017 Webrooming is where retail’s future winners will dominate (Forrester Research) 69% of people in the US webroom while only 46% showroom (Harris Poll) 7 What makes customers want to come in-store to make or complete a purchase? Here are a few reasons customers choose webrooming over showrooming (Merchant Warehouse): like to touch and feel a product before they buy will ask the store to match a price found online like the option of being able to return the item if needed don’t want to wait for delivery don’t want to pay for shipping
  • 8. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 8 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS How to promote webrooming: Go omni-channel with highly personalized cross-selling initiatives delivered to the right customers at the right time. This opportunity enhances sales across all channels Engage customers with context driven incentives. Sending location-specific mobile vouchers and coupons that can be redeemed nearby can entice a potential purchaser in-store Give in-store customers great service that is harder to replicate online Offer consumers useful and relevant mobile accessible information such as videos, rate and reviews or similar to drive them into store and encourage sales conversions Engage shopper’s opinions – take advantage of shoppers who are on their mobile in-store, by asking them to engage via social media, which could also be incentivised A good example of a successful webrooming technique was shown by Lowe’s home improvement stores in the US, who used a Vine mobile campaign tagged #LowesFixInSix to encourage customers to create and post short six-second video clips of their home improvement solutions. This is a perfect example of how a brand gives consumers useful and relevant information in a mobile- friendly way and ultimately drives these mobile shoppers into a local store. It also landed the brand a Bronze Cyber Lion at Cannes and a Silver Clio and a Mashies Best in Show. If a business commits to offering useful content, engaging with customers and republishing their content, sharing images, videos and insider information, this will engage and increase audiences. Webrooming is at a critical intersection of the digital and physical worlds. Showrooming may be a problem, but webrooming could be the solution. Closing the online and offline loop is now possible, which is more important for retailers to ensure their marketing success. Both the retailer and the consumer will benefit from a single marketing initiative. At each step, think about what your mobile customers need when they interact with your business. “By placing mobile at the center of the omni-channel strategy, retailers and brands will enable a new level of interaction, engagement, conversation and loyalty. And revenue” FITFORCOMMERCE
  • 9. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 9 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS 1. MOBILE OPTIMIZED WEBSITES The greatest priority is to build a mobile website that is actually designed for mobile rather than just a resized desktop site. There are three ways to do this: Use responsive web design Dynamically serve different HTML on the same web address depending on the device viewing content Create mobile-first not desktop-lite destinations. Build a mobile-optimized website that you continue to optimize over time 2. REVIEW YOUR MOBILE STATISTICS OFTEN What % of your website traffic and search enquiries comes from mobile devices? Look at your mobile data in a timely manner and react accordingly. Important points to consider for your mobile marketing plans Moving forward 3. REGULARLY EVALUATE YOUR MOBILE WEBSITE PERFORMANCE AND OPTIMIZE BASED ON WHAT YOU LEARN Make frequent updates, for example allowing users to access store specific real-time inventory and pricing as well as product location information in-store. Include a ‘current location’ search, enable faster checkout process and offer simplified website content. 4. NOMINATE A MOBILE CHAMPION IN YOUR COMPANY Companies who understand the importance of mobile and have a person or department who can carry the message across their company are less likely to miss out on opportunities. Those who don’t may lose out on the sense of urgency that mobile opportunities bring.
  • 10. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 10 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS 5. IMPLEMENT VIRTUAL OR PHYSICAL BEACONS Beacons, or iBeacons, are an important retail technology, being rapidly adopted by businesses with a bricks-and-mortar presence. They enable location-based targeted mobile marketing solutions. Beacons, both physical and virtual, join the gap between online and offline marketing and have a big role to play in the future of retail. They allow you to send real-time messages to customers’ smartphones when they are in a physical environment. This technology allows contextualized marketing for a mobile world - beacons tell a marketer when their customer visits a store; they allow predictive recommendation technology that serves up-to-the-second content at the precise moment the customer opens their email, offer or visits their site; and they give insights that effortlessly generate a truly personalized experience. If you want the benefits of beaconing but don’t want to invest in the hardware, consider virtual beacons as an alternative. What is a virtual beacon? Indoor tracking and navigation is a fundamental requirement for context- aware smartphone applications. Virtual beacons are a responsive indoor mapping system that is extremely fast and highly accurate. Pinpoint the position of a user from smartphone accelerometer and magnetometer measurements only, without physical beacons, equipment or WiFi - the only required information is a floor plan. This cost effective, energy efficient approach to indoor mapping enables always-on background localization. Beacons can now be replaced by virtual beacons, removing the implementation and management costs.
  • 11. SMARTFOCUS | PAGE 11 MOBILE MARKETING TIPS How to successfully drive revenue using beacons: UK retailer OFFICE Shoes wanted a solution that would tie together multiple marketing channels and provide a seamless in-store and digital customer experience. Following the launch of a beacon-enabled app, OFFICE used beacons and the SmartFocus Message Cloud marketing platform to deliver offers and push notifications to their customers plus an in-app competition. Real-time offers were sent to app users in-store using beacon technology and had over 80% engagement levels. Customers using the OFFICE app also received a beacon-enabled personalized email directly after their visit in-store. This resulted in an extremely high open rate of 71% and an impressive click-through rate of 40%, as well as increased revenue from in-store visits. True proximity marketing is now a reality. Marketers are empowered to create personalized messages that are not just context-aware, but context driven. With the bridging of the gap between online and offline, omni- channel marketing becomes an imperative. Marketers who embrace this new world will deliver more conversions, happier customers and more revenue.
  • 12. SmartFocus Inc 18 West 18th Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011, USA Tel: +1 (646) 356-1169 Fax: +1 (646) 783-7982 SmartFocus UK Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Sq London, WC1H 9LT, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7554 4500 Fax: +44 (0)20 7554 4501 ABOUT SMARTFOCUS SmartFocus is an innovator in messaging and communications, enabling the world’s largest brands – including Mercedes-Benz, Nestlé and House of Fraser – to understand and connect more closely with today’s connected consumers; whether that be via web, mobile, email or social channels. Through The Message Cloud solution, SmartFocus genuinely listens to and learns from customers using patented algorithms and unique location-based marketing tools. Using The Message Cloud, SmartFocus customers have the rich data, intelligence and the tools for contextually unique engagements, through any digital channel. Get in touch with us to find out more.