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VLSI System Design
                      Overview of VLSI Design Issues

      Professor: Dr. Marcel Jacomet (based on transparencies designed by
      Chris Terman at MIT, completely updated and adapted at MicroLab-I3S)

             Microelectronic history
             the complexity of microelectronics
             design steps
           Goal: You are familiar with the microelectronics history,
           have an idea about the microelectronics complexity and
           you have an overview of the VLSI design steps.
                                                 MicroLab, VLSI-1 (1/28)

JMM v1.4
What’s expected of you
            Class/Homework      Readings from a Starter Guide to
                                VHDL and some articles. Some
             50% in class
            50% homework                                       Self-
                                problems to be worked at home. Self-
                                study of the VHDL language with help
                                of the CBT CD from Doulouse.

                                Some design exercises to be done in
           40% of final grade   the lab. Specify, design and simulate
                                a small VHDL design project using a
                                data-path / finit state machine.
                                Place & route it on a FPGA target
                                technology (due date: July 19th at
                                13h00, 2002)
                                One 70 minute in-class test. Meant
           60% of final grade
                                to be duck soup if you’ve been
                                coming to lectures and doing the lab
                                and homework (date: Friday July 12th,

                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-1 (2/28)

JMM v1.4
Timetable 4th Semester:
           Introduction to VLSI System Design
    Date        Topic                                 Self-Study
    11-15.3.    vlsi1: history & complexity           A VLSI tutorial
    18-22.3.    vlsi8: micro technologies             How a silicon int.
    25-29.3.    --
    11-19.4.    vlsi8: micro technologies             article Hoff
    22-         vlsi21: top-down design, VHDL
                        top-                          VHDL/CBT
    29.4-3.5.   Ex400, 401                            VHDL/CBT
    6-10.5.     --                                    VHDL/CBT
    13-17.5.    vlsi21 & Ex402                        VHDL
    20-24.5.    vlsi21 & Ex404,405                    VHDL
    27-31.5.              Ex406-
                vlsi21 & Ex406-408                    VHDL
    3-7.6.      vlsi21 & Ex409                        chapter 5
    10-14.6.    vlsi21: & Ex410                       VHDL finish
    17-21.6.    Ex450                                 project
    24-28.6     Ex451                                 project
    1-5.7.      Ex452                                 project
    8-12.6.     Test                                  project
    15-19. 6    test discussion and outlook           project
        19.6.   at 13h00 project due
                                         MicroLab, VLSI-1 (3/28)

JMM v1.4
So, what’s VLSI Systems Design
                      all about?
           You’ll get a bottom-up tour of how integrated
           circuits are engineered. We’ll talk about
           field-effect transistors: how they work, how they’re
           built, effects of new technologies
           various design and layout techniques, from the
           ordinary to the bizarre, for creating combinational
           and sequential circuits, datapaths, memories,
           buffers, regular logic structures, …
           how you tackle the problem of designing circuits
           with 1,000,000 gates -- you’re not in Digital
           Technique anymore!

                                             MicroLab, VLSI-1 (4/28)

JMM v1.4
Key Technology Microelectronics

           microelectronics is a key technology of the world
           technology development is extremely aggressive
           post-grade engineering education is important
           influence of other technologies like software
           key technologies may be used as weapons. 1991
           Japan hold 80% share of the world production of
           4MB DRAMs. Artificial raw material shortage are
           very few Swiss chip fabs. Our raw material is the
           high education standard, that means YOU

                                           MicroLab, VLSI-1 (5/28)

JMM v1.4
What is a VLSI Circuit?


                     Technique where many circuit components and
                     the wiring that connects them are manufactured
                     simultaneously into a compact, reliable and
                     inexpensive chip.

           Early (circa 1977) characterization of circuit
           “size” before people realized that the number of
           components per chip was quadrupling every 24
           months (Moore’s Law)! This growth rate has
           slowed in recent years… can you guess why?

                                              MicroLab, VLSI-1 (6/28)

JMM v1.4
Course Outline/Brief history

                                          Bell Labs lays the groundwork:
                                          1940: Ohl develops PN junction
                                          1945: Shockley’s lab established
                                          1947: Bardeen and Brattain create
                                                 point-contact transistor with
                                                 two PN junctions. Gain = 18.

           1951: Shockley develops junction
                 transistor which can be
                 manufactured in quantity.
           1952: Dummer forecasts “solid
                  block [with] layers of
                  insulating, conducting and
                  amplifying materials”
           1954: The first transistor radio!
                  Also, TI makes first silicon
                  transistor (price $2.50)

                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-1 (7/28)

JMM v1.4
Early integration

           Jack Kilby, working at Texas Instruments, first dreamed up the idea
           of a monolithic “integrated circuit” in July 1959. By the end of the
           year, he had constructed several examples, including the flip-flop
           shown in the patent drawing above. Components are connected by
           hand-soldered wires and isolated by “shaping” and pn diodes used as

           Robert Noyce experimented in the late 40’s with
           transistors while a physics major at college. He went to MIT where
           “much to his surprise, few people had even heard about the
           transistor.” After getting his PhD in 1953, he worked in industry,
           finally arriving at Mountain View, CA and Shockley Semiconductor
           Labs in 1955.

                                                      MicroLab, VLSI-1 (8/28)

JMM v1.4
“           “

               In 1957, Noyce left Shockley’s
               lab to form Fairchild Semi-
               conductor with Jean Hoerni.
               Gordon Moore is another

               In early 1958, Hoerni invents
               technique for diffusing impurities into
               the silicon to build planar transistors
               and then using a SiO2 insulator.

               In mid 1959, Noyce develops
               first true IC using planar transistors,
               back-to-back pn junctions for
               isolation, diode-isolated silicon
               resistors and SiO2 insulation with
               evaporated metal wiring on top.

                          MicroLab, VLSI-1 (9/28)

JMM v1.4
Practice makes perfect...
                   1.5 mm
                                      1961: TI and Fairchild introduced
                                      the first logic IC’s (cost ~$50 in
                                      quantity!). This is a dual flip-flop with 4

                                      1963: Densities and yields are improving.
                                      This circuit has four flip flops.

                                                                      0.97 mm

      1967: Fairchild markets the semi-custom
      chip shown below. Transistors (organized in
      columns) could be easily rewired using a
      two-layer interconnect to create different
      circuits. This circuit contains ~150 logic

                     3.81 mm

                                          1968: Noyce and Moore leave
                                          Fairchild and found Intel. No
                                          business plan, just a promise
                                          to specialize in memory chips.
                                          They raise $3M in two days
                                          and move to Santa Clara. By
                                          1971 Intel had 500 employees;
                                          by 1983 it had 21,500
                                          employees and $1100M in sales.

                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-1 (10/28)

JMM v1.4
The Big Bang
                                                                   2.87 mm

                       In 1970, making good on
              its promise to its investors Intel
               starts selling a 1K bit RAM, the
           1103. It was a bear to interface to,
           but its density and cost make it the
                              only game it town.

                                               In 1971 Intel introduces the first
                                               microprocessor, designed by Ted
                                               Hoff. The 4004 had 4-bit buses and
                                               a clock rate of 108KHz. It had 2300
                                               transistors and was built in a 10um
                                               process. It never captured much
                                               interest in the market and was soon
                                               eclipsed by its more capable brothers.

                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-1 (11/28)

JMM v1.4
Exponential Growth

                                   Introduced in 1972, the 8008 had 3,500
                                   transistors supporting a byte-wide data path.
                                   Despite its limitations, the 8008 was the first
                                   microprocessor capable of playing the role of
                                   computer CPU as demonstrated on the cover of
                                   the July ‘74 issue of Radio-Electronics.

     Last, but not least, on our tour is the
    8080. Introduced in 1974, the 8080
   had 6,000 transistors fab’ed in a 6um
 process. The clock rate was 2Mhz, more
        than enough to ignite the personal
   computer industry. At least Paul Allen
     and his partner thought so when they
 wrote a BASIC interpreter for the 8080
 in 1975. They would later collaborate in
       another, more profitable, venture...

                                                        MicroLab, VLSI-1 (12/28)

JMM v1.4

                       AVP-III Video Codec from Lucent Technologies

           Many disciplines have contributed to the current state of the art
           in VLSI design:
               solid-state physics                           circuit design & layout
               materials science                             architecture
               lithography and fab                           algorithms
               device modeling                               CAD tools
                                We’ll be concentrating on the right-hand column
                                                                      MicroLab, VLSI-1 (13/28)

JMM v1.4
                  Aided       CAD Tools                     #1

                 organize                 generate                    verify
                                                           Symbolic layout tools to
      Standard-cell place                                  ease the task of physical
      and route for “random”                               design; mask verification
      logic.                                               to ensure manufacturability.

                                     Circuit analysis programs predict circuit behavior at
                                     all the process corners. Gate-level and behavioral
                                     simulators help you get it right the first time!
           Tools to do the tedious, repetitive work such as
           routing,“tiling” a mosaic of building-block cells, or
           verifying that the layout and schematic match.
                                                            MicroLab, VLSI-1 (14/28)

JMM v1.4
CAD Tools #2

              designing highly complex VLSI circuits
              (100K to xM fets)
              classical, iterative procedures are unsuitable
              precise transistor models are necessary for
              reliable predictions data inflation

              new design methodologies
              powerful design tools
              high level design languages
              silicon compiler would be useful

                                          MicroLab, VLSI-1 (15/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Design Challenge

             designing circuits with increasing complexity in
             always shorter times

             computer has to take over routine work
             deliberate the designer from unnecessary low
             qualification work
             shift of design activities to higher level abstract
             computer has to support new design methods

                                               MicroLab, VLSI-1 (16/28)

JMM v1.4
Chip Complexity #1

              Chip classification according to number of active
              elements and minimal feature size:

           classification     #transistors          example
           SSI                1 - 100               gates
           MSI                100 - 1k              registers
           LSI                1k - 100k             uP
           VLSI               100K -                RAM, sig. proc.
           ULSI               ?

           year               minimal channel length
           1970               10µ
           1980               5µm
           1985               2µm
           1992               0.5µ
           2002               0.13
           2010               ?

                                               MicroLab, VLSI-1 (17/28)

JMM v1.4
Chip Complexity #2

             can you really imagine the chip complexity of
             today's VLSI chips and not just express it as a mere

           street map image
           year     feature block     chip         town
           1970 10x10µm 200m          2mm          Biel
           1980 10x5µm 200m
                    10x5µ             5mm          Paris
           1992 10x0.7µ 200m          10mm         Switzerland

                                              MicroLab, VLSI-1 (18/28)

JMM v1.4

           (Multiple choice)
           This is a picture of

           (A) a programmable general purpose ASIC with 1/4 million
               transistors on a 40mm2 designed in a 0.7µm CMOS
               full custom technology.

           (B) a processor able to execute 64 knowledge based rules
               in parallel due to a 3 stage pipelined architecture with
               hard-coded adder, multiplier, divider architecture.

           (C) the fastest fuzzy processor in the world, designed
               by MicroLab-I3S and presented at the international
               FUZZ‘98 conference in New Orleans

                              ANSWER: _________
                                                        MicroLab, VLSI-1 (19/28)

JMM v1.4
Circuit Design & Layout
           Standard cell                     Full custom

                             RAM Generator

               Q: Which engineer drew the most fets? ______
                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-1 (20/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI: The Ideal Implementation
               gives the designer control over almost everything:
               architecture, logic design, speed, area, power, …
               densities are increasing, costs decreasing with each
               passing year
               is used by almost everyone: “No one gets fired for
               building an ASIC”
               was the enabling technology for much of the
               economic growth of the 80’s and 90’s. It will no
               doubt continue in its starring role for some time
           Is life really a bowl of cherries?

                                                MicroLab, VLSI-1 (21/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Fact-of-Life #1:
                 “So much to do, so little time”
           You need a design methodology :

             budget ($, speed, area, power, schedule, risk)

                   low-level building blocks,
                   high-level architecture

                         behavioural design, verification

                                logic design, verification

                                         layout, verification

                                                MicroLab, VLSI-1 (22/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Fact-of-Life #2:
                 “You can’t reach in and fix it”
           Notice that the word “verification” kept appearing in
           the previous slide.
           Mistakes can be costly:
                  find bug(s)        ?         ?
                  reverify           1 week Ecu 10k
                  new masks          3 days Ecu 25k
                  fab run            12 weeks Ecu 1k/wafer
                  slip ship date               Ecu Ecu Ecu

      There’s a lot that needs checking:
              circuit must operate at all “corners”
                  verified at building block level
              logic must be correct, operate reliably
                  verified at RTL/gate level
              chip has to interoperate with system
                  verified at behavioral level
              chip has to be manufacturable
                  verified at mask level, at tester

                                              MicroLab, VLSI-1 (23/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Fact-of-Life #3:
           “Verification is a tedious task”

                                 MicroLab, VLSI-1 (24/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Fact-of-Life #4:
                   “You can’t find all the bugs”
      The key word here is “find”:
        one can’t explore the behaviour of the circuit under all
         possible conditions
         some of the bugs arise from unanticipated interactions
         which, by definition, one never thinks of testing
         it’s not clear when one is “done” looking for bugs!
         Time pressures mean that most searches stop too soon.

    The trick is to choose some implementation rules that
    result in a circuit that is correct by construction*. For
       choose a simple clocking scheme
       module inputs must go only to fet gates
       disallow unclocked feedback
       make register t(clk-to-Q) > t(hold)+skew
                       t(clk to-
       use poly only for local interconnect
       no diffusion wires
       etc., etc., etc.
           * or at least avoid as many problems as possible!
                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-1 (25/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Fact-of-Life #5:
                     “Nobody’s perfect”

           Plan for what happens after you turn it on and
           nothing happens.
              provide lot’s of observability and controlability.
           You’ll need to localize and then find the bug.
              have a way to run the chip slowly and/or stop it
           without it burning up or loosing bits.
              figure out how to track down performance
           problems without relying on fast I/O (tester pins
           are slow!)
                               leave room in the budget
                            (time, Ecu) for debugging.
                               write and run your
                            manufacturing tests
                            before tape out.

                                             MicroLab, VLSI-1 (26/28)

JMM v1.4
Microelectronics in 4th Semester

                   history &                 microelectronic
                   complexity                technologies

                                  EXPERIENCE                   VHDL
           exercises with        data path / fsm
           CAD tools                 project

                                     design flow

           Course material
             Textbook from Weste & Eshraghian for
             4th and 5th semester (voluntary)
             Copy of transparencies (placeholder for private notes)
             VHDL Starter (recommended)
             CAD Exercises on the MicroLab web pages
             CBT CD on VHDL for your PC (lending
             from MicroLab in 4th semester)
                                               MicroLab, VLSI-1 (27/28)

JMM v1.4     different small articles
Coming Up...

             We’ll be traveling top-down in 4th semester and
             bottom-up in 5 & 6 semester:

           Next topic…
             Microelectronic technologies like standard cell,
             gate array, sea-of-gates, macro cell, FPGA, tiny

           Readings for next time…
           web CBT tutorials see on
             http://www.microlab ch/academics/courses
             How a silicon integrated circuit is made (web CBT)
             A VLSI Tutorial up to chapter with NAND/NOR
             (web CBT from Uni Manchester)
             T. Hoff: Article about the µP History (German)
             To learn more about Intel’s early days and to ogle
             some die photos of oldie-but-goodie chips browse
             at the Intel link of the MicroLab VLSI course web

                                              MicroLab, VLSI-1 (28/28)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Design I
                            The MOSFET model                 Wow !
                                                      Are device models as
                                                        nice as Cindy ?

           The large signal MOSFET model and second order
              effects. MOSFET capacitances.
           Introduction in fet process technology

           Goal: You can use the large signal equivalent MOS
             device equation. You are familiar with second order
             effects like body effect, channel length modulation.
             You know the MOS capacitances. You know the
             basic steps in MOS fabrication.
                                              MicroLab, VLSI-2 (1/24)

JMM v1.4
Let’s build a MOSFET
                There are lots of different recipes to choose from.
                Like most things in life, you get what you pay for:
                the ability to have good bipolar devices, radiation
                hardness, reduced latch-up and substrate noise, …
                are all extra cost options. We’ll consider a general
                process: bulk CMOS with a p-type substrate:

                                        500um slice of a silicon ingot that has been
                                        doped with an acceptor (typically boron) to
           Use <100> surface            increase the concentration of holes to 1014/cm3
           to minimize surface          - 1018/cm3.


                         Back is metallized to provide
                         a good ground connection.
              Good for n-channel fets, but p-channel
                        n-        fets, p-
              fets will need a n-type “well” (or tub) to
              live in!
                                                          MicroLab, VLSI-2 (2/24)

JMM v1.4
Next, a “thick” (0.4um) layer of silicon dioxide, called
           field oxide, is formed on the surface by oxidation in wet
           oxygen. This is then etched to expose surface where we
           want to make a mosfet:


           Now grow a “thin” (0.01um = 100 Å) layer of silicon
           dioxide, called gate oxide, on the surface by exposing the
           wafer to dry oxygen.


           The gate oxide needs to be of high quality: uniform
           thickness, no defects! The thinner the gate oxide, the
           more oomph the fet will have (we’ll see why soon) but the
           harder it is to make it defect free.

                                               MicroLab, VLSI-2 (3/24)

JMM v1.4
On top of the thin oxide a 0.7um thick layer of
            polycrystalline silicon, called polysilicon or poly for
            short, is deposited by CVD. The poly layer is patterned
            and plasma etched (thin ox not covered by poly is etched
            away too!) exposing the surface where the source and
            drain junctions will be formed:

                     gate oxide          poly wires             field oxide
                     (only under poly)

           exposed surface for source
           and drain junctions                                              p

            Poly has a high sheet resistance (25 ohms/square) which
            can be reduced by adding a layer of a silicided refractory
            metal such titanium (TiSi2), tantalum (TaSi2) or
            molybdenum (MoSi2). These have sheet resistances of 1,
            3 or 5 ohms per square, respectively. This is great for
            memory structures that have lots of poly wiring.

                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-2 (4/24)

JMM v1.4
The entire surface is doped, either by diffusion or ion
           implantation, with phosphorus (an electron donor) which
           creates two n-type regions in the substrate. The
           phosphorus also penetrates the poly reducing its resistance
           and affecting the nfet’s threshold.

                                                  diffusions are “self-aligned”
                                                  with poly

                                   n+                 n+

              n+ wires: 20-30 ohms/sq.                                             p

           Finally an intermediate oxide layer is grown and then
           reflowed to flatten its surface. Holes are etched in the
           oxide (where contacts to poly/diff are wanted) and
           aluminum deposited, patterned and etched.

                                      metal wires (0.08 ohms/square)


           diff contact (0.25 - 10 ohms)         n- channel MOS
                                                 field effect transistor!
                                                        MicroLab, VLSI-2 (5/24)

JMM v1.4
NFET Operation
                            Picture shows configuration when Vgs < Vto
                              S                 G                 D

                                                                         Ids = 0

                              n+                                  n+


   mobile holes,                                               mobile electrons,
   fixed negative ions                              B          fixed positive ions
                                                               (n+ means heavily
              depletion layer                                  doped with donors,
              no mobile carriers,                              doesn’t imply
              but fixed negative ions                          positive charge!)
              (slight intrusion into n+,
              but mostly in p area)                        Terminal with higher
                                                G          voltage is labelled D,
           Other symbols:                                  the other is labelled S
                                                           so Ids >= 0.

                                  S                              D

                                                B       almost always ground
                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-2 (6/24)

JMM v1.4
FET = field effect transistor
           The four terminals of a fet (gate, source, drain and bulk)
           connect to conducting surfaces that generate a complicated
           set of electric fields in the channel region which depend on
           the relative voltages of each terminal.
                  Picture shows configuration
                       when Vgb > Vto                    gate

                                                                               happens here

                                       Eh               Ev
                 source                                                          drain


            INVERSION:                                          CONDUCTION:
            A sufficiently strong vertical                      If a channel exists, a
            field will attract enough                           horizontal field will cause
            electrons to the surface to                         a drift current from the
            create a conducting n-type channel                  drain to the source.
            between the source and drain.                       Expect Ids proportional
                                                                to Vds*(W/L)?

                                                                 MicroLab, VLSI-2 (7/24)

JMM v1.4
Threshold voltage
           The gate voltage required to form the channel is called the threshold
           voltage. Many factors affect the gate-source voltage at which the
           channel becomes conductive. Threshold voltage for source-bulk voltage

                       VTO = Vt − ms + Vfb

                                       Qb           Q                            ε ox
                       VTO = 2φ F +         + φ ms − fc
                                       C ox         C ox                         t ox

                                                                kT  N DN A 
     0.61V for n-channel 2 kT ln N A 
               n-                                               ln 2 
     -0.61V for p-channel q  n i 
                p-              
                                                                q  ni 
                                                                           
                                              2 ε si q N A 2φ F

                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-2 (8/24)

JMM v1.4
Body effect (second order)
           As Vsb increases, the depth of the depletion region
           increases, exposing more of the fixed acceptor (i.e.
           negative) ions in the substrate.
           Thus the second term in the threshold voltage equation on
           the previous slide increases from

                       2ε si qN A 2 ΦF
                       2ε si qN A (Vsb + 2 ΦF )

           the threshold voltage of the n-channel transistor is now:
                                                                  2ε si qN A
           Vtn = Vtn0 + γ ( Vsb + 2 ΦF − 2 ΦF )                γ=
                                                                   C ox

           As we’ll see, this effect
           comes into play in
           series-connected fets                                             Vsb>0
           where only one of the                         T1
           fets will have Vsb = 0
           and the other fets will            Vt2> Vt1                       Vsb=0
           have Vsb > 0 and a
           higher threshold voltage.
                                                   MicroLab, VLSI-2 (9/24)

JMM v1.4
Basic DC equations

           MOS transistors have 3 regions of operation:
            cutoff region (subthreshold)
            linear region (triode region)
            saturated region (active region)
                                       polysilicon gate
                                                 source diffusion
                    drain diffusion



           Cutoff or subthreshold region:
              Vgs <=Vt
              Ids = 0
              There is still a small current described in the
              second order effects (weak inversion). Important to
              model for analog circuits: I ds ∝ Vds
                                                MicroLab, VLSI-2 (10/24)

JMM v1.4
“Linear” operating region
                  Vs                      Vgs > Vt                          0 < Vds < Vdsat



            Larger Vgs creates                        Larger Vds increases drift current but
            deeper channel which                      also reduces vertical field component
            increases Ids                             which in turn makes channel less deep.
                                                      Channel will pinch-off, when
           channel length is       mobility               Vds = Vgs - Vt = Vdsat
           almost always min       (un > up)
           allowable                                  fet gain factor k= Cox

                           W µ ε ox                 Vds 
                    I ds =
                           L t ox 
                                     Vgs − Vt Vds −
                                                      2 
                                                          )
           max value at Vds = Vdsat,
           but then channel is                     only linear when Vds is small,
           pinched off (see next slide)            otherwise parabolic
                                                               MicroLab, VLSI-2 (11/24)

JMM v1.4
Saturated operating region
                   Vs                      Vgs > Vt                        Vdsat < Vds


           Voltage at channel end                   Electrons arriving from source are
           remains essentially                      injected into drain depletion region
           constant at Vdsat so                     and accelerated towards drain by field
           drift current also remains               proportional to Vds - Vdsat usually
           constant: device is in                   reaching the drift velocity limit.

                                        W µ ε ox
                                                       (                )
                          I ds (sat ) =          Vgs − Vt
                                        2 L t ox

                            this is just Ids from previous slide
                            evaluated at Vds = Vdsat

                                                              MicroLab, VLSI-2 (12/24)

JMM v1.4
                      Channel-length modulation
                           (second order)
                 Vs                    Vgs > Vt                Vdsat < Vds


                                    L’ = L - dL

           This looks just like a                  As Vds increases,
           fet with a channel length               dL get larger
           of L’ < L. Shorter L’ implies
           greater Ids...

           As Vds increases the effective channel length gets
           shorter so Ids(sat) increases. dL is proportional to
             Vds − Vdsat but most people approximate channel
           length modulation as a linear effect:
                              W µ ε ox
                                           (      ) (1 + λ V
                I ds (sat ) =          Vgs − Vt                        ds    )
                              2 L t ox
                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-2 (13/24)

JMM v1.4
NFET Ids curves
           “Put it together and what have you got?”

             plot of Ids vs. Vds for Vgs = 0 ,1, 2, 3, 4 and 5V

             Can you find the following in the plot?
                        Ids vs. Vds when Vgs = 0V
                        Ids vs. Vds when Vgs = 5V
                        value of Vt
                        value of Vdsat
                        evidence of body effect
                        evidence of channel length modulation

                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-2 (14/24)

JMM v1.4
SPICE Models
           There are different models used in circuit simulators:
               level 1 is our simple model including the most
              important second order effects described
              level 2 model is based on device physics
              level 3 is a semi-empirical model allowing to match
              equations to the real circuit: example BSIM model
              from Berkeley models subthreshold characteristics

             summary of the main SPICE DC parameters used in
             all three models at the end of this chapter

           M1 4 3 5 0 nfet W=1u L=0.5u AS=1p AD=1p PS=3u PD=3u
           .MODEL nfet NMOS
           +CGB0=345p CGS0=138p CGD0=138p
           +CJ=775u CJSW=344p MJ=0.35 MJSW=0.26 PB=0.75
           +. . . .
                                              MicroLab, VLSI-2 (15/24)

JMM v1.4
MOSFET Capacitance Estimation
           the dynamic response of MOS systems strongly
           depends on the parasitic capacitances associated with
           the MOS device. The total load capacitance on the
           output of a CMOS gate is the sum of:
              gate capacitance (of other inputs connected to out)
              diffusion capacitance (of drain/source regions)
              routing capacitances (output to other inputs)

             Cgd            drain
   gate                                     substrate

             Cgs                      Csb
                                     Cgs           Cgb           Cgd                  tox
                   source                                                                     drain
               Csb                                                                          Cdb
                                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-2 (16/24)

JMM v1.4
MOSFET gate capacitances
           Cg = Cgd + Cgs + Cgb
           Oxide-related capacitances come in two forms:

             overlap capacitance (extrinsic) since gate slightly
             overhangs diffusions and bulk:
                      for both Cgs and Cgd     amount of overlap
                 C(overlap) = W LD Cox                                 for SPICE
                       for Cgb                                    Cgs = W CGS0
                 C(overlap) = 2L CGB0                             Cgd = W CGD0
                                                                  Cgb = 2L CGB0

             channel-charge related capacitances (intrinsic):
                 cut-off: Cgb = Cox W L
                                 Cgs = Cgd = 0
                                                   shielded by channel
                 linear:                Cgb = 0
                                        Cgs = Cgd = 0.5 Cox W L
                   equally shared between S and D
                   note capacitive coupling of gate and drain/source
                 saturation:              Cgb = 0 channel pinched off
                                          Cgd = 0 channel shortened
                                        Cgs = 0.67 Cox W L

                                                     MicroLab, VLSI-2 (17/24)

JMM v1.4
MOSFET diffusion capacitances
           Junction capacitances Cdb and Csb are a function of the
           applied terminal voltages and diffusion dimensions:

                                          source/drain diffusion


      sidewall faces             bottom junction faces                    sidewalls face p+
      channel                    p-type substrate                         channel stop
   zero-bias C/unit area of bottom junction                           zero-
                                                                      zero-bias C/unit length of
                                     area of diffusion                     sidewall junction
                                                                               perimeter of diffusion
                                          C jA                    C jsw P
                         C diff =                  Mj
                                                        +                   Mjsw
    negative for                      Vj                   Vj 
    reverse biased                   1 − 
                                      V                   1 − 
                                                             V                                          coeff.
                                                                                                  grading coeff.
                                         b                    b 
             built-in junction
             potential                                                              junction voltage
                                                 grading coeff.

                                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-2 (18/24)

JMM v1.4
P-channel MOSFETs
                            S                 G                D

                            p+                                 p+

            threshold voltage is                  PFET is built inside its
            negative since we need        B                           n-
                                                  own “substrate”: a n-type
            attract holes to form                 well or tub diffused into
            inversion layer                       p-type bulk substrate.
                                                  Don’t forget well contacts!

           Other symbols:
                                              G        Terminal with lower
                                                       voltage is labelled D,
                                                       the other is labelled S

                                S                            D

                off: Vgs > Vt                 B     n-well always connected
                lin: Vgs>Vt, Vds>Vgs-Vt             to Vdd to keep pn
                sat: Vgs>Vt, Vds<Vgs-Vt                      back-
                                                    junction back-biased
                                                       MicroLab, VLSI-2 (19/24)

JMM v1.4
                   Depletion-mode MOSFETs
                       S               G                 D

                       n+                                n+


                                           channel doped with donors
                                   B       to give negative threshold
                                           voltage, i.e., depletion fets
                                           are always on.

           This mosfet is always conducting but, like ordinary
           enhancement fets, it will conduct more current as Vgs
           increases. One can build logic circuits with only n-
           channel devices (NMOS): enhancement fets for pulldowns
           and depletion fets as static pullups. Since NMOS logic
           dissipates DC power it’s been largely replaced by CMOS.

                                                 MicroLab, VLSI-2 (20/24)

JMM v1.4
Coming Up...
           Next topic…
             Static characteristics of MOS inverters: input
             and output voltages, noise margins, power

           Readings for next time…
                  sections 2 thru 2.23 except - (fet
                  3 thru 3.2.2 (process technology) and
                  4.3 through 4.3.4 (capacitances)

             Study the chip fabrication text of the university of
             Manchester at the MicroLab VLSI course web link.

                                                   MicroLab, VLSI-2 (21/24)

JMM v1.4
Useful Constants

      sym   value        units   description
      ε0    8.8542E-
            8.8542E-12   F/m     permittivity
      εox   3.9 ε0       F/m     permittivity of SiO2
      εSi   11.7 ε0      F/m     permittivity of silicon
      VT    25.8         mV      kT/q (@300°K)
      q     1.6022E-
            1.6022E-19   C       charge of electron
      k     1.381E-
            1.381E-23    J/°K    Boltzmann‘s
                                 Boltzmann‘s constant
      ni    1.45E10      cm-3    intrinsic carrier concentration

                                       MicroLab, VLSI-2 (22/24)

JMM v1.4
Alcatel 0,5um Process Parameters
  sym      param nmos pmos units description
  Vt0      VTO 0.61 -0.61 V             threshold voltage
  tox      TOX 1E-8 1E-8 m
                  1E-    1E-            thin oxide thickness
  NA       NSUB 4E16 4E16 cm-3 substrate doping density
  µ        U0     290 72         cm2/Vs charge mobility
  k        KP                    A/V2 fet gain factor
  γ        GAMMA                                        param.
                                 V0.5 bulk threshold param.
  Cox      COX                                 capacitance
                                 F/m2 oxide capacitance
  λ        α/L                   V- 1   channel length
  α        modulat.1e- 2e-
           modulat.1e-8 2e-8     V-1m-1 channel length mod fact.
  φ0       PB     0.7556 0.78469 V      built in junction potent.
  2φF      PHI 0.77 0.77         V      surface inversion pot.
  Cgb0     CGB0    3.45E-
                   3.45E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per 2L
  Cgs0     CGS0    1.38E-
                   1.38E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per W
  Cgd0     CGD0    1.38E-
                   1.38E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per W
  Cj       CJ      7.75E- 8.15E-
                   7.75E-4 8.15E-4 F/m2 zero-bias cap / unit A
  Cjsw     CJSW   3.44E- 3.54E-
                  3.44E-10 3.54E-10 F/m zero-bias cap per unit P
  Mj       MJ     0.35 0.36             grading coeff for bottom
  Mjsw     MJSW   0.26 0.27             grading coeff sidewall
                                        MicroLab, VLSI-2 (23/24)

JMM v1.4
                    Exercises: VLSI-2
    Ex vlsi2.1 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the missing
       parameters on the previous transparency like intrinsic
       transconductance k, bulk threshold parameter γ and
                                                 0.5µ process)
       oxide capacitance Cox of an nfet (Alatel 0.5µm process)
              =100µ             =24.9µ
    Result: kn=100µA/V2, kp=24.9µA/V2, γ=0.334V0.5,
       Cox=3.45E-7 F/cm2 (see Weste pp48ff)
    Ex vlsi2.2 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the threshold
       voltage shift due to the body effect of an nfet at Vsb =
       2.2V (Alcatel 0.5µm process)
             (Alcatel 0.5µ
    Result: dVtn = 0.282V (see Weste pp55)
    Ex vlsi2.3 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the
       transconductance βn of an nfet (Alatel 0.5µm process),
       W=1 µm, L= 0.5 µm
    Result: βn=200 µΑ/V2 (see Weste pp53)
    Ex vlsi2.4 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the capacitances of
       an nfet with Vsb=Vdb=3V, W=1µm, L=0.5µm,
                     Vsb=Vdb=3V, W=1µ L=0.5µ
       A=1µ P=3µ (Alatel 0.5µ
       A=1µm2, P=3µm (Alatel 0.5µm process)
    Result: Cgate=2.35fF, Cdrain=Csource=1.2fF (see Weste

    Weste pp99: 2.10: Have a look at ex 8, 9
                                           MicroLab, VLSI-2 (24/24)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Design I
                  Static characteristics of MOS inverter

                                   Static characteristics?
                                   Does that mean it’s not
                                   going to move?

           Static transfer characteristic of CMOS gates

           Goal: You know the transfer characteristic of CMOS
             gates and know how to calculate noise margins

                                                 MicroLab, VLSI-3 (1/14)

JMM v1.4
NFET Review
                     D                             D +

              G                            G                          Vds >= 0

                     S                            - S -

           Operating regions:              0.7V

             cut-               Vgs < Vt             S                                D

             linear: Vgs >= Vt
                            Vds < Vdsat              S                                D

                                                    Vgs - Vt
             saturation:        Vgs >= Vt
                                Vds >= Vdsat         S                                D


                                                    MicroLab, VLSI-3 (2/14)

JMM v1.4
PFET Review
                          D                         D -

              G                            G                           Vds <= 0

                          S                        - S +

           Operating regions:              -0.7V

             cut-               Vgs > Vt             S                                D

             linear: Vgs <= Vt
                            Vds > Vdsat              S                                D

                                                     Vgs - Vt
             saturation:        Vgs <= Vt
                                Vds <= Vdsat         S                                D



                                                     MicroLab, VLSI-3 (3/14)

JMM v1.4
“Bipolar” Logic
                     Isn’t this a
                     CMOS course?

                                     Bipolar = two signal levels
                                         ‘0’ when V near 0
                                         ‘1’ when V near Vdd
                                                      Inverter recipe:
                                           pullup: make this connection
                                           when Vin near 0 so that Vout = Vdd

           Vin                                 Vout

                                           pulldown: make this connection
                                           when Vin near Vdd so that Vout = 0

                 one power supply => low impedance source for 2 levels
                 receivers have a simple job => only make one decision
                 no DC power if connections not “made” at same time
                 Boolean logic has been around a long time

                                                            MicroLab, VLSI-3 (4/14)

JMM v1.4
Characterizing Inverters
           What goals do we want to achieve with our inverter
           implementation (and, more generally, other functions)?
             fast propagation delay (next lecture!)
             low power dissipation
             compact layout
             noise immunity

                                              Draw voltage-transfer
             VOH                              curve (VTC) for inverter.
                                              Shade-in areas that
                                              VTC can’t enter.
                                              What can we say about
             VOL                              What is “ideal” inv. VTC?
                      VIL      VIH

                                                MicroLab, VLSI-3 (5/14)

JMM v1.4
Noise Margin                               Are there other ways
                                                                        of signalling?

           noise immunity. Since we’re signalling values using
           voltages, we want good noise margins. This means
           that we need to make an allowance for noise when
           assigning voltage levels for valid inputs and outputs
           definition: NM L = VIL max − VOL max
                        NM H = VOH min − VIH min

                             output          input
                     characteristics         characteristics
      Logical High
      Output Range                VOHmin                             Logical High
                                                                     Input Range
                                                                     Logical Low
      Logical Low                 VOLmax                             Input Range
      Output Range
                                                          MicroLab, VLSI-3 (6/14)

JMM v1.4
Choosing signal voltages
           This is a subject on which reasonable people
           can disagree! One possible line of attack:
                                                          merged VTC for all
                                                          process corners &
                                            Vout               devices
      Step 1: pick VIL and VIH
      don’t want to amplify noise
      so find values of Vin where
      VTC gain = 1 or -1. Choose
      smallest VIL and largest VIH
                                                          VIL         VIH

      Step 2: pick VOL and VOH
      choose values so that               VOH
      (1) VTC is in legal territory
      (2) leave desired noise
           margins                        VOL

                                                            VIL        VIH
                                                   NML                       NMH

                                                   MicroLab, VLSI-3 (7/14)

JMM v1.4
Inverter pulldown devices
           The NFET makes an ideal pulldown device:


              if pullup is off, VOL = ______
              no DC connection when Vin < ______
              increase width to increase Ipd
              compact layout
                                 saturated pulldown region
                    Vout                              Vin = Vout
                                                              Vin = Vout + Vt0
      region                                                 linear pulldown region

                                        always > Vt0
                                                              MicroLab, VLSI-3 (8/14)

JMM v1.4
Inverter pullup devices
           Resistor. No load on input, VOH=Vdd
           Will dissipate static power; increasing R will reduce
           power and increase noise margin, but low-to-high
           transition gets slower. Only practical if process
           supports undoped poly which has sheet resistance of 10M

           Depletion-mode NFET. No load on input, VOH=Vdd.
           Connecting gate to source sets Vgs = 0 so Ipu is
           determined only by Vout. Layout can be compact since
           pullup is in same well as pulldown; buried contact can be
           used to connect gate to source. Only found in NMOS

           Enhancement-mode NFET. VOH= Vdd- Vt unless gate of
           pullup is driven above Vdd. If gate is not switched off,
           pullup needs to be weak to avoid excessive power
           dissipation, but this may entail larger layouts. Useful
           where PFETs not wanted (e.g., some I/O structures).

           Pseudo-NMOS using saturated PFET as load
           device. VOH= Vdd. Useful for building large fan-in NOR
           gates found in static ROMs and PLAs where static power
           dissipation is okay.

                                          MicroLab, VLSI-3 (9/14)

JMM v1.4
Inverter with PFET pullup
      Vgs,pu = Vin-Vdd
       gs,                    Vds,pu = Vout-Vdd

                                               negligible steady-state
                                               power dissipation
           Vin               D      Vout
                                               VOL = 0V, VOH = Vdd
                             D                 VTC transition very sharp
                                               switching point can be
                      G      S                 adjusted by fet sizing
      Vgs,pd = Vin
       gs,                         Vds,pd = Vout

                                 non-vertical only because
                                 of channel-length modulation
                            Vout                                                      Vin = Vout

                            n=off              lin


                                                         n=                  p=off

                                    Wn/Wp>1                     Wn/Wp<1


             Vt,p                   Vt,n                           Vdd+Vt,p           Vdd

                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-3 (10/14)

JMM v1.4
Build your own VTC
           In the steady state:
               Ids,pd(Vin,Vout) = -Ids,pu(Vin-Vdd,Vout-Vdd)

    ds,                            Ids,pd
                Vin = 0.5V         -Ids,pu
                                                   Vin = 1.5V

                                Vout                                             Vout


                                                                      Vin = 2.5V

                                                       When both fets are
                                                       saturated, small changes
                                                       in Vin produce large
                                                       changes in Vout

    ds,                            Ids,pd
                Vin = 3.5V         -Ids,pu
                                                   Vin = 4.5V

                                Vout                                             Vout

                                                             MicroLab, VLSI-3 (11/14)

JMM v1.4
Ben Bitdiddle’s Buffer!

           Vin                   Vout

                 How many would you buy?

                                        MicroLab, VLSI-3 (12/14)

JMM v1.4
Coming Up...
           Next topic…
             Dynamic characteristics of MOS inverters:
             propagation delay, effects of rise and fall times.
             Transistor sizing, interconnect issues, estimating
           Readings for next time…
                  Sections 2.3 thrugh 2.3.2

                                              MicroLab, VLSI-3 (13/14)

JMM v1.4
                            Exercises: VLSI-3
           Ex vlsi3.1 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the CMOS
              inverter threshold values for the following confi-      confi-
              gurations (Alcatel 0,5µm process,VDD=3,3V)
              a) Wn = Ln, Wp = Lp
              b) Wn = 10 Ln, Wp = Lp
              c) Wn = Ln, Wp = 10 Lp
           Result: a) Vinv = 1.30V, b) Vinv = 0.893, c) Vinv =
              1.88V (see Weste pp66)
           Ex vlsi3.2 (difficulty: medium, time consuming):
              Calculate the noise margin and VIL, VIH, VOL, VOH,
              for a CMOS inverter operating at 3.3V with βn=
              βp, Utn= -Utp=0.61V.
           Result: VIL = 1.39V, VIH = 1.91V, VOL = 0.26V,
              VOH = 3.04, NML= NML=1.13V
           Weste pp99: 2.10 ex 5 (difficulty: medium, time
              consuming): Design an input buffer that may be
              used to interface with a TTL driver (Vdd=3.3V,
              VOL=0.8V, VOH=2.0V). Show full derivations of
              DC conditions. Assume Wn =1µm and Ln = Lp =
           Result: Wp = 1.51µm
                           1.51µ                  MicroLab, VLSI-3 (14/14)

JMM v1.4
VLSI Design I
                 Dynamic characteristics of MOS inverters

                                 Wow! 0 to 3.3 volts in 300ps!

           gate delay modeling
           power dissipation

           Goal: You are familiar with CMOS gate delay models
             like Penfield-Rubenstein and wire models. You
             know the influence of body effect and large loads to
             gate delay. You know why ground bounce occurres.
             You know the different factors in power dissipation.
                                                    MicroLab, VLSI-4 (1/29)

JMM v1.3
Static properties reviewed
                                            sharp transition:
                                            inverter good
                                            receiver for voltage-
                                            based signalling
                                    Vout                                        Ids,n

                                increasing Wn                         increasing Wp
                                decreasing Wp                         decreasing Wn

      Define theshold voltage
      Vinv as voltage where
      Vin = Vout on VTC.

                VOH=Vdd, VOL=0, sharp transition => good noise margins
                VOH=Vdd => pfet off when Vin=VOH => no static power
                 VOL=0 => nfet off when Vin=VOL => no static power

           VTC describes static behaviour. When Vin changes, Vout
           “lags behind” because it takes time for capacitors to
           charge/discharge. So, in real, life Vin reaches Vth before
           Vout does.

                                                      MicroLab, VLSI-4 (2/29)

JMM v1.3
Choosing what to measure
                                  V        tf
      Vin            Vout   ???

                            10%                                       Vout
      Rise time, tr = time for a waveform to rise from 10% to
         90% of its steady-state value
      Fall time, tf = time for a waveform to fall from 90% to
         10% of its steady-state value
      Delay time, td = time between input transition (when Vin
         = ???) and output transition (when Vout = ???).
            If ??? = Vinv, can delay be negative?
            does Vinv differ for each gate?
            so does td(seq. of gates) = sum(td)?
            should we choose 50% instead of Vinv?

                                            MicroLab, VLSI-4 (3/29)

JMM v1.3
Signal delay time
           Signal delay time is composed as follows
              gate delay time
              interconnection delay time

             due to minimization the delay times decreases
             the output impedance of buffers increases, thus the
             importance of interconnection delays increases

             due to continuing miniaturization, signal delay time
             becomes less dependent on gate delay but more
             dependent on interconnection delay time

              switch level mode of fet         switch level mode
                                                of inverter                       Rp

             Ugs                         Uds      Uin                                   Uout

                   C                                       Cin
                                 R                                                Rn

                                                        MicroLab, VLSI-4 (4/29)

JMM v1.3
Fall time analysis #1
                                                 dynamic transition
                         static transition                                            Vin = Vout

                        n=off            lin


                                                   n=  lin                p=off


           Vt,p               Vt,n                              Vdd+Vt,p              Vdd

           the switching speed is limited by the time taken to
           discharge the capacitance CL
           the static transition curve moves to the right if the
           input transition is fast
           p-fet gets cut-off during the whole falling output time
           n-fet immediately gets saturated, later on linear
                                                            MicroLab, VLSI-4 (5/29)

JMM v1.3
Fall time analysis #2
                                   Saturated: Vout >= Vdd - Vt,n
                                         dVout    βn
                                               = − (Vdd − Vt,n )
                            Vout          dt      2
                                    So, time to fall from 0.9Vdd to
     dsat,n               CL        Vdd - Vt,n is given by
                                               2C L                       0.9V dd

                                        β n (Vdd − Vt,n )
                                                         2            ∫Vdd − Vt, n

                                   Linear: Vout < Vdd - Vt,n
                                      dVout    Vout
                                   CL       =−      = −Idn                           function
                                       dt      Rn                                    of Vout
           Rn             CL        So, time to fall from Vdd - Vt,n to
                                    0.1Vdd is given by
                                                 Vdd −Vt ,n   dVout
                                          CL ∫
                                               0.1Vdd          I dn
  Adding to get total fall time (Weste, Eq 4.37):

                  CL        2  (n − 0.1 )                       
            tf =                            + 0.5 ln (19 − 20n )
                 β n Vdd (1 − n )  (1 - n )                     
              tr is
              similar       equals 3 to 4 for Vdd=3V-5V and Vt,n=.5V-1V
                                                 =3V-           =.5V-
                            equals 3.6 for C05M
                                                          MicroLab, VLSI-4 (6/29)

JMM v1.3
Estimating delays
           In most CMOS circuits, the delay of a single gate is
           dominated by the output raise and fall time. Thus:
                                  tr                  tf
                           t dr =              t df =
                                  2                   2

           Having found a general form for approximate rise and fall
           times, one might estimate all delays using the same general
                                      L            width expressed
                  t delay = A delay     CL
                                      W            as multiple of
                                                   minimum width
                   looks like a resistor!

           Where Adelay is a constant that depends on the power supply
           and transition voltages, the process and the minimum
           mosfet dimensions. This last dependency might strike one
           as odd, but usually all mosfets are built using the minimum
           allowable mosfet length for the process.
           Rather than solve the equations analytically, one can use
           Spice to determine the value of various useful constants:
           Ar, Af, Adr, Adf. These can be used in quick&dirty
           calculations for sizing transistors during the design
           process.                                MicroLab, VLSI-4 (7/29)

JMM v1.3
Input rise/fall & delay
           How do input rise and fall times affect delay?
               fast inputs will quickly turn off one mosfet and provide
               maximum Vgs to the driving mosfet for most of the output
               slow inputs will leave both mosfets on longer, reducing
               effective current to/from load capacitance and Vgs will be
               lower than above.
           So we might expect slower input transitions to lead to
           longer output delay times.
           One rule of thumb (Weste, p. 216ff)
                         ~0.2 for Vtn = 0.61V, Vdd = 3.3V

                                                    1 + 2n
                         t dr = t dr −step + t f,in
                                                     1 − 2p
                          t df = t df −step + t r,in

                  valid for input transitions that aren’t “too” long

                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-4 (8/29)

JMM v1.3
Bootstrapping & delay


           When the input starts to rise, the output, which was
           high, starts to fall. Thus the voltage across CGD
           changes requiring the input to supply more current to
           charge CGD, slowing the input transition.
           Since CGD is small, this is usually a small effect.
           When inverter is biased into its linear region, CGD may
           appear multiplied by the gain of the inverter (Miller
           effect). This doesn’t usually matter in digital circuits
           since the input passes rapidly through linear region.
           Useful in analog circuits...

                                                MicroLab, VLSI-4 (9/29)

JMM v1.3
Multiple inputs & delay

                    B                                               Intermediate
                                         Cbc                        node
                    C                                               capacitances

           How should we model delays when we have multiple
           inputs? When A, B, C and D are logic 1:
              treat series mosfets as resistances in series. Lump intermediate
              node capacitance with load capacitance.
                              t d = ∑iR i ∑ iC i
              use Penfield-Rubenstein model which predicts
                              t d = ∑iR i C i
              where Ri is the summed resistance from point i to ground and Ci
              is the capacitance at point i.
              Penfield-Rubenstein Slope Model uses effective
              resistance simulated by Spice:                          t df
                                                                      Rn =
                                                    MicroLab, VLSI-4 (10/29)
JMM v1.3
Body effect & delay





           If A goes from 0 to 1 while B, C and D are 1,
           then all the intermediate nodes in the pulldown chain have
           already been discharged and the top mosfet sees only a
           small body effect.
           If D goes from 0 to 1 while A, B and C are 1,
           then the intermediate nodes are all one Vt below Vdd and
           the upper mosfets see a larger body effect.
                     Thus A is the “faster” input!

                                               MicroLab, VLSI-4 (11/29)

JMM v1.3
Driving large loads #1
    If large loads have to be driven, the delay may increase
    drastically. Large loads are output capacitances, clock trees,
                              t d = t inv L = 1000 ⋅ t inv
                     1                   CG
                  CG                                                                 CL=1000 CG

    A possibility to reduce the delay, but probably not the
                       40 ⋅ t inv   5 ⋅ t inv        5 ⋅ t inv

                                1               40         200

                  CG                                                        CL=1000 CG

                  40           200           1000
           td =      ⋅ t inv +     ⋅ t inv +      ⋅ t inv = 50 ⋅ t inv
                   1            40            200

                                                                 MicroLab, VLSI-4 (12/29)

JMM v1.3
Driving large loads #2
    To drive a large load capacitance one might
    employ a sequence of n inverters, each a factor “a” larger
    than the previous one:
                                 1         a        a2       a3

                       CG                                                             CL
                                         n=4 inverters

  The delay through each stage is atd where td is the average
  delay of a minimum-sized inverter driving another minimum-
             minimum-                                 minimum-
  sized inverter. We want an = (CL/CG), so
                                                      CL  a t d
                       Total delay = n (a t d ) = ln  
                                                      C G  ln (a )
    Thus, total delay is minimized when a = e = 2.7



                                                                                         in practice


               0   1         2       3         4    5    6            7          8

                                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-4 (13/29)

JMM v1.3
Power dissipation #1

           the power consumption is low compared to other
           scaling down increases the power dissipation
           density with respect to chip area
           power dissipation produces heat on the chip, which
           has to be carried off through the chip socket
           power dissipation is one of the limiting factors in
           todays CMOS VLSI chips
           low power applications is a speciality of EM
           (Neuenburg, watches, battery applications, etc)

                                            MicroLab, VLSI-4 (14/29)

JMM v1.3
Power dissipation #2

           sources of power dissipation:
              static power dissipation (quiescent current)
              dynamic power dissipation
                  dc power dissipation: short circuit current (power to
                  ground) due to switching
                  ac power dissipation: capacitor current (charging, re-
                  charging) due to switching

           static power dissipation
                  there is always one fet off, so only leakage current is

                   I0 = I S (e qV / kT − 1 )

                   PS = ∑ I0 ⋅ VDD

                                                     MicroLab, VLSI-4 (15/29)

JMM v1.3
Dynamic power dissipation #1
            Comparison of dynamic short circuit current vs.
            capacitive current.
            As expected, the short circuit current have a less
            important contribution when the load gets large.
            Slower input transition would increase short circuit
                                   Uin      Uout

                  W/L=4            Idsn
           Uin            Uout-A

                  W/L=4            Idsn
           Uin            Uout-B
                  W/L=2            Idsp

                  W/L=4            Idsn
           Uin            Uout-C
                  W/L=2   200fF

                                               MicroLab, VLSI-4 (16/29)

JMM v1.3
Dynamic power dissipation #2
           Average dynamic power for switching a square-wave input
           with a repetition frequency of fp = 1/tp is (capacitor
                        t p /2                tp
                      1                  1
               Pd = ∫ in (t )Vout dt + ∫ i p (t )(VDD − Vout )dt
                     tp 0               t p t p /2

           Assuming a step input and taking in(t) = CLdVout/dt,
           i.e., the capacitive current, we get:
                       Vdd                  0
                  CL                  CL
             Pd =
                  tp   ∫ Vout dVout + t p
                                            ∫ (V
                                                  DD   − Vout )d (VDD − Vout )

                                     Aha! Now one can see why everybody
                                     changes from 5V to 3.3V and to 2.5V!

                            C L VDD        2
                       Pd =         = C L VDD fp
                                  proportional to switching
                                  frequency but independent
                                  of device parameters

                                                         MicroLab, VLSI-4 (17/29)

JMM v1.3
Dynamic power dissipation #3

           Short circuit power dissipation is given by

                                  Psc = Imean ⋅ VDD
                             tr                       tf




                           t1 t2 t3

           The above waveform shows the short circuit current

                                  β t rf
                                    ⋅ (VDD − 2 Vt )
                       Psc =
                                  12 t p

                                                           MicroLab, VLSI-4 (18/29)

JMM v1.3
Total power dissipation

           Total power dissipation is:

                     Ptotal = Ps + Pd + Psc

           dynamic power dissipation is dominant
           use switching activity to estimate power
                  Pd = n switching ⋅ C total ⋅ VDD ⋅ f

           switching activity:
           nswitching = percentage of switching gates
           there exist simulators estimating power dissipation
           using the switching activity

                                                   MicroLab, VLSI-4 (19/29)

JMM v1.3
Build your own power meter
                                            linear current-controlled
                                            current source
                    Vs = 0             Is        g*I
                                                 g*Is          RY              CY   Vy
                                                        Vy(0) = 0V

      Periodic input         Circuit                        CL
      Vin(t) = Vin(t+T)

            If one chooses           Vdd C y
                              RyCy >> T
            Then Vy(T) in volts will equal the average dynamic
            power in watts drawn from the power supply over
            one period.

                                                    MicroLab, VLSI-4 (20/29)

JMM v1.3
Power and ground bounce

           Metal power-carrying conductors have to be sized
           for three reasons:
                  metal migration
                  power supply noise
                  RC delay
           general rule:
                  limit current density   J AL ≈ 0.4... 1mA / µm
                  contact replication

              I                 I         I


                                               MicroLab, VLSI-4 (21/29)

JMM v1.3
“It’s the wires, stupid”
               As process dimensions shrink, wiring capacitances
               start to dominate the mosfet capacitances.
               To estimate wiring capacitances, consider the
               following figure:






           Parallel-plate capacitance given in process
           files. Fringing capacitance is significant
           when t is comparable to h.

                                                  MicroLab, VLSI-4 (22/29)

JMM v1.3
Fringing Capacitance
           Figure 6.11 from CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits:
           Analysis and Design, by Kang and Leblebici:

           For a long conductor where (t/h)=0.4,
           (w/h)=0.25, (w/l)=0, the total capacitance
           may be 10x the parallel plate capacitance.
                                               MicroLab, VLSI-4 (23/29)

JMM v1.3
Wire model?
            Today, the longest wire on a VLSI chip might be 2cm
            which has “time of flight” of ~130ps assuming εSiO2
            = 3.9 ε0
            If the signal rise/fall time is longer than the time of
            flight we can model wires as a distributed RC network.
            Longer wires or shorter rise/fall times require the wire
            to be modelled as a transmission line.
            For short wires, a lumped RC model is sufficient. For
            longer wires, we use the distributed RC model where
            signal propagation can be shown to obey the diffusion

           R/unit length            dV d 2 V
                                  rc = 2
                                    dt dx
                 C/unit length                     distance from driver

      Which means the prop time tx = kx2 with the
      signal “edge” becoming dispersed with
      increasing x.

                                                MicroLab, VLSI-4 (24/29)

JMM v1.3
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Mit notes

  • 1. VLSI System Design Overview of VLSI Design Issues Professor: Dr. Marcel Jacomet (based on transparencies designed by Chris Terman at MIT, completely updated and adapted at MicroLab-I3S) MicroLab- Overview Microelectronic history the complexity of microelectronics design steps Goal: You are familiar with the microelectronics history, have an idea about the microelectronics complexity and you have an overview of the VLSI design steps. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (1/28) JMM v1.4
  • 2. What’s expected of you Class/Homework Readings from a Starter Guide to VHDL and some articles. Some 50% in class 50% homework Self- problems to be worked at home. Self- study of the VHDL language with help of the CBT CD from Doulouse. Doulouse. Project Some design exercises to be done in 40% of final grade the lab. Specify, design and simulate a small VHDL design project using a data- data-path / finit state machine. Place & route it on a FPGA target technology (due date: July 19th at 13h00, 2002) Test in- One 70 minute in-class test. Meant 60% of final grade to be duck soup if you’ve been coming to lectures and doing the lab and homework (date: Friday July 12th, 2002). MicroLab, VLSI-1 (2/28) JMM v1.4
  • 3. Timetable 4th Semester: Introduction to VLSI System Design Date Topic Self-Study Self- 11- 11-15.3. vlsi1: history & complexity A VLSI tutorial 18- 18-22.3. vlsi8: micro technologies How a silicon int. 25- 25-29.3. -- 11- 11-19.4. vlsi8: micro technologies article Hoff 22-26.4. 22- vlsi21: top-down design, VHDL top- VHDL/CBT 29.4- 29.4-3.5. Ex400, 401 VHDL/CBT 6-10.5. -- VHDL/CBT 13- 13-17.5. vlsi21 & Ex402 VHDL 20- 20-24.5. vlsi21 & Ex404,405 VHDL 27- 27-31.5. Ex406- vlsi21 & Ex406-408 VHDL 3-7.6. vlsi21 & Ex409 chapter 5 10- 10-14.6. vlsi21: & Ex410 VHDL finish 17- 17-21.6. Ex450 project 24- 24-28.6 Ex451 project 1-5.7. Ex452 project 8-12.6. Test project 15- 15-19. 6 test discussion and outlook project 19.6. at 13h00 project due MicroLab, VLSI-1 (3/28) JMM v1.4
  • 4. So, what’s VLSI Systems Design all about? bottom- You’ll get a bottom-up tour of how integrated circuits are engineered. We’ll talk about field- field-effect transistors: how they work, how they’re built, effects of new technologies various design and layout techniques, from the ordinary to the bizarre, for creating combinational and sequential circuits, datapaths, memories, datapaths, buffers, regular logic structures, … how you tackle the problem of designing circuits with 1,000,000 gates -- you’re not in Digital Technique anymore! MicroLab, VLSI-1 (4/28) JMM v1.4
  • 5. Key Technology Microelectronics microelectronics is a key technology of the world economy technology development is extremely aggressive post- post-grade engineering education is important influence of other technologies like software engineering key technologies may be used as weapons. 1991 Japan hold 80% share of the world production of DRAMs. 4MB DRAMs. Artificial raw material shortage are disastrous. very few Swiss chip fabs. Our raw material is the fabs. high education standard, that means YOU MicroLab, VLSI-1 (5/28) JMM v1.4
  • 6. What is a VLSI Circuit? VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Technique where many circuit components and the wiring that connects them are manufactured simultaneously into a compact, reliable and inexpensive chip. Early (circa 1977) characterization of circuit “size” before people realized that the number of components per chip was quadrupling every 24 (Moore’s months (Moore’s Law)! This growth rate has slowed in recent years… can you guess why? MicroLab, VLSI-1 (6/28) JMM v1.4
  • 7. Course Outline/Brief history Bell Labs lays the groundwork: 1940: Ohl develops PN junction 1945: Shockley’s lab established 1947: Bardeen and Brattain create point- point-contact transistor with two PN junctions. Gain = 18. 1951: Shockley develops junction transistor which can be manufactured in quantity. 1952: Dummer forecasts “solid block [with] layers of insulating, conducting and amplifying materials” 1954: The first transistor radio! Also, TI makes first silicon transistor (price $2.50) MicroLab, VLSI-1 (7/28) JMM v1.4
  • 8. Early integration Kilby, Jack Kilby, working at Texas Instruments, first dreamed up the idea of of a monolithic “integrated circuit” in July 1959. By the end of the flip- year, he had constructed several examples, including the flip-flop shown in the patent drawing above. Components are connected by hand- hand-soldered wires and isolated by “shaping” and pn diodes used as resistors. Robert Noyce experimented in the late 40’s with where transistors while a physics major at college. He went to MIT where “much to his surprise, few people had even heard about the transistor.” After getting his PhD in 1953, he worked in industry, industry, finally arriving at Mountain View, CA and Shockley Semiconductor Labs in 1955. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (8/28) JMM v1.4
  • 9. “ In 1957, Noyce left Shockley’s Semi- lab to form Fairchild Semi- Hoerni. conductor with Jean Hoerni. Gordon Moore is another founder. In early 1958, Hoerni invents technique for diffusing impurities into the silicon to build planar transistors and then using a SiO2 insulator. In mid 1959, Noyce develops first true IC using planar transistors, back-to- back-to-back pn junctions for diode- isolation, diode-isolated silicon resistors and SiO2 insulation with evaporated metal wiring on top. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (9/28) JMM v1.4
  • 10. Practice makes perfect... 1.5 mm 1961: TI and Fairchild introduced the first logic IC’s (cost ~$50 in quantity!). This is a dual flip-flop with 4 flip- transistors. 1963: Densities and yields are improving. This circuit has four flip flops. 0.97 mm semi- 1967: Fairchild markets the semi-custom chip shown below. Transistors (organized in columns) could be easily rewired using a two- two-layer interconnect to create different circuits. This circuit contains ~150 logic gates. 3.81 mm 1968: Noyce and Moore leave Fairchild and found Intel. No business plan, just a promise to specialize in memory chips. They raise $3M in two days and move to Santa Clara. By 1971 Intel had 500 employees; by 1983 it had 21,500 employees and $1100M in sales. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (10/28) JMM v1.4
  • 11. The Big Bang 2.87 mm In 1970, making good on its promise to its investors Intel starts selling a 1K bit RAM, the 1103. It was a bear to interface to, but its density and cost make it the only game it town. In 1971 Intel introduces the first microprocessor, designed by Ted 4- Hoff. The 4004 had 4-bit buses and a clock rate of 108KHz. It had 2300 transistors and was built in a 10um process. It never captured much interest in the market and was soon eclipsed by its more capable brothers. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (11/28) JMM v1.4
  • 12. Exponential Growth Introduced in 1972, the 8008 had 3,500 byte- transistors supporting a byte-wide data path. Despite its limitations, the 8008 was the first microprocessor capable of playing the role of computer CPU as demonstrated on the cover of the July ‘74 issue of Radio-Electronics. Radio- Last, but not least, on our tour is the 8080. Introduced in 1974, the 8080 had 6,000 transistors fab’ed in a 6um process. The clock rate was 2Mhz, more than enough to ignite the personal computer industry. At least Paul Allen and his partner thought so when they wrote a BASIC interpreter for the 8080 in 1975. They would later collaborate in another, more profitable, venture... MicroLab, VLSI-1 (12/28) JMM v1.4
  • 13. Today AVP- AVP-III Video Codec from Lucent Technologies art Many disciplines have contributed to the current state of the art in VLSI design: solid- solid-state physics circuit design & layout materials science architecture lithography and fab algorithms device modeling CAD tools We’ll be concentrating on the right-hand column right- MicroLab, VLSI-1 (13/28) JMM v1.4
  • 14. “Computer- “Computer- Aided CAD Tools #1 Design” organize generate verify Symbolic layout tools to Standard- Standard-cell place ease the task of physical and route for “random” design; mask verification logic. to ensure manufacturability. Circuit analysis programs predict circuit behavior at all the process corners. Gate-level and behavioral Gate- simulators help you get it right the first time! Tools to do the tedious, repetitive work such as routing,“tiling” a mosaic of building-block cells, or building- verifying that the layout and schematic match. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (14/28) JMM v1.4
  • 15. CAD Tools #2 Problem: designing highly complex VLSI circuits (100K to xM fets) fets) classical, iterative procedures are unsuitable precise transistor models are necessary for reliable predictions data inflation Solution: new design methodologies powerful design tools high level design languages silicon compiler would be useful MicroLab, VLSI-1 (15/28) JMM v1.4
  • 16. VLSI Design Challenge Goal: designing circuits with increasing complexity in always shorter times computer has to take over routine work deliberate the designer from unnecessary low qualification work shift of design activities to higher level abstract work computer has to support new design methods MicroLab, VLSI-1 (16/28) JMM v1.4
  • 17. Chip Complexity #1 Chip classification according to number of active elements and minimal feature size: classification #transistors example SSI 1 - 100 gates MSI 100 - 1k registers LSI 1k - 100k uP VLSI 100K - RAM, sig. proc. ULSI ? year minimal channel length 1970 10µ 10µm 1980 5µm 1985 2µm 1992 0.5µ 0.5µm 2002 2002 0.13 0.13µm 2010 ? MicroLab, VLSI-1 (17/28) JMM v1.4
  • 18. Chip Complexity #2 can you really imagine the chip complexity of today's VLSI chips and not just express it as a mere number street map image year feature block chip town 10x10µ 1970 10x10µm 200m 2mm Biel 1980 10x5µm 200m 10x5µ 5mm Paris 10x0.7µ 1992 10x0.7µ 200m 10mm Switzerland MicroLab, VLSI-1 (18/28) JMM v1.4
  • 19. Architecture (Multiple choice) This is a picture of (A) a programmable general purpose ASIC with 1/4 million 0.7µ transistors on a 40mm2 designed in a 0.7µm CMOS full custom technology. (B) a processor able to execute 64 knowledge based rules in parallel due to a 3 stage pipelined architecture with hard- hard-coded adder, multiplier, divider architecture. (C) the fastest fuzzy processor in the world, designed MicroLab- by MicroLab-I3S and presented at the international FUZZ‘98 conference in New Orleans ANSWER: _________ MicroLab, VLSI-1 (19/28) JMM v1.4
  • 20. Circuit Design & Layout Standard cell Full custom RAM Generator Q: Which engineer drew the most fets? ______ fets? MicroLab, VLSI-1 (20/28) JMM v1.4
  • 21. VLSI: The Ideal Implementation Medium? VLSI gives the designer control over almost everything: architecture, logic design, speed, area, power, … densities are increasing, costs decreasing with each passing year is used by almost everyone: “No one gets fired for building an ASIC” was the enabling technology for much of the economic growth of the 80’s and 90’s. It will no doubt continue in its starring role for some time come. Is life really a bowl of cherries? MicroLab, VLSI-1 (21/28) JMM v1.4
  • 22. VLSI Fact-of-Life #1: Fact-of- “So much to do, so little time” You need a design methodology : budget ($, speed, area, power, schedule, risk) low- low-level building blocks, high- high-level architecture behavioural design, verification logic design, verification layout, verification MicroLab, VLSI-1 (22/28) JMM v1.4
  • 23. VLSI Fact-of-Life #2: Fact-of- “You can’t reach in and fix it” verification” Notice that the word “verification” kept appearing in the previous slide. Mistakes can be costly: find bug(s) ? ? reverify 1 week Ecu 10k new masks 3 days Ecu 25k fab run 12 weeks Ecu 1k/wafer slip ship date Ecu Ecu Ecu There’s a lot that needs checking: circuit must operate at all “corners” verified at building block level logic must be correct, operate reliably verified at RTL/gate level chip has to interoperate with system verified at behavioral level chip has to be manufacturable manufacturable verified at mask level, at tester MicroLab, VLSI-1 (23/28) JMM v1.4
  • 24. VLSI Fact-of-Life #3: Fact-of- “Verification is a tedious task” MicroLab, VLSI-1 (24/28) JMM v1.4
  • 25. VLSI Fact-of-Life #4: Fact-of- “You can’t find all the bugs” The key word here is “find”: one can’t explore the behaviour of the circuit under all possible conditions some of the bugs arise from unanticipated interactions which, by definition, one never thinks of testing it’s not clear when one is “done” looking for bugs! Time pressures mean that most searches stop too soon. The trick is to choose some implementation rules that result in a circuit that is correct by construction*. For example: choose a simple clocking scheme module inputs must go only to fet gates disallow unclocked feedback make register t(clk-to-Q) > t(hold)+skew t(clk to- clk- use poly only for local interconnect no diffusion wires etc., etc., etc. * or at least avoid as many problems as possible! MicroLab, VLSI-1 (25/28) JMM v1.4
  • 26. VLSI Fact-of-Life #5: Fact-of- “Nobody’s perfect” Plan for what happens after you turn it on and nothing happens. provide lot’s of observability and controlability. You’ll need to localize and then find the bug. have a way to run the chip slowly and/or stop it without it burning up or loosing bits. figure out how to track down performance problems without relying on fast I/O (tester pins are slow!) leave room in the budget Ecu) (time, Ecu) for debugging. write and run your manufacturing tests before tape out. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (26/28) JMM v1.4
  • 27. Microelectronics in 4th Semester history & microelectronic complexity technologies EXPERIENCE VHDL exercises with data path / fsm CAD tools project synthesis design flow Course material Textbook from Weste & Eshraghian for 4th and 5th semester (voluntary) Copy of transparencies (placeholder for private notes) VHDL Starter (recommended) CAD Exercises on the MicroLab web pages CBT CD on VHDL for your PC (lending from MicroLab in 4th semester) MicroLab, VLSI-1 (27/28) JMM v1.4 different small articles
  • 28. Coming Up... top- We’ll be traveling top-down in 4th semester and bottom- bottom-up in 5 & 6 semester: Next topic… Microelectronic technologies like standard cell, gate array, sea-of-gates, macro cell, FPGA, tiny sea-of- micro- micro-controllers. Readings for next time… web CBT tutorials see on http://www.microlab ch/academics/courses microlab. How a silicon integrated circuit is made (web CBT) A VLSI Tutorial up to chapter with NAND/NOR (web CBT from Uni Manchester) T. Hoff: Article about the µP History (German) (German) erman To learn more about Intel’s early days and to ogle oldie-but- some die photos of oldie-but-goodie chips browse at the Intel link of the MicroLab VLSI course web page. MicroLab, VLSI-1 (28/28) JMM v1.4
  • 29. VLSI Design I The MOSFET model Wow ! Are device models as nice as Cindy ? Overview The large signal MOSFET model and second order effects. MOSFET capacitances. Introduction in fet process technology Goal: You can use the large signal equivalent MOS device equation. You are familiar with second order effects like body effect, channel length modulation. You know the MOS capacitances. You know the basic steps in MOS fabrication. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (1/24) JMM v1.4
  • 30. Let’s build a MOSFET There are lots of different recipes to choose from. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for: the ability to have good bipolar devices, radiation hardness, reduced latch-up and substrate noise, … latch- are all extra cost options. We’ll consider a general p- process: bulk CMOS with a p-type substrate: 500um slice of a silicon ingot that has been doped with an acceptor (typically boron) to Use <100> surface increase the concentration of holes to 1014/cm3 to minimize surface - 1018/cm3. charge p-type metalliz Back is metallized to provide a good ground connection. Good for n-channel fets, but p-channel n- fets, p- n- fets will need a n-type “well” (or tub) to live in! MicroLab, VLSI-2 (2/24) JMM v1.4
  • 31. Next, a “thick” (0.4um) layer of silicon dioxide, called field oxide, is formed on the surface by oxidation in wet oxygen. This is then etched to expose surface where we mosfet: want to make a mosfet: p Now grow a “thin” (0.01um = 100 Å) layer of silicon dioxide, called gate oxide, on the surface by exposing the wafer to dry oxygen. p The gate oxide needs to be of high quality: uniform thickness, no defects! The thinner the gate oxide, the more oomph the fet will have (we’ll see why soon) but the harder it is to make it defect free. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (3/24) JMM v1.4
  • 32. On top of the thin oxide a 0.7um thick layer of polycrystalline silicon, called polysilicon or poly for short, is deposited by CVD. The poly layer is patterned and plasma etched (thin ox not covered by poly is etched away too!) exposing the surface where the source and drain junctions will be formed: gate oxide poly wires field oxide (only under poly) exposed surface for source and drain junctions p Poly has a high sheet resistance (25 ohms/square) which can be reduced by adding a layer of a silicided refractory metal such titanium (TiSi2), tantalum (TaSi2) or molybdenum (MoSi2). These have sheet resistances of 1, 3 or 5 ohms per square, respectively. This is great for memory structures that have lots of poly wiring. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (4/24) JMM v1.4
  • 33. The entire surface is doped, either by diffusion or ion implantation, with phosphorus (an electron donor) which creates two n-type regions in the substrate. The n- phosphorus also penetrates the poly reducing its resistance and affecting the nfet’s threshold. “self- diffusions are “self-aligned” with poly n+ n+ 20- n+ wires: 20-30 ohms/sq. p Finally an intermediate oxide layer is grown and then reflowed to flatten its surface. Holes are etched in the oxide (where contacts to poly/diff are wanted) and alumin aluminum deposited, patterned and etched. metal wires (0.08 ohms/square) ??? diff contact (0.25 - 10 ohms) n- channel MOS field effect transistor! MicroLab, VLSI-2 (5/24) JMM v1.4
  • 34. NFET Operation Picture shows configuration when Vgs < Vto S G D Ids = 0 n+ n+ p mobile holes, mobile electrons, fixed negative ions B fixed positive ions (n+ means heavily depletion layer doped with donors, no mobile carriers, doesn’t imply but fixed negative ions positive charge!) (slight intrusion into n+, but mostly in p area) Terminal with higher G voltage is labelled D, Other symbols: the other is labelled S so Ids >= 0. S D B almost always ground MicroLab, VLSI-2 (6/24) JMM v1.4
  • 35. FET = field effect transistor The four terminals of a fet (gate, source, drain and bulk) connect to conducting surfaces that generate a complicated set of electric fields in the channel region which depend on the relative voltages of each terminal. Picture shows configuration when Vgb > Vto gate inversion happens here Eh Ev source drain bulk INVERSION: CONDUCTION: strong A sufficiently strong vertical If a channel exists, a field will attract enough horizontal field will cause electrons to the surface to a drift current from the n- create a conducting n-type channel drain to the source. between the source and drain. Expect Ids proportional to Vds*(W/L)? Vds*(W/L)? MicroLab, VLSI-2 (7/24) JMM v1.4
  • 36. Threshold voltage The gate voltage required to form the channel is called the threshold voltage. Many factors affect the gate-source voltage at which the gate- source- channel becomes conductive. Threshold voltage for source-bulk voltage zero: VTO = Vt − ms + Vfb Qb Q ε ox VTO = 2φ F + + φ ms − fc C ox C ox t ox kT  N DN A  0.61V for n-channel 2 kT ln N A  n-   ln 2  -0.61V for p-channel q  n i  p-   q  ni    2 ε si q N A 2φ F MicroLab, VLSI-2 (8/24) JMM v1.4
  • 37. Body effect (second order) As Vsb increases, the depth of the depletion region increases, exposing more of the fixed acceptor (i.e. negative) ions in the substrate. Thus the second term in the threshold voltage equation on the previous slide increases from 2ε si qN A 2 ΦF to 2ε si qN A (Vsb + 2 ΦF ) n- the threshold voltage of the n-channel transistor is now: 2ε si qN A Vtn = Vtn0 + γ ( Vsb + 2 ΦF − 2 ΦF ) γ= C ox As we’ll see, this effect T2 comes into play in series- series-connected fets Vsb>0 where only one of the T1 fets will have Vsb = 0 and the other fets will Vt2> Vt1 Vsb=0 have Vsb > 0 and a higher threshold voltage. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (9/24) JMM v1.4
  • 38. Basic DC equations MOS transistors have 3 regions of operation: (subthreshold subthreshold) cutoff region (subthreshold) linear region (triode region) saturated region (active region) polysilicon gate SiO2 source diffusion drain diffusion W L Cutoff or subthreshold region: <=V Vgs <=Vt Ids = 0 There is still a small current described in the second order effects (weak inversion). Important to model for analog circuits: I ds ∝ Vds MicroLab, VLSI-2 (10/24) JMM v1.4
  • 39. “Linear” operating region Vs Vgs > Vt 0 < Vds < Vdsat Ids L Larger Vgs creates Larger Vds increases drift current but deeper channel which also reduces vertical field component increases Ids which in turn makes channel less deep. pinch- Channel will pinch-off, when channel length is mobility Vds = Vgs - Vt = Vdsat almost always min (un > up) allowable fet gain factor k= Cox k=µC 2 W µ ε ox  Vds  I ds = L t ox  (  Vgs − Vt Vds − 2   ) max value at Vds = Vdsat, but then channel is only linear when Vds is small, pinched off (see next slide) otherwise parabolic MicroLab, VLSI-2 (11/24) JMM v1.4
  • 40. Saturated operating region Vs Vgs > Vt Vdsat < Vds Ids Voltage at channel end Electrons arriving from source are remains essentially injected into drain depletion region constant at Vdsat so and accelerated towards drain by field drift current also remains proportional to Vds - Vdsat usually constant: device is in reaching the drift velocity limit. saturation. W µ ε ox ( ) 2 I ds (sat ) = Vgs − Vt 2 L t ox this is just Ids from previous slide evaluated at Vds = Vdsat MicroLab, VLSI-2 (12/24) JMM v1.4
  • 41. Channel- Channel-length modulation (second order) Vs Vgs > Vt Vdsat < Vds Ids L’ = L - dL dL This looks just like a As Vds increases, fet with a channel length dL get larger of L’ < L. Shorter L’ implies greater Ids... As Vds increases the effective channel length gets shorter so Ids(sat) increases. dL is proportional to Vds − Vdsat but most people approximate channel length modulation as a linear effect: W µ ε ox ( ) (1 + λ V 2 I ds (sat ) = Vgs − Vt ds ) 2 L t ox MicroLab, VLSI-2 (13/24) JMM v1.4
  • 42. NFET Ids curves “Put it together and what have you got?” plot of Ids vs. Vds for Vgs = 0 ,1, 2, 3, 4 and 5V Can you find the following in the plot? Ids vs. Vds when Vgs = 0V Ids vs. Vds when Vgs = 5V value of Vt value of Vdsat evidence of body effect evidence of channel length modulation MicroLab, VLSI-2 (14/24) JMM v1.4
  • 43. SPICE Models There are different models used in circuit simulators: level 1 is our simple model including the most important second order effects described level 2 model is based on device physics level 3 is a semi-empirical model allowing to match semi- equations to the real circuit: example BSIM model circuit: from Berkeley models subthreshold characteristics summary of the main SPICE DC parameters used in all three models at the end of this chapter . M1 4 3 5 0 nfet W=1u L=0.5u AS=1p AD=1p PS=3u PD=3u . . .MODEL nfet NMOS +TOX=1E- +TOX=1E-8 +CGB0=345p CGS0=138p CGD0=138p +CJ=775u CJSW=344p MJ=0.35 MJSW=0.26 PB=0.75 +. . . . . . MicroLab, VLSI-2 (15/24) JMM v1.4
  • 44. MOSFET Capacitance Estimation the dynamic response of MOS systems strongly depends on the parasitic capacitances associated with the MOS device. The total load capacitance on the output of a CMOS gate is the sum of: gate capacitance (of other inputs connected to out) diffusion capacitance (of drain/source regions) routing capacitances (output to other inputs) Cgd drain Cdb gate substrate Cgs Csb source gate Cgb Cgs Cgb Cgd tox channel source drain depletion layer Csb Cdb substrate MicroLab, VLSI-2 (16/24) JMM v1.4
  • 45. MOSFET gate capacitances Cg = Cgd + Cgs + Cgb Oxide- Oxide-related capacitances come in two forms: overlap capacitance (extrinsic) since gate slightly overhangs diffusions and bulk: for both Cgs and Cgd amount of overlap C(overlap) = W LD Cox for SPICE for Cgb Cgs = W CGS0 C(overlap) = 2L CGB0 Cgd = W CGD0 Cgb = 2L CGB0 channel- channel-charge related capacitances (intrinsic): cut- cut-off: Cgb = Cox W L Cgs = Cgd = 0 shielded by channel linear: Cgb = 0 Cgs = Cgd = 0.5 Cox W L equally shared between S and D note capacitive coupling of gate and drain/source saturation: Cgb = 0 channel pinched off Cgd = 0 channel shortened Cgs = 0.67 Cox W L MicroLab, VLSI-2 (17/24) JMM v1.4
  • 46. MOSFET diffusion capacitances Junction capacitances Cdb and Csb are a function of the applied terminal voltages and diffusion dimensions: source/drain diffusion xj channel sidewall faces bottom junction faces sidewalls face p+ channel p-type substrate channel stop zero- zero-bias C/unit area of bottom junction zero- zero-bias C/unit length of area of diffusion sidewall junction perimeter of diffusion C jA C jsw P C diff = Mj + Mjsw negative for  Vj   Vj  reverse biased 1 −   V  1 −   V  coeff. grading coeff.  b   b  built- built-in junction potential junction voltage coeff. grading coeff. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (18/24) JMM v1.4
  • 47. P-channel MOSFETs S G D p+ p+ n p threshold voltage is PFET is built inside its negative since we need B n- own “substrate”: a n-type attract holes to form well or tub diffused into inversion layer p-type bulk substrate. Don’t forget well contacts! Other symbols: G Terminal with lower voltage is labelled D, the other is labelled S S D off: Vgs > Vt B n-well always connected lin: lin: Vgs>Vt, Vds>Vgs-Vt to Vdd to keep pn sat: Vgs>Vt, Vds<Vgs-Vt back- junction back-biased MicroLab, VLSI-2 (19/24) JMM v1.4
  • 48. Depletion- Depletion-mode MOSFETs S G D n+ n+ p channel doped with donors B to give negative threshold voltage, i.e., depletion fets are always on. This mosfet is always conducting but, like ordinary enhancement fets, it will conduct more current as Vgs fets, n- increases. One can build logic circuits with only n- channel devices (NMOS): enhancement fets for pulldowns and depletion fets as static pullups. Since NMOS logic pullups. dissipates DC power it’s been largely replaced by CMOS. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (20/24) JMM v1.4
  • 49. Coming Up... Next topic… Static characteristics of MOS inverters: input and output voltages, noise margins, power dissipation. Readings for next time… Weste: sections 2 thru 2.23 except - (fet (fet models), 3 thru 3.2.2 (process technology) and 4.3 through 4.3.4 (capacitances) CBT: Study the chip fabrication text of the university of Manchester at the MicroLab VLSI course web link. MicroLab, VLSI-2 (21/24) JMM v1.4
  • 50. Useful Constants sym value units description ε0 8.8542E- 8.8542E-12 F/m permittivity εox 3.9 ε0 F/m permittivity of SiO2 εSi 11.7 ε0 F/m permittivity of silicon VT 25.8 mV kT/q (@300°K) kT/q q 1.6022E- 1.6022E-19 C charge of electron k 1.381E- 1.381E-23 J/°K Boltzmann‘s Boltzmann‘s constant ni 1.45E10 cm-3 intrinsic carrier concentration MicroLab, VLSI-2 (22/24) JMM v1.4
  • 51. Alcatel 0,5um Process Parameters sym param nmos pmos units description Vt0 VTO 0.61 -0.61 V threshold voltage tox TOX 1E-8 1E-8 m 1E- 1E- thin oxide thickness NA NSUB 4E16 4E16 cm-3 substrate doping density µ U0 290 72 cm2/Vs charge mobility k KP A/V2 fet gain factor γ GAMMA param. V0.5 bulk threshold param. Cox COX capacitance F/m2 oxide capacitance λ α/L V- 1 channel length α modulat.1e- 2e- modulat.1e-8 2e-8 V-1m-1 channel length mod fact. φ0 PB 0.7556 0.78469 V built in junction potent. 2φF PHI 0.77 0.77 V surface inversion pot. Cgb0 CGB0 3.45E- 3.45E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per 2L Cgs0 CGS0 1.38E- 1.38E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per W Cgd0 CGD0 1.38E- 1.38E-10 dito F/m overlapping cap per W Cj CJ 7.75E- 8.15E- 7.75E-4 8.15E-4 F/m2 zero-bias cap / unit A zero- Cjsw CJSW 3.44E- 3.54E- 3.44E-10 3.54E-10 F/m zero-bias cap per unit P zero- Mj MJ 0.35 0.36 grading coeff for bottom Mjsw MJSW 0.26 0.27 grading coeff sidewall MicroLab, VLSI-2 (23/24) JMM v1.4
  • 52. VLSI- Exercises: VLSI-2 Ex vlsi2.1 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the missing parameters on the previous transparency like intrinsic transconductance k, bulk threshold parameter γ and 0.5µ process) oxide capacitance Cox of an nfet (Alatel 0.5µm process) =100µ =24.9µ Result: kn=100µA/V2, kp=24.9µA/V2, γ=0.334V0.5, =3.45E- Cox=3.45E-7 F/cm2 (see Weste pp48ff) Ex vlsi2.2 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the threshold voltage shift due to the body effect of an nfet at Vsb = 2.2V (Alcatel 0.5µm process) (Alcatel 0.5µ Result: dVtn = 0.282V (see Weste pp55) Ex vlsi2.3 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the 0.5µ transconductance βn of an nfet (Alatel 0.5µm process), W=1 µm, L= 0.5 µm µΑ/ Result: βn=200 µΑ/V2 (see Weste pp53) Ex vlsi2.4 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the capacitances of an nfet with Vsb=Vdb=3V, W=1µm, L=0.5µm, Vsb=Vdb=3V, W=1µ L=0.5µ A=1µ P=3µ (Alatel 0.5µ A=1µm2, P=3µm (Alatel 0.5µm process) Result: Cgate=2.35fF, Cdrain=Csource=1.2fF (see Weste pp183- pp183-191) Weste pp99: 2.10: Have a look at ex 8, 9 MicroLab, VLSI-2 (24/24) JMM v1.4
  • 53. VLSI Design I Static characteristics of MOS inverter Static characteristics? Does that mean it’s not going to move? Overview Static transfer characteristic of CMOS gates Goal: You know the transfer characteristic of CMOS gates and know how to calculate noise margins MicroLab, VLSI-3 (1/14) JMM v1.4
  • 54. NFET Review D D + G G Vds >= 0 + S - S - Vgs Operating regions: 0.7V cut-off: cut- Vgs < Vt S D linear:V linear: Vgs >= Vt Vds < Vdsat S D Vgs - Vt saturation: Vgs >= Vt Vds >= Vdsat S D Ids Vgs Vds MicroLab, VLSI-3 (2/14) JMM v1.4
  • 55. PFET Review D D - G G Vds <= 0 + S - S + Vgs Operating regions: -0.7V cut-off: cut- Vgs > Vt S D linear:V linear: Vgs <= Vt Vds > Vdsat S D Vgs - Vt saturation: Vgs <= Vt Vds <= Vdsat S D -Vds -Vgs -Ids MicroLab, VLSI-3 (3/14) JMM v1.4
  • 56. “Bipolar” Logic Isn’t this a CMOS course? Bipolar = two signal levels ‘0’ when V near 0 ‘1’ when V near Vdd Vdd Inverter recipe: pullup: make this connection when Vin near 0 so that Vout = Vdd Vin Vout pulldown: make this connection when Vin near Vdd so that Vout = 0 one power supply => low impedance source for 2 levels receivers have a simple job => only make one decision no DC power if connections not “made” at same time Boolean logic has been around a long time MicroLab, VLSI-3 (4/14) JMM v1.4
  • 57. Characterizing Inverters What goals do we want to achieve with our inverter implementation (and, more generally, other functions)? fast propagation delay (next lecture!) low power dissipation compact layout noise immunity Vout voltage- Draw voltage-transfer VOH curve (VTC) for inverter. Shade- Shade-in areas that VTC can’t enter. What can we say about gain? VOL What is “ideal” inv. VTC? Vin VIL VIH MicroLab, VLSI-3 (5/14) JMM v1.4
  • 58. Noise Margin Are there other ways of signalling? noise immunity. Since we’re signalling values using voltages, we want good noise margins. This means that we need to make an allowance for noise when assigning voltage levels for valid inputs and outputs definition: NM L = VIL max − VOL max NM H = VOH min − VIH min output input characteristics characteristics Vdd Logical High Output Range VOHmin Logical High Input Range VIHmin VILmax Logical Low Logical Low VOLmax Input Range Output Range Vss MicroLab, VLSI-3 (6/14) JMM v1.4
  • 59. Choosing signal voltages This is a subject on which reasonable people can disagree! One possible line of attack: merged VTC for all process corners & Vout devices Step 1: pick VIL and VIH don’t want to amplify noise so find values of Vin where VTC gain = 1 or -1. Choose smallest VIL and largest VIH VIL VIH Vout Step 2: pick VOL and VOH choose values so that VOH (1) VTC is in legal territory (2) leave desired noise margins VOL VIL VIH NML NMH MicroLab, VLSI-3 (7/14) JMM v1.4
  • 60. Inverter pulldown devices The NFET makes an ideal pulldown device: Ipd if pullup is off, VOL = ______ no DC connection when Vin < ______ increase width to increase Ipd compact layout saturated pulldown region Vout Vin = Vout Vin = Vout + Vt0 cut- cut-off pulldown region linear pulldown region Vin VIL Vt0 always > Vt0 MicroLab, VLSI-3 (8/14) JMM v1.4
  • 61. Inverter pullup devices Resistor. No load on input, VOH=Vdd Will dissipate static power; increasing R will reduce low-to- power and increase noise margin, but low-to-high transition gets slower. Only practical if process undo dop supports undoped poly which has sheet resistance of 10M Ohm/square. Depletion-mode NFET. No load on input, VOH=Vdd. Depletion- Connecting gate to source sets Vgs = 0 so Ipu is determined only by Vout. Layout can be compact since pulldown; pullup is in same well as pulldown; buried contact can be used to connect gate to source. Only found in NMOS processes. Enhancement-mode NFET. VOH= Vdd- Vt unless gate of Enhancement- pullup is driven above Vdd. If gate is not switched off, pullup needs to be weak to avoid excessive power dissipation, but this may entail larger layouts. Useful where PFETs not wanted (e.g., some I/O structures). Pseudo- Pseudo-NMOS using saturated PFET as load fan- device. VOH= Vdd. Useful for building large fan-in NOR gates found in static ROMs and PLAs where static power dissipation is okay. MicroLab, VLSI-3 (9/14) JMM v1.4
  • 62. Inverter with PFET pullup Vgs,pu = Vin-Vdd gs, Vds,pu = Vout-Vdd ds, S steady- negligible steady-state G power dissipation Vin D Vout VOL = 0V, VOH = Vdd D VTC transition very sharp switching point can be G S adjusted by fet sizing Vgs,pd = Vin gs, Vds,pd = Vout ds, non- non-vertical only because channel- of channel-length modulation Vout Vin = Vout Vdd n=off lin p= sat sat p= n= p=off lin n= Wn/Wp>1 Wn/Wp>1 Wn/Wp<1 Wn/Wp<1 Vin Vt,p Vt,n Vdd+Vt,p Vdd MicroLab, VLSI-3 (10/14) JMM v1.4
  • 63. Build your own VTC In the steady state: Ids,pd(Vin,Vout) = -Ids,pu(Vin-Vdd,Vout-Vdd) ds,pu Ids,pd ds, Ids,pd ds, -Ids,pu ds, Vin = 0.5V -Ids,pu ds, Vin = 1.5V Vout Vout Vout Ids,pd ds, -Ids,pu ds, Vin = 2.5V Vout When both fets are saturated, small changes in Vin produce large changes in Vout Vin Ids,pd ds, Ids,pd ds, -Ids,pu ds, Vin = 3.5V -Ids,pu ds, Vin = 4.5V Vout Vout MicroLab, VLSI-3 (11/14) JMM v1.4
  • 64. Ben Bitdiddle’s Buffer! Vin Vout How many would you buy? MicroLab, VLSI-3 (12/14) JMM v1.4
  • 65. Coming Up... Next topic… Dynamic characteristics of MOS inverters: propagation delay, effects of rise and fall times. Transistor sizing, interconnect issues, estimating performance. Readings for next time… Weste: Sections 2.3 thrugh 2.3.2 MicroLab, VLSI-3 (13/14) JMM v1.4
  • 66. VLSI- Exercises: VLSI-3 Ex vlsi3.1 (difficulty: easy): Calculate the CMOS inverter threshold values for the following confi- confi- 0,5µ gurations (Alcatel 0,5µm process,VDD=3,3V) a) Wn = Ln, Wp = Lp b) Wn = 10 Ln, Wp = Lp c) Wn = Ln, Wp = 10 Lp Result: a) Vinv = 1.30V, b) Vinv = 0.893, c) Vinv = 1.88V (see Weste pp66) Ex vlsi3.2 (difficulty: medium, time consuming): Calculate the noise margin and VIL, VIH, VOL, VOH, for a CMOS inverter operating at 3.3V with βn= βp, Utn= -Utp=0.61V. Result: VIL = 1.39V, VIH = 1.91V, VOL = 0.26V, VOH = 3.04, NML= NML=1.13V Weste pp99: 2.10 ex 5 (difficulty: medium, time consuming): Design an input buffer that may be (V used to interface with a TTL driver (Vdd=3.3V, VOL=0.8V, VOH=2.0V). Show full derivations of =1µ DC conditions. Assume Wn =1µm and Ln = Lp = 0.5µ 0.5µm Result: Wp = 1.51µm 1.51µ MicroLab, VLSI-3 (14/14) JMM v1.4
  • 67. VLSI Design I Dynamic characteristics of MOS inverters Wow! 0 to 3.3 volts in 300ps! Overview gate delay modeling power dissipation Goal: You are familiar with CMOS gate delay models like Penfield-Rubenstein and wire models. You Penfield- know the influence of body effect and large loads to gate delay. You know why ground bounce occurres. occurres. You know the different factors in power dissipation. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (1/29) JMM v1.3
  • 68. Static properties reviewed sharp transition: inverter good voltage- receiver for voltage- based signalling Vout Ids,n ds,n increasing Wn increasing Wp decreasing Wp decreasing Wn Define theshold voltage Vinv as voltage where Vin = Vout on VTC. Vin VOH=Vdd, VOL=0, sharp transition => good noise margins VOH=Vdd => pfet off when Vin=VOH => no static power VOL=0 => nfet off when Vin=VOL => no static power VTC describes static behaviour. When Vin changes, Vout “lags behind” because it takes time for capacitors to charge/discharge. So, in real, life Vin reaches Vth before Vout does. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (2/29) JMM v1.3
  • 69. Choosing what to measure V tf Vin 90% Vin Vout ??? 10% Vout t td tr Rise time, tr = time for a waveform to rise from 10% to steady- 90% of its steady-state value Fall time, tf = time for a waveform to fall from 90% to 10% of its steady-state value steady- Delay time, td = time between input transition (when Vin = ???) and output transition (when Vout = ???). If ??? = Vinv, can delay be negative? does Vinv differ for each gate? so does td(seq. of gates) = sum(td)? should we choose 50% instead of Vinv? MicroLab, VLSI-4 (3/29) JMM v1.3
  • 70. Signal delay time Signal delay time is composed as follows gate delay time interconnection delay time due to minimization the delay times decreases the output impedance of buffers increases, thus the importance of interconnection delays increases due to continuing miniaturization, signal delay time becomes less dependent on gate delay but more dependent on interconnection delay time UCC switch level mode of fet switch level mode of inverter Rp Ugs Uds Uin Uout C Cin R Rn MicroLab, VLSI-4 (4/29) JMM v1.3
  • 71. Fall time analysis #1 dynamic transition Vout static transition Vin = Vout Vdd n=off lin speed p= sat sat p= n= lin p=off n= Vin Vt,p Vt,n Vdd+Vt,p Vdd the switching speed is limited by the time taken to discharge the capacitance CL the static transition curve moves to the right if the input transition is fast cut- p-fet gets cut-off during the whole falling output time n-fet immediately gets saturated, later on linear MicroLab, VLSI-4 (5/29) JMM v1.3
  • 72. Fall time analysis #2 Saturated: Vout >= Vdd - Vt,n dVout βn = − (Vdd − Vt,n ) 2 CL Vout dt 2 So, time to fall from 0.9Vdd to Idsat,n dsat,n CL Vdd - Vt,n is given by 2C L 0.9V dd β n (Vdd − Vt,n ) 2 ∫Vdd − Vt, n dVout Linear: Vout < Vdd - Vt,n dVout Vout CL =− = −Idn function Vout dt Rn of Vout Rn CL So, time to fall from Vdd - Vt,n to 0.1Vdd is given by Vdd −Vt ,n dVout CL ∫ 0.1Vdd I dn Adding to get total fall time (Weste, Eq 4.37): Vt,n/Vdd CL 2  (n − 0.1 )  tf =  + 0.5 ln (19 − 20n ) β n Vdd (1 − n )  (1 - n )  tr is similar equals 3 to 4 for Vdd=3V-5V and Vt,n=.5V-1V =3V- =.5V- equals 3.6 for C05M MicroLab, VLSI-4 (6/29) JMM v1.3
  • 73. Estimating delays In most CMOS circuits, the delay of a single gate is dominated by the output raise and fall time. Thus: tr tf t dr = t df = 2 2 Having found a general form for approximate rise and fall times, one might estimate all delays using the same general form: L width expressed t delay = A delay CL W as multiple of minimum width looks like a resistor! Where Adelay is a constant that depends on the power supply and transition voltages, the process and the minimum mosfet dimensions. This last dependency might strike one as odd, but usually all mosfets are built using the minimum allowable mosfet length for the process. Rather than solve the equations analytically, one can use Spice to determine the value of various useful constants: Ar, Af, Adr, Adf. These can be used in quick&dirty calculations for sizing transistors during the design process. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (7/29) JMM v1.3
  • 74. Input rise/fall & delay How do input rise and fall times affect delay? fast inputs will quickly turn off one mosfet and provide maximum Vgs to the driving mosfet for most of the output transition slow inputs will leave both mosfets on longer, reducing effective current to/from load capacitance and Vgs will be lower than above. So we might expect slower input transitions to lead to longer output delay times. One rule of thumb (Weste, p. 216ff) Weste, (Weste ~0.2 for Vtn = 0.61V, Vdd = 3.3V 1 + 2n t dr = t dr −step + t f,in 6 1 − 2p t df = t df −step + t r,in 6 valid for input transitions that aren’t “too” long MicroLab, VLSI-4 (8/29) JMM v1.3
  • 75. Bootstrapping & delay CGD When the input starts to rise, the output, which was high, starts to fall. Thus the voltage across CGD changes requiring the input to supply more current to charge CGD, slowing the input transition. Since CGD is small, this is usually a small effect. When inverter is biased into its linear region, CGD may appear multiplied by the gain of the inverter (Miller effect). This doesn’t usually matter in digital circuits since the input passes rapidly through linear region. Useful in analog circuits... MicroLab, VLSI-4 (9/29) JMM v1.3
  • 76. Multiple inputs & delay Cout A Cab B Intermediate Cbc node C capacitances Ccd D How should we model delays when we have multiple inputs? When A, B, C and D are logic 1: treat series mosfets as resistances in series. Lump intermediate node capacitance with load capacitance. t d = ∑iR i ∑ iC i use Penfield-Rubenstein model which predicts Penfield- t d = ∑iR i C i where Ri is the summed resistance from point i to ground and Ci is the capacitance at point i. Penfield- Penfield-Rubenstein Slope Model uses effective resistance simulated by Spice: t df Rn = MicroLab, VLSI-4 (10/29) C JMM v1.3
  • 77. Body effect & delay A B C D If A goes from 0 to 1 while B, C and D are 1, then all the intermediate nodes in the pulldown chain have already been discharged and the top mosfet sees only a small body effect. If D goes from 0 to 1 while A, B and C are 1, then the intermediate nodes are all one Vt below Vdd and the upper mosfets see a larger body effect. Thus A is the “faster” input! MicroLab, VLSI-4 (11/29) JMM v1.3
  • 78. Driving large loads #1 If large loads have to be driven, the delay may increase drastically. Large loads are output capacitances, clock trees, etc. C t d = t inv L = 1000 ⋅ t inv 1 CG CG CL=1000 CG A possibility to reduce the delay, but probably not the optimum: 40 ⋅ t inv 5 ⋅ t inv 5 ⋅ t inv 1 40 200 CG CL=1000 CG 40 200 1000 td = ⋅ t inv + ⋅ t inv + ⋅ t inv = 50 ⋅ t inv 1 40 200 MicroLab, VLSI-4 (12/29) JMM v1.3
  • 79. Driving large loads #2 To drive a large load capacitance one might employ a sequence of n inverters, each a factor “a” larger than the previous one: 1 a a2 a3 CG CL n=4 inverters The delay through each stage is atd where td is the average delay of a minimum-sized inverter driving another minimum- minimum- minimum- sized inverter. We want an = (CL/CG), so  CL  a t d Total delay = n (a t d ) = ln    C G  ln (a ) Thus, total delay is minimized when a = e = 2.7 7 6 5 4 in practice 3 a=3...5 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MicroLab, VLSI-4 (13/29) JMM v1.3
  • 80. Power dissipation #1 the power consumption is low compared to other technologies scaling down increases the power dissipation density with respect to chip area power dissipation produces heat on the chip, which has to be carried off through the chip socket power dissipation is one of the limiting factors in todays CMOS VLSI chips low power applications is a speciality of EM Neuenburg, (Neuenburg, watches, battery applications, etc) MicroLab, VLSI-4 (14/29) JMM v1.3
  • 81. Power dissipation #2 sources of power dissipation: static power dissipation (quiescent current) dynamic power dissipation dc power dissipation: short circuit current (power to dissipat ground) due to switching re- ac power dissipation: capacitor current (charging, re- charging) due to switching static power dissipation there is always one fet off, so only leakage current is present I0 = I S (e qV / kT − 1 ) PS = ∑ I0 ⋅ VDD MicroLab, VLSI-4 (15/29) JMM v1.3
  • 82. Dynamic power dissipation #1 Comparison of dynamic short circuit current vs. capacitive current. As expected, the short circuit current have a less important contribution when the load gets large. Slower input transition would increase short circuit current. Uin Uout W/L=4 Idsn Uin Uout-A out- W/L=2 Idsp W/L=4 Idsn Uin Uout-B out- W/L=2 Idsp 50fF W/L=4 Idsn Uin Uout-C out- Idsp W/L=2 200fF MicroLab, VLSI-4 (16/29) JMM v1.3
  • 83. Dynamic power dissipation #2 square- Average dynamic power for switching a square-wave input 1/t with a repetition frequency of fp = 1/tp is (capacitor current) t p /2 tp 1 1 Pd = ∫ in (t )Vout dt + ∫ i p (t )(VDD − Vout )dt tp 0 t p t p /2 dt, Assuming a step input and taking in(t) = CLdVout/dt, i.e., the capacitive current, we get: Vdd 0 CL CL Pd = tp ∫ Vout dVout + t p 0 ∫ (V Vdd DD − Vout )d (VDD − Vout ) Aha! Now one can see why everybody changes from 5V to 3.3V and to 2.5V! 2 C L VDD 2 Pd = = C L VDD fp tp proportional to switching frequency but independent of device parameters MicroLab, VLSI-4 (17/29) JMM v1.3
  • 84. Dynamic power dissipation #3 Short circuit power dissipation is given by Psc = Imean ⋅ VDD tr tf VDD+Vtp Vtn tp Imax Imean t1 t2 t3 The above waveform shows the short circuit current β t rf ⋅ (VDD − 2 Vt ) 3 Psc = 12 t p MicroLab, VLSI-4 (18/29) JMM v1.3
  • 85. Total power dissipation Total power dissipation is: Ptotal = Ps + Pd + Psc dynamic power dissipation is dominant use switching activity to estimate power dissipation: 2 Pd = n switching ⋅ C total ⋅ VDD ⋅ f switching activity: nswitching = percentage of switching gates there exist simulators estimating power dissipation using the switching activity MicroLab, VLSI-4 (19/29) JMM v1.3
  • 86. Build your own power meter current- linear current-controlled current source + Vs = 0 Is g*I g*Is RY CY Vy - Vy(0) = 0V Device or Periodic input Circuit CL Vin(t) = Vin(t+T) If one chooses Vdd C y g= T and RyCy >> T Then Vy(T) in volts will equal the average dynamic power in watts drawn from the power supply over one period. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (20/29) JMM v1.3
  • 87. Power and ground bounce power- Metal power-carrying conductors have to be sized for three reasons: metal migration power supply noise RC delay general rule: limit current density J AL ≈ 0.4... 1mA / µm contact replication I I I I MicroLab, VLSI-4 (21/29) JMM v1.3
  • 88. “It’s the wires, stupid” As process dimensions shrink, wiring capacitances start to dominate the mosfet capacitances. To estimate wiring capacitances, consider the following figure: l w t h Cpp fringing- fringing-field parallel-plate parallel- capacitance capacitance Parallel- Parallel-plate capacitance given in process files. Fringing capacitance is significant when t is comparable to h. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (22/29) JMM v1.3
  • 89. Fringing Capacitance Figure 6.11 from CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design, by Kang and Leblebici: Leblebici: For a long conductor where (t/h)=0.4, (w/h)=0.25, (w/l)=0, the total capacitance may be 10x the parallel plate capacitance. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (23/29) JMM v1.3
  • 90. Wire model? Today, the longest wire on a VLSI chip might be 2cm which has “time of flight” of ~130ps assuming εSiO2 = 3.9 ε0 If the signal rise/fall time is longer than the time of flight we can model wires as a distributed RC network. Longer wires or shorter rise/fall times require the wire to be modelled as a transmission line. For short wires, a lumped RC model is sufficient. For longer wires, we use the distributed RC model where signal propagation can be shown to obey the diffusion equation: R/unit length dV d 2 V rc = 2 dt dx C/unit length distance from driver Which means the prop time tx = kx2 with the signal “edge” becoming dispersed with increasing x. MicroLab, VLSI-4 (24/29) JMM v1.3