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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MK0017 – e-Marketing - 4 Credits
Q1. Write a short notes on:
A. Internet Advertising Techniques
Many people are confused by the different types of advertising techniques online. In today’s blog post, my aim is to classify
all the techniques into 5 main types. I will also discuss the key to success in each of them.
1) Content Advertising
The first type of advertising technique is content advertising. It basically uses content to draw visitors’ attention. It is the
main type of advertising technique because the entire internet is made up of content (or information).
In content advertising, you draw traffic from 2 sources. You either get the traffic from the website where the content is
posted or from the search engine.
2) Link Advertising
This type of advertising technique typically uses a short link with some description to attract the visitors directly to your
3) Viral advertising
This kind of advertising technique is similar to word of mouth advertising in the offline world. The idea is to encourage your
existing traffic to bring more traffic to your website.
Success in viral advertising depends a lot on your ability to create a buzz in your community. You need to package your
product into something that is unique and interesting so that people are interested in spreading the words for you. Viral
advertising can hardly work for a “me-too” product.
4) Incentivized advertising
The forth type of advertising technique is incentivized advertising where the traffic is rewarded to visit your website.
Success in this type of advertising depends mainly on your offer and the way you present it. Most advertisers who fail
either do not have a good offer or they fail to deliver the benefit of their offer across to the target audience.
5) Obtrusive advertising
The last type of advertising technique is obtrusive advertising where the traffic is forced to view your ad. The most typical
examples are popup and popunder advertising.
The first rule in obtrusive advertising is to avoid untargeted traffic, which happens to be quite common in this kind of
advertising. If your ad is shown to a pool of people who are not interested in your offer, you are simply barking up the
wrong tree!
B. Difference between traditional marketing and e-marketing

The differences



Interactive ease of communication and direct
customer contact received a referrer of
customers in terms of requests and inquiries
and complaints .. To ensure continuous
interaction with them

Contact from one side

Build long-term

Implementation of one deal

Offering goods or services you want to
marketing via its website no matter the
number or variety

Cannot be done in the traditional marketing
if the amount of space does not permit this

>Provide them with information of value for
goods and services directly

The limited information provided about the
product or services

Methods of digital marketing is less

Traditional marketing methods more


Display of goods


Traditional Marketing
The differences


Traditional Marketing

expensive and easy in implementation


Target customers

Accessible to the client where the target was

Difficulty in reaching the targeted customers


digital marketing open field in front of
everyone – no matter their experience or
their potential – to market their goods
without distinction between capital
companies and the average person or small
company Ltd.

Limited range


Helping customers to access you out of local
border to international markets is unlimited
.. Thereby bypassing the territorial limits of
his whereabouts which ensure a more
popular for that good or service

Specified for that particular time and place

Measuring return

Easy to measure the return on investment

Difficult to measure return on investment

Measuring Success

Evaluate and measure the success of any
advertising campaign and to identify the
strengths and

Difficult to measure when the use of
traditional marketing

Q2. Write short notes on :
A.Targeting strategies in e-marketing
Ans : E-marketers select among the following four targeting strategies:
Mass marketing: undifferentiated targeting; when the firm offers one marketing mix for the entire market.
Multi-segment marketing; when a firm selects two or more segments and designs marketing mix strategies specifically for
each. Most firms use a multi-segment strategy.
Niche marketing; when a firm selects one segment and develops one or more marketing mixes to meet the needs of that
Micro-marketing; individualized targeting; when a firm tailors all or part of the marketing mix to a very small number of
The Internet’s big promise is individualized targeting, giving individual consumers exactly what they want at the right time
and place. The Internet is ideal for gathering people with similar interests and tasks into communities.
Business communities also play a big role in B2B commerce. Most professionals subscribe to discussion groups containing
information in their field, and many Web sites promote community. In discussion groups, users feel part of the site by
posting their own information and responding to other users. For example, Amazon allows users to write their own book
reviews and read the reviews of others. These kinds of Web sites encourage users to return again and again and see what
their cyber friends are discussing and doing online.
B. Different types of positioning strategies in e-marketing
Ans . “Positioning is a strategy of differentiating your product from that of the competition, in the mind of the
prospect. A positioning strategy may be developed from the product’s attributes, its specific uses, the type of uses,
the product class or category, or the competition. Each of these represents a different approach to developing a
positioning strategy. However, all of them have the ultimate objective of developing or reinforcing an image in
the minds of the audience. Following are steps of positioning strategies:
1. Positioning by Product Characteristics/Consumer Benefits
a) This is commonly used strategy and consists in associating an object with a product characteristic or customer benefit.
“Colgate is a cavity fighter.”The ability to fight cavities is a product attribute that translates into a consumer benefit.
b) Sometimes, a new product can be positioned with respect to product characteristics that competitors have
ignored. “The toothpaste with clove oil.”
c) A product can also be positioned along two or more characteristics at the time. “Double-action pepsodent fights cavities
and freshens breath.”
2. Positioning by “Price-Quality”
The price-quality issue is so important in some product category that it is a positioning strategy in itself. On
the one hand, there are certain product categories where high price is automatically associated with quality, or
where low price is often considered to be synonymous with inferior quality.
3. Positioning by Use or Approach : Associating the product with a specific use is another commonly used
positioning strategy.Sometimes, this type of positioning strategy may also be used to expand market for a particular
brand. Dettol: The liquid protection against bacteria.” Clinic All Clear: “The dandruff-control shampoo.”
4. Positioning by Product User : This is a strategy of associating the product with a particular type or class of user. One
way of doing this is through celebrity endorsements.
5. Positioning by Product Class Sometimes in order to counter the competition, some brands need to associate
themselves with a unique classic example of this is “Seven Up, the uncola”, mentioned earlier.
6. Positioning by Culture Symbol : This type of positioning strategy consist in identifying something that is very
meaningful to people, and that competitors are not using, and then associating the brand with that symbol.
Advertising is full of examples of this type of positioning strategy. A classic international example is Marlboro
cigarette’ American cowboy, which helped differentiate Marlboro from other cigarette brands, and developed the
Marlboro Man.
7. Positioning by Competitor: This type of positioning strategy consists in making consumers think that your brand is
better than, or as good as the competitors. The competition is used as the point of reference.
Q3. Discuss how to build up e-marketing strategy and its functions in brief.
Ans. E-marketing is also sometimes referred to as the online or the internet marketing. It is the promotion and advertising
of the products for the consumers to be attracted using the electronic media and mostly the internet.
E-marketing has been a benefit for the marketing world in all aspects because it has lowered down all the distribution costs
of the marketing which involves conveying of the information to the audience globally.
Through the advertising and promotion with the internet media, the response to the marketing can be instantly achieved
together with the excellent and innovative marketing opportunities.
E-marketing is more than just the creation and maintenance of a website. It involves the whole procedure involved by the
company so as to create and promote a product, by an organization which exists in reality. The strategy of the E-marketing
includes the advertising of the products using the websites with the help of search engine marketing and social media. The
marketer for the product selects the best of the e-marketing tools so as to be able to gain the interest of the global
The benefits of e-marketing lie in the easy access of the information about the products and other details for the consumer
to decide on the purchase details. Gradually e-marketing has now reached the international level and it has also proved to
be of involving very low costs as compared to the traditional media.
These 7 functions of the e-Marketing stay at the base of any e-Marketing strategy and they have a moderating character,
unlike the classic Marketing mix that comprises situational functions only. Moderating functions of e-Marketing have the
quality of moderate, operate upon all situational functions of the mix (the classic 4 P's) and upon each other.
1. Personalization
The fundamental concept of personalization as a part of the e-Marketing mix lies in the need of recognizing, identifying a
certain customer in order to establish relations (establishing relations is a fundamental objective of Marketing). It is crucial
to be able to identify our customers on individual level and gather all possible information about them, with the purpose of
knowing our market and be able to develop customized, personalized products and services.
2. Privacy
Privacy is an element of the mix very much connected to the previous one – personalization. When we gather and store
information about our customers and potential customers (therefore, when we perform the personalization part of the eMarketing mix) a crucial issue arises: that of the way this information will be used, and by whom. A major task to do when
implementing an e-Marketing strategy is that of creating and developing a policy upon access procedures to the collected
3. Customer Service
Customer service is one of the necessary and required activities among the support functions needed in transactional
situations. We will connect the apparition of the customer service processes to the inclusion of the "time" parameter in
transactions. When switching from a situational perspective to a relational one, and e-Marketing is mostly based on a
relational perspective, the marketer saw himself somehow forced into considering support and assistance on a nontemporal level, permanently, over time.
4. Community
We can all agree that e-Marketing is conditioned by the existence of this impressive network that the internet is. The
merely existence of such a network implies that individuals as well as groups will eventually interact. A group of entities
that interact for a common purpose is what we call a "community" and we will soon see why it is of absolute importance to
participate, to be part of a community.
5. Site
We have seen and agreed that e-Marketing interactions take place on a digital media – the internet. But such interactions
and relations also need a proper location, to be available at any moment and from any place – a digital location for digital
Such a location is what we call a "site", which is the most widespread name for it. It is now the time to mention that the
"website" is merely a form of a "site" and should not be mistaken or seen as synonyms. The "site" can take other forms
too, such as a Palm Pilot or any other handheld device, for example.
This special location, accessible through all sort of digital technologies is moderating all other functions of the e-Marketing
– it is then a moderating function.
6. Security
The "security" function emerged as an essential function of e-Marketing once transactions began to be performed through
internet channels.
What we need to keep in mind as marketers are the following two issues on security:
A honest marketer will have to consider these possible causes of further trouble and has to co-operate with the company's
IT department in order to be able to formulate convincing (and true, honest!) messages towards the customers that their
personal details are protected from unauthorized eyes.
7. Sales Promotion
At least but not last, we have to consider sales promotions when we build an e-Marketing strategy. Sales promotions are
widely used in traditional Marketing as well, we all know this, and it is an excellent efficient strategy to achieve immediate
sales goals in terms of volume.
This function counts on the marketer's ability to think creatively: a lot of work and inspiration is required in order to find
new possibilities and new approaches for developing an efficient promotion plan.
On the other hand, the marketer needs to continuously keep up with the latest internet technologies and applications so
that he can fully exploit them.
Q4. Describe the four main functions involved in creating and managing corporate website.
Ans : Main functions involved in creating and managing corporate website :
1. Site definition and planning :This initial stage is where you define your goals and objectives for the web site and begin to
collect and analyze the information you’ll need to justify the budget and resources required. This is also the time to define
the scope of the site content, the interactive functionality and technology support required, and thedepth and breadth of
information resources that you will need to fill out the site and meet your users’ expectations.
2.Information architecture :At this stage you need to detail the content and organization of the web site. The team should
inventory all existing content, describe what new content is required, and define the organizational structure of the site.
Once a content architecture has been sketched out, you should build small prototypes of parts of the site to test what it
feels like to move around within the design. Site prototypes are useful for two reasons. First, they are the best way to test
site navigation and develop the user interface. These prototypes can be used to test the information architecture with
users. Second, creating a prototype allows the graphic designers to develop relations between how the site looks and how
the navigation interface supports the information design. The key to good prototyping is flexibility early on: the site
prototypes should not be so complex or elaborate that the team becomes too invested in one design at the expense of
exploring better alternatives.
3. Site design
At this stage the project acquires its look and feel, as the page grid, page design, and overall graphic design standards are
created and approved. Now the illustrations, photography, and other graphic or audiovisual content for the site need to be
commissioned and created. Research, writing, organizing, assembling, and editing the site’s text content is also performed
at this stage. Any programming, database design and data entry, and search engine design should be well under way by
now. The goal is to produce all the content components and functional programming and have them ready for the final
production stage: the construction of the actual web site pages.
4. Site construction
Only at this mature stage of the project are the bulk of the site’s web pages constructed and filled out with content. By
waiting until you have a detailed site architecture, mature content components, fully tested wireframes and prototypes,
and a polished page design specification you will minimize the content churning, redundant development efforts, and
wasted energy that inevitably result from rushing to create pages too soon. Of course, you will always learn new things
about your overall design as the prototype matures into the full-blown web site. Be prepared to refine your designs as you
and your users navigate through the growing web site and discover both weak spots and opportunities to improve
navigation or content
5. Site marketing
Your web site should be an integral part of all marketing campaigns and corporate communications programs, and
the URL for your site should appear on every piece of correspondence and marketing collateral your organization generates.
If your web site is aimed primarily at local audiences you must look beyond getting listed in standard web indexes, such as
Yahoo! and Google, and publicize your URL where local residents or businesses will encounter it. Local libraries,
newspapers, and schools are often the key to publicizing a new web site within a specific locale.
6. Tracking, evaluation, and maintenance
Your web server software can record an abundance of information about visitors to your site. Even the simplest site logs
track how many people (unique visitors) saw your site over a given time, how many pages were requested for viewing, and
many other variables. By analyzing the server logs for your web site you can develop quantitative data on the success of
your site. The logs will tell you which pages were the most popular and what brands and versions of web browser people
used to view your site. Server logs can also give you information on the geographic location of your site users. Detailed logs
are the key to quantifying the success of a web site. Your webmaster should archive all site logs for long-term analysis and
should be prepared to add or change the information categories being logged as your needs and interests change.
A number of popular software packages are designed to produce easily readable site traffic reports, complete with data
graphics and charts to aid in data analysis. As a service to customers, site hosting companies often offer reports from
popular site analysis programs like Google Analytics for no additional charge. Before contracting with an Internet service
provider for site hosting services, always ask about site analysis services. If your ISP (Internet service provider) or corporate
web site does not offer a good site traffic analysis package, ask whether the webmaster can give you access to a monthly
server log of your account. Basic versions of traffic analysis programs like WebTrends are inexpensive and you can run
them on a personal computer if you can gain access to the raw web server log from your ISP or corporate webmaster
Maintaining the site
Backups and site archives
The site editor should be sure that the web site is regularly backed up onto a secure and reliable storage medium to ensure
that a catastrophic hardware failure in your web server does not wipe out your web site. Most web servers maintained
by IT professionals or commercial web service providers are backed up at least once a day. If you don’t know what your
backup schedule is, ask your webmaster or web hosting provider. Human error is the most common reason you may need
quick access to a backup copy of your web site. Unfortunately, it’s easy to overwrite an old file (or a whole directory of
files) accidentally over a newer version on the web server, to delete something important in error, or to wipe out someone
else’s work by mistake when updating a web site. A recent backup (ideally no more than twenty-four hours old) can often
be a lifesaver.
Q 5. Define E-marketing and its principles
Ans: e-marketing :
Very simply put, e-Marketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles andtechniques via
electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms e-Marketing, Internetmarketing and online marketing, are
frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous. e-Marketing is the process of marketing a brand using
the Internet.
Principles of e-marketing : 1. E-mail marketing should involve critical thinking before you write. Before writing, note down
your main points or the main purpose of your e-mail. Make a decision as to what is most important and lead with that,
include that point in your first paragraph if possible.
When doing e-mail marketing it is crucial that you do not leave any important information behind (second page). A lot of
readers hate to scroll and may not get past the first screen so leaving any information for the second screen is not good
when it comes to e-mail marketing.
2. When doing e-mail marketing keep the preview pane in mind. In a recent study done by Marketing Sherpa states that 70
percent of e-mail marketing recipients that have the capability to read e-mail through a preview pane do.
This means that subscribers may only see a portion of your e-mail marketing material before deciding to open it and look
at it in its entirety. Make sure your business / company logo, as well as some inviting information about the e-mail contents
can be seen in the preview pane.
3. E-mail marketing requires an informative subject line. Anticipate your main message by writing a subject line that
announces what you are writing (request, announcement, etc.) and what about.
Readers use the subject line to perform e-mail triage. A good subject line announces whether the message you are sending
is relevant or urgent. A vague subject line invites the reader to ignore or delete the message.
4. In e-mail marketing it is important that you state your point clearly and quickly. When it comes to e-mail marketing, get
to the point quickly. The reality is that most people scan.
Your e-mail marketing material only has a few seconds to capture your reader’s attention. If it takes much longer than that
for them to engage, you may lose them. With every moment, a prospect is determining if he or she will keep reading or
abandon your e-mail. Make the most out of the few seconds that you have and make your e-mail marketing worth your
5. In e-mail marketing picking the right photo for your message is important. Many e-mail marketing campaigns have failed
simply because the photos that they use is not coherent with the e-mail message. Including images in an e-mail campaign
can make it more attractive and help you communicate your message. If there is too much going on in your photo or if it is
of poor quality, it can distract the reader and reflect poorly on your business.
6. Your e-mail marketing material should tell your prospects what action to take. Do not leave the person who reads
wondering why you sent the e-mail and what you want. Get across the desired action clearly, boldly and early in the
message. The goal of your e-mail is to get your readers to take some kind of action. You want them to visit your website,
buy now, get more information, etc.
7. One important rule of e-mail marketing is making sure that it is simple. In e-mail marketing, less is more. E-mails that are
uncluttered visually and have a clear message receive a higher response rate.
Q6. Write short notes on :
A. Features of e-marketing
Ans. Features of e-marketing :Strategy:
Knowledge of your overall goals begets a roadmap to define your ways to achieve them.
Content Driven:
The saying “Content is king” is common and an incredibly important cog in the process of
online marketing. Content is the most vital aspect of your communication. You have to say things that ouwould make
people want to share via social media, email or even word-of-mouth.
Search Engine Friendly:
Whatever you put up online, needs to be Search Engine friendly. Using keywordsin your content and on-site and off-site
SEO are important but most definitely need to be implementedwithin the boundaries of legitimate, acceptable practices.
Be adaptable to user behaviour:
You should be willing to adapt and alter your online marketing campaignand communication based on trends across the
Be adaptable to technology trends:
Incorporation of W3 methodologies, making your site HTML5 friendly(and as a result, having a Smartphone and Tablet
friendly UI), allowing Social Sharing and (if your site requires for a user to register) signing in via an OpenID makes your site
more acceptable and usable.
Accountability: As someone spearheading a marketing campaign, it's important to be accountable. There is no point
having a site that doesn't get traffic. Just as success should be taken as a case study to duplicate, failure should be analysed
to understand what went wrong.

Benefits of e-marketing

Ans. Benefits of email marketing
Email marketing is utilised by thousands of businesses of all sizes across the globe. Those who are unfamiliar with this
method of advertising may not immediately understand why it is so popular amongst companies in a variety of industries but here are ten reasons why email marketing is seen by many as vital marketing tool...
One of the most obvious benefits of email marketing is its lower cost compared to mainstream marketing channels. There
are no print or postage costs and no fees paid in exchange for exposure on a certain billboard, magazine or television
channel. Email marketers might consider investing in specialist software to automate, track and evaluate their emails.
Granted, there may be a small overhead for sending thousands of emails at a time, but these costs are far lower than what
you would expect to pay using other marketing channels.
Target fans of your brand
Email marketing is one of the only channels that consumers ask to receive. The majority of businesses utilising the platform
only send messages to those who have signed up to receive them. This can allow for much higher conversion rates as a
business is only targeting those who already have an interest in their brand. It is, of course, possible to send unsolicited
email marketing messages, but this is only likely to annoy consumers and result in a damaged brand image.
Most marketing professionals would happily pay to ensure they were only spending money targeting those who were
interested in their brand. Email marketers can go one step further though, by only sending emails to subscribers who meet
certain criteria.
If a franchise only has an offer on in certain areas of the country, it can easily arranged for emails to be sent only to those
living in certain areas. If there is a sale on sports goods, it can be arranged for only those who have shown an interest in
sports to receive an email.
Email list segmentation works fantastically for brands who gain information about their subscribers. Studies have shown
that marketers who use this tactic often boast improved engagement rates as a result.
Calls to action
Email marketing is great for taking advantage of impulse buying. There aren't many other marketing platforms which allow
customers to go from witnessing an offer to purchasing an item within two clicks of a button. With a tempting call to action
and a link straight to the checkout, email newsletters can drive sales like no other channel.
Easy to create
Email marketing doesn't necessarily require a huge team or reams of technical nous in order to be successful. It's certainly
possible to jazz up an email campaign with fancy templates, videos, images and logos. Yet, some of the most successful
campaigns utilise simple plain text emails, suggesting that it's the content of an email that is the most important thing.
Easy to track
Another key benefit of email marketing is that it's easy to see where you're going wrong. Most email marketing software
will allow you to track open, click-through and conversion rates, making it simple to spot how a campaign can be improved.
These changes can be made almost immediately too, whereas print or broadcast advertising requires quite a bit of effort to
Easy to share
Subscribers can forward brilliant deals and offers to their friends at the click of a button. There aren't many other types of
marketing that can be shared as easily as this. Before you know it, subscribers could become brand evangelists; focused on
introducing your business to a new market.
What other marketing platform lets you instantly send a message to thousands of people across the world? Sure, social
media can help you spread the word amongst a global audience - but there's no telling
Return on investment
In the business world, results are arguably all that matters. With this in mind, the main reason that most businesses invest
in email marketing is the fantastic return on investment. In 2011, the Direct Marketing Association estimated that email
marketing typically returns £40 for every £1 invested. A number of sources have suggested that this is better than any
other platform.

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SMU MBA solved Assignment Mk0017

  • 1. Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4 MK0017 – e-Marketing - 4 Credits Q1. Write a short notes on: A. Internet Advertising Techniques Many people are confused by the different types of advertising techniques online. In today’s blog post, my aim is to classify all the techniques into 5 main types. I will also discuss the key to success in each of them. 1) Content Advertising The first type of advertising technique is content advertising. It basically uses content to draw visitors’ attention. It is the main type of advertising technique because the entire internet is made up of content (or information). In content advertising, you draw traffic from 2 sources. You either get the traffic from the website where the content is posted or from the search engine. 2) Link Advertising This type of advertising technique typically uses a short link with some description to attract the visitors directly to your website. 3) Viral advertising This kind of advertising technique is similar to word of mouth advertising in the offline world. The idea is to encourage your existing traffic to bring more traffic to your website. Success in viral advertising depends a lot on your ability to create a buzz in your community. You need to package your product into something that is unique and interesting so that people are interested in spreading the words for you. Viral advertising can hardly work for a “me-too” product. 4) Incentivized advertising The forth type of advertising technique is incentivized advertising where the traffic is rewarded to visit your website. Success in this type of advertising depends mainly on your offer and the way you present it. Most advertisers who fail either do not have a good offer or they fail to deliver the benefit of their offer across to the target audience. 5) Obtrusive advertising The last type of advertising technique is obtrusive advertising where the traffic is forced to view your ad. The most typical examples are popup and popunder advertising. The first rule in obtrusive advertising is to avoid untargeted traffic, which happens to be quite common in this kind of advertising. If your ad is shown to a pool of people who are not interested in your offer, you are simply barking up the wrong tree! B. Difference between traditional marketing and e-marketing The differences E-marketing Contact Interactive ease of communication and direct customer contact received a referrer of customers in terms of requests and inquiries and complaints .. To ensure continuous interaction with them Contact from one side Build long-term Implementation of one deal Offering goods or services you want to marketing via its website no matter the number or variety Cannot be done in the traditional marketing if the amount of space does not permit this >Provide them with information of value for goods and services directly The limited information provided about the product or services Methods of digital marketing is less Traditional marketing methods more Relationship Display of goods Information Cost Traditional Marketing
  • 2. The differences E-marketing Traditional Marketing expensive and easy in implementation expensive Target customers Accessible to the client where the target was Difficulty in reaching the targeted customers Band digital marketing open field in front of everyone – no matter their experience or their potential – to market their goods without distinction between capital companies and the average person or small company Ltd. Limited range Promotion Helping customers to access you out of local border to international markets is unlimited .. Thereby bypassing the territorial limits of his whereabouts which ensure a more popular for that good or service Specified for that particular time and place Measuring return Easy to measure the return on investment Difficult to measure return on investment Measuring Success Evaluate and measure the success of any advertising campaign and to identify the strengths and Difficult to measure when the use of traditional marketing Q2. Write short notes on : A.Targeting strategies in e-marketing Ans : E-marketers select among the following four targeting strategies: Mass marketing: undifferentiated targeting; when the firm offers one marketing mix for the entire market. Multi-segment marketing; when a firm selects two or more segments and designs marketing mix strategies specifically for each. Most firms use a multi-segment strategy. Niche marketing; when a firm selects one segment and develops one or more marketing mixes to meet the needs of that segment. Micro-marketing; individualized targeting; when a firm tailors all or part of the marketing mix to a very small number of people. The Internet’s big promise is individualized targeting, giving individual consumers exactly what they want at the right time and place. The Internet is ideal for gathering people with similar interests and tasks into communities. Business communities also play a big role in B2B commerce. Most professionals subscribe to discussion groups containing information in their field, and many Web sites promote community. In discussion groups, users feel part of the site by posting their own information and responding to other users. For example, Amazon allows users to write their own book reviews and read the reviews of others. These kinds of Web sites encourage users to return again and again and see what their cyber friends are discussing and doing online. B. Different types of positioning strategies in e-marketing Ans . “Positioning is a strategy of differentiating your product from that of the competition, in the mind of the prospect. A positioning strategy may be developed from the product’s attributes, its specific uses, the type of uses, the product class or category, or the competition. Each of these represents a different approach to developing a positioning strategy. However, all of them have the ultimate objective of developing or reinforcing an image in the minds of the audience. Following are steps of positioning strategies:
  • 3. 1. Positioning by Product Characteristics/Consumer Benefits a) This is commonly used strategy and consists in associating an object with a product characteristic or customer benefit. “Colgate is a cavity fighter.”The ability to fight cavities is a product attribute that translates into a consumer benefit. b) Sometimes, a new product can be positioned with respect to product characteristics that competitors have ignored. “The toothpaste with clove oil.” c) A product can also be positioned along two or more characteristics at the time. “Double-action pepsodent fights cavities and freshens breath.” 2. Positioning by “Price-Quality” The price-quality issue is so important in some product category that it is a positioning strategy in itself. On the one hand, there are certain product categories where high price is automatically associated with quality, or where low price is often considered to be synonymous with inferior quality. 3. Positioning by Use or Approach : Associating the product with a specific use is another commonly used positioning strategy.Sometimes, this type of positioning strategy may also be used to expand market for a particular brand. Dettol: The liquid protection against bacteria.” Clinic All Clear: “The dandruff-control shampoo.” 4. Positioning by Product User : This is a strategy of associating the product with a particular type or class of user. One way of doing this is through celebrity endorsements. 5. Positioning by Product Class Sometimes in order to counter the competition, some brands need to associate themselves with a unique classic example of this is “Seven Up, the uncola”, mentioned earlier. 6. Positioning by Culture Symbol : This type of positioning strategy consist in identifying something that is very meaningful to people, and that competitors are not using, and then associating the brand with that symbol. Advertising is full of examples of this type of positioning strategy. A classic international example is Marlboro cigarette’ American cowboy, which helped differentiate Marlboro from other cigarette brands, and developed the Marlboro Man. 7. Positioning by Competitor: This type of positioning strategy consists in making consumers think that your brand is better than, or as good as the competitors. The competition is used as the point of reference. Q3. Discuss how to build up e-marketing strategy and its functions in brief. Ans. E-marketing is also sometimes referred to as the online or the internet marketing. It is the promotion and advertising of the products for the consumers to be attracted using the electronic media and mostly the internet. E-marketing has been a benefit for the marketing world in all aspects because it has lowered down all the distribution costs of the marketing which involves conveying of the information to the audience globally. Through the advertising and promotion with the internet media, the response to the marketing can be instantly achieved together with the excellent and innovative marketing opportunities. E-marketing is more than just the creation and maintenance of a website. It involves the whole procedure involved by the company so as to create and promote a product, by an organization which exists in reality. The strategy of the E-marketing includes the advertising of the products using the websites with the help of search engine marketing and social media. The marketer for the product selects the best of the e-marketing tools so as to be able to gain the interest of the global audience.
  • 4. The benefits of e-marketing lie in the easy access of the information about the products and other details for the consumer to decide on the purchase details. Gradually e-marketing has now reached the international level and it has also proved to be of involving very low costs as compared to the traditional media. These 7 functions of the e-Marketing stay at the base of any e-Marketing strategy and they have a moderating character, unlike the classic Marketing mix that comprises situational functions only. Moderating functions of e-Marketing have the quality of moderate, operate upon all situational functions of the mix (the classic 4 P's) and upon each other. 1. Personalization The fundamental concept of personalization as a part of the e-Marketing mix lies in the need of recognizing, identifying a certain customer in order to establish relations (establishing relations is a fundamental objective of Marketing). It is crucial to be able to identify our customers on individual level and gather all possible information about them, with the purpose of knowing our market and be able to develop customized, personalized products and services. 2. Privacy Privacy is an element of the mix very much connected to the previous one – personalization. When we gather and store information about our customers and potential customers (therefore, when we perform the personalization part of the eMarketing mix) a crucial issue arises: that of the way this information will be used, and by whom. A major task to do when implementing an e-Marketing strategy is that of creating and developing a policy upon access procedures to the collected information. 3. Customer Service Customer service is one of the necessary and required activities among the support functions needed in transactional situations. We will connect the apparition of the customer service processes to the inclusion of the "time" parameter in transactions. When switching from a situational perspective to a relational one, and e-Marketing is mostly based on a relational perspective, the marketer saw himself somehow forced into considering support and assistance on a nontemporal level, permanently, over time. 4. Community We can all agree that e-Marketing is conditioned by the existence of this impressive network that the internet is. The merely existence of such a network implies that individuals as well as groups will eventually interact. A group of entities that interact for a common purpose is what we call a "community" and we will soon see why it is of absolute importance to participate, to be part of a community. 5. Site We have seen and agreed that e-Marketing interactions take place on a digital media – the internet. But such interactions and relations also need a proper location, to be available at any moment and from any place – a digital location for digital interactions. Such a location is what we call a "site", which is the most widespread name for it. It is now the time to mention that the "website" is merely a form of a "site" and should not be mistaken or seen as synonyms. The "site" can take other forms too, such as a Palm Pilot or any other handheld device, for example. This special location, accessible through all sort of digital technologies is moderating all other functions of the e-Marketing – it is then a moderating function. 6. Security
  • 5. The "security" function emerged as an essential function of e-Marketing once transactions began to be performed through internet channels. What we need to keep in mind as marketers are the following two issues on security: A honest marketer will have to consider these possible causes of further trouble and has to co-operate with the company's IT department in order to be able to formulate convincing (and true, honest!) messages towards the customers that their personal details are protected from unauthorized eyes. 7. Sales Promotion At least but not last, we have to consider sales promotions when we build an e-Marketing strategy. Sales promotions are widely used in traditional Marketing as well, we all know this, and it is an excellent efficient strategy to achieve immediate sales goals in terms of volume. This function counts on the marketer's ability to think creatively: a lot of work and inspiration is required in order to find new possibilities and new approaches for developing an efficient promotion plan. On the other hand, the marketer needs to continuously keep up with the latest internet technologies and applications so that he can fully exploit them. Q4. Describe the four main functions involved in creating and managing corporate website. Ans : Main functions involved in creating and managing corporate website : 1. Site definition and planning :This initial stage is where you define your goals and objectives for the web site and begin to collect and analyze the information you’ll need to justify the budget and resources required. This is also the time to define the scope of the site content, the interactive functionality and technology support required, and thedepth and breadth of information resources that you will need to fill out the site and meet your users’ expectations. 2.Information architecture :At this stage you need to detail the content and organization of the web site. The team should inventory all existing content, describe what new content is required, and define the organizational structure of the site. Once a content architecture has been sketched out, you should build small prototypes of parts of the site to test what it feels like to move around within the design. Site prototypes are useful for two reasons. First, they are the best way to test site navigation and develop the user interface. These prototypes can be used to test the information architecture with users. Second, creating a prototype allows the graphic designers to develop relations between how the site looks and how the navigation interface supports the information design. The key to good prototyping is flexibility early on: the site prototypes should not be so complex or elaborate that the team becomes too invested in one design at the expense of exploring better alternatives. 3. Site design At this stage the project acquires its look and feel, as the page grid, page design, and overall graphic design standards are created and approved. Now the illustrations, photography, and other graphic or audiovisual content for the site need to be commissioned and created. Research, writing, organizing, assembling, and editing the site’s text content is also performed at this stage. Any programming, database design and data entry, and search engine design should be well under way by now. The goal is to produce all the content components and functional programming and have them ready for the final production stage: the construction of the actual web site pages. 4. Site construction Only at this mature stage of the project are the bulk of the site’s web pages constructed and filled out with content. By waiting until you have a detailed site architecture, mature content components, fully tested wireframes and prototypes, and a polished page design specification you will minimize the content churning, redundant development efforts, and
  • 6. wasted energy that inevitably result from rushing to create pages too soon. Of course, you will always learn new things about your overall design as the prototype matures into the full-blown web site. Be prepared to refine your designs as you and your users navigate through the growing web site and discover both weak spots and opportunities to improve navigation or content 5. Site marketing Your web site should be an integral part of all marketing campaigns and corporate communications programs, and the URL for your site should appear on every piece of correspondence and marketing collateral your organization generates. If your web site is aimed primarily at local audiences you must look beyond getting listed in standard web indexes, such as Yahoo! and Google, and publicize your URL where local residents or businesses will encounter it. Local libraries, newspapers, and schools are often the key to publicizing a new web site within a specific locale. 6. Tracking, evaluation, and maintenance Your web server software can record an abundance of information about visitors to your site. Even the simplest site logs track how many people (unique visitors) saw your site over a given time, how many pages were requested for viewing, and many other variables. By analyzing the server logs for your web site you can develop quantitative data on the success of your site. The logs will tell you which pages were the most popular and what brands and versions of web browser people used to view your site. Server logs can also give you information on the geographic location of your site users. Detailed logs are the key to quantifying the success of a web site. Your webmaster should archive all site logs for long-term analysis and should be prepared to add or change the information categories being logged as your needs and interests change. A number of popular software packages are designed to produce easily readable site traffic reports, complete with data graphics and charts to aid in data analysis. As a service to customers, site hosting companies often offer reports from popular site analysis programs like Google Analytics for no additional charge. Before contracting with an Internet service provider for site hosting services, always ask about site analysis services. If your ISP (Internet service provider) or corporate web site does not offer a good site traffic analysis package, ask whether the webmaster can give you access to a monthly server log of your account. Basic versions of traffic analysis programs like WebTrends are inexpensive and you can run them on a personal computer if you can gain access to the raw web server log from your ISP or corporate webmaster Maintaining the site Backups and site archives The site editor should be sure that the web site is regularly backed up onto a secure and reliable storage medium to ensure that a catastrophic hardware failure in your web server does not wipe out your web site. Most web servers maintained by IT professionals or commercial web service providers are backed up at least once a day. If you don’t know what your backup schedule is, ask your webmaster or web hosting provider. Human error is the most common reason you may need quick access to a backup copy of your web site. Unfortunately, it’s easy to overwrite an old file (or a whole directory of files) accidentally over a newer version on the web server, to delete something important in error, or to wipe out someone else’s work by mistake when updating a web site. A recent backup (ideally no more than twenty-four hours old) can often be a lifesaver. Q 5. Define E-marketing and its principles Ans: e-marketing : Very simply put, e-Marketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles andtechniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms e-Marketing, Internetmarketing and online marketing, are frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous. e-Marketing is the process of marketing a brand using the Internet.
  • 7. Principles of e-marketing : 1. E-mail marketing should involve critical thinking before you write. Before writing, note down your main points or the main purpose of your e-mail. Make a decision as to what is most important and lead with that, include that point in your first paragraph if possible. When doing e-mail marketing it is crucial that you do not leave any important information behind (second page). A lot of readers hate to scroll and may not get past the first screen so leaving any information for the second screen is not good when it comes to e-mail marketing. 2. When doing e-mail marketing keep the preview pane in mind. In a recent study done by Marketing Sherpa states that 70 percent of e-mail marketing recipients that have the capability to read e-mail through a preview pane do. This means that subscribers may only see a portion of your e-mail marketing material before deciding to open it and look at it in its entirety. Make sure your business / company logo, as well as some inviting information about the e-mail contents can be seen in the preview pane. 3. E-mail marketing requires an informative subject line. Anticipate your main message by writing a subject line that announces what you are writing (request, announcement, etc.) and what about. Readers use the subject line to perform e-mail triage. A good subject line announces whether the message you are sending is relevant or urgent. A vague subject line invites the reader to ignore or delete the message. 4. In e-mail marketing it is important that you state your point clearly and quickly. When it comes to e-mail marketing, get to the point quickly. The reality is that most people scan. Your e-mail marketing material only has a few seconds to capture your reader’s attention. If it takes much longer than that for them to engage, you may lose them. With every moment, a prospect is determining if he or she will keep reading or abandon your e-mail. Make the most out of the few seconds that you have and make your e-mail marketing worth your while. 5. In e-mail marketing picking the right photo for your message is important. Many e-mail marketing campaigns have failed simply because the photos that they use is not coherent with the e-mail message. Including images in an e-mail campaign can make it more attractive and help you communicate your message. If there is too much going on in your photo or if it is of poor quality, it can distract the reader and reflect poorly on your business. 6. Your e-mail marketing material should tell your prospects what action to take. Do not leave the person who reads wondering why you sent the e-mail and what you want. Get across the desired action clearly, boldly and early in the message. The goal of your e-mail is to get your readers to take some kind of action. You want them to visit your website, buy now, get more information, etc. 7. One important rule of e-mail marketing is making sure that it is simple. In e-mail marketing, less is more. E-mails that are uncluttered visually and have a clear message receive a higher response rate. Q6. Write short notes on : A. Features of e-marketing Ans. Features of e-marketing :Strategy: Knowledge of your overall goals begets a roadmap to define your ways to achieve them. Content Driven: The saying “Content is king” is common and an incredibly important cog in the process of online marketing. Content is the most vital aspect of your communication. You have to say things that ouwould make people want to share via social media, email or even word-of-mouth. Search Engine Friendly: Whatever you put up online, needs to be Search Engine friendly. Using keywordsin your content and on-site and off-site SEO are important but most definitely need to be implementedwithin the boundaries of legitimate, acceptable practices. Be adaptable to user behaviour: You should be willing to adapt and alter your online marketing campaignand communication based on trends across the internet. Be adaptable to technology trends: Incorporation of W3 methodologies, making your site HTML5 friendly(and as a result, having a Smartphone and Tablet friendly UI), allowing Social Sharing and (if your site requires for a user to register) signing in via an OpenID makes your site more acceptable and usable. Accountability: As someone spearheading a marketing campaign, it's important to be accountable. There is no point having a site that doesn't get traffic. Just as success should be taken as a case study to duplicate, failure should be analysed to understand what went wrong. B. Benefits of e-marketing Ans. Benefits of email marketing Email marketing is utilised by thousands of businesses of all sizes across the globe. Those who are unfamiliar with this method of advertising may not immediately understand why it is so popular amongst companies in a variety of industries but here are ten reasons why email marketing is seen by many as vital marketing tool... Low-cost
  • 8. One of the most obvious benefits of email marketing is its lower cost compared to mainstream marketing channels. There are no print or postage costs and no fees paid in exchange for exposure on a certain billboard, magazine or television channel. Email marketers might consider investing in specialist software to automate, track and evaluate their emails. Granted, there may be a small overhead for sending thousands of emails at a time, but these costs are far lower than what you would expect to pay using other marketing channels. Target fans of your brand Email marketing is one of the only channels that consumers ask to receive. The majority of businesses utilising the platform only send messages to those who have signed up to receive them. This can allow for much higher conversion rates as a business is only targeting those who already have an interest in their brand. It is, of course, possible to send unsolicited email marketing messages, but this is only likely to annoy consumers and result in a damaged brand image. Segmentation Most marketing professionals would happily pay to ensure they were only spending money targeting those who were interested in their brand. Email marketers can go one step further though, by only sending emails to subscribers who meet certain criteria. If a franchise only has an offer on in certain areas of the country, it can easily arranged for emails to be sent only to those living in certain areas. If there is a sale on sports goods, it can be arranged for only those who have shown an interest in sports to receive an email. Email list segmentation works fantastically for brands who gain information about their subscribers. Studies have shown that marketers who use this tactic often boast improved engagement rates as a result. Calls to action Email marketing is great for taking advantage of impulse buying. There aren't many other marketing platforms which allow customers to go from witnessing an offer to purchasing an item within two clicks of a button. With a tempting call to action and a link straight to the checkout, email newsletters can drive sales like no other channel. Easy to create Email marketing doesn't necessarily require a huge team or reams of technical nous in order to be successful. It's certainly possible to jazz up an email campaign with fancy templates, videos, images and logos. Yet, some of the most successful campaigns utilise simple plain text emails, suggesting that it's the content of an email that is the most important thing. Easy to track Another key benefit of email marketing is that it's easy to see where you're going wrong. Most email marketing software will allow you to track open, click-through and conversion rates, making it simple to spot how a campaign can be improved. These changes can be made almost immediately too, whereas print or broadcast advertising requires quite a bit of effort to alter. Easy to share Subscribers can forward brilliant deals and offers to their friends at the click of a button. There aren't many other types of marketing that can be shared as easily as this. Before you know it, subscribers could become brand evangelists; focused on introducing your business to a new market. Global What other marketing platform lets you instantly send a message to thousands of people across the world? Sure, social media can help you spread the word amongst a global audience - but there's no telling Return on investment In the business world, results are arguably all that matters. With this in mind, the main reason that most businesses invest in email marketing is the fantastic return on investment. In 2011, the Direct Marketing Association estimated that email marketing typically returns £40 for every £1 invested. A number of sources have suggested that this is better than any other platform.